
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
31383The floating of the bond issue is a simple matter, if you men think we ought to do it; but where is the money for meeting the interest to come from? 31383 But why build a canal almost large enough, only? 31383 How, then, expect to make an excavation fifty feet deep? 31383 Must we increase that tax? 31383 What will be the rate charged for a site? 31383 Why build a 25-foot lock when ships drawing 30-feet of water come to New Orleans? 31383 Why not make a capacity facility while they were about it? 31383 Will it be based on the actual cost of the Canal and its maintenance? 47435 Again I may ask-- Is there any reasonable probability of this? 47435 Are not our commercial conditions equally dissimilar? 47435 But is there any reasonable probability that it could? 47435 But what would happen if it were duly carried out, as it ought to be? 47435 But, even accepting the principle of canal municipalisation, what prospect would there be of Colonel Walker''s aspiration being realised? 47435 He had been asked, Why make any roads? 47435 How can any just comparison be made between these two waterways? 47435 How can the Aire and Calder possibly be taken as a model-- from the point of view of calculating cost of improvements or reconstruction? 47435 Is it ready, even in principle, for either the nationalisation or the municipalisation of canals alone? 47435 Is this really the case? 47435 What are our conditions in Great Britain, as against all these? 47435 What is to be done with these? 47435 Why should not the same principle be applied to railways also? 47435 Would the traffic on a particular route be always equal to the outlay? 47435 You may hope to get them in about a week?
47435[_ To face page 88._] Substitute coal barges for coal trucks, and how will the loading then be accomplished?
47351''Do you think so, sir?'' 47351 And what books have you read?"
47351And what use will you make of their language?
47351How long have you read law?
47351Whither is the white man going?
47351Why do you go among the Indians?
47351Why does the paleface travel such unknown roads? 47351 Will you not take the oath?"
47351And what more, pray, could be done than this to advance the interests of the United States hereabouts?
47351And where were the millions of money, the men, and the arms to come from that should prevent final annihilation?
47351But that was not the vital question; the vital question was, Could it grow?
47351But there was a very important question to be settled immediately; did Kentucky belong to Virginia or was it independent?
47351Could it mock the European doctrine that, in time, mountains inevitably become boundaries of empires?
47351Could the New Englanders do equally well?
47351Could the new master, this infant Republic,"one nation to- day, thirteen to- morrow,"do better?
47351Did they know too well the herculean toils that such work demanded?
47351How free now would they be?
47351If a short road was practicable, why not a long one?
47351In the many expeditions to the westward of the Alleghanies in America what commanders turned their attention later to the regions subdued?
47351Is it not of interest that the famed Cumberland Road was not built to connect two large Eastern cities, or a seaport or river with a city?
47351Maryland hesitated; could Baltimore be connected by canal with the Potomac Valley?
47351Shall not a more appropriate token of our esteem replace the little slab that now marks that hallowed grave?
47351The question was raised,"Shall we take our prisoners to Pittsburg, or kill them?"
47351Was it to hinder or help the occupation of the land on the part of rival spirits?
47351Was it to strengthen or weaken America''s claim to the empire of Oregon?
47351Were those dreams true?
47351What if other national roads proposed-- through the South and northward from Washington to Buffalo-- should demand equally large sums?
47351What if the fund produced from the sales of land was not sufficient to build the road?
47351What was its political status?
47351Which party would Congress listen to if the public treasury was not in a position to satisfy both applicants?
47351Who before him ever had the temerity to suggest that ships would descend the Ohio River and sail for foreign ports?
47351Would he like the country?
47351Would he want the other members of the family to emigrate there too?
47351Would he wish to stay in the West?
47351Yet against what human motive may not the accusation of self- interest be cast?