
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
A78187Baron, Robert, b. 1630.Pocula Castalia· The authors motto. Fortunes tennis-ball. Eliza. Poems. Epigrams, &c. By R.B. Gen.1650259549263nan./cache/A78187.xml./txt/A78187.txt
A02909Basse, William, d. ca. 1653.A Helpe to memory and discourse with table- talke as musicke to a banquet of wine : being a compendium of witty, and vsefull propositions, problemes, and sentences / extracted from the larger volumes of physicians, philosophers, orators and poets, distilled in their assiduous and learned obseruations, and which for method, manner, and referent handling may be fitly tearmed, A Second misselany, or helpe to discourse.1630288568892nan./cache/A02909.xml./txt/A02909.txt
A18370Chamberlain, Robert, b. 1607.Nocturnall lucubrations: or Meditations divine and morall Whereunto are added epigrams and epitaphs: written by Rob: Chamberlain of Exeter Colledge in Oxford.163883832305nan./cache/A18370.xml./txt/A18370.txt
A90351Cottrel, James, fl. 1649-1670.Parnassi puerperium: or, some well-wishes to ingenuity, in the translation of six hundred, of Owen''s epigrams; Martial de spectaculis, or of rarities to be seen in Rome; and the most select, in Sir. Tho. More. To which is annext a century of heroick epigrams, (sixty whereof concern the twelve Cæsars; and the forty remaining, several deserving persons). / By the author of that celebrated elegie upon Cleeveland: Tho. Pecke of the Inner Temple, Gent.16593112212681nan./cache/A90351.xml./txt/A90351.txt
A19912Davies, John, 1565?-1618.VVits bedlam ----vvhere is had, whipping-cheer, to cure the mad.16172861110976nan./cache/A19912.xml./txt/A19912.txt
A81983Davis, John, b. 1628 or 9.Psalmos theios, or a Divine psalme or, song, wherein predestination is maintained, yet the honour of Jehovah preserved and vindicated: and to that eternall song the holy scripture dedicated, / by John Davis. Whereunto is annexed an elogie upon the patron, with certaine divine epigrams to whom the author presented some of his books..1652112793690nan./cache/A81983.xml./txt/A81983.txt
A36301Donne, John, 1572-1631.Paradoxes, problemes, essayes, characters written by Dr. Donne, dean of Pauls ; to which is added a book of epigrams ; written in Latin by the same author ; translated into English by J. Maine D.D. ; as also, Ignatius his Conclave, a satyr, translated out of the originall copy written in Latin by the same author, found lately amongst his own papers.16523523710513nan./cache/A36301.xml./txt/A36301.txt
A39343Elys, Edmund, ca. 1634-ca. 1707.Dia poemata, poetick feet standing upon holy ground, or, Verses on certain texts of Scripture with epigrams, &c. / by E.E.1655104383899nan./cache/A39343.xml./txt/A39343.txt
A39709Flecknoe, Richard, d. 1678?Epigrams of all sorts written by Richard Flecknoe.166990282818nan./cache/A39709.xml./txt/A39709.txt
A39728Flecknoe, Richard, d. 1678?A treatise of the sports of wit1675110323306nan./cache/A39728.xml./txt/A39728.txt
A39713Flecknoe, Richard, d. 1678?Euterpe revived, or, Epigrams made at several times in the years 1672, 1673, & 1674 on persons of the greatest honour and quality most of them now living : in III books.1675159175182nan./cache/A39713.xml./txt/A39713.txt
A89611Fletcher, R.Ex otio negotium. Or, Martiall his epigrams translated. With sundry poems and fancies, / by R. Fletcher.16564777115587nan./cache/A89611.xml./txt/A89611.txt
A01256Freeman, Thomas, b. 1590 or 91.Rubbe, and a great cast Epigrams. By Thomas Freeman, Gent.1614185666593nan./cache/A01256.xml./txt/A01256.txt
A01428Gamage, William.Linsi-woolsie. Or Two centuries of epigrammes. Written by William Gamage Batchelour in the Artes1621140085498nan./cache/A01428.xml./txt/A01428.txt
A01794Goddard, William, fl. 1615.A neaste of vvaspes latelie found out and discouered in the Law-Countreys, yealding as sweete hony as some of our English bees161595323048nan./cache/A01794.xml./txt/A01794.txt
A02836Habert, Francois, ca. 1508-ca. 1561.Quodlibets lately come ouer from New Britaniola, old Newfound-land Epigrams and other small parcels, both morall and diuine. The first foure bookes being the authors owne: the rest translated out of that excellent epigrammatist, Mr. Iohn Owen, and other rare authors: with two epistles of that excellently wittie doctor, Francis Rablais: translated out of his French at large. All of them composed and done at Harbor-Grace in Britaniola, anciently called Newfound-Land. / By R.H. sometimes Gouernour of the plantation there.16283486612785nan./cache/A02836.xml./txt/A02836.txt
A45579Harflete, Henry, fl. 1653.A banquet of essayes, fetcht out of famous Owens confectionary, disht out, and served up at the table of Mecoenas by Henry Harflete ...1653157304714nan./cache/A45579.xml./txt/A45579.txt
A02647Harington, John, Sir, 1560-1612.The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington, Knight digested into foure bookes: three vvhereof neuer before published.16183613712689nan./cache/A02647.xml./txt/A02647.txt
A02441Heath, John, Fellow of New College, Oxford, attributed name.The house of correction: or, Certayne satyricall epigrams. Written by I.H. Gent. Together with a few characters, called Par pari: or, Like to like, quoth the deuill to the collier161973762386nan./cache/A02441.xml./txt/A02441.txt
A15606Herbert, George, 1592-1637.Wits recreations. Selected from the finest fancies of moderne muses16404234314971nan./cache/A15606.xml./txt/A15606.txt
A03920Hutton, Henry.Follie''s anatomie. Or Satyres and satyricall epigrams VVith a compendious history of Ixion''s wheele. Compiled by Henry Hutton, Dunelmensis.1619100433221nan./cache/A03920.xml./txt/A03920.txt
A04651Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637.Ben: Ionson''s execration against Vulcan· VVith divers epigrams by the same author to severall noble personages in this kingdome. Never published before.164087382882nan./cache/A04651.xml./txt/A04651.txt
A87724Killigrew, Henry, 1613-1700.Innocui Sales. A collection of new epigrams Vol. I. With a præfatory essay on epigrammatic poetry.1694170196026nan./cache/A87724.xml./txt/A87724.txt
A52102Killigrew, Henry, 1613-1700.Epigrams of Martial, Englished with some other pieces, ancient and modern.16955039318996nan./cache/A52102.xml./txt/A52102.txt
A70401Killigrew, Henry, 1613-1700.A court of judicature in imitation of Libanius. With new epigrams. By the hand that translated Martial.1697157895534nan./cache/A70401.xml./txt/A70401.txt
A07123Martyn, Joseph.Nevv epigrams, and a satyre. VVritten by Ios: Martyn, a wel-wisher to study162167942316nan./cache/A07123.xml./txt/A07123.txt
A50616Mennes, John, Sir, 1599-1671.Recreation for ingenious head-peeces, or, A pleasant grove for their wits to walk in of epigrams 700, epitaphs 200, fancies a number, fantasticks abundance : with their addition, multiplication, and division.16546110521479nan./cache/A50616.xml./txt/A50616.txt
A08687Owen, John, 1560?-1622.Epigrams of that most wittie and worthie epigrammatist Mr. Iohn Owen, Gentleman. Translated by Iohn Vicars1619135555690nan./cache/A08687.xml./txt/A08687.txt
A09041Parrot, Henry.The mous-trap160662502088nan./cache/A09041.xml./txt/A09041.txt
A09038Parrot, Henry.Epigrams. by H.P.160886403063nan./cache/A09038.xml./txt/A09038.txt
A09039Parrot, Henry.Laquei ridiculosi: or Springes for vvoodcocks Caueat emptor.1613254838980nan./cache/A09039.xml./txt/A09039.txt
A09205Peacham, Henry, 1576?-1643?Thalia''s banquet furnished with an hundred and odde dishes of newly deuised epigrammes, whereunto (beside many worthy friends) are inuited all that loue in offensiue mirth, and the Muses. By H.P.1620107793215nan./cache/A09205.xml./txt/A09205.txt
A56191Prynne, William, 1600-1669.A pleasant purge for a Roman Catholike to evacuate his evill humours consisting of a century of polemicall epigrams, wherein divers grosse errors and corruptions of the Church of Rome are discovered, censured, refuted, in a facetious yet serious manner / by William Prynne ...16426256825398nan./cache/A56191.xml./txt/A56191.txt
A10251Quarles, Francis, 1592-1644.Diuine fancies digested into epigrammes, meditations, and observations / by Fra. Quarles.16334034814616nan./cache/A10251.xml./txt/A10251.txt
A12072Sharpe, Roger.More fooles yet. Written by R.S.161048561571nan./cache/A12072.xml./txt/A12072.txt
A64168Taylor, John, 1580-1653.Epigrammes vvritten on purpose to be read: with a proviso, that they may be understood by the reader; being ninety in number: besides, two new made satyres that attend them. By John Taylor, at the signe of the Poets Head, in Phœnix Alley, neare the middle of Long-Aker, or Covent Garden.165159351953nan./cache/A64168.xml./txt/A64168.txt
A64606Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660.Epigrams, divine and moral by Sir Thomas Vrchard, Knight.1641110903612nan./cache/A64606.xml./txt/A64606.txt
A14954West, Richard, fl. 1606-1619, attributed name.VVits A.B.C. or A centurie of epigrams160880682708nan./cache/A14954.xml./txt/A14954.txt
A15623Wither, George, 1588-1667.Abuses stript, and whipt. Or Satirical essayes. By George Wyther. Diuided into two bookes16137585825392nan./cache/A15623.xml./txt/A15623.txt