This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
18080 | Blackburn, Henry | Normandy Picturesque | nan | 48340.0 | 1911.0 | nan | ./cache/18080.txt | ./txt/18080.txt |
7961 | Dodd, Anna Bowman | In and out of Three Normandy Inns | nan | 97696.0 | 5679.0 | nan | ./cache/7961.txt | ./txt/7961.txt |
24818 | Freeman, Edward A. (Edward Augustus) | Sketches of Travel in Normandy and Maine | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan | nan |
28959 | Home, Gordon | The Illustrated Works of Gordon Home: A Linked Index to the Project Gutenberg Editions | nan | 1777.0 | 313.0 | nan | ./cache/28959.txt | ./txt/28959.txt |
8595 | Home, Gordon | Normandy, Illustrated, Part 3 | nan | 18531.0 | 708.0 | nan | ./cache/8595.txt | ./txt/8595.txt |
8594 | Home, Gordon | Normandy, Illustrated, Part 2 | nan | 12473.0 | 470.0 | nan | ./cache/8594.txt | ./txt/8594.txt |
8593 | Home, Gordon | Normandy, Illustrated, Part 1 | nan | 10867.0 | 485.0 | nan | ./cache/8593.txt | ./txt/8593.txt |
8505 | Home, Gordon | Normandy, Illustrated, Complete | nan | 41840.0 | 1652.0 | nan | ./cache/8505.txt | ./txt/8505.txt |
26678 | Smith, F. Berkeley (Frank Berkeley) | A Village of Vagabonds | nan | 65950.0 | 5158.0 | nan | ./cache/26678.txt | ./txt/26678.txt |
12538 | Turner, Dawson | Account of a Tour in Normandy, Volume 2 | nan | 85279.0 | 3869.0 | nan | ./cache/12538.txt | ./txt/12538.txt |
12537 | Turner, Dawson | Account of a Tour in Normandy, Volume 1 | nan | 66038.0 | 2791.0 | nan | ./cache/12537.txt | ./txt/12537.txt |