
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A10725If thou aske why I put it in Verse?
A12470Why we came armed in that sort, séeing hée was our friend, and had neither bowes nor arrowes, what did wée doubt?
A14803What growing State was there euer in the world which had not the like?
A145201 sheet([ 1] p.) Printed by Thomas Snodham,[ London: 1617?]
A46598s.n.,[ London: 1688?]
A16711But admit the soile were in our disposition( as yet it is not) in what time may this be brought about?
A66818A short collection of the most remarkable passages from the originall to the dissolution of the Virgina company Woodnoth, Arthur, 1590?-1650?
A30076I see you have something else, pray what is it?
A27466: 1663?]
A27466But we will confesse, that there is with us a great scarcity of good men; that is, of able Workmen, at whose doors ought this defect to lie?
A27466This to our Maligners we would easily grant, if they would consent to the omen of it; for was not Rome thus begun and composed?
A27466who lesse careful of their Estates then those, whose early negligence hath engaged them to the Usurer?
A04581But what is this to vs?
A04581Doth our late reputation sleepe in the dust?
A04581How like you these Catholikes and this diuinitie?
A04581How strange a thing is this that al the States of Europe haue béene a sleepe so long?
A04581if they grow so bold and desperate in a mighty setled State, howe much more dangerous in the birth and infancie of yours?
A87050How is she become as a widdow?
A87050She that was great amongst the Nations, and Princesse amongst the Provinces?
A87050What ingratitude?
A87050he answered me three pence: I further asked him what he usually got a day?
A87050next, what it is?
A33345Do''st need good Oyle?
A33345Lackst thou fine linnen?
A33345O Earth, do these within thine entrals grow?
A33345Or Vinegar?
A33345Or want''s thou Sugar?
A33345Storks are so careful of their parents?
A33345What shall I say of the Dodonean Well?
A33345What should I of th''Illyrian Fountain tell?
A33345What wouldst thou drink?
A27467For what assurance could vve give of our nevv Loyalty, after having so childishly, and impiously, relinquisht our old Allegeance?
A27467Is it liberty?
A27467Is it peace?
A27467Is it wealth?
A27467With out blushing I will speake it, I am confident theare lives not that person can accuse me of attempting the least act against any mans property?
A66357Could not the same Sunne and Dew which enripened them, refine and purifie them there?
A66357Have they wanted the Sunne and Dew when upon the stalke?
A66357I am not ignorant that Criticks will laugh at this; much good doe it them, and why so many Moneths for the same seed?
A66357My Exceptionist forgets that wee not onely covet to have things early, but their continuance: Will it offend him that wee have Artichokes in May?
A66357What Riches may not the Silke- worme, Vine, Olive, and Almond afford us?
A66357Why so many Repetitions?
A66357and July both?
A66357or increase our miseries wi ● hout any addition to ou ● happin ● sse?
A14514Hath hee fed and cloth''d the hungry and naked?
A14514How farre hath shee sent out her Apostles and thorough how glorious dangers?
A14514Is hee fitt to vnder- take any great action, whose courage is shaken and dissolued with one storme?
A14514Who can auoid the hand of God, or dispute with him?
A02059& reliqui sitient?
A02059And what notable thing I pray you can be brought to passe without charges?
A02059Know ye not that Ramoth Gilead was ours, and we stay& take it not out of the hands of the King of Aram?
A02059Then the children of Ioseph spake vnto Ioshua, saying, why hast thou giuē me but one lot, and one portion to inherite, seeing I am a great people?
A02059What should they do in this case?
A02059What slanders did the ten spies bring vpon the land of Canaan?
A02059booke Delegibus, haue drawne into precept and rule of policie?
A02059should they haue pestered themselues with Inmates, and one houshold haue receiued into it two or three families?
A68246& for poles for the Hops which grow here wild?
A68246( the great deuourers of fewell and destroyers of woods) besides, of the great vse& profit of propping your Vines, by whole Trees or by stalkes?
A68246And what Countrey in the world so full as this, of tall and goodly Timber trees?
A68246But aboue all, what endlesse store of excellent Timber haue you for the most excellent vse of building Ships?
A68246For what Countrey in the world againe, abounds so plentifully as this, with all things whatsoeuer for making Ships?
A68246I heare you all confesse now, they are rich and beautifull: How haps it then, that I and they are slighted so much by you?
A68246Moreouer also, what a great rich Staple?
A68246What should I speake of the store of Timber, so necessary for your buildings, and other vses?
A68246and for all Furnace works?
A68246and for your Glasse Furnaces now set vp?
A68246and of Pitch and Tarre?
A68246and that which worst is, all for a smoakie Witch?
A68246for Clapbord, Pipe- staues, and other rich wood for noble seruices?
A68246for Pot- ashes, and Sope- ashes?
A68246for boyling of Sugars?
A68246or of the abundant store of wood, neuer to be spent, for your Iron workes?
A66359Besides what a small summe of money will buy your Cattell, and Swine in Virginia?
A66359What Fleets come yeerely upon the coasts of New found Land, and New England for Fish, with an incredible returne?
A66359What Fowles can she make ostentation of, in which Virginia can be esteemed inferiour?
A66359What discover without a power of Appropriation?
A66359What multitude of flowers have our late Gardens in England seen non native to this soyle or Climate?
A66359What opulency do ● s China teeme with which shall not be made our owne by the Midwifry, by the Juno Lucina of this virtuall passage?
A66359Which if it should faile, why may not Virginia in her future felicity of silke be a new China and Persia to Europe?
A66359Why being capable to crowne her browes with Garlands of Roses and plenty, she sate desolate amongst the Willowes of neglect and poverty?
A66359already can Virginia boast of Cinamon, which if transplanted might not be inferiour unto any?
A66359and why may not the intralls of this Minerall be Gold, since the skinne and crust of it is Copper?
A66359why may not all the spicery of the East flourish with an equall successe in this our most justly tempered Climate?
A02606Be there not any amongst them of Moses his minde, and of the Apostles, that for sooke all to follovv Christ?
A02606Besides, I say the holy spirit of God hath often demaunded of me, why I was created?
A02606Doe they not either vvilfully hide their Tallents, or keepe themselves at home for feare of loosing a fevv pleasures?
A02606He tould them that we came to be friends, asked them if they would haue King Iames to be their King,& whether they would be his men?
A02606Shall I be so vnnaturall, as not to giue bread to the hungrie?
A02606Shall I despise to actuate these pious dueties of a Christian?
A02606These will be doub ● lesse the empaticke effects and exultation of ● his so Christian worke, and may these nothing moue?
A02606What honest spirit, hauing hitherto laboured herein, would at the vpshot( as I may so term it) be discouraged or desist?
A02606What should I doe?
A02606or vncharitable, as not to couer the naked?
A02606what more conuenient then to haue good s ● ates abroade for our euer flowing multitudes of people at home?
A02606what more praiseworthy and charitable, then to bring a sauage people from barbarisme vnto civi ● ● itie?
A02606what more profitable then to purchase great wealth, which most now adaies gape after ouer- greedily?
A02606will they fini ● h it in a day?
A02606will they fortifie themselues?
A02606will they sa ● crific ●?
A02606● hall I be of so vntoward a disposition, as to refuse to leade the blind into the right way?
A12461And shall wee loue Thee now the lesse?
A12461Did not their trembling ioynts then dread his rod?
A12461How thinke you it may be rectified?
A12461I confesse this is true, and it may cause some suppose they are grown inuincible: but will any goe to catch a Hare with a Taber and a Pipe?
A12461I haue deeply hazarded my selfe in doing and suffering, and why should I sticke to hazard my reputation in Recording?
A12461I thanke God I neuer vndertooke any thing yet any could tax me of carelesnesse or dishonesty, and what is hee to whom I am indebted or troublesome?
A12461Mowchick woyawgh tawgh ● oeragh kaqueremecher, I am very hungry?
A12461Now I know the common question is, For all those miseries, where is the wealth they haue got, or the Gold or Siluer Mines?
A12461Or is there more of those Vast Countries knowne, Then by thy Labours and Relations showne First, best?
A12461Some few particulars perhaps haue sped; But wherein hath the publicke prospered?
A12461To conclude, were it not for Master Cherley and a few priuate aduenturers with them, what haue we there for all these inducements?
A12461WHat conceiue you is the cause the Plantation hath prospered no better since you left it in so good a forwardnesse?
A12461Was it vertue in them to prouide that doth maintaine vs, and basenesse in vs to doe the like for others?
A12461What can you get by warre, when we can hide our provisions and fly to the woods?
A12461What charge thinke you would haue setled the gouernment both for defence and planting when you left it?
A12461What conceiue you should be the cause, though the Country be good, there comes nothing but Tobacco?
A12461What conceiue you would be the remedy and the charge?
A12461What growing state was there euer in the world which had not the like?
A12461What thinke you are the defects of the gouernment both here and there?
A12461What voiages and discoueries, E ● st and West, North and South, yea about the world, make they?
A12461Where shall we looke to finde a Iulius Caesar, whose atchieuments shine as cleare in his owne Commentaries, as they did in the field?
A12461and should they not bring their skins to vs?
A12461loue you not me?
A12461what shall I eate?
A12461why should not the rich haruest of our hopes be seasonably expected?
A66356Besides what a small summe of money will buy your Cattell, and Swine in Virginia?
A66356Could not the same Sunne and Dew which enripened them, refine and purifie them there?
A66356For the other what meanes to live there?
A66356Have they wanted the Sunne and Dew when upon the stalk ●?
A66356I am not ignorant that Criticks will laugh at this; much good doe it them ● and why so many Moneths for the same seed?
A66356My Exceptionist forgets that wee not onely covet to have things early, but their continuance: Will it offend him that wee have Ar ● ichokes in May?
A66356The basenesse of these incomparable Poltrons considered, what cause should there be to feare them?
A66356To those other Questions how people shall transport themselves if of fortunes?
A66356W ● y so many Repetitions?
A66356What Fleets come yeerely upon the coasts of New found Land, and New England for Fish, with an incredible re ● ● rne?
A66356What Fowles can she make oftentation of, in which Virginia can be esteemed inferiour?
A66356What Riches may not the Silke- worme, Vine, Olive, and Almond afford us?
A66356What discover without a power of Appropriation?
A66356What multitude of flowers have our lat ● Gardens in England seen non native to this soyle or Climate?
A66356What opulency does China teeme with which shall not be made our owne by the Midwi ● ● y, by the Juno Lucina of this virtuall pass ● ge?
A66356Which if it should faile, why may not Virginia in her future felicity of silke be a new China and Persia to Europe?
A66356Why being capable to crowne her browes with Garlands of Roses and plenty, she sate desolate amongst the W ● llowes of neglect and poverty?
A66356Why rather doe wee apply our selves to the South of Virginia, then the North?
A66356Why to a new where in probability all things may be wanting, rather then an old Colony where already there is great abundance?
A66356already can Virginia boast of Cinamon, which if transplanted might not be inferiour unto any?
A66356and July both?
A66356and why may not the intralls of this Minerall be Gold, since the skinne and crust of it is Copper?
A66356how the lesse able be transported?
A66356or increase our miseries without any addition to our happinesse?
A66356what conditions they are to expect?
A66356what way of improvement upon meanes?
A66356why may not all the spicery of the East flourish with an equall successe in this our most justly tempered Climate?
A14518Againe, whither shall wee transport our cloth, and how shall we sustaine our Artisans?
A14518And why Sir Thomas Gates longeth and hasteneth to go thither again, and the Lord La- ware desireth so earnestly to stay there?
A14518Are not all these things as deere to them as to any other of the Aduenturers?
A14518At the voyage of Sir Thomas Gates, what swarmes of people desired to be transported?
A14518Haue not their hopes the same wings?
A14518If God haue scattered his blessings vpon you as snow, will you returne no tributary acknowledgement of his goodnesse?
A14518If they had fel by night, what expectation of light, from an vninhabited desart?
A14518Into Fraunce and Germany?
A14518Into Poland and Muscouy?
A14518Into Spaine?
A14518Is it vnlawfull because wee come to them?
A14518La- ware?
A14518Let any man resolue why the Councell of Virginia, doe now most earnestly continue their aduentures?
A14518Now shall the scandalous reports of a viperous generation, preponderate the testimonies of so worthie leaders?
A14518Now, I demand whether Sicilia, or Sardinia,( sometimes the barnes of Rome) could hope for increase without manuring?
A14518Shall we cast downe our heads like Bull rushes?
A14518Shall we now be deiected?
A14518Shall we send it into Turkey?
A14518What created the rich and free states of Holland, but their winged Nauy?
A14518What hindereth the great Mahumetane Prince, from seazing vpon al the territories of Europe, but onely the want of skilfull marriners?
A14518What is there in all this tragicall Comaedie that should discourage vs with impossibilitie of the enterprise?
A14518Why should not the rich haruest of our hopes be seasonably expected?
A14518if God for man be carefull, why should man be ouer distrustfull?
A14518is the action therefore deformed, because a false glasse doth slaunder it?
A14518or shall we nourish domesticall faction, that as in the dayes of Vitellius and Vespasian, the sonne may imbrew his hands in the blood of the father?
A14518shal we imitate the bloody and heathenish counsell of the Romanes, to leane a Catthage standing, that may exhaust our people by forraine warre?
A14518shall sworne lyes, and combined oathes, so far priuiledge trechery, and piracy as to rob vs of our hopes,& to quell our noble resolutions?
A14518their estates the same rockes?
A14518their feares the same fetters?
A14518their liues and soules greater gulfes of perill and despair?
A14518what alacrity and cheerefulnesse in the Aduenturers by free wil offerings, to build vp this new Tabernacle?
A14518why is it not a dutie of christianitie, to behold the imprinted footsteps of Gods glorie, in euery region vnder heauen?
A14518why those noble and worthy personages, doe offer to make the action good vpon the hazard of their liues& fortunes?
A14518why those that were( eye witnesses) of the former supposed miseries, do voluntarily returne with ioy and comfort?
A19313Am I a Sea, or a Whale- fish that thou keepest me in ward?
A19313And how can they bee faithfull vnto God, if they haue not faithfull Preachers to bring them vnto him?
A19313And now, Beloued, is not the case altered?
A19313And of plentie of Silke, Silke Grasse, Cotton- wooll, Flax, Hempe& c. for the backe?
A19313Are not you already possessed with rich Mines of Copper and Yron, and are not your hopes great of farre richer Minerals?
A19313Are not your hopes great of seeing; nay, of feeling, within a few yeares of double, treble; yea, I may say of tensold for one?
A19313As if he had said, when affliction it selfe, and the inmost sorrowes of my heart tell my tale, will you not regard it?
A19313But you will say, what needeth all this Discourse, touching the Danger of Sea- men; we are met together for another purpose, to giue thanks vnto God?
A19313Doe not all of you know what that Religious and judicious Overs ● er of your Colledge lands there writeth vnto you from thence?
A19313For, hath not an Oxe therein what he needeth; but a man without this, is hee not left vnprouided of the farre better part, euen his Soule?
A19313God had vouchsafed to teach them the wonders of his word, what greater bounty?
A19313Gods louing kindnes in giuing, is to be praised: for is not God a great& good benefactor or ours, and do wee not greatly praise our benefactors?
A19313Haue wee not then all of vs good cause to exalt the Lord in the Congregation of the people, and to prayse him in the Assembly of the Elders?
A19313Haue you not read what of late your worthie Treasurer doth write vnto you?
A19313How could I( I say) refuse to make their publique Bountie, and your publique Thankesgiuing, yet more publique?
A19313How many of you had it not made to wish that you had neuer put your hand to this Plough?
A19313If in any of these they haue offended, was not Gods rod of Mortalitie iustly vpon them for their sinnes?
A19313May not England justly be charged with Israels sinne, whose Prayers and Prayses ended so soone as they passed the red Sea?
A19313Nay, do you make so good?
A19313Nay, haue not Elders and Yongers, and all good cause so to doe?
A19313Now, to exalt the Lord none can properly be said to doe it; for who can exalt the Highest that exalteth all, and is exalted of none?
A19313O that it were not with vs touching his wonderfull workes, as it was with them concerning the wonders of his law?
A19313O then how great cause haue you and they, to confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men?
A19313O what cause haue you and they to confesse before the Lord his louing kindnesse, and his wonderfull workes before the sonnes of men?
A19313O what miracles are these?
A19313Or was it for the sinne of your owne society at home; because you haue eyther too much affected your gaine?
A19313So, if we proue vnthankfull to the Lord of heauen, shall wee not iustly deserue to lose our inheritance?
A19313They passed by them, as things not worthy to be wondred at and regarded; what greater impiety?
A19313To stay the fire that it doe not burne; and the hungry Lyons that they doe not deuoure?
A19313What dost ● hou worke?
A19313What masse of money haue you buried in that Plantation?
A19313What one word therein is loftie and magnificent, and lifted aboue the common course of speech?
A19313Will not the true knowledge and deepe consideration of these, make vs put so many the more thankes into our Sacrifice of Prayse?
A19313Yet all these hath the Lord done, and are they not wonderfull works indeed?
A19313as to cause the winde to cease with a word, and to quiet the Seas onely with a becke?
A19313or too faintly depended vpon God by faith and patience for the issue?
A19313or too much neglected God in thankefulnesse for the successe?
A19313or too too seldome called vpon the name of God in prayer for giuing his blessing to your plantation?
A19313what seruice can you expect from them which perfourme none vnto Almightie God?
A19313will they euer be faithfull vnto you, that are vnfaithfull vnto him?
A195901 The Diuell: and who can blame him?
A19590And by this practise of our Sauiour let vs all be stirred vp to this holy duty: Shall Christ pray, and not thou?
A19590And doest thou discerne the fruits and effects of thy conuersion?
A19590And euery man that hath this hope in him, doth he therefore sinne the more, or take more scope to himselfe?
A19590And say not, thou wast conuerted, but thou hast forgotten it: for canst thou forget the time when thou wast maried?
A19590And shall not we now labour to procure the same good ro others?
A19590And this I say was done by Gods perswasion; for what man can be perswaded by a man to vndertake a matter of such a nature as this is?
A19590And why to him?
A19590And why?
A19590Are not these ends worthy of thy praiers?
A19590Are not these mens soules worthy of thy praiers?
A19590Art thou changed and renued since thou wast borne?
A19590But I will saue their labour: We confesse this action hath three great enemies: but who be they?
A19590But if it be vrged further: Why is there not then present profit, at least after so many voyages and supplies sent?
A19590But what enemies haue we, or are like to haue?
A19590But what may they spare?
A19590But what saith Nehemiah and the Iewes that thus were flouted?
A19590But what saith the text?
A19590But what were these mockers?
A19590But what will we giue them?
A19590But why are the Players enemies to this Plantation and doe abuse it?
A19590Canst thou open thy mouth in publike or in priuate, and not remember them?
A19590Did we receiue this blessing by others, and shall we not be sensible of those that are still as we were then?
A19590Hence he can prooue, that Peter is the head and prince of his brethren: Why?
A19590Hence he can prooue, that the Pope is the supreme and infallible Iudge of all controuersies: Why?
A19590I answere, first, doe we purpose to attempt and atchieue, to begin and to perfect any noble exploite, in such fashion of life as wee liue in England?
A19590If they seeke the Popes and their owne glorie, why should not wee seeke Gods?
A19590Is he tied, and wilt thou be free?
A19590Knowest thou the time and the meanes?
A19590Or suppose something was miscarried by negligence, haste, or other humane infirmitie; shall one staine blemish the beautie of so faire a businesse?
A19590Our base churles would roundly answer like Nabal, Are these Dauids companions?
A19590See for their number but foure hundred: and for their qualitie, who were they?
A19590Seest thou a Merchant or tradesman that deceiues, a master, a father, a husband, a wife, childe, or seruant, that are negligent or vnfaithfull?
A19590Seest thou a Minister that receiues the fleece, but feeds not the flocke?
A19590Shall Christ pray for vs, and not we for our selues?
A19590Signatures: pi⁴ A- L⁴(-pi1(?)).
A19590The sauages?
A19590Were not heere two strange beginnings both for number and for condition?
A19590What Enemies then haue we?
A19590What was there euer excellent in the world that was not difficult?
A19590Where was there euer voiage that had such a King and such a Prince to bee the Patrons and protectors of it?
A19590Would a man thinke that after this any durst haue affirmed the plaine contrarie?
A19590are these his partakers?
A19590because say they, If we be sure we can not fall from Gods fauour, then what needs a man care how he liues?
A19590he for vs all, and not we one for an other?
A19590or care for anothers good, that neglects his owne?
A19590shall one particular miscariage, ouerturne the frame, or condemne the substance of the whole action?
A19590that the Diuell doth, who doubts?
A19590the French?
A19590when a great and vnexpected inheritance fell vnto thee?
A19590when thy eldest sonne was borne?
A19590when thy ships came home?
A19590will they finish it in a day?
A19590will they fortifie?
A19590will they sacrifice?