This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
26604 | Ballou, Maturin M. (Maturin Murray) | Pearls of Thought | nan | 74759 | 7701 | nan | ./cache/26604.txt | ./txt/26604.txt |
20718 | Glyn, Elinor | The Damsel and the Sage: A Woman''s Whimsies | nan | 7134 | 586 | nan | ./cache/20718.txt | ./txt/20718.txt |
30508 | Kagemna | The Instruction of Ptah-Hotep and the Instruction of Ke''Gemni The Oldest Books in the World | nan | 15086 | 1093 | nan | ./cache/30508.txt | ./txt/30508.txt |
9105 | La Rochefoucauld, François duc de | Reflections; or Sentences and Moral Maxims | nan | 35563 | 2607 | nan | ./cache/9105.txt | ./txt/9105.txt |
36821 | Penn, Richard | Maxims and Hints on Angling, Chess, Shooting, and Other Matters Also, Miseries of Fishing | nan | 13803 | 752 | nan | ./cache/36821.txt | ./txt/36821.txt |
10741 | Schopenhauer, Arthur | The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer: the Wisdom of Life | nan | 38488 | 1530 | nan | ./cache/10741.txt | ./txt/10741.txt |
10715 | Schopenhauer, Arthur | The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer; Counsels and Maxims | nan | 46035 | 1981 | nan | ./cache/10715.txt | ./txt/10715.txt |
31672 | nan | The Triads of Ireland | nan | 22138 | 4695 | nan | ./cache/31672.txt | ./txt/31672.txt |