
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-006968-1gua1abqNo Shihyo Malaria prevention and stand- by emergency treatment among Japanese travelers Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of Japanese travelers towards malaria prevention during overseas travel Malaria chemoprophylaxis: when should we use it and what are the options?
cord-006968-1gua1abqThe low and declining risk of malaria in travellers to Latin America: is there still an indication for chemoprophylaxis?
cord-259966-szkiilb1: what is the evidence?
cord-259966-szkiilb1https://, Accessed date Olympic Organizers say tickets are sold, but where are the people?
cord-281551-0aj2zwx8It is unknown whether or not those second waves will occur and if they do, will they occur in persons who have already been exposed to the SARS- CoV-2 virus or in naïve persons?
cord-269759-1n1oo6wc2019 novel coronavirus( 2019-nCoV): what advice can we give to travellers?
cord-269759-1n1oo6wcThe next big threat to global health?
cord-271004-gtmo5ixsMERS- CoV Statistics n Hospital- Associated outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: a serologic, epidemiologic, and clinical description Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus in healthcare settings Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection control: the missing piece?
cord-271004-gtmo5ixskingdom of Saudi Arabia Molecular epidemiology of hospital outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome Presentation and outcome of Middle East respiratory syndrome in Saudi intensive care unit patients Notes from the field: nosocomial outbreak of Middle East respiratory syndrome in a large tertiary care hospital- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Drivers of MERS- CoV transmission: what do we know?
cord-286654-sox98pp3clinically Lack of nasal carriage of novel corona virus( HCoV- EMC) in French Hajj pilgrims returning from the Hajj 2012, despite a high rate of respiratory symptoms Circulation of respiratory viruses among pilgrims during the 2012 Hajj pilgrimage Lack of MERS coronavirus but prevalence of influenza virus in French pilgrims after Respiratory viruses and bacteria among pilgrims during the 2013 Hajj Acquisition of Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage in pilgrims during the 2012 Hajj Comparison of nasal swabs with throat swabs for the detection of respiratory viruses by real- time reverse transcriptase PCR in adult Hajj pilgrims Mass gathering and globalization of respiratory pathogens during the 2013 Hajj Social identification moderates the effect of crowd density on safety at the Hajj Pilot randomised controlled trial to test effectiveness of facemasks in preventing influenza- like illness transmission among Australian Hajj Pilgrims in 2011 Evaluation of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and carbon monoxide at nine sites in Saudi Arabia during Imported cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome: an update Umrah, and other mass gatherings: which pathogens do you expect?
cord-284028-l0r7f9srInfluenza pandemic planning: review of a collaborative state and national process Epidemic and pandemic'flu Ready for the next influenza pandemic?
cord-284028-l0r7f9srShould I stay or should I go?
cord-302735-zal2gr28medRxiv Aerosol transmission of SARS- CoV-2?
cord-297954-87w2itin2 years later Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection control: the missing piece?
cord-321720-5sfwyn9gIs the genie already out of the bottle?
cord-270684-e7xnugddFurthermore, what should we be telling travelers to and from regions like Africa-with limited capacityeither as a preparedness or response measure?
cord-270684-e7xnugddHow do we fit the communications related to travel into the overall risk communication strategies?
cord-270684-e7xnugddHow do we incorporate available evidence into preparedness and response in order to minimize contagion during travel in the face of infections like SARS- CoV2 with many unknowns?
cord-270684-e7xnugddWhat is the minimum evidence threshold that justify travel restriction?
cord-270684-e7xnugddWhen is travel restriction justified and to what extent?
cord-314421-j5psma9iThe cancellation of mass gatherings( MGs)?
cord-314609-83t1je92Can we contain the COVID-19 outbreak with the same measures as for SARS?
cord-328056-y5x80tuwWarranted or dangerous?
cord-314607-bcocsjijDo rhinoviruses reduce the probability of viral co- detection during acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-314607-bcocsjijV. Epidemiologic observations of rhinovirus infections, 1965e1969, in families with young children Rhinoviruses in Seattle families, 1975e1979 Does viral interference affect spread of influenza?
cord-312691-ynh84b98Middle East Respiratory Syndrome( MERS) or influenza?
cord-341187-jqesw4e8When is quarantine a useful control strategy for emerging infectious diseases?
cord-335007-27a3h2loThe Lancet COVID-19 patients with pulmonary fibrotic tissue: clinical pharmacological rational of antifibrotic therapy Pulmonary fibrosis secondary to COVID-19: a call to arms?
cord-340942-oatf59k0so what?
cord-341101-5yvjbr5qA new virus isolated from the human respiratory tract Identification of a new human coronavirus Characterization and complete genome sequence of a novel coronavirus, coronavirus HKU1, from patients with pneumonia Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Koch's postulates fulfilled for SARS virus Isolation of a novel coronavirus from a man with pneumonia in Saudi Arabia A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China Severe acute respiratory syndrome- related coronavirus: The species and its viruses-a statement of the Coronavirus Study Group Outbreak of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan, China: The mystery and the miracle Drug treatment options for the 2019-new coronavirus( 2019-nCoV) Breakthrough: Chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight COVID-19 COVID-19: a recommendation to examine the effect of hydroxychloroquine in preventing infection and progression Comparison of the antiviral activity in vitro of some non- steroidal antiinflammatory drugs Antihistaminics, local anesthetics, and other amines as antiviral agents Effect of chloroquine on the growth of animal viruses Effects of chloroquine on viral infections: an old drug against today's diseases?
cord-341101-5yvjbr5qFocus on recent advancements Pharmacokinetics and cellular uptake of 4-aminoquinoline antimalarials Therapy and pharmacological properties of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and related diseases Melanin: blackguard or red herring?
cord-325069-wxdkao69-a wakeup call Are video sharing web sites a useful source of information on hypertension?
cord-325069-wxdkao69A case study of YouTube videos during the 2015- 16 Zika virus pandemic Panic, paranoia, and public health-the AIDS epidemic's lessons for Ebola YouTube as a source of information on the H1N1 influenza pandemic Analysis of YouTube as a source of information for west nile virus infection Are video sharing web sites a useful source of information on hypertension?
cord-325069-wxdkao69Is YouTube useful as a source of information for Sjogren's syndrome?
cord-325069-wxdkao69a study of a family cluster Is YouTube useful as a source of information for Sjogren's syndrome?
cord-325069-wxdkao69useful sources of information during global public health emergencies?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflAvian influenza and sialic acid receptors: more than meets the eye?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflBased on SARS- CoV Immunological Studies Is COVID-19 receiving ADE from other coronaviruses?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflCOVID-19: what is next for public health?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflCompanion Animal Pets Is COVID-19 the first pandemic that evolves into a panzootic?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflFirst respiratory transmitted food borne outbreak?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflThe Indian journal of animal sciences MERS- CoV and now the 2019-novel CoV: Have we investigated enough about coronaviruses?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflThe SARS, MERS and novel coronavirus( COVID-19) epidemics, the newest and biggest global health threats: what lessons have we learned?
cord-327063-ea7a1xflWhat can animal coronaviruses tell us about emerging human coronaviruses?