This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
26095 | Aristotle | The Athenian Constitution | nan | 24852 | 935 | nan | ./cache/26095.txt | ./txt/26095.txt |
2412 | Aristotle | The Categories | nan | 14520 | 662 | nan | ./cache/2412.txt | ./txt/2412.txt |
1974 | Aristotle | The Poetics of Aristotle | nan | 15226 | 853 | nan | ./cache/1974.txt | ./txt/1974.txt |
6762 | Aristotle | Politics: A Treatise on Government | nan | 102742 | 2549 | nan | ./cache/6762.txt | ./txt/6762.txt |
6763 | Aristotle | Aristotle on the art of poetry | nan | 19146 | 847 | nan | ./cache/6763.txt | ./txt/6763.txt |
8438 | Aristotle | The Ethics of Aristotle | nan | 114253 | 4599 | nan | ./cache/8438.txt | ./txt/8438.txt |