
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A46621he is a Gracious Prince, that excels all the Princes in the World, and do they think to bereave us?
A55426[ 2] p. Printed for Benjamin Harris...,[ London]:[ 1675?]
A66767s.n.,[ London: 1689?]
A80973[ 1?]
A46858what''s the reason?
A64682He Prophesied of another great Persecution that was to come; and when one demanded of him, whether that great Persecution were passed or not?
A64682It was then asked, by what Instruments this Persecution should be carried on?
A29095Persecution is the Thorn in you, ye Messengers of Satan; must Piety be punisht?
A51652And again, in the 26 verse, How opened he thine Eyes?
A32576Horse, and not very many Foot do in respect of conquering all England?
A32576Should we not detest and abhorre the Religion of such a generation, as count they doe God good service, by killing us?
A32576When the plot had taken effect, what should they doe?
A32576Winter told him that it strooke at the roote, but what and if it should not take effect?
A39423V. Whether Married Women, being Popish Recusants, but their Husbands Protestants, shall be excused?
A39423Whether Native Subjects of Our Sovereign Lord, that are Menial Servants of Foreign Ministers, shall be excused?
A39423Whether Popish Recusants that have taken the Oaths, found Sureties, have appeared, and are Convict, shall find new Sureties, or be continued over?
A37436An unrecognized work of Defoe''s?
A37436It still remains a Question, how they shall be discovered?
B06285Being demanded of me in jest, Whether also the Jews agreed with the Samaritans?
B06285Secondly, what points of these Offers I shall first put them upon to enlarge and clear?
B06285Then said the Lord Powis, No, no, my Lord Arundel does onely this to try you: But my Lord( continued he) what would you give him to kill the King?
B06285Thirdly, what other Points and Queries I shall propose to them, and in what manner?
B06285Whether they did not pour Oyl upon those Flames?
A69527But some will say, that there begreat Doctors not Covenanters, and wherefore may not wee likewise stand out as well as these learned men?
A69527Thirdly, what if these Doctors would maintaine Popery and hinder a reformation, as their predecessors have done, wouldst thou follow?
A69527and not oppose himselfe with all his power against them, if there remaine any sparke of true Christianity?
A69527who doth not evidently perceive these monstrous dangers?
A69527wilt thou not subscribe the contract which thy parents, Godfathers and Godmothers, as thy spirituall tutors, seeing it is for God and truth onely?
A31346And can you be so idle as to think, We run such hazards, parted with our Chink, For Game at Nine- pins?
A31346Can we the ill Luck of our Ruffians help, When here confined Prisoners, ye Whelp?
A31346Must we, like Spaniels, to the Work be bang''d Of Mother- Church, and merit to be hang''d?
A31346Tell me, Sirs, what you I''th Devil''s Name with me intend to do?
A31346Then where''s your Worships if I leave my Beads?
A31346VVhat have not done for your cursed sake?
A31346VVhat have ye done, that ye upbraid me so?
A31346What have we done?
A31346a pretty hopeful Game: Was it for this your Worships hither came?
A70777Are our Papists and Protestants worse here then there?
A70777If she affects an Union, why should she uphold the Means of Division?
A70777Or are our Differences greater?
A70777Or are our Numbers more dangerously unequal, that we dare not trust a Law that others in our very Circumstances are so happy under?
A70777Ought not the Dissenters to suspect her Integrity, in refusing a good Understanding, in the very way that must save those she would gain?
A70777Why then may not that be done here that has been so happily acted elsewhere?
A70777are they any more then Law?
A78109Have not some of you cryed against the Pope and his inventions these many years?
A78109What, have you lost your zeal for the Lord?
A78109What, is all your profession come to this?
A78109What, observing Christmas in London yet?
A78109What, ye of the Reformed Churches?
A78109What, ye that have seemed some years since to turne away from these things, are ye even again observing these things?
A78109You seem to be joyned to Idols, as if an Idol were your God; is not this idolatry?
A78109and are you sitten down in the practice of his inventions?
A78109and is your zeal quite dead which once was in you against the practices of the whore of Rome?
A78109what, art thou falling back into Popish Idolatry again?
A78109which sometime there hath been a spirit in thee which hath denyed?
A39576and whether were it not much better for you to hearken then hastily to offer, or to obey then to sacrifice with your hands full of blood?
A69679And if you ask, Who, or What Heretiques those are?
A69679For what Sin can the Emperor be deposed?
A69679He r proposes the Question: Pro quo peccato potest Imperator deponi?
A69679They who had taken this Oath, desired to know how far they were bound by this Oath?
A69679Well, but does not the Pope( in this Case) shew some respect and civility to the Emperor?
A66859And is not your Hearts sad, and condemnation upon your Spirits at the same time?
A66859Are ye not the s; piritual Egypt and Sodom, in which Christ is Crucified?
A66859Areye Singing, whilst the Lords Spirit doth Mourn, and the Lamb of God slain in you?
A66859But like he Pope, Is not the Inside Black as Hell and Death?
A66859Do ye appear like Sheep Outwardly, whilest Within there lodgeth all manner of Putrefaction?
A66859Have ye made the Outside White, like the Saints?
A66859Is not he Lamb of God Slain in you?
A66859Is this to deny the Popes supremacy?
A66859Is this to make Melody in your Hearts to the Lord?
A66859Nay, it is the Living, The Living that can make known his Truth: Can the Grave praise Him?
A66859Or can his Loving Kindness be declared in Death, or his Faithfulness in the Land of Destruction, and shadow of Death?
A34571After what manner the Suffrages made in their behalf are applyed?
A34571But if They be not Matters of Catholick Faith, nor owned by Us as such, why are Catholicks, as Catholicks, punished for them?
A34571How Impertinently is the frequenting the Protestant Church, and Receiving the Communion, proposed unto Us, and Refused by Vs?
A34571How long each Soul is detained there?
A34571Of what Nature or Quality the Pains are?
A34571To what purpose are Oaths and Tests devised to intangle Us?
A34571What can We do more?
A34571What shall We say?
A34571Whether by way of Satisfaction or Intercession?
A34571Why is Our Religion Persecuted on that account?
A34722And what is the cause, that after so many yeares of preaching of the Gospell, that the common people still retaine a sent of the Roman perfume?
A34722But whence shall the streame follow that must feed this bounty?
A34722How can we draw others to our Church; if we can not agree, where, or how to lay our Foundation?
A34722What was the cause why the Spartans continued their governmēt so many Revolutions of times, without mutations?
A34722],[ London?
A10823& c. Or is it because Peter was commanded to feede, were the rest enioined to bee idle, remisse and negligent?
A10823And what shall be said of Iesuite Garnet, that Arch Traytor?
A10823But where was this Foundation then?
A10823But why is mention specially- made heere, of Peter and of the rest of the Apostles?
A10823Christus qui caput est vnum; Papa quid ergo?
A10823Dic mihi quaeso Biceps, fietne Ecclesia monstrū?
A10823If hee had beene that Ground that the Church should bee built vpon, would hee not haue claymed it himselfe?
A10823Vah; nequit esse Biceps diuina Ecclesia?
A10823What was the Ground that this Building leaned to?
A10823Will the Building stand firme and stable after the Ground is sunke or fallen?
A10823and Arias montanus do testifie, with innumerabe others, and were not the rest commanded to goe and teach all Nations baptizing them?
A10823impie qua quaeso, talia fronte refers?
A10823or rather, is it not the Foundation that vpholds and sustaines the whole Fabrick?
A423132. lyke that great Prophet ELIAS?
A42313AN ANSWERE, Then, 1. to that vsuall and customable Question, Whereby the Romanistes aske vs, where was our Religion before Luther?
A42313Agayne, if they aske in these ● oyntes wheerein wee disagree ● nd oppose them, where was our ● eligion before Luther?
A42313And can anie man say nowe, but people in lyke- manner are learning the fayth daylie, and haue neede of farder instruction than they haue alreadie?
A42313And if wee aske at their owne Cassander, how long this custome did continue in the Church of Christ?
A42313For to giue assent, o ● acknowledge anie such style, what else is it, but to lose the sayth, and make ship- wracke there of,( sayeth hee?)
A42313For what are thy brethren* Bishops of the Catholicke Church, b ● t the Starres of Heaven?
A42313Next, this shall serue to answere two ordinarie and customable questions of theirs; to wit, 1. whereby they aske, where was our Religion befor Luther?
A42313Or will anie affirme, that this ● ule of the Apostle, Let all bee done vnto edification, helde onelie for a tyme?
A42313and 2. what became of the soules of our fore- fathers, who dyed before the reformation?
A30399And lastly, can it be necessary to Salvation, and yet we can obtain pardon of Sins without the use of it?
A30399And then why might it not be at Antioch or Jerusalom as well as Rome?
A30399And, if Tradition in true Writers be so difficult to preserve, how can it be expected to be safe from spurious ones, or without any Writers at all?
A30399For during these times, where was the true Successor of S. Peter?
A30399Have they no better Grounds for their Articles of Faith than these?
A30399Is this the pretended solid Union of the Popish Church in matters of Salvation, and which she enjoyns under pain of Damnation?
A30399Or was the Church( in their sense) so long without an Head?
A30399To what end then are they sent to Purgatory?
A30399Was all the World a- sleep, or ignorant so long of this Power which they now challenge to themselves Jure Divino?
A30399What Protestant could have opposed this vain Doctrine with greater strength of Reason and Argument than these Papists have done?
A30399What can the Papists say to this so plain an acknowledgment?
A30399What clashing and enterfering is here?
A30399What then will she trust to?
A30399Where was then that reverence to Antiquity, which their Followers to this day so much pretend to?
A30399Where was then the exercise or acknowledgment of this Supremacy and Infallibility of the Popes?
A30399Whether the Papists can prove, that S. Peter, while he lived, exercised such Power and Supreme Iurisdiction, even over the Apostles?
A30399Whether they can make it appear, That our Blessed Saviour, when on Earth, exercised such a temporal Monarchy as the Pope now challengeth?
A30399Whether, if S. Peter exercised any such Authority, it was not temporary, and ceased with his Person, as the Apostleship did?
A30399Which place when Cheyney, a Protestant in Q. Mary''s days, insisted upon against the Papists, and demanded what it was that was burned?
A30399and whether ever he was at Rome or no?
A66427After all, if so many Difficulties surround the Learned, what shall Women do, and such as only understand their Mother Tongue?
A66427And here I ask again, Whether every Bishop and Devine, that Debates and Votes in Council, be Infallible?
A66427And now to that Question so often asked, By what Authority we depart from the Faith of the Church of Rome?
A66427And so we are come, in the third place, to ask, How they came by a Power to make the Conclusion Divine, the Means being Humane?
A66427Are we not now in a fair way for Peace and Unity?
A66427But how can they pretend Scripture in this Case?
A66427But how shall they be ascertained that they have a true Copy of the Acts of that Council?
A66427But is a Council without him then Infallible?
A66427But though Scripture and Tradition are insufficient, perhaps Succession may make out this Matter; or else, why are we so often told of it?
A66427How must the Truth be cleared, and Peace be restored to Christendom?
A66427I ask therefore, Where this Infallibility is, that has been so much talked of?
A66427If he be asked, how he attains the right Sense of them?
A66427If he be asked, how he knows these Books to be Written by those Inspired Men, to whom they are attributed?
A66427If it be, what becomes of the Pope''s Supremacy?
A66427Is this Infallibility shared among them, so that every one has some?
A66427Secondly, if any body has it, where he, or they, are to be found?
A66427Suppose now we had the Scripture, and the Creeds from them, what follows?
A66427They ask farther, who is to be Judg of the Controversies and Reasonings between us?
A66427monstra tot perdon ● ta, post Phlegram impio Sparsam cruore, postque defensos Deos, nondum liquet de Patre?
A66427or, How they will make it appear to me, or any Man else, that they are endued with such a Power?
A44810Was there not a possibility of leting go that which they had, and of loosing the Crown, or else why is the exhortation?
A44810and if any of the foresaid Sects, should pretend the certainty of the spirit, and yet not have it?
A44810and when was the entail cut off from them?
A44810and wherefore Christ should exhort his Disciples to take heed of them, and to beware of them, and to take heed of their Doctrine?
A44810and whether they were not deceived, yea or nay?
A44810and why did Christ pronounce so many woes against them, notwithstanding their sitting in Moses Chair?
A44810as Corinth and Galatia?
A44810doth this any whit at all detract from the certainty and assurance of the Spirit of God in them that hath it?
A44810which waters are Nations, Kindreds, Tongues and People, and what Church?
A35277Chapters are held at his usurping call; What need of Deans, if Chanters can do all?
A35277Dar''st thou( said he) Name Sermons in my Ear?
A35277Do Deans fear Dust, they must be cas''d like Clocks?
A35277Fear you a foolish timerous Owls grimace?
A35277How can such fury enter Souls devout?
A35277How dar''st thou, proud Cathedral, Friendship shew To peace,( said she) my known, and vanquish''d Foe, Which round the World I''ve spurn''d?
A35277How durst y''Encounter then a Judges Face?
A35277How now( said Minnum) come we here to gaze?
A35277I now have in the Quire, a Seat,( said he) Cloath''d with Rich Cushions Crown''d with Canopy, On what pretence can I Erect this Throne?
A35277In our Church Pillar is some rottenness spread, To hide himself he wou''d be Wainscotted?
A35277Make potent Prelates preach?
A35277Men doubly Buried both in Flesh and Down?
A35277Said he, what Humour drives your Rest away, Will you to Church when it is scarcely day?
A35277Stand off, Atheistique Wits, and Scoffers vain, Do not my Grave and Solemn Song profane?
A35277The Sage replies; Pray by what Rule?
A35277Their thin worn Wheels are soon in motion set, But who can stir a Canon mir''d in Fat?
A35277What Devil envious of Church repose, These Fire- balls into holy Bosoms throws, And turns the Church to a disorder''d Rout?
A35277What Fury''s this( said he) has seiz''d your mind, And hurries you to Church e''re you ha''Din''d?
A35277What sincere delight Shook thy dry Corps, when they Name rose in sight?
A35277Where has she rest?
A35277With broken voice, and hoarse with frequent brawl She cries, where are you fled you Cowards all?
A35277Wou''d they like Cent''ries awe us from a Box?
A35277Your Tongues and Pens support Church Rites and Laws, What need y''engage your Bowels in the Cause?
A35277moderate your anger, Sir, said they, Awaken Rich Fat Canons before day?
A35277what spite and fury fir''d his Blood, When on his Bench he saw the Pulpit stood?
A66402* When they do declare against a Plot for the Alteration of Government, is not that easily applied to the kind or form, or some main parts of it?
A66402Being further examined, How it came to pass that they condemned what their General did allow?
A66402But supposing this should be at the point of Death, may this then be practised?
A66402But what if he be put to his Oath?
A66402Did they do all this at their Death, and call God to Witness, and pawn their Souls to verifie and confirm what they said?
A66402If he urges again, and asks whether you did not Equivocate in your denying it?
A66402So saith Parsons d; When thou answerest to a Judg, that is incompetent, by Equivocation: If he ask, whether you Equivocate, or not?
A66402Suarez f answers, Where do you find, in the Acts of that Council, that it''s spoken of Princes excommunicate by the Pope, or degraded?
A66402Were these Principles never reassumed by them?
A66402What the Opinion of Mariana was touching killing of Kings?
A66402What the Opinion of Mariana was touching killing of Kings?
A66402When it was asked again, What they would do if at Rome?
A66402When they renounce Equivocations,& c. Did not Garnet and Coome do the same, and yet in the mean while did Equivocate or Lye?
A66402Whether Mariana held it problematically only?
A66402Whether Mariana held this problematically only?
A66402Whether and how Mariana was censured for it?
A66402Whether and how Mariana was censured for this?
A66402Whether any of the Jesuits besides Mariana were of that Opinion?
A45350And hath God preserv''d both our Religion and Government?
A45350Have we not the strongest Obligations to thank and praise him, who is the Author of our Frame and Constitution?
A45350Have we now a blessed and a comfortable Hope of seeing our Religion and Government flourish?
A45350How many Arrows have been shot at this Glorious Nation, out of their Quiver of malice and revenge?
A45350How many Efforts have been made?
A45350How ought we then to magnify the Divine Goodness?
A45350How wonderfully did he then deliver us from the hand of the Enemy?
A45350How would his Throne a''been Establish''d in Righteousness, had but the wicked been taken away from before him?
A45350Now, I say, hath the Lord given us such Blessings?
A45350Of having our Judges restor''d, as at the first; and our Counsellors, as at the beginning?
A45350Secondly, Hath his Providence watch''d over us with a careful Eye?
A45350Was this our excellent Religion in danger of being overflown with the filthy streams of Popery and Superstition?
A45350Was this our incomparable Government brought by Arbitrary Power to the very brink of Destruction?
A45350What great Reason then have we to magnify Divine Providence?
A45350What return shall we make for this his transcendant Love, and admirable kindness?
A45350What security can there be to the Protestant Religion and Liberty, where there is a subjection to the Pope?
A45350What signify all the plausible pretences, all the fair promises and assurances where Popery hath got the ascendant?
A45350What then shall we render unto him for all his Benefits?
A45350Where Jesuitical Counsels influence and command?
A45350Who can reflect upon his misfortunes without pity and perturbation of Mind?
A45350Who is the Preserver of our Being?
A45350Who sustains our Life by the continual Influence of his Love?
A30330A second thing about which there was some Controversy was, whether the Particulars that fell under debate came within the Head of Heresy, or not?
A30330After all these dismal Facts, was it not time for the States of France, to think of some effectual Remedy, to prevent the like for the future?
A30330And for the Body of the Church, how shall a man find out their sense, unless gathered together in some Assembly?
A30330Besides, How can those Persons be assured, that the fourth Council of Lateran did not decree according to Tradition?
A30330But for the Church of Rome, how unsafe is the Civil Government among them?
A30330But then the Question comes, What makes one a Member of the true Church?
A30330But what shall I say?
A30330First, we turn back the Question, and ask them where was their Religion the first six hundred years after Christ?
A30330If also another Question arise how much the Sixth Commandment obliges?
A30330If the Admiral had any such design, why came he to Court?
A30330It was debated long, whether the King of Navarre and the Prince of Conde, should perish with the rest?
A30330Let any man of good reason judge, whether the last of these was not to be chosen?
A30330Or, tho particular Persons would prevaricate, would the whole Clergy conspire to do it?
A30330Some of them went out to the Streets, and asked what the matter might be, of so great a Concourse, and so many Torches and armed Men, at such an hour?
A30330The Authority of the Sentence in the Case of Heresy was not controverted; all the Question was; Whether the Point under debate was Heresy or not?
A30330They first except to the Novelty of our Reformation, and always insult with this Question, Where was your Religion before Luther?
A30330This is like him that came to discover a huge Treasure that he knew was hid under ground; but being asked in what place it was?
A30330This we plainly teach, without Addition or Change: But in how many things have they departed from this Simplicity of the Gospel?
A30330When Walsingham read this, and was asked, what he thought of the Admirals Friendship to his Mistress?
A30330Why to Paris, where he knew he had few Friends, and a vast number of mortal Enemies?
A30330Will Men easily change their Faith?
A30330Yet it seems, as short as it was, it made some Impression, for when she asked the King, what it was that he had said to him?
A30330and why did he desire a Guard from the King?
A30330my poor Subjects, what had you done?
A30330or must a Man go over Christendome, and gather the Suffrages of all the Pastors of the Church?
A30330what have they done?
A70152& what hast thou which thou hast not received?
A7015214. where the Apostle sayeth, What doth it profit though a man say, hee hath faith,& not works, can that faith saue him?
A7015226. wher the Lord requireth us ▪ To giue to him our heart, which if wee haue not freedome of will, why doeth the Holie Ghost require this of us?
A701524. de Lazaro) saying, Do I say confesse to thy fellow servant who may upbraid thee?
A701527. Who made thee to differ from another?
A70152And againe verse 55. where it is said, O Death where is thy sting?
A70152And therfore this was the speech of Donatꝰ, Quid est Imperatori cum Ecclesia?
A70152As if the Apostle had said, if there were no resurrection of the bodie at all, what fruit can they reape who are baptised?
A70152Call now, if there be any that will answere thee, and to which of the saints will thou turne?
A70152Death wher is thysting?
A70152If it be rendred then according to works, how shall it be esteemed mercie?
A70152In this matter( most religious Lord) do I defend any cause of mine?
A70152Now in such a division of tongues and Pen''s in this point, what is popish unitie, let any man judge?
A70152O graue where is thy victory?
A70152Otherwise what shall they do who are baptised for the dead?
A70152Than which what can be greater blasphemie& idolatrie?
A70152The second Testimonie that hee bringeth is Bernards words in the same sermon, saying, Who can say, I am one of the Elect?
A70152They agree no better in this point, to wit, Wherby did Christ produce in his last supper Transsubstantiation?
A70152To which I answer, Who denyeth this?
A70152To whom will ye liken God, or what liknes will yee compare to him?
A70152Vnderstandeth thou what thou readeth?
A70152Wee see againe in their Translation grosse alteration, the words being these, Death where is thy victory?
A70152Who ever of us spake so ▪ why do they not proue it by some instance?
A70152Yea Christs owne perfection was in this, the doing of his Fathers will,& shall wretched sinfull man be able to go beyond the perfectiō of these?
A70152or What hath the Emperour adoe with the Church?
A70152or do I challenge heerin any wrong done to mee?
A70152was hee made Bishope( sayeth he) that day when he was crowned Emperour?
A70152wher the Angell sayeth to God How long will thou not haue mercie on Jerusalē?
A70152who said how can I without a guide?
A70152〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 O graue where is thy victorie?
A10684ANd is not that the Church most true, wherein succeeded still in viewe, Of Bishops some two hundred three, as thou in Histories mayest see?
A10684All these are Christs true Church, they say: but now on which shall my soule stay?
A10684And where you say, you maruell, how we did receyue such, as did vow Themselues your Priests of Popish order, to serue with vs in any border?
A10684But how should I amongst all these, know truth from falshood, God to please?
A10684DId now S. Peters strong faith fayle?
A10684Did none of them defend the trueth, but was controld in age and youth?
A10684Doe they not shine still where they be, vnder those clowdes?
A10684HOw long will Papists blinded be, in that which euery eye may see?
A10684How many Churches hath Christ built, and you the blood of them haue spilt?
A10684How may your Church make any Priest, if she be not the Church of Christ?
A10684How might a man haue found you out, to heare and helpe in things of doubt?
A10684I say, that euen as wolues by kinde, the sheepe and lambes in field can finde; So you did find vs to our cost, or else how were our liues so lost?
A10684Now, where you aske of Popery, when it began, and to sit hie?
A10684O what is that, I pray thee name?
A10684Or did the salt his sauour lose?
A10684Or should he answere as you doe, As my friends did, I will doe too?
A10684Or was truths piller ouerthrowne?
A10684Saint Peter first, and then the rest, which haue the people taught and blest?
A10684To these in order as they lye, I will in few words now reply: Where is the Sun, the Moone the Stars, when clouds& darknes make them wars?
A10684What answere can you make therein, but this, that God, for all their sinne, May iustly damne them, if he will, or saue, where he likes not to kill?
A10684What company then tooke in hand, to winne and to conuert this Land, With other countreyes farre and neere, but Rome our Mother- Church most deere?
A10684What is the chaffe vnto the wheat?
A10684What would you more, but that you stand, for Popish trash in euery land?
A10684What, were all damn''d eternally, that were not of your company?
A10684When Abram was with Cera he, his father deare, as children be, And God cald Abraham away, what, should he not Gods call obay?
A10684Where did our chiefest Pastour sit?
A10684Where did your chiefest Pastor sit?
A10684Where haue you byn so long a time?
A10684Where was our Church, you say, that time?
A10684Where were the feeders of the sheep?
A10684Where were the seruants of the Lord?
A10684Who had authority to ordaine Bishops, Doctors, and Priests againe?
A10684Who kept the holy Scriptures then, from hands of vilde and wicked men?
A10684You aske how you might find vs out, to answere things that were in doubt?
A10684You aske what are become alway, of all that dyed to this day?
A10684You aske, who kept all Scripture then?
A10684You say, that your faith did appeare, to be the truth sixe hundred yeare: But tell me then, Sir, if you can, when Popery at first began?
A10684Your common Stewes you still maintaine: for why?
A10684and did the gates of hell preuayle?
A10684and vnto whom did your light shine?
A10684by which all truth was to be knowne?
A10684did Christ some other spouse then choose?
A10684durst none of them then speake a word?
A10684were they all dead, or fast asleepe?
A10684what is mans wit to wisdome great?
A10684where did the beauty of it shine?
A10684who kept our keyes?
A10684who kept your keies, your helme& ship?
A10684who made our Priests,& all Church- men?
A10684who rulde our ship?
A42453Ah, how palpable is the folly of vain and proud man, when he opposes the wisdom of God?
A42453And how could our Saviour pass through a whole crowd of people, and neither be seen, heard, or felt, without a deception of the Senses?
A42453And therefore doth it not appear evident, that there was Salvation attained without a Church in the sense of this Querist?
A42453But how doth it follow from hence, that the Church is an Infallible Judg in this point?
A42453Can you now be of the opinion, that this ungodly fraternity of Villains could make up an infallible Consistory by possessing the Chair of Moses?
A42453Do you not take that to be new, in Christianity, which is but a little above a hundred years old?
A42453Doth it hence follovv that the People of the Jews was a visible Infallible Judg in that point and if so, then in all matters of Faith?
A42453For was not Lot to deny his Senses, when he perceived them to be Angels, whom his eyes ears and touch taught him to be living men?
A42453He cries out, How could our Saviour pass through a croud of People, and neither be seen, heard, or felt, without a deception of the senses?
A42453I may ask the Querist, as St. Paul did K. Agrippa, Believest thou the Prophets?
A42453I pray marke now, who is ignorant of, or wilfully mistakes the Argument we treat of, the Querist, or the Respondent?
A42453Is it not evident, that leaning upon their leaders hand, and resting upon their Authority was the peoples ruine?
A42453Must you needs run out of our Church, as if it were a House visited with the Plague, meerly because it relyes only upon the Scriptures for a Religion?
A42453Now what difference is there between an obstinate Jew, and an infatuated Papist?
A42453Or how shall the Jews conscience be satisfied of this fundamental doctrine?
A42453Salvation was then of the Jews?
A42453WHether there is not in all ages a visible Catholick Church?
A42453What then?
A42453What truth can you expect from such open lyers, as the men of this mould are?
A42453Whether according to the veracity of Gods promises, there were not then to be a Visible Church of the Jewes?
A42453Whether out of the visible Catholick Church any can attain Salvation?
A42453Would Moses deprive them of this happiness?
A42453Yea, why do ye not even of your selves judge what is right?
A4479016. thus he said, the Cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ?
A44790And did not the Prophets say, Kings should be nursing Fathers, and Queens nursing Mothers?
A44790And from whence have you all these Tythes; have yo ● not borrowed them of the Jews?
A44790And it shall come to pass when the children shall say unto you, what means this service?
A44790And must not this be fulfilled in these dayes?
A44790And should people be limitted or stinted to such a certain form of words, called service, or prayer, and divine worship?
A44790And what a stir hath been in the reformed Churches so called about this?
A44790And what do you do with Surplices, Tipets& Hood, and other strang ● kind of Garments?
A44790And whether this be not ridiculous and foolish to give for their armes the book with seven seales?
A44790And why forbidding marriage in Lent, and who ordained these dayes?
A44790And why is one day preferred before and above another, and some counted holy dayes, as though some others were unholy dayes?
A44790And why should the Popes Lent be among the reformed Protestants Churches, forbiding meats and drinks?
A44790But some may say, did not the Prophets exhort to inquire for the old paths, and the good old way?
A44790But then it may be said, what power will you allow unto Magistrates that profess the Name of Christ?
A44790Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the Judgment seats?
A44790Do not they blaspheme that worthy Name, by they which you are ▪ called?
A44790Further it may be objected, ought not Blasphemy& Idolatry and Adultery to be punished, is this to be suffered now?
A44790Is it any other but the Popes yoke, an absolute Apostate for hundreds of years, and must this be received& injoyned as Apostolical doctrine?
A44790Is this like Apostolick Doctrine?
A44790Now when were you in the wildernesse?
A44790Or do they judge all is converted, there is no more work?
A44790Or how far have they Authority from God to punish evil doers, and encourage them that do well?
A44790Secondly, whether hath your Gospel been universally and publickly preached these sixteen hundred years or nay?
A44790Was that ever reckoned divine worship, that was not from the Divine Spirit?
A44790What cause have you to boast of visibility, or universality?
A44790What fellowship hath the Epicures and Stoicks with the Church of Christ?
A44790What have they been borrowed from the Heathen?
A44790With carnal?
A44790and the Bread which we break, is it not the communion of the Body if Christ?
A44790are there not many that seek it now?
A44790is this Apostolick Doctrine?
A44790the males was only circumcised, and why are the females now baptized, if baptism came in the room of Circumcision?
A44790what hath Aristotle to do with Paul, or Plato with Peter?
A44805And Apollos was a mighty man, and a knowing man in the Scriptures; from whence had he his License?
A44805And except words utter''d, be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken?
A44805And from whom did she go forth?
A44805And how do you love your Enemies?
A44805And must Pictures invented, and dead pieces of bones and wood, be recommended unto the Nations as holy things?
A44805And what example from the true Church for baptizing of Infants, and for God- fathers and God- mothers, in Christ''s day, when he planted the Church?
A44805And what five wounds is that which the Church of Rome dreams of, that five Pater 〈 ◊ 〉, must be said for the honor of?
A44805And what if Mary lived threescore and three years?
A44805And where was the Church that she did forsake, that she should be counted Heretical and Schismatical?
A44805And whether are not these articles of the Church of Rome, yea or nay?
A44805Antiquity without Truth, proveth nothing; and holiness of life, if your Church be holy, which is prophane?
A44805Are you born again?
A44805Are your Natures changed?
A44805But why hast thou not judged at home?
A44805Can you shew us any miracles that ever were wrought in testimony of your Religion, or that the Catholicks Miracles are wrought by Belzebub?
A44805Did they eat his Body when he was with them, and drink his Blood?
A44805Do you hallow his Name, who do not love that which shews your evil deeds?
A44805How many Indians have you destroyed and killed as dogs?
A44805If a Trumpet give an uncertain sound, who can prepare to Battel?
A44805Is this like the Apostolick Doctrine?
A44805Jerusalem or Zion?
A44805Sin you not?
A44805So the Author saith, Whose company did the Church of Rome leave?
A44805Was his body broken for them then, before he was offered up?
A44805What is Rome?
A44805What, is all the Turks Dominions of your Faith?
A44805Where will you appear?
A44805Whether did he not lose his keys when he sacrificed to Ido''s, in the tenth year of Dioclesian?
A44805Would you see his Kingdom come, which stands in righteousness?
A44805and was his Blood shed then, before he suffered upon the Cross?
A44805nay have you not hardened their hearts against the Name of Christ, because of your cruelty and unholy conversation among them?
A44805what was Peter such a great Learned man?
A44805who gave commandment that Hail Mary should be said threescore and three times over?
A35023And is not this Idolatry, far greater than to sacrifice to them Bulls and Rams, to give them the divinest part of God''s Worship?
A35023And what was the Idolatrous Worship given to this Brazen Serpent?
A35023Are we not upon equal Terms?
A35023But you are not for such long Tracts and numerous Quotations; shall we then consider what the Scripture saith in this matter?
A35023Can any Creature hear their praying voice one quarter of a mile?
A35023Hold, I beseech you, whither are we come?
A35023If then you deny the latter to me, why may not I deny the former to you?
A35023If you ask again, why our Ladies Garments should not be able to confer Vertue, as well as her Statue?
A35023Is not this far beyond the sphere of Activity in any Creature?
A35023Is not this to deifie them in the highest degree?
A35023Is not this to worship false Gods?
A35023My flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed, and much more in that Chapter?
A35023Nay, doth not the praying to her or any other Saint at so vast a distance, and supposing them to hear, imply a Deity in them?
A35023Secondly, Do men naturally of themselves perform this homage to the Chair of State, or by Court- order?
A35023Sure we believe our Saviour could change Bread into his Body, why then do not we believe that he did change it?
A35023Sure you believe our Saviour could change his Body into Bread, why then do not you believe he did so?
A35023What credit can you give such persons who so monstrously prevaricate?
A35023What think you, Sir, of this?
A35023What would the Papists have done without this Chair of State?
A35023Where is the wise?
A35023Will not his Power, his Promises, his Command oblige these Self- will- worshipping Papists to come to this One Mediotor?
A35023and doth not this make them Idolaters in full measure?
A35023and doth not this their belief and practice make her a Goddess?
A35023and therefore worshipped God; is not this the very same that the Papists believe and do to their Saints?
A35023and why had this been Idolatry?
A35023as if he could not, or as if he would not do what he promises to do?
A35023hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
A35023is it not blasphemy to affirm it?
A35023is it not then great sinfulness, great madness to seek any other, as if he were not complete?
A35023is not this greater Idolatry, can any man of sence deny it?
A35023is their any difference but only this, that the Papists do not call their Saints Gods, which, as I shewed before, matters not?
A35023to excuse Idolatry, I fear, with horrid Blasphemy; are the Saints then the searchers of God''s Heart and know all his secrets?
A35023what did the Heathens more?
A35023where is the disputer of this world?
A35023where is the scribe?
A269275. of November, to thank God that he delivered us from the superstition, Idolatry, Heresie, Tyranny and cruelty of Rome: and shall we admit them?
A26927Be wise O ye Kings, be instructed O ye Judges of the Earth?
A26927But is the worshipping of Creatures but a quirk ● s with you?
A26927Catholicks( and shall they be Indulgent?)
A26927Do you not know this to be true?
A26927Idolatry is not to be Tolerated?
A26927If so small the difference between us, why so great your cruelty towards us?
A26927If you keep correspondence with our enemies, and practise against us, when you are in danger of punishment; what will you do when you are tolerated?
A26927Is it persecution to allow something of your superfluities for the Kings necessities?
A26927Our Saviour answereth what is written in the Law, how readest thou?
A26927That way that leaves men, no certain way to be saved is not to be Tolerated: Popery is that way& c. When poor Souls would know how to be saved?
A26927They say hear the Church: If he say how shall I know wether the Church is infallible?
A26927What have we to do any more with Idols?
A26927What shall I do saith the man in the Gospel that I may inherit eternal Life?
A26927Will you allow them amongst us whose business it is to perswade the world that you and we are damned?
A26927and to God, Thou art not able to instruct us for salvation without humane tradition, but a Toy?
A26927and will you suffer Anti- Christ to advance himself above every thing that is called God?
A26927doth not God see this?
A26927doth not he observe it?
A26927for you — how modestly you insinuate — should not be persecuted?
A26927hath he exalted you, and will you see him thus debased?
A26927have you any care of precious Souls?
A26927how can we know the Scripture and believe it?
A26927if we can not trust our sences how can we know you, and obey you?
A26927is saying to a peice of bread, Thou art God, but a trifle?
A26927shall God avenge?
A26927to what end hath God advanced you but to see that men lived according to his Law hath God raised you up?
A26927to what end hath he set up you, but to see that men should walk according to his will?
A26927will you not keep them to the Sure word of prophecy?
A26927would you see an Usurper upon your Throne, and can you endure stocks and stones in Gods house?
A26927yea many of them come to our Churches now, — why may they not all do so?
A26927— Should not be persecuted: — and who of you is persecuted?
A26927— were we burned, massacred, tortured, banished, imprisoned, famished, upon quirkes, and differences in words, rather then in real points?
A47913An Absolute Monarch: And what those Primitive Bishops?
A47913And 2ly, as a thing which they are sure before- hand his Majesty neither can, nor will ever Consent to?
A47913And so for Iudas and Ioab, If the Same Iudas, kisses again, and with the Same Words in his Mouth too, why may we not suspect the Same Intentions?
A47913And that too without the least Proof or shadow for''t?
A47913And then below:[ What''s a Passive Obedience, to a King of England?
A47913And then how easily might the Papal Policy have made a Popish Murther, a Fanatick Stab?
A47913And what''s his Authority now for this Diabolical Report, but that Infamous Composition of Forgery and Scandal, the Letter about the Black Box?
A47913And what, say I, if his Conscience shall tell him he will be damn''d if he does not?
A47913And who knows but the Test- maker, and This Character- maker may be somewhat akin too?
A47913And who''t is is our Native Soveraign?
A47913And why may not a man Conclude, that the Same Persons, with the same Pretences have still the Same End ●?
A47913Are we ever the nearer the Disinheriting of a Popish Successor, for all this?
A47913As who should say, what a stir is here made about the Duke of York?
A47913But am I a Subject to the Kings Religion or his Title?
A47913But then you''l say there must be Delirium, or Frenzy in the case?
A47913But what is all this to the Subjects Obedience?
A47913But what was that Nero?
A47913But what''s the meaning now, of Cramping, and Imposing upon the Civil Power, what''s that to Religion and the Plot?
A47913D''ye Call this, Addressing, or Libelling?
A47913Does not Popery and Arbitrary Power, from the same Lips signifie just the same thi ● g now that it did then?
A47913Hath God sayd ye shall not eat of every Tree of the Garden?
A47913In the Law?
A47913Is L''Estrange then so great a Friend to the Fanaticks, that he Acquits the Pap ● sts, in making them Both Criminals alike?
A47913Is he not Our Servant?
A47913Is it not the Kings Act, whoever advises him to''t?
A47913Is not the Why and the Wherefore here as broad as it is long?
A47913Is the Chimera of a Future Danger of more value to us then the Conscience of an Incumbent, and Indispensable Duty?
A47913Is this fair dealing or no?
A47913May not we Resist him if he Invade us?
A47913Now what is there in the Future to weigh against the Life of the King, the Safety of the Church, the Law, Government, and the Peace of the Kingdom?
A47913Or can any man say that the King does an ill thing( however influenc''d) without reflecting upon his Majesties Honour and Justice?
A47913Or how come these Scandals to wear the name of Petitions?
A47913Or what if it were so?
A47913Or where shall I find the Rules, and Bounds of my Civil Duty?
A47913Or, in one word, is not the Government already overthrown, and all the Laws, ipso facto, dissolv''d in this very Position?
A47913Or, in the Character?
A47913Shall we Levell a Shot at the Duke at a distance, if there be no coming at him but through the Heart of our Sovereign?
A47913Shall we take pet at God Almighty''s Providence and not go to Heaven at all, unless we may go our own way?
A47913The Lords Anointed?
A47913The Writer of the Character has told the People a Heavy Tale here, but what if their Knees will not bend?
A47913The very affirming of it is a Scandal; for how does he know whether it be so or no?
A47913We might do well enough( he says) with a Iulian, a Nero,& c. and why not well enough then, as he himself has stated the matter?
A47913What a Stir is here about nothing?
A47913What is this LORDS ANOINTED?
A47913What must we do to be sav''d?
A47913What''s a KING?
A47913What''s become now of all his Expanded Rhetorick, and his Embroder''d Allegories?
A47913When instead of being Free Subjects, Pope and Tyranny shall rule over us, and we are made Slaves and Papists?
A47913Who brings in Popery then, but they that Discharg''d him from those Sacred Bonds, by the folly and Contumacy of their own Inconsiderate Undertakings?
A47913Would either the Authour of this Character now, or his Deputy take it well to be paid in his own Coin, or by his own Measure?
A47913[ I would ask( says he) what this LORDS ANOINTED Is?
A47913can Christian Princes keeping Touch with Infidels have to a Popish Successors Tyranny, and Injustice over his own Subjects?]
A47913to appoint Iesuits their Portion with the Hypocrites?
A47913what if there be Murmurings and Revilings; and not one farthing of mony to be gotten?
A30394And finally, what impious Doctrine hath been publickly licensed and printed in that Church of the degrees of the love we owe to God?
A30394And how like are their Jubilees and Pilgrimages to the Jubilees and yearly trotting up to Ierusalem, which was among the Iews?
A30394And how many Pilgrimages are made to her Shrines and Reliques?
A30394And shall I here tell what is known to all who have seen the forms of that Church?
A30394And what a goodly device is it, that their spittle must make one of the sacred Rites in Baptism?
A30394And what an unconceiveable mystery is the Treasure of the Church, and the Popes Authority to dispense it as he will?
A30394And what can be thought more uneasie for the World to have received, then the Popes absolute authority over all the Churches and States of the World?
A30394And who can have any sad apprehensions of sin, who is taught such an easie way of escaping punishment?
A30394And will the poor distinctions of Dulia and Latria save them from this guilt?
A30394Are they not taught to confide more in the Virgin, or their Tutelar Saints, than in the holiest of all?
A30394But further, if the Scripture be to be believed on the testimony of the Church, then upon what account is the Church first believed?
A30394But if the Philosophers were so much to seek in it, what shall we expect from the Vulgar?
A30394Did Christ by the Merits of his Passion acquire this honour at so dear a rate?
A30394Does any vestige of a Church- man remain in that Court?
A30394Doth not the fear of Purgatory damp the hopes of future blessedness?
A30394How cruel then is that Church, which addeth the severe sanction of an Anathema to all her decrees; even about the most trifling matters?
A30394How many holy days have they instituted?
A30394How many more Churches are built to her, than to her Son?
A30394How many more Worship her, then do her Son?
A30394How much distinction of meats, of fasting, and abstinence?
A30394How ridiculous are many of their miraculous narrations?
A30394How then shall it be proved that the Church must be believed?
A30394In Baptism, instead of washing with Water in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; how have they added so many adulterated Rites?
A30394Is not this brand plucked out of the fire?
A30394Is not this to add to the Words of that Book, and to accuse the faithful Witness of unfaithfulness?
A30394It is a goodly story for to tell of a Saint that walked so far after his head was cut off, with it in his arms, resting in some places to draw breath?
A30394Now all may know how guilty those of Rome are in this: What pains are taken to detract from the authority of the Scriptures?
A30394Now how contrary this is to the Divine Nature, common reason may suggest?
A30394Now, how little of this there is among them, we will soon be resolved in?
A30394Or, shall I tell of their Exorcisms and Charms for driving out Devils, with all the strange actions used in them?
A30394Shall I add to this, that throng of absurdities which croud about this opinion?
A30394Shall I add to this, the severity of some of their Orders, into which by unalterable Vows they are engaged their whole lives?
A30394Shall I add to this, the visible and gross secularity and grandeur, in which the Head, and other Prelates of that Church do live?
A30394Shall I mention the Reliques, and all the virtues believed to be in them, yea and derived from them?
A30394Shall I next shew to what a height of pride the exaltation of the Priestly dignity among them hath risen?
A30394Shall I next tell of the consecrating of Roses, Agnus Dei''s, Medals, and the like?
A30394Shall I tell of the laying up the Bodies when dead, and of the forms of their Burials?
A30394Shall I to this add all the private assassinations committed on that account, which were not only practised, but justified?
A30394What do the Popes about the feeding of souls?
A30394What enraged cruelty appeared against the poor Waldenses, for the separating from their Corruption?
A30394What low thoughts of his Person must it breed in such minds as are capable of believing this contrivance?
A30394What shall I tell of the whole Psalms turned to her?
A30394Whether doth all this look like the Simplicity of the Spouse of Christ or the Attire of the Harlot?
A30394Who can look on the lives of the late Saints of that Church, without nausea?
A30394and do they not directly rule in the Spirit of the Lords of the Gentiles?
A30394and shall we for whom he suffered, rob him so injuriously and sacrilegiously of his honour, and bestow it on these who are our fellow- servants?
A30394how many of all Sexes and Ages, were cruelly butchered down by the procurement of the Rulers of that Church?
A30394how they quarrel?
A30394or dispence the Sacraments?
A30394or must it be taken from their own word?
A30394or what communion can they hold one with another?
A30394when do they preach the Gospel?
A44535And are you sure Madam, that the peace and satisfaction, you found in that Church was not delusion?
A44535And are you sure the Men you have lately believed have not deceived you, as you fancy we have done?
A44535And can you consent to so great a Sacriledge?
A44535And do you blame Us for not being so impudent as the Church of ROME?
A44535And how unlike the Worship of the true GOD is that Veneration you express to the Images and Pictures of Saints, and to Relicks?
A44535And is this the Worship, Madam, which Christ and his Apostles have injoyned the World?
A44535And pray Madam, wherein have you bettered your self in going over to the Roman Church?
A44535And when you receive the Sacrament but in one kind, contrary to Christs command, do not you Sin and allow of the Sin of that Church you are in?
A44535Are not you afraid of doing things, that do so nearly border upon robbing God of his honour and glory?
A44535Are the words is and is transubstantiated all one?
A44535Ay, but we believe it to be GOD; why, Madam, doth your belief, that such a thing is God, or Christ, excuse you from Idolatry?
A44535But suppose the word is in these words, This is my body, must be understood literally, how doth this make for transubstantiation?
A44535But where shall we find him?
A44535Can they annull what God would have Established, and continue to the Worlds end?
A44535Did they see the Christian Religion like to be swallowed up by darkness and Ignorance, and was it not time to rouze the slumbering world?
A44535Did you change it without reason and without ground?
A44535Did you want strictness of Life in our Church?
A44535Did you want that which the Apostles and the Primitive Christians never wanted?
A44535Do you think, we do not understand the Scriptures, and Fathers, and Antiquity, as well as they?
A44535Hath the Church of ROME another Gospel to teach, you than we did instruct you in?
A44535How can Men dispense with an express Law of God?
A44535How can you answer it to GOD, that you did not improve your reason more?
A44535How dare you act thus against your Reason and Conscience?
A44535I am perswaded you did never tast it, nor see it, nor feel it, nor Smell it, and how do you know it?
A44535If GOD be a GOD jealous of his Glory, how can he like and approve of such doings?
A44535If that Church be infallible why do not their own Divines agree in Interpretation of Scripture?
A44535If you say, that you could not judge of Arguments having never been bred a Schollar, I would but ask you how you durst change your Religion then?
A44535Is it because we will not believe a Purgatory fire, which cleanseth little, but peoples Purses of their money?
A44535Is it because we will not deceive the People of the Cup in the Blessed Sacrament, which Christ intended as a mighty comfort to them?
A44535Is it because we will not receive things which the Church of Rome hath since added to the Catholick Faith?
A44535Is not your disobedience to Christs Command a Sin, or can you imagine that you are more obliged to Obey men than Christ himself?
A44535Is the Spirit divided?
A44535Madam, AND are you indeed got into the onely Catholick Church?
A44535Madam, who so blind as those that will not see?
A44535Or doth not he exert his power upon all occasions?
A44535Or is he not alwaies the same?
A44535These must certainly be the reasons, why we can not now passe with the Church of ROME for members of the Catholick Church?
A44535View the Stream of the Gospel, and search whether there be any thing like these Doctrines in it?
A44535What can be our interest in deceiving you?
A44535What have you your reason for, but to judge what is agreeable to the Word of GOD, and what is not?
A44535What was it Madam, that you wanted in our Church to carry you to Heaven?
A44535Who is it that God hath imparted this Honour to?
A44535Why, Madam, did any of our Ministers deny you absolution, when you could assure them that your Repentance was sincere?
A44535You confess you dare not live in any one Sin; But how dare you live in this Sin?
A44535and if you are not able to Weigh the strength of Arguments, how can you be sure that you are in the true Church at this time?
A44535and what have we done, that we must not be counted a Catholick Church?
A44535because the Priests of that Church do tell you so?
A44535can there be any thing more contrary to it than their denying the Cup to the Laity?
A44535did you ever ask absolution, and were you refused?
A44535do we not stand up at it to express our readiness to defend it?
A44535may be you wanted a Voice from heaven to confirm the promise of the Gospel, but have you since heard such a Voice from heaven in the Church of ROME?
A44535must they never reform when they have done amiss?
A44535our''s that keeps to the truly antient Catholick Faith, or their''s that hath added things contrary to Scripture and reason and antiquity?
A44535should you believe a Stone to be GOD, and adore it, might not you justly be charged with Idolatry?
A44535what if it should not be God, as you have all the demonstration that sense or reason can give you, that it is not changed into another substance?
A44535what if it should remain as very a Wafer, as it was before consecration?
A44535what monstrous Idolatry would this be?
A44535when the House is on fire, would you have no body awake to alarm the Neighbours to look to themselves?
A44535who should prescribe the way how God is to be worshipped, but God himself?
A44535why will you make your reason a Slave to your Priests magisterial Sentences?
A57500ARe these the Popes Grand Tools?
A57500And Perjury''s but a small fault; what more?
A57500And better too than we, have been forswore: And what a Crime is this?
A57500And shall Lord Stafford dye forgot?
A57500And shall such Mercies ever be forgot?
A57500And suborn Felons, MONARCHS to destroy?
A57500And that upon your lasting Stone, This Character had been alone?
A57500And the first feed — OATS sifted clean and sound?
A57500At one sad stroak to Massacre a Land, And make them fall, whom Heaven ordain''d to stand?
A57500But Nothing, why doth Something still permit, That sacred Monarchs should at Council set With Persons thought, at best, for Nothing sit?
A57500But pray what is it for, that you make all this stir?
A57500But shall our State by an unlook''d- for Blow Receive a mortal Wound, and yet not know The hand that smote her?
A57500But to its broken Neck I pray What can our Polititians say?
A57500Can ye be so unkind?
A57500Come, come, Sir, had it not been better To have dy''d to Death common Debter?
A57500D''ye think you ever sav''d shall be, If you retract not what you say, And Holy Church do n''t justifie?
A57500Did Christ e''re keep a Custom- House for Sin?
A57500Does he hire Ruffains, Iustices to Kill; And send the Murd''res Pardons at his Will?
A57500England to ● ervile Yoke could never bow; What Conquerors ne''re presum''d, who dares do now?
A57500False Agents Heartless Traytors, have you So often swore by Sacramental Vow, Or to Convert this Island, or undo?
A57500For what Man ever think you, got A Pardon for being in the Plot, That to the last deny''d it not?
A57500He that would needs be such a Sot, To dye for love of a damn''d Plot?
A57500How many converts Wine and Age do make?
A57500I wonder much at your folly?
A57500I. SHall every Jack and every Jill, That rides in State up Holbourn Hill By aid of Smithfield Rhymes defie The Malice of Mortality?
A57500If silly Women, and some simple men Get God but on their side, where are we then?
A57500If these rea ● ons prevail,( as how can they fail?)
A57500In doubtful cases you may safely Swear, For twenty pound who would not loose an Ear?
A57500Is England by the angry Fates sad Doom Condemn''d to play at Hot- cockles with Rome?
A57500Is th''Oracle of doubtful lies From Delphos gone to Rome?
A57500Is there of Caesar nothing left in Rome?
A57500Let them think on, and their dear selves deceive, When I shall see her rise, I will believe, And not before?
A57500Monsters more base than Africk can afford?
A57500Must Beads, and a Cross, and a Relick from Ione, Make us fall down to Prayers right or wrong?
A57500Must Christians that know no more but one God, Worship Ten Thousand, or be scourg''d with a Rod?
A57500Must Church and Church- men be expos''d to scorns, Tost up and down by a Beast with Ten Horns?
A57500Must Fire and Wood burn all that wo n''t bow, Worship S. Doll, and the Devil knows who?
A57500Must Hobgoblin Mass, that''s learn''d of Old- Nick, Complement God for the Well and the Sick?
A57500Must Iudas be saved that eat of the Sop?
A57500Must Sinners be sav''d by Old Sinning Gulls?
A57500Must Souls be pray''d out, the Devil hath got, At so much per Mass, else there they must rot?
A57500Must Water bless''d by a Conjuring Monk, Scoure away Sins from a Pockyfi''d Punk?
A57500Must We, Canibal- like, eat up our God, Or else must We not in Heaven have aboad?
A57500Must a Conclave of Rogues, and Jesuit Priests, Perswade all the World to Worship the Beast?
A57500Must that Renowned City, here- to- fore Fam''d for her Vertues, well as for her Pow''r; Instead of Consuls, Vagabonds employ?
A57500Must the King and his Friends see and know this, And yet be advised that nothing''s amiss?
A57500Must the Kingdom and State be at a loss, Leave their sweet Peace to lye under a Cross?
A57500Must those be good that designed to seem such?
A57500No, by the Mass, he deserved the Rope: Must such be employed at Sea and at Shore, That would subvert all to set up the Whore?
A57500Now who sits in this Seat, but our Father the Pope?
A57500Or could the bold, but silly Traytors hope, Great Britain e''re would Truckle to the Pope?
A57500Or ever heard you was there one That was o''th Roman Church a Son, But went on as he had begun?
A57500Or was old Bacchus tunn''d and firkin''d there?
A57500Right or wrong, Or Life or Death, attend ● d on my Tongue: All the three Kingdoms truckled to my Will — But what of this?
A57500Say, gentle Drawer, were they Casks of Beer?
A57500T roy''s Flames were fatal, What did those begin?
A57500That on a business so emergen, They did not brisly teize the Virgin?
A57500Thus are their chiefest Doctrines plain Device, Pimp to their Pride, their Lust and Avarice?
A57500To force that Guard with its worst Foe to joyn, Can never be a prudent Kings Design, What Prince would change to be a Cataline?
A57500To let his Lordship play a Prank Her Grace becoming, and his Rank?
A57500Was it for this my ample Power was giv''n, For this have I the Keys of Hell and Heaven?
A57500Was your Commission scant, did I deny Plenipotentiary Villany?
A57500We neither Preach nor Pray, we take no pains, Preaching and Praying bravely us maintains: They preach and pray, we swear, yet who gets more?
A57500What Antidotes against a poysonous Breath?
A57500What Author have they, or who brought it in?
A57500What Fence is there against a lying Tongue, Sharpen''d by Hell, to wound a Man to Death?
A57500What mean these ambiguities With which to me you come?
A57500What though for King and Kingdom they do pray, If we will Swear they mind it to destroy?
A57500Whence came this Knack, or when did it begin?
A57500Whence should Purity come, but from Catholick Rome?
A57500Where did St. Frank his Kennel keep?
A57500Where was St. Dominick asleep?
A57500Who but blund''ring Fools Would ever have forgot To Burn those Letters that reveal''d their Plot?
A57500Who in Parliament time subscrib''d to the Church: Must We all be undone by a damn''d Popish Crew, Some that is about us, and some We ne''re knew?
A57500Who would be Old, or in Old fashions Trade?
A57500Why should we labour?
A57500Your kindness I ne''re understood, Whatever you pretend To him, to whom you ne''er did good, How can you be a Friend?
A57500do you forget How I did once betray The Grecian- Empire, which as yet Your Scepter doth obey?
A57500is the Eagle from the Mitre flown?
A57500is this so bad?
A57500now prefe ● r''d so High, What Marvels from that 〈 … 〉?
A57500shall she sigh and cry, Like Polyphemus, Out is quench''d mine Eye?
A57500tell us what didst thou ail Thus to trappan thy self into a Goal?
A57500then, some Ages hence they''l cry Lo, Stafford''s Blood, and shed for why?
A57500to 〈 … 〉 Spire On Sea- coal Basis?
A57500was thy swell''d Ambition grown so wide, That nought but Kings could satisfie thy Pride?
A57500what then?
A57500what thing can hope Death''s Hand to''scape, When Mother- Plot her self is brought to Crape?
A57500who more controuls Than he, and claps his Fetters on our Souls?
A57500will not Swearing do?
A57500● or else how comes it pray about, Our Friends to''th Cause have been so stout Toth''very last, to brave it out?
A7133015, 16. or that he is so great and glorious a Being, that nothing in the World is a fit Representation of him: To whom then will ye liken God?
A71330And consequently, whether the Doctrine of Purgatory be not a very great diminution of the Love of God, and the Grace of the Gospel?
A71330And do we not still differ about them?
A71330And does not every body now see, how improper unwritten Traditions are, to supply the Defects and Imperfections of the written Rule?
A71330And if this be so contrary to the very notion of goodness and forgiveness among men, how comes it to be the notion of goodness and forgiveness in God?
A71330And in that case, Which of the Fathers you must believe?
A71330And is it any comfort to a Malefactor to be pardoned, and to be hanged?
A71330And must I not submit my private Judgment, which all men allow to be fallible, to a publick infallible Judgment, which I know to be infallible?
A71330And were you not sensible at the same time, that you were left to your own Reason and Judgment, when you turned Papist?
A71330Are you got no farther than Reason yet?
A71330Are you not sensible, that men do as little agree about your Reasons for Infallibility, as they do about any Protestant Reasons?
A71330As for instance: When you ask these men, How you can be assured, that the Saints in Heaven can hear our Prayers?
A71330Ask them again, How old this Complaint is, of Protestant Mis- representations of Popery?
A71330Ask them again, whether they believe that God has made it impossible to the greatest part of Mankind, to understand the Christian Religion?
A71330Ask them then, What greater assurance they have of their Faith, than we have of ours?
A71330Ask them, How you shall certainly know what the Judgment of the Fathers was?
A71330Ask them, What they mean by the uncertainty of the Protestant Faith?
A71330Ask them, Whether the first Reformers charged the Church of Rome with such Doctrines and Practices as they were not guilty of?
A71330Ask them, how those Christians understood their Religion, who lived before there were any of these Fathers& Councils?
A71330But how does this prove, that the Bishop of Rome is Infallible?
A71330But if such a man may go to Purgatory, why not to Hell?
A71330But if you know the Reasons of your Conversion, I desire to know of you, What made you think, that you wanted Certainty in the Church of England?
A71330But is this all that these words, Thou shalt have no other Gods before me, signifies?
A71330Do not I know the Reasons alledged by you for the Infallibility of your Church, as well as you do?
A71330Do these men remember what our Reformers suffered, for opposing Popery?
A71330Does our Mediatour then need other Mediators to interceed with him for us?
A71330For if you must not use your Reason, why does he appeal to your Reason?
A71330For why should I Dispute with any man who uses such Arguments to convince me, as he himself does not think a sufficient Reason of Faith?
A71330For will a wise man Dispute with one, who, he knows, banters him all the while?
A71330God may make them Infallible, if he pleases, and if he pleases, he may not do it: and therefore our onely inquiry here is, What God has done?
A71330He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father, and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?
A71330How comes that to be love and goodness, which the Sinner receives no benefit by?
A71330How then does this Author get rid of the first Commandment?
A71330How you shall know what the true meaning of those words are, which they cite from them?
A71330How you shall know whether this Father did not in other places contradict what he here says?
A71330If any man should attempt to perswade you of this, ask him, Why then he goes about to dispute with you about Religion?
A71330If he had liked the Mediation of Creatures, would he have given his own Son to be our Priest and our Mediator?
A71330If his Interest in the Court of Heaven will not do the less, how can it do the great?
A71330If not, what becomes of Purgatory?
A71330If the Scriptures be for them, why should they be against the Scriptures?
A71330If these Doctrines were not Defined by the Church, should you think these Arguments sufficient to prove them?
A71330If they be not, of what use are they?
A71330If they say he can not, ask them, how many Roman- Catholicks there are that understand Fathers and Councils?
A71330If they say, they can not; ask them, With what confidence they pretend to prove that from Scripture, which they confess is not in it?
A71330If they think the Scripture is as much for them, as we think it is for us, why dare not they venture this as well as we?
A71330If they were not Infallible Expositors, how comes their Interpretation of Scripture to be so sacred, that it must not be opposed?
A71330In short, can any Reason, any Authority of Scripture, or Fathers, be any Foundation for a Divine Faith, but onely the Authority of the Church?
A71330In such cases our onely inquiry is, What God has done?
A71330Is not their Faith wholly resolved into the Authority of the Church?
A71330Is this the way to improve Knowledge, to destroy all the certain marks and characters of Truth and Error, and to leave no Rule to judge by?
A71330Let me ask them again, Can they have a sufficient certainty, that these Reasons are good, without an infallible Judge?
A71330Let them but ask them, Whether all the peculiar Doctrines of the Church of Rome can be proved by plain Scripture- evidence?
A71330May not what you believe, be very certainly true, because some men believe the contrary?
A71330Nay, Whether that can be a Gospel Doctrine, which represents the Love of God less than infinite?
A71330Nay, how comes an Infallible Church to prescribe such a fallible Rule of interpreting Scriptures?
A71330Now here is mention of fire indeed; but how does it appear to be the Popish Purgatory?
A71330Now how shall you, who are an unlearned man, judge of such Disputes as these?
A71330Now is it likely that the first Reformers should charge the Church of Rome wrongfully?
A71330Now suppose this did relate to the Ark, What is that to the Cherubims?
A71330Suppose that, and does Christ''s being with them, necessarily signifie, that he will make them Infallible?
A71330Suppose the Protestant Faith were uncertain; How is the cause of the Church of Rome ever the better?
A71330The inquiry then is, How we shall learn from Scripture, that there is such an infallible Interpreter?
A71330They assert the necessity of Humane Satisfactions; And what are these satisfactory Works wherewith men must expiate their Sins?
A71330They mightily contend for the Merit of Works; but what are their Meritorious Works?
A71330This, I suppose, all men will grant: but then the difficulty is, What is an express Law?
A71330What Books are spurious or genuine?
A71330What a change does this make in the whole Gospel?
A71330What is it men desire, when they desire Pardon?
A71330What is it, men are afraid of, when they have sinned?
A71330When they you hear any of these men declaiming about the uncertainty of the Protestant Faith, onely ask them, What they mean by the Protestant Faith?
A71330Whether any man thinks himself perfectly forgiven, who is punished very severely, tho''not absolutely according to his deserts?
A71330Whether this Father was not contradicted by other Fathers?
A71330Whether those sins are perfectly forgiven, which shall be avenged, thô not with Eternal, yet with long Temporal Punishments in the next World?
A71330Why then do they so quarrel at Peoples reading the Scriptures, and put them upon reading Fathers and Councils?
A71330Will Reason ever make a man infallible?
A71330Would their Consent and Agreement prove the Certainty of the Protestant Faith?
A71330and from that God, who sent his only begotten Son into the World to save Sinners?
A71330and those words, Drink ye all of this, to signifie, Let none drink of the Cup but the Priest who consecrates?
A71330and what hope could they have, that at that time, when Popery was so well known, they should perswade the World to believe their Mis- representations?
A71330and what the true sense of them is?
A71330and whether there can be any Divine Faith without an Infallible Judge?
A71330and why must the major part be always the wisest and best men?
A71330be not the Curse of the Law?
A71330but how if Hereticks should confute them?
A71330did they cry out of Mis- representations, when they were charged with such Doctrines and Practices as these?
A71330did they deny, that they gave Religious Worship to Saints, and Angels, and the Virgin Mary, to Images and Reliques?
A71330does the Decision of the Church need to be confirmed by such Arguments?
A71330does this prove the Church of Rome to be Infallible, because the Church of England is Fallible?
A71330he who became man for us?
A71330how long it has been discovered, that Popery has been thus Abused and Mis- represented?
A71330if they say, that you must judge for your selves, ask them, whether this be the Doctrine of their Church, that private men may judge for themselves?
A71330is Thomas an honest man, because John is a Knave?
A71330is an infallible Interpreter?
A71330is it not, that they may not be punished?
A71330is it not, that they shall be punished for it?
A71330is this a sufficient reason to turn Papists, because Protestants are uncertain?
A71330is this the meaning of the word of God dwelling in us richly in all wisdom?
A71330is this the way to give an answer to any one, who asks a reason of the hope that is in us?
A71330must certainty necessarily be found among them, because it is not to be found with us?
A71330or could you suppose, the Church had Defined the contrary, should you think the Arguments good still?
A71330or did not alter his opinion after he had wrote it, without writing publick Recantations, as St. Austin did?
A71330or did they defend them, and endeavour to answer those Arguments which the Reformers brought against them?
A71330or rather was it not done to cure mens inclinations to commit Idolatry with Creatures and Images?
A71330or what Protestant grants he did so, as this Author insinuates?
A71330or what likeness will ye compare unto him?
A71330or would they make a Speech to convince a Horse, that he is out of his way, and must take another Road, if he would return home?
A71330that is, How a sinner, who is released from the Punishment of his sins, should be bound to suffer the punishment of his sins in Purgatory?
A71330the loss of their Estates, their Liberties, their Lives, all the Vengeance of a blind and enraged Zeal?
A71330were the first Reformers charged with these Mis- representations by their Adversaries in those days?
A71330what can Faith signifie, but either the Objects of Faith, or the internal Assent and Perswasion?
A71330what need Reasons and Arguments then, which can not work Faith in us?
A71330where the High Priest is commanded to adore the Cherubims once a year?
A71330whether his offering to dispute with you against the use of your Reason, does not prove him ridiculous and absurd?
A71330whether it be not necessary to believe this with a Divine- Faith?
A71330whether men can dispute without using their own Reason and Judgment?
A71330whether the Articles of your Faith, that they are uncertain, or the Act of Faith, your internal Assent and Perswasion?
A71330whether the Fathers be rightly quoted?
A71330whether they can be convinced without it?
A71330whether this do not resolve our Faith into a private Spirit, which they say, is the Protestant Heresie, and the foundation of Protestant uncertainty?
A71330whether this might not have been expected under a dispensation of the most perfect love?
A71330who lived a laborious and afflicted life for us?
A71330who loved us so, as to give himself for us?
A29205& c. Was Papall power cast out before?
A29205A Contradiction of one Proposition?
A29205A Contradiction with a Perhaps?
A29205A Contradiction?
A29205Abrenunc ● as?
A29205Abrenuncio ▪ Credis?
A29205All our sufferings were from the Roman Court; then why should we seek for ease but where our Shoe did wring us?
A29205All that they allowed him was a beginning of Vnity, where have we dissallowed that?
A29205All the Answer it doth extort from him is, Was ever man so ignorant of the common Lawes of Disputing?
A29205And a little after, what maters it what this Statute sayes, being made two yeares after his unlawfull marriage with Anna Bullen?
A29205And against whom should this Apology be, but against Austin and the Romans?
A29205And doth not he tell us that this Privilege descended from S. Peter upon the Bishop of Rome?
A29205And for S. Peter, why doth he not leave his wording of it in Generalls and fall to work with Arguments in particular, if he have any?
A29205And for deciding of the Question; wherewithall should he decide it?
A29205And how doth he clear them?
A29205And if all Parents had Iudgement to understand these things: Yet who shall secure us that they are void of Self interest?
A29205And this known?
A29205And this other; If this Authority were duely governed?
A29205And why Exceptions?
A29205And why partly true and partly false?
A29205Are moderate expressions of shamelesnesse sufficient to Character this man?
A29205Are not Huguenots Presbyterians in his Sense?
A29205Are not the Scots a part of the Britannick Ilands, and so comprehended under the name of the Church of England in this Question?
A29205As Revolters?
A29205As what new Form of Discipline the Protestants have introduced?
A29205But did either I or Padre Paolo, speak of those anciēt English lawes by me cited, made to restraine the Vsurpations of the Bishops of Rome?
A29205But doth he thinke that our Ancestours did onely make counterfeit Grimaces, and threaten that which they could not Lawfully have performed?
A29205But what is the right of receiving Appeales, to an Vniversall Monarchy, or the decree of a Councell, to Christs own Ordination?
A29205But what manner of Disputing is this, to bring Questions in stead of Arguments?
A29205But what were their reasons?
A29205But why doth he wrangle about names and persecute an innocent paper after this manner?
A29205Can not a man abandon his Religion unlesse he abandon his Civility also?
A29205Can not he distinguish between the whole Essence of any thing, and one Essentiall?
A29205Can one scruple of divine right convert a whole masse of Humane right into divine?
A29205Did I say there was any thing in the Councell, concerning the Papacy or Institution of it?
A29205Did it not lie in his power to right himself as he listed?
A29205Did it not lye in their power to chuse whether they would admit things destructive to their rights?
A29205Do I huddle thē together?
A29205Do men use such improper expressions, which no man can understand, in penning of Lawes?
A29205Do they not?
A29205Does not all the World see, that the Church of England stands now otherwise in order to the Church of Rome, then it did in Henry the sevenths dayes?
A29205Dost thou believe in God the Father Almighty& c.?
A29205Dost thou renounce the Devill and all his workes?
A29205Doth he know no distinction of things necessary to be known, that some things are not so necessary as other?
A29205Doth he think that the pope or the court of Rome would ever accept of such a Papacy as this, or thanke him for his double diligence?
A29205Doth not he himself make it to be S. Peters Privilege to be Prince of the Apostles?
A29205Doth not he pretend to that Tenour?
A29205Doth this agree with his counterfeit expressions, Christ hath two distinct persons no distnct natures?
A29205Except we understand Rome by Babilon?
A29205First who is the right Patron of the English Church under God, the King or the Pope?
A29205Habemus confitentem reū, He was pleasant indeed, but Ridentem dicere verum Quid vetat?
A29205Had not the Secular Governours the sword in their hand?
A29205Had they been heard and condemned in a Generall Councell?
A29205Hath he never heard or read, that in morality the half is more then the whole?
A29205Have Gildas or Beda said more of the Birions, thē St. Bernard and others have said of the Irish?
A29205Have you found out that?
A29205He answereth, Why so my Lord?
A29205He askes me, What other Successour St. Peter had, who could pretend to an Headship of Order, except the Bishop of Rome?
A29205He askes whether wee, and the Eastern Southern and Northern Christians, be under the Government of Patriarchs or any other Common Government?
A29205He asketh me whether ever Protestant did hold, there is nothing of Faith but the 12 Articles in that Creed?
A29205He asketh whether those Testimonies which I produce, be Demonstrative or rigorous Evidences?
A29205He asketh, Whether they be necessary or no?
A29205He asketh, whether our Ancestours did renounce the Popes Authority as Head of the Church?
A29205He bids me answer seriously, whether the Roman Religion and ours do not differ in this very point of the Popes Supremacy?
A29205He calleth the former Conclusion their chiefe Objection; who ever heard of an Objection without an Inference?
A29205He demanded, whether I would Condiscend to the Rejection of Monarchy, or extirpation of Episcopacy, for the misgovernment of Princes or Prelates?
A29205He demandeth, if these rigorous Assertions be not the Generall Tenet of their Church, whom do we impugn?
A29205He demandeth, is there any Orderly Common Tye of Government, obliging this Head to Correspond with the other head?
A29205He demands first who forbids them to goe visit the sick?
A29205He demands, what is the certain Method to know the true sense of Scripture?
A29205He demands, what is this to his Proposi ● ● ō which spake of Religion, not of Opinions?
A29205He will never leave his Socraticall manner of disputing by Questions; what certain Rule have we to know, what Sects are of she Church?
A29205His second answer is, why doe we not rather follow them in renouncing their Schisme, as those Bishops did after the Kings death?
A29205How doth he know that?
A29205How should a man prove ancient Tradition but by Authors?
A29205How should they cease to be Articles, which never were Articles?
A29205How should they leave that to their Children, as a Legacy of Christ or his Apostles, which they themselves rejected?
A29205I adde, or pray with them also?
A29205I answer, first he saith not truely, for he did looke at men in this place, otherwise why did he adde this Condition; as a good Pope should be?
A29205I came, I see, I overcame, were his Birthright?
A29205I said, perhaps some of those Doctors lived about the time of the Councells of Constance and Basile: that is one Enuntiation, what is the other?
A29205I write semper idem, of the same religion wherein I was baptised: can he do the same?
A29205If a man would be pleased ou: of meer pitty to his starving cause, to suppose thus much, what good would it doe him?
A29205If he have nothing to doe with these, why doth he meddle to no purpose?
A29205If not, where is the Vnity?
A29205If they be necessary, why call I them but Opinions?
A29205If they be not necessary, why do I grant them to be necessary by saying, they are not so necessary?
A29205If they be so, what is that to the Church of England?
A29205If they be, why doth he disjoin them?
A29205If this be railing, what Terme doth his Language deserve?
A29205If this be silly, what pitifull stuffe is his?
A29205In summe doest thou desire to live in the Communion of the true Catholick Church?
A29205Indeed Bellarmine saith that if any man should demand, Whether the Pope might erre if he defined rashly?
A29205Is Christ divided from his Ministers?
A29205Is this nothing to the purpose in his Opinion?
A29205It is a Question in the Schooles, whether the Pastors Sentence in binding and loosing, be onely Declarative, or also ● perative?
A29205Let them quit these grosse Vsurpations; Why should they be more ashamed to restore our lust rights, then they were to plunder us of them?
A29205May not a Man say unto them as Elijah said unto the Israelites, Why halt ye between two Opinions?
A29205Might not he Complaine of perill of Idolatry, as your Brother Puritans did for Surplesses& c?
A29205Might not he pretend that all Hereticks and Schismaticks were good Christians, and that the Church was Tyrannicall in holding them for excommunicate?
A29205Must all these poore Bishops wāt the Key of Iurisdiction, and be but half Bishops, to humour the Court of Rome?
A29205Needs any more answer to be given to particulars which one yields to, then to say he grants them?
A29205No man doubteth of it or denieth it, Quis e ● im potest negare?
A29205Now I have told him the secret, what good will it doe him?
A29205Now to all this cleare evidence what answer doth Mr. Serjeant make?
A29205Now to his Question, What say you to the Office it self?
A29205Or how should they confesse it in the Face of the whole Christian world?
A29205Or if the Councell of Brabant did believe it, how could they forbid the Subjects to repaire to Rome out of their own Country, upon the Popes Summons?
A29205Or indeed taketh it for granted, and would make us believe they doe adhere to that Method?
A29205Or is it impossible that a new Heresy should arise?
A29205Or like Camelions to live upon the aire and leave all the rest of the Kingdome desolate?
A29205Or rather what a shamlesse untruth is this?
A29205Or rather why halt yet betwixt five or six Opinions?
A29205Or will he oblige one who combatteth with him to watch where his Buckler is ready ▪ and be sure to hit that?
A29205Perhaps he was one of the simple Ministers, did he ever sweare to maintein them?
A29205Quid immerentes hospites vexat Canis — Ignavus adversus lupos?
A29205Quid tanto dignum tulit hic promiss or hia ● u?
A29205Risum tenealis amici?
A29205Secondly who told him that Fitzherbert was a Protestant?
A29205Secondly, he demands what power had the Pope over them except Spirituall Iurisdiction?
A29205Secondly, who hath power to Convocate Synods of the Kings subjects within England, The King or the Pope?
A29205Sixthly, he urgeth that grant all these abuses had heen true, was there no other remedy but division?
A29205Speak the truth in earnest, did Pyrrhus use to doe thus?
A29205Speake out man and shame the devill; whether did the Pope pretend more then is right or not?
A29205St. Paul taxeth the Corinthians for saying I am of Paul, I am of Apollo, I am of Cephas, I am of Christ, What( saith he) is Christ divided?
A29205Such is this which followeth, Was it for this Opinion of the Pope above the Councell& c. How were they guilty of Schisme for this?
A29205The Cardinalls indeed have to doe with the Church of Rome in the Vacancy: but what pretense have they from St. Peter?
A29205The Question is onely who have changed that doctrin or this Disciplin, we or they?
A29205The fourth Difference is concerning the popes dispensative power, whether the Pope can dispense with the lawes of England?
A29205Then what is this Mandate of Christ?
A29205Then why doth he call them Protestants, and give them a name?
A29205Then why doth he snarle at this Article which he can not except against?
A29205There are other Heresies in the world, and it is possible that a new Heresy my arise: but what doth that concern the Church of England?
A29205They confessed their imputed Fault: but did they confesse it to be a Fault?
A29205They had a dispensative power, To whom I forgave any thing for your sakes, forgave I it in the person of Christ?
A29205They profes ● e their Ordinance is meerly Politicall; What hath a Politicall Ordinance to doe with power purely Spirituall?
A29205Thirdly, how often must I tell him, that we did not disunite our selves from their Church: but onely reinfranchise ourselves from their Vsurpations?
A29205Thirdly, whether the Pope have justly imposed new Oaths upon the Arch Bishops and Bishops?
A29205This inference is none of mine, but his own Is it not possible for this great pretender to sincerity, to misse one Paragraph without Falsifications?
A29205This is weaker and weaker What hath a Metropolitan to doe with private causes of the first instance, out of his own Bishoprick?
A29205Thus he saith, but what Authours, what Authority doth he produce, that any of these Churches are guilty of any such expressions?
A29205To be repacked there as herrings?
A29205To be the first Bishop, the Chiefe Bishop, the principall Bishop, the first mover in the Church, just as S. Peter was among the Apostles?
A29205To what Proposition, to what ● erme doth he apply this answer?
A29205To whom in Probability should our Ancestors adhere, to their ow ● Patriots, or to Strangers?
A29205VVhat hindereth that a man may net tell the truth laughing?
A29205Was it ever heard before, that a fifth part of a Councell did call foure parts to the Barre?
A29205Was not this impertinent, if he himself were Iudge?
A29205We by substraction or they by Addition?
A29205We had Lawes made against Non- conformists in England, will he conclude thence that we have ▪ no Non- conformists in England?
A29205Well argued against himself; Wit whither wilt thou?
A29205Well, would he have a better witnesse against the Pope, then the Pope him self?
A29205Were these all the grounds he could find which entrench upon Eternity and Conscience?
A29205Were they so indeed?
A29205What Legends of Fopperies have been brough ● into the Church, by this Orall Tradition and the Credulity of Parents?
A29205What a Contradiction would he make of this?
A29205What a strange Confidenee is this, to tell his Readers he cares not what so it may serve his present turne?
A29205What am I the better?
A29205What are the certain Conditions of a right Oecumenicall Councell?
A29205What are the notes to know a true Church from an Hereticall?
A29205What doe thy understand of any distinction between Iurisdiction Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall and Politicall?
A29205What doth he thinke of the Councell of Trent, or hath he peradventure never read it?
A29205What doth this concern either the person or the Cause?
A29205What fidelity can a King expect from a Subject who hath taken this Oath, if the Pope please to attempt any thing against him?
A29205What hath this to do with his whole is lesse then the part, or more does not contain the lesse?
A29205What have the Patriarchs of Rome and Constantinople to doe, to Iudge causes of the first Instance in other Patriarchates?
A29205What have they to doe with the Vniversall Monarchy of the Church?
A29205What is he seeking?
A29205What is that to the purpose?
A29205What is the Vniversall Church, and of what particular Churches it doth consist?
A29205What is this lesse then Dinoths Manuscript?
A29205What needed this, when he hath got the worst of the cause, to revenge himself like a Pinece with a stinke?
A29205What new Monster is this, To receive Protection from the Lawes of Princes, aud to acknowledge no Subjection to the Lawes of Princes?
A29205What pittifull Cavills doth he bring for just exceptions?
A29205What poore boyish pickquering is this?
A29205What shall become of all the rest of the Christian world?
A29205What shamefull Tergiversation is this, which no ingenious Adversary could be guilty of, but out of invincible necessity?
A29205What silly nonsense is this, should I follow any mās advise to disprove that which I approve?
A29205What then?
A29205What to do?
A29205What will ye, shall I come unto you with a Rod?
A29205When I said, what is the Ground of his Exception, Nothing but a Contradiction?
A29205When may we expect a true word from him?
A29205Where did I say so?
A29205Where did I say this?
A29205Where should the Pope appoint a place of meeting in England without the Leave of the King of England?
A29205Wherein are Henry the eights Lawes more bitter against the Bishop of Rome, or more severe then this is?
A29205Wherein doe these men differ from us?
A29205Whether Bulls and Excommunications from Rome can be lawfully executed in England, except the King give leave for the execution of them?
A29205Whether doth this man think him self to have more Privilege then an Archangell, or us to be worse then Devills?
A29205Whether we stand in need of his dispensations?
A29205Which way are they bettered?
A29205Who can assure us of their right Baptisms and right Ordinations, according to the common Roman grounds?
A29205Who can help it?
A29205Who douhteth of it?
A29205Who ever see such a Rope of Sand, so incoherent to it self, and consisting of such Heterogeneous parts, composed altogether of mistakes?
A29205Who fitter to relate the Grievances of the Protestants then a Protestant?
A29205Who gave him power to take other mens Subjects against their Wills to be his Officers and Apparitors?
A29205Who so bold as blind Bayard?
A29205Who ta ● ght you this Logick, to assume for yourself, and Conclude for me?
A29205Who taught him to argue from the Position of one lawfull forme of Government, to the Deniall of another?
A29205Who told him that they made any retractation af ● er the Kings death, after they were freed from their imminent feare?
A29205Who would believe, that this man himself had deserted the Tradition of his Immediate Forefathers?
A29205Whom doth he strike?
A29205Why did St. Austin, Alypius, and the African Fathers sleight it?
A29205Why did he undertake it with so much youthfull Confidence and insulting scorn and petulance, to accuse his adversary of impudence?
A29205Why doe wee heare words, when we see deeds?
A29205Why may not this grow to be a Contradiction in time?
A29205Why should it not?
A29205Why so?
A29205Why so?
A29205Will the Court of Rome thank such and such an Advocate, who forsakes them at a dead lift?
A29205Will you trust the Testimony of a King?
A29205Wilt thou be baptised in this Faith?
A29205Would no expression lower then this of Villains serve his tur ● e?
A29205Yet he asketh, what do the Scots concern the Church of Englands Vindication?
A29205and to admit those pretended encroachments onely so far as he thought just and fitting?
A29205and what Opinion can Forreiners have of us, but what they learn from him and his Fellowes?
A29205and where conteined?
A29205and whether the Crown or the Pope have usurped one upon another in this particular?
A29205as an Essentiall of Faith?
A29205did he ever know any man who did sweare to maintein them?
A29205doe they grant the Popes Supremacy and deny the Popes Supremacy, and yet continue the same without Variation( as they have done)?
A29205doth it please you that we honour the memory of St. Peter?
A29205had not the King the Sword in his own hands?
A29205held of Faith?
A29205is he not bound to speake truth in one Paragraph as well as in another?
A29205not concern our Quarrell?
A29205to the man in the Moone?
A29205to whom?
A29205was it not in actuall force till and at that time?
A29205we by Substraction, or they by Addition?
A29205what Privilege?
A29205what doth the world know of the Municipall Lawes of England, untill we instruct them better?
A29205what is that to us?
A29205what needed hearing?
A29205whether were the anciēt English Lawes just Lawes or not?
A29205why not as well Caerleon upon Vske, as Kingston upon Hull, or Newark upon Trent, or Newcastle upon Tine?