This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A30785 | A. B., Mr. A. of Q. Col. in Oxford. | The Jewish synagogue, or, An historical narration of the state of the Jewes at this day dispersed over the face of the whole earth ... / translated out of the learned Buxtorfius ... by A.B., Mr. A. of Q. Col. in Oxford. | 1657.0 | 139131 | 41119 | nan | ./cache/A30785.xml | ./txt/A30785.txt |
A26373 | Addison, Lancelot, 1632-1703. | The present state of the Jews (more particularly relating to those in Barbary) wherein is contained an exact account of their customs, secular and religious : to which is annexed a summary discourse of the Misna, Talmud, and Gemara / by L. Addison ... | 1675.0 | 57828 | 17517 | nan | ./cache/A26373.xml | ./txt/A26373.txt |
A29331 | Brett, Samuel. | A narrative of the proceedings of a great councel of Jews assembled in the plain of Ageda in Hungaria ... to examine the Scriptures concerning Christ, on the 12th of October 1650 / by Samuel Brett, there present ; also a relation of some other observations in his travels beyond the seas ... | 1655.0 | 5044 | 1334 | nan | ./cache/A29331.xml | ./txt/A29331.txt |
A67923 | Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. | The familie of David for the sonnes of the kingdome, vvith a chronicle vnto the redemtion [sic]. | 1605.0 | 2784 | 768 | nan | ./cache/A67923.xml | ./txt/A67923.txt |
A17010 | Broughton, Hugh, 1549-1612. | Tvvo epistles vnto great men of Britanie, in the yeare 1599 Requesting them to put their neckes unto the work of theyr Lord: to break the bread of the soule unto the hungry Iewes, by theyr writinges, or by theyr charges, through such as be ready to declare all that theyr necessity doth require. Printed now the second time, in the yeare synce the creation of the world 5532. Or yeare of the Lord 1606. Translated by the auctour for the use of such as would & should know what in this cause ought to be performed. | 1606.0 | 7335 | 2151 | nan | ./cache/A17010.xml | ./txt/A17010.txt |
A47706 | Chilmead, Edmund, 1610-1654. | The history of the rites, customes, and manner of life, of the present Jews, throughout the world. VVritten in Italian, by Leo Modena, a rabbine of Venice. Translated into English, by Edmund Chilmead, Mr. of Arts, and chaplain of Christ-Church Oxon | 1650.0 | 46246 | 14940 | nan | ./cache/A47706.xml | ./txt/A47706.txt |
A42965 | Godwin, Thomas, 1586 or 7-1642. | Moses and Aaron civil and ecclesiastical rites, used by the ancient Hebrews : observed, and at large opened, for the clearing of many obscure texts thorowout [sic] the whole Scripture, which texts are now added at the end of the book : wherein likewise is shewed what customs the Hebrews borrowed from heathen people, and that many heathenish customs, originally, have been unwarrantable imitation of the Hebrews / by Thomas Godwyn ... | 1685.0 | 93300 | 34923 | nan | ./cache/A42965.xml | ./txt/A42965.txt |
A87160 | Harrison, John, of the Inner Temple. | A vindication of the Holy Scriptures. Or the manifestation of Jesus Christ the true Messiah already come. Being the Christians antidote against the poysons of Judaisme and atheisme of this present age. Proved out of sacred scripture, ancient historians, and Jewish Rabbins. / By that learned, and late eminent divine, John Harrison. | 1656.0 | 31860 | 9757 | nan | ./cache/A87160.xml | ./txt/A87160.txt |
A87878 | L''Estrange, Hamon, 1605-1660. | Americans no Iewes, or improbabilities that the Americans are of that race. By Hamon l''Estrange, Kt. | nan | 30646 | 8719 | nan | ./cache/A87878.xml | ./txt/A87878.txt |
A54056 | Penington, Isaac, 1616-1679. | Some considerations propounded to the Jewes that they may hear and consider, and their hearts at length may be turned towards that which alone is able to convert them to God, that they may once more become His people, and enter into an everlasting covenant with Him that may not be broken, that so they may abide in His love and covenant of life, and remain His people for ever. | 1660.0 | 3817 | 1051 | nan | ./cache/A54056.xml | ./txt/A54056.txt |
A13875 | Traske, John, d. ca. 1638. | A treatise of libertie from Iudaisme, or An acknowledgement of true Christian libertie, indited and published by Iohn Traske: of late stumbling, now happily running againe in the race of Christianitie | 1620.0 | 13738 | 4384 | nan | ./cache/A13875.xml | ./txt/A13875.txt |