This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A55194 | Plutarch. | Plutarch''s Lives. Their first volume translated from the Greek by several hands ; to which is prefixt The life of Plutarch. | 1683 | 170278 | 47980 | nan | ./cache/A55194.xml | ./txt/A55194.txt |
A55198 | Plutarch. | The second volume of Plutarch''s Lives Translated from the Greek, by several hands. | 1688 | 144328 | 41989 | nan | ./cache/A55198.xml | ./txt/A55198.txt |
A55202 | Plutarch. | The third volume of Plutarch''s lives. Translated from the Greek, by several hands | 1693 | 139700 | 39904 | nan | ./cache/A55202.xml | ./txt/A55202.txt |
A55203 | Plutarch. | The fourth volume of Plutarch''s Lives Translated from the Greek, by several hands. | 1693 | 186558 | 55383 | nan | ./cache/A55203.xml | ./txt/A55203.txt |
A55206 | Plutarch. | The fifth and last volume of Plutarchs Lives Translated from the Greek by several hands. | 1693 | 168248 | 48499 | nan | ./cache/A55206.xml | ./txt/A55206.txt |