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id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A25410 | Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. | Sacrilege a snare. A sermon preached, ad clerum, in the Vniversity of Cambridg, / by the R. Reverend Father in God Lancelot Andrews: late L. Bishop of Winchester. VVhen he proceeded Doctor in Divinity. Translated for the benefit of the publike. | 1646.0 | 10032 | 3143 | nan | ./cache/A25410.xml | ./txt/A25410.txt |
A25401 | Andrewes, Lancelot, 1555-1626. | Of the right of tithes a divinity determination in the publike divinity schools of the University of Cambridg / by ... Lancelot Andrews ... ; translated for the benefit of the public. | 1647.0 | 8770 | 2678 | nan | ./cache/A25401.xml | ./txt/A25401.txt |
A30871 | Barber, Edward, d. 1674? | The storming and totall routing of tythes wherein is shewed the unlawfullnesse of claiming them by the now pretended tribe of Levy, and both takers and payers therein denying Christ to be come in the flesh / by Edward Barber. | 1651.0 | 8786 | 2527 | nan | ./cache/A30871.xml | ./txt/A30871.txt |
A27405 | Benson, Gervase, d. 1679. | The cry of the oppressed from under their oppressions, ascending up to Him, who will rebuke the oppressor and devourer, and deliver the innocent some of the sufferings of the people of God, called Quakers, concerning tythes and oaths, &c. : by the branches which are a new springing forth of the remainder of the bitter root of Episcopacy, which yet remaineth unplucked up in the rigid presbytery ... | 1656.0 | 14193 | 4001 | nan | ./cache/A27405.xml | ./txt/A27405.txt |
A65892 | Bewick, John, d. 1671. An answer to a Quakers seventeen heads of quaeries. | The true ministers living of the Gospel, distinguished from the false ministers living upon tithes and forced maintenance. With a word of reproof (preceding the distinction) to the ministers of the nation, whose kingdom is already shaken and divided against itself. And the iniquity and antichristianism of that ministry which is upheld by forced maintenance, briefly discovered according to the scriptures of the Old and New Testament. In a brief reply to a book stiled, An answer to a Quakers seventeen heads of quaeries, by John Bewick, who calls himself a minister of the Gospel, and rector of the parish church of Stanhop in Weredale in the county of Durham. | 1660.0 | 7176 | 1920 | nan | ./cache/A65892.xml | ./txt/A65892.txt |
A61092 | Bigod, Francis, Sir, 1508-1537. | The larger treatise concerning tithes long since written and promised by Sir Hen. Spelman, Knight ; together with some other tracts of the same authour and a fragment of Sir Francis Bigot, Knight, all touching the same subject ; whereto is annexed an answer to a question ... concerning the settlement or abolition of tithes by the Parliament ... ; wherein also are comprised some animadversions upon a late little pamphlet called The countries plea against tithes ... ; published by Jer. Stephens, B.D. according to the appointment and trust of the author. | 1647.0 | 87479 | 27101 | nan | ./cache/A61092.xml | ./txt/A61092.txt |
A29120 | Bradley, Thomas, 1597-1670. | A præsent for Cæsar of 100,000 l. in hand and 50,000 l. a year / by Thomas Bradley ... | 1658.0 | 4902 | 1246 | nan | ./cache/A29120.xml | ./txt/A29120.txt |
A29113 | Bradley, Thomas, 1597-1670. | Appello [sic] Cæsarem, or, An appeal to Cæsar in vindication of a little book printed some years since the time of our troubles and intituled A præsent for Cæsar / both done by Tho. Bradley. | 1661.0 | 6555 | 1703 | nan | ./cache/A29113.xml | ./txt/A29113.txt |
A80231 | Carew, George, Esq. | Severall grounds, reasons, arguments, and propositions, offered to the Kings most excellent Majesty, for the improvement of his revenue in the first-fruits, and tenths annexed to the petition of James, Earl of North-hampton, Leicester, viscount Hereford, Sir William Farmer, Baronet, George Carew, Esq; and the rest of the petitioners for a patent of the first-fruits and tenths, for the term of one and thirty years, at the yearly rent of threescore thousand pounds. | 1660.0 | 3189 | 783 | nan | ./cache/A80231.xml | ./txt/A80231.txt |
A17985 | Carleton, George, 1559-1628. | Tithes examined and proued to bee due to the clergie by a diuine right VVhereby the contentious and prophane atheists, as also the dissembling hypocrites of this age, may learne to honour the ministers and not to defraude them, and to rob the Church. The contents heereof is set downe in the page next following. Written by George Carleton Batchelour in Diuinitie. | 1606.0 | 28635 | 8870 | nan | ./cache/A17985.xml | ./txt/A17985.txt |
A18051 | Carter, John, diacon. | Vindiciæ decimarum. Of tithes, a plea for the ius divinum. Drawne from the text, by Iohn Carter diacon | 1640.0 | 18653 | 5918 | nan | ./cache/A18051.xml | ./txt/A18051.txt |
A79262 | Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685. | The Kings Majesties most gracious letter and declaration to the bishops, deans and prebends &c. | 1660.0 | 1816 | 307 | nan | ./cache/A79262.xml | ./txt/A79262.txt |
A17509 | Clark, William, Bachelor of the civil law, attributed name. | Decimarum et oblationum tabula. = A tithing table Or Table of tithes and oblations, according to the Kings ecclesiasticall lawes and ordinances established in the Church of England: now newly reduced into a booke. Contayning as well the very letter of the law vnder which these rights be seuerally comprised, together with such questions of tything, and their resolutions by the lawes canon, ciuill, and approued doctors opinions of the same, as be ordinarily moued, and which doe often proue to controuersies heerein: as also a briefe and summarie declaration of composition, transaction, custome, prescription, priuilege; and how they preuaile in tything. Compiled by W.C. Bach. of the Civill Lavv. | 1633.0 | 12167 | 3973 | nan | ./cache/A17509.xml | ./txt/A17509.txt |
A79893 | Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. | An item against sacriledge: or, Sundry queries concerning tithes. Wherein is held forth, the propriety and title that ministers have to them. The mischiefs which would ensue if tithes were brought into a common treasury, and ministers reduced to stipends. The danger of gratifying the petitioners against tithes, and all imposed maintenance. Collected and composed by one that hath no propriety in tithes. | 1653.0 | 4117 | 1171 | nan | ./cache/A79893.xml | ./txt/A79893.txt |
A79888 | Clarke, Samuel, 1599-1682. | A caution against sacriledge: or Sundry queries concerning tithes. Wherein is held forth the propriety, and title that ministers have to them, the mischiefs which would ensue if tithes were brought into a common treasury, and ministers reduced to stipends. The danger of gratifying the petitioners against tithes, and all imposed maintenance. And something of the spirit and end of their actings. Collected, and composed by the one that hath no propriety in tithes, and humbly tendred to this present Parliament. | 1659.0 | 4336 | 1218 | nan | ./cache/A79888.xml | ./txt/A79888.txt |
A19043 | Cockburn, William, Sir, d. 1628. | Respublica de decimis. Written by Sir VVilliam Cockburne of Langtoun Knight | 1627.0 | 5508 | 1518 | nan | ./cache/A19043.xml | ./txt/A19043.txt |
A39304 | Ellwood, Thomas, 1639-1713. | The foundation of tythes shaken and the four principal posts (of divine institution, primitive practice, voluntary donations, & positive laws) on which the nameless author of the book, called, The right of tythes asserted and proved, hath set his pretended right to tythes, removed, in a reply to the said book / by Thomas Ellwood. | 1678.0 | 167895 | 51558 | nan | ./cache/A39304.xml | ./txt/A39304.txt |
A39297 | Ellwood, Thomas, 1639-1713. | An account of tythes in general | 1700.0 | 5327 | 1474 | nan | ./cache/A39297.xml | ./txt/A39297.txt |
A83456 | England and Wales. Parliament. | Monday June 27th 1659. Resolved, that this Parliament doth declare, that, for the encouragement of a Godly, preaching, learned ministry throughout the nation, the payment of tithes shall continue as now they are ... | 1659.0 | 597 | 79 | nan | ./cache/A83456.xml | ./txt/A83456.txt |
A93551 | England and Wales. Parliament. | Something relating to the bill for small tithes: humbly presented to the consideration of the Parliament, in behalf of the people called Quakers,. | 1697.0 | 1613 | 308 | nan | ./cache/A93551.xml | ./txt/A93551.txt |
A40035 | Foster, T. | A winding-sheet for England''s ministry which hath a name to live, but is dead sent to John Owen, called Dr. in that ministry, and late vice-chancellor of Oxford, and is in answer to his printed paper concerning tythes : or, an examination of those scriptures by which he seems to prove, that the publike maintenance for preachers of the Gospel by way of tythes, is a gospel-maintenance, but upon examination thereof by the scriptures, he is found to be a subverter of them, and, that tythes is no lawful maintenance for gospel-ministers. | nan | 5647 | 1524 | nan | ./cache/A40035.xml | ./txt/A40035.txt |
A40237 | Fox, George, 1624-1691. | Queries concerning tythes to the priests and bishops | 1663.0 | 1555 | 310 | nan | ./cache/A40237.xml | ./txt/A40237.txt |
A41852 | Graye, Isaac. | One out-cry more against tythes unto the chief ruler of the nation of Engand [sic] and all that are with him of God permitted to be in present authority, whether Parliament, Councel or Army; by whatsoever name or title known or called: but in a more especial manner, to such of them as are yet remaining faithfnl [sic] unto the former declared for, and never to be forgotten cause of King Jesus, who are such as have not departed, through sinning against the light of a good conscience, ... And yer notwithstanding, you that are in present power know these things, do even as he did, suffer the saints in your name, and by your power daylie to be imprisoned, and otherwayes afflicted; and that you may not be ignorant thereof, I have been moved to make the same known unto you by way of declaration, which is grounded upon the Holy Scriptures; wherein is contained the manner of our sufferings, and by whom: ... Written the beginning of the second month, 1657. by Isaac Grayes, prisoner for the cause of Christ in the Wood-street Compter, London, ... | 1657.0 | 14601 | 3895 | nan | ./cache/A41852.xml | ./txt/A41852.txt |
A61967 | Gutheridge, William, d. 1706. | The suffering case of William Gutheridge, of Banwell in Sommersetshire, truly stated, and committed to the tender consideration of all true English men | 1689.0 | 1208 | 183 | nan | ./cache/A61967.xml | ./txt/A61967.txt |
A44793 | Guy, Edward, 17th cent. | The great case of the tythes and forced maitenance [sic] once more revived the true state thereof enquired into, before the law, under the law, among the Jews : likewise under the Gospel, the true ministers of Christ, their allowance shown : likewise in the corruption of time since Christ, how tythes have been introduced, wherein antiquity is searched, and the judgment of the fathers of the church in several ages produced, besides the Scripture it self examined : in all which is clearly proved, tythes and forced maintenance, are no Gospel maintenance : the Scriptures answered, divers arguments confuted, and objections answered, which are brought by the ministry of this late age : also the institution and division of parishes and their rise, all which are published for the benefit of all, who desire that Gospel order might be established again in all the churches of Christ / F.H. | 1665.0 | 33003 | 8937 | nan | ./cache/A44793.xml | ./txt/A44793.txt |
A91078 | H. P. | Tumulus decimarum: or, The history of tythes; from their nativity, to this present day of their expected ruine and downfal, 1659. By H.P. | 1659.0 | 4087 | 1217 | nan | ./cache/A91078.xml | ./txt/A91078.txt |
A45325 | Hall, Ralph. | Qvakers principles quaking, or, Pretended light proved darkness, and perfections found to be greatest imperfections in an answer to a written paper, subscribed with the name of Thomas Holme, and scattered through the country about Liverpool and Lancashire / modestly propounded by Ralph Hall ... | 1656.0 | 17080 | 4995 | nan | ./cache/A45325.xml | ./txt/A45325.txt |
A45468 | Hammond, Henry, 1605-1660. | Some profitable directions both for priest & people in two sermons preached before these evil times : the one to the clergy, the other to the citizens of London / by H. Hammond. | 1657.0 | 22892 | 6691 | nan | ./cache/A45468.xml | ./txt/A45468.txt |
A86306 | Heylyn, Peter, 1600-1662. | The undeceiving of the people in the point of tithes: wherein is shewed, I. That never any clergy in the Church of God hath been, or is maintained with lesse charge to the subject, then the established clergy of the Church of England. II. That there is no subject in the realme of England, who giveth any thing of his own, towards the maintenance of his parish-minister, but his Easter-offering. III. That the change of tithes into stipends, will bring greater trouble to the clergy, then is yet considered; and far lesse profit to the countrey, then is now pretended. / By Ph. Treleinie Gent. | nan | 13243 | 3546 | nan | ./cache/A86306.xml | ./txt/A86306.txt |
A44785 | Howgill, Francis, 1618-1669. | Darknesse and ignorance Expelled by the light shining forth, and the appearance of the day. In answer to a book called, Innocents no saints. Published by one Edward Dodd, wherein he hath laboured to prove tythes lawfull, and tithing priests and hirelings to be the ministers of the word, and the masse-house the church; and calls idolatry civility, and heathenish complements courtesie, and hath perverted many Scriptures. His deceit laid open, his vindication made void, and his arguments confounded, and Truth laid open in all these particulars, for the sake of the upright in heart, who rejoyces in Truths prosperity. By one of the lambs followers, who makes warre against the heart of the dragon, and against the rear of the beast. F.H. | 1659.0 | 11395 | 2939 | nan | ./cache/A44785.xml | ./txt/A44785.txt |
A44843 | Hubberthorn, Richard, 1628-1662. | The record of sufferings for tythes in England the sufferers are, The seed of God, or, The assembly of his first-born, or, The first fruits unto God in England, in this age, who are called to be faithful, and have been found faithful, therefore have we suffered willingly the spoiling of our goods, for to us the truth is more precious then our estates, lives, or outward liberties, and thererfore hath the Lord accounted us first worthy to suffer for his name sake, and to be as lights in this deceitful generation : those which our suffering is a testimony against, is that priesthood which is light and treacherous, which in all ages the Lord raised up faithful witnesses against : ... : and in these dayes we may say, that they are worse then any troop of robbers, or any that preached for hire that ever went before them, as will appear in this book following, by their devouring vvidovvs houses spoiling mens goods, and destroying mens persons / given forth from those whom the Lord regards, who do tremble at his word, for which cause we are in scorn called Quakers ... | 1658.0 | 20402 | 6683 | nan | ./cache/A44843.xml | ./txt/A44843.txt |
A50892 | Milton, John, 1608-1674. | Considerations touching the likeliest means to remove hirelings out of the church wherein is also discourc''d of tithes, church-fees, church-revenues, and whether any maintenance of ministers can be settl''d by law / the author J.M. | 1659.0 | 17581 | 4653 | nan | ./cache/A50892.xml | ./txt/A50892.txt |
A56570 | Patchet, Francis, d. 1677. | Living words through a dying man being a melodious song of the mercies and judgments of the Lord, sung by a disciple of Christ on his dying bed, when the pangs of death were upon his outward man. With an arrow shot against Babylon, being a direct prophecy of the downfal of her merchants, the hirelings and false prophets. With sweet exhortations and prophecies also of the spreading of the glorious truth of God, until it shall have covered the face of the whole earth. By one who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, Francis Patchet. | 1678.0 | 5034 | 1354 | nan | ./cache/A56570.xml | ./txt/A56570.txt |
A91192 | Prynne, William, 1600-1669. | A Gospel plea (interwoven with a rational and legal) for the lawfulnes & continuance of the ancient setled maintenance and tenthes of the ministers of the Gospel: proving, that there is a just, competent, comfortable maintenance due to all lawfull painfull preachers and ministers of the Gospel, by divine right, institution, and expresse texts and precepts of the Gospel: that glebes and tithes are such a maintenance, & due to ministers by divine right, law and Gospel: that if subtracted or detained, they may lawfully be inforced by coercive laws and penalties: that tithes are no reall burden nor grievance to the people; the abolishing them, no ease or benefit to farmers, husband-men, or poor people, but a prejudice and losse. That the present opposition against tithes, proceeds not from any reall grounds of conscience, but base covetousnesse, carnall policy, &c. and a Jesuiticall and Anabaptisticall designe, to subvert and ruin our ministers, Church, religion. With a satisfactory answer to all cavils and materiall objections to the contrary. By William Prynne of Swainswick, Esq; | 1653.0 | 66956 | 21795 | nan | ./cache/A91192.xml | ./txt/A91192.txt |
A70871 | Prynne, William, 1600-1669. | The remainder, or second part of a Gospel plea (interwoven with a rational and legal) for the lawfulness & continuance of the antient setled maintenance and tithes of the ministers of the Gospel wherein the divine right of our ministers tithes is further asserted ... / by William Prynne of Swainswick, Esq. ... | 1659.0 | 72908 | 23685 | nan | ./cache/A70871.xml | ./txt/A70871.txt |
A56170 | Prynne, William, 1600-1669. | A gospel plea (interwoven with a rational and legal) for the lawfulness and continuance fo the antient setled maintenance and tenths of the ministers of the Gospel in two parts, proving that there is a just, competent, comfortable maintenance ... that the present opposition against tithes ... / by William Prynne ... | 1660.0 | 135541 | 43568 | nan | ./cache/A56170.xml | ./txt/A56170.txt |
A68720 | Selden, John, 1586-1654. | The historie of tithes that is, the practice of payment of them, the positiue laws made for them, the opinions touching the right of them : a review of it is also annext, which both confirmes it and directs in the vse of it / by I. Selden. | 1618.0 | 150532 | 52386 | nan | ./cache/A68720.xml | ./txt/A68720.txt |
A93354 | Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. | Concerning tithes [by] Humphrey Smith. | 1659.0 | 1049 | 232 | nan | ./cache/A93354.xml | ./txt/A93354.txt |
A71056 | Spelman, Henry, Sir, 1564?-1641. | An apology of the treatise De non temerandis ecclesiis against a treatie by an unknowne authour, written against it in some particulars / by Sir Henry Spelman Knight ; also his epistle to Richard Carew Esquire, of Anthony in Cornwall concerning tithes. | 1646.0 | 19811 | 5812 | nan | ./cache/A71056.xml | ./txt/A71056.txt |
A67457 | Walton, Brian, 1600-1661. | An abstract of a treatise concerning the payment of tythes and oblations in London shewing the antiquitie of those payments according to the rents of houses : that they were payed by positive constitutions, according to the true value of the houses, ever since the yeare 1230 and by antient costome long before : till the quantitie, not the name or nature was altred in time of Henry 8 from 3.s. 6.d. in the pound, to 2. s. 9. d. in the pound as it is now : the liberall maintenance of the clergie of London in former times : the award and Proclamation 25. Henry 8 confirmed by Act of Parliament 27, Hen. 8 : the matters now controverted about double leases, annuall fines, &c. and concerning the jurisdiction ecclesiasticall for tythes of London : a generall survey of the value of the London benefices both as they are now, and also what they might arise unto if tythes were truly payed according to the value of houses : the moderate demands of the clergie, with other matters pertinent to this subject. | 1641.0 | 17122 | 5433 | nan | ./cache/A67457.xml | ./txt/A67457.txt |