
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A27369Upon this, says one that was by, How dare you speak such Blasphemous Words?
A78668I desire to be Resolved of this Question Why the new Reformers discharges the keeping of Easter?
A6994728( incorrectly identified?)
A82315After ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly Elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?
A33397or of what use could they be unto him?
A14653Now what day can any man conceive in any reason so fit as the Lords day, the first of the week: wherin we christians keep our weekly sabbath?
A14653O Lord how great are thy workes?
A14653Verse he saith: How long will ye refuse to keep my Commaundements and Lawes?
A14653Wherefore wilt thou( saith he) got to him to day seeing it is neither New Moon nor sabbath?
A1672423. which can not be vnderstood of servants; for would not they haue beene glad of one dayes rest, after a whole weekes toyle?
A16724For I aske, whether by that Revelation, God commanded the Apostles to ordaine such a Precept in the Church touching that day?
A16724For I demand whether the commandement was giuen them to the end to be published to the church or no?
A16724I answere first, the Commandement is giuen touching servants and cattle; Take heed to your soules; what?
A16724Or whether by it hee commanded the Church, but revealed it to the Apostles, that they should publish it as his commandement to the church?
A16724or had they rather vndergoe cōtinuall toyle and paine to breake Gods commandements, then take their ease to keepe it and please God?
A16724the soules of your persons?
A43869Haeccine solennes dies decent quae alios non decent?
A43869Is not this an unhallowing of his Name?
A43869Is our publike joy thus expressed by the publike disgrace?
A43869Malorum licentia pietas erit?
A43869Occasio luxur ● … ae religio deputabitur?
A43869Shall that be thought to become an holy Day, which doth not become any day?
A43869Shall wicked licentiousnesse be accounted Piety?
A43869and occasions of luxury, Religion?
A17298And if this were a principall cause of those great plagues then, why not of this which now we suffer?
A17298But even that very thing which we doe?
A17298But what hath God done?
A17298Quis dubitat Sceleratiùs esse commissum, quod graviùs est punitum?
A17298why we are slaine in our very houses?
A69228And which of all these is not required in the word of God?
A69228But is it not reason that God should have one whole day in seven, given unto him now, as well as heretofore?
A69228Doe we then( saith he) make voide the Law through faith?
A69228First, how it will appeare that Christians have this liberty?
A69228For what day did God sanctifie there?
A69228For, what doth Saint Paul say there?
A69228How could it bee Morall and perpetuall, and yet determine with the Iewish Church?
A69228How wee shall know that onely this liberty is allowed Christians?
A69228Is it a small offence to despise the Church of God?
A69228Now, what word in all the Decalogue gives witnesse to Christ, or perswades the faith, which is required in him?
A69228That hee would have Christians meete every first day of the weeke, to serve God?
A69228Whether, and what liberty Christians now have on the Sunday more then they had, and how farre that liberty is to be extended?
A69228Why so?
A10094( as the invited Guests in the holy Gospel) would they not easily set at naught an humane Ordinance?
A100942. where wee seeme to have a Commandement: Let every man( sayth the Apostle) upon the first day of the Weeke lay by him in store: What?
A10094And gladly teach the people, congregated on the Sabbath dayes?
A10094And now what should these people doe when they were return''d?
A10094And now, according to the Principles of these Sabbatarians, what would you counsaile them to doe?
A10094And what did they?
A10094By what authoritie have they substituted the first day of the Weeke, for the seventh day exactly from the Worlds Creation?
A10094Can wee conceive, that this onely Ceremoniall Law crept in, wee know not how, amongst the Morals?
A10094Collections for the Saints: And why?
A10094Did they not keepe the Iewish Sabbath, without noyse, or scruple?
A10094Did they observe the Sabbath?
A10094For if they ground themselves upon that Commandement; Why keepe they not that day precisely, which the Text commandeth?
A10094For to what purpose should I fall upon the Anabaptist, the Familist, and Swencfeldian?
A10094For where is any expresse institution of the Lords day, in any one of the Apostles, or Evangelists?
A10094For who( almost) would not thus reason with himselfe?
A10094Heere then wee have an Ordinance set downe by the Apostle, to bee observed in the Church: But what is that hee ordereth?
A10094How reckoned?
A10094I was( sayth the Evangelist) in the Spirit on the Lords day: And what day is that?
A10094If all the rest of the Commandements flow from the Principles of Nature, how is this excluded?
A10094Nay, more than this: Did not the Primitive Church designe as well the Sabbath, as the Lords day, unto sacred Meetings?
A10094Shall wee affirme, That the Lords day is founded on Divine authoritie?
A10094Tell mee( say they) who can, Wherefore, before the publication of the Law of Moses, there fell no Mannah on the seventh day?
A10094They were sure of punishment from man: Did they neglect it?
A10094To which, wee say with the Apostle: Doe wee destroy the Law by Faith?
A10094What Sabbath?
A10094What then advise wee to bee done?
A10094What then?
A10094What therefore rests?
A10094Whence well this question may be raysed, Whether before the publishing of Moses Law, the Sabbath was to be observed by the Law of Nature?
A10094Where any mention, that the Lords day was instituted in the place thereof?
A10094Who markes not heere a great and notable incoherence?
A91155And why should not the Lords- day be squared by the first day on which our Saviour arose?
A91155But how did these dayes begin and end, in Gods account?
A91155But how is this Consequent made good?
A91155But was not his creating of us, in holynesse and righteousnesse after his own image and likenesse, as transcendent an act of love as this?
A91155Cur hanc ● b causam& nobis Deus praecepit, A VESPERA SABBATI ORDIRI DOMINICUM?
A91155For when can a day of rest so aptly commence, as when men begin their rest?
A91155How these dayes are and ought to be computed?
A91155How they come to know, that such a Change was de Facto made, when no Scripture rev ● als or intimates it?
A91155Is it not celebrated principally in remembrance of his Resurrection on that day?
A91155Is not the Lords- day the first day, and the first day the Lords- day?
A91155It is a Querie, not yet resolved amongst Divines, when and by whom the observation of the Lords- day for a Sabbath, was instituted?
A91155Sixthly, I would demand of the Objectors, when this Assemb ● y at Troas began?
A91155The question then for the clearing of this Article of Christs resurrection upon the third day, will be onely this; What is meant here by three days?
A91155The question then will be, when, and at what time of the day, this praying standing, began and ended?
A91155The sole doubt will be what evening this was?
A91155What can be more direct or ● ositive than this?
A91155What can be more full and punctuall than this?
A91155Where they did ● ver read, that occasions happening upon any dayes, did alter or bound on ● the beginning and end of dayes?
A91155Wherefore I shall here demand of the Objectors, how it appears that Christs Resurrection made such a change as they pretend?
A91155Whether at Evening, Morning, or Midnight?
A91155Which being so, if it should begin and end at Midnight, what Christians usually do, or can conveniently begin& end it thus?
A91155Yea but they confirm it too as well as say it: How I pray?
A91155and from what time they did begin?
A91155and how sweetly, how comfortably may they embrace the inception, and take their farewel of the conclusion of it?
A91155and what Evening it is, Saint John here speaks of?
A91155demanding this Question; How long ought the Holy day to be kept and hallowed?
A91155the dayes ever bounding out the occasions( which we say happened upon such a day and houre) not the occasions the dayes?
A91155their resting on it from other labors, being one part of the solemn zation of it?
A91155whether that which we call Sunday night( as many erroneously mistake) or Saturday night?
A91155would you not have it like that first day on which Christ arose, not different from it?
A67379( that''s against the Fourth Commandment:) Or must they by consent agree upon the day?
A67379( this I should think, if he would give me leave:) Or must they keep it some upon one day some on the other?
A6737910. concerning the Feast of Pentecost?
A67379And Tradition is what he takes great pleasure to exclaim against; If that be admitted( saith he) where shall we stop?
A67379And When must he rectify that account?
A67379And how do we know but that these three days were three Sabbath days?
A67379And is not this a goodly proof?
A67379And that of what Pharaoh said to Moses and Aaron, Why do you Hinder their work, you make the people Rest from their burthens?
A67379And then, why should not our Sabbath be on Saturday as theirs was?
A67379And why may we not as well conclude that the day of his Resurrection was also a Sabbath?
A67379And why not?
A67379And why not?
A67379But I pray, How can he tell, otherwise than by Tradition, whether our Saturday or our Sunday, be the Seventh day in course from the Creation?
A67379But can any man think it is meant of any day?
A67379But doth he think it to be meant of any of these?
A67379But how doth this concern his Coming to Iudgment?
A67379But suppose we do allow that one Sabbath is to be called Sabbatum what are we to call two or more Sabbaths?
A67379But then as to that, Why the First day rather than another?
A67379But what is all this to Sunday?
A67379But what then?
A67379But when it is, to go three days into the Wilderness to keep a Feast to the Lord; what is this to a Weekly Sabbath?
A67379But why not as angry with the Monday?
A67379But why not?
A67379But why upon Saturday if on that day( as he would have us think) they worshiped Saturn?
A67379But why upon a Saturday rather than a Sunday?
A67379But will he say so as to the Resurrection?
A67379Doth he think that this Fourteenth day at even was the end of the Thirteenth day, the Fourteenth day then beginning?
A67379Doth not the fair prospect of the place import thus much, that they were then met to break Bread, as being the first day of the week?
A67379Doth our Author think the name of Sunday to be as old as Iob''s times?
A67379How much less Man who is a Worm, and the Son of Man which is a Worm?
A67379If Christs Presence and Preaching will prove the Ascension day to be a Sabbath, why should it not as well prove the Resurrection day to be a Sabbath?
A67379If he say that the account is to be rectified by the way( before he comes home) then Where?
A67379If on Monday the Heathens( as he would have us think) did worship the Moon, as the Sun on Sunday, why is he not as angry with that?
A67379If you ask, How much sooner?
A67379If you ask, How this can be?
A67379Must not they be Sabbata?
A67379Must they never Restore the Sabbath because they do not know the day?
A67379Or must they begin upon a New Account?
A67379Or,( if that be too hard a question) whether of the two is the Seventh day of the Iewish week?
A67379Then, to what purpose are these alleged, in disparagement of the Christian Sabbath?
A67379What doth this Gentleman think( in such case) should be done?
A67379What is Man, that thou art mindful of him, and the Son of Man that thou visitest him?
A67379What other occasion was there of mentioning what day of the Week it was?
A67379Who, but our Lord Iesus Christ, that is Lord of the Sabbath, hath power to institute a Sabbath day?
A67379and by What rule?
A67379and which day of the Week shall he reckon that to be?
A67379or When?
A67379or must they keep it one on the one day, and the other on the other?
A67379or other of the Week days?
A67379they must cast up their accounts, tell their money,& c. because they were to offer according as the Lord hath blessed them?
A67379what of this?
A67379when he comes home, or somewhere by the way?
A87056Are you Christians or Infidels?
A87056Can there be no medium in your mirth and chearfull repasts, below this sinne of Dishonour, Beastly, and Debaucht behaviour?
A87056Do you professe to worship God, or Mahomet?
A87056Do you think you have no souls to save, nor to lose?
A87056How can you be saved if you will not come unto him that you may have life?
A87056How canst thou call on the Name of that God in the time of calamity and distresse, which thou hast so often cursed and blasphemed?
A87056How canst thou expect that blood to expiate thy sins, and to wash away thy iniquities, that hath so often spit his blood and wounds out of thy mouth?
A87056How sad would it be to us, if we heard the sad cryes in Torment?
A87056How shall you believe on him of whom you have not heard?
A87056If such a judgment be threatned against such as keep not this day; what must be the fearful looking for of Judgment by the profaners of it?
A87056In the morning he set out, and not yet out of the Tovvnes end, one met him, and said, What David, to day, to day?
A87056Is it not a sad thing, to see men drown body and soul together?
A87056Is not the Lords Name as the Apple of his ● e?
A87056Is not this a sad case to be in a Christian Common- wealth?
A87056Is refraining from labour a toil to us?
A87056Is to be eased of sin a burden?
A87056It must be presumed, thou knowest ● to be a sin; How inexcusable then ● st it be unto thee, whose consci ● ● ce is convinced thereof?
A87056Jesus said, Suppose ye that these Galileans were sinners above all Galileans, because they suffered such things?
A87056Lord then let me be burdened?
A87056May I not wish, that Drunken ● esse were a sin rare in the Island of Britain?
A87056Or canst thou expect any blessing upon thy outward estate, when it is in the power of God to dispose of life, being, health, estate, and all?
A87056Seneca Who hath woe?
A87056Shall a Trumpet be blowne in the City, and the people not be afraid?
A87056These are sad examples of Gods Severity and Justice, Who can stand before a consuming fire?
A87056What art thou guilty of that occasions this sin?
A87056What if some have no other living?
A87056What is a more unspeakable mercy, than for souls to have communion with God, as well as our own hearts?
A87056What profit have you of those things wherein one day you shall be ashamed?
A87056What zeal was here in Heathens against this odious sin?
A87056Who hath sorrow ● who hath contention?
A87056Who will not say this was a sad and immediate hand of the Lord?
A87056Would not such ingratitude look odious in vulgar friendship?
A87056how can you hear without a Preacher?
A87056how many destroyed by ● violent death?
A87056is it not the worst of judgements?
A87056let them be examples to you; will not the wrath of God revealed stand in our way, and encompasse us about with terrour and fear?
A87056that at night Gods protection should leave us, as in our graves, when we are in our beds?
A87056the question is, can they live no otherwise, than by making men drunk?
A87056what need then to strike at the root of iniquity?
A87056which is accompanied with so great tokens of Gods sore displeasure?
A87056who would not dread the Issue?
A87056who wound without cure?
A87056will not the Patience, Goodnesse, and Long- suffering of God, lead us to repentance?
A87056would not this swell provocation to the greatest latitude of revenge?
A16722& is it the servants worke where about as a servant he is imployed, that neither is vndertaken of himselfe, nor for himselfe?
A16722( So if the Pope succeedeth Peter in place, must he therefore succeede him in equality of power?)
A16722And doth not the practise of holy gouernours registred in the Scriptures, declare, that they had the same vnderstanding of the commandement?
A16722And is it wisdome in a seruant to commit himselfe sinne to prevent his Masters sinne?
A16722And is not this more agreeable to the doctrine of the holy Apostles of our Saviour, every where delivered touching servants?
A16722And tell me to whom is the charge of seruants ceasing from worke on the Saboath day giuen?
A16722And to please them in all things without excepting of any day or of any labour?
A16722And why the seauenth?
A16722But I demand whether it be giuen& imposed to the seruants themselues, or to the Masters whose seruants they are?
A16722But might not the celebration of the Sabaoth, which thus ceased, bee justly translated by the Church to the first day of the weeke?
A16722But what doth the honour of God then stand at the courtesie of man to prophane that day( if they list) with worke at their pleasure?
A16722But what of that?
A16722By any commandement of God?
A16722Can the Church make these the same commandement?
A16722For could the Church make that Gods commandement which was not his commandement?
A16722For was it the shadow of Christs resting in the graue that day?
A16722For what worke is it that men are forbidden of the Sabaoth?
A16722For would that haue beene permitted if it had beene vnlawfull?
A16722God hath forbidden him; should he not worke?
A16722Good Sit tell me did the stranger sinne if hee eat of the passeouer being supposed invited?
A16722His Church increased by that whereby himselfe was dishonoured?
A16722How then hath the first day of the weeke gained the celebration and solemnity to become the Sabaoth of the Christians?
A16722In all things?
A16722In what points?
A16722In what sort?
A16722Is it not sinne to giue consent and furtherance to another mans sinne?
A16722Is it to the seruants themselues or to their Masters?
A16722Is there fast and loose in the same commandement with God?
A16722Namely for all the workes of labour, but not for the workes of sinne: and how for the workes of labour?
A16722Neither thy sonne nor thy daughter, shall doe any worke on the Sabaoth day: is it not to the Parents?
A16722No but them vnder whose power the servants were, the rulers of Iudah; and what rulers?
A16722Or could the Church of God be increased by the sinnes of men?
A16722Or did the Ammonites or Moabites sin if they came into the congregation being admitted?
A16722Or had hee done more iustly to exact that of the seruants which,( for ought that appeareth) the commandement of God exacted not from them?
A16722Or if perswasion had beene needful, were this a convenient perswasion to vse to seruants?
A16722Or to what intent and purpose is that( remember) brought in?
A16722Remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Aegypt: which euen now, when they were out the land of Aegypt were seruants?
A16722Say that the Church of God may translate the commandement of God from one day to another at their pleasure, did they it therefore?
A16722Seeing that phrase of speech( thy man seruant thy maidseruant) can not rightly be vsed to any other?
A16722That is in all readinesse and humility, obedient to all in such sort: how farre?
A16722That that day ought to be obserued vnder the same obligation with the Sabaoth?
A16722The Lords day?
A16722The seruants by whose imployment and labour these things were done, and the Sabaoth defiled?
A16722Translated, by whom?
A16722Was it not the seauenth day of the weeke?
A16722Was therefore the commandement of God translated also?
A16722What if the consecration of the Sabaoth was by the Church translated to the first day of the weeke?
A16722What then?
A16722Where is it?
A16722Would I set at liberty that euery man may freely prophane the Lords day with extraordinary labour?
A16722Would not seruants, over set and wearied with six daies toile, be of themselues glad to rest on the seauenth?
A16722a desistāce from all worke?
A16722for( that we may take a very short view of their doctrine touching servants obedience) what masters are they to whom servants ought to be obedient?
A16722or would he himselfe c on the Sabaoth day haue made clay, and anointed with it the eyes of the blinde?
A16722the Magistrats only?
A16722was it barely to keepe& obserue the Sabaoth, as it is in the vulgar English, Latine and Greeke translations?
A1013019 But how doth this consent with their decisions concerning messengers and posts?
A1013044. without expression of the particular day of that week?
A10130And did not that promise containe the whole substance of the Covenant of grace?
A10130And indeed, doth not she sanctifie places, when she appointeth, and setteth them apart, that in them God may be served?
A10130And is it not as just for Christians, as for Iewes?
A10130And why?
A10130But of what?
A10130But was it then by keeping the Sabbath day, or any other of the Iewish rites and ceremonies?
A10130But what if he be poore himselfe, having no more than is needfull, or not so much as is behoofefull for him and his familie?
A10130But what if he hath not bought it?
A10130Doth it not remaine alwaies?
A10130Evnuch in his owne Countrey?
A10130For by what consequence shall it follow, that by this miracle IESUS CHRIST intended to make that day an ordinary day of rest, and of Gods service?
A10130For how ordinary is it in the same sequele of a discourse to diversifie the particular subjects, and to passe from one to another?
A10130For how shall a Christian settle his minde upon this distinction of present and imminent necessities?
A10130For if it be not referred thither, When was it that the Lord said and ordained to the Israelites, that the seventh day should be their rest?
A10130For if it had beene observed, how could it be said, that in Enos his time men began to call upon the Name of the Lord?
A10130For if it were a thing that he left to their libert ● by the Law, wherefore did hee not raine Manna upon them on the Sabbath day?
A10130For where and from whence is there any evidence of this?
A10130For where is that written?
A10130For who hath told them that the Disciples did keepe that course?
A10130God will he not grant them to us as well as to them?
A10130Have they to underprop this their assertion any cleere and evident testimony brought from the unreprocheable truth of holy Scripture?
A10130How came he to that height of holinesse and righteousnesse that was in him?
A10130How could that be, seeing he was before Moses, and the making of his Lawes?
A10130How did he sanctifie it( speaking of the Sabbath?)
A10130If they knew it, why did they not practise it of themselves?
A10130In a word, doth hee not claime all other things which hee commanded to the Iewes concerning his service, as his owne?
A10130Is it, because nothing can be seene in it figurative of Iesus Christ, as in all other signes?
A10130May he not be in such a condition and estate, that he hath not sufficiently wherewith to entertaine himselfe and his family?
A10130Moreover; Gods blessing and sanctification can it have an indefinite and uncertaine object; so that God in particular sanctified nothing?
A10130Must we in this case be carelesse, stand still, and looke on?
A10130Nobis Christianis non tanta támve severa& rigida cessatio imposita est: Non& ex lege Constantini licet& serere& metere die Dominico, si commodum sit?
A10130Now if this example bindeth us not at this time under the New Testament, as shall be proved hereafter, how farre lesse obliged it Adam?
A10130Now what certainty or probability is there, that Iesus Christ on the first day of his appearing to his Disciples gave them this ordinance?
A10130Now, what can all these Trades- men alleage, but the losse of some temporall profit?
A10130Quis prohibuit, quin Ecclesia, ficut diem septimum transtult in diem Dominicum: sic etiam illos reliquos dies festos in alios transferre potuerit?
A10130Quomodo autem sanctificavit?
A10130Their condition and nature giveth it unto them?
A10130This shall it profane the day of holy exercises rather than that?
A10130To doe nothing at all shall it bee more acceptable to GOD, then to doe a worke that is honest and lawfull in it selfe?
A10130Vpon what grounds is it said, that it was not typicall and figurative as all the rest?
A10130Was it because God rested on that day?
A10130Was it by observing the Mosaicall Law?
A10130Were not the Iewes spred over the whole Roman Empire before CHRIST came into the World?
A10130Were not the ten Tribes transported out of their native soile, and dispersed among the Medes, Perses, and other Nations?
A10130What if among the Israelites, many stumbled at the same stone?
A10130What shall hee doe in this case?
A10130Where is to be found a seventh day unlimited, wherein God did rest?
A10130Where shall wee find before this time the word and the ordinance thereof?
A10130Wherefore then make they an unequall distinction, and permit some travell to them, rather than to others?
A10130Whereof a signe?
A10130Who seeth not in this a manifest absurditie?
A10130Who seeth not the manifest absurdity of such an illation?
A10130Will any Divine, any Lawgiver, any Logician make of this a probleme, and hold for the affirmative?
A10130Will they say, that from the creation of the world God blessed and hallowed that day to men?
A10130doth this right belong to all things that are of the positive Law?
A10130that he prescribed not any before the Law, and hath not injoyned any to Christians under the Gospell?
A269186, 7, 8?
A269187. for the Trinity, so others say of other Texts; And how shall we confute them without Historical Evidence?
A26918After this how many Councils and how many Imperial Laws take care of the Lords dayes?
A26918And O Christian what happy advantage in such controversies have you, in your holy sincerity and sweet experience?
A26918And besides Origen( 〈 ◊ 〉 a Heretick) and Hierome, alas, how few of the Fathers were ● ble and diligent Examiners of such things?
A26918And can you think Christ approved of that opinion, who had so oft before condemned the like, about their over rigid sabbatizing?
A26918And how can any man know the Ceremonial Law to be Divine, by its proper evidence alone?
A26918And how can any meer Positive institutions o ● the New Testament be known proprio lumine, by their own evidence to be Divine?
A26918And how could men pretend such a Divine reproof for such a sin, if the day not been received before?
A26918And how much doth the doctrine of Christianity depend on the history?
A26918And how shall we disprove them but by Historical Evidence?
A26918And how should there be a humane Law before there was a Christian Magistracie?
A26918And is not Gods Service better work than these?
A26918And it is utterly improbable that there would have been no dissenters?
A26918And may not ignorant people be brought one day to endure to be taught as long?
A26918And were it not for this dayes observation, alas, how different would the case be?
A26918And were such Assemblies like to the primitive Churches?
A26918And what can you gather from all this?
A26918And what greater thing can man be bound to, than thus, to keep up the solemn acknowledgement and worship of God and our Redeemer in the world?
A26918And what needs he more for confutation?
A26918And what shew of Contradiction hath his 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 to this?
A26918And what that can not determine we all con ● ess to be uncertain?
A26918And what time have they to hear or learn?
A26918And what writer have we of full reputation and credibility more ancient than Justin, from whom any testimony in this case might be sought?
A26918And when God saith, Ask and it shall be given you, you say, How prove you that I am bound to ask?
A26918And when he Circumcised Tim ● thy, purified himself, shaved his head, for his Vow,& c. Do you think that all these are duties to Believers?
A26918And whether all that was of the Law of Nature was in the Decalogue?
A26918And whether all that was of the Law of Nature was in the Decalogue?
A26918And whether there have been any true Churches since then till our own dayes?
A26918And why may it not be continued, whilest the great sense of the benefit should be continued?
A26918And will those deceivers of the people also say this, who teach them that it is a tedious uncommanded thing, to serve God so long?
A26918And yet, alas, what day hath more ryotting and excess, of meat, and drink, and wantonness, and sloth, and lust, than it?
A26918Are not we men as well as you?
A26918As if Christs Resurrection could not be the fundamental occasion, and yet Christs Law the obliging cause?
A26918As the institution of Sacraments, Officers, Orders,& c. What is there in them that can infallibly prove it to us?
A26918But O what a Carnal unthankful heart; doth this objection signifie?
A26918But do not all Divines say that the Moral Law is of perpetual obligation?
A26918But doth not this shew that you had rather there were no Command for it?
A26918But how much earlier were all those Synods which Eusebius mentioned, which in the determination of Easter owned the Lords day?
A26918But if you dare not say so, Why will you choose the worse, before the better?
A26918But is this an Argument fit for the mouth of a Minister or any Christian, who knoweth how much the soul is more worth than the body?
A26918But that''s nothing to the question, Whether all things in the ten words are of Natural Obligation?
A26918But where is it proved, that the Law or the Decalogue are words of the same signification, or extent; any more, than the whole and a part are?
A26918But who is it that must be present in all these exercises?
A26918Dare you say, that playing is better than Praying, and a Piper or Dancing is better than praising God with Psalms?
A26918Did no Christians in the world so neer to the Apostles daies make any scruple of superstition?
A26918Do they not tell the world what enemies they are to God, who love a pair of Cards, or Dice, or Wanton Dalliance, better than his Word and Worship?
A26918Do you cry out, What a weariness is this one day, when you would adde of your own such a multitude of more dayes, and more work?
A26918Do you limit Dancers, and Players to any numbers?
A26918Do you think that all this is established for us?
A26918E. g. If the second Command say, Thou shalt perform all Gods instituted Worship: Or, Thou shalt Worship me, as I appoint thee?
A26918For how is it a day separated to holy employments, if we spend it in the common business of the world?
A26918For they yet knew not that it was abrogated; But must we do so too?
A26918HOw should the Lords day be kept or used?
A26918Had not he a Creating head here that out of these words could gather, that we celebrate the Lords day without a command Voluntarily?
A26918Hath he done so much to deliver us from the strait Yoak, the heavy Burden, and the grievous Commandments?
A26918Have not several Ages had as great improvers of nature as you?
A26918Have ye not houses to eat and drink in?
A26918How can any man know that the Scripture histories are Canonical?
A26918How can that oblige which can not be known?
A26918How did the Christians in the Primitive Churches?
A26918How far then are we bound by the Decalogue?
A26918How far then is the fourth Commandment Moral?
A26918How many interruptions hinder my delight?
A26918How many necessary intermissions are there, which confute this pretense of weariness?
A26918How quickly is it gone?
A26918How the Lords day should not be spent: Or, What is unlawful on it?
A26918How then can that be called Accidental?
A26918If Learning must be the improver, have there been none as learned?
A26918If a sparrow fall not to the ground without Gods providence, did God choose that day He knew not why?
A26918If any men need remission of Studies, and bodily Exercise it is Ministers themselves: And is it themselves that they plead for Sports and Dancing for?
A26918If diligence or impartiality must be the improvers of nature, have there not been many as diligent, studious and impartial as your selves?
A26918If grace must be the improver, are there, or have there been none as gracious?
A26918If one would give you Money or Land, you would scarcely ask, How prove you that I am bound to take it?
A26918If the Apostles, silently connived at such corruptions, how could we rest on their authority?
A26918If the King should say to you ▪ Ask what you will, and I will give it you, you would not say, Where am I bound of God to ask?
A26918If they did, which part is the sanctified part of the day?
A26918If you hear but of a gainful Market ▪ you ask not, Where doth God make it my duty to go to it?
A26918Is it a toile to love or count your money?
A26918Is it any thing which you dare say is better?
A26918Is it not made by the Holy Ghost, a mark not only of wicked men, but of men notoriously wicked, to be Lovers of pleasures more than of God?
A26918Is not the Lords day a Sabbath?
A26918Is this a proof to conclude a[ Certainty] from?
A26918O that we knew what the Love of God is?
A26918O what an advantage is it to know by experience what one talketh of?
A26918Or did it fall out hap hazard or by chance?
A26918Or shall we suffer the lo ● ● of many pounds rather than sti ● r to save them?
A26918Or such Families governed Christianly and in the fear of God?
A26918Or when the name of the Author is not notified to all Christians certainly, either by the spirit within us, or by the matter?
A26918Or where is it proved, that none of the rest of the Law is written in Nature, but the Decalogue only?
A26918Reader, is not here a strange kind of proof?
A26918Shall I think a Week short enough for my worldly labours,) and one day( thus parcelled) too long to seek the face of God?
A26918Shall we violate the outward rest of the day for the worth of 〈 ◊ 〉 Groat or two Pence( as the feeding of Hens or such like may be?)
A26918So it must here be considered, who will know of the Action which you do?
A26918To sanctifie it, is to spend it in holy exercises: How else should it be used as a Holy Day?
A26918Try what answer they will give you, and whether they will not deride you more than at another time?
A26918V. Whether the truest Antiquity be for the seventh day Sabbath as kept by the Churches of Christ?
A26918V. Whether the truest Antiquity be for the seventh day Sabbath, as kept by the Churches of Christ?
A26918Was eating leavened bread forbidden by the Law of Nature?
A26918Was it not according to the course of Nature?
A26918Was there no Countrey, nor no persons whose interest would not better suit with another day, or an uncertain day?
A26918Was this a Heavenly Coversation?
A26918Was this a help to holiness and Devotion?
A26918Was this the way to train up youth in the Nurture and Admonition of the Lord?
A26918Were any of the Authors I before cited either Antichristian or 1200 years after Christ?
A26918What hearts have those men, that had rather be in an Ale- house, or a Play- house, or asleep, than to be in heart with God?
A26918What man alive could tell without historical proof that the Canticles, or Esther, are Canonical?
A26918What must be done in such cases as these?
A26918What then shall we do?
A26918What then would these poor people come to, if the Lords day it self must be alsoloitered or played away?
A26918What time hath the Minister then to come and teach them( if we had such Ministers again as would be at the pains to do it?)
A26918What, do you account your Love to God, and the Commemoration of his Love in Christ, a toile?
A26918When doth the Lords day begin?
A26918When you had rather be elsewhere, and say When will the Sermon and Prayer be done, that I may be at my Work or Play?
A26918Whether every word in the Decalogue be of the Law of Nature?
A26918Whether every word in the Decalogue be of the Law of Nature?
A26918Whether the learning of Gods Word, or the Pleasures and Recreations of the flesh?
A26918Whether the observation of the first day was not brought into this Island by Antichrist, about 408 or 409 years agoe?
A26918Whether the seventh day Sabbath be part of the Law of Nature; or only a Positive Law?
A26918Whether the seventh day Sabbath be part of the Law of Nature; or only a Positive Law?
A26918Whether the seventh day Sabbath should be still kept by Christians, as of Divine obligation?
A26918Whether the seventh day Sabbath should be still kept by Christians, as of Divine obligation?
A26918Who is it that doth not presently fly to historical evidence?
A26918Whoever heard else that God or man tyed several Countreys to one set day for the private depositing of their own moneys afterward to be distributed?
A26918Why will you be weary of well doing, that you may do ill?
A26918Why would you not name those Churches in East and West( which I never read or heard of) yea or that person, that was for the seventh day alone?
A26918Without historical notice, how should we know that these Books were written by any of the same men that bear their names?
A26918Without it we should not fully know whether de facto the Church and Ministry dyed, or almost dyed with the Apostles?
A26918Would not a soul ▪ that loveth God rather say, Alas, how short is the Lords day?
A26918Would they be companions of the vain in such like vanities?
A26918Yea, as this man confesseth by their Approbation and Authority?
A26918and Eternity more valuable than the pleasures of this little time?
A26918and now shall we accuse him of bringing us under a toylesome task?
A26918and of perpetual obligation?
A26918and of perpetual obligation?
A26918and what use they are like to make of it?
A26918if it had not been because the Churches used to assemble on this day, and not to appear before God empty( as Dr. Hammond noteth on the Text?)
A26918methinks should not for shame say that God hath tired them out, and made them too much work already?
A26918on the first day: Was it not enough to tie them to the contribution, but he must tie them all to one set day to lay it by, or deposite it?
A26918or at least their opinions?
A26918or despise ye the Church of God?
A26918or of such an addition to Divine institutions?
A26918or to the Mortification of fleshly Lusts?
A26918to feast your Body on the pleasantest Food?
A26918to love and converse with your Friend?
A26918to love and look upon your Corn and Cattle?
A26918what houres were they which they thought thus separated?
A26918which do you think it better to leave undone, if one of them must be left undone?
A26918yea or Ecclesiastes, or the Proverbs, and not the Books of Wisdome and Ecclesiasticus?
A64001& it is well if the Schoolemen make the word of God their principles; but of what Law?
A64001& where they came did they not all give the same order for the sacred assemblies?
A640011 Whether seeing the Lords day succeeds the Jewish Sabbath, wee are to keepe it in the same manner, and with the same strictnesse?
A640011. Who hath made us?
A6400110. saying, Now therefore, why tempt yee God to lay a yoke on the Disciples neckes which neither our Fathers nor we were able to beare?
A6400113 I Take notice of Tertull, Iustin Martyr:] true; but they alter not my judgement: And why?
A6400116 Where had Rhenanus that opinion?
A6400116. puts a Christian soule upon this meditation, Good Lord, what doe I upon the Sabbath day?
A640012. Who will infinitely reward us?
A640012. that the observation of the Sabbath was ceremoniall] As a shadow?
A6400120. and what should that bee but the Lords Day under the Gospell?
A6400120. what will you conclude herence?
A640013. doth only our freedome from the yoke of ceremonies requires this?
A64001Againe the day of Christs Paspassion upon the Crosse, is not called the Lords day; and why the day of the Resurrection rather?
A64001Againe, why should their opinion be Jewish, by maintaining it out of the old Testament; rather then out of the new?
A64001An est apostolicum factum aliquod, jure non apostolico?
A64001And Calvin concludes that Section thus, Why then doe we not obey that reason, which we see to be imposed upon us by the will of God?
A64001And are not our Temples the houses of God?
A64001And did they not inferre this there- hence also, as most agreeable to the Will of God?
A64001And have we not great cause to inure our selves betimes thus to sabbatize with God, as he sabbatizeth with us?
A64001And how are we in Christ, but by faith?
A64001And is it likely that Eve was about the service of God, when the Divell assaulted her?
A64001And is it not wonderous strange, that none of the Historians of those times should make any mention of him?
A64001And is it probable, that the Primitive Church prescribed it to the Apostles, and not rather the Apostles to the Church?
A64001And is not this wilde stuffe, in reference to the sanctification of the Lords day, now in question amongst us?
A64001And is the publike joy after such a manner exprest( to wit) by publique shame?
A64001And lastly Christ bringing with him a new Creation is it strange that he should bring with him a new Sabbath?
A64001And now according to the principles of these Sabbatarians, what would you counsaile them to doe?
A64001And shall we thinke that this could be done without an apostolicall prescript?
A64001And the next begins with this question, what then?
A64001And under what stile did they reject him, and condemne him as a blasphemer but for making himselfe the Son of God?
A64001And was not Walaeus one of the foure?
A64001And what day was called the Lords Day before, but the day of the Jewes Sabbath?
A64001And what is the object of this our faith?
A64001And what powers are these powers of death, hee rhetoricates of?
A64001And what should move them to illustrate the memory of Christs Resurrection weekly?
A64001And what should these people doe when they were returned?
A64001And what wise man would expect that any man should be satisfied herewith?
A64001And who is able to give us strength to performe it?
A64001And who saith hee, knowes not, what that place was where the Lord planted the Tree of life?
A64001And who was nearer or dearer unto Calvin then Beza?
A64001And who would not expect, that some one of these at least, should be produced to testifie so much either by word or writing?
A64001And why not?
A64001And why shall not the time come under the same condition?
A64001And why should wee thinke the Aegyptians more rigorous to the Israelites then the Babylonians were to the Iewes?
A64001And why the Lords day?
A64001And why?
A64001Anetius saith no more than that Christians changed the Sabbath unto the Lords Day; and can any man doubt, but that the Apostles were meant hereby?
A64001Are not these the Apostles as much as any other?
A64001Are these workes for the Sabbath?
A64001As for Abulensis, of what authority is he to preponderate any one of our Divines?
A64001As for the sanctity of the day in Calvins phrase, which this Author calls Sanctity affixed to the day; shall I say this Prefacer understands it not?
A64001As for the second reason proposed thus on our part; If all the rest of the Commandements flow from the principles of nature, how is this excluded?
A64001But doe we not all acknowledge the light of Nature to be much corrupted since the fall of Adam?
A64001But doth Abulensis accompt the rest of one day in seven ceremoniall, and not morall?
A64001But if God vouchsafeth us a new creation in the same congruity, may wee not justly expect a new Sabbath?
A64001But is not the Sabbath a ceremony, and so abrogated by Christ?
A64001But is not the Sabbath a ceremony, and so abrogated by Christ?
A64001But upon what ground?
A64001But what burthen is it( save unto the flesh) to rejoyce in the Lord, to sabbatize with him, to walke with him in holy meditation?
A64001But what is his ground to deny the parity of reason here?
A64001But what is that benefit of the common people, whereof this Translator is so zealous?
A64001But what thing?
A64001But what?
A64001But when the question is made what Sabbath?
A64001But where corrected?
A64001But whether is the observation of the Lords Day morall?
A64001But who and how many are those all?
A64001But you thinke the Apostles did not prescribe the observation of that day; No?
A64001Can I answer this to my God, that gives mee six dayes for my selfe, and takes but one to himselfe, of which I rob him also?
A64001Can I answer this to my God?
A64001Can he shew this to be their opinion?
A64001Cur porrò illum diem plerique Sectariorum Sabbatum appellatis?
A64001Did he sanctifie it for his owne use?
A64001Did the Author report of gratifying the people thus, and quench his care of providing for their benefit?
A64001Doth it not concerne them who maintaine this affirmative to make it good by Texts of Scripture?
A64001Doth it therefore follow that wee may not keepe the seventh day in memory of the worlds Creation?
A64001First whether the Sabbath were ordained by God immediately upon the Creation of the World?
A64001Fistly, And it is cleare( saith Doctor Willet) by the Serpents first on set, hath God sayd ye shall not eate of every Tree?
A64001For if the labours of our calling are forbidden in the holy day, how much more such recreations?
A64001For what?
A64001For what?
A64001For why not as well some dayes more or some dayes lesse?
A64001For why not as well to that day three weekes after, or that day a month after, and so in Infinitum?
A64001Hast thou kept the Lords Day?
A64001Hast thou kept the Sabbath?
A64001Hath the Lord a Day under the Gospell, but no Sabbath, no holy Day?
A64001He shewes also, it was an usuall question put to Christians, Dominicum servasti?
A64001Hee delights rather in carnall pleasures; and is it fit to humour him in such courses, and that on the Lords day?
A64001How came Aristotle then the greatest Philosopher that ever was, and his whole schoole, how I say came they to be ignorant of it?
A64001How far off is he from acknowledging it to have beene instituted by the Lord?
A64001How shall it appeare to be the Law of nature to sanctifie one day every weeke?
A64001How shall the fourth Commandement bind us considering the forme of words to keep any day but only the seventh?]
A64001How then came it to passe, that they all so throughly, and at the first, agreed herein?
A64001I wonder the Prefacer omits Cuohlinus, was it because that which others call consuetudinem Ecclesiae, hee calls consuetudinem Apostolicam?
A64001If he can, why doth he not?
A64001If this be( as I conceave it is) the meaning of the place; what is this to dayes?
A64001In our solemne assemblies is not aladder erected betweene earth and heaven?
A64001Indeed the use of the very name of Sabbath is now a dayes carped at; and why?
A64001Is it evident by the light of nature that God is not to be worshipped by an Image?
A64001Is it from any evidence of Scripture?
A64001Is it judiciall, or ceremoniall?
A64001Is it not Scripture that calls it the Lords Day?
A64001Is it not against the Jewes, that Austin professeth?
A64001Is it not apparent that Christs rising did ever after give the denomination of the Lords Day, to the first day of the weeke?
A64001Is it not high time Christ should come to set an end to it?
A64001Is not all other rejoycing in comparison to our rejoycing in him a rejoycing in a a thing of nought?
A64001Is not the law of sanctifying the Sabbath one of the tenne Commandements delivered by God from Mount Sinai as well as the other nine?
A64001Is there any fact of the Apostles, by right not apostolicall?
A64001Is this to keepe the holy day?
A64001Is this to keepe the holy day?
A64001Lastly, when he saith, pray that your flight be not in the winter nor on the Sabbath day, what is the reason hereof, but religio Sabbati?
A64001Man, of the doctrine of the Sabbath, which appeares to be D. Bowndes; Now, was this ever called in?
A64001May I not adde a third?
A64001Nay, upon this very consideration have we not the more cause to strive against this intestine corruption of ours?
A64001No can?
A64001Now have we not as much cause to performe this duty under the Gospell as ever the Jewes had under the Law?
A64001Now if the more noble workes are forbidden on that day, how much more such as are inferior are forbidden?
A64001Now what one of our Divines can be alleaged to derive the authority of the Lords day from the law of Moses?
A64001Now what sober Christian would affect liberty to bee scandalous?
A64001Now what worke, like unto the resurrection of Christ, on the first day of the weeke?
A64001Now, what doth Doctor Bownde affirme forty yeeres agoe, which Doctor Andrewes did not in his patterne of Catecheticall doctrine?
A64001Or can it bee conceaved to bee a greater burthen unto us to keepe our Christian Sabbath on the Lords Day, then on any other day of the weeke?
A64001Or if naturall evidence hereof faile us in this state of corrupt nature wherein we are, shall these lawes be denied to be the morall Law of God?
A64001Or is it the rest of the day?
A64001Or that the Prophet Moses would have used such care in ordering the Decalogue, onely to bring the Church into greater troubles?
A64001Other Divines of these dayes, had rather call it positive; but how?
A64001Philo in his second book of Moses writing thus, Quis sacrum illum diem, per singulas hebdomadas recurrentem non honorat?
A64001Secondly, if it be not morall, what shall it be?
A64001Shall this be of force for the institution of Bishops, and shall it not be of force for the institution of the Lords Day, as by Divine right?
A64001Shall we affirme that the Lords Day is founded in Divine authority?
A64001That were absurd to thinke the Word sanctifying doth refute it; for whom then?
A64001The first is drawn from the forme of Adams temptation, thus, why doe you not eate of every tree of paradise?
A64001The next reason here mentioned followeth; Can we conceive that this onely ceremoniall law crept in, we know not how, amongst the morall?
A64001Then againe which of us comes nearest to Judaisme herein?
A64001Then he demands whether the Apostles did not keepe the Jewish Sabbath?
A64001Then he demands, whether the Primitive Church did not designe as well the Sabbath as the Lords Day to sacred meetings?
A64001Then he makes mention of another relation; Aliud quoque ad me perlatum est; Another report was brought unto mee; and what was that?
A64001Then whether all Christians are obliged by the fourth Commandement, alwayes to set a part one day in seven to Gods holy worship?
A64001Then, who are they that maintaine it onely by the old Testament?
A64001Thirdly, what danger is there in affirming, that the Lords Day is of Divine institution?
A64001To the first of these here the Doctor answereth thus, To which we say with the Apostle: Doe we destroy the Law by faith?
A64001To this Doctor Rivetus alledgeth the answer of Doctor Prideaux, demanding how that we contend for his inferred herehence?
A64001Was hee ever questioned for this?
A64001We read that there is one, that is Lord of the Sabbath; Now in reason, who shall appoint this day, but he that is Lord of it?
A64001What danger either to Prince, Church, or State?
A64001What is that which they say is not ceremoniall?
A64001What is the cause( saith he) that many of our Sectaries call this day the Sabbath?
A64001What more reasonable disposition humane, then that which is conformable to constitution Divine?
A64001What not so much as wash their hands or their face?
A64001What times himselfe tooke for to work in or rest after the Creation, the same did hee assigne to men, and made his patterne a perpetuall Law?
A64001When will the Sabbath be gone, that they might returne to their worldly courses?
A64001When you aske, Did not the Apostles keepe the Iewish Sabbath?
A64001Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened?
A64001Who doth not honour that holy day ▪ according to the weekely revolution thereof?
A64001Who seeth not that this is delivered onely to serve turne, and helpe at a dead lift, when no other way is open to shift off the Argument?
A64001Who would desire an adversary should betray more weakenesse than this Author?
A64001Why then should it be thought superfluous to ordaine some dayes for the works of this World, and one day for the service of God?
A64001Yet to draw nearer to the morality of it; what?
A64001Yet what are these to be talkt of in comparison to those which are comprised in two bookes of miracles, written by Cluniacensis?
A64001Yet what just occasion hereby may bee in all places and like enough is taken in most places by this doctrine of his who seeth not?
A64001Yet what saith Austin against these heretickes, to whom this Author in the first place referreth us?
A64001and is this knowne by the light of nature?
A64001and was it not kept in the Arke as well as the rest?
A64001are they not the very gates of heaven?
A64001as all confesse the religious observation of the Sabbath; and did they understand any other religion of the Sabbath but as from Divine institution?
A64001but never was there( for ought I read) a question whether the Jewes should keepe the Lords day?
A64001but running thus; Yea?
A64001declare, if thou hast understanding, who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest?
A64001did Calvin any where teach this?
A64001did they observe the Sabbath?
A64001hath God sayd yee shall not eate of every tree in the Garden?
A64001hath not Christ deserved at the hands of servants to be as serviceable to their masters as ever?
A64001if you doe, who shall more deservedly be obnoxious to the censure of Judaisme, you or wee?
A64001is it the service of the day in the sanctifying of it?
A64001is not our nature now corrupt?
A64001is not the Lord on the top of it, and are not we humbled at his feet to heare his Word?
A64001may not masters exact as many dayes worke of their servants under the Gospell as under the Law?
A64001nay what thinke wee of Leo and Anthemius Emperours; were not they zelotes too in that decree of theirs( alleaged by the former Baldwin)?
A64001not Papists I presume, but Protestants rather; and what true Protestant can he name that thinkes otherwise?
A64001not till a thousand yeares after, had they done so, who would not have said, that their wisdome herein had exceeded all humane discretion?
A64001of the morall law, or of the tenne commandements; or any one of them?
A64001shall nothing bee morall that is not knowne to bee so, by light of nature, for what I pray?
A64001shall the masters keepe one, and the servants another?
A64001shall the morality of rest granted to servants, be altered also under the Gospell?
A64001shall we affirme that the Lords day is founded on divine authority?
A64001shall we beurged to yield to the authority of Calvin, who are reproched usually as Calvinists and so nicknamed?
A64001should not wee rather complaine of these corruptions, and bewaile it before God, then give our selves to such courses as are apt to strengthen it?
A64001that gives mee six dayes for my selfe, and takes but one to himselfe, of which I rob him also?
A64001that hee should have an holy Day, one in every weeke under the Law; and none under the Gospell?
A64001therefore the observation of the Jewish Sabbath was still to continue among Christians?
A64001was shee not too neare the forbidden Fruit?
A64001what an unreasonable conceite were this?
A64001what author ancient is there that doth not hold it to have had his originall from the Apostles?
A64001what conscience can be found so cauteriate as to justifie this?
A64001what one of the ancients can hee produce to have thought as hee thinks?
A64001yet what if all this were granted?
A64001you confesse they made choice of it, and were moved so to doe by the reason which I alleage, And were they not scattered over all the world?
A59693& shal we think that that one thing was rather a point of order proper to Adam, then a part of Gods image common to all?
A59693''T is true God justifies the ungodly, but how?
A5969312.10, 11. what doctrin more crosse to the expresse comand of Christ from heaven then this?
A5969314 13. for who sees not but that the speech is metaphoricall in both?
A5969316.27, 28. and may we lawfully and charitably think that Abram neglected other morall duties because they are not exp ● esly mentioned?
A5969320. for might not God sanctifie it in Paradise, as soon as Gods rest, the cause and foundation of sanctifying of it, was existing?
A5969320. the reason of it is plainly set down to be Gods resting on the seveth day, and sanctifying of it long before?
A5969321. and then why may they not make the Angels in heaven Typicall, because men on earth who pour out the Vials are resembled to them?
A596933 21, 12, ● 3, 24) if they are all guiltlesse untill unbelief comes in?
A596937.9.10, 11. what doctrine more crosse to the salvation of souls, the mercy of God, and forgivenesse of sin?
A59693And are the principles good in themselves, and suitable to humane nature, and doe not all the conclusions participate of their nature?
A59693And if the very making of it known be such a sweet mercy, what then is the rest and peace of it, the blessing and comfort of it?
A59693And is it evill thus to want it, and shall it not be good to have it?
A59693And must not Jesus Christ use the means for the end?
A59693And shall a shady imagination of an Every- day- sabbath, make us sell away for nothing such a heavenly and precious season, and make it common?
A59693And therefore can there be a greater sinne above ground committed out of Hell then thus to sinne against this love?
A59693And what other reason can be given of Limiting this Collection to this Day?
A59693Are the streams morally sweet, and is not the spring it self of the same nature?
A59693Are these( I say) the new and glorious light breaking out in these dayes, which this age must wait for?
A59693As on the contrary the morals abiding, why should not their judicials and fences remaine?
A59693Bee it so: But will it therefore follow, that to worship God according to his own Institutions ▪ is not to worship him in Spirit and in Truth?
A59693But beside what hath been said, how will it appeare that the posterity of Seth called the sons of God, Gen. 6.1, 2. were not a numerous people?
A59693But if the question be, What is the rule of life it self?
A59693But suppose it was in the open Fields, and that they had no Synagogue: yet will it follow that these were not Iewes?
A59693But suppose they were few, yet have not small companies, and particular persons as much need of the blessing of a Sabbath?
A59693But was ever any punctum temporis( which is thought to be no part of time) called by the name of Night as this darkenesse is?
A59693But what fitnesse was there on this Day for such a service?
A59693But what is this kinde of arguing, but to teach the holy Ghost, what and when and how to speak?
A59693But what love is this?
A59693But why may he not as well say that he calls it the Lords Table in respect of the Churches Custome also?
A59693But why should they think that publick worship is more required here than private?
A59693By what Rule did Nehemiah not onely forbid the breach of the Sabbath, but did also threaten bodily punishment upon the men of Tyre?
A59693Could any do this justly but by immediate dispensation from the Lord Christ Jesus?
A59693Could no Nation( saith he) besides the Iewes observe these six things?
A59693Did not the law in their hearts make them thus cleave to the written law without?
A59693Dost not pray continually?
A59693For if a day be morall, what day must it be?
A59693For if it be in the Churches power to appoint the greatest Holy day; why may not any other Rite and Ceremony be imposed also?
A59693For if the Christian Churches were bound to observe the Iewish Sabbath, why did they not meet then and honour the seventh Day above the first day?
A59693For is not this preaching of the Gospel the instrument and means of working that faith in us, which the Lord requires of us in the Gospel?
A59693For was there not as much need to procure Authority to this as well as to ceremonials?
A59693For what are all particular precepts, but particular unfoldings of love to God, and love to man?
A59693For what force of a law can there be in that which only declares unto us who it is that redeemed them out of Egypts bondage?
A59693For( saith he) can not we in England as well as they at Jerusalem remember that Sabbath?
A59693For, what power had they to call them together when they saw meet?
A59693He saith that it is a bold assertion to say that this genus of a seventh is herein commanded: But why is it not as bold to affirm the same of a day?
A59693How and in what respect it should be so?
A59693How are we not now under the morall law?
A59693How comes the wrath of God to be revealed from heaven, not only against unbelief, but against all unrighteousnesse and ungodlinesse of man?
A59693How then are we not now under it as they were?
A59693I wonder how it can then convince them of pardon of sin and reconciliation, before they do beleeve?
A59693If Evening, Morning, light and night, made up every day the Creation, why shall we think but that the Sabbath day also consisted of the same parts?
A59693If God give us six naturall daies to labour in, is it not fit that the seventh day should beare an equall proportion with every working day?
A59693If it be demanded therefore, What is that goodnesse in a morall law for which it is therefore commanded?
A59693If it was a known Day, what Day can it be either by evidence of Scripture or any Antiquity but the first Day of the week?
A59693If mans life must bee divided into labour and rest, is it not equall and good if wee have six dayes, that God should have a seventh?
A59693If more narrow enquiry be made, what the Law of nature is?
A59693If the Lord vary his rest, may not be vary the time and day of it,?
A59693If the question be whether the Sabbath be known by the light of pure nature?
A59693If the question be, what Type is affixed and annexed to the Sabbath?
A59693If therefore a condemned sinner be asked whether God may love him, and why he thinks so?
A59693If this law be not morall, why is it crowned with the same honour, that the rest of the morall precepts are?
A59693If we therfore as well as they, are thus under the law as a rule of life, how are wee not under it as they were?
A59693Is it because they were under it as a preparative means for Christ, and not wee?
A59693Is it in this, that they were under it as a rule of life to walk by, and so are not we?
A59693Is it no mercy in these dayes to injoy many Sabbaths, which was so sore a misery in Christs account, and in the Apostles dayes to lose but one?
A59693Is it rather a carnall than a spirituall worship, to attend on God in Word and Sacraments?
A59693Is not Gods Immensity and Majesty acknowledged and seen in the use of his owne Ordinances, as well as creatures and providences?
A59693Is not private preparation, meditation, secret prayer and converse with God, required upon this day, as well as publick praying and hearing the Word?
A59693Is not this a meer weaknesse and falsehood which is now made the mystery of this first evidence?
A59693Is the morall law therefore abolished as a rule of life now?
A59693May not Papists blot out the second also, as some of Cassanders followers have done all but two; and as the Antinomians at this day do all?
A59693May we not lift up pure hands in the use of Gods own institutions?
A59693No such matter; For should there have been no marriage, no dressing of the garden, no day nor night,& c. in Paradise?
A59693Now if this 〈 ◊ 〉 was no part of the Sabbath, how could they then be said to sanctifie the Sabbath thereby?
A59693Or that Abrahams family was so small?
A59693Or why is it not rather said that he began his rest on that day, but that it is limited to a day?
A59693Otherwise how will M. Primrose maintain the morality of a day of worship out of this commandment?
A59693Shall man have six, and all of them morally good, and God have but foure, and some one or more of them not so?
A59693So that if the question be, What is the rule of faith by which we live?
A59693Take away a Sabbath, who can defend us from Atheisme, Barbarisme, and all manner of Devilisme and prophanesse?
A59693That the whole law is not the rule of life?
A59693The promise is of faith that it might be by grace: If Mr W.C. will not preach Christ upon beleeving, how will he or any man else preach it?
A59693This is truth before they reject the Gospel, is it not?
A59693This the law saith( say some) true, But is not this confirmed by the Ministry of the Gospel also?
A59693Time consists of yeers, and yeers of moneths, and moneths of weeks, and weeks of dayes; to what day or what week then must this night belong?
A59693Verily if it be the Day of the Lord our God( the Lords Day) why is it not the Sabbath of the Lord our God?
A59693Was it in crossing and thwarting Gods working will or the will of Gods Decree?
A59693Was not Sacrifice and Offerings good, as well as mercy and walking humbly?
A59693Were not many filled with the holy Ghost when they heard this Gospel thus preached upon condition of beleeving?
A59693Were not those three thousand brought into Christ by faith, by Peters promise of remission of sins upon their repentance?
A59693Were the other nine spoken immediatly by the voice of God on mount Sinai with great terrour and majesty before all the people?
A59693Were they put into the Arke as most holy and sacred?
A59693Were they written upon Tables of stone with Gods owne finger twice?
A59693What evill thing is this that ye do, and prophane the Sabbath day?
A59693What is there therefore in morall lawes which is not in those lawes?
A59693What is this Gospel Ministry but to tell men they are whole, and not sick to death, but healed before they come to the Physitian, the Lord Iesus?
A59693What mortall man can limit the Spirit of God, to what evidence he shall first bring in to the conscience of a justified estate?
A59693What then could this Day be but the Christian Sabbath imposed by the Apostles; and magnified and honoured by all the Churches in those dayes?
A59693What will ye do in the solemne day, in the day of the feast of the Lord?
A59693Where is it expressely said that the old Sabbath is abrogated?
A59693Whether a Beleever be bound to the law as his rule?
A59693Who teacheth men thus to allegorize?
A59693Why did Paul perswade Children to honour their parents?
A59693Why then should we pray together now?
A59693Will they say that the Sabbath is not to bee sanctified by private and inward worship, as well as by publick and externall worship?
A59693Will they tell all men that God loves them, and that Christ hath died for them,& that he that gives grace and salvation will work faith in them?
A59693Would we know whether it was sanctified for that end?
A59693Would we know whether this time was spent in holy Duties and Sabbath services?
A59693Would we know whether''t is the Christian Sabbath Day?
A59693and being askt, if that should be so when should his son raigne?
A59693and have they not a good ground laid for it, who may hence safely say that the Decalogue is not a rule of life for all?
A59693and how long he was risen before, who can determine?
A59693and if it did not lie only in that Seventh, wherein then did it more generally lie?
A59693and if so, why then should any ask pardon of it, or mourn under it?
A59693and is not the Sabbath one of those Commandments, the breach of which is accounted the breaking of all?
A59693and is this the end and fruit of Christs death too?
A59693and must the new light of these times be the dreames and visions and slaverings of doting and deluded old Monks?
A59693and no part of his rest, unlesse it was in respect of cessation therein from actions of naturall life?
A59693and shall the Ministers( not of the letter but of the Spirit) refuse to begin here?
A59693and so introduce Will- Worship, and to serve God after the tradition of men which God abhors?
A59693and speciall communion with God therein, as great numbers and troops of people?
A59693and that it is a part of Christian weaknes to observe any day under the Gospel?
A59693and that where sin abounds, grace abounds; to whom?
A59693and therefore why should any other Lords Day be dreamed of?
A59693and was not this done for our imitation?
A59693and what is his will, but the will of his commandment?
A59693and what one Scripture is there in the N. Testament declaring expressely that the Lords day is substituted and put in its roome?
A59693and which God hath appointed( without limitation to any hour) to be the bounds of the Sabbath as it sooner or later rises or sets?
A59693and why may not men riding upon white Horses be typicall, because Christ is so resembled?
A59693and will you now weary the Lord againe, that he can not have rest or quiet for you one day in a Weeke?
A59693because there is no marriage nor dressing of gardens, nor weeks, nor reckonings of day and night in heaven?
A59693because they are sinners and because they see themselves sinners?
A59693but doth it hence follow that the Sabbath was to end at midnight?
A59693but how?
A59693but what doctrine is more cross ● to the Spirit of grace in Gospel times, then this?
A59693but where will they finde the like for the word blessed also?
A59693but whether they belong to sinners immediately as sinners?
A59693but will it follow hence that this Morning is the time of midnight?
A59693can any say that the story is apparently false, unlesse we imagine a Prolepsis?
A59693did God limit them to the rising or setting sun of Iudaea only?
A59693did not your fathers thus, and did not our God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this City?
A59693do you thus make the daies of your rest and joy, the daies of the Lords sorrow and trouble?
A59693do you thus weary the Lord when he gives rest unto you?
A59693doth he call upon you to spend this day in holinesse, and will you spend it in Mirth, and Sports and Pastimes and in all manner of licentiousnesse?
A59693doth he call you now to Rest in his Bosome, and will you now kick his Bowels, despise this Love, and spit in his Face?
A59693for if it be no rule to him, how should any thing be sin to him?
A59693hast thou kept the Lords Day?
A59693he will lead( it s said) unto all truth, Iohn 16.13 But what truth will he guide us into?
A59693how easily a thing is it thus to abuse all the Scripture?
A59693if its dignity be not equall with the rest ▪ Why hath it been exalted so high in equall glory with them?
A59693is it not expresly said that he set the Levites to keep the Gates to sanctifie the Sabbath day?
A59693is it not expresly said, that he set his servants at these Gates that there might be no burden brought in upon the Sabbath day?
A59693is there no inherent grace in a beleever that no inherent sanctification can be a true evidence?
A59693may not man begin the day at such a season as may not be beautifull?
A59693might it not be after midnight as well?
A59693might not the Iewes be in a Gentile City for a time without any Synagogue?
A59693nay must not the time and day of our rest be varied, because the ground of Gods rest in a new work is changed?
A59693not whether they are merited by Christs death, and offered out of his rich grace immediately to sinners?
A59693or if there be any inherent grace, yet it is( say some) so mixt with corruption, and is such a spotted and blurd evidence, that no man can discern it?
A59693or if they had, yet was it meet for them thus to do, before they were sufficiently instructed about Gods mind for setting apart some other time?
A59693or was it meet for him so to do?
A59693out of which he could gather three hundred fighting men to pursue five mighty Princes in battell?
A59693shall he therefore reject it as a doubtfull evidence; which is ever clear enough in it self, though not alway to our discerning?
A59693so was this of the Sabbath also: Why hath it the same honour, if it be not of the same nature with the rest?
A59693that God loves him, and that Christ hath died for him while he is a sinner, and as he is a sinner?
A59693that they being taught of the Spirit, did not need that any man should teach them; what then?
A59693then why should hee grant any day at all to bee entirely morall in respect of a sufficient and convenient time to bee set apart for God?
A59693there being no example which God sets before us, but it supposeth a rule binding us immediatly therunto?
A59693was it in a day more largely or in a Seventh day more narrowly?
A59693was it not by cleaving to the written word?
A59693was it not left the Sabbath should be prophaned that night, by bringing in of wares and burdens thorow the Gates, as well as in the ensuing day?
A59693was it not this, because it was written of them that so they should doe?
A59693was it not, because this was the first Commandment with promise?
A59693was put to death; what for gathering of sticks onely?
A59693was their teaching therefore immediate?
A59693were not the mariners of the men of Iudah bound to observe the Seventh day in all the severall coasts where they made their voyages?
A59693what colour is there to think thus of them?
A59693what could stop them herein, but onely the conscience of the Commandment, which began the Sabbath that evening?
A59693what doctrine more crosse to the example of holy men then this?
A59693what shall we thinke the Lord expects upon this day which is morall?
A59693where is my honour?
A59693whether they that plead for a Seventh of Gods appointing, or they that plead for a day( but God knowes when) of humane institution?
A59693who shall then seperate us from Gods love?
A59693why did David and Christ Iesus delight to doe Gods will?
A59693why may it not then in other respects put on the name of a seventh day also?
A59693why may not sanctification then( whereby we are set free from the power of sin) be a sure and certain evidence of our actuall justification?
A59693why may not the Spirit of God who works it in a person justified, first reveal it as an evidence that he is justified?
A59693why should Master Brabourne imagine that this day might be some superstitious Easter Day, which happens once a yeer?
A59693why should we think that the Lord is lesse carefull about the beginning of his Sabbath?
A59693why then should sanctification be excluded as a doubtfull evidence, because sometime it is, and at other times not discerned?
A59693will he say because all dayes are equally holy, and good by creation?
A59693with meet preparation for them, delight in them, with wonderment and thankfulnesse to God after the enjoyment of them?
A59693yet had he power to do thus in all places where he came?
A59693● o all sinners?