
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
cord-256705-gexh2wtdCOVID-19: how prepared are front- line healthcare workers in England?
cord-028273-22swinc6Admitted to ICUs of the Lombardy Region Part of the cure or am I part of the disease?
cord-252250-hhdawwjfI retain ventilatory support for a critical patient who is unlikely to survive or use the ventilator for a less critical patient with better prognosis?
cord-252250-hhdawwjfWhen in doubt, it is desirable to apply the ethical self- test as follows;"If my colleague at work had these symptoms, would I prefer him to come for duty?"
cord-311539-pbzb0jjtIf syndromic surveillance is the answer, what is the question?
cord-311151-mrsjhjh4How Did It Start?
cord-264522-u61m4x9l: Do You Know your Incident Command System?
cord-264522-u61m4x9lW ho watches the watchers?
cord-264522-u61m4x9lWill carrots or sticks raise influenza immunization rates of health care personnel?
cord-316266-6m9g3bdr: What proportion are asymptomatic?
cord-316266-6m9g3bdrBest Control Influenza Spread in a Hospital?
cord-316266-6m9g3bdrSinan title: What proportion of healthcare worker masks carry virus?
cord-325778-y5miy24fcan we learn?
cord-306247-259zacceHow do we plan hematopoietic cell transplant and cellular therapy with the looming COVID-19 threat?
cord-282675-s4zmffj3: Is there a relationship?
cord-282675-s4zmffj3Are Scores on English and French Versions of the PHQ-9 Comparable?
cord-282675-s4zmffj3Precarious sleep?
cord-282675-s4zmffj3Will COVID-19 be a litmus test for post- Ebola sub- Saharan Africa?
cord-282675-s4zmffj3the eye of the crocodile 2020 Was SARS a mental health catastrophe?
cord-332083-135iic7m( 4) Did the HCW have pressure sores on their face?
cord-332083-135iic7m( 6) Did the HCW have skin injury owing to gloves?
cord-332083-135iic7mA missing link between SARSCoV-2 and the eye?:
cord-332083-135iic7mIn which areas did the HCW have pressure sores?
cord-332083-135iic7mQuestions considering several vulnerable areas according to our clinical observation were also included:( 2) Was there mist on the HCW's goggles?
cord-332083-135iic7mThe role of education in the prevention and control of infection: a review of the literature Video based learning vs traditional lecture for instructing emergency medicine residents in disaster medicine principles of mass triage, decontamination, and personal protective equipment Personal protective equipment in health care: can online infection control courses transfer knowledge and improve proper selection and use?
cord-332083-135iic7mWhat type of glove- related skin damage did the HCW have?
cord-332083-135iic7mWhat were the effective methods that the HCW used to prevent misting in practice?
cord-322451-cwpz4akvAs those scary stories are repeated numerous times among HCWs, can medical ethics overcome their emotions?
cord-322451-cwpz4akvCan someone who makes an involuntary sacrifice be called as a hero?
cord-322451-cwpz4akvCould we expect nurses who were called when they are needed and paid by working hour to devote themselves to the full professional code and make all efforts when their life is threatened?
cord-322451-cwpz4akvDoes the accepted norm of responsibility mean they must put their own lives at risk?
cord-322451-cwpz4akvHowever, could we regard the HCW as a soldier in an army, as quoted in a China Daily report?
cord-322451-cwpz4akvWhat have we experienced and learned from the outbreak of SARS in Beijing?
cord-322451-cwpz4akvWill the public accept a health professional to exercise their right to remain off the job in this critical moment?