
This is a table of type bigram and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.

bigram frequency
fame time3692
fo much3150
fome time1928
one another1819
fame manner1785
every thing1565
great number1397
fo far1265
thefe two1189
fo many1159
part ii1099
mean time1099
fixed air1099
one fide1079
made ufe1057
vitriolic acid1002
nitrous acid998
informs us946
feet high944
fo great934
well known872
natural method848
th century843
tells us842
upper part812
fo called810
like manner807
every one743
method ranking742
let us699
inches long696
great part684
take place674
greateft part670
long time670
one part661
fame name637
one end634
fpecific gravity633
th year624
different parts620
fmall quantity616
marine acid612
two years606
feet long601
fo well600
two feet598
every part597
took place595
fame kind587
much greater579
three years571
much lefs570
lower part568
will appear567
st paul565
great britain564
great deal548
every day547
th order542
three feet542
equal parts539
many years537
already mentioned536
fo long525
great numbers515
pra ice511
alfo ufed508
fame thing508
takes place507
two inches493
three days490
sir ifaac489
great quantity482
one day479
volatile alkali474
like thofe473
will give470
great many468
three inches468
two parts465
inflammable air459
one half456
may alfo452
different kinds451
per cent443
fome degree443
fome places443
commonly called442
fome meafure440
name given438
de la435
moft remarkable431
natural hiftory429
fame year428
two ounces428
fix inches427
moft part426
years ago423
thofe parts420
four inches418
four feet417
fays mr415
three times414
every man412
will make412
chara er409
greater part407
next day407
great meafure407
make ufe402
st john401
whole body399
fix feet398
feveral times392
every year391
thought proper382
following manner381
dire ion380
four times377
two kinds377
large quantity371
feveral parts370
fome parts367
red colour366
ifaac newton363
mr bruce361
sir john358
take care358
right hand358
alfo called357
every kind355
fir ft355
calcareous earth353
fixed alkali352
now called351
eaft indies348
almoft every348
fhort time348
green colour345
nitrous air345
many others345
great quantities343
years old343
human body342
thefe cafes341
common air340
right angles338
great variety335
fome years334
many parts333
will find333
charles ii331
open air329
many places324
next year324
king james324
thefe animals323
much better322
affe ed320
common law319
fo little319
taken away319
sir william319
fame way316
thefe parts316
thefe experiments316
cold water315
fome cafes314
royal society313
fecond time312
fal ammoniac310
one ounce305
king charles305
one hand304
dephlogifticated air303
boiling water298
one fpecies297
one foot297
henry viii296
one pound296
befides thefe296
applied himfelf296
one place293
dire ed292
north america292
four ounces292
ever fince290
may eafily288
yellow colour288
ftraight line286
perfe ly285
fome part284
four years281
dr prieftley279
jefus chrift278
will always278
brown colour276
queen elizabeth275
common fait275
st peter274
new teftament273
five years272
will alfo270
weft indies270
fame place268
two hours268
confiderable time267
left hand267
learned men266
five feet265
various kinds264
thefe words264
taken notice261
fore part261
thefe three261
taken place260
found means260
found himfelf260
latter end259
two days258
feven years258
whole length258
captain cook255
three parts254
see anatomy254
called alfo252
two pounds251
thefe people251
different times251
greater number250
ere ed250
fame reafon246
made himfelf246
fo large245
human nature244
feveral years243
water will243
two miles242
already obferved240
confiderable quantity239
even though239
may perhaps238
colle ed236
one may236
much larger235
three quarters233
will produce233
fufficient quantity233
fame proportion233
great care232
right line231
much ufed231
firft place231
certain degree231
old age231
great difficulty231
fix months230
fo fmall230
eight inches229
greater quantity229
per annum229
gives us229
many cafes228
among us227
st andrew226
though fome226
one year226
ever fo224
little time224
great degree224
five inches223
thefe birds223
fome particular223
among thefe222
third part222
great advantage221
inches high221
different degrees221
civil law220
great diftance220
fo often220
one man220
expe ed220
continued till220
blue colour219
many different219
thefe laft219
pra ifed219
white colour218
fame purpofe218
ten years218
fome others218
king henry218
common people218
sir thomas217
will foon217
fame quantity217
mr kirwan216
exa ly216
will take215
fuch cafes215
north fide214
great ufe214
taking care213
diftilled water212
certain number210
warm water210
juft mentioned210
thefe plants209
thofe places209
whole country208
one inch208
three months207
large quantities207
different colours207
moft ancient207
muft therefore206
inches diameter205
every perfon204
fame colour204
red sea204
two different204
fundamental bafs203
fo near203
mineral alkali201
nothing elfe201
great plenty201
fame author201
different places200
monogynia order200
roman empire200
fo high199
give us199
fouth fide198
human mind198
general fenfe198
mr pennant197
whole army197
south america197
great men196
every body196
nearly equal195
fome days195
conftru ion195
almoft entirely195
moft proper195
good hope195
four days194
civil war194
moft beautiful193
two forts193
thing elfe192
will remain192
alfo found192
three miles192
dire ly192
tell us191
much longer191
fourth part190
great circle190
miles fouth190
miles north190
next morning190
two fpecies189
good fortune189
two firft188
native country188
louis xiv187
following account187
fame degree187
every fide187
thefe things187
fe ion186
one time186
vegetable alkali186
term ufed186
young man185
naked eye185
eldeft fon185
among themfelves184
eight feet184
chara ers184
moft common184
diftin ion184
north pole183
may appear183
feet wide182
may therefore182
edward iii182
thefe circumftances181
left behind181
two pieces180
perfe ion179
one thing179
many ages179
king william179
taken prifoner178
fo ftrong178
great reputation177
will therefore177
lower end177
alkaline fait177
war againft176
like wife176
weft fide176
human race175
cubic inches175
among thofe175
black colour174
fmall pieces174
equal quantity174
will become174
henry iv174
three weeks174
feveral days173
fix years173
took care173
vi ory172
gentle heat172
two laft172
glafs tube171
refpe ive171
queen mary171
aerial acid171
juft now171
every way171
good deal170
natural philofophy170
ft ill170
will come170
fame day170
appellation given169
fame nature169
may make169
moft important169
following year169
part iii167
two months167
reader will167
fine powder167
two points166
inch thick166
three ounces165
oppofite fide165
fays dr165
given us165
royal family165
thefe may164
muft alfo164
fet fire164
line drawn164
many things163
otherwife called163
dr black163
will admit163
will require163
joined together163
mr boyle163
thefe means162
queen anne162
well acquainted162
feveral places161
young ones161
certain quantity161
moft celebrated161
one third161
northern parts160
th part160
may fee160
fmall portion160
two lines160
take notice160
became fo160
may likewife160
upper parts159
laft century159
re fa159
will continue159
miles long159
muriatic acid159
thefe iflands159
abfolutely neceffary158
mixed together158
ftru ure158
noble family157
two fmall157
dr cullen157
laid afide157
us fuppofe157
fix weeks157
feet deep156
upper end156
many inftances156
three different156
four hours156
affures us156
three hours156
high water156
muft always156
moft commonly156
dr lewis155
nine inches155
will never155
fet fail155
elaftic fluid155
fame number155
two members155
thefe points155
vaft number155
sir robert154
take away154
north latitude154
eaft fide154
made fome154
red hot154
moft confiderable154
will often153
ten feet153
conne ed153
alfo made153
general rule153
thofe times152
properly fo152
general name152
four miles152
fixed ftars152
will grow151
civil wars151
pentandria clafs150
now become150
ele ricity150
greater degree150
great man150
will now150
young men150
tranfa ions149
two fons149
affe ion149
latter part148
new york148
chiefly ufed148
south sea148
back part148
may fometimes148
different fpecies148
gave rife147
fmall part147
may happen147
prote ion146
left fide146
experiments made146
become fo146
either fide145
moft eminent145
confiderable degree145
st james145
new moon145
two others144
scots law143
will go143
made fo143
st george143
large enough143
deftru ion142
eight days142
though thefe142
moft valuable142
pure air142
firft time142
great abundance141
third day141
may take141
thefe different141
whole year141
foon became141
much efteemed141
moft violent140
man may140
ancient times140
alkaline falts140
holy ghoft140
feveral forts140
different ways140
hot water140
jurifdi ion140
late king140
firft year140
moft powerful139
often found139
fome fmall139
mr john139
full moon139
particular account139
ufe among139
made themfelves139
ftill greater139
ten inches139
fometimes alfo138
fometimes ufed138
hinder part138
five miles138
many times138
may ferve138
king john138
great importance138
upper fide138
port town138
two drams138
five days138
phlogifticated air137
count de137
given time137
will keep137
two large137
early period137
roman antiquity137
feveral kinds137
henry ii137
water may137
chriftian religion136
feveral others136
fome authors136
former times136
king edward136
acetous acid136
pretty large136
inches deep136
mr bergman136
fome diftance135
external air135
may add135
eaft india135
place called134
thofe days134
air will134
without fome134
grows naturally134
great fuccefs134
different forts134
may feem133
see chemistry133
fix miles133
old teftament133
muft neceffarily133
three kinds133
many perfons133
made fuch132
ftrong town132
royal academy132
fmall diftance132
confiderable part132
mr scheele132
wrote feveral132
made feveral132
carried away132
thofe countries132
india company131
ihort time131
ufually called131
fmall degree131
every time131
thefe obfervations131
fometimes found130
high mountains130
care muft130
may obferve130
wild beafts130
every fpecies130
fatisfa ion130
will fee130
conftru ed129
greater diftance129
colouring matter129
frequently ufed129
hot iron129
year following129
may arife128
sir edward128
following table128
one perfon127
infinite number127
feet inches127
various parts127
entirely defeated127
thefe lines126
will rife126
efpecially thofe126
focal diftance126
per acre126
five times126
three pounds126
half long125
thefe bodies125
dr halley125
two great125
two fides125
common way125
general ufe125
fame fpecies125
let fall125
great fervice125
great height125
lord high124
will fometimes124
two equal124
turn round123
whole kingdom123
well built123
fmall hole123
commonly ufed123
even thofe123
fa la123
grey colour123
two bodies122
firft day122
fine arts122
one hundred122
fends two122
young prince122
whole time122
ele ric122
colle ion122
long ago122
though fometimes122
proper place122
modern times122
ftraight lines122
one body121
great length121
air may121
little known121
eight years121
four parts121
negle ed121
thefe trees121
without making121
among others121
whole world120
firft part120
will fall120
think proper120
will ferve120
james ii120
st mary120
will pafs120
fame fize120
low countries119
particularly thofe119
thofe whofe119
laid fiege119
fouthern parts119
inform us119
natural ftate118
ten days118
two perfons118
king himfelf118
french king118
will eafily118
diodorus siculus118
right fide118
materia medica118
henry iii118
united provinces118
per fecond118
generally known118
white flowers118
aqua regia117
give way117
thefe principles117
inch long117
internal parts117
fo foon117
confiderable diftance117
human life117
component parts117
henry vii116
long enough116
every night116
middle part116
effe ed116
whole mafs116
found among116
enable us116
fo eafily116
great extent116
different countries115
thofe things115
much fmaller115
taken prifoners115
one point115
laft mentioned115
ancient writers115
atlantic ocean115
fmall quantities115
common ufe115
pure water115
line ab115
eight ounces114
will anfwer114
confiderable number114
powerful army114
new one114
precious ftones114
fo clofely114
old man114
dead bodies114
fame length114
affe ions113
whole nation113
mr pinkerton113
see plate113
new england113
ftrong fire113
purple colour113
little way112
see medicine112
sir george112
whofe name112
vitriolated tartar112
fo good112
three fpecies112
effential oil112
mineral acids112
whatever may112
high degree111
great danger111
always found111
fo early111
higheft degree111
heavenly bodies111
greek language111
fix days111
feveral pieces111
feven inches111
fome experiments111
feven feet111
tin ure111
former cafe111
fometimes called111
will reach110
fix times110
whole force110
thefe fubftances110
inches broad110
third time110
four months110
every cafe110
now found110
effe ual109
hepatic air109
ten times109
good order109
thefe creatures109
neutral fait109
fomething like109
may conclude108
reje ed108
foreign countries108
himfelf mafter108
upper furface108
highly probable108
new ones107
arms againft107
two men107
effe ually107
minor mode107
upper edge107
middle latitude107
thefe places107
years afterwards107
great feal107
acid air107
pale yellow106
old ones106
fome kind106
different nations106
feet broad106
contra ed106
may now106
two thirds106
mr pope106
la ut106
metallic fubftances106
peruvian bark106
moft frequently106
inches thick106
another kind106
moft probable105
different forms105
middle line105
longer time105
various colours105
whole ifland105
fix hours105
great violence105
dire ions105
deep red105
animal life105
already given105
one way105
fame height105
vice verfa104
four pounds104
holy land104
ancient authors104
return home104
marched againft104
fufpe ed104
fo frequently104
put himfelf104
one great104
foon found104
extra ed104
without much104
two things104
aft fide104
fame principle104
two volumes104
sir james104
edward vi104
made great103
archite ure103
white powder103
give fome103
fame caufe103
different fizes103
th day103
fame point103
high treafon103
hind part103
moving force103
see law103
lord chancellor103
alfo fome103
certain time103
thefe four103
green vitriol102
well adapted102
hence alfo102
main body102
thefe will102
two armies102
ten pounds102
will bear102
numerous army102
fix ounces102
mineral waters102
late years102
thefe mountains101
one night101
mr robins101
great trade101
body will101
fet forth101
two nations101
fome writers101
torrid zone101
fluor acid101
thefe pieces101
particularly ufed101
within thefe101
firft made101
will probably101
white paper100
moft learned100
th degree100
mr watt100
two brothers100
thought fit100
dry weather100
found themfelves100
may give100
will caufe100
thofe two100
fhould never100
generally ufed100
may fuppofe99
fmall town99
fo hard99
now proceed99
made many99
attra ion99
us now99
fame diftance99
pretty much99
every morning99
fuch perfons99
fpecific gravities99
ut mi99
put together99
whole furface99
fome perfons99
ftill continued99
black cattle98
vaft numbers98
filiceous earth98
many people98
ftill remains98
ancient family98
human fpecies98
frequently found98
every point98
fouth pole98
feveral works98
quite fo98
almoft always98
fuch thing98
make one97
fome fay97
fo ftrongly97
one common97
two former97
canon law97
see alfo97
may indeed97
fmall ifland97
right angle97
feveral fpecies97
fet apart97
one dram97
thefe feveral97
white marble97
two places96
cubic feet96
fo numerous96
fuch things96
trojan war96
one cafe96
two hundred96
another method96
fo highly96
may fay96
whole quantity96
plants will96
latent heat96
one degree96
pounds weight96
fuch like95
one kind95
ftrong heat95
nine years95
others fay95
ftiort time95
animal fubftances95
animal food95
particular manner95
magnifying power95
john de95
fame principles95
much inferior95
firft introduced95
will form95
pretty well94
refpe ing94
fame may94
military art94
confiderable town94
turns round94
yellow flowers94
himfelf fo94
feven days94
inch diameter94
plants belonging94
long continued94
may remain94
equally well94
roman catholics93
moft convenient93
near years93
fo deep93
fo low93
ftill farther93
might eafily93
firft fight93
will readily93
made choice93
without fuccefs93
except thofe93
without great93
vaft quantities93
times greater93
hundred weight93
feme time93
proved fatal93
moft agreeable93
another place92
fame perfon92
great force92
mi fol92
extremely difficult92
good man92
great lofs92
lower parts92
proper time92
fome new92
thefe articles92
french academy92
fcarce ever92
great pains92
thefe terms92
feveral perfons91
electric fluid91
sir henry91
fome hours91
extremely well91
great antiquity91
henry vi91
new world91
ancient name91
right hon91
whole fyftem91
pruffian blue91
every moment91
aurora borealis91
chriftian church91
ufual manner91
every two91
proper quantity91
lead us91
trous acid91
thefe countries91
now made90
taking away90
external force90
fame form90
muft take90
neutral falts90
much fuperior90
fifth part90
fome one90
folid body90
every individual90
fmall number90
corrofive fublimate90
fame method90
made one90
incident rays90
miles diftant90
whole number89
much admired89
bring forth89
mr locke89
thofe animals89
mr cavallo89
afterwards made89
gave orders89
fhould always89
without either89
two following89
latin tongue89
two ways89
two ends89
low water89
thefe reafons89
near one89
will immediately88
fecond part88
feet per88
place among88
now fo88
without delay88
obje ion88
good fenfe88
done without88
fame fide88
fometimes even88
th volume88
will run88
whole day88
following method88
firft line88
old men88
three firft88
therefore called88
firft appearance88
vaft quantity88
ancient town87
takes notice87
word comes87
thefe operations87
moft probably87
two branches87
much water87
fo placed87
next place87
see fig87
muft now87
prefent cafe87
finding himfelf87
every nation87
common water87
anterior part87
ten miles87
fri ion86
divine fervice86
fo clofe86
fo violent86
generally made86
great heat86
gynia order86
natural order86
emperor charles86
turning round86
brought back86
much higher86
prefent age86
upper jaw86
make himfelf86
thefe fymptoms86
turned round86
black fpots85
made war85
conftituent parts85
lower jaw85
linen cloth85
gum arabic85
fame order85
well founded85
within two85
generally fuppofed85
polite literature85
now began85
may even84
capital town84
reader may84
vols folio84
equal diftances84
refle ed84
thofe made84
will reprefent84
much farther84
fecond year84
edward coke84
already faid84
right lines84
fome little84
little water84
roman army83
clofe together83
generally found83
nervous fyftem83
though many83
dr franklin83
moft ufeful83
greek church83
anciently called83
may pafs83
take fire83
right wing83
well together83
fame line83
greatly improved83
feet diameter83
water line83
quite round83
belles lettres83
fometimes happens82
may proceed82
third year82
prevailed among82
major mode82
turned towards82
one piece82
common fenfe82
particular attention82
future ftate82
produ ion82
different manner82
fufficient number82
fubje ed82
firft rank82
tenth part82
moft difficult82
fquare inch82
equal number82
fecond fon82
parallel rays82
one word82
nine feet82
will turn81
chriftian era81
per fe81
deco ion81
prefent ftate81
different fubftances81
fame fate81
great efteem81
fomewhat like81
ufed among81
male calyx81
never feen81
thefe kinds81
greater force81
dr hunter81
expedition againft81
make fome81
found near81
lefs fo81
far lefs80
frefh water80
now mentioned80
fome great80
military affairs80
one grain80
fmall ones80
eighth part80
fituated near80
divided among80
will ftill80
different names80
large one80
dark brown80
fixed alkaline80
given rife80
pi ure80
fo powerful80
thefe works79
roman catholic79
alfo applied79
without danger79
folid bodies79
fet afide79
five pounds79
fuch parts79
fait water79
particular kind79
metallic ftate79
pi ures79
becaufe thefe79
will cut79
befides thofe79
private perfons79
ftill remain79
may form79
fome kinds78
might perhaps78
among phyficians78
many experiments78
placed near78
know whether78
king george78
upper lip78
various forms78
thefe letters78
prefent century78
one will78
firft volume78
without doubt78
many days78
whole extent78
virgin mary78
term applied78
fame ftate78
remaining part78
common method78
will increafe78
often feen78
larger quantity78
common centre78
took poffeffion78
whole empire78
public affairs78
thefe qualities78
confiderable trade77
will prove77
one particular77
well fortified77
fo common77
among men77
mr smeaton77
whole courfe77
properly called77
ftill extant77
cubic foot77
though perhaps77
london college77
thofe cafes77
thefe caufes77
interior parts77
beft method77
fomewhat lefs77
may require77
make war77
whole city77
whole weight77
may always77
another part77
found alfo77
violent heat77
two long76
thefe methods76
horizontal line76
himfelf mailer76
fourth day76
moft parts76
five hundred76
will bring76
one continued76
far greater76
fecond day76
one called76
nearly fo76
dead body76
public good76
late mr76
privy council76
thefe occafions76
greatly increafed76
determine whether76
eight miles76
de luc76
yet fo76
st jerome76
without giving76
little lefs76
brought forth76
half breadth76
vegetable acids76
poor people76
contrary way76
ele ed76
general rules76
moft excellent76
third major76
fuch places76
thefe purpofes75
will naturally75
great way75
manufa ures75
principal part75
roman people75
feveral months75
one inftance75
calcareous earths75
inches wide75
ancient greeks75
proteftant religion75
firft thing75
never fails75
fhall find75
richard ii75
conjun ion75
ranked among75
may fall75
makes ufe75
wind blows75
without taking75
adjacent country75
hours minutes75
alfo given75
ancient greek75
good reafon75
prodigious number74
laid hold74
natural fyftem74
afia minor74
will carry74
la ft74
fliort time74
now let74
thin plates74
every quarter74
whole earth74
metallic form74
fo confiderable74
will begin74
religious houfes74
will follow74
indian ocean74
confiderable height74
large pieces74
will allow74
returned home74
great expence74
beg leave74
hundred years74
man will74
inflammable matter74
frequently happens74
make us74
two rows74
will frequently74
general opinion73
young plants73
fmall piece73
every particle73
mu ft73
thofe already73
half way73
time fo73
ut re73
roman law73
will fhow73
foon followed73
laid open73
defend themfelves73
great confequence73
fome people73
lefs degree73
thefe colours73
ancient city73
perpendicular height73
commanding officer73
air contained73
fquare root73
proper degree73
thefe accounts72
equal weight72
formerly called72
fo contrived72
againft thofe72
fome account72
may come72
will render72
fourth century72
thefe phenomena72
red heat72
ftrong enough72
though now72
feveral different72
thoufand years72
mr hume72
diftinguifhed himfelf72
made good72
near fo72
exa nefs72
commonly made72
guard againft72
far beyond72
pure white72
one eye72
moft cafes72
either cafe72
dr smith72
one fourth72
acquired great71
without oppofition71
author obferves71
fine white71
great power71
young people71
others will71
long continuance71
fame fort71
james vi71
sir charles71
fol ut71
much fooner71
five petals71
st thomas71
particular part71
already related71
another perfon71
totally defeated71
pacific ocean71
country people71
fame inftant70
every particular70
lay hold70
never found70
fecond century70
account given70
pale red70
phofphoric acid70
attra ed70
terra ponderofa70
will yield70
public buildings70
lefs liable70
st martin70
des cartes70
sir richard70
cathedral church70
three hundred70
confiderable body70
yet known70
muft appear70
one feed70
barbarous nations70
proje ed70
horizontal plane70
eleftric fluid70
open country70
afterwards called70
manufa ure70
st luke69
diftin ly69
now given69
far advanced69
firft principles69
often ufed69
put themfelves69
fhould take69
black sea69
female flowers69
fo thick69
three forts69
may produce69
ancient romans69
now reduced69
carried along69
will prevent69
fome fuch69
great reafon69
st mark69
st michael69
proper fenfe69
progreffive motion69
water till69
ready money69
utmoft efforts69
eaftern part69
dr monro69
will ever69
fide next69
may judge69
may either69
near two69
early ages69
will certainly69
obfervations made69
young king69
thefe matters69
general council69
parallel lines69
ever feen69
lord mayor69
laid wafte69
large body69
motion will69
five parts69
alimentary canal69
great attention69
fame word69
generally believed68
fome point68
see astronomy68
appear like68
body may68
new method68
dr reid68
equal quantities68
large town68
give notice68
brought againft68
moft elegant68
flowers come68
feveral hours68
reigned years68
refpe able68
great value68
common pleas68
handfome town68
freezing point68
great difference68
fo extremely68
thefe men68
muft likewife68
making ufe68
already taken68
readers will68
certain proportion68
digynia order68
male flowers68
brought together68
edward iv68
fabulous hiftory68
feven miles68
fuch quantities68
fome difficulty68
many curious67
know nothing67
fame effeft67
marine acids67
miles weft67
left wing67
dr hooke67
taking place67
every poffible67
little diftance67
inftru ed67
wrote many67
content ourfelves67
high rank67
much like67
effential oils67
good harbour67
fhaped like67
will permit67
ftill retained67
fo eafy67
every place67
thin plate67
inches fquare67
capital city67
two holes67
warm climates67
fmall dofes67
alfo wrote67
lord bacon67
female calyx67
hort time66
latter cafe66
ufual way66
lines drawn66
full growth66
fuch numbers66
many months66
though much66
fix pounds66
muft either66
greateft quantity66
properly fignifies66
great work66
three fons66
northern nations66
firft fpecies66
human foul66
difference betwixt66
bad fuccefs66
make fuch66
alfo fometimes66
eight months66
taken together66
minutes feconds66
often happens66
every age66
dirty white66
already deferibed66
chief juftice66
fome inftances66
epic poem66
fome occafions66
thing like66
folar fyftem66
equal times65
prince henry65
great ftrength65
great merit65
various ways65
quite different65
northern part65
may become65
may believe65
near three65
gave occafion65
time ago65
feveral fmall65
will move65
marquis de65
now generally65
may often65
volumes folio65
sir francis65
even without65
without fuch65
st jerom65
greater proportion65
inclined plane65
time without65
notwithftanding thefe65
reprefented fig65
now much65
roman general65
even thefe65
every country65
may find65
see botany65
chofe rather65
may juftly65
muft make65
rainy feafon64
large proportion64
feet thick64
deep green64
two principal64
os facrum64
goes round64
one general64
will generally64
following words64
half high64
large ones64
already defcribed64
great progrefs64
let ab64
rotation round64
weftern part64
fixth part64
now loft64
rays will64
themfelves mailers64
ele ion64
late dr64
fhould alfo64
three leagues64
corre ed64
taken care64
two oppofite64
fome months64
metallic calces64
properly fpeaking64
lower edge64
well watered64
fpecies inhabits64
fome pieces64
alfo frequently64
weft end64
far diftant63
fedative fait63
eight times63
middle point63
moll remarkable63
great honour63
fmall one63
fame means63
de medicis63
different periods63
gave way63
moft likely63
pretty good63
time will63
whofe office63
given place63
eight pounds63
will hardly63
fouthern part63
faline matter63
refle ion63
royal navy63
appointed one63
within reach63
foot high63
body plan63
great advantages63
will contain63
little doubt63
feated near63
fo famous63
one might63
utterly defeated63
never afterwards63
general affembly63
thefe little63
cold air63
thofe called63
th olympiad63
epfom fait63
twenty years63
every pound62
ten thoufand62
glafs retort62
fame import62
right afcenfion62
jenghiz khan62
brought near62
now known62
will arife62
fometimes fo62
pure acid62
fmall white62
hepar fulphuris62
ufually made62
fhall give62
now fuppofe62
eafy matter62
much time62
generally called62
proper name62
gentle fire62
mountainous country62
taking advantage62
fame fenfe62
one quarter62
copper ore62
therefore will62
mr addifon62
equal length62
latitude come62
julius caefar62
care fhould62
new zealand62
one fingle62
new king62
two parties62
will thrive62
foot long62
firft brought62
thofe words62
fame power61
old one61
given point61
mr latham61
fo full61
confiderable length61
whofe bufinefs61
triolic acid61
will likewife61
fo fine61
fame month61
feveral branches61
get rid61
moft accurate61
will eat61
holy orders61
bear arms61
st auguftine61
different methods61
almoft totally61
united states61
feveral books61
high price61
eafily propagated61
come within61
means fo61
romifh church61
great velocity61
may ftill61
thofe bodies61
fame velocity61
proper form61
univerfally allowed61
treatife de61
alfo two61
new spain61
earthen ware61
iron ore61
formerly ufed61
will enable61
thofe perfons61
entirely deftroyed61
large fize61
alfo denotes61
perfon may61
fuch circumftances61
fome things61
called becaufe60
thefe changes60
thefe fmall60
fatisfa ory60
air produced60
thefe books60
two numbers60
day following60
two grains60
curve line60
time alfo60
elementary fire60
alfo faid60
now remains60
much difficulty60
various methods60
general terms60
common fort60
two pints60
fquare feet60
ftill lefs60
moft favourable60
took refuge60
due proportion60
fome ancient60
white arfenic60
two kingdoms60
thefe veffels60
given quantity60
good men60
different bodies60
duplicate ratio60
de st60
thefe bones60
never yet60
fixed alkalies60
see metaphysics60
every degree60
dr john60
well received60
finding themfelves60
third perfon60
three lines60
forms us60
roman province60
fame fubftance60
microcofmic fait59
edinburgh college59
tonic dominant59
fame weight59
two wings59
alkaline air59
great learning59
learned man59
fmall proportion59
part may59
lower extremity59
parts may59
whole fubftance59
common among59
foon made59
fixed vegetable59
yards long59
st matthew59
uniform motion59
living bodies59
bad weather59
every branch59
till fome59
thefe new59
thing may59
general laws59
different perfons59
never faw59
foon become59
abfolutely neceflary59
ancient inhabitants59
vols vo59
woollen cloth59
dr johnfon59
another way59
vegetable fubftances59
re ified59
mr harris59
see surgery59
moft remote58
firft king58
produ ions58
another fpecies58
without interruption58
whole power58
inch deep58
five ounces58
days journey58
may call58
firft cafe58
fenfible heat58
third century58
may probably58
univerfally known58
ftrong caftle58
inch broad58
fuch time58
letters patent58
known among58
totally deftroyed58
neighbouring parts58
will perhaps58
deep blue58
whole fleet58
fovereign power58
french army58
greateft number58
heavy body58
fubje ion58
ancient hiftory58
st domingo58
finely powdered58
many fmall58
roman emperors58
great vigour58
one line58
even fo58
firft difeovered58
doubtful whether58
acid may58
formed againft58
four different58
fomewhat different58
far fuperior58
made known57
long fince57
likewife found57
folid parts57
miles eaft57
redu ion57
pra ical57
wife men57
thefe advantages57
moft fimple57
fome perfon57
oppofite fides57
principal officers57
mufcular fibres57
take advantage57
dry land57
three grains57
days hours57
make good57
two drachms57
moft generally57
feven times57
accelerating force57
mr william57
royal fociety57
fome obfervations57
mr hunter57
within three57
flow fire57
made without57
blue vitriol57
trivial name57
one angle57
general idea57
moft frequent57
firft clafs57
true god57
without heat57
four fpecies57
given number57
lame time57
punic war57
fent back57
decandria clafs57
pound sterling57
various degrees57
tetrandria clafs57
except one57
moft magnificent57
infpe ion57
fometimes made57
philofophical tranfaftions57
grand duke57
thofe nations57
may prove57
mr james57
electric matter57
cellular fubftance57
thefe particulars57
may confult57
much improved57
glafs veffel57
thefe muft57
weftern parts56
among many56
great body56
moft ample56
occafion requires56
advanced guard56
every three56
afterwards became56
found neceffary56
true religion56
greek tongue56
thefe powers56
duke de56
weft india56
fuch manner56
made red56
large fums56
entirely free56
another caufe56
fome fort56
french language56
next article56
moft complete56
introdu ion56
mean diftance56
high mountain56
fame opinion56
fome way56
reckoned among56
will raife56
carbonic acid56
particular cafes56
fo exceedingly56
ele rical56
may fafely56
one minute56
vegetable kingdom56
two fuch56
high efteem56
fo remarkable56
well made56
whole province56
died foon56
ftri ly56
fhall now56
confined within56
highly efteemed56
abfolute heat56
never heard56
done fo56
thefe laws56
firft book56
fhould make56
large fum56
foon afterwards56
following obfervations56
argillaceous earth56
himfelf obliged56
great noife56
et feq56
till fuch56
full force56
doubted whether56
moft general56
gave himfelf55
one volume55
great depth55
george ii55
many occafions55
moft curious55
appears like55
eaft end55
fome means55
much ftronger55
thefe flowers55
though lefs55
bright yellow55
proper diftance55
well cultivated55
bright red55
two founds55
early part55
will afford55
joint lives55
two horfes55
moft extenfive55
themfelves mafters55
will hold55
great veneration55
may lie55
god himfelf55
found fo55
ten minutes55
laft obliged55
many works55
yet even55
plants may55
philip ii55
different nature55
weftern coaft55
three drams55
take two55
circular form55
true caufe55
one view55
gives title55
edward ii55
perfpe ive55
without breaking55
wing tranfom55
next thing55
might make55
sco scotland55
full grown55
four kinds54
fame body54
fmaller ones54
already made54
firft term54
gold coin54
nia order54
every hour54
cafpian sea54
moft efteemed54
whole life54
great duke54
unknown quantity54
fine red54
moft famous54
lord karnes54
greatly fuperior54
fome general54
devoted himfelf54
may reafonably54
red flowers54
eledric fluid54
fo nearly54
already feen54
beft way54
three points54
come near54
future events54
inflammable principle54
now almoft54
pofterior part54
ufually found54
will even54
le ures54
different diftances54
flowers grow54
peculiar kind54
ten grains54
without regard54
inftru ions54
commonly found54
mr herfchel54
time afterwards54
fecond edition54
two words54
private life54
fo difpofed54
atmofpherical air54
prefent time54
king richard54
even fome54
mod remarkable54
two quarts54
great weight54
full length54
great river54
muft obferve54
optic nerve54
one gallon54
proper method54
thefe ftones54
will receive53
fame metal53
feet diftance53
white precipitate53
proper feafon53
german ocean53
much celebrated53
eminent degree53
third minor53
never fail53
vi orious53
fo late53
acid liquor53
north end53
greek word53
fecond volume53
thofe people53
fouth latitude53
though others53
inner part53
ftatute geo53
much expofed53
facred books53
continued bafs53
earlieft ages53
thrown away53
thofe laws53
called st53
see oratory53
moft cruel53
advanced age53
prime minifter53
became acquainted53
great age53
alfo obferved53
feveral cities53
took great53
hind legs53
another time53
little attention53
main frame53
mr coxe53
againft one53
inferior part53
always ready53
proper places53
go round53
hundred pounds53
winter feafon53
catholic religion53
muft give53
great mogul53
thefe motions53
conje ure53
fo generally53
though without53
thefe appearances53
fomewhat refembling53
refra ion53
generally thought53
luna cornea53
deep brown53
fo difficult53
lay afide52
never made52
general engagement52
general term52
thefe fpecies52
lower deck52
oval leaves52
firft difcovered52
deftru ive52
twelve years52
great refemblance52
two cafes52
particular perfons52
therefore muft52
lord chief52
thefe holes52
two varieties52
alfo one52
permit us52
whether thefe52
thefe latter52
conje ures52
blue flame52
foon began52
will lie52
fhould happen52
much refembling52
moft dreadful52
gave great52
try whether52
better fort52
ever afterwards52
feet fquare52
formerly mentioned52
becomes fo52
mr walpole52
moft extraordinary52
fame fituation52
doubt whether52
three fides52
different ages52
every method52
fmall veffels52
fun ions52
per day52
great accuracy52
fome water52
little farther52
fo ill52
two rivers52
laft cafe52
bad confequences52
abu beer52
river thames52
found guilty52
fome fpecies52
general principles52
indian corn52
ufual method52
parts will52
ftill continues52
fpe ator52
every month52
alfo may52
draw lines51
firft ftep51
ingenious mr51
one fhould51
true time51
general law51
firft ages51
hexandria clafs51
twelve hours51
yet thefe51
inftru ion51
prime conductor51
without exception51
filver ore51
fpirituous liquors51
near enough51
take refuge51
laft years51
grecian antiquity51
great abilities51
firft kind51
holy spirit51
though even51
principal works51
hall find51
william iii51
weftern fide51
dry way51
arfenical acid51
without knowing51
thefe nations51
will meafure51
great rivers51
le clerc51
inches diftance51
refemble thofe51
thought himfelf51
refined fugar51
mr anderfon51
third fort51
three perfons51
moving power51
muft firft51
often fo51
nova scotia51
dr mead51
contains fome51
fame part51
full extent51
la hire51
hebrew text51
thefe divifions51
military force51
fo fituated51
lefs circle51
ancient britons51
open fire51
holy scriptures51
fo fully51
without difficulty51
inner furface51
eledtric fluid51
firft began51
warm countries51
whofe names51
others think51
much nearer51
intimate friend51