
This is a table of type bigram and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.

bigram frequency
every one95
good man93
one another92
practical wisdom86
supreme power73
imperfect self68
moral choice67
one may56
like manner54
let us48
free state46
perfected self46
one person45
public affairs43
mean state43
already mentioned40
already said38
first place37
chief good36
one thing35
something else35
one man33
epic poetry28
must necessarily28
takes place28
take place28
brave man27
take care27
different sorts27
two parts26
man may26
individual man26
bad man26
good men26
take pleasure25
whole community23
kingly power23
may happen23
may say22
man will22
moral action21
will make21
right reason21
nine archons20
common people20
unjustly dealt20
many things20
gymnastic exercises19
will also19
many different19
everything else19
greater part19
moral character18
moral state18
omicron nu18
different species17
kingly government17
four hundred17
human nature16
one will16
two kinds16
certain kind16
significant sound16
epsilon iota16
will give16
moral philosophy16
moral virtue15
many persons15
contrary qualities15
public assemblies15
will now15
short time15
minded man15
one must15
happy man15
liberal man14
bodily pleasures14
common good14
next place14
first principles14
five thousand14
one party14
free states14
anything else14
every state14
good things14
primary substance14
different ways13
epsilon rho13
already stated13
nothing else13
long time13
delta epsilon13
good counsel13
good citizen13
five hundred13
one else13
alpha iota12
took place12
private property12
two different12
acts unjustly12
two things12
old age12
magnificent man12
right manner12
rho alpha12
common boundary12
classical library12
open vote12
tau alpha12
just man12
iota nu12
one way11
primary substances11
present day11
good life11
moral virtues11
different things11
every kind11
man must11
external goods11
one kind11
admitting contrary11
chapter vi11
different persons11
kappa alpha11
will always11
different states11
every city11
also necessary10
epsilon nu10
alpha tau10
find fault10
certain degree10
particular persons10
even though10
larger share10
may also10
happy life10
every case10
best form10
one part10
must take10
omicron upsilon10
mu epsilon10
rho omicron10
may arise10
good state10
utterly destitute10
good fortune10
particular instances10
acting unjustly9
one hand9
men may9
human life9
secondary substances9
just mentioned9
ten thousand9
common meals9
middle rank9
public tables9
much better9
chapter vii9
joined together9
active working9
healing art9
proper objects9
different kinds9
bishop butler9
different parts9
bad men9
chapter iv9
public business9
one end9
must also9
three years9
tau epsilon9
bad fortune9
council also9
every action9
every citizen9
young men9
five years9
general principles8
state may8
one case8
now proceed8
book ii8
hired servants8
different forms8
power will8
something different8
alpha rho8
one time8
certain sense8
one species8
state must8
common stock8
greater degree8
chapter iii8
mean states8
epsilon omega8
strange words8
civil society8
two years8
particular details8
nu omicron8
one city8
chapter viii8
chapter ii8
practically wise8
may see8
question may8
now since8
pi epsilon8
may become8
later editions8
also will8
state will8
see book8
rd edition8
per se8
public assembly8
large number8
better known7
holds good7
persons think7
many parts7
three parts7
two senses7
upper class7
one side7
one place7
will endeavour7
one action7
two ways7
whose object7
act unjustly7
given case7
men seem7
many species7
may perhaps7
another sort7
one form7
certain persons7
one particular7
ideal state7
popular party7
man utterly7
strange word7
full powers7
easy matter7
iota delta7
private persons7
consider whether7
first thing7
proper sense7
whose business7
will bear7
many others7
great difference7
said already7
every person7
unjust man7
unjust act7
different modes7
better sort7
towards one7
quite plain7
every member7
may call7
now said7
pure intellect7
kindly feeling7
despotic power7
three sorts7
already established7
will arise7
absolutely necessary7
book iii7
also another7
omega nu7
blended together7
different manner7
omicron sigma7
separate parts7
good reason7
utter absence7
will necessarily7
human conduct7
us now7
lambda epsilon7
pleasant things7
rho iota7
ten years6
two causes6
unjust action6
divided amongst6
years later6
will never6
plot continued6
two sorts6
due proportion6
domestic management6
man chooses6
contemplative speculation6
almost every6
commonly said6
alpha mu6
composite significant6
moral sense6
political community6
far superior6
might say6
ordinary words6
truly substance6
narrative form6
necessarily follows6
iota alpha6
ten commissioners6
man destitute6
inborn capacity6
iota omicron6
like one6
commonly say6
moral principle6
book vii6
much less6
perfect virtue6
mu alpha6
whole state6
every art6
vice versa6
will take6
political power6
go wrong6
thirty years6
best suited6
general rule6
living well6
whose motive6
excellent citizen6
without exception6
may take6
chapter ix6
chapter xii6
first time6
affective qualities6
middle state6
one state6
former times6
general assembly6
certain number6
man happy6
contingent matter6
will admit6
unjustly towards6
proper names6
general way6
whole body6
natural state6
every part6
different employments6
intellectual element6
us first6
single person6
whole people6
public money6
may suffice6
kappa epsilon6
hold good6
common run6
must begin6
may enjoy6
general terms6
three thousand6
final cause6
tells us6
holds true6
live without6
now remains6
de anima6
men must6
alpha pi6
abstractedly good6
another point6
take part6
demonstrative reasoning6
man acts6
alpha nu6
common name6
every respect6
noble actions6
thing necessary6
chapter xi6
attract iron6
life must6
public meals6
every day5
young man5
government will5
may seem5
already described5
omicron iota5
men will5
question whether5
takes pleasure5
people will5
best life5
never predicable5
become friends5
proper means5
live well5
whole nature5
may live5
person might5
man wishes5
like things5
see note5
iota gamma5
delta omicron5
proper pleasure5
forty years5
older poets5
well governed5
one common5
also elects5
proper use5
two characters5
whole city5
final end5
written law5
moral ideal5
major premiss5
ii now5
naturally good5
perfect self5
give pleasure5
pleasures arising5
public revenue5
bad ones5
simply good5
closely connected5
omega mu5
get rid5
english translation5
ordinary word5
plot must5
nu epsilon5
may easily5
many states5
men think5
alpha sigma5
four sorts5
will become5
many ways5
tragic effect5
one half5
tell us5
one sense5
citizens may5
deliberative power5
see bishop5
epsilon sigma5
certain point5
one might5
person may5
man takes5
must always5
one point5
judicial department5
whether one5
epsilon tau5
theta epsilon5
often happens5
specifically different5
greater share5
natural disposition5
first person5
particular kind5
things also5
good constitution5
may either5
great deal5
full power5
certain magnitude5
pi omicron5
particular species5
general use5
homer says5
social intercourse5
many senses5
mu iota5
another man5
general will5
ballot balls5
civil rights5
called greek5
deal unjustly5
iota kappa5
greater number5
first step5
particular thing5
happiness consists5
ii since5
dealing unjustly5
called good5
best men5
justly dealt5
third place5
nu alpha5
often said5
omicron lambda5
will say5
greater good5
mixed constitution5
just now5
well known5
just actions5
equal share5
make us5
animal spirit5
just like5
relative position5
pure democracy5
thing may5
shall find5
actual life5
many people5
must try5
pretty much5
first question5
hold office5
must allow5
will need5
good laws5
olympic games5
distinctive mark5
absolute power5
secondary sense5
also take5
certain state5
minor premiss5
one ever5
omicron mu5
equal number5
epic poets5
every good5
good character5
four years5
epic poem5
one class5
practical intuition5
median war5
delta iota5
proper time5
moral discipline5
reason may5
actions done5
intellectual operation5
lambda iota5
will apply5
even without5
also bring4
two classes4
will show4
real difference4
case may4
relative term4
men wish4
will remain4
lot falls4
different offices4
best democracy4
make one4
already determined4
common care4
common language4
will depend4
honourable actions4
man might4
landed property4
except accidentally4
though many4
various forms4
tau omicron4
great honour4
without action4
four terms4
new comedy4
constitutive property4
latter class4
mutual confidence4
equally good4
falls within4
starting point4
three different4
many sorts4
every act4
moral actions4
will enjoy4
every tragedy4
poets make4
will find4
little iliad4
state consists4
virtuous character4
different virtues4
make men4
another question4
right way4
public buildings4
without law4
less pleasure4
now every4
thing will4
wish good4
govern according4
three things4
also ten4
particular state4
determine concerning4
make use4
political government4
already treated4
ancient constitution4
right rule4
particular facts4
grasping man4
every family4
every human4
even amongst4
feel friendship4
right times4
persons say4
friendship based4
greatest good4
general rules4
military equipment4
audible sound4
certain things4
popular leader4
one knows4
highest rank4
moral purpose4
will come4
political abilities4
third species4
hundred books4
first part4
also useful4
every particular4
get money4
pretty well4
also sometimes4
actual working4
follows necessarily4
one chosen4
better way4
rho eta4
public life4
bodily strength4
delta omega4
either simple4
also elected4
easy pleasantry4
certain way4
make good4
less artistic4
human species4
every man4
one greek4
poor will4
pleasure perfects4
lay claim4
difference whether4
may know4
thing takes4
bad one4
particular cases4
voluntary actions4
first determine4
great attention4
ix now4
many changes4
universal library4
much one4
different men4
naturally pleasant4
makes one4
civil government4
upsilon rho4
practical part4
particulars concerning4
neither will4
political science4
also may4
small states4
will consider4
will easily4
two together4
constituent parts4
already known4
better man4
will differ4
two forms4
poetic art4
least artistic4
different magistrates4
nu tau4
word may4
others say4
greater evil4
good condition4
action may4
will first4
nu upsilon4
active life4
three ways4
name given4
government must4
pure oligarchy4
like way4
different nations4
second place4
constitutional government4
give us4
word greek4
every advantage4
stingy man4
city must4
must go4
three kinds4
two extremes4
amongst many4
mere chance4
since men4
different people4
greek name4
mean one4
one like4
well established4
men become4
must first4
properly called4
previous deliberation4
every subject4
may well4
comic poets4
must needs4
kappa rho4
really good4
among things4
good may4
english translations4
iota epsilon4
alpha delta4
shows like4
put together4
perfect government4
exact half4
mutually known4
domestic government4
epsilon kappa4
equitable man4
two species4
mean character4
come within4
community will4
either side4
will happen4
many years4
middle term4
hundred commissioners4
also comedy4
take less4
following way4
nu delta4
may go4
proper line4
former case4
arousing pity4
best able4
better able4
aristotle translated4
contrary direction4
life possible4
book vi4
may direct4
quite possible4
various kinds4
general statement4
strict sense4
must remember4
proper business4
will occasion4
kindly feelings4
name appropriated4
things pleasant4
deliberate choice4
good one4
aristotle calls4
chapter xiii4
may exist4
men come4
many men4
one shall4
now speak4
respecting pleasure4
bias towards4
must inquire4
two particulars4
good order4
right means4
end proposed4
collective body4
virtuous activity4
different causes4
cast lots4
less degree4
real good4
historia animalium4
less beautiful4
wild beasts4
inquire whether4
happy conjecture4
great social4
will speak4
also said4
formative elements4
must examine4
must add4
public contracts4
poor man4
conspire together4
also many4
general maxim4
every pleasure4
single action4
best state4
see also4
must either4
getting money4
common tables4
may conclude4
different methods4
power must4
determine whether4
improper sources4
certain census4
feel shame4
composite nature4
call men4
one period4
three hundred4
shall make4
particular end4
miles long4
every virtue4
compare also4
every way4
nature requires4
many particulars4
rho omega4
will readily4
citizen must4
practical activity4
last chapter4
pleasure proper4
manner also4
another place4
many causes3
just act3
particular case3
need friends3
real life3
life will3
literal translation3
book viii3
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beloved object3
fall short3
despotic government3
whichever way3
now life3
tragic imitation3
really belong3
joining together3
chapter xvi3
good offices3
must know3
less permanent3
whole passage3
deliberate well3
friendship may3
latter may3
less liable3
many friends3
whose duty3
complete life3
connected therewith3
assembly also3
chief power3
know also3
lambda lambda3
superior virtue3
best man3
single individual3
persian wars3
neighbouring states3
state seems3
evident enough3
upsilon nu3
already shown3
special object3
following manner3
first instance3
democracy will3
term greek3
final object3
alpha theta3
present purpose3
early times3
democratic form3
us determine3
little time3
bring forward3
throws away3
four tribes3
merely know3
different situations3
considered hereafter3
sigma tau3
leave undone3
six months3
perfectly self3
deliberate purpose3
heroic poetry3
happiness must3
great skill3
may acquire3
instructive account3
without harmony3
human practical3
executive part3
tau rho3
two points3
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go right3
shall lose3
bodily pleasure3
man differs3
good judge3
yet men3
vi now3
without friends3
bear arms3
one subject3
parva naturalia3
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also absurd3
certain time3
two contrary3
must suppose3
quite enough3
either extreme3
unjust dealing3
poet may3
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private affairs3
also bishop3
wrong actions3
towards others3
love one3
one portion3
another species3
first whether3
determine causes3
ascribe certain3
different classes3
persons may3
twenty minae3
hence arises3
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separate acts3
several kinds3
already assigned3
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predicate will3
wholly destitute3
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cast forth3
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act voluntarily3
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eminently virtuous3
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proper name3
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social one3
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three lines3
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independent goods3
political machinery3
feel pleasure3
second book3
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live happily3
musical man3
truly good3
actions may3
much suffice3
omega rho3
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chief magistrates3
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professional accusers3
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three objects3
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strict demonstrative3
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previous good3
good moral3
great influence3
taken care3
now see3
highest degree3
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middle class3
live near3
one cause3
add also3
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de republica3
either case3
certain conditions3
disposed towards3
upsilon sigma3
introduce cases3
must arise3
fall within3
kappa omega3
amongst equals3
wise men3
less unity3
thousand miles3
different governments3
zeta omicron3
persons will3
public safety3
latter case3
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third sort3
human happiness3
different communities3
certain cases3
every department3
officials assigned3
greek moral3
gamma epsilon3
certain man3
greek city3
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healthy state3
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tame animals3
one play3
great credit3
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several species3
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human praise3
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two contraries3
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rash man3
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certain rate3
therefore also3
state also3
present moment3
external standard3
natural bias3
every species3
social community3
will call3
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bearing arms3
two objects3
every individual3
either pity3
highest happiness3
given time3
first consider3
higher ideal3
small one3
theta iota3
one set3
better part3
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manner common3
mere knowledge3
may chance3
object matter3
certain person3
epsilon xi3
will choose3
much pleased3
right proportion3
children may3
meek man3
thousand persons3
fourth species3
certain relation3
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intellectually know3
vulgar profusion3
faulty states3
mere intellectual3
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greek term3
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also arise3
dead man3
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brute creation3
seems also3
introductory essay3
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sacred olives3
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active workings3
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one quality3
alpha epsilon3
higher form3
nu kappa3
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certain moral3
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actual operation3
now men3
separate act3
officers take3
may make3
brazen urn3
well adapted3
receive honour3
one family3
one object3
much power3
nun de3
well now3
next year3
individual whatever3
state incline3
omega sigma3
elected one3
laws concerning3
admit contrary3
many governments3
well constituted3
without reference3
one thinks3
first object3
epsilon pi3
best government3
receive pleasure3
something external3
greater exactness3
new ones3
two ballot3
know definitely3
one magistrate3
great abilities3
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things fearful3
living creature3
syllogistic proof3
ninth prytany3
still remains3
determine exactly3
easily perceive3
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three points3
either good3
archon also3
therefore necessary3
every percipient3
give pain3
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become good3
virtue consists3
first introduced3
raised whether3
past events3
rhythm alone3
man either3
whatever kind3
eta lambda3
one thousand3
happiest life3
whatever else3
ancient laws3
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two others3
laws must3
exactly equal3
young persons3
also made3
right objects3
magistrates may3
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less evil3
state conjoined3
thousand drachmas3
inquire concerning3
take cognisance3
certain definite3
must consider3
disproportionate increase3
good training3
truly brave3
art military3
low bad3
actual experience3
great power3
one means3
time neither3
will live3
following considerations3
best proof3
human feeling3
te kai3
man gives3
men either3
third part3
quite well3
gamma eta3
community may3
kindly disposed3
now one3
never present3
particular person3
shall mention3
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quality may3
nu mu3
two hundred3
easily embraced3
constructed plot3
family government3
scientific man3
case also3
highest possible3
ingram bywater3
old men3
good ones3
widely different3
well know3
called substances3
eta iota3
regulated state3
particular injustice3
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sigma kappa3
rests entirely3
similarly also3
hundred years3
great care3
side next3
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signifying one3
grammatical knowledge3
common parlance3
things necessary3
given circumstances3
may reasonably3
matter pleasures3
call happy3
proceed next3
taking pleasure3
perfect happiness3
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therefore evident3
trochaic tetrameter3
speak generally3
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separate states3
one significant3
one sort3
effective votes3
seem also3
occasion seditions3
may appear3
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human character3
extensive sense3
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abstract unjust3
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democratical state3
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greatest possible3
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certain inward3
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speak truth3
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necessarily happen3
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particular way3
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another case3
vain man3
receiving kindness3
enrolled among3
may act3
dispute concerning3
injustice towards3
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many poor3
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proper number3
will still3
iota sigma3
act wrongly3
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eta nu3
also seems3
chapter xv3
one community3
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reasonable self3
always happen3
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natural virtue3
given character3
various sorts3
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two uses3
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language alone3
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sufficiently clear3
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must now3
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may come3
one view3
whose parts3
perception also3
sick man3
various senses3
mean relatively3
may sometimes3
percipient faculty3
easily changeable3
men say3
take refuge3
much easier3
chief cause3
already observed3
certain character3
individual character3
merely intellectual3
human excellence3
already sufficiently3
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greatest number3
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iambic verse3
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control simply3
naturally present3
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contributes nothing3
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yet surely3
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wrong objects3
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every instance3
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republica athenientium3
ancient customs3
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ridiculous light3
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concerning war3
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one universal3
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medical science3
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mixed kind3
particular propensions3
one sees3
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xi iota3
set forth3
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herile government3
public spectacle3
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three obols3
person shall3
first inquire3
doubt whether3
real part3
second point3
events may3
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particular form3
sometimes happen3
reason must3
whitened tablets3
still less3
called relative3
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course must3
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clear enough3
unless one3
one likes3
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virtutibus et2
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de virtutibus2
three causes2
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become just2
popular assembly2
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long past2
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something final2
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