
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-003447-kbpvt5onTrader characteristics, biosecurity and implications for disease spread The pig as a mixing vessel for influenza viruses: Human and veterinary implications Ebola Reston virus infection of pigs: clinical significance and transmission potential Emerging viral infections in Australia Experimental Nipah virus infection in pigs and cats Practices in the pig value chain in Uganda; implications to African swine fever transmission Factors that influence pig production in Central Uganda- Case study of Nangabo Sub- County, Wakiso district Factors that influence pig production in Central Uganda- Case study of Nangabo Sub- County, Wakiso district Risk factors associated with occurrence of African swine fever outbreaks in smallholder pig farms in four districts along the Uganda- Kenya border Enhancing knowledge and awareness of biosecurity practices for control of African swine fever among smallholder pig farmers in four districts along the Kenya- Uganda border Food safety and zoonotic hazards in pig value chains in East Africa Smallholder pig value chain assessment in Uganda: Results from producer focus group discussions and key informant interviews Characterization of smallholder pig production systems in Uganda: constraints and opportunities for engaging with market systems 196-Characterization of smallholder pig production systems in Uganda: constraints and opportunities for engaging with market systems Review of African swine fever: transmission, spread and control: review article African swine fever virus eradication in Africa Fit for human consumption?
cord-013174-whg64w0wWhy are RNA virus mutation rates so damn high?
cord-283545-vu8lt3w6Adenovirus pneumonia in guineapigs: an experimental reproduction of the disease Torulopsis pintolopesii-an opportunistic pathogen in guineapigs?
cord-266199-smlq11y9state- of- the- art Ten years of PCV2 vaccines and vaccination: is eradication a possibility?
cord-304720-0lgup7yjWhat do we really know about feedback to gestating dams?
cord-003640-psnec2qpA consistent terminology for quantifying species diversity?
cord-003640-psnec2qpCan chemical and molecular biomarkers help discriminate between industrial, rural and urban environments?
cord-003640-psnec2qpDoes diversity of environmental microbial exposure matter for the occurrence of allergy and asthma?
cord-302155-hksmt48iCan Ebola virus vaccines have universal immune correlates of protection?
cord-308767-trwa5grl-how far have we come?
cord-297669-22fctxk4Far? Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus.
cord-297669-22fctxk4How does genome editing fit within existing selective breeding structures and how will it be regulated?
cord-281679-xmbnpawjEmerg Infect Dis Is COVID-19 the first pandemic that evolves into a panzootic?
cord-281679-xmbnpawja Neglected Transmission Route of SARS- CoV-2?
cord-261925-nsq837z1The number of a U3 repeat box acting as an enhancer in long terminal repeats of polytropic replication- competent porcine endogenous retroviruses dynamically fluctuates during serial virus passages in human cells Xenotransplantation of islet cells: what can the nonhuman primate model bring for the evaluation of efficacy and safety?
cord-261925-nsq837z1Where should we go next?
cord-261925-nsq837z1Xenotransplantation Reanalysis of TransVax immunogenicity Developing a vaccine against congenital cytomegalovirus( CMV) infection: what have we learned from animal models?
cord-261925-nsq837z1basis for a vaccine for xenotransplantation?
cord-351834-9pclxek0: over 100 M website views per year Ready to submit your research?
cord-351834-9pclxek0The Norwegian Veterinary Institute Transmission of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in pigs under field- like conditions: emphasis on tonsillar colonisation and passively acquired colostral antibodies Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infections in closed swine herds: infection patterns and serological profiles Simulation study of the mechanisms underlying outbreaks of clinical disease caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in finishing pigs Respiratory disease in pigs- an increasing problem?