
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
18971VIII PLATE 20 These two sketches were taken from an 18th century(?)
417171742 Flower in vase 1742 Heart 1751 House 1765 Inscription 1662 Motto or text 1651 Mustard- coloured canvas 1728 Name of maker(?
41717All schooldays''friendship, childhood innocence?
41717Do n''t you like the fir- cones?"
41717Do n''t you remember how fond she used to be of picking them up in her little basket at the dear old place?
41717scene 2, Helena addresses Hermia as follows:--"O, is all forgot?
28269A beautiful material, if you are to better it( and if not why work upon it at all?
28269And is she persuaded that her artless spray of flowers, or the ironed- off pattern she has bought, is all that art could be?
28269And what, then, about originality?
28269But suppose it is puckered?
28269But why apply the term"satin- stitch"exclusively to parallel lines of stitches all of a length?
28269How else suit the design to the stitch, the stitch to the design?
28269How should she know?
28269Is anyone nowadays modest enough to do work such as the couching in outline in Illustration 90?
28269Is that to be a thing altogether of the past now that we have Art Needlework?
28269Or has she thought?
28269The embroiderer of the 13th century was not afraid of that( aimed at it, perhaps?
28269The question almost occurs: with what can one not embroider?
28269What though she be a painter too?
28269Why not drop titles, and call stitches by the plainest and least mistakable names?