This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
cord-102587-fugb778l | Measured dynamic social contact patterns explain the spread of h1n1v influenza Who mixes with whom? |
cord-035285-dx5bbeqm | In addition, we also share Let's Control COVID and Curious about COVID? |
cord-031175-4dm4asen | How will we know whether they work? |
cord-007367-e31zhty6 | One question then emerges: how are π(γ j) and m(γ j) related? |
cord-007367-e31zhty6 | The question then becomes, given a cost of vaccination, c(v), what is the efficient level of vaccinations to provide in a population and how do we obtain this efficient level? |
cord-257801-rgzmpoxv | What's in a crowd? |
cord-295293-ickp2n47 | How long will this situation continue in Luxembourg? |
cord-000562-ocp6yodg | China Is public transport a risk factor for acute respiratory infection? |
cord-252903-pg0l92zb | The Lancet Global Health Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic An agent- based model to evaluate the COVID-19 transmission risks in facilities How to restart? |
cord-307342-3gkiukh4 | Should Immigration Status Information Be Included in a Patient's Health Record? |
cord-184854-2ledrw9j | Preprint, medrxiv South Korea is reporting intimate details of COVID-19 cases: has it helped? |
cord-184854-2ledrw9j | What Went Wrong? |
cord-260797-tc3pueow | A Comparison between Data Collected Using Wearable Sensors, Contact Diaries and Friendship Surveys Data on face- to- face contacts in an office building suggest a low- cost vaccination strategy based on community linkers What's in a crowd? |
cord-260797-tc3pueow | Predictability: Can the turning point and end of an expanding epidemic be precisely forecast? |
cord-265891-jmpterrj | what next? |
cord-326579-vz8n2jsj | What's in a crowd? |
cord-001071-bjx5td52 | ( ZIP) Health- care workers: source, vector, or victim of MRSA? |
cord-001071-bjx5td52 | What's in a crowd? |
cord-001071-bjx5td52 | how should we be sampling? |
cord-137892-1mrsvg3b | An emerging low- power wireless technology Bluetooth: a viable solution for iot? |
cord-269850-5pidolqb | Can we compare the Covid-19 and 2008 crises? |
cord-269850-5pidolqb | This part of the system is to monitoring and tracing the registered users only in terms of how the areas( which have been visited by users) should be lockdown or not? |
cord-269850-5pidolqb | What is contact tracing? |
cord-297612-swc2pitd | What lessons it might teach us? |
cord-010310-jqh75340 | A weekly Australian community online survey of influenza- like illness in Flutracking weekly online community survey of influenza- like illness annual report Mobility assessment of a rural population in the Netherlands using GPS measurements Generating GPS activity spaces that shed light upon the mobility habits of older adults: A descriptive analysis What can global positioning systems tell us about the contribution of different types of urban greenspace to children's physical activity? |
cord-010310-jqh75340 | Inferencing human spatiotemporal mobility in greater Maputo via mobile phone big data mining GPS tracking in neighborhood and health studies: A step forward for environmental exposure assessment, a step backward for causal inference? |
cord-010310-jqh75340 | What types of contacts are important for the spread of infections? |
cord-341639-a8ig607t | When is contact tracing not enough to stop an outbreak? |
cord-266878-z7qn80tw | Can the coronavirus disease 2019( COVID-19) affect the eyes? |
cord-276763-x3dqi0ym | What's in a crowd? |
cord-285105-72v6qufw | What's Mandatory? |
cord-285105-72v6qufw | www1 Presumed Asymptomatic Carrier Transmission of COVID-19 Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy based on international case exportations The total number of Italian coronavirus cases could be'10 times higher'than known tally, according to one official What's Closed? |
cord-017531-fm8gl5b3 | Can anthrax infect from patient to patient? |
cord-017531-fm8gl5b3 | The threat of biological attack: why concern now? |
cord-017531-fm8gl5b3 | » ways to track infectious diseases hazards and outbreaks? |
cord-332194-97tkyv3w | Text recipients were asked to provide a yes/ no response to the question,"Do you have new fever or cough or shortness of breath?" |
cord-335518-ti889uye | A comparison of regimen methods for the removal and inactivation of bacteria, fungi and Acanthamoeba from two types of silicone hydrogel lenses Microbial contamination of contact lenses and lens care accessories of soft contact lens wearers( university students) in Hong Kong Microbial flora of tears of orthokeratology patients, and microbial contamination of contact lenses and contact lens accessories Risk factors for moderate and severe microbial keratitis in daily wear contact lens users Water Exposure and the Risk of Contact Lens- Related Disease Compliance behaviour change in contact lens wearers: a randomised controlled trial Number of confirmed coronavirus( COVID-19) cases in Spain between Daily disposable lenses: the better alternative Silicone hydrogel daily disposable benefits: The evidence Could telehealth help eye care practitioners adapt contact lens services during the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-335518-ti889uye | The Case for Using Hydrogen Peroxide Contact Lens Care Solutions: A Review To rub or not to rub? |
cord-335518-ti889uye | rigid contact lens cleaning Soft contact lens cleaning: rub or no- rub? |
cord-286070-qwq46b8a | The Cotary Book Depot Who mixes with whom? |
cord-322806-g01wmmbx | How should HIV resources be allocated? |
cord-141541-g5pt10yn | Given these findings, is it ethical to consider that when users install and register the CTA, the inclusion of a long privacy policy and user agreement that potentially more than half of the population will be unable to comprehend constitutes informed consent? |
cord-141541-g5pt10yn | Is a Bluetooth radio beacon paired to a smartphone app the most effective method for digital contact tracing? |
cord-141541-g5pt10yn | Last accessed Digital herd immunity and COVID-19 Can the COVID-19 epidemic be controlled on the basis of daily test reports? |
cord-141541-g5pt10yn | This raises the question: How can high- level uptake of the CTA be assured? |
cord-141541-g5pt10yn | key: cord-141541-g5pt10yn authors: McLachlan, Scott; Lucas, Peter; Dube, Kudakwashe; Hitman, Graham A; Osman, Magda; Kyrimi, Evangelia; Neil, Martin; Fenton, Norman E title: Bluetooth Smartphone Apps: Are they the most private and effective solution for COVID-19 contact tracing? |
cord-122159-sp6o6h31 | Offers an opportunity to communicate a personalized risk profile to each citizen, answering the question"Should I be concerned or not?" |
cord-122159-sp6o6h31 | Reuters Graphics Legal by Design'or'Legal Protection by Design'? |
cord-122159-sp6o6h31 | The New York Times Coronavirus vaccine in 18 months? |
cord-296487-m4xba78g | World Health Organization Smallpox vaccines: Past, present, and future Public health and health reform in Australia Respiratory protection for healthcare workers treating Ebola virus disease( EVD): are facemasks sufficient to meet occupational health and safety obligations? |
cord-238444-v9gfh3m1 | This part of the system is to monitoring and tracing the registered users only in terms of how the areas( which have been visited by users) should be lockdown or not? |
cord-238444-v9gfh3m1 | a prospective study Novel coronavirus in the united states Lockdowns ca n't end until covid-19 vaccine found, study says Can we compare the covid-19 and 2008 crises? |
cord-027598-76656pok | How feasible is the use of magnetic field alone for indoor positioning? |
cord-027598-76656pok | Why is it difficult to detect sudden and unexpected epidemic outbreaks in Twitter? |
cord-239315-dk2lwsrx | HaMagen contact tracing application website Smittestopp'contact tracing application website TraceTogether'contact tracing application website Mobile apps, websites offer real- time data on COVID-19 outbreak Contact- tracing apps are not a solution to the COVID-19 crisis Brookings TechStream Coronavirus contact- tracing apps: can they slow the spread of COVID-19? |
cord-239315-dk2lwsrx | How will we know whether they work? |
cord-239315-dk2lwsrx | The problem of'personal data'in cloud computing: what information is regulated? |
cord-227492-st2ebdah | Are South Korea's alerts too revealing? |
cord-227492-st2ebdah | COVID-19: what is next for public health? |
cord-227492-st2ebdah | God's Eye View: Will global AI empower us or destroy us? |
cord-251676-m8f6de33 | How accurately do WiFi session durations reveal true durations of times spent at a location? |
cord-251676-m8f6de33 | How accurately do co- located WiFi device sessions reveal co- located users at those locations? |
cord-251676-m8f6de33 | We conducted a small- scale user study to gather ground truth data to validate three question related to the use of passive WiFi sensing for contact tracing:( 1) How accurately do WiFi access point associations reveal true user locations? |
cord-347217-zxsm18og | 4, 10 One question that arises in a system that emphasises a consent- based, opt- in approach, is that among individuals who do not receive a notification, does the absence of the notification imply the absence of contacts with other individuals with a COVID-19 infection or that other users are not consenting to share data? |
cord-347217-zxsm18og | Is privacy the price? |
cord-263455-dquztf5l | : what's the need? |
cord-263455-dquztf5l | PEP++ Quinolone- and fluoroquinolonecontaining medicinal products Prevention of transmission of leprosy: the current scenario World Leprosy Day 2018: How forward respecting the past? |
cord-263455-dquztf5l | The GPZL PEP research agenda includes the question:"Which type of PEP intervention fits best with which epidemiological setting?", which requires more operational research. |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | Do they have privacy or security concerns or question the benefit of the service? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | Do they trust public health authorities with their data and do they trust the authorities'pandemic response? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | First, how well do smartphones measure proximity? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | Fourth, how will mobile apps affect health equity? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | In other words, what is the effectiveness of the detector function and how many false alarms might be expected for each true contact detected? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | Second, how will mobile apps integrate with overall contact tracing programmes? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | Third, what factors will encourage users to trust the privacy and security properties of mobile apps? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | What is behind the public's decision to use or avoid these apps? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | c8sbqiyy nan Can digital contact tracing make up for lost time? |
cord-029354-c8sbqiyy | key: cord-029354-c8sbqiyy authors: Ivers, Louise C; Weitzner, Daniel J title: Can digital contact tracing make up for lost time? |
cord-136138-baxmoutj | Are privacy- preserving techniques incorporated in the application( e.g. data anonymization, encryption, aggregation)? |
cord-136138-baxmoutj | Did you implement the right for a user to 1) withdraw consent, 2) object, and 3) be forgotten in the application? |
cord-136138-baxmoutj | Does the application allow people to learn any personal information about others? |
cord-136138-baxmoutj | If the app connects to public health or hospital systems, how do you ensure that personal information is nt accessible during data sharing points? |
cord-136138-baxmoutj | What additional measures are used to protect the data and identity of infected and exposed individuals? |
cord-136138-baxmoutj | to those the app is warning about contact and potential exposure, or 4) to the government, employer, or managing organization? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | If actual or predicted uptake is insufficient, is there an argument for the use of incentives? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | Of course, an important concern for many people will not only be about their privacy today during the epidemic, but also about their future privacy: will full privacy protections be reinstated after the epidemic? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | Two important questions requiring clarification in this regard are: what is the nature of the infringement of privacy, if there is one, and, can this be justified in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | What if this does not work? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | Will data gathered now be used in unacceptable ways later? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | Would it, for example, be acceptable or even required for a specifically designed app to be used each year in the context of seasonal influenza? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | should the data be deleted at the end of the epidemic? |
cord-323766-oyyj35bl | those not at risk themselves or a risk to others-on privacy grounds alone? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | An ethics framework for big data in health and research South Korea is reporting intimate details of COVID-19 cases: Has it helped? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Are CT apps easy to use and do they minimise confusion or stress by design? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Are financial costs proportionate to the expected public health benefits? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Are safeguards in place to mitigate the vulnerability of and harm to marginalized groups from CT apps and related public health and security measures? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Are the most privacy- preserving solutions( e.g. no real- time data, anonymization) prioritised? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Can population uptake be assumed? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Do stated objectives of CT apps align with proposed measures? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Evaluating the potential of using bluetooth received signal strength for proximity detection COVID-19 and contact tracing apps: technological fix or social experiment? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | General trustworthiness Are democratic procedures in place to guide decision making? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Harm minimisation Are CT apps the least harmful way of obtaining the desired benefits? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Has the risk of self- and social stigma effects, implicated by an elevated focus on one's or others'health status been considered and mitigated? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Is data parsimony guaranteed and access to non- essential personal data minimised? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Is the cost- effectiveness of the CT app positive compared to alternative pandemic management strategies? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Is the general use of the CT app likely to enhance the effectiveness of contact tracing measures? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Is the pool of potential users who are willing to use a CT app large enough for epidemiological effectiveness? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Is the technological make- up of the app such that it can actually produce public health benefit? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Privacy Are measures in place for data protection and against data loss or misuse?Are data security authorities involved? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Public health benefit Is the pandemic situation such that contact tracing activity is motivated from a public health standpoint? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | Rather than asking general questions on the moral acceptability of CT apps, the crucial question is:"What specific interventions, if any, may be justified under what conditions?" |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | The value of reversibility Mobile phone data and COVID-19: missing an opportunity? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | a certain, specified amount of time Are social, and moral costs of CT apps proportionate to the pandemic threat and the expected effectiveness of using the app? |
cord-268126-u9z1rir1 | adequately considered? |