
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A57504now preferr''d so High, What Marvels from that Prospect dost thou spy?
A57504s.n.,[ London: 1679?]
A57504to Raise Immortal Spire On Sea- coal Basis?
A65619And what better ORDER can be Invented, than this Ancient Tryed Method; By which the World was overcome, and became Christian?
A65619And what more Convenient Time than the Beginning, either before Morning or Communion- Service, when Mens Senses are fresh, and open for Instruction?
A65619It''s proportion is about the same with the Altar?
A65619What, have ye not houses to Eat and to Drink in?
A65619or despise ye the Church of God, and shame them that have not?
A07381& c..... LACTANTIUS condemns the Gentiles for having them: Cur, inquit, oculos in coelum non tollitis?
A07381& coenabit illic ubi Apostolo non placet?
A07381& cum homo laxiùs maneam, intra unam Aediculam vim tantae Majestatis includam?
A07381&, advocatis Deorum nominibus, in aperto sacrificia celebratis?
A073817. according to that of S. Paul, The bread which we break,& c. why should it not then be so taken here?
A07381And unlesse this be the meaning, why should this appendant be so singularly mentioned in the salutations of some, and not of others?
A07381But if they had in Ignatius his time Holy doores,( or as some render it sacra vestibula) who can beleeve also but they had holy Houses?
A07381But what is this else, but to beg the question?
A07381But what need we trouble our selves thus to gather up Testimonies for the latter half of this Seculum?
A07381Cur ad parietes& ligna& lapides potissimum, quàm illò spectatis, ubi Deos esse creditis?
A07381Excubabit( nempe) Christianus) pro Templis quibus renunciavit?
A07381For* Lucian in his Dialogue Philopatris, by way of derision( sed ridentem dicere verum quid vetat?)
A07381Had none in those Catalogues of salutation, Christian families, but some one only who is thus remembred?
A07381Had the Christians no Oratories or Churches in Gregory Thaumaturgus his time?
A07381Had they none in S. Cyprians?
A07381Had they none in the dayes of Dionysius Alexandrinus?
A07381Had they none, when Galienus released their 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉?
A07381Had they none, when the Edict of Diocletian came forth for demolishing them?
A07381Hanc tamen vocari etiam ipsam Domum orationum, idem Apostolus testis est, ubi ait; Nunquid domos non habetis ad manducandum& bibendum?
A07381Have ye not houses to eat and drink in?
A07381He denies none of this, but answers: Templa quaerimus in Deorum quos usus?
A07381If any man shall ask, where this divine ordinance, which Clemens here mentioneth, is to be found?
A07381MINUTIUS FELIX when Caecilius objects, Cur occultare& abscondere, quicquid illud quod colunt magnopere nituntur.... Cur nullas aras habent?
A07381Matrona, saith he, quae in Ecclesia Christi locuples& dives es, Dominicum( sacrificium) celebrare te credis, quae corbonam omnino non respicis?
A07381My next argument why may I not take from that singular character given to some one above other in the Apostles salutatiōs, as their peculiar?
A07381Nunquid domos non habetis ad manducandum& bibendum?
A07381Quid Arae volunt?
A07381Quid sibi Templa?
A07381Quod enim simulacrum Deo fingam, cum sirectè existimes, sit Dei homo ipse simulacrum?
A07381Templa nulla?
A07381Templum quod ei extruam, cum totus hic mundus, ejus operâ fabricatus, eum capere non possit?
A07381What then, will you say, is the meaning of these passages, and how may they be satisfied, and this scruple taken off?
A07381Who would now think, that Christians had any Churches or Houses of worship in these Authors dayes?
A07381Why was this, but because they had not many places to celebrate in?
A07381[ 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉;] Or despise ye the CHVRCH of God?
A07381an Ecclesiam Dei contemnitis?
A07381aut Ecclesiam Dei contemnitis?
A07381aut in cujus rei necessitatem, aut dicitis esse constructa, aut esse rursus aedificanda censetis?
A07381cur immaniter CONVENTICVLA dirui?
A07381in Presbyterium, seu 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉) simulacra atque Idola cum Aris suis transeant?
A07381in nostro imò consecrandus est pectore?
A07381nonne melius in nostra dedicandus est mente?
A07381nulla not a Simulacra?
A07381quae in DOMINICVM sine sacrificio venis, quae partem de sacrificio quod pauper obtulit, sumis?
A07381quid deniq, ipsa simulacra?
A07381〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉; Or despise you the CHVRCH of God?