
This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.

id author title date words sentences pages cache text
A01138Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626.The charge of Sir Francis Bacon Knight, his Maiesties Attourney generall, touching duells vpon an information in the Star-chamber against Priest and Wright. With the decree of the Star-chamber in the same cause.1614.084962195nan./cache/A01138.xml./txt/A01138.txt
A28857Boteler, William, d. 1678.Boteler''s case being an impartial narrative of the tryal, & penitent behaviour of Master UUilliam Boteler, executed September 10th at Chelmsford, about the murder of Capt. Wade : with the substance of a sermon preached on that occasion, and his last speech faithfully taken.1678.089802488nan./cache/A28857.xml./txt/A28857.txt
A32354Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.A proclamation against fighting of duels1660.0891167nan./cache/A32354.xml./txt/A32354.txt
A79281Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.By the King. A proclamation against fighting of duells1660.0896180nan./cache/A79281.xml./txt/A79281.txt
A32352Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.A proclamation against duelsnan1301186nan./cache/A32352.xml./txt/A32352.txt
A18601Chevalier, Guillaume de, ca. 1564-ca. 1620.The ghosts of the deceased sieurs, de Villemor, and de Fontaines A most necessarie discourse of duells: wherein is shewed the meanes to roote them out quite. With the discourse of valour. By the Sieur de Chevalier. To the King. The third edition reviewed, corrected, and augmented in French, and translated by Tho. Heigham, Esquire.1624.0328729788nan./cache/A18601.xml./txt/A18601.txt
A68036Delamore, Andrew, attributed name.Anti-duello. The anatomie of duells, with the symptomes thereof A treatise wherein is learnedly handled, whether a Christian magistrate may lawfully grant a duell, for to end a difference which consisteth in fact. Also, the maner and forme of combats granted, with the seuerall orders obserued in the proceeding thereof, with the list of such duels, as haue beene performed before the Kings of England. Truly and compendiously collected and set forth by Mr. Iohn Despagne, for the good of soueraigne and subiect. Published by his Maiesties command.1632.0132883738nan./cache/A68036.xml./txt/A68036.txt
A74166Dorchester, Henry Pierrepont, Marquis of, 1606-1680.A true and perfect copy of a letter written by the Lord Marquis of Dorchester to the Lord Roos1660.01303312nan./cache/A74166.xml./txt/A74166.txt
A92150Rutland, John Manners, Duke of, 1638-1711.A true and perfect copy of the Lord Roos his answer to the Marquesse of Dorchester''s letter written the 25 of February 16591660.01436330nan./cache/A92150.xml./txt/A92150.txt
B05455Scotland. Privy Council.A proclamation against fighting of duels or single combats1674.01689286nan./cache/B05455.xml./txt/B05455.txt