
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A36766And how, continues he, can we be touch ● ● d, since the Passions are not in our power?
A36766How many fair women do we see, who please us much less than others, who have not such beautifull Features?
A36766Praxiteles being ask''d which of all his Works he valued most?
A31652And after all this, what are we to expect of tollerable in this famous piece?
A31652But presupposing it so; what made Diogenes amongst these learned persons?
A31652Is it to be conceiv''d he should not think of what he was to do, before he took Pencil in hand?
A31652what regard, think you, would they have to this Age of ours, which has so unworthily abandon''d her?
A94194And Affection, what?
A94194And if Poets devise these double Natur''d- Creatures, why, not the Painters; who can do what the other but bespeake?
A94194And what''s her fancie, would you think?
A94194And who so just, that does not sometimes try, To turn pure Painter, and deceive the eye?
A94194Ann ● Hunc quòd ames?
A94194Anne magis radio Pictor Apollo suo?
A94194Anne quòd Essigiem subrepti Martyris, Orbis Quà patet, indomito more& honore colat?
A94194But if we looke upon Paintings of late ages, how ill doth the apparrell in use then, become the Picture now?
A94194Colouring, what?
A94194Designing Lines, what?
A94194Drapery what?
A94194Energia what?
A94194Harmogia what?
A94194How for light?
A94194How many men that have Organs, and de hear, yet can not distinguish the Excellency of Musicall sounds, and find not the defect?
A94194How the spruce trim Lasse, Dotes on a Picture in the Looking- glasse?
A94194In all, do not imitate outward Ornaments, but express inward force?
A94194Neuter adest; sed uterque tamen: sed major utroque Sive homines lubeat pingere sive Deos?
A94194OUis precor hic?
A94194Parergia what?
A94194Templa Paretoniis onerâsse Altaria Monstris Quis negat?
A94194Tonus, what?
A94194What Colours in our Rhetorick, can show Thine, which more various are, than those''i th Bow?
A94194What think ye of the gods, to whose huge name The Pagans bow''d their humble knees?
A94194Whence came Their immortalities, but from a Shade, But from those Pourtraictures the Painter made?
A94194With Force, what it is?
A94194Yet, what''s the Sun?
A94194iterúmne Orbi comparet Apelles?
A94194vel quòd te redamârit, erat?
A26548All this while, these are all Greek Masters; had the Romans none of their own?
A26548And who were his Contemporaries?
A26548But here we must not omit his Generosity to Vrbino his Schollar and Servant; to whom one day he said, If I die, Vrbino, what will become of thee?
A26548But pray Inform me yet a little further: Did Painting after their Time decay?
A26548Cimabue astonished, stood still, and having considered the Child and his Work, he ask''d him, If he would go and Live with him at Florence?
A26548Friend, About what time did Leonardo da Vinci live?
A26548Friend, Before you undertake to tell me the progress of the Art in these Modern Times, pray inform me how long it lay buryed in Oblivion?
A26548Friend, Can you Paint in Oyl upon a Wall?
A26548Friend, Did Painting get so early into Italy?
A26548Friend, Did ever any Painter arrive to that Perfection you mention?
A26548Friend, Did the Antients use Oyl Painting?
A26548Friend, Did the Gentry and Nobility Learn to Design?
A26548Friend, Has there been no Painters of the first Rank out of Italy?
A26548Friend, How came they at last to recover themselves?
A26548Friend, How is it possible to erre in imitating Nature?
A26548Friend, How long was it from the time of Cimabue to the time of Masaccio?
A26548Friend, How much was a Talent?
A26548Friend, I have heard Painters blamed for Finishing their Pieces too much: How can that be?
A26548Friend, I hear, you Travellers talk of Painting in Fresco, in Distemper, in Oyl, in Chiaro Scuro: pray, What is the meaning of all those Words?
A26548Friend, Is there any Rule for that?
A26548Friend, Pray what is Painting in Distemper?
A26548Friend, Pray what is painting in Chiaro Scuro?
A26548Friend, Pray, what was the great reason of that Decay?
A26548Friend, Pray, who were the chief Schollars of this School of the Caraches?
A26548Friend, Was there any thing left of Protogenes''s doing?
A26548Friend, Was there many of them preserved to the Time of the Romans?
A26548Friend, What is Oyl Painting?
A26548Friend, What is it you call Design?
A26548Friend, What were his most Famous Works?
A26548Friend, When a Painter has acquired any Excellency in Desinging, readily and strongly; What has he to do next?
A26548Friend, Wherein particularly lies the Art of Colouring?
A26548Friend, Would you have a Painter study nothing but Humane Figures?
A26548How can they be otherwise?
A26548It seems, he was also an Admirable Statuary; for Praniteles being asked, which of all his Statues he valued the most?
A26548Or, has it since been Improved by more Modern Painters?
A26548Pray for which Sence was this Figure made?
A26548Pray, what is properly Invention in a Picture?
A26548Pray, who were the great Painters of this Second AGE, as one may call it?
A26548Says the Courtier, half angry, Shall I have nothing but this to show the Pope?
A26548Were all these Masters Graecians?
A26548What is properly the Colouring of a Piece of Painting?
A26548What shall we have for Dinner to day, now you have let it all fall upon the Ground?
A26548What was Represented in this Picture?