
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-007797-toam6r5yMiddle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: what does a radiologist need to know?
cord-007797-toam6r5yPseudomonas aeruginosa predict optimal outcome Imaging infection Imaging of community- acquired pneumonia High resolution CT findings in community- acquired pneumonia Atypical pneumonia Atypical pneumonia-- time to breathe new life into a useful term?
cord-000757-bz66g9a0R Foundation for Statistical Computing Entity axis codes Documentation of the mortality tape file for Community- acquired pneumonia: can it be defined with claims data?
cord-016659-26zz8kawWhat has computed tomography taught us about the acute respiratory distress syndrome?
cord-302111-kg0dmgq0cause recurrent wheeze of early childhood and asthma?
cord-019089-oots4fe4Pulmonary cystic echinococcosis Ascariasis and hookworm Viral versus bacterial infections in children: is roentgenographic differentiation possible?
cord-019089-oots4fe4What imaging should we perform for the diagnosis and management of pulmonary infections?
cord-027679-89yt6fzothe emerging pathologic- radiologic correlates of an emerging disease Radiology of bacterial weapons- old and the new?
cord-266516-0ure8256Childhood pneumonia: a neglected, climate- sensitive disease?
cord-266516-0ure8256The Group Health Medical Associates Treatment of RSV pneumonia in adults: evidence of ribavirin effectiveness?
cord-015763-5lx179paauthors: Thellier, D.; Georges, H.; Leroy, O. title: Quels prélèvements aux urgences pour le diagnostic microbiologique d’une infection pulmonaire communautaire grave du sujet immunocompétent?
cord-015763-5lx179paprocalcitonin help identify associated bacterial infection in patients with severe influenza pneumonia?
cord-254874-ug0ler5eInvestment in pneumonia and pneumococcal research Medical subject headings used to search the biomedical literature MeSH now: automatic MeSH indexing at PubMed scale via learning to rank years on-is the NLM medical text indexer still useful and relevant?
cord-254874-ug0ler5eThe impact of African science: a bibliometric analysis Differences in citation rates by country of origin for papers published in top- ranked medical journals: do they reflect inequalities in access to publication?
cord-001894-ptuelrqjICU- Acquired Pneumonia Study Group De- escalation therapy: is it valuable for the management of ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-007575-5ekgabx5Diffuse pneumonia and acute respiratory failure due to infectious mononucleosis Clinical, virologic, and serologic evidence of Epstein- Barr virus infection in association with childhood pneumonia Pneumonia associated with rising cytomegalovirus antibody titres in a healthy adult Does cytomegalovirus playa role in communityacquired pneumonia?
cord-028328-5lews3uwDelayed administration of antibiotics and atypical presentation in community- acquired pneumonia Antibiotics and pneumonia: is timing everything or just a cause of more problems?
cord-028328-5lews3uwIntrapulmonary penetration of linezolid Intrapulmonary pharmacokinetics of linezolid Pneumonia treatment process and quality Quality of care, process, and outcomes in elderly patients with pneumonia Antibiotic timing and diagnostic uncertainty in Medicare patients with pneumonia: is it reasonable to expect all patients to receive antibiotics within 4 hours?
cord-028328-5lews3uwThe role of atypical pathogens: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and Legionella pneumophila in respiratory infection Diagnosis of pneumonia by cultures, bacterial and viral antigen detection tests, and serology with special reference to antibodies against pneumococcal antigens Pneumonia acquired in the community through drug- resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae Multivariate analysis of risk factors for infection due to penicillin- resistant and multidrug- resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae: a multicenter study Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus: a new communityacquired pathogen?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08How important is methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of community- acquired pneumonia and what is best antimicrobial therapy?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08How long should we treat community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08Reaching stability in community- acquired pneumonia: the effects of the severity of disease, treatment, and the characteristics of patients Early switch to oral treatment in patients with moderate to severe community- acquired pneumonia: a meta- analysis Antimicrobial treatment failures in patients with community- acquired pneumonia: causes and prognostic implications What is the best approach to the nonresponding patient with community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08a prospective, controlled clinical evaluation Evaluation of the immunochromatographic Binax NOW assay for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen in a prospective study of community- acquired pneumonia in Spain Is the lateral decubitus radiograph necessary for the management of a parapneumonic pleural effusion?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08one step forward with markers?
cord-009667-8r8j0h08when and why?
cord-300356-oorac5heA meta- analysis Global and local epidemiology of community- acquired pneumonia: the experience of the CAPNETZ network Pneumonia: still the old man's friend?
cord-300356-oorac5heDoes this patient have community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-000237-mticfoic( a3Â1998,2007t5å?
cord-000237-mticfoic( t¿1997,2006t5å?
cord-000237-mticfoic(? åºÅ¡AEHÄ÷).
cord-308916-6p2qutc5GAVI, the vaccine alliance World Health Organization perspectives on the contribution of the global alliance for vaccines and immunization on reducing child mortality Maternal immunization Effectiveness of maternal influenza immunization in mothers and infants Influenza vaccination of pregnant women and protection of their infants Duration of infant protection against influenza illness conferred by maternal immunization: secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial Vaccination against respiratory syncytial virus in pregnancy: a suitable tool to combat global infant morbidity and mortality?
cord-308916-6p2qutc5Should ultrasound be included in the initial assessment of respiratory patients?
cord-308916-6p2qutc5what works and at what cost?
cord-016498-j72vrvqf: a meta- analysis Is higher viral load in the upper respiratory tract associated with severe pneumonia?
cord-016498-j72vrvqfHow can we interpret these studies utilizing comprehensive molecular methods for etiology diagnosis of CAP?
cord-016498-j72vrvqfWhat is the best therapy for influenza and viral causes of communityacquired pneumonia?
cord-016498-j72vrvqfWhat is the role of respiratory viruses in community- acquired pneumonia in ambulatory pneumonia?
cord-283667-jqlz7yt8How reliable is a negative blood culture result?
cord-283667-jqlz7yt8Outpatient antibiotic prescribing and nonsusceptible Streptococcus pneumoniae in the United States Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections- does treatment help?
cord-003291-zuqx6ksyDoes delivery improve maternal condition in the respiratory- compromised gravida?
cord-003291-zuqx6ksyThe Journal of maternal- fetal medicine Is ethnicity a risk factor for developing preeclampsia?
cord-312266-hnbgaxft>/= 60 years: 3 years of follow- up in the CAPAMIS study 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine( PPV23) for the prevention of invasive pneumococcal diseases( IPDs) in the elderly: is it really effective?
cord-312266-hnbgaxftwhat works and at what cost?
cord-010018-gl8uuqej: when gold is bronze Antibiotic therapy for pediatric community- acquired pneumonia: do we know when, what and for how long to treat?
cord-010018-gl8uuqejDoes this child have pneumonia?: the rational clinical examination systematic review
cord-018408-ttae193bprophylaxis for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in solid organ transplant recipients ever be discontinued?
cord-334470-tg8yqzrt: Could it be useful today?
cord-334470-tg8yqzrtauthors: Kirkby, Charles; Mackenzie, Marc title: Is low dose radiation therapy a potential treatment for COVID-19 pneumonia?
cord-254852-qr5gdmbcDoes this infant have pneumonia?
cord-254852-qr5gdmbcUpdated recommendations for prevention of invasive pneumococcal disease among adults using the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine( PPSV23) Vaccines for preventing pneumococcal infection in adults What is the best approach to the nonresponding patient with community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-317024-1rhzhpijtemos para o diagnóstico diferencial inicial entre pneumonia bacteriana e viral?
cord-266455-rbblg4puEvaluation and comprehensive analysis of the unyvero P50 pneumonia assay Assessment of the multiplex PCR- based assay unyvero pneumonia application for detection of bacterial pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes in children and Evaluation of Curetis unyvero, a multiplex PCR- based testing system, for rapid detection of bacteria and antibiotic resistance and impact of the assay on management of severe nosocomial pneumonia Sample- in, answer- out'?
cord-266455-rbblg4pusevere hospital- acquired pneumonia( HAP) Comparison of unyvero P55 pneumonia cartridge, inhouse PCR and culture for the identification of respiratory pathogens and antibiotic resistance in bronchoalveolar lavage fluids in the critical care setting n Sample- in, answer- out'?
cord-273096-pgda7i3uWhat Study Should Be Conducted Next?
cord-322104-f1dukpsoMicrobiology of severe aspiration pneumonia in institutionalized elderly Validation of predictive rules and indices of severity for community acquired pneumonia Mortality from invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in the era of antibiotic resistance Antimicrobial therapy of community- acquired pneumonia A prediction rule to identify low- risk patients with community- acquired pneumonia Associations between initial antimicrobial therapy and medical outcomes for hospitalized elderly patients with pneumonia Timing of antibiotic administration and outcomes for Medicare patients hospitalized with community- acquried pneumonia Empiric antibiotic therapy and mortality among Medicare pneumonia inpatients in 10 Western states Pneumonia: still the old man's friend?
cord-315860-9j667c03What is the seasonal distribution of community acquired pneumonia over time?
cord-016521-ouwwkxox: potential economic implications Is continuous subglottic suctioning cost- effective for the prevention of ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-016521-ouwwkxoxDoes deescalation of antibiotic therapy for ventilatorassociated pneumonia affect the likelihood of recurrent pneumonia or mortality in critically ill surgical patients?
cord-016521-ouwwkxoxDoes this patient have ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-016521-ouwwkxoxVentilator- associated pneumonia: is zero possible?
cord-307638-fffjcnak: what do clinicians need to know?
cord-307638-fffjcnakGrant Waterer, MBBS, PhD School of Medicine, University of Western Australia, Perth, WA, Australia Epidemiology: a mortal foe Recent controversies about MDR and XDR- TB: global implementation of the WHO shorter MDR- TB regimen and bedaquiline for all with MDR- TB?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuHow can it be that AI or machine- learning predictive algorithms that can already automatically drive cars or successfully understand human speech failed to predict the microbial cause of pneumonia accurately?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuPredicting the microbial cause of community- acquired pneumonia: can physicians or a data- driven method differentiate viral from bacterial pneumonia at patient presentation?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuThe aim of our study was to evaluate and compare the abilities of experienced physicians and a data- driven approach to answer this simple question within the first hours of a patient's admission to the ICU for CAP: is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuThe clinicians had to answer the question: is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuThe first time point of this organized approach requires the physician to ask:"Does this patient have an infection that requires antibiotics?".
cord-004464-nml9kqiuWe aimed to evaluate the abilities of experienced physicians and AI to answer this question at patient admission: is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?
cord-004464-nml9kqiuWe demonstrated that experienced clinicians synthesizing all this information failed to adequately answer the question:"is it a viral or a bacterial pneumonia?", as the discriminant ability between the two diagnoses was considered low.
cord-004464-nml9kqiua systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2010 Ten- year trends in intensive care admissions for respiratory infections in the elderly Use of tracheal aspirate culture in newly intubated patients with community- onset pneumonia Data- driving methods: more than merely trendy buzzwords?
cord-288305-qt2a4pxs3) Was the child treated after the occurrence of pneumonia in a hospital for a respiratory illness?
cord-288305-qt2a4pxs4) Has the child had asthma diagnosed by a physician?
cord-288305-qt2a4pxs5) Has the child received any asthma treatment for difficulty in breathing during the past 12 months?
cord-288305-qt2a4pxs6) Has the child coughed for longer than 4 weeks at any time?
cord-288305-qt2a4pxsCan we predict which children with clinically suspected pneumonia will have the presence of focal infiltrates on chest radiographs?
cord-288305-qt2a4pxsIf so, where was the diagnosis made and was it based on a chest radiograph?
cord-288305-qt2a4pxsThe questions were: 1) Has the child had bouts of pneumonia? 2)
cord-017252-88b3preq: what is the most accurate combination?
cord-017252-88b3preqWhat's new?
cord-017252-88b3preqleukemia Frequent and prolonged shedding of bocavirus in young children attending daycare Human bocavirus: passenger or pathogen in acute respiratory tract infections?
cord-017252-88b3preqwhat's old?
cord-320438-9j41eyw3Slovis TL( ed) Caffey's pediatric diagnostic imaging, 11th edn Thoracic disease in children with AIDS Viral vs. bacterial pulmonary infections in children( is roentgenographic differentiation possible?)
cord-320438-9j41eyw3where do we go now?
cord-023942-vrs3je1xDo bronchodilators have an effect on bronchiolitis?
cord-023942-vrs3je1xDoes VATS provide optimal treatment of empyema in children?
cord-023942-vrs3je1xPalivizumab is indicated for which of the following children?
cord-023942-vrs3je1xWhich of the following therapies have been proven to be a consistent benefi t for RSV bronchiolitis?
cord-310840-h49dx92dThe role of advanced imaging techniques in cystic fibrosis follow- up: is there a place for MRI?
cord-310840-h49dx92dWhat imaging should we perform for the diagnosis and management of pulmonary infections?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xHow common is human toxocariasis?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xHow good is the evidence for the recommended empirical antimicrobial treatment of patients hospitalized because of community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xHow much isoniazid is needed for prevention of tuberculosis among immune competent adults?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xIs bacterial tracheitis changing?
cord-275828-c6d6nk7xWhat is health- care associated pneumonia, and how should it be treated?
cord-305786-06dpjik8A prediction rule to identify low- risk patients with community- acquired pneumonia Pneumonia in neonates: can it be managed in the community?
cord-305786-06dpjik8CT and pathologic examination findings MR imaging of pneumonia in immunocompromised patients: comparison with helical CT Role of flexible bronchoscopy in immunocompromised patients with lung infiltrates Lung biopsy in immunocompromised children: when, how, and who?
cord-305786-06dpjik8a prospective observational study Initial microbiologic studies did not affect outcome in adults hospitalized with community- acquired pneumonia Utility of blood cultures in pediatric patients found to have pneumonia in the emergency department Nonvalue of the initial microbiological studies in the management of nonsevere community- acquired pneumonia Rejection criteria for endotracheal aspirates from adults Evaluation of rapid assay for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen among infants and young children with possible invasive pneumococcal disease Usefulness of urinary antigen detection by an immunochromatographic test for diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia in children Detection of Mycoplasma pneumoniae by two polymerase chain reactions and role of M. pneumoniae in acute respiratory tract infections in pediatric patients Is a chest radiograph necessary in the evaluation of every febrile infant less than 8 weeks of age?
cord-016990-ot1wi3xi: a review of ten years'experience Pulmonary complications of solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation Lungs are a major organ site of cytomegalovirus latency and recurrence Spectrum of pulmonary diseases associated with the acquired immune deficiency syndrome Cytomegalovirus- induced alveolar hemorrhage in patients with AIDS: a new clinical entity?
cord-016990-ot1wi3xiHow do viral infections predispose patients to bacterial infections?
cord-323742-rt0g0ufeThe effect of antibiotic exposure and specimen volume on the detection of bacterial pathogens in children with pneumonia Is higher viral load in the upper respiratory tract associated with severe pneumonia?
cord-323742-rt0g0ufelessons learned one year on Diagnostic test accuracy of a 2-transcript host RNA signature for discriminating bacterial vs viral infection in febrile children Should controls with respiratory symptoms be excluded from case- control studies of pneumonia etiology?
cord-017016-twwa9djm366 Abnormalities in sperm flagella may differ in type and quantity from those of respiratory cilia within the same patient, suggesting separate genetic control of axone mal structures at differing loci?
cord-017016-twwa9djm97 More recently the prognosis is much better, but the mortality associated with established abscess formation remains in the range of25%?
cord-017016-twwa9djmA rare occurrence?
cord-017016-twwa9djmA viral disease?
cord-017016-twwa9djmColonization or infection?
cord-017016-twwa9djmDo nasal ciliary changes reflect bronchial changes?
cord-017016-twwa9djmLung abscess Should fiberoptic bronchoscopy aspirates be cultured?
cord-017016-twwa9djmScreening Young syndrome patients for CFTR mutations Respiratory tract disease and obstructive azoospermia Ciliary function in Young's syndrome Rutland I Mucociliary function, ciliary ultrastructure, and ciliary orientation in Young's syndrome Measurement of nasal potential difference in adult cystic fibrosis, Young's syndrome and bronchiectasis Viscoelastic properties of sputum from patients with Young's Syndrome Was Young's syndrome caused by exposure to mercury in childhood?
cord-017016-twwa9djmThe diagnostic criteria of TBM by CT scan are a tracheal diameter of greater than 3 cm( measured 2 cm above the aortic arch) and diameters of 2.4 and 2.3 cm for the right and left main bronchi, respectively.415Al?
cord-017016-twwa9djman uncommon cause of neonatal respiratory distress?
cord-345211-4ivqlsgtFirst, is a particular microorganism present in the clinical specimen?
cord-345211-4ivqlsgtSecond, if the microorganism is present, is it causing this episode of pneumonia?
cord-345211-4ivqlsgtWhat are the limitations of molecular diagnostic tests for pneumonia and what needs to be addressed in order to progress with development?
cord-345211-4ivqlsgtWhy is it so difficult to determine the microbial etiology of pneumonia?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvHow good is the evidence for the recommended empirical antimicrobial treatment of patients hospitalized because of community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvLa première question concerne le diagnostic même de la PAC: le diagnostic étiologique est- il nécessaire au diagnostic positif de PAC?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvQuel est l'impact d'une donnée microbiologique positive sur la prise en charge des patients?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvQuel est l'impact pronostique de l'antibiothérapie?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvUpdate of practice guidelines for the management of community- acquired pneumonia in immunocompetent adults update of BTS pneumonia guidelines: what's new?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvchez un alcoolique, fumeur, bronchopathe, de 55 ans?
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvconcernant la prise en charge des PAC pneumococciques bactériémiques( mono- ou bithérapie?)
cord-007564-ljqrxjvvd'envisager la stratégie d'utilisation des diverses techniques microbiologiques sous un angle plus général pour tenter de répondre aux questions suivantes: • quel est l'impact d'une recherche étiologique sur le pronostic des patients?
cord-005692-n4vxazstDoes this patient have VAP?
cord-005692-n4vxazstDoes this patient have ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-005692-n4vxazstHigh prevalence of multidrugresistant nonfermenters in hospital- acquired pneumonia in Asia High incidence of MDR and XDR Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates obtained from patients with ventilator- associated pneumonia in Greece, Italy and Spain as part of the MagicBullet clinical trial Incidence and outcome of polymicrobial ventilator- associated pneumonia Antibiotic treatment of hospital- acquired pneumonia: is it different from ventilator- associated pneumonia?
cord-005692-n4vxazstIf invasive quantitative cultures are performed, should patients with suspected VAP whose culture results are below the diagnostic threshold for VAP( PSB with< 10 3 CFU/ mL, BAL with< 10 4 CFU/ mL) have their antibiotics withheld rather than continued?
cord-005692-n4vxazstNosocomial pneumonia in the intensive care unit acquired during mechanical ventilation or not Epidemiology and outcomes of ventilator- associated pneumonia in a large US database Ventilator- associated pneumonia( VAP) with multidrug- resistant( MDR) pathogens: optimal treatment?
cord-005692-n4vxazstOral care with chlorhexidine and stress ulcer prophylaxis may be harmful, new data affirm the long- held fear that selective oral and Should patients with suspected VAP be treated based on the results of invasive sampling( BAL, PSB, blind mini- BAL) with quantitative culture results, noninvasive sampling( endotracheal aspiration) with quantitative culture results, or noninvasive sampling with semiquantitative culture results?
cord-005692-n4vxazsta hospital- wide, observational cohort study Protocol for a multi- centered, stepped wedge, cluster randomized controlled trial of the de- adoption of oral chlorhexidine prophylaxis and implementation of an oral care bundle for mechanically ventilated critically ill patients: the CHORAL study What US hospitals are currently doing to prevent common device- associated infections: results from a national survey Infection prevention practices in Japan, Thailand, and the United States: results from national surveys Semi- recumbent position versus supine position for the prevention of ventilatorassociated pneumonia in adults requiring mechanical ventilation Randomized, multicenter trial of lateral Trendelenburg versus semirecumbent body position for the prevention of ventilator- associated pneumonia Which multicenter randomized controlled trials in critical care medicine have shown reduced mortality?
cord-027678-k64whepc: how do they differ from those in seasonal influenza?
cord-027678-k64whepcAre there host factors that explain the failure( e.g. obstruction of bronchus by a foreign body or tumour, inadequate host response)?
cord-027678-k64whepcAre there other organisms?
cord-027678-k64whepcHas a complication developed( e.g. empyema, superinfection, bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia, metastatic abscess)?
cord-027678-k64whepcHas the patient got pneumonia?
cord-027678-k64whepcIs the fever a drug fever?
cord-027678-k64whepcIs the organism resistant to the drug being given?
cord-027678-k64whepcIs the right drug being given in an adequate dose by the right route?
cord-027678-k64whepcre-)bronchoscopy( is the diagnosis correct?), treat co- pathogens and consider a short course of high- dose i.v. methylprednisolone Fungi are rare but important causes of pneumonia.
cord-291400-o9skj94rAre there interactions between the two antibiotics against Streptococcus pneumoniae?
cord-291400-o9skj94rBacteremic and nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia: a prospective study Evaluation of a rapid immunochromatographic test for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen in urine samples from adults with community- acquired pneumonia Rapid diagnosis of bacteremic pneumococcal infections in adults by using the Binax NOW Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen test: a prospective, controlled clinical evaluation Usefulness of urinary antigen detection by an immunochromatographic test for diagnosis of pneumococcal pneumonia in children Evaluation of the immunochromatographic Binax NOW assay for detection of Streptococcus pneumoniae urinary antigen in a prospective study of community- acquired pneumonia in Spain Deaths in bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia: a comparison of two populations Bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia mortality rate: is it really different in Sweden?
cord-291400-o9skj94rCorrelation with in vitro resistance, antibiotics administered, and clinical outcome Is azithromycin the first- choice macrolide for treatment of community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-291400-o9skj94rIs anti- tumor necrosis factor therapy associated with increased mortality in patients with severe sepsis caused by pneumonia?
cord-291400-o9skj94rThe best treatment of pneumonia: new clues, but no definitive answers What is optimal therapy for bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia?
cord-291400-o9skj94rWhat is needed in the future?
cord-291400-o9skj94rWhat is the possibility that the immune- modulating activity of macrolides is important in reducing the mortality rate?
cord-291400-o9skj94rWhat is the possibility that the macrolide is treating a secondary infection in a patient with pneumococcal bacteremia?
cord-291400-o9skj94rWhy do some countries have many cases of nosocomial S pneumoniae infections[ 7] and others( eg, the United States) have a minimal number of such cases[ 27]?
cord-291400-o9skj94rWhy does the CFR differ among different centers and countries[ 40, 41]?
cord-291400-o9skj94rWhy would a b- lactam( cephalosporin) in combination with a macrolide be more efficacious than a b- lactam( cephalosporin) alone in the treatment of patients with bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia?
cord-291400-o9skj94rWould the use of two empiric antibiotics make it more likely that at least one would be active against the pneumococcus?
cord-292094-vmsdhccp: a meta- analysis Is the lateral decubitus radiograph necessary for the management of a parapneumonic pleural effusion?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpA framework for improvement Do guidelines for community- acquired pneumonia improve the cost- effectiveness of hospital care?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpHow should we make the admission decision in community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpPredicting bacteremia in patients with community- acquired pneumonia Diagnosing pneumonia by physical examination: relevant or relic?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpThe burden of community- acquired pneumonia in seniors: results of a population- based study Mortality from invasive pneumococcal pneumonia in the era of antibiotic resistance, 1995- 1997 Guidelines for community- acquired pneumonia: are they reflected in practice?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpWhat factors influence physicians'decisions to switch from intravenous to oral antibiotics for community- acquired pneumonia?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpWhy do n't physicians follow clinical practice guidelines?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpan international derivation and validation study Community- acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization: 5-year prospective study outcome and prognostic factors in community- acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization Appropriateness of hospitalization of patients with community- acquired pneumonia Assessing prognosis and selecting an initial site of care for adults with community- acquired pneumonia Effect of increasing the intensity of implementing pneumonia guidelines: a randomized, controlled trial Community acquired pneumonia: aetiology and usefulness of severity criteria on admission Use of prognostic scoring and outcome assessment tools in the admission decision for community- acquired pneumonia Assessment of illness severity in community acquired pneumonia: a useful new prediction tool?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpanalysis of two double- blind studies of patients with methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus nosocomial pneumonia Subinhibitory concentrations of linezolid reduce Staphylococcus aureus virulence factor expression American Thoracic Society/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/ Infectious Diseases Society of America: controlling tuberculosis in the United States Anti- inflammatory effects of macrolides- an underappreciated benefit in the treatment of community- acquired respiratory tract infections and chronic inflammatory pulmonary conditions?
cord-292094-vmsdhccpimplications for the treatment of patients with community- acquired pneumonia Streptococcus pneumoniae in community- acquired pneumonia: how important is drug resistance?
cord-008695-y7il3hyb( neuraminidase inhibitors) during a pandemic?
cord-008695-y7il3hybAirway hyperreactivity and peripheral airway dysfunction in influenza A infection American College of Chest Physicians/ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Conference on Oxygen Therapy Acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease: risk factors and use of guidelines for management Instability on hospital discharge and the risk of adverse outcomes in patients with pneumonia Pandemic influenza: is an antiviral response realistic?
cord-008695-y7il3hybAntibiotic choice for severe or complicated pneumonia?
cord-008695-y7il3hybDoes this patient have influenza?
cord-008695-y7il3hybFor how long should antibiotics be given?
cord-008695-y7il3hybThe impact of influenza epidemics on mortality: introducing a severity index Human influenza Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology Clinical features of influenza Age and Asian influenza, 1957 Rapid diagnosis of primary influenza pneumonia Importance of Staphylococcus aureus in pneumonia in the 1957 epidemic of influenza A Should staff in long- stay hospitals for elderly patients be vaccinated against influenza?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat are the optimum antibiotic choices when specific pathogens have been identified?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat drugs should be used for antiviral treatment during a pandemic?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat general investigations should be done in the community?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat monitoring should be conducted during a hospital stay?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhat severity assessment strategy is recommended for patients referred to hospital with influenzarelated pneumonia?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhen can children be safely discharged from hospital?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhen should the IV route be changed to oral?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhen should transfer to a high dependency unit( HDU) or intensive care unit( ICU) be considered?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWhich adults require hospital referral?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWho should get antibiotics?
cord-008695-y7il3hybWho should receive antiviral drugs?
cord-021951-xxvol17tAre there older siblings with cystic fibrosis( CF) or asthma?
cord-021951-xxvol17tCan the child be calmed or engaged in play?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDid the child have RSV, bronchiolitis, or rhinovirus infection as an infant?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDid the child receive a bone marrow transplant a year ago?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDid the infant have a tracheoesophageal fistula repaired in the neonatal period?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDid the toddler choke on a carrot or other food 3 months ago?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDoes the child appear wasted, with poor growth that may indicate a chronic illness?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDoes the child have an anxious look?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDoes the examining room or the clothing smell of stale cigarette smoke?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDoes the patient look"barrel- chested"?
cord-021951-xxvol17tDoes this patient have sinusitis?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs the anteroposterior( AP) diameter increased, which indicates hyperinflation of the lungs from obstruction of small airways( asthma, bronchiolitis, CF)?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs the child immunized?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs the child's breath malodorous, as can be noticed in sinusitis, nasal foreign body, lung abscess, or bronchiectasis?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs the child's skin blue( representing cyanosis) or ashen?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs there a coughing sibling whose kindergarten class has been closed because of pertussis?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs there a foul odor from a diaper with a fatty stool, which may suggest pancreatic insufficiency and CF?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs there an adolescent or adult with chronic cough( bronchitis) who may have pertussis or tuberculosis?
cord-021951-xxvol17tIs this diameter small, as can be seen with some restrictive lung diseases with small lung volumes( muscular dystrophy, spinal muscular atrophy)?
cord-021951-xxvol17tRadiographs usually show diffuse fluffy Postnasal drip(?)
cord-021951-xxvol17tWas the child premature, and, if so, did he or she spend a month on the ventilator, and does he or she now have chronic lung disease( bronchopulmonary dysplasia)?
cord-021951-xxvol17t• Is the child struggling to breathe( dyspnea)?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Adjunctive therapies Which patients will benefit from steroid therapy in CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Can steroids and macrolides have an addictive anti- inflammatory effect?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Could PK/ PD interventions change the outcomes in severe CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33How should microbiologic surveillance be performed in a global way?
cord-009278-98ebmd33How should viral infection be excluded before steroid treatment?
cord-009278-98ebmd33In non- severe CAP might new oral antibiotics be directed to once- daily dosages?
cord-009278-98ebmd33In patients with CAP presenting with high inflammatory response, can steroid therapy improve hard outcomes?
cord-009278-98ebmd33In severe CAP what is the best drug on top of beta- lactam therapy: macrolide or quinolone?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Is PCV13 superior to PPV23 in invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumococcal CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Is adult pneumococcal vaccination cost- effective in settings with high childhood vaccination rates?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Is vaccine efficacy equivalent in immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Should antiviral therapy be used empirically during influenza seasonal epidemics or all year?
cord-009278-98ebmd33What are the best steroid, steroid dose and duration in CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33What is the real burden of morbidity and mortality after CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33What is the role of tetracyclines in CAP treatment?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Which is the best scheme/ schedule of anti- pneumococcal vaccination?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Which is the epidemiology of lethal CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Which patients should be treated with antiviral therapy in CAP?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Why is evidence of short duration antibiotic therapy in CAP not applied in clinical management?
cord-009278-98ebmd33Will vaccines directed to S. pneumoniae virulence factors be more efficient than current ones?