This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A45579 | Horace. | A banquet of essayes, fetcht out of famous Owens confectionary, disht out, and served up at the table of Mecoenas by Henry Harflete ... | 1653 | 15730 | 4714 | nan | ./cache/A45579.xml | ./txt/A45579.txt |
A44478 | Horace. | The poems of Horace consisting of odes, satyres, and epistles / rendred in English verse by several persons. | 1666 | 88004 | 29068 | nan | ./cache/A44478.xml | ./txt/A44478.txt |
A44464 | Horace. | Horace''s Art of poetry made English by the Right Honourable the Earl of Roscommon. | 1680 | 5700 | 1681 | nan | ./cache/A44464.xml | ./txt/A44464.txt |
A44471 | Horace. | The Odes, Satyrs, and Epistles of Horace Done into English. | 1684 | 81830 | 28500 | nan | ./cache/A44471.xml | ./txt/A44471.txt |
A36014 | Horace. | XXV select allusions to several places of Horace, Martial, Anacreon and Petron. Arbitr. Part I written by Mr. Dilke. | 1698 | 4125 | 1372 | nan | ./cache/A36014.xml | ./txt/A36014.txt |