Distant Reader Blog

These are the blog postings listed in alphabetical order -- a title index.

  1. A Year of Journal of Open Humanities Data
  2. A hermit would be no hermit without a skull
  3. AI and Climate Change
  4. Ask Me Anything
  5. CRL and ITAL
  6. Code4Lib Journal, Issue 55
  7. Collecting and curating library journals
  8. DEI in Libraries
  9. Definitions of librarianship
  10. Distant Reader Catalog
  11. Distant Reader Index
  12. Distant Reader Indexes
  13. Emily Dickinson's Poems
  14. Fun with high-performance computing
  15. Generative-AI Summarization
  16. Hello, World!
  17. Learning from the Power Plant
  18. On Large-Language Models
  19. RAG (retrieval-augmented generation)
  20. Study Carrels and Content Negotiation
  21. Theological Librarianship: More questions than answers
  22. Using OpenRefine to Remove Duplicates
  23. Visualizing the size and scope of a library collection
  24. What are libraries?
  25. What is love?
  26. Whenever you have a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail: Hypernyms
  27. define.py - given a carrel and a word, output definitions of the word

Author: Eric Lease Morgan <emorgan@nd.edu>
Date updated: 2022-11-13
URL: http://distantreader.org/blog/