This is a table of type pronoun and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.
pronoun | frequency |
his | 10811 |
he | 10081 |
i | 8241 |
my | 6171 |
it | 5906 |
they | 5730 |
their | 5709 |
her | 5645 |
you | 4853 |
him | 4853 |
me | 3379 |
she | 3154 |
them | 2945 |
your | 2854 |
our | 2746 |
we | 2467 |
thy | 1714 |
id="a62863 | 1348 |
us | 1121 |
himself | 1072 |
themselves | 572 |
its | 488 |
''em | 391 |
thee | 298 |
mine | 74 |
em | 74 |
''s | 61 |
yours | 47 |
herself | 47 |
ours | 39 |
lemma="breast | 38 |
theirs | 38 |
one | 36 |
lemma="throw | 34 |
w | 22 |
lemma="thyself | 21 |
ye | 18 |
shou''d | 17 |
hers | 15 |
us''d | 14 |
lemma="back | 10 |
โ | 9 |
reg="sick | 9 |
> | 8 |
l | 6 |
dy''d | 5 |
reg="himself | 4 |
th | 3 |
march''d | 3 |
lemma="wreathe | 3 |
lemma="gull | 3 |
heav''n | 3 |
oblig''d | 2 |
ay | 2 |
can''st | 2 |
hid''st | 2 |
itself | 2 |
kn | 2 |
lemma="matron | 2 |
lemma="shelf | 2 |
010-b-2010">of | 2 |
ourselves | 2 |
shew''d | 2 |
tak''st | 2 |
tears | 2 |
urg''d | 2 |
whence | 2 |
whereof | 2 |
s | 2 |
whosoever | 2 |
id="a59493-e25090 | 1 |
id="a59496-e17980 | 1 |
id="a59493-e860 | 1 |
id="a59493-e480 | 1 |
id="a59493-e30030 | 1 |
id="a59493-e25460 | 1 |
id="a45651-e6350 | 1 |
id="a59493-e17480 | 1 |
id="a59493-e16560 | 1 |
id="a59493-e10590 | 1 |
id="a59496-e23350 | 1 |
id="a45651-e6270 | 1 |
id="a45651-e49590 | 1 |
id="a45651-e43590 | 1 |
id="a59496-e21560 | 1 |
id="a59496-e3030 | 1 |
id="a59496-e24320 | 1 |
id="a62851-e27720 | 1 |
id="a62863-e150 | 1 |
id="a62863-e110 | 1 |
id="a62851-e870 | 1 |
id="a62851-e800 | 1 |
id="a62851-e570 | 1 |
id="a62851-e28860 | 1 |
id="a62851-e1580 | 1 |
id="a59496-e25030 | 1 |
id="a59496-e8980 | 1 |
id="a59496-e860 | 1 |
id="a59496-e4720 | 1 |
id="a59496-e35120 | 1 |
id="a59496-e31800 | 1 |
id="a59496-e2980 | 1 |
id="a45651-e17590 | 1 |
expos | 1 |
iames | 1 |
015-a-2800">in | 1 |
022-a-0580">the | 1 |
017-b-1660">and | 1 |
016-b-3620">and | 1 |
016-b-2190">in | 1 |
016-b-2020">not | 1 |
015-b-3760">you | 1 |
011-b-2730">him | 1 |
023-a-1350">and | 1 |
010-b-3170">the | 1 |
008-b-2810">the | 1 |
008-a-1480c | 1 |
004-b-3960">a | 1 |
003-b-3460 | 1 |
id="a62863-e28110 | 1 |
022-b-0310">and | 1 |
023-a-2310">his | 1 |
hop''t | 1 |
035-a-0610">but | 1 |
fear''d | 1 |
conqu''rour | 1 |
clog''d | 1 |
choakt | 1 |
bely''d | 1 |
036-b-2150">by | 1 |
033-b-2020">us''d | 1 |
024-b-2180">can | 1 |
031-b-2370">the | 1 |
031-b-0150">his | 1 |
030-a-1250">รข | 1 |
028-b-0740">arm. | 1 |
028-a-2110">the | 1 |
025-b-2840">and | 1 |
id="a62863-e22770 | 1 |
id="a62967-e5980 | 1 |
id="a62863-e700 | 1 |
ou''d | 1 |
saw''st | 1 |
reg="thyself | 1 |
question''d | 1 |
pos="uh_j | 1 |
pos="n1-nn | 1 |
outgo | 1 |
op''d | 1 |
imself | 1 |
obey''d | 1 |
mself | 1 |
mak''st | 1 |
lemma="vapour | 1 |
lemma="pelf | 1 |
lemma="candour | 1 |
sign''d | 1 |
soe''re | 1 |
stirr''d | 1 |
t.p. | 1 |
turn''d | 1 |
undisturb''d | 1 |
unfurnish''d | 1 |
unhallow''d | 1 |
unlook''t | 1 |
venus | 1 |
vvith | 1 |
wag''d | 1 |
waken''d | 1 |
wh | 1 |
withour | 1 |
wr | 1 |
yourself | 1 |
interr''d | 1 |
id="a62967-e630 | 1 |
id="a62946-e10840 | 1 |
id="a62946-e28760 | 1 |
id="a62946-e810 | 1 |
id="a62946-e720 | 1 |
id="a62946-e40110 | 1 |
id="a62946-e37880 | 1 |
id="a62946-e29660 | 1 |
id="a62946-e29090 | 1 |
id="a62946-e27660 | 1 |
id="a62967-e500 | 1 |
id="a62946-e27030 | 1 |
id="a62946-e25570 | 1 |
id="a62946-e19560 | 1 |
id="a62946-e19120 | 1 |
id="a62946-e11560 | 1 |
id="a62946-e110 | 1 |
id="a62964-e14660 | 1 |
id="a62964-e14720 | 1 |
id="a62964-e1920 | 1 |
id="a62964-e23150 | 1 |
id="a62964-e26110 | 1 |
id="a62964-e29720 | 1 |
id="a62964-e3320 | 1 |
id="a62964-e550 | 1 |
id="a62964-e8720 | 1 |
id="a62967-e23030 | 1 |
id="a62967-e2590 | 1 |
id="a62967-e26030 | 1 |
id="a62967-e26980 | 1 |
id="a62967-e29760 | 1 |
id="a62967-e30350 | 1 |
id="a62967-e33110 | 1 |
id="a62967-e470 | 1 |
003-b-2280">you | 1 |