This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
190273291 | Macfarquhar | Volume 01 (a-ang) | 1797 | 926829.0 | 58368.0 | nan | ./cache/190273291.txt | ./txt/190273291.txt |
149977338 | Macfarquhar | Volume 02 (ang-bar) | 1797 | 941398.0 | 60770.0 | nan | ./cache/149977338.txt | ./txt/149977338.txt |
149977873 | Macfarquhar | Volume 03 (bar-bzo) | 1797 | 947869.0 | 60073.0 | nan | ./cache/149977873.txt | ./txt/149977873.txt |
149978642 | Macfarquhar | Volume 04 (caa-cic) | 1797 | 930052.0 | 62730.0 | nan | ./cache/149978642.txt | ./txt/149978642.txt |
149979156 | Macfarquhar | Volume 05 (cic-dia) | 1797 | 945855.0 | 53854.0 | nan | ./cache/149979156.txt | ./txt/149979156.txt |
149979622 | Macfarquhar | Volume 06 (dia-eth) | 1797 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
149981189 | Macfarquhar | Volume 07 (etm-goa) | 1797 | 941652.0 | 53159.0 | nan | ./cache/149981189.txt | ./txt/149981189.txt |
149981670 | Macfarquhar | Volume 08 (gob-hyd) | 1797 | 940381.0 | 53293.0 | nan | ./cache/149981670.txt | ./txt/149981670.txt |
149982181 | Macfarquhar | Volume 09 (hydrostatics-les) | 1797 | 940003.0 | 56863.0 | nan | ./cache/149982181.txt | ./txt/149982181.txt |
149982692 | Macfarquhar | Volume 10 (les-mec) | 1797 | 873512.0 | 64615.0 | nan | ./cache/149982692.txt | ./txt/149982692.txt |
149983206 | Macfarquhar | Volume 11 (medals-midwifery) | 1797 | 938169.0 | 60337.0 | nan | ./cache/149983206.txt | ./txt/149983206.txt |
190273372 | Macfarquhar | Volume 12 (mie-neg) | 1797 | 867485.0 | 61217.0 | nan | ./cache/190273372.txt | ./txt/190273372.txt |
191253798 | Macfarquhar | Volume 13 (neh-pas) | 1797 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
192200061 | Macfarquhar | Volume 14 (pas-pla) | 1797 | 900036.0 | 63226.0 | nan | ./cache/192200061.txt | ./txt/192200061.txt |
191253799 | Macfarquhar | Volume 15 (pla-ram) | 1797 | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
191319917 | Macfarquhar | Volume 16 (ran-sco) | 1797 | 962516.0 | 58733.0 | nan | ./cache/191319917.txt | ./txt/191319917.txt |
191253800 | Macfarquhar | Volume 17 (sco-str) | 1797 | 988872.0 | 68675.0 | nan | ./cache/191253800.txt | ./txt/191253800.txt |
191253817 | Macfarquhar | Volume 18 (str-zym) | 1797 | 1279981.0 | 85381.0 | nan | ./cache/191253817.txt | ./txt/191253817.txt |