
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
emu.0100013555554 What is he worth to us now?' emu.010001355555 But, Doctor, am I to understand that there are no labor problems at all in the country at present?"
emu.010001355555So I understand you are assisting in this work At the Public Library with Irene 17 more from a sense of duty than as a diversion?
emu.010001355555So you have found that success does not al¬ ways come to the worthy,I suggested,"if those who are worthy have no outside influence?
emu.010001355555What as to proposing new measures?
emu.010001355555What happened to the Southern white farm¬ ers?
emu.010001355555108 Light Ahead for the Negro they did after their emancipation?
emu.010001355555But the problem I have been laboring with ever since my second advent, as it were, is, how was it all done?"
emu.010001355555Ought the Levite to have put the groaning man'out of the way'of his'imperial destiny'by kicking him out of the road?"
emu.010001355555So was the robbed and bleed¬ ing Jew to the Levite; but did that excuse the Levite's wrong?
emu.010001355555Was it that we did not converse on some desired subject?
emu.010001355555What was the necessity for adopting a system that gave a chance for the brutal passions of bad men to vent them¬ selves?
emu.010001355555Who will be roustabouts on our rivers and on our wharves to be conscripted when too hot for whites to work?
emu.010001355555Who will box and dip our turpentine?
emu.010001355555Who will cut and saw the logs, and on his body bear away the planks from our thousands of sawmills?
emu.010001355555Who will fill the darkey's place in the Southern home?
emu.010001355555Who will get down into the mud and swamps and build railroads for rich contractors?
emu.010001355555Who will make our'lasses and syrup?
emu.010001355555Who will plow and hoe and pick out 12,000,000 bales of cotton?
emu.010001355555Who will raise the sugar cane?
emu.010001355555Who will sing in the rice fields?
emu.010001355555Who will work out their lives in our phosphate mines and factories, and in iron and coal mines?
emu.010001355555Who writes the annual messages suggesting them?"
mdp.39015002216789Am I not dreaming?
mdp.39015002216789And had she not always found him a good husband to her?
mdp.39015002216789And he asked her, were they not married?
mdp.39015002216789Are you a monster in your soul as well as in your body?
mdp.39015002216789Are you trying to escape from me?
mdp.39015002216789At last however he resolved on it, and all the more as his vixen kept asking him in the gentlest way: “ Might she not go into the garden?
mdp.39015002216789But Mr. Tebrick took up a book and let them get LADY INTO FOX why do you do this?
mdp.39015002216789But in the middle of the night he woke up with his head very clear, and said to himself in wonder, “ Am I not a madman?
mdp.39015002216789Can a man have his honour sullied by a beast?
mdp.39015002216789Can my dignity allow of my being jealous of a beast?
mdp.39015002216789Could he still love her after that?
mdp.39015002216789Does not this butchery and eating of raw meat and rabbit's fur disgust you?
mdp.39015002216789Firstly he asked himself: Was not his wife unfaith- ful to him, had she not prostituted herself to a beast?
mdp.39015002216789For he asked himself also: “ Was he not jealous?
mdp.39015002216789I love you, Silvia; is it because of that that you want to fly from me to go into the world where you will be in danger of your life always?
mdp.39015002216789What if they were foxes?
mdp.39015002216789otetorosodoterono LADY INTO FOX DAVID GARNETT Illustrated with wood engravings by: R. A. GARNETT NEW YORK ALFRED A. KNOPF 1923- E-?..
mdp.39015002216789“ What are you doing here, Mrs. Cork? ” he asked her.
mdp.39015000543242Dere now, did n't I told yer so?
mdp.39015000543242Do I remember? mdp.39015000543242 Do n't know?
mdp.39015000543242Eh, Eh, what's this?
mdp.39015000543242Was such support given? mdp.39015000543242 What the matter with you, man?"
mdp.39015000543242When are you going back?
mdp.39015000543242Where're you from, Nigger? mdp.39015000543242 Which man?"
mdp.39015000543242Yes,said she,"and that's my sister who was sitting with me, and ai n't you the Johnny Cover our folks talk so much about?"
mdp.39015000543242( Oh, said I, what's going to happen now?)
mdp.39015000543242Are you in financial trouble, what is it?"
mdp.39015000543242But what's the matter with our worthy chairman?
mdp.39015000543242But who could look into the dear old fellow's beseeching and trusting eyes and pass him on in that way?
mdp.39015000543242Did you ever notice how much alike is the old age 146 FIFTY YEARS AFTER of dogs and humans?
mdp.39015000543242Do n't you know you ca n't get that kind of place in New York?"
mdp.39015000543242How stands the verdict?
mdp.39015000543242I expected to find the iron railing standing out in bold relief, but did I?
mdp.39015000543242I stepped to her side and whispered,"Are n't you one of the P Street Williamses?"
mdp.39015000543242On the opened page, we read:"What nation is there that has not been driven from some part of its territory and which has not in turn driven others?
mdp.39015000543242The interlude was brief, for then Darrell, placing a hand on the other's shoulder, asked:"What is all this about, Gerald?
mdp.39015000543242The second pic- tures"Picadors in tilt with the plunging Bull"and below that is inscribed the query,"Shall we conquer our Foes?"
mdp.39015000543242Then comes ripe age with retrospect Of happenings strange, scarce realized So, taken all in all, if we reflect What life well lived may be despised?
mdp.39015000543242There's not to make resolve —, There's not to question"Why?"
mdp.39015000543242There's something wrong; what is it, lad?"
mdp.39015000543242Where's Troy and where's the Maypole in the Strand?"
mdp.39015000543242With what pointed truth some one has asked,"What's not destroyed by Time's devouring hand?
mdp.39015000543242Wo n't you ask the hospital people to let me come up there?"
mdp.39015000543242Yet, with the lack of such preparation, could there have been any widening vista of work or usefulness?
mdp.39015000543242asked Mandy,"is you seen er ghost?"
mdp.39015073390950And you, Edward,Emmett says,"how did you clear yourself?"
mdp.39015073390950But what difference would that make, Edward, as long as the people would follow you?
mdp.39015073390950But who can see such an ideal? mdp.39015073390950 Strength, Emmett?
mdp.39015073390950Then who, Edward? mdp.39015073390950 Then who?
mdp.39015073390950Then why wo n't you come with me?
mdp.39015073390950Well, did n't you? mdp.39015073390950 What for?"
mdp.39015073390950What's the good of believing in anything if you're dead? mdp.39015073390950 You did n't hate him, Edward?"
mdp.39015073390950But how shall we defend ourselves?
mdp.39015073390950But midnight?
mdp.39015073390950But what is that sliding, dusty sound that comes with them?
mdp.39015073390950Emmett says,"And it purifies?
mdp.39015073390950He says,"Then at school today, why did n't they bother us?
mdp.39015073390950He says,"You like the South, do n't you, Edward?"
mdp.39015073390950I say,"And would it help any if I cried, John?"
mdp.39015073390950If you and John were not here with me now, what cause would I have to stay?"
mdp.39015073390950John says,"Then why are you crying, Emmett?
mdp.39015073390950Most of what I said has been in your mind be- fore, has n't it?"
mdp.39015073390950Or shall we defend ourselves at all?
mdp.39015073390950Suppose the time is midnight, or shortly before or shortly after?
mdp.39015073390950Then he says loudly,"Then why do n't you act like it?
mdp.39015073390950What protection?
mdp.39015073390950What security could I offer them?
mdp.39015073390950Who can see what seems?
mdp.39015073390950Why are n't you a good leader?"
mdp.39015073390950Why are you crying?"
mdp.39015073390950Why did n't they act then as they are acting now?"
mdp.39015073390950Why do n't you say it's true?
mdp.39015073390950Why do you just sit there — looking the way you do?
mdp.39015073390950You tell me then — who?"
uc1.b4450881'How can one live eternally like this?'
uc1.b4450881( You know, like you say once a year, “ Peace on earth, good will toward men ”?)
uc1.b4450881After finally regaining my composure, I said, “ Are n't you Leon Zeno? ” He still did n't reply, so I continued, “ You are supposed to be dead.
uc1.b4450881And that if he is promiscuous he, too, can bring gonorrhea or syphilis into the house?
uc1.b4450881Are these actions by the snows godly?
uc1.b4450881Are they democratic acts?
uc1.b4450881C. Why?
uc1.b4450881Can you imagine snow men stealing, lying, and cheating a Negro?
uc1.b4450881Can you see me?'
uc1.b4450881Do Negro doctors or lawyers practice in Russia?
uc1.b4450881Do Negroes help to run the Soviet government?
uc1.b4450881Do Negroes own their own businesses in Russia?
uc1.b4450881Do n't you know the blue- print of freedom must be observed?
uc1.b4450881Do you love me, Zeno?'
uc1.b4450881How can she have the audacity to teach her offspring to hate because of pigmentation or nationality?
uc1.b4450881How much longer do you think they are going to eat your bowel movements?
uc1.b4450881If, however, the laws of God were disobeyed as man has disobeyed Him, what would hap- pen?
uc1.b4450881Is n't that something?
uc1.b4450881Just how far can a so- called big shot go on breaking the law and getting away with it?
uc1.b4450881My question to you is this: What if your forefathers had not brought the Negro to America?
uc1.b4450881Now I ask you, what in hell are you doing here? ” Zeno smiled again, and this time he spoke.
uc1.b4450881Really, is this truly what they call “ democracy, ” or is the word a mistake for “ hyprocrisy ”?
uc1.b4450881Satan says this will frighten and confuse the angels, and that we can conquer them and Heaven. ” “ Do you think your plan will succeed?"
uc1.b4450881She looked around and asked, “ Where is he?"
uc1.b4450881The carpetbaggers and 42 Negro is what has the Negro contributed to the United States?
uc1.b4450881What are they doing for you inside Russia?
uc1.b4450881What if there were no Negroes, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans here?
uc1.b4450881Whatcha'looking at me for?
uc1.b4450881Where do you think the capitalists would constantly keep their feet?
uc1.b4450881Will you be able to turn your cheek as we have often done?
uc1.b4450881Zeno, do you feel a new sensation penetrating your sinful carcass?'
uc1.b4450881“ Satan continued: “ Do you feel as if you are I?'
uc1.b4450881“ Zeno, did you hear about the Russians orbiting into space?"
mdp.39015063978962But what can we do?
mdp.39015063978962Is he not already free himself?
mdp.39015063978962Mr. Edmonson, will you come this way a moment?
mdp.39015063978962Oh, Sammy,whispered Emily dinging closely to his arm, would n't it be terrible if some one should tell on us?"
mdp.39015063978962Oh, tell me dear, was it a good dream and do you think it means joy or sadness for us?
mdp.39015063978962Then you do think this is a bad sign, do you not, dear sister?
mdp.39015063978962Well, since fighting is out of the ques- tion, what's the matter with running away?
mdp.39015063978962What cakes?
mdp.39015063978962What's that, Paul? mdp.39015063978962 What's yer laffin'erbout, Miss Em'ly?
mdp.39015063978962Why is it then,asked Mary,"that so many disregard this very thing which as you say, all men must recognize?"
mdp.39015063978962Why, how's that, Aunt Eliza? mdp.39015063978962 Why, what are you doing, Daniel?"
mdp.39015063978962140 SUFFERING AND WAITING"Do n't you think some of them are honest when they profess to believe they have a right to do as they do?"
mdp.39015063978962By what means did he satisfy his outraged con- science?
mdp.39015063978962By what sophistries of reason did he convince his inmost being of the rectitude of so unnatural a deed and justify so devil- ish a piece of treachery?
mdp.39015063978962Don'yer nebber eat cakes?"
mdp.39015063978962How did it come about that they had thought of the river?
mdp.39015063978962If so, who could it have been?
mdp.39015063978962It is true a few of us enjoy some kind of freedom, but what about the others?
mdp.39015063978962The fellow who had him by the shoulders then yelled in his ear:"What did you do to them people on de Pearl?
mdp.39015063978962Was it possible that some one had betrayed the plot?
mdp.39015063978962Was this the curious and contradictory slogan to which they rallied?
mdp.39015063978962What could be more providential?
mdp.39015063978962What do you mean to say?"
mdp.39015063978962What do you mean?"
mdp.39015063978962What should he do?
mdp.39015063978962Where is he?
mdp.39015063978962While proceeding thus, an onlooker said to them:"Are you not ashamed to run away and make all this trouble for everybody?"
mdp.39015063978962You did n't have no pity on them, did you?
mdp.39015063978962^sssg^Sf^l i?"
mdp.39015063978962would be asked;"then what more can he need?"
coo.3192402249103358 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF 1 from home; here the red hills had been terraced ap?
coo.31924022491033And one of my friends in the group replied,"You have n't met him?
coo.31924022491033As I neared the grounds the thought came across me, would not my story sound fishy?
coo.31924022491033But why should either of us suffer for what neither of us is to blame?
coo.31924022491033Decreasing their number?
coo.31924022491033Did we destroy it?
coo.31924022491033Do you want to see a mulatto South?
coo.31924022491033Do you want to see'em sitting around in our parlors?
coo.31924022491033Have you ever witnessed the trans- formation of human beings into savage beasts?
coo.31924022491033He ma frien?
coo.31924022491033I can see her now, her great dark eyes looking into the fire, to where?
coo.31924022491033I did hang my head in View balansee?
coo.31924022491033I paused long enough to hear one man say to another, “ W'at's de mattah wid you an'yo'fr’en?
coo.31924022491033I still held to my?
coo.31924022491033Now why do you want to throw your life away amidst the poverty and ignorance, in the hopeless struggle of the black people of the United States?
coo.31924022491033Now, if you want to become a composer, why not stay right here in Europe?
coo.31924022491033Of course, such?
coo.31924022491033Of course, the reader must know that all of this adoration was in secret; next to my great AN EX- COLORED MAN 29 INAY NG Aur Uron?
coo.31924022491033The fact that the whites?
coo.31924022491033We passed a young white man, and my com- panion said to me, “ You see that young man?
coo.31924022491033What right had I to worry these busy people with the results of my carelessness?
coo.31924022491033Would it not place me in the position of an impostor or beggar?
coo.31924022491033and the other came back like a flash,"Ma fr'en?
hvd.hn3hhr104 ETHIOPIA “ Do you mean to say you doubt my word? ” he blustered.
hvd.hn3hhrAnd where's the buck gone? ” he inquired in typically Southern ac- cents.
hvd.hn3hhrAre you the man Mr. Bleecker sent?"
hvd.hn3hhrBut have ye got a bit o'terbaccy about yez? ” He and lonesome Bill were smoking the snipes of cigars, which were very short.
hvd.hn3hhrBut may I enquire what was the cause of your abrupt entrée?"
hvd.hn3hhrDo you hear that? ” asked the maid.
hvd.hn3hhrHarold sent me out to tell you not to come in, and to take this purse and beat it. ” “ But why? ” he questioned uneasily.
hvd.hn3hhrI arrived in the city this afternoon, and here I am. ” “ And the letters? ” queried Grant.
hvd.hn3hhrIf individuals are to be held responsible for their misdeeds, why not nations?
hvd.hn3hhrIn the calmest tones imag- inable, — tones, however, that seemed pregnant with hidden meaning, — Allan Dune asked: “ Gentlemen, are you ready?"
hvd.hn3hhrThat officer nodded, then in a surly tone asked: “ Well, what do you want to say? ” “ That's better, ” remarked Henry.
hvd.hn3hhrUnder these conditions, do you think it a reasonable thing that we should question your motives?"
hvd.hn3hhrWhat do you want? ” The tone was in- sulting.
hvd.hn3hhrWhere's that fellah Allan? ” he asked, with a search- ing glance about the room.
hvd.hn3hhr“ Been trying to buck the oil trust, or have you got spondulitis?'
hvd.hn3hhr“ But can not the sheriff handle the situation? ” queried the Governor.
hvd.hn3hhr“ By the way, Jack, where is Number 5? ” asked Eph, addressing his shop boy.
hvd.hn3hhr“ Could you not leave her in our care?
hvd.hn3hhr“ Does a man named Allan Dune work there? ” was its question.
hvd.hn3hhr“ Everybody working? ” ventured Bale.
hvd.hn3hhr“ How did you learn of this?
hvd.hn3hhr“ How much do I owe you? ” he queried, as a pre- liminary step.
hvd.hn3hhr“ How soon can you have a detachment of the Savna Guards on the scene? ” he asked.
hvd.hn3hhr“ I'm justice of the peace here,"announced Bale; “ and you may consider yourselves under arrest. ” “ An fer what?"
hvd.hn3hhr“ Is he — does he — er — have any authority here?"
hvd.hn3hhr“ Is that the Governor? ” came the voice of the sheriff's wife.
hvd.hn3hhr“ I’spose your friend is president of the road? ” “ Shure, an'yure wrong again, ” said the loquacious Paddy.
hvd.hn3hhr“ So that's it?"
hvd.hn3hhr“ This is Miss Mangus; is it not? ” asked Allan, recognizing the voice.
hvd.hn3hhr“ Well, Eph, have you been dreaming, too? ” “ Yes,"responded Eph; “ but my experience will throw but little light upon this strange affair.
hvd.hn3hhr“ What are you going to do? ” he queried.
hvd.hn3hhr“ What have you to say?"
hvd.hn3hhr“ What's the matter, Eph? ” queried a customer.
hvd.hn3hhr“ What?
hvd.hn3hhr“ What? ” cried Bale, his wrath rising.
osu.32435060119922- Who can imagine the feeling with which poor Clotelle received the C L. O. T E L L E. r- 73 intelligence of her kind friend's death?
osu.32435060119922- “ And what's your name? ” asked Henry, with a trembling voice.
osu.32435060119922Henry her compliments, and ask them to come over and spend the evening. ” “ Who is your mistress? ” he eagerly inquired.
osu.32435060119922Her benefactress was dead, and – “ Hope withering fled, and mercy sighed farewell. ” “ Is Jerome safe? ” she would ask herself continually.
osu.32435060119922How much do you say? ” “ Five hundred dollars. ” “ Only five hundred for such a girl as this?
osu.32435060119922How much do you say? ” “ Five hundred dollars. ” “ Only five hundred for such a girl as this?
osu.32435060119922How old is you?"
osu.32435060119922The doctor happened to be in the yard, and met the colonel and said, — “ How are you now? ” 34 C. L. O. T E L L E.*.
osu.32435060119922Why should the white man be esteemed as better than the black?
osu.32435060119922“ I see that your husband has lost one of his hands: did he lose it in the war? ” “ Oh no, missus, ” said Dinah.
osu.32435060119922“ If she can get free with a little money, why not give her what I have? ” thought he, and then resolved to do it.
osu.32435060119922“ In the name of the Lord, what am I indebted to you for? ” demand- ed Jerome, now entirely out of patience, turning to the last of the trio.
osu.32435060119922“ Please read that paper over again, will thee? ” asked the Quaker The officer once more read the warrant.
osu.32435060119922“ Well, will thee read it for me? ” returned the Quaker.
osu.32435060119922“ What did you want to see her for? ” he again asked.
osu.32435060119922“ What do I owe you? ” he inquired of the second.
osu.32435060119922“ What do you think had better be done for him? ” “ I tink I'd better bleed him and gib him a dose ob calomel, ” returned Sam.
osu.32435060119922“ What do you want here? ” again demanded Isabella.
osu.32435060119922“ What have you done for me? ” he asked of the first.
osu.32435060119922“ What's your name? ” asked a man in a straw hat of a tall negro who stood with his arms folded across his breast, leaning against the wall.
osu.32435060119922“ Who are you that comes here at this late hour? ” demanded the half- frightened Isabella.
osu.32435060119922“ Whom did you wish to see? ” he inquired.
osu.32435060119922“ Yes; but we will teach them better, wo n't we, Dinah? ” rejoined Mrs. Miller.
mdp.39015073389192Are you — you — you are n't going with them?
mdp.39015073389192But what do you wish me to do about it?
mdp.39015073389192But why?
mdp.39015073389192But, in return for this, you will agree to with- draw Jenkins from the Senate race?
mdp.39015073389192Did you bring the soldiers?
mdp.39015073389192Do n't you love me, Julia?
mdp.39015073389192Do n't you see?
mdp.39015073389192Do you know who qualified Congressman Jen- kins?
mdp.39015073389192Do you think there will be a mob,asked Ambler hopefully?
mdp.39015073389192Does this interview quote you correctly?
mdp.39015073389192Everything moving along as we planned?
mdp.39015073389192Have I not served your organization well?
mdp.39015073389192Hello, that you, Majors?
mdp.39015073389192How do you know?
mdp.39015073389192How many votes do you control in the House?
mdp.39015073389192I am naturally wondering how your mind runs on that matter?
mdp.39015073389192Judge, will you trust me to work this out be- tween you two?
mdp.39015073389192Majors, what's your final judgment on Jenkins?
mdp.39015073389192Pitts, do n't you know me well enough to know that I have never been guilty of making a political deal?
mdp.39015073389192What excuse can you offer for voting against their hopes and aspirations? mdp.39015073389192 What has the sheriff done to protect his prisoner?"
mdp.39015073389192What in hell was the matter in Fort Sumpter County to- day? mdp.39015073389192 What is it, Chief?"
mdp.39015073389192What will you gentlemen tell your people when you go home if you vote against these bills?
mdp.39015073389192Where'd Battling Kid Kelly get the jail- birds?
mdp.39015073389192Why, ca n't you see that I have just as much at stake as you do? mdp.39015073389192 You do n't go to church, do you, Mayor?"
mdp.39015073389192Your company wo n't agree to the two- dam bill even as a last resort?
mdp.39015073389192105 106 LOOT"And if they are n't marked right, you throw them away, do n't you?"
mdp.39015073389192Be- sides, did n't he bolt the party once?"
mdp.39015073389192Could n't get'em out, eh?
mdp.39015073389192Do you wear union suits or 67 68 LOOT B. V. D.'s?
mdp.39015073389192Does that meet your question?"
mdp.39015073389192How do you feel towards the bond issue we've been talking about over the State?"
mdp.39015073389192How, they asked, could it be done?
mdp.39015073389192I reckon we are all agreed that our candi- date for Governor must be announced and in the field by early next week?"
mdp.39015073389192Is that what you wished to know?"
mdp.39015073389192Kelly, what do you think of Jenkins?"
mdp.39015073389192LOOT 27"Pleasantly, I hope, Miss Julia?"
mdp.39015073389192The anti- evolution bills in all the Southern states were fool laws, of course, but you did n't see the practical politicians fighting'em, did you?
mdp.39015073389192What about him, Judge, what's your final judgment?"
mdp.39015073389192What can you say to your home folks when you vote for a power grab and vote against a tax reform bill?
mdp.39015073389192What do you gentlemen think?"
mdp.39015073389192What do you say?"
mdp.39015073389192What is your final judgment on Ambrister, Judge Griffin?"
mdp.39015073389192What must be your problems when your sons and daughters are lured from the farms to the factories of the cities?
mdp.39015073389192What were the Nation's greatest statesmen 16 LOOT for a quarter of a century before the Civil War but compromisers?
mdp.39015073389192When the guests came back to the huge log fire in the living room, Julia had disappeared before Ambler's 122 LOOT"But why —?"
mdp.39015073389192Which will you serve?"
mdp.39015073389192Who is speaking today for the people of this State?
mdp.39015073389192Who would profit by such a frame- up?
mdp.39015073389192Why must I surrender my pledged word, my honor, to a political machine?
mdp.39015073389192You are not about to lynch merely a negro accused of crime — you are about to lynch the good name of our State!n"Who is it?"
mdp.39015071618040But are you sure you should expect normal conditions at a time like this? mdp.39015071618040 Did n't you make all peoples?"
mdp.39015071618040Did n't your expected party arrive?
mdp.39015071618040Do n't you know that this is not Alabama, Georgia, or Missis- sippi? mdp.39015071618040 Do you always go around intruding on the privacy of strangers?"
mdp.39015071618040Have n't you stopped speaking harshly to people?
mdp.39015071618040Have you,he asked,"ever tried to figure out how to challenge the world and really become boss of your own destiny?
mdp.39015071618040How's Mrs. Shakespeare tonight?
mdp.39015071618040Is this what people call going nuts?
mdp.39015071618040That those practices are to be expected because of the erring nature of mankind, and therefore should be soft- pedaled? mdp.39015071618040 Then why not heed your conscience?"
mdp.39015071618040Then why,I continued,"does n't the world want to hear anything a Negro girl has to write, but will buy and read what a white girl has to write?"
mdp.39015071618040What did she do?
mdp.39015071618040What on earth are you talking about? mdp.39015071618040 What's wrong?
mdp.39015071618040Who does he think he is? mdp.39015071618040 You'll come back for that checkup, wo n't you?"
mdp.39015071618040Bernard Baruch?"
mdp.39015071618040But had n't my doctor said that there were no quick cures for smelly cancers once they had a firm hold on the victims?
mdp.39015071618040Have n't you any more sense than to try to go to work today?
mdp.39015071618040I do not know how long they had been talking, nor what they had said before I overheard, with a shock:"What are we coming to next?
mdp.39015071618040I was wretched and desolate, but what right had he —?
mdp.39015071618040If he had time to spare, would he listen to what a Negro woman had to say?
mdp.39015071618040If that's what you're doing, then — what harvest do you ex- pect to reap?"
mdp.39015071618040Is he really that bad?
mdp.39015071618040Is it the grief of disappoint- ment over your expected child?"
mdp.39015071618040Mrs. Ford?
mdp.39015071618040Presently the door opened and the doctor asked,"Who's next?"
mdp.39015071618040Shall we go back to your room?"
mdp.39015071618040The woman( shall we call her Mary?)
mdp.39015071618040What are you thinking of?"
mdp.39015071618040What are you trying to say?"
mdp.39015071618040What do we find?
mdp.39015071618040What have you to strut and crow about, while we suffer?
mdp.39015071618040What need was there to hurry?
mdp.39015071618040What will your answer be?
mdp.39015071618040Who am I to lament while those silly Judases who are my people display their uncontrolled thinking?"
mdp.39015071618040Who cared about pea threshings, crawly snakes, word- fixing, or pain- ful hemorrhoids in the secret parts of men?
mdp.39015071618040Who do you think you are?
mdp.39015071618040Who said I was n't an American?
mdp.39015071618040Who would want to hear anything a patched- clothing Negro girl in a wood- filled wagon on a lonely country road had to say?
mdp.39015071618040Who'd believe me?
mdp.39015071618040Why should I flee from the land of the free and the brave?"
mdp.39015071618040You have horns, tails; why do you stand for it?
mdp.39015071618040r( 39}"Harvest of what?"
emu.010002406445Are you very cold?
emu.010002406445* What do you mean by normal condition?'
emu.010002406445135 with him was, how he could best use his time and tal¬ ents for the good of his race,"What must I qualify myself for?"
emu.01000240644565 coarse,""Well, then, look at the sun setting'now; that's not the track of a man, is it?
emu.010002406445? apter I/.
emu.010002406445? d to the continent of Africa.
emu.010002406445But what is it?
emu.010002406445Can we have your vote once in twenty years?
emu.010002406445Do they disturb you in any way?'
emu.010002406445His cries of racking pain, his pleading request and yearning prayer,"Oh, Lord, how much longer?"
emu.010002406445How old is it?
emu.010002406445How then can any colored man make up his$ nind to vote for a Democratic candidate, whether northern or southern?
emu.010002406445I am old enough to know something of the battle-?
emu.010002406445I hear old Mother Eve within you ask,"How did he get there?"
emu.010002406445I just'spect He'll help me make my mill to- morrow; wo n't you, God?"
emu.010002406445I was but six years old, and how could I know any thing about it?
emu.010002406445I wonder how he is to- day?
emu.010002406445In this heavy visitation of Providence in the loss of his leg, he did not find like Pharoah, a punishment, but like David,
emu.010002406445Is it Catholic or Protestant?
emu.010002406445Is it a new church?
emu.010002406445It is the aim of the publishers of this volume to encourage, so far as in them lies?
emu.010002406445Mr* Kahlo, why does he not distribute his wealth among his followers?
emu.010002406445Now, if he made all these things, some that move and some that ca n't move, I wonder who made God?"
emu.010002406445One Indian suddenly asked:"You got whiskey?
emu.010002406445The importance of right directions when we are on a jour¬ ney on a strange way, is apparent to all; how did we get away from home?
emu.010002406445To- day, not a slave is in the?
emu.010002406445What does it do with and for young men?
emu.010002406445What had it done for the white race?
emu.010002406445What had the Democratic party done for the citi¬ zens of Lucas county which should induce them to vote for it?
emu.010002406445What is the object or the aim of the Sunday- school of to- day?
emu.010002406445What shall we say of the Negro in politics?
emu.010002406445Where are the things I sent you for?"
emu.010002406445Where is his place and what is his position?
emu.010002406445Which would be employed?
emu.010002406445While tribes of other races will disappear before advancing civilizat¬ ion, it is unlikely that the Negro as a race, will do so?
emu.010002406445Who are the recognized religions educators?
emu.010002406445Who can value a drop of rain, or fix the price of an immortal soul?
emu.010002406445Who was its founder?
emu.010002406445Why not rest from your labors now?"
emu.010002406445Will he contribute to its intelligence in a proportion¬ ate degree?
emu.010002406445fitted by nature and education to carry civilization and Christianity over so vast a field?
emu.010002406445for himself?
emu.010002406445ill he win recognition and distinction in tihe(production of its literature?
emu.010002406445what is the matter with you?
uc1.a0011554979*-:------- ºr--------?
uc1.a0011554979, 23 arrive possessing in a marked degree a strain of brutality?
uc1.a0011554979- “ Why kill the hen that lays the gold- Is Crime en egg?
uc1.a0011554979. ”-?
uc1.a0011554979191 the white man, does there not lurk harm for the spirit of the white race?
uc1.a0011554979And is not any steer which will not tamely submit to be killed a vicious animal?
uc1.a0011554979And will not the brutal strain once Entire admitted into the life of a people, show Life to be itself almost anywhere and everywhere?
uc1.a0011554979Before the eyes of the world to- day M e-- • P en or there stands a living illustration of the rinci-- ples?
uc1.a0011554979But is this true?
uc1.a0011554979But why this avoidance of the South on the part of persons whose coming would be mutually advantageous?
uc1.a0011554979Does the extra brutality of the mobs officered by the newer generation prove that the fathers got rid of the bloody taint as easily as was thought?
uc1.a0011554979Has not the South done this very thing?
uc1.a0011554979Has not the butcher, the higher animal, the full right to kill the steer?
uc1.a0011554979Has the South the ability, the strength in its soul to suppress the lynching of Negroes?
uc1.a0011554979How is this alleged breaking down of the social walls to happen?
uc1.a0011554979Oh, statesmen of America, what are swamps and deserts compared to the great areas of sleeping and unused men?
uc1.a0011554979Shall the South inherit all and bequeath nothing?
uc1.a0011554979Shall the South of to- day not add to the galaxy?
uc1.a0011554979Shall we have no great names to keep our section and our era alive in history?
uc1.a0011554979Since the Negroes who are Profitable?
uc1.a0011554979Was the father of this boy at one time a member of a mob, and was this boy born during his father's career as a lyncher?
uc1.a0011554979What but an uneven journey can be expected when the mule, good in his place is hitched to a racing cart with the fleetest of race horses?
uc1.a0011554979What does he want? ” Such was the line of questioning and comment that ran through every mind in the court- room.
uc1.a0011554979What has this to do with municipal government?
uc1.a0011554979What man of established reputation would care to be known as a member of the legislature just adjourned? ”* When the Hon.
uc1.a0011554979What then is the philosophy that underlies the tolerance of lynchings?
uc1.a0011554979Whatever others may say, shal// not, therefore, love her?
uc1.a0011554979When all the facts are in, is the criminal in reality an asset, a paying institution?
uc1.a0011554979When did he enter?
uc1.a0011554979Where is his chair?
uc1.a0011554979Who cares a continental what one candidate thinks about another, or what one candidate says about another?
uc1.a0011554979Who knows?
uc1.a0011554979Why did not Southern men gather up these arguments and hurl them with dynamic force into the ranks of the American people, compelling attention?
uc1.a0011554979Why then cause an increase of victims by increasing savagery?
uc1.a0011554979Why, then, with all of this richness of blood can it not manufacture great men rather than import them?
uc1.a0011554979Will the future find the South with a well Or- dered civilization, affording soil and atmos- phere for its highest self to unfold and expand?
uc1.a0011554979genius, leaving it, like Greece, the at- tenuated shadow of its former self?
uc1.a0011554979hope, that kept your feet from going too far afield, that aided you to keep the path that has led you up to renown?
uc1.a0011554979in the masses of the Negro race, written itself into the natures of the Southern whites?
uc1.a0011554979“ But what about our white pri- Nature's maries?
uc1.a0011554979“ Which side of this case do you represent? ” asked the Judge.
uc1.a0011554979“ Who is he?
osu.32435018461947- “ Do you know where Frado is? ” asked Jane of her aunt.
osu.3243501846194775 ‘ why was I made?
osu.32435018461947And I feel sick; who cares for that?
osu.32435018461947Aunt Abby returned to her apartment, fol- lowed by John, who was muttering to himself “ What were you saying? ” asked Aunt Abby.
osu.32435018461947But had she not better run away?
osu.32435018461947But he had told them to repent; “ what was that? ” she asked.
osu.32435018461947But where?
osu.32435018461947Do n’t you know that every night she will want to go toting off to meeting?
osu.32435018461947Do you know where she is?
osu.32435018461947Herself was burden enough; who would have an addi- tional one?
osu.32435018461947How could she meet this case?
osu.32435018461947I wish she'd marry me. ” “ Who? ” shouted Pete Greene, suddenly start- ing from an unobserved corner of the rude shop.
osu.32435018461947Is she your prisoner? ” “ No!
osu.32435018461947Oh, what have I to live for?
osu.32435018461947Should she “ want to go there if she could not see him? ” Mrs. B. seldom mentioned her bereavement, unless in such allusion to Frado.
osu.32435018461947Sposin'we marry! ” Mag raised her eyes, full of amazement, and uttered a sonorous “ What? ” Jim felt abashed for a moment.
osu.32435018461947The child does as much work as a woman ought to; and just see how she is kicked about! ” “ Why do you have it so, John? ” asked his sister.
osu.32435018461947There was never one of my girls could do half the work. ” “ Did they ever try? ” interposed her husband.
osu.32435018461947Was it strange if she were officious, with such relief in prospect?
osu.32435018461947Was it strange she should seem a desir- able companion, a treasure as a wife?
osu.32435018461947Was it strange that, to a disconsolate child, three years should seem a long, long time?
osu.32435018461947Where is Fra- do? ” he continued.
osu.32435018461947Which you rather have, a black heart in a white skin, or a white heart in a black one? ” O U R N T G.
osu.32435018461947Who made me so? ” “ God; ” answered James.
osu.32435018461947Who would take her?
osu.32435018461947and Sundays, too?
osu.32435018461947what do you want to bring such a poor being into the family, for?
osu.32435018461947why ca n’t I die?
osu.32435018461947“ Anything to eat in the house? ” continued he, “ No, ” replied Mag.
osu.32435018461947“ But I want to know what is going to be done with her about getting pious? ” “ Let her do just as she has a mind to.
osu.32435018461947“ Come, tell me, who is't? ” said Pete; “ Mag Smith, you want to marry? ” “ Git out, Pete!
osu.32435018461947“ Come, tell me, who is't? ” said Pete; “ Mag Smith, you want to marry? ” “ Git out, Pete!
osu.32435018461947“ Have you no wish to know the real state of Jane's affections towards you? ” asked George.
osu.32435018461947“ How am I to help it?
osu.32435018461947“ How much you earn dis week, Mag? ” asked he one Saturday evening.
osu.32435018461947“ How's the wood, Mag? ” asked Jim.
osu.32435018461947“ I said I hoped the child never would come into the house again. ” “ What would become of her?
osu.32435018461947“ She came just in the right time, did n't she?
osu.32435018461947“ What can she do to help you? ” asked Mary.
osu.32435018461947“ What is to be done with her, ” asked Mrs. B., “ after she is moved there with Nab? ”.
osu.32435018461947“ What's the fuss? ” asked he, rushing into Aunt Abby's.
osu.32435018461947“ Why, you know she is serious, do n't you?
osu.32435018461947“ Yes, but who ever thought of having a nig- ger go, except to drive others there?
njp.32101074760685/* Do you thaink dey would have any lynchin'- bee'at day?
njp.32101074760685Ai n't daternuff to knock de race silly?
njp.32101074760685An'whut have de Dimocrats done?
njp.32101074760685An'wuzn't dat a good run?
njp.32101074760685And what wonder?
njp.32101074760685But whut kin de dead hero do?
njp.32101074760685Cain't you treat me well is ah treats you?
njp.32101074760685Dat's all he done to him/ An'don'you think he kin take keer o'us 2—his needy an'faithful chillun?
njp.32101074760685Don'you see he's dohe cut me open? ” were his horrified exclamations.
njp.32101074760685Has you a repo’t to make dis eb'nin'? ” “ Yes, sah, Mr. President, ” said Sampson, coming forward.
njp.32101074760685Heahd somebody say, ‘ Who is'at cullud genamun?
njp.32101074760685I ai n't seed all dese hahd winters an ’ chilly falls foh noth- in ’?
njp.32101074760685II “ ‘ Hay, Bop,'I said, “ how was yourself?
njp.32101074760685IOI Cl)g Black( Zat Ølub “ S'I: ‘ Take back whut you said'bout Sandy Jenkins'club?'
njp.32101074760685Is he de new Baptis'preachah 2''Naw, ” I49-?"
njp.32101074760685Jehosaphat JoHNSING THIRDLY. ” “ Ai n’t dat a pow'ful good man? ” re- marked Saskatchewan Jones.
njp.32101074760685Kin I enter'at heab- enly place, an ’ libe an ’ move an hab ma bein ’ aftahwahds?'
njp.32101074760685Look at de chillun o'Is'all Did n't dey run outen de lan'o'Egypt?
njp.32101074760685Loudmouth, proceed wid yo'remahks. ” “ Am de judges allowed to make a speech? ” inquired Simon, rising.
njp.32101074760685Make some man a fine wife'"“ Now, lookee here, Doc, ” observed Roust-- about Thompson, “ I ’m a o- l- e dahky — a ole dahky!—You heah me?
njp.32101074760685Now, whut'll we do? ’ “ S'I: “ We'll go whah dey's de bes'mil- luns, an ’ take de chances!'
njp.32101074760685Now, whut's de pleasure uv de club? ” “ Let'em in l ’ ” came the grand chorus, in answer.
njp.32101074760685Oh, the indescri- bably sweet music of the uncultured Negro voice'Who can tell of it?
njp.32101074760685Prof. Washington, I presume? ’ “ S'I: ‘ Yes, sah — yes, sah!'
njp.32101074760685S'I: ‘ Bre'r Riley, does you 216** Good( Eatin ’s ” know milluns has gone up to fo’ty cents, an'stilla- risin'?'
njp.32101074760685S'I: ‘ Yes, an'I do n't'pose to pay it! ” S'e: “ Whut you goin'to do?
njp.32101074760685S'e: ‘ No, Reverent; ai n't it orful?'
njp.32101074760685S'e: “ Whut might be yo'business in de city, Br'er Green?'
njp.32101074760685Say I ’m ‘ ign'ant,'do she?
njp.32101074760685Who is you, any way? ” “ Chahcoal Jim, Spookses po'tah, ” came the reply.
njp.32101074760685Whut is de worl’a- comin'to?
njp.32101074760685Whut wuz it struck me, an ’ whah did all dem stahs come fºom? ” X.
njp.32101074760685Whut you goin’ to do'bout dat?
njp.32101074760685don'you see de man's'a- cahvin ’ me? ” bawled Simon.
njp.32101074760685“ Dis ai n't no fun'all We's all got people dead — whut diff'unce do it make?
njp.32101074760685“ Elijah, ” he say, ‘ ai n't dis a putty howdy- do?
njp.32101074760685“ Got you hangin'on de ropes, has he? ” was Saskatchewan Jones'consoling remark.
njp.32101074760685“ Gweat day! ” yelled Saskatchewan Jones, “ is I here er yondah?
njp.32101074760685“ I wish I could be good lak dat. ” “ Don ’ ole Jones make you tired, Doc? ” exclaimed Bad Bob Sampson.
njp.32101074760685“ Is dey anybody here dat don ’ lub his mother, an'would n't own huh beca'se she wuz a slave? ”( Profound silence in the room.)
njp.32101074760685“ Looked at'at house, an’s’I: “ Shell I go in, er shell I not?
njp.32101074760685“ S'I: ‘ Genamuns, is dey room foh one mo ’ in yo'game? ’ “ ‘ Always room l ’ sez one uv'em.
njp.32101074760685“ W'y, ai n't you hyern it? ’ sez dey.
njp.32101074760685“ Whut you gwine to do wid’at furniture an'stuff down at the club?
njp.32101074760685“ Whut'll you do, Loudmouf? ” asked Thompson.
njp.32101074760685“ ‘ W'y, don'you see,'she says, “ it ’s driving me perfectly frantic?
njp.32101074760685“ ‘ Whut'possum?'
hvd.hwqs4mAwful sorry to bother you, Grant, but I must speak to Miss Ennery upon a matter of very great importance. ” “ Very great importance, hey? hvd.hwqs4m What connection did he have with you?"
hvd.hwqs4mWhat did your friend wish with this little black devil? ” asked Vardam, for it was he. hvd.hwqs4m 38 HOPE'S HIGHWAY Grace continued: “ Did you go to his school? ” “ Yessum, ” he replied again, still not taking his eyes away from the grave. hvd.hwqs4m After all, Grace, what's in a wedding? hvd.hwqs4m By the way, they've found Mandy's poor son, have n't they? ” Grace, reddening a bit, replied: “ Yes. ” “ Mrs. hvd.hwqs4m Can he not see that I care enough for him not to expose him?
hvd.hwqs4mDid he tell you, Aunt Grace?
hvd.hwqs4mDid the fire drive you to it? ”.
hvd.hwqs4mDid you find it after I left you? ” “ O Fred, how careless of you!
hvd.hwqs4mDo you think he can make it? ” immediatel.
hvd.hwqs4mGrace looked up into her lover's face, saying: “ Suppose, Fred, we send him out of the country?
hvd.hwqs4mJail Fred Trower for a Nigger?
hvd.hwqs4mMust I leave him?
hvd.hwqs4mNeed I tell you how tenderly I love you?
hvd.hwqs4mShould I not try to find him and help him?"
hvd.hwqs4mSo you have really decided to educate this colored lad? ” “ Yes, Fred; my desire is to give him an op- portunity to serve his people."
hvd.hwqs4mWhat boats are going out this morn- ing?"
hvd.hwqs4mWhat difference does it make whether bravery is garbed in black or white?
hvd.hwqs4mWhat do you want with him? ” “ I am trying to find him for a friend of mine."
hvd.hwqs4mWhat more commendation can you wish than has been given to your pictures,-"Love"and “ Purpose''?
hvd.hwqs4mWhat resort had he?
hvd.hwqs4mWhat should he 96 HOPE'S HIGHWAY do?
hvd.hwqs4mWhat will you do?
hvd.hwqs4mWhat's it so quick for?
hvd.hwqs4mWhy did n't you have a decent wedding?
hvd.hwqs4mYou do care for me some, do you not? ”.
hvd.hwqs4m“ But how can he do this, without the pro- tection that his country should offer?"
hvd.hwqs4m“ Do you think, since they can not get the boy, that they will ever take Fred into custody?"
hvd.hwqs4m“ Fred, why could you not wait?
hvd.hwqs4m“ How do you account for this unusual prog- ress here? ” asked Fred.
hvd.hwqs4m“ I wonder,"thought he,"if these people will ever carve out their own destiny?
hvd.hwqs4m“ Lookin'us folks behind the sun over, I suppose???
hvd.hwqs4m“ Lookin'us folks behind the sun over, I suppose???
hvd.hwqs4m“ Lookin'us folks behind the sun over, I suppose???
hvd.hwqs4m“ May I ask, ” interrupted the judge, “ what this Tom Brinley was sent to the chain- gang for?"
hvd.hwqs4m“ Oh, Miss, you mus'be a stranger here? ” “ Yes; I'm from the North. ”.
hvd.hwqs4m“ Oh, yes, ” said he; “ then Francis was your father?
hvd.hwqs4m“ Pardon me, ” he said;"are you an En- nery? ” “ Yes, ” she quietly replied, fearful lest he might discern her eagerness to talk.
hvd.hwqs4m“ Say, miss, ” he said, “ ai n't you'fraid to be travelin'in these Nigger haunts? ”.
hvd.hwqs4m“ She thought that she saw some good traits in him and wished to develop them. ” “ What Nigger has any but bad traits?
hvd.hwqs4m“ So far you have been my only annoyance. ” “ Is that so? ” was his surly query.
hvd.hwqs4m“ So he interfered with the progress of the school? ” “ Yessum.
hvd.hwqs4m“ Then, may I hope that you may tell me something definite as to our final plans when this little colored boy is found?
hvd.hwqs4m“ What are we, ” ex- claimed Tom, on reading of the issue, “ that even to die for one's country is too great an honor?!!
hvd.hwqs4m“ What can I do?
hvd.hwqs4m“ What did he steal? ” “ A number of things."
hvd.hwqs4m“ What of his assailants?"
hvd.hwqs4m“ What work did he do? ” “ Worked in my rice- fields, and while there he created disturbances among the other work- ers."
hvd.hwqs4m“ Who attends these conferences, and what good is derived from them? ” asked Fred.
hvd.hwqs4m“ Who is Joe Vardam? ” “ Did n't you pass a man when you come in de school?'
hvd.hwqs4m“ Who is Joe Vardam? ” “ Did n't you pass a man when you come in de school?'
hvd.hwqs4m“ Who was he, and what was his name? ” in- quired Mr. and Mrs. Grant, in a breath.
hvd.hwqs4m“ Why do n't you talk, Fred? ” inquired his father.
hvd.hwqs4m“ Will you have those boys punished who willfully meddled with Tom?''
hvd.hn35p286 By the Bayou St. John ses Who cares that the bridges are modern, and that here and there pert boat- houses rear their prim heads?
hvd.hn35p2Already, as if in anticipation of the world's ques- tionings, she was asking herself, “ Who am I?
hvd.hn35p2And who is the fair one who should clog your senses so? ” There was a deprecating shrug from the little man.
hvd.hn35p2And why 140 Little Miss Sophie should not a poor little Creole old maid be interested too?
hvd.hn35p2Bon jour, madame, you come again?
hvd.hn35p2Can an iron bridge with tarantula piers detract from the song of a mocking- bird in a fragrant orange grove?
hvd.hn35p2For what can equal the music of a violin, a guitar, a cornet, and a bass viol to trip the quad- rille to at a picnic?
hvd.hn35p2He walk so; hit col'she shiver, an'I say,'Where you gone, lil'gal?'
hvd.hn35p2It was not gone?
hvd.hn35p2It's Leon, see?
hvd.hn35p2M'sieu would lak'some fo ’ he's lil'gal?
hvd.hn35p2Mais non, what's dat you say?
hvd.hn35p2Nothin', nothin', almos', and las'night when it was so cold and foggy, eh?
hvd.hn35p2Now and then Annette would say to papa as if to reassure herself, — “ And when Monsieur Cherbart says I am ready to go to Paris, I may go, papa?
hvd.hn35p2One day one l'ishman, he say to me, ‘ Auntie, what fo'you talk so?'
hvd.hn35p2So Miss Sophie stayed to the wedding; for what feminine heart, be it ever so old and seared, does not delight in one?
hvd.hn35p2The eyes had gone their way, doubtless forgetting the little sis- ter they pitied; but the little sister?
hvd.hn35p2The ring?
hvd.hn35p2The ticket?
hvd.hn35p2Then she asked: “ And I — what will become of me? ” “ You, Athanasia?
hvd.hn35p2Then she asked: “ And I — what will become of me? ” “ You, Athanasia?
hvd.hn35p2Was ever such a wonderful letter?
hvd.hn35p2We are ever glad to place them in com- fortable- how you say that?
hvd.hn35p2What am I? ” The next morning the sisters du Sacré Cour filed into the Cathedral at High Mass, and bent devout knees at the general confession.
hvd.hn35p2What ees de mattare? ” For answer, Mr. Baptiste shook his head gloomily and sighed again.
hvd.hn35p2What she good fo', anyhow?
hvd.hn35p2When the bayou over- flowed again?
hvd.hn35p2Why, you are so happy, singing your love sonnet to your lady's eyebrow, that you did n't see a thing but the moon, did you?
hvd.hn35p2Will you come? ” Annette sprang to her feet in delight.
hvd.hn35p2Will you ever forget that day, Atha- nasia?
hvd.hn35p2Would all the work and saving and skimping do good?
hvd.hn35p2You buy lak'dat?
hvd.hn35p2You've never been for a hay- ride and fish- fry on the shores of the Mis- sissippi Sound, have you?
hvd.hn35p2and I jes ’ say back, “ What fo'you say “ Faith an'be jabers ”?'.
hvd.hn35p2at home?
hvd.hn35p2i “ Hello, M'sieu Fortier, ” cried Courcey, “ are you ready to let me have that violin yet? ” “ For shame! ” interrupted Martel.
hvd.hn35p2“ Ah, why do n't you stop eatin'in school, fer a change?
hvd.hn35p2“ But the demoiselle wishes to ap- pear a boy, un petit garçon? ” she in- quired, gazing eagerly at Flo's long, slender frame.
hvd.hn35p2“ But, Cousin Phil, ca n't you see he is a gentleman?
hvd.hn35p2“ Cheerin'the niggers, are you? ” and he let fly a brickbat in the direction of the bread- stall.
hvd.hn35p2“ Hail, Mary, full of grace “ Pralines, madame?
hvd.hn35p2“ Have I the pleasure of this dance? ” he asked her finally, in a lull of the music.
hvd.hn35p2“ Have you heard the news?
hvd.hn35p2“ Hello, Edgar,"he said, “ what you got fer lunch? ” “ Nothin', ” was the mournful reply.
hvd.hn35p2“ Is it — is it anything much, doc- tor? ” she gasped.
hvd.hn35p2“ Pardon me, mademoiselle, ” said a voice at her elbow; “ you are in dis- tress?
hvd.hn35p2“ See that Mephisto and troubadour over there? ” he whis- pered huskily.
hvd.hn35p2“ Sylves', has he come yet? ” asked the red mouth.
hvd.hn35p2“ The ring, where? ” muttered the landlady.
hvd.hn35p2“ What? ” asked Philip.
hvd.hn35p2“ Will I come?
hvd.hn35p2“ Yes; who are they? ” “ I do n't know the devil, ” responded the other, quietly, “ but I'd know that other form anywhere.
emu.010000426223But suppose he proposed out of pity for me when he learned that I was to be sent away because of the accident? emu.010000426223 But what about the announcement of your honey¬ moon trip to Japan that I saw in the London Times?
emu.010000426223Did you say her hair was badly cut and she came over in an airship dressed in boy's clothes?
emu.010000426223Do you think I would leave my little girl at this time? emu.010000426223 Fever?"
emu.010000426223Has ma chere petite any money? emu.010000426223 Have n't you got the devil bush for preparing young girls for wifehood?
emu.010000426223How could it be possible for such honest eyes as Reggie's, to look into my face and declare his love and devotion, when he knew he loved another?
emu.010000426223How dare you perform a heathenish rite in this castle?
emu.010000426223My wife? emu.010000426223 See dem vine, master, hanging from dem tree?
emu.010000426223Silly, what are you talking about?
emu.010000426223So that you have only the kimona that you have on, and no money or means of communicating with your friends? emu.010000426223 Thank you so much, sir, but Billy is all right now; Nogi will not be naughty any more, will you, Nogi?"
emu.010000426223What are the mission boys doing kneeling behind those trees, Sampson?
emu.010000426223What zee matter you no marry king daugh¬ ter?
emu.010000426223What, did you imagine that the wealth of all of Africa would repay me for all I have suffered? emu.010000426223 Where did you get this?"
emu.010000426223Where do you think we are, Montcrief?
emu.010000426223Where is the maiden?
emu.010000426223Whose baby is that?
emu.010000426223Will you be so kind as to send out and order for me a street costume? emu.010000426223 Will you take me along?
emu.010000426223Wo Twe?
emu.010000426223''Is this the kind of airship you flew away with Mr. Wilson* in?"
emu.010000426223'? The'dear- child!
emu.010000426223( What are your names?
emu.010000426223Are you really serious about the colonial proposition?"
emu.010000426223As soon as Lucretia emerged from the shades of the THE: LEOPARD'S CLAW 169"Happy?
emu.010000426223But how could I believe he was sincere when he continually upbraided me for ruining his hap¬ piness?
emu.010000426223Ca n't you get any information from the African maid?
emu.010000426223Dear me, how old are you, Lucretia?"
emu.010000426223Did you bring the braids along?
emu.010000426223Did you know the secret of its contents?"
emu.010000426223Did you say that the aviator was an American?
emu.010000426223Do n't you remember?
emu.010000426223Have you relatives who are expecting you?
emu.010000426223I wonder if I could not bribe her to talk?
emu.010000426223I wonder why he jumped out?"
emu.010000426223In what neighborhood are we, Rei¬ snitz?"
emu.010000426223Lord Winslow asked, what are you thinking of, exposing yourself among such unsanitary surroundings?
emu.010000426223Maria Delia Pace, and""I was standing beforfe the four Sibyls of-Raphael, when Georgians came between us and I lost sight of you?
emu.010000426223May I inquire if the bales stacked in the yards for shipment were registered as first or second grades?"
emu.010000426223Oh, what shall I do?
emu.010000426223Oliver examined them and said,"This is no silver, where did you get them from?"
emu.010000426223Recalling some of the African words she had heard Varnee and Yanga frequently use she said:"Yakune?"
emu.010000426223Shall I put this away for you, ma chere?
emu.010000426223THE LEOPARD'S CLAW 75"Twe, can you manage to get my kife out?"
emu.010000426223THE LEOPARD'S CLAW''Do you remember your father- in- law's features, Lord YVinslow?"
emu.010000426223There must be some mistake, for what have I done to be deceived and treated so cruelly?
emu.010000426223To Paris?
emu.010000426223Turning back Oliver approached him and said,"What would you have done for salutes if I had not arrived?
emu.010000426223Turn¬ ing loose the almost fainting victim he fairly hissed,"Elaine, what are you spying upon me for?
emu.010000426223Was that a foreboding which she felt?
emu.010000426223What are you talking of?
emu.010000426223What do they call those African cats, Leopards?
emu.010000426223What is this?
emu.010000426223What, Wilson from Chicago?
emu.010000426223Where are we and whose park is this?"
emu.010000426223Where are you going?
emu.010000426223Where is your ticket?
emu.010000426223Why do n't you join us, my lord?"
emu.010000426223Why do n't you send that woman away?"
emu.010000426223Why do n't you wait until we can save enough from your salary?"
emu.010000426223Will wonders never cease?"
emu.010000426223Will you please enlighten me as to the best method of preserving the fibres for shipment so as to obtain the highest European market prices?"
emu.010000426223Will you tell me your name?
emu.010000426223You are not my wife, do you understand?"
emu.010000426223You are worse than Lucretia and do you forget that you have not seen your grand- child?
emu.010000426223how can I believe that you are deceiving me?"
emu.100023319140 why?
emu.10002331914Ah Poiter, put my grip in Thoiteen,and"Ah Poiter, will you raise my window and put in a deflector?"
emu.10002331914And the registration is to come off at Oristown?
emu.10002331914And what does that mean?
emu.10002331914Anything more?
emu.10002331914Attend to what?
emu.10002331914But nothing can happen,I defended, non¬ plused,"can there?"
emu.10002331914But why does he do it, Mama? emu.10002331914 Do n't you like the name?"
emu.10002331914Does a man have to knock you down to take a hint?
emu.10002331914Got who?
emu.10002331914How did you get money?
emu.10002331914How long?
emu.10002331914How much?
emu.10002331914How much?
emu.10002331914How'll I trade mules? emu.10002331914 Is that so?"
emu.10002331914Mrs. McCraline,I said, sneaking in a firm tone,"Do you believe this?"
emu.10002331914Now, do you hear?
emu.10002331914Now, my plan is,I started, with a determined expression,"to have you call her up, see?"
emu.10002331914Oh, ca n't I get away from you? emu.10002331914 Said about you?"
emu.10002331914Then we will, wo n't we?
emu.10002331914Well Devereaux,he said,"do you think that you can run a car?"
emu.10002331914Well,he seemed to roar in a commanding way,"Why do n't you bring him to the house?"
emu.10002331914What are you doing in my house, after what you said about me?
emu.10002331914What does all that mean?
emu.10002331914What is your price?
emu.10002331914What say?
emu.10002331914What were the d — Nichol¬ sons sticking their noses into Tipp county towns for? emu.10002331914 Where?"
emu.10002331914Why, another Calias? emu.10002331914 You have money?"
emu.10002331914You're too young, and besides,she asked"do you know whether W. 0. wants you?"
emu.1000233191454 The Conquest CHAPTER VI"and where is oristown?"
emu.10002331914Away when the child was born, eh?"
emu.10002331914Brooks, where did you come from?
emu.10002331914Do n't you know that man Nunemaker is the biggest grafter in Oristown?
emu.10002331914Have n't I told you I have enough?"
emu.10002331914He fumbled his pencil thoughtfully while I waited nervously then went on:"And you feel quite capable of running a car, do you?"
emu.10002331914He had only one animal, according to my horse- sense(?
emu.10002331914He listened carefully and when I was through he said:"They gave you a warranty deed, did they not?"
emu.10002331914He would let out a sort of yowl;"Little Joe, ca n't you do it?"
emu.10002331914However, the crowd were looking for encour¬ agement and spoke up in chorus:"Do n't the rail¬ roads always follow valleys?"
emu.10002331914However, you call up in about an hour, and if he is still here, I'll say'this is the wrong number, see?'"
emu.10002331914Huh, do you suppose I want your old mule?"
emu.10002331914I said:"What is the matter?
emu.10002331914I would sit through it all quite un¬ emotional, and nightly I would be approached with"are n't you ready?"
emu.10002331914I've got a girl for you; what do you think of that?"
emu.10002331914If he should have her relinquish, then where would I be, and the one thousand, five hundred dollars I had paid them?
emu.10002331914My heart went out to her, and I wanted to help and said:"Why did you not write to me, did n't you know that I would have done something?"
emu.10002331914Now what did it mean?
emu.10002331914On the level now, or are you just chiding me?"
emu.10002331914She continued to look hard at me, then meekly reached up and touched my chin, looked into my eyes, and said:"Why do n't you wash your face?"
emu.10002331914That was where the rub came in, which way would the road go?
emu.10002331914The question uppermost in my mind became,"'Would not I become like that, would I too, deny my race?"
emu.10002331914Then some¬ one suggested that it might be the same old game, and here would come a pause, then the question,"What old game?"
emu.10002331914Then—"Ah, Poiter, will you tell me when we get to Valparaiso?"
emu.10002331914Were they not satisfied with Calias, where they had grafted everybody out of their money?"
emu.10002331914What was up?
emu.10002331914When I crossed the street one of the men who had tried to sell me a team jumped me with:"Well, they got you, did they?"
emu.10002331914When we got back, I sang the old story to which she answered with,"Do you really want me?"
emu.10002331914Why do you go on so?
emu.10002331914Why was Ernest Nicholson moving the bank of Calias five miles west of Megory and setting it down on or near the end of the survey?
emu.10002331914and O, Mrs. Quante, would you care for some radishes, cucumbers or lettuce for tomorrow?
emu.10002331914but that is a lot of land,"I exclaimed, getting in¬ terested,"and what is it worth an acre?"
emu.10002331914did you say how'll I trade mules?
emu.10002331914— From San Antonio?
hvd.32044010537264'But how is I gwine ter stop her?' hvd.32044010537264 'But s'posen de patteroles ketch me, Aun'Peggy, w'at I gwine ter do?'
hvd.32044010537264'W'at debil's wuk is dis?' hvd.32044010537264 'W'at do I mean?
hvd.32044010537264'at's gone wid de noo nigger?' hvd.32044010537264 And I'll venture to say,"I contin- ued,"that you subscribed something toward the support of the new church? ”.
hvd.32044010537264And who was poor Sandy?
hvd.32044010537264Are you seriously considering the possibility of a man's being turned into a tree?
hvd.32044010537264But that is n't a reason; what objec- tion have you to a mule?.
hvd.32044010537264But why not?
hvd.32044010537264But,'sez Dan,'how kin I see her in de da'k? hvd.32044010537264 Did you eber see a club- footed nig- ger befo'er sence?"
hvd.32044010537264Do you know anything about the time when this vineyard was culti- vated?
hvd.32044010537264Do you live around here?
hvd.32044010537264Does the noise affect your nerves?
hvd.32044010537264Is that story true?
hvd.32044010537264Is what?
hvd.32044010537264Ti'ed er me? hvd.32044010537264 Warn him of what, Uncle Julius?
hvd.32044010537264What are they going to do about the ghost?
hvd.32044010537264What put such an absurd idea into your head?
hvd.32044010537264What things?
hvd.32044010537264What was it about Mr. McLean's dream, Julius?
hvd.32044010537264What's the best way to make her go?
hvd.32044010537264What's the matter, Uncle Julius?
hvd.32044010537264Where is Mabel?
hvd.32044010537264Which way shall we go,I asked,-"the short road or the long one?"
hvd.32044010537264Who is it?' hvd.32044010537264 Who's going away, Marshall?"
hvd.32044010537264Whose haunt?
hvd.32044010537264Why not?
hvd.32044010537264You are not afraid of Chloe's haunt, are you?
hvd.32044010537264You en Mis'Annie would n'wanter b'lieve me, ef I wuz ter'low dat dat man was oncet a mule?.
hvd.32044010537264You er lookin'kinder po'ly, Mars Jeems,'sez Solomon Is you be'n sick, suh?' hvd.32044010537264 • Kin I kyar little Mose wid me, mars- ter?'
hvd.32044010537264'"W'at you laffin'at, Hot- Foot?'
hvd.32044010537264'W'at you mean by de kin'er'oman you made?'
hvd.32044010537264215 The Conjure Woman Hot- Foot Hannibal fiel'-han's,'sez Chloe, tossin'her head;'w'at you want wid me, Hot- Foot?'
hvd.3204401053726491"'Is dat you, Solomon?'
hvd.32044010537264Bimeby she up'n'says:-"Sandy, is I eber tol you I wuz a cunjuh'oman?'
hvd.32044010537264En s'posen I hits at her en misses her?
hvd.32044010537264En w'en little Mose growed reason Fac'is som studyin"158 159 The Conjure Woman Sis'Becky's Pickaninny serta j?
hvd.32044010537264Er s'posen I des woun's her, en she gits erway, — w'at she gwine do ter me den?'
hvd.32044010537264Has you be'n gittin''long any v better on de plantation?
hvd.32044010537264Have you, Julius? ”.
hvd.32044010537264He way- laid her, en sezee:- “ Hoddy, Chloe?'
hvd.32044010537264How is you feelin'dis mawnin'?'
hvd.32044010537264How you feelin'dis mawnin'?'
hvd.32044010537264I hopes you er well?'
hvd.32044010537264Is you de Norv'n “ Why not? ” I asked.
hvd.32044010537264Is you fotch'de mule?'
hvd.32044010537264Julius, will you go back and get it for me?"
hvd.32044010537264She beckon'ter'i m, — de oberseah wuz down on de yuther side er de fiel', — en sez she:-"W'y ain'you done come en'po'ted ter me lack I tol you?'.
hvd.32044010537264So she'clared she?
hvd.32044010537264W'at I laffin'at?
hvd.32044010537264W'at you mean by dis foolis'ness?"
hvd.32044010537264W'at you mean, nigger?'
hvd.32044010537264W'at'll you gimme: fer dat nigger baby?'.
hvd.32044010537264W'en he got close ter de cunjuh man, dis cunjuh man sez, sezee:- “ Hoddy, Brer Dan?
hvd.32044010537264Whar is de mule?'
hvd.32044010537264Whar'd he git de ham?
hvd.32044010537264What do you imagine it would cost to have that neck of woods down by the swamp cleared up? ”.
hvd.32044010537264Why did you stop, Julius?"
hvd.32044010537264Will dat do?'
hvd.32044010537264Will you get them for me, John?"
hvd.32044010537264You'mem- ber dat shote I was up ter yo'planta- tion inquirin''bout las'June?'
hvd.32044010537264gers'spised'i m ez much ez dey hated?
hvd.32044010537264is dat you?'
hvd.32044010537264possible yarn which Julius was spinning to- day?"
hvd.32044010537264w'en you was gittin'out'n de rockaway down ter Mars Archie McMillan's sto'?"
hvd.32044010537264« « W'at's all dat fuss'bout?'
hvd.32044010537264“ Hoddy do, ma'm,'sezee; is yo'name Sis'Mahaly, w'at b'longs ter Mars Dugal McAdoo?'
uc1.b5521446What are you laughing at?
uc1.b5521446Why, Beulah, ” said he,what is the matter with you to- day?
uc1.b552144623 affairs once for all?
uc1.b5521446According to tradition, Adam was as brown as a bun; and cer- tainly our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ must liave been a very dark- complexioned man?
uc1.b5521446And had they not the right to vote as they pleased, even as others had?
uc1.b5521446And how did we knock down the house and kill him?
uc1.b5521446And shall a sinful nation indeed escape from blood- red crimes like these?
uc1.b5521446And white men were thankful enough to be saved by our men, and who could blame them?
uc1.b5521446Besides, were they not free?
uc1.b5521446But after they had gone, Muriel called her brother Willy, and said,"Willie, do you see that boat?
uc1.b5521446But all wished to behold the old Kentucky shore again, for who does not love the scenes of their youth?
uc1.b5521446But how could we expect more success than we had under the circumstances?
uc1.b5521446But what about slavery?
uc1.b5521446But where are representatives in Congress to- day, and where are the colored Senators and others in the legislative halls of the Southern States?
uc1.b5521446But who heard ine then?
uc1.b5521446But who would ever see or hear me in the cotton fields, or the sugar plantations, and in the rice swamps of Louisiana or Georgia?
uc1.b5521446But will one hundredth part of the truth ever be told?
uc1.b5521446But, Beulah, will you marry me then? ”"Yes, with pleasure, when we are free from the chains of slavery."
uc1.b5521446Can we have work?
uc1.b5521446Can you suggest no remedy, my own dear Beulah?"
uc1.b5521446Did those men do nothing for their country, after all their drillings and other miglity preparations for the purpose of going to the field?
uc1.b5521446Does anybody mean to say that Adam and the Lord Jesus had no right to be respected because they were as brown as a bun in complexion?
uc1.b5521446From the very first day when a rebel was shot dead by a former servant(?)
uc1.b5521446He had been casting “ sheep's eyes ” at me for several years past, but who could think of marriage whilst in a state of slavery?
uc1.b5521446Here are a few questions and answers that will speak for them- selves:"Now, Uncle Joe, what did you come for?"
uc1.b5521446I ask; Me from delights to sever, Me to torture, me to task?
uc1.b5521446I do n't think it erer will; because it will never be known, and who can write the history of that which we do n't know?
uc1.b5521446If we have advanced so much in thirty- two years, how much farther shall we be in thirty- two more?
uc1.b5521446Lincoln, will you be so kind as to favor us with some of your warm Southern music?"
uc1.b5521446Now, since this world began, dear reader, when did any one of us ever hear of such a farce as this?
uc1.b5521446Of course there was some risk to run, but who would not dare all for freedom?
uc1.b5521446Oh, children ai n't you glad, The sea gave away?
uc1.b5521446Oh, children, ai nt you glad, That Moses smote the waters,---- Oh, children ai n't you glad The sea gave away?
uc1.b5521446Shall a guilty nation indeed escape for deeds like these?
uc1.b5521446Shall not these who criminally carry on the slavetrade, and slavery, soon atone for all this?
uc1.b5521446Still in thought as free as ever, What are England's rights?
uc1.b5521446The day is coming, and what will you do about it?
uc1.b5521446The shot- gun policy was now beginning to recoil on itself, for who can till the soil of the South like colored men?
uc1.b5521446Was it any wonder, then, that we had so little success in this war which God himself had sent, chiefly that the slaves should be freed?
uc1.b5521446Was it not, if possible, a ten times greater sin to carry on slavery than for the Southern States to secede?
uc1.b5521446Was there ever such a shout of joy heard since the Is- raelites escaped from Egyptian slavery, when Pharaoh and all his host perished in the Red Sea?
uc1.b5521446What could they do with- out salt?
uc1.b5521446What joys has this world like them?
uc1.b5521446What was the use ef Camp This, or Camp That, or Camp the Other Place to them?
uc1.b5521446When were too women ever so happy on a New York boat on the Lower Mississippi?
uc1.b5521446Where, now, was the doctrine, indeed,"That the descendants the African race had no rights that a white man was bound to respect?"
uc1.b5521446Which one of us has not had a grand day of triumph, as well as his night of misfortune and distress?
uc1.b5521446Who ever gave “ the white man ” the right to use such language, un- less it was wickedly presumed by his own presumptuous and lying ar- rogance?
uc1.b5521446Who ever heard of such unmanliness and cowardice?
uc1.b5521446Who need wonder, in- deed, that our arms had such small success for almost two years after the rebels seceded?
uc1.b5521446Who would ever have imagined that in our own day history would thus have repeated itself?
uc1.b5521446Whoever read anything more pathetic than the above?
uc1.b5521446Why did all- creating nature Make the plant for which we toil?
uc1.b5521446Why not?
uc1.b5521446You can imagine how grieved I was, but how much worse must mother have felt?
uc1.b5521446instead of being a human being like yourself, and one for whom Christ died?
uc1.b5521446the triumphal march of the education of the colored race, for who, in- deed, could stop the waves of the ocean?
uc1.b5521446“ What hath not God wrought? ” Those more than four decisive years, so heavy with fate and destiny, looked long, very long, in pass- ing, but ah!
nnc1.50042212Are you sure that it was George Simmons? ” asked the chief. nnc1.50042212 Come Sister Simmons, what do you say?"
nnc1.50042212He is showing me up is he? ” was the thought that entered his mind. nnc1.50042212 Is that so,"said Mrs. Simmons,"where is he?
nnc1.50042212To what did you arise Mr. Washington? ”Mr. Chairman, I arise to make a motion.
nnc1.50042212Well what do purpose to take up as a life work? ” she asked. nnc1.50042212 What do you mean George Simmons?""
nnc1.50042212What is so rare as a day in June? nnc1.50042212 Where is he? ” We have a writ for him. ” “ A writ for what? ” cried Mrs. Simmons"What has he done? ”"Well he is charged with incendiarism.
nnc1.50042212Where is he? ” We have a writ for him. ” “ A writ for what? ” cried Mrs. SimmonsWhat has he done? ”"Well he is charged with incendiarism.
nnc1.50042212Where is he? ” We have a writ for him. ” “ A writ for what? ” cried Mrs. SimmonsWhat has he done? ”"Well he is charged with incendiarism.
nnc1.50042212Who is Charley Christopher? ” returned his father. nnc1.50042212 Why I have always had this opinion of you Mr. Christopher, do you doubt me?"
nnc1.50042212You back Lillian?
nnc1.50042212You have heard the resolutions, what is your pleasure? ”Mr. Chairman, ” the voice came from the women's side of the house.
nnc1.50042212's"Did you get your letters? ” asked Mrs. Mc.
nnc1.50042212128 LILLIAN SIMMONS"Do you always expect to remain a porter in the dry goods store? ” said she, putting the question directly.
nnc1.50042212And to what purpose, when this cowork- er, weaker than himself, secures the big paying position, and he is forced to take to the fields of drudgery?
nnc1.50042212Are you ready for the question? ” “ Question! ” A number of voices rang out through the house.
nnc1.50042212At this one of the boys remarked:"You do n't think he is afraid of you do you?
nnc1.50042212But did she not give him cause to hope?
nnc1.50042212But what have the colored people for their children to do?
nnc1.50042212But would Charles Christopher have listened to her mother as he had listened to 79 80 LILLIAN SIMMONS her?
nnc1.50042212But would a plea from her mother have had the same effect on him?
nnc1.50042212Charles asked, “ Lillian my love will you be mine? ” The answer came in accents, sweet and tender.
nnc1.50042212Could he not go away now and at some future time return and say the things that he desired so much to say to her?
nnc1.50042212Did n't I tell you all that moth- er?
nnc1.50042212Do n't you know I had rather obey the call of death a hundred times than submit to your demand?
nnc1.50042212Do you remember old man Littlejohn's speech in the early chapters of this book?
nnc1.50042212Do you think he committed the deed?"
nnc1.50042212How about it Mr. Simmons? ” Captain Simmons had been sitting listening quietly to what Mrs. Simmons was saying.
nnc1.50042212Or have you ever tried to figure it out? ” At this juncture Charles paused for a re- ply.
nnc1.50042212She immediately awoke, exclaiming,"What on earth is the matter with my child?
nnc1.50042212Suppose you let me send you down there?
nnc1.50042212Tell me why, George Simmons, in a straight- forward, candid manner the reason why?
nnc1.50042212The school lasts ten months. ” see what he asked me to the length of A TEACHER WANTED 107"When will you be back this way?"
nnc1.50042212Was it not cowardly for him to leave at this particular time, when these Northern peo- ple could and should be taught a lesson?
nnc1.50042212Was not the hope held out in tender and confidentially spoken words worth the sacrifice?
nnc1.50042212What could it mean?
nnc1.50042212What do you say, Madam? ” said the Bishop, turning to Mrs. Simmons.
nnc1.50042212What has happened? ” She was awake, but it seemed an age before her senses would aid her in deter- mining the trouble with her daughter.
nnc1.50042212What has he to do?
nnc1.50042212What is the further pleasure of the house? ” he asked, as his gavel fell heavily upon the table before him.
nnc1.50042212What results can you show, my Northern brother, by pursuing your revengeful fighting policy?
nnc1.50042212What salary does the posi- tion pay?"
nnc1.50042212What will papa and mama say when they know of this? ” George was too tired or nervous to reply.
nnc1.50042212What would those of his sympathizing friends say and think of him?
nnc1.50042212Why cast them all on a heap together and treat them all as un- worthy?
nnc1.50042212Why is she forced to mingle with or- dinary mortals like us?
nnc1.50042212Will you leave for my sake? ” Charles could no more resist the pleadings of Lillian Simmons than he could dam up the great Niagra.
nnc1.50042212YUN"When you cast'flections on de Souf, you cast'flections on me. ” THE INDIGNATION MEETING 61 Why?
nnc1.50042212You are a graduate are you not?
nnc1.50042212You can see how im- pudently he stares at me. ” “ That fellow right there? ” said the conduc- tor.
nnc1.50042212“ George what is the matter with you? ” asked his mother at length.
nnc1.50042212“ Is n't that true? ” she said, as she stooped and patted the large St. Bernard dog on the head, that lay happily at her feet.
nnc1.50042212“ Is that he?
nnc1.50042212“ Mother, may I go to the library this morn- ing and get my book?
nnc1.50042212“ Tell me the truth son, you did not set fire to Christopher's store did you? ”"No father I did not ” said George.
nnc1.50042212“ Well mother, what are we going to do? ” she said one morning at the breakfast table, af- ter George and her father had left.
nnc1.50042212“ What inducements have your boys and girls to complete a course here in the North?
nnc1.50042212“ Who poked you in the eye? ” Charles told him about the fight, how it started and all.
nnc1.50042212“ You are so kind and manly, one could scarcely keep from caring for you,""Do you really mean it? ” he asked.
nnc1.50042212“ You do nt mean to tell me that you oppose separate schools in the South do you, or in the North either as to that matter?
mdp.39015022276797How was that? ” inquired the Canadian quietly. mdp.39015022276797 108 I have an aunt? ” She sounded breathless, excited and afraid. mdp.39015022276797 A wake? mdp.39015022276797 After all, does a Negro have to wear a placard announcing what he is? mdp.39015022276797 Am I correct, Colonel, in saying that I see in this move a fine Italian hand?
mdp.39015022276797Are our emotions so different? ”"I'll answer you with a quotation: ‘ Love to a man is a thing apart, to a woman her whole existence.
mdp.39015022276797Blood? ” Roy laughed.
mdp.39015022276797But may I ask whether these so- called white friends have ever invited you to dinner, to a visit in their homes?
mdp.39015022276797But what's on your mind? ” “ How about rounding up some of the boys to see what they think?
mdp.39015022276797But what's on your mind? ” “ How about rounding up some of the boys to see what they think?
mdp.39015022276797But why had the conductor permitted him to sit there in the first place?
mdp.39015022276797Can one toss it aside and have done with it for all time?
mdp.39015022276797Could we figuratively remove our insignia and speak man to man? ” The room was in dead silence.
mdp.39015022276797Did n't we render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's?
mdp.39015022276797Did n't you tell me once that you had a chick parked in your car on a lonely road and you decided to take her to your apartment?
mdp.39015022276797Enough of what? ” exclaimed Roy, amazed.
mdp.39015022276797Finally she laughed softly, countering, “ What of a man?
mdp.39015022276797Finally, Roy broke the stillness by demanding, “ Say, what is this?
mdp.39015022276797Had education and religion failed- or was hate a fiercer emotion than love?
mdp.39015022276797Had his rank gone to his head?
mdp.39015022276797He answered impishly, “ I was doing what comes naturally, Captain. ”"Are you trying to be smart?"
mdp.39015022276797He simply asked, “ Then, why did you enter the army as a white man? ” “ Actually, I had no choice.
mdp.39015022276797He was jolted back to reality by the hissing voice of the conductor demanding belligerently, menacingly, “ What the hell is wrong with you?
mdp.39015022276797How about explaining? ”"Well, ” he said, “ I'll be personal.
mdp.39015022276797How black is black, anyway?
mdp.39015022276797How can you generate so much heat in this Michigan calm?
mdp.39015022276797How would my spirit and body react?
mdp.39015022276797Is it really you?
mdp.39015022276797Is my accent so different? ” He sipped his fruit juice which had just been served and eyed the chaplain playfully.
mdp.39015022276797Is that the thanks I get for breaking my neck to come over here to inform you? ” demanded Roy somewhat heatedly.
mdp.39015022276797Is there any truth to this?
mdp.39015022276797Is this your idea of a bull session?"
mdp.39015022276797It is a beautiful night, is n't it?
mdp.39015022276797Just what gives? ” Holding onto his patience, Roy said, “ Let's get together in an hour and exchange notes."
mdp.39015022276797May I presume to ask whether you are a sea captain?"
mdp.39015022276797Maybe you want a strip- teaser too, eh?
mdp.39015022276797Mr. City Slicker walks over, gracefully opens the door, saying with a low bow, ‘ May I have the pleasure?'
mdp.39015022276797Must he degrade himself by rising and going “ where he belonged ”?
mdp.39015022276797Not working today?"
mdp.39015022276797Now, tell me, where was the rank?
mdp.39015022276797Over and over again, he heard the words repeating themselves like a refrain: “ Are n't you a nigger?
mdp.39015022276797Over his shoulder, he said,'An uppish nigger, eh?
mdp.39015022276797Roy announced excitedly, “ Colonel Holmes, there's a race riot in Detroit. ” “ What?
mdp.39015022276797Shall we dub him Mr. Country?
mdp.39015022276797Since when does thirty- six —? ” “ Brother, ” laughed Frank, “ you'll never see thirty- six again.
mdp.39015022276797So I'll call it to the attention of those in command, and maybe- who knows? ” The major kept his promise.
mdp.39015022276797So why should n't they?
mdp.39015022276797So, I must assume a leadership, buck a system in which I know the cards are stacked against me and find my ass in jail?
mdp.39015022276797Some salesman or meter- reader in civilian life defends him, but who prosecutes him?
mdp.39015022276797The bartender looked at Roy significantly, then said, “ Sorry, but I think you've had enough. ”"Had enough?
mdp.39015022276797The enlisted man who sold him the bars grinned and asked, “ May I be the first to pin them on you, Captain?
mdp.39015022276797Then how could the individ- ual be blamed?
mdp.39015022276797Was he anti- Negro?
mdp.39015022276797Was he trying to be smart, to thwart the laws?
mdp.39015022276797What happens when a man draws a courtmar- tial?
mdp.39015022276797What if he returns maimed?
mdp.39015022276797What in hell are you doing in the army? ” The major was so overjoyed that he fairly shouted.
mdp.39015022276797What is it? ”"Well, those silver oak leaves place me at a disadvantage.
mdp.39015022276797What other ad- justment could I make?
mdp.39015022276797What was it?
mdp.39015022276797What would hap- pen to me if I took this moment of joy- with you leaving tomor- row?
mdp.39015022276797What's troubling you? ” “ It's just this, Colonel.
mdp.39015022276797Why be prosaic if you can say a thing elegantly?
mdp.39015022276797Why did n't he go to the back of the car as ordered?
mdp.39015022276797Why had he collected his fare?
mdp.39015022276797Why must these occurrences take place, he asked himself, and with such frequency?
mdp.39015022276797Why single out the woman?
mdp.39015022276797Why? ” Unfortunately for him, Roy was in a facetious mood.
mdp.39015022276797With a half smile, half sneer, he took a puff and remarked, “ You have n't learned yet how to live with white folks, have you, Harry?'
mdp.39015022276797You're a nigger, are n't you? ” That only made matters worse.
mdp.39015022276797“ All roads lead to Rome, remember? ” “ Now what the hell does that mean? ” “ I tell you what.
mdp.39015022276797“ All roads lead to Rome, remember? ” “ Now what the hell does that mean? ” “ I tell you what.
mdp.39015022276797“ Are you going in?"
mdp.39015022276797“ Colonel Holmes, may I have a word with you? ” “ Yes.
mdp.39015022276797“ Colonel, what about my cousin? ” Roy asked.
mdp.39015022276797“ How's about seeing if this is according to Hoyle? ” said the bearer.
mdp.39015022276797“ Lieutenant Raymond? ” “ Yes, sir."
mdp.39015022276797“ So, you care for Mr. Country, eh? ” “ Let's not discuss it further.
mdp.39015022276797“ Sullenly, his quiet anger rising up to his throat, Harry re- plied,'Have you learned to live with Negroes, sir?'
mdp.39015022276797“ What the hell do you guys want?
mdp.39015022276797“ What the hell do you mean by the oldest of you all?
mdp.39015022276797“ What will you have, Roy? ” asked Steve.
mdp.39015022276797“ Where do I eat, Colonel? ” “ The chaplains have a portion of an enlisted men's mess hall fixed up for themselves.
mdp.39015022276797“ Why do n't you use army transportation instead of wearing out your own car? ” asked Roy.
osu.32435018561423# 3 “ What?
osu.32435018561423113 looked me up?
osu.32435018561423155 own, or a sister's, or some other colored boy's way through school? ” “ I think that was a good thing, Mr. Ripley.
osu.32435018561423221 a Democratic primary, knowing at the time that you have no voice in the primary which selected the gandidate?
osu.3243501856142345 and returned as cast?
osu.32435018561423> k> k> k> k> k> k: k “ What is it to be a co- laborer with God?
osu.32435018561423After having read it, she turned to Van Court- ney, saying, “ Charley, what did you tell the gentle- man? ” “ I ’ve told him nothing.
osu.32435018561423And why? — surely not from anything she had spoken, much less acted.
osu.32435018561423As they seated themeselves, he exclaimed: “ Ah, this is nice. ” “ What is nice? ” she inquired.
osu.32435018561423Burleigh's home had been despoiled. ” “ Go on, what else was said? ” he eagerly inquired.
osu.32435018561423But suppose you were to leave your present post, would you not shirk a great responsibility?
osu.32435018561423But what is it I was sayin ’ about you jus ’ now?
osu.32435018561423But what is the subject of the lecture?
osu.32435018561423But what of Frederick Douglass?
osu.32435018561423But where is Jack Dempsey? ” “ We'll have him here before morning, and have him strung up, ” came a voice in reply.
osu.32435018561423Can I render you any service? ” asked Toussaint.
osu.32435018561423Chairman:( a voice from a Democratic by- stander), will you permit me to ask the speaker a question? ” 160 NEITHER BOND NOR FREE.
osu.32435018561423Do you see them? ” “ I see the dregs, if that is what you mean. ” “ Zactly so.
osu.32435018561423Got any tongue?
osu.32435018561423Handle papers — do n't you write for a livin ’? ” Van Courtney did not condescend to reply.
osu.32435018561423He thinks you are so jolly. ” “ Yes, I think he should like me. ” “ Why? ” asked Clarissa.
osu.32435018561423He's done nothing. ” “ What is your name, Miss? ” “ Never mind about that.
osu.32435018561423How does it happen that he is so debased and despised now?
osu.32435018561423How long have you been here? ” “ Since October. ” “ Have you been in this city for months and not NEITHER BOND NOR FREE.
osu.32435018561423How shall he feed on high thoughts and noble aims?
osu.32435018561423How would you feel about it? ” “ They are in Alabama; I'm here.
osu.32435018561423I do n’t understand you. ” “ Would you not lose caste by taking me around?
osu.32435018561423I, myself was at Columbian for a while, but got marrying in my head, so had to shut down there. ” “ You mean that you are married? ” “ Oh, no.
osu.32435018561423If her eager sympathies were not awakened responsive to the thought of the hardships to which others had been subjected, then what?
osu.32435018561423If you intend to carry Africa into the war, will you take this Afro- American( pointing to Van Courtney) along with you? ” queried Ethel.
osu.32435018561423Is this the goal you desire? ” asked Merna.
osu.32435018561423Is this, too, to be regarded as merely a personal offense? ” “ No, that was a National disgrace, and righteous- NEITHER BOND NOR FREE.
osu.32435018561423Let me have it. ” “ I wanted to improve my mental condition, and thus I am here. ” “ School, eh?
osu.32435018561423Officer, why should you want to take him away to prison when he will marry me to- night?
osu.32435018561423Oh, Charley, why did you fool me away from home, promising to marry me, and then set me adrift in this strange city?
osu.32435018561423Or was it from environment in Boston, that modern Athens, set like some rare jewel in the heaven of New Eng- land liberty?
osu.32435018561423Ripley, do you hear what my learned friend has to say?
osu.32435018561423Shall I whisper, fond reader, the truth that black pansies could not mingle where octoroons, quadroons and mulattoes congregate?
osu.32435018561423She threatens to commit some rash act if I do not show up before nine o'clock to- night. ” “ Is it as bad as that? ” innocently asked Strother.
osu.32435018561423Tell me if I will ever be married? ” asked Ethel.
osu.32435018561423The little fellow is her Mascot you see. ” “ And you say this is an old institution? ” asked Merna.
osu.32435018561423Was he not also a great and noble man?
osu.32435018561423We may well pause and ask, ‘ Watchman, what of the night?'
osu.32435018561423What business has any other man with the color of my wife?
osu.32435018561423What do you think?
osu.32435018561423What employment could willing hands find in Bos- ton?
osu.32435018561423What is prejudice, anyway?
osu.32435018561423What? ” eagerly inquired Van Courtney and Ethel.
osu.32435018561423Where are you. ” “ I am at Howard Law School — Howard Univer- sity. ” “ Studying then — law?
osu.32435018561423Where's your license?
osu.32435018561423Who draws the color line then?
osu.32435018561423Who in its pursuit would be dismayed?
osu.32435018561423Why not the lily of the valley?
osu.32435018561423Will you fly in the face of nature and prejudice?
osu.32435018561423and what business have I with the color of any other man's wife?
osu.32435018561423said “ Preservatory?
osu.32435018561423‘ Well, whar you gwine, enyway?"
osu.32435018561423“ Ah, there, Ethel! ” “ How are you, dear boy? ” retorted the girl.
osu.32435018561423“ Charley, what have you to do with this negro question, anyway?
osu.32435018561423“ I am delighted with this visit to the South, ” “ Then you know something of the fair South? ” she said.
osu.32435018561423“ In a hurry? ” “ No, I have nothing to do until four o'clock, when I am to call at my employer ’s office for him. ” “ Wait.
osu.32435018561423“ Jack, ” said Swepsy, “ why do n’t you talk?
osu.32435018561423“ No, I do n't tie to her any more. ” “ Since when? ” she asked.
osu.32435018561423“ The great problem is, after all, how shall one grow in sympathy and tenderness and generosity and consideration?
osu.32435018561423“ We are accustomed, ” he said, “ to ask ourselves what is the remedy for existing evils meted out to us in this country?
osu.32435018561423“ What about the ferry? ” asked Merna.
osu.32435018561423“ What game shall we play? ” queried Mr. Bur- leigh, as the party loitered under the big oak tree, 94 NEITHER BOND NOR FREE.
osu.32435018561423“ What's Freedom without Sumpin'wid It? ”............ 202 CHAPTER XXIII.
osu.32435018561423“ When P Where? ” he asked.
osu.32435018561423“ Where I gwine?
osu.32435018561423“ Where? ” he inquired.
osu.32435018561423“ Who is she, and what brings her to this place? ” Toussaint was altogether too busied with these questions to hurry homeward.
osu.32435018561423“ Why do you arrest me?
osu.32435018561423“ You come from away. ” “ From where? ” asked Ethel.
osu.32435018561423“ You were all gambling, then? ” inquired an officer, of the party.
osu.32435018561423“ You, sir, ” began Swepsy in a sprightly vain, “ do n’t b'lieve in fortunes. ” “ Do you see that in the cup? ” laughed Van Courtney.
hvd.32044021096433But how about yourself, Miss Norris; you say the people esteem me very highly — are you not one of the people? hvd.32044021096433 But the man who stirred up all this excitement, and for rancor and hate caused the death of this noble man — what of him?
hvd.32044021096433Has n't she nice hair?
hvd.32044021096433How came you here, my friends?
hvd.32044021096433How is Elder Buchanan?
hvd.32044021096433Industrialism controls our ideas of education; and we ask,'Will it pay? hvd.32044021096433 Is it possible, Westmoreland, said Mr. DeWitt,"that you allow your people to conduct themselves in this manner?
hvd.32044021096433Is not the South kept out of the line of prog- ress by reason of bad laws and partial administra- tion? hvd.32044021096433 Since all men are weak, blind and erring, who among them is able to fix the correct standard of living?
hvd.32044021096433Sir, how can I judge of or know at this time how you will be regarded by the p.eople, or myself, ten days hence? hvd.32044021096433 Then,"said Lucius,"Must I regard this as my dismissal?"
hvd.32044021096433They ca n't learn anything from books, and if they did, what could they do with it in the place we have fixed for them? hvd.32044021096433 Well, boy, what is it?"
hvd.32044021096433Well, what is it?
hvd.32044021096433What is it?
hvd.32044021096433Where am I? hvd.32044021096433 Who will till our fertile fields if you drive five million laborers from our country?
hvd.32044021096433Whut wus de Kuklux Klan an'Night Ridahs eriginated fer? hvd.32044021096433 Why do we grow nervous when in or near a graveyard in the night time?
hvd.32044021096433Why should man not delight more in creation, than in cruelty?
hvd.32044021096433Why was Uncle Ben Jones whipped so badly by those men who ride at night, with the long faces on, and who look so scary? hvd.32044021096433 You ask why the raiders whipped poor Uncle Ben so — those Kuklux?
hvd.32044021096433113 poor, ignorant and weak brothers and sisters?
hvd.32044021096433143"Yes, but it does not affect the heart, does It?"
hvd.32044021096433167 justice?
hvd.32044021096433227"What do we care for their morals so we get cotton and make money?"
hvd.3204402109643371 our fathers stop to ask whether it was just to take this country from the Indians?"
hvd.3204402109643388 become a brute rather than a man?
hvd.32044021096433After a few moments Julian exclaimed:"I must win, I will win,"and opening his eyes, he looked around and said,"Where am I?
hvd.32044021096433Am I without race or nation?
hvd.32044021096433An'why all dis?
hvd.32044021096433And, too, said he,"Why should I choose to take the place assigned me by white prejudice?
hvd.32044021096433Are not these persecutions and oppressions the burden of our songs and sighs?"
hvd.32044021096433Are we not using information received from others?
hvd.32044021096433Are you going to allow five'nigger'votes to one white vote to go into the ballot- box?"
hvd.32044021096433As the rope tightened the old preacher cried out, with a gurgle in his throat:"0 Laud, my Gaud, is dar no help fer de widcr's son?"
hvd.32044021096433As they walked slowly on, the boy said to his mother:"Mamma, is not this a lovely evening?
hvd.32044021096433At these meetings names were brought in and discussed, and proscribed lists made out of those Negroes who were con- es?
hvd.32044021096433Bruther Brown, can you feed yoah famly uv ten offen fifty cents ah day fer your wuk, specially, when one- third uv de days is bad days?
hvd.32044021096433But are there not peaceful victories not less far reaching than those of bloody conflict?
hvd.32044021096433But is it not better to fight these forces of evil with the weapons of the Master than by a resistance which can only end in defeat?
hvd.32044021096433By that sin fell great Rome; then how can this nation escape?'"
hvd.32044021096433Can I get one of the men to go to the road and see if anything can be seen of the horse?
hvd.32044021096433De- laney left, saying:"Why do the heathen rage and evil people imagine a vain thing?"
hvd.32044021096433Did Daniel reproach wickedness and cor- ruption in rulers less because he was cast as food to the wild beasts?
hvd.32044021096433Did they check or turn aside the living stream of salvation which flowed from the soul of John Bunyan, by casting him into prison?
hvd.32044021096433Do you call hit betteh ter be compelled ter wuk frum mont'ter mont'fer little ur no pay, Kukluxed by night an'mobbed an'lynched by day?
hvd.32044021096433Do you know that it is asserted by many that you know more about Julian's acci- dent than you care to tell?"
hvd.32044021096433Do you offer no objection to these bestial sports?"
hvd.32044021096433Do you think that the millions of any other race on earth would submit as tamely as does the Negro to these out- rages and injustices?"
hvd.32044021096433Do you understand?
hvd.32044021096433Does the Negro feel that the Fourth of July is the day of salvation for him?"
hvd.32044021096433Has the United States Government no power to protect its citizens from such cruel treatment?"
hvd.32044021096433How can our women ever be pure when they feel that their men will not defend them when they are assaulted and outraged?
hvd.32044021096433I might go to the law with you, but what redress has a Negro for a wrong done him by a white man?
hvd.32044021096433I say, Why wait while we perish?
hvd.32044021096433If a thing is to be done, the first query is, Will it pay?
hvd.32044021096433If he needs goodness and knowledge, which is power, why wait till next year or the next century?
hvd.32044021096433If this be not true, why is it that nearly every manufactured article that is con- sidered most excellent and valuable comes from afar?
hvd.32044021096433If you were dead what would there be for me to live for?
hvd.32044021096433Is a man so foolish as to assume that by binding or setting bounds for my body he can fetter my soul?
hvd.32044021096433Is de white man lowah an'wuser dan de yuther wile beastis?"
hvd.32044021096433Is it for this we all have felt the flame, This newer bondage and deeper shame?
hvd.32044021096433Is it really true, Sebastian, that you associated with and treated, and now treat this Negro as a social equal?"
hvd.32044021096433May I not serve you?
hvd.32044021096433Miss DeHart asked why he was going to discard his home town and take his store of knowledge and abilities elsewhere?
hvd.32044021096433Mr. Storms then spoke up and said:"Why, gentlemen, what has he done to merit death?
hvd.32044021096433Must all we do and think yield money?
hvd.32044021096433Must man live by bread alone?
hvd.32044021096433Storms was considerably moved by what was told him, pondered much over it, and as he paced the floor, exclaimed: 250 OUT OF THE DARKNESS,"0 what am I?
hvd.32044021096433The Negro is your friend; why not treat him as such?
hvd.32044021096433The conductor said to Mr. DeShon, —"Is this your nurse?"
hvd.32044021096433The master called out,"Who's there?"
hvd.32044021096433The nurses rushed to the bed, but he did not move, for when he essayed to do so he uttered a groan, and said:"What is the matter with me?"
hvd.32044021096433These are, all of them, necessary and important, but what are they worth to a race that accepts a state of servil- ity as its fixed destiny?
hvd.32044021096433Though they may be grievous is it not better to suffer our pres- ent ills than by opposing them incur others far more disastrous?
hvd.32044021096433WHAT OF THE NIGHT AND THE FLIGHT?.'
hvd.32044021096433What are houses, land and money to men who are women?
hvd.32044021096433What destiny awaits me?
hvd.32044021096433What has happened?
hvd.32044021096433What has happened?
hvd.32044021096433What if the'niggers'are five to one of us?
hvd.32044021096433What is it that causes these feelings to come over me; can it be any influence in this beautiful dream?
hvd.32044021096433What was the'nigger'made for but to be our beast of burden, like the mule?
hvd.32044021096433What would our be- loved South be without our laborers?
hvd.32044021096433When Dr. Storms was gone Cordelia said to her brother,"Is he really a Negro?
hvd.32044021096433When it was known about the streets and in the places of business, the questions were upon every lip:"Do you know that Elder Buchanan is very ill?"
hvd.32044021096433When she came in, he said:"Well, Martiel, oh — well, may I call you that?
hvd.32044021096433When she was through with the prayer, Harold said:"Mother, is it not well that father is not living in these times?
hvd.32044021096433Where is Julian — I mean Mr. Jarnigan?
hvd.32044021096433Where is Julian?"
hvd.32044021096433Where is a race or nation which has not?
hvd.32044021096433While the Negroes are ignorant and perhaps venal to- day, will they always be so?
hvd.32044021096433Who has done me this injustice?"
hvd.32044021096433Who o'er the herd would wish to reign, Frantic, fickle, fierce and vain?
hvd.32044021096433Why can not we be actuated by the same ennobling sentiment?
hvd.32044021096433Why duz dey hate us so much more now dan dey did in de days uv slavery?
hvd.32044021096433Why have they per- sisted in dealing with the Negro as an execrable outcast?
hvd.32044021096433Why is that?'
hvd.32044021096433Why should I be a Ne- gro when I am seven- eighths white and only one- eighth Negro?
hvd.32044021096433Why should I choose death rather than life?
hvd.32044021096433Why should conditions be such in this day of advanced thought and action that I should feel more patriotic than you or your people?"
hvd.32044021096433Why should you,'nigger,'wish to have a wife and form family ties any way?
hvd.32044021096433Why, do you see that fellow lying yonder by that large oak?
hvd.32044021096433Why, how is hit dat dis mighty white man is so superiur ter de yuther branches uv de human famly, when dey is all uv one blud?
hvd.32044021096433Why, just the other day Mrs. Bloomfield said to me:"'Norris, why is it I ca n't get a servant to stay with me?
hvd.32044021096433Will he learn to do and die — To place his draggled name on high?
hvd.32044021096433Will it yield good returns by way of divi- dends?
hvd.32044021096433Will you come and share with me the cross and crown of labor?
hvd.32044021096433You are here this year and who knows where you will be next?
hvd.32044021096433You are num- bered with our cattle and mules; then why not live as the beasts of the field?"
hvd.32044021096433some poor innocent being was sacrificed to save him; and me from the death- dealing hell- hole of the South called a prison?"
hvd.32044021096433what has hap- pened?
hvd.32044021096433where are the boys?
hvd.32044021096433where is the ball?
mdp.39015054061430Friends of yours, Anne?
mdp.39015054061430I wonder if you can help me? mdp.39015054061430 Oh, that?
mdp.39015054061430Well, it seems to work out that way. ” “ How old are you, Miss Crane?
mdp.39015054061430Where in the world are the Fishers? mdp.39015054061430 Why?"
mdp.39015054061430... Jesus — of Nazareth?
mdp.390150540614302 1 4 QUICKS AND Anderson- Why not she?
mdp.39015054061430259 QUICKS AND ture like that, hold out against her?
mdp.39015054061430A taxi?
mdp.39015054061430A telegram before she went through the customs?
mdp.39015054061430A woman, tall, ex- quisitely gowned, with shining gray hair piled high, came forward murmuring in a puzzled voice:"His niece, did you say?".
mdp.39015054061430About Helga there sputtered mov- 156 QUICKS AND her personally?
mdp.39015054061430After a moment, however, she asked gently: “ You would n't like to tell me about it, would you?
mdp.39015054061430And for the reasons you've stated? ” “ Yes, partly.
mdp.39015054061430And to Helga's smiling, grateful “ Thank you, ” he returned:"Your trunks?
mdp.39015054061430And we do n't want that, do we? ” No, the man, her husband, responded, they did n't want that.
mdp.39015054061430And why did Anne, who had so much more than so many others — more than enough- want Anderson too?
mdp.39015054061430And you do n't think it might help to cure us, to have someone who does n't approve of these things stay with us?
mdp.39015054061430As easy as that?
mdp.39015054061430At his “ Miss Crane? ” her lips formed for speech, but no sound came.
mdp.39015054061430At last he spoke, in a queer frozen voice:"You refuse me?"
mdp.39015054061430Besides, what need to think of him?
mdp.39015054061430But just what did she want?
mdp.39015054061430But was n't it after all the greatest kindness to be cruel?
mdp.39015054061430But what?
mdp.39015054061430But — had she been met?
mdp.39015054061430Can I help you?"
mdp.39015054061430Can you be ready by then?
mdp.39015054061430Could she do it?
mdp.39015054061430Did it mean that the difference was to be stressed, accented?
mdp.39015054061430Did they really think at all?
mdp.39015054061430Did you have a good trip?
mdp.39015054061430Do you? ”"No."
mdp.39015054061430Else why had they decked her out as they had?
mdp.39015054061430Else why their constant slavish imitation of traits not their own?
mdp.39015054061430Even just one person, Miss Crane? ”.
mdp.39015054061430For me?
mdp.39015054061430Frankly the question came to this: what was the matter with her?
mdp.39015054061430Had He not in His great kindness given her three small lives to raise up for His glory?
mdp.39015054061430Had He not showered her with numerous other mercies( evidently too numerous to be named sepa- rately)?
mdp.39015054061430Had he insinuated marriage, or something less — and easier?
mdp.39015054061430Had not the good God saved her soul from hell- fire and eternal damnation?
mdp.39015054061430Had she anything in mind?
mdp.39015054061430Have you refer- ences? ” Helga explained.
mdp.39015054061430How can I tell that? ” Helga asked with irritating reserve, her con- centrated attention on the selection of a sand- wich.
mdp.39015054061430How could she have been?
mdp.39015054061430How long, she asked, would James be in New York?
mdp.39015054061430I beg your pardon, did you say Mrs. Nilssen?"
mdp.39015054061430I mean, if your friends sometimes go, can they?
mdp.39015054061430I mean, to your father? ”"I — I do n't know, ” stammered the girl, feeling pushed down to the uttermost depths of ignominy.
mdp.39015054061430I wonder 132 QUICKS AND how she inveigled Anderson?
mdp.39015054061430I wonder where I'm gon na die, Being neither white nor black?
mdp.39015054061430If she pretended to distress?
mdp.39015054061430In fact I detest it. ”"Why? ” Helga was striving hard to be casual in her manner.
mdp.39015054061430Is n't he lovely?
mdp.39015054061430It is, is it not, the proper thing?
mdp.39015054061430It was, Helga decided, now only a big knife with cruelly sharp edges?
mdp.39015054061430Just the same, what or who was there to hold her back?
mdp.39015054061430Just what goes on that's so terrible? ” “ Why, they drink, for one thing.
mdp.39015054061430Just what had happened to her there in that cool dim room under the quizzical gaze of those piercing gray eyes?
mdp.39015054061430Mind if I run off?
mdp.39015054061430Nice, is n't he?
mdp.39015054061430Or had he paid her only a rather florid compliment, in somewhat dubious taste?
mdp.39015054061430Packing, money, trains, and could she get a berth?
mdp.39015054061430Please, may I be excused? ” At his courteous “ Certainly, certainly.
mdp.39015054061430She ought to be ostracized. ” “ Why?"
mdp.39015054061430She, Helga Crane, who almost all her life had looked after herself, was she now to be looked after by Aunt Katrina and her husband?
mdp.39015054061430Sleep in or out?
mdp.39015054061430The hostile"Well? ” of this new sery- ant forcibly recalled the reason for her pres- ence there.
mdp.39015054061430Thirty dollars?
mdp.39015054061430To fear?
mdp.39015054061430To remorse?
mdp.39015054061430Was it possible?
mdp.39015054061430Was she to be forever explaining her people — or lack of them?
mdp.39015054061430Was there, she inquired, anything that she needed to know?
mdp.39015054061430Was there, without her knowing it, some peculiar lack in her?
mdp.39015054061430Well, he is n't ex- actly your uncle, is he?
mdp.39015054061430What about him?"
mdp.39015054061430What did it matter that he consumed his food, even the softest varieties, audibly?
mdp.39015054061430What did it matter that he failed to wash his fat body, or to shift his clothing, as often as Helga her- self did?
mdp.39015054061430What did it matter that, though he did no work with his hands, not even in the garden, his finger- nails were always rimmed with black?
mdp.39015054061430What did it matter to him?
mdp.39015054061430What did it matter?
mdp.39015054061430What kind?
mdp.39015054061430What nonsense is this?"
mdp.39015054061430What should she wear?
mdp.39015054061430What was it that stood in her way?
mdp.39015054061430What? ” This last was accompanied with an arch and insinu- ating smile.
mdp.39015054061430Who is she? ”"She's Audrey Denney, as I said, and she lives downtown.
mdp.39015054061430Who knows?
mdp.39015054061430Who knows?
mdp.39015054061430Who slammed the shower- baths door? ” Silence.
mdp.39015054061430Who would n't like it?
mdp.39015054061430Why bother, when she could add nothing to the obvious fact that she had been a fool?
mdp.39015054061430Why could n't she be happy, content, somewhere?
mdp.39015054061430Why could n't she have two lives, or why could n't she be satisfied in one place?
mdp.39015054061430Why had n't she grasped his meaning?
mdp.39015054061430Why must the race problem always creep in?
mdp.39015054061430Why should she mind if 35 QUICKS AND it did?
mdp.39015054061430Why subtly indicated that she was different?
mdp.39015054061430Why their constant begging to be considered as exact copies of other people?
mdp.39015054061430Why, Helga wondered, with unreason- ing exasperation, did n't they find something else to talk of?
mdp.39015054061430Why, if she had said so much, had n't she said more about herself and her mother?
mdp.39015054061430Why, she de- manded in fierce rebellion, should she be yoked, to these despised black folk?
mdp.39015054061430Why, she won- dered, did n't someone write A Plea for Color?
mdp.39015054061430Why, she wondered, had n't her mother consented?
mdp.39015054061430Why, then, had she refused, ignored, his other, earlier suggestion?
mdp.39015054061430Would it be all right if they did n't know she was colored?"
mdp.39015054061430Yet she had continued to try not only to teach, but to befriend those happy?
mdp.39015054061430You do n't like the school?"
mdp.39015054061430You do n't perhaps like Olsen? ” Helga had been silent, thinking what a severe wrench to Herr Dahl's ideas of decency was this conversation.
mdp.39015054061430You're still at Naxos?"
mdp.39015054061430Your checks? ” also in English, and then lapsed into Danish.
mdp.39015054061430Your mother was n't married, was she?
mdp.39015054061430“ And does it?"
mdp.39015054061430“ And just what do you think it is? ”"I'm afraid it's hard to explain, but I suppose it's just that we like to be together.
mdp.39015054061430“ But, ” said Helga Crane, “ what of that?
mdp.39015054061430“ Ca n't you, wo n't you understand, Uncle Poul?"
mdp.39015054061430“ He likes you? ”"I do n't know.
mdp.39015054061430“ He's coming?"
mdp.39015054061430“ It is, ” she said, “ a pleasure to renew our ac- quaintance. ” Was it, she was wondering, merely an acquaintance?
mdp.39015054061430“ Jesus?
mdp.39015054061430“ Just what is it, Helga? ” he asked again, because the pause had grown awkward, for him.
mdp.39015054061430“ Naxos, the place?
mdp.39015054061430“ The school?
mdp.39015054061430“ What about him?"
mdp.39015054061430“ What is it, Ida? ” A woman's soft voice sounded from within.
mdp.39015054061430“ Where, Helen did you get him?"
mdp.39015054061430“ Why? ” The question was detached, too detached.
mdp.39015054061430“ Will you see Mrs. Nilssen? ”.
mdp.39015054061430“ Yes? ” she inquired.
mdp.39015054061430“ You see, you understand? ” he urged.
uiug.30112003263263A thief and a murderer I never would marry! ” “ What do you mean? ” he cried, hoarsely, his face ghastly pale.
uiug.30112003263263Am I to die such a horrible death? ” she moaned piteously Is she?
uiug.30112003263263Am I to die such a horrible death? ” she moaned piteously Is she?
uiug.30112003263263And Viola?
uiug.30112003263263Are you ill? ” Recovering herself with a supreme effort, she was just about to reply when there was an interruption.
uiug.30112003263263Bertram, why are you not rich?
uiug.30112003263263But what can I do? ” “ What can you do? ” she echoed, eagerly.
uiug.30112003263263But what can I do? ” “ What can you do? ” she echoed, eagerly.
uiug.30112003263263But — but you know better, do n’t you, Bertram?
uiug.30112003263263But, who are you? ” “ Dat's all right, honey, ” said Aunt Clory, “ but you'se in good hands.
uiug.30112003263263Ca n't you see that that is forgery? ” A swift pallor shot across his face.
uiug.30112003263263Did Bertram have any dishonest persons in his employ?
uiug.30112003263263Did he know that she had been to the house?
uiug.30112003263263Do n't you see that I am getting thinner and thinner every day?
uiug.30112003263263Do you hear?
uiug.30112003263263Do you think it can be done?
uiug.30112003263263Good Heavens, Mrs. Hawthorne, what do you mean? ” Mrs. Hawthorne aroused herself.
uiug.30112003263263Have you a certificate? ” Bessie faltered for a moment.
uiug.30112003263263Have you heard the news? ” “ News? ” echoed some one else.
uiug.30112003263263Have you heard the news? ” “ News? ” echoed some one else.
uiug.30112003263263Have you no kind word for me?
uiug.30112003263263Hawthorne I have come to you on a mis- sion of mercy. ” “ Is that so? ” in surprise.
uiug.30112003263263He was not doing it to pass away the time? ” “ No, he was not doing it PASSER LE TEMPS.
uiug.30112003263263How came I to take up my abode here?
uiug.30112003263263How can it be?
uiug.30112003263263How did you happen to fail? ” “ Well, you men went off on your own hooks and I had to employ strangers to do the job.
uiug.30112003263263How do you know he has a wife living? ” “ Because I am his wife. ” The minister frowned as the words rang out clear and firm.
uiug.30112003263263How do you like them?
uiug.30112003263263How is father and mother? ” she continued, breathlessly.
uiug.30112003263263How is this?
uiug.30112003263263I can not do as you suggest. ” ‘ Why ca n't you? ” “ For the simple reason that I do not love you.
uiug.30112003263263I thought you loved my daughter, or else why did you win her heart and offer to marry her? ” “ Mrs.
uiug.30112003263263Il How can you say such a thing?
uiug.30112003263263Mr. Quimby asked: “ Have I the honor of addressing Mr. Turpin, the detective? ” “ I am he.
uiug.30112003263263Now stick to it. ” “ I selected my own destiny?
uiug.30112003263263Pres- ently he muttered: “ I wonder what it all means?
uiug.30112003263263Say, miss, if they're so rich, why do n't they do somethin about findin'you?
uiug.30112003263263Should he spoil both their lives by doing this wicked thing?
uiug.30112003263263Should he submit to this marriage and so bring the curse of God on their heads?
uiug.30112003263263So, recovering herself, she asked, laughingly: “ What do you mean? ” “ You know what I mean, ” said he angrily, stung by her manner.
uiug.30112003263263The girl she feared — dead?
uiug.30112003263263There was a long pause, which was at last broken hy Mona, who asked: “ Did you love her? ” “ Did I love her? ” in surprise.
uiug.30112003263263There was a long pause, which was at last broken hy Mona, who asked: “ Did you love her? ” “ Did I love her? ” in surprise.
uiug.30112003263263This was not the servants'part of the house and if she was a servant what did she want there?
uiug.30112003263263To whom am I indebted for the pleas- ure of this visit? ” The banker handed him his card.
uiug.30112003263263Was he a fickle man, that his love could change with every pretty face he met?
uiug.30112003263263Was not everybody aware of Viola's death?
uiug.30112003263263Was she mistaken?
uiug.30112003263263Was this true?
uiug.30112003263263What did it mean?
uiug.30112003263263What did it mean?
uiug.30112003263263What did it mean?
uiug.30112003263263What have I done? ” she asked piteously.
uiug.30112003263263What if it were a forgery?
uiug.30112003263263What right have you to com- mit this outrage? ” “ By the right of the law, ” sternly.
uiug.30112003263263What was it?
uiug.30112003263263What was she doing sneak- ing in this portion of the house?
uiug.30112003263263What was she to him that he should waste the best years of his life to make her happy?
uiug.30112003263263What would he do?
uiug.30112003263263When did you cease to love me — I, who loved you first and 62 best?
uiug.30112003263263When she found I had not come to re- lease her, she — she became desperate. ” “ Is that all? ” sneeringly.
uiug.30112003263263Where could she go?
uiug.30112003263263Where had she gone?
uiug.30112003263263Which did he love?
uiug.30112003263263Who could have any object in doing such a thing? ” • “ My mother, ” she said, sharply.
uiug.30112003263263Who was it that poisoned my mind against marrying Bertram?
uiug.30112003263263Who was it that told me to angle for Philip Clayton and forget the beggarly editor?
uiug.30112003263263Why am I not rich or why are you not poor?
uiug.30112003263263Why did n't I perish over the precipice? ” The woman had stepped from the room as soon as he had entered it.
uiug.30112003263263Why did you cause her death?
uiug.30112003263263Why did you come here? ” An angry fire flashed into the eyes of Mona.
uiug.30112003263263Why did you do it? ” He had advanced upon her menacingly, his eyes blazing, his splendid physique trembling with pas- sion.
uiug.30112003263263Why do you ask, dearest? ” “ Because — because you are so — so far above me.
uiug.30112003263263Why has n't she been buried? ” “ Because she is gone. ” II9 “ How is that, chief?
uiug.30112003263263Why has n't she been buried? ” “ Because she is gone. ” II9 “ How is that, chief?
uiug.30112003263263Why has n't they found you, eh? ” Viola saw that the woman was not to be convinced and with a last wail of despair, cried: “ Oh!
uiug.30112003263263Why was it?
uiug.30112003263263Will you accept me at such an ex- pense? ” “ Yes, gladly.
uiug.30112003263263Will you become my wife? ” Her lovely face had slowly become paler and paler.
uiug.30112003263263Will you give me this waltz? ” “ Yes if you wish it, ” she said lightly.
uiug.30112003263263Would he avenge the girl's death by informing Bertram of her sin?
uiug.30112003263263Would he betray her for the part she had played in it?
uiug.30112003263263Would nothing save her?
uiug.30112003263263Would you like to hear my story? ” “ I would, ever so much, if it does not pain you to tell it. ” “ Indeed, it does not.
uiug.30112003263263what's dis? ” he muttered as he felt some- thing hard on the inside.
uiug.30112003263263“ And why am I here? ” The woman put her finger to her lips as if to en- join silence.
uiug.30112003263263“ And — and, is she — have they buried her? ” “ No. ” “ And why? ” with a frown.
uiug.30112003263263“ And — and, is she — have they buried her? ” “ No. ” “ And why? ” with a frown.
uiug.30112003263263“ Are they anxious about me?
uiug.30112003263263“ Arnold, why did you marry me, if you did not love me? ” she asked piteously.
uiug.30112003263263“ But is she a spy?
uiug.30112003263263“ But the note I sent you?
uiug.30112003263263“ Can you prove what you say, my good woman?
uiug.30112003263263“ Did Mona, my own child, tell that wicked lie? ” She asked, more to herself than to him, 127 “ Lie!
uiug.30112003263263“ Did you think they might squeal on us? ” “ No.
uiug.30112003263263“ Do you really love me so much? ” she faltered, her eyelids drooping bashfully.
uiug.30112003263263“ Do you recognize her? ” he asked, gently.
uiug.30112003263263“ Do you think I would ask her to be my wife if I did not? ” “ True, true.
uiug.30112003263263“ Has a wife living? ” said the minister.
uiug.30112003263263“ I heard him ring, and came to the head of the stairs; my mother answered the bell, and I heard her say: “ What is it?
uiug.30112003263263“ I pronounce this marriage a sacrilege, and forbid it to proceed any further. ” “ Why, my dear woman? ” asked the minister, seri- ously.
uiug.30112003263263“ Mona, dar- ling, wo n’t you be my wife? ” “ Yes, if you wish it, ” she replied quietly.
uiug.30112003263263“ Must you really go so soon? ” he inquired, with well- assumed sorrow.
uiug.30112003263263“ My darling, ” he cried pas- sionately, “ have you not seen that I love you with all my soul?
uiug.30112003263263“ Oh, why did you leave me all alone?
uiug.30112003263263“ Shall I tell you?
uiug.30112003263263“ What does it all mean? ” Bessie was trembling like an aspen, and could not speak from horror.
uiug.30112003263263“ What have you done?
uiug.30112003263263“ What have you done? ” he echoed harshly.
uiug.30112003263263“ What is Mr. Quimby to you? ” he asked quickly.
uiug.30112003263263“ What is it, mother?'
uiug.30112003263263“ What is the matter, Arnold?
uiug.30112003263263“ What is the trouble? ” asked Bertram, who had just arrived.
uiug.30112003263263“ What was that? ” She could have sworn that she saw a dark- robed figure skulking along in the shrubbery.
uiug.30112003263263“ When are you going to tackle the house, boss? ” said a course voice.
uiug.30112003263263“ Where am I? ” she asked, feebly, passing her hand slowly over her eyes.
uiug.30112003263263“ Where am I? ” she asked, “ how came I — Oh, I remember all now.
uiug.30112003263263“ Who am I? ” quizzically echoed the old man.
uiug.30112003263263“ Why did I come here? ” she echoed, advancing meaningly up to the girl.
uiug.30112003263263“ Why did I marry you?
uiug.30112003263263“ Why do you look like that?
uiug.30112003263263“ Why, indeed?
uiug.30112003263263“ Yes, who are you?
uiug.30112003263263“ You are wondering?
osu.32435017886441181 of the scalp of a dying person?
osu.32435017886441Am I beau- tiful? ” asked Eina of herself.
osu.32435017886441And do you think that I have fallen a vic- tim to his charms and — at sight, too?
osu.32435017886441As Baug arose to speak, practically every per- son in the audience was inclined to turn to his neighbor and ask, “ Who is that fellow?
osu.32435017886441But I taught her the right way all right, the crazy thing. ” “ Oh, she is really crazy, then? ” remarked Mo- lair.
osu.32435017886441But how in the name of common Sense is that to be dome is the question? ” “ Now dat is whut I wants ter talk wid yer erbout.
osu.32435017886441By the way, where is your mother? ” asked Mrs. Molair.
osu.32435017886441Can you conceive of the whole Soul of the white race being in travail and giving birth to such a man?
osu.32435017886441Come quick. ’ “ Whut erbout de gal? ” he said ter me.
osu.32435017886441Continuing Mr. Molair said: “ Is this not pe- culiarly your problem?
osu.32435017886441Cordially, “ EINA RAPONA. ” “ Will I?
osu.32435017886441Did not Seth tell you about the handicaps affecting the colored race? ” asked Mrs. Molair.
osu.32435017886441Died when I was an infant. ” “ Father? ” “ Gone, too.
osu.32435017886441Do n’t we bury corpses?
osu.32435017886441Elsewhere I am an unfettered man, the human being. ” “ Why can you not come to my home? ” asked Eina.
osu.32435017886441Faith — in — humanity gone, gone; all gone. ”* k sk sk sk “ What is there in life when the heart is bleak?
osu.32435017886441Have you ever associated with them before? ” asked Mrs. Molair.
osu.32435017886441How did you manage to get along?
osu.32435017886441How do you account for your mil- itary carriage? ” “ Hah, hah, ” laughed Uncle Jack, his dark face beaming with pride.
osu.32435017886441How does that come? ” asked Mrs. Molair.
osu.32435017886441I runs out ter de preacher an ’ says, “ Mistah, kaint yer help er pore fambly out?
osu.32435017886441If you want a man to stay colored, why in the name of God do n’t you treat him right as colored?
osu.32435017886441In keeping with this purpose Eina wrote the following note: “ My Dear Mr. Peppers: Will you please call at my home at eight o’clock this evening?
osu.32435017886441Is he dead? ” cried Clotille, dropping to her knees, clasping her hands, her heart the home of agony.
osu.32435017886441Is it not time for me to sit up and take notice? ” “ Eina changeth not, Clotille. ” “ My dear, dear girl, I do not misjudge you.
osu.32435017886441Is the gent in question Belrose's all- conquering gal- lant?
osu.32435017886441Is there any way, Uncle Jack, I can get out to see you a little oftener?
osu.32435017886441Molair, ” said Baug, earnestly, “ what else could you expect?
osu.32435017886441Now that you know what his name is at least said to be, what have you further to say? ” asked Clotille.
osu.32435017886441Now what have you to say to that? ” “ Absolutely nothing, Mr. President, ” said Mo- lair.
osu.32435017886441Now, Mr. Molair, will you agree to do as much in the South?
osu.32435017886441Of course Miss Letitia was there, for when had she missed a fire since there had been col- Ored firemen?
osu.32435017886441Pray what on earth is the matter? ” said Clotille.
osu.32435017886441Read this letter, will you?
osu.32435017886441The Chief Justice took Baug in hand and said: “ You say every one seems to have seen or met you before? ” “ Yes, ” replied Baug.
osu.32435017886441Was it fate that sug- gested it?
osu.32435017886441What ails him? ” asked Mrs. Martin, eagerly.
osu.32435017886441Which will you enter? ”- Molair now stood up and bent his gaze upon the bowed head of the troubled girl before him.
osu.32435017886441Who hitched up fur yer? ” said Uncle Jack loudly, mov- ing off towards Clotille's buggy and beckoning for her to follow.
osu.32435017886441Who on earth knows where I came from?
osu.32435017886441Why did you laugh when I made my inquiry con- cerning the man with his hat in his hand?
osu.32435017886441Why, her request is just about as reasonable as though she asked me not to breathel And you have been expecting it? ” Stormed Baug.
osu.32435017886441Will I call to see Miss Rapona?
osu.32435017886441Will a bee draw nectar from a flower?
osu.32435017886441Will a pig eat corn?
osu.32435017886441Will you do this for me?
osu.32435017886441Will you not come? ” Again there came into Eina ’s mind the face of the man of mystery.
osu.32435017886441Wo n’t yer please go an ’ stop massa? ” “ Jes ’ den massa was at his hottis'an ’ wuz layin'off his han ’s kinder wile lak.
osu.32435017886441Wonder why?
osu.32435017886441“ But does this man do himself justice to re- main classified as a Negro?
osu.32435017886441“ But, Mr. Molair, is there no hope? ” asked Eina.
osu.32435017886441“ By the way, is the man with the face of mys- tery a colored man or a white man?
osu.32435017886441“ Crazy?
osu.32435017886441“ Does she love Baug? ” asked Eina.
osu.32435017886441“ Expecting Miss Rapona to deny me the privi- lege of seeing her?
osu.32435017886441“ Expecting it? ” roared Baug.
osu.32435017886441“ Gone mad? ” asked Molair, in surprise.
osu.32435017886441“ Has the world judged aright?
osu.32435017886441“ How do the colored people of Belrose fare at the hands of the police force? ” asked Molair.
osu.32435017886441“ How does this in your judgment affect the col- ored people? ” asked Molair.
osu.32435017886441“ Is life worth living? ” Such was the question that the sad, torn heart of Eina now asked over and over again.
osu.32435017886441“ Jack, ” said the woman, “ do n’t you know bet- ter than to try to leave here without telling me what you came to tell me?
osu.32435017886441“ Miss Eina, do yer think de bes ’ white peo- ple will evah'gree ter wuk'long wid de cullud people in de same perlittercul yoke?
osu.32435017886441“ No One is able to state when or where? ” “ Absolutely no one, ” said Baug.
osu.32435017886441“ Now what am I to do to balk this game?
osu.32435017886441“ Now, Clotille, at what are you laughing?
osu.32435017886441“ Now, how are we to get this homogeneiety?
osu.32435017886441“ Oh, is he dead?
osu.32435017886441“ Oh, is that it, you think? ” said Clotille, begin- ning to grasp the meaning of the note which had been handed her.
osu.32435017886441“ On which side of this gulf is the man with the face of mystery? ” was the thought that now came into Eina ’s mind.
osu.32435017886441“ Others have died on the football ground, and why may not I? ” was the cry of his heart.
osu.32435017886441“ Pardon me, but what is your blood? ” asked Molair.
osu.32435017886441“ Really white? ” she asked.
osu.32435017886441“ See my little boy yonder, Conroe, Jr.?
osu.32435017886441“ Wal, yer all wants ter know what I'se heah fur, do n’t yer? ” said Uncle Jack.
osu.32435017886441“ What have you done?
osu.32435017886441“ What is it now, Uncle Jack? ” asked Eina, coaxingly.
osu.32435017886441“ What is the matter? ” inquired Eina, anxiously.
osu.32435017886441“ When 2 Where? ” asked Clotille.
osu.32435017886441“ Where does She come from? ” “ BOStOn. ” 46 POINTING THE WAY.
osu.32435017886441“ Who is your father? ” asked Justice Morrow, putting a little greater distance between Baug and himself.
osu.32435017886441“ Who stays with you at your home, Miss Rapona? ” asked Molair.
osu.32435017886441“ Whut is er kannerbull, miss, please, miss?
osu.32435017886441“ Whut is rich sile wid no plow ter turn it up?
osu.32435017886441“ Why can not I call at your home, then? ” asked Eina.
osu.32435017886441“ Why, Uncle Jack? ” 96 POINTING THE WAY.
osu.32435017886441“ Why, dear Uncle Jack, what on earth is the Imatter? ” Uncle Jack was shivering from head to foot.
osu.32435017886441“ Would you white people of the South accept me? ” asked Eina.
osu.32435017886441“ You and my Clotille are fast friends, I be- lieve? ” said Miss Letitia.
osu.32435017886441“ ‘ Whut he wanter kill me fur? ” de tremblin ’ preacher axt.
mdp.39015010962861Am I dreaming? mdp.39015010962861 And thinkest thou, O Southland, that the last has been heard of me?
mdp.39015010962861And what may I do for my friend?
mdp.39015010962861And where does Southern chivalry take up its abode while you do that?
mdp.39015010962861And you therefore killed him, did you?
mdp.39015010962861Arabelle Seabrighty ft'What do they take me to be, a knight errant of hell and a simpleton withal?
mdp.39015010962861Aside from the political use to which you put your announced views on the race question, you really believe them, do n't you?
mdp.39015010962861Did not your God tell the Hebrews to wage a war of extermination on the Canaanites?
mdp.39015010962861Did you kill Mr. Sidney Fletcher?
mdp.39015010962861Do n't you know the law? mdp.39015010962861 Do you mean to tell me that I need not meet the man?"
mdp.39015010962861Do you regard yourself as having finished?
mdp.39015010962861Earl,began Ensal, slowly, earnestly,"do you know the Anglo- Saxon race and particularly that brand found in the South?
mdp.39015010962861Even now, when have you heard of a white man's being hanged for the murder of a Negro, however cold- blooded the murder? mdp.39015010962861 Friend, aside from that book, knowest thou not unto what the content of the Southern policy is leading?
mdp.39015010962861Has the jury reached a verdict?
mdp.39015010962861Have n't you been reading the papers?
mdp.39015010962861Have they killed anybody else?
mdp.39015010962861Have you at last found a plan of escape from our awful condition that commends itself to your sober judgment, Earl?
mdp.39015010962861How do you know that she is my wife?
mdp.39015010962861How have you been able to trace her?
mdp.39015010962861How so?
mdp.39015010962861I am ambitious?
mdp.39015010962861If she was Ensal's friend, why did he not make himself known to her on the train?
mdp.39015010962861Is it a crime for me, one of your sons to in- voke loyalty to our national constitution? mdp.39015010962861 Is that all there is for my boy?
mdp.39015010962861Is that all you can say to a man that risked his life fur your flag?
mdp.39015010962861Name you?
mdp.39015010962861Now, what do you know?
mdp.39015010962861Poor thing; how did you hurt it?
mdp.39015010962861Really would you, a civilized being, propose to me a course that involves the wholesale destruc- tion of women and innocent babes?
mdp.39015010962861The reward?
mdp.39015010962861To be frank, Mr. Seabright, would you allow a lady to be able to truthfully charge you with discourtesy?
mdp.39015010962861Was I walking fast?
mdp.39015010962861Was she living with some family, or how was she situated?
mdp.39015010962861Was the mob mistaken? mdp.39015010962861 We want you to tell us just one thing; did you kill Mr. Sidney Fletcher?"
mdp.39015010962861Well, what are we to do?
mdp.39015010962861Whar you gwine?
mdp.39015010962861What are you crying about, my dear?
mdp.39015010962861What can that be, pray?
mdp.39015010962861What choice?
mdp.39015010962861What do they take me to be, a knight errant of hell and a simpleton withal? mdp.39015010962861 What do you mean?"
mdp.39015010962861What have you done?
mdp.39015010962861What is it, mama?
mdp.39015010962861What is pending?
mdp.39015010962861What is the trouble, Arthur?
mdp.39015010962861What on earth have I to do with that?
mdp.39015010962861What work? mdp.39015010962861 Where are you going?"
mdp.39015010962861Where has Tobe Stewart gone?
mdp.39015010962861Where is Miss Merlow?
mdp.39015010962861Where where is my room?
mdp.39015010962861Why not?
mdp.39015010962861Why so much haste?
mdp.39015010962861Will you kindly withdraw?
mdp.39015010962861Will you lose your life trying to perteck me?
mdp.39015010962861Woman, is that true? mdp.39015010962861 Would you cast aspersions upon a person's character and treat the matter so lightly?"
mdp.39015010962861You are from the North and rate the South- ern women as being beneath your notice, do you?
mdp.39015010962861You have just got in, have you?
mdp.39015010962861You killed him, then?
mdp.39015010962861You wench, you, you ca n't speak can you? mdp.39015010962861 'Well, you got him, did n't you?' mdp.39015010962861 11? mdp.39015010962861 137 the ages is being enacted? mdp.39015010962861 139Have you read the morning paper?"
mdp.39015010962861And all this havoc to be laid at my door?"
mdp.39015010962861And what had the fish caught?
mdp.39015010962861Are you a fool?"
mdp.39015010962861Are you a part of the American nation or a thing apart?
mdp.39015010962861Are you as anxious to see every one whom you have defended as you are to see this one?"
mdp.39015010962861At length the question crept into her consciousness:"Why are you so enraged?
mdp.39015010962861At night did I sleep er wink wen dare wuz eny t'ing lackly ter pester de wimmins?"
mdp.39015010962861But you would prefer being the ones living to make the fight, would you not?"
mdp.39015010962861Ca n't you see that your race is simply preserved be- cause it is not yet in the way of the white race?"
mdp.39015010962861Ca n't you see the awful significance of that fact?
mdp.39015010962861Can I save him?"
mdp.39015010962861Chance, blind chance, so far as she? ould see, had her fate in hand, and to all the( 214) WORKING AND WAITING.
mdp.39015010962861Crucified at the stake, while we men play the part of women, for, what can we do?"
mdp.39015010962861Did not God use plagues and a wholesale slaughter to solve the Egyptian race problem?
mdp.39015010962861Didunt dis heah same Silas do dat?"
mdp.39015010962861Do you approve of his marriage to a white woman?"
mdp.39015010962861Does not my soul respond to those things and those things only to which their souls respond?
mdp.39015010962861Earl, are you a South- erner?
mdp.39015010962861Earl, ca n't you persuade the peo- ple to let justice do now what they are waiting for'time'to do?"
mdp.39015010962861Eunice whirled around the room gayly and said with childish glee,"You will then die with us, will you?
mdp.39015010962861Granting that the present is the time to act, what would you do?"
mdp.39015010962861Great God of heaven, can all this be true?
mdp.39015010962861Have they found me out?
mdp.39015010962861Have we gone back to the days of the cannibal kings, when it was deemed a virtue for a subject to lay down his life to salisfy a whim of his master?
mdp.39015010962861Have you murdered some one?"
mdp.39015010962861ILSY BROOKS, would you'low me er few wurds wid you?"
mdp.39015010962861If I give up to you will you perteck me?"
mdp.39015010962861If one mistake has been made, who can say that two have n't been made?
mdp.39015010962861In his heart there was the harking back to times more than a thou- sand years ago — to times when his race was a( 10S)''What have you done?'
mdp.39015010962861Is her real murderer yet alive?"
mdp.39015010962861Is it a bargain?"
mdp.39015010962861Is the issue clearly enough drawn between us?"
mdp.39015010962861Is the man thought to have been killed yet alive?
mdp.39015010962861Is the sweet Alene- gone?
mdp.39015010962861Is there hope for him?"
mdp.39015010962861Is there, can there be any hope for the Negro here or elsewhere?"
mdp.39015010962861Ken 1 peddle limonade nigh de co't rouse do', sah, yer honah?"
mdp.39015010962861Laying it on the table he crossed his hands upon it and said:"Will you hear me patiently?
mdp.39015010962861May I make the engagement?"
mdp.39015010962861Must I go through life unsupported by the brave heart of Alene on which I was depend- ing for strength to conquer worlds?"
mdp.39015010962861Now and then he would pause and ask himself:"Is all this horror'true?
mdp.39015010962861Now jes'tell me whut?"
mdp.39015010962861O what has lain hold of me?"
mdp.39015010962861Rubbish aside, am I not as much of an Anglo- Saxon as any of them?
mdp.39015010962861Shall you be more righteous than God?"
mdp.39015010962861Stopping, he said,"Say, now, Foresta, is your mama hurt?"
mdp.39015010962861That is the question?
mdp.39015010962861Then he asked slowly:"Do you make that proposition to me, a follow-; er of the Christ?"
mdp.39015010962861They ca n't destroy our love for one another, can they?"
mdp.39015010962861Was the dear one foully murdered while I slept?
mdp.39015010962861Wen I wuz a lad in slabery time, didunt I dribe my young missus'bout whar'eber she went?
mdp.39015010962861What do you mean by hanging around and going to school on our time?"
mdp.39015010962861What welder of steel can beat into one the discordant soul forces of willing Negroes and un- willing whites, the really pivotal point of the problem?
mdp.39015010962861What's the use crying?
mdp.39015010962861When has a theory or sentiment of any kind been allowed to stand in the way of his interests?"
mdp.39015010962861Will you per- teck my life if I surrender to this heah sheriff?
mdp.39015010962861With a tight grip on her arm he said,"Have you, too, blighted somebody's happiness?
mdp.39015010962861With these facts and only these, can you name me, can you place me in touch with your friends?"
mdp.39015010962861You are tired listening to my foolishness, are n't you?"
mdp.39015010962861floatin', and whut will it do fur me?
mdp.39015011800169And are you sure it wo n't be Senator Taft?
mdp.39015011800169Are you living in the city now?
mdp.39015011800169Are you still at the same job?
mdp.39015011800169At what?
mdp.39015011800169But what did I do to you?
mdp.39015011800169Damn, are n't you cold, Kriss- baby?
mdp.39015011800169Did you do what I told you to do?
mdp.39015011800169Did your mother tell you I was a whore? mdp.39015011800169 Do n't you know Mr. Robinson yet?"
mdp.39015011800169Do you ever see Maud?
mdp.39015011800169Do you have any place in mind?
mdp.39015011800169Do you know all of them, dear?
mdp.39015011800169Do you want to hear this story or not?
mdp.39015011800169Does n't that sound like wonderful doctrine?
mdp.39015011800169Does that answer your questions?
mdp.39015011800169Expecting company?
mdp.39015011800169For God's sake, Kriss ca n't we do a simple business transaction without a sordid fight?
mdp.39015011800169Got it all figured out, have n't you, boy?
mdp.39015011800169Have you seen the Monet exhibition?
mdp.39015011800169Hello, Kriss- baby, did you have a good time?
mdp.39015011800169Hello, is this the Windemere Hotel?
mdp.39015011800169How about Nick's?
mdp.39015011800169How is Ed?
mdp.39015011800169I just love Imogene Coca, do n't you?
mdp.39015011800169If I may be so bold as to ask, what are you thinking, ma- dame?
mdp.39015011800169Is he a sociologist too?
mdp.39015011800169Is that what the louse is worried about — his honor?
mdp.39015011800169Jesse Robinson?
mdp.39015011800169Miz Cummons, anything mo y'all need?
mdp.39015011800169No one recognized you, I hope?
mdp.39015011800169Now what?
mdp.39015011800169Oh, sure,he said, thinking,"I like de big gut, do you like de big gut?"
mdp.39015011800169Paraldehyde? mdp.39015011800169 Ready to light out and run, eh, son?"
mdp.39015011800169Satire? mdp.39015011800169 That reminds me of a joke one of my landladies used to tell —"he began but she interrupted rudely,"Are you going to make the drinks, Jesse?"
mdp.39015011800169They always return to the scene — what kind of detective stories you been reading, you do n't know that?
mdp.39015011800169Want some eggs, baby?
mdp.39015011800169Was some woman's husband trying to trap you?
mdp.39015011800169Well, what will happen after that?
mdp.39015011800169What I really ought to have told the half- wit,he thought,"is why do n't you read the Old Testa- ment, son?
mdp.39015011800169What about sausage, madame?
mdp.39015011800169What about whiskey?
mdp.39015011800169What am I bid?
mdp.39015011800169What are you thinking about, dear?
mdp.39015011800169What did I do? mdp.39015011800169 What happened between you and Maud?
mdp.39015011800169What have you been doing lately?
mdp.39015011800169What is protest but satire?
mdp.39015011800169What time shall I call for you?
mdp.39015011800169What's he doing now?
mdp.39015011800169What's protest about this book?
mdp.39015011800169What's the title?
mdp.39015011800169When is that, dear?
mdp.39015011800169Where have you been, dear?
mdp.39015011800169Where'd you study psychiatry?
mdp.39015011800169Who cares?
mdp.39015011800169Who do you think will get the Republican nomination for President?
mdp.39015011800169Who times these things?
mdp.39015011800169Why did n't you marry me in Chicago, Jesse? mdp.39015011800169 Why did you do that to me?"
mdp.39015011800169Why did you do that to me?
mdp.39015011800169Why do you do it then?
mdp.39015011800169Why do you lie to me?
mdp.39015011800169Why do you refuse to give your bit of sausage like the other hogs do?
mdp.39015011800169Why not publish it as an autobiography then?
mdp.39015011800169Why not?
mdp.39015011800169Why — what's the trouble, Anne?
mdp.39015011800169Will you have eggs, chicken? mdp.39015011800169 Would n't believe that about a nigger, would you?"
mdp.39015011800169Would you rather be slaughtered and butchered by the sausage manufacturers, or give us, your friends, a little bit of sausage each day?
mdp.39015011800169You damned fool, what are you doing this for?
mdp.39015011800169You did n't let her do that, baby? mdp.39015011800169 You know Garner, Jesse?"
mdp.39015011800169You were looking for a street, eh, son?
mdp.3901501180016914"What do you think of General Eisenhower's chances of being elected?"
mdp.39015011800169After a moment he asked,"Why should she care?
mdp.39015011800169After a moment she thought,"Spooning?
mdp.39015011800169And when his mind came back he heard Kriss saying,"How is it with you and Garner, baby?"
mdp.39015011800169Anything else you want me to think about, dear?"
mdp.39015011800169Are you overwrought?
mdp.39015011800169Are you surprised?"
mdp.39015011800169Arty was by Monday — you've met him?"
mdp.39015011800169But aloud he asked,"What happened to you and Ted?
mdp.39015011800169But not ten gallons?"
mdp.39015011800169But whar de body of Jesse Robinson?
mdp.39015011800169But why the hell did he have to come crawling around to her place every time he got helplessly drunk?
mdp.39015011800169Do n't you feel embarrassed on climbing into bed with some strange man with your dirty feet?"
mdp.39015011800169Do you have a stale brown taste of biliousness on arising?"
mdp.39015011800169Do you suffer from morning depression?
mdp.39015011800169Funny... Are you absolutely sure there was a Jesse Robin- son?
mdp.39015011800169Harold was saying while Jesse glared at Kriss,"Did you read it?
mdp.39015011800169Has he gone?"
mdp.39015011800169He deserved it if anyone ever did, and she wished she felt it now as she said with cold venom,"Have you murdered your wife?"
mdp.39015011800169He had countered,"White people, you mean?"
mdp.39015011800169He had thought nothing of it until the woman at his left asked,"How much did he charge you for your ale?"
mdp.39015011800169He'd scarcely touched his glass but she asked sweetly,"Would you like another drink, dear?"
mdp.39015011800169How come you have to be the only one to act a fool?
mdp.39015011800169How could they arrest him?
mdp.39015011800169How could they?
mdp.39015011800169How do these people do it, son?
mdp.39015011800169How is it they keep their wives, bring up children, get along?
mdp.39015011800169I'm not good enough for you?"
mdp.39015011800169It was none of her business, was it?"
mdp.39015011800169Now Anne looked solidly at Dorothy, but bit back the words,"You do n't say?"
mdp.39015011800169Or New Haven?
mdp.39015011800169Or did you find it out by yourself?"
mdp.39015011800169Or have you changed to Kummel?"
mdp.39015011800169Or that both are not equally senseless?"
mdp.39015011800169Or would an Englishman say •play hell?'
mdp.39015011800169Prom- ise?"
mdp.39015011800169She glanced at her watch and said, hurtingly,"Shall we go now, or do we drink our dinner?"
mdp.39015011800169She had turned the volume tpo high and a booming jovial voice issued from the smiling lip's of the happy face:"Are you overweight?
mdp.39015011800169She thought smilingly of that classic bit of dialogue by Hemingway:"What are you thinking, darling?"
mdp.39015011800169She took her glass for a refill, and asked him, grinning mis- chievously,"Scotch still?
mdp.39015011800169She was silent for a moment, then asked,"When's your book to be published?"
mdp.39015011800169Suddenly realizing he'd slept on a sheet he asked wonderingly,"Did you make the sofa?"
mdp.39015011800169That's what you called me, remember?"
mdp.39015011800169The same one?
mdp.39015011800169Then he recalled an editor who had rejected his second book, complaining,"Why do you fellows always write this kind of thing?
mdp.39015011800169There was a pause and she asked,"Is your wife with you?"
mdp.39015011800169Well, why not?
mdp.39015011800169What do you think?"
mdp.39015011800169What time is it, baby?"
mdp.39015011800169Where was Bebe?
mdp.39015011800169While mixing the drinks he called,"Shall I start dinner, baby?"
mdp.39015011800169Who're we gon na be working for?
mdp.39015011800169Why Bridgeport?
mdp.39015011800169Why ca n't you believe too?
mdp.39015011800169Why did n't you have him?
mdp.39015011800169Why did you do it?"
mdp.39015011800169Why do you drink that awful stuff, baby?
mdp.39015011800169Why not Yonkers?
mdp.39015011800169You don'hate white people, do you, baby?"
mdp.39015011800169You have my address?"
mdp.39015011800169You know you're invited to dinner?"
mdp.39015011800169You like Don, do n't you, baby?"
mdp.39015011800169and the laughing horsemen spurred their mounts toward him, one of them saying,"Who said you could write?"
mdp.39015011800169ca n't you wait?
mdp.39015011800169giggling—"had the Rabbi circumcise me, would I be Jewish enough for her then?"
mdp.39015011800169happened about that Chicago letter you were going to write for the New Democrat?
mdp.39015011800169how about clean?
mdp.39015011800169— Ah likes de big gut, do you likes the big gut?
mdp.39015011800169— Who's Jesse Robinson?
mdp.39015004733401Ai n't you goin'to work? ” “ Work? ” Alva was alarmed. mdp.39015004733401 Ai n't you goin'to work? ” “ Work? ” Alva was alarmed.
mdp.39015004733401Alva, I'm afraid. ” “ Afraid of what? mdp.39015004733401 Ca n't you ever be satisfied? ”"Now Jane, ” Joe as usual was trying to keep the peace"Now Jane, nothing!
mdp.39015004733401Cantcha get the other two? ”. mdp.39015004733401 Could you tell me what time he will be in? ” “'Bout six- thirty.
mdp.39015004733401Did you see him in ‘ Long Pants'? ” He was leaning closer now, and Emma Lou took note of a teakwood tan hand resting on her knee. mdp.39015004733401 Do you think every one is like you?
mdp.39015004733401For a little while, yes. ” “ What made you dislike it? mdp.39015004733401 Have they pledged you?"
mdp.39015004733401How did my friends insult you?
mdp.39015004733401New student? ” she asked. mdp.39015004733401 Playing poker. ”"With whom? ”"Oh, the same gang.
mdp.39015004733401Snap out of it, wo n't you, Honey? mdp.39015004733401 The idea of what? ” “ Of sorta taking possession?"
mdp.39015004733401The idea of what? ” “ Of sorta taking possession?
mdp.39015004733401Wanta'go to a place on West End Avenue? mdp.39015004733401 Well, she's bad enough. ”"That makes two of them. ” “ Two of what, Amos? ”.
mdp.39015004733401Well, ya seemed pretty sweet on her. ”Whaddaya mean, sweet?
mdp.39015004733401Whadda want? mdp.39015004733401 What can I do for you?"
mdp.39015004733401What's the matter? mdp.39015004733401 What've they done now? ” Ray asked, reaching out to accept the glass Alva was handing him.
mdp.39015004733401When can I see you, Sugar? ” Sugar! mdp.39015004733401 Where'd I go? ” Alva seemed surprised.
mdp.39015004733401Where'd you go last night?
mdp.39015004733401Who in the hell wants to be serious?
mdp.39015004733401Why no. ” “ And they wo n't either. ”Why?"
mdp.39015004733401Why not? mdp.39015004733401 Why the hell do n't you turn off that alarm?"
mdp.3901500473340144 THE BLACKER THE BERRY.."Whatcha grinnin'at? ” Bob chided Verne as Emma Lou passed out of earshot.
mdp.39015004733401Ai n't you got no regard for your reputa- tion?
mdp.39015004733401All right?
mdp.39015004733401And were they not entitled, ipso facto, to more respect and opportunity and social acceptance than the more pure blooded Negroes?
mdp.39015004733401Are you sure it is n't adopted. ” Or suppose they were like the college youth she had known in Southern California?
mdp.39015004733401Braxton watched him disgustedly:"Watcha gettin'up so early for?
mdp.39015004733401But was she a hired maid after hours, and in this environment?
mdp.39015004733401But what's the idea? ” Geraldine wrinkled her brow.
mdp.39015004733401But why did the people in the audience have to stare so?
mdp.39015004733401Cora was speaking:"Didya see that little girl in pink — the one with the scar on her face- dancing with that tall, lanky, one- armed man?
mdp.39015004733401Could she think of noth- ing else?
mdp.39015004733401Did n't they all know that Emma Lou Morgan was Boise high school's only nigger student?
mdp.39015004733401Did n't they ever have any out in Salt Lake City? ”"Have they any chitterlings?"
mdp.39015004733401Did n't they ever have any out in Salt Lake City? ”"Have they any chitterlings?"
mdp.39015004733401Did n't they have any common sense?
mdp.39015004733401Did n't they have any race pride or proper bringing up?
mdp.39015004733401Did n't you set the clock?"
mdp.39015004733401Do you understand that now? ” Emma Lou nodded again.
mdp.39015004733401Don'tcha know this is Monday? ”"Shure, I know it's Monday, but I got ta go to Uncle's.
mdp.39015004733401Eight o'clock?
mdp.39015004733401Emma Lou?
mdp.39015004733401Ever been to Small's? ” Emma Lou shook her head.
mdp.39015004733401Geraldine in negligee, hair disarrayed, eyes sleepy, yet angry:"You mean you're going over there to live with that man? ”"Why not?
mdp.39015004733401Geraldine in negligee, hair disarrayed, eyes sleepy, yet angry:"You mean you're going over there to live with that man? ”"Why not?
mdp.39015004733401Get a diploma?-What did it mean to her?
mdp.39015004733401Had n't she artificially lightened her skin about four or five shades until she was almost brown?
mdp.39015004733401Had n't she been told that they would only use her for their sexua convenience?
mdp.39015004733401Had n't she been warned that men did n't marry black girls?
mdp.39015004733401Had she been drugged?
mdp.39015004733401Here's a new wrinkle, white man ‘ passes'for Negro. ”"Why not?
mdp.39015004733401How could the world be happy when she felt like she did?
mdp.39015004733401I've been wondering where you were?"
mdp.39015004733401Idiot, she berated herself, just because you've had one drink and seen your first cabaret entertainer, must your mind and body feel all aflame?
mdp.39015004733401If you ca n't do anything else, why in the hell do n't you get a job? ” “ I do n't see you working, ” Braxton would answer.
mdp.39015004733401Imagine people going to such bedlam Bacchanals?
mdp.39015004733401Imagine people opening their flats to the public and charging any one who had the price to pay twenty- five cents to enter?
mdp.39015004733401In love or something?"
mdp.39015004733401Is that all?
mdp.39015004733401It will serve to take her mind off herself. ” “ But suppose she gets foolish?"
mdp.39015004733401No chance to say"When will I see you again? ”.
mdp.39015004733401O, what the hell was the use?
mdp.39015004733401Oh — why — why did I marry Jim Morgan? ” and she had gone into the usual crying fit which inevitably followed this self- put question.
mdp.39015004733401One of the group of five had sighted Emma Lou as soon as she had sighted them:"Who's this? ” queried Helen Wheaton, a senior in the College of Law.
mdp.39015004733401Part- time cleaning, fifty cents an hour, nine rooms, yeah?
mdp.39015004733401She called out, “ Who is it?"
mdp.39015004733401She's got sense. ” “ But, Joe, suppose she does forget herself with this man?
mdp.39015004733401Suppose these friends of Alva's would not take kindly to her?
mdp.39015004733401Suppose they were like Braxton, who invariably curled his lip when he saw her, and seldom spoke even as much as a word of greeting?
mdp.39015004733401Surely not the studies?!"
mdp.39015004733401THE BLACKER THE BERRY... 185 “ But, ” she had insisted, “ do n't they look you up and convict you of bigamy? ” “ Hell, no.
mdp.39015004733401THE BLACKER THE BERRY... 77 nie?
mdp.39015004733401The aunt was stoic—“What could you expect of a child V with all that wild Indian blood in him?
mdp.39015004733401The landlord'll be here before eleven o'clock. ” “ Watcha gon na pawn? ” III 112 THE BLACKER THE BERRY..."My brown suit.
mdp.39015004733401The tailored blue suit-"What can I do for you? ” THE BLACKER THE BERRY... 89 The voice with the smile wins.
mdp.39015004733401The voice was persuasive and apologetic, “ Would you care to dance with me?"
mdp.39015004733401Wake up, ” he began shaking him, “ Wake up, damn you... ya dead? ” Alva slowly emerged from his stupor.
mdp.39015004733401Was it cold blooded payment for his kind chap- eroning?
mdp.39015004733401Was n't she throwing it up to him?"
mdp.39015004733401Well, she would write today, that is, if she did not start to work, and she must get up at eight o'clock — was the alarm set?
mdp.39015004733401Were they not a superior class?
mdp.39015004733401Were they not a very high type of Negro, comparable to the per- sons of color group in the West Indies?
mdp.39015004733401What did she expect?
mdp.39015004733401What did the color of one's skin have to do with one's mentality or native ability?
mdp.39015004733401What if she was better than the little black girl who lived around the corner?
mdp.39015004733401What time is it? ” “ Oh, ” he returned guardedly,"somewhere after three. ”"Where've you been?"
mdp.39015004733401What time is it? ” “ Oh, ” he returned guardedly,"somewhere after three. ”"Where've you been?"
mdp.39015004733401What was this woman talking about?
mdp.39015004733401Where else could one see so many different types of Negroes?
mdp.39015004733401Where else would one view such a heterogeneous ensemble of mellow colors, glorified by the night?
mdp.39015004733401Where have you been?
mdp.39015004733401Where is your intelligence and pride?
mdp.39015004733401Where on earth could she have gone to high school?
mdp.39015004733401Who shall I say called?
mdp.39015004733401Why did n't he look her way?
mdp.39015004733401Why do n't you find out about that?
mdp.39015004733401Why should n't they ask her? ” Emma Lou did not know what to make of this.
mdp.39015004733401Why was she so impatient?
mdp.39015004733401Why, she wondered, should one's physical properties always insist upon appearing awry after a night of stolen or forbidden pleasure?
mdp.39015004733401Wonder what she's doin'? ” Emma Lou read all this between the lines of what her mother had written.
mdp.39015004733401Wonder who they was? ” “ Oh, she probably works for them.
mdp.39015004733401You got your rent? ”"I got four dollars,"Braxton advanced slowly.
mdp.39015004733401You know,"she advanced confidentially, “ I've never gone to school with any colored people before. ” “ No?"
mdp.39015004733401up off of the street?
mdp.39015004733401“ Alva's gone to work; who is it?"
mdp.39015004733401“ Are you a new student? ” she in- quired of the astonished Alma, who was n't used to this sort of thing.
mdp.39015004733401“ But do n't í you understand he's just tryin'to find some one to take care of that brat of his?
mdp.39015004733401“ But what about your appointment? ”"I shall take it. ”"What! ” She forgot her weariness.
mdp.39015004733401“ Did n't you like college? ”.
mdp.39015004733401“ Do you hear me?"
mdp.39015004733401“ Do you know they have corn liquor in the kit- chen?
mdp.39015004733401“ Do you think you will like it?"
mdp.39015004733401“ I must be going. ” “ Do you want the room? ” There was a note of anxiety in her voice.
mdp.39015004733401“ I wantsa —""What kind of job do you want? ” Could n't people ever finish what they had to say?
mdp.39015004733401“ I wantsa —""What kind of job do you want? ” Could n't people ever finish what they had to say?
mdp.39015004733401“ I was lone- some, I guess. ”"Were n't there any other colored boys and girls?
mdp.39015004733401“ I would like stenographic work. ” “ Experienced?"
mdp.39015004733401“ Is n't this marvelous? ” Truman's eyes were ablaze with interest and excitement.
mdp.39015004733401“ Is that so? ” Helen inquired listlessly.
mdp.39015004733401“ May I have this dance? ” A well modulated deep voice.
mdp.39015004733401“ Porter or dishwashing, lady. ” “ Are you registered with us? ” “ No'm. ”"Have a seat.
mdp.39015004733401“ Thank God, she wo n't be in any of our classes, eh Amos? ” Emma Lou was almost abreast of them now.
mdp.39015004733401“ What do you want to waste your time with that yaller nigger for?
mdp.39015004733401“ What the hell is hoppin’-john? ” “ Ray, I'm ashamed of you.
mdp.39015004733401“ What the hell would Arline do, ” he laughed, “ if she did n't have you to change her complexion before every performance?"
mdp.39015004733401“ What time is it?"
mdp.39015004733401“ What? ” Arline was genuinely surprised.
mdp.39015004733401“ Why I came home, where'd ya think I went? ” Braxton laughed again.
mdp.39015004733401“ Why in the hell does Alva give so many damn women his'phone number? ” Six- thirty- five.
mdp.39015004733401“ You in Harlem and never been to a cabaret?
mdp.39015004733401“ You mean to say you're going to teach school and live with that man, too?
emu.010001355021What color is he?"
emu.010001355021An'de chillen?
emu.010001355021And as much whiskey and tobacco as was good for you, Grandison?
emu.010001355021And how did you know about them?
emu.010001355021And now, ladies and gentlemen, friends and companions, I ask you, what should he have done?
emu.010001355021And your book — your treatise that is to make you famous?
emu.010001355021And your profession?
emu.010001355021Are you sure there was no mark on the things that were found upon you?
emu.010001355021Ben Davis — Ben Davis? emu.010001355021 Could you love me, Charity, if I did something heroic?"
emu.010001355021Dey wo n't try ter steal me, will dey, mars- ter?
emu.010001355021Did n't he come out this way, Jack?
emu.010001355021Did you go to the orphan asylum?
emu.010001355021Did you tell my people in Virginia?
emu.010001355021Do you really expect to find your hus¬ band? emu.010001355021 Have n't I always treated you right?"
emu.010001355021Have n't you always got all you wanted to eat?
emu.010001355021How do you feel about the case, Colonel?
emu.010001355021I wonder what's the matter?
emu.010001355021In the mean time he had met and loved and married my mother?
emu.010001355021Is Mis'Davis home?
emu.010001355021Kin yer tell me w'at went wid Mis'Davis?
emu.010001355021May I see it?
emu.010001355021My father?
emu.010001355021My mother was a Virginia belle, was she not?
emu.010001355021My mother — was she beautiful?
emu.010001355021No, what wuz it?
emu.010001355021So Milly ai n't my lawful wife, den?
emu.010001355021Tell me, child,said the other woman, with restrained eagerness,"what were the things found upon you when you were taken from the river?"
emu.010001355021The jedge talks well, do n't he?
emu.010001355021What color was he — that's what I want to know — and what kind of hair did he have?
emu.010001355021What did my father do then, when he had sold out in Virginia?
emu.010001355021What for? emu.010001355021 What kind of a life?
emu.010001355021What of my mother's people?
emu.010001355021What was her maiden name?
emu.010001355021What went wid de proputty?
emu.010001355021What's the trouble?
emu.010001355021What's the use of kicking, Sheriff?
emu.010001355021Where are you going, uncle?
emu.010001355021Who was my father?
emu.010001355021Whose house is dis?
emu.010001355021Why did you dance with him?
emu.010001355021Why do n't you take a trip North?
emu.010001355021Will you take the answer you can get to¬ night?
emu.010001355021Wo n't you have some dinner first?
emu.010001355021.1 M-;''S «#'iV « i Jl 8^:?'
emu.010001355021258 UNCLE WELLINGTON'S WIVES"W'at do dis mean?"
emu.010001355021316 THE WEB OF CIRCUMSTANCE"Please, ma'am, will you tell me whether a man name'Ben Davis useter live in dis neighborhood?"
emu.01000135502166 Do you remember what kind of hair he had?"
emu.01000135502168 THE SHERIFF'S CHILDREN"Will yer ax'i m ter step ter de do'a min¬ ute, Sis'Nance?"
emu.010001355021Alice must wrap up her throat — by the way, Alice, how is your throat?"
emu.010001355021An'how hev ye be'n, Misther Payterson, sence I see ye lahst?"
emu.010001355021And Cicely?
emu.010001355021And my mother?"
emu.010001355021Are you guilty or not guilty?"
emu.010001355021At this moment, however, a fearful thought struck him; suppose the old woman had taken legal advice and married again during his ab¬ sence?
emu.010001355021But how in the world did Jack get the thing balled up?
emu.010001355021But what did I learn?
emu.010001355021But what did you do with him?"
emu.010001355021But what's a man's feel- in's ag'in* the proof?"
emu.010001355021CICELY'S DREAM 141"What is he, granny,"asked the girl anxiously,"a w'ite man, or not?"
emu.010001355021Could I do less than he?
emu.010001355021Could he subject his wife and daughter to the rude shock of such a disappointment?
emu.010001355021Could he, in the face of his well- known principles, his lifelong rule of conduct, take this negro into his home and introduce him to his friends?
emu.010001355021Did n't Tom tell yer I'd be heah in twenty minutes?"
emu.010001355021Did yer hear the news?"
emu.010001355021Did you give me your name, or even your protection?
emu.010001355021Did you learn the name of the steamboat?"
emu.010001355021Did you want to see me?"
emu.010001355021Do I know the lady?"
emu.010001355021Do de gemman lib in dis house?"
emu.010001355021Do n't you remember Cicely — Cicely whom THE SHERIFF'S CHILDREN 85 you sold, with her child, to the speculator on his way to Alabama?"
emu.010001355021Do you not see the letters — M. S.?"
emu.010001355021Do you want to take the bread out of a poor man's mouth?
emu.010001355021Does you know anybody w'at needs a good cook, suh?
emu.010001355021Does you know anything erbout hosses?"
emu.010001355021Does you read writin', Johnnie?"
emu.010001355021Free to do what?"
emu.010001355021Gentlemen of the jury, have you agreed upon a verdict?"
emu.010001355021Grandison,"said Dick, raising his voice above the roar of the cataract,"do you know where you are now?"
emu.010001355021Had he been mistaken?
emu.010001355021Had she found a gold ring?
emu.010001355021He did n't come?"
emu.010001355021He had not expected anything 82 THE SHERIFF'S CHILDREN life, but for how long?
emu.010001355021Heah's de fish; heah's de house; heah I is; but whar's de ole'oman, an'whar's de fu'niture?
emu.010001355021How can I ever repay you?"
emu.010001355021How dis man know'bout all dis yer foolis'- ness?"
emu.010001355021How have you lived all these years?"
emu.010001355021How is I gwine ter git ovuh dat fence, chile?"
emu.010001355021How you feelin', suh?"
emu.010001355021How's this for a way out?"
emu.010001355021I had a friend,—a dear friend, — why should I be ashamed to say it?
emu.010001355021I was"— HER VIRGINIA MAMMY 55"You were the colored nurse?
emu.010001355021I'm afraid you have n't much of a case, but if you'11 go to work and get twenty- five dollars together?
emu.010001355021Is I er- dreamin', er does I see w'at I'pears ter see?"
emu.010001355021Is dis yere whar Mistuh Ryduh lib, suh?"
emu.010001355021Is n't there some more likely explanation?"
emu.010001355021Is the sheriff at home?"
emu.010001355021Is we gwine back home'fo'long, Mars Dick?"
emu.010001355021Is you feelin'bettah now?"
emu.010001355021Is you goin'uptown?"
emu.010001355021Is you gwine ter chu'ch ter- night?"
emu.010001355021Is you hearn f'm Sam lately?"
emu.010001355021It's hardly good form to mention one's ancestors nowadays, and what's the use of them at all if one ca n't boast of them?"
emu.010001355021Jack,"he asked,"what kind of a looking man was the fellow you gave the note to at the depot?"
emu.010001355021My friends, what would the man do?
emu.010001355021Oh, Dick,"she had said with shuddering alarm,"what have you done?
emu.010001355021Ole'oman,"he asked, after the edge of his appetite had been taken off,"how would you lack ter live at de Norf?"
emu.010001355021Or shall steps be taken in the name of liberty to rescue a fellow- man from bondage?
emu.010001355021Primus,"she called,"w'at wuz Ben Davis, w'at useter own dis yer house, sent ter de penitenchy fer?"
emu.010001355021S'pose you be'n doin'well as usual?"
emu.010001355021Seriously, Clara dear, what shall it be?
emu.010001355021Shall this be tolerated?
emu.010001355021THE WIFE OF HIS YOUTH 28 Then, finally, I put the question to him, c Shall you acknowledge her?'
emu.010001355021Tell me, child, what ails you?
emu.010001355021The gentleman did n't come?"
emu.010001355021Was it a bright- colored silk dress?
emu.010001355021Was it a soft, curly plume for her hat?
emu.010001355021Was it merely a pastoral call?
emu.010001355021Was there any one else with him?"
emu.010001355021Wat you want?''
emu.010001355021Well, what is it?"
emu.010001355021What are a lot of musty, mouldy old grandfathers, compared with life and love and happiness?
emu.010001355021What can I do for you?"
emu.010001355021What do you want, Sam?"
emu.010001355021What father's duty have you ever performed for me?
emu.010001355021What shall I do with that man?"
emu.010001355021What was the meaning of it?
emu.010001355021What was the occasion of his presence this evening?
emu.010001355021What would he do, or rather what ought he to do, in such a crisis of a lifetime?"
emu.010001355021What's his street an'number?"
emu.010001355021What's the matter?"
emu.010001355021When are you going to give it up?"
emu.010001355021Where are you going, father?"
emu.010001355021Where is he from?"
emu.010001355021Whereabouts do you want to go?"
emu.010001355021Who are you?"
emu.010001355021Who were my father and my mother, and who ami?"
emu.010001355021Who's coming?"
emu.010001355021Why do n't you defend yourself?"
emu.010001355021Why, dear mammy,"said the young woman musingly,"did you not find me, and restore me to my people?"
emu.010001355021Why, elder,"he said to the preacher, who had started from his seat with surprise,"w'at's yo'hurry?
emu.010001355021Will you promise to give no alarm and make no attempt to capture me until morn¬ ing, if I do not shoot?"
emu.010001355021Wo n't you stay an'hab some supper wid us?"
emu.010001355021Would you lack ter look'roun'de town a little?"
emu.010001355021Would you like to go with me?"
emu.010001355021a How's he gittin'on?"
emu.010001355021asked the hackman,"and what is his business?"
emu.010001355021f r ■ ■'••, x r"-y t v r?
emu.010001355021he gasped,"you would not murder your own father?"
emu.010001355021or had aunt Milly taken legal advice and mar¬ ried the eider?
emu.010001355021or rather, when shall it be?
emu.010001355021or was he courting?
emu.010001355021— my'mammy,'they would have called you in my old Virginia home?"
wu.89098876212Forgive me for what, mother? wu.89098876212 'O, Linda, is n't this a bad world? wu.89098876212 113 6 Uncle Fred, how do you manage to get your lessons so well? ” 6 Lord bress you, chile,he replied.
wu.890988762126 Well, brother, ” said I, “ what is the matter this time? ” “ O Linda, Ben and his master have had a dread- ful time! ” said he.
wu.8909887621261 1 “ So you want to be married, do you? ” said he, 66 and to a free nigger."
wu.8909887621266 What right had you to allow it, when you knew I had sold her? ”.
wu.89098876212And Linda, poor Linda; what'll become of her?
wu.89098876212And do you suppose I would turn mother out of her home in her old age?
wu.89098876212And had he so little feeling for their wretched mother that he would not listen a moment while she pleaded for them?
wu.89098876212And what did he care for the value of a slave?
wu.89098876212Are her children with you? ” When told that they were, he said, “ I am very glad to hear that.
wu.89098876212Are you mad?
wu.89098876212At last, as uncle Phillip came into the house, I heard some one inquire, “ How is she? ” and he answered, “ She is dead."
wu.89098876212Before I saw her, I heard her saying, “ Where is Linda Brent?
wu.89098876212Benny said, “ Grandmother, do you think uncle Will has gone for good?
wu.89098876212But can that hour of singing and shouting sustain them through the dreary week, toiling without wages, under constant dread of the lash?
wu.89098876212But did the mothers dare to tell who was the father of their children?
wu.89098876212But what cared the legislators of the domi- nant race ” for the blood they were crushing out of trampled hearts?
wu.89098876212But what consequence was that, when she had a big heart overflowing with human kindness?
wu.89098876212But where could I turn for protection?
wu.89098876212But why, thought I, did my relatives ever cherish hopes for me?
wu.89098876212Ca n't you go with me?
wu.89098876212Did the child feign what she did not feel?
wu.89098876212Did the old fox suppose I was goose enough to go into such a trap?
wu.89098876212Did the other slaves dare to allude to it, except in whispers among themselves?
wu.89098876212Do they respect the northerner for this?
wu.89098876212Do you know the place, grand- mother?
wu.89098876212Do you love him as you did formerly? ” She rose to her feet, and said, in piteous tones, 6 My Lord and Master, help me!
wu.89098876212Do you love him? ” said he, in a hissing tone.
wu.89098876212Do you sup- pose that all men are alike to her? ” “ Do you love this nigger? ” said he, abruptly.
wu.89098876212Do you sup- pose that all men are alike to her? ” “ Do you love this nigger? ” said he, abruptly.
wu.89098876212Do you think any other master would bear what I have borne from you this morning?
wu.89098876212Does dat satisfy you?
wu.89098876212Does he want to hurt us? ” I would clasp the dear boy in my arms, trusting that he would be free before he was old enough to solve the problem.
wu.89098876212For not letting him treat me like a dog?
wu.89098876212Had my children, then, be- come of so little consequence to him?
wu.89098876212Had she utterly forsaken me?
wu.89098876212He asked, for the last time, would I accept his kindness?
wu.89098876212He had heard them say that he had gone to find me, and he called out, “ Dr. Flint, did you bring my mother home?
wu.89098876212He was especially charged to rub on the ointment by a fire; but how could a fire be made in my little den?
wu.89098876212He watched her face narrowly, and said, “ 6 Do n't you know any thing about her running off? ” She assured him that she did not.
wu.89098876212Her first question was, “ Did you know you were to sleep in the doctor's room? ” 6 Yes, ma'am. ” 66 Who told you?"
wu.89098876212Her first question was, “ Did you know you were to sleep in the doctor's room? ” 6 Yes, ma'am. ” 66 Who told you?"
wu.89098876212How could I believe it?
wu.89098876212How could he get strength without air and exercise?
wu.89098876212How could he, when he knew he would sell them, one by one, wherever he could command the highest price?
wu.89098876212How could she realize my feelings?
wu.89098876212How could they hope that I should escape?
wu.89098876212How do you do?"
wu.89098876212How had those years dealt with her slave sister, the little playmate of her childhood?
wu.89098876212How much more must I suffer, before I should be 6 broke in"to that degree?
wu.89098876212How often did I kneel down to listen to her words of conso- lation, whispered through a crack?
wu.89098876212How would you like to be sent to jail for your insolence?"
wu.89098876212I do n't remember how mother looked — do you, Benny?"
wu.89098876212I felt almost sure I should never see him again on southern soil; but had he no word of comfort to send to his friends at home?
wu.89098876212I knew there was some risk in thus be- traying that I was in the vicinity; but what will not a mother do for her children?
wu.89098876212I replied, “ Do n't you suppose, sir, that a slave can have some preference about marrying?
wu.89098876212I should like it; would n't you, Ellen? ” 6 Yes, I should like it, ” replied Ellen; “ but how could we find her?
wu.89098876212I should like it; would n't you, Ellen? ” 6 Yes, I should like it, ” replied Ellen; “ but how could we find her?
wu.89098876212I was encountering dangers for the sake of freeing them, and must I be the cause of their death?
wu.89098876212I was startled to hear some one say, “ Did you speak to me? ” I looked up, and saw Mr. Flint standing be- side me.
wu.89098876212In view of these things, why are ye silent, ye free men and women of the north?
wu.89098876212It will take'em all, and more too, to wash the dirt off your soul. ” “ Do you know whom you are talking to? ” he es.
wu.89098876212Now, how could I look them in the face?
wu.89098876212Or had he given her to his cousin, as a piece of property?
wu.89098876212She gazed on me in utter astonishment, and exclaimed, “ Linda, can this be you?
wu.89098876212So he is tired of you?
wu.89098876212That I would let her pay all those hard- earned dollars for me, and never to see me?
wu.89098876212The color mounted to my brother's face when he gave it to me; and he said, “ Do n't you hate me, Linda, for bringing you these things?"
wu.89098876212The virtuous madam do n't like to hear about it, does she?
wu.89098876212Then, turning to her uncle, she said, pleadingly, “ May I stay?
wu.89098876212They did n't cut off your head at the plantation, did they? ” My time was up too soon, and my guide was waiting for me.
wu.89098876212Was I not already in the dust?
wu.89098876212Was my child dead, or had they de- ceived me, and sold her?
wu.89098876212Was this all I was to gain by what I had suf- fered for the sake of having my children free?
wu.89098876212Were my children with their grandmother, or had the speculator carried them off?
wu.89098876212What a libel upon the heavenly Father, who “ made of one blood all nations of men! ” And then who are Afri- cans?
wu.89098876212What cared my owners for that?
wu.89098876212What could I do?
wu.89098876212What could I do?
wu.89098876212What do you stand there for, Bill?
wu.89098876212What security had I with regard to Benjamin?
wu.89098876212What security had he that they would not be so again?
wu.89098876212What was there to save me from the usual fate of slave girls?
wu.89098876212What would they have done under similar circumstances?
wu.89098876212When I stepped forward to take it from them, one of the soldiers turned and said angrily, “ What d'ye foller us fur?
wu.89098876212When that was opened, there was a great shout of surprise; and one exclaimed, “ Where'd the damned niggers git all dis sheet an'table clarf?"
wu.89098876212Who can blame slaves for being cunning?
wu.89098876212Who can measure the amount of Anglo- Saxon blood coursing in the veins of American slaves?
wu.89098876212Who is going to sell you, aunt Marthy?
wu.89098876212Who knows what may happen?".
wu.89098876212Whom does he belong to? ”.
wu.89098876212Why allow the ten- drils of the heart to twine around objects which may at any moment be wrenched away by the hand of vio- lence?
wu.89098876212Why did n't you come home when Dr. Flint went to bring you? ” I answered, “ I could n't come before, dear.
wu.89098876212Why do n't God kill me? ” I had no words wherewith to comfort her.
wu.89098876212Why do n't you and uncle Phillip, and all of us, go and live where mother is?
wu.89098876212Why do n't you go off with the brat?
wu.89098876212Why do you come here?
wu.89098876212Why do your tongues falter in maintenance of the right?
wu.89098876212Why does the slave ever love?
wu.89098876212Why had my lot been so different from my mother's?
wu.89098876212Why should he distress her when she could do him no good?
wu.89098876212Will you answer truly all the questions I ask?"
wu.89098876212With a sob in her voice, she said, “ I'm glad you've come to see me; but why did n't you ever come before?
wu.89098876212Wo n't he ever come back again?
wu.89098876212Would Betty never come, and tell me the truth about it?
wu.89098876212Would he be bought?
wu.89098876212half free niggers? ” inquired he.
wu.89098876212has it come to this?
wu.89098876212ing from dawn till dark on the plantations?
wu.89098876212of hounds trained to tear human flesh?
wu.89098876212of men screwed into cotton gins to die?
wu.89098876212of moth- ers shrieking for their children, torn from their arms by slave traders?
wu.89098876212of pools of blood around the whipping post?
wu.89098876212of young girls dragged down into moral filth?
wu.89098876212or is it your ghost? ” When we were locked in each other's arms, my overwrought feelings could no longer be restrained.
wu.89098876212or was her mother jealous of the mite of love she bestowed on me?
wu.89098876212sible you risk yourself in this house?
wu.89098876212to the poor captive in her dungeon?
wu.89098876212what are you doing here?"
wu.89098876212what would you do without a mother?
wu.89098876212what's you crying'bout?
wu.89098876212you ai n't dead, are you?
wu.89098876212you herself. ” This letter perplexed and troubled me, Had my child's father merely placed her there till she was old enough to support herself?
wu.89098876212“ Ah, Ellen, is that you? ” he said, in his most gracious manner.
wu.89098876212“ Ca n't something be done to stop it? ” on? ” said"importer- told him 130 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
wu.89098876212“ Ca n't something be done to stop it? ” on? ” said"importer- told him 130 Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
wu.89098876212“ Can you read them? ” he asked.
wu.89098876212“ Did I not take you into the house, and make you the companion of my own children? ” he would say.
wu.89098876212“ Do you suppose I want you to kick up a row in Boston?
wu.89098876212“ Do you suppose, Phil, when I have got so far out of their clutches, I will give them one red cent?
wu.89098876212“ Have I ever treated you like a negro?
wu.89098876212“ Have you thought how important your decision is to your children? ” said he.
wu.89098876212“ How came this girl here? ” he exclaimed.
wu.89098876212“ Linda,"said he, speaking as I had not heard him speak that evening, “ how could you say that?
wu.89098876212“ Linda,"she whis pered, “ where are you? ” “ I am here by the window,"I replied.
wu.89098876212“ Mother, do n't you believe it? ” he said, laying his hand softly upon her shoulder.
wu.89098876212“ Must you go? ” said she.
wu.89098876212“ So you are left in disgust, are you? ” said he.
wu.89098876212“ Then you accept my offer? ” “ No, sir."
wu.89098876212“ What calls you up so early? ” said he.
wu.89098876212“ What more do you wait for?"
wu.89098876212“ What right have you, who are my negro, to talk to me about what you would like, and what you would n't like?
wu.89098876212“ Who called me? ” said he, in a low tone.
wu.89098876212“ Who knows the ways of God? ” said she.
wu.89098876212“ Who writes to you?
wu.89098876212“ Why do n't you speak?"
wu.89098876212“ Will you say again that you never saw that man? ” I answered,"I do say so. ” He clinched my arm with a volley of oaths.
wu.89098876212“ Yes,"he said, “ I try to be good; but what's the use?
wu.89098876212“ You suffer, do you? ” she ex- claimed.
wu.89098876212• Do you tell me I lie? ” exclaimed he, dragging me from my chair.
mdp.39015066034508What are we goin'to do?"
mdp.39015066034508Any doubt?
mdp.39015066034508Been lushin'a bit, eh?
mdp.39015066034508Berry,the officer pursued,"you ad- mit having deposited five hundred dollars in the bank yesterday?"
mdp.39015066034508But where are we goin'?
mdp.39015066034508D'jever see the statue o'Liberty? mdp.39015066034508 Did you get a job?"
mdp.39015066034508Did — did — you read it?
mdp.39015066034508Do n't you dare? mdp.39015066034508 Do you ever leave this window open?"
mdp.39015066034508Do you remember Claire's saying at the table that night of the farewell dinner that some dark- eyed mademoiselle was waiting for me? mdp.39015066034508 He wanted to dress his wife an'chillen lak white folks, did he?
mdp.39015066034508How about your jewels?
mdp.39015066034508How could you do it, Frank?
mdp.39015066034508How was your brother's money, in bills?
mdp.39015066034508I am sorry to disturb you again, Frank, but may we come in?
mdp.39015066034508I do n't know what they think of ma 71 OUTCASTS crying,Oh, where are we going to live, ma?"
mdp.39015066034508I do so hate such things,he said;"and, anyway, what's the use?
mdp.39015066034508If it is no worse than loss, I am glad; but what is it?
mdp.39015066034508Is this porch on the front of the house?
mdp.39015066034508Later events?
mdp.39015066034508Mean? mdp.39015066034508 More than four years?
mdp.39015066034508New Yo'k?
mdp.39015066034508No one wants you? mdp.39015066034508 Oh, ma,"Kitty put in,"you do n't want to get talked about up here, do you?"
mdp.39015066034508Oh, that's the one that upset our young friend, is it?
mdp.39015066034508Oh, yes, you're done with burr- heads, are you? mdp.39015066034508 Paris?"
mdp.39015066034508Say,she said,"if you come this way for me again, it's all over, see?
mdp.39015066034508Shall I question him,asked the offi- cer,"or will you?"
mdp.39015066034508Shearing another lamb?
mdp.39015066034508So she jumped on you hard, did she? mdp.39015066034508 So you think you want to go on the stage, do you?"
mdp.39015066034508T wonder where they're going to live?
mdp.39015066034508The divine Hattie has n't been cutting any capers, has she? mdp.39015066034508 Then it lies between Jack and Joe?"
mdp.39015066034508Then only Hamilton and Esterton have been alone for any time in your room since you left the key in your cabinet?
mdp.39015066034508Then you admit that he did steal?
mdp.39015066034508Think so?
mdp.39015066034508Was that the reason that he was so anxious to get back to Paris? mdp.39015066034508 Well, do you think there's any doubt of the darky's guilt?"
mdp.39015066034508Well, what's the matter, old man? mdp.39015066034508 Well?"
mdp.39015066034508Were any of your papers touched?
mdp.39015066034508Were they mean to you too, ma?
mdp.39015066034508What are we goin'to do?
mdp.39015066034508What do you want? mdp.39015066034508 What else is out that way?"
mdp.39015066034508What is it, Francis?
mdp.39015066034508What is it?
mdp.39015066034508What you know about it? mdp.39015066034508 What're you givin'me?"
mdp.39015066034508What's your name?
mdp.39015066034508What, do n't you drink beer? mdp.39015066034508 What?
mdp.39015066034508When you opened this cabinet, your money was gone?
mdp.39015066034508Whether I fail or succeed, you will always think well of me, Maurice?
mdp.39015066034508Who is it?
mdp.39015066034508Who is it?
mdp.39015066034508Who is with you?
mdp.39015066034508Who would have thought it?
mdp.39015066034508Who'd'a'thought,he mused,"that the kid had that much nerve?
mdp.39015066034508Who's that?
mdp.39015066034508Who's your young friend?
mdp.39015066034508Why cain't you come on off wid me, Fannie? mdp.39015066034508 Why, I wo'ked fu'it, o'co'se, whaih you s'pose I got it?
mdp.39015066034508Why, Minty,he said, offering his hand,"you ai n't mad at me, are you?"
mdp.39015066034508Why, what shell I do?
mdp.39015066034508Why, yes, what's the matter with to- morrer night? mdp.39015066034508 Wo n't he, Leslie?"
mdp.39015066034508You ai n't my wife no mo'? mdp.39015066034508 You know that he has money in the bank?"
mdp.39015066034508You neither?
mdp.39015066034508You say you know whaih dat money comef'om?. mdp.39015066034508 You want me to ma'y him an'desert yo'po'pa?"
mdp.39015066034508You worked for it? mdp.39015066034508 'Fannie,"he said, holding out his arms to her, and all of the pain and pathos of long yearning was in his voice,"do n't you know me?"
mdp.39015066034508134 A VISITOR FROM HOME"Whaih do you live?
mdp.39015066034508135 THE SPORT OF THE GODS"But do n't you see what she can do for us, ma?
mdp.39015066034508Ai n't it grand?"
mdp.39015066034508Ai n't you seen enough?
mdp.39015066034508And Hattie?
mdp.39015066034508And her only answer would be,"I wonder, Maurice, if Claire Lessing will wait for him?"
mdp.39015066034508Are your joints rusty?
mdp.39015066034508Berry looked at her hard, and then said in a dry voice,"An'so I got to go an'leave you to him?"
mdp.39015066034508Berry, you deposited five hun- dred dollars at the bank yesterday?"
mdp.39015066034508But did you see the grit she went at it with?
mdp.39015066034508But tell me, how's Kit an'yo'ma?"
mdp.39015066034508But what do you expect when false idealism and J fevered ambition come face to face with catering cupidity?
mdp.39015066034508D'jever hear'Baby, you got to leave'?
mdp.39015066034508Did n't I tell you never to come here again?
mdp.39015066034508Did n't expect to see me in New York, did you?"
mdp.39015066034508Did she not know that he was waiting for her?
mdp.39015066034508Do n't you know enough already to stay away f'om dese hyeah people?
mdp.39015066034508Do n't you see?"
mdp.39015066034508Do they want us to live on the levee an'steal, like some of'em do?"
mdp.39015066034508Do you think he would stand for a touch on the first night of our acquaintance?"
mdp.39015066034508Do you want oil?
mdp.39015066034508Do you want to frighten him off?
mdp.39015066034508Envy has a sharp tongue, and when has not the aristo- crat been the target for the plebeian's sneers?
mdp.39015066034508Forgive me, but you'll go back, wo n't you?"
mdp.39015066034508Give up your art?
mdp.39015066034508Ha, ladies and gentlemen, all here?"
mdp.39015066034508Had he meant the approval of the women, or was it one woman that he cared for?
mdp.39015066034508Had she indeed hit upon the real point?
mdp.39015066034508Had that girl told all and undone him?
mdp.39015066034508Had the speech had a hidden meaning for her?
mdp.39015066034508Have n't been up to anything, have you?"
mdp.39015066034508He was not a man easily disconcerted; then why so to- night?
mdp.39015066034508He writes no letters and receives none, not even from 224 THE SPORT OF THE GODS"And for what?"
mdp.39015066034508Heigho, why will women be so long a- shopping?"
mdp.39015066034508How are you?"
mdp.39015066034508How much was there in all?"
mdp.39015066034508How's your- self?"
mdp.39015066034508If Minty Brown had not told his story, why not?
mdp.39015066034508If it fails""But if it succeeds?"
mdp.39015066034508Instead of that, a distinguished family is brought to shame, and for what?
mdp.39015066034508Is she going to do it?"
mdp.39015066034508Is you goin'to dress lak dem we seen dat night?"
mdp.39015066034508Jack, what'll you have yourself?"
mdp.39015066034508Maurice Oakley must see me, and then what?"
mdp.39015066034508My Gawd, Mistah Oakley, you believed a thing lak dat aftah all de yeahs I been wid you?"
mdp.39015066034508Now tell me, who was the last person you remember in your room?"
mdp.39015066034508Now, I appeal to you all, gentlemen, if that ai n't total depravity, what is total depravity?"
mdp.39015066034508Now, can you b'lieve dis?"
mdp.39015066034508On every side one might have asked, Where is charity?
mdp.39015066034508See that little girl over there?
mdp.39015066034508See that woman over there by the wall?
mdp.39015066034508She did not want to be suspicious, but what was the cause of that tell- tale flush?
mdp.39015066034508She was scared, d'you under- stand?
mdp.39015066034508So you know about it, do you?"
mdp.39015066034508Tell us where on earth the nigger got the money he's been putting in the bank?
mdp.39015066034508Tell us who has got the money if he has n't?
mdp.39015066034508The little one was scared, see?
mdp.39015066034508Then he asked weakly,"Well, what am I goin'to do?"
mdp.39015066034508Want to meet her?"
mdp.39015066034508Was it true?
mdp.39015066034508Was she mocking him?
mdp.39015066034508Was she restraining her scorn of him only to make his humiliation the greater after a while?
mdp.39015066034508We git the best shows here, we git the best concerts — say, now, what's the use o'my callin'it all out?
mdp.39015066034508Well, do you know, I came home the other night and found that black rascal gone?
mdp.39015066034508Well, if they do n't want to find out things, what do they come to N'Yawk for?
mdp.39015066034508Whaih you been to?"
mdp.39015066034508Whaih you think Gawd is?"
mdp.39015066034508What are the few paltry dollars to me or to you?"
mdp.39015066034508What are you looking so cut up about?"
mdp.39015066034508What is it?
mdp.39015066034508What more could they ask?
mdp.39015066034508What should he do?
mdp.39015066034508What should she do if he should so speak to her?
mdp.39015066034508What you doin'here?"
mdp.39015066034508What you mean?
mdp.39015066034508What'ud yo'pa think?"
mdp.39015066034508Where now was the philosophy of Sadness?
mdp.39015066034508Where'll we go?"
mdp.39015066034508Who else?"
mdp.39015066034508Why did n't you put it in the bank as you got it?"
mdp.39015066034508Why do n't you marry him, ma?
mdp.39015066034508Why had he not tried to placate her by disavowing sympathy with his mother?
mdp.39015066034508Why in the devil should this fellow be so sadly gay when he was weighted down with sorrow and shame and disgust?
mdp.39015066034508Why not the second?
mdp.39015066034508Why would not Leslie come?
mdp.39015066034508Why, Colonel, what are you thinking of?
mdp.39015066034508Why, Joe — they: — they do n't think hard of us, do they?"
mdp.39015066034508Will you have him called here and question him, or will you let me question him at once?"
mdp.39015066034508Would he really take him out and let him meet stage people?
mdp.39015066034508Would she yet tell, and if she did, what would happen?
mdp.39015066034508You ai n't been practisin'lately, has you?"
mdp.39015066034508You know that white pup of mine, Mr. Talbot, that I bought from Hiram Gaskins?
mdp.39015066034508You must have done a pretty big job to have got so much money all in a lump?"
mdp.39015066034508well, now, where did you get this money?"
uc1.b3688127262 AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD “ How come yuh promised to marry him den? ” Jim asked.
uc1.b368812766 AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD “ Want'er have dis dance? ” he said loudly.
uc1.b3688127AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD 225 “ You do n't suspect William, do you Hayden? ” he asked looking at him quickly, a startled ex- pression in his eyes.
uc1.b3688127AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD 73 “ How come yuh wants dat?
uc1.b3688127Ai n't Ah in uh worse mess an'whose de cause uh it all?
uc1.b3688127An ’ if dey wuz lawful, did hit help'em any?
uc1.b3688127An'how you gon na pay de rent ef we'all do n't fetch you work? ” “ Oh awrite, Cotton Eye.
uc1.b3688127Anything Ah kin help straight- en out? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688127B B L 35 le?
uc1.b3688127But whut's dat to you?
uc1.b3688127Dey'd make me sick'er den Ah ez. ” “ But ai n't you got no folks uh tall? ” someone had asked.
uc1.b3688127Dey's uh mess. ” “ Who's dis man Gordon whut William's brother Jim is in de gang for robbin ’? ” Snake asked.
uc1.b3688127Do n't you see what a mess you'll get me in? ” William asked, taking a cautious peep from the half- opened door.
uc1.b3688127Do n't yuh love one another? ” “ Oh, it ai n't me, Ma.
uc1.b3688127Do you know his address? ” “ Ah jes'know dat he done write Jim from a place called London.
uc1.b3688127Do yuh think he nails de cards dat quick? ” “ Well, yuh knows dat's why Ah went on home.
uc1.b3688127Git me?
uc1.b3688127Have you got any money? ” “ Not uh lousy cent.
uc1.b3688127He's uh white man's chile — jes'uh plain bastard. ” AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD 51 “ Whut diff'rence does dat make?
uc1.b3688127Her eyes filled with tears, as she laid her hand tenderly upon William's shoulder, and asked: “ What's the matter, son?
uc1.b3688127How long have you been there? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688127How you gwine ketch him nappin ’? ” Cotton Eye asked dubiously.
uc1.b3688127How'd yuh make out in de game las'nite? ” “ Rotten.
uc1.b3688127How's Byron? ” he asked quickly.
uc1.b3688127I'm kind'er talking crazy now, ai n't I? ” Sara Lou, tears filling her eyes, reached over and patted her favorite on the shoulder.
uc1.b3688127Is dere any objection to us dealin'to one'nothur? ” Sugar Kid asked, a trace of annoyance in his voice.
uc1.b3688127Is dere anythin'wrong wid'i m, sister Carter? ” turning to Sara Lou.
uc1.b3688127Kain't nobody make demselves, don'you know that?
uc1.b3688127Kain't nobody wish up nothin'nohow, kin dey brodder William? ” Martha asked turning to William.
uc1.b3688127Kin yuh let me have uh dollar? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688127My Pappy wuz'spose to be lawful an'uh preacher, an'whut am I?
uc1.b3688127Now how many is dat?
uc1.b3688127Say when is William de Parson comin'back? ” “ You bettuh not let him heah you call him dat.
uc1.b3688127Sho I'se glad to have yo'work but dat do n't make me not feel sick, does it? ” “ Sick or well, Ah wants dem pants tonight.
uc1.b3688127Sorry to disturb yuh but has you seen dat fellow dat works in that shop in Macon with you, this afternoon? ” the mar- shall greeted.
uc1.b3688127That's why, Mr. Stevens. ” “ Did n't you go to school in Byron?
uc1.b3688127Whar's dat no'count Luke?
uc1.b3688127What makes you and Jim ca n't get along?
uc1.b3688127When did you get in town? ” the lawyer asked in greeting.
uc1.b3688127Where'm I gon na get thirty- five dollars? ” William groaned.
uc1.b3688127Whew, some gal, Ah says. ” “ From Chicago? ” Slippery asked, turning quickly to face Cotton Eye.
uc1.b3688127Who is he, anyhow?
uc1.b3688127Who's she gon na stay wid? ” AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD 55 been dead drunk when Ah went to bed, ” Slippery answered shortly.
uc1.b3688127Whose fault is it, anyhow?
uc1.b3688127Whut yuh say we play up- stairs in de clubroom tonight? ” Sugar Kid asked, a smile that could have meant anything, wreathing his smug countenance.
uc1.b3688127Whut yuh say? ” “ No.
uc1.b3688127Why de big desire to dress up?"
uc1.b3688127Why do you do dat? ” “ Jes'kaise yuh done promised to marry William, ” he answered, walking on.
uc1.b3688127Why do you want to try an'get it done for the twenty- five cents you paid for your pants? ” William asked.
uc1.b3688127Why should he remain shackled to the past?
uc1.b3688127Why should n't he try his luck?
uc1.b3688127Will yuh promise me you'll try, Jim? ” Jim turned his head aside.
uc1.b3688127Would you rather sacrifice five years waiting for him than marry me? ” “ Please William, do n't talk lak dat.
uc1.b3688127You ai n't heard nothing from Gordon, is you? ” he asked, as he turned the car in the direction of his place two miles further.
uc1.b3688127You know why he was mad wid me?
uc1.b3688127You sho'do n't forgit nothin', does you? ” she chuckled.
uc1.b3688127You would n't mine doin'dat, would you? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688127Yuh git me? ” “ Awrite, say, who's the slick- lookin'guy dat you was standin'next to over dere by the door?
uc1.b3688127Yuh git me? ” “ Awrite, say, who's the slick- lookin'guy dat you was standin'next to over dere by the door?
uc1.b3688127lak dat? ” Sara Lou asked sharply.
uc1.b3688127“ Ah wonder effen Lawyer Hayden could git my boy uh new trial? ” his mother's voice brought him back to the present.
uc1.b3688127“ Ah’m in trouble an'wants you to help me git'way. ” “ What kind'er trouble — been raided for gam- bling? ” “ God.
uc1.b3688127“ Ai n’t dere some place whar we kin talk? ” he whispered.
uc1.b3688127“ Ai n’t it de truth? ” Martha echoed.
uc1.b3688127“ An'his sister is whut?
uc1.b3688127“ Aw, yeah?
uc1.b3688127“ But spose the marshall sees you coming out'er my house?
uc1.b3688127“ But whar's Ruth? ” she added, look- ing around the neat, sparsely furnished room that served as bedroom and kitchen for the minister.
uc1.b3688127“ Could anyone except yourself have at any time seen that combination without your knowledge? ” “ No, suh.
uc1.b3688127“ Dat's de man I work for — Willyum Carter. ” “ You would n't mind knockin'me down to him, would you, Slippery?"
uc1.b3688127“ Did n't Jim always take you to church? ” she was asked.
uc1.b3688127“ Did yuh rest any? ” Jim asked.
uc1.b3688127“ Gee, whut's all de commotion over at Daddy Jenks'? ” Slippery exclaimed a moment later, when a loud scream carried him to the door.
uc1.b3688127“ Go'lon'boy, whut yuh doin''zamin'yo ’ ole Ma to see if she done growd uglier? ” she asked, chuck- ling happily.
uc1.b3688127“ Hey William, how'se you feelin'after yo'sick nursin'job all dese weeks? ” she greeted.
uc1.b3688127“ Hey, Slippery, whut you tryin'to do, sleep all day? ” The query came through the door.
uc1.b3688127“ How come you allus findin'fault uh yo'brud- der? ” Sara Lou asked regarding him with a frown.
uc1.b3688127“ How'bout givin'uh donkey party? ” Sadie Smith asked timidly.
uc1.b3688127“ How's all yo'folks, An'Sara? ” Sally asked, as Sara Lou turned to go.
uc1.b3688127“ How's yuh feelin'now, Slippery?"
uc1.b3688127“ Is Jim done comed home?
uc1.b3688127“ Is anythin'happened to Cousin Sara? ” she asked, as William threw himself across the rickety iron bed in a corner of the room.
uc1.b3688127“ Is there anyone who visits your home that you have reason to suspect? ” the lawyer asked him.
uc1.b3688127“ Jim, will you tell me whut you's doin'snoopin''roun ’ Gordon's house this time'er night? ” he asked sternly.
uc1.b3688127“ Just arrived this morning, Hayden. ” “ I guess you've heard about the little affair out at your place? ” “ Yes, Sara Lou wrote me.
uc1.b3688127“ Land sakes, why do n't dey git uh doctor?
uc1.b3688127“ Lawd, son, whut Jim gone an'done now? ” she asked in alarm.
uc1.b3688127“ Man, is you askin'me?
uc1.b3688127“ Now ai n't dat somethin'to be thankful for, Jim? ” Reverend Hooper asked.
uc1.b3688127“ Now whut y'all fussin''bout? ” she asked push- ing them apart.
uc1.b3688127“ Suppose they catch you, Slippery? ” he asked when they reached the door.
uc1.b3688127“ Then you heard? ” “ Yes every word Slippery and you said.
uc1.b3688127“ Uglier?
uc1.b3688127“ Well, go on Whut else happened? ” the Mar- shall asked testily.
uc1.b3688127“ Well, whut yuh say to playin'a li'l'skin? ” Sugar Kid asked.
uc1.b3688127“ Were you two in love with each other? ” “ Yes, suh.
uc1.b3688127“ Whar's Willyum? ” she asked anxiously.
uc1.b3688127“ Whar's yo'high yaller boy friend? ” “ Who you mean, Sugar P ” Ethel asked, innocently looking up into his face.
uc1.b3688127“ Whar's yo'room? ” “ Er,'bout ten blocks from here — with my cousin. ” “ Why walk ten blocks when you kin stay heah? ” kissing him.
uc1.b3688127“ Whar's yo'room? ” “ Er,'bout ten blocks from here — with my cousin. ” “ Why walk ten blocks when you kin stay heah? ” kissing him.
uc1.b3688127“ Whar's yo'un gone to and why, when he lef'you six years ago?
uc1.b3688127“ What are they bringing, Jim? ” William asked interested.
uc1.b3688127“ What was that Jim was sayin''bout Mr. Gor- don? ” Sara Lou asked.
uc1.b3688127“ What you want to say, Jessie? ” Ethel asked, as she slipped free from his arms.
uc1.b3688127“ What're you doin'here, Ethel? ” William asked realizing that she was drunk, and would be hard to handle in that condition.
uc1.b3688127“ What's it? ” “ I want someone else beside you to deal the cards, ” he answered slowly.
uc1.b3688127“ When did you get this? ” William asked, looking hard at the crumbled piece of paper.
uc1.b3688127“ When is you seen them act fair when there's one uh us on trial? ” William asked quietly.
uc1.b3688127“ When you goin'back to Macon? ” Martha asked, anxious to change the subject.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut de hell difference does it make?
uc1.b3688127“ Whut he say, Jim? ” she asked, a shade of anxiety in her voice.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut is it, An'Sara? ” Ruth asked, noting her troubled expression.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut you hidin ’? ” she asked, as he turned from the dresser, where he had shoved something into the half- open drawer.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut you want done to dese pants? ” Slippery asked, taking the pants and throwing them on a chair piled high with crumpled suits.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut's de matter, William, did Ah wake you up? ” Ethel asked softly.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut's de mattuh, William? ” Ethel asked anxiously, noting his frowning countenance.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut's it to you?
uc1.b3688127“ Whut's troublin'yuh, Willyum? ” she asked, placing her hand on his shoulder tenderly.
uc1.b3688127“ Whut's wrong?
uc1.b3688127“ Whut's yuh doin'readin'de bible so much uh late, son? ” she smiled.
uc1.b3688127“ Why did n't you tell me you and Jim was en- gaged? ” his first question brought an uneasy flush to her face.
uc1.b3688127“ Why, Jim, whut you 94 AUNT SARA'S WOODEN GOD doin'wid dis mail order book? ” she questioned, spreading it open on the side of the bed.
uc1.b3688127“ Will you pray for me, Jim? ” “ Effen Mr. Myers say Ah kin.
uc1.b3688127“ Willyum, how come you did n't go home Sat- tiday night? ” she asked, setting the plate of hot biscuits on the table.
uc1.b3688127“ You think he got'ligion, Sally? ” Sara Lou asked breathlessly.
uc1.b3688127“ You think yuh gointer finish school dis year, William? ” she was asking.
uc1.b3688127“ Yuh tellin'me?
uc1.b3688127“ Yuh think you kin ditch me jes'lak dat? ” she said — snapping her finger under William's nose the next afternoon.
uc1.b3688127“ Yuh wanna quit, dad? ” Sugar Kid asked, cun- ningly gorging him on.
emu.010001216911Ai n't Mistah Taf'nevah tol'you nothin'?
emu.010001216911Ai n't foun'no res'fu'yo'soul yit?
emu.010001216911An'what you think he say?
emu.010001216911An'you want me an'the childern to see him, do you?
emu.010001216911And is that all you do?
emu.010001216911Cheated me? emu.010001216911 Den you would'a'fixed it, would n't you?
emu.010001216911Do he put on his best clothes an'go th'ee times a week?
emu.010001216911Do n't you reckon she grow too fas'?
emu.010001216911How you be'n sence I seen you las'?
emu.010001216911How's Do'an'Ca'line?
emu.010001216911I tol'you I was gwine away fu'good, did n't I? emu.010001216911 Made him somep'n'diffunt — whut you say, Lize?"
emu.010001216911No,growled Nelse; and continued hur¬ riedly,"Do you remember that scar?"
emu.010001216911Pete,said his master,"do n't you know that it is dishonourable to shoot a man from be- 180 THE INTERVENTION OF PETER hind?
emu.010001216911Sistah Hannah — who?
emu.010001216911Well, now, do you want this hyeah thing to go on?
emu.010001216911Wha''s de mattah wif you, Ike?
emu.010001216911What I gwine to do with bein'a cyahpenter?
emu.010001216911What now, Sis'Lizy?
emu.010001216911Where're you from?
emu.010001216911Who tol'you dat?
emu.010001216911Whut you done made fu'him?
emu.010001216911Why n't you git me somep'n'to fix myse'f up in?
emu.010001216911Why, course,said Nelse;"he's human, ai n't he?"
emu.010001216911Yes, but whah'm I gwine to git all dem things?
emu.010001216911Yes, yes; but that —"Ai n't he the one that lef'that scar there?
emu.010001216911You think something is brewing, eh?
emu.010001216911You'll walk on home with me,'Lias, wo n't you?
emu.010001216911You've been a slave, then?
emu.01000121691111You ai n't gwine change afteh all dese yeahs?"
emu.01000121691112 i77 FOLKS FROM DIXIE"Are you ready, gentlemen?"
emu.010001216911131"Old Aunt Doshy"137"Wha''d you ketch?"
emu.01000121691144 4 Will you set down?'
emu.01000121691144 4 You don'mean to tell me dat you noticed dat too?'
emu.010001216911444 Did dey have a qua'l?'
emu.010001216911After all, did he know his own people?
emu.010001216911Against this what could talk avail?
emu.010001216911Ah, madam, good afternoon,"said the Coloured American Investment Company, rub¬ bing its hands;"and what kin I do fer you?"
emu.010001216911Ai n't Mas'Bob nevah gwine to git his al- manec straight?
emu.010001216911Ai n't that the man you told me used to knock you'round so?"
emu.010001216911Ai n't that the truth?"
emu.010001216911Ai n't you feared Mas'Estridge gwine to'spect?"
emu.010001216911Ai n't you nevah gwine to stay home no mo'?"
emu.010001216911All they keer about us is ouah work, an'all we keer 160 AUNT MANDY'S INVESTMENT about them is their money; but what do we do with it when we git it?
emu.010001216911Are you coming?"
emu.010001216911Back ag'in, Jim?"
emu.010001216911Brothah Dokesbury,"she exclaimed,"wha'd you fin'dat scamp?"
emu.010001216911Brothah Jackson, how'd yo'crap o'sweet pertaters tu'n out dis yeah?"
emu.010001216911But how could it be done?
emu.010001216911But when did the course of true love ever run smooth?
emu.010001216911Ca n't you see?"
emu.010001216911Cain't you let me hold de baby a minute?"
emu.010001216911Cain't you see that dey'd be glad to say dat — dat you was in cahoots wif me an'you tuk yo'dram on de sly?"
emu.010001216911Cain't you,'Lias?"
emu.010001216911Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve?
emu.010001216911Could he stay away?
emu.010001216911Could it be that his lieutenant was playing him false?
emu.010001216911Could n't find your folks, eh, Nelse?"
emu.010001216911Could there be any truth in Martha Madison's surmises?
emu.010001216911Could you direct me to the house of Stephen Gray?"
emu.010001216911Den he say, 4 Do you still honour me wif dat name?'
emu.010001216911Do n't you remember the scar I got on my head from falling off old Baldy's back?
emu.010001216911Do n't you see de pityin'look he's a- givin'you, a- sayin'Come, come?"
emu.010001216911Do n't you see it ca n't fail?"
emu.010001216911Do you hear?"
emu.010001216911Do you remember the time we stoned the house of old Nat, the white wood- sawyer?"
emu.010001216911Does n't this convince you?"
emu.010001216911Ever through his mind ran that world- old question:"Am I my brother's keeper?"
emu.010001216911Go to them up here?"
emu.010001216911Good wine makes good blood, and who should drink good wine if not an Estridge of Virginia, sir, eh, Ike?"
emu.010001216911Had his thorough college training anticipated specifically any such circumstance as this?
emu.010001216911Had the fear of a dull church service frightened him back to his old habits and haunts?
emu.010001216911Has he cheated you, too, Auntie?"
emu.010001216911Have de sky be'n all cloud?
emu.010001216911Have de sun refused to shine an'de day be'n all da'k- ness?
emu.010001216911Have de way be'n all trouble?
emu.010001216911Have dey be'n beatin'you wif sticks?
emu.010001216911Have dey be'n th'owin'stones an'cans at you?
emu.010001216911Have dey tangled you up in ol'wiah twell you could n't move han'ner foot?
emu.010001216911Have you not been com¬ fortable?
emu.010001216911Have you not been treated like men?
emu.010001216911Have you not lived well and been able to save something?
emu.010001216911He had always been such a loyal Negro, so proud of his honest brown; but had he been mistaken?
emu.010001216911He had never asked,"Are these people my brothers?"
emu.010001216911He let fall the remark:"Say,'Lias, there's a school near here where they teach carpentering; why do n't you go and learn?"
emu.010001216911He's for capi- 208 FOLKS FROM DIXIE spokesman, said,"Will you tell us how long since you discovered that your wages were unfair?"
emu.010001216911His wife went on:"An'you want to take me an'the childern in to see that man?
emu.010001216911How I gwine to know whut's pes- terin'Mas'Tho'nton?'
emu.010001216911How dem'possums comin'on?"
emu.010001216911How soon kin I hyeah'bout it?"
emu.010001216911How you know whut's in dem greens?"
emu.010001216911How's I gwine to fin'out anyt'ing dis away?
emu.010001216911I hyeah Aunt Emmerline groan jes'ez Mas'say, 4 Well, whut did you come fu'?'
emu.010001216911I jes'thought I'd drap in to ax you how do you do to- day?"
emu.010001216911I seed she was oneasy, but I kep'still'twell she say, 4 Whut you reckon keepin'Mas'Tho'nton out so late?'
emu.010001216911I'm Tom Hatton; do n't you know me, boy?"
emu.010001216911Is Jimsella'sleep?"
emu.010001216911Is dat whut's de mattah wif you, brothah, all bent ovah yo'staff an'a- groanin'wif yo'burdens?
emu.010001216911Is dat whut's de mattah wif you, brothah, dat yo'steps are a- weary an'you's longin'fu'yo'home?
emu.010001216911Is it far from here?"
emu.010001216911Is you Mistah Ruggles?"
emu.010001216911Jes'listen, sistah, do n't you heah de angels singin'?
emu.010001216911Look here,'Lias,"he said,"what are 61 FOLKS FROM DIXIE you going to do with that big back yard of yours?"
emu.010001216911Mandy,"he said to her one day,"why do n't you fix yo'se'f up an'look like people?
emu.010001216911Me back out?
emu.010001216911Perhaps she thought that, while cultivating the one, she need not utterly neglect the other; and who says but that she was right?
emu.010001216911Pete,"said he, sternly,"what do you know?"
emu.010001216911Such cries of"Jes'look up, sistah, do n't you see Him at yo'side?
emu.010001216911Tell me, now, Sam, so's to put me out ov my'spense, does you want to ma'y me, er is you goin'to ma'y Phiny?
emu.010001216911That day she began: —"1 reckon I hain't never tol'you'bout ole Mas'an'young Mas'fallin'out, has I?
emu.010001216911Then he added:"Well, I did speak'bout de bosses an'de hogs an'de lan', did n't I; well, what mo'could I do?
emu.010001216911Then how are we going to stop it?"
emu.010001216911They trudged along for a while in silence, and then the young man asked,"What do you men about here do mostly for a living?"
emu.010001216911They were all attention when the husband and father arose and gave out the hymn:"Am I a Soldier of the Cross?"
emu.010001216911They were both silent for a while, and then Jim said,"Huh name ought to be Jamsella — do n't you know Jim's sho't fu'James?"
emu.010001216911Want us to git down on ouah knees an'crawl to him?
emu.010001216911Was it possible that they could be so different from what he had seen and known?
emu.010001216911Was n't we awful, them days?"
emu.010001216911Was the temporal creeping in with the spiritual in Anner'Lizer's mind?
emu.010001216911Was there no point in his mind that could be reached by what was other than evil?
emu.010001216911Well, what's he ac'lak?
emu.010001216911Well, why not come along, then?"
emu.010001216911Were they not like so many naughty, irresponsible children?
emu.010001216911Wha''d I tell you?"
emu.010001216911Wha''d you do to him, Nelse — wha''d you do to him?"
emu.010001216911Wha''d you think o'dat sermon?"
emu.010001216911Wha'd you git dem greens?"
emu.010001216911What I got to be'fraid fu'?
emu.010001216911What did you tell me?"
emu.010001216911What do you say to a turn down the street with me?"
emu.010001216911What further recommendation as to her personal charms did she need?
emu.010001216911What had you done to him?"
emu.010001216911What have you got to say to that?"
emu.010001216911What he got to tell me?"
emu.010001216911What more do you want?
emu.010001216911What real grievance have you?
emu.010001216911What was he doing?
emu.010001216911What was required of him to do?
emu.010001216911What was the matter?
emu.010001216911What were you going to do with that gun levelled at me?"
emu.010001216911What would be its outcome?
emu.010001216911What you call huh?"
emu.010001216911What's de matter wif you, man?
emu.010001216911When she come back,'long to'ds ebenin', I say, 4 Aunt Emmerline, whah you been all day?'
emu.010001216911Where was he?
emu.010001216911Who back out?
emu.010001216911Who can tell?
emu.010001216911Who evah hyeahed tell of a niggah killin'hisse'f?"
emu.010001216911Why n't you go'long an'tek keer o'him?"
emu.010001216911Will you he'p me out dat- away?"
emu.010001216911Wo n't you come to him, sinnah?
emu.010001216911Wo n't you come to him?
emu.010001216911Wo n't you tek de chance o'becomin'j'int'ars o'dat beautiful city whar de streets is goF an'de gates is pearl?
emu.010001216911Yo'mothah livin', Mistah Ruggles?"
emu.010001216911You got ol'Miss Randolph's present ready fu'him?"
emu.010001216911You have n't deserted me already?"
emu.010001216911You look at de tree an'whut do you say in yo'hea't?
emu.010001216911You look at dis tree an'whut now do you say in yo'hea't?
emu.010001216911but wo n't she be riley when she fin's out how mis¬ taken she is?
emu.010001216911chile, don'you know young mans don'come to dey mammys wif dey secuts lak dey do when dey's babies?
emu.010001216911cried the stranger;"man, what's your name?"
emu.010001216911do n't you heah de rumblin'of de cha'iot wheels?
emu.010001216911exclaimed Aunt Caroline,"what's de mattah'f yo'shu't bosom?"
emu.010001216911had the turning of the pocket indeed worked so potent a charm?
emu.010001216911how you talkin'fo'de ministah?"
emu.010001216911i43 FOLKS FROM DIXIE 111 Hain't you got no idee, Aunt Emmerline?'
emu.010001216911the old woman cried, turning on her son,"wha''d you let Brothah Dokesbury go off by hisse'f fu'?
emu.010002426670Are you up to some of your dirty tricks?
emu.010002426670Because she ca n't? emu.010002426670 But,"said William,"'sposing I am captured; would n't I be sold to the traders anyhow?"
emu.010002426670Do n't you own her? emu.010002426670 Glad?"
emu.010002426670Go where? emu.010002426670 How would you like me for a master?"
emu.010002426670Many folks lib'bout here?
emu.010002426670Well, whar you from?
emu.010002426670Well, what's the matter with him?
emu.010002426670What caused her sickness?
emu.010002426670What is that you say?
emu.010002426670What makes you look so sad?
emu.010002426670What of her?
emu.010002426670What? emu.010002426670 Where are jou from?"
emu.010002426670Where are you from?
emu.010002426670Where do you intend to go, Jere, and why do you suppose I shall be pleased at your departure? emu.010002426670 Where has she gone?
emu.010002426670Where is Purcey,said Mrs. Maxwell,"that she did not answer the bell?"
emu.010002426670Who does she belong to? emu.010002426670 Whose gwine to learn me?
emu.010002426670Why do n't you learn?
emu.010002426670Why not sell her? emu.010002426670 Why, what of that?
emu.010002426670Will you take two thousand dollars for the gal?
emu.010002426670You do n't think I'd fool you, do you?
emu.010002426670''Make you a liberal offer?"
emu.010002426670''Oh, Aunt Elva, what you think?"
emu.010002426670113 you go?
emu.010002426670141 Blackson also watched him some time in silence, when he said:"Boy, have you got a box and hammer?"
emu.010002426670163 grew somewhat excited as she asked eagerly:"Why, sir, has anything happened them?"
emu.01000242667045 When Elva looked at William, she said,"Well, William, what brings you here?"
emu.010002426670Abraham Big¬ gers was a man of an entirely different type, being short in stature, heavily built, stub- feet, stub- hands?
emu.010002426670Ah, well, how should I be likely to know her?"
emu.010002426670Ai n't I a nigger?
emu.010002426670Ai n't I yours for you to do what you please with?
emu.010002426670Ai n't we been travelin'all night?"
emu.010002426670Air you and your mistress travelin'alone?"
emu.010002426670And why did Jonathan Maxwell have this peculiar feeling?
emu.010002426670Are you not always welcome here — yes, welcome to remain here with your servant as long as you will?
emu.010002426670But can this be supposed?
emu.010002426670But it was woman to woman, and she fairly screamed:"Elva, what do you mean?
emu.010002426670But then Purcey would be safe, and what would it then matter though the law hold her?
emu.010002426670But what had he said to the landlord?
emu.010002426670But what had he to fear?
emu.010002426670But what if Judge Coleman should sell him to the traders and he be taken to the far South?
emu.010002426670Ca n't you cut the devil out of her?
emu.010002426670Can there be any adequate expression given to the depth of human feeling?
emu.010002426670Can we, because of a forced change in circumstances and surroundings, put aside and consign to oblivion the cherished hopes of life?
emu.010002426670Could she not, with one stroke of that weapon, rid herself of the man that held her and her children in bondage?
emu.010002426670Could that affection spring from the same source as that of a white man?
emu.010002426670Did he not own her as absolutely as any slave upon his place?
emu.010002426670Did} rou not hear me?
emu.010002426670Do n't know?
emu.010002426670Do ye hear?"
emu.010002426670Elva entered, addressed her mistress, and said:"Did you send for me, Miss Jinnie?"
emu.010002426670Elva replied,"No, honey, what does this mean?"
emu.010002426670First car rear or second?"
emu.010002426670Food and drink were the first things to be obtained, but where was he to find them?
emu.010002426670Had he gone to procure assistance to capture him, or had he gone for a team to drive to the turnpike?
emu.010002426670Had he not married her to William McCullar for this very purpose?
emu.010002426670Had not his mother, upon her dyingbed, taught him to hate her?
emu.010002426670He looked at Purcey with his bleared eyes, and said:"Gal, where you travel in'to?"
emu.010002426670He removed his cigar from his mouth, and said:"Biggers, do you know my girl Purcey?"
emu.010002426670He replied, with an air of confidence and bravado: u'Scovered, chile?
emu.010002426670He said, addressing her rather abruptly:'• Whar's yo'husband gone?"
emu.010002426670Her first impulse was to reprimand him then and there, but fearing to attract attention, she said:"Well, Mr. Seabury, you here?"
emu.010002426670How am I to find the mistress?"
emu.010002426670How dare you stand there and not obey?
emu.010002426670How is that, Maxwell?
emu.010002426670In a strange country, not familiar with an inch of the ground, foot- sore and wearied, what should he do?
emu.010002426670Is not my door always open to you?
emu.010002426670Is there any forgiveness for jour disobedience of that divine principle,"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?"
emu.010002426670Is there any miti¬ gation for the wrongs done your brother?
emu.010002426670Jim said,"Yes, Miss Purcey, will you walk with me?"
emu.010002426670Joe finally said, after having walked some distance, the rider keeping his horse at a walking pace:"Ai n't you a sheep drover?"
emu.010002426670Joe replied: u Dick, you'se a fool; what's Biggers'bull doin'grazen round here, when we'se miles from home?
emu.010002426670Lift¬ ing his hat with mock civility; he said:"Ah, young woman, in which car would I likely find your mistress?"
emu.010002426670Look here, Jeff Coleman, what is your busi¬ ness with that man?"
emu.010002426670Massa, did you ring?"
emu.010002426670Mr. Biggers said,"Do n't I clothe you?
emu.010002426670Must I leave the child?"
emu.010002426670My health is not good?
emu.010002426670Placing her hands upon the body, she whispered:''Mamma, mamma, is dis you?"
emu.010002426670Pray, what do you think?"
emu.010002426670Purcey said,"Why, Mr. McCullar, what brings you here this time of day?"
emu.010002426670Raising her eyes and looking full at her mistress, she said slowly:"Miss Jinnie, do n't I always'bey you?
emu.010002426670See dat road dat leads up yonder?
emu.010002426670See liar, my friend, ca n't we git round this town?"
emu.010002426670She said:"My husband, ai n't you glad to see me?"
emu.010002426670She says,'Ilabaseat?'
emu.010002426670She says,'Kest yer hat?'
emu.010002426670Should she en¬ ter?
emu.010002426670Should we wonder that William questioned the right of an¬ other man to separate him from the wife and child of his bosom?
emu.010002426670So he said, in his thick speech:"Look har, Joe, if you gwine to trabel any fudder, why do n't you come on?
emu.010002426670So he said,"Which one will you sell?"
emu.010002426670So you and your mistress are travelin', and she'lows you to take that brat along?
emu.010002426670Starting toward the door, he said to the judge:"Been to breakfast?
emu.010002426670The lady bowed somewhat stiffly, as she inquired, in rather a surprised air:"Why, Jere, what brings you here?'"
emu.010002426670The landlord of the place said to him:"Where are you bound for, young man?"
emu.010002426670The man came forward, and when he looked at the ludicrous situation, he laughed loudly and said;'"What's de matter, Uncle?''
emu.010002426670The man controlled his feelings as best he could, and, in a trembling voice, said:"Break your heart?
emu.010002426670The man on horse back then said:"Do n't you men want to make a little money?
emu.010002426670The party hav¬ ing landed, Joe said:"Now, boys, what road shall we take?"
emu.010002426670The rider eyed them closely, as he said:"Ai n't you rather early for the springs?"
emu.010002426670Then why should he have this pe¬ culiar feeling?
emu.010002426670Then you will not accept him as a gift, nor permit him to remain here on the place unless I consent to remain?
emu.010002426670This woman, possessed of all the attractive¬ ness which nature could bestow, was what?
emu.010002426670Under forty?
emu.010002426670Was he not fully aware that this woman had given birth to a child of which his father was also the father?
emu.010002426670Was he the subject of their conversation?
emu.010002426670Was it because he had nursed at her breast?
emu.010002426670Was it born of the same material, possessing the same tendency?
emu.010002426670Was it possible for this piece of goods and chattel to have within his breast affection?
emu.010002426670Was it, or could it be, formed into a love pure and true, a love such as poets have sung of, and mankind is subject to?
emu.010002426670Was the note he had to deliver a pass that he could use upon his return, as he realized that it would be well into the night before he could return?
emu.010002426670Well, if I do this, why do n't you be obedient to your master, and be contented with your lot?"
emu.010002426670Well- er, that's the nigger?"
emu.010002426670Whar you going?"
emu.010002426670What I care if you whip me?
emu.010002426670What did he know of the untold suffering which awaited every child of which he was the father?
emu.010002426670What did he know of the wrong he was doing his race?
emu.010002426670What do you mean?"
emu.010002426670What does it matter, Sis( this appellation was used by the judge when falling on familiar terms with his sister), whence he came?
emu.010002426670What does that mean, Elo?"
emu.010002426670What has happened?
emu.010002426670What has happened?"
emu.010002426670What have you done?
emu.010002426670What he do dat for?"
emu.010002426670What in the devil will you do with the brat?"
emu.010002426670What is it?"
emu.010002426670What is your price for him?"
emu.010002426670What man?"
emu.010002426670What were the temptations that entered the woman's mind, when the man who owned her body and had dishonored her slept in apparent calm repose?
emu.010002426670What's the matter?"
emu.010002426670What's your name?"
emu.010002426670While he was engaged at eating, the woman said: u You'se a runaway, ai n't you?"
emu.010002426670Who could this strange couple be?
emu.010002426670Who is that?"
emu.010002426670Why had he gone away — why did he want him to await his return?
emu.010002426670Why must you go?
emu.010002426670Why should he be brought up in ignorance and servitude?
emu.010002426670Why should he be reared and taught to acknowledge another man as his master?
emu.010002426670Why should her child be a child of bondage?
emu.010002426670Why should she go on so about him, dear?"
emu.010002426670Why, then, should a man refuse to accept as a bonus a human being that was actually so many dollars and cents?
emu.010002426670Will he be back soon, do you think?"
emu.010002426670Will you have me?"
emu.010002426670William passed his arm gently around her as he said:"Chile, ai n't nobody told j ou'i''"Told me what?
emu.010002426670Would you break my heart with this terrible silence?
emu.010002426670Would you gib mesomethin'to eat, and tell me whar to find the turnpike?"
emu.010002426670You do n't suppose I am such a beggar that I can not afford a servant, do you?"
emu.010002426670You do, hey?
emu.010002426670and ai nt nig¬ gers made to be whipped?"
emu.010002426670as fair as her mistress, as beautiful as any woman could be, why should she not be free?'
emu.010002426670do n't I feed you?
emu.010002426670do n't I give you a holiday every Christmas?
emu.010002426670lie looked up at the woman, and inquired: Whar's your husband?"
emu.010002426670or, is there no depth or breadth to the feeling of the human heart?
emu.010002426670said William,"glad?
emu.010002426670uWhy did n't you tell me of that before?"
emu.010002426670v « ■'C?>; V-"'v'"V, ¥-,.
mdp.39015000252448Berny, who was that who just came in? mdp.39015000252448 Happy, Muriel?
mdp.39015000252448Well, here I am, ” “ An here I is, but that ai nt ahelpin none, all th same. ” “ You wanted to say something? mdp.39015000252448 With who?"
mdp.39015000252448* “ You would dare?
mdp.39015000252448A futile something like the dead house wraps the live stuffing of the question: how long before the water will be drawn off?
mdp.39015000252448Ai nt I as good as him?
mdp.39015000252448Ai nt I had men as good as him?
mdp.39015000252448All right there, Professor?
mdp.39015000252448An artist in your way, are nt you, Halsey?
mdp.39015000252448And do nt you, when[ 134] BONA AND PAUL l Ben C ONDON you are sane, say so?
mdp.39015000252448And give me kids, and a[ 97] CANE home, and everything?
mdp.39015000252448And hours, hours north, why not say a life- time north?
mdp.39015000252448And their red passion?
mdp.39015000252448And what in hell do you think you'd get from it?
mdp.39015000252448And, friend, you?
mdp.39015000252448Art and Bona and Helen?
mdp.39015000252448Art: What in hell's eating Paul?
mdp.39015000252448Art: What in hell's getting into Paul of late, anyway?
mdp.39015000252448Berny, what time have you? ”"Eight- forty.
mdp.39015000252448Bona, would she be pale?
mdp.39015000252448But I've come for you. ”"For me for what? ” She manages to look deep and straight into his eyes.
mdp.39015000252448But do nt all the dorm girls say so?
mdp.39015000252448But is it not queer, this pale purple fac- simile of a red- blooded Norwegian friend of his?
mdp.39015000252448But what s the good of trying?
mdp.39015000252448Carrie K.: He told me t help y. Kabnis: An how would you help me, child, dear sweet little sister?
mdp.39015000252448Carrie K.: What is it, Father?
mdp.39015000252448Come in, wo nt you?
mdp.39015000252448Come where?
mdp.39015000252448Could nt I have got an educa- tion if I'd wanted one?
mdp.39015000252448Dan: What's Muriel doing here?
mdp.39015000252448Dare I show you?
mdp.39015000252448Dark blood; nigger?
mdp.39015000252448Do I look like the manager?"
mdp.39015000252448Do nt I know respect- able folks, lots of em, in Philadelphia and New York and Chicago?
mdp.39015000252448Do nt I, Paul?
mdp.39015000252448Do nt you know?
mdp.39015000252448Does he think some wooden thing can lift me up?
mdp.39015000252448Does he, hon?"
mdp.39015000252448Dorris: Nothin doin?
mdp.39015000252448Dorris: What s eatin at him, anyway?
mdp.39015000252448Eddying on the corners?
mdp.39015000252448Fellows about town were all right, but how about his friends up North?
mdp.39015000252448Flowing down the smooth asphalt of Seventh Street, in shanties, brick[ 711 CANE office buildings, theaters, drug stores, restaurants, and cabarets?
mdp.39015000252448Give what I know a bull- neck and a heaving body, all would go well with me, would nt it, sweetheart?
mdp.39015000252448Going? ” “ To- night."
mdp.39015000252448Halsey: Give him a shove there, will y, Stel?
mdp.39015000252448Halsey: Is that th way youall sit on sisters up North?
mdp.39015000252448Halsey: Lets go t church, eh, Kabnis?
mdp.39015000252448Halsey: Where?
mdp.39015000252448Have some, Layman?
mdp.39015000252448He's no friend of mine. ” “ No?
mdp.39015000252448His mother?
mdp.39015000252448His sister?
mdp.39015000252448How about Halsey?
mdp.39015000252448How come?
mdp.39015000252448How do you do?
mdp.39015000252448How had she come by it?
mdp.39015000252448How much more?
mdp.39015000252448I did nt mean, But ca nt something be done?
mdp.39015000252448I told you to stay on the stage, did nt I?
mdp.39015000252448I wish t God some lynchin white man ud[ 224] CANE somebody'll see th girls leavin?
mdp.39015000252448I'm there, am I not?
mdp.39015000252448I've heard em say that men who look like him( what does he look like?)
mdp.39015000252448If I love him, can I keep him out?
mdp.39015000252448If what he wanted was to start a fight, why did nt he say so?"
mdp.39015000252448In where?
mdp.39015000252448Into life?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis( his chair rocking faster): What about Mame Lamkins?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: Fix it up f tnight?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: Get Lewis in?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: He wants me on th wagon, eh?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: How s that?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: What about me?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: What are they after you for?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: Whatsha talkin t that old deaf man for?
mdp.39015000252448Kabnis: Where y goin, Halsey?
mdp.39015000252448Lewis: Black Vulcan?
mdp.39015000252448Lewis: The old man?
mdp.39015000252448Make it snappy, will you?"
mdp.39015000252448Muriel: Damn fool; dear Dan, what did you want to follow me here for?
mdp.39015000252448Must you always pain me, and make me hate you?
mdp.39015000252448Nassur. ” “ What would you do, Tom? ”"Cut him jes like I cut a nigger. ” “ No, Tom ” “ I said I would an there ai nt no mo to it.
mdp.39015000252448New York?
mdp.39015000252448O Dan, do nt you know I do?
mdp.39015000252448O will you love me?
mdp.39015000252448Oh ca nt you[ 119] CANE ever do anything right?
mdp.39015000252448Pouring for crude- boned soft- skinned life, who set you flowing?
mdp.39015000252448Put- ting her stockings on?
mdp.39015000252448Rhyme, y see?
mdp.39015000252448Rustling newspapers? ” “ You must nt say that, Dan.
mdp.39015000252448Same for you, eh, Paul?
mdp.39015000252448Say that you will love, that you will give yourself in love"“ To you, Dan?"
mdp.39015000252448Say, tell me this, what s on your mind t say on that feller there?
mdp.39015000252448Say, waiter, what s the matter with our order?
mdp.39015000252448Shake a leg, will you? ” His blonde hair is combed slick.
mdp.39015000252448Should she not take others, this Carma, strong as a man, whose tale as I have told it is the crudest melodrama?
mdp.39015000252448Some Negroes have grown uncomfortable at my being here Kabnis: You mean, Mr. Lewis, some col- ored folks threw it?
mdp.39015000252448Some- thing to be afraid of, more?
mdp.39015000252448Suppose the Lord should ask, where was Moses when the light went out?
mdp.39015000252448Take your things off, wo nt you?
mdp.39015000252448Th boys what made this stuff- are y listenin t me, Kabnis?
mdp.39015000252448The four of us- remember the last party?
mdp.39015000252448To what purpose?
mdp.39015000252448Want a smoke?
mdp.39015000252448Was there something about niggers that you could nt know?
mdp.39015000252448We, who had cast out their mother because of them, could we take them in?
mdp.39015000252448What are you killing?"
mdp.39015000252448What brought you here? ” Dan feels the pressure of the house, of the rear room, of the rows of houses, shift to Muriel.
mdp.39015000252448What could I do for her?
mdp.39015000252448What did he do?
mdp.39015000252448What does that mean, precisely, except that you'll love or hate a nigger?
mdp.39015000252448What else is life? ”.
mdp.39015000252448What had she done?
mdp.39015000252448What has she got to do with me?
mdp.39015000252448What have I got to do with whether he has paid his money or not?
mdp.39015000252448What in hell is it?
mdp.39015000252448What in hell was that?
mdp.39015000252448What in hell was that?
mdp.39015000252448What in hell's wrong with you fellers?
mdp.39015000252448What is it, Father?
mdp.39015000252448What s a manager's brother, anyhow?
mdp.39015000252448What s sayin bout his royal guts, the Duke?
mdp.39015000252448What s sayin, eh?
mdp.39015000252448What s sayin?
mdp.39015000252448What s she doing?
mdp.39015000252448What s that got to do with it? ” “ Oh, Dan, you re so unconsiderate and selfish.
mdp.39015000252448What s the good of all you know if you do nt know that?
mdp.39015000252448What s the use?
mdp.39015000252448What should they hear me, and offer me their grain, oats, or wheat, or corn?
mdp.39015000252448What way was that?
mdp.39015000252448What would they think if they knew?
mdp.39015000252448What'd y get up for an go out?
mdp.39015000252448Where were they, these people?
mdp.39015000252448Where y think?
mdp.39015000252448Where's Dorris?
mdp.39015000252448Who ever heard of being afraid of a nigger?
mdp.39015000252448Who gave it to her?
mdp.39015000252448Who gave it to her?
mdp.39015000252448Who is she to dictate my love?
mdp.39015000252448Who is that coming in?
mdp.39015000252448Who set you flowing?
mdp.39015000252448Who set you flowing?
mdp.39015000252448Who set you flowing?
mdp.39015000252448Who were they, anyway?
mdp.39015000252448Why do nt you get a good job and settle down? ” Dan: Same old line.
mdp.39015000252448Why nigger?
mdp.39015000252448Why not, just gal?
mdp.39015000252448Why wo nt you?
mdp.39015000252448Would it look purple if he went out into the night and looked at it?
mdp.39015000252448Would you have got off at the next station and come back for her to take her where?
mdp.39015000252448You'll pardon me, wo nt you?
mdp.39015000252448[ 197] CANE Kabnis: What about me?
mdp.39015000252448and what for?
mdp.39015000252448before Arthur and Helen? ” “ Before myself?
mdp.39015000252448before Arthur and Helen? ” “ Before myself?
mdp.39015000252448right here on the Boule- vard?
mdp.39015000252448sir Say, Paul, for Christ's sake leave that win- dow, ca nt you? ” “ What s it, Art?"
mdp.39015000252448sir Say, Paul, for Christ's sake leave that win- dow, ca nt you? ” “ What s it, Art?"
mdp.39015000252448what are you looking at, you godam pack of owl- eyed hyenas?
mdp.39015000252448“ And you know it too, do nt you Bona?"
mdp.39015000252448“ Bring me some soup with a lot of crackers, understand?
mdp.39015000252448“ Come right in, wo nt you?
mdp.39015000252448“ Does nt it make you mad? ” She meant the row of petty gossiping people.
mdp.39015000252448“ Say, Mame, where do you get that stuff? ” “ Whatshmean, Dorris?"
mdp.39015000252448“ Say, Mame, where do you get that stuff? ” “ Whatshmean, Dorris?"
mdp.39015000252448“ Since when have men like you grown cold? ” weakness[ 150] BONA AND PAUL “ The first philosopher."
mdp.39015000252448“ To what?
mdp.39015000252448“ Well, I'm sholy damned — skuse me, but what, what brought you here, lil milk- white gal?"
mdp.39015000252448“ Well, its nothing to get spiffy about. ” “ What?
mdp.39015000252448“ What are you doing now, Dan? ”[ 110]- BOX SEAT"Same old thing, Muriel.
mdp.39015000252448“ What do you mean? ” “ Mental concepts rule you.
mdp.39015000252448“ What in hell- pardon — whats the matter, Paul? ” “ I forgot my cigarettes —"“ You re smoking one. ” “ So I am.
mdp.39015000252448“ What y think he's agwine t do t Bob Stone? ”"Dunno yet.
mdp.39015000252448“ What'd you say, Helen?"
mdp.39015000252448“ What, Paul?"
mdp.39015000252448“ Whatdoysay, Paul?
mdp.39015000252448“ Who's that? ” she asks her dancing part- ner.
mdp.39015000252448“ Why in Christ's hell ca nt you leave me alone?
mdp.39015000252448“ Youall want me, Tom? ”.
uc1.b3273229', he said, ‘ What in duh hell an damnation do you want back hyer?'
uc1.b3273229256 “ Do you have a rest- room here? ” she finally asked one of the men.
uc1.b327322987 “ Whose knockin'?
uc1.b327322989 “ How's you men?
uc1.b3273229Ah allus heard dat you jes'ez soon be uh slave ez free, would you? ” “ No, Jake, Ah'd druther be free.
uc1.b3273229Ah gits tuh come tuh town when mah boys come fuh grub. ” “ How's crops down yo'way? ” put in Elder.
uc1.b3273229Ai n't Fred over there? ” “ Yas he is, an ’ Ah hopes it's frum him.
uc1.b3273229Ai n't I seed her?
uc1.b3273229Ai n't dey dresses stiff an'uh rattlin ’? ” “ Yas, Jake; dey's uh switchin'too, ” chuckled Elder Simpson.
uc1.b3273229All ready? ” “ Yes Pappy, we's ready, ” they all shouted.
uc1.b3273229Before she had hardly gotten home, she began, “ Grandpa, why did you grin so when Miss Lucille said you look like Uncle Remus?
uc1.b3273229Cain't you tell'um how you kyored his foot, Baby? ” She tucked her little head a bit and smiled.
uc1.b3273229Can I? ” “ Yes, Mamie; bring your potatoes on.
uc1.b3273229Can you kyor'um? ” “ Not if you keep up all that racket, Uncle.
uc1.b3273229Come in. ” “ Naw Ellen, I ai n't got time; is Fred here? ” asked Henry, as he shook the rain from his old sleazy hat.
uc1.b3273229Did they ever know who took them?, ” inquired little Mamie anxiously.
uc1.b3273229Did yawl card yo'hair?
uc1.b3273229Did you call, Sam?
uc1.b3273229Did you git duh buttermilk? ” “ Yes, Pappy. ” “ Ellen, break me uh little bush.
uc1.b3273229Did you know yo'wife Ressie wuz buried hyer yistidy? ” said Uncle Jake.
uc1.b3273229Do n't you yit realize dat yo'wife is in laboh?
uc1.b3273229Do you belong tuh church yit? ” “ Nope, but I'm thinking'bout it.
uc1.b3273229Do you know where Mr. Joe Stearns lives? ” “ Yes I do, Miss Mamie.
uc1.b3273229Do you see meny bales uv cotton? ” “ Not meny, Jake, an dey's duh littles', tightes'things Ah ever seed.
uc1.b3273229Do you think he'll git well? ” “ Frankly, Jake, no.
uc1.b3273229Do you'member him?
uc1.b3273229Elder, Ah see you'se puttin'in yo'winner wood, whut you payin'fuh it? ” said Uncle Jake, after spitting out a mouthful of seeds.
uc1.b3273229Elder, cain't yo'raise uh tune?
uc1.b3273229Elder, do you'member dat ole white man dat come hyer four uh five times to zamine her head when she wuz uh baby?
uc1.b3273229Elder, kin you tell us duh tale uh'bout duh lean yers in duh Bible?
uc1.b3273229Finding his voice at last he spoke: “ Who you got in yo'hack, Cap'n?
uc1.b3273229Got a headache? ” asked Vir- ginia compassionately.
uc1.b3273229Guess you keep busy dese days being Justice uv duh Peace? ” “ Oh, yes, yes, I'm kept busy all right.
uc1.b3273229Had he not been blessed?
uc1.b3273229Have duh city clock struck fo'yit, Elder? ” “ Naw, Jake; it will soon.
uc1.b3273229Have n't you got another one? ” growled the fluffy- mouthed girl.
uc1.b3273229Have yo'noticed how fat all duh folks git dis time o'65 year?
uc1.b3273229Have you seen about it? ” “ No, we have no money.
uc1.b3273229Have you seen meny chicken wagons go by? ” “ Nope Cap'n, Ah ai n’t.
uc1.b3273229He knew that he had been a good man and raised his children to love and fear God, yet before man he made no confession; why was this?
uc1.b3273229He walked up, shook hands with her briskly, and asked, “ What might be the name? ” “ I ’m Charidy Hoggins, ” she quickly replied.
uc1.b3273229He's counted ez one uv duh rich white men in duh county now. ” “ I ’ll go tomorrow, Pappy; where's my two children? ” inquired Jim.
uc1.b3273229Hey Tim, where's uh good place fuh duh childrun tuh see duh parade?
uc1.b3273229His daddy hated it but whut could he do?
uc1.b3273229His wants are n't what they once were. ” “ Yes, those are almost my exact words, are n't they, Donna?
uc1.b3273229How are you? ” “ I ’m fine mother, and how are you this morning, ” an- swered Mamie.
uc1.b3273229How could she ever forget Mr. Joe's kindness?
uc1.b3273229How have you been?
uc1.b3273229How is duh chillun?
uc1.b3273229How is yawl? ” said the women as they blushed, giggled and kept in the same step as they pounded the hard side- walk with their broad Cuban heels.
uc1.b3273229How meny kin I git fur Monday morning? ” he drawled out.
uc1.b3273229How would the slave owners interpret it?
uc1.b3273229How wuz duh picnic? ” “ There was a big crowd and they had a good time.
uc1.b3273229How's that? ” “ Your fire is ready, Lilly, and the water's scorching, ” said Sam.
uc1.b3273229How's yo'year?
uc1.b3273229I wonder who it'blongs to? ” “ It's mine, Cousin Susie May.
uc1.b3273229If we got his bag, we'd catch a freight to St. Louis and then go to Texas. ” “ How kin we git it?
uc1.b3273229In fact, man's thoughts did n't count, for Romans 14- 10 says: “ But why dost thou judge thy brother?
uc1.b3273229Is Ah got uh letter? ” “ Yes, Uncle Jake.
uc1.b3273229Is Elder coming back? ” Uncle Jake wiggled his body and stretched his eyes as in disgust before speaking.
uc1.b3273229Is brother Tim inside? ” Twin boys about ten years of age cane running out of the house.
uc1.b3273229It'll be nice an cool whilse you dance. ” “ Son, did you promos tuh go wid Lizzy Ann?
uc1.b3273229Jake is you seed all dem school teachers hyer tendem duh normal school?
uc1.b3273229Kin Ah plant winter greens on it? ” “ Yes, Jake, I'll have it staked off by the last of next week.
uc1.b3273229Kin we have one?
uc1.b3273229Little Mamie, get your pencil and paper and write this letter. ” “ I ’m ready uncle, what do you want to say? ” 170 chord.
uc1.b3273229Mr. Johnny, how's Mr. Henry?
uc1.b3273229Nobody kin stop her, so they sent for her preacher to come an try to set her down. ” “ Is dat so Sam?
uc1.b3273229Now wo n't you buy them this time, good lady? ” begged the child.
uc1.b3273229Oh, git back — is you folks crazy?
uc1.b3273229S- a- y, big boy, who're you?
uc1.b3273229Sam, it's nigh mornin', ai nt it?
uc1.b3273229Say, baby, whose settin'in duh yard?
uc1.b3273229Sell me that load, will you? ” “ Oh, it's you, Mr. Sims.
uc1.b3273229She tickles me uh- sayin', ‘ Want some nice good puddies?'
uc1.b3273229They said wages wuz good. ” “ Why did they leave, son? ” inquired Elder.
uc1.b3273229Uncle Jake called, “ Hey, who's dair?
uc1.b3273229Uncle Jake smiled at little Mamie, “ Wonder who dat is on der gallry now? ”- “ It's my mammal ” shouted little Mamie.
uc1.b3273229Was n't it nice for her to let me bring them this far? ” “ But baby, you is too little tuh fetch sich uh big load.
uc1.b3273229We do n't need to send meat to them that killed, de we pappy?"
uc1.b3273229Well sur, he wuz digusted wid 111 wants back hyer?
uc1.b3273229What could be more startling?
uc1.b3273229What could she do?
uc1.b3273229What did he say? ” asked Elder.
uc1.b3273229What was its real meaning?
uc1.b3273229What wuz duh lesson'bout? ” Charity looked surprised at Elder Simpson and quickly answered.
uc1.b3273229What's duh matter wid you, Sam?
uc1.b3273229When did you get to town? ” asked Lizzie Mae.
uc1.b3273229When ole master called me, he said, ‘ Harry, whut did dese men do las'night?'
uc1.b3273229When they started away, she said, “ Oh, the one that stood back and did n't talk is a girl! ” “ Why do you say that? ” asked one of the boys.
uc1.b3273229When you goin’? ” “ In the morning. ” “ Ah'll be ready, Moster Jim; Ah feels lak travellin'mah- self.
uc1.b3273229When? ” “'Bout uh hour uhgo, Ah recken.
uc1.b3273229Where in the world did he get his picture?
uc1.b3273229Where'd you git him? ” Uncle Jake asked anxiously.
uc1.b3273229Where's he?
uc1.b3273229Where's we goin'at? ” “ Jes be ca'm, Mammy; dey all knows it but dey's jes goin'tuh make yawl work'til dey have tuh let you go.
uc1.b3273229Who all killed hogs today? ” “ About six families; why? ” answered Saul.
uc1.b3273229Who all killed hogs today? ” “ About six families; why? ” answered Saul.
uc1.b3273229Who is it?
uc1.b3273229Who is you an'whur did you come frum? ” She looked straight at him and smoothed her hair in front with both hands before speaking.
uc1.b3273229Who seed him fall? ” “ Nobody, it happened his son wuz comin'home an'fount him rollin'in duh dirt.
uc1.b3273229Who's buildin ’ roun hyer, Jake? ” asked Uncle Clem.
uc1.b3273229Whose nice chile is you? ” “ My Mamma's name is Lena, my grandpa is Uncle Jake and we live on Tremble Street.
uc1.b3273229Whut fetches you, son?
uc1.b3273229Whut will Ah tell yo'pappy? ” Jake said pleadingly.
uc1.b3273229Whut yo's sellin'um fuh? ” 106 “ I want fifteen cents fuh fryers an two- bits for these big fat hens, ” slowly replied the farmer.
uc1.b3273229Whut you cryin'fuh, son?
uc1.b3273229Whut you want dis time o'night? ” A miserable victim of anxiety and fear answered, “ It's me, it's Zeke, brother Jake.
uc1.b3273229Whut's all you lazy, good fuh nuthin'gen- ermens doin’ hyer in duh cool?
uc1.b3273229Whut's dat, baby? ” Uncle Jake had almost finished, when Lena came up walking slowly, holding a big black umbrella over her.
uc1.b3273229Whut's duh matter wid him, singin', ‘ At duh cross'as loud as he kin? ” “ Do n’t know, Reb.
uc1.b3273229Whut's on yo'min'son? ” “ Hello, Uncle Jake, I'm jes a little up- set.
uc1.b3273229Why you runnin'so? ” “ Pappy, Moster Jim's brother, Joe, is comin'.
uc1.b3273229Will you let the nurse off duty for a few minutes?
uc1.b3273229With a shrill voice she called out: “ Let me through this crowd Is Saul hurt?
uc1.b3273229Wo n't we pappy? ” “ Yes daught, an'ef we fall short, duh baby will open her snuff box she's got pasted up and let us have it.
uc1.b3273229Wo n't you let me cut a big one so ’s all of us can have a piece? ” She reached in the fork of the tree and got the butcher knife.
uc1.b3273229Wo n't you promos me you wo n't git in sich uh fix no mo'?
uc1.b3273229Wuzn't dat ole man Weatherly Ah seen leaving hyer? ” asked Elder Simpson, his inquisitive next door neighbor.
uc1.b3273229Yes, Ah's'specially proud Ah'se free. ” “ Ah run in uh gret conversation, did n't Ah? ” said Elder Simpson in his ministerial tone.
uc1.b3273229You know whar duh sto'is, do n't you honey?"
uc1.b3273229You'll be kerful, wo n't you?
uc1.b3273229or why 169 dost thou set at naught thy brother?
uc1.b3273229“ Baby chile, you come?
uc1.b3273229“ Can I take some of it to grandpa, Granny?
uc1.b3273229“ Doctor l — Oh doctor, how bad is dey hurt?
uc1.b3273229“ Elder, did you hyer whut she said?
uc1.b3273229“ For Lor's sakes, who is dis?
uc1.b3273229“ Fred, when did you go to bed 2 Ai n't you goin'to the party?
uc1.b3273229“ Fuh duh life uv me; whut's all dis?
uc1.b3273229“ Grandpa, have they cleaned the hogs yet? ” “ Yas, honey.
uc1.b3273229“ Hey Jake, where are you? ” “ O, come in, Mr. Joe, come in, ” said Uncle Jake nervously.
uc1.b3273229“ Hey, genermens, genermens, how's it wid you?
uc1.b3273229“ How's crops down yo'way? ” “ Not much Uncle Jake, we's done wid choppin'cotton, but it's so hot the corn's nigh burnt up.
uc1.b3273229“ Howdy, yawl, how's you been up hyer? ” “ Come in, Clem, we's tolerable.
uc1.b3273229“ Hyer's Miss Mamie an ’ Mr. Don| Wo n't yawl come an'buy sumpthin'frum us?
uc1.b3273229“ I have n't left this place today. ” “ Lena, wuz Jim standin'uh walkin ’? ” inquired her father.
uc1.b3273229“ I know, but they're corn fed Uncle. ” “ Whut's yo'turkeys go be wurth? ” inquired Uncle Jake.
uc1.b3273229“ I — I, sir?
uc1.b3273229“ Jake, Jake, somebody's knockin'; wake up. ” He gave a lengthening stretch, turned over, and then called, “ Who's it?
uc1.b3273229“ Jake, did you hyer'bout ole man Simmons gittin'hurt? ” asked Aunt Mag in a loud whisper.
uc1.b3273229“ Kin you read uh little bit fuh us out uv it? ” “ Yes, uh – let me see. ” Addie turned and turned, but finally turned back to the first.
uc1.b3273229“ Lors, little Mamie chile, whut you doin'wid so many books?
uc1.b3273229“ Lorzy, Doctor, it ai n't uhnudder one is it?
uc1.b3273229“ Lorzy, honey, whut is you doin'?
uc1.b3273229“ Miss Mamie, where'bouts is yawl livin'at? ” Dicie inquired.
uc1.b3273229“ Nancy, you listenin'?
uc1.b3273229“ Now what have you to say about it, little girl? ” the teacher asked.
uc1.b3273229“ So you let that rotten cuss have my corn, did you? ” snorted the old man.
uc1.b3273229“ Son, mah chile, is we free?
uc1.b3273229“ This here boy tuck my'simmons. ” “ Where did you get the persimmons, Sammy? ” asked the professor properly.
uc1.b3273229“ Was I gone long?
uc1.b3273229“ Well Elder, what did the boys say?
uc1.b3273229“ Well, Sammy, what's wrong? ” Snatching his little hand from his pocket, he pointed defiantly at Mack.
uc1.b3273229“ What about your house?
uc1.b3273229“ What's the matter, chum?
uc1.b3273229“ Where are you going with such a load on your back?
uc1.b3273229“ Where's Jake?, ” he inquired of the first slaves he en- countered.
uc1.b3273229“ Where's your Master Jim now? ” “ Well, Mr. Weatherly, Ah jes do n't know zackly.
uc1.b3273229“ Who is dat frush wench comin'in hyer, Seb?
uc1.b3273229“ Who is it son? ” “ It looks like Jim Gill. ” “ Jim Gill!
uc1.b3273229“ Whut is it, Ellen? ” “ It's from Fred, and he's married Ada Lee. ” “ Married dat ole'oman?
uc1.b3273229“ Whut is it, Ellen? ” “ It's from Fred, and he's married Ada Lee. ” “ Married dat ole'oman?
uc1.b3273229“ Whut on earth is wrong wid you, Elsie? ” demanded Jake.
uc1.b3273229“ Whut they wurth a piece boys? ” “ We must git fifteen cents.
uc1.b3273229“ Whut yo'go do fuh seats? ” asked Sister Luvenia.
uc1.b3273229“ Whut you go do, Moster Jim?
uc1.b3273229“ Whut's all that screamin'about?
uc1.b3273229“ Whut's dat?
uc1.b3273229“ Whut's wrong, Mama? ” Jake asked as he slowly walked in the door.
uc1.b3273229“ Yas, Mr. Weatherly, dat wuz uh big night wuzn't it? ” Jake said.
uc1.b3273229“ You come home sick frum duh cottun patch did n't you? ” “ Yes, Uncle Jake; I had chills and fever.
uc1.b3273229“ You say he's a fiddler, cobbler, and farmer?
uc1.b3273229“ You want uh good price, do n't he Reb? ” “ Dat's uh big price, Cap'n, ” answered Uncle Reb.
uc1.b3273229“ You ’re all through with your work? ” “ Yas suh, Ah is. ” “ You ’ve heard the news, I'm sure.
uc1.b3273229“ Zeke, dat you? ” came a shaky voice from within.
mdp.39015025358220After she gets big as an airplane tire? ” “ Yeah, that big.
mdp.39015025358220And what do you say, boy? ”I say I ca n't explain it, Mama.
mdp.39015025358220Crazy, is that what you think I am? mdp.39015025358220 Did you see the whore car when you come in?"
mdp.39015025358220Do you like it that way? ”. mdp.39015025358220 How do I know the sea is a woman, always givin birth?
mdp.39015025358220Is it Doris? ” Ned almost raised his voice. mdp.39015025358220 Married?"
mdp.39015025358220Now what do I ask you? ” Mama grinned over at him. mdp.39015025358220 Wanda..."“ Yes? ” “ I want you to know..."“ What do you want me to know?"
mdp.39015025358220Wanda...“ Yes? ” “ I want you to know..."“ What do you want me to know?"
mdp.39015025358220Wanda? ” Lorraine said through the door. mdp.39015025358220 What could I tell yer'bout him?
mdp.39015025358220What did you do, Burris?
mdp.39015025358220What happens Thursday? ” “ It's the kid's birthday, ” she said. mdp.39015025358220 What time Thursday? ” he said.
mdp.39015025358220What's new? ” he said. mdp.39015025358220 Where's she at?"
mdp.39015025358220Why do n't you get married, Dorry? ” he had said. mdp.39015025358220 Yeah? ” she said in a harsh frog's voice, opening the door.
mdp.39015025358220You know, ” she said, looking up at him, “ I been think- in since you were here last week. ”About what? ”"About you, mostly.
mdp.39015025358220You shut up, you hear me?
mdp.39015025358220You wondered what about what? ” “ What you know about some things,Cullen said.
mdp.39015025358220124 CLARENCE L. COOPER, JR. “ You know why you're the biggest trick? ” said the nod- ding woman.
mdp.39015025358220After a while, she said, “ Is there something you want me to do for you?"
mdp.39015025358220Ai n't it enough, what I do for ya?
mdp.39015025358220Ai n't that right? ” He shifted nervously.
mdp.39015025358220And if he could n't get to Coral, which was already paid and bought, how the hell could he get over there?
mdp.39015025358220And make 16 CLARENCE L. COOPER, JR. you so hungry, so ravening, both for food and the food of woman?
mdp.39015025358220And remember the Chink Lieutenant, the one who said he'd been educated at Oxford and acquired his accent while learning English?
mdp.39015025358220And what are you doin?
mdp.39015025358220And why would n't he see that?
mdp.39015025358220Are you goin back to Detroit? ”"No, not yet, ” she let him know.
mdp.39015025358220Are you gon na loan me, say twenty, for a couple weeks?
mdp.39015025358220But I been good to my Daddy, you know, baby?
mdp.39015025358220But did n't she deserve a chance, despite all else?
mdp.39015025358220But what can I tell Larue?
mdp.39015025358220Can I tell you something?
mdp.39015025358220Did n't he see that David was her own indelible failure?
mdp.39015025358220Do n't you think I know that? ” he shouted.
mdp.39015025358220Do n't you think I know?
mdp.39015025358220Do you get me? ”, “ Hell no, ” Ned said.
mdp.39015025358220Do you know Ted or Nero?
mdp.39015025358220Do you know how I did this?
mdp.39015025358220Do you see?
mdp.39015025358220Do you think Ned Land is the only man in the world?
mdp.39015025358220Do you under- stand?
mdp.39015025358220Do you understand that?
mdp.39015025358220Does n't it do somethin to ya? ”"Have you ever been in Brazil? ” Ned asked.
mdp.39015025358220Does n't it do somethin to ya? ”"Have you ever been in Brazil? ” Ned asked.
mdp.39015025358220Especially when the cycle stopped?
mdp.39015025358220Even if it meant Ned would destroy himself because of her, sooner or later?
mdp.39015025358220He remembered somebody saying( was it Ruckson, with his little mouse face and tough little dreams?)
mdp.39015025358220He's the reason I came over. ”"What is it?
mdp.39015025358220His room, with the record album covers plastering the roach homes of the upturned, dirty green wall papers?
mdp.39015025358220How can I turn a trick with the goddamn whore car runnin up and down all the alleys?
mdp.39015025358220How could he bitch, though?
mdp.39015025358220How could she justify herself to Ned?
mdp.39015025358220How do I know?
mdp.39015025358220How the hell could I stand the expense? ”"It's your kid, Ned, ” she droned.
mdp.39015025358220I could see you a little while before and give you what you need to have. ” “ When would I get the three hundred? ” “ When you get back here.
mdp.39015025358220I deserve somethin, do n't I? ” He watched her face return to normal, feeling a small chill as he witnessed the relapse.
mdp.39015025358220I do n't think any other man owes me anything but you. ”- “ What is this? ” he said.
mdp.39015025358220I never been out of this fuggin city, you know that?
mdp.39015025358220I think I could kill somebody who tried to stop me. ”"You suck at a whore, you man? ” Mama bellowed.
mdp.39015025358220I want you to keep your ears open. ” “ Is that what you wanted to tell me? ” “ Well, yes, ” he said.
mdp.39015025358220I want you to know that. ” “ Is there something you want to tell me?"
mdp.39015025358220I've never lied to you, have I? ”"I do n't know...""Listen, you believe it, I've never lied to you.
mdp.39015025358220If he can say it, why ca n't I? ” “ When did you hear Jack say anything like that? ”"At Grandmommie's house, ” he blahhed at her.
mdp.39015025358220If he can say it, why ca n't I? ” “ When did you hear Jack say anything like that? ”"At Grandmommie's house, ” he blahhed at her.
mdp.39015025358220In Ford's, Chrysler's or one of GM's plants in Detroit?
mdp.39015025358220In everything?
mdp.39015025358220Is n't that as silly as hell?
mdp.39015025358220It did n't make much difference which day Cullen did 126 130 CLARENCE L. COOPER, JR. him, would n't we?
mdp.39015025358220Like I say, I just got a hunch, but suppose we call a shot like that?
mdp.39015025358220Now what have I got?
mdp.39015025358220Now, who have you got?
mdp.39015025358220Or like in a cave I seen there in France. ”"A cave?
mdp.39015025358220Please, look, do you know how I did this?
mdp.39015025358220RB 110 SOME WILL NOT DÍE, Algis Budrys What would worldwide disaster really be like?
mdp.39015025358220Sometimes I wonder why I'm here, ya know?
mdp.39015025358220The only thing, sometimes a man thinks himself out of safety, you know what I mean?
mdp.39015025358220Then he bent down to the monkey's level and said, “ Pietro? ”, like that, questioning, like asking an older brother to solve a calculus problem.
mdp.39015025358220Then why?
mdp.39015025358220Twelve hours a day. ”"Are you complainin?"
mdp.39015025358220WEED Was everybody an animal, like that, black or white, all the same?
mdp.39015025358220WHAT MAD ORACLE?, Thomas N. Scortia A professional rocket scientist indicts missile contract prac- tices in this fictional revelation.
mdp.39015025358220Was that what he wanted?
mdp.39015025358220What are you gon na do, preach to me?"
mdp.39015025358220What do you do around this joint that takes so much outta you that you say you got ta have some rest?"
mdp.39015025358220What do you need rest for?
mdp.39015025358220What have you got, you lousy bitch?
mdp.39015025358220What now?
mdp.39015025358220What was it, actually?
mdp.39015025358220What would I have to do?"
mdp.39015025358220What's Wanda got? ” “ Nothing special, ” he said.
mdp.39015025358220What's the beef? ” “ I do n't have any."
mdp.39015025358220What's up?"
mdp.39015025358220Where was he now?
mdp.39015025358220Where was she going from here?
mdp.39015025358220Where's Wanda? ”"Wanda's not here,"Mama said.
mdp.39015025358220Where's it comin from?
mdp.39015025358220Who else you got to talk to outside of me?"
mdp.39015025358220Who uses dope? ” The sides of his jaws began to tremble.
mdp.39015025358220Why did Gangster do you like that?
mdp.39015025358220Why do they have to come here at all? ” “ Do n't worry, ” Mama said.
mdp.39015025358220Why does n't she puli?
mdp.39015025358220Why else was he so sharp?
mdp.39015025358220Why had she acted the way she did?
mdp.39015025358220Why was it?
mdp.39015025358220Will that be enough? ” “ Oh, sure.
mdp.39015025358220With Ned?—thirty- four, and with Ned?
mdp.39015025358220You do n't think I know about him? ”"Him, who? ” she said with big clear eyes.
mdp.39015025358220You do n't think I know about him? ”"Him, who? ” she said with big clear eyes.
mdp.39015025358220You do n't think I know, do you?
mdp.39015025358220You do n't want him to get hurt?"
mdp.39015025358220You got a rod up yo ass?
mdp.39015025358220You know what I mean?
mdp.39015025358220You know what I mean?
mdp.39015025358220You know what I mean? ”"Sure, I know what you mean."
mdp.39015025358220You think you can step all over me any damn way you like to, huh?
mdp.39015025358220You're a real help. ” “ Is that all I am?"
mdp.39015025358220You're like me being friends with a nice guy who is dead. ” “ Dead? ”"No, no, man, you do n't get me.
mdp.39015025358220when everybody's so happy there?
mdp.39015025358220“ Are you crazy? ” she said, turning to him.
mdp.39015025358220“ Ask me what?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Been keeping your nose clean? ” “ Like always."
mdp.39015025358220“ Bet ya never heard of a somethin like that, did ya?
mdp.39015025358220“ Better? ” said Ned.
mdp.39015025358220“ Brazil is nice, ya know, Ned?
mdp.39015025358220“ Can Jesus save you now? ” Again, too hard this time, he felt the pain explode within his little flesh.
mdp.39015025358220“ Do n't tell me you do n't need some money?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Do you know what I mean?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Do you know what it's like?
mdp.39015025358220“ Do you want to tell me you've missed me? ” “ Yes, that, too.
mdp.39015025358220“ Hi, Cull? ” “ Whatsa matter, Bill? ” “ The Chief wants to see us, boy. ” thing that the window it was.
mdp.39015025358220“ Hi, Cull? ” “ Whatsa matter, Bill? ” “ The Chief wants to see us, boy. ” thing that the window it was.
mdp.39015025358220“ How are ya fixed for weed? ” Ruckson grinned at him.
mdp.39015025358220“ How do I know the way to make you spout yer last drop? ” Mama said.
mdp.39015025358220“ How do you know he's a bad man? ” Cullen said.
mdp.39015025358220“ How much do you like to come see me?"
mdp.39015025358220“ How ya doin, Burris? ” Cullen said in his high voice.
mdp.39015025358220“ How's everything? ”"Everything's goin fine, Mike. ” “ Let's rake'em in, boy, ” Mike said, wide white grin.
mdp.39015025358220“ How's the kid? ” WEED 8/ She smiled a little.
mdp.39015025358220“ How's the police business, boy?"
mdp.39015025358220“ How's the weather out? ” Ned said.
mdp.39015025358220“ How?"
mdp.39015025358220“ I like Westphalia, Burris, you know what I mean? ” “ So do I, ” Burris said.
mdp.39015025358220“ I try to do my part, you know, baby?
mdp.39015025358220“ I want you to help me all you CLARENCE L. COOPER, JR. can, you know what I mean?
mdp.39015025358220“ Is n't Westphalia a nice place?
mdp.39015025358220“ Let me hear some more of this. ”"You really interested? ”"If you're not kiddin, you know goddamn well I am.
mdp.39015025358220“ Like you said, Coral honey, it was me, the way I was thinkin — that's what made you, was n't it?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Ned, will you come? ” she said.
mdp.39015025358220“ Nobody but Wanda, huh?
mdp.39015025358220“ Of all the things I know about you, do n't you think I know that best? ” “ You owe it to him! ”.
mdp.39015025358220“ Of course you do n't. ” “ What happens then?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Oh, as long as you're used up by some other man, is that it? ”"Oh, you're talking crazy as hell..."“ Crazy, huh? ” he said, his eyes big.
mdp.39015025358220“ Oh, as long as you're used up by some other man, is that it? ”"Oh, you're talking crazy as hell..."“ Crazy, huh? ” he said, his eyes big.
mdp.39015025358220“ Suppose he does it for Ruck- son, or suppose Cullen finds him with some weed?
mdp.39015025358220“ That much?
mdp.39015025358220“ Then why, old woman? ” His hand came out toward her, with no confirmation of strength.
mdp.39015025358220“ Thursday? ” he said.
mdp.39015025358220“ Wanda? ” Another knock, then walking footsteps away and down the hall, and Wanda knew where she was going now.
mdp.39015025358220“ Wanna drink, boy? ” “ I'd like a Scotch, but my money's kinda short."
mdp.39015025358220“ Wanna drink?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Wanna drink?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Want a joint? ” she said.
mdp.39015025358220“ Well, how are ya? ” “ I'm okay."
mdp.39015025358220“ Whadda you mean leave you get some rest? ”"Oh, Burris. ” “ No, I wanna know just what the hell you mean.
mdp.39015025358220“ What about ten, after you close up?"
mdp.39015025358220“ What are you laughin at?"
mdp.39015025358220“ What else do you want to tell me? ” He could not speak for a long time.
mdp.39015025358220“ What have you been doin for yourself? ”"Same old thing, tryin to make some dough. ” “ Shop doin okay? ”"I’u manage, ” Ned told him.
mdp.39015025358220“ What have you been doin for yourself? ”"Same old thing, tryin to make some dough. ” “ Shop doin okay? ”"I’u manage, ” Ned told him.
mdp.39015025358220“ What have you been hearin? ”"About a narcotics ring, ” Cullen said.
mdp.39015025358220“ What time? ” he asked, when all the while he knew he would n't be able to make it.
mdp.39015025358220“ What you talkin'bout? ” in that child- chiding way she had.
mdp.39015025358220“ When did she leave?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Where would I meet you? ”"At Pancho's place.
mdp.39015025358220“ Where's Wanda at, Mama?
mdp.39015025358220“ Who, Burris baby? ” “ You know who I mean — the record shop man."
mdp.39015025358220“ Who, Burris?
mdp.39015025358220“ Who? ” Cullen said.
mdp.39015025358220“ Why did n't he come for hisself? ” “ He said you'd know why if he could n't make it this time."
mdp.39015025358220“ Why did n't you shut it off? ” she said as she came back in.
mdp.39015025358220“ Why do n't you let me get some rest? ” she said in a tired voice.
mdp.39015025358220“ Why? ” he said.
mdp.39015025358220“ Will you meet me in an hour, the corner on the south side, near the record shop?
mdp.39015025358220“ Will you understand what I say?"
mdp.39015025358220“ Would you like to stay for a while? ”"Hell, you know I would, but-"“ I wo n't keep you long."
mdp.39015025358220“ Yeah? ” a police voice said.
mdp.39015025358220“ You ever seen a spur tongue cut right off?
mdp.39015025358220“ You got a cigarette? ” · He gave her one.
mdp.39015025358220“ You got a light? ” she said.
mdp.39015025358220“ You got some money for me? ” “ As soon as I take care of Ruckson's business, ” Ned told her.
mdp.39015025358220“ You just wanna be a germ, hangin onto me for the rest of my life?
mdp.39015025358220“ You know how much money I made tonight?
mdp.39015025358220“ You know one thing?
mdp.39015025358220“ You like that music? ” she said.
mdp.39015025358220“ You think I'm gon na be a fool for the rest of my life?
mdp.39015025358220“ You think Ned...? ” Burris became animated.
mdp.39015025358220“ You want hyena shit?
uc1.b2838559. ” “ Disturbed about what?
uc1.b2838559. ” “ Do you have as much as ten thousand, Ocee? ” “ Yes, a little more, actually, including my savings here.
uc1.b2838559. ” “ Were you in Hawaii, too, Mr. McRae? ” Big Ben asked.
uc1.b2838559And 74 Ocee McRae, Texas followed his contribution, he leaned back in his chair across from her to say, “ How did we get off on that tangent?
uc1.b2838559And Big Ben says he would like to see her marry again, but he realizes that oppor- tunities for her are scarce down here. ” “ Why?
uc1.b2838559And I ask the question, is there a second to the motion? ” There were several seconds.
uc1.b2838559And everyone in town knows it. ” “ But what about your father- in- law?
uc1.b2838559And no hard feel- ings, okay? ” But the man was on his way out of the café, out of hearing.
uc1.b2838559And one of them shouted, “ Yeah?
uc1.b2838559And you know that to be true, do n't you? ” Ocee pondered this new aspect of the situation.
uc1.b2838559Any other objections? ” They shook their heads uncertainly, and departed.
uc1.b2838559Are you, or, in the language of the subversive inquisitors, ‘ have you ever been ’ married? ” “ Well, yes, I was once.
uc1.b2838559At length, Ocee asked, “ How old are you, Big Ben? ” “ Twenty- eight the Fourth of July coming. ” “ Say!
uc1.b2838559Awful, is n't it? ” “ Terrible! ” Ocee said.
uc1.b2838559Been in it long? ” “ Ca n't remember when I was n't tinkering around an oil well, ” Grant answered.
uc1.b2838559Both of them are good men, and would make good drillers and tool pushers. ” r “ Jack Roberts?
uc1.b2838559But I want you to see for yourself. ” “ What do you mean we're not involved?
uc1.b2838559But how did you find me?
uc1.b2838559But what about the legislature? ” she teased.
uc1.b2838559But what do the poor people have?
uc1.b2838559But who's Mrs. Lindgren?
uc1.b2838559But who's going to fly them? ” “ Oh, did n't you know?
uc1.b2838559But who's going to fly them? ” “ Oh, did n't you know?
uc1.b2838559But you see this long area flanking the patio from the living room past the dining room and over here past the family room to the edge of the carport?
uc1.b2838559But, no, here I am, and what do I think of the moment he does n't write?
uc1.b2838559But, well, I may as well start at the beginning. ” And he re- 62 Ocee McRae, Texas let people think this is me?
uc1.b2838559Did you have her prosecuted? ” “ The Lord took it out of our hands, Mike.
uc1.b2838559Did you tell them I was once married to Mike? ” “ I told them we knew him from before the war.
uc1.b2838559Did you...? ” Larry handed him the newspaper clippings with pictures of himself and Grant.
uc1.b2838559Do n't you remember that was when you first no- ticed me — as a woman, that is? ” “ I did?
uc1.b2838559Do n't you remember that was when you first no- ticed me — as a woman, that is? ” “ I did?
uc1.b2838559Do n't you remember when you es- corted that little girl from San Marcos with you to a Tri Delt dance?
uc1.b2838559Do n't you remember? ” “ Oh, sure!
uc1.b2838559Do you think he was right? ” Juanita, sobered, quietly answered, “ I think he was, oh, so very right, querido mio.
uc1.b2838559Do you think you would like a saddle horse or two? ” “ Oh, yes!
uc1.b2838559Finally Randall said, “ You have given this an awful lot of thought, have n't you, McRae?
uc1.b2838559Going to Texas, too? ” “ Sure am!
uc1.b2838559Grant, do you think he is in love with Juanita? ” “ I guess so, why? ” “ Well, I was just thinking.
uc1.b2838559Grant, do you think he is in love with Juanita? ” “ I guess so, why? ” “ Well, I was just thinking.
uc1.b2838559Have you had dinner, though? ” “ Oh, yes, I have.
uc1.b2838559How could you be up so 160 Ocee McRae, Texas bright and early if you had? ” he teased, rolling over to take another forty winks.
uc1.b2838559How did you explain our interest in the matter to the police, Larry?
uc1.b2838559How did you manage to get a chance to buy it before anyone else — and at a bargain?
uc1.b2838559How does he get along with the men? ” “ He ’s good.
uc1.b2838559How is everyone? ” “ Everybody's fine.
uc1.b2838559How much? ” “ Oh, about$ 250,000, maybe, ” Big Ben replied.
uc1.b2838559I have seven children. ” “ How old are they, Mrs. Crompton? ” “ Ten, nine, seven, five, three, two, and the baby is six months.
uc1.b2838559I tell you what I would like to have someday, though — a huge Texas ranch with thousands of heads of cattle. ” “ Cattle?
uc1.b2838559I thought it was in the car. ” “ That oily old helmet?
uc1.b2838559I told him I would think about an appropriate present and let him know later. ” “ Ocee? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2838559I'm a businessman, remember? ” “ Um hum.
uc1.b2838559If I had, I ’d have been a goner! ” “ You go to church, buddy? ” the other man asked, with feel- ing. ” “ Once in a long while.
uc1.b2838559Is it very far from Houston? ” “ Only about fifty miles.
uc1.b2838559Let's call it a day. ” “ Why do you say ‘ knot'?
uc1.b2838559More than this I do not know. ” “ Would you recognize the man again if you saw him? ” “ Si, Señor, yes.
uc1.b2838559Now did n't you? ” Ocee teased.
uc1.b2838559Now what about a power out- age? ” “ That's taken care of, too.
uc1.b2838559Now what is that? ” “ Okay, I'll show you just the way he showed me.
uc1.b2838559Now would you care for dessert, sir? ” “ Ice cream will do.
uc1.b2838559Oh, if we had only known sooner, years sooner, why she had n't received your letters.... ” “ You mean she did n't receive any of my letters?
uc1.b2838559Okay? ” “ Okay, darling, ” Emmie replied feebly.
uc1.b2838559Okay? ” “ Perfect!
uc1.b2838559Okay? ” “ Sure, if we can both get away again at the same time and I do n't decide to run down to Monterrey. ” “ Ocee, I ’ve been thinking.
uc1.b2838559Pretty late at night to be getting home, is n't it?
uc1.b2838559Putting his arm across Ocee's shoulder, he said, “ Remember me telling you about buying in at the psychological moment? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2838559Remember how we met? ” Grant nodded.
uc1.b2838559Say, what about you?
uc1.b2838559See all those pulleys up there?
uc1.b2838559So how does that have any connection with Juanita or Helen...? ” “ Grant, you are teasing me!
uc1.b2838559So will you promise me that before I come back week after next, you will go to your padre and tell him about what your husband did?
uc1.b2838559So will you promise? ” “ Yes, yes, querido mío, Juanita whispered, limply falling back into his arms, her tears washing his shirt front.
uc1.b2838559So you were in the service; Army? ” And the men went on to talk about their war experiences.
uc1.b2838559Sounds good, does n't it?
uc1.b2838559Such things as, ‘ What's the matter with you Americans treating your colored citi- zens less than human?'
uc1.b2838559Technically, I am still married to her. ” “ Are you worried that she might want to cut in on your dough? ” Grant asked flippantly.
uc1.b2838559That guy is a local pain in the neck, a ne'er- do- well wildcatter, who has stung more newcomers than you could count. ” “ Yeah?
uc1.b2838559That makes it about September 20, right? ” “ Just about.
uc1.b2838559The victim's true identity might have been established, and in that case who knows what kind of charges they may have against me?
uc1.b2838559Then he sobered, frowning at himself, and said aloud, “ Okay, so I'm not bad looking, so what?
uc1.b2838559Then, when the pipe is turned, the bit rotates too, and these rollers grind out the rock. ” “ What happens when the bit gets dull?
uc1.b2838559This control has everything... ” He broke off as he looked up, saying, “ Oh, excuse me, will you?
uc1.b2838559This is Marilyn, our youngest, six years old. ” “ And who are the others?
uc1.b2838559This venture is a dream come true. ” “ This is the first time you're drilling a well of your own? ” “ Right.
uc1.b2838559Tosco will stick with you! ” “ Coming out to the well after work?
uc1.b2838559Were you working in Texas before? ” Juanita inquired.
uc1.b2838559What can you do...? ” “ That often happens.
uc1.b2838559What did you do to her? ” Mike demanded in mixed anger and confusion.
uc1.b2838559What do you say? ” “ The helicopter will be a must; that's for sure.
uc1.b2838559What do you think she would really like? ” “ There's a lamé stole at the Petite Shop.
uc1.b2838559What do you think we have a plane for, anyway?
uc1.b2838559What do you think? ” “ You write him as often as you can Tell him all about your sightseeing, but keep it impersonal.
uc1.b2838559What would she want to do that for 2 When did you find out about it?
uc1.b2838559What would you say to that? ” “ Wonderful!
uc1.b2838559What's this one? ” he asked, pointing to one of the ribbons.
uc1.b2838559What...? ” “ The men could n't have known, of course.
uc1.b2838559When do you want to go? ” “ The sooner the better. ” “ All right, then.
uc1.b2838559Why do n't you men come along with me?
uc1.b2838559Why? ” “ Just thinking, ” said Ocee.
uc1.b2838559Wo n't you join us for a little while? ” Brenda greeted him a few days after they were all settled in the new home.
uc1.b2838559Would you be interested in learning to fly the helicopter and the plane, and working directly with me? ” “ Great!
uc1.b2838559Would you believe it, Jua- nita, I can not remember ever having discussed the major problem of religion with anyone before for more than one minute?
uc1.b2838559You ca n't beat that, can you?
uc1.b2838559You did n't really stop breathing, did you? ” It took him quite some time to reassure her that he was still breathing.
uc1.b2838559You like cows? ” “ I love cows l ” Juanita digested this bit of information, looking at Ocee at first with disbelief and bewilderment.
uc1.b2838559You there, too? ” “ Yes, in coming from the Philippines.
uc1.b2838559You were sort of the ramrod of the company, were n't you? ” “ Yes, I suppose so.
uc1.b2838559You're a naturall ’ Or do n't you remember when Daddy told you that? ” she teased.
uc1.b2838559Your folks coming to meet you?
uc1.b2838559Your wife's family? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2838559make it six weeks; that would give me more time. ” “ What do you need more time to do? ” Helen kissed him.
uc1.b2838559“ And what was the army officer's name? ” “ Colonel Barker. ” “ There, that should do it!
uc1.b2838559“ And which is the “ High Road'? ” Ocee laughingly asked.
uc1.b2838559“ And who taught you that? ” she asked, amazed.
uc1.b2838559“ Boll weevil, why that's an insect that destroys cotton, is n't it? ” “ Not these! ” Grant laughed heartily.
uc1.b2838559“ But what is this ‘ junior partner ’? ” Juanita asked when the first wave of excitement subsided.
uc1.b2838559“ Ca n't you tell?
uc1.b2838559“ Chantilly, was n't it? ” “ Yes. ” Grant stood at the French door looking out over the garden.
uc1.b2838559“ Could n't we include something about his being president of the Chamber of Commerce, though? ” Water Politics 105 “ Sure!
uc1.b2838559“ Did you get the license number of his truck? ” asked Ocee of the man.
uc1.b2838559“ Did your ad bring in any employment applicants? ” Grant asked one evening as Ocee came home late from the office again.
uc1.b2838559“ Does this mean those tests you were having run this morning did n't turn out as you had hoped? ” “ That's about the size of it.
uc1.b2838559“ Everybody agreed? ” And, looking at the nodding heads, he an- nounced, “ All right.
uc1.b2838559“ Home on leave? ” “ Better than that.
uc1.b2838559“ How are the law classes coming along? ” Grant asked six weeks later.
uc1.b2838559“ How can you say such a thing?
uc1.b2838559“ How much have you got saved up now? ” Ocee asked.
uc1.b2838559“ How was your trip?
uc1.b2838559“ I ca n't think of anything you could have Sophisticates Abroad 147 whose husband is a United States senator?
uc1.b2838559“ I was overseas myself for a long time, remember?
uc1.b2838559“ Is it real? ” He touched the playful dimple in her right cheek while standing on the bottom rung of the ladder.
uc1.b2838559“ It ’s really an oasis, is n't it?
uc1.b2838559“ Mike, is it really you, son?
uc1.b2838559“ Now what to do? ” he asked himself.
uc1.b2838559“ Say, have you read this about the catastrophe down in Texas City? ” “ Why, yes, I was just reading about it.
uc1.b2838559“ Say, ” Ocee asked, “ is n't that where those famous Texas Ag- gies come from? ” “ Well, not exactly. ” The lieutenant smiled.
uc1.b2838559“ So what are you going to call the back road?
uc1.b2838559“ They must have an awful lot of people working in there, do n't they? ” Ocee opened the conver- sation.
uc1.b2838559“ Well, you really inspired this name, too, dear, when you facetiously told Mr. Stokes that we would dig a lake for the cattle, remember?
uc1.b2838559“ What about a month from today?
uc1.b2838559“ What can you do? ” one asked as an opener.
uc1.b2838559“ What do you mean by a pile of money, anyway?
uc1.b2838559“ What was his trouble? ” her sister inquired, curiously.
uc1.b2838559“ What would you think of hiding some mistletoe in the chandeliers, Helen? ” Ocee asked.
uc1.b2838559“ What's wrong with the way he dresses?
uc1.b2838559“ What? ” “ Come down to see us every weekend!
uc1.b2838559“ When do we get married? ” he asked, drawing her near.
uc1.b2838559“ Who was the victim? ” Ocee asked cautiously.
uc1.b2838559“ Why did you do it? ” the chief wanted to know.
uc1.b2838559“ Why have n't you married? ” Ocee inquired.
uc1.b2838559“ Would you?
uc1.b2838559“ You mean you will vote for me? ” “ No.
uc1.b2838559“ You, Governor?
mdp.39015071237948121 66 self what if the prediction should prove true?
mdp.39015071237948351 “ Seth, ” he whispered, “ are you near?
mdp.390150712379486 What brought you out such a night as this?"
mdp.39015071237948? ” “ Only it is an exception, ” rejoined Mr Durham laugh- ing.
mdp.39015071237948After Mrs. Burwell had adjusted her spectacles and had examined them for a while, Imogene asked: “ Do n't you think they are nice?
mdp.39015071237948After she had gone Mr. Stone laid the paper aside, took off his spectacles, looked at his wife and said, “ well?
mdp.39015071237948Am I so weak that I must give way to this heart trouble and allow its gloom to sway my better judgment?
mdp.39015071237948And the excuse is so flimsy. ”. “ What is it?"
mdp.39015071237948Any of them brought their yachts out? ” “ No, but several are overhauling them.
mdp.39015071237948Are we certain that these impulses move within us to bring us to such a union?"
mdp.39015071237948Are you doing for others what He has done for you?
mdp.39015071237948Are you following after Christ as He has pointed out the way in His Holy Book?
mdp.39015071237948Are you ill?"
mdp.39015071237948Are you oppressed with the extraordinary heat, or preoccupied with the services? ” “ Neither, I was thinking how recreant I had been.
mdp.39015071237948Are you out- casts?
mdp.39015071237948Are you sinful?
mdp.39015071237948As he struck, the man exclaimed: “ You'll hit a white man, will you?"
mdp.39015071237948At last he said, “ May I now ask you for the reply to my proposal?
mdp.39015071237948Before I troth the homage of a life why should I not know more of him?
mdp.39015071237948But candidly, can a race improve rapidly under such conditions? ” 179 “ Not as rapidly as it might otherwise.
mdp.39015071237948But come, let us go, it grows late. ” “ You think you have guessed it exactly now, do n't you?
mdp.39015071237948But we have taken up the whole afternoon in talk, what shall we take up next?"
mdp.39015071237948But what chance have unarmed men against the armed?
mdp.39015071237948But why should it be so?
mdp.39015071237948But you do not know much about the condition of things in the South, do you? ”.
mdp.39015071237948Can we not justly claim, in view of our environments, that the people of the Republic are ungrateful?
mdp.39015071237948Can you blame him if in the time you have impossed upon him he seeks relief, and finds it and love, in the person of another, and never comes back?
mdp.39015071237948Did you ever see a person whose face expressed such a lack of ambition, and who looked more lazy and shiftless?
mdp.39015071237948Did you know that Seth has been hurt?
mdp.39015071237948Do n't you think you were a little harsh with her? ” “ Not when I consider that what she said, she said in order to wound my feelings."
mdp.39015071237948Do you know that I think you're a very clever fellow, and I have often thought that it was too bad that you are colored?
mdp.39015071237948Do you know that there are a number of octoroons passing for white all over this country?
mdp.39015071237948Do you see that fair girl?
mdp.39015071237948Do you thirst for righteousness?
mdp.39015071237948Do you treat the lowly and extend the helping hand to the weak as you yourself would like to be treated were you in their station?
mdp.39015071237948Else why these high and glorious aspirations which leap like angles from our hearts forever wandering and unsatisfied?
mdp.39015071237948Finally he managed to ask: “ Own an interest in the business?"
mdp.39015071237948Has not my every act proved it?
mdp.39015071237948Have you heard the latest sensation? ” “ Probably not the particular one you have reference to."
mdp.39015071237948Have you nothing to offer to God?
mdp.39015071237948He finds in his heart to distrust the infinite God, why not Í him?
mdp.39015071237948He said again,"Why do you say that, father? ”.
mdp.39015071237948How dare you run agin me? ” sYou must really excuse me, sir, it was unin —""Shut up!
mdp.39015071237948How eagerly she hangs on every word, and how her eyes sparkle?
mdp.39015071237948How many giant minds have become dwarfed in intellect through the wealth of the world and the lavish praise of the flatterer heaped upon them?
mdp.39015071237948How many hold places of honor and trust?
mdp.39015071237948How many noble souls and great charac- ters have sunk into insignificance?
mdp.39015071237948How many of your employees left when I entered your firm?
mdp.39015071237948How many young men of exceptional oppor- tunity and parentage are the sons of their fathers only?
mdp.39015071237948How often has it been re- read and how often kissed?
mdp.39015071237948How vivid the mind is in presence of dan- ger?
mdp.39015071237948I did n't know it was a secret. ” “ You do n't suppose she cares for me, do you? ” He had lain particular stress on the “ me."
mdp.39015071237948I need thy presence every passing hour, What but thy grace can foil the tempter's power?
mdp.39015071237948I owe you considerable already. ” “ Is my color all that causes you to think less of me?"
mdp.39015071237948I tell you what, our house is busy now. ” “ Is he very sick? ” “ I should say that he was.
mdp.39015071237948I want to be home about two or three weeks before Christmas. ” “ What's going to happen then? ” “ Only a little private event of mine."
mdp.39015071237948If Christ be our elder brother who shall deny us or whom shall we deny, or who shall say that all are not of the brethren?
mdp.39015071237948If he had the opportunity how would he write, what would he say, how should he say it?
mdp.39015071237948If we set a reward upon our waiting by mutual promises, do we not rob ourselves of the value of its schooling? ”.
mdp.39015071237948Is he good looking?"
mdp.39015071237948Is it because the day brings with it the full realization of our faults and troubles?
mdp.39015071237948Is it because they are unworthy, incapable or ignorant?
mdp.39015071237948Is it not meet that we be schooled in the virtue of self- sacrifice to obtain that which we long for?
mdp.39015071237948Is it not so, dear reader?
mdp.39015071237948Is it not the result of like feelings innate and acquired?
mdp.39015071237948Is it strange that he was thus moved?
mdp.39015071237948Is n't it so doctor?"
mdp.39015071237948Is n't it too bad that all the people I am most interested in seem to have the dumps, are sick or look bad at the same time?
mdp.39015071237948Is n't that a difference? ” Stanley thought for a moment before he said, “ I guess you are right about that, and it is n't right either.
mdp.39015071237948Is not a life of happiness worth a year of waiting, ayo more?
mdp.39015071237948Is not life, after all, a game of chance?
mdp.39015071237948Is not such honor worthy to aspire to?
mdp.39015071237948Is she pretty? ” “ I think so, others might not, ” answered Saunders modestly.
mdp.39015071237948It might even win a wife, but does wealth always win love?
mdp.39015071237948Marjorie arose and took a seat beside her as she asked, “ do you think you could always love me?"
mdp.39015071237948May I become one of your pupils?
mdp.39015071237948Mrs. Burwell thinks he is dangerously ill."- “ But the doctor, what does he say?"
mdp.39015071237948Oh, will you come?
mdp.39015071237948Ought we not be sure that it would prove a blessing, and that by nature and purpose we are adapted to each other?
mdp.39015071237948Ought we, or our surroundings, be responsible if our game be lost, and as a result, instead of pursuing honorable lives, we become infamous?
mdp.39015071237948Rather a good record is it not for a race that has hardly had twenty- five years of freedom? ”.
mdp.39015071237948Saunders thought, “ If I had been white would I have been detailed to act as nurse?
mdp.39015071237948Somewhat of a paradox is n't it?"
mdp.39015071237948Stanley and Saunders, looking into each other's eyes, read the same thoughts that agitated each, and each was asking himself, is it destiny?
mdp.39015071237948Stanley arose to go; as he reached the door Mr. Arnold called after him: “ Do you expect to remain long in the South?"
mdp.39015071237948Stanley gone so soon? ” She enquired, then noticing Marjorie's appearance, her motherly instincts were aroused, “ Why my dear, what is the matter?
mdp.39015071237948Stanley gone so soon? ” She enquired, then noticing Marjorie's appearance, her motherly instincts were aroused, “ Why my dear, what is the matter?
mdp.39015071237948The judgments of the court are inflexible and society is contented, for are not these judg- ments entrenched in deepest wisdom and learning?
mdp.39015071237948Then catching sight of Stanley and his sister, remarked as a?
mdp.39015071237948This shows the necessity of National aid, does it not, to aid the state to rid itself of its vast ignorance?
mdp.39015071237948Was he not then standing on the “ Bridge of Sighs, ” with his hopes buried beneath?
mdp.39015071237948Was he so much different from the rest of the world in this?
mdp.39015071237948Was it the conscious- ness of what he had lost or a bold confession of his weak- ness?
mdp.39015071237948What awful return has been his for his generosity?
mdp.39015071237948What did he mean by being half made up in character?
mdp.39015071237948What do you think of that?"
mdp.39015071237948What does he care for her with all his wealth?
mdp.39015071237948What ecstasy lies in every word the fair hand has traced?
mdp.39015071237948What exceeds human hopes in value?
mdp.39015071237948What is her name? ” “ Edith Darrow.
mdp.39015071237948What is it?
mdp.39015071237948What is the risk I run compared with that of obtaining a probably earnest and capable friend of our cause? ”: “ I agree with you that far, John.
mdp.39015071237948What lover has not been thrilled with the first lines he has received from his lady- love?
mdp.39015071237948What need has it for personal contact to prove their truths?
mdp.39015071237948What potent power has worked the change? ”.
mdp.39015071237948What say you, my lady? ” “ He has some, it is true,"replied Marjorie after a pause.
mdp.39015071237948What would life without her be to me?
mdp.39015071237948When Stanley smiled his father bent down and asked eagerly, “ Seth, my boy, do you feel better?
mdp.39015071237948When before, did the pursuit of an object ever work such a change in you, even for a week?
mdp.39015071237948When dey get heah mos'of um stays. ” “ You say that some of them are lazy? ” “ Yes sah!
mdp.39015071237948When he had finished he asked, “ Is this a mere gift the fellow possesses, or is his general intelligence in keeping with his work in this line?
mdp.39015071237948Where are the authorities?'
mdp.39015071237948Where is Marjorie? ”.
mdp.39015071237948Which was it in Seth's case?
mdp.39015071237948Who like thyself, my guide and stay can be?
mdp.39015071237948Who said anything about marrying?
mdp.39015071237948Who will take up the glad strain, 6 Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to pole?'
mdp.39015071237948Who, like thyself, my guide and stay can be?
mdp.39015071237948Why is it that the rainbows of the clouds come over us with a beauty that is not of earth then pass off and leave us to muse on their loveliness?
mdp.39015071237948Why should it?
mdp.39015071237948Why will not the possession of the thoughts that now thrill me to triumph over self remain with me?
mdp.39015071237948Will the past, with its oft repeated tales step between us?
mdp.39015071237948Will you, who are out of Christ, come my friends?
mdp.39015071237948With what dull hues would they be painted when the bright tints at our command are destroyed at the outset?
mdp.39015071237948With what exactitude it recalls the minutest details of acts, conversations and thoughts?
mdp.39015071237948Wo n't that be nice?
mdp.39015071237948Wo n't you be my sister? ” turning to Marjorie.
mdp.39015071237948Would he return?
mdp.39015071237948You accept the trust?"
mdp.39015071237948You are acquainted with her, are you not? ” turning to Stanley.
mdp.39015071237948You are shut out from society and from business; what will be next? ”"I ca n't say, but I have not lost hope.
mdp.39015071237948You have a prospect to live for, but what incentive have I except that I must render unto God an account for deeds done in the flesh?
mdp.39015071237948You will come there sometimes and bring her with you, wo nt you?
mdp.39015071237948and you will go, wo n't you? ” “ Oh, yes, ” replied Marjorie.
mdp.39015071237948are n't you?"
mdp.39015071237948asked Parker, “ a prodigy?
mdp.39015071237948decide with the preponderance of evidence?"
mdp.39015071237948flitted across his mind and seemed to whisper to him, which?
mdp.39015071237948from whence? ” This was said by her to scout any forebodings of Marjorie as she left the room.
mdp.39015071237948he been for the past few days? ”.
mdp.39015071237948tion all the more boldly in relief?
mdp.39015071237948“ Any mail? ” “ Yes, a letter from John. ”'A great change came over her in an instant.
mdp.39015071237948“ Are not beautiful poems with their pleasing phrases regulated by moods and surroundings? ” asked Parker.
mdp.39015071237948“ Are not, ” thought he, “ insults directed at the colored people in these places of divine worship sure to react?
mdp.39015071237948“ Are you poor today?
mdp.39015071237948“ Are young ladies so scarce that you have to use your sister for company? ”.
mdp.39015071237948“ Buyin'and sellin'? ” “ No, I am a bookkeeper in Mr. Stanley's store."
mdp.39015071237948“ Did n't Seth's action and conversation strike you as rather peculiar? ” asked Fox, after a few moments.
mdp.39015071237948“ Do you think me blind? ” replied his father.
mdp.39015071237948“ Have you read Ben Hur yet, Margy?"
mdp.39015071237948“ How did you like it? ” 67 “ Ever so much.
mdp.39015071237948“ Is she as good and as intelligent as you are?
mdp.39015071237948“ Is that a compliment? ”"It is a quality I admire.
mdp.39015071237948“ Marjorie, you can not doubt I love you?
mdp.39015071237948“ May I ask what that purpose was? ” “ Certainly.
mdp.39015071237948“ Well? ” he repeated.
mdp.39015071237948“ Were you ever in love, John?
mdp.39015071237948“ What are you idiots laughing about?
mdp.39015071237948“ What can it be? ” ran in his thoughts.
mdp.39015071237948“ What did I tell you? ” said Saunders.
mdp.39015071237948“ What do you refer to now? ” “ The share system, but it affects the white also.
mdp.39015071237948“ What sort of a colored man is that, Seth?"
mdp.39015071237948“ Where is it, mother? ” looking from table to sideboard and taking all the articles upon them in at a glance.
mdp.39015071237948“ Why do you say that?"
mdp.39015071237948“ Why should I not trust him, and why should I? ” she continued.
mdp.39015071237948“ Why, Charles, what made you so late to tea?
mdp.39015071237948“ Why, Flo., you know the reputation he has, do n't you?"
mdp.39015071237948“ Wo nt you come and see me sometime?
mdp.39015071237948• What do you think of young Harper?"
mdp.39015063942067Aaron,she cried,"whut yuh doin'heah?
mdp.39015063942067Ai n't I taking care of you good enough?
mdp.39015063942067Ai n't yuh th'black bastard what kilt a white man down to Holly Rock?
mdp.39015063942067Ain'goin'down along dat Ada Green, is yuh?
mdp.39015063942067All filled up with college talk, I suppose?
mdp.39015063942067And how about Mabel?
mdp.39015063942067And what are you being so serious about?
mdp.39015063942067Are n't you one of the boys that just licked the Germans?
mdp.39015063942067Are these the best of Harlem?
mdp.39015063942067Are they dancers or prize- fighters or what? mdp.39015063942067 But do n't you want to see how Negroes live in the North?"
mdp.39015063942067But why should I leave town?
mdp.39015063942067But why?
mdp.39015063942067But, Do Pop,Aaron protested,"Are you satisfied when you get nothing for what you do and pay double for what you get?
mdp.39015063942067Cain't Ah git de license widout her name?
mdp.39015063942067Can you trust him?
mdp.39015063942067Course he done a lot of talking back to Sam, and I ai n't in for letting him get away with that at all, but I — I"But I what? mdp.39015063942067 Did n't he look surprised?"
mdp.39015063942067Did n't he tell you about it? mdp.39015063942067 Did n't you say he threatened you?
mdp.39015063942067Did someone call me from here?
mdp.39015063942067Did you have a good crop, Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067Do n't see any reason why I should n't, do you?
mdp.39015063942067Do n't you know the name of the girl you gon na marry?
mdp.39015063942067Do n't you see, Annie, I ca n't keep taking money from you for myself and my folks and have any re- spect for myself?
mdp.39015063942067Do you belong to anybody else?
mdp.39015063942067Does yuh love her, boy?
mdp.39015063942067Done broke up another bank?
mdp.39015063942067Ever been there?
mdp.39015063942067Ever roust before?
mdp.39015063942067Fooling, were n't you, Vince?
mdp.39015063942067Guess dose white folks sit up an'take notice when our boys went over de top, didn'dey, Lieutenant?
mdp.39015063942067He ai n't dead is he?
mdp.39015063942067Hello, Cateye, how you been?
mdp.39015063942067How did you ever find me?
mdp.39015063942067How well do you know Charlie Robinson?
mdp.39015063942067How's Pa, Uncle Am?
mdp.39015063942067How's old Henry this morning?
mdp.39015063942067How's pa?
mdp.39015063942067Howdy, boy?
mdp.39015063942067I do n't know how to say it, Annie,he said,"but do n't you see?
mdp.39015063942067Is it all right if I'm away for an hour or so?
mdp.39015063942067Is it so ter- rible for a man to love a woman?
mdp.39015063942067James Weldon Johnson, and Rosamond Johnson, and Countee Cullen, George Schuyler and Walter White and DuBois — do they live up here?
mdp.39015063942067Know what dat whistle say?
mdp.39015063942067Lightning your friend?
mdp.39015063942067Look er heah, Vince, whar all dese putty gals com'fum dats round heah tuhnight?
mdp.39015063942067Lookin'for a job, boy?
mdp.39015063942067Lots a'omans dere?
mdp.39015063942067Man, don'yuh know whar'Blues Heben'is?
mdp.39015063942067Mind if I walk with you?
mdp.39015063942067Misunderstood about what?
mdp.39015063942067Mought be yuh won'be goin'to see Ada so much after tomorrow?
mdp.39015063942067Mus'be yo'don'like the feel of pencils and books in dose hands, Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067Now whadda yoll think?
mdp.39015063942067Ol'Devil sure could n't ever keep you down, could he Do Pop?
mdp.39015063942067Play something, will you? mdp.39015063942067 Shall we grab him now?"
mdp.39015063942067Since when did a nigger git so important that you had to stay up all night trying to find a way to deal with him? mdp.39015063942067 Somethin'troublin'yo Aaron?"
mdp.39015063942067Tell me,she said quickly,"did anything happen?
mdp.39015063942067Then what are you shaking so for?
mdp.39015063942067Then what are you so excited about?
mdp.39015063942067Well what do you want us to do?
mdp.39015063942067Well, did you give it to him?
mdp.39015063942067Well, what's on your mind?
mdp.39015063942067Wha yo goin'Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067Whah yuh goin'?
mdp.39015063942067Whar's yuh been all yuh life, dat you ai n't heer'd'bout'Blues Heben'? mdp.39015063942067 What am I to do?"
mdp.39015063942067What difference does it make?
mdp.39015063942067What do you mean, Ma?
mdp.39015063942067What do you mean?
mdp.39015063942067What do you mean?
mdp.39015063942067What do you think she kept her mouth shut this afternoon for?
mdp.39015063942067What does she want to see me about, Do Pop?
mdp.39015063942067What for?
mdp.39015063942067What kind o'damned way is this y'got of speaking to a white man?
mdp.39015063942067What nonsense is that?
mdp.39015063942067What yoll laughing'bout so early dis mornin'?
mdp.39015063942067What's all this about?
mdp.39015063942067What's de mattah wid yuh, losin'yo'min'? mdp.39015063942067 What's her name, big boy?"
mdp.39015063942067What's her name?
mdp.39015063942067What's the matter, Ma? mdp.39015063942067 What's the matter?"
mdp.39015063942067What's the trouble, big boy?
mdp.39015063942067What's the trouble?
mdp.39015063942067What's this nigger doing here?
mdp.39015063942067What's wrong, Do Pop?
mdp.39015063942067What's your name?
mdp.39015063942067Whatsamattah, Carrie, you ai n't fell fo'dat kid, is yuh?
mdp.39015063942067Wheah yuh t'ink of heading?
mdp.39015063942067Where is Blues Heaven?
mdp.39015063942067Where to?
mdp.39015063942067Where were you?
mdp.39015063942067Where you been?
mdp.39015063942067Where you going, Ma?
mdp.39015063942067Where you going?
mdp.39015063942067Where'd you come from?
mdp.39015063942067Where'll you go?
mdp.39015063942067Which one?
mdp.39015063942067Who are they?
mdp.39015063942067Who are you?
mdp.39015063942067Who gwine call de fighuhs?
mdp.39015063942067Who is she?
mdp.39015063942067Who the hell are you to tell me what your rights are? mdp.39015063942067 Who yuh mean?
mdp.39015063942067Whut de mattah, Aaron? mdp.39015063942067 Whut foh yuh look like dat?"
mdp.39015063942067Whut kin you do, when you is wukin'fuh de white folks? mdp.39015063942067 Whut yoll set yo'foot in de road fo'dis time o'night?"
mdp.39015063942067Whut yuh do, Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067Whut yuh do, Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067Whut yuh wan'say?
mdp.39015063942067Why be so quick with your razor?
mdp.39015063942067Why did you have to tell Mary the Wonder about it?
mdp.39015063942067Why did you tell that lie for me?
mdp.39015063942067Why do n't you get a warrant out for him?
mdp.39015063942067Why do you worry so, Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067Why not?
mdp.39015063942067Why yuh cum heah, Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067Why, Ma? mdp.39015063942067 Yo hab a good time at de breakdown las'night?"
mdp.39015063942067Yo'ain'been drink dat Lightnin's likker, is yo?
mdp.39015063942067Yo'here, Aaron?
mdp.39015063942067You are n't going home so early are you?
mdp.39015063942067You going to stay here now?
mdp.39015063942067You got a place to sleep tonight?
mdp.39015063942067You got any money?
mdp.39015063942067You have lots of famous people living here, do n't you?
mdp.39015063942067You mean to say that Pa still owed something on old Sally?
mdp.39015063942067You satisfied to wait till you die for everything?
mdp.39015063942067You still in love with Ada?
mdp.39015063942067You still up, Ma?
mdp.39015063942067You telling me true, Uncle Am?
mdp.39015063942067You'd think colored folks could stick together better than that, would n't you?
mdp.39015063942067Yuh ai n't gwine open dis meetin'widout a prayah, is yuh?
mdp.39015063942067Yuh in trouble?
mdp.39015063942067Yuh keep dem fum hurtin'me if Ah tell yuh?
mdp.39015063942067Yuh take care o'me?
mdp.39015063942067Yuh wants us to stop keepin'compa'ny don'yuh?
mdp.39015063942067148 RIVER GEORGE"Who is dat tall, brown pappy dat you got wid you?"
mdp.39015063942067Ai n't it hahd to be a Nigguh?
mdp.39015063942067Ai n't it hahd to be a Nigguh?
mdp.39015063942067An'where'U our jobs be?
mdp.39015063942067And did n't her charm keep you safe in them trenches?"
mdp.39015063942067And what of Vince Sims and the others?
mdp.39015063942067And what would a letter home accomplish anyway, save that the writing of it would ease his spirit somewhat?
mdp.39015063942067And who cares?
mdp.39015063942067And why should Do Pop be so upset over a simple message like that?
mdp.39015063942067Anyway, what good will it do you to join the army?"
mdp.39015063942067But how would they manage it?
mdp.39015063942067But why should any white man resent me?
mdp.39015063942067Could n't you say something to Mr. Tyler to make things a bit easier for us?"
mdp.39015063942067Could there be any better way for him to use it than here, among his people, helping them?
mdp.39015063942067Dat long tall yallah gal shakin'it like a cannon ball over dar?"
mdp.39015063942067De glories of Emmanuel?
mdp.39015063942067Did n't you catch him comin'from town on one of the mules?"
mdp.39015063942067Did they do any more than I did?"
mdp.39015063942067Everything's so changed, and — and""What about it then?"
mdp.39015063942067From a nearby cabin came the sound of a guitar and the voice of a singer: Ai n't it hahd to be a Nigguh?
mdp.39015063942067Had he talked too much?
mdp.39015063942067Had not Robert G. Ingersoll, riding on his elevator one day, looked over his shoulder and read lines of his poetry?
mdp.39015063942067Had she really, and if so, had she known that Fred Smith would be there that night?
mdp.39015063942067Have I said anything wrong?"
mdp.39015063942067How dey treatin'yuh?
mdp.39015063942067How narrowly did Paul Law- rence Dunbar escape life as an elevator boy?
mdp.39015063942067How'll I address it?"
mdp.39015063942067I'm going to help Ma RIVER GEORGE 17 Yo'might sing something now while I can still heah yo'. »"What shall I sing, Pa?"
mdp.39015063942067RIVER GEORGE 103 Now ef dis heah cheatin'ever gwiner be stopped, who's gwiner stop hit ef we don'complain?
mdp.39015063942067RIVER GEORGE 219 America to which he had come?
mdp.39015063942067RIVER GEORGE"What you want, boy?"
mdp.39015063942067RIVER GEORGE"Why do you trouble your mind all the time with what the white folks think about us?
mdp.39015063942067Remem- ber her?
mdp.39015063942067Shall I get him throwed out?"
mdp.39015063942067She throw you out?"
mdp.39015063942067Suppose the rider were to spread a report among other white people of the community that Aaron was trying to organize the Negroes against them?
mdp.39015063942067Suppose, for instance, this nigger happened to do some- thing that really called for a neck- tie party, would you boys be in on it?"
mdp.39015063942067The white officers are still wear- ing their uniforms, are n't they?
mdp.39015063942067These powerful hands, instinctively extended in friend- liness to all the world — what if the whole world refused them?
mdp.39015063942067Want a bottle of milk?"
mdp.39015063942067Was her way best after all?
mdp.39015063942067Was it from this group of people that the spiritual emancipation of his race would arise?
mdp.39015063942067Was she bending over the stove in her little kitchen, as his mother was behind him?
mdp.39015063942067Was she up yet, he wondered?
mdp.39015063942067Was she walking from stove to table now maybe, on her pretty little bare feet, saving her shoes for the Saturday night breakdowns?
mdp.39015063942067Was that about to happen?
mdp.39015063942067Was there no release for them?
mdp.39015063942067Watcha gwine have, big boy?"
mdp.39015063942067Were they any better officers than I was?
mdp.39015063942067What about it?"
mdp.39015063942067What did he say?"
mdp.39015063942067What did they mean?
mdp.39015063942067What good can Mary the Wonder do anybody?"
mdp.39015063942067What night wuz dat yuh go tuh Aaron's house?"
mdp.39015063942067What the hell are you driving at anyway?"
mdp.39015063942067What were they say- ing?
mdp.39015063942067What were they talking about?
mdp.39015063942067What you making such noises for?
mdp.39015063942067What's dat noise, so loud and cleah?
mdp.39015063942067What's the hurry?"
mdp.39015063942067What's the matter?
mdp.39015063942067When did you turn into a nigger lover?"
mdp.39015063942067Who was dey?"
mdp.39015063942067Who was this woman whom he had come to see?
mdp.39015063942067Why ca n't you just string him up and then explain after- wards?
mdp.39015063942067Why do n't you just settle down here?"
mdp.39015063942067Why do you ask?"
mdp.39015063942067Why had he come here?
mdp.39015063942067Why had he wanted to see her?
mdp.39015063942067Why were these people standing in the middle of the road staring at him?
mdp.39015063942067Why wo n't you admit it's the way it is?
mdp.39015063942067Why worry about him?"
mdp.39015063942067Will you help me?"
mdp.39015063942067With gun play?
mdp.39015063942067Won'you please jes'give us a chance?"
mdp.39015063942067Would he and his race carry oppression for the rest of life, as they carried their black skins?
mdp.39015063942067Would it always be true?
mdp.39015063942067Would it be so different in Harlem?
mdp.39015063942067Would not this fight be as much a part of his disguise as the rough speech he had tried to assume?
mdp.39015063942067Would the first words he had spoken at the meeting a few nights before prove so soon to be prophetic?
mdp.39015063942067Yo'gon na gimme mah money now, Mistuh Turner?
mdp.39015063942067You been here long?"
mdp.39015063942067You do n't think yuh don'kept com'any wid more den I is, do yuh, Vince?"
mdp.39015063942067You expecting somebody?"
mdp.39015063942067You know her?"
mdp.39015063942067You're just the same as you were when you went away, are n't you?
mdp.39015063942067You're not thinking of dying, are you?"
mdp.39015063942067i8o RIVER GEORGE"How did he look?
mdp.39015012856574... and who'll protect Mamie and me? mdp.39015012856574 Are you going to help — or are n't you? ” he de- manded.
mdp.39015012856574Do n't you know me, Kenneth? mdp.39015012856574 Do n't you remember me, Dr. Bennett?
mdp.39015012856574Doc, you wo n't let'em get me again, will you?
mdp.39015012856574Have n't you anything to say? ” Kenneth anxiously inquired, taking one of Jane's hands in his. mdp.39015012856574 I suppose I agree with you in theory, Jane, but what are the practical ways of doing the things you say I ought to do?
mdp.39015012856574Ken, have you ever thought out what a decent white man goes through with in a town like Central City? mdp.39015012856574 Well, what can we do about it?
mdp.39015012856574... What's dat?
mdp.39015012856574Ai n't you got sense enough t know you had n't any business comin'in here t tell me'bout Mr. Parker?
mdp.39015012856574And far's I can see, things're getting worse every day. ” “ Could n't you organize those white people who think like you do? ” asked Kenneth.
mdp.39015012856574And he was n't any more guilty of touching that white girl than you or me. ” “ What did you do about it? ” asked Bob.
mdp.39015012856574And most of all to see the Gov'nor! ”"See the Governor for what? ” Kenneth asked.
mdp.39015012856574And what would be gained?
mdp.39015012856574And what'chu think that old fool Judge Stev’nson said t me to- day?
mdp.39015012856574And you come in here to re- po't it?"
mdp.39015012856574Anthony gazed intently at Kenneth as he asked gravely:"Doctor, have you thought of the possibility of- er-trouble if your motives are not understood?
mdp.39015012856574Anybody around? ” On being assured that he was alone, Ewing en- tered, brushing by Kenneth to get out of the glare of the light.
mdp.39015012856574Are n't they ever going to see how they're hurting themselves by trying to keep the Negro down? ” “ That's just it, ” replied the judge.
mdp.39015012856574Are you getting it?"
mdp.39015012856574But had n't she written him almost every week since she left?
mdp.39015012856574But lynching does keep some of these young nigger bucks in check. ” “ Does it?
mdp.39015012856574But what about Dr. Bennett? ” “ Dat's a'right.
mdp.39015012856574But what about the effect on the white people whose actions you want to check?
mdp.39015012856574But what harm could come from attending the meeting?
mdp.39015012856574Can I count on your being there?
mdp.39015012856574Do n't you know his brother's sheriff?
mdp.39015012856574Do n't you think mamma and I want to talk with you occasionally? ” Mamie seated herself on the arm of Kenneth's chair.
mdp.39015012856574Doan let'em whip me no mo?
mdp.39015012856574Emma Brad- ley down on Ashley Street- don't you, Kenneth? ” Without waiting for a reply, Mrs. Harper went on: “ Well, she's mighty sick.
mdp.39015012856574For was n't he a latter- day disciple bringing a new solution and a new hope to his people?
mdp.39015012856574God, there is n't anything-anything I can do?
mdp.39015012856574Good Lord, had he per- formed the operation only yesterday morning?
mdp.39015012856574Had n't she been to Atlantic City and New York and Washington with her mother?
mdp.39015012856574Had n't the Ku Klux Klan outdone, in absurdity of name and ceremony and dress, anything that Negroes had ever even thought of?
mdp.39015012856574Has your son come home from Atlanta yet? ” The voice went chattering on while Kenneth tried to moisten his parched throat sufficiently to speak.
mdp.39015012856574Have you thought what he has to put up with all over the South?
mdp.39015012856574He inquired regarding her trip — was it pleasant?
mdp.39015012856574He knew the only chance was through the Guy'nor. ” “ But why should I need protection now?"
mdp.39015012856574He looked at Mr. Wilson and asked:"What's the purpose of this meeting to- night?
mdp.39015012856574He looked over the assemblage for a full minute and then demanded in a ringing voice: “ What do you choose to be slaves or men? ” He sat down.
mdp.39015012856574He was an- swered by a rousing “ No! ” “ What are you going to do about it? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015012856574He's where?
mdp.39015012856574How can I help, Reverend Wilson? ” “ It's like this.
mdp.39015012856574How many of them could say what they really want to?
mdp.39015012856574How much are Negroes think- ing about voting? ”"They think about it all the time, ” replied Ken- neth.
mdp.39015012856574How would Harper's Sanitarium sound?
mdp.39015012856574How're you going to find out to- night who the others were?
mdp.39015012856574How're you, Ken?
mdp.39015012856574How's it all going to end?
mdp.39015012856574I do n't see how you can shut your eyes to how coloured people are being treated here. ” “ What's wrong?
mdp.39015012856574I would n't do anything to hurt you for the world. ” “ But what is it, Jane? ” begged Kenneth.
mdp.39015012856574Is n't he the innocent one, though?
mdp.39015012856574It all goes back to the same root- self- interest- how much is it go- ing to cost me?
mdp.39015012856574Le's see it's been nigh on to eight years since you went No'th, ai n't it?
mdp.39015012856574Let's be friends, Ken, and enjoy these few days and forget all we've said to- night, wo n't you, please? ” she ended pleadingly.
mdp.39015012856574Listen at'i m howl?
mdp.39015012856574Maybe she's tired from the ride in that dirty and noisy car?
mdp.39015012856574Mr. Ewing, why do n't you and the other decent white people here come out against lynching? ” “ Who?
mdp.39015012856574Mr. Ewing, why do n't you and the other decent white people here come out against lynching? ” “ Who?
mdp.39015012856574Oh, Ken, ca n't you see what a big thing you can do?
mdp.39015012856574Oh, well, what did it matter?
mdp.39015012856574Oh,[ 55] THE FIRE IN THE FLINT Lawdy, why is I suff'rin'this way?
mdp.39015012856574Oh- oh- oh- ain't dey nothin'to he'p us po'cullud fo’ks — ain't dey nobody- ain't dey nobody? ” It was just as Kenneth had suspected.
mdp.39015012856574Or must I call you Dr. Harper now? ” “ No, my name is still Kenneth — ” he answered.
mdp.39015012856574Or the Hospital of South Georgia?
mdp.39015012856574Or would he go down in some squall which arose from he knew not where or when?
mdp.39015012856574Or would the Central City Infirmary be better?
mdp.39015012856574Perhaps you can tell me where the money to start this co- operative scheme is coming from?"
mdp.39015012856574Puzzled at her tone, Kenneth abruptly answered: “ Why should n't I have come back? ” She laughed nervously “ Nothing- oh, nothing.
mdp.39015012856574Rein- carnation?
mdp.39015012856574Remember her? ” Kenneth smiled.
mdp.39015012856574S eine “ Why do n't men like yourself speak out against the things you know are wrong, Judge? ”.
mdp.39015012856574Seems t me it's mighty late for them to be holdin'revival services and indo'camp- meetin ’s? ” he queried in as casual a tone as he could manage.
mdp.39015012856574She was a homely little brat, was n't she? ” It was now Mamie's turn to smile.
mdp.39015012856574She would have[ 270] THE FIRE IN THE FLINT was life worth anyway?
mdp.39015012856574Something[ 72] THE FIRE IN THE FLINT must be done, but what is it?
mdp.39015012856574Still thinking about going back to Atlanta? ” “ I do n't know what I want to do, ” was Bob's trou- bled rejoinder.
mdp.39015012856574Suppose one of them said the same things to Mrs. Ewing, how would you feel then? ” Ewing flushed.
mdp.39015012856574Suppose the judge was n't as friendly towards coloured people as he had sup- posed?
mdp.39015012856574Tell us how you're getting along. ”"You have heard of it? ” asked Kenneth in sur- prise.
mdp.39015012856574That seems so far- fetched. ”"Believe it?
mdp.39015012856574That's always running around after men?
mdp.39015012856574Therefore, he reasoned, why bother with it any more than one was forced to by sheer necessity?
mdp.39015012856574To these hum- ble folk their religion was the most important thing in their lives, and, after all, what matters it what a man does?
mdp.39015012856574Was this religious fervour the best thing for his people?
mdp.39015012856574Were n't coloured women considered human — wasn't their virtue as dear to them as to white women?
mdp.39015012856574What about it?
mdp.39015012856574What can I do?
mdp.39015012856574What have my looks to do with her? ” Kenneth retorted with some heat, in a vain attempt to spar for time.
mdp.39015012856574What if Nancy was n't all that she should have been?—whose was the greater fault- hers or George Parker's?
mdp.39015012856574What if that Jim Archer did have a little fun with the nigger's sister?
mdp.39015012856574What if they did lose even there?
mdp.39015012856574What if they did lose in the local court?
mdp.39015012856574What is it, Doc?
mdp.39015012856574What is it?"
mdp.39015012856574What th ’ hell's he got to do with it? ”"Said it was his duty.
mdp.39015012856574What was it?
mdp.39015012856574What was she going to say?
mdp.39015012856574What was she to do?
mdp.39015012856574What was that phrase the Ku Kluxers used so much — “ preservation of the sanctity of the home, protec- tion of the purity of womanhood ”?
mdp.39015012856574What was the elusive solution to this prob- lem of race in America?
mdp.39015012856574What was the exact way in which his father had put his philos- ophy of life in the South during that last talk they had had together?
mdp.39015012856574What was?
mdp.39015012856574What ’re you men goin'to do? ” he challenged in a voice that shrilled in pre- tended rage and terror.
mdp.39015012856574What're you going to do then? ” he asked.
mdp.39015012856574What's he doing there?
mdp.39015012856574What's th ’ matter?
mdp.39015012856574What's the trouble? ” Bob and Kenneth turned at the voice from the door.
mdp.39015012856574What's the use, he thought, of telling what he had planned to the Ewings?
mdp.39015012856574Who ’re you going to get?
mdp.39015012856574Why could n't the white people of the South see where their course was lead- ing them?
mdp.39015012856574Why could n't they see even then that they are doing more harm to themselves than they could ever do to the Negro?
mdp.39015012856574Why did he leave his daughter when he knew she might die any minute?
mdp.39015012856574Why did n't I do it?
mdp.39015012856574Why did n't I do it? ” Her screams mounted higher and higher until they reached ear- piercing shrieks.
mdp.39015012856574Why did n't Kenneth say something now?
mdp.39015012856574Why did n't some twentieth- century Moses arise to lead them out of the thraldom of this primitive re- ligion?
mdp.39015012856574Why did n't they kill me?
mdp.39015012856574Why did n't they kill me? ” Mamie's screams were horrible to hear.
mdp.39015012856574Why did not the Church attract more intelligent and able young men of his race instead of men like Reverend Wilson?
mdp.39015012856574Why did they pick on Mamie?
mdp.39015012856574Why did you come back?"
mdp.39015012856574Why do n't they bring them to trial and execute them legally instead of hanging and burning them?"
mdp.39015012856574Why do n't you save up them repo'ts till you git a passel of them, and then bring'em in?
mdp.39015012856574Why not end it all in one glorious orgy of killing?
mdp.39015012856574Why should Roy Ewing have gone to Atlanta to see him?
mdp.39015012856574Why was a man like Reverend Wil- son patted on the back and every Negro told that men of his kind were “ safe and sane leaders ”?
mdp.39015012856574Why'd they bother a nice girl like Mamie?
mdp.39015012856574Why? ” The judge repeated the inter- rogative as though it were a word he had never heard before.
mdp.39015012856574Whyn't they take one of those girls that live in those houses on Butler Street?
mdp.39015012856574Wo n't you run down there to see her? ”"I ca n't, mamma, until I am called in profession- ally.
mdp.39015012856574Won- der if I can make a run for it?
mdp.39015012856574Would he arrive?
mdp.39015012856574You'll find things a lot different from the way they were when you went up North to school. ” “ What ’re you boys fussing about?
mdp.39015012856574[ 12]?!!
mdp.39015012856574[ 191] THE FIRE IN THE FLINT “ And this happened right here in the coloured sec- tion? ” he asked in surprise.
mdp.39015012856574[ 70] THE FIRE IN THE FLINT een “ What about the preachers?
mdp.39015012856574ficulties of life, anyway?
mdp.39015012856574“ But are they seeing it in the right way? ” asked Kenneth.
mdp.39015012856574“ But ca n't you see that we feel towards our women just as you do towards yours?
mdp.39015012856574“ Can you stop for a few minutes, Ken?
mdp.39015012856574“ Do these folks have to buy their supplies from the landlord?
mdp.39015012856574“ Do you need any money- credit- legal advice — that is, any we can give quietly without it getting out that we gave it?"
mdp.39015012856574“ Do you remember any of the economics you learned at school? ” was the next query.
mdp.39015012856574“ Do? ” he repeated.
mdp.39015012856574“ Doc, why ai n't all these niggers good, sensible ones like you?
mdp.39015012856574“ Good God, have n't these devils done enough to my family and me already?"
mdp.39015012856574“ Have you got any books on co- operative socie- ties? ” He doubted whether he had.
mdp.39015012856574“ How can you think of living down South again?
mdp.39015012856574“ How'd he die? ” was the next question.
mdp.39015012856574“ How're you goin't'do that? ” asked Lane.
mdp.39015012856574“ Jane? ” he mimicked Kenneth's tone of surprise.
mdp.39015012856574“ Ken, why did you come back to Central City?"
mdp.39015012856574“ Kenneth, why do you spend all your time here in the office?
mdp.39015012856574“ Let's see, mos'this trou- ble's stahted since that other doctor's been back, ai n't it? ” he asked as casually as he could.
mdp.39015012856574“ Now about this plan you got- have you thought about the chances of your being misunderstood?
mdp.39015012856574“ Oh, Lawdy, why did n't I do what Bud tol me to do?
mdp.39015012856574“ Pretty nifty, eh, Ken? ” Kenneth, aroused suddenly from his retrospection and day- dreams, jumped at the unexpected voice be- hind him.
mdp.39015012856574“ Protect me? ” Kenneth echoed with a rising, ques- tioning inflection.
mdp.39015012856574“ Remember Jane Phillips?
mdp.39015012856574“ Say, Doc, you know anything'bout these niggers'round here holdin'these meetin ’s nearly ev'ry night?
mdp.39015012856574“ Shot through the abdomen. ” “ Know who shot him? ” “ Yes.
mdp.39015012856574“ That's true, ” admitted Kenneth, “ but what ought we to do about this meeting last night? ”"Do? ” echoed Bob.
mdp.39015012856574“ That's true, ” admitted Kenneth, “ but what ought we to do about this meeting last night? ”"Do? ” echoed Bob.
mdp.39015012856574“ Well Bob, what do you make of it? ”"Trouble for somebody,"said Bob positively.
mdp.39015012856574“ What are we going to do? ” echoed the elder man.
mdp.39015012856574“ What do you think of him and his plan? ” asked Dr. Scott, half to himself.
mdp.39015012856574“ What if there are mean white folks?
mdp.39015012856574“ What nigger's dead now? ” he inquired.
mdp.39015012856574“ What seems to be the trouble with her? ” he asked.
mdp.39015012856574“ What world problem have you got on your mind now, Bob? ”"Do n't start to kidding me, Ken.
mdp.39015012856574“ What would happen to us if we did?
mdp.39015012856574“ What ’re the folks out your way saying about these[ 155] THE FIRE IN THE FLINT Kluxers?
mdp.39015012856574“ What ’re you laughing at? ” he demanded in an aggrieved tone.
mdp.39015012856574“ What'n th’hell's he doin'out this time of night'round here?
mdp.39015012856574“ What's goin'on, Doc? ” he asked in an eager tone, from which he tried with but little success to keep the anxiety that he felt.
mdp.39015012856574“ Why ca n't the South see where their course is leading them? ” asked Kenneth.
mdp.39015012856574“ Why did I come back? ” he repeated.
mdp.39015012856574“ Why did n't he come and ask me to save your daughter?
mdp.39015012856574“ Why do n't they hire a lawyer? ” Kenneth asked, with little interest.
mdp.39015012856574“ Why should they be after me?
mdp.39015012856574“ Why this early morning humour?
mdp.39015012856574“ Why?
mdp.39015012856574“ Will she live? ” he asked, his words whispered in so hoarse a tone they could hardly be heard.
mdp.39015012856574“ You ai n't getting scared out there, are you? ” the judge pressed the point.
mdp.39015012856574“'Tain't no use t stand here all night talkin?
wu.89000744367, What will happen if we do n't?
wu.89000744367. ” “ Come around? ” Mr. Hunter snorted.
wu.89000744367A difference in colour, different hair, different features, but what do those matter in the long run?
wu.89000744367After what you just suggested?
wu.89000744367And if there are none left — what differ- ence does it make?
wu.89000744367And say, Mis ’ King, did you know these new folks is Cath’lics?
wu.89000744367And what was it all worth?
wu.89000744367And who's the man? ” She told him simply and freely.
wu.89000744367And who's to say what is right for me and what is n’t?
wu.89000744367But could she?
wu.89000744367But she treated us like we were human — ”[ 217] F LIGHT “ A coloured girl? ” Mimi asked, alarm creeping into her voice.
wu.89000744367Can you imagine any- body doing such a fool thing? ” she demanded rhetorically.
wu.89000744367Do n't you understand? ” Realization of what he meant came slowly to her.
wu.89000744367Do you hear me? ” It was a long speech for Jean and it was not often that he permitted himself to become so angry.
wu.89000744367Do you know the opera? ” Mimi assured her.
wu.89000744367Do you know what'll happen to you and your repu- tation?
wu.89000744367Do you see anything wrong in that, papa Jean? ” Mimi ended calmly.
wu.89000744367Give the baby a clean name?
wu.89000744367Guess we'll have to go. ”- “ You go along, Jimmie, and let me stay at home, wo n't you? ” Mimi asked.
wu.89000744367Have you called the doctor? ” asked Mimi as she hurried down the hall after Mrs. Daquin.
wu.89000744367He swears he does n't but some of the things he says sometimes sound suspiciously like he's chaffing — that's a nice word, is n't it?
wu.89000744367Hilda's mother?
wu.89000744367Holy Mother, why did one see these things only when it was too late?
wu.89000744367I know just how you feel about it, but why do n't you put Jean in a home until you can get on your feet?
wu.89000744367I suppose I ’ll stay on here as long as I can get along with Mrs. Daquin 92 “ Why did Jean marry her?
wu.89000744367I told you you'd see all sorts of people here, did n't I? ” The music began again and there was a wild rush to the dance floor.
wu.89000744367I want to see where they ’re going now! ”[ 98] FLIGHT “ Ai n’t I hurryin ’ as fast's I can? ” Mrs. Plummer grum- bled.
wu.89000744367I work for my living. ” “ Your husband's dead, then? ” he remarked, looking at her black dress.
wu.89000744367I ’ve got to have peace even if I have to go to the North Pole to get it — ” “ Why do you yield so easily to her?
wu.89000744367I ’ve tried to con- form — but all the time I find myself saying: ‘ Is that so?'
wu.89000744367I'm go- ing to have this baby, do you hear me?
wu.89000744367If I had done any- thing of which I felt ashamed, it might worry me, but why worry one's head over something that does n't exist?
wu.89000744367Is she still working for Fran- cine? ” “ Nope — some of the girls objected to her and raised such a row she left.
wu.89000744367It would be much easier — ” “ Ignore them?
wu.89000744367Jean dead?
wu.89000744367Jean dead?
wu.89000744367Leave me here alone, wo n't you? ” He led the weeping Mrs. Daquin from the room and Mimi was alone with Jean.
wu.89000744367Leave this old house? ” the questions tumbled out of her mouth, her eyes now wide- awake with surprise.
wu.89000744367Mimi, have n't you any sense of decency at all?
wu.89000744367Mrs. Daquin?
wu.89000744367Mrs. Daquin?
wu.89000744367Mrs. Hunter?
wu.89000744367Must I come up for you? ” came again the voice from below, anger sharpening its usual petulance.
wu.89000744367Now that Hilda had brought the fact tangibly to her consciousness, was it true that her feeling towards Carl was so wholly Platonic?
wu.89000744367Oh, how do you do, Mrs. Lewis?
wu.89000744367Oh, why did I ever leave New Or- leans?
wu.89000744367Or let the past swal- low you up? ” She paused while Mimi sat in thought.
wu.89000744367Our literature?
wu.89000744367Say, was there many black balls in that box? ” he inquired, hopefully.
wu.89000744367Say, where you from? ” “ New York, now.
wu.89000744367See that nice- looking chap over there in that box?
wu.89000744367She rebuff you, Bert? ” she inquired, mockingly.
wu.89000744367Sick? ” inquired Mrs. Daquin.
wu.89000744367Sit down, wo n't you? ” Mimi sat.
wu.89000744367So that's how she's getting by, is it? ” She was in her element.
wu.89000744367Suppose I should marry him?
wu.89000744367That is, we're opposed when they really are attacks. ”[ 66] F LIGHT “ What do you mean — when they are attacks? ” the cashier demanded.
wu.89000744367The Hunters?
wu.89000744367The latter did not seem so important, but could she give up Jean for ever?
wu.89000744367The man in Germantown?
wu.89000744367The ques- tion you've got to decide is what you're going to do with it — make it fruitful and full and happy?
wu.89000744367Throwed away his crutch an'hopped it, what's rheumatics'gainst a fiddle?
wu.89000744367To whom could she turn?
wu.89000744367Was any of this petty striving and scrambling worth half the things it took out of you?
wu.89000744367We've developed the printing- press and the telephone and telegraph and the radio, but what has been the result?
wu.89000744367Were they worth all the agony and bloodshed and sacrifice they had brought?
wu.89000744367What about it, Mimi? ” “ Carl did take me to the dance, papa.
wu.89000744367What are you going to do? ” “ I do n't know, Aunt Sophie — this thing has come on me so suddenly I ’m all upset.
wu.89000744367What became of the baby? ”[ 202] F LIGHT “ The Lord only knows!
wu.89000744367What church’re you planning to attend? ” “ Well — er — that's a problem we have n't met yet, ” Mrs. Daquin, somewhat flustered, replied.
wu.89000744367What did she have to do with it? ” Mimi told her the story while Mrs. Hunter showed on her face the amazement she felt.
wu.89000744367What do I care about right?
wu.89000744367What if Carl is a weak and worthless scamp?
wu.89000744367What of it? ” Mrs. Daquin's second interro- gation was almost a thin scream.
wu.89000744367What of it? ” broke in Mimi.
wu.89000744367What then would happen to him if he should live?
wu.89000744367What though her money was disappearing so rapidly?
wu.89000744367Where could she go?
wu.89000744367Who can tell?
wu.89000744367Who can tell?
wu.89000744367Who would there be who could take his place — who could interest her as Carl had done?
wu.89000744367Why bother about them?
wu.89000744367Why ca n't people be just people and stop all this meanness? ” “ That is n't the point right now, Mimi, ” he explained.
wu.89000744367Why do n't I cry, she wondered, like all women do and most men when death comes?
wu.89000744367Why do n't you come down? ” a strident, querulous voice from below stirred him.
wu.89000744367Why do n't you tell her right out you wo n't go and she must stop fussing at you 9[ 22] FLIGHT all the time?
wu.89000744367Why not ignore the things that annoy you by their falseness?
wu.89000744367Why should I settle down?
wu.89000744367Why should I?
wu.89000744367Why’n’t you tell me that before?
wu.89000744367Will you dance with me? ” “ Thanks, no.
wu.89000744367Wonder where these folks goin'to church?
wu.89000744367You ever notice that no matter how hard the luck he may be in, the Negro can laugh and sing and forget all his worries?
wu.89000744367[ 149] F LIGHT “ You little fool, what did you want to do that for? ” She gazed at him in dismay.
wu.89000744367[ 200] FLIGHT “ Goodness, have n't they any lines they draw? ” she wanted to know.
wu.89000744367pluck! ’ and the irreverent boy who asked the pompous one who he had plucked?
wu.89000744367so sad, recurring — What good amid these, O me, O life?
wu.89000744367you really must go?
wu.89000744367“ After all, what real difference does it make?
wu.89000744367“ Ai n’t that that Day- quinn girl with that Carl Hunter coming outa that joint? ” “ It ’s her, sho's you born, ” Mrs. King assured her.
wu.89000744367“ And ai n't I as anxious as you to follow'em?
wu.89000744367“ And how did Mary seem to like it? ” he asked.
wu.89000744367“ And to- morrow I'll take you to a doctor who'll fix you up — ” “ Fix me up? ” “ Yes — fix you up!
wu.89000744367“ And what becomes of the extra hundred? ” Mimi asked.
wu.89000744367“ And what's her name? ” On being told she went on: “ Mimi?
wu.89000744367“ And what's her name? ” On being told she went on: “ Mimi?
wu.89000744367“ Answer it, wo n't you, Miss Daquin, for me?
wu.89000744367“ But what about the baby? ” his wife inquired.
wu.89000744367“ But why have you acted as you have? ” she pursued the inquiry.
wu.89000744367“ Carl, ” she cried as soon as he entered, “ I ’m going to have a baby! ” “ You ’re what? ” “ I ’m going to have a baby — Dr.
wu.89000744367“ Chasing around to modistes and steamship offices instead of enjoying Paris 22 “ Mimi, do n't you know why I did it? ” he pleaded.
wu.89000744367“ Did he say that really? ” Jean asked anxiously, yet hope- fully.
wu.89000744367“ Gave him castor oil? ” Dr. Newton asked, incredulously.
wu.89000744367“ Gene, are you listening to what I'm telling you? ” snapped Mr. Robertson, and Jean came back to realities with a start.
wu.89000744367“ Go with you to France? ” she echoed.
wu.89000744367“ Heard the news about that Lizzie Stone? ” she asked Mrs. Plummer.
wu.89000744367“ Hello, ” he greeted her, “ and who are you? ” She told him.
wu.89000744367“ Hey dere, Babe, what'cha doin’? ” called the first voice, and in response to the reply: “ Nothin'much.
wu.89000744367“ How do you do? ” she questioned but in a tone that said plainly she did not expect nor did she want an answer to her inquiry.
wu.89000744367“ How many times and to how many different girls have you said that? ” she countered.
wu.89000744367“ How soon am I going to see you? ” he queried softly.
wu.89000744367“ How'd you like to go with me to Paris next month to get new styles? ” Mimi came back to the subject at hand with a start.
wu.89000744367“ Hurry up, ca n't you?
wu.89000744367“ Is n't there anything else than operating? ” she pleaded.
wu.89000744367“ It was on account of Hilda 22 “ Hilda?
wu.89000744367“ Jean, do you hear what your daughter is saying?
wu.89000744367“ Just what I say — how many of these attacks reported in the papers are really attacks?
wu.89000744367“ Know her?
wu.89000744367“ Mimi, I wonder if we have done right? ” he asked as he stood at the door, his voice worried, uncertain.
wu.89000744367“ Mimi, tell me, have you decided?
wu.89000744367“ Mimi, we're going to move away from New Orleans —'“ Move away?
wu.89000744367“ Morning?
wu.89000744367“ Old Faithful? ” Mimi, puzzled, inquired.
wu.89000744367“ Our art?
wu.89000744367“ Right?
wu.89000744367“ Shall we sit over there and talk?
wu.89000744367“ Something's hap- pened to your father. ” “ What's the matter?
wu.89000744367“ Tell me — truthfully — Mimi – is that true? ” Her tone was so earnest, so appealing and fraught with apprehension, Mimi was startled.
wu.89000744367“ Tell me, Bert, who are all these people? ” she asked him.
wu.89000744367“ Tell me, Sylvia, what became of Miss Lawrence — the col- oured woman who was a fitter?
wu.89000744367“ These peoples are rising because they have been exploited — and who has done the exploiting but the white nations?
wu.89000744367“ Unstrung?
wu.89000744367“ We ’ve got to get mar- ried! ” “ Got to?
wu.89000744367“ What are you and Mimi going to do about attending church, Jean? ” began Mrs. Daquin.
wu.89000744367“ What are your plans, Mimi?
wu.89000744367“ What if it does make us different? ” Jean demanded, al- most belligerently.
wu.89000744367“ What of it?
wu.89000744367“ What's been done for him? ” Mimi told him of the doctor called by Mrs. Wil- liams, of the administration of castor oil.
wu.89000744367“ What's the matter?
wu.89000744367“ Where is he?
wu.89000744367“ While I take him up to my room, will you get Dr. New- ton? ” she asked.
wu.89000744367“ Why should you see me? ” he demanded, half angrily.
wu.89000744367“ Why so bitter?
wu.89000744367“ Why stay on here with her?
wu.89000744367“ Why?
wu.89000744367“ Why? ” Hilda echoed.
wu.89000744367“ Wrong in it?
wu.89000744367“ You ai n’t? ” she demanded incredulously when Mrs. Plummer shamefacedly admitted she had not.
wu.89000744367“ You can?
wu.89000744367“ You speak French, do n't you?
wu.89000744367“ You — love — me — too? ” he asked, amazement, doubt that he had heard aright in his voice.
wu.89000744367“ You ’ve seen a bowl of Russian caviare, ai n't you? ” his friend asked.
emu.010001070551'Papers?' emu.010001070551 'Scuse me, Mistuh Tom, but is you heared er seed anybody er anything come in de house fer de las'ten minutes?"
emu.010001070551And if he had died afterwards, leaving a will?
emu.010001070551And the child?
emu.010001070551And w'en he had wo'ked fer you ten years, suh, you sot'i m free?
emu.010001070551And was he really sick?
emu.010001070551And what became of Julia?
emu.010001070551And who was it, Mr. Ellis?
emu.010001070551But where is the evidence?
emu.010001070551By the way, major,said the general, who lin¬ gered behind McBane as they were leaving,"is Miss Clara's marriage definitely settled upon?"
emu.010001070551Ca n't I go?
emu.010001070551Den w'at we gwine ter do?
emu.010001070551Dinah,exclaimed the old lady, sitting suddenly upright with a defiant assumption of wakefulness,"why do you take so long to come when I call?
emu.010001070551Do you need me for anything, ma'am?
emu.010001070551Excuse me, sir,said the conductor, addressing Dr. Burns,"but did I understand you to say that this man was your servant?"
emu.010001070551Gentlemen,said Watson,"what is the use?
emu.010001070551Have you seen my grandson?
emu.010001070551How about the collector of the port?
emu.010001070551How about young Delamere?
emu.010001070551How can I do that, Mr. Delamere?
emu.010001070551How can you prevent it?
emu.010001070551How have I offended you, Miss Clara?
emu.010001070551How, sir? emu.010001070551 I wish you'd go up and tell him,"said Ellis,"that — What are you grinning about?"
emu.010001070551I wonder,observed the general thoughtfully, after this conclusion had been reached,"if we could n't have Jerry fetch us some liquor?"
emu.010001070551Is it to be public?
emu.010001070551Is there anything to that suggestion?
emu.010001070551Is there one in town?
emu.010001070551May I speak with you privately a moment, doctor?
emu.010001070551Mistuh Tom,inquired Sandy anxiously,"would you'low dat I'd be'n drinkin'too much?"
emu.010001070551My dear Mr. Delamere,asked Carteret, with an indulgent smile,"how could a negro possibly reflect discredit upon a white family?
emu.010001070551Now what are you croaking about, Jane?
emu.010001070551On your bare word, sir?
emu.010001070551Sandy,asked Tom irrelevantly,"have you any money in the house?"
emu.010001070551Suppose he had left no will?
emu.010001070551The rich stevedore's son, Dr. Miller?
emu.010001070551This man is with you?
emu.010001070551Well, den, suh,said Josh,"where does we stan'now?
emu.010001070551What about Billings?
emu.010001070551What about the colored doctor,queried McBane,"with the hospital, and the diamond ring, and the carriage, and the other fallals?"
emu.010001070551What do you mean, Sandy?
emu.010001070551What does old Mr. Delamere have to say about the matter?
emu.010001070551What in h—11 is the matter with you, Jerry? emu.010001070551 What in the world is the matter, Dinah?"
emu.010001070551What is the matter, Will, and why are you back so soon?
emu.010001070551What was her mother's name?
emu.010001070551What would you'vise me ter do, suh?
emu.010001070551What's de trouble, suh? emu.010001070551 What's the use of all this hypocrisy, gentlemen?"
emu.010001070551What's the use?
emu.010001070551Who are you talkin'to?
emu.010001070551Whom can I call?
emu.010001070551Why does n't he explain the suspicious circum¬ stances?
emu.010001070551Why should you be thankful to me? emu.010001070551 Why should you thank me?
emu.010001070551Why, what's the matter, Phil?
emu.010001070551Will it be dangerous?
emu.010001070551Will there be any danger for you, Phil?
emu.010001070551Will you be home ter suppah, suh?
emu.010001070551Would n't you rather take a stroll on the beach, Miss Clara?
emu.010001070551'Den it is unde'stood, is it,'says Mis'Polly, w'en he had spoke,'dat I am ter take cha'ge er de house?'
emu.010001070551322 THE MARROW OF TRADITION"Where is the doctor?"
emu.010001070551Am I in time for dinner, Sandy?"
emu.010001070551And when my body- guard was shot, what then?
emu.010001070551Are the gentlemen all present?"
emu.010001070551Are you going to vote at the next election?"
emu.010001070551As they were coming up she asked him abruptly, —"Mr. Ellis, did you know Tom was in the hotel?"
emu.010001070551But I wonder where that nigger is with them cocktails?
emu.010001070551But I wonduh w'at dem w'ite folks in dere is up ter?
emu.010001070551But how could he?
emu.010001070551But w'at could he do but say yas?"
emu.010001070551But, by the way, since we are on the subject, may I ask what affair it is of yours?"
emu.010001070551By the way,"he added, turning to the ladies,"what was the arrangement with Tom?
emu.010001070551Can this be true?"
emu.010001070551Carteret,"exclaimed Mr. Delamere,"what is all this talk about lynching my man for murder and rob¬ bery and criminal assault?
emu.010001070551DELAMERE PLAYS A TRUMP 103 What could have put such a notion into your head?
emu.010001070551Dat low- down nigger oughter be lynch', suh, do n't you think, er e'se bu'nt?
emu.010001070551Dere's one thing sho', — dey're gwine ter git after de niggers some way er'nuther, an'w'en dey does, whar is Jerry gwine ter be?
emu.010001070551Did Sandy mean anything in par¬ ticular by this enigmatical inquiry, and if so, what?
emu.010001070551Did the horse run away, or did she see something that frightened her?"
emu.010001070551Did you see anything of my man Sandy back there on the road?
emu.010001070551Do n't you see my niece waiting for me at the gate?"
emu.010001070551Do n't you see that he is?"
emu.010001070551Do n't you think, dearest, that the major might be induced to shorten our weary term of waiting?"
emu.010001070551Do you hear?"
emu.010001070551Do you know Dr. Price?"
emu.010001070551Do you take me for a thief, like yourself?'
emu.010001070551Does I ever tell'i m'bout yo'gwines- on?
emu.010001070551Does dat gal w'at does de nussin'w'iles I'm gone ten'ter dis chile right, Mis''Livy?"
emu.010001070551Does you'member de Ku- Klux?"
emu.010001070551Does you'member de time w'en my ole mist'ess, Mis''Livy upstairs's mammy, died?
emu.010001070551Dr. Miller, I believe?"
emu.010001070551Ef I don'vote, I kin keep my job, ca n't I, suh?"
emu.010001070551Ef dat's me gwine'long in front,"mused Sandy, in vinous perplexity,"den who is dis behin'here?
emu.010001070551Even if all this had been true, why should Mr. Ellis have said it?
emu.010001070551Fo'ty yeahs ago who'd'a'ever expected ter see a nigger gal ridin'in her own buggy?
emu.010001070551Had her words, Mrs. Carteret asked herself, any serious meaning, or were they the mere empty babblings of a clouded intellect?"
emu.010001070551Has anything happened to Aunt Polly?"
emu.010001070551Has he been seen?"
emu.010001070551Have you heard the latest, Mr. Delamere?"
emu.010001070551Have you told me all, now, upon your honor?
emu.010001070551Hello, Sandy,"exclaimed Tom, with an assumed jocularity which he was very far from feeling,"what are you doing with those gorgeous garments?"
emu.010001070551How did this happen, Jane?"
emu.010001070551How in the world did such a mistake ever happen?
emu.010001070551How is Mr. Delamere, Sandy?"
emu.010001070551How is Mr. Merkell?'
emu.010001070551How is he now?"
emu.010001070551How is the baby?"
emu.010001070551How's the baby to- day, Olivia, and why did n't you bring him?"
emu.010001070551I hope that all is well?"
emu.010001070551I laughed,'what papers?
emu.010001070551I presume you saw his article in the Medical Gazette?"
emu.010001070551I s'pose he jes'fergot erbout it, but w'at is a po'nigger gwine ter do w'en he has ter conten'wid w'ite folks's fergitfulniss?
emu.010001070551I wonder how his master is?
emu.010001070551I wonder,"he said musingly, as though he had not heard her question,"if that is the Ocean Belle?"
emu.010001070551If this were election day, where would the negro vote be?"
emu.010001070551Imagining such a case, just for the argu¬ ment, would the marriage have been legal?"
emu.010001070551Is he not looking after Sandy?"
emu.010001070551Is it serious?"
emu.010001070551Is it — entirely authentic?"
emu.010001070551Is that skunk to be allowed to stay in town?"
emu.010001070551Is the child still alive?"
emu.010001070551Is there any one in Wel¬ lington whom you imagine would like to do you an injury?"
emu.010001070551Is there any truth in the story?"
emu.010001070551Is you fell from hebben ter he'p me out er here?
emu.010001070551It ai n't wuth nothin'now; but it has be'n money, an'who kin tell but what it mought be money agin?
emu.010001070551It's an elegant specimen of journalism, is n't it?"
emu.010001070551Lynch a man brought up by a Delamere, for a crime of which he is innocent?
emu.010001070551May I ask to whom you refer?"
emu.010001070551Might she not have cast the evil eye upon the baby, and sought thereby to draw him out of the window?
emu.010001070551Miller, wo n't you come up and dine with me?"
emu.010001070551Mistuh Tom,"asked Sandy solemnly,"ef I wuz in yo'place, an'you wuz in my place, an'we wuz bofe in de same place, whar would I be?"
emu.010001070551Moreover, upon what ground could she offer her sister any sum of money whatever?
emu.010001070551Mr. Ellis, would you mind looking about the hotel and seeing if there's any one here that we know?"
emu.010001070551Mr. Ellis,"asked Mr. Delamere, in a voice which trembled with ill- suppressed emotion,"do you know who killed her?"
emu.010001070551My grandson is a genuine Delamere, is he not, Sandy?"
emu.010001070551My word is worth yours a hundred times over, for I am a lady, and you are — what?
emu.010001070551No, Billy; what is it?"
emu.010001070551Now, Mis''Livy, what is I ever uttered er said er spoke er done dat would make you s'pose I could tell you a lie'bout yo'own chile?"
emu.010001070551Now, what other negro, who might have been mistaken for you, could have taken your clothes?
emu.010001070551Offended me?"
emu.010001070551Oh dear, I think I hear Dodie, — I know you'11 ex¬ cuse me, Mr. Ellis, wo n't you?
emu.010001070551On the other hand, would Miss Pemberton ever speak again to the man who had been the instrument of bringing disgrace upon the family?
emu.010001070551Perhaps you'd like another?
emu.010001070551Porter,"he demanded of the colored train attache who passed through the car a moment later,"is this a smoking car for white men?"
emu.010001070551Shall I find you here?"
emu.010001070551Suppose he had been wrong?
emu.010001070551Suppose he had married her, and had then left a will, — would the marriage have made any difference, so far as the will was concerned?"
emu.010001070551Suppose her aunt had really found such papers, — papers which would seem to prove the preposterous claim made by her father's mulatto mistress?
emu.010001070551Suppose that, with the fatuity which generally leads human beings to keep compro¬ mising documents, her aunt had preserved these papers?
emu.010001070551Suppose the colored peo¬ ple armed themselves?
emu.010001070551Suppose the negroes should also take a hand at the burning?
emu.010001070551Suppose we just stick it in a pigeon- hole, and let the editor, — what's his name?"
emu.010001070551Surely no one about the house?"
emu.010001070551TWO SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN 205"Have you no enemies?
emu.010001070551The person to whom you refer is a negro, I be¬ lieve?"
emu.010001070551There is one thing especially, Sandy: where did you get the gold which was found in your trunk?"
emu.010001070551Tom is here every other night, and how could he carry on so with¬ out showing the signs of it?
emu.010001070551W'at is we gwine ter do?
emu.010001070551Was he to come out this evening?"
emu.010001070551Wat nigger ever give me twenty cents in all my bawn days?"
emu.010001070551We are going to put the niggers down because we want to, and think we can; so why waste our time in mere pretense?
emu.010001070551What became of that editorial in the nigger paper?"
emu.010001070551What became of the papers, Aunt Polly?"
emu.010001070551What became of the piece in the negro paper?"
emu.010001070551What can we do to protect him?"
emu.010001070551What could be expected of a race so utterly de¬ void of tact?
emu.010001070551What do you know about that?"
emu.010001070551What foundation is there, sir,"he asked,"for this astounding charge?"
emu.010001070551What has any man in this town done to you, that you should thirst for his blood?"
emu.010001070551What have I not done for you?"
emu.010001070551What is it, Dinah?"
emu.010001070551What is the lady in the hall doing?"
emu.010001070551What is the matter there?"
emu.010001070551What motive could Ellis have for such an act?
emu.010001070551What on earth can be the matter?"
emu.010001070551What shall I tell Mr. Delamere, suh?"
emu.010001070551What's the matter with you?"
emu.010001070551Where are you going?"
emu.010001070551Which was it, or was it both?"
emu.010001070551Who are you, and what's the trouble?"
emu.010001070551Who is that woman, Olivia?"
emu.010001070551Who is that woman, Olivia?"
emu.010001070551Who more likely than he to try to poison Clara's mind, or the minds of her friends, against her accepted lover?
emu.010001070551Who was she, to have inherited the estate of your ancestors, of which, a few years before, she would herself have formed a part?
emu.010001070551Who's there?"
emu.010001070551Why do you want to know?"
emu.010001070551Why have n't we thought of him before?
emu.010001070551Why should I thank you for my inheritance?"
emu.010001070551Why should he marry you?
emu.010001070551Why should he not run for governor, representative, whatever he chose?
emu.010001070551Why should she be burdened with such a responsibility, at this late day, when the touch of time had well- nigh healed these old sores?
emu.010001070551Why should this fellow always be on hand to emphasize his own shortcomings?"
emu.010001070551Why should we not?
emu.010001070551Why should your father marry his negro housemaid?
emu.010001070551Will I come an'nuss yo'baby?
emu.010001070551Will you take a hand in a game, Gus?"
emu.010001070551Will you- all come an'lead us?"
emu.010001070551Will — will — niy child live until I can get Miller here?"
emu.010001070551William,"she cried MAUNDERINGS OF OLD MRS. OCHILTREE 129 shrilly, poking the coachman in the back with the end of her cane,"who is that woman?"
emu.010001070551Wo n't you take me down there to the beach, Mr. Ellis?
emu.010001070551Wo n't you wait for me just a moment, Miss Clara,"while I step into the office?
emu.010001070551Would he be equally willing, he asked himself, to die for it?
emu.010001070551You do n't mind having it in gold, do you?"
emu.010001070551You really mean that about Dodie, do you, Mammy Jane?"
emu.010001070551and where would he get the money?
emu.010001070551chuckled Mrs. Ochiltree with a cunning look,"did I not tell you that she found no papers?"
emu.010001070551demanded Josh in¬ dignantly;"jes'set here an'let'em hang Sandy, er bu'n'i m?"
emu.010001070551did Mr. Ellis say that?"
emu.010001070551exclaimed the mother, in great alarm, taking the baby in her own arms,"what can be the matter with him, Mammy Jane?"
emu.010001070551what have we here?
emu.010001070551• What more powerful medium for the propagation of an idea?
mdp.39015081383146! ” “ Are we to live again, Stanton? ” she asked.
mdp.39015081383146* 8 ’ 3? mdp.39015081383146 * 8 v4 I.n.- »~-: w.. m W..?'.. W>.
mdp.3901508138314634 REDDER BLOOD “ He was such a good workman, was n’t he, Anne? ” she went on.
mdp.390150813831464o REDDER BLOOD “ Fine; I won as easily as a big boy thrashing his little brother. ” “ Honest? ” she asked.
mdp.39015081383146?_:0 w-.
mdp.39015081383146And I ’ll break any damn guy ’s neck what tries to put one over on you; see?
mdp.39015081383146And even if we would have it so, how could it be, Adrian?
mdp.39015081383146And if under the tree of God ’s bounty we find ourselves, do any of us thank Him, praise Him without a grunt?
mdp.39015081383146And who had been the hero of this victory?
mdp.39015081383146Anyway, youse come whenever youse likes; see?
mdp.39015081383146Are you happy, dear- est? ” “ Beyond words.
mdp.39015081383146Are your sympathies dead; have you no sense of right?
mdp.39015081383146But did he find satisfaction in any of these things?
mdp.39015081383146But how?
mdp.39015081383146But what youse says wo n’t do God,—who- ever he is,—nor nobody else no good; see?
mdp.39015081383146Can we not go through life loving each other like this, Adrian? ” “ That is what we shall do, dearest, ” he an- swered.
mdp.39015081383146Can you forget him as easily as he can you?
mdp.39015081383146Could she be mistaking appearance for realities?
mdp.39015081383146De way dat guy started off wid dat machine I thought he ’d wreck it. ” “ But how did you ever stop it? ” cut in Zelda.
mdp.39015081383146Do n’t be afraid of dat bunch any more, ’cause it ’s all off wid ’ em. ” “ You wo n’t take them to prison, will you?
mdp.39015081383146Do n’t you know that every other girl would want to pass just that sort of an ex- istence? ” “ No, Adrian, you are wrong.
mdp.39015081383146Do n’t you see my plight?
mdp.39015081383146Do we not start every girl off in babyhood with that end in view?
mdp.39015081383146Do you not know that I ’m madder, more passionately in love with you than you are with me? ” “ Nonsense, Adrian, impossible.
mdp.39015081383146Do you not see me here before your lovely eyes? ” “ What do you wish now? ” she asked bluntly.
mdp.39015081383146Do you not see me here before your lovely eyes? ” “ What do you wish now? ” she asked bluntly.
mdp.39015081383146Do you suppose I could love you now? ” “ Oh, rot! ” answered Leon, irritated by her re- fusal.
mdp.39015081383146Do you suppose that God is going to permit you to be different from all the rest of the human type?
mdp.39015081383146Do you suppose that He is going to begin with you and create an emotionless race?
mdp.39015081383146Do you think it shames me to talk to you as I do?
mdp.39015081383146Do you want to be less human than you are?
mdp.39015081383146Doen’t he love you? ” “ Sincerely; but I do n’t think he loves me in that way ‘),.
mdp.39015081383146Does Plato ’s theory, after all these centuries, still have followers?
mdp.39015081383146Does a mother have to search all through a great gathering of children in order to know the joyful, playful voice of her own?
mdp.39015081383146Had her life been a failure?
mdp.39015081383146Have you really fallen in love with him?
mdp.39015081383146He loves me; he is true to me,-——are you going to shame me before him, must I be a scandal before the world, a hypocrite before my husband?
mdp.39015081383146He often stopped and asked himself, “ For what am I looking? ” The answer was always the same.
mdp.39015081383146He said he ’d join me'here.about 12: 30. ” “ But, Elsie, my girl, what have you been doing?
mdp.39015081383146He was fired up with bad rum; see?
mdp.39015081383146He, in truth, was born not ten miles from where he now stands; and rich?
mdp.39015081383146How can you so misunderstand yourself?
mdp.39015081383146How could you think that, Wanda?
mdp.39015081383146How long have you? ” “ Twelve days. ” “ How lovely! ”, 0 “ XIV The morning after her dreadful experience Zelda arose at seven.
mdp.39015081383146I I54 REDDER BLOOD will she be like?
mdp.39015081383146I admire femininity, but may not the antelope once in a century leap upon the lion unawares, gore him to his heart- strings, and get away unscathed?
mdp.39015081383146Is n’t that enough to pay off the old debt between us?
mdp.39015081383146Oh, wo n’t you forgive me, dearest?
mdp.39015081383146Say it, what is it?
mdp.39015081383146She felt his pulsating hear- t; she breathed.his warm breath; was she conscious of what she was doing when she asked to be released?
mdp.39015081383146She shall have your kind eyes, and your dark hair, but my lips, do n’t you think?
mdp.39015081383146So long, mad — ” “ Wo n’t you come in and have dinner? ” she in- terrupted.
mdp.39015081383146So we always had our peepers open to see when he ’d come in; den we seen him go in de ‘ Home ’ one day and wondered what dis guy was doing; see?
mdp.39015081383146Then why not now? ” “ Forgive me, Leon; I was ignorant, a child, I did not know.
mdp.39015081383146To what two men do you mean the same, to what two families, to what two coun- tries, to what two nations, to what two races?
mdp.39015081383146W M ‘ aw“- ‘ A “ ‘! Q_-..--w_..~-?"
mdp.39015081383146Was n’t heaven kind to give us such a month with its beautiful warm, kind days?
mdp.39015081383146Was there any difference between the fruit of an evil tree and that of a good tree?
mdp.39015081383146We thought he might ’ a ’ been one of de bulls in plain clothes; see?
mdp.39015081383146We watched de auto dat stood out in front of de ‘ Home, ’ and when I 117 1 1 8 REDDER BLOOD seen him rush you out I blows my whistle; see?
mdp.39015081383146What care I what befall?
mdp.39015081383146What did you do with him?
mdp.39015081383146What did you do, girl?
mdp.39015081383146What does it mean? ” “ It means that we are dead to each other. ” His face became white, he moved nervously, over him ran hot and cold waves.
mdp.39015081383146What have His goodness, His mercy, His love, done for thee?
mdp.39015081383146What is it? ” “ Wanda,—~I am a Negro, ” he stammered.
mdp.39015081383146What matters that to me?
mdp.39015081383146What shall I do with money?
mdp.39015081383146When shall it be? ” “ In June, dearest, when they hand me my di- ploma. ” “ Think, ” she said with childish.glee, “ think!
mdp.39015081383146When shall we start? ” “ I can not go with you.
mdp.39015081383146Where am I, anyway? ” he de- manded.
mdp.39015081383146Where can we find you, among what peoples, in what lands?
mdp.39015081383146Who is the stunning woman in the crimson gown?
mdp.39015081383146Why should n’t you?
mdp.39015081383146Why try to make yourself a new type of womanhood?
mdp.39015081383146Wo n’t you have compassion?
mdp.39015081383146Would the observer passing by the show win-- dow ever know that one ear of the corn exhibited there had been given more attention than the other?
mdp.39015081383146You did n’t know?
mdp.39015081383146You love me yet, do n’t you?
mdp.39015081383146You propose a friendship between two persons of opposite sex?
mdp.39015081383146You see, I — well, my husband,——that is, my son — Oh, what am I saying?
mdp.39015081383146You understand? ” “ I think so, sir, ” she answered.
mdp.39015081383146You ’ll accept my profound congratula- tions for your matchless work here; will you tell me how you did it?
mdp.39015081383146Your happiness fled? ” he reiterated scornfully, a frown on his domineer- ing brow, his eyes again aglow with a look of re- venge.
mdp.39015081383146Zelda, ca n’t a fellow have a chance?
mdp.39015081383146are you made of stone?
mdp.39015081383146deal on to- night, and he ’ll be sore as blazes if I do n’t be dere at seven when he come on his beat; see?
mdp.39015081383146ha! ” he laughed, “ will you yell? ” She realized her danger.
mdp.39015081383146had been a prosperous Athenian merchant instead of a lean, hungry, ill- fed philosopher, lecturer on morals, and ethicist? ”.
mdp.39015081383146money? ” he broke in.
mdp.39015081383146she resist Adrian, you say?
mdp.39015081383146what is the matter?
mdp.39015081383146you do n’t mean you killed him? ” she inquired, horror- stricken.
mdp.39015081383146‘ That Mysterious Rag ’ or ‘ Everybody ’s Doin’ It ’ first? ” he asked jest- ingly.
mdp.39015081383146’Cause youse is a game gal, and I likes a gal what ai n’t scared of de rummies; see?
mdp.39015081383146“ And Charlie?
mdp.39015081383146“ And where did you get so much inside dope? ” asked Zack, with a distinctly Bowery pronuncia- tion.
mdp.39015081383146“ And you awake too, Mother? ” He.had gone around and now stood at the back of ‘ her chair framing her face in his hands.
mdp.39015081383146“ Are you ready? ” she asked.
mdp.39015081383146“ But tell me, ”'he continued, good- humoredly, “ where are you taking me, fair abductress?
mdp.39015081383146“ But, Leon; have you no humane feelings left?
mdp.39015081383146“ Did she get hurt? ” he asked curtly.
mdp.39015081383146“ Did they kill him,—I mean did they hurt him badly?
mdp.39015081383146“ Did who get hurt? ” returned Dr. Post, sooth- ingly.
mdp.39015081383146“ Dishonor,—sha‘me?
mdp.39015081383146“ Do you remember what I said to you at the Howell dance about engagements? ” “ How could I forget?
mdp.39015081383146“ Do you remember what I said to you at the Howell dance about engagements? ” “ How could I forget?
mdp.39015081383146“ Do you think I look matronly at the head of a table, Adrian? ” asked Wanda.
mdp.39015081383146“ Had you really the boldness to come into my house again after yesterday? ” she asked.
mdp.39015081383146“ How can a man change his last day?
mdp.39015081383146“ How do you do, Father Birch? ” said Elsie, — this was what she had always called Mr. Birch.
mdp.39015081383146“ How do you feel this morning? ” asked Miss Marston as she came into his room.
mdp.39015081383146“ How many children among them all? ” he asked again.'
mdp.39015081383146“ I have not that in me. ” “ Have n’t it in you? ” Zelda said, with profound astonishment.
mdp.39015081383146“ I shall be all right in a moment, I ’m sure. ” “ Wo n’t you let me call in the doctor? ” he again said, appealingly.
mdp.39015081383146“ I swear to treasure you always'as my most prized citizen; will you enter? ” She did not speak but stood on her toes and kissed his waiting lips.
mdp.39015081383146“ If death should take you from this earth To go to worlds unknown, Why should I live?
mdp.39015081383146“ It is you, is it, Stanton? ” “ Yes, darling. ” His strong arms lifted her to his breast.
mdp.39015081383146“ It ’s great, is n’t it, Adrian? ” “ Splendid, ” he replied.
mdp.39015081383146“ Mother, Mother, ” begged Adrian, “ is this true?
mdp.39015081383146“ My'mare?
mdp.39015081383146“ Now, when shall it be?
mdp.39015081383146“ Of what? ” “ Charlie. ” “ What do you mean, child?
mdp.39015081383146“ Of what? ” “ Charlie. ” “ What do you mean, child?
mdp.39015081383146“ Oh, Adrian, wo n’t you have done with the boys? ” she asked in a pleading tone.
mdp.39015081383146“ Say, what ’s this? ” asked Atkinson, motioning his head at Adrian.
mdp.39015081383146“ Shall it be the piano of the Victrola? ” she asked.
mdp.39015081383146“ She ’s the pretty, black- haired nurse, is she? ” asked Dr. Munn.
mdp.39015081383146“ The blood shook you all up; shall I send for a doctor? ” “ Oh, no, Stanton! ” she protested.
mdp.39015081383146“ Then you are interested just a little, are you? ” “ Only to the extent of hearing your wonderfully beautiful eulogies about the young lady.
mdp.39015081383146“ Well, Bookworm, ” he addressed his father, “ not gone to bed yet? ” “ Hello, Ad, ” said the father.
mdp.39015081383146“ Well, why? ” Elsie colored just-a little.
mdp.39015081383146“ Well, ” said Zelda, “ after all, the joke is on me. ” “ What ’s the joke? ” he asked.
mdp.39015081383146“ What about yourself? ”'“ Myself? ” she answered, with a little care- free smile.
mdp.39015081383146“ What about yourself? ”'“ Myself? ” she answered, with a little care- free smile.
mdp.39015081383146“ What do I know about such songs? ” she asked.
mdp.39015081383146“ What do you t’ink we ought to do wid dem guys what tries to hurt good people,—-—put crowns on dere heads and make ’em kings?
mdp.39015081383146“ What does that matter to me? ” he retorted hotly.
mdp.39015081383146“ What shall I do with it?
mdp.39015081383146“ What ’s the matter? ” she asked of Anne, one of the maids.
mdp.39015081383146“ Where is your country? ” Her words were scarcely audible.
mdp.39015081383146“ Who knows? ” they soliloquized.
mdp.39015081383146“ Why did you come here again to- day? ” she asked.'
mdp.39015081383146“ Why did you leave me in New York?
mdp.39015081383146“ Why do n’t I go back and get the thing that I want most in life? ” he at length asked him- self numberless times a day.
mdp.39015081383146“ Why not stay in my country? ” he went on jestingly.
mdp.39015081383146“ Why not? ” They understood each other and could at least get along.
mdp.39015081383146“ Why, then, do I not go back? ” he asked him- self.
mdp.39015081383146“ Why? ” queried the bird.
mdp.39015081383146“ Why? ” she asked herself.
mdp.39015081383146“ Will he be the mad lover who ’ll wildly rush forth in pursuit of a resisting maiden? ” 76 REDDER BLOOD “ What!
mdp.39015081383146“ Will it not be better for you to obey Miss Crews sometimes?
mdp.39015081383146“ Wo n’t you sing something, Stanton? ” she asked after she had played one of Chadwick ’s brisk allegrettos.
mdp.39015081383146“ Won’t‘you get in? ” she asked.
mdp.39015081383146“ Yes; and you? ” she replied and asked as she dipped her fingers into the little silver finger- bowl.
mdp.39015081383146“ Yes; what shall it be?
mdp.39015081383146“ You are scarcely old enough to look matronly yet, but why do you ask me? ” he returned.
mdp.39015081383146“ You go to the ‘ Home ’ this afternoon, do you not? ” Stanton asked when they had finished luncheon.
mdp.39015081383146“ You here? ” she asked, alarmed.
mdp.39015081383146“ You would n’t understand if I told you. ” “ Why? ” again it asked.
mdp.39015081383146“ You ’ve counted them? ” asked Adrian.
mdp.39015081383146“ hy my chances?
mdp.39015081383146“ we?'
mdp.39015081383146“ “ n-2?
mdp.39015016414768Can I help you with your bag, Miss? ” He still* FromGoin'To Chicago Blues ” by James Rushing and Count Basie.
mdp.39015016414768Can I talk to her? ” “ Just a minute. ” Iretha almost sang the words. mdp.39015016414768 Gowan, Pop, ” said J.C. “ Beat it. ” What was there to do?
mdp.39015016414768If I get any calls, switch'em upstairs, huh? ” Evaline continued her typing. mdp.39015016414768 Is Essie Dee there? ” “ Yes, uh- huh, she's here."
mdp.39015016414768It wo n't? ” “ Oh, no, indeed, ” Mrs. Williams whispered. mdp.39015016414768 Mama, are n't you going to say something?
mdp.39015016414768My God, is Preacher back? mdp.39015016414768 Some of you guys give us a hard time, drag- ging in here at all hours. ” “ Some of what guys? ” James Lee demanded.
mdp.39015016414768The question is what did you think?
mdp.39015016414768Waiter! ” “ How do you girls happen to be out on a Sun- day night? mdp.39015016414768 Well, you know what Suzy Ann told Nappy Chin? ” “ No.
mdp.39015016414768What building? mdp.39015016414768 What did you say, fella?"
mdp.39015016414768What is it?
mdp.39015016414768You mean it was your fault? ” Even with a front end a New York hackie never admitted he was at fault. mdp.39015016414768 You wanna tell me your name now? ” Hubert mumbled his name.
mdp.39015016414768'” “ Let's have a drink. ” “ Whaťre you having? ” “ Tom Collins.
mdp.39015016414768... a quarrel?
mdp.39015016414768127 “ Do n't you see, Essie,"he had said,"that's the ugly way to get married?
mdp.39015016414768A pimp walking down Seventh Avenue looked down at the man who was shining shoes and 151 said, “ What's happening today, Pops?"
mdp.39015016414768After all, a man his age... “ Then what the hell are you talking to her for? ” 19 The man stood up.
mdp.39015016414768All you had to do was let one of them know you liked him a little bit, and right off he... how did the song go?
mdp.39015016414768An old woman sitting in the shade of her newsstand called across the street,"What did he say? ” The young men told her what the first number was.
mdp.39015016414768And who was she calling Pops?
mdp.39015016414768Are n't you comfortable? ” “ I just want to try.
mdp.39015016414768As they faced each other in the living room he began aggressively, “ Look, baby, what is this bus- iness?
mdp.39015016414768Been missing since Saturday night, huh?
mdp.39015016414768Bernice asked, “ Why do you fellows travel around with a crackpot? ” “ That's because he's got all the money, ” said James Lee.
mdp.39015016414768But were n't there weight limitations on the New York police force?
mdp.39015016414768But what did he want?
mdp.39015016414768But what did it matter?
mdp.39015016414768But why not splurge a bit?
mdp.39015016414768But why should he care if Hubert threw his money away?
mdp.39015016414768But why should he feel bad?
mdp.39015016414768But why worry about Essie at all?
mdp.39015016414768Ca n't you talk? ” Hubert took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and spoke again.
mdp.39015016414768Coming home from work some of them had stopped to inquire, “ You taking a trip, Mister Hubert?"
mdp.39015016414768Could Hubert be dangerous?
mdp.39015016414768Could he be dangerous?
mdp.39015016414768Could something have happened to him?
mdp.39015016414768Could that be Hubert Cooley?
mdp.39015016414768Did he mean the Negro drivers, or hackies in gen- eral?
mdp.39015016414768Did n't he like coming to work in the morning and knowing his car would be there wait- ing for him?
mdp.39015016414768Did n't he like having a new car to drive?
mdp.39015016414768Did n't he like having a whole army of mechanics waiting to take care of his car when it broke down?
mdp.39015016414768Did n't he like working for Frank?
mdp.39015016414768Did n't you know you could get killed over there?
mdp.39015016414768Did n't you say to yourself,'Why, I can get killed and wo n't have a damned thing to say about it?"
mdp.39015016414768Did you ever catch him spending a dime unless he ex- pected to make two more?
mdp.39015016414768Did you ever see so much hot weather in your life?
mdp.39015016414768Do n't you feel sorry for him? ”"If I started feeling sorry for people, I'd have to go into another business.
mdp.39015016414768Do n't you see that?
mdp.39015016414768Do you hear me?
mdp.39015016414768Do you know? ” “ No, I do n't, ” McGowan laughed, “ but I sure thought you did, coming in here with your butt full of lead and steel.
mdp.39015016414768Each morning he woke up with the thought: What is this fool going to say next?
mdp.39015016414768Essie seemed so happy that Iretha asked, “ Girl, are you all right? ”"Well, look at me,"said Essie, spreading her arms.
mdp.39015016414768Got the blues?
mdp.39015016414768He turned to Eva- Vels, 171 line and said,"Give me one of those accident forms, will you, Evaline?"
mdp.39015016414768He wanted to lie back on the cot, but what if this Preacher fellow were to wake up and find Hubert off his guard?
mdp.39015016414768Hell, is that all I'm living for?
mdp.39015016414768How could he make a living if there were no fools with money?
mdp.39015016414768How did I ever stand it?
mdp.39015016414768How in the world had she got stuck with a runt like McGowan?
mdp.39015016414768How many times have I wanted to really talk to Essie?
mdp.39015016414768How the hell would I know?
mdp.39015016414768I do n't even like the stuff, but it makes me different, see? ” “ Yeah. ” “ Everybody ought to have something that sets them apart.
mdp.39015016414768If Justice and Right did not triumph?
mdp.39015016414768If things work out right, would you — you know you ought to, but would you — come away with me? ” Sister Clarisse did not know what to say.
mdp.39015016414768Instead of just writing the figures and turning the profits over to someone else, why not bank them himself?
mdp.39015016414768Is he sure enough? ”"Sure he is.
mdp.39015016414768Is n't this the ad- dress I gave you?
mdp.39015016414768It was: Baby, you know I love you, do n't you, honey?
mdp.39015016414768James Lee Cooley, he thought, what the hell are you up to now?
mdp.39015016414768Lord, Lord, thought Gertrude, where in the world am I supposed to start looking for that crazy man?
mdp.39015016414768Now what was it I was just talking about on the tele- phone?
mdp.39015016414768One day McGowan suddenly asked, “ Boy, you got a girl back home? ” “ I got lots of'em.
mdp.39015016414768One day he said to James Lee, “ Man, you know what's wrong with you?
mdp.39015016414768One of them said to the cop, “ What's up, Doc? ” The cop held up four fingers and walked on.
mdp.39015016414768Or did you think those Koreans and China boys were fool- ing? ” “ Well, what were you doing over there?"
mdp.39015016414768Or did you think those Koreans and China boys were fool- ing? ” “ Well, what were you doing over there?"
mdp.39015016414768Or was it fifty?
mdp.39015016414768SPIL was anx- “ I told you guys, did n't I?
mdp.39015016414768She did not mind a casual flirtation but... left right left right left... What was he saying?
mdp.39015016414768She was just- “ Where're you going, driver?
mdp.39015016414768Some- thing the matter with Mister Hubert? ” “ No, nothing's the matter, Mr. Curtis. ” She walked to the door.
mdp.39015016414768Spoil my play? ” Later that same day he asked James Lee, “ Say, man, do you know what these people are fighting about?"
mdp.39015016414768Spoil my play? ” Later that same day he asked James Lee, “ Say, man, do you know what these people are fighting about?"
mdp.39015016414768Suddenly Hubert said, “ Do we have any money, Gertrude?"
mdp.39015016414768Sup- pose she were to do the crazy thing he proposed?
mdp.39015016414768Suppose something had happened there last night-a robbery, burglary, rape, or something?
mdp.39015016414768Suppose that dispatcher had given his taxi to someone else?
mdp.39015016414768That right? ”"Yeah, that's right. ” McGowan chuckled and went on with his breakfast.
mdp.39015016414768That was her blood, was n't it, the pinkish splotches on the white enamel?
mdp.39015016414768The driver pushed his head through the window and said lazily,"Hey, Pop, wassa matter?
mdp.39015016414768The one where you live?"
mdp.39015016414768The question was: How much money could he back with his own bank and how much would he have to pass on?
mdp.39015016414768The sergeant punctuated his thought with: “ And do n't forget to get on the front of the train, d'ya hear, young fella?"
mdp.39015016414768There're plenty of guys around who'd be happy to drive a new car. ” “ What can I do, Frank? ” said Danny with a spread of his hands.
mdp.39015016414768Tired of living, huh? ” Hubert did not hear him.
mdp.39015016414768Try to stop him? ” “ Not a word.
mdp.39015016414768Two hundred and fifty pounds?
mdp.39015016414768Was it his fault?
mdp.39015016414768Was n't that the way the big white man stayed on top?
mdp.39015016414768Well, had n't she been telling him all along that kids were the best things in the world?
mdp.39015016414768Well, what was it they said?
mdp.39015016414768What are you drinking, pretty?"
mdp.39015016414768What did he want of any woman?
mdp.39015016414768What did the young man think?
mdp.39015016414768What do you think of that? ” He set her down and went back to the card table where he continued his figuring.
mdp.39015016414768What do you want me to do, crawl in here on my hands and knees?
mdp.39015016414768What had a rowboat to do with that?
mdp.39015016414768What happened?
mdp.39015016414768What in the world had got into the kid?
mdp.39015016414768What kind of garage had a dispatcher who had 89 never hacked?
mdp.39015016414768What the hell was that?
mdp.39015016414768What was it Ebony magazine had said in their spread on him?
mdp.39015016414768What will people think? ” 185 was Without waiting for an invitation he walked past her into the room.
mdp.39015016414768What would everybody say? ” She knew it sounded childish and silly, but how else could she put it?
mdp.39015016414768What would everybody say? ” She knew it sounded childish and silly, but how else could she put it?
mdp.39015016414768What you try- ing to do?
mdp.39015016414768What's the matter nan was 29 with those guys down on Psycho?
mdp.39015016414768What's the matter?
mdp.39015016414768What's the matter? ” Gertrude sighed.
mdp.39015016414768What's wrong with that?"
mdp.39015016414768What? ” “ She says, “ If you keep on gambling, you're bound to win.""
mdp.39015016414768Where did I sin to deserve all this misery?
mdp.39015016414768Where did he work, and what did he do there?
mdp.39015016414768Where did that come from? ” He took his list and checked off his four money.
mdp.39015016414768Where do you get off?
mdp.39015016414768Where was James Lee?
mdp.39015016414768Where was she to blame?
mdp.39015016414768Where was the meaning of life if God did not correct His errors?
mdp.39015016414768Who could say?
mdp.39015016414768Who did James Lee think she was, anyway?
mdp.39015016414768Who did that black bastard think he was, not even calling the office to say he would be late?
mdp.39015016414768Who did this man think he was?
mdp.39015016414768Who the hell did Essie think she was?
mdp.39015016414768Who was she but a poor little Southern girl whose mother still took in washing down home?
mdp.39015016414768Who was she to be sitting among these doctors and lawyers and these fancy women with their beautiful clothes?
mdp.39015016414768Why did Essie have to run up there every- time she and James Lee had a fight?
mdp.39015016414768Why did n't he want her to try?
mdp.39015016414768Why do they keep letting him out?"
mdp.39015016414768Why had n't he bet the money with the big bank in the first place instead of taking a silly chance?
mdp.39015016414768Why in the world was he being so serious?
mdp.39015016414768Why not make some real money for himself and step into the big league?
mdp.39015016414768Why was it that whenever he found himself alone in a room with Essie he began to feel restless, hemmed in?
mdp.39015016414768Why, he wondered, was the graveyard shift in a Harlem precinct always like the Fourth of July?
mdp.39015016414768Why? ” McGowan snorted, but James Lee felt he was on sure ground.
mdp.39015016414768You had just got your hand on her brassiere and she had said,'Please do n't, Danny darling...?"
mdp.39015016414768You hear me?
mdp.39015016414768You know one thing?
mdp.39015016414768You know that, do n't you?"
mdp.39015016414768You see how I missed those figures Sat- urday?
mdp.39015016414768You're in danger and you do n't know it. ” “ What kind of danger, Professor?"
mdp.39015016414768You're really from Georgia? ”"Sure we are.
mdp.39015016414768she wondered, to be like Mrs. Williams, to think about unreal things as if they actually existed?
mdp.39015016414768“ A man ai n't got the right to sit on a park bench any more, you know that?"
mdp.39015016414768“ Am I standing on my own two feet or am I not?"
mdp.39015016414768“ And my name ai n't Pop. ”"What is your name? ” “ Never you mind about that. ” “ You're up kind of late, ” said the policeman.
mdp.39015016414768“ And you?
mdp.39015016414768“ Are you all right, Mrs. Cooley?
mdp.39015016414768“ Are you kidding?
mdp.39015016414768“ But why?
mdp.39015016414768“ Come on, Pop, ” said the policeman, “ let's move it along and call it a night, what d'ya say?"
mdp.39015016414768“ Da- a- aneee! ” “ What is it, Frank? ” Frank had not seen Danny come up.
mdp.39015016414768“ Danny, is this car in running condition? ” “ Yeah, Frank, it is — ”"Then, Holy Jesus, what the hell is it doing here?
mdp.39015016414768“ Danny, is this car in running condition? ” “ Yeah, Frank, it is — ”"Then, Holy Jesus, what the hell is it doing here?
mdp.39015016414768“ Did the trash get out all right? ”"Uh- huh.
mdp.39015016414768“ Do n't he know, ” this new police sergeant was saying, “ that he can get into trouble hanging around neighborhoods where he do n't belong?
mdp.39015016414768“ Do n't you people have enough trouble without looking for it? ” He pointed a thick, stubby finger.
mdp.39015016414768“ Do you hear what I say?"
mdp.39015016414768“ Do you know this lady? ” “ No, I do n't, ” Hubert replied.
mdp.39015016414768“ Girl, I swear it's getting longer and prettier every day. ”"Oh, you think so, Miss Mabel? ” The girl was pleased.
mdp.39015016414768“ Have you got a girl? ”"Nope, but I got a wife, ” said McGowan, and already there was a snapshot in his hand that he passed to James Lee.
mdp.39015016414768“ Hey, John Lewis, what you like today? ” “ Everything, man.
mdp.39015016414768“ How did this happen, Cooley?"
mdp.39015016414768“ How much did you hit for? ” “ Seven dollars, ” he announced.
mdp.39015016414768“ How's it coming?"
mdp.39015016414768“ If you're mad about last night why do n't you say so?
mdp.39015016414768“ Is it going all right?"
mdp.39015016414768“ Is that car making any dough for you or me or anybody else while it sits here in the garage?
mdp.39015016414768“ Look, Jackson, all I ask, ” 172 “_ and what's this Jackson business?
mdp.39015016414768“ Mabel, where in the world do you get such luck?"
mdp.39015016414768“ Man, you talk crazy all the time, do n't you? ” “ He looks colored but he talks cracker."
mdp.39015016414768“ May I ask what number you're playing today, Mister Hubert? ”"Four- seventeen,"said Hubert.
mdp.39015016414768“ My name is Hubert Cooley. ” Where did Hubert live?
mdp.39015016414768“ Over where? ” McGowan looked shocked, but his eyes twinkled.
mdp.39015016414768“ Planning anything soon? ” Mabel asked sweetly.
mdp.39015016414768“ Sister Clarisse, what do you think of me?"
mdp.39015016414768“ Twice in one day?
mdp.39015016414768“ Wait up a minute, will you?
mdp.39015016414768“ Well, now —"“ Do you like me?"
mdp.39015016414768“ What are you doing there? ”"I'm sitting, ” Hubert's voice shot back.
mdp.39015016414768“ What are you going to do about it? ” Gertrude asked.
mdp.39015016414768“ What are you going to do with all that money, Mister Hubert?"
mdp.39015016414768“ What did you think I was doing? ” The words sounded just the way he had wanted them to, bold and self- possessed.
mdp.39015016414768“ What did you think?"
mdp.39015016414768“ What did? ” she asked.
mdp.39015016414768“ What do you mean, different? ” He was almost 46 gruff.
mdp.39015016414768“ What the hell is this?"
mdp.39015016414768“ What the hell were you doing over there in those hills, boy? ” McGowan pointed in the gen- eral direction of Korea.
mdp.39015016414768“ What was the last I one? ” 180 TO on hurt him any more.
mdp.39015016414768“ What you got to eat, girl?
mdp.39015016414768“ What you liking today? ” “ I reckon a four, ” said Hubert and hurried on.
mdp.39015016414768“ What's your name, boy? ” the cop demanded.
mdp.39015016414768“ When that Chinese boy busted your backside with that grenade, did n't it make you stop and think?
mdp.39015016414768“ Where did you get the money? ” “ I turned the number around and played 417. ”.
mdp.39015016414768“ Where're you from, boy? ” “ New York.
mdp.39015016414768“ Why do n't you just go away somewhere and leave me alone?
mdp.39015016414768“ Yes, Iretha? ” “ I'm sorry, but Essie says she does n't want to talk with you.
mdp.39015016414768“ Yes, Madam. ”"Is this the quickest way we can go? ”"It's the quickest way I know,"James Lee said.
mdp.39015016414768“ Yes, and three more on the same block. ”"Well, why did n't you tell me that in the first place?
mdp.39015016414768“ You do love me and want to marry me, do n't you, James Lee? ”.
mdp.39015016414768“ You ever been to San Francisco? ” The woman was startled.
mdp.39015016414768“ You get the idea. ” “ You mean you're leaving home- Mama and everything?"
mdp.39015016414768“ You going someplace? ” “ That's right, ” said Hubert.
mdp.39015016414768“ You got any money? ” “ Why?"
mdp.39015016414768“ You got any money? ” “ Why?"
mdp.39015016414768“ You mean there's nothing wrong with you? ” James Lee said coldly.
mdp.39015016414768“ You're different, you know that? ” She snapped off the light and lay beside him.
mdp.39015016414768“ You've got to give me a rub- down to tell me that? ” He took his hands away and walked out of the office.
mdp.39015016415658Ah, who said he was cullud? mdp.39015016415658 Alice, can you forgive me?"
mdp.39015016415658And what's your name?
mdp.39015016415658Are you awake, Leonard?
mdp.39015016415658But hain't he a nigger, Silas?
mdp.39015016415658But is n't there anything different about it — anything at all?
mdp.39015016415658Ca n't I say good- by to Clarence and the boys?
mdp.39015016415658Ca n't you dance for us?
mdp.39015016415658Ca n't you see I like you?
mdp.39015016415658Can you read this?
mdp.39015016415658Cawn yuh play some chu'ch music on that?
mdp.39015016415658Did anybuddy ever call yer a nigger, boy?
mdp.39015016415658Did she tell you about Phil's children, Mary?
mdp.39015016415658Did they have any children?
mdp.39015016415658Do n't you ever sing in the choir?
mdp.39015016415658Do you like poetry, Gladys?
mdp.39015016415658Do you like to read, Leonard?
mdp.39015016415658Do you think you're doing the best thing, Sis? mdp.39015016415658 Do?
mdp.39015016415658Gran'ma, why did n't Gran'pap git a sure anuff little nigger if he had to have one? mdp.39015016415658 Guess ye're'bout starved, hain't yuh?"
mdp.39015016415658Hain't yer some kin ter'Nigger Jim Larks?
mdp.39015016415658Have you a book and a favorite song?
mdp.39015016415658Have you read those verses yet?
mdp.39015016415658Have you seen him yet?
mdp.39015016415658He does n't look like a nigger, does he? mdp.39015016415658 He never said a word about going to school, did he?
mdp.39015016415658He's purty white fer a nigger, hain't he, Jute?
mdp.39015016415658Homesick? mdp.39015016415658 How are the eatings, girlie?"
mdp.39015016415658How are you, little stranger?
mdp.39015016415658How do you like it here?
mdp.39015016415658How do you say this word, Leonard?
mdp.39015016415658How is she?
mdp.39015016415658How many brothers and sisters have you, Johnny?
mdp.39015016415658How much have they given you?
mdp.39015016415658How you know, Judy, but what I get better beds away from home than I do at home?
mdp.39015016415658How'd you like it, Leonard?
mdp.39015016415658I got some good team, hain't I, boy?
mdp.39015016415658I mean, evah b'long to a church?
mdp.39015016415658I'm Joe Taylor, Mister, an'whut you be a'wantin'?
mdp.39015016415658I'se'll carry yo', honey, an'yuh must n't mek ah bit o'noise, heah me, honey?
mdp.39015016415658I've always said you were a good singer, have n't I, Papa?
mdp.39015016415658Is Syb ready yet?
mdp.39015016415658Is n't that Catherine?
mdp.39015016415658Is this the little nigger?
mdp.39015016415658It's a heifer, is it?
mdp.39015016415658It's too warm, is n't it?
mdp.39015016415658Jay,he said,"have n't I forbidden you to use such language in this house?
mdp.39015016415658Know anyone'roun'here?
mdp.39015016415658Leonard, and what else? mdp.39015016415658 Leonard, do n't you know you're a very pretty boy?
mdp.39015016415658Mama, is n't he nice?
mdp.39015016415658Mary, did n't you tell me the other day that Sarah washes for Phil's wife every two weeks?
mdp.39015016415658Mrs. McKlissick,he stammered,"how — how — the baby?"
mdp.39015016415658No? mdp.39015016415658 Now who says they hain't?
mdp.39015016415658Now, Brother Leeder, whut may you re bizness be?
mdp.39015016415658Oh, a little Sambo, eh?
mdp.39015016415658Papa, you do n't have time to get homesick, do you?
mdp.39015016415658Say, Mister,he said,"are you sick?"
mdp.39015016415658Say, boy, you hain't a nigger, are you?
mdp.39015016415658So you are a good boy, are you? mdp.39015016415658 So you are going to have a good time there, are you?"
mdp.39015016415658So you're the little nigger, are you?
mdp.39015016415658The dead are there?
mdp.39015016415658Then why not marry me, Alice?
mdp.39015016415658Tryin'to make a mash on me? mdp.39015016415658 Uncle Jute, is this him?"
mdp.39015016415658Want anything else?
mdp.39015016415658Want to know something, Leonard?
mdp.39015016415658Was she your Sunday school teacher?
mdp.39015016415658Well, can I make it, George? mdp.39015016415658 Well, can you sing?"
mdp.39015016415658Well, do you ever read the Bible or go to Sunday school?
mdp.39015016415658Well, what can I do for you, Leonard?
mdp.39015016415658Whar yo'gwine tuh tek him to?
mdp.39015016415658What announcement? mdp.39015016415658 What are we a- goin'to do with him, Mary? ” he asked.
mdp.39015016415658What are yer snifflin''bout?
mdp.39015016415658What are you doing in there?
mdp.39015016415658What are you doing in there?
mdp.39015016415658What chu'ch?
mdp.39015016415658What difference would a little drop of blood make in a case like that? mdp.39015016415658 What for?"
mdp.39015016415658What is your name, young man?
mdp.39015016415658What on earth are you going to do now?
mdp.39015016415658What on earth, Catherine, brings you here right at supper time?
mdp.39015016415658What shall it be? mdp.39015016415658 What the devil did you do last night?
mdp.39015016415658What would that brute know about what is best for anything? mdp.39015016415658 What would you order, George, if you were real hungry?"
mdp.39015016415658What yer goin'to say'bout a nigger like this boy here?
mdp.39015016415658What you doin', an'mean?
mdp.39015016415658What you doin'walkin'up th'pike with my girl while ago?
mdp.39015016415658What you going to spend it for?
mdp.39015016415658What's the rumor I hear about you running for Governor, Father?
mdp.39015016415658What's this?
mdp.39015016415658What's yer name? mdp.39015016415658 What's yo'name, Mister?"
mdp.39015016415658What's yo'wo'k?
mdp.39015016415658When did yer got so big'roun'here you kin say whut yer'll do er wo n't do?
mdp.39015016415658When yuh come here?
mdp.39015016415658Where to so early, Daughttie?
mdp.39015016415658Where yuh from?
mdp.39015016415658Where's he going to sleep at?
mdp.39015016415658Which eye is it?
mdp.39015016415658Who asked you, Allen, to butt into white folks'discussions? mdp.39015016415658 Who do you think you are?
mdp.39015016415658Who taught you to read so well?
mdp.39015016415658Who? mdp.39015016415658 Who?
mdp.39015016415658Who? mdp.39015016415658 Whut air ye but a nigger?
mdp.39015016415658Whut's th'nigger doin', Gran'maw?
mdp.39015016415658Why did you strike him?
mdp.39015016415658Why do n't you go away to school this winter?
mdp.39015016415658Why not her?
mdp.39015016415658Will I have to drive after her?
mdp.39015016415658Yere not? mdp.39015016415658 You kin talk, kin't yer?"
mdp.39015016415658You soiled your bed last night, did n't you? mdp.39015016415658 You wantta git smart'bout it, do you?
mdp.39015016415658You wo n't even tell Elwood, will you?
mdp.39015016415658You wo n't wash'em, will you? mdp.39015016415658 You'll be my slave while I'm here, wo n't you?
mdp.39015016415658You've got a right smart o'work to do nowadays, hain't you, Leonard?
mdp.39015016415658'Goin'back soon, Leon- ard?"
mdp.39015016415658And Leonard read the second time:"Wo n't it be a grand and glorious Christmas for us?
mdp.39015016415658And after he got home, the old lady was perplexed when he inquired,"Mrs. Harker, what's the difference between a nigger and a real nigger?"
mdp.39015016415658And was n't he a Negro?
mdp.39015016415658Are n't our men doing that in this country every day?
mdp.39015016415658Are n't you and Mama tired wasting money on my voice and fingers?"
mdp.39015016415658Are ye goin'to stan'fer a thing like that?"
mdp.39015016415658Are you a Christian?"
mdp.39015016415658Are your mother and father living?"
mdp.39015016415658But could he play with Gladys like that?
mdp.39015016415658But what did he know of Home?
mdp.39015016415658But what of that?
mdp.39015016415658But when he returned home, the first question he was asked by the old lady was:"Wal, did yer larn today?"
mdp.39015016415658But where could I have sent you?
mdp.39015016415658But why?
mdp.39015016415658Ca n't he go riding with me, Grandma — Grandpa?"
mdp.39015016415658Ca n't yer see he's gittin'too big fer his britches?"
mdp.39015016415658Ca n't you have them to call on me?"
mdp.39015016415658Ca n't you talk?
mdp.39015016415658Can you play too?"
mdp.39015016415658Can you read it?"
mdp.39015016415658Can you skate, Leonard?"
mdp.39015016415658Cat got yer tongue?
mdp.39015016415658Could n't you put your business off until tomorrow?"
mdp.39015016415658Did I skeer you?"
mdp.39015016415658Did he come in las'night?"
mdp.39015016415658Did you ever rob a bird's nest?
mdp.39015016415658Do n't yer know if you'd die you'd go straight plumb to hell?
mdp.39015016415658Do n't you know your own daughter?"
mdp.39015016415658Do n't you think that's enough money for a nigger to have to throw away?"
mdp.39015016415658Do you know the little shavers'names and how old they are?
mdp.39015016415658Do you like him?"
mdp.39015016415658Do you love birds?
mdp.39015016415658Don'fo'git Gran'ma, will yuh, honey?
mdp.39015016415658Don'fo'git how he looks, honey, will yo'?"
mdp.39015016415658Ewah do any hawd wo'k — mill wo'k?"
mdp.39015016415658Go to church?"
mdp.39015016415658Guess ye'll ride there, hain't ye?"
mdp.39015016415658Hain't yer got no sense?"
mdp.39015016415658Have n't I told you a hundred times to call me when you want to get up?
mdp.39015016415658Have you spoken to George about it?"
mdp.39015016415658He can come and see me, ca n't he, Mama?"
mdp.39015016415658He's lyin'all still in ah leetle box- lak dis — see, honey?"
mdp.39015016415658He's smart, is n't he, Sybil?"
mdp.39015016415658He's smart, too, is n't he, Mama?"
mdp.39015016415658He's the father of the sugar queen, is n't he?"
mdp.39015016415658Heard the latest story, the one about the Irish- man and the load of coal?"
mdp.39015016415658His reply was the peculiar half- smile and the interrogation,"Did n't I tell you I could play?"
mdp.39015016415658How about a date?"
mdp.39015016415658How are you?"
mdp.39015016415658How could I stan'havin'him runnin'roun'here with Sybil an'me knowin'all the time he's a nigger?
mdp.39015016415658How could anyone with a heart at all be cruel to her?
mdp.39015016415658How long he say he goin'stay?"
mdp.39015016415658How on earth could I get my- self together in the Governor's mansion?"
mdp.39015016415658How'bout comin'over and takin'supper with us?
mdp.39015016415658I did n't bite her, did I?"
mdp.39015016415658I mean — I mean — how — does it look?"
mdp.39015016415658I'm going away — who cares where?
mdp.39015016415658IN TUCKERTOWN 93"Ca n't yer talk?
mdp.39015016415658Is he black with white stripes, or white with black stripes?
mdp.39015016415658Is little Nettie here your girl?"
mdp.39015016415658Just perhaps — but who knows?
mdp.39015016415658Lisson, woe- man, whose money you got anyhow?
mdp.39015016415658Miss'Eraser'? ” said Alfred.
mdp.39015016415658Now what do yer want?"
mdp.39015016415658Now who says they cain't?"
mdp.39015016415658Oh, what shall I do?"
mdp.39015016415658Pap, ca n't I go with him some time to visit?
mdp.39015016415658Perhaps — but who knows?
mdp.39015016415658Say yes, wo n't you?"
mdp.39015016415658Say, do n't you love Miss Roberts too?
mdp.39015016415658See that spot right there where that robin is standing?
mdp.39015016415658Serve whom?
mdp.39015016415658So that's the program, is it?"
mdp.39015016415658Some Friday?"
mdp.39015016415658Suppose he had told her all this?
mdp.39015016415658Suppose he had told her that he came from nowhere; that he was the unclaimed and unknown son of an English father and a Jamaican mulatto mother?
mdp.39015016415658That he had grown halfway to manhood before he had ever owned a pair of trousers, had ever eaten a meal at a table, had ever slept in a bed?
mdp.39015016415658That this unwedded mother — so young and so beautiful — had died giving birth to his half- sister?
mdp.39015016415658That's wrong, is n't it?
mdp.39015016415658Then he added boldly,"What are you kicking about?
mdp.39015016415658Then she whispered, “ See'i m, honey?
mdp.39015016415658Then, turning to Leonard, he asked,"Can you sing, young fellow?"
mdp.39015016415658There was a sofa and comfortable chairs — but why tell about this room now?
mdp.39015016415658They would in- quire,"How's little Scat this morning, Aunt Mary?"
mdp.39015016415658Think you will like to ride on the train?"
mdp.39015016415658Want to drive there?"
mdp.39015016415658Was Elwood's mother any kin to you?"
mdp.39015016415658Was he going?
mdp.39015016415658Was n't he good- looking, a swell dresser, and often at the head of his class?
mdp.39015016415658Was n't he there?
mdp.39015016415658Was n't its father a foreigner?"
mdp.39015016415658Was n't that a fine way to die, Leonard?"
mdp.39015016415658Was there no limit to his genius?
mdp.39015016415658Whar yuh at?"
mdp.39015016415658What are you boys fighting about?
mdp.39015016415658What do you think we kin do? ”"I bin thinkin', Mary.
mdp.39015016415658What else was he anyhow?
mdp.39015016415658What good ar'they to th'township inyway?
mdp.39015016415658What have I been telling you every meal?"
mdp.39015016415658What interest did he have in them anyhow?
mdp.39015016415658What is your full name?"
mdp.39015016415658What is your last name?"
mdp.39015016415658What name yer got?
mdp.39015016415658What on earth did those poor folks ever do to you that makes you hate them so?"
mdp.39015016415658What they call you?"
mdp.39015016415658What you say?"
mdp.39015016415658What's hitting a"poor- white"man?
mdp.39015016415658When he entered the house her merry voice called,"Leonard, is that you?"
mdp.39015016415658Where yer from?
mdp.39015016415658Where yer goin'?"
mdp.39015016415658Where yer live?"
mdp.39015016415658Who asked you for any remarks?"
mdp.39015016415658Who cares what else he said?
mdp.39015016415658Who do I look like, Bernice?"
mdp.39015016415658Why did n't he git one of the grandchildren to live with him if he had to have a boy?
mdp.39015016415658Why did n't you do it?
mdp.39015016415658Why did n't you tell me you were ready?"
mdp.39015016415658Why do n't you adopt him?"
mdp.39015016415658Why do you want me to be Governor?
mdp.39015016415658Why not?
mdp.39015016415658Will you let me play it?"
mdp.39015016415658Will yuh, honey?"
mdp.39015016415658Wo n't you come in and wait?"
mdp.39015016415658Would he get to see her now, after so long?
mdp.39015016415658Would it be all right to ask a girl you did n't love to marry you?
mdp.39015016415658Would she have shunned him?
mdp.39015016415658Would the old man purchase the pig?
mdp.39015016415658Yer tryin'to be sorta techy, hain't yer? ” He made an ugly grimace and pointed a forefinger at her, which he shook rapidly.
mdp.39015016415658Yere workin'hard, hain't ye, nigger?"
mdp.39015016415658You understand, do n't you?"
mdp.39015016415658You wo n't tell, will you, Leonard?"
mdp.39015016415658You wo n't tell, will you?"
mdp.39015016415658You won't — will you?"
mdp.39015016415658Yuh'member Gran'ma, do n't yuh?"
mdp.39015016415658or,"Has Scat started to teethin'yet?"
mdp.39015016415658“ What did Gran'pap want to git a little nigger fer anyhow, Gran'maw?"
mdp.39015016452750Ai n't you brung me somethin'to wake up on?
mdp.39015016452750All right, lard- head, but you wo n't get sore at me if I do n't take your advice?
mdp.39015016452750All through?
mdp.39015016452750And the lady?
mdp.39015016452750Are you all right?
mdp.39015016452750Butler City? mdp.39015016452750 Caroline Morris'boy?"
mdp.39015016452750Could I talk with his secretary? ”. mdp.39015016452750 Darling? ” Mother Serena called to him gently.
mdp.39015016452750Do I look like I need cheering up?
mdp.39015016452750Do n't you wish, now, you'd stayed in Harlem?
mdp.39015016452750Flood Norfleet?
mdp.39015016452750Have one?
mdp.39015016452750Have you anything special in mind? ” he queried. mdp.39015016452750 He goin'ride wid you- all?"
mdp.39015016452750His twin? ”Except for the goatee, ” she said.
mdp.39015016452750Horace- are you drunk? ” “ No! mdp.39015016452750 How did you folks make out with the fire last night? ” he asked.
mdp.39015016452750How is it, then, you know he's a Negro?
mdp.39015016452750How long's he been gone?
mdp.39015016452750How long?
mdp.39015016452750Huh? ” he asked absently, as though he had n't heard. mdp.39015016452750 Hungry?"
mdp.39015016452750I wonder if a man like him has a conscience?
mdp.39015016452750Is anyone else waiting to see me?
mdp.39015016452750Is it all right to smoke? ” I asked Josh. mdp.39015016452750 Is it formal? ”"Oh, no, no, no,"Taz hastened to assure.
mdp.39015016452750Like what, for instance? ” He reached for his drink, without looking, as if it had been there all along. mdp.39015016452750 Miss Addie, ” he chided his wife, “ what you goin'do when they order you out of your own house? ” “ Let me ask you that question, Mr.
mdp.39015016452750Mus’uv skeered hell outta you, did n't they?
mdp.39015016452750Othello King of the Harlem News Examiner?
mdp.39015016452750Reporter? mdp.39015016452750 Secretary?
mdp.39015016452750Sir? ”That'll never do, now."
mdp.39015016452750Solomon Morehouse? ” His tone was disparaging. mdp.39015016452750 Solomon who?"
mdp.39015016452750Tell me, how'd it start? ” I asked him. mdp.39015016452750 That all?"
mdp.39015016452750The better for what?
mdp.39015016452750Then, he's not ill?
mdp.39015016452750To my troubles?
mdp.39015016452750Uh- huh. ” “ The big fat guy?
mdp.39015016452750Was it him? mdp.39015016452750 Wha's all the mystery?"
mdp.39015016452750Wha's dat, Mistuh Boone? ” “ Do n't gi'dat gal too much meat!
mdp.39015016452750What about your folks?
mdp.39015016452750What do you think we ought to do?
mdp.39015016452750What do you want me to say?
mdp.39015016452750What else you hear?
mdp.39015016452750What in hell keep you?
mdp.39015016452750What is this- a one- man conspiracy of silence?
mdp.39015016452750What keep me?
mdp.39015016452750What makes you think so? ” I asked calmly. mdp.39015016452750 What was it you started to ask me, Othello?"
mdp.39015016452750What's in it?
mdp.39015016452750What's your name, by the way?
mdp.39015016452750When you expect him back?
mdp.39015016452750Where is he, then?
mdp.39015016452750Where's Sandra?
mdp.39015016452750Where've you been all this time?
mdp.39015016452750Who, now... now, jes who is it that you puts me in mind of?
mdp.39015016452750Who? mdp.39015016452750 Whut you got on yo hip?"
mdp.39015016452750Why would you want to see her?
mdp.39015016452750Why, uh- why, uh-_ ”Is it coincidence?".
mdp.39015016452750Wo n't you? ” “ Now, may I have one of your cigarettes, please?
mdp.39015016452750Wo n't you? ” “ Now, may I have one of your cigarettes, please?
mdp.39015016452750Women? ”Good Lord, no!"
mdp.39015016452750Would you risk your life for me?
mdp.39015016452750You do n't believe me, do you?
mdp.39015016452750You do n't say?
mdp.39015016452750You do n't think he read them?
mdp.39015016452750You finished?
mdp.39015016452750You goin'let a house decide your future for you?
mdp.39015016452750You gon na give him that interview?
mdp.39015016452750You know what the shooting was about?
mdp.39015016452750You know?
mdp.39015016452750You make these biscuits, Miss Addie? ” I asked with butter- melting sweetness, southern- style. mdp.39015016452750 You mean like Solomon Morehouse want us to be? ”"United, we hold the balance of power in any major election.
mdp.39015016452750You were talking to Whosis- the bell- hop?
mdp.39015016452750'Thello, you ought to know Chivers Bousefield- the Urban- Welfare- League Bousefield?
mdp.39015016452750... Do you have to shoot him?
mdp.39015016452750... Doll Girl, who you say this boy was? ” she turned to me.
mdp.39015016452750... Hello?
mdp.39015016452750... How much you bet me Biggy was even there?"
mdp.39015016452750... What you do to him?".
mdp.39015016452750... What's wrong with her?
mdp.39015016452750... Wrong?
mdp.39015016452750... Yessuh! ” he changed the subject “ — what you goin'have fuh breakfast?"
mdp.39015016452750..."I asked him, “ There any colored folks out there working for Salters?"
mdp.39015016452750..."You say they forced Morehouse to leave with them? ” I asked.
mdp.39015016452750102"You know who twus dis Senator?"
mdp.39015016452750112"Is he all right?
mdp.39015016452750131"Who is it, Doll Girl? ” her mother called from the kitchen.
mdp.39015016452750144 “ Yes, Mother? ” the young woman queried.
mdp.39015016452750Am I right about you? ”"I have a little education.
mdp.39015016452750And I wants a heap of ice in it, too, you hear?"
mdp.39015016452750And what happens?
mdp.39015016452750At this point, I asked, “ Did you notice any marks or bruises on him- like on his face and head?
mdp.39015016452750Ca n't you see he's playing for high stakes?"
mdp.39015016452750Could such a thing happen?
mdp.39015016452750Did he look like he'd been beaten up, I mean?"
mdp.39015016452750Did we ask to come here? ”"The white folks want to send us back to Africa, ” I said.
mdp.39015016452750Did you just recently return from abroad? ” I smiled.
mdp.39015016452750Did you see it?".
mdp.39015016452750Did you think you had me?
mdp.39015016452750Do I make myself clear?"
mdp.39015016452750Do I understand you to say you're going to consult with Solomon Morehouse? ” I nodded.
mdp.39015016452750Do n't she have de police pick me up where me an'dis chick was at?
mdp.39015016452750Do you blame them?
mdp.39015016452750Do you think he'll co- operate?".
mdp.39015016452750Do you want me to listen?"
mdp.39015016452750Does he know you're here? ” “ Not yet. ” “ Mercedes know?"
mdp.39015016452750Does he know you're here? ” “ Not yet. ” “ Mercedes know?"
mdp.39015016452750Get me?"
mdp.39015016452750Have n't We their problem, “ Do he mean more to you than us?"
mdp.39015016452750Have n't we always been a problem?
mdp.39015016452750How about you,'Thello?
mdp.39015016452750How did you know?"
mdp.39015016452750How do you think you got to Chicago?
mdp.39015016452750How you lak dat?
mdp.39015016452750How's that?
mdp.39015016452750I borrowed your tux to wear to a for- mal once, remember?"
mdp.39015016452750I does n't know fuh certain, you understand?
mdp.39015016452750I got a cigar. ”"How about the other boys? ”"You hang onto your cigarettes.
mdp.39015016452750I knew them both, but do you think I'd go gabbing what I know to Tazewell Odum?
mdp.39015016452750I know you'll like her. ”"Do you?"
mdp.39015016452750I never hear tell of any nigger by this name. ”"Oh? ” I said sweetly.
mdp.39015016452750I said,'Baby, if you do's'way wif me, who gon na love you de way yo sweet papa Wardie do?'
mdp.39015016452750I sat beside you all the way. ”"From Brooklyn?"
mdp.39015016452750I think I'm better off that way, do n't you?"
mdp.39015016452750I thought you said you was some official of the United States government?
mdp.39015016452750I wo n't get mad, you hear?"
mdp.39015016452750I'm all set with you?"
mdp.39015016452750I'm only trying to warn you that you may not find your way into print, so wha's the sense wasting your time on a subject which is taboo?
mdp.39015016452750I've been in Chicago a long time. ”"How long?"
mdp.39015016452750Interview him. ”"Interview him how?"
mdp.39015016452750Is you two boys hongrey any?"
mdp.39015016452750Know what I mean?"
mdp.39015016452750Lester asked you to stick around. ”"What did he say about me?"
mdp.39015016452750Mr. Morehouse said,'Well, 35 Senator, would you mind just telling me where we're going?'
mdp.39015016452750Nigger, how you manage to keep so chippie- looking, what I want to know, streamlined- and look at me?
mdp.39015016452750Not him? ” A reckless, foolish- sounding question, I thought.
mdp.39015016452750Not ques-"What difference it make to you anyway?".
mdp.39015016452750Now, does it?
mdp.39015016452750Now, how he goin'find a wife he do n't know huh name, do n't know where she lives at?
mdp.39015016452750Now, is he?"
mdp.39015016452750Othello, do you know you look enough like him to be his twin brother?"
mdp.39015016452750Say, what all become of her, Dolly?"
mdp.39015016452750Tell me, did n't she and Morehouse team up together at one time?
mdp.39015016452750The first one emancipated the colored man from chattel slavery, did n't it?"
mdp.39015016452750Then, who is n't?
mdp.39015016452750Then, why in tarnashun do n't they stay down South where there's room and need for them?
mdp.39015016452750They go out look- 120"I know that. ” “ Them people kidnaped him, you say, and they were holding him up yonder at the Senator's place?"
mdp.39015016452750Thought you could scare me, did n't you?
mdp.39015016452750Us awready is de secret police, ai n't us, George?'
mdp.39015016452750Was it to make some deal with Morehouse?
mdp.39015016452750We have to stay on this side. ” “ Do you mind it?"
mdp.39015016452750Were you here?
mdp.39015016452750Wha's behind all this?
mdp.39015016452750Wha's this all about, anyway?
mdp.39015016452750Wha's your real reason?
mdp.39015016452750What become of your girl friend, the crystal gazer, the one who used to tell fortunes?
mdp.39015016452750What can you be proud of?"
mdp.39015016452750What can you?
mdp.39015016452750What do you like?
mdp.39015016452750What else can Morehouse do but sit there like a brass monkey and keep his thoughts to himself?
mdp.39015016452750What if she were dead?
mdp.39015016452750What is it you want? ”"Simply this, Senator.
mdp.39015016452750What might any Negro and the Klan have in common to talk about?
mdp.39015016452750What more could a man ask for?
mdp.39015016452750What th'hell is the matter with me, anyway?
mdp.39015016452750What will you and the lady have?"
mdp.39015016452750What you mean by calling me heah?
mdp.39015016452750What'll my highbrow neigh- bors think?"
mdp.39015016452750What's Biggy doing over there? ” She had the cutest way of hugging herself and giggling.
mdp.39015016452750What's her address?"
mdp.39015016452750What's this a joke?"
mdp.39015016452750Where is he?"
mdp.39015016452750Where was you? ” As if I could have known about anything outside the terror and desperation of the past twenty- four hours of my life!
mdp.39015016452750Whisonant, are you serious?"
mdp.39015016452750White men do n't like you close up to their women. ”"White women do come here, do n't they? ”.
mdp.39015016452750Who was I to say?
mdp.39015016452750Who would you say?"
mdp.39015016452750Whut you call dem people who fuhgit who dey is an'dey memory is all blank? ” menamnesia victinink he wus."
mdp.39015016452750Why jump down my throat about last night?"
mdp.39015016452750Why should I lie?
mdp.39015016452750Why would I joke about a man I love and respect as I do Mr. Morehouse?
mdp.39015016452750Without turning round to acknowledge either of us, or to lift his head, he inquired, “ Does he seek my help?"
mdp.39015016452750Would you believe it, they wo n't even print the bulletins we send them, even though we offer to pay for the space?
mdp.39015016452750Would you, sho nuff?'
mdp.39015016452750You did n't hear the President's speech? ” There was anger and reproach in his voice.
mdp.39015016452750You did n't see us doing anything, did you?"
mdp.39015016452750You hear me?
mdp.39015016452750You know I ai n't have no time atall to mysef dis evenin'?
mdp.39015016452750You know what I mean?"
mdp.39015016452750You know who all was the three?"
mdp.39015016452750You know, he thought he was way out in de suburbs o ’ Chicago?
mdp.39015016452750You proud of being a Negro?"
mdp.39015016452750You remember coming here?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Am I welcome in your house? ”"Do n't be sarcastic!"
mdp.39015016452750“ Are n't you rushing this thing a bit?
mdp.39015016452750“ Are you all right, Mother?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Are you still stopping at the hotel? ” Surprised and quizzical, I looked her up and down.
mdp.39015016452750“ Dat be a hint?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Did you notify the police or the F.B.I.?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Do n't you see it, Taz?
mdp.39015016452750“ Do you know,"she asked,"do you know who Solomon More- house puts me in mind of?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Does you membuh me tellin'dem two white fellows I took keer de Senator?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Get him to discuss that colonization program. ”"What you want the interview- for your paper?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Go where?"
mdp.39015016452750“ He said that? ” I prodded.
mdp.39015016452750“ He say whom he was going to see in Chicago? ”"He said his wife lived deir, but he do n't even know his wife's name!
mdp.39015016452750“ How come you trust me so?"
mdp.39015016452750“ How could anyone like me have done the things- the great things — this man has done?
mdp.39015016452750“ How did this thing last night start? ” I again asked.
mdp.39015016452750“ How old is she?"
mdp.39015016452750“ How you been, son? ” he asked.
mdp.39015016452750“ I do n't know truthfully. ”"What have the white folks got to be proud of either?"
mdp.39015016452750“ I trust you? ” she reiterated.
mdp.39015016452750“ I was out of town when it happened. ” “ Did n't reach your place?
mdp.39015016452750“ I wonder what all they have done to that poor man?
mdp.39015016452750“ I'll talk to him. ” The"Hello? ” was deceptively softened.
mdp.39015016452750“ Is n't he the one who's trying to get that bill passed?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Is n't that enough?
mdp.39015016452750“ Is that all? ”"What do you mean'Is that all?
mdp.39015016452750“ Is that all? ”"What do you mean'Is that all?
mdp.39015016452750“ Katie, did you ever hear of Solomon Morehouse? ” I asked.
mdp.39015016452750“ Kind of questions?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Not Salters?
mdp.39015016452750“ Okay, son. ”"By the way, Taz, how can I contact Solomon Morehouse?".
mdp.39015016452750“ On to me how?"
mdp.39015016452750“ So, you know Biggy?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Taz got you sore, did n't he?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Tell me — is Mr. Morehouse back?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Then why do n't you quit the race altogether and marry a white man?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Then you plan to ignore him?"
mdp.39015016452750“ They giving a little party tonight, you know — or, do n't you?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Um goin'play Mistuh Big today. ”"Who you tellin'? ”"Shoe fits...""Do n't fit my feet. ”"Um goin'do nuffin'all day. ”"Bes'you do!"
mdp.39015016452750“ What kinda racket is you in? ” he asked me.
mdp.39015016452750“ What sort of proclamation?"
mdp.39015016452750“ What th'hell you quit your job for?
mdp.39015016452750“ What you gon na do with poor little old me?"
mdp.39015016452750“ What you gon na do with this? ” I capitulated.
mdp.39015016452750“ What you talking'bout,'Thello?
mdp.39015016452750“ Will you really go by and see Katherine and tell her how I am?"
mdp.39015016452750“ Would you mind, Mr. King, seeing me home?"
mdp.39015016452750“ You have n't answered my question. ”"What question is that? ”"The interview. ” He regarded me skeptically and half smiled.
mdp.39015016452750“ You know that lil ole high- yallar gal who minds them Stiles Bullock younguns?"
mdp.39015016452750“ You know they goin'print it?"
mdp.39015016452750“ You really want me to be a good boy? ”"I do."
mdp.39015016452750“ You work here?"
mdp.39015011340158About how long we got now?
mdp.39015011340158Accident, maybe?
mdp.39015011340158Ai n't trying to find out how old I am, are you, young feller?
mdp.39015011340158Ai n't you fellers sore on me?
mdp.39015011340158Am on road now?
mdp.39015011340158And by the way, how is the old sheep nurse making out?
mdp.39015011340158And what did you boys decide?
mdp.39015011340158Aw, what you want to make the kid a liar for?
mdp.39015011340158But where we going?
mdp.39015011340158But why in hell did n't you tell us what you had shot?
mdp.39015011340158Cooper killed her? mdp.39015011340158 Did n't you never have a cake with candles when you were a kid?"
mdp.39015011340158Did you ever get fooled?
mdp.39015011340158Do n't 49 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER you think we're cold? mdp.39015011340158 Do n't that strike you funny?"
mdp.39015011340158Ed, did you talk to Step about the little fellow?
mdp.39015011340158Gawd, where'd he learn to shoot like that?
mdp.39015011340158Going to open it now?
mdp.39015011340158Got anything else needs doing?
mdp.39015011340158Got itchy foot already?
mdp.39015011340158Her what?
mdp.39015011340158Hi Boy, where'd you go... in town? mdp.39015011340158 How come you did n't tell them that you was n't meaning to rape her?"
mdp.39015011340158How long you figger we're going to stay here, Step?
mdp.39015011340158How many more hours you figger?
mdp.39015011340158How should I know?
mdp.39015011340158How you feeling?
mdp.39015011340158How you know?
mdp.39015011340158How'd you get here?
mdp.39015011340158How's that?
mdp.39015011340158How's the hand treating you, kid?
mdp.39015011340158I shoot'em good?
mdp.39015011340158Is he her pimp?
mdp.39015011340158Jeez, Cooper? mdp.39015011340158 Jeez, there's other guys on this train, why'd he have to pick on us?"
mdp.39015011340158Now what the hell's eating him?
mdp.39015011340158Reckon you know near everybody in and out of Yakima since the town was a town, do n't you?
mdp.39015011340158Say, what kind of an egg is he, anyway?
mdp.39015011340158Say, you mean you took Anna by Mag's again?
mdp.39015011340158Sit still, will you?
mdp.39015011340158So what did he finally do?
mdp.39015011340158So what? mdp.39015011340158 So what?"
mdp.39015011340158So, what is mad for?
mdp.39015011340158Sure, what is it?
mdp.39015011340158That good for him?
mdp.39015011340158The kid's a laugh, ai n't he?
mdp.39015011340158Then what the hell was the idea?
mdp.39015011340158Things did n't go so good?
mdp.39015011340158We go sleep?
mdp.39015011340158Well, what did you say?
mdp.39015011340158Well, what do you say?
mdp.39015011340158Well, what of it?
mdp.39015011340158Well, what you got?
mdp.39015011340158What about the thunder?
mdp.39015011340158What did you tell Step?
mdp.39015011340158What for?
mdp.39015011340158What for?
mdp.39015011340158What good are those keys without the house to go with them?
mdp.39015011340158What happened to her?
mdp.39015011340158What is it?
mdp.39015011340158What is rheumatum?
mdp.39015011340158What kept you?
mdp.39015011340158What kind of white trash has the wind blowed in?
mdp.39015011340158What reason?
mdp.39015011340158What say we get a bottle of Chinese saki and make a real party out of it?
mdp.39015011340158What started the shooting?
mdp.39015011340158What the hell are you talking about?
mdp.39015011340158What the hell?
mdp.39015011340158What was you doing in Seattle?
mdp.39015011340158What woman?
mdp.39015011340158What you mean?
mdp.39015011340158What you reckon makes people like that?
mdp.39015011340158What you think he meant by that?
mdp.39015011340158What'11 it be, sirs?
mdp.39015011340158What'd you do that for?
mdp.39015011340158What'd you kill?
mdp.39015011340158What'd you say?
mdp.39015011340158What're we going to do?
mdp.39015011340158What's eating you — are you sick?
mdp.39015011340158What's eating you?
mdp.39015011340158What's the idea of the pillows?
mdp.39015011340158What's the matter with him? mdp.39015011340158 What's the matter?"
mdp.39015011340158What's wrong with her?
mdp.39015011340158What* d you do to her?
mdp.39015011340158Whazza matter? mdp.39015011340158 Where you been?"
mdp.39015011340158Where you fellers headed to?
mdp.39015011340158Where you going to?
mdp.39015011340158Where you gun?
mdp.39015011340158Where you headed?
mdp.39015011340158Where you think he'd be?
mdp.39015011340158Where'd you find him?
mdp.39015011340158Where's Step?
mdp.39015011340158Where's Step?
mdp.39015011340158Who was her folks?
mdp.39015011340158Who was she?
mdp.39015011340158Who you talking about?
mdp.39015011340158Who'd you think it was — Gabriel? mdp.39015011340158 Who's going in town?"
mdp.39015011340158Who's this guy Cooper?
mdp.39015011340158Whose kid is he?
mdp.39015011340158Why ca n't you tell him that yourself?
mdp.39015011340158Why do n't you go after the little fellow? mdp.39015011340158 Why do you ask that?"
mdp.39015011340158Why do you have to be moving on from one farm to the other? mdp.39015011340158 Why do you want to go into town?"
mdp.39015011340158Why mad?
mdp.39015011340158Why not just leave the boy and come back in an hour or so?
mdp.39015011340158Why you trying to save the bastard?
mdp.39015011340158Whyn't you just take the whole evening off?
mdp.39015011340158Whyn't you throw that thing away and get you a whole dog?
mdp.39015011340158You ai n't going to cut nothing off, are you, Doc?
mdp.39015011340158You ai n't no snakes, are you, buddy?
mdp.39015011340158You all right, Anna?
mdp.39015011340158You awake?
mdp.39015011340158You boys know anything about sheep?
mdp.39015011340158You coming, Step?
mdp.39015011340158You feel all right?
mdp.39015011340158You got any sardines left?
mdp.39015011340158You got everything?
mdp.39015011340158You just got ta whistle?
mdp.39015011340158You mean the kind that wear the grass and wig- gles their stomachs?
mdp.39015011340158You mean, because everywhere they go they muss everything up?
mdp.39015011340158You sure she was n't hurt bad?
mdp.39015011340158You sure you feel okay?
mdp.39015011340158You sure?
mdp.39015011340158You think he can hold out until we get to the flat country?
mdp.39015011340158You think she's going to be all right?
mdp.39015011340158You want to do me a favor?
mdp.39015011340158You want to get us locked up? mdp.39015011340158 You will?"
mdp.39015011340158Your buddies too?
mdp.39015011340158iSe rinde? mdp.39015011340158 '7 LET ME BREATHE THUNDERSee this kid?"
mdp.39015011340158/// LET ME BREATHE THUNDER “ You mean he was jealous of some other feller? ” asked Belle.
mdp.39015011340158178 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER to cut the south route of?
mdp.39015011340158183 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER"Why?"
mdp.39015011340158214 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER"But what about the kid?"
mdp.39015011340158A mess of elephants? ” asked Step.
mdp.39015011340158After a silence he said:"You hear what the wheels is saying?"
mdp.39015011340158Ai n't I right? ” he asked.
mdp.39015011340158Ai n't the government doing nothing about that? ” 86 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER"All they can, I guess.
mdp.39015011340158Ai n't you through with him for good, after what he did? ” “ Belle said last night that some girls have a lot of trouble the first time.
mdp.39015011340158And except for my occasional"How many more hours?"
mdp.39015011340158And where, other than school, could fellers like us pick up table manners?
mdp.39015011340158Any room?"
mdp.39015011340158Are you God or some- body?
mdp.39015011340158Black or white, it's all the same on the road. ” “ You ever see'em sitting in store windows in Seattle? ” asked Wizened Face.
mdp.39015011340158Did you ever hear a lark whistle in the early morn- ing when everything is fresh and cool?
mdp.39015011340158Do n't you guys have sense enough to know when to keep your mouths shut?
mdp.39015011340158English? ” Step asked.
mdp.39015011340158He should try to rape her in the front room and Mag is in the kitchen?"
mdp.39015011340158He turned on me:"Jeez, why you all the time have to say so damn much?
mdp.39015011340158He'll be sorry to see us go, I betcha. ” “ Say, you ai n't getting soft, are you? ” he inquired.
mdp.39015011340158Hell, why should we give somebody three weeks ’ work? ” The screen door slammed, and we could hear foot- steps on the stoop.
mdp.39015011340158I guess it was n't his fault'cause I was so dumb. ” “ Look here, ” I said, “ you ai n't figuring on having any more truck with that guy?
mdp.39015011340158I had to shake the arm violently to make him notice the g"P-"What's happened?
mdp.39015011340158I tried to question him as we ran:"What's happened?
mdp.39015011340158Let's knock off and catch up on our eating, what say?"
mdp.39015011340158Maybe you think you done something to poke out your chest about? ” “ Cut it, ” he gritted.
mdp.39015011340158Must be Sampson's. ” “ Yeah, that's it. ” “ Must have seen them loading some of his lambs down at the pens, did n't you? ” asked Mag.
mdp.39015011340158Safely out of sight of the yard, I angrily turned on him: “ Whazza matter?
mdp.39015011340158She's dead?"
mdp.39015011340158Step, where are you? ” I called.
mdp.39015011340158That's fair, huh?"
mdp.39015011340158Then to Sampson:"What's he talking about?"
mdp.39015011340158Then:"Where do they hang out, anyway?"
mdp.39015011340158They all died o'some kinda sickness while they was in a training camp. ” “ Mary was his wife, huh? ” I prompted.
mdp.39015011340158Trying to make her feel bad?
mdp.39015011340158What did you do all day?"
mdp.39015011340158What'd you mean, I was scared?
mdp.39015011340158What're you trying to do?
mdp.39015011340158What's happened?"
mdp.39015011340158What's happened?"
mdp.39015011340158What's it all about?"
mdp.39015011340158What's the mat- ter?"
mdp.39015011340158Whazza matter?"
mdp.39015011340158When the train stops drop down to the tracks and crawl like hell. ” “ What about us? ” I whispered.
mdp.39015011340158Who said so?"
mdp.39015011340158Whyn't you wait till the train stopped?"
mdp.39015011340158Women or whisky? ” puzzled Step to himself.
mdp.39015011340158You got to leave her alone. ” “ What you mean I got to leave her alone? ” he asked harshly.
mdp.39015011340158You know, what place?"
mdp.39015011340158You lucky to have a buddy like him. ” “ Where's all your guns? ” asked Step quickly.
mdp.39015011340158You trying to get us thrown out of here on our ears? ” He regarded me with disgust.
mdp.39015011340158You would n't take your hand and stir up that nest of rattlesnakes under your back doorstep, would you?"
mdp.39015011340158all dead. ” “ What'd you bag, kid?
mdp.39015011340158are n't thinking about leaving any time soon, are you?"
mdp.39015011340158but the thing is, will the girl keep her mouth shut?"
mdp.39015011340158ig6 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER"Go see?"
mdp.39015011340158jSe rinde?"
mdp.39015011340158or to say good morning? ” “ Maybe she did n't hear us. ” “ The hell you say she did n't, ” he cried.
mdp.39015011340158r 75 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER “ Where'd you learn that? ” I asked.
mdp.39015011340158“ Ai n’t a secret, is it? ” 98 LET ME BREATHE THUNDER She laughed.
mdp.39015011340158“ Ai n’t you scared of getting a stone bruise? ” “ Never had a stone bruise. ” “ Boy, they're awful, ” he said, kicking in the dust.
mdp.39015011340158“ And he's getting out of here when this train stops, do n't forget. ” “ Got another smoke? ” said Cooper.
mdp.39015011340158“ Anna? ” He could not answer.
mdp.39015011340158“ Any ice? ” called Step from the ground.
mdp.39015011340158“ Any mountains where you come from, kid? ” asked Step.
mdp.39015011340158“ Aw, c'm on, Step, ” I pleaded, “ the kid's waiting. ” “ What the hell's eating you? ” he snapped.
mdp.39015011340158“ Aw, what'd you do that for? ” I asked.
mdp.39015011340158“ Aw, who ever said I was going to bother her, softie? ” And he slapped me on the shoulder.
mdp.39015011340158“ Ca n't you see he's stalling? ” “ It ai n't no stall, ” said Cooper.
mdp.39015011340158“ Coming or not? ” Looking back over his shoulder at me, he herded the kid into the aisle.
mdp.39015011340158“ Did n't you get nothing when you were a kid and it was your birth- day? ” “ Sure, I got something, ” he said.
mdp.39015011340158“ Did you have flapjacks? ” “ Naw, what'd be the use?
mdp.39015011340158“ Did you have flapjacks? ” “ Naw, what'd be the use?
mdp.39015011340158“ Do n’t you know any other words? ” And his grip became a rough caress.
mdp.39015011340158“ Everything all right, sirs? ” It was the dining- car waiter standing in front of our table.
mdp.39015011340158“ Go ahead; what the hell's the difference? ” Mag strode into the room as Step started to rush out.
mdp.39015011340158“ Got any ready- mades? ” I gave him a cigarette and lit one for myself.
mdp.39015011340158“ Have n't you forgotten something? ” he asked my buddy.
mdp.39015011340158“ Hi Boy ai n't no dummy. ” “ What you getting on me for? ” “ I ai n't getting on you. ” He glanced around de- fiantly.
mdp.39015011340158“ How much do they charge for food here? ” I asked it just to change the subject.
mdp.39015011340158“ How'd you like to be riding a train all the time without no- body to talk to? ” “ Stop, you're killing me, ” he mocked.
mdp.39015011340158“ I ’ve been in those diners. ” “ You have? ” “ Sure.
mdp.39015011340158“ Jeez, how can you be so simple and live? ” That was his final comment.
mdp.39015011340158“ Just do n't give a damn if we get closed up, do you? ” He hit her across the breast with the side of his hand.
mdp.39015011340158“ More coffee? ” suggested the waiter.
mdp.39015011340158“ See that kid? ” The ex- jockey pointed at Hi Boy.
mdp.39015011340158“ Seems funny to you, do n't it, that folks like us can get the wind up over each other?
mdp.39015011340158“ She's under age, ai n't she?
mdp.39015011340158“ Speak English?
mdp.39015011340158“ Still hunt like you used to? ” “ Sure, only it ai n't open season on nothing but rabbits and ground hogs now.
mdp.39015011340158“ Want us to drop him by the doc's to get that hand looked at? ” asked Step.
mdp.39015011340158“ Want your socks now? ” he asked me.
mdp.39015011340158“ Was n't it just last night...? ” “ Guess so, ” I said.
mdp.39015011340158“ We just wanted to make sure. ” “ What we going to do? ” I whispered after the waiter had gone.
mdp.39015011340158“ Well, what the hell you standing out here for? ” she cried.
mdp.39015011340158“ What about you, Step? ” I asked.
mdp.39015011340158“ What did he do? ” I asked.
mdp.39015011340158“ What you think of that little piece of business? ” “ Jeez, you could knock over a whole flock of ducks with this, ” he exclaimed.
mdp.39015011340158“ What's that? ” puzzled the waiter.
mdp.39015011340158“ What's the hurry all of a sudden? ” He slapped the tail against his thigh.
mdp.39015011340158“ What's the matter, getting yellow? ” “ You know that ai n't so.
mdp.39015011340158“ Where you running to? ” she asked softly.
mdp.39015011340158“ Whyn't you children come on in for a few min- utes? ” she hollered.
mdp.39015011340158“ Women or whisky?
mdp.39015011340158“ You ai n't hinting that we ought to stay here? ” “ Naw.
mdp.39015011340158“ You ai n't sore on me no more, are you? ” he asked Step.
mdp.39015011340158“ You and him been traveling together a long time? ” she asked, seating herself on the railing of the station yard.
mdp.39015011340158“ You fellers wo n't never say nothing, will you? ” “ If you want to take the rap, it ai n't my business to say you ca n't, ” I told him.
mdp.39015011340158“ You game to eat in the diner? ” burst out of him.
mdp.39015011340158“ You know where you're going? ” I asked Step after we had walked a distance.
mdp.39015011340158“ You like honey? ” she asked.
mdp.39015011340158“ You say breakfast is getting cold? ” he asked.
mdp.39015011340158“ You seen her this morning? ” “ Naw, not yet. ” “ Suppose she's told? ” “ You woke up, did n't you?
mdp.39015011340158“ You seen her this morning? ” “ Naw, not yet. ” “ Suppose she's told? ” “ You woke up, did n't you?
mdp.39015011340158“ You seen her this morning? ” “ Naw, not yet. ” “ Suppose she's told? ” “ You woke up, did n't you?
mdp.39015011340158“ You suppose it's gon na rain? ” asked Step.
mdp.39015046438019Do you like your work-- is it hard?
mdp.39015046438019Going to send him abroad to study? ” care- lessly inquired Pollock. mdp.39015046438019 I'd jes'like to know,"said Sister Mary Jane Robinson, with a hand on each hip, “ I'd jes'like to know who asked the'400'fer eny o'thar help?
mdp.39015046438019Is it that I have behaved unmanly in visiting your room in your absence? mdp.39015046438019 Ma, ” said Dora after a silence, “ why is it that Southern colored people seem to be so prejudiced against the Northern colored people?
mdp.39015046438019What do you mean? ” demanded Mr. Clapp, growing white with suppressed passion. mdp.39015046438019 What have I done, what have I done to suffer thus?
mdp.39015046438019Where would your choice fall for the estab- lishment of such a paradise? ” asked Doctor Lewis with a smile. mdp.39015046438019 Why dangerous?
mdp.39015046438019Why do you cry, mother dear, if the idea is not unpleasant to you? ” asked Will, some- what alarmed by her tears. mdp.39015046438019 Why do you tell me this?
mdp.39015046438019Why should you care so much for me? ” she asked wistfully. mdp.39015046438019 'Begorra,'replied Pat, “ an'is it a guvimint they have here? mdp.39015046438019 'Gemplemen, is you ready?' mdp.39015046438019 'Like it?' mdp.39015046438019 'Mandy Jackson, did you hear Mary Jane Robberson talk? mdp.39015046438019 'shamed to talk like that to an oľ''ooman? mdp.39015046438019 181 ings against Sappho on that account, do you? mdp.39015046438019 195 What became of Sally?
mdp.39015046438019207 66 John Langley has acted tonight, I'd stay at home. ” “ Do you remember how his message read? ” asked her brother.
mdp.39015046438019277 As we read of the deeds of such men the question will obtrude itself: Is it the fore- ordained destiny of some to achieve greatness?
mdp.39015046438019297 before the law?
mdp.39015046438019311"You do not think me presumptuous?
mdp.39015046438019327 “ When did you see her last? ” he asked finally.
mdp.39015046438019363 She smoothed down her long white apron as she murmured to herself:"'Phelia, whar is you? ” She was evidently embarrassed.
mdp.3901504643801995 What's the trouble?'
mdp.39015046438019A'ooman's got a right to git merried, ai n't she? ” Mrs. Davis was now fairly started 366 CONTENDING FORCES.
mdp.39015046438019After a moment's silence the Colonel said: “ Your folks are going to have a meeting about this last atrocious affair, are n't they?'
mdp.39015046438019After the second verse'Phelia saw the distrac- tion she was makin', an'she says to me, says she:'How's thet, Sarah Ann?
mdp.39015046438019Am I different from other men who have made like proposals to a fille de joie? ” THE BITTER ARROW.
mdp.39015046438019An'thet remin's me, how much o'the property is to be resarved fer you? ” 56 CONTENDING FORCES.
mdp.39015046438019And must I remain in servitude?
mdp.39015046438019And what shall I say in reply to so gallant a speech, Mr. Langley?
mdp.39015046438019And who do you think had done this foul crime?
mdp.39015046438019And your teeth, your beautiful white teeth, where will they be shortly if you persist in eat- ing a pound of bonbons every day?
mdp.39015046438019Any more votes? ” He paused and looked around.
mdp.39015046438019Anything new for the committee to- night?"
mdp.39015046438019Anything unreasonable in that? ” “ No; that is n't unreasonable, but dit all, man, other employees would'kick.''
mdp.39015046438019Are you a Chris- tian? ” Then she saw an ivory crucifix sus- MA SMITH'S LODGING- HOUSE.
mdp.39015046438019As he returned her greeting another voice said: “ How d'y do?
mdp.39015046438019As she turned a hand was laid gently on her arm, and Will Smith's gay voice sounded in her ear: “ Whither away, fair lady? ” THE FAIR CONCLUDED.
mdp.39015046438019Be yer hurt much, Hank?"
mdp.39015046438019Beat, am I?
mdp.39015046438019Because a man is engaged to one girl does that spoil all the pleasure which lies in meet- ing others?
mdp.39015046438019But how could it be otherwise?
mdp.39015046438019By what art of necromancy had such a distin- guished woman been evolved from among the brutalized aftermath of slavery?
mdp.39015046438019Ca n't blame him for feeling wrathy over such a fortune as that, can you, Lewis?
mdp.39015046438019Can I do nothing to help myself, since all hope is gone in that direction? ” Just then a group of men paused in front of him.
mdp.39015046438019Can the blind lead the blind?
mdp.39015046438019Can you explain this? ” “ No, I can not; to my way of thinking the whole thing is a Chinese puzzle. ” Bless my soul!
mdp.39015046438019Can you keep this secret, and will you try and be patient until I can accomplish my purpose? ” 74 CONTENDING FORCES.
mdp.39015046438019Can you, gentlemen, explain this to me?
mdp.39015046438019Clorindy, gal, ” she called to a young woman who was placing trees in position, “ what kin'o'way do you call that to put them trees?
mdp.39015046438019Colored people wo n't stick together; and then where'd you be? ” “ We'd stick all right if once we got started,"returned John doggedly.
mdp.39015046438019Could it be pos- sible that she was about to lose her son?
mdp.39015046438019Could it be pos- sible that she was the same happy girl whose smiling face had been given back from the mir- ror so radiantly a short hour ago?
mdp.39015046438019Could it be possible that this strange, unexpected confession had come from the beautiful girl they knew so well?
mdp.39015046438019Dan thet was tarred an'feathered fer selling good likely whiskey ter niggers?
mdp.39015046438019Did you never think that today the black race on this conti- nent has developed into a race of mulattoes?"
mdp.39015046438019Didn'hyar nuthin''bout a circus up our way, did yer? ” Bill scratched his chin and shook his head in the negative.
mdp.39015046438019Do I cover your ground?
mdp.39015046438019Do n't suppose you know much'bout this Science business, do you?"
mdp.39015046438019Do n't yer fool yerself'bout thet, now, will yer?
mdp.39015046438019Do n't you ever expect to marry, and do n't you speculate about the pros and cons and the maybes and perhapses of the situation?"
mdp.39015046438019Do such ex- amples as these render the Negro gentle and pacific?
mdp.39015046438019Do you believe marriage is the beautiful state it is painted by writers?"
mdp.39015046438019Do you ever see them nowadays?
mdp.39015046438019Do you mean to insinuate that a man can not do as he will with his own property?
mdp.39015046438019Do you not remember the planters from Georgia and Carolina who fought for good King George, and were stanch Royal- ists?
mdp.39015046438019Do you think it is possible to preach'peace'to a man like me? ” The house was filled with the cries and groans of the audience.
mdp.39015046438019Do you want to create a public scandal? ” He suc- ceeded in separating them, and then threw him.
mdp.39015046438019Dora felt aggrieved and ill- treated; and who could blame her?
mdp.39015046438019Ever hear me say Ise better'n enybody else in this chuch?
mdp.39015046438019From the South the cry was: “ Can nothing be done? ” “ Where is Massachusetts?
mdp.39015046438019From the South the cry was: “ Can nothing be done? ” “ Where is Massachusetts?
mdp.39015046438019Had you no confidence in my love for you?
mdp.39015046438019Has our old friend been turned against us at last?
mdp.39015046438019Has your love for Dora turned to hate, that you can deliberately humiliate the girl you have wished to make your wife, as you have her?"
mdp.39015046438019He gits his cellery, do n't he? ” she queried, as she glared at the group about her.
mdp.39015046438019He is n't a fasci- nator, or anything of that sort; he's just good. ” “ Who is he? ” asked Sappho, with languid interest.
mdp.39015046438019How are the refreshments going?
mdp.39015046438019How did he find it out?
mdp.39015046438019How did she look?
mdp.39015046438019How did we get our complexions, soft curls and regular features?
mdp.39015046438019How'bout it, honeys, how'bout it? ” Sister Mary Jane Robinson was carried home sick in a herdic.
mdp.39015046438019How'd it do to imagine that you're my mother?
mdp.39015046438019How's the city election going down your way, anyhow?"
mdp.39015046438019Howdy, Hank ”; returned Bill, surveying the other curiously, “ whar in time did you drap from? ” Hank did not reply directly.
mdp.39015046438019I ask you what you think the American Colonies would have done if they had suffered as we have suffered and are still suffering?
mdp.39015046438019I mean how can we eliminate pas- sion from our lives, and emerge into the purity which marked the life of Christ?
mdp.39015046438019I mean, do you think that God will hold us responsible for the illegitimacy with which our race has been obliged, as it were, to flood the world?
mdp.39015046438019I notice that you call him “ John P.: What's the P for? ”"Pollock — John Pollock Langley.
mdp.39015046438019I says, not thinkin'what wurds I was goin'ter utter: ‘ Mornin', Cap'n; how's yer corporosity seem to segashiate?'
mdp.39015046438019I suppose you'll accept it if you pull it off?"
mdp.39015046438019I tol'him I did n't care a bit ef they was signs; why did n't he trot'em out when I asked him fer'em fust?
mdp.39015046438019Is it any more so for me than for those who left England to build a home here in the wilderness?"
mdp.39015046438019Is n't it most time for the Administration to take it up?
mdp.39015046438019Is n't that right, Mr. Pollock? ” Pollock stood a little apart, gazing in amaze- ment at the scene before him.
mdp.39015046438019Is n't that so, mummie mine? ” laughed Dora, as she wiped a suspi.
mdp.39015046438019Is such a race as this fit at the present time to carry enlightenment into a savage and barbarous country?
mdp.39015046438019Is this not so?
mdp.39015046438019It came instantly: “ How could it be otherwise?
mdp.39015046438019It is n't a crime, is it, for a man to make a fire for his women folks?"
mdp.39015046438019It is only when the subjective part of man exists as a distinct entity, then, that you think the presence of God is made clear to him?"
mdp.39015046438019It was a wedding present to your grandmother. ” “ Did you have kerosene in those days, ma? ” asked Dora.
mdp.39015046438019It's at the Boston Theatre tonight; do n't you want to go, Dora? ” Dora's eyes sparkled as he held the two tickets before her.
mdp.39015046438019Jesse seated himself; and then as the child continued to cry, said:'Shall I rock the cradle for you, ma'am?
mdp.39015046438019Lord love ye, how d'y do? ” Then he saw that a large green parrot was perched on the back of the chair in which Madam Frances was seated.
mdp.39015046438019Man has no title to the property until he has permission to hold it eternally. ” “ And then?"
mdp.39015046438019Mary Jane Robberson thinks she's goin'to down me in this here refreshment room, but jes'you wait'tel Friday night! ” “ What about Friday night?"
mdp.39015046438019Massa ketch yer, what'd he do?
mdp.39015046438019Must repented and atoned- for sin rise at last to be our curse?"
mdp.39015046438019Must you suffer, too? ” “ Do n't pity me, Will! ” she exclaimed with flashing eyes.
mdp.39015046438019My son, will you not be persuaded?'
mdp.39015046438019No,"was the reply, “ but I expect him Sit down, wo n't you?
mdp.39015046438019Now what do yer think they was a- doin'?"
mdp.39015046438019Oh, Mis'Davis,'says she,'has we got to walk all the way up thet aisle with one o'them white gemplemen?'
mdp.39015046438019Ought she not to have told her husband before marriage?
mdp.39015046438019Pollock, ” he began abruptly, “ I'm worried. ”"What about?
mdp.39015046438019Reconstruction is a failure, then? ” asked Mr. Withington.
mdp.39015046438019SHALL tongues be mute when deeds are wrought Which well might shame extremest hell?
mdp.39015046438019Shall Honor bleed?
mdp.39015046438019Shall Pity's bosom cease to swell?
mdp.39015046438019Shall pen and press and soul be dumb?
mdp.39015046438019She laid her cheek against his as she said:"I know only too well all you have gone through. ”"Why did you leave me, Sappho?
mdp.39015046438019Smith, I presume?"
mdp.39015046438019Some in my body, but more in my feelin's. ” “ What ar'we a- comin'to?
mdp.39015046438019Sure thar's plenty o'whiskey an'stuff in the cellur?
mdp.39015046438019THE DAYS 33 BEFORE THE WAR. ” Ef I was an alligater what'd I do?
mdp.39015046438019Tell them to me, Sappho. ” “ Nay, ” she said at length, “ why should I?
mdp.39015046438019The child looked at her earnestly a moment, and then said: “ Mamma, why are you always so sad when you sit on the terrace alone?'
mdp.39015046438019The mother sighed as she asked: “ Did you give her the front or back square? ” “ Oh, I gave her the front square after all.
mdp.39015046438019Then I s''ll be willin'to rent the house ef you git a good tenant? ” “ Yes; I suppose so."
mdp.39015046438019They were silent for some time, and then Will said:"Miss Clark is a very beautiful woman; do n't you think so, John?"
mdp.39015046438019WHAT is it to die?
mdp.39015046438019WILT, YOU GO?"
mdp.39015046438019Wall,'twas this here way: Jed Powers, you ʼmember Dan Powers'Jed, don'yer?
mdp.39015046438019Was he ever a lover of yours? ” “ Lover!
mdp.39015046438019Was it not her duty to have thrown herself upon his clemency? ” “ I think not, ” replied Mrs. Willis dryly.
mdp.39015046438019Was n't it a mercy thet we was n't stuck in the mortar?
mdp.39015046438019Was this what they came to hear- an apology, almost an eulogy upon the course pur- sued by the South toward the Negro?
mdp.39015046438019We do n't want to quar- rel, do we?
mdp.39015046438019Well, Dora, ” said her mother, as she bustled about the room, “ does the young woman seem pleased with your arrangements?
mdp.39015046438019What I want to know is: Do you ever mean to marry, or are you going to pine in single blessedness on my hands and be a bachelor- maid to the end?"
mdp.39015046438019What are the uses of education anyhow?
mdp.39015046438019What are you goin'to do with it?"
mdp.39015046438019What becomes of such a class as this when hampered by rules and laws made to fit the needs of the Black Belt?
mdp.39015046438019What do you expect? ” “ But you must n't make my fire again. ” “ I am sorry you found it out; I did n't intend you to know it."
mdp.39015046438019What do you think I've been doing since I've been in the law business in this city?
mdp.39015046438019What do you think of reason and religion, Mr. Smith? ” asked the free- thinker, impressed with the intelligence of his comments.
mdp.39015046438019What do you want, anyhow? ” “ We want our men given something beside boot- blacking in the employment of the state.
mdp.39015046438019What does a woman of mixed blood, or any Negress, for that matter, know of virtue?
mdp.39015046438019What does the beggar mean? ” he asked himself more than once that night.
mdp.39015046438019What for?
mdp.39015046438019What had come to him now at the glance of a soft, fawn- like eye, the touch of a hand, a caressing smile, the sound of a sweet voice?
mdp.39015046438019What has changed the status of his citizenship?
mdp.39015046438019What have we to expect from our friends? ” “ Now, look here, Langley, do n't say hard things, and do n't get mad.
mdp.39015046438019What is it you want to say? ” he asked, becoming grave in his turn.
mdp.39015046438019What is it, Will?
mdp.39015046438019What is our duty? ” queried the girl, with a sad droop to the sensi- tive mouth.
mdp.39015046438019What is so great as friendship?
mdp.39015046438019What section has not?
mdp.39015046438019What would the world say if it could see that brilliant, vivid, flashing beauty that the mirror gave back to her astonished gaze?
mdp.39015046438019What would you have?
mdp.39015046438019What you know'bout ‘ full hands an'pots? ” Who give himself'way, Brother Jones?
mdp.39015046438019What you know'bout ‘ full hands an'pots? ” Who give himself'way, Brother Jones?
mdp.39015046438019What's the committee doin''bout it? ” “ Wall, we sot out to stop thet fun, anyhow.
mdp.39015046438019Where could a more atrocious crime be perpetrated?
mdp.39015046438019Where did you learn?"
mdp.39015046438019Where find excuses for such ingratitude?
mdp.39015046438019Where had he heard that name before?
mdp.39015046438019Where is there peace for men like me?
mdp.39015046438019Where was the usually pale, sad face that it reflected?
mdp.39015046438019Where, with such a face and complexion, had she imbibed a moral character so strong and self- reliant as her conduct had shown her to possess?
mdp.39015046438019Who could be moving through the house at that hour?
mdp.39015046438019Who was she to stand in the way of her son's happiness-a son whom she loved?
mdp.39015046438019Who's the bottom o'this thing? ” Bill produced a plug of tobacco, offered his friend a chew and took one himself.
mdp.39015046438019Who, me?"
mdp.39015046438019Why cavil about a little thing of that sort?
mdp.39015046438019Why do you doubt? ”"You have known me such a short time,"she protested."
mdp.39015046438019Why do you tell your thoughts to me, who am Dora's friend?
mdp.39015046438019Why had he never heard of this relationship before?
mdp.39015046438019Why should we wonder or question, then, when we see the steady advance of a race overriding the barriers set by prejudice and injustice?
mdp.39015046438019Why should you be bothered with them?"
mdp.39015046438019Why, Monsieur Louis?"
mdp.39015046438019Will the Republic learn the value of the black children of her adoption when it is too late?
mdp.39015046438019Willis, there is one thing which puzzles me- how are we to overcome the nature which is given us?
mdp.39015046438019You are bound for Newbern in the morning, are n't you?
mdp.39015046438019You are not angry?
mdp.39015046438019You ca n't expect us to stand this sort of thing always, and not strike back. ”"What'd you gain by doing that? ” ques- tioned Mr. Clapp.
mdp.39015046438019You ca n't find fault with that, surely. ” “ How silly you are. ” “ No likee me for sonny?"
mdp.39015046438019You do n't know anything about that up here, do you?
mdp.39015046438019You know what that means, don'yer, honey?
mdp.39015046438019You remember the story told the night of the public meeting of the League by Luke Sawyer — the night I fainted?
mdp.39015046438019You seem to be troubled; what is it?
mdp.39015046438019and if not foreordained, would these same great ones remain inert and impotent like the mediocre majority?
mdp.39015046438019are you both mad?
mdp.39015046438019asked Mrs. Davis, as she leaned forward to catch the words of the speaker;"colored people improvin'in ther manners?
mdp.39015046438019classic features and a godlike mind?
mdp.39015046438019cumstances the Government ought to assist the Negro to leave the country? ” asked Mr. With- ington.
mdp.39015046438019do it?"
mdp.39015046438019how can I live and write these words?
mdp.39015046438019ization. ” “ What about the crime of rape? ” asked Mr. Withington.
mdp.39015046438019must I be shut from them forever?"
mdp.39015046438019o love my love — how can I give you up?
mdp.39015046438019shall we never lose the sting of deg- radation?
mdp.39015046438019sorry about what?
mdp.39015046438019that I shall not enjoy a part of the wealth which you see about me?"
mdp.39015046438019want me?"
mdp.39015046438019wealth, fame, health, and all other good things will flow in a stream, and our delight remain permanent?"
mdp.39015046438019what has happened?
mdp.39015046438019who can paint such a scene?
mdp.39015046438019who can think of them without a quicker heart- throb and a wildly fluttering pulse?
mdp.39015046438019will you go?"
mdp.39015046438019will you go?"
mdp.39015046438019yas, I wants ter know what's the matter? ” Here the irate woman sawed THE FAIR.
mdp.39015046438019you can gain redress from the Federal government? ”"Constitutional equity is a political fiction, ” laughed Will.
mdp.39015046438019— shall Truth succumb?
mdp.39015046438019“ And all this secrecy was for what?"
mdp.39015046438019“ And then what? ” asked Mrs. Willis, with a searching glance at the fair face beside her.
mdp.39015046438019“ And what is this reason or thought which you feel will do so much?
mdp.39015046438019“ And who is the happy man?"
mdp.39015046438019“ But what keeps Sappho so late?
mdp.39015046438019“ Can you imagine what a night was passed by that family?
mdp.39015046438019“ Do I understand them to mean that I shall be defeated in my plans?
mdp.39015046438019“ Do n't you care for me a little? ” he asked anxiously, “ or have I been living in a fool's paradise the past two months?"
mdp.39015046438019“ Do n't you care for me a little? ” he asked anxiously, “ or have I been living in a fool's paradise the past two months?"
mdp.39015046438019“ Do what every day? ”"Why, make my fire? ”* It's not your fire any more than anyone else's fire. ” LOVE TOOK UP THE HARP OF LIFE."
mdp.39015046438019“ Do what every day? ”"Why, make my fire? ”* It's not your fire any more than anyone else's fire. ” LOVE TOOK UP THE HARP OF LIFE."
mdp.39015046438019“ Do you do this every day? ” asked Sapp!
mdp.39015046438019“ Do you not know that that story has been proven false all through?
mdp.39015046438019“ Do you think, then, that Negro women will be held responsible for all the lack of virtue that is being laid to their charge today?
mdp.39015046438019“ Does not your conscience answer?
mdp.39015046438019“ Good even- ing; now Mr. Smith, what be you an'Miss Sappho goin'to have?
mdp.39015046438019“ Hamm and his bride looked mighty com- futble in chuch Sunday, did n't they? ” “ He did.
mdp.39015046438019“ Have I frightened you?
mdp.39015046438019“ Have I said anything wrong, mamma? ” he asked anxiously.
mdp.39015046438019“ How did you finally succeed in getting work?
mdp.39015046438019“ How do you do?"
mdp.39015046438019“ How else ought I to look at it? ” “ How horrid you are. ” “ Horrid!
mdp.39015046438019“ How will she take it? ” he asked himself.
mdp.39015046438019“ How's things up yer way?"
mdp.39015046438019“ I had no idea you were the fireman, Mr. Smith. ” “ No?
mdp.39015046438019“ Is Mr. Whitfield in?"
mdp.39015046438019“ Is that a reflection?"
mdp.39015046438019“ Lor', Sis'Robberson, what mortal diffur- unce does it make as long as the chuch gits the money?
mdp.39015046438019“ Men call me beautiful, ” she murmured bitterly;"what has beauty been to me but a curse?
mdp.39015046438019“ Miss Clark, how long have you been with us? ” he asked abruptly.
mdp.39015046438019“ Miss Clark,"said Mrs.. Davis, during a lull in the conversation, “ I presume you're from Loosyannie?"
mdp.39015046438019“ My mother loves you, my sister adores you; what more is there to be desired?"
mdp.39015046438019“ No more?
mdp.39015046438019“ Of what do you accuse me? ” he cried at length, in desperation.
mdp.39015046438019“ Oh, Will, my boy, you will not let this new love cause you to forget the love of your old mother?"
mdp.39015046438019“ Oh, by the by, did your new lodger come, Dora? ” 96 CONTENDING FORCES.
mdp.39015046438019“ Sappho, how did you come to take up stenography?
mdp.39015046438019“ Sis'Rob- berson's got me, has she?
mdp.39015046438019“ Still determined to leave us, Charles?"
mdp.39015046438019“ There are shadows on your face; why are they there?
mdp.39015046438019“ Were they very wealthy?
mdp.39015046438019“ What in the world brings you down so early?
mdp.39015046438019“ What matter? ” was his inward thought, “ some day we shall change all this. ” THE CANTERBURY CLUB DINNER.
mdp.39015046438019“ What's a tin kitchen? ” asked John.
mdp.39015046438019“ What, neither brother nor father?
mdp.39015046438019“ Where did you get the idea?
mdp.39015046438019“ Who's?
mdp.39015046438019“ Why, ” she asked herself, “ why should I always walk in the shadow of a crime for which I am in no way to blame?
mdp.39015046438019“ Will you give passage to two on board your vessel?
mdp.39015046438019“ Yes; I was just looking over the list of speakers as you came in. ” “ I suppose they're pretty mad?'
mdp.39015046438019“ You have been happy?"
mdp.39015046438019“ You kin! ” exclaimed Hank, while a slow smile of derision covered his face;"wall, I'd jes?
uc1.b3688021168 BY SAN CTION OF LAW “ What do you mean, the best of them?
uc1.b36880213O3 BY SAN CTION OF LAW “ Wo n’t they miss you at the house? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021After a long scrutiny he asked: “ Protect a nigger prisoner?
uc1.b3688021All this comes from that paper ’s story. ” “ Yes, but you do n’t know the temper of a southern mob. ” “ Where ’re your best men now?
uc1.b3688021All you say might be true of any other race and nationality but yours. ” “ Race?
uc1.b3688021And does not love counterbalance any suffering?
uc1.b3688021And sup- pose they had no morals, who has set them the example for centuries? ” “ The southern white man is the most moral on this hemisphere.
uc1.b3688021And where shall I call for you? ” “ Better call at six o'clock at the Great Southern Hotel.
uc1.b3688021Any answer? ” “ No.
uc1.b3688021Are n’t you the young man I met at Charleston, with Dr. Tansey? ” Bennet nodded his head affirmatively.
uc1.b3688021Are you all beast? ” — “ Oh, shut up!
uc1.b3688021As he knelt, from the crowd came the words: “ Who ’s he?
uc1.b3688021At least until you and Daddy, appointed Mr. Marley my guardian? ” she taunted.
uc1.b3688021At the end of his meditations he turned to Miss Gregory, with: “ What would you have me do? ” he finally asked.
uc1.b3688021Be a man and master yourself. ” “ Yes, but of honor?
uc1.b3688021Being but a school girl, you paid no attention to me. ” “ Oh, you ’re one of Miss Gregory's girls, are you?
uc1.b3688021Bennet — I’ve got a note for you. ” “ Who is it? ” Bennet asked.
uc1.b3688021Besides, of what color am I? ” Lida ’s head drooped and she sobbed.
uc1.b3688021Besides, what does this interview mean?
uc1.b3688021Besides, what would become of the girl? ” “ Oh, I ’ll look out for her.
uc1.b3688021Better, child? ” she in- quired.
uc1.b3688021But what good did it do?
uc1.b3688021Ca n't we let the love we feel remain in our hearts, – ca n’t we treasure each other though far apart, for having known and loved each other?
uc1.b3688021Can anyone suffer who loves really and truly?
uc1.b3688021Colonel Lauriston led her gently back into the house, the girl shuddering and asking between her sobs: “ What does she mean, Daddy?
uc1.b3688021Colonel Lauriston remained silent several moments then asked: “ How's John feel about it?
uc1.b3688021Could you get a white man to work like that in this climate?
uc1.b3688021Did n't Park Lauriston throw me off his land last year?
uc1.b3688021Did n't he save me from a'gator in the road'tother day?
uc1.b3688021Did nothing matter?
uc1.b3688021Did n’t I have him at my house?
uc1.b3688021Did n’t you know that? ” “ Engaged to Lida?
uc1.b3688021Did n’t you know that? ” “ Engaged to Lida?
uc1.b3688021Did you, Lida? ” The girl ’s blushes betrayed her.
uc1.b3688021Do n’t you know that he is colored; that he has Negro blood in his veins?
uc1.b3688021Do n’t you think they are studying you and your professions of Christianity?
uc1.b3688021Do we want to brand ourselves, as he says, as unchristian?
uc1.b3688021Do you blame me then for wanting to prolong it? ” she asked.
uc1.b3688021Do you hear me?
uc1.b3688021Do you think I ’d deceive the girl I loved? ” “ I beg pardon, Old Boy.
uc1.b3688021Does she know that you are of mixed blood? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021Ever hear southern ghost stories? ” “ No. ” “ Well, they tell many a one about here.
uc1.b3688021Give them time.—Give them time. ” “ Meanwhile all manner of hell ’s to pay, eh?
uc1.b3688021Have I grown so much as that? ” He smiled as he said: “ I do think I ’ll have to get ac- quainted again.
uc1.b3688021Have you considered all these things? ” “ We have, Father. ” Father Buntin looked long and silently at Bennet.
uc1.b3688021Have you no heart?
uc1.b3688021Having a good time? ” The elder man only smiled.
uc1.b3688021He is one man in a thousand, Daddy, and I ’d go to the ends of the earth with him and for him. ” “ Even forsaking me? ” he queried.
uc1.b3688021Hence those records are not com- pletely kept, except as to slaves and their owners. ” “ May we see the records? ” Elvin asked.
uc1.b3688021Her family was 285 BY SAN CTION OF LAW dog in his tracks?
uc1.b3688021How did it happen? ” A thousand questions rushed in panicky fash- ion through the elder woman ’s mind.
uc1.b3688021How do you do? ” Miss Gregory failed to notice the extended hand or to recognize the greeting except with a bow.
uc1.b3688021How long are men of thought and leadership to allow blind caste bigotry to shape our common desti- nies?
uc1.b3688021How long is America to dwell in the gloom of prejudice?
uc1.b3688021How would my love fare with you away? ” “ Ah, but I only bring suffering to you.
uc1.b3688021How ’d you happen to stop there? ” she queried.
uc1.b3688021How ’s your headache?
uc1.b3688021I advise you to lose no time in doing the same. ” “ Where and when do you plan to start? ” Bennet asked.
uc1.b3688021I feel though, that we are in for trouble under that plan. ” “ Why let trouble bother us?
uc1.b3688021I might as well know first as last. ” I91 “ As serious as that, is it? ” Colonel Lauriston remarked shrewdly.
uc1.b3688021I want the help of the entire fac- ulty. ” 117 BY SAN CTION OF LAW “ Ah, is it as serious as that?
uc1.b3688021I was in love with a white man. ” “ You loved, though, did n’t you? ” Lida persisted.
uc1.b3688021I wonder if he ’ll ever recover and become reconciled? ” Tears filled her eyes.
uc1.b3688021I wonder if these people knew their origin? ” he asked indicating the pages containing the family names.
uc1.b3688021I6 BY SANCTION OF LAW “ Look, Daddy, are n’t they wonderful?
uc1.b3688021If there starts a riot tonight where will your better class whites be?
uc1.b3688021If you did not have them to cheat?
uc1.b3688021Immediately she surmised the trouble and asked: “ Had a spat with your escort?
uc1.b3688021Impossi- ble l ’ ” What ’s impossible about that? ” “ Everything, ” he exclaimed hopelessly.
uc1.b3688021Is he up here too? ” Ben- net interrupted.
uc1.b3688021Is it true that you have colored blood in you? ” “ If I say it ’s so, what will you do? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021Is it true that you have colored blood in you? ” “ If I say it ’s so, what will you do? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021Is not this rape, also?
uc1.b3688021Is she still here? ” “ Yes, – still here. ” A spasm of pain at the reminder flitted across his face.
uc1.b3688021Is that you? ” At mention of Miss Gregory ’s school, Bennet leaped from the couch on which he had been reclining.
uc1.b3688021It shall never be — how did you ever meet this man?
uc1.b3688021It was wonderful, was n’t it? ” “ We ’re all glad to have you back with us, ” he said tenderly.
uc1.b3688021It ’ll probably rain a couple of days. ” “ We can wait. ” “ You wo n’t mind staying here? ” she asked doubtfully.
uc1.b3688021It's perhaps better that we do n’t thank him. ” “ I wonder if he was badly hurt? ” Miss Comstock asked sorrowfully.
uc1.b3688021Lida will balk. ” “ Fuh- fuh- fuh- tuh what do you fuh- fuh- tuh care?
uc1.b3688021Lida, I want you for my wife. ” “ So this is a proposal, is it?
uc1.b3688021Marley now, is it? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021Me, an old woman, who'd befriended his family and nursed his children after their mother died and cared for them?
uc1.b3688021Must it be death for me, for I will die if Truman is hurt; must it be death only that will satisfy you?
uc1.b3688021My father is already losing his mind over the affair. ” “ Park losing his mind?
uc1.b3688021Now when I ’m getting old and no longer useful you ’ll put me off your place, will you?
uc1.b3688021Now who mixed that blood?
uc1.b3688021Of what race and nationality am I? ” “ You are colored, are you not? ” “ What do you say? ” “ I?
uc1.b3688021Of what race and nationality am I? ” “ You are colored, are you not? ” “ What do you say? ” “ I?
uc1.b3688021Of what race and nationality am I? ” “ You are colored, are you not? ” “ What do you say? ” “ I?
uc1.b3688021Of what race and nationality am I? ” “ You are colored, are you not? ” “ What do you say? ” “ I?
uc1.b3688021Oh, God, what shall I do? ” “ It never occurred to me that it would make any differ- ence, ” he defended.
uc1.b3688021Oh, what ’s the use?
uc1.b3688021Oh, why did I ever send you away from me?
uc1.b3688021Park losing his mind?
uc1.b3688021She will be deserted by her own people. ” “ Wo n't you and mother accept her? ” “ Yes, Boy.
uc1.b3688021Since when?
uc1.b3688021So long as they ob- serve the laws of society, what matters to us?
uc1.b3688021Some nigger- loving stranger? ” 161 BY SAN CTION OF LAW Dr. Tansey stood erect, his eyes blazing, “ You ’re a lot of brutes, ” he exclaimed.
uc1.b3688021Sup- pose they were not real Christians?
uc1.b3688021Suppose bye and bye somebody else sees them? ” “ Yes, just suppose, ” suggested Marley facetiously.
uc1.b3688021Suppose for one day they all should run amuck?
uc1.b3688021Tell me, Truman, is that so?
uc1.b3688021That you deem it a fac- ulty matter? ” “ You ’ll see how serious it is, ” she snapped.
uc1.b3688021That ’s where she's from? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021That ’s why I'm at the head of this school. ” “ Do you regret giving up your love? ” Lida probed.
uc1.b3688021The question is, in your case, is he worth the worry and sacri- fice to be entailed?
uc1.b3688021The young man who rescued you and Miss Lauriston? ” At mention of the name the girl looked up with a gasp of surprise.
uc1.b3688021They had a celebration them- selves after you retired. ” “ It ’s good to be loved so well, is n’t it, Daddy? ” “ Yes, my child.
uc1.b3688021They ’re two proud families and the old men have fixed it up so ’s Lida and young John can hit it off together. ” “ What's the matter?
uc1.b3688021This is a white man ’s civilization. ” I56 BY SAN CTION OF LAW “ Are you afraid to let anybody else have a little bit of it?
uc1.b3688021To confirm his conclusion he turned to Professor Armstrong, “ That ’s the same young man? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021Trafford did n’t get half what he deserved from that fellow. ” “ What can you do about it now? ” “ There's nothing to be done about it now.
uc1.b3688021Was n't it awful?
uc1.b3688021We love the black man — in his place. ” “ Under your feet, I suppose? ” “ Well, pretty much so.
uc1.b3688021We ’ll start in the morning, eh, Bennet? ” “ All right.
uc1.b3688021What about my honor — my pledged and sacred word? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021What are you going south for? ” “ I ’ll ask the same of you, Doctor?
uc1.b3688021What are you going south for? ” “ I ’ll ask the same of you, Doctor?
uc1.b3688021What can we do? ” Sensing the hopelessness of the question and the fu- tility of an answer, Bennet remained silent.
uc1.b3688021What could she do?
uc1.b3688021What did you mean? ” “ Not that, not that, not that, ” Miss Gregory wailed.
uc1.b3688021What if the words of Louise Comstock were true?
uc1.b3688021What right's he got to lose his mind over Lida ’s marrying the man she wants?
uc1.b3688021What shall I do?
uc1.b3688021What sort of a man is Truman Bennet?
uc1.b3688021What time?
uc1.b3688021What was she to do now?
uc1.b3688021What was the trouble? ” Miss Gregory was watching the expression on the girl's face keenly.
uc1.b3688021What will become of my school if such a thing happens? ” Her voice was now raised almost to a shrill in her excite- ment.
uc1.b3688021What would I do without you now?
uc1.b3688021What would happen?
uc1.b3688021What ’s the trouble? ” The girl silently closed the door then stepped close to Lida.
uc1.b3688021What'll you do about it?
uc1.b3688021What's she doing down here this time of year? ” “ Somewhere up in the Palmetto state, I do n’t know where.
uc1.b3688021Where are you bound?
uc1.b3688021Where did you meet him?
uc1.b3688021Where did you meet him?
uc1.b3688021Where would your wealth be if you did not have them to work your fields?
uc1.b3688021Where ’re you stopping, when you get to Charleston? ” “ Do n’t know.
uc1.b3688021Where ’ve you been? ” he demanded abruptly.
uc1.b3688021Where's the blame?
uc1.b3688021Where's the old varmint?
uc1.b3688021Where's the young dog? ” Louise Comstock went over to the group of colored people.
uc1.b3688021Wherein are you more royal than I?
uc1.b3688021Which is right?
uc1.b3688021Who are his parents? ” “ He ’s in the graduating class at college — He's a senior.
uc1.b3688021Who is he?
uc1.b3688021Who is she?
uc1.b3688021Who'll stop me? ” she asked as she stamped her foot angrily.
uc1.b3688021Why are you so sure? ” He gripped her hand fiercely, not knowing what to anticipate.
uc1.b3688021Why could n’t I have learned it before?
uc1.b3688021Why do men fight and kill anyway? ” Miss Comstock looked at her companion.
uc1.b3688021Why do you people in the South insist on foisting your beliefs upon everybody else?
uc1.b3688021Why go south at all?
uc1.b3688021Why interfere?
uc1.b3688021Why worry? ” “ But, you do n’t understand.
uc1.b3688021Will you be able to manage? ” Lida indicated that she could.
uc1.b3688021With that she burst out, “ Oh, Miss Gregory, how did you know?
uc1.b3688021With this realiza- tion she asked: “ Have you seen him often? ” “ Yes, when at games and at other times the boys give.
uc1.b3688021Wo n’t the wedding be fun? ” at the conjuring up of which she laughed again and clapped her hands.
uc1.b3688021Wo n’t they let the young lady choose for herself? ” “ Not much, they wo n’t.
uc1.b3688021Wo n’t you tell me what ails you and let me help you? ” Lida persisted pityingly.
uc1.b3688021Would you defy your father?
uc1.b3688021Would you have shot them for me? ” Lida leaned her head on his breast and clutched the lapels of his coat as she began to weep.
uc1.b3688021Would you want to do differently than I? ” he asked tenderly.
uc1.b3688021Yet what could he do?
uc1.b3688021You did n’t care what the man was, you just loved him? ” Miss Gregory bowed her head in assent.
uc1.b3688021You'll be visiting me, wo n’t you? ” “ Certainly, Goosie, ” she twitted.
uc1.b3688021and where's the girl — where's the mob — who hit me with that brick? ” “ Ah, ” exclaimed the doctor.
uc1.b3688021and you call them lazy. ” “ Well, who's going to do the work?
uc1.b3688021what ’s the use?
uc1.b3688021– I wonder how long that sort of thing will last?
uc1.b3688021– We ’ll have to use two horses. ” “ Where's the nearest minister? ” Bennet asked.
uc1.b3688021– Who shall I call for? ” “ Dr.
uc1.b3688021— And all for what?
uc1.b3688021— Did you see his face?
uc1.b3688021— He's placed a guard over me — he wants me to marry someone else — don't you see?
uc1.b3688021— How long shall I be here?
uc1.b3688021— Oh, God, how can men be such brutes? ” she agonized.
uc1.b3688021— They wo n’t let you off this place. ” “ Wo n’t let me off?
uc1.b3688021— What about their women?
uc1.b3688021— When will you marry the girl?
uc1.b3688021— Which is the truer love?
uc1.b3688021— Who'll I get to work my farm? ” The overseer exclaimed.
uc1.b3688021— Why do n’t you tell us about her? ” he asked with- out giving the young man a chance to reply.
uc1.b3688021— Would it relieve you of your suffering? ” Lida looked up, touched his arm, tears dripping from her lashes.
uc1.b3688021— and what ’s she like? ” The elder man asked.
uc1.b3688021— where did you first meet him?
uc1.b3688021— “ On your honeymoon?
uc1.b3688021“ All the same — two or one — what does it matter? ” the doctor replied shaking his head in a whimsical man- ner.
uc1.b3688021“ And why? ” Elvin refused to answer.
uc1.b3688021“ And yet, Dear Heart, I wonder if I ’m right in taking you away from all you ’ve known and loved in your growing years? ” Lida turned to him.
uc1.b3688021“ Are n't you making sacrifices for me?
uc1.b3688021“ Are n’t you ’ fraid you ’ll leave some grease on the road traipsin''long at this rate, John?
uc1.b3688021“ Are you sure he's not dead? ” she asked.
uc1.b3688021“ Are you tired, after last night? ” he asked, tenderly.
uc1.b3688021“ Awake, Doctor? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021“ Bennet shall have his chance also. ” “ Is that necessary? ” returned Miss Gregory with a feel- ing of misgiving.
uc1.b3688021“ Besides are n’t you preparing your own funerals?
uc1.b3688021“ Can I help you in any way? ” Elvin lost no time in explaining his errand.
uc1.b3688021“ Did you know yours? ” A cold moisture dampened Elvin ’s forehead as he stood in the cold clammy vault.
uc1.b3688021“ Do you feel well enough to travel? ” he asked so- licitously.
uc1.b3688021“ Have you a revolver? ” Reaching into his rear pocket Professor Armstrong drew from its holster a blue steeled six- shooter.
uc1.b3688021“ I chanced to meet the young woman, in the North and found her to be exceedingly ladylike. ” “ Going to call, are you? ” Mrs. Gorton asked.
uc1.b3688021“ I loved you and you loved me, of what matter anything else?
uc1.b3688021“ I wonder if she would understand?
uc1.b3688021“ I wonder what it was all about?
uc1.b3688021“ I wonder, ” she sighed, “ if we'll ever meet?
uc1.b3688021“ Is that you? ” “ Lida, Heart, what are you doing here at this time?
uc1.b3688021“ Is that you? ” “ Lida, Heart, what are you doing here at this time?
uc1.b3688021“ Know anybody down here? ” “ Not a soul that I ’m aware of. ” “ Well, you ’ll have to be very careful.
uc1.b3688021“ Neighbors do n’t usually have to ask, about here do they? ” “ If they call in the heat of the day.
uc1.b3688021“ No girl ’s got any business running about over the coun- try alone. ” “ Indeed?
uc1.b3688021“ No?
uc1.b3688021“ Oh, God, ” she said, “ is that the trouble?
uc1.b3688021“ Oh, bosh, ca n’t you forget that Bennet episode?
uc1.b3688021“ Oh, here so soon? ” Lida asked.
uc1.b3688021“ Oh, why did I let you leave us! — Why did I? — Think what might have happened! ” “ Oh, but we ’re all right now, ” Lida volunteered.
uc1.b3688021“ Professor Armstrong — ” “ Oh, Professor Armstrong?
uc1.b3688021“ Records of black as well as white people? ” Elvin asked again.
uc1.b3688021“ Suppose you find what she says is true?
uc1.b3688021“ Tell me your trouble, Dear, wo n’t you?
uc1.b3688021“ That ’s where she's from?
uc1.b3688021“ To what am I indebted for this so early a visit on such a spring morning?
uc1.b3688021“ True, but what love can compensate a woman for the love of a strong good man and children?
uc1.b3688021“ Vote se – cretly?
uc1.b3688021“ Was n’t it awful? ” she commented, half mus- 3I BY SANCTION OF LAW ingly.
uc1.b3688021“ Were you ever in love? ” “ Foolish child.
uc1.b3688021“ Were you hurt?
uc1.b3688021“ What about the man! ” “ Him?
uc1.b3688021“ What do you mean? ” Lida asked.
uc1.b3688021“ What has she to lose? ” Little did he realize that Lida, too, was suffering as had he.
uc1.b3688021“ What have we to do with the personal affairs of one who has broken no college rule?
uc1.b3688021“ What made you ill, dear?
uc1.b3688021“ What matter's it to you? ” she asked.
uc1.b3688021“ What was that? ” he turned to Dr. Tansey.
uc1.b3688021“ What will your father say?
uc1.b3688021“ What ’s that, mother? ” he questioned as he placed an arm about her waist.
uc1.b3688021“ What ’s the matter, Doctor? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021“ What ’s the trouble?
uc1.b3688021“ What ’s this for? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021“ What's the matter, boy?
uc1.b3688021“ What? ” exclaimed Miss Gregory, as she held each girl off at arm ’s length and inspected them, fear in her heart again.
uc1.b3688021“ Where ’re you bound?
uc1.b3688021“ Where ’re you going? ” asked Bennet showing impa- tience.
uc1.b3688021“ Where's the young woman?
uc1.b3688021“ Who is he?
uc1.b3688021“ Why did you want me to remain here, Doctor? ” “ Shut up and do n’t bother me, ” Dr. Tansey exclaimed petulantly in his excitement.
uc1.b3688021“ Why should I care?
uc1.b3688021“ Why should I?
uc1.b3688021“ Why — why — wh- wh- what ’s the matter with Louise? ” Lida asked turning to Bennet.
uc1.b3688021“ Why, what's the matter?
uc1.b3688021“ Will I pass? ” he asked as he stood before her.
uc1.b3688021“ Without being asked? ” Lida queried.
uc1.b3688021“ Yes, after Dr. Tansey ’s awful death — You heard about that? ” she rattled on.
uc1.b3688021“ Yes. ” “ For my sake, Truman, you'll always be careful? ” she asked again.
uc1.b3688021“ Yes. ” “ You still love, do n’t you? ” “ Yes. ” “ And that is true love, is n’t it?
uc1.b3688021“ Yes. ” “ You still love, do n’t you? ” “ Yes. ” “ And that is true love, is n’t it?
uc1.b3688021“ You do n’t believe a Negro is the equal of a white man, do you? ” he was asked.
uc1.b3688021“ You have here the records of births, deaths and marriages? ” he asked.
uc1.b3688021“ You knew of the fate of poor Dr. Tansey, did you? ” Bennet whirled.
uc1.b3688021“ You wo n’t like him though, and I ’m sorry for that because I ’m going to marry him. ” “ Whether I will it or not?
uc1.b3688021“ You wo n’t like him, Daddy, and I ’m sorry — so sor- ry. ” “ Why wo n't I like him?
uc1.b3688021“ You ’ll be careful, always, wo n’t you, Truman? ” she warned solicitously.
uc1.b3688021“ You ’ll be discovered if you do. ” Bennet realized the truth of the words but asked, “ Had n't I better go a little further?
uc1.b3688021“ You ’ll drive me off my place, will you?
uc1.b3688021“ You ’ll not marry me, eh — I insult you, eh?
uc1.b3688021“ You ’ve met my friends? ” Dean Sandager asked bowing toward those standing with him.
uc1.b3688021“ Your northern friend, I suppose? ” Marley continued.
mdp.39015056261855A concert company?
mdp.39015056261855A number of what? mdp.39015056261855 About the soul?
mdp.39015056261855Ah, Mrs. Hester, who could suffer so complete a mind blight as to forget you?
mdp.39015056261855And God at the same time?
mdp.39015056261855And Nick's father too?
mdp.39015056261855And are you training your Negro prodegy to catch at it and take it down for you?
mdp.39015056261855And did a woman have anything to do with it?
mdp.39015056261855And do you mean that I must be emotional?
mdp.39015056261855And has the love of the Lord cooled toward him?
mdp.39015056261855And if I tell you? mdp.39015056261855 And is it that you would n't mind having children by a white man, Markeet?"
mdp.39015056261855And leave my mother? mdp.39015056261855 And may it not have been his innocence, too, sir?"
mdp.39015056261855And may we invite you to our wedding and expect from you more than one visit when we have been set- tled in our home?
mdp.39015056261855And to preach it?
mdp.39015056261855And we'll buy some peanuts, wo n't we, Blackie?
mdp.39015056261855And were your musical petitions answered?
mdp.39015056261855And what hope can there be for purity and grace of expression when you would read such a book? mdp.39015056261855 And when I grow up would you advise me to preach to jackals?"
mdp.39015056261855And when is the event to be?
mdp.39015056261855And why should I be the first to show humilia- tion? mdp.39015056261855 And would she have yielded to the demands of that love?"
mdp.39015056261855And you are going to give unto that brute your maiden self?
mdp.39015056261855And you say this, so moving me with your mind? mdp.39015056261855 And you term it an enlightenment?"
mdp.39015056261855Are you afraid of truth?
mdp.39015056261855Are you going to be Moffet's wife?
mdp.39015056261855Are you going to remain for a time in Indianapolis or have you a charge in some other city?
mdp.39015056261855Are you?
mdp.39015056261855Beast? mdp.39015056261855 Boy, do you know what marriage is, both white and black?"
mdp.39015056261855But are all women like she was?
mdp.39015056261855But do n't you put chance behind nature? mdp.39015056261855 But do you believe that any man was ever profound if he refused to accept the gospel of Jesus?"
mdp.39015056261855But have books and observation revealed to you what the natural is and how it came about? mdp.39015056261855 But have you read it?"
mdp.39015056261855But may it not be true, sir,said I,"that behind nature there is power?"
mdp.39015056261855But must it be slop?
mdp.39015056261855But what do you think of him?
mdp.39015056261855But whose soul is wandering off from God? mdp.39015056261855 But why should the devil be so much stronger than God?
mdp.39015056261855But would the evil spirits urge me to preach?
mdp.39015056261855But would you advise me to be learned and a preacher?
mdp.39015056261855But you are a preacher, ai n't you?
mdp.39015056261855Ca n't the people of the South be sensible of a truth? mdp.39015056261855 Compliment nature?
mdp.39015056261855Did any one ever tell you that you have a sort of classic face? mdp.39015056261855 Did you hear what I said?"
mdp.39015056261855Did you see dat perlice gennerman dat wuz heah jes now? mdp.39015056261855 Do n't mean that in all things I must be a hypocrite?
mdp.39015056261855Do you know what I am going to call you?
mdp.39015056261855Do you mean that you could requite my tempest of love with at least a breeze?
mdp.39015056261855Do? mdp.39015056261855 Fear that you were strengthened?"
mdp.39015056261855Fo* w'y da wan'hang me w'n Ah's white ez da is?
mdp.39015056261855For fame?
mdp.39015056261855God's weather or evolutions weather?
mdp.39015056261855Have n't seen anything of a runaway nigger preach'er, have you, the one that tried to outrage a white woman?
mdp.39015056261855Have you committed a crime that moved you to pray so long?
mdp.39015056261855Have you done much of evangelical work?
mdp.39015056261855Have you for- gotten Calvary?
mdp.39015056261855Have you promised to be his wife?
mdp.39015056261855Have you succeeded by prayer in keeping — her image out of your mind?
mdp.39015056261855How do you know so much about the passion of a man? mdp.39015056261855 How long has your husband been dead?"
mdp.39015056261855How long have you been here?
mdp.39015056261855How much did you give her?
mdp.39015056261855How much would you be willing to give me?
mdp.39015056261855I am not going to argue, Madam, but I trust that you will let me ask this question: Does your daughter hold your view?
mdp.39015056261855I mean have you been hear every day within the past few days?
mdp.39015056261855Is it not true that some of the greatest minds have touched upon journalism? mdp.39015056261855 Is man God's experiment?"
mdp.39015056261855Jim, who is going to be the next president?
mdp.39015056261855Look here, are you taking the part of a nigger boy against a white girl? mdp.39015056261855 May I be bold to ask a question?"
mdp.39015056261855May I take a look at it?
mdp.39015056261855Mistrusting your passion, Markeet?
mdp.39015056261855Mr. Sunday, what do you think of the future of the Negro race? mdp.39015056261855 Now who's coming in at the gate?
mdp.39015056261855Oh, how can you feel that way? mdp.39015056261855 One of the warm boys, eh?"
mdp.39015056261855Pardon me, Markeet, but must I infer that you are not — a maiden?
mdp.39015056261855Show it to Him? mdp.39015056261855 So?"
mdp.39015056261855Subscription book, eh? mdp.39015056261855 The Negro?
mdp.39015056261855The belief in His immaculate conception? mdp.39015056261855 The end of war?
mdp.39015056261855Then what can we do about it?
mdp.39015056261855Then what is to become of us all?
mdp.39015056261855There are enough children in the world now, you well know, and why should we be called upon to add to the world's unhappiness? mdp.39015056261855 Was it because you wanted to keep out of work?"
mdp.39015056261855Were you listening?
mdp.39015056261855What am I to do, Brother Har- ris? mdp.39015056261855 What are you mostly interested in?"
mdp.39015056261855What are you sniffing at Cato?
mdp.39015056261855What are you thinking about now, Cato?
mdp.39015056261855What are you two gossiping about now?
mdp.39015056261855What could be a better example of cruelty?
mdp.39015056261855What have you been doing all this while?
mdp.39015056261855What have you sought to do other than preach?
mdp.39015056261855What he tryin'do, rob you? mdp.39015056261855 What mine, may I ask?"
mdp.39015056261855What's on your mind, Brother Holcomb?
mdp.39015056261855What's your name, black thing?
mdp.39015056261855When so learned a man as you seeks to weaken it?
mdp.39015056261855Where have you been preaching?
mdp.39015056261855Where would the world be today if it had n't been for political minds? mdp.39015056261855 Who called him a brute?"
mdp.39015056261855Who is Bob Thayer, and why is his soul whiter than yours?
mdp.39015056261855Who is it that would not give his white skin for your illuminat'ing mind?
mdp.39015056261855Who is it?
mdp.39015056261855Who told you I was to be his wife?
mdp.39015056261855Whut you got, er present fur me?
mdp.39015056261855Why are you Confessions of a Negro Preacher 151 always thinking about yourself? mdp.39015056261855 Why do n't you study for the ministry?"
mdp.39015056261855Why do they watch me so? mdp.39015056261855 Why do you presume that I have passion and why are you arrogant enough to think that you could arouse it?
mdp.39015056261855Why have n't you looked into politics as well as religion when they both go together?
mdp.39015056261855Why not? mdp.39015056261855 Why so?"
mdp.39015056261855Why, do n't you know that the public would never believe that a Negro could write a novel worth reading? mdp.39015056261855 Why, what would you do?"
mdp.39015056261855Why, what's the matter? mdp.39015056261855 Will you take a walk with me?"
mdp.39015056261855With a preacher?
mdp.39015056261855Would n't you like to go?
mdp.39015056261855Would you advise me not to preach when I feel that I want to preach?
mdp.39015056261855Yes, and were the contributions good?
mdp.39015056261855Yes, but what is more natural than a Negro in the awe of admiration?
mdp.39015056261855Yes, the tour has been profitable, and why? mdp.39015056261855 Yes; but can anything be more essential than wood that keeps man from freezing and water that keeps him from dying of thirst?"
mdp.39015056261855You are tickled, but'wharfo?' mdp.39015056261855 'How about the mule?'' mdp.39015056261855 'Then our main study should be of appearances, eh?
mdp.39015056261855("But oh,"I groveled,"am I always to be such?
mdp.39015056261855168 Confessions of a Negro Preacher"Must you think before you can tell me that you return my love?"
mdp.3901505626185596 Confessions of a Negro Preacher"Why so?
mdp.39015056261855A new sprout?
mdp.39015056261855An astronomer, big business organizer, inventor?
mdp.39015056261855And had he not brought forth mockery against me at every turn of my life?
mdp.39015056261855And has n't he?
mdp.39015056261855And how much better off are the white trash now than they were a hundred years ago?
mdp.39015056261855And is the acquisition of money more of a brutish than of a philosophic instinct?
mdp.39015056261855And look'ing at my wife so graceful and so fair, he said:"And why should n't you wear silks?
mdp.39015056261855And may I ask as to what is to be its direct object?"
mdp.39015056261855And must there ever be a guerrilla war between the broadened mind and the love of Jesus?
mdp.39015056261855And now do you Confessions of a Negro Preacher 101 feel that you have been forgiven?"
mdp.39015056261855And now do you blame me for being as I am, a rebel?"
mdp.39015056261855And surely you do n't read such books as this?"
mdp.39015056261855And then this thought came to me: Who are the most religious?
mdp.39015056261855And this leads me to the question: What do you think of evolution?"
mdp.39015056261855And those little happy heads, playing beneath those nurtured trees, what was to be their future?
mdp.39015056261855And what is it, sir, which to this day stands as recruiting officer for the pulpit?
mdp.39015056261855And what is that enlightenment?
mdp.39015056261855And what then?
mdp.39015056261855And what was this?
mdp.39015056261855And who would trust a preacher in business?
mdp.39015056261855And would this my later and saner prayer blow away upon the mocking wind?
mdp.39015056261855Are n't you glad to see me?"
mdp.39015056261855Are you going to marry that man?"
mdp.39015056261855Are you grateful for my frankness?"
mdp.39015056261855Are you much acquainted in the North?"
mdp.39015056261855Are you of the cloth?"
mdp.39015056261855Are you open to a proposition?"
mdp.39015056261855Are you willing that the light should be thrown upon it?
mdp.39015056261855Be natural, wo n't you?"
mdp.39015056261855Because Brother Holcomb shouted the platitudes of Billy Sun'day's saw dust trail?
mdp.39015056261855Because I am a Negro?
mdp.39015056261855Brother Harris understands and is not offended, so why should you be?"
mdp.39015056261855But after all, what is the ultimate hope of poetry?"
mdp.39015056261855But did n't you tell me that once you preached to pigs, and perhaps your best sermon?"
mdp.39015056261855But had not even ministers, feeders from the trough of the gospel, kicked in deadly hate, one at another?
mdp.39015056261855But how about all the money that Gypsy Smith grabs off?
mdp.39015056261855But if I loved him I —""Ah, but could you love him?"
mdp.39015056261855But if only this, why had I been born with such sinewy longings?
mdp.39015056261855But the question is now what did I do with my pocket book?
mdp.39015056261855But what was my saner prayer?
mdp.39015056261855But what was that light shooting skyward?
mdp.39015056261855But when the Lord has put it into our hearts to love, why should man's cruel law put its heel upon us?
mdp.39015056261855But whut she do?
mdp.39015056261855But why should a young woman singer no matter how handsome, hold any attraction for me?
mdp.39015056261855But why should my mind be constantly on such evils when in my soul I had prayed so fervendy to be cleansed of them?
mdp.39015056261855But would child'like faith permit me to collect money in a way that was tainted with fraud?
mdp.39015056261855By my clothes?"
mdp.39015056261855By the way, she did n't grab your money, did she?"
mdp.39015056261855Ca n't you make a guess?"
mdp.39015056261855Can you account for a sprout coming up out of the ground?
mdp.39015056261855Can you hold to your ear a tiny egg and hear the song of the mocking bird?
mdp.39015056261855Clyde is a promising fellow, and —""But does he keep his promises?"
mdp.39015056261855Compelled by what?
mdp.39015056261855Confessions of a Negro Preacher 131'Tending toward evolution?"
mdp.39015056261855Confessions of a Negro Preacher 165"Well, what would you have him become?
mdp.39015056261855Could divine love sooth his mortal agony?
mdp.39015056261855Could it be that they were in such haste as to have sent to me the proof sheets?
mdp.39015056261855Den whut?
mdp.39015056261855Did n't he project this profitable tour?
mdp.39015056261855Did n't the Athenian Peripatetics have money out at interest?"
mdp.39015056261855Did n't the religion of the old saints restrain passion?"
mdp.39015056261855Did trouble beset you there?"
mdp.39015056261855Did you ever know of a pulpit that did n't shudder at thought?
mdp.39015056261855Did you ever- hear from the ortho- dox pulpit a sermon on justice?
mdp.39015056261855Did you go through one of the big colleges?"
mdp.39015056261855Did you think I could continue to love you, a beast?
mdp.39015056261855Did you think he would give them to you?
mdp.39015056261855Do n't you believe me capable?"
mdp.39015056261855Do n't you believe that the earth came out of chance?"
mdp.39015056261855Do n't you know that he taught you to warp words?"
mdp.39015056261855Do n't you know that his bread and butter depend more on his expressed belief than on his edu'cation?"
mdp.39015056261855Do n't you smell it?"
mdp.39015056261855Do they think I came here to steal something?
mdp.39015056261855Do you believe in a personal God?"
mdp.39015056261855Do you believe, Colonel Ingersoll, that it would be right to take from the Negro his simple 86 Confessions of a Negro Preacher faith?"
mdp.39015056261855Do you get your sex wisdom from books written 158 Confessions of a Negro Preacher by girls shrewdly guessing?
mdp.39015056261855Do you hear what I say?
mdp.39015056261855Do you know that you have told me very little about yourself?"
mdp.39015056261855Do you live in this part of the country?"
mdp.39015056261855Do you love the Confessions of a Negro Preacher 153 brute?"
mdp.39015056261855Do you think that you were benefited by it?"
mdp.39015056261855Does it appeal to"Yes, surely; but what am I to do with my people here — a congregation that has given to me such spon'taneous confidence?
mdp.39015056261855Dosn't the bible tell us we are of few days and full of trouble?
mdp.39015056261855Funny doc Confessions of a Negro Preacher 201 trine he has, is n't it?"
mdp.39015056261855Ha, and suppose the Negro goes over from America and shows himself the bravest man in the field: will the honor of it serve him here at home?
mdp.39015056261855Had not my book of prayer been consumed with fire?
mdp.39015056261855Has n't he made you more money than you ever had before?
mdp.39015056261855Has n't your education somewhat stimulated you toward a belief in evolution?
mdp.39015056261855Have n't you heard that he has money?
mdp.39015056261855Have you been closely associated with white children?"
mdp.39015056261855Have you done any shaping as to what you are going to say in your addresses?"
mdp.39015056261855Have you ever given it a thought?"
mdp.39015056261855Have you ever heard a sermon in which the people were told that the greatest progress of man lay in thought?
mdp.39015056261855Have you ever married?"
mdp.39015056261855Have you ever wooed the Muses?"
mdp.39015056261855Have you got a dress suit?"
mdp.39015056261855He took my hand with a"how are ye?"
mdp.39015056261855How are you getting along with your work, Brother Simpson?"
mdp.39015056261855How can I ever preach again?"
mdp.39015056261855How can I explain to my congregation?
mdp.39015056261855How could it be more?
mdp.39015056261855How did you happen to become a preacher?"
mdp.39015056261855How much money do you suppose we have succeeded in collecting?"
mdp.39015056261855I could see that it was trickery, but why should a handsome white woman play such tricks with a Negro?
mdp.39015056261855I suppose you heard of my daughter's marriage?"
mdp.39015056261855I take it that you have been carefully educated, and may I ask you whether it has improved your religious attitude?
mdp.39015056261855In my hiding place I sought to pray, but how could I give myself to God Confessions of a Negro Preacher 119 when the devil so possessed me?
mdp.39015056261855In order to be a sue cess must civilization be a continuous he?
mdp.39015056261855Into her marvelous eyes there came the shadowed expression of disappointment, rendering me quick to say:"Oh, capable?
mdp.39015056261855Is it ever used as a political slush fund?
mdp.39015056261855Is it not his training to despise happiness?
mdp.39015056261855Is it possible that your warm nature and your poetic mind can so escape the intuitive search of woman?"
mdp.39015056261855Is it that the beast is in us all?"
mdp.39015056261855Is it that you want children because you are so fond of mottled colors?"
mdp.39015056261855Is n't that Riley over there?"
mdp.39015056261855Is that why you quit the pulpit?"
mdp.39015056261855Is there any question you wish to ask?"
mdp.39015056261855Is you gwine be de means o'wakin'it up?
mdp.39015056261855Is you had yo'supper?"
mdp.39015056261855Learned, yes, but why did I not hold him in higher respect?
mdp.39015056261855Markeet spoke:"Do you like the theatre?"
mdp.39015056261855May I 116 Confessions of a Negro Preacher look at it?"
mdp.39015056261855May I ask you an impertinent question?"
mdp.39015056261855Mrs. Cato, am I too practical?"
mdp.39015056261855Must I ever be an emotional hypocrite?
mdp.39015056261855Must I speak my distress from the pulpit?"
mdp.39015056261855Must I wait for sex'destroying age to render me a true follow er of the Nazarene?
mdp.39015056261855Must the color of the Negro constantly blind their eyes toward the color of all justice?
mdp.39015056261855Now let's see: when will you be ready to start out?"
mdp.39015056261855Now she halted and with a serious look regarded me:"And so did you remain black?"
mdp.39015056261855Now who threw my book on the floor?"
mdp.39015056261855On a card I wrote this message:"Colonel Ingersoll, have you the time to talk for a few moments to a Negro preacher?"
mdp.39015056261855Perhaps it was prompted by a question I put to him:"If I learn the book will my soul be white like Bob Thayer's?"
mdp.39015056261855Ready to take hold ot it?"
mdp.39015056261855She said she wan't hungry, and kept looking about as if she expected to find you there, and her mind was on you for she said,'What has become of him?'
mdp.39015056261855She said,'what, that beast?'
mdp.39015056261855Should I accept, the verdict of the professor, himself an imitator and in the affairs of life a failure?
mdp.39015056261855The girl's mother spoke up:"Oh, what's the use in making so much to do over it?
mdp.39015056261855Then in what lay your superiority?
mdp.39015056261855Then why should it give offence if I should humbly speak a few words?"
mdp.39015056261855Then why should not I, in my aspiring humility, preach to hogs?
mdp.39015056261855There fell a pause and then I asked of Mrs. Hester:"How are you to go about the establishment of your mission?
mdp.39015056261855Was I striving to make a pride of my racial inferiority?
mdp.39015056261855Was it in pride of his light hair that in my presence he so often combed it?
mdp.39015056261855Was it in shame of me that his skin appeared to become more blondish?
mdp.39015056261855Was it not within God's province to create purity?
mdp.39015056261855Was it that I had not so yearned to startle people as to bring astonishment unto myself?
mdp.39015056261855Was it the girl's breathing that so stilled and softened the air?
mdp.39015056261855Was it true?
mdp.39015056261855Was she asleep that she did not flit down the stairs to meet me?
mdp.39015056261855Well, if you fall down on one thing I should think you can pick up with another, so how about the Egyptian book?
mdp.39015056261855Were all my efforts here on this distorting earth to end in ashes?
mdp.39015056261855Were these mules in their way the servants of the Lord?
mdp.39015056261855What I want to know is how can the Negro Confessions of a Negro Preacher 197 gather such benefits from it?"
mdp.39015056261855What am I to do, stand up there and yawn?
mdp.39015056261855What beast?"
mdp.39015056261855What college would you advise me to go to?"
mdp.39015056261855What compen'sation can vengeance find with the blood of murder on its hands?
mdp.39015056261855What do you think of our modern verse?"
mdp.39015056261855What do you think of that?"
mdp.39015056261855What do you think of the project?"
mdp.39015056261855What has become of my religion?
mdp.39015056261855What is it?"
mdp.39015056261855What must I do?"
mdp.39015056261855What then?"
mdp.39015056261855What would he do in so staggering a condition?
mdp.39015056261855What, so big a fellow and giving way to tears?
mdp.39015056261855When he sees little children playing does n't he warn than not to go to hell?"
mdp.39015056261855When is the preacher most happily in his element?
mdp.39015056261855When we have fairly compensated our- selves we can devote the remainder of the money toward the building of Negro churches, ca n't we?
mdp.39015056261855When will the book be out?"
mdp.39015056261855Whenever I meet a profound man there is a question that I can not keep down: Do you believe in evolution?"
mdp.39015056261855Where is my faith?"
mdp.39015056261855Where were the mansions that the Negro had been able to rear?
mdp.39015056261855Who is more religious than the white trash of the South?
mdp.39015056261855Who was your teacher?"
mdp.39015056261855Why could not the gospel in which I firmly believed, quiet my soul and make me gentle?
mdp.39015056261855Why do n't you forget it?"
mdp.39015056261855Why do n't you shake hands with him?"
mdp.39015056261855Why do n't you write poetry?"
mdp.39015056261855Why had he not written as naturally as he had talked to me?
mdp.39015056261855Why had not the publishers telegraphed to me their congratulations?
mdp.39015056261855Why should he say that?"
mdp.39015056261855Why the deuce did he say us?
mdp.39015056261855Why was it that I could never be cleared from trouble?
mdp.39015056261855Why was my bosom a rebellious ground wherein warfare was continuously waged?
mdp.39015056261855Why, how could I hide it from an all'searching vision?
mdp.39015056261855Why, they do n't for a moment suppose you would come for nothing, do they?"
mdp.39015056261855Will they, even in Chicago, one of the freest of cities, permit him to go in bathing along with white toughs and chippies?
mdp.39015056261855Wo n't you?"
mdp.39015056261855Would it be a satisfaction unto you?
mdp.39015056261855Would it not be frank in me to say that man was more nearly the creation of the devil than of God?
mdp.39015056261855Would you like for a boy to inherit your disappointed ambitions?
mdp.39015056261855Would you mind going there with me?"
mdp.39015056261855Would you not implore Christ to forgive you?
mdp.39015056261855You do n't call the soul a beast, do you?"
mdp.39015056261855You have a quick flow of primitive inspu?
mdp.39015056261855Young lambs could not be parted from lechery, the Avon poet made a brutish man to say, then what could be expected of the goat full grown?
mdp.39015056261855v •"How did you know?
mdp.39015028095795A game?
mdp.39015028095795A man?
mdp.39015028095795After that lovely speech, Mrs. Bates- to- be, how about another little one?
mdp.39015028095795Alicia, darling, can I really trust you? mdp.39015028095795 American men in any position do n't marry colored women, do they?
mdp.39015028095795And now you're happy?
mdp.39015028095795And she tells them afterwards what a smart little son she has?
mdp.39015028095795And you have n't been going about with anyone else?
mdp.39015028095795And you're going to marry him?
mdp.39015028095795And you've been here helping her?
mdp.39015028095795Anybody I know?
mdp.39015028095795Are n't you getting a bit confused? mdp.39015028095795 Are we in earnest?"
mdp.39015028095795Are you glad now?
mdp.39015028095795Bring what that much nearer?
mdp.39015028095795But if she ai n't white, why ai n't she white? mdp.39015028095795 But your appoint- ments?"
mdp.39015028095795But, Ma, how can she be?
mdp.39015028095795But, Ma, how can that be her mother? mdp.39015028095795 But, Mamma, what difference does it make?
mdp.39015028095795But,said Janet,"do you really like these people, Olivia?
mdp.39015028095795Can you think of anything worse? mdp.39015028095795 Coming to see me soon?"
mdp.39015028095795Dad, can I depend upon you for that? mdp.39015028095795 Divorced, married?"
mdp.39015028095795Do n't I know it? mdp.39015028095795 Do n't I make you tired?
mdp.39015028095795Do they? mdp.39015028095795 Do you put stuff on your hair to make it look like that?"
mdp.39015028095795Do you think you could learn to laugh?
mdp.39015028095795Does she?
mdp.39015028095795First of all,she asked them,"are you in earnest?
mdp.39015028095795For ever and ever?
mdp.39015028095795Gosh, what is it? mdp.39015028095795 Got ready for what?"
mdp.39015028095795H'm, think you know all about it, do n't you, Miss?
mdp.39015028095795Has she ever seen you? mdp.39015028095795 Have you got the car there?"
mdp.39015028095795Hey there, Cary, how're you making it?
mdp.39015028095795Honor bright, Dad?
mdp.39015028095795How about me for young- man- in- waiting?
mdp.39015028095795How about taking them on, Tess, for the sake of old Alma Mater?
mdp.39015028095795How could you have met her in Chicago two years ago? mdp.39015028095795 How do you like my dress?"
mdp.39015028095795How does Teresa's health strike you now, Doctor?
mdp.39015028095795How'd you happen to come home?
mdp.39015028095795How'd you like to come and live with me and let me be your mother?
mdp.39015028095795How'd you like to take us on for good, Teresa? mdp.39015028095795 How's she going to live over there on seven hundred dollars?"
mdp.39015028095795How's tricks? mdp.39015028095795 I do n't think that's Teresa's fault, do you?
mdp.39015028095795In those clothes? mdp.39015028095795 Kin I come over?
mdp.39015028095795Know what I think? mdp.39015028095795 Lee, darling Lee, what shall I do?"
mdp.39015028095795Little boy, can you keep a secret?
mdp.39015028095795Mamma, why ca n't I play with Marise? mdp.39015028095795 Mind what?"
mdp.39015028095795Mother,said little Olivia,"have you ever told anybody in this town we are colored?"
mdp.39015028095795No, I would n't want to either, but what about you? mdp.39015028095795 Oh,"she complained wearily,"what has all this to do with us, Nicholas?"
mdp.39015028095795Oliver? mdp.39015028095795 Phebe, how can I ever let you go?"
mdp.39015028095795Phebe,he asked, leaning forward,"in God's name, what are you talking about?"
mdp.39015028095795So now she does n't think you're such a baby any more?
mdp.39015028095795Teresa, how many times must I tell you these things? mdp.39015028095795 Then you changed your mind?"
mdp.39015028095795Was that her mother?
mdp.39015028095795Was that some friend of Janet's, Teresa? mdp.39015028095795 Well, he's to go off too to some good school sooner or later, is n't he?"
mdp.39015028095795Well, what about it?
mdp.39015028095795Well, what objections do you have to my going too?
mdp.39015028095795Well,he began,"it would only make matters worse, would n't it, if I pretended not to know what is in your mind?
mdp.39015028095795What about you? mdp.39015028095795 What are you talking about?
mdp.39015028095795What did she say then?
mdp.39015028095795What did the teacher say?
mdp.39015028095795What did you do, Mother? mdp.39015028095795 What do you mean, surprise?"
mdp.39015028095795What do you say to our going up into the Park and finding a nice cosy bench?
mdp.39015028095795What is he, for pity's sake?
mdp.39015028095795What oc- casion would a girl, looking like her, have to talk about color?
mdp.39015028095795What on earth has that got to do with it?
mdp.39015028095795What requirements?
mdp.39015028095795What white man?
mdp.39015028095795What would three people of our tastes be doing with a Filipino butler? mdp.39015028095795 What you got to play with?"
mdp.39015028095795What's the matter with her?
mdp.39015028095795What's the matter, Chris? mdp.39015028095795 What's the matter, Teresa?"
mdp.39015028095795What's the reason I ca n't?
mdp.39015028095795Where is she now, Mother?
mdp.39015028095795Where's Gran? mdp.39015028095795 Who's the real one, Tessie?"
mdp.39015028095795Why ca n't they pro- nounce your name right?
mdp.39015028095795Why did n't you introduce me to your mother last night? mdp.39015028095795 Why did n't you tell me this before, Teresa?"
mdp.39015028095795Why go to this place Teresa's act 181 or that?
mdp.39015028095795Why not? mdp.39015028095795 Why should he get a mad on me?
mdp.39015028095795Why should he? mdp.39015028095795 Why should n't she run across me?
mdp.39015028095795Why should they?
mdp.39015028095795Why, Phebe, you're only a little bit older than me, are n't you? mdp.39015028095795 Why, yes,"she began, taken off her guard,"I've seen her... is she a young girl, perhaps a year or so older than I?"
mdp.39015028095795Will I like it? mdp.39015028095795 Will you sit beside me on the sofa awhile, Phebe?"
mdp.39015028095795Without love?
mdp.39015028095795Wo n't the neighbors think it strange?
mdp.39015028095795Would n't you think?
mdp.39015028095795You ai n't mad, are you?
mdp.39015028095795You asked what this means? mdp.39015028095795 You certainly are straight about that, are n't you?
mdp.39015028095795You did n't mind my speaking of your being an Italian, did you? mdp.39015028095795 You do n't think I'm going to run away and leave you to face this, do you?
mdp.39015028095795You do n't think you've got one- half or two- thirds of your veins filled with one kind of blood, do you, and the other filled with another? mdp.39015028095795 You mean Mrs. Cary, Mother?"
mdp.39015028095795You remain for a long time then?
mdp.39015028095795You wo n't say anything about this to your father, will you, Christopher? mdp.39015028095795 You'll give her some hair pomade, wo n't you, Ellen?"
mdp.39015028095795You're just as likely to put that suit in the very bottom of your trunk and then where would we be that night? mdp.39015028095795 You're leaving?
mdp.39015028095795... Is he very handsome?"
mdp.39015028095795122 COMEDY: AMERICAN STYLE"Jarvis,"she asked weakly, she was genuinely frightened,"What's the matter?
mdp.39015028095795286 AMERICAN STYLE COMEDY:"What was he?
mdp.39015028095795298 COMEDY: AMERICAN STYLE"Why,"she said in bewilderment,"there's no way, is there, in which I could help you with your medicine?"
mdp.39015028095795Ai n't that good publicity?
mdp.39015028095795Ai n't that something?"
mdp.39015028095795Am I all right?"
mdp.39015028095795An American or an Italian?"
mdp.39015028095795And anyway what difference does it make?
mdp.39015028095795And if he did, what about it?"
mdp.39015028095795And if that is why you're so anxious to remain with them do you mean to tell me you're willing all your life to sail under false pretenses?
mdp.39015028095795And in any event what difference did it make?
mdp.39015028095795And it'll keep you home too, wo n't it, Sis?
mdp.39015028095795And that you can let one part of it govern you and the rest not affect you at all?
mdp.39015028095795And then anyway something we have nothing to do with set- tles things for you, do n't you think?
mdp.39015028095795And then what would your father say?
mdp.39015028095795And you've seen him perhaps six times?"
mdp.39015028095795Ask your Ma, kin I come over?"
mdp.39015028095795BLANCHARD CARY"Do n't it look great?
mdp.39015028095795But Nick unconsciously( was he really so unconscious of his own power?)
mdp.39015028095795But after all what was the use?
mdp.39015028095795But after all, is n't it what we've been thinking about all these years?"
mdp.39015028095795But how could I?
mdp.39015028095795But now I'm here, may I stay awhile?"
mdp.39015028095795But then what was wrong in being colored?
mdp.39015028095795But unless we run across some real bargains, why buy anything until the fall?
mdp.39015028095795But what became of Sally, Dad?
mdp.39015028095795But what is this in- terest in someone else whom he has never noticed before?"
mdp.39015028095795But, Phebe, why, why?"
mdp.39015028095795By the way, are you just come?
mdp.39015028095795Christopher, promise me, you wo n't tell your father?"
mdp.39015028095795Dad, ca n't I stay right here and go off to college somewhere else, later on?"
mdp.39015028095795Darling, whatever did you do to him?
mdp.39015028095795David, where is she?"
mdp.39015028095795Did Marise give you anything to eat?"
mdp.39015028095795Did anything happen?"
mdp.39015028095795Did n't go to Carpathia this sum- mer, did she?"
mdp.39015028095795Did you know Miss Cath- cart gave us fifteen pages of'Le Monde Oil l'On s'Ennuie'?
mdp.39015028095795Did you say he was a professor?
mdp.39015028095795Did you shoot your wicked husband, or did you remain his humble slave?"
mdp.39015028095795Do n't you know enough to come when you're called?"
mdp.39015028095795Do n't you know that, dumb- bells?"
mdp.39015028095795Do they know anything at all?"
mdp.39015028095795Do you ever read it?"
mdp.39015028095795Do you re- member him?"
mdp.39015028095795Do you think it's so great to be colored?"
mdp.39015028095795Do you think she'll mind our marriage?"
mdp.39015028095795Do you understand mes Phebe, when I say that any station which you might con- sent to enter could not fail to be honored?"
mdp.39015028095795Does n't it all sound'far away and long ago'now?
mdp.39015028095795From the doorway she asked him:"How long can you stay, Chris?"
mdp.39015028095795Getting along, do n't you think so, sonny?"
mdp.39015028095795Good heavens, Olivia, you would n't want to marry one of these rats, would you?
mdp.39015028095795Had he ever been truly ardent?
mdp.39015028095795Had it after all been feigned, his sister wondered?
mdp.39015028095795Have n't you seen people whisper- ing, and staring when we've got into street- cars?
mdp.39015028095795He is n't married to anybody else?"
mdp.39015028095795He whispered even lower:"Will you come in my room and bid me good- night?"
mdp.39015028095795How about my missing you when you go off?
mdp.39015028095795How are you?"
mdp.39015028095795How can Phebe's father not be married to her mother, Mamma?"
mdp.39015028095795How can you be so dumb?
mdp.39015028095795How could the most ordinary feat of ratiocination refuse to acknowledge the possibility of a type like Phebe as a result of this admix- ture?
mdp.39015028095795How could they lead the merry, careless life that was theirs with this hateful disgrace always upon them?
mdp.39015028095795How could they — how could they have made her colored?
mdp.39015028095795How could you be when you've already been so friendly with the daughter?"
mdp.39015028095795How did you come to meet him at Judge Barrett's?"
mdp.39015028095795How do you like that?"
mdp.39015028095795How have you been existing?"
mdp.39015028095795How long do you plan to stay?"
mdp.39015028095795How would you like to send her and your baby son on a little trip to England?"
mdp.39015028095795How'll I get them to you?"
mdp.39015028095795How's that for foresight?
mdp.39015028095795Hurriedly she changed the sub- ject:"Did the children act any different to Phebe after that?"
mdp.39015028095795I always ask myself:'Can she give me Paris, its charm, its freedom?'
mdp.39015028095795I do n't like that You'll let me bring you out here again, Phebe?"
mdp.39015028095795I remember Miss Cummings in Sunday School, you had her too, do you remember?
mdp.39015028095795I suppose you've been thinking about marriage, Phebe?"
mdp.39015028095795I think you know what it means to me to doit well?"
mdp.39015028095795I've been wondering,"she added with studied diffidence,"whether it would n't be best for you to go with her?"
mdp.39015028095795If I learn again, will you let me stay near you?"
mdp.39015028095795If he had been older he would have known enough to ask her:"What could be of more consequence than a little boy, particularly your own little boy?"
mdp.39015028095795If you ever love me, will you tell me?"
mdp.39015028095795Is it fair for me to inquire its cause?"
mdp.39015028095795Is it such a crime?
mdp.39015028095795Is n't she, Nick?"
mdp.39015028095795Is n't that funny, Mamma?
mdp.39015028095795Is that a fact?
mdp.39015028095795Just her dress, I wonder?
mdp.39015028095795Just what are you supposed to be doing anyhow?
mdp.39015028095795Let's see, what did you tell me?
mdp.39015028095795Let's see; you met him less than a year ago, did n't you?
mdp.39015028095795Like it, Phebe?"
mdp.39015028095795Listen, Olivia, why ca n't Sally put my slippers in the same place?
mdp.39015028095795Look, did you know your name meant the sun?
mdp.39015028095795Love me, darling?"
mdp.39015028095795Marise, lighting a cigarette, and enjoying herself, asked calmly:"Did Chris ask you to say that to me?"
mdp.39015028095795Mind if I run down to the drug- store a moment?"
mdp.39015028095795My mother sews for Mrs. Morton Rogers; she sent me this coat, Nicky; did n't you wonder how I could be so grand?
mdp.39015028095795Not like Granny is to David and Janet — is n't it funny to have an uncle and aunt as young as they are?
mdp.39015028095795Not only today, but for many days past?
mdp.39015028095795Now can you guess?"
mdp.39015028095795Now you really understand about tomorrow?"
mdp.39015028095795Of course you know, Tessa, the real plutocrat is going to be Marise?"
mdp.39015028095795Oh, Alicia, is n't it too grand?
mdp.39015028095795Oh, Ralph, you wo n't mind if I keep a little place in my mind, in my heart, for Lee?
mdp.39015028095795Oh, is she out?
mdp.39015028095795Oh, you're not divorced?
mdp.39015028095795Oliver's act 201 want my friends, my friends, those ladies, to think I was the — the mother of a wild Indian, do you?"
mdp.39015028095795Once more within his own domain he asked his mother:"Ma, is she a fairy?"
mdp.39015028095795Or is it THE PLOT 15 just because they are white?
mdp.39015028095795Phebe, why do n't you just marry some white man and be through with it?"
mdp.39015028095795Pretty nice?"
mdp.39015028095795Remember that professor in that medical college in South Philadelphia who held back Julia Anstey three years ago?
mdp.39015028095795She certainly expects you to see some boys, does n't she?
mdp.39015028095795She could n't have suspected anything about us just from meet- ing me, could she?
mdp.39015028095795She could only echo stupidly:"Color?"
mdp.39015028095795She said to him evenly:"What's it really all about, Nicky?"
mdp.39015028095795She said, savoring the delicious intimacy of the moment:"Do n't you think you're being a little bit too finicky, Nick?
mdp.39015028095795She's white, ai n't she?"
mdp.39015028095795So she only said with no slightest trace of the triumphant winner in her tone:"Mother, do the people at the mill know you're colored?"
mdp.39015028095795THE CHARACTERS 51"Say, Mis'Grant, kin she come over to my house?
mdp.39015028095795Tell me where you live and if you are comfortable?
mdp.39015028095795Teresa's act 115 Henry?
mdp.39015028095795Teresa, you've been deceiving your father and me all this time?"
mdp.39015028095795That girl probably does n't mind being colored, because, oh, because — how can I make you see?
mdp.39015028095795The Kohinoor?"
mdp.39015028095795Was her heart not already singing with his former spontaneous praise?
mdp.39015028095795Was n't she different tonight?
mdp.39015028095795Was she to spend it thus forever with her vapid, unimagina- tive man, her scolding mother- in- law, her petty household duties?
mdp.39015028095795Was this all it was to bring to her, life in this little southern town, bearable only with an ig- norant peasant woman?
mdp.39015028095795We wo n't have to ask:'How high is the baby?'
mdp.39015028095795Well, for Pete's sake, what's all this?"
mdp.39015028095795Well, how can I go on?
mdp.39015028095795Well, what's the matter with me?"
mdp.39015028095795What about Marise?
mdp.39015028095795What about giving it?
mdp.39015028095795What about this dark man?"
mdp.39015028095795What are you going to do with it all?"
mdp.39015028095795What are you going to do, go on the stage some day?"
mdp.39015028095795What did you decide to do?
mdp.39015028095795What did you do, Ralph?
mdp.39015028095795What do you say, Chris?"
mdp.39015028095795What do you want to do?"
mdp.39015028095795What does this mean?"
mdp.39015028095795What happened then?"
mdp.39015028095795What makes her colored and makes those white girls white?"
mdp.39015028095795What mattered it if he did not talk of mar- riage as yet, provided only this could last throughout the years?
mdp.39015028095795What say you get Father to let you go abroad this summer to one of those tricky little summer schools in France?
mdp.39015028095795What was Henry Bates doing around the grand white folks?"
mdp.39015028095795What was it?
mdp.39015028095795What was the catch here?
mdp.39015028095795What was the matter with Nick?
mdp.39015028095795What will your husband do?"
mdp.39015028095795What would I be do- ing fooling around some girls'school, waiting for my daughter to recite her lessons and then go off on a tour of sight- seeing?
mdp.39015028095795What would their litde world think if, now, any coolness rose between them?
mdp.39015028095795What's closing in on you?"
mdp.39015028095795What's come over you?"
mdp.39015028095795What's he got to do with it?"
mdp.39015028095795What's he like?"
mdp.39015028095795What... if it were n't for Oliver?
mdp.39015028095795Whatever do you suppose made her come?"
mdp.39015028095795When can she be seen?"
mdp.39015028095795When shall I look for you?
mdp.39015028095795Where did you live during those years before you came here?
mdp.39015028095795Where would she ever run across you?"
mdp.39015028095795Where would you meet anybody in my world?
mdp.39015028095795Where's Janet?
mdp.39015028095795Where's Janet?"
mdp.39015028095795Where's it to go?"
mdp.39015028095795White men leering at you and looking daggers at me?
mdp.39015028095795White women curling their lips at both of us?
mdp.39015028095795Who is he, anyhow?
mdp.39015028095795Whoever said Boston is cool in summer?"
mdp.39015028095795Why ca n't they see this thing the way I want it?"
mdp.39015028095795Why not get away from it?
mdp.39015028095795Why not take advantage of what already lay to her hand?
mdp.39015028095795Why should he do that?"
mdp.39015028095795Why should he himself, even, secure in his knowledge, object so to these stares and whispered comments?
mdp.39015028095795Why should he mind my helping Mother?"
mdp.39015028095795Why should it take any courage to acknowledge you are what you are?
mdp.39015028095795Why should n't I be calling on you?
mdp.39015028095795Why should they expect the product of this combination to run to a fixed, immediately recognizable type?
mdp.39015028095795Why should they have been interrupted by a little boy?"
mdp.39015028095795Why would your father need to waste money on him?
mdp.39015028095795Why, Olivia, what are you talking about?
mdp.39015028095795Why, what for?"
mdp.39015028095795Will you come with me?
mdp.39015028095795Will you tell me what this means?"
mdp.39015028095795With a background such as this, to what heights might not their children attain?
mdp.39015028095795Wonder what he's got against me, Pete?"
mdp.39015028095795Would all the kings'horses and all the kings'men keep you from going to camp this summer even though it might save me gallons of bitter tears?"
mdp.39015028095795Would n't it be rather wonderful, she thought to herself, to earn her living in this pleasant way?
mdp.39015028095795Would you like me to wait up?"
mdp.39015028095795Would you like to watch me get things together?"
mdp.39015028095795Yet whom could her deception really harm?
mdp.39015028095795You did n't mind, did you?"
mdp.39015028095795You do n't suppose the kind of colored girl who would be coming to a school like this would still be in the Topsy state, do you?
mdp.39015028095795You know how nasty those theaters are down there?
mdp.39015028095795You know how she's always been about Oliver?
mdp.39015028095795You wo n't ever let anything or anyone come between us?"
mdp.39015028095795You would n't beat me up, would you, Baby?"
mdp.39015028095795You'd get a chance to try a different step then, would n't you?"
mdp.39015028095795You'd understand more about me, would n't you?
mdp.39015028095795You'll like that, Honey?"
mdp.39015028095795You're going to be my wife, are n't you?
mdp.39015028095795You're sure you do n't mind?"
mdp.39015028095795You're to go to his Commencement?"
mdp.39015028095795Zall right if I bring this brute Talliver along?
mdp.39015028095795ai n't he too pitiful?
mdp.39015028095795but good God, do n't you ever read the papers?
mdp.39015028095795but was she, could she pos- sibly be the same girl?
mdp.39015028095795did n't it?
mdp.39015028095795he said, kissing her fondly,"how's my contemporary niece?"
mdp.39015028095795how did you say that?
mdp.39015028095795might I have had a better chance?"
mdp.39015028095795more catholic so to speak, could I?
mdp.39015028095795said the Georgian,"that Nigras would come to know their place and keep it?
mdp.39015028095795what was it she had said to this young Nash?
mdp.39015028095795where was I?
mdp.39015028095795with Marise?
mdp.39015028095795• What was it you wanted to see me about?"
mdp.39015028095795• • • • • Many weeks later he asked her:"What about your daugh- ter?
uc1.b3687493A li'l game, eh? uc1.b3687493 Ai n't you people got no sense? ” whined Pierre.
uc1.b3687493At what end of the field did the cutting start? ” he asked. uc1.b3687493 But what can we do now?"
uc1.b3687493But your Honor,asked Adams, “ what's wrong with the word ‘ African'? ”"Nothing's wrong with the word'African,'your Honor,"said Touchard.
uc1.b3687493Calls himself Jimmy Dixon. ”Tall nigger?
uc1.b3687493Continue. ” “ What boys did Mister Jerry want Mister Joe to call? ”Do n't answer that question! ” cried Adams.
uc1.b3687493Could you have been hiding somewhere waiting for the de- fendant to pass- in a clump of weeds, for instance?' uc1.b3687493 Credit? ” said Jimmy, frowning.
uc1.b3687493Did n't he work on your plantation? ” “ Yes. ” “ Jimmy worked on Saint Agnes for a full month. uc1.b3687493 Did you hire other niggers that day?"
uc1.b3687493Do n't you know your name?
uc1.b3687493Folks, I've something to say to the sheriff. ” “ What is it, Tony? ” The sheriff lifted a miserable face. uc1.b3687493 Got anything for these pups to smell? ” The trainer held a handkerchief to the dogs'noses.
uc1.b3687493Hi, and whar yuh gwine?
uc1.b3687493How many niggers ganged you?.
uc1.b3687493How many of you guys know your A B C's? ” Faces brightened, but nobody answered. uc1.b3687493 How much? ” The clerk passed a hand over his graying moustache.
uc1.b3687493How yuh doin', pod? ” “ All right. ” Jimmy squirmed to minimize the hay pricks. uc1.b3687493 How'bout it, Perfessor?
uc1.b3687493Is yuh sho it was n't yo'oman what done piss on yuh?
uc1.b3687493Listen, honey, I came to tell you —"Tell me what, Tante Hannah? ” “ I came to tell you, the man in the cane“ Yes?"
uc1.b3687493Listen, honey, I came to tell you —"Tell me what, Tante Hannah? ” “ I came to tell you, the man in the cane“ Yes?"
uc1.b3687493Really, do n't you? ” Touchard's smile became a mask of sar- casm. uc1.b3687493 Seventeen?
uc1.b3687493Ten years, suh. ” “ Do you know the defendant, Jimmy Dixon? ” “ Yas, suh.
uc1.b3687493The parish clerk? ”That's what I said, Jimmy! ” Aunt Hannah got between Jimmy and Antonia and took their arms.
uc1.b3687493They the law, too? ” The crowd shuffled closer. uc1.b3687493 Up there, suh? ” “ Yes, up here!"
uc1.b3687493What 17 difference it makes how much? ” He reached for the account book. uc1.b3687493 What are you talking about? ” “ Jimmy, yuh got ta git- tonight!
uc1.b3687493What did you mean when you said Jimmy Dixon did n't talk right?
uc1.b3687493What does it mean? ” asked Daniel. uc1.b3687493 What lane, Jerry? ” Jerry stepped into the open.
uc1.b3687493What the hell is stinkin'so?
uc1.b3687493What you doing out this late at night?
uc1.b3687493What you want, boy? ”A broom, sir."
uc1.b3687493What you want? ” “ Hell. uc1.b3687493 What's the big idea? ” he demanded.
uc1.b3687493When you went to Jimmy's cabin that Sunday night, you did so to make plans against the white people on Saint Agnes, did n't you?
uc1.b3687493Where and when did you see the defendant the night he slipped from the cane? ” “ Do n't answer that question,said Touchard.
uc1.b3687493Where'd you learn to read and write? ” Jerry began. uc1.b3687493 Where's the boss? ” asked Jimmy.
uc1.b3687493Who is it? ” “ Teboy.
uc1.b3687493Who were they? ” “ I do n't remember.
uc1.b3687493Why did you hesitate? uc1.b3687493 Why did you run away from Saint Agnes?"
uc1.b3687493Why do n't you put one o'them heavy buckets down, son?
uc1.b3687493Would he have advised a white defendant to plead guilty because his word had no standing in court against that of a black man? uc1.b3687493 Would the district attorney have made the same suggestion to a white defendant? ” He spoke sharply now.
uc1.b3687493Yes, sir. ”How wide and deep was Mr. George's wound? ”"About a half inch wide and skin- deep."
uc1.b3687493You get a pension? ”Pension?
uc1.b3687493You get a pension? ”Pension?
uc1.b3687493You hear Pierre go by?
uc1.b3687493You mean now, suh? ” The clerk began looking purple. uc1.b3687493 You mean, Mist'Jerry? ” “ Mister Jerry. ”"Well, ah guess ah's got ta keep on tellin'the trufe. ” “ The whole truth."
uc1.b3687493You means to tell me that Needham an'Henry was nigger soldiers an'them Germanses was white folkses? ” asked Booker. uc1.b3687493 118 “ What did Mr. George tell you when he was revived? ” “'The nigger hit me with a piece of iron!' uc1.b3687493 15Sorry, eh? ” Tillman folded his arms, resting his elbows on the arms of the chair.
uc1.b3687493A jack rabbit?
uc1.b3687493Abruptly, he said, “ What time is them mens gwine to git Jimmy tonight? ”"Ah hears them say at nine o'clock."
uc1.b3687493Abruptly, he snapped, “ What's your name?"
uc1.b3687493After much fidgeting Gordon shouted, “ How did you get hold of that book?"
uc1.b3687493After they'd started to eat, she asked,"Well, Tony, what do you think of the case so far? ”.
uc1.b3687493Ah comes to git yuh fuh the boys at the hangout. ” “ What's up?"
uc1.b3687493Are you callin'them liars?
uc1.b3687493As the cell door slammed behind him, Touchard asked,"Are you Jimmy Dixon? ” “ Yes, sir. ” “ I'm Armidé Touchard, your attorney."
uc1.b3687493At the door, the older clerk asked him, “ Did you get your money, boy?"
uc1.b3687493But what else could he have done?
uc1.b3687493But what you bums doing with them lanterns lit?
uc1.b3687493But what's got me is what stopped the third dog? ” Tillman lit his pipe.
uc1.b3687493But why'n hell yuh's always tellin''em somethin'?
uc1.b3687493Call a doctor — it's Daniell""Where?"
uc1.b3687493Can he read and write? ” “ That's him!
uc1.b3687493Can it do that?
uc1.b3687493Can the defense produce the bullets from the car- 128 casses of those dogs?
uc1.b3687493Did it seem to have been made by the trigger of a pistol? ”"I could n't say.
uc1.b3687493Did n't you object to Jimmy Dixon because his diction denoted a degree of intelligence not found in ordinary field hands?"
uc1.b3687493Did n't you? ” “ No, mister, ah did n't run away an'ah did n't steal no book an'no nothin'."
uc1.b3687493Did they know it was Jimmy they were trying to cut out?
uc1.b3687493Do n't you know better than to stand before a white man with your hat on?"
uc1.b3687493Do n't you see you're being drubbed along with me?".
uc1.b3687493Do n't you wear clothes?
uc1.b3687493Do those terms apply to niggers?
uc1.b3687493Do you remember how our ancestry was kicked out of Acadia a hundred and fifty years ago?
uc1.b3687493Do you think you're talking to a nigger?"
uc1.b3687493Does it carry more weight when the citizen's face is white?
uc1.b3687493Does the word of an American citizen carry less weight in court when his face is black?
uc1.b3687493Finally, he knocked “ Who that? ” the foreman called out.
uc1.b3687493Finally, he said, “ Wo n't you give me a chance, sir?
uc1.b3687493Ganged me? ” Daniel frowned.
uc1.b3687493Gordon, do you know the defendant? ” “ Casually."
uc1.b3687493He had n't told her because — well, what does a man do on his wedding night?
uc1.b3687493He had thrown up, had n't he?
uc1.b3687493He was going to buy me a bed — ” “ When does a nigger need a bed? ” somebody yelled from the overseers'section.
uc1.b3687493He's the man in the cane! ” “ What you sayin', gal?
uc1.b3687493How come us ought to like it? ” “ Yeah, how come? ” asked Charley.
uc1.b3687493How come us ought to like it? ” “ Yeah, how come? ” asked Charley.
uc1.b3687493How come, Pierre? ”"An'look, Miss Emma, Pierre got a Georgia man out there! ” said a colored woman.
uc1.b3687493How do you live? ” Jimmy stepped closer.
uc1.b3687493How else could he have obtained the revolver if he did not do so when Daniel George attacked him?
uc1.b3687493How far down you going? ” “ I'ontown.
uc1.b3687493How in hell had he gotten into this mess?
uc1.b3687493How many niggers are there who actually get married?
uc1.b3687493How much meat you want- two bits, four bits or what? ” “ That depends on the amount I get. ”"What you worryin''bout?
uc1.b3687493How much meat you want- two bits, four bits or what? ” “ That depends on the amount I get. ”"What you worryin''bout?
uc1.b3687493How much? ” he asked.
uc1.b3687493How's bidness? ”"Pigbelly, you old scamp!
uc1.b3687493I ca n't. ”"Why do n't you go to Southern University? ” “ Calling that school a university do n't make it one."
uc1.b3687493I have n't bought anything here yet. ” “ You working here, ai n't you?"
uc1.b3687493I'm looking for Henry. ”"Henry?
uc1.b3687493I've got a job. ” “ A job?"
uc1.b3687493If he died, how would Antonia ever understand?
uc1.b3687493Is he in this courtroom?"
uc1.b3687493Is it true the man in the cane is Jimmy Dixon?"
uc1.b3687493Is n't that so? ”"I paid him, I told you."
uc1.b3687493Leave them alone?
uc1.b3687493Now he asks the question,'How else could he have obtained the revolver?'
uc1.b3687493Now, how could you i 142 have seen the defendant walking and stopping so many times, even trotting, in such a short distance?"
uc1.b3687493Now, when you found Daniel George in the cart lane did he have a revolver on him?"
uc1.b3687493Or do you?"
uc1.b3687493Or yes?
uc1.b3687493Pierre said, “ By God, what's wrong with'em? ” “ Maybe they need to open their noses with Vick's salve,"offered a spectator.
uc1.b3687493Put them lights out, you guys! ” “ Who's the nigger we're after? ” asked Pierre, bringing his horse closer.
uc1.b3687493Remember? ”"I knew you'd be by again, Jimmy. ” He stepped close and picked up her hands.
uc1.b3687493Said Butler, “ We all knows somethin''bout the time us puts in an'how much we gits a day, but how'bout them deducts?"
uc1.b3687493See the mark?"
uc1.b3687493Should he continue by the old levee?
uc1.b3687493Should he switch to the new?
uc1.b3687493Talk about the future?
uc1.b3687493That's why he's in this awful mess. ”"Why do you love Jimmy Dixon, Miss Dugas?"
uc1.b3687493The boy is their son. ” “ Pierre's daughter?
uc1.b3687493The boys laughed, Teboy lit the lantern and called out, “ Whar yuh gwine, Jimmy? ” Jimmy turned back.
uc1.b3687493The rest is waitin'trial. ” “ How long they got to wait?".
uc1.b3687493Then where'd I be?
uc1.b3687493Tillman, ” began Touchard, “ just what are your require- ments for a field worker? ”.
uc1.b3687493To cut cane?
uc1.b3687493To get into bed with another nigger the minute they're through with the last one?
uc1.b3687493Want to be good targets? ”"Hell, ” said Tillman, “ I never thought of that.
uc1.b3687493Wanting to learn how to read and write — for what?
uc1.b3687493Was he out after a colored man?
uc1.b3687493Was n't Monty going to tell that nigger where to get off?
uc1.b3687493Was n't he a strong- enough- looking buck for your plantation? ”.
uc1.b3687493We've both been to France, have n't we?"
uc1.b3687493We've got to draw a panel- no?
uc1.b3687493Were the overseers coming after him?
uc1.b3687493Were you suspicious of them, too? ”.
uc1.b3687493What about Jimmy's protection?"
uc1.b3687493What could I do in that time, especially with the boss already against me?"
uc1.b3687493What could he do now to save Jimmy?
uc1.b3687493What could he undo?
uc1.b3687493What did he put in it? ”"He put in a sammich, some clothes an'a cane knife. ”"Your witness, Mr.
uc1.b3687493What do you mean you paid cash at this store?
uc1.b3687493What else? ” Jimmy bought a lot of other food items, pricing each one as he went along.
uc1.b3687493What was that noise?
uc1.b3687493What was that ringing sound?
uc1.b3687493What you on the lookout for? ” The sentry drooped his head, stalling.
uc1.b3687493What yuh waitin'fuh?"
uc1.b3687493What'll I do?"
uc1.b3687493What's his name got to do with it? ”"Lots.
uc1.b3687493What's this here thing here? ” “ Oh, that, sir?
uc1.b3687493What's this here thing here? ” “ Oh, that, sir?
uc1.b3687493What's wrong- are you sick? ” The pencil fell from Pete's hand.
uc1.b3687493Where is Jimmy?"
uc1.b3687493Where was Pierre going in such haste?
uc1.b3687493Where were they?
uc1.b3687493Where you from? ”.
uc1.b3687493Where's Jimmy? ” Jimmy came out fast from his hiding place behind the bed.
uc1.b3687493Why did n't you tell us? ” cried another woman.
uc1.b3687493Why did you refuse to pay him his full wages? ”.
uc1.b3687493Why do n't you like it? ” Charley chewed thoughtfully.
uc1.b3687493Why do n't you remember? ” “ Because I can not recall the spot in which he was standing when I saw him."
uc1.b3687493Why do they want to kill you? ”"Shh, honey, ” he whispered.
uc1.b3687493Why had n't he told her?
uc1.b3687493Why run credit elsewhere?"
uc1.b3687493Why? ”.
uc1.b3687493Wo n't you come in? ” The Cajun truck farmer stepped inside.
uc1.b3687493Would Mist'Jerry an'them stan'fuh it?"
uc1.b3687493Would you try to get him? ”.
uc1.b3687493You hiring anyone?"
uc1.b3687493You would n't want to hurt their feelings, would you? ” Jimmy gazed at Antonia, then back at Aunt Hannah.
uc1.b3687493Yuh from the city, eh? ”"Nope, River Bend."
uc1.b3687493Yuh givin'them money too? ”.
uc1.b3687493Yuh kin learn us right here on the batture, ca n't yuh?"
uc1.b3687493he said. ” “ What nigger was Mr. George talking about?"
uc1.b3687493“ Ah did n't run away, suh, ah jes'lef?."
uc1.b3687493“ Ai n't you got no respect for the law? ”.
uc1.b3687493“ Ai n't you guys white men?"
uc1.b3687493“ Ai n't yuh comin', Zed? ” asked Teboy.
uc1.b3687493“ An'the'Merican white mens done let them nigger soldiers hunt down white folkses in France like white mens hunts down niggers in this here state?"
uc1.b3687493“ Are you a member of the Ku Klux Klan?"
uc1.b3687493“ Are you lawyers ready for argu- ment? ”"Not yet, ” said Touchard.
uc1.b3687493“ Ca n't yuh niggers be serious sometimes?".
uc1.b3687493“ Cash, you say?
uc1.b3687493“ Come on, Pete, what follows C? ” Jimmy saw that Pete had i 44 stiffened.
uc1.b3687493“ Damn, he's just another nigger, ai n't he?
uc1.b3687493“ Daniel, Daniel, who hit you? ” The Georgian mumbled through his teeth.
uc1.b3687493“ Did Mister Jerry say what he wanted with me?"
uc1.b3687493“ Did n't you know he toted a pistol? ”"No!"
uc1.b3687493“ Did she behave while I was gone, Jimmy? ” she asked, smiling.
uc1.b3687493“ Did the defendant resist arrest? ”"He did. ” “ Your witness, Mr.
uc1.b3687493“ Did you dress the wound of Daniel George the last Sunday night in September? ” asked Adams.
uc1.b3687493“ Did you hear what he said, Pierre?
uc1.b3687493“ Did you say your name was Finnigan? ” asked the white man of the applicant just ahead of Jimmy.
uc1.b3687493“ Do n't you eat, boy?
uc1.b3687493“ Do n't you planters out there see what's happening here?
uc1.b3687493“ Do you attorneys realize that time's Aying and we do n't even have one juryman as yet?
uc1.b3687493“ Do you recognize this book, Mr. Gordon? ” “ Never saw it before."
uc1.b3687493“ Do you recognize those names, Mr. Gordon? ” asked Touchard.
uc1.b3687493“ Everybody there knows what happened, but would anybody tell the truth? ” He thought for a moment.
uc1.b3687493“ Father Jones is outside — and the parish clerk is in his office. ” “ Father Jones? ” said Jimmy, turning to stare at Antonia.
uc1.b3687493“ Had any trouble getting him?"
uc1.b3687493“ Here, do n't you want this money?"
uc1.b3687493“ How can we thank you for all you have done for us? ”"Pooh, pooh, ” said Aunt Hannah, beaming.
uc1.b3687493“ How could I forget? ” Gordon bit his lips.
uc1.b3687493“ How could it be?
uc1.b3687493“ How long have you lived on Saint Agnes? ” asked Touchard.
uc1.b3687493“ How many birds this cage holds? ” he asked.
uc1.b3687493“ How many of my niggers jumped you?"
uc1.b3687493“ How many times do I have to repeat that I'm the law here? ” “ That's why we're asking you to do something you're the law!"
uc1.b3687493“ How many, Sheriff? ”"Seventeen."
uc1.b3687493“ How much is your saltmeat? ” asked Jimmy.
uc1.b3687493“ How much? ” “ Four bits. ” Jimmy took the change and went his way.
uc1.b3687493“ How old are you? ”"Twenty- two."
uc1.b3687493“ How old is you, boy? ” “ Nineteen, Unc'Bill. ” LaBat resumed his cutting.
uc1.b3687493“ Huh? ” She woke up beautifully, her eyes wide and young, her lips open a little, beckoning.
uc1.b3687493“ I did. ” “ Did you hire Jimmy Dixon as readily as you did the others?"
uc1.b3687493“ I said what's going on here? ” Jimmy stepped back a little.
uc1.b3687493“ I should have known you would n't work. ”"Who packed your hay in the loft?"
uc1.b3687493“ I told you what we have on trial. ”"Not a man?"
uc1.b3687493“ I'll put the question this way: Is the African boy who attacked you on Saint Agnes that Sunday night in this room?"
uc1.b3687493“ I'm sure it would. ” “ All right, what you want?"
uc1.b3687493“ In other words, stay in my place, eh? ” “ Only because you have to, Jimmy."
uc1.b3687493“ Is it clean? ”.
uc1.b3687493“ Is it true, Pierre? ” Still ignoring the white man, Pierre rode alongside the sheriff.
uc1.b3687493“ Jake got the answer all right, but would it work?
uc1.b3687493“ Lock who up?
uc1.b3687493“ Lookin'fuh work, boy? ” asked a harness tailor.
uc1.b3687493“ Lucky, how?"
uc1.b3687493“ Miss Dugas, ” said Touchard,"would you please tell the court why Jimmy Dixon went to Saint Agnes in the first place?"
uc1.b3687493“ Niggers?
uc1.b3687493“ Now it's you, eh? ” he ground out.
uc1.b3687493“ Sho o'what? ” “ Damn it to hell, you bastards, ” Teboy yelled, “ I'm tellin'yuh to git ser’ous!
uc1.b3687493“ So what?"
uc1.b3687493“ Stranger in these parts, ai n't you? ”"Sort of. ” The clerk handed Jimmy two brooms which he'd pulled down from the ceiling rack.
uc1.b3687493“ Suppose the jury is n't listening to Mr. Touchard? ” worried Antonia.
uc1.b3687493“ Suppose they convict Jimmy? ” She stopped eating.
uc1.b3687493“ Tante Hannah, what you said to this gal?"
uc1.b3687493“ Teaching?"
uc1.b3687493“ Tha's all that white man calls yuh- jis nigger? ” asked Pigbelly.
uc1.b3687493“ That one. ” “ Who them other fellows?"
uc1.b3687493“ The boys done ax Jimmy to learn'em figgers an'words. ”"Did Jimmy say he would? ” Sammy nodded.
uc1.b3687493“ The one who knocked you speech- less, Mr. George, is he in this room?"
uc1.b3687493“ Them's Pierre's folks. ”"The mulatto gal, too? ”"She ai n't no mulatto.
uc1.b3687493“ Then the defendant tried to kill you without provocation?"
uc1.b3687493“ Was n't that enough? ”"Ah sees yuh ai n't worked on no plantation b'foh.
uc1.b3687493“ We do n't then have a man on trial?"
uc1.b3687493“ Whar's yuh gwine? ” he asked.
uc1.b3687493“ What about it, Ben?
uc1.b3687493“ What did Jimmy say to the boys on the batture that night?"
uc1.b3687493“ What did Mr. Gordon say to you when you reported to him that Jimmy had promised to teach the workers on Saint Agnes to read and write?"
uc1.b3687493“ What difference is it if us kids work or not?
uc1.b3687493“ What do you mean, sir?"
uc1.b3687493“ What else did this Jimmy say to you boys? ” Sammy twisted his neck, gulping.
uc1.b3687493“ What else?
uc1.b3687493“ What follows C? ” Pete stood uneasily, eyes focused on the willows around him.
uc1.b3687493“ What office do you hold in that mob — I mean organization?"
uc1.b3687493“ What particular spot? ”.
uc1.b3687493“ What witnesses can we get from Saint Agnes?"
uc1.b3687493“ What you doin'here, anyway?"
uc1.b3687493“ What you got against Jimmy, Pierre? ” asked a Cajun.
uc1.b3687493“ What you got there, boy? ” “ Working clothes and such, sir."
uc1.b3687493“ What you niggers doing here? ” asked Tillman harshly.
uc1.b3687493“ What yuh got, Jake? ” He pointed at Jimmy.
uc1.b3687493“ What yuh gwine to do to me, Teboy? ”"Nothin'.
uc1.b3687493“ What yuh mean?"
uc1.b3687493“ What's going on here? ” he demanded.
uc1.b3687493“ What's that smell? ” he mumbled 146 and went on to the jury box, saying, “ Must be the district attorney's argument."
uc1.b3687493“ What's up, Pierre? ” “ To the oak, Marcus!
uc1.b3687493“ What's wrong? ”"A nigger — he split open a white man's skull!
uc1.b3687493“ What's wrong? ”"Ai n't nothin'wrong.
uc1.b3687493“ What's wrong?"
uc1.b3687493“ What's wrong?"
uc1.b3687493“ What's wrong?"
uc1.b3687493“ What's your name? ”"My name?
uc1.b3687493“ What's your name? ”"My name?
uc1.b3687493“ What's your name?"
uc1.b3687493“ What?
uc1.b3687493“ When she puts knots on me, it ai n't with what she pisses with! ” “ Yuh sho o'that? ” called out Butler.
uc1.b3687493“ Where are they?"
uc1.b3687493“ Where have you seen this pistol before, Mr. Gordon? ”"I've never seen it before."
uc1.b3687493“ Where is he, Tante Hannah?
uc1.b3687493“ Where is he?
uc1.b3687493“ Where is he?
uc1.b3687493“ Where'd you work last, boy? ” he asked, not lifting his head.
uc1.b3687493“ Where's the nigger? ” asked Ben angrily.
uc1.b3687493“ Which shall it be, search you or club you? ” asked the Cajun.
uc1.b3687493“ While in your employ did the defendant say anything or do anything to justify your suspicions of him?"
uc1.b3687493“ Who do you think I am?
uc1.b3687493“ Who is it?"
uc1.b3687493“ Why ai n't you folks cuttin'cane? ” he asked, meeting them.
uc1.b3687493“ Why are they after you, Jimmy?
uc1.b3687493“ Why did n't we think of that in the first place?"
uc1.b3687493“ Why do n't you ask the boss? ” he retorted.
uc1.b3687493“ Why do n't you wake up like a white man? ” Pierre shouted.
uc1.b3687493“ Why keep fighting about it?
uc1.b3687493“ Why me? ” At the commissary he found a middle- aged clerk opening up crates.
uc1.b3687493“ Why should you?
uc1.b3687493“ Why the back way?"
uc1.b3687493“ Why the hell do n't you guys gang up on the over- seer? ” he said through set teeth.
uc1.b3687493“ Why were you suspicious of Jimmy Dixon?"
uc1.b3687493“ Why're most of the guys in here? ” “ Jumpin'commissary bills, vagrancy and cuttin'other niggers. ” “ Jumpin'commissary bills?
uc1.b3687493“ Why're most of the guys in here? ” “ Jumpin'commissary bills, vagrancy and cuttin'other niggers. ” “ Jumpin'commissary bills?
uc1.b3687493“ Why? ” “ That bastard Sammy!
uc1.b3687493“ Will you two please stop being so childish? ” exclaimed Aunt Hannah, looking exasperated.
uc1.b3687493“ Would yuh peanut gamblers be satisfied with what me an'Jimmy say do? ” The men agreed.
uc1.b3687493“ Yep, any chances? ” “ Lots o'chances.
uc1.b3687493“ Yes. ” “ What did Jimmy strike you with? ” “ The piece of pipe he held in his hand. ” “ Thank you.
uc1.b3687493“ You can read this book?"
uc1.b3687493“ You mean it? ” said Jimmy, looking back.
uc1.b3687493“ You mean the prisoners have to squat over them buckets?"
uc1.b3687493“ You say the man in the cane ees Jeemmee? ” he asked.
uc1.b3687493“ You want to get knocked down?"
uc1.b3687493“ Yuh ai n't done tell the white folks nothin', is yuh?"
uc1.b3687493“ Yuh gwine work here, podner? ”"Guess so, why?"
uc1.b3687493“ Yuh gwine work here, podner? ”"Guess so, why?"
uc1.b3687493“ Yuh know somethin'? ” said Butler.
mdp.39015073495692Are they going to get married?
mdp.39015073495692At Candy's?
mdp.39015073495692Did you know,Eagle asked when he had finished the soup,"that Keel was a minister? ” The disclosure did not impress Hillary.
mdp.39015073495692From the school. ” “ What they say?
mdp.39015073495692He sign with Demetriades? ” Alvin asked. mdp.39015073495692 He talkin'?"
mdp.39015073495692He taught you how to box?
mdp.39015073495692Hey, Jimsey, how you feel? mdp.39015073495692 Hey, ” the boy said to Hillary,"was that Rod Tolen?"
mdp.39015073495692How about dinner, Richie?
mdp.39015073495692How about it, Eagle?
mdp.39015073495692How about you? ”I notice it.
mdp.39015073495692How you feel? ” he asked. mdp.39015073495692 I guess I do n't know. ” “ You've found the hatred then? ” She laughed lightly.
mdp.39015073495692I used to teach there. ” “ Which? ” Kilroy asked, prepared to talk about any town Hillary named. mdp.39015073495692 I want to kiss you. ”"Where's Prof? ” “ In the kitchen. ”"No."
mdp.39015073495692Is Eagle all right? ” she asked when she returned. mdp.39015073495692 Is this the ass kind or the mouth kind? ”"What difference does it make?
mdp.39015073495692Is this the ass kind or the mouth kind? ”What difference does it make?
mdp.39015073495692Last year. ” “ Kids? ”No."
mdp.39015073495692Live around here? ” Procopio asked, knowing the an- swer, but using the words as a preface. mdp.39015073495692 My man, how you makin'it?"
mdp.39015073495692Prof? mdp.39015073495692 See that?"
mdp.39015073495692Shirley got titties like that?
mdp.39015073495692Strung out? ” “ Pretty far out. ” “ What're you goin'to do?
mdp.39015073495692Strung out? ” “ Pretty far out. ” “ What're you goin'to do?
mdp.39015073495692Want me to wait?
mdp.39015073495692What happened?
mdp.39015073495692What will you do about your horn? ” Hillary asked, as they stood beneath the statue of Peter Cooper, passing the bottle back and forth. mdp.39015073495692 What'chall doin'? ” Eagle asked.
mdp.39015073495692What's happenin'? ” Eagle asked, leaning his body for- ward to indicate that he was in a hurry. mdp.39015073495692 What's wrong?"
mdp.39015073495692What? ” Hillary asked, stunned by this disintegration which remained neatly interred within the form of the body. mdp.39015073495692 What? ” “ Turkey, man.
mdp.39015073495692Where do we go from here? ” Keel asked. mdp.39015073495692 Where does it go?"
mdp.39015073495692Where you boys going? ” one of them asked. mdp.39015073495692 Where'll you go? ” Keel, without looking at him, said, “ Oh, I'll worry about it when the time comes."
mdp.39015073495692Where's Keel? ” “ Should be back in a minute. mdp.39015073495692 Where's he now? ”"I do n't know,"Keel lied.
mdp.39015073495692White folk's talk?
mdp.39015073495692Why do n't we have some coffee?
mdp.39015073495692Why do n't you go back and give Della a hand? mdp.39015073495692 Why?"
mdp.39015073495692Yor workin'for Keel? ” Crane asked. mdp.39015073495692 You Prof, are n't you? ” 97 “ Yeah. ”"Sure, you see, I know.
mdp.39015073495692You been downtown long?
mdp.39015073495692You cats want to sleep it off until we get back, or split? ” “ We gon na split, ” Kilroy said. mdp.39015073495692 You do n't use anything but whisky, do you? ”"No."
mdp.39015073495692You got a gig goin'? ” “ Not right off. mdp.39015073495692 You hot? ” “ No.
mdp.39015073495692You make a living here? ” “ If you mean just getting by, I do. mdp.39015073495692 ( Alice?) mdp.39015073495692 126 “ Feel okay?
mdp.39015073495692152 “ What makes you think I'll take it now? ” Eagle stuffed the money back in his pocket.
mdp.39015073495692185 “ Did n't you want to help me?"
mdp.3901507349569250 “ What's wrong with you all?"
mdp.3901507349569272"Gone. ” “ Gone, huh?"
mdp.39015073495692A cop?
mdp.39015073495692A two- way gig. ” Why, Hillary wondered, does she insist in talking this way to me?
mdp.39015073495692After all, what can you do in this country town?
mdp.39015073495692Ai n't she, Brindle? ” “ Better than that, ” Brindle said.
mdp.39015073495692All tore up, but they could talk, y'dig?
mdp.39015073495692And so what?
mdp.39015073495692And what, Hillary continued to think with speeding horror, was he doing here, actually trying to keep up with Eagle?
mdp.39015073495692Back to the shop and pass through wet and stinking to his room for all to see, Della too?
mdp.39015073495692Building on the blues, building with such speed and intricacy that we do n't even know it's blues right on?
mdp.39015073495692But had Keel read his mind?
mdp.39015073495692But if she did n't give it to him...?
mdp.39015073495692But once accepted, as it had been for a few years now, what then?
mdp.39015073495692But suddenly he was with someone( a woman?)
mdp.39015073495692But then a powerful sense of hopelessness came: what the hell had he and Al in common anyway?
mdp.39015073495692Can you un- derstand?"
mdp.39015073495692Car accident. ”"When?"
mdp.39015073495692Could one of these people have been the killer the musicians discussed, half- believingly?
mdp.39015073495692Could something be going on which would jeopardize the appointment?
mdp.39015073495692Crazy? ” “ Crazy."
mdp.39015073495692Della grinned, moved her coppered head in the illusion of a nod and said, “ Like, why not, man? ” Hillary smiled.
mdp.39015073495692Devoted. ”"You did n't find her too sick, did you?"
mdp.39015073495692Did Tolen require a smoke screen too?
mdp.39015073495692Did he hear from the school again today or something?
mdp.39015073495692Do you bare your breast for the bullet so that your shirt wo n't scratch the lead as it goes in?
mdp.39015073495692Do you know them? ” Hillary nodded.
mdp.39015073495692Do you like it?
mdp.39015073495692Do you stretch your neck for the guillotine?
mdp.39015073495692Eagle chewed his food and when he had swallowed it said, “ You like that Della, do n't you? ” “ Yeah.
mdp.39015073495692Eagle goofed. ” Keel wondered: Could this woman really be worried about Eagle?
mdp.39015073495692Eagle wanted to smash her; why was there always a closing that made a circle when there should have been a way out?
mdp.39015073495692Eagle's place?
mdp.39015073495692Everybody's so cool now, y'dig?"
mdp.39015073495692Feelin'better, eh?
mdp.39015073495692Gettin'kind of late. ”"I dig that. ” “ Y'do?"
mdp.39015073495692Go somewhere. ”"Without you? ” She looked at him.
mdp.39015073495692Guess I was wrong. ”"What's her old man like? ”"He's the kinda cat who'd do just what Candy said.
mdp.39015073495692Had Keel become suddenly angry with him?
mdp.39015073495692Had she been—“kind ” to him?
mdp.39015073495692He asked, “ You a junkie? ”"No."
mdp.39015073495692He became sick with the thought, steadied himself and asked, “ Can I get you anything?"
mdp.39015073495692He had Yor- dan out there, counting that bread until he got it straight- ened out, you hear me?"
mdp.39015073495692He thought: All right, Joseph, you with your sharp- assed coat of many colors, what does it mean?
mdp.39015073495692He turned to Hillary, “ How you doin'? ”.
mdp.39015073495692He whispered as though overcome by a great human feat, “ What, baby? ”.
mdp.39015073495692Hillary paused a moment, and then he knew that in the context the question of his being there could only mean: how long had he been a bum?
mdp.39015073495692Hillary thought: Why is he trying to frighten me?
mdp.39015073495692Hillary whispered to Kilroy, “ That cat still trying to get the dope on Lester? ” Kilroy smiled.
mdp.39015073495692How could she let something like this happen?
mdp.39015073495692How does that go —? ”.
mdp.39015073495692How much is he going to lay on you?"
mdp.39015073495692How much patience had she?
mdp.39015073495692How was it she could look at him ob- jectively, as a man, and not as a Negro enhanced by three hundred years of mythology?
mdp.39015073495692How you makin'it?"
mdp.39015073495692I am in love with her, I believe — he thought-but it is also possible that I hate more than love, and if I hate, how may I love?
mdp.39015073495692I ca n't get the news I'd like because I'm white, like you, y’dig?
mdp.39015073495692I do n't think it now. ” “ Shit. ” “ What?"
mdp.39015073495692I got to make it someway too. ” More briskly he said, “ So he's gone, huh?"
mdp.39015073495692I think I'm almost happy now. ” “ How can you afford me?"
mdp.39015073495692I think if you play with'em on the piano they'll come better for you, you know? ” “ How about my chords? ” “ They all right.
mdp.39015073495692I think if you play with'em on the piano they'll come better for you, you know? ” “ How about my chords? ” “ They all right.
mdp.39015073495692I'm sorry. ” He glanced behind him; what if Keel came now?
mdp.39015073495692If you do n't move fast enough I'll have to leave you: do n't you understand that?
mdp.39015073495692Is n't that terribly like all of us?
mdp.39015073495692Is n't there anything between us?
mdp.39015073495692It was bad enough without activating more, so how could he live a life with her?
mdp.39015073495692Just tell me again. ” “ What do you want, a novel? ” “ Do n't be funny.
mdp.39015073495692Keel paid the fare and said, “ Thanks, man. ” “ Need any help? ” “ No.
mdp.39015073495692Kilroy said, “ Is he?
mdp.39015073495692Let him be. ” “ Keel, ” she said,"why do you keep trying to be kind to him?"
mdp.39015073495692Man, you're so beat you did n't even notice that we had n't talked salary. ”"I noticed. ” “ You did, huh?"
mdp.39015073495692Meet you there at eleven- thirty, okay? ” “ Crazy, ” Eagle said.
mdp.39015073495692More to drink?
mdp.39015073495692Now ai n't that a bitch? ” Eagle climbed heavily to his feet and without another word retrieved his coat and went out.
mdp.39015073495692Now do you understand?
mdp.39015073495692Now he nodded his head to his next words: “ Do you dig, frig?
mdp.39015073495692Now, what's your name?"
mdp.39015073495692Once the cabby asked,"Is he comin'around? ” “ I think so.
mdp.39015073495692Or had she?
mdp.39015073495692Or that?
mdp.39015073495692Out of his bitterness he asked, “ How you like working for the schvartze? ” 100 “ What are you brooding about? ” Della asked.
mdp.39015073495692Out of his bitterness he asked, “ How you like working for the schvartze? ” 100 “ What are you brooding about? ” Della asked.
mdp.39015073495692Procopio asked belligerently, “ Did n't I ask you your name?
mdp.39015073495692Prof? ”"Hummm?"
mdp.39015073495692Prof? ”"Hummm?"
mdp.39015073495692Rod Tolen looked up and graveled, “ Man, how you sound?
mdp.39015073495692Ruppert is in town. ” “ Goddamn you, Kilroy, do n't put me on. ” “ What the hell is it? ” Keel said.
mdp.39015073495692Shall I do that? ” “ No, baby.
mdp.39015073495692Shit. ” So why, Hillary wondered, do you rob him, you and all the rest?
mdp.39015073495692Sigmund, with your ratty- assed couch, how about you?
mdp.39015073495692Something bugging you? ” Hillary shook his head and picked up the order for two Cappuccinos with Baclava which Della had filled.
mdp.39015073495692Still cold? ” 76 “ Naw, ” Hillary said.
mdp.39015073495692Teacher, are n't you? ” Hillary involuntarily looked at his clothes draped over the back of a chair.
mdp.39015073495692That man?
mdp.39015073495692The cats was on a two- day layoff. ” “ What's added? ” Background asked.
mdp.39015073495692The man and the woman... the man and the woman?
mdp.39015073495692There had been too, Hillary recalled, a wild little Jewish( why did he always remember that the man was a Jew?)
mdp.39015073495692They had been built"You know many colored guys before you came down here, Prof? ” Eagle asked on a hunch.
mdp.39015073495692They had walked a good ten blocks when Keel asked, “ How you feel now?"
mdp.39015073495692They tell him no? ” “ No, baby.
mdp.39015073495692This cat got his paper with all his figures on it — y'know, the bread Yordan owes him for three months on the damn road?
mdp.39015073495692To Della?
mdp.39015073495692Under his breath he said, “ You sonofabitch. ” “ What? ” The man stopped counting the soft, worn bills.
mdp.39015073495692Want a taste? ” He stood and poured out a drink.
mdp.39015073495692Was Crane trying to find out about the evening before?
mdp.39015073495692Was he going to put him out now, after he'd become somewhat used to human comforts?
mdp.39015073495692We tryin'to put on a show out here. ” Why, Hillary wondered, did Tolen emulate the speech of Kilroy?
mdp.39015073495692Went to get some soup for you. ” “ How long I been out?"
mdp.39015073495692What do I mean"might"?
mdp.39015073495692What had 37 he done?
mdp.39015073495692What made this man, Richie Stokes, play the music he did the way he did?
mdp.39015073495692What the hell was he thinking about?
mdp.39015073495692What's there to focus?
mdp.39015073495692What's your name? ” “ Dave Hillary. ”"Hillary, ” Keel mused.
mdp.39015073495692What, you too proud to work for me?"
mdp.39015073495692Where are all my Lords in this hour?
mdp.39015073495692Where were you, man? ”.
mdp.39015073495692Where, he wondered, could he go?
mdp.39015073495692Why be an awkward one?
mdp.39015073495692Why could n't he run?
mdp.39015073495692Why did n't he leave?
mdp.39015073495692Why did n't she stop coming?
mdp.39015073495692Why did n't this man like him?
mdp.39015073495692Why do I sit here and insist that the clue to my life is the music of some beatup bean- picker named Richie Stokes?
mdp.39015073495692Why do n't I sit down?
mdp.39015073495692Why do n't you get a job?"
mdp.39015073495692Why do n't you hit on him?"
mdp.39015073495692Why do you hustle?
mdp.39015073495692Why the hell did they always turn up the sound when Yards played?
mdp.39015073495692Why? ”"Nothing.
mdp.39015073495692Would he leave now since Keel was not going to send him away?
mdp.39015073495692Would he want to come in?
mdp.39015073495692Would it suffice, for Della, to show Hillary how she really wanted things?
mdp.39015073495692Yet now he asked, “ What's the matter? ” “ Darling, why does anything have to be the matter?"
mdp.39015073495692Yet now he asked, “ What's the matter? ” “ Darling, why does anything have to be the matter?"
mdp.39015073495692You almost ready?"
mdp.39015073495692You hated my guts. ” “ Know why?"
mdp.39015073495692You really go to college, you and that girl?"
mdp.39015073495692You signed with Demetriades yet?"
mdp.39015073495692You was dead, nigger, you know that? ” Hillary felt uncomfortable.
mdp.39015073495692You white. ” “ What's that got to do with it?"
mdp.39015073495692You're a great cat, baby, you know that? ” Hillary smiled.
mdp.39015073495692You? ” Yards nodded.
mdp.39015073495692passions of lust, vic.?
mdp.39015073495692that ragged jargon meant to amuse, to relax, to throw one off guard with its simplicity and crudeness?
mdp.39015073495692“ 50th Street. ” “ 50th Street? ” the cabby asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ A hundred? ” Hillary asked softly so the person behind him could n't hear.
mdp.39015073495692“ Agency analysis, huh?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Ai n't you goin'back? ” Eagle said.
mdp.39015073495692“ All right. ”'Who's truth is it, yours or someone else's?'
mdp.39015073495692“ Alvin asked how I liked working for Keel. ” “ Yes? ” she said.
mdp.39015073495692“ Anybody around at all? ” Alvin asked, cloaking des- peration.
mdp.39015073495692“ But where? ” he mumbled to himself.
mdp.39015073495692“ C'm on, will you man? ” Through the little window the light came in gray- blue; morning was no more than an hour away.
mdp.39015073495692“ Ca n't I stay? ” Toot asked, all playfulness gone.
mdp.39015073495692“ Ca n't we get in touch with Ruppert? ” he asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ Candy gone?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Coffee? ” Keel asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ Della? ” he said, clearing his throat.
mdp.39015073495692“ Did you know that? ” “ I figured you could anytime you wanted to. ” “ That's what I thought, too."
mdp.39015073495692“ Do n't you ever get used to it? ” “ Keel has n't."
mdp.39015073495692“ Do n't you need it?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Do something for me, will you, baby? ”"Anything, Eagle. ” “ Gimmee twenty- five dollas."
mdp.39015073495692“ Does Eagle know? ” Keel asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ Drop you off? ” Keel asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ Eagle? ” Eagle opened his eyes and smiled or rather intended to, 49 but what appeared was more like a sneer.
mdp.39015073495692“ Have I ever taken bread from you? ”"No."
mdp.39015073495692“ He has n't been sounding good lately, know what I mean?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Hey, Al, what's happenin', baby? ” Eagle said.
mdp.39015073495692“ Honey?"
mdp.39015073495692“ How do you mean?"
mdp.39015073495692“ How much? ” Hillary asked hoarsely.
mdp.39015073495692“ How much? ” “ Five. ” There were three singles in his left pocket and a five in the right.
mdp.39015073495692“ How you feel? ” Crane asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ How you feel? ” Hillary asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ How you making it, Prof? ” Hillary jumped.
mdp.39015073495692“ How's Eagle blowin'? ” Keel asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ I do n't want it, but I do n't know what else to do. ” “ Can I make that suggestion again? ” Keel looked at her.
mdp.39015073495692“ I feel good, why?"
mdp.39015073495692“ I was late, but- ” “ Yeah, baby?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Keel, how are you?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Keel, ” Hillary said impatiently, “ and Della? ” Eagle shrugged.
mdp.39015073495692“ Kilroy tell you what Candy said? ” “ Yep,"Ruppert said.
mdp.39015073495692“ Know what I'd like to do man, after breakfast?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Like to go? ” “ Yes, ” Hillary said.
mdp.39015073495692“ Like to make some bread? ”"What doing? ” Hillary countered.
mdp.39015073495692“ Like to make some bread? ”"What doing? ” Hillary countered.
mdp.39015073495692“ Like, how do you mean? ” Her tone was condescending.
mdp.39015073495692“ Like, man, how do you know?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Look, take it easy tonight, will you?
mdp.39015073495692“ Maybe. ” “ What the hell are you? ” Hillary asked wearily.
mdp.39015073495692“ Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, which shall I take? ” He had re- turned and as Eagle poured the glasses half- full he read the letter again.
mdp.39015073495692“ Of what? ” he asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ Oh yeah, Finian's. ” They both remembered: how could they forget?
mdp.39015073495692“ Oh, yeah? ” “ I do n't mean an ordinary preacher.
mdp.39015073495692“ Richie Stokes, is n't it?"
mdp.39015073495692“ So, how does it feel, working for me? ” Hillary looked up with a smile.
mdp.39015073495692“ Suzy, is she on the way? ” “ Yes. ” Aside Brindle said,"These broads're a couple of gradu- ate students.
mdp.39015073495692“ That means three beers? ” “ Three beers. ” He looked at Keel and Hillary and ex- plained.
mdp.39015073495692“ That's natural, I think. ”"Is it?
mdp.39015073495692“ The point is, why do you want my name?"
mdp.39015073495692“ There are n't many jobs around that pay. ” “ Why not?
mdp.39015073495692“ There's lots of news here, but I ca n't get it: you know what I mean? ” His eyes took on a wise look.
mdp.39015073495692“ They stink, do n't they?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Think it'll work?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Those guys are somethin'else, are n't they? ” Keel said, nodding toward the two musi- cians.
mdp.39015073495692“ To what? ” “ That Eagle does n't sound good these days. ” “ He sounds all right to me, ” Keel insisted again.
mdp.39015073495692“ Understand?
mdp.39015073495692“ Want a taste? ” She said it deep in her throat and her smile mocked him.
mdp.39015073495692“ What brought you around, man? ” Keel asked with a smile.
mdp.39015073495692“ What did you do to him?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What do you mean'we,'white man?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What do you mean? ” “ We talked. ” Keel's lips simulated a tight smile.
mdp.39015073495692“ What do you mean? ” “ Why are you a nothin'? ” Hillary wanted to protest.
mdp.39015073495692“ What do you mean? ” “ Why are you a nothin'? ” Hillary wanted to protest.
mdp.39015073495692“ What do you mean?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What is it?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What makes you think I'm worried? ” Della started to speak but changed her mind; she recog- nized the tone of his voice.
mdp.39015073495692“ What then? ” There had to be a reason why he was here, Hillary thought.
mdp.39015073495692“ What was he like?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What you need with bread, Background?
mdp.39015073495692“ What'd you say?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What're you goin'to do about them people? ” “ What people?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What're you goin'to do about them people? ” “ What people?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What's he say?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What's the matter? ” “ Put your shoes on. ” Keel was holding Hillary's jacket for him.
mdp.39015073495692“ What's this for? ”.
mdp.39015073495692“ What's wrong? ” Al asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ What's your name?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What? ” “ Get next to a good guitar man an'you'll learn some cute things about chords and harmony progressions, dig?"
mdp.39015073495692“ What? ” “ Get next to a good guitar man an'you'll learn some cute things about chords and harmony progressions, dig?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Whatcha got, Jimsey?"
mdp.39015073495692“ When you start the tour? ” “ Tomorrow, so I'll see you up there.
mdp.39015073495692“ Where is he? ” Keel asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ Where to?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Where were you?
mdp.39015073495692“ Where'd you find me?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Where'd you teach? ” “ Upstate. ” “ You have n't cut out for good? ”"I do n't know."
mdp.39015073495692“ Where'd you teach? ” “ Upstate. ” “ You have n't cut out for good? ”"I do n't know."
mdp.39015073495692“ Where's Keel and Della?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Who called you? ” 40 angel.
mdp.39015073495692“ Who's there? ”"Keel, Candy.
mdp.39015073495692“ Who?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Why are n't you making it, fella?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Why did n't you call me?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Why do n't you pray for me, man?".
mdp.39015073495692“ Why? ” Della asked, startled.
mdp.39015073495692“ Why? ” It was Hillary's turn to shrug.
mdp.39015073495692“ Why? ” “ My children.
mdp.39015073495692“ Why?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Wino?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Work around here? ” Some of them were cooks in the frat houses.
mdp.39015073495692“ Would n't that be best? ” “ You think that'll do it? ” “ I do n't know.
mdp.39015073495692“ Would n't that be best? ” “ You think that'll do it? ” “ I do n't know.
mdp.39015073495692“ Yeah. ”"Musician? ” 69 Hillary had always thought that with musicians and their hangers- on the necessity to pigeonhole would be ab- sent.
mdp.39015073495692“ Yes, there were things to be learned. ” “ But for all that, ” Della said impatiently,"you feel better now, do n't you?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Yes. ” “ Yes, what?"
mdp.39015073495692“ Yes?"
mdp.39015073495692“ You alone here? ” “ Yes. ” Behind them Eagle took off on one of his inspired pas- sages.
mdp.39015073495692“ You been to Paris, man? ”"Yeah.
mdp.39015073495692“ You do n't agree? ” Crane persisted.
mdp.39015073495692“ You ever play with Charlie Christian? ” Al asked.
mdp.39015073495692“ You going to be long?"
mdp.39015073495692“ You have a job, some place to go? ” “ No.
mdp.39015073495692“ You hear that, man?
mdp.39015073495692“ You like it?"
mdp.39015073495692“ You need my help? ”.
mdp.39015073495692“ You want a job? ” “ Doing what?"
mdp.39015073495692“ You want a job? ” “ Doing what?"
mdp.39015073495692“ You will come with me, upstairs, then? ”"I live around the corner, ” Hillary said.
mdp.39015073495692“ You wish to make love?"
mdp.39015073495692“ You work for Brindle? ”"No,"she said, quickly.
mdp.39015073495692“ You're not a writer are you? ” Hillary shook his head.
mdp.39015073495692“ Yours?"
mdp.39015028489303A guest in my own house and you refuse to dance with me?
mdp.39015028489303A movie?
mdp.39015028489303About what did she talk?
mdp.39015028489303And my poor driver was killed?
mdp.39015028489303And who wants to get along with them the way you do?
mdp.39015028489303Are you and Uncle Fred coming over here today?
mdp.39015028489303Are you going to have one, Josephine?
mdp.39015028489303Are you going with us?
mdp.39015028489303Are you hungry?
mdp.39015028489303Are you hurt, Ronald?
mdp.39015028489303Before I leave this weekend?
mdp.39015028489303Besides Ronald, the other straggler would n't have been Oliver?
mdp.39015028489303By the way,he remembered,"may I visit you Christmas?
mdp.39015028489303Clifford, what are you saying? mdp.39015028489303 Clifford, why do you say such things?"
mdp.39015028489303Could you stay for dinner?
mdp.39015028489303Daddy, what do you think of Ronald?
mdp.39015028489303Did n't I have one this afternoon?
mdp.39015028489303Do I approve of him?
mdp.39015028489303Do you have to be the best- dressed girl in Smith's fresh- 58 FALSE MEASURE man class?
mdp.39015028489303Do you know if you were to divorce Clifford he'd blow his top? mdp.39015028489303 Do you know what I think?
mdp.39015028489303Do you know, Joan, what hurts me most? mdp.39015028489303 Do you love her?"
mdp.39015028489303Do you need a drink?
mdp.39015028489303Do you plan to stay on the campus for the holidays?
mdp.39015028489303Do you really, Ronald?
mdp.39015028489303Do you want something to help your appetite along?
mdp.39015028489303Does that interest you?
mdp.39015028489303Doing all right?
mdp.39015028489303Food, sir?
mdp.39015028489303Have n't you?
mdp.39015028489303Have you forgotten, dear, we're supposed to go calling tonight? mdp.39015028489303 Haven...?"
mdp.39015028489303How about it?
mdp.39015028489303How are we going to get out of here without being noticed?
mdp.39015028489303How are you going to present it to her looking like that?
mdp.39015028489303How could I forget her? mdp.39015028489303 How did you find out, Joan?
mdp.39015028489303How did you know there would be any question about Joan's dancing with me?
mdp.39015028489303How do you feel about your engagement now?
mdp.39015028489303How do you feel today, sergeant?
mdp.39015028489303How do you like him?
mdp.39015028489303How long do you propose to keep him at a distance?
mdp.39015028489303How long have I been here?
mdp.39015028489303How the hell are we gon na get these guys up to the road?
mdp.39015028489303How's grandpa this morning?
mdp.39015028489303How's that law coming along?
mdp.39015028489303I thought you told me you were going to New York for the weekend?
mdp.39015028489303I'd like to have some pajamas exactly like those but I wonder if I'd look as good in them as you do?
mdp.39015028489303Is Ronald here yet?
mdp.39015028489303Is Ronald up yet, Aunt Josephine?
mdp.39015028489303Is he handsome?
mdp.39015028489303Is there anyone else here who can play?
mdp.39015028489303Joan, you're simply ravishing in that new fall suitl Where from?
mdp.39015028489303May I come, Miss Turner?
mdp.39015028489303May I kiss you?
mdp.39015028489303Mother, did n't you say these extra gifts were inexpen- sive?
mdp.39015028489303Please do n't think I'm an idiot for asking such a ques- tion, but did you know Joan is colored?
mdp.39015028489303Pretty tree, is n't it?
mdp.39015028489303Recovering? mdp.39015028489303 Sandwiches?"
mdp.39015028489303She's there already?
mdp.39015028489303Should we? mdp.39015028489303 So now you're melting?"
mdp.39015028489303So soon?
mdp.39015028489303So what? mdp.39015028489303 Still have an eye for a pretty girl, have n't you?"
mdp.39015028489303Tell me, sugar pie,Prudence asked,"what's the cur- rent status of the guy who was drooling over you so at Martha's Vineyard all summer?"
mdp.39015028489303Tell me,Joan broke in,"what brings you to New York and how long do you intend to stay?"
mdp.39015028489303Tell me,Prudence asked,"what in the world does Clifford think you've been doing about your sex life?"
mdp.39015028489303Was that all right?
mdp.39015028489303Water or soda, Ronald?
mdp.39015028489303We'll leave at eight then?
mdp.39015028489303Well, how do you think they'd manage if they did n't put things in bags?
mdp.39015028489303Well, what confused you?
mdp.39015028489303Well,she said, laughing and panting,"what can I do for you?"
mdp.39015028489303What about you?
mdp.39015028489303What could you do? mdp.39015028489303 What did you tear it open like that for?"
mdp.39015028489303What do you mean by that, daddy?
mdp.39015028489303What do you mean, you do n't know what to do?
mdp.39015028489303What do you plan to do in the fall?
mdp.39015028489303What do you want?
mdp.39015028489303What do your parents want you to do, Joan?
mdp.39015028489303What does Joan intend to do after graduation?
mdp.39015028489303What does Prudence do? mdp.39015028489303 What does her father do?"
mdp.39015028489303What does her quondam partner do for a living?
mdp.39015028489303What has he or any of us ever done to you? mdp.39015028489303 What have you done to Roberta?"
mdp.39015028489303What have you planned for the holidays?
mdp.39015028489303What in the world did Dean Ferguson want with you this morning?
mdp.39015028489303What in the world do you young women do with so many clothes?
mdp.39015028489303What paper?
mdp.39015028489303What place?
mdp.39015028489303What shall I do?
mdp.39015028489303What'll you have?
mdp.39015028489303What's her name?
mdp.39015028489303What's the matter we ca n't buy you girls a drink?
mdp.39015028489303What's the matter with you?
mdp.39015028489303What's the matter? mdp.39015028489303 What's wrong with that roommate of yours?
mdp.39015028489303When did you get it?
mdp.39015028489303When do you want the party?
mdp.39015028489303Where are mother and father?
mdp.39015028489303Where do you want this, Miss Harrison?
mdp.39015028489303Where have you been, Joan? mdp.39015028489303 Where have you been?"
mdp.39015028489303Where in God's name have you been, Joan?
mdp.39015028489303Where is the other young man?
mdp.39015028489303Where's Adrienne?
mdp.39015028489303Where's Aunt Josephine?
mdp.39015028489303Where's Joan?
mdp.39015028489303Where's Uncle Fred?
mdp.39015028489303Where's the bath?
mdp.39015028489303Who are his parents and where does he live?
mdp.39015028489303Who ever heard of a barber getting bald?
mdp.39015028489303Who follows these guys? mdp.39015028489303 Who in hell could study in this bedlam?"
mdp.39015028489303Who the hell does she think she is?
mdp.39015028489303Who, pray tell?
mdp.39015028489303Why are you persecuting my son?
mdp.39015028489303Why compared to Mount Holyoke?
mdp.39015028489303Why is she so crazy about him?
mdp.39015028489303Why not have a luncheon meeting Saturday at one o'clock at Flamingo's? mdp.39015028489303 Why was it necessary for me to send you an en- graved invitation on a silver platter to come to my party?"
mdp.39015028489303Will I have time to dress for dinner, mother?
mdp.39015028489303Will you be on the campus?
mdp.39015028489303Will you do as I say?
mdp.39015028489303Will you do me a special favor and mail this letter when you go off duty this morn- ing? mdp.39015028489303 Will you girls come on downstairs?
mdp.39015028489303Will you go riding with me and the others to- morrow morning?
mdp.39015028489303Will you sit here with me?
mdp.39015028489303Will you?
mdp.39015028489303Wo n't you snap out of it, Joan? mdp.39015028489303 Would you be will- ing to wear my ring as long as you retain your present sen- 196 FALSE MEASURE timents?
mdp.39015028489303Would you care to come with us tonight?
mdp.39015028489303Yes, Joan?
mdp.39015028489303Yes, baby?
mdp.39015028489303You mean to tell me a girl like this wants to marry you and you would turn her down?
mdp.39015028489303You want them to dress well and look good, do n't you?
mdp.39015028489303Your parents?
mdp.39015028489303172 FALSE MEASURE"As many times as you've stood at your Uncle Fred's bar in the basement?"
mdp.3901502848930354 FALSE MEASURE Mr. Turner called in from the sitting room,"Say, what goes on there?
mdp.39015028489303A woman like you should look for these main things in a prospective husband: Does he have as much sense in his head as you have?
mdp.39015028489303Ab- ruptly, she broke off her dance, shut off the record player, and called out,"Where's Ronald?"
mdp.39015028489303After all, had n't she been president of the Richmond chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy?
mdp.39015028489303After several moments'silence, Joan asked,"What are you so quiet about now?"
mdp.39015028489303Am I disliked?
mdp.39015028489303Am I going to have to go through this every time one of their trains pulls in?"
mdp.39015028489303And do you know Oliver said he's coming down?
mdp.39015028489303And ride our bicycles?
mdp.39015028489303And we have almost five thousand dollars in the bank, do n't we?"
mdp.39015028489303And what happened?
mdp.39015028489303And what was the meaning of'I've been so fond of Joan'?
mdp.39015028489303And what were their requirements?
mdp.39015028489303And what would that mean?
mdp.39015028489303And what's your reason for asking me?"
mdp.39015028489303Another answered,"What difference does it make?
mdp.39015028489303Any suggestions?
mdp.39015028489303Are you coming in for a minute, Turner?"
mdp.39015028489303Are you?"
mdp.39015028489303As Doris was leaving the room, Joan asked,"Have you seen Adrienne?
mdp.39015028489303As the women approached to leave, some were heard to ask,"What are you going to wear Satur- day?"
mdp.39015028489303At length she went over to the secretary and asked,"What on earth does Dean Fergu- son want to see me for?"
mdp.39015028489303At the car he asked,"Joan, are you okay to drive?"
mdp.39015028489303Beatrice frigidly asked,"Do n't you think others of us ought to be allowed to comment before a vote is taken?"
mdp.39015028489303Beatrice pulled up in the driveway and called through a side door,"Henry, Henry, are you there?"
mdp.39015028489303Before that, I should like to say this though: why have you never married?
mdp.39015028489303But I did hit the nail on the head, did n't I?"
mdp.39015028489303But are you sure he means nothing to you?"
mdp.39015028489303But how to ask it?
mdp.39015028489303But where would she find another Ronald?
mdp.39015028489303But where would they stay?
mdp.39015028489303By the way, will you have room enough for another visitor Christmas?
mdp.39015028489303Ca n't we see too?"
mdp.39015028489303Can he be a good provider?
mdp.39015028489303Can you give me a fill- in?"
mdp.39015028489303Can you imagine that?"
mdp.39015028489303Copulatively speaking, is Clifford still reneging?
mdp.39015028489303Could Mildred and Margaret get back?
mdp.39015028489303Did n't you, Henry?"
mdp.39015028489303Did n't you?"
mdp.39015028489303Did you sleep well?"
mdp.39015028489303Do n't you, Ronald?"
mdp.39015028489303Do they think I'm a snob?
mdp.39015028489303Do you have to have a chaperone every place you go?"
mdp.39015028489303Do you know of any finer girl on this campus?
mdp.39015028489303Do you know that I know some ten years ago one of our girls became pregnant, came to you with her problem, and you arranged everything?
mdp.39015028489303Do you know what I did?"
mdp.39015028489303Do you know what he said?
mdp.39015028489303Do you mind?
mdp.39015028489303Do you re- member my good friend Mary?
mdp.39015028489303Do you remember how we used to skate together?
mdp.39015028489303Do you think I'd give a wrong count?"
mdp.39015028489303Do you think for one moment Joan would be at a loss for fondness and friends if she lost your fondness?
mdp.39015028489303Do you think you could behave your- self from now to then?
mdp.39015028489303Do you?"
mdp.39015028489303Does n't she realize the year is almost over and we've all passed and it's time for a letdown?"
mdp.39015028489303Doris asked,"When do you think you'll be called?"
mdp.39015028489303Doris took one look at her and said,"What's wrong with you?
mdp.39015028489303Edwina had said,"How did you ever happen to draw her for a roommate?
mdp.39015028489303Every now and then Oliver or Ronald would yell out,"What's the score?"
mdp.39015028489303FALSE MEASURE 229"Your fiance?"
mdp.39015028489303FALSE'MEASURE 93"Are you going to have some refreshments?"
mdp.39015028489303Feigning a Southern accent, she called,"What ah we gon na do about ah little Southern belle?
mdp.39015028489303Gosh, I'm from Richmond, what'll I do?
mdp.39015028489303Grandpa would persist,"Well, why did you have to pick, one so black?"
mdp.39015028489303Have you been called?"
mdp.39015028489303He leaned over to Joan and whispered, “ Joan, will you please dance with me?"
mdp.39015028489303He opened the champagne and replaced it in the iced bucket, made a final survey of the table, and inquired,"Anything else?"
mdp.39015028489303He realized she was about to leave for her meeting, but would she have time for a cocktail with him and his friend?
mdp.39015028489303He said he already had one, what was he going to do with another?
mdp.39015028489303He said'How?'
mdp.39015028489303His first question was,'Is your appetite better and are you sleeping better?'
mdp.39015028489303How about a show of hands as to what section of the city you pre- fer for the dance?"
mdp.39015028489303How could I, in fairness to my principles and to the man, promise to marry him if I do n't even know that I love him?
mdp.39015028489303How did I do?"
mdp.39015028489303How did I ever for- get with as nice a weekend as she gave me in Boston, Thanks- giving?
mdp.39015028489303How did she happen to go and leave Ronald here?
mdp.39015028489303How did the arbiters get that way?
mdp.39015028489303How did you guess it?"
mdp.39015028489303How did you know I wanted this?
mdp.39015028489303How do you think this school could be run without you here to keep the colored maintenance men on the ball?"
mdp.39015028489303How many do you think you'll have?"
mdp.39015028489303How many other women have you told that?"
mdp.39015028489303How we taught each other the latest dance steps?"
mdp.39015028489303How's Beatrice?"
mdp.39015028489303I'm vain about'em, do n't you think I ought to be?"
mdp.39015028489303Inserting a cigarette in a long holder, teasing, Mrs. Harrison asked,"Is it hot enough for you now, Beatrice?"
mdp.39015028489303Is his dis- position such that you feel you wo n't be scrapping every other minute after you get under the same roof with him?
mdp.39015028489303Is it that I'm too cold?
mdp.39015028489303Is she an example of a Southern belle?"
mdp.39015028489303Is that agreed?"
mdp.39015028489303Is that all right, daddy?"
mdp.39015028489303Is that all that's causing this emotional outburst?
mdp.39015028489303Is that true?"
mdp.39015028489303Is there anybody in the whole school who does n't know your name?
mdp.39015028489303It is a pretty tune, is n't it?"
mdp.39015028489303Joan asked Ronald,"Do you re- member Prudence in Columbus?"
mdp.39015028489303Joan asked with amazement in her voice,"How could a man with his looks and fairly good income remain single so long?"
mdp.39015028489303Joan commented occasionally,"Is that so?"
mdp.39015028489303Joan directed to Ronald,"How do you know how smart I am?"
mdp.39015028489303Joan excitedly called across the room,"Daddy, daddy, did you get the evening paper?"
mdp.39015028489303Joan was on the verge of saying,"Yes?"
mdp.39015028489303Just one little mistake, so why should her life have been ruined by the puritanical attitudes of many people in this city?
mdp.39015028489303Last year at the junior prom, do you re- member her escort was Henry Jackson, the manufacturer's son?
mdp.39015028489303Margaret asked,"How are three men with luggage and three of us going to get in one car?"
mdp.39015028489303More ruffled, Veronica replied,"Am I not to be trusted?
mdp.39015028489303Mr. Harrison asked,"Light or dark meat, Ronald?"
mdp.39015028489303Mr. Turner broke in to ask,"Joan, where do you want these heavy bags?"
mdp.39015028489303Mr. Turner, Mrs. Turner, and 166 FALSE MEASURE for it?
mdp.39015028489303Mrs. Harrison asked,"Do you think the United States should aid Britain and France?
mdp.39015028489303Nobody answered so he asked,"Well?"
mdp.39015028489303Noting the darkness, she asked,"For God's sake, mother, what time is it?
mdp.39015028489303Once Doris asked Joan,"What's the matter with that Richmond magnolia bitch you live with who has the exag- 72 FALSE MEASURE gerated Southern drawl?
mdp.39015028489303One said,"Where is he now?
mdp.39015028489303Or do you think we should observe strict neu- trality and not aid either side?"
mdp.39015028489303Our last one in the spring was at the Essex House, so why not have this one uptown?
mdp.39015028489303Pained, Ronald asked,"What sort of man do you think I am that you wo n't allow me to show you our home?"
mdp.39015028489303Right away?"
mdp.39015028489303Ronald approached the bottom step; he had passed by the other two who, amused, had asked,"What's the matter, Ronald?"
mdp.39015028489303Ronald finished his song and quietly inquired,"How're you doing?"
mdp.39015028489303Ronald shouted once,"Will you girls wake up and keep me company on this long drive?
mdp.39015028489303Ronald stopped short and implored,"Joan, what's the matter?"
mdp.39015028489303Running to the stairs she asked,"Mother, where do you want me to stand?"
mdp.39015028489303Shall we pull'er outa bed?"
mdp.39015028489303She lost the smile on her face and was about to say,"What do you want?"
mdp.39015028489303She returned and her father said,"How was it?"
mdp.39015028489303She turned her head and a strange man said,"Lady, could you tell me where I can get an invitation?"
mdp.39015028489303She whipped Joan's bed cover with her riding crop, and extended the dove of peace in asking,"How about going riding with us this morning, Adrienne?
mdp.39015028489303She's not perfect, but who is?
mdp.39015028489303Should it be asked?
mdp.39015028489303Since Joan had committed no 60 FALSE MEASURE 61 breach, the opening question was,"I suppose, Miss Turner, you wondered why I sent for you?"
mdp.39015028489303Solicitously, Edwina asked,"Joan, do you think I should make this trip with you?
mdp.39015028489303Someone she had never met?
mdp.39015028489303Suddenly she simulated a serious mien to Joan's and Beatrice's amuse- ment and asked,"What became of Roberta Jones?
mdp.39015028489303Summing up all this and the fact that you've been so thoughtful of me this week, and that you've been exclusively mine, what do you have?
mdp.39015028489303Tell me, Joan, what is it?"
mdp.39015028489303The dancers stopped and asked her,"What did you do that for?"
mdp.39015028489303The drinks came and Ronald asked,"Please, darling, will you drink this down?
mdp.39015028489303The fun all of us had in Columbus in — was it 1940?
mdp.39015028489303The porter in the doorway, the trunk still on his back, said,"Lady, where do you want this trunk?"
mdp.39015028489303The topic was,"Did the Munich Agreement Precipitate the European War?"
mdp.39015028489303Then on to Colum- 202 FALSE MEASURE 205"Did you ever hear of Selective Service?"
mdp.39015028489303Then she said,"Excuse me, Joan, will you have one?
mdp.39015028489303Then they said,"How the hell are we gon na get down there as steep as it is?"
mdp.39015028489303They moved to the living room and Ronald, seating himself at the piano, asked,"What'll it be?"
mdp.39015028489303Think you can find your way back without getting lost?"
mdp.39015028489303Viewing him in the mirror, she responded resonantly,"Hi, baby, have a nice day?"
mdp.39015028489303Was I getting along with my husband?
mdp.39015028489303We only owe two pay- ments on the car, is n't that right?
mdp.39015028489303What are you go- ing to do about Roberta, Joan?
mdp.39015028489303What are you going to do to me?"
mdp.39015028489303What are you going to wear?"
mdp.39015028489303What do they say about me?
mdp.39015028489303What does that mean?
mdp.39015028489303What else could it be?
mdp.39015028489303What else did she say?"
mdp.39015028489303What father would n't try to do something for a son in similar circumstances?
mdp.39015028489303What shall we do after dinner?"
mdp.39015028489303What will I do?
mdp.39015028489303What would they say if they learned I left Richmond to visit with a Negro family?"
mdp.39015028489303What's the matter with you?"
mdp.39015028489303When Joan and Ronald got home, Mrs. Turner asked,"I thought you said you were going to have everything sent except Beatrice's gift?"
mdp.39015028489303When are you com- ing by here?"
mdp.39015028489303When are you coming after them?"
mdp.39015028489303When are you coming over for them?"
mdp.39015028489303When he reported that the girls refused, the cue- ball said,"Who in hell do they think they are?"
mdp.39015028489303When he was climbing the steps to his car she asked,"How do you like my school compared to Mount Holyoke?"
mdp.39015028489303When she had gone, Dr. Williams asked,"What's the matter with her?"
mdp.39015028489303Where did you find it?"
mdp.39015028489303Where shall I begin?"
mdp.39015028489303Where was Mildred?
mdp.39015028489303Where was the nearest hospital?
mdp.39015028489303Where's the maid?"
mdp.39015028489303Who do you think you're talking to, Ronald Gregory?
mdp.39015028489303Who is he?"
mdp.39015028489303Whom was her husband bringing in?
mdp.39015028489303Why are they doing this to us?"
mdp.39015028489303Why did I have to find this out this way?
mdp.39015028489303Why did n't Joan tell me this?
mdp.39015028489303Why did she hide it from me?"
mdp.39015028489303Why did you let me sleep so long?"
mdp.39015028489303Why do n't you hang up your clothes and do likewise?"
mdp.39015028489303Why's everybody so quiet?"
mdp.39015028489303Will you follow me?"
mdp.39015028489303Will you forgive me?
mdp.39015028489303Will you go tomorrow night?"
mdp.39015028489303Will you?"
mdp.39015028489303Will you?"
mdp.39015028489303With maternal con- cern, Mrs. Turner asked,"Are you sick, Joan?"
mdp.39015028489303Without fail?"
mdp.39015028489303Wo n't you come in and have a seat?"
mdp.39015028489303Would Joan please invite her broken- hearted Ruth?
mdp.39015028489303Would it be the right thing to do?"
mdp.39015028489303Would you come, if only for a few minutes?"
mdp.39015028489303You and Ronald, Joan?"
mdp.39015028489303You get it, do n't you, Prudence?
mdp.39015028489303You will write?
mdp.39015028489303You wo n't disappoint me, will you?"
mdp.39015028489303and Hey, let me see too, and Will you stop pushing?
mdp.39015028489303or"How many minutes to play?"
mdp.39015028489303or, hearing the cheering,"Who made the play?"
mdp.39015028489303to herself and out loud to Joan,"Are you colored, Joan?"
njp.32101066122597A civil war about what?
njp.32101066122597A few have done? njp.32101066122597 A member of a colored church?
njp.32101066122597Ai n't dey beauties? njp.32101066122597 Am I so changed?"
njp.32101066122597And Iola, would she be satisfied?
njp.32101066122597And did n't you feel sorry for him?
njp.32101066122597And did you really think that they would accept the terms of freedom and lay down their arms?
njp.32101066122597And how,asked Robert,"do you know what I am thinking about?"
njp.32101066122597And is not that a proof that we are at fault with respect to our institutions?
njp.32101066122597And is this your final answer?
njp.32101066122597And leave you?
njp.32101066122597And what are they, Iola? njp.32101066122597 And what then?"
njp.32101066122597And what would grandma and Uncle Robert say?
njp.32101066122597And why let politics alone?
njp.32101066122597And, Aunt Linda, what did you do?
njp.32101066122597Are you in earnest? njp.32101066122597 But do n't the temperance people want the colored people to vote the temperance ticket?"
njp.32101066122597But has not society the right to guard the purity of its blood by the rigid exclusion of an alien race?
njp.32101066122597But how came you to be Aunt Linda's husband? njp.32101066122597 But how did they get it?"
njp.32101066122597But how is it in the Church?
njp.32101066122597But what right has public opinion to interfere with our marriage relations? njp.32101066122597 But, Doctor, what kind of society would we have if we put down the bars and admitted everybody to social equality?"
njp.32101066122597But, Iola,said Dr. Gresham, a little impatiently,"what has all this to do with our marriage?
njp.32101066122597But, Uncle Daniel, you're not too old to want your freedom?
njp.32101066122597But, surely, Robert, you do not think religion has degraded the negro?
njp.32101066122597By what authority?
njp.32101066122597By what authority?
njp.32101066122597Captain,said Robert, with a tone of bitterness in his voice,"what had we to be grateful for?
njp.32101066122597Compliments aside,she said, smiling;"what are you driving at, Doctor?"
njp.32101066122597Dat's jis'de way; you see dat, Miss Iola? njp.32101066122597 Did he do it?"
njp.32101066122597Did he do it?
njp.32101066122597Did n't he go to the battle?
njp.32101066122597Do n't she know that her father is dead?
njp.32101066122597Do n't you know that if she is as fair as a lily, beau- tiful as a houri, and chaste as ice, that still she is a negro?
njp.32101066122597Do you ever go to sec old Miss?
njp.32101066122597Do you know where she learned it?
njp.32101066122597Do you remember my mother?
njp.32101066122597Do you remember where she came from, and who was her mother?
njp.32101066122597Do you think it would make her feel too happy?
njp.32101066122597Do you think she would go with us?
njp.32101066122597Do you think so?
njp.32101066122597Do you think white folks is your bes'friends?
njp.32101066122597Do you think you can get her away?
njp.32101066122597Do you think,asked Iola,"if you saw the likeness of your sister you would recognize her?"
njp.32101066122597Does she take sides against the girl?
njp.32101066122597Does the United States own one foot of African soil? njp.32101066122597 Does yer'member Miss Nancy's Harriet,"asked Aunt Linda,"dat she sole away kase she would n't let her whip her?
njp.32101066122597Even if you would n't go with us when we left?
njp.32101066122597GOOD mornin', Bob; how's butter dis mornin'?
njp.32101066122597Go to Africa?
njp.32101066122597Good morning,said Leroy, rising and advancing towards him;"how is my ward this morning?"
njp.32101066122597Has she any brothers or sisters?
njp.32101066122597Have you seen her yet?
njp.32101066122597How are you both? njp.32101066122597 How can you get her away?"
njp.32101066122597How did I know yer? njp.32101066122597 How did he clear up that charge?"
njp.32101066122597How did he come out?
njp.32101066122597How did she come there?
njp.32101066122597How did you get the papers?
njp.32101066122597How did you succeed?
njp.32101066122597How did you yere it?
njp.32101066122597How do you know it is there?
njp.32101066122597How do you think she will take to her situation?
njp.32101066122597How is yer, ole boy?
njp.32101066122597How long,asked Robert,"do you think it has been since they left here?"
njp.32101066122597How should I, Doctor? njp.32101066122597 How so?"
njp.32101066122597How was that?
njp.32101066122597How will you do it?
njp.32101066122597How will yougo?
njp.32101066122597How would you like to teach?
njp.32101066122597How's eggs dis mornin'?
njp.32101066122597In Europe, Aunt Linda? njp.32101066122597 In good health?"
njp.32101066122597Is dat de way you foun'her?
njp.32101066122597Is dat so?
njp.32101066122597Is dat so?
njp.32101066122597Is n't it funny,said Robert,"how these white folks look dawn on colored people, an'then mix up with —- them?"
njp.32101066122597Is she not faithful to her duties and obedient to your directions?
njp.32101066122597Is she young and handsome, brilliant and witty? njp.32101066122597 Is she?
njp.32101066122597Is that so? njp.32101066122597 Is that so?
njp.32101066122597Is that so?
njp.32101066122597Is that the way your old man does you?
njp.32101066122597Mamma, what do you think of that? njp.32101066122597 Marie, what in the world is the matter with you?
njp.32101066122597Mother, are these people Christians who made these laws which are robbing us of our inheritance and re- ducing us to slavery? njp.32101066122597 No; is he good at that?"
njp.32101066122597Now, John Salters,exclaimed Aunt Linda,"ai n't you'shamed ob yourself?
njp.32101066122597Now, Lindy, ai n't you ready yet? njp.32101066122597 Oh, Robert,"queried Sybil,"how could he be re- ligious and steal?"
njp.32101066122597Oh, Uncle Daniel, why did n't you tell us boys all about it? njp.32101066122597 Oh, mother, what can I do?"
njp.32101066122597Robby,she continued,"you'mem- ber Miss Nancy's Jinnie?"
njp.32101066122597She is dead, then?
njp.32101066122597That near? njp.32101066122597 The officer who escaped from prison and got back to our lines?"
njp.32101066122597Uncle Daniel,asked Robert,"are you still preach- ing?"
njp.32101066122597WHERE is Tom?
njp.32101066122597Was n't she religious?
njp.32101066122597Well, Aunt Linda,said Robert, seating himself near her, and drinking the glass of milk which she had handed him,"how goes the battle?
njp.32101066122597Well, Iola,said her mother,"what is your skill?''
njp.32101066122597Well, Uncle Daniel,said Robert,"what has that got to do with your going with us and getting your freedom?"
njp.32101066122597Well, chillen, what do you mean to do?
njp.32101066122597Well, what should you keer?
njp.32101066122597Well, when did you see the soldiers? njp.32101066122597 Well,"said Thomas Anderson, turning to Uncle Daniel,"we ca n't count on yer to go wid us?"
njp.32101066122597Well,said Tom, a little impatiently,"what's yer gwine to do?
njp.32101066122597Well,said Tom,"ef he lob'd you so much, why did n't he set you free?"
njp.32101066122597Were you afraid of her?
njp.32101066122597Were you aware of the virulence of caste prejudice and the disabilities which surround the colored people when you cast your lot with them?
njp.32101066122597What are they?
njp.32101066122597What became of them?
njp.32101066122597What did Mr. Parker say?
njp.32101066122597What did Uncle Job do?
njp.32101066122597What did he mean?
njp.32101066122597What did he say?
njp.32101066122597What did she do?
njp.32101066122597What did they say?
njp.32101066122597What do you think of Miss Iola?
njp.32101066122597What do you think, Doctor,said Iola,"has he fainted?"
njp.32101066122597What do you think,said Robert, turning to Uncle Daniel;"wo n't you go with us?"
njp.32101066122597What does Iola say?
njp.32101066122597What does it mean? njp.32101066122597 What else did the generals say?
njp.32101066122597What in the world are you talking about, Lucille?
njp.32101066122597What is it, brother mine?
njp.32101066122597What is it? njp.32101066122597 What is it?"
njp.32101066122597What is it?
njp.32101066122597What is that?
njp.32101066122597What is the matter with her?
njp.32101066122597What is the matter with you, Eugene? njp.32101066122597 What is the matter?"
njp.32101066122597What is the object?
njp.32101066122597What kind of a regiment would you prefer, white or colored?
njp.32101066122597What law, mother?
njp.32101066122597What protection does the colored man receive from the hands of the Government? njp.32101066122597 What under heaven could have possessed you to do such a foolish thing?
njp.32101066122597What were you saying? njp.32101066122597 What will he do about it?"
njp.32101066122597What would mamma say?
njp.32101066122597What's de news?
njp.32101066122597What's that?
njp.32101066122597What's the matter now?
njp.32101066122597What's to hinder your continuing to think?
njp.32101066122597Where are the rest of the folks?
njp.32101066122597Where did you see'em?
njp.32101066122597Where do you expect to pitch your tent?
njp.32101066122597Where have you been, Doctor? njp.32101066122597 Where is he?"
njp.32101066122597Who tainted it?
njp.32101066122597Who tied them?
njp.32101066122597Who was wronged?
njp.32101066122597Why do you go there?
njp.32101066122597Why do you not battle against public opinion, if you think it is wrong?
njp.32101066122597Why not?
njp.32101066122597Why not?
njp.32101066122597Why not?
njp.32101066122597Why not?
njp.32101066122597Why so?
njp.32101066122597Why, Aunt Linda, you never saw a circus?
njp.32101066122597Why, Doctor, what is the matter with you? njp.32101066122597 Why, Dr. Gresham, is this you?"
njp.32101066122597Why, Eugene, what has come over you? njp.32101066122597 Why, Iola,"asked Robert,"do n't you believe in young people having a good time?"
njp.32101066122597Why, Uncle Daniel, did you send anybody to kill me?
njp.32101066122597Why, chile, whar did yer come from? njp.32101066122597 Why, is it possible,"exclaimed Robert, rising, and shaking hands,"that you are Aunt Linda's husband?"
njp.32101066122597Will you accompany me North?
njp.32101066122597Wo n't yer hab a glass ob milk? njp.32101066122597 Yes, darling; do you want to see her?"
njp.32101066122597Yes,said Tom,"who plants de cotton and raises all de crops?"
njp.32101066122597You are surely not going East again, and leave your mother?
njp.32101066122597You have been associating with me at the conven- tion for several days; I do not see that the contact has dragged you down, has it?
njp.32101066122597You never saw Marie?
njp.32101066122597Your cousin Lorraine? njp.32101066122597 19But, Uncle Daniel,"said Robert,"what'sthe use of praying for a thing if, when it comes, you wo n't take it?
njp.32101066122597243 some one shares it with you?"
njp.321010661225976/ names and to an inheritance in their property, and who fix their social status among an enslaved and outcast race?
njp.3210106612259784 IOLA LEROY,"My dear husband, you may be perfectly right, but are you not preparing our children for a fearful awaken- ing?
njp.32101066122597A woman as white as she a slave?"
njp.32101066122597After all, Ali, is there not an amount of un- reason in our prejudices?"
njp.32101066122597Ai n't yer our Bobby?
njp.32101066122597Ai n't you got'nuff ob ole Marster, an'ole Marster bin cuttin'you up?
njp.32101066122597Ai n't you men powerful'ceitful?"
njp.32101066122597Ai n't you will- ing?"
njp.32101066122597An'dere's Uncle Job's wife; why did n't she go dat way?
njp.32101066122597An'what do you think?
njp.32101066122597An'wo n't he be hoppin'mad when he finds I'm a goner?
njp.32101066122597An'you neber hearn tell ob her sence dey sole her to'Georgia?"
njp.32101066122597And have we not been investing our blood in the country for ages?"
njp.32101066122597And how did you come to hear them, Tom?"
njp.32101066122597And now I ask, will you not permit me to clasp hands with you for life?
njp.32101066122597And what did they say to you?"
njp.32101066122597And what do you think her cousin said?"
njp.32101066122597And what would they have been without it?"
njp.32101066122597And when you come to look at it, is n't it a shame to attempt to re- duce that girl to slavery?
njp.32101066122597Are they to blame for it?
njp.32101066122597Are you mad?"
njp.32101066122597Are you not acting on the plan,'After me the deluge?'"
njp.32101066122597Are you not satisfied with the power and possession the law gives you?"
njp.32101066122597Are you sure our interests would be safe in his hands?"
njp.32101066122597Are you thinking of taking priest's orders?"
njp.32101066122597As the law only allows us one, which is your choice?
njp.32101066122597Bimeby Massa oberseer com'd an'axed,"all bin a workin'libely?"
njp.32101066122597But can nothing be done?
njp.32101066122597But did n't she step her foot inter it?
njp.32101066122597But how many men would be bound by a sense of honor where the rights of a colored woman are in question?
njp.32101066122597But we are in it, and what can wc do?"
njp.32101066122597But, Doctor, had you not better defer your love- making till you're out of the woods?"
njp.32101066122597But, what's to hinder you from gwine wid us?"
njp.32101066122597Ca n't you pull a trigger as well as a white man?'
njp.32101066122597Could a man choose a better place to die?"
njp.32101066122597Did not the whole nation con- sent to our abasement?"
njp.32101066122597Did you ever hear him pray?"
njp.32101066122597Did you get married since the war?"
njp.32101066122597Did you know Captain Sellers?"
njp.32101066122597Did you know that Captain Sybil was killed in one of the last battles of the war?
njp.32101066122597Did you see dat nice little cabin down dere wid de green shutters an'nice little garden in front?
njp.32101066122597Do n't you feel well?"
njp.32101066122597Do n't you know if my father were here he would crush you to the earth?"
njp.32101066122597Do n't you know that these beautiful girls have been the curse of our homes?
njp.32101066122597Do n't you think that there is a large field of usefulness before him?"
njp.32101066122597Do you know de las'time I seed yer?
njp.32101066122597Do you know her?"
njp.32101066122597Do you know of whom I speak?"
njp.32101066122597Do you know what he wanted Mars- ter to do'fore he died?"
njp.32101066122597Do you remember Uncle Daniel?"
njp.32101066122597Do you remember telling me about your mother and brother?"
njp.32101066122597Do you think these things will last forever?"
njp.32101066122597Doc- tor, tell me how it is?
njp.32101066122597Doctor, was it a dream, or was it a reality?
njp.32101066122597Does you'member Jake Williams an'Gundover's Tom?
njp.32101066122597Finally, he asked how they did it?
njp.32101066122597For ages of poverty, ignorance, and slavery?
njp.32101066122597Had father no friends who would assist us?"
njp.32101066122597Had that army, with freedom emblazoned on its banners, come at last to offer them deliverance if they would accept it?
njp.32101066122597Has she come?"
njp.32101066122597Have you had a presentiment of my death, or, as Uncle Jack says,'hab you seed it in a vision?'"
njp.32101066122597He opened the door quietly and whispered: —"Anything new, Tom?"
njp.32101066122597How about dinner, mother?"
njp.32101066122597How could her marriage be set aside and her children robbed of their inheritance?
njp.32101066122597How dare I dream of happiness when my poor mamma's heart may be slowly breaking?
njp.32101066122597How did it happen?"
njp.32101066122597How did you get along after she died?"
njp.32101066122597How did you hear it, Tom?
njp.32101066122597How did you know me?"
njp.32101066122597How does yer do?
njp.32101066122597How have you been all this time, and where?"
njp.32101066122597How have you been getting on since freedom?"
njp.32101066122597How is you, chile?"
njp.32101066122597How is your company getting on?"
njp.32101066122597How long have I been here?"
njp.32101066122597I am delighted to hear it Where are they?"
njp.32101066122597I do wish that you would tell me why you take this unpre- cedented step?"
njp.32101066122597I do wonder what has be- come of her?
njp.32101066122597I do wonder what has become of the boys?
njp.32101066122597I wonder whom I can take with me?"
njp.32101066122597If my mother was lawfully married, how could they deprive her of her marital rights?"
njp.32101066122597In telling you this, do you not, can you not, see that there is an insurmountable barrier between us?"
njp.32101066122597Iola, did you ever attend an anti- slavery meeting?"
njp.32101066122597Is it one of those beautiful Creole girls who were visiting Augustine's plantation last winter?
njp.32101066122597Is it somethin'good for us?"
njp.32101066122597Is not the most arrant Rebel to- day more acceptable to you than the most faithful colored man?"
njp.32101066122597Is that so?"
njp.32101066122597Is yer gwine wid us, ef yer gits a chance?''
njp.32101066122597It is not natural for people to run away from happiness, and if they are so happy and contented, why did Congress pass the Fugitive Slave Bill?"
njp.32101066122597Look yere, honey, whar did yer come from?
njp.32101066122597Most of our people take life easily — why should n't you?"
njp.32101066122597Nothing of the absent but good?"
njp.32101066122597Now that I have told you my story, what say you?"
njp.32101066122597Now, Captain, ai n't I right?"
njp.32101066122597Now, own up, Robby, did n't you feel kine ob mean to go off widout eben biddin'her good bye?
njp.32101066122597Now, what are we to do with them?"
njp.32101066122597Now, what would I say if they all consent?"
njp.32101066122597Now, would n't dat hab bin smart ter let on ter you chaps, an'hab you huntin'for it from Dan ter Barsheba?
njp.32101066122597Robby, honey, does you really b'lieve for good and righty dat dem Yankees is got horns?"
njp.32101066122597Robert lay quiet and thoughtful for awhile and, see- ing he was wakeful, Iola said,"Have you any friends to whom you would like to send a letter?"
njp.32101066122597Shadows that you merely dread?"
njp.32101066122597She began on a small scale, in a humble building, 202 IOLA LEROY,"Marie,"said Robert,"how would you like to leave the South?"
njp.32101066122597She caught sight of the drooping head and grief- stricken face, and rushed to her, exclaiming: —"Whar's Marse Eugene?"
njp.32101066122597She sez,'Den you wo n't want tcr work for us?'
njp.32101066122597Tenderly and sadly bending over him, with tears in her dark, luminous eyes, she said,"Is there anything I can do for you?"
njp.32101066122597Then growing calmer, she said,"Mother, who is at the bottom of this downright robbery?"
njp.32101066122597Then suddenly raising his head, he exclaimed,"Boys, there's not one of you loves freedom more than I do, but""But what?"
njp.32101066122597To whom to- day is the world most indebted — to its millionaires or to its martyrs?"
njp.32101066122597To- day your friendship springs from com- passion, but, when that subsides, might you not look on me as an inferior?"
njp.32101066122597War you much hurt?
njp.32101066122597Was it a bright, beautiful dream, or a blessed reality soon to be grasped by his willing hands?
njp.32101066122597Was it not true that the cause of a hapless people had become entangled with the lightnings of heaven, and dragged down retribution upon the land?
njp.32101066122597Was that so?
njp.32101066122597We are all invited to Mr. Stillman's to a conversazione?
njp.32101066122597Well, which is your choice?"
njp.32101066122597Whar did yer ketch up wid her?"
njp.32101066122597What are you doing now, and where are you living?"
njp.32101066122597What are your plans?"
njp.32101066122597What can any woman do when she is placed in the hands of an irresponsible master; when she knows that resistance is vain?
njp.32101066122597What can keep them so long?"
njp.32101066122597What could a set of unarmed and undisciplined men do against the fearful odds which beset their path?
njp.32101066122597What did it mean?
njp.32101066122597What has that got to do with associating with niggers?"
njp.32101066122597What is to hinder you from sharing my Northern home, from having mymother to be your mother?"
njp.32101066122597What under heaven possessed you to do such a thing?"
njp.32101066122597What will you do?"
njp.32101066122597What, under heaven, are they fighting for?
njp.32101066122597When will you leave?"
njp.32101066122597Where are they?
njp.32101066122597Where did you learn it?"
njp.32101066122597Where do you stop?"
njp.32101066122597Where is Gracie?"
njp.32101066122597Where shall I call?"
njp.32101066122597Where should he go if he left this country?"
njp.32101066122597Where's that?"
njp.32101066122597Which is your choice?
njp.32101066122597Who is his patient now?"
njp.32101066122597Who is the fortunate lady who has bound you with her silken fetters?
njp.32101066122597Who was she, and who were her people?
njp.32101066122597Why do n't you study theology?"
njp.32101066122597Why not let well enough alone?"
njp.32101066122597Why should she refuse these desirable boons?
njp.32101066122597Why should we yield to its be- hests?"
njp.32101066122597Why subject yourself to the same experience again?"
njp.32101066122597Will you send her this?"
njp.32101066122597Wo n't you get a pair of spectacles and learn to read?"
njp.32101066122597Would the most cruel heathen do worse?"
njp.32101066122597Would you be willing to take a school among these people?
njp.32101066122597Would you like to enlist?"
njp.32101066122597You bin dar?"
njp.32101066122597You got my letter?"
njp.32101066122597an'whar hab you bin all dis time?"
njp.32101066122597asked Marie;"an invitation to a hop or a german?"
njp.32101066122597come now, Colonel, ca n't a man praise a woman without being in love with her?"
njp.32101066122597do n't you know the Yankees are our best friends?"
njp.32101066122597have I found you at last?"
njp.32101066122597is dis you?
njp.32101066122597said mammy,"ai n't you hearn tell'bout it?
njp.32101066122597•"How was that?
mdp.39015008240296- “ What's this suppose to be? ” he bellowed.
mdp.39015008240296- “ You would n’t be aimin ’ to invite the whole restaurant, would yóu? ” Dowd asked.
mdp.39015008240296. ” Dave's eyes twinkled as he cut Asher off with: “ You ’re in a jam, pardner?
mdp.39015008240296. ” “ Lover? ” the Casablanca boy cut in.
mdp.39015008240296... Say, what's wrong, any- way?
mdp.39015008240296... What they expect outa us? ” “ For Christ sake! ” Dave exploded.
mdp.390150082402968 “ What — what's insurance? ” “ Come, now, ” Chief exclaimed, “ how do you expect to make a dollar in there in the dining- room?
mdp.390150082402968 “ What — what's insurance? ” “ Come, now, ” Chief exclaimed, “ how do you expect to make a dollar in there in the dining- room?
mdp.39015008240296A damn fool? ” Dave stepped in front of Asher.
mdp.39015008240296All the crap you got ta take... ” “ What's goin'on in here? ” Asher asked as he stepped between the two men.
mdp.39015008240296Am I playing you or you playing me?
mdp.39015008240296An it'll be way after seven'fore they gits back in the second section. ” “ So what? ” Asher snapped.
mdp.39015008240296An'where'll I be?
mdp.39015008240296And if not now, when?
mdp.39015008240296And they'll throw in whatever the dish- washers break up besides. ” “ You ’re kiddin ’? ” Asher said suspiciously.
mdp.39015008240296Apparently Ester read his thoughts, for she said: “ What did you expect — a love nest?
mdp.39015008240296Are you on the ball or not? ” Asher tried again.
mdp.39015008240296But whatta those jerks think — they're white?
mdp.39015008240296Ca n't take it, huh? ” Ester grew used to having Asher about.
mdp.39015008240296Ca n't we be just good friends? ” “ Not the way you're pattin'my cheek. ” Ester laughed softly, but did not stop.
mdp.39015008240296Ca n't you ever think of any- thing else? ” Asher winked at her sheepishly.
mdp.39015008240296Calls it his ‘ concession ’ — an ’ she sure ca n't make it offa tips alone. ” “ What? ” “ That's a fact, pardner, ” Dave replied.
mdp.39015008240296Can I do without it?
mdp.39015008240296Did n't you? ” He looked around at the sweating waiters, their undershirts dripping wet.
mdp.39015008240296Did she have two or a half- dozen “ daddies ”?
mdp.39015008240296Do I have to have this or can it wait an- other week?
mdp.39015008240296Do n't be so slow,'cause a dollar in there will get you five hundred here. ” “ The numbers? ” Asher inquired.
mdp.39015008240296Finally, he said: “ You with'em or the Kingfish? ” The question took Hogan by surprise.
mdp.39015008240296Gib me the key. ” “ You would n't beg for it? ” she asked.
mdp.39015008240296God damn, Asher swore to himself as the vegetable cook swore at him, do they all have different vegetables with each meal at home?
mdp.39015008240296Going over to Dave, Asher said: “ What's hap- penin', pal? ” “ Nothin’ bad, pardner, ” Dave replied.
mdp.39015008240296Gon na tell the King how to run his business?
mdp.39015008240296Had Asher, scheming to get Chief's job, succeeded in cutting the rope which held the headwaiter chained to the Kingfish?
mdp.39015008240296He wants a stooge?
mdp.39015008240296He would point him out to another waiter, and ask: “ Is he one of us? ” The waiter would put on a serious expression, sweep Asher studi.
mdp.39015008240296How can I sneak in without getting caught?
mdp.39015008240296How could she manage so swank an apartment?
mdp.39015008240296How did you judge a man?
mdp.39015008240296How else would they make use of all the hot water he provided?
mdp.39015008240296How far you think they gon na git?
mdp.39015008240296How much can he get a- hold of?
mdp.39015008240296How much has he got?
mdp.39015008240296How much will he go for?
mdp.39015008240296How much you got to go in? ” Asher took a warped black wallet out of his hip pocket.
mdp.39015008240296How'bout a drink to cool you off?
mdp.39015008240296How, then, did you figure it out?
mdp.39015008240296I could give my ol'lady a... how's'bout lettin'me throw the party? ” “ Your ol'lady? ” Dowd said.
mdp.39015008240296I could give my ol'lady a... how's'bout lettin'me throw the party? ” “ Your ol'lady? ” Dowd said.
mdp.39015008240296I jus ’ wanta talk to you. ” “ About what? ” Ester snapped.
mdp.39015008240296I knew you could help me. ” “ How, boss?
mdp.39015008240296Is she two- timing you? ” “ No, boss, they do n't pull that kinda stuff off on me, ” Asher re- plied.
mdp.39015008240296Is she- how do the waiters say it?
mdp.39015008240296Is there, Brown? ” “ Well, I — I chance twenty- five or thirty cents on'em once an'awhile.
mdp.39015008240296Know one thing, darling?
mdp.39015008240296Know that sandwich place the other side of where the bus stops, the Irish Peggy?
mdp.39015008240296Like it? ” He looked at her dress as though he were noticing it for the first time that night.
mdp.39015008240296Lobster thermidor?
mdp.39015008240296Make a pass at your gal, boy? ” Asher stood now absent- mindedly fumbling with the roll of bills in his hands.
mdp.39015008240296Man, ai n't nothin’ like it in no other dining- room in the world. ” “ What'd they do to become cap'n? ” Asher asked.
mdp.39015008240296Near the corner of 149th Street where St. Nicholas Place forks 54 “ Well? ” she said.
mdp.39015008240296Oh, yeah — you mean ‘ bout settin'you up in busi- ness? ” “ It sure took a long time for it to come back to you, ” Ester began.
mdp.39015008240296One of them, a tall, executive- looking cop, said: “ You Asher Brown? ” “ Yeah, ” Asher said slowly.
mdp.39015008240296Or do I have to tell you? ” Mr. Jack was what you would call a good- natured, free- spending wolf.
mdp.39015008240296Shall I get this?
mdp.39015008240296She had cooed, “ You do n't mind, do you? ” Asher sighed with relief when he finished serving the party.
mdp.39015008240296She musta got two of them for the same price. ” “ Where? ” asked Asher, looking around.
mdp.39015008240296So take it easy, will you, daddy? ” A childish giggle came from the back window of the old car.
mdp.39015008240296So why should n't they bring it to me?
mdp.39015008240296Soon's I git of'n it here she comes buck- jumping. ” “ You dunno what's wrong wid you? ” queried a waiter standing behind him.
mdp.39015008240296Such interesting weekend trips?
mdp.39015008240296Sup- pose the Kingfish does n't give in so easy, will they stick together?
mdp.39015008240296Suppose I ’d really brained that bastard right in there?
mdp.39015008240296T H E W A IT E R S THE WAITERS by William Fisher If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
mdp.39015008240296Take me home, will you? ” Asher looked from Ester to Hattie.
mdp.39015008240296The cop said: “ You ’re in charge of this walkout, are n't you? ” “ About seventy- five men, ” answered Spike.
mdp.39015008240296Then Asher smiled and said: “ How'bout some steamed clams?
mdp.39015008240296Then he asked, “ What's the mat- ter?
mdp.39015008240296Then he asked: “ How you and Ester doin’ these days?
mdp.39015008240296Then he said: “ We got ta get you in the front room, pardner. ” “ How you gon na do it?
mdp.39015008240296Then he shot right over Asher's shoulder to his captain, “ Should n't he, Cap'n? ” “ That sure would be a smart thing, ” said the captain.
mdp.39015008240296Then the Kingfish said: “ How do you think it'll work out if they serve the steaks and chops separately?
mdp.39015008240296Waiter, how ’s about some service here? ” But Asher noticed that the waiters did not hop and skip at the Fishbowlers ’ commands.
mdp.39015008240296Wanna come with me? ” “ Not tonight.
mdp.39015008240296Want me to tell him I wo n't be keepin'you long? ” He jerked his head back in the direction of where he'd left Asher.
mdp.39015008240296Want some? ” Asher eyed Casablanca intently for a moment, as Raymond winked at him.
mdp.39015008240296Was it tender enough for you? ” Asher did not answer.
mdp.39015008240296Were the police really out to smash the numbers game?
mdp.39015008240296What had happened to her?
mdp.39015008240296What kinda business is he in, honey?
mdp.39015008240296What made you feel friendly toward one man, indifferent to another?
mdp.39015008240296What the hell am I getting out of life?
mdp.39015008240296What the hell would I do with myself?
mdp.39015008240296What the hell would Papa Slick be doing out here this time of day?
mdp.39015008240296What was I supposed to do? ” Asher asked angrily.
mdp.39015008240296What was it all about?
mdp.39015008240296What was that supposed to be — some kind of act?
mdp.39015008240296What was there about the place that seemed to excite Ester?
mdp.39015008240296What were you two arguing about? ” He straightened up then, slowly and stiffly.
mdp.39015008240296What'd them bad folks order — lunch- time stuff? ” 31 “ Lobsters, ” Asher said, spitting out the word.
mdp.39015008240296What's all this about? ” she said, stopping short as if she were thinking.
mdp.39015008240296What's the difference?
mdp.39015008240296What, then, could the rumor mean?
mdp.39015008240296Whatta you say? ” For several minutes Ester did not answer, only looking intently into Asher's face.
mdp.39015008240296Whatta you think I am? ” “ What's the matter, baby? ” “ You know what I mean, ” she said, her eyes blazing.
mdp.39015008240296Whatta you think I am? ” “ What's the matter, baby? ” “ You know what I mean, ” she said, her eyes blazing.
mdp.39015008240296Where had she been last night?
mdp.39015008240296Who did she think she was, anyway?
mdp.39015008240296Who do you think you're talkin'to?
mdp.39015008240296Who had bought that for her?
mdp.39015008240296Who the hell does she think she is?
mdp.39015008240296Who the hell is this jerk?
mdp.39015008240296Who'd you think I ’m talkin ’ about? ” “ Well! ” the man said, as if he were impressed.
mdp.39015008240296Why do n't you buy yourself something cool to wear? ” Asher was obviously taken by surprise.
mdp.39015008240296Why the hell do n't he go some place else?
mdp.39015008240296Why wo n't they just let me be?
mdp.39015008240296Why's everybody actin’so darned strange? ” “ Huh!
mdp.39015008240296Wonder where they stole this one from? ” “ Who ’s the friend? ” “ You really wanta know? ” she asked with a chuckle.
mdp.39015008240296Wonder where they stole this one from? ” “ Who ’s the friend? ” “ You really wanta know? ” she asked with a chuckle.
mdp.39015008240296Wonder where they stole this one from? ” “ Who ’s the friend? ” “ You really wanta know? ” she asked with a chuckle.
mdp.39015008240296Would she be interested?
mdp.39015008240296Yeah? ” “ Like us an ’ one of us ai n’t the same.
mdp.39015008240296Yet if I am for myself only, what am I?
mdp.39015008240296You did n't believe me when I told you I'd get mine outa this man's world, did you?
mdp.39015008240296You got any parties? ” “ They's almost finished, ” Raymond put in.
mdp.39015008240296You know how he is?
mdp.39015008240296You mean this morning, don'tcha? ” she quipped, looking into his face.
mdp.39015008240296You on the wagon? ” Asher looked down at his empty glass.
mdp.39015008240296You want me to collect this jive, do n't you?
mdp.39015008240296You would n't mind a little thing like the black market? ” “ Black market! ” Asher said.
mdp.39015008240296You young fool, why have you done this to me? ” “ He started it, ” Asher blurted out, nodding in Mr. Dunkel's direc- tion.
mdp.39015008240296You're new, man, ai n't you? ” “ Sure hope you know what you talkin''bout, ” Asher said nervously as he looked at the frightened- faced man.
mdp.39015008240296You're not jealous?
mdp.39015008240296oh, Lord, how much?
mdp.39015008240296the law?
mdp.39015008240296tween us in here?
mdp.39015008240296“ A party, did you say?
mdp.39015008240296“ A wake or somethin’? ” “ Jus'one a these off- nights, I suppose, ” Rowden said, as he inched back to make room for Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ Ai n’t I good enough for you? ” he blurted out.
mdp.39015008240296“ Ai n’t you got no Scotch? ” Asher barked petulantly.
mdp.39015008240296“ All messed up, huh? ” Asher said.
mdp.39015008240296“ An'that's all. ” “ Whatta you expect? ” Jordon queried.
mdp.39015008240296“ And I'll tell you something. ” “ What? ” Ester looked at him with her heavy, sad expression.
mdp.39015008240296“ Are n’t we, men? ” “ That's right, ” a waiter answered.
mdp.39015008240296“ Are you all right? ” Ester said to Asher, as she bent over him.
mdp.39015008240296“ Are you jokin ’?
mdp.39015008240296“ Are you? ” Asher asked in return.
mdp.39015008240296“ Be here ninety years? ” “ You interested, buddy? ” “ Who me? ” Asher said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Be here ninety years? ” “ You interested, buddy? ” “ Who me? ” Asher said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Be here ninety years? ” “ You interested, buddy? ” “ Who me? ” Asher said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Bored? ” “ Nope, ” she answered flirtatiously.
mdp.39015008240296“ Boy friend?
mdp.39015008240296“ Business? ” the Kingfish said irritably.
mdp.39015008240296“ Ca n't I have friends?
mdp.39015008240296“ Ca n't you get in? ” He grinned broadly as she took the key out of his hand, and sought to put it in the keyhole, to demonstrate how it worked.
mdp.39015008240296“ Can you be tempted, Henry? ” he asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ Could we have more? ” Asher made the three- block- long journey back to the kitchen for the biscuits and returned.
mdp.39015008240296“ DA? ” Asher asked inquiringly.
mdp.39015008240296“ Did n't you think that was one gorgeous farm Ray Chalmers had?
mdp.39015008240296“ Do I like it? ” She repeated the question as if not knowing what else to say.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do n’t I act like it? ” “ You wo n't let me down? ” she questioned, a little breathlessly.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do n’t I act like it? ” “ You wo n't let me down? ” she questioned, a little breathlessly.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do n’t reckon you ever heard her, did you? ” Asher nodded his head, dubiously.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do n’t suit your fancy? ” he queried, his voice cracking with sarcasm.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do n’t you dig what's goin’ down? ” Asher did not answer.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do n’t you ever get tired of seeing those buzzards? ” she asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do n’t you want to sit down, Asher? ” she finally asked him, smiling a little.
mdp.39015008240296“ Do you stop in here every night? ” Asher asked Ester.
mdp.39015008240296“ Don’tcha even wanta talk to me? ” “ What's there to talk about? ” Ester said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Don’tcha even wanta talk to me? ” “ What's there to talk about? ” Ester said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Expect them tables to walk out here to you- all? ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Framin ’ my boy? ” “ Not on your life, pardner, ” Dave replied.
mdp.39015008240296“ Gettin'a bit hot for you?
mdp.39015008240296“ Got any identifica- tion on you? ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Got ta heavy date, kid?
mdp.39015008240296“ Had any luck yet, boss? ” he asked once.
mdp.39015008240296“ Have a good day? ” he smiled at Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ Hi you, kid? ” Slater said breezily, taking Ester's hand in his.
mdp.39015008240296“ Him?
mdp.39015008240296“ How could you say such a thing? ” she said, looking him straight in the face.
mdp.39015008240296“ How you doing? ” Ester asked indifferently.
mdp.39015008240296“ How'd it go today? ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ How'd you come up short? ” Hans scratched himself and grimaced.
mdp.39015008240296“ How'd you like them, sir? ” Asher ventured timidly.
mdp.39015008240296“ How'd you like to git away to some place like that? ” he asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ How's about a 1942 Chrysler club coupe?
mdp.39015008240296“ How's about gettin'us a drink? ” Asher looked at Jordon, then at Dave.
mdp.39015008240296“ How's that for drumming up business on a slow night? ” Mike 261- during the dinner hour.
mdp.39015008240296“ How's the joint usin'you? ” Hattie said in a pleasant, rehearsed Imanner.
mdp.39015008240296“ Huh — wha — huh? ” he babbled, rising to a half- sitting position in the bed.
mdp.39015008240296“ Huh? ” Asher said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Huh? ” he said, stretching himself.
mdp.39015008240296“ Huh? ” she said, panting, when she was able to speak.
mdp.39015008240296“ I can depend on you? ” He held her in his arms for quite a long while without answering.
mdp.39015008240296“ I got somebody? ” “ You ’re damn tootin ’.
mdp.39015008240296“ I knew you'd do it or bust. ” “ Dave tell you? ” he asked with sudden suspicion.
mdp.39015008240296“ I need a good man in there to take charge and keep an eye on them waiters and clam- openers. ” “ Huh? ” Chief answered as though stunned.
mdp.39015008240296“ I ’ll bet your chick's not too young to fry? ” she asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ I ’ll take it, baby. ” “ Take what? ” Ester asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ I ’m savin ’ it all for you. ” “ Yeah? ” “ Of course, silly. ” He smiled and she kissed him again.
mdp.39015008240296“ In a hurry? ” He seemed to speak mostly for the benefit of his companions.
mdp.39015008240296“ Is that why you took a fadeout powder on me las'night? ” The twinkle gave way to a broad grin.
mdp.39015008240296“ It ’s a cryin'shame what happened here this mornin ’. ” “ Were you in the front room when they picked Logan up? ” “ No!
mdp.39015008240296“ Livin'with you and Hattie? ” “ Nope, ” she said with a low chuckle.
mdp.39015008240296“ Me? ” parried Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ Nobody knows a thing about this? ” Then he walked over to the service buffet, picked the drink up and smelled it.
mdp.39015008240296“ Now do n't tell me you'd mind?
mdp.39015008240296“ Now that that's taken care of, what else have you got for us, Brown? ” “ A nice half a chicken, ” Asher suggested.
mdp.39015008240296“ Now will you feed me? ” “ That's the way to ask for it, ” she would answer.
mdp.39015008240296“ Now you're not sore'cause I did n't let you get it for me, are you? ” Ester said jokingly.
mdp.39015008240296“ Now, what's going on here? ” the rangy one began, after looking briefly at the well- dressed defenders.
mdp.39015008240296“ Oh my, you're so good to me. ” “ Because of this? ” he asked carelessly, as though he never drank anything else.
mdp.39015008240296“ Promise you wo n't blow your top?
mdp.39015008240296“ Rainin ’ like hell, huh? ” he said, making a question out of a state- ment of fact.
mdp.39015008240296“ Remember what you promised me? ” “ Huh!
mdp.39015008240296“ Runnin ’ a little crap game, maybe? ” the other cop cross- examined.
mdp.39015008240296“ See? ” said Chief, turning so that every waiter in the room could look at the money.
mdp.39015008240296“ Sick? ” Now it was a roar — a roar of rage, the roar of pent- up feelings breaking bounds.
mdp.39015008240296“ Sick? ” he said slowly, as though struggling to fathom the meaning of the word.
mdp.39015008240296“ Something wrong? ” Brady said levelly, still fingering the bills.
mdp.39015008240296“ Sup- pose they walk out? ” she said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Think I ai n't got nothin’ to do but waste my time listenin ’ to that kinda crap? ” Hogan screwed up his mouth reflectively.
mdp.39015008240296“ Think he's in love with you? ” He was aware of her studying his face as he turned her question over in his mind.
mdp.39015008240296“ Think you- all could take care of a real smart guy? ” he asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ This here is a young man you talkin ’ to. ” “ Whatcha mean, twenty years ago? ” Rowden said, feigning a cocky aggressiveness.
mdp.39015008240296“ This your place? ” barked the cop standing nearest Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ This your place? ” he asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ Was it over that meeting last night? ” he asked Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ Well — what can I do for you? ” he demanded at last.
mdp.39015008240296“ Well, what's the last one? ” Asher asked impatiently, without once taking his eyes off the desk.
mdp.39015008240296“ What about us? ” “ It ’s been almost three weeks since we been together, ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ What are you going to do? ” “ It ’ll never happen, ” Asher said, evasively.
mdp.39015008240296“ What could be finer, babes? ” He looked at her inquiringly.
mdp.39015008240296“ What d'you think it would cost in the store? ” “ I dunno. ” “ Not a penny under thirty- five dollars.
mdp.39015008240296“ What do you want? ” Mr. Jack asked as Asher took a good look.
mdp.39015008240296“ What goes on here? ” Chief asked as he walked up to the three waiters.
mdp.39015008240296“ What happened to the gang? ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ What shall I do? ” Turning to Asher, who was dusting himself off, the Kingfish said: “ Look what you've done to me.
mdp.39015008240296“ What the hell is that — a dog- ass? ” The waiters looked at Asher and laughed.
mdp.39015008240296“ What the hell you guys gon na do when your money runs out?
mdp.39015008240296“ What the hell's the big idea? ” Asher demanded angrily.
mdp.39015008240296“ What time is it gettin'to be? ” “ Just nine- thirty, darling. ” He sat up and stretched.
mdp.39015008240296“ What you got in the pot, babes? ” he would ask.
mdp.39015008240296“ What you like today? ” Cap'n Logan said when he reached Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ What you sellin'in here, boy? ” one asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ What — me, boss? ” “ Who else do you think I ’m talking about, ” the Kingfish said.
mdp.39015008240296“ What'd they do?
mdp.39015008240296“ What's eatin'you, baby? ” Then he answered his own question.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's he payin'off wid — toilet paper? ” Several of the waiters chuckled.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's it gon na be, gentlemen? ” he said sullenly, his face impas- sive.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's makin'you act like this? ” Ester asked as she sidled up to Asher, who was standing in front of the dresser.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's the matter, babes? ” he asked, following along at her side.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's the matter, baby? ” Asher asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's the matter, daddy? ” she said.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's the matter, pal? ” he asked Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's the matter? ” the man asked Asher querulously.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's up, Charlie? ” Asher asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ What's your game, drinking or the girlies? ” “ Sure, Chief, I ’m regular.
mdp.39015008240296“ What? ” “ You really interested? ” “ What is this, some sort of a game? ” “ I ’ve got a little boy, ” she said slowly.
mdp.39015008240296“ What? ” “ You really interested? ” “ What is this, some sort of a game? ” “ I ’ve got a little boy, ” she said slowly.
mdp.39015008240296“ What? ” “ You really interested? ” “ What is this, some sort of a game? ” “ I ’ve got a little boy, ” she said slowly.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whatta you goin’ do with all the money you'll be makin ’? ” “ You said that right.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whatta you mean a few minutes? ” he said loudly.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whatta you say to that, Henry?
mdp.39015008240296“ Whatta you think you're doin’? ” Asher said pointedly, as he pulled a huge roll of bills from his pocket.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whatta you think, I ’m running a waiter's school, here? ” 92 “ The bastards ordered more coffee.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whatta you want? ” she said, bitterly.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whattsa matter, afraid you might get a little workout? ” “ You know me.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whattsa matter, kid? ” Slater said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Where are you? ” 242 again.
mdp.39015008240296“ Where do you get some- tin ’ to eat? ” “ Listen, man, they pay you to work in this place, not to eat.
mdp.39015008240296“ Where's that no- good Kingfish? ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Where? ” he said, when words did come.
mdp.39015008240296“ Who do you think you are? ” 259 gang of flowers, roses and buttercups and whatnot, for two or three cents apiece.
mdp.39015008240296“ Who ’s Monroe? ” he repeated.
mdp.39015008240296“ Who ’s that baby? ” Asher said, almost as if he were talking to himself.
mdp.39015008240296“ Whose first play is it? ” Ester said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Why bring that up on a night like this? ” he asked impatiently.
mdp.39015008240296“ Why do n't you clean the floor? ” “ You telling me how to run my business? ” the Kingfish said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Why do n't you clean the floor? ” “ You telling me how to run my business? ” the Kingfish said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Why me? ” he said tersely.
mdp.39015008240296“ Why not? ” The words had tumbled out almost before he realized what he had said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Wonder how he makes it? ” “ He ’s free, white, and over twenty- one, ” Asher mused aloud.
mdp.39015008240296“ Wonder how much he paid for his stock in the corporation? ” said the small- eyed waiter.
mdp.39015008240296“ Wonder what dog told him? ” Jordon said when he finally got himself together.
mdp.39015008240296“ Would you like them boiled or broiled, sir? ” “ Bring us four large broiled lobsters, ” the man commanded, in a morose growl.
mdp.39015008240296“ Yeah? ” Ester said as she seated herself in a corner of the sofa.
mdp.39015008240296“ Yes, of course. ” “ Well, whatcha waitin ’ for? ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ Yessir? ” “ Bring us some lobsters, ” the man snapped.
mdp.39015008240296“ You ai n't gon na answer it, are you? ” “ The way you got that radio blasting, ” she said.
mdp.39015008240296“ You an ’ Miss Ester married? ” Asher grinned broadly.
mdp.39015008240296“ You been to college? ” he said.
mdp.39015008240296“ You do love me, do n't you? ” she asked plaintively a few minutes later.
mdp.39015008240296“ You girls want anything first? ” The three women shook their heads.
mdp.39015008240296“ You giving this party? ” demanded the other cop.
mdp.39015008240296“ You gon na pay off the new way or the old way? ” he asked Asher.
mdp.39015008240296“ You gon na talk to me now? ” Asher demanded.
mdp.39015008240296“ You like it, baby? ” he asked.
mdp.39015008240296“ You like my place, do n't you? ” He watched a smile of agreement flood Asher's face.
mdp.39015008240296“ You look like you ai n't doin'so well? ” “ Whatta you care? ” she said, trying to put a laugh into her voice.
mdp.39015008240296“ You look like you ai n't doin'so well? ” “ Whatta you care? ” she said, trying to put a laugh into her voice.
mdp.39015008240296“ You sure? ” she said.
mdp.39015008240296“ You want a car? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015008240296“ You want'em raw? ”... “ Drop your draws if you wanta pick up ”.
mdp.39015008240296“ You ’re not the jealous kind, are you? ” Again she looked into Asher's face, long and pensively.
mdp.39015008240296“ ‘ Fraid the walls would talk? ” “ Last night!
mdp.39015018046923And where do we go from here?
mdp.39015018046923Because you want to tell what you know, or because it's the easiest job to get?.
mdp.39015018046923But,asked Watson,"does the Northern Farmers Alliance admit Negroes?"
mdp.39015018046923Dr. Carter? mdp.39015018046923 Have you a'new freedom'for white Americans and a new slavery for your Afro- American fellow- citizens?"
mdp.39015018046923Hello, ” he replied; and then,What would you like to do tonight, if you're free?"
mdp.39015018046923How did he answer you?
mdp.39015018046923I was just looking about"Would n't you like to meet our professor of Greek? ” Of course Manuel knew that Greek was Dr. Baldwin's hobby. mdp.39015018046923 Is she still alive? ”"So it seems, and she sent him to us."
mdp.39015018046923Like it?
mdp.39015018046923Now, Colonel, will you and your folks promise us this much justice? mdp.39015018046923 So you know him personally? ” asked Miss Freiburg.
mdp.39015018046923That I readily grant, but the ways of men are painfully clear, are n't they?
mdp.39015018046923There is still time,she argued, “ what proof have you that all is lost?"
mdp.39015018046923Well, how do you like Princeton? mdp.39015018046923 What are you going to be when you finish? ” “ I do n't know, Sir.
mdp.39015018046923What became of him?
mdp.39015018046923What did he say?
mdp.39015018046923What difference? mdp.39015018046923 What is your name?"
mdp.39015018046923What we needs is law and order; honesty from employers, and-What can I call it? mdp.39015018046923 What's your name?
mdp.39015018046923When is this meeting? ” “ Tomorrow night. mdp.39015018046923 When?"
mdp.39015018046923Where are you from?
mdp.39015018046923Where do you think you're going? ” he asked unsteadily. mdp.39015018046923 Who shall say where discrimination once begun shall cease?
mdp.39015018046923You a student here?
mdp.39015018046923You do n't mean you're blaming God for it, do you? ”Certainly not.
mdp.39015018046923You two know each other? mdp.39015018046923 ) — suppose that falling out among themselves they should commit suicide and leave the world to black, yellow and brown? mdp.39015018046923 ...She paused and stared at Mansart in sudden fear- had they kidnapped her husband- or killed him?
mdp.39015018046923And England?
mdp.39015018046923And I'm wondering if we Negroes always got to be as poor, ignorant and sick?"
mdp.39015018046923And how could he after that make a living?
mdp.39015018046923And if with such alliance we could not face the North with better arms in our hands? ” 18 THE ORDEAL OF MANSART de Breckinpiebeseriede labruptly.
mdp.39015018046923And now, may I use your phone?
mdp.39015018046923And say, have you by any chance been reading about the Socialism these foreigners are talking?"
mdp.39015018046923And so far as that was concerned, might there not be mulattoes in Carolina descended as directly from Charlemagne as any Breckinridge?
mdp.39015018046923And stealing- my God, who had stolen more or gotten as much as white men whom they both knew?
mdp.39015018046923And too, how far was there anything real to all this pretense at aristocracy?
mdp.39015018046923And what about the masses of white laboring riff- raff who fought and won this war?"
mdp.39015018046923And where in God's name are the gentlemen these days?
mdp.39015018046923And where there is no real lack nor difference, should they not be free?
mdp.39015018046923At any rate, will it hurt to ask? ” Ellott turned to Mansart.
mdp.39015018046923Beat up?
mdp.39015018046923Because of accomplishment or tragedy?
mdp.39015018046923Betty Lou came out on the porch: “ You're not going out, Mother? ” “ Just a moment."
mdp.39015018046923Betty fumed, “ Why in God's name does n't the old fossil die?"
mdp.39015018046923But I'm wondering just what kind of labor I would be allowed to do, and for whom, ” he paused imperceptibly, “ and why?"
mdp.39015018046923But Northern business men?
mdp.39015018046923But after all, what could she do?
mdp.39015018046923But after all, what is voting?
mdp.39015018046923But ai n't there a card here that we can play?
mdp.39015018046923But are you unwilling even to talk with a Negro?"
mdp.39015018046923But did he have courage to do this?
mdp.39015018046923But few realized its dif- ficulties: who could get the ear of the planters, and who now were the planters?
mdp.39015018046923But he cried: “ Discouraged?
mdp.39015018046923But how about a little Literature and Art?"
mdp.39015018046923But how?
mdp.39015018046923But if he did, what would this mad mass of black children do to him?
mdp.39015018046923But now her son looked at her and said: “ Why Ireland?
mdp.39015018046923But see heah, Bud, when I gits up there, know what ah aims to do?
mdp.39015018046923But she had not mentioned it,-or had she?
mdp.39015018046923But suppose he could and did fight?
mdp.39015018046923But the point was, was there any chance of straightening the thing out?
mdp.39015018046923But was there not hope?
mdp.39015018046923But what I wants to know is this: after we stop this stealing, is that going to do away with poverty?"
mdp.39015018046923But what else could he do?
mdp.39015018046923But what of the future?
mdp.39015018046923But where is Dr. Baldwin?
mdp.39015018046923But where was he going?
mdp.39015018046923But- I wonder, could I just have a word with the Colonel?
mdp.39015018046923Can Hampton swing the plant- érs?
mdp.39015018046923Can you tell us he Tom Mansart what we wrd of a gentleher word of As had been own good that on the and with is honest and will do what he says?
mdp.39015018046923Come and help. ” “ How are you going to handle the Negroes in the South today?"
mdp.39015018046923Could not men with brains see that this movement was the culmination of government of Business, by Business and for Business?
mdp.39015018046923Could they possibly be?
mdp.39015018046923Did He ever exist?
mdp.39015018046923Did anybody hear of East or West In- dians voting?
mdp.39015018046923Did anything good exist?
mdp.39015018046923Did he blame her?
mdp.39015018046923Did he think he, a white man, was going to sit down and bargain with a"nigger?"
mdp.39015018046923Did it not miracuously decrease expense and by elimi- nating senseless competition enormously increase profits?
mdp.39015018046923Did the Fiji cannibals or the Chinese coolies elect members of Parliament to make laws for the British aristocracy to live under?
mdp.39015018046923Do they expect me to promise to let them vote and hold office?
mdp.39015018046923Do you hear? ” He swung about and glared at Mansart.
mdp.39015018046923Do you really think our condition is mostly because of laziness and stealing or more because of injustice of landowners and police?"
mdp.39015018046923Do you understand now?".
mdp.39015018046923Dr. Baldwin smiled at this situation and wondered what his students would say; and his wife?
mdp.39015018046923Eventually- perhaps; but what now?
mdp.39015018046923First, dare I say that you must not blame God too much in these awful days?
mdp.39015018046923Follow what?
mdp.39015018046923For what?
mdp.39015018046923Further west or north to real emancipation?
mdp.39015018046923Git kilt and go to Hell?
mdp.39015018046923Had Breckin- ridge invited him, too?
mdp.39015018046923Had she told him The World and Mrs. Breckinridge 77 anything?
mdp.39015018046923Had this been gain or irrep- arable loss?
mdp.39015018046923Have not seers seen in Heaven's halls?
mdp.39015018046923Have you been watching Africa?
mdp.39015018046923He ached to work with them, but how?
mdp.39015018046923He began: “ I beg your pardon, Colonel Breckinridge, ” he said, “ could I have a word with you?"
mdp.39015018046923He had failed in almost everything, but how and why?
mdp.39015018046923He held it before him, but did not read; he recited from memory, from bitter memory: Wherefore do we pray?
mdp.39015018046923He is a physician and a man of property. ”"You vouch for him?"
mdp.39015018046923He looked Tom straight in the eye and said, “ I'm voting for Hampton. ”"Why? ” asked Tom.
mdp.39015018046923He paused and sat still; his face hardened and he said curtly,"Well? ” “ Mr.
mdp.39015018046923He said finally, as he turned back to it, “ But Spence, why on earth did you leave your profes- sorship to come down here and teach Negroes?"
mdp.39015018046923He said the Colonel had not yet arrived; could she say if he was coming to the meeting and when?
mdp.39015018046923He simply entered the gate and said:"Mr. Watson, may I have a word with you?"
mdp.39015018046923He wondered how many Negro leaders really understood the game?
mdp.39015018046923Her forebears had been nobles under the Roi Soliel in the 17th cen- tury; they had met disaster and even poverty in the 18th, but what difference?
mdp.39015018046923His daring to come here?"
mdp.39015018046923His mother whispered: mayor, governor, senator- what not?
mdp.39015018046923How could he even think of such a thing?
mdp.39015018046923How could he have acted differently, knowing what little he did?
mdp.39015018046923How could he help?
mdp.39015018046923How had he ever come to such a pass?
mdp.39015018046923How in God's name could this be explained to the Colonel?
mdp.39015018046923How long could a black man live in a world like this?
mdp.39015018046923How long will it be before the hateful epithets of ‘ nigger'and'Jim- Crow'are openly applied to these sections?
mdp.39015018046923How many babies had she brought into the world?
mdp.39015018046923How much do you want for it?"
mdp.39015018046923How much had black blood and black ways and black music contributed to this state and its civilization?
mdp.39015018046923How should he approach the Colonel?
mdp.39015018046923How was he to get funds for a new Negro schoolhouse and equipment and salaries for at least three teachers needed to teach 300 children?
mdp.39015018046923How would I be received in the South? ”"Well, ” said Grady,"both of you must remember one thing.
mdp.39015018046923How would it do-> “ Say, Mansart, could you bring your quartet to Princeton?"
mdp.39015018046923How would you like to go into business?"
mdp.39015018046923I am going to publish this year a criticism of Washington and his philosophy. ”"You'll attack him?"
mdp.39015018046923I blame ourselves, poor miserable sinners that we are, ”"Do n't you think, then, that we ought to get busy and stop sinning?"
mdp.39015018046923I t Old Dr. Baldwin and His Family 159"Greek? ” said the old man.
mdp.39015018046923I wonder- I do not pretend to be sure, but I wonder- if a sounder alliance could not be made with the Negroes?
mdp.39015018046923I'd like to see him. ” And to himself,"What on earth can a pupil of D'Ooge find to do here?"
mdp.39015018046923If he wins with white votes what will we do?
mdp.39015018046923If the Colonel received this Negro at his front door what would the Poor White think?
mdp.39015018046923If the Negroes sold their land where would they go?
mdp.39015018046923In that case, how would he and the others know what her situation had been; what had happened?
mdp.39015018046923Is not God of the fathers dead?
mdp.39015018046923It hurt him to do this, but what point was there in keeping them?
mdp.39015018046923It was his duty to challenge him, and he called out in an uncertain voice:"Who goes there?"
mdp.39015018046923John must meet him. ”"Meet whom?"
mdp.39015018046923Just what is Business, anyway?
mdp.39015018046923Mansart, why do n't you talk to Breckinridge?"
mdp.39015018046923May git jailed?
mdp.39015018046923Might it not happen that they would meet increasingly bitter opposition?
mdp.39015018046923My na “ And what do you expect it to bring you? ”"Schools, homes, no convict lease, decent wages and land."
mdp.39015018046923No'nigger'is ever going to vote in At- lanta, Georgia! ”"Even if it costs another riot?"
mdp.39015018046923Not only for public elementary schools but even more, support for the higher schools on which the lower must depend?
mdp.39015018046923Not the new strivers but the old quality?
mdp.39015018046923Not, surely to this house and at this time?
mdp.39015018046923Now what we have asked ourselves is where is we going to find all this?
mdp.39015018046923Of course, he had heard of this 34 THE ORDEAL OF MANSART ert Eilang?
mdp.39015018046923One could, of course, see the Color Line as whites filled the auditorium and blacks a part of the gallery; but what of that?
mdp.39015018046923One great industrialist said, “ The public be damned! ” Another added, “ If a workman sticks up his head, hit itl ” Another: “ Law?
mdp.39015018046923One whispered: “ A'nigger'from Georgia?
mdp.39015018046923Or better, killed and her death laid to the “ niggers. ” What would quicker unite the whites and seal the bargain?
mdp.39015018046923Or had she?
mdp.39015018046923Or was he being double- crossed in some way?
mdp.39015018046923Or was it not possible that falling out among them- selves,( for after all, what did they have in common but greed and delusions of grandeur?
mdp.39015018046923Pierce plunged into his subject: “ The riot was a terrible thing, was n't it, Doctor?"
mdp.39015018046923Pierce, have you visited a Negro col- lege and examined its work?
mdp.39015018046923Remember what the city did to those Negro physi- cians and teachers who bought and built on Boulevard?
mdp.39015018046923Roosevelt recoiled from recogni- tion of them, but could he refuse to appoint any Negroes?
mdp.39015018046923She did not start to talk as she had planned but said, as she held his hands: “ Have I lain here long?"
mdp.39015018046923She listened calmly and after a pause said:"You do n't like Atlanta?"
mdp.39015018046923She paused until the gate closed and then said: “ I wonder if that was necessary? ”.
mdp.39015018046923Should Negroes continue to hold the balance of power in the Republican organization?
mdp.39015018046923Should he knock Scroggs down?
mdp.39015018046923Should he slam his fist into this black ape's face?
mdp.39015018046923Should he walk boldly up the front steps, or should he enter the gate and knock at the side door?
mdp.39015018046923Sing or dance?
mdp.39015018046923Sup- pose by some miracle he became rich in the phantasmagoria of national revolution- what good, what end?
mdp.39015018046923Suppose for a moment both sets of workers, black and white, should join against Property and Civilization?
mdp.39015018046923Suppose – and it was possible – that she had told him nothing; that she had had no time to talk before she fainted?
mdp.39015018046923THE ORDEAL OF MANSART"But my dear, is the difference so great as you assume?
mdp.39015018046923The Colonel asked his usual question: “ Betty Lou is not with us? ”"She may come in later."
mdp.39015018046923The Colonel regarded her uneasily and said:"Well?"
mdp.39015018046923The Three Musketeers to settle the Negro Problem- Boys, is it a deal?"
mdp.39015018046923The decision could hardly be final; for after all, did they understand what the Negroes were thinking about?
mdp.39015018046923The governor was silent and Tom went on: “ And if injustice is the real cause, what are we going to do about it?
mdp.39015018046923The owners, or a committee of slaves? ”"What Mansart asks is that men like you guarantee them just rights.
mdp.39015018046923The same thought was in his mind: How could he hold his position if he married a girl half of his age and became father of a child a few months later?
mdp.39015018046923The small nucleus of gentlemen or the mill- owners and railway owners, the bankers?
mdp.39015018046923The whites have strongly advised that Washington acquire my services. ”"For what?"
mdp.39015018046923Then he growled: “ What the hell are you celebrating?"
mdp.39015018046923Then why complain?
mdp.39015018046923There have been Negro Col- lectors in New Orleans and Galveston and there is one in Atlanta now. ” “ Do you know a good man?"
mdp.39015018046923They held the political State; Then whe of Negroes'When Mansartroes to the 128 THE ORDEAL OF MANSART sprich Nors that?
mdp.39015018046923They want the guidance of Southern aristocracy, and they want your word to bind the bargain. ” “ What bargain?
mdp.39015018046923They who had much to lose had nearly lost all; but what of them who had nothing to lose- of a man like Mansart?
mdp.39015018046923They would not go very far, or if a few of them did, what of it?
mdp.39015018046923Thine hearsed and lifeless form stark amidst the black and rolling smoke of sin, where all along bow bitter forms of endless dead?
mdp.39015018046923This, Sir, is worth even a bit of ancient ceremony and – mummery, as you call it, is it not?"
mdp.39015018046923Three Johns and Feirefiz! ”"Who?"
mdp.39015018046923To get acquainted with the Shanty Irish?"
mdp.39015018046923Was fear of poverty making him a liar, or was he acting from high principle?
mdp.39015018046923Was he being double- crossed as he always suspected he might be?
mdp.39015018046923Was he being forced to bear a double burden of shame?
mdp.39015018046923Was he so sure as he used to be that Negroes were all fools and apes?
mdp.39015018046923Was ids the ghost bit she did not saya Mansart into your protection- I did tell you about it, did n't I?
mdp.39015018046923Was it Atlanta?
mdp.39015018046923Was it imagination that she thought she saw through her half- closed lids the ghost of fear and almost con- sternation in those eyes?
mdp.39015018046923Was it not time that"free and equal"Negroes supported themselves and their institutions?
mdp.39015018046923Was it really his fault that Mansart was mur- dered horribly?
mdp.39015018046923Was it so certain that the white world was going to rule everything?
mdp.39015018046923Was someone trying to crowd him into lying simultaneously to both sides?
mdp.39015018046923Was that not proof of the soundness of American business?
mdp.39015018046923Was the United States to be a democracy and if so, how could the democratic process be carried out?
mdp.39015018046923Was there any line of thought and action that was going to lead somewhere?
mdp.39015018046923Was this Socialism?
mdp.39015018046923Was this land, this beautiful land of his fathers, always to be cursed by black men?
mdp.39015018046923Was this the champion of the laborer and small farmer?
mdp.39015018046923Was this the man who had defended Doyle from lynchers?
mdp.39015018046923Was this the truth or was this black man taking her out to the massed Negroes of the islands, to prison or worse?
mdp.39015018046923We can vote the black millions even when they are free, if the North consents, and we have climate and resources. ” “ Yes, but which North?
mdp.39015018046923Were they not taking their reports from stoolpigeons and wishful thinkers?
mdp.39015018046923What can I do?"
mdp.39015018046923What can we do about it?"
mdp.39015018046923What can we do?
mdp.39015018046923What could have delayed him?
mdp.39015018046923What could have happened?
mdp.39015018046923What could he do?
mdp.39015018046923What could he do?
mdp.39015018046923What did he want?
mdp.39015018046923What did this man think?
mdp.39015018046923What do I care for the law?"
mdp.39015018046923What do you say?
mdp.39015018046923What else in God's name could he have thought?
mdp.39015018046923What else should she do?
mdp.39015018046923What excuse was it that their slaves had cheated and killed in turn?
mdp.39015018046923What had become of Tom Mansart?
mdp.39015018046923What had been wrong with him?
mdp.39015018046923What had happened?
mdp.39015018046923What had she told her husband that night?
mdp.39015018046923What had they gained or lost?
mdp.39015018046923What happened to Watson?"
mdp.39015018046923What if they saw themselves continually balked?
mdp.39015018046923What more can we promise?"
mdp.39015018046923What now can we do to see this happen in peace?
mdp.39015018046923What of it?
mdp.39015018046923What possibly could be rebuilt upon this mire of civilization?
mdp.39015018046923What race superiority of white over black did that show?
mdp.39015018046923What sort of world was this that sends its puppets blind and groping for a light which does not exist?
mdp.39015018046923What then?
mdp.39015018046923What to do?
mdp.39015018046923What was Mansart going to do?
mdp.39015018046923What was all this pretense of descent from English nobility except payment to impudent Northern shysters who manufactured coats of arms?
mdp.39015018046923What was going to be the end?
mdp.39015018046923What was his future or for that matter the future of his people in America?
mdp.39015018046923What was the place of Negroes in the world and what was his relation to them?
mdp.39015018046923What were they doing?
mdp.39015018046923What would happen to a disfranchised, servile caste, deprived of having any of its genius free to soar?
mdp.39015018046923What would they do for a living?
mdp.39015018046923What's freedom but not doin'what you do n't want to?
mdp.39015018046923What, after all, did Negroes need of all that money?
mdp.39015018046923What? ” Williams'secretary had hurried in with a whispered message.
mdp.39015018046923Whatever it was, why should they pick on him?
mdp.39015018046923When can we go on that fishing trip we planned? ” Another quarter hour went by.
mdp.39015018046923Where are we headed?
mdp.39015018046923Where are you staying?"
mdp.39015018046923Where did this leave the labor movement?
mdp.39015018046923Where next, asked the Colonel, whither next?
mdp.39015018046923Where now did Chamberlain himself stand?
mdp.39015018046923Where was he going?
mdp.39015018046923Who are you, anyway? ” “ I'm from upstate.
mdp.39015018046923Who can deny that every act of discrimination the world over breeds fresh injustice?".
mdp.39015018046923Who can tell?
mdp.39015018046923Who is to judge between servants and owners?
mdp.39015018046923Who knew of his efforts or would know?
mdp.39015018046923Who, now, was this Negro approaching his house, and what did he want, and at this of all times?
mdp.39015018046923Why did he live?
mdp.39015018046923Why had he served him well?
mdp.39015018046923Why not add to these some prominent Southerners?
mdp.39015018046923Why not appoint a Negro Collector of the Port of Charleston?
mdp.39015018046923Why not fight all this in the open?
mdp.39015018046923Why not join our Board of Trustees and come to understand and help direct our program?"
mdp.39015018046923Why not organize black labor far beyond what we have done, and offer to join the planters?
mdp.39015018046923Why punish California for the sin of Georgia?"
mdp.39015018046923Why was her husband silent?
mdp.39015018046923Why, what, where?
mdp.39015018046923Why, why in God's name had he done this?
mdp.39015018046923Will any Negro leader dare to promise that?"
mdp.39015018046923Will you come and tell us plain just what you stand for and what you think we should do?
mdp.39015018046923Will you do something for me — and for yourself tomorrow at six? ”.
mdp.39015018046923Will you tell him?
mdp.39015018046923With her voice she asked:"When will you go? ”.
mdp.39015018046923Workin'for mah people?
mdp.39015018046923Would it be possible to get a Negro leader to agree to this?
mdp.39015018046923Would the sergeant back him up or beat him, or worse?
mdp.39015018046923You are not saying, are you, that God is playing a cat and mouse game with us?"
mdp.39015018046923You did take him into your care?"
mdp.39015018046923You know that colored Collector, Rucker?
mdp.39015018046923You've got millions of Negroes- can they work and will they?".
mdp.39015018046923Young Baldwin looked puzzled; the elder Pierce scowled; but young Pierce whooped: “ Got you, John; what can you say to that?"
mdp.39015018046923Your husband will be two blocks further. ” “ You want me to walk?"
mdp.39015018046923ch toward thing, until bile stoppen noti"Do you know what that might cost?
mdp.39015018046923l’se free, ai n't I?
mdp.39015018046923ng 2 d da; On C. A nens couli ered?
mdp.39015018046923“ A lawyer?
mdp.39015018046923“ And the election?"
mdp.39015018046923“ Are you feeling badly? ” she asked.
mdp.39015018046923“ Are you going to be a businessman?"
mdp.39015018046923“ Are you ready to receive Negroes on your front porch?".
mdp.39015018046923“ But surely you do not plan to revive the mummery of secrecy and tinsel which cloaked our aims then?
mdp.39015018046923“ But teaching them what?"
mdp.39015018046923“ But why, Mammy?
mdp.39015018046923“ But you?"
mdp.39015018046923“ But, ” said the Colonel, “ surely the Supreme Court is unbrib- able? ” “ Of course,"was the answer, “ but all men have their price.
mdp.39015018046923“ Colored? ” said Pierce in surprise.
mdp.39015018046923“ Do you have Greek here?"
mdp.39015018046923“ Do you know such a man, and what office do you suggest?"
mdp.39015018046923“ Father, ” she said, “ Did you meet any of the servants as you came in?"
mdp.39015018046923“ Grady?
mdp.39015018046923“ Half a million. ”"Who owns it?"
mdp.39015018046923“ How are things? ” “ Rather bad;-about to graduate and hunting for a school! ”"Say!
mdp.39015018046923“ How much? ” he asked.
mdp.39015018046923“ I wonder if any number of Negro leaders are ready to sur- render their impossible ambitions and return to their places?"
mdp.39015018046923“ I'm thinking of going north. ” “ What? ” almost snarled the Colonel.
mdp.39015018046923“ Is over- now, now, no politics; all will be well. ”"Was the General elected? ” “ Yes, ” he said slowly.
mdp.39015018046923“ Just what are your relations with my son? ” Mary Rice laid aside her papers.
mdp.39015018046923“ Now when all this is changed, what we want to know is where we workers come in?
mdp.39015018046923“ Oh yes, and there was a woman, too. ” “ Did you know who that woman was?"
mdp.39015018046923“ Plumb disgusted, ai n't you, Buddy?
mdp.39015018046923“ Remember the first job you set me to?
mdp.39015018046923“ See that bitch?
mdp.39015018046923“ Socialism?
mdp.39015018046923“ To a Negro political meet- ing?
mdp.39015018046923“ True, ” cried Elliott and Cardozo and Cain, “ but who will arrange these relations and just what will the relations be?"
mdp.39015018046923“ We can sure promise, but will the white labor vote allow ful- fillment even of this?"
mdp.39015018046923“ What with?"
mdp.39015018046923“ What would you have me say? ” he asked.
mdp.39015018046923“ What?
mdp.39015018046923“ When does John return from New York? ”.
mdp.39015018046923“ Where did I git dis meat?
mdp.39015018046923“ Where is Breckinridge? ” they growled, louder and louder.
mdp.39015018046923“ Why did n't the Colonel come himself? ” she asked.
mdp.39015018046923“ Why did you come here? ” he asked.
mdp.39015018046923“ Why not?"
mdp.39015018046923“ Yes?"
mdp.39015018046923“ You mean to say that you are sending me home alone in this dangerous night?"
mdp.39015018046923“ You remember that man, Mansart, you know, the black man? ” Betty glanced at her with surprise, but went on with her put- tering.
mdp.39015018046923“ You remember, Madam, ” he said,"Aunt Betsy?"
nyp.33433076094543How so? ” “ I was away all sur him to the swamp to t “ Now go,said the Colonel; “ and in future take your meals in your cabin.
nyp.33433076094543Taint so large as Charles'n, is’t? ” “ Yes, twenty times larger than Charleston. ” “ Lord o’massy! nyp.33433076094543 ... “ Did he dare to do that? nyp.33433076094543 107 “ Do you think he is dying, Rosy?
nyp.33433076094543121 “ Is’nt that Moye? ” I asked the Colonel, directing his attention to the receding figure.
nyp.33433076094543167 “ Wal, Cunnul, how dy'ge? ” said the stranger, as we stepped from the carriage.
nyp.33433076094543257 “ Never mind what you said, ” interrupted the Colonel, a little impatiently, but showing no displeasure;"what did she say?"
nyp.3343307609454385 “ Is he?
nyp.3343307609454387 “ Lor bress me, Massa K —, am dat you? ” ex- claimed the astonished negro, hastily opening the door, and coming to me.
nyp.3343307609454389 “ What look, massa?
nyp.33433076094543A great ole feller thet, warn't he?
nyp.33433076094543An'whot der ye'spoze she sed?
nyp.33433076094543And what could our little State do in a conflict with nearly thirty mil- lions? ” “ We should not fight with thirty millions.
nyp.33433076094543And yet, though I've the worst gang of niggers in the district, they obey her like so many children. ” “ Why is that?"
nyp.33433076094543Are you sure? ” “ Oh yas, massa; I seed'em gwo off on de boat to Charles'n most two weeks ago.
nyp.33433076094543As I was lighting it, he said: “ Ye've got a good ’ oman, hev ye? ” “ There's none better; at least, I think so."
nyp.33433076094543As we rode along I said to the driver, “ Scip, what did you think of our lodgings? ” “ Mighty pore, massa.
nyp.33433076094543At what time does the next train go up? ”.
nyp.33433076094543Build a free- school at every cross- road, and teach the poor whites, and what would become of slavery?
nyp.33433076094543But how shall I describe the pale, sweet beauty of the face of the drowned girl, as she lay there, her eyes closed, and her lips parted, as in prayer?
nyp.33433076094543But what am my life wuth?
nyp.33433076094543By the way, ” continued my host, in a jocose way, “ what did you think of the preaching? ” “ I thought it very poor.
nyp.33433076094543By- the- way, ” he added, “ did you not meet with some little obstruction at Conwayboro', on your way up?"
nyp.33433076094543Can Jim help you? ” “ Wal, p’raps he moight.
nyp.33433076094543Can Mr. Caleb Cushing or Charles O'Conor tell us why the Almighty invented a system which forces his crea- tures to break laws of His own making?
nyp.33433076094543Can you expect me to tend you when you are sick, if you beat a dying man?
nyp.33433076094543Can you get me a cup of tea? ” “ Right sorry, stranger, but I ca n't.
nyp.33433076094543Der yer tink we would n't fight to be free?"
nyp.33433076094543Dey do n't like de Cunnel; dey say he'm a stuck- up sesh- ener. ” 6 The Colonel, then, has befriended you at some time?"
nyp.33433076094543Did he come back? ” “ No, he died dar.
nyp.33433076094543Did n't thar big gun — Daniel Webster- did n't he make mince- meat of South Car lina Hayne on thet ar subjec'?
nyp.33433076094543Did n't ye say ye war one on'em?
nyp.33433076094543Did the Colonel know it? ” “ Oh, yas; Moye cum de possum ober de Cunnel, and ON THE PLANTATION.
nyp.33433076094543Did ye ever see sech a critter? ” “ Doant see nuffin'quar in dat gemman, massa, ” re- plied one of the blacks.
nyp.33433076094543Did you ever see such a look as that?
nyp.33433076094543Did you ever try to? ” “ Try to!
nyp.33433076094543Dis habin'slaves keeps dis hull country pore. ” “ Who told you that?"
nyp.33433076094543Do n't they steal our niggers, and haint they'lected an ab'lishener for Presi- dent? ”"Iye bed that is so."
nyp.33433076094543Do you know him, sir? ” “ Oh!
nyp.33433076094543Do you know what she asks? ” “ She ax fifteen hundred dollar, massa, but I an't worth dat now.
nyp.33433076094543Do you raise any thing else?"
nyp.33433076094543Do you re- alize what it would bring upon us?
nyp.33433076094543Does the North believe it?
nyp.33433076094543Dress nice, and make money? ” “ Yes, ” I replied, “ they make money, and dress like fine ladies; in fact, are fine ladies.
nyp.33433076094543Every individual arose from the table, and the Colonel, striding up and down the apartment, exclaimed: “ Is he mad?
nyp.33433076094543Had n't ye better show the gentleman some of your’n,'fore you go? ” “ Yes, yes, I did n't think of that.
nyp.33433076094543Haint you seed Massa Tommy, sar? ” “ Tommy!
nyp.33433076094543Has he not insulted you enough to make you let him alone?
nyp.33433076094543Have you got them safe? ” “ Safe?
nyp.33433076094543Have you got them safe? ” “ Safe?
nyp.33433076094543Have you not been struck with the contentment and cheerful sub- jection of the slaves? ” “ No, sir, I have not been!
nyp.33433076094543He puts the sperit inter'i m: doan't we see it in hosses an'critters an'sech like?
nyp.33433076094543He use him bery hard, massa. ” “ What had Sam done? ” “ Nuffin, massa."
nyp.33433076094543He'm better dan twenty of his niggas. ” “ Why better than twenty of his niggers? ” “'Cause dem ugly niggas am gin’rally cowards.
nyp.33433076094543How does all the folks live thar? ” “ Live quite as well as they do here."
nyp.33433076094543How does the man live? ” “ Well, he teaches the daughter of my neighbor, Captain Randall, who believes in praying, and gives him his board.
nyp.33433076094543How far is his house from here? ” “ A right smart six mile; it's at the Cross roads.
nyp.33433076094543I have to buy all my provisions. ” “ What proportion of your slaves are able- bodied hands? ” “ Somewhere about sixty per cent.
nyp.33433076094543I said; “ what do you mean by that? ” “ Did n't you see, massa, how yaller all dem wimmin war?
nyp.33433076094543I said; “ what do you mean by that? ” “ Did n't you see, massa, how yaller all dem wimmin war?
nyp.33433076094543I see nothing to change my views. ” “ Why, are not these people happy?
nyp.33433076094543I thought the Colonel had but one- Miss Clara. ” “ Wal, he habn't, massa, only de boys. ” “ What boys?
nyp.33433076094543If the poor whites realized that slavery kept them poor, would they not vote it down?
nyp.33433076094543If these people were on a par with the farmers of New England, would it last for an hour?
nyp.33433076094543Is not this per- fect enjoyment? ” “ Yes; just the same enjoyment that aunty's pigs are having; do n't you hear them singing to the music?
nyp.33433076094543Is not this per- fect enjoyment? ” “ Yes; just the same enjoyment that aunty's pigs are having; do n't you hear them singing to the music?
nyp.33433076094543Is your husband away from home?"
nyp.33433076094543It was goat's milk. ” “ Then how do you get your butter? ”?
nyp.33433076094543It was goat's milk. ” “ Then how do you get your butter? ”?
nyp.33433076094543Jim, how dy'ge? ” “ Sort, o'smart, ole feller.
nyp.33433076094543K —, will you stand by and see me handcuffed by a miserable slave? ” “ The black means well, my friend; he has saved you from murder.
nyp.33433076094543Kinder reckon tain't, is't? ” “ Yes, madam, it is."
nyp.33433076094543Mi’tey sqeemish thet, warn't it?
nyp.33433076094543Neither she nor the child have been seen since. ” “ Did you get no trace of her in the morning? ”.
nyp.33433076094543Put- ting out of view his actual loss of produce, how does the turpentine farmer feed and employ his negroes?
nyp.33433076094543Quite a place, arnt it? ” “ Yes, quite a place.
nyp.33433076094543Ses I: ‘ ye mean th’’ooman's got ter gwo ter th'hi'est bider?'
nyp.33433076094543Sha n't we trail him thar?"
nyp.33433076094543She soon resumed the conversation with this re- mark: “ Reckon yer a stranger in these parts; whar d’ye come from?"
nyp.33433076094543Something larger than all South Carolina. ” “ What d'ye say?
nyp.33433076094543Suppose they shut up your ports, and leave you with your cotton and turpentine unsold?
nyp.33433076094543Tell me, Colonel, what we will gain? ”.
nyp.33433076094543The rest of the parish ca n't afford to pay him, and I wo nt. ” “ Why wo nt you? ” “ Because he's a d — d old hypocrite.
nyp.33433076094543The truth flashed upon me; but could it be possible?
nyp.33433076094543Tiring at last of my own thoughts, I said to him: “ Scip, what is the matter with you?
nyp.33433076094543Turpentine- makers, of course, would suffer. ” “ Then why are not you a Union man? ” “ My friend, I have nearly three hundred mouths to feed.
nyp.33433076094543Was I in South Carolina or in Utah?
nyp.33433076094543Was not the system which so seared and hardened that man's heart, begotten in the lowest hell?
nyp.33433076094543Was this his recollection of the read- ing heard in the morning?
nyp.33433076094543Well, what then?"
nyp.33433076094543What am any slave's life wuth?
nyp.33433076094543What do you mean by facing the music? ”, “ Nuffin'massa- only dey'd ruther stay har. ” “ Come, Scip, you've played this game long enough.
nyp.33433076094543What do you say, Scip???
nyp.33433076094543What do you say, Scip???
nyp.33433076094543What do you say, Scip???
nyp.33433076094543What does she owe to you? ” asked the Colonel, turn- ing on the speaker with a proud and angry look.
nyp.33433076094543What does your hay cost? ” “ Thirty- five dollars.
nyp.33433076094543What hab we, sar?
nyp.33433076094543What shall we do? ” “ Can you swim, massa? ” he quietly asked.
nyp.33433076094543What shall we do? ” “ Can you swim, massa? ” he quietly asked.
nyp.33433076094543What will you do that for? ” “ Why for, massa!
nyp.33433076094543What's up with him? ” “ He's run away with my horse, Firefly — I thought he would have made for this station.
nyp.33433076094543When we were seated, I said to Scip, “ What induced you to lay hands on the Colonel?
nyp.33433076094543Where are we? ” “ Do n't know, massa; reckon we'se in de riber. ” “ A comfortable situation this.
nyp.33433076094543Where did you get it?"
nyp.33433076094543Where has he gone? ” “ Dunno, sar, but reckon he'm gwine to fine Sam. ” “ Sam?
nyp.33433076094543Where has he gone? ” “ Dunno, sar, but reckon he'm gwine to fine Sam. ” “ Sam?
nyp.33433076094543Why have you elected a President who approves of nigger- stealing?
nyp.33433076094543Why in h- has he come back? ” “ Oh, do n't ye hurt him massa, ” said the black cook, wringing her hands.
nyp.33433076094543Why is he so hard with her?
nyp.33433076094543Why, are they fleet of foot? ” “ Fleet as deer.
nyp.33433076094543Will ye send fur'em?
nyp.33433076094543Will you accompany me, Mr. K-?
nyp.33433076094543Would Shakspeare, had he have known it, have written of taking one's ease at his inn?
nyp.33433076094543Ye arnt over rugged. ” Then, after a pause, she added—“What d’ye'lect that darky, Linkum, President for? ” “ I did n't elect him.
nyp.33433076094543Ye know the Cunnel, du ye?"
nyp.33433076094543Ye never seed one — what d'ye'spose the ’ luk like? ”* No regular dinner- hour is allowed the blacks on most turpentine plantations.
nyp.33433076094543Yenows I've got a wife, but wen the ma'am sed thet, she luk'd so like an angel, thet d — d eff I cud help puttin'my arms round har, an?
nyp.33433076094543You certainly ca n't do it? ” “ Oh, de ma’am looks arter dat, sar; she’m bery good to de ole aunty."
nyp.33433076094543You do n't talk to your neighbors in this way? ” “ Wal, I doan't;"he replied, laughing.
nyp.33433076094543You have no wife nor"child; why not go where the black man is respected and nseful? ” “ I'se'spected and useful har, massa.
nyp.33433076094543You raise scarcely any thing else — what would you eat? ” “ We would turn our cotton fields into corn and wheat.
nyp.33433076094543You'll forgive me for being so cruel to you, wo nt you? ” said the Colonel, taking the · black by the hand.
nyp.33433076094543agin the Yankees?
nyp.33433076094543and pressed as these blacks inevitably are by both hunger and idleness, those prolific breeders of sedition, what will keep them quiet?
nyp.33433076094543eh, my good fellow? ” asked my host, with a laugh.
nyp.33433076094543give a man knowledge, and, however poor he may be, he'll act for himself. ” 6 Then free- schools and general education would de- stroy slavery? ”.
nyp.33433076094543is your son, is he? ” “ Yas, he's my oldest, and a likely lad he ar tu- he's twenty- one, and his name are John CAL’OUN MILLS.
nyp.33433076094543massa; I'd likes to be free, but I'd neber do dat! ” “ Why not do that? ” I asked.
nyp.33433076094543or had he previously com- mitted it to memory?
nyp.33433076094543them people that go agin the South? ” “ Yes, some of them. ” “ What do they go agin the South for? ” “ They go for freeing the slaves.
nyp.33433076094543them people that go agin the South? ” “ Yes, some of them. ” “ What do they go agin the South for? ” “ They go for freeing the slaves.
nyp.33433076094543whar's that? ” “ It's a city at the North."
nyp.33433076094543what influence could this North County scum have against me? ”.
nyp.33433076094543what makes you so gloomy? ” “ Nuffin, massa; I war only tinkin', ” he abstractedly replied.
nyp.33433076094543what's that? ” “ A thing that goes on tu legs, and karkles, ” was the ready reply.
nyp.33433076094543“ 50/ it's da mean to stand it “ What will you “ We'll give'em"Will it not be n before you do that?
nyp.33433076094543“ Am you Cunnel J —'s man?"
nyp.33433076094543“ An?
nyp.33433076094543“ And do you remain on the plantation? ” I in- quired.
nyp.33433076094543“ And suppose he found a boat here, ” I suggested,"and made the shore some ways down? ” 216 AMONG THE PINES.
nyp.33433076094543“ And what does it cost you to support each hand? ” THE PLANTER's “ FAMILY."
nyp.33433076094543“ And what have you to say about South Carolina?
nyp.33433076094543“ And who in h—11 ar you? ” asked the corn- cracker, planting himself squarely in my way.
nyp.33433076094543“ Are all the people dead?"
nyp.33433076094543“ Are you mad? ” I said to him.
nyp.33433076094543“ Because he was brutal to Sam, should you be brutal to him?
nyp.33433076094543“ But how did you expect to get on?
nyp.33433076094543“ But is not the larger portion of the turpentine crop consumed at the North? ” “ Oh, yes.
nyp.33433076094543“ But where will you and your daughters sleep?
nyp.33433076094543“ Did ye?
nyp.33433076094543“ Do most of them take to the swamps? ” “ Yes, nine out of ten do, though now and then one gets off on a trading vessel.
nyp.33433076094543“ Do n't you know massa, my boy? ”'said the Colonel, taking his hand tenderly in his.
nyp.33433076094543“ Do you think the white could labor as well as the black, on the rice and cotton- fields? ” I asked.
nyp.33433076094543“ Ebery word, massa. ” “ But how could you hear?
nyp.33433076094543“ Haint I tole you, ” he continued, “ dat in de big city ob New York dar'm more folks dan in all Car'lina?
nyp.33433076094543“ Have you always lived with him? ” “ Yas, sar, allers; I nussed him, and den de chilren- all ob'em. ” “ All the children?
nyp.33433076094543“ Have you always lived with him? ” “ Yas, sar, allers; I nussed him, and den de chilren- all ob'em. ” “ All the children?
nyp.33433076094543“ Have you read any others? ” I asked.
nyp.33433076094543“ He shall swing for it, by — But are you sure the slut will die? ” “ Not shore, Cunnel, but she ca n't stand, and the blood will run.
nyp.33433076094543“ How could I help it?
nyp.33433076094543“ How d'ye do? ” “ Sort o'smart, Massa Davy; sort o'smart; how is ye? ” “ Pretty well, Aunty; pretty well.
nyp.33433076094543“ How d'ye do? ” “ Sort o'smart, Massa Davy; sort o'smart; how is ye? ” “ Pretty well, Aunty; pretty well.
nyp.33433076094543“ How do you do?
nyp.33433076094543“ How d’ye do, Scipio? ” said Jim, extending his hand to him.
nyp.33433076094543“ How far is it to the nearest run? ” I asked.
nyp.33433076094543“ How many negroes has he? ” “'Bout two hundred, men and wimmin, I b’lieve, massa."
nyp.33433076094543“ Is she here? ” I said, involuntarily, as I caught sight of the group.
nyp.33433076094543“ Is there any one here to help? ” he asked.
nyp.33433076094543“ Jake, ” he said, “ where are your shoes? ” “ Wored out, massa. ” “ Worn out!
nyp.33433076094543“ No it doant — do it, Aggy? ”.
nyp.33433076094543“ No, he's not a mulatto; he's a rail- splitter. ” “ Rail- splitter?
nyp.33433076094543“ No, massa, not in dese times; but de missus and de young lady arnt dar now. ” “ Not there now?
nyp.33433076094543“ No, nothing, Jim, ” replied his master; “ but, stay-hadn't you better sleep in front of Moye's door? ” “ Dunno, sar; jess as you say."
nyp.33433076094543“ Nobody, Cunnel; de ma’am leff him gwo. ” “ How dare you disobey me?
nyp.33433076094543“ Nobody, massa; I see it myseff. ” “ Are there many of these poor whites around George- town?"
nyp.33433076094543“ Not dead, massa, ” replied the black, with a knowing chuckle, “ but dey’m gettin'ready for a fun’ral. ” “ What fu- neral? ” I asked.
nyp.33433076094543“ Scip, did you know Jim before?"
nyp.33433076094543“ That's the use of having a tongue, eh? ” I replied, laughing.
nyp.33433076094543“ Then why was he flogged?
nyp.33433076094543“ We, you say; you mean by that, the hundred and eighty thousand nabobs who own five- sixths of your slaves???
nyp.33433076094543“ We, you say; you mean by that, the hundred and eighty thousand nabobs who own five- sixths of your slaves???
nyp.33433076094543“ We, you say; you mean by that, the hundred and eighty thousand nabobs who own five- sixths of your slaves???
nyp.33433076094543“ Well, Jim, what is it? ” asked his master.
nyp.33433076094543“ Well, Sandy, how is · Lady???
nyp.33433076094543“ Well, Sandy, how is · Lady???
nyp.33433076094543“ Well, Sandy, how is · Lady???
nyp.33433076094543“ Well, suppose you do; what then? ” “ Merely, England would not have a ship in six months to carry your cotton.
nyp.33433076094543“ Well, ” said the Colonel, “ what do you think of our bacon'as it runs?
nyp.33433076094543“ Whar did you cum from?
nyp.33433076094543“ What Sam is it? ” asked the Colonel.
nyp.33433076094543“ What brought you here, you d- dinsolent hound? ” cried the Colonel, turning fiercely on the new- comer.
nyp.33433076094543“ What did she say?"
nyp.33433076094543“ What does it mean — that fresh bullet wound, and the marks of a recent whipping? ” I asked.
nyp.33433076094543“ What du the ’ du? ”: 76 AMONG THE PINES.
nyp.33433076094543“ What effect will secession have on your business? ” I asked the Colonel, after a while.
nyp.33433076094543“ What is it, Jim? ” shouted his master.
nyp.33433076094543“ What is the usual proportion of sick and infirm on your plantation? ” “ Counting in the child- bearing women, I reckon about twenty per cent."
nyp.33433076094543“ What the d-1 is the matter? ” asked his master, who now, partly dressed, stepped into the hall.
nyp.33433076094543“ What will he pay you? ” “ Wal, I've four barr'ls of dip,'and tu of hard.'
nyp.33433076094543“ What, both gone and left you ladies here alone? ” “ Yas, the Cunnel sed every man orter go, and they warn't to be ahind the rest.
nyp.33433076094543“ Where are you hauling your turpentine? ” asked the Colonel.
nyp.33433076094543“ Where in creation have you been, my dear fellow? ” he asked, as we took our seats.
nyp.33433076094543“ Where is Moye? ” asked the Colonel.
nyp.33433076094543“ Who ar ye? ” was the reply.
nyp.33433076094543“ Who's looking after Sam? ” asked the Colonel.
nyp.33433076094543“ Why good at swimming? ” I inquired.
nyp.33433076094543“ Why should you interfere between them and him?
nyp.33433076094543“ Why so, my friend?
nyp.33433076094543“ Why was he whipped? ” “ He told me you were his master, and insisted on whipping Moye, ” replied the lady.
nyp.33433076094543“ Will you let us come in out of de rain?"
nyp.33433076094543“ Wo nt you get into de carriage, massa? ” inquired Jim.
nyp.33433076094543“ Yas, I hab collards and taters, a little corn, and most ebery ting. ” “ But who does your work?
nyp.33433076094543“ Ye do n't have no niggers thar, does ye? ” “ Yes, but none that are slaves. ” “ Have Ablisherners thar, do n't ye?
nyp.33433076094543“ Ye do n't have no niggers thar, does ye? ” “ Yes, but none that are slaves. ” “ Have Ablisherners thar, do n't ye?
nyp.33433076094543“ You are very good, sir,"'I replied: “ how did you hear of it?"
uc1.b3470438* Iſs P-5/12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT/???
uc1.b3470438* Iſs P-5/12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT/???
uc1.b3470438* Iſs P-5/12 ACKNOWLEDGMENT/???
uc1.b3470438- Then again came to her that question, would George Tryon still love her if he knew all?
uc1.b3470438- “ Is what we hear true, Molly?
uc1.b3470438- “ What are you to do about it, Northcross?
uc1.b3470438- “ What would be the use? ” the doctor rejoined.
uc1.b3470438- “ Why should there not be a patient confidence in th ultimate justice of the people?
uc1.b3470438- “ Would he have loved me at all, ” she asked herself, over and over again, “ if he knew the story of my past?
uc1.b3470438- “ You ’ve got a message from my son, you say? ” she asked MAS QUERADE 149 with great anticipation.
uc1.b3470438. ” “ What? ” The Judge was curious.
uc1.b3470438180 MAS QUERADE “ Rena, how ’d you lak to go and pay your brother, Johnny, a visit?
uc1.b3470438232 MAS QUERADE spoken to men in visions of the night, what easier way could there be for Him to convey His meaning to people of all ages?
uc1.b347043826 MAS QUERADE “ Another one of those cases, eh?
uc1.b347043866 MASQUERADE “ Yes, sir, Judge Straight? ” anxiously, hopefully.
uc1.b3470438Afraid of what? ” “ Oh, Johnny, ” she cried, bursting into tears.
uc1.b3470438After reading it, what are you thinking, about what Douglas said or what he quoted Lincoln as saying?
uc1.b3470438And if George knew the truth, would he want me then; would he love me just as much as he says he does? ” Her brother sprang to his feet.
uc1.b3470438And now why will you ask us to deny the humanity of the slave, and estimate him as only the equal of a hog?
uc1.b3470438And to execute all who would interfere with it?
uc1.b3470438And you are a gentleman now, Johnny, ai n't you?
uc1.b3470438Are you staying long? ” “ I leave tomorrow. ” “ It's well enough.
uc1.b3470438Before I do, we will talk again, see? ”- She got him to his feet then, sad and dejected.
uc1.b3470438But had he not sided in his own deception?
uc1.b3470438But if the Negro is a man, is it not to that extent a total destruction of self- government to say that he, too, shall not govern himself?
uc1.b3470438But perhaps there's a loadstone in South Carolina to draw you back?
uc1.b3470438Can aliens make treaties easier than friends can make laws?
uc1.b3470438Can treaties be more faithfully en- forced between aliens than laws can among friends?
uc1.b3470438Did she tell you her name? ” “ She did, for I not only asked her that, but no end of other questions, I was that interested.
uc1.b3470438Do n't you understand?
uc1.b3470438Do n’t you think he will? ” “ I — I rather feel that he will.
uc1.b3470438Do you imagine that he would be any happier than he is now, or than if he should never know? ” Ah, no!
uc1.b3470438Do you re- member how you cried when I went away? ” “ It seems but yesterday, ” she murmured.
uc1.b3470438Do you re- member my wife thirty years ago, judge? ” “ She was a very handsome woman, Ed, ” the other re- plied judicially.
uc1.b3470438Do you want me to go? ” “ Of course not, dear; but what I want or think ca n’t matter.
uc1.b3470438Does n’t such a course seem just a wee bit selfish?
uc1.b3470438Free them all and keep them among us as underlings?
uc1.b3470438Free them and make them politically and socially our equals?
uc1.b3470438Get the idea, Rich- ard? ” “ Fully, though that will be hard on Molly.
uc1.b3470438Getting all ready to fight with the War not started? ” “ It is in full blast in Charleston — and how badly they want to fight.
uc1.b3470438Go ahead, Johnny, and say what you will. ” “ What is there left for me to say, after all you just said?
uc1.b3470438Had God ordained the crime that the punishment might follow?
uc1.b3470438Had not Rena compared her- self to the child's nurse, and had he not assured her that if she were the nurse, he would marry her the next day?
uc1.b3470438Had not Walden told him distinctly that they were of no family, and was it not his fault that he had not followed up the clue thus given him?
uc1.b3470438Had not the Missouri Com- promise been practically wiped out by the Omnibus Bill of 1850?
uc1.b3470438Has your mother consented? ” “ She had to.
uc1.b3470438He heard Blanche saying something, and with a start, turned to her with a: “ Did you address me?
uc1.b3470438He is one of these many Negroes that would like to be white, perhaps he planned to go North somewhere and pass for white, who knows?
uc1.b3470438He's a fine big man now and so industrious. ” “ Industrious?
uc1.b3470438He's a free Negro, you know. ” “ A free Negro?
uc1.b3470438He's disappeared! ” “ What do you mean, boy, disappeared? ” his father cried, grabbing him and forcing him to face him.
uc1.b3470438He's stopping at the Fountain Hotel and will return to our house tonight again. ”"What mystery here?
uc1.b3470438He's well and doing well, and sends his love to you, and hopes you ’ve not forgotten him. ” “ Forgot him?
uc1.b3470438How comes this vast amount of property to be running about without own- ers?
uc1.b3470438How could a big boy like Johnny just — disappear? ” “ That ’s how it happened, Mr. Fowler.
uc1.b3470438How do you account for this lack? ” “ I ’ve studied that, too, and here is why they are cold to it.
uc1.b3470438How had he been so blind as not to have read the character of this wretched girl who had bewitched him?
uc1.b3470438How is that for a pedigree?
uc1.b3470438How is this?
uc1.b3470438How many others of his friends would do the same, if they but knew of it?
uc1.b3470438How was he received? ” “ They raved about him.
uc1.b3470438How was he to imagine that persons of their ap- pearances and pretentions were tainted with Negro blood?
uc1.b3470438How would you like to lose your one child? ” “ Well, well, Mother.
uc1.b3470438How? ” “ He ’s a carpenter and builder. ” “ In the footsteps of his father.
uc1.b3470438I acknowledge no man in human form. ” “ What was your object in coming? ” “ I came to free the slaves, ” he said.
uc1.b3470438I am willing to do anything to be somebody. ” “ But just why a lawyer?
uc1.b3470438I did n't want to see her get to like a dark man, but what could I do?
uc1.b3470438I mean, what procedure would have to be employed? ” “ That's simple enough.
uc1.b3470438I regret to advise you, but he is. ” “ Now what ’re you talking about? ” “ About that boy ’s father.
uc1.b3470438I surely will not blame them for not doing what I should not know how to do myself. ” Was this oratory?
uc1.b3470438I think he can best tell me how to go about it; the best way and all that, you know. ” “ You think so? ” “ I am sure he will.
uc1.b3470438I ’m sorry, I know you are right, and I hate to upset you. ” “ Then why do you? ” “ I do n’t know, I do n’t know.
uc1.b3470438I ’m sorry. ”- “ Sorry?
uc1.b3470438I, of course, am to provide these funds? ”.
uc1.b3470438If I mis- take not, she has intelligence as well as beauty? ” 172 MAS QUERADE “ Yes, ” Molly sighed, sadly.
uc1.b3470438If a man is noble and brave and strong, if a woman is beautiful and good and true, what matters it about his or her ancestry?
uc1.b3470438If she had met mis- fortune before, what were her prospects for happiness now?
uc1.b3470438If the people of Kansas and Nebraska were able to gov- ern themselves, were they not able to govern a few mis- erable Negroes?
uc1.b3470438If they do these things in the “ green tree, ” what will they not do in the dry?
uc1.b3470438If you are still interested in me as you once were, then what do you want me to do? ” “ I will answer your last suggestion first, Rena.
uc1.b3470438In our present difference is either party without faith of being in the right?
uc1.b3470438Is it possible then, to make that inter- course more advantageous or more satisfactory after sep- aration than before?
uc1.b3470438Is it quite certain that this would better their condition?
uc1.b3470438Is it sane to keep millions of men and wom- en in Slavery?
uc1.b3470438Is it sane to suppress all who would cry out against this system?
uc1.b3470438Is it sane to think that such a system can last?
uc1.b3470438Is it true then, that any right, plainly written in the Constitution has been de- nied?
uc1.b3470438Is there any better or equal hope in the world?
uc1.b3470438Is there any mistaking it?
uc1.b3470438Is there anything you want — money or what?
uc1.b3470438It is an ambition. ” “ Have you talked to anybody else about — this ambition of yours? ” “ I have, ” the boy replied.
uc1.b3470438Just a nice little colored boy, very mannerly and, for a Negro, intelligent too. ” “ Who does he belong to? ” “ To his mother.
uc1.b3470438Knowing all this, and what you would have done had you known it before making love to, and marrying me, what do you think that I should have done?
uc1.b3470438MAS QUERADE- 261 “ Is you got a roasted ‘ tater you could gimme, ma'am? ” “ Sholy, chile.
uc1.b3470438May Congress prohibit slavery in the Territories?
uc1.b3470438Meanwhile, what are your plans, Frank?
uc1.b3470438Miss Leary had no doubt that there was a woman at the bottom of it — for over what else should a youth worry but love?
uc1.b3470438Naw, suh, he ai n’t in his office. ” “ Did you inquire of anybody when he'd be back? ” Dave's face fell.
uc1.b3470438No doubt that seems to you a long time, young man? ” “ It is a long time, sir, ” Tryon replied.
uc1.b3470438Now let's see, who's his father, since you say he belongs to his mother, and is a free issue? ” Judge Straight smiled.
uc1.b3470438Now my master, what? ’ ”-- “ Oh, Rena, my sister, my child.
uc1.b3470438Now where will we start? ” “ Just a word before you do, Johnny, ” she said, laying a hand on his wrist.
uc1.b3470438Now why is this?
uc1.b3470438Oh, boy! ” “ Yes'm? ” the messenger answered, looking back.
uc1.b3470438On the old Wilmington Road in a place they call The House Behind The Cedars. ” “ That is near the Obermarks, is n’t it?
uc1.b3470438On the right side of the road as you go out of town? ” “ Yes, sir. ” “ I ’ve noticed it.
uc1.b3470438One party to a contract may violate it — break it, so to speak, but does it not require a vote of all to law- fully rescind it?
uc1.b3470438Only on a wider scale, with a list of men, women and children butchered in their looted or burned homes?
uc1.b3470438Or, if one's love affairs ran smoothly, why should one worry about anything at all?
uc1.b3470438Regarding this, Abraham Lincoln, in a public speech shortly after, asked: “ Why was the decision held up?
uc1.b3470438Sacrifices must be made, but if the world without love would be nothing, then why not give up the world for love?
uc1.b3470438Secession. ” “ Secession?
uc1.b3470438Shall I fetch him? ” “ Yes, bring him to me. ” He took the child in his arms and went out upon the pi- azza.
uc1.b3470438Shall fugitives from labor be surrendered by National or State authority?
uc1.b3470438She was an only child. ” “ You ’ll be gettin'married again, maybe? ” “ No, ” he replied.
uc1.b3470438Slaves repeating the Nat Turner insurrec- tion?
uc1.b3470438So one of old Duncan McSwayne's notes went so far as that?
uc1.b3470438So what could I do?
uc1.b3470438Suppose he had married me and then had found out? ” To Rena's argument of fore- ordination Walden at- tached no weight whatever.
uc1.b3470438Sure enough?
uc1.b3470438That is what I mean, and what is worrying me. ”- “ Is that all that is worrying you, Rena?
uc1.b3470438The next reason was, Johnny, I'll try to be frank — I was afraid. ” “ Afraid?
uc1.b3470438Then you feel at this time that it will be Douglas?
uc1.b3470438There is a far more important one to you, and that is, what shall be done with the Free Negro?
uc1.b3470438They asked for it. ” “ Do you think, before it is over, that they may call on us colored people, to help out?
uc1.b3470438They seem to agree on and about everything. ” “ You would n't infer, that they are possibly — liking each other? ” “ They might be.
uc1.b3470438To these, how- ever, who really love the Union, may I speak?
uc1.b3470438Today he came to see me, and spoke these words forthwith:'Sir, I want to be a lawyer. ’ ” “ A lawyer? ” Northcross exclaimed, surprised.
uc1.b3470438Turning to her son, “ would you like — a piece of rabbit, John?
uc1.b3470438Versus who? ” “ Abraham Lincoln. ” “ Good Heavens, no! ” Archibald Straight shook his head sadly, but firmly.
uc1.b3470438Very hard? ” “ Very hard, Judge.
uc1.b3470438Was a slave revolt starting?
uc1.b3470438Was he still living or had he died?
uc1.b3470438Was it the devil working within him?
uc1.b3470438Was not the real question whether the people should rule, whether the voters in a territory should con- trol their own affairs?
uc1.b3470438Well, she must have said something, one way or another. ” “ I told her that I was going to talk to you about it. ” “ Oh, you did?
uc1.b3470438Well, today he called. ” “ Yes? ” from Northcross, a bit anxiously.
uc1.b3470438What about that? ”-* “ That ’s what Abraham Lincoln said; but Abraham Lin- coln is only a politician.
uc1.b3470438What are you doing here?
uc1.b3470438What did she say? ” “ She did n’t say. ” “ What do you mean.
uc1.b3470438What do you mean, anyhow? ” “ Teacher got los ’ in de swamp night befo'las ’, ‘ cause Plato wa'nt dere to show her de way out'n de woods.
uc1.b3470438What do you mean? ” “ That meeting them when one is passing inclines to — make one self- conscious; un- nerves you.
uc1.b3470438What do you suppose I think is the matter?
uc1.b3470438What do you want? ” “ I have a message to you from your son, Johnny. ”"Oh! ” Molly exclaimed, in shocked tones.
uc1.b3470438What hap- pened and how?
uc1.b3470438What horrible fate was it that had involved him — nay, that had caught this sweet, delicate girl in such a blind alley?
uc1.b3470438What is it now, David? ” his ques- tion was sharp and his eyes were hard on the boy.
uc1.b3470438What is that something?
uc1.b3470438What is your name, child, and where were you brought up?
uc1.b3470438What kind of work?
uc1.b3470438What kind of work? ” “ She keeps his books, works out his estimates for new construction.
uc1.b3470438What now? ” “ I ’m still thinking about that boy. ” “ Johnny Northcross? ” “ And that ’s his name? ” “ Of course.
uc1.b3470438What now? ” “ I ’m still thinking about that boy. ” “ Johnny Northcross? ” “ And that ’s his name? ” “ Of course.
uc1.b3470438What now? ” “ I ’m still thinking about that boy. ” “ Johnny Northcross? ” “ And that ’s his name? ” “ Of course.
uc1.b3470438What reason? ” 74 MAs QUBRADE “ I did n’t say what I thought up there where all could hear it, Matilda.
uc1.b3470438What was happen- ing?
uc1.b3470438What were you saying? ” Blanche repeated what she had asked, and he promised to think about it.
uc1.b3470438What's the matter? ” “ The matter, Mother!
uc1.b3470438When shall it be, dear?
uc1.b3470438Where did he go?
uc1.b3470438Where did you get the becoming a lawyer idea, anyhow? ” “ It is not an idea.
uc1.b3470438Which way? ” Della pointed to the right.
uc1.b3470438Who will it be?
uc1.b3470438Whom did Judge Straight drive into the country to see?
uc1.b3470438Whom do you live with? ” “ My mother, Mis ’ Molly Northcross. ” “ I see, ” the Judge mused.
uc1.b3470438Why ask us to do what you will not do yourselves?
uc1.b3470438Why can not it exist on the same principles on which our fathers made it?
uc1.b3470438Why did you refuse him? ” “ I did not refuse him, Johnny.
uc1.b3470438Why did you wish to wait a week, however? ” “ I felt that I should talk to you about it first.
uc1.b3470438Why have you let it develop?
uc1.b3470438Why should I seek the society of people whose friendship — and love — one little word can turn to scorn?
uc1.b3470438Why the delay for reargument?
uc1.b3470438Why the incoming Pres- ident ’s advance exhortation in favor of the decision?
uc1.b3470438Will you be able to look them over today?
uc1.b3470438Will you go with me? ” “ Yes, ” she answered, knowing that she was lying, but she was by now resigned to whatever was going to happen.
uc1.b3470438Will you hazard so desperate a step while there is any possibility that any portion of the ills you fly from have no real existence?
uc1.b3470438Will you join with us to drive it from the face of the earth? ” The response was terrific.
uc1.b3470438Will you not grant me one interview?
uc1.b3470438Wo n't you set down in de private office an ’ wait fo ’ ‘ i m, suh? ” Tryon had not slept well during his journey and felt somewhat fatigued.
uc1.b3470438Would George Tryon do the same things in regards her?
uc1.b3470438Would God have made hearts to yearn for one another if He had meant them to stay forever apart?
uc1.b3470438Would it last until she died?
uc1.b3470438Would it not be wise to say plainly that he would n’t interfere?
uc1.b3470438Would she ever return?
uc1.b3470438Would the next news tell of rebellion?
uc1.b3470438Would you involve all of us in difficulties merely to secure your own peace of mind?
uc1.b3470438W’at was dat you say? ” “ Why are you not at school today? ” “ Ain ’ got no teacher, Mistah Geo'ge.
uc1.b3470438W’at was dat you say? ” “ Why are you not at school today? ” “ Ain ’ got no teacher, Mistah Geo'ge.
uc1.b3470438You know her, do n't you?
uc1.b3470438You know who I mean, do n’t you, judge? ” “ Yes, I think so, ” the judge said promptly.
uc1.b3470438You know, and I know, and George Wendell Tryon knows that I can not confess our secret to him, so what?
uc1.b3470438You mean that the Southern States might — secede from the Union?
uc1.b3470438You must do as they ask you to. ” “ But what about you, Frank?
uc1.b3470438You wo n’t deny that — to me? ” “ No, Archibald, ” Richard Northcross replied rising to his feet.
uc1.b3470438You wo n’t fin ” him. ” “ Maybe he — might have gone to see Della, the Conjure Woman? ” “ He did n’t believe in Conjurism.
uc1.b3470438“ Ah wonduh, ” she murmured, “ whut ole Jedge Straight c’n be writin ’ tu me ‘ bout?
uc1.b3470438“ And I’spose you ’re happy, Johnny? ” his mother ad- vanced when he stopped talking.
uc1.b3470438“ And are you glad to see me, Mother? ”- “ Am I glad to see you?
uc1.b3470438“ And are you glad to see me, Mother? ”- “ Am I glad to see you?
uc1.b3470438“ And now, darling, ” Tryon pleaded, “ Will you not fix the day that shall make me happy?
uc1.b3470438“ And now, praise be to the Lord, you are somebody, ai n't you Johnny?
uc1.b3470438“ And she's really a colored girl? ” from Blanche.
uc1.b3470438“ And you are visiting your mother? ” “ Not exactly.
uc1.b3470438“ And you married into a good family? ” “ And have a child. ” “ A — boy? ” Walden nodded affirmatively, and smiled with pride.
uc1.b3470438“ And you married into a good family? ” “ And have a child. ” “ A — boy? ” Walden nodded affirmatively, and smiled with pride.
uc1.b3470438“ And you think you were acting righteously? ” “ Yes, my friends, righteously.
uc1.b3470438“ And, where do you live, Johnny? ” He decided not to let the boy think or feel that he knew who his father was, nor anything that went with it.
uc1.b3470438“ Anything wanted, Dave? ” he asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Are you really colored? ” the lady turned to her to ask, after the last child had left the room.
uc1.b3470438“ Are you sure you do n't care, Mama? ” she asked, hoping and yet doubting.
uc1.b3470438“ But — what do you mean, just gone, Molly?
uc1.b3470438“ Ca n't I go to town fo you atter I ’ve seed her home, Mistah Geo'ge? ” He waited anxiously to hear Tryon's re- action to this suggestion.
uc1.b3470438“ Ca n't you see what will happen to our people; I mean our people still in slavery?
uc1.b3470438“ Can we not know each other for a little while? ” she asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Can you read writin ’? ” “ No’m. ” “ All right.
uc1.b3470438“ Can you tell me who lives there? ” and he jerked his thumb over his shoulder at the house they were just leav- ing.
uc1.b3470438“ Does Mis ’ Molly Northcross live here? ” “ Yes, ” was the guarded answer.
uc1.b3470438“ Does she go to church or anywhere else with Jeff Wain, Plato?, ” Tryon asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Frank Fow- ler, eh? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b3470438“ Gone where?
uc1.b3470438“ Hello, Plato, ” Tryon called, “ do you want a lift? ” “ Sure, Mars'Geo'ge.
uc1.b3470438“ How do you feel about it, Archibald? ” “ Well, I think he should have assistance in his ambition.
uc1.b3470438“ How much do you love me? ”- 228 MASQUERADE “ I love you all one can love.
uc1.b3470438“ I ’ve been told that meeting and mixing with white people is not as hard as when you encounter one of us in doing so. ” “ Us?
uc1.b3470438“ If you did not feel that it was wrong, why did you join in providing that men should be hung for it?
uc1.b3470438“ Is Rena here? ” he demanded breathlessly.
uc1.b3470438“ Is he married? ” “ There you go again, ” her husband replied, shaking his forefinger at her in mock reproach.
uc1.b3470438“ Is he sick — or in — trouble? ” She was so excited that she forgot to invite the smiling and pleasant stranger inside for the moment.
uc1.b3470438“ Is he well off, Ed? ” she asked her husband in an anxious whisper.
uc1.b3470438“ Is there anything the matter with him? ” “ No, not exactly.
uc1.b3470438“ Is there such perfect identity of interests among the States to compose a new Union, as to produce harmony only, and prevent renewed secession?
uc1.b3470438“ Is your teacher white? ” “ No, ma'am, she ai n’t white; she's black.
uc1.b3470438“ My — what? ”- Judge Straight shook his head, patiently.
uc1.b3470438“ Now, beautiful Rena, is that what you want to happen to her?
uc1.b3470438“ Oh, Plato? ” she asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Oh, Rena, you look just like a white girl. ” “ Did your wife leave any kin? ” she asked Johnny, cautiously, carefully, but with some effort.
uc1.b3470438“ Oh, you did, Mother?
uc1.b3470438“ Rena, darling, ” her lover said, “ when shall it be?
uc1.b3470438“ Says who?
uc1.b3470438“ Says who? ” he said, looking hard at Green, who turned to him in some surprise.
uc1.b3470438“ Sholy, Miss Rena, youah gwine to honah me wid one dance?
uc1.b3470438“ So the boy wants to be a lawyer, eh?
uc1.b3470438“ That is yours, is n’t it? ” 336 MAS QUERADE “ No, we ai n't got to my home yit, ” he answered.
uc1.b3470438“ The girl is a beauty; I reckon we might guess where she got some of it, eh, Judge?
uc1.b3470438“ The question then arises what rights and privileges are consistent with the public good?
uc1.b3470438“ Then pray who? ” “ To Mrs. Fritz Obermark. ” “ You mean, Fritz Obermark, the tavern keeper's wife? ” “ I went to school to her.
uc1.b3470438“ Then pray who? ” “ To Mrs. Fritz Obermark. ” “ You mean, Fritz Obermark, the tavern keeper's wife? ” “ I went to school to her.
uc1.b3470438“ Then the message comes through you from somebody else? ” “ No, ” he replied, calmly.
uc1.b3470438“ Very well, would you not be willing, for his sake — to keep a secret — your secret and mine and that of the innocent child in your arms?
uc1.b3470438“ Well, Judge, had you for- mulated any plans? ” “ I have, which follow.
uc1.b3470438“ Well, Rena, ” he said to his sister when he went home at noon: “ I ’ve sounded George. ” “ What did he say? ” she asked, eagerly.
uc1.b3470438“ Well, ” he began, “ Young man, what can I do for you? ” John Northcross crossed the room then and paused.
uc1.b3470438“ What are they saying about Lincoln down there? ” “ Just about everything.
uc1.b3470438“ What are you go- ing to do, just stand there speechless?
uc1.b3470438“ What do you think about it, papa? ” Fowler lowered his paper thoughtfully.
uc1.b3470438“ What is the matter this time?
uc1.b3470438“ What is the matter, George, dear? ” she would ask, stroking his hot brow with her small, cool hand as he sat, nursing his grief.
uc1.b3470438“ What next?
uc1.b3470438“ What shall I do without her?
uc1.b3470438“ What then?
uc1.b3470438“ What's up, Judge?
uc1.b3470438“ When did he last talk with you about it, dear? ” “ Last night, Johnny. ” “ My poor, dear child, ” he began, with deep sympathy.
uc1.b3470438“ When did you last see my son? ” she inquired of him now, nervously anxious.
uc1.b3470438“ Who is you? ” she said, peering up at him closely.
uc1.b3470438“ Who sent you here? ” they asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Who ’s it fer? ” she asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Who ’s it frum? ” she inquired, turning the envelope over and over, and examining it with the impotent curi- osity of one who can not read.
uc1.b3470438“ Who ’s there? ” “ A gentleman, ” came back the answer, then a pause.
uc1.b3470438“ Why have you stopped here? ” “ Did n't yuh wish tu see de doctuh? ” the driver asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Why have you stopped here? ” “ Did n't yuh wish tu see de doctuh? ” the driver asked.
uc1.b3470438“ Why not, Mr. Wain? ” Mis'Molly asked, bridling with mock resentment.
uc1.b3470438“ Why should he know?
uc1.b3470438“ Will he or will he not? ” Walden asked himself.
uc1.b3470438“ Will you permit it? ” The street shook with voices en masse: “ No!
uc1.b3470438“ Will you stay with the ladies awhile, or go back down- town with me? ” “ I think I had better go with you, sir.
uc1.b3470438“ Will you therefore turn around and drive me there? ” “ Yassuh, yassuh!
uc1.b3470438“ Will you wait for me here, George, or will you drive on down to the office?
uc1.b3470438“ Yas, Misses? ” Plato replied, prancing around the buggy in great glee, on the strength of his acquaintance with the white folks.
uc1.b3470438“ Yassuh? ” Dave replied, waking quickly and hustling to his feet, stood before the doctor.
uc1.b3470438“ You love your children, Mother? ”- “ They ’re all I ’ve got, ” she sobbed, “ and they cos ’ me all I had.
uc1.b3470438“ You read it?
uc1.b3470438“ Your mother, perhaps? ” “ No, ” Johnny replied, shaking his head.
miun.abr7583.0001.001A child of freedom-Peter was that but what had he made of it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001A what?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Ai n't they a million of'em layin'around you, lady?
miun.abr7583.0001.001All who?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Am I too heavy, Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001And Miss Marshall,said Harry, his face clearing,"have you told her yet?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001And she said,'You miss Sylvia, do n't you, Brian?' miun.abr7583.0001.001 And you know I love you and you still wo n't marry me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001As a little tyke,his mother used to tell her friends,"he was always pesterin'me:'Mammy, I'll be a great man some day, wo n't I?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Awful, is n't it? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Awfully jolly being out late like this by ourselves, is n't it, Maggie?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001But see here, Joanna,Peter pleaded when they reached the house,"you will give me a little more time, wo n't you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001But what's that got to do with us?
miun.abr7583.0001.001But you wo n't take back the ring?
miun.abr7583.0001.001But, Peter,Joanna argued,"you would n't let that interfere with your whole career, change your whole life?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001But, good God, Maggie, what can I do? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Ca n't anyone besides Joanna Marshall give me the'Course of the Food?"'
miun.abr7583.0001.001Ca n't you see it all just as plainly? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Ca n't you see the headlines in the papers to- morrow?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Can you play by ear?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Carter, Carter, that's the Professor of Surgery, is n't it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Dear little boy, how can I say it?. miun.abr7583.0001.001 Deserted you, you mean?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Did I tell you I met Maggie Ellersley? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Did n't you know?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Did you see that white woman next to me edge away when I sat down? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Do n't it beat all,"pondered Mrs. Ellersley,"how some people have all the luck?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do n't you want to hear about my mother?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you enjoy yourself going about?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you know if Miss Ellersley is in?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Does seem queer, does n't it? miun.abr7583.0001.001 For God's* sake, Jan, ca n't you say,'Peter, I love you always'?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Forgot what?
miun.abr7583.0001.001H'm child, would n't you do anything to get away f'um hard work, an'ugly does an'bills? miun.abr7583.0001.001 H'm, she had other things in her head without bothering about fancy dancing, had n't she?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Has she written to you, Sylvia?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How am I ever to get to know anybody in this great town?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How can she melt like she did last night and then leave me so cool and composed this morning?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How can you ask that?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How do you mean great, Baby? miun.abr7583.0001.001 How do you want me to treat you, Peter?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How long will he be away?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How will you combine the sort of business you contemplate and your marriage? miun.abr7583.0001.001 How'd they come to lose them?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you come to know it, Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001I going? miun.abr7583.0001.001 I know, Joanna, I'm not going to worry you any more just now, but you'll let me speak sometime?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001I'm the doctor, Harry Portor, you remember me, do n't you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001If I stay- for a while- will you promise me not to come back?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is he dead?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is n't it grand to be indoors? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Is n't it likely he'd want me now?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is n't she long- winded? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Is that so?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is this really what you wanted me to be?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is this your idea of real greatness?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Just what do you mean, Maggie? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Know what I'm going to give you to- night?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Let's see why I do feel so rotten? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Light up and tell me how's Harlem?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Like it, Janna?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Little Miss Maggie, what's happened to you? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Look here, Janna, I might as well be frank, we were all of us children together- doesn't it seem ages ago?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Look here, Maggie, whyn't you marry me? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Lose them?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Lots of the boys do waiting, do n't they?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Ma,she spoke out of her brown study,"are there any very rich colored men?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Marry him?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Marry whom? miun.abr7583.0001.001 May I light a cigarette?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001May I sit beside you a moment?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Mercy,said Sylvia,"why did n't she say next year?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Mind if I smoke?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Mr. Mason, what's this you know about my husband?
miun.abr7583.0001.001My, wo n't you have to study?
miun.abr7583.0001.001No, not that- one of them, oh, he never knew- I hoped, oh, Mr. Neal, you see I wanted him to like me-"And he does n't, and he's been leading you on? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Not a bad thing, do you think, considering all the men I meet?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Not dressed yet, Joanna? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Now a pencil?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Now see here, Bye, tell me, are you going to marry Miss Ellersley?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Now where's a bedroom-? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Now, Joanna?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, Maggie, Maggie, they're proud, ca n't you copy their pride?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, Peter, ca n't you see I want to be safe like other women, with a home and protection? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Or next eternity?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Ought to be able to trace the murderer awful quick, do n't you think, ma'am? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Perhaps he's going to propose,"thought Maggie innocently enraptured,"would n't that be great?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Peter Bye? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Peter and- and me?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Peter, you are n't ashamed of me?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Peter,she said thoughtfully,"what do you want to do when you grow up?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Play that passage again, will you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Remember you said you wanted to hear Aida? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Say, how'd Maggie Ellersley get into this?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Say, what do you suppose she is?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Take what, that hard? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Tell me about it, Miss Maggie; some of them tony fellers bothering you to marry them?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001That so? miun.abr7583.0001.001 That's the best accompanist you've ever had, is n't it, Tom?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001They were wonderful days, were n't they? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Thinkin'I ai n't so bad maybe, Miss Maggie?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001This your- great find, Bertully?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Want me to get you some?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well look here, what are you going to do with him?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, Great Scott, wo n't my coming to see you be dangerous? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Well, are you going?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, how could I stop her? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Well, that was a false start I made before, was n't it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, what's she got to do with it? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Well, why do n't you, Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, you've had hard luck, have n't you? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Well,"Meriwether countered judicially,"what could you be?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Were n't they awful? miun.abr7583.0001.001 What about me?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What ambition has she?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What are you going to do now?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What could I be?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What difference does that make? miun.abr7583.0001.001 What do I care?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do we do to- morrow?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you mean, Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you mean?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you want me to do?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What does your husband do?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What exactly do you want me to do, Maggie?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What is it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What other girl would want me to?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What put it in your head to work with white people, anyhow?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What say, Joanna, if I quit this, and we get married and I go about the country with you as your accompanist? miun.abr7583.0001.001 What she marry him for then?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What should she say? miun.abr7583.0001.001 What sort of story?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What would?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What'll I be?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's Maggie got to do with it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's old Phil so excited about?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's that?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's the matter Annie?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's the matter with my arm?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's the matter, you do n't like it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's the matter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's the reason I ca n't?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's your regular line?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What? miun.abr7583.0001.001 When will you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where do you play?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where is your brother, Annie?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where will you go, how can you live? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Where'd he meet her then?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where'd you see him?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where's the name? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Where've you been, Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Which one ob dese did you say were mine?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Which? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Who are in it besides you and Helena?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Who are you? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Who told you that?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Who'll be here?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Who's that standing over there?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why do n't you do that?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why should n't I? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Why'd you leave off'always'?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why, what do you mean?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why, why, why?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Will he? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Will you take this back?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Would n't it be just as well if you did n't see him for some time after his return? miun.abr7583.0001.001 Would you come to see me to- night, Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Yes- of course- only, but Peter, ca n't you see how hard all this is for me?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You coming, Maggie and Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You here alone all day? miun.abr7583.0001.001 You in trouble too, Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You let her say that, Brian Spencer?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You love me, Janna? miun.abr7583.0001.001 You love me, Philip?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You mean some good for nothin'feller's took advantage of you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You mean you deliberately went there to have a good time and stayed all night? miun.abr7583.0001.001 You mean,"said Joel Marshall's daughter,"that you are offering me a chance to dance at the District Line Theater?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You poor idiot,she thought to herself,"you simpleton, you fool, why should the Marshalls want you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You wo n't mind if I do n't go all the way home with you, Maggie? miun.abr7583.0001.001 You would n't stay even if I was to do something else- something decent?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You're a new girl, are n't you? miun.abr7583.0001.001 You're from New York, Mrs. Neal- I wonder if you know my cousin Sylvia Marshall?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You're sure Henderson's not here? miun.abr7583.0001.001 You're sure of this?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You've been my hope so long, if you should fail me what would I do? miun.abr7583.0001.001 You've been to Europe?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You- you mean the engagement is broken?
miun.abr7583.0001.001'Beau'that's handsome, ai n't it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001'How should we have fear, m'soo,'one of them says to me,'when you fight for our patrie and when you are so beau?
miun.abr7583.0001.001'What business has any one'treating'us, anyway?
miun.abr7583.0001.001-"Dear, beautiful Joanna,"said Peter,, and his own beautiful face was full of the-woe of parting,"how can I leave you to- morrow?
miun.abr7583.0001.0014ow could she, Joanna Marshall, ever surrender to a man who was less than she in any respect?
miun.abr7583.0001.00156 THERE IS, CON~ FUSION, more could she want?
miun.abr7583.0001.001A Miss Sharples- why, they're the people your Aunt Susan works for, are n't they?
miun.abr7583.0001.001After all, she had worked hard and striven tremendously- to be what?
miun.abr7583.0001.001After all, what did it matter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001And I'd like to know how the devil it concerns you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001And how was she to mend her precarious fortunes?
miun.abr7583.0001.001And what difference did it make if I did n't go with those-'dickties?'
miun.abr7583.0001.001And what would he ask of them once he had them ready to listen to his will?
miun.abr7583.0001.001And, anyway, where do you get the idea that my name carries with it any social asset?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Are n't my children intelligent, Brian?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Are n't you going to kiss me, Maggie?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Are there any around here?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Are you free?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Are you going to France, too?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Are you sick?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Are you sure you have n't seen Peter, sly thing?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001But afterwards?
miun.abr7583.0001.001But is anybody so?
miun.abr7583.0001.001But where was I going to raise all that money?
miun.abr7583.0001.001But you still do love me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001CHAPTER XIX ONE of the mysteries of the ages will be solved with the answer to the question: Why do men consider women incalculable?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Ca n't he do just as well here?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Ca n't the feller speak for himself?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Can you spare us, Mother dear?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Come and see me to- morrow, will you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Come to dinner?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Could it be that after all these years she had failed to touch his pride, worse yet that he had no pride?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Did n't he graduate the same year as Harry Portor?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Did n't you know it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Did you pray for me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do n't you go around sometimes with a Mr. Henderson, or somebody like that?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do n't you see Harley's and my ways are going to lie separate forever?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you get the idea- er- what did you say your name was?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you mind if I rest my head on your shoulder?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you remember?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you remember?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you still dance as divinely as you did that night, my dear?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you think he got it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Do you think you could go out to Sharon Hill with me to- morrow: night and play that?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Even if I should lose my life in Georgia or in one of those other terrible places where they lynch women, too, I'll save it, wo n't I?
miun.abr7583.0001.001For if he was not to marry her, what difference did it make whom he married?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Funny how she went off and married without telling any of us about it, was n't it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001God, could n't you let him come back?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Goodness, what are you frowning about?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Got a knife?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Great Scott, are-we here?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Had it ever been true?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Had there ever been any silences?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Harry Portor- do you remember him?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Has Tom been unkind to you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Has he got another wife?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Has- er- Sylvia said anything to you about me?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Have you a large soft handkerchief?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Have you seen my brown cape?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001He threw himself across the bed and groaned"Joanna, how could you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001He used to go skating with us, did n't he?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001He's Mr. H. Neal ai n't he?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001He's a dentist now, is n't he?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Heavens, does n't Sylvia sometimes do sewing?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How could I what?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How could it be possible that she, Joanna Marshall, was meeting with rebuffs?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How could she endure it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How did you come to know so much- did your father tell you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How he learned to read wise books borrowed and bought as best he might?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How long have you been alone, Maggie?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How long, Joanna?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How much would any decent man be interested in her after that?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How old is Peter?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How soon do you want to go?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How would this man sway the people?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd I sing, Peter?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you come to get it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you come to think of it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you ever get in, then?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you ever make it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you guess it was he?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you know all this, Vera?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'd you like to live in a little house- not like this!-in Washington?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'll she get them made over though, Sylvia?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'll you get the stagepresence?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How'll you like that?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How's Philip?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How's that accent, Bertully?
miun.abr7583.0001.001How's your husband?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001How- how would you like to spend your future with me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001I make money enough for you, do n't I, girl?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001I mean is n't it great to see somebody from home?
miun.abr7583.0001.001I thought your train got in at four?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001I work in the office of Mr. Marshall, the caterer; you know him?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Iceberg or angel?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001If all I needed to get on the stage was the mastery of a difficult step, I'd get there, would n't I?
miun.abr7583.0001.001If they want the janitor it's'Where's that darky?'
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is he an escaped convict?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is it in this house?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is n't it funny that he does n't realize that?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is n't it great being grown up?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is n't it great for him?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is n't she a genius?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Is n't that some compensation?
miun.abr7583.0001.001It means- now- you see a bare tree in the winter time do n't you, and you do n't know what it is?
miun.abr7583.0001.001It's different from what most men wear, is n't it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Joanna and Philip romping all over the country; Sylvia and Brian married; Sandy too, did you know it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Let's see, which one of the Byes was that?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Like to go out?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Look here, Maggie, what'd you drop us all that way for?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Love me, darling?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Maggie seeing his lips move would ask him interestedly:"What's the matter, Peter?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Maggie, have you seen Peter Pan?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Mamma, could n't the boys take us to the matinee?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Mammy, you're gon na help me to be great?'
miun.abr7583.0001.001Marry me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001May I ask how you horn in on this?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001May I ask how?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Mind if I smoke?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Not ever Joanna's beau?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Now was she to write her again to give up Peter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Now why?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Now you'll be in often, often, wo n't you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Now, where'd I put that cap?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Of course,"tentatively,"you could n't consider being corked up- you're brown but you're too light as you are-and doing a break- down?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Off my money?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, God, why did you let me do it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, Janna, how could you go off with him?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, Joanna, are n't you too happy?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, Maggie, how could you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, what was she to do?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Oh, you mean they worked in the fields?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Onless zey are all fools, these Americains, they take her up, hein Celeste?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Perhaps you'll sing in your choir?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Peter exclaimed inadequately,"do n't you do funny things when you're kids?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Peter- why look here, Joanna, did you see this?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Presently Peter would say:"Mind if I look over the paper a moment, Maggie?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Promise me that, wo n't you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Reckon we've done our share of stayin'in the house in our time, ai n't we, Jinny?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Remember how suddenly she married Neal?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Remember what a bunch we were?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Say, little Missy, wo n't you marry me?
miun.abr7583.0001.001See you at one- thirty?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Seems different since he started keeping company with Maggie, do n't you think so?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Shall we go, Monsieur?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001She had n't forgotten Philip's expression the day Sylvia had come rushing in with the astounding news:"What do you think?
miun.abr7583.0001.001She was still the least bit bold in those days..,*~ X, THERE IS CONFUSION 43 THERE IS CONFUSION 43-"Ai n't he the best looker you ever saw, Sylvia?
miun.abr7583.0001.001She went on quickly:"See here, you work somewhere down in this neighborhood, do n't you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001So I rushed to a newspaper, Barney Kirchner is the manager- wasn't he one of Philip's friends?
miun.abr7583.0001.001So he whispered,"Are you asleeep, Joanna?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Somebody told him of a good way to do this- why not get a job as train porter?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Sometimes I think I will drop it, then I think:'Oh, pshaw, what difference does it make?'
miun.abr7583.0001.001Son's a realestate agent, ai n't he?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Sure you do n't like any of'em better than me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001THERE IS CONIFUSION 25"Everybody knows Bye peaches, ai n't that so?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Tall, great big man, like Daddy, hey?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Thanks awfully for a nice evening, Jan-""What'd she say, Brian?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001That do n't console you much, does it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001That does n't sound as though he had any serious feeling for you, does it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001That poplin is old rose, is n't it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001That's in Twenty- ninth Street, is n't it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Then where'd I be?
miun.abr7583.0001.001These people, according to their lights, must have considered themselves"people of importance,>"else why this careful record of dates?
miun.abr7583.0001.001They've always paired off together, have n't they?
miun.abr7583.0001.001They've waited a long time, have n't they?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Think Snyder'll give her anything?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001This is Peter, Peter Bye, you remember?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001To other children she said,"Gertrude, can you tell me about the Articles of Confederation?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Want me to show you your way around?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Want to see me about anything special?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Was n't it lovely and dear?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Was she free?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Was this why she had given him his freedom?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Was you asleep orwas you crying?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001We will not wear these conventional colors- grays, taupe, beige- poor boy, you do n't know what they are, do you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well I'll be-"Had he been in her train, too?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, of course, of course why should n't they?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, well?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, what do you say, Joanna?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, why should n't they be?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Well, why should they write me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Were you here when he stabbed her?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What are you going to be when you grow up, a doctor?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What are you going to do about Maggie Ellersley?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What did girls do while they waited for their young men?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you do while your husband's to work?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you feel like wearing?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you mean?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you suppose this means, Joanna?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you think I spend all my spare time with you for?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you think about it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What do you think, Maggie?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What is it you THERE IS CONFUSION 123 know about him?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What on earth has been happening to you in Philadelphia?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What other girl is there in New York who would let you talk to her about the joys of surgery?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What should be the matter with his dear Maggie so near?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What was marriage for if not for a change?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What'd she come to see you about?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What'd you leave us for so suddenly, Maggie?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's hard?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's he going off there for, anyway?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's she got to say, Janna?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's that got to do with it?
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's that, Maggie?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's the address?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001What's the matter?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Whatever's come over you, Peter?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001When could I ever pay you back?
miun.abr7583.0001.001When may I see you again?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where did you ever hear of my husband?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where do you come from?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where do you think I'm going to take you after we eat?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where is such a man?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where is that letter of his?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where would she get such a chance?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where'd you get her?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where'd you get it, dearest?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where'd you say you took them?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where'll you find a white American like that?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where's the knife it was done with?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where've you been this long while?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Where- do you suppose I can get something to eat, without walking a thousand miles for it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Which of these functions comes off first?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Who is he, anyway?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Who shall explain the relation between mind and spirit?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Who shall say how he increased his slender store of knowledge?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Who's he?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why ca n't you be nicer to me?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why do n't you stop for them?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why had he never felt like that when Maggie, as she frequently did, rested her head on his shoulder?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why had she not, thought of this?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why not marry me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why should I take any more of their selfish dog- in- the- manger foolishness?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why should he be?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why should n't I pick the job that comes handiest, since the world owes me a living?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why should n't I speak to all America?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why that's- look here, how long have you been married?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why, do you know what she's taking up?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Why, it'll be life all over for him, wo n't it, Jan?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Will you join?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Without it, what would she have done?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Wonder what Miss Sharples wants to see me about?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Would he mind if she offered him a king's estate?
miun.abr7583.0001.001Would n't the people stare?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Would you mind telling me what all this is about?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Would- would you mind leaving me now?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You ai n't foolin'me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You ai n't in trouble?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You and Harry Portor and the rest drank, I suppose?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You coming too, Maggie?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You do n't think I'm a pig, Joanna?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You going to stay long?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You know I love you?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You remember Harley Alexander?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You remember they mobbed some colored soldiers in Arkansas because they'd worn their uniforms in the street?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You want to wait here in the station?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You will, you mean it?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001You're eighteen now, are n't you?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You're sure you wo n't have me fix a cup of cocoa for you before you go?
miun.abr7583.0001.001You've been here ever since?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001Your husband's right open- handed, ai n't he?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001['What's this?'
miun.abr7583.0001.001asked Mis'Sparrow in her own peculiar dialect,"are all the sweetness and light of life showered on some and utterly denied to me?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001my husband,-why should n't I?"
miun.abr7583.0001.001you dirty cad, what do you mean by getting engaged to one woman after another and not having any intention of marrying either?"
mdp.39015026712524Ah done tolt you to git'long wid you, ai n't Ah?
mdp.39015026712524Ah'll be yere-- you hear me?
mdp.39015026712524Ah'm yo'wife, ai n't Ah? mdp.39015026712524 Ai n't you feelin'good? ” Carrie stared at him until his eyes dropped, then turned to the task of clearing the table.
mdp.39015026712524Ai n't you never seed no fast shuckin'befo'? ” he inquired. mdp.39015026712524 Ai n't you scared o'cuttin'yo'hands? ” asked Carrie.
mdp.39015026712524And who might you be?
mdp.39015026712524Aw, coach — Tony, he do n't drink- a..."Yeah? mdp.39015026712524 Aw, what you cryin''bout? ” he managed, finally.
mdp.39015026712524Cain't you fo’git dat, honey? mdp.39015026712524 Can you cook?"
mdp.39015026712524Do n't you want to see me, honey?
mdp.39015026712524Do you reckon Ah wants to stay here? ” came the disconsolate reply. mdp.39015026712524 Dog- gonel Dat's right, ai n't it?"
mdp.39015026712524H'm-'mongst- you man an ’ wife?
mdp.39015026712524Has Ah ever done wrong sense Ah bin wid you?
mdp.39015026712524Honest, sis'? mdp.39015026712524 How come you gits yo'self messed up in Richmond, huh?"
mdp.39015026712524Is it so that you an'Deacon Grundy is livin'to- gether?
mdp.39015026712524Is you Mis'Gussie? ” Carrie stepped back a pace to get out of range of the unpleasant odor. mdp.39015026712524 Is you got a cold, Mis'Carrie? ” he inquired.
mdp.39015026712524Kin Blanche cook tol'able fair?
mdp.39015026712524Let's go- huh? ” whispered Judy to Martha. mdp.39015026712524 Mah clothes? ” “ Git yo'clothes!"
mdp.39015026712524Missy, how long Ah bin wid you?
mdp.39015026712524Mought Ah help you wid yo ’ buckets? ” Without waiting for her reply, he took both of the pails and stood at her side, smiling. mdp.39015026712524 Please, Elder, ” she ended, “ cain't you do somep'n'bout it?"
mdp.39015026712524Scared? ”You's got one ball to lose, ” said the vanquished pitcher, ignoring the jibe.
mdp.39015026712524See that?
mdp.39015026712524See this bottle? mdp.39015026712524 She's tall, wid long black hair like a Injun's, an'""How ole de gals?"
mdp.39015026712524So you's his nigger?
mdp.39015026712524That you, son? ” The query was low- pitched, but firm, and the voice struck pleasantly on Martha's ears. mdp.39015026712524 Vell, Marda, wie geht's?"
mdp.39015026712524Vell, who's turned fool now?
mdp.39015026712524Well- how do you like her? ” he asked, stepping to Martha's side. mdp.39015026712524 Well?"
mdp.39015026712524Wh- what's de matter, Mis ’ Carrie? ” he questioned. mdp.39015026712524 Whar is it, Ah says?"
mdp.39015026712524Whar you bin?
mdp.39015026712524Whar's dat gam- blin'a- goin'on yere?
mdp.39015026712524Whar's yo'pardner?
mdp.39015026712524What did you say to her?
mdp.39015026712524What fo'? mdp.39015026712524 What have you to say for yourself, young man?"
mdp.39015026712524What is it, honey?
mdp.39015026712524What is the matter?.
mdp.39015026712524What yo'folks do- put you out? ”Nol"Martha's head shot up defiantly.
mdp.39015026712524What you a- doin', a- chasin'mah Toby?
mdp.39015026712524What you come here fo', then?
mdp.39015026712524What you doin'with this ole sack? ” she asked, and attempted to slip the brass chain over his head. mdp.39015026712524 What you mean- woman? ” said Bud, incredulously, forgetting to stammer.
mdp.39015026712524What you mean? ” Etta caught at Laura's sleeve in her eagerness. mdp.39015026712524 What're you kickin'about?
mdp.39015026712524What's no use, dear?
mdp.39015026712524What's so funny'bout it?
mdp.39015026712524What's the matter, child? mdp.39015026712524 What's the matter? ” asked Martha, not quite sure of the meaning of his expression.
mdp.39015026712524What's the matter? ” grinned Jimmy- Lew. mdp.39015026712524 What's the matter?"
mdp.39015026712524What's the matter?
mdp.39015026712524When is Marse Hugh goin'home, Missy?.
mdp.39015026712524Where Ah goin'to go?
mdp.39015026712524Where's Mistah Jim? ” asked Carrie of the sober- faced youth behind the counter. mdp.39015026712524 Where's mah husband?"
mdp.39015026712524Where's the job? ” Carrie's eyes narrowed. mdp.39015026712524 Where's yo'father and mother?"
mdp.39015026712524Who be yo ’ folks, Jimmy- Lew?
mdp.39015026712524Who is you, lady? mdp.39015026712524 Who showed you kids how to shoulder arms? ” he asked, when he could get his breath.
mdp.39015026712524Who was it — Jimmy- Lew?
mdp.39015026712524Who's that man, Gussie? ” Carrie nodded to the drifting boat with its solitary occupant. mdp.39015026712524 Who's that with you? ”"I've brought a friend of Mis'Liddy's to see you, Mom,"answered her son, cheerfully.
mdp.39015026712524Who's this here, Judy? ” There was a friendly twinkle in her gray eyes. mdp.39015026712524 Why do n't you come to New York? ” Judy wrote.
mdp.39015026712524Why do you throw'way them pieces? ” She pointed to some floating scraps of whitish meat which were being attacked by a cluster of minnows. mdp.39015026712524 Why fo'Marse Hugh want to see mah Missy?".
mdp.39015026712524Whyn't you come to Her'ford wid me? mdp.39015026712524 Whyn't you tell me you was married? ” she de- manded, her voice husky with anger.
mdp.39015026712524Will you shuck me this jar full fo'mah supper, Mr. Grundy? ” she asked. mdp.39015026712524 Yeah?
mdp.39015026712524Yeah? ” exclaimed Joe, interestedly. mdp.39015026712524 You ai n't fat, is you?"
mdp.39015026712524You ai n't sup'stishous, is you?
mdp.39015026712524You believe in charms? ” She sniffed at it mockingly. mdp.39015026712524 You ever drink likker befo'? ” asked Carrie.
mdp.39015026712524You got enough, dog?
mdp.39015026712524You got folks here, honey?
mdp.39015026712524You have a great dream, have n't you, Jimmy- Lew?
mdp.39015026712524You hear me?
mdp.39015026712524You knows that?
mdp.39015026712524You mean you're going to try to stop it?
mdp.39015026712524You means to tell me,she finally exploded,"that Deacon Grundy done fell fo'that hussy?"
mdp.39015026712524You means yo’self? mdp.39015026712524 You reckon so? ” queried Prince, already dizzy from his single drink.
mdp.39015026712524You see dat?
mdp.39015026712524You see mah eyes? mdp.39015026712524 You thinks Ah'm going to let you run with that Nellie gal over to Gussie's and then bring yo'self to me?
mdp.39015026712524You would n't leave me, would you, honey?
mdp.39015026712524You young snipper- snaps ai n't got no'spect fo'yo'elders, dat's what?
mdp.39015026712524You- all from Virginny?
mdp.39015026712524'Mongst- you ai n't gwine live in dat house? ” “ How come Ah ai n't? ” Carrie wanted to know.
mdp.39015026712524'Mongst- you ai n't gwine live in dat house? ” “ How come Ah ai n't? ” Carrie wanted to know.
mdp.39015026712524'Mongst- you say you from down to Shrewsbury way?
mdp.39015026712524'Sides, look at de money it cost. ”[ 69] These Low Grounds “ But, Pa, you can afford it. ” “ How you know what Ah kin affo'd?"
mdp.39015026712524'Sides, ” she added, spluttering over the washbowl, “ I do n't ever pay fo'nothin''twell I gits it- ef I pays then? ” And she winked solemnly.
mdp.39015026712524'Twarn't right'“ Is you gwine to git offn mah land? ” Prince moved forward, gripping the handle of his hoe menacingly.
mdp.39015026712524( 282) These Low Grounds you?"
mdp.39015026712524( 316) These Low Grounds “'Why so pale and wan, fond lover?
mdp.39015026712524.. How's I gone feed'i m?
mdp.39015026712524... What say? ” He looked expectantly from one to the other.
mdp.39015026712524... You plannin'on shuckin? ” She looked dubiously at Jake's smooth, slender hands.
mdp.39015026712524... You still gamblin', eh? ” “ A li'l',"Jake admitted.
mdp.39015026712524... You're going home to teach, you say?"
mdp.39015026712524..."What you doin'?
mdp.39015026712524..."You reckon the crabs is much this year?"
mdp.39015026712524..."“ Tonight- after the show?"
mdp.39015026712524About fourteen years, has n't it been, since we came to Baltimore?
mdp.39015026712524Ah ai n't no piece o'meat to buy! ” “ Is Ah said anything'bout dat? ” he countered, un- ruffled.
mdp.39015026712524Ai n't dat what de Good Book call a sin — us yere together- jes'same's man an'wife?"
mdp.39015026712524Ai n't he yo'man?"
mdp.39015026712524Ai n't we still in the money?"
mdp.39015026712524An ’ I hollered an'scratched, an'bit him- an'then you- all come. ”"Is that all?"
mdp.39015026712524An'Ah ai n't complained when you bin runnin''round wid another woman, have Ah? ” She broke off, sobbing, and sank into her chair.
mdp.39015026712524An'Ah prays ever'day- anyways, up to last week. ”[ 150] These Low Grounds “ How come you do n't pray now?"
mdp.39015026712524An'i'll smack the water out'n you ef you do n't mind me — see?"
mdp.39015026712524And again:"Oh..."Then: “ Well, what in hell you goin'away fo'?"
mdp.39015026712524And as Martha seemed not to hear, Lucrece repeated: “ Yes, Marty?"
mdp.39015026712524And can I put up my hair, too?"..
mdp.39015026712524And now that she had learned, how long could she stand it?
mdp.39015026712524And supposing I do n't want to be a dog?
mdp.39015026712524And supposing I do n't want to use the back door?"
mdp.39015026712524And why had Jake Tillery disappeared?
mdp.39015026712524And you're a dog-- get me? ”.
mdp.39015026712524Are you going with me?
mdp.39015026712524Besides, what do you want with him?
mdp.39015026712524Brother Owens, whyn't you walk in de path more'n you does?
mdp.39015026712524But she ai n't a- goin'--you hear me?
mdp.39015026712524But suppose Blanche and Papa hear you going out or coming in?
mdp.39015026712524But suppose something happens?
mdp.39015026712524But what would Prince do without Blanche?
mdp.39015026712524Cain't you see Ah needs you?"
mdp.39015026712524Can you make them?"
mdp.39015026712524Cat's, eh?"
mdp.39015026712524Cryin'how long- is Ah got to wait?
mdp.39015026712524Cryin'how long- is Ah got to wait?
mdp.39015026712524Did n't Ah have a good barber shop an ’ was makin'good money?
mdp.39015026712524Did n't they gab like that about everybody?
mdp.39015026712524Did n't they know Jimmy- Lew was going away?
mdp.39015026712524Did n't you- all know Ah'd be a- comin'home some day? ”"Lawsy!
mdp.39015026712524Dis yere's a place fo'us to live, and efn you do n't let on, it'll be all right, see?".
mdp.39015026712524Do n't she, son?"
mdp.39015026712524Do n't you know why? ”[ 212] These Low Grounds no time fo'no gal what runs with married men and them that ai n't her eekles.
mdp.39015026712524Do n't you'member out on the wharf, yonder, an'at the oyster supper? ” Gray eyes met black eyes, smiled, and looked casually away.
mdp.39015026712524Do you know what you're doing?
mdp.39015026712524Do you see dat, sisters?"
mdp.39015026712524Do you?"
mdp.39015026712524Does he go in for anything else?"
mdp.39015026712524Ef you did n't want us, whyn't you tell Jeb Harmon so befo'we come?
mdp.39015026712524Efn you is mah sister, Marty ai n't gone mind you stayin', an'you kin git some work to do, see?
mdp.39015026712524Ever seed a black man wid eyes like mine? ” He thrust his lean face closer.
mdp.39015026712524Finally Booker asked: “ Just why are you in such a rush to get home?"
mdp.39015026712524Got de day off? ” “ Gimme a drink, ” said Carrie, shortly, dropping her bundle.
mdp.39015026712524Had he seen tears in her eyes...?
mdp.39015026712524Had they got Jim also?
mdp.39015026712524Have you forgotten I'm entertaining the Volunteer Patriot Workers this afternoon at tea?
mdp.39015026712524Hear Jimmy- Lew's guitar a- playin'?
mdp.39015026712524Hear the horses?
mdp.39015026712524Hear them singing?
mdp.39015026712524Her long, firm- treaded stride?
mdp.39015026712524His mother's this singer and dancer, Marty Prince. ”"Oh yeah?"
mdp.39015026712524How about you, Prince?"
mdp.39015026712524How long?
mdp.39015026712524How'd ye like a job in a show?"
mdp.39015026712524How'd you know mah name?"
mdp.39015026712524How'd you like to go to State in the fall?
mdp.39015026712524How's Mr. Parsons? ” “ He's sinking faster- no hope, I'm afraid... And it's only a matter of minutes now for that man who shot him.
mdp.39015026712524I hope you are saving your money because times are not going[ 298] These Low Grounds “ How'd you like to stay right here?"
mdp.39015026712524I see generations unborn"“ Why not just see these for the present, Jimmy- Lew?"
mdp.39015026712524I sent you on a job two weeks agoan'what did you do?
mdp.39015026712524I sho did hit that dirt! ”"Ai n't you kind o'draughty, Marty? ” snickered Josh.
mdp.39015026712524I tell Mike Senici — I tell heem, I say:'Mike, your bambino's team, she no beat- a my bambino's team! ’ An'wotta you t'ink?
mdp.39015026712524I tell her, I say:'Tonee he bring- a Jeemee an'Davee home for sup''Hal We celebrate-- no? ”.
mdp.39015026712524I thought you did n't like me on'count o'-""Jimmy- Lew?"
mdp.39015026712524Is Ah ever axed you fo'nuffin'?"
mdp.39015026712524Is there somep'n Ah kin do fo'you? ” Jake stated their necd.
mdp.39015026712524It's a pass. ” “ Pass? ” scoffed the other.
mdp.39015026712524Just tell them to stop past here on their way from school, will you?"
mdp.39015026712524Just what was it that made people listen to her?
mdp.39015026712524Lawd- Lawd-'spect Ah bes'hes- a- tatel What I gone do?
mdp.39015026712524Looka[ 2] These Low Grounds yere, man, you ai n't tryin'to fool me, is you?
mdp.39015026712524Love's funny like that, is n't it?
mdp.39015026712524Maybe you feels like tellin'me how wrong Ah was[ 194] These Low Grounds'bout'em, eh? ” Jim Prince cocked a humorous eye at his daughter.
mdp.39015026712524Now a soprano was singing and Judy started to hum: “ Tell me, long tall papa, Where did you stay las'night?
mdp.39015026712524Now, where's this town? ”"Turn left in de next road an'keep goin'."
mdp.39015026712524Prithee, why so pale?
mdp.39015026712524Rachel King spoke up, a mouselike woman whose liaisons even Carrie knew about:"Did'mongst- you see dat dress she had on last Sunday?
mdp.39015026712524Reckon we could sell likker in de house when we git started?
mdp.39015026712524Reckon we'll get much fo'the berries this year?"
mdp.39015026712524S'posin'dey ai n't paid it off? ”.
mdp.39015026712524See dat?"
mdp.39015026712524She makes these girls up here look like-""She's swell, eh?"
mdp.39015026712524Sleep'twell Gab'el blows?
mdp.39015026712524So Patsy says he's gon na see that Sol puts a spot in fo'our dance. ” “ Wonder what Mis'Liddy'll say?"
mdp.39015026712524So he's a deacon?"
mdp.39015026712524Stranger in town, ai n't you? ” “ Mah name's Carrie Prince.
mdp.39015026712524Suddenly Martha asked: “ Why'd you pay any attention to me?
mdp.39015026712524Suppose she did n't stay?
mdp.39015026712524Suppose she ran away?
mdp.39015026712524Tell me, long tall papa,[ 234] These Low Grounds Where did you stay las'night?
mdp.39015026712524That's what they all come here fo ’. ”"What you stay yere fo'efn you do n't like it?"
mdp.39015026712524The calm assurance with which she did everything?
mdp.39015026712524The carriage of her shoulders, so like Carrie?
mdp.39015026712524The determined set of her head?
mdp.39015026712524Then he squinted at Joe and asked in low, cold tones: “ What kitty you talkin''bout?"
mdp.39015026712524Then, after a moment: “ Well, what you say, gal? ” “ Yes'm — I mean, thank you, Mis'Liddy! ” Martha was tearfully grateful.
mdp.39015026712524Think you're smart, do n't you?"
mdp.39015026712524To work'em to death like you done Jim?"
mdp.39015026712524Und how ist das schöne Mädchen tonight, hein? ” he beamed upon Carrie, ten- dering her a piece of licorice twist.
mdp.39015026712524Want'i m?"
mdp.39015026712524Was all her life to be cut to this dreary pattern?
mdp.39015026712524Was n't he deacon?
mdp.39015026712524Was not the year of the cen- tury's birth a gloriously appointed time for the salvag- ing of human souls?
mdp.39015026712524Was she to go on forever rubbing, rinsing, bluing, ironing, delivering clothes?
mdp.39015026712524We can wait- ca n't we, Jimmy- Lew?"
mdp.39015026712524We needs a woman'round de house- me an'Pa-"“ You means you would- marry me? ” Carrie cried.
mdp.39015026712524We's gwine start whar we left off, ai n't we?".
mdp.39015026712524Wha'I care? ” Judy grinned drunkenly and waved a hand in a broad gesture of disdain.
mdp.39015026712524Whar you bin all dese years?"
mdp.39015026712524What I gone do?
mdp.39015026712524What dey make you think'bout?
mdp.39015026712524What do'mongst- you want? ” Çarrie told her.
mdp.39015026712524What in'ell you tryin'to do?
mdp.39015026712524What kind of a boy was it who re- fused to be beaten into submission?
mdp.39015026712524What say, hon'?"
mdp.39015026712524What the devil did she know about a bill o'sale?
mdp.39015026712524What was her name?
mdp.39015026712524What ye say?"
mdp.39015026712524What you care?"
mdp.39015026712524What you doing up so early?
mdp.39015026712524What'd I tell you about passing in your own territory?
mdp.39015026712524What'd he have to say?"
mdp.39015026712524What'd the sweet man have to say?"
mdp.39015026712524What'd you do show the'fay the spots? ” “ Yeah."
mdp.39015026712524What'll they say?"
mdp.39015026712524What'll you do when your money's all gone?
mdp.39015026712524What's de mattah wid yo'woman? ” With that she flounced off.
mdp.39015026712524What's yo'name?"
mdp.39015026712524What's yo'name?"
mdp.39015026712524Where ai n't you wanted? ” Martha turned angry sloe eyes on him.
mdp.39015026712524Where had he seen that face before?
mdp.39015026712524Where had he seen those weav- ing movements before?
mdp.39015026712524Where was his customary gruffness?
mdp.39015026712524Where you going, Marty?
mdp.39015026712524Where's Mom?"
mdp.39015026712524Where's yo'mamma? ”"I do n't know."
mdp.39015026712524Who is that Indian- looking kid?
mdp.39015026712524Why had he stopped attend- ing church?
mdp.39015026712524Why should she refuse now?
mdp.39015026712524Why was he seen so seldom?
mdp.39015026712524Why, asked the town, did he take up residence with that Carrie Prince woman?
mdp.39015026712524Whyn't you go home an'take Jimmy- Lew to see yo'folks?
mdp.39015026712524Wise guy, eh?
mdp.39015026712524Workin'? ” he asked.
mdp.39015026712524Would Jimmy- Lew try for a score?
mdp.39015026712524Y'ear me? ”[ 28] These Low Grounds They made an heroic effort, but after a year bent over their tubs the mortgage was still unpaid.
mdp.39015026712524You ai n't scared, is you? ” urged the im- patient Judy.
mdp.39015026712524You gives her yo'money an'goes to see her, do n't you?
mdp.39015026712524You hear me, Jim Prince?
mdp.39015026712524You hear me?
mdp.39015026712524You hear?"
mdp.39015026712524You know why?"
mdp.39015026712524You see that big field yonder to that big red house?
mdp.39015026712524You think Ah'm scared o'you?
mdp.39015026712524You thinks it's a sin fo'us to be together when it's like that? ” She embraced him hungrily.
mdp.39015026712524You thinks so, do n't you, Mister Patsy? ” Her accents dripped syrup.
mdp.39015026712524You's really goin'to let me put'em on?
mdp.39015026712524[ 139] These Low Grounds See?
mdp.39015026712524[ 289] These Low Grounds “ S'posin'it'd been intercepted?
mdp.39015026712524[ 290] These Low Grounds “ That's on the level?"
mdp.39015026712524[ 8] These Low Grounds"Joe!—Joel — Is it you, honey?"
mdp.39015026712524[ 9] These Low Grounds Iswe “ Look yere, ” he said, “ do n't you let on to her you ai n't mah sister, see?
mdp.39015026712524credit gone... what I gone do?
mdp.39015026712524rejoined his companion, “ She ai n't yo's, is she?"
mdp.39015026712524what I gone do?
mdp.39015026712524“ Ah do n't owe you nothin'-nothin', Jim Princel Ah worked fo'you, did n't Ah?
mdp.39015026712524“ Ai n't I done told you you's the only gal I ever liked in my whole life? ” Martha smiled up at him happily-- pacified.
mdp.39015026712524“ An'who says Ah buys?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Blanche- is you hurt?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Boats stop ru runnin'?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Busy? ” he inquired, blithely.
mdp.39015026712524“ But did n't you tell me as how yo'wife is allus sickly- like?
mdp.39015026712524“ But surely you will come to hear your girls, wo n't you?"
mdp.39015026712524“ But whar is you goin'? ” he questioned, pointedly.
mdp.39015026712524“ But what'll I tell'em, Judy?"
mdp.39015026712524“ But where am Ah goin'?
mdp.39015026712524“ Cain't you see Ah wants mah[ 164] These Low Grounds chilluns?
mdp.39015026712524“ Dat's mah niece — why?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Dey would n't none of'em help me stop it?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Dey's attah him — Ben! ” “ Who's attah him? ” Prince demanded.
mdp.39015026712524“ Did you hear about the trouble at the box factory yesterday? ”"No,"said Jimmy- Lew.
mdp.39015026712524“ Do I get a court- martial?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Do n't'mongst- you see dat efn we lets'em lynch Ben, dey'll do de same to any of us?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Do you hear me?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Do you mean when is Hugh going home, or when is Joe going home?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Do you need a girl?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Do you see dat, brothers?
mdp.39015026712524“ Do you think we's wrong? ” he blurted out on one occasion.
mdp.39015026712524“ Done what, honey? ”.
mdp.39015026712524“ Drink?
mdp.39015026712524“ Fo'what?
mdp.39015026712524“ Hain't Ah always looked atter you?
mdp.39015026712524“ He ai n't got no wife now. ” “ Ah know — but ai n't yo'husband livin'?"
mdp.39015026712524“ How come they ai n't nobody done got together an'strung'at nigger up, noways?"
mdp.39015026712524“ How in the devil's a prep- school kid going to throw that wet ball?
mdp.39015026712524“ How many comin', Mis'Emmy?"
mdp.39015026712524“ How'd he shoot ole man Parsons anyways?"
mdp.39015026712524“ How'd you like me to come, too?
mdp.39015026712524“ How'd you like the game, Mis'Prince? ” Martha assumed the role of coquette.
mdp.39015026712524“ How're ya? ” The scout gave each a professionally warm handshake, talking rapidly all the while.
mdp.39015026712524“ I hear you ween- a da champeenship- no?
mdp.39015026712524“ Is that it?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Is you one dem fug’tives?
mdp.39015026712524“ Jimmy- Lew, do you want me to be on that straw- ride?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Kin you dance any?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Lady, kin you- all give me a lift to town?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Let me take her home wid me?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Lew Grundy?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Lissen, big boy, did n't Ah tell you nothin'doin', last night?
mdp.39015026712524“ Lissen, man, ” she told him, “ Ah'm doin'enough keepin'mah mouth shet, ai n't Ah?
mdp.39015026712524“ Look yere, honey, what you a’doin'yere? ” Sue's eyes sparkled as she pressed a hand caressingly against his chest.
mdp.39015026712524“ Look yere--- you- all know dat Marse Hugh Allen done come up yere jes'fo'to see Mis'Lucrece?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Looka yere — ye be a stranger in town, ai n't ye?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Looka yere, honey_dat ai n't our baby, is it? ” Joe pointed to the child.
mdp.39015026712524“ Looka yere, how'd you like to be down dat way?
mdp.39015026712524“ Ma'am?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Ma- ma?
mdp.39015026712524“ Mamma, can we have some, too?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Martha, when are you going to finish that floor?
mdp.39015026712524“ Now cain't'mongst- you help a fellah out what wants a good time?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Now will you listen? ” “ Yes, ” said Ellen, her face flaming.
mdp.39015026712524“ Oh, cain't Blanche chop some?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Oh, yeah?
mdp.39015026712524“ Oh, you mean that?
mdp.39015026712524“ Porter, sir?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Reckon dat woman's done said somep'n to Carrie, herself?
mdp.39015026712524“ Reckon you need a man boarder fo'de summer? ” he asked.
mdp.39015026712524“ S'posin'you go over to Will Mor- ris and see ef he needs four mo'pickers? ” Prince snapped eager fingers.
mdp.39015026712524“ She's in there — drunk. ”"Kin she read? ”"A li'l'."
mdp.39015026712524“ She's the girl whose hair I used to pull in school. ”"And you've decided that you do n't want to pull her hair any more?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Sho- ain't she yo ’ sister?"
mdp.39015026712524“ So there's an Ellen?"
mdp.39015026712524“ So you gots a wife, eh? ” Jake was saying.
mdp.39015026712524“ So you had a nice, easy job fo'me, did you?
mdp.39015026712524“ So you're really set on this teaching idea, Jimmy? ” “ I think so, J. C. ” “ You've a lot of fine ideals locked up in your head, kid.
mdp.39015026712524“ They ai n't yo's, is they?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Think they'll be able to hold them off, sir?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Thought you was on yo'way back to the farm?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Wal- didn't you?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Wal? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015026712524“ We's both grown, ai n't we?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Well, when do we git the jobs?".
mdp.39015026712524“ Wha'I care'bout A’nt Liddy?
mdp.39015026712524“ Whar was you goin', honey?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Whar you bin at?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Whar's de chilluns? ” asked Prince.
mdp.39015026712524“ Whar's yo'A’nt?"
mdp.39015026712524“ What are you laughing at?"
mdp.39015026712524“ What did he do? ” repeated Carrie.
mdp.39015026712524“ What did he do? ”"He called me downstairs, Mamma — said he wanted me to make him s- some s- sandwiches, ” sobbed Blanche.
mdp.39015026712524“ What do you use for bait? ” she asked, to be saying something.
mdp.39015026712524“ What do you want?"
mdp.39015026712524“ What kind o'a boardin'-house you gwine have?"
mdp.39015026712524“ What kind of a way is this to treat yo'niece what's come to stay with you?
mdp.39015026712524“ What man? ”"Why, Jake.
mdp.39015026712524“ What you doin'? ” demanded Prince.
mdp.39015026712524“ What you doin'yere?
mdp.39015026712524“ What you fixin'to do wid dat team? ” he greeted her.
mdp.39015026712524“ What you mean?
mdp.39015026712524“ What you mean? ” parried Carrie.
mdp.39015026712524“ What you means by flirtin'wid dis hussy?"
mdp.39015026712524“ What you want go to school fo'?
mdp.39015026712524“ What you want to know fo'?"
mdp.39015026712524“ What'd you do last night? ” Martha demanded, sternly.
mdp.39015026712524“ What's de matter, honey? ” he inquired.
mdp.39015026712524“ What's yo'name, chile?
mdp.39015026712524“ What's you gon na do attah de shuckin'season's over? ” asked Gussie when she had drained herself dry of other matters.
mdp.39015026712524“ When's de interest due on de church mortgage, Rev’end? ” asked Prince, shutting the ledger.
mdp.39015026712524“ Where's Judy? ”"Now there you go! ” chided the boy.
mdp.39015026712524“ Who be you, stranger? ” It was Jake, but he depended upon the lapse of years to save him from recognition.
mdp.39015026712524“ Who dat?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Who you callin'a hussy?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Who's that talking about war?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Why fo'you gots it, Brothah Joe?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Why? ” countered Carrie suspiciously.
mdp.39015026712524“ Whyn't you jine de choir?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Whyn't you speak to me?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Wonder how many of them'll do their post- grad'work in a railroad station carrying bags. ”( 315] Chapter Forty COW do you like it?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Ye goin'to work in oysters? ”"Ah was reckonin'on runnin'a boardin'-house."
mdp.39015026712524“ Ye got a house?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Ye mean to stand thar an'offer me two hundred dollars for a brick house?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Yes, Marty?"
mdp.39015026712524“ Yestiddy?
mdp.39015026712524“ You ask me that?"
mdp.39015026712524“ You did come, did n't you? ” The boy was highly elated.
mdp.39015026712524“ You did n't love me when you had me, did you? ” “ Honey-"See that? ” She held up a piece of dough.
mdp.39015026712524“ You did n't love me when you had me, did you? ” “ Honey-"See that? ” She held up a piece of dough.
mdp.39015026712524“ You hear me?
mdp.39015026712524“ You know this Sol Batey we been readin''bout, the one that puts on all these colored shows?
mdp.39015026712524“ You know why I did n't go? ” he asked, leaning against the table.
mdp.39015026712524“ You know — she got two gals-"What kind o'lookin'woman is she?"
mdp.39015026712524“ You knows why Ah wears dis?"
mdp.39015026712524“ You mean you do n't want me?"
mdp.39015026712524“ You see dere? ” he questioned.
mdp.39015026712524“ You wanted me fo'to win that game, did n't you? ”"Oh, did I?"
mdp.39015026712524“ You wanted me fo'to win that game, did n't you? ”"Oh, did I?"
mdp.39015026712524“ You- all goin'far?"
mdp.39015026712524“'Course he said show, honey_don't you think we's good enough?
mdp.39015026712524“'Course,'tain't no'fair o'mine, but why you let dat Nellie gal take yo'man?"
mdp.39015026712524“'Mongst- you be strangers in town?"
mdp.39015026712524“'Spose we is?"
mdp.39015013331627And do n't you like it?
mdp.39015013331627And education is impossible because Truth is unattainable?
mdp.39015013331627And what has that empire done for us? ” “ It stopped the slave trade which it started — when the trade ceased to pay. mdp.39015013331627 And who is Eboué?"
mdp.39015013331627Are we or are we not Americans? mdp.39015013331627 British demand, African supply?"
mdp.39015013331627But the power to do this?
mdp.39015013331627But why?
mdp.39015013331627But, ” stammered a British merchant, “ what might not such an act start in world reaction?
mdp.39015013331627Can I drop in, too?
mdp.39015013331627Gandhi? mdp.39015013331627 Have n't we had enough killing?"
mdp.39015013331627Have you ever heard anybody talk about burning down this church? ” “ No,answered the pastor, lying bluntly.
mdp.39015013331627How did- he die?
mdp.39015013331627How then shall we characterize France? mdp.39015013331627 How would the 127 be recompensed for this theft of their* property? ”"Where is this'intelligent democracy'? ”.
mdp.39015013331627How would the 127 be recompensed for this theft of their* property? ”Where is this'intelligent democracy'? ”.
mdp.39015013331627I am told she is. ”Could you identify her? ”.
mdp.39015013331627I know the ‘ nigger'who helps groom Roosevelt. ” “ So what? mdp.39015013331627 I was wondering, ” he asked Mansart politely, “ if you would be willing to cooperate with the Government?"
mdp.39015013331627In the safe, or at least they were. ”You have the key or combination?"
mdp.39015013331627Is this Property the result of effort?
mdp.39015013331627Is this person in the courtroom?
mdp.39015013331627Is your church a purely social organization? ” Mr. Reeves was affronted. mdp.39015013331627 Jean, dear, ” he said, “ what's wrong with the world?
mdp.39015013331627Listen, who's back of this baby? ”Search me- may be a phoney!"
mdp.39015013331627Oh yes, the millionairesss of seventy who married the widowed millionaire and threw a fabulous party?
mdp.39015013331627Remember how that great and historic church on Fifth Ave- nue fell before a center for gambling in oil? mdp.39015013331627 Sounds all right, but where do I come in? ”"Jack, let's go there and settle.
mdp.39015013331627Suppose I refused to sell? ”You'd sell all right before they got through.
mdp.39015013331627Suppose, however, ” said the sociologist,that the Supreme Court should forbid public school segregation?"
mdp.39015013331627The girl out there, ” he said,is she- your daughter?"
mdp.39015013331627Then how on earth did you learn all this?
mdp.39015013331627Then you refuse to cooperate?
mdp.39015013331627Then you take him back and put him to bed? ” “ Oh, no. mdp.39015013331627 Was that in Burghardt's mind when he held the Pan- African congresses after the First World War?"
mdp.39015013331627Were you ever in China?
mdp.39015013331627Were you ever in Russia? ” “ Who paid your way?.
mdp.39015013331627Were you ever in Russia? ” “ Who paid your way?.
mdp.39015013331627What do you do?
mdp.39015013331627What does he really know about atoms? mdp.39015013331627 What is Japan?
mdp.39015013331627What is free?
mdp.39015013331627What is it?
mdp.39015013331627Where's the fourth chair? ” he growled. mdp.39015013331627 Where, by the way, ” asked Mrs. Grey, “ are those bonds kept that were given to build the stadium?"
mdp.39015013331627Who is he?
mdp.39015013331627Who was that young man? ” he asked as the luncheon broke up. mdp.39015013331627 Why certainly, ” answered Mansart, “ in what way?"
mdp.39015013331627Why go away at all?.
mdp.39015013331627Why on earth do you want to work in a mill? mdp.39015013331627 Why, hello, Jim; you working here?"
mdp.39015013331627Why, sir, should they burn Kent House?
mdp.39015013331627Would the 127 assent to being stripped of power and without desperate fighting?
mdp.39015013331627Would you say, ” asked someone else,about ten such gods- or minds- or ten million? ”"Something in between these extremes, I would say.
mdp.39015013331627You could use more?
mdp.39015013331627You had a meeting here lately? ” “ A meeting? mdp.39015013331627 You had a meeting here lately? ” “ A meeting?
mdp.39015013331627You mean the donkey and the carrot act?
mdp.39015013331627You say, there's nothing personal about this, neither race nor class?
mdp.39015013331627You want to be a bishop? mdp.39015013331627 '” “ But just how did this happen?
mdp.39015013331627156 WORLDS OF COLOR Now that the city and state had taken over the schools- or were due to- could not the church turn to social reform?
mdp.39015013331627248 WORLDS OF COLOR the U.S. Why?
mdp.39015013331627302 WORLDS OF COLOR Why should he hesitate?
mdp.39015013331627A Frenchman asked: “ What would be the effect of such an extraordinary move?"
mdp.39015013331627A hundred years or a thousand?
mdp.39015013331627A misunderstanding or what?
mdp.39015013331627A woman, a confessed murderer on whose head lay a fortune in reward?
mdp.39015013331627An elderly lady paused beside her and said, “ Could I take your arm?
mdp.39015013331627And even when all is well, what can we do?
mdp.39015013331627And her scanty, delicate underwear, was n't it wrought in the mills of Carolina by children working through the night?
mdp.39015013331627And how could she teach social science today without touching upon Communism?
mdp.39015013331627And then she asked, “ May I ask 71 72 WORLDS OF COLOR what you were thinking about?
mdp.39015013331627And too, my dear friend, what the hell are you bellyaching about?
mdp.39015013331627And what about the basic matter of earning a living?
mdp.39015013331627And what is the attitude of American Negroes in general?"
mdp.39015013331627And who in God's name ever heard of an educated young Negro settling in Mississippi?
mdp.39015013331627And who was this God, anyhow, and where was He and what should we do about Him, while ignoring His existence most of the time?
mdp.39015013331627And yet when Negroes sat down and took careful account, what had they won and lost?
mdp.39015013331627And yet, if he and his folk were part of this wider world, how could he or they ever be really separate?
mdp.39015013331627Are you advising me not to study Communism any further?"
mdp.39015013331627As they rode Jean asked: “ After the uprising of the slaves, what happened?"
mdp.39015013331627As they were leaving the restaurant, he asked: “ Have you seen Picasso's'Guernica'? ”.
mdp.39015013331627But Dao?
mdp.39015013331627But after that, WHAT?
mdp.39015013331627But after that?
mdp.39015013331627But are you quite fair to American Big Business?
mdp.39015013331627But do you understand or try to under- stand what religion has meant to most of your people?
mdp.39015013331627But have you ever thought that the Southern home never had space or a place for a kitchen, much as it needed kitchens?
mdp.39015013331627But how, where and from whom?
mdp.39015013331627But if they are in different social settings, what then?
mdp.39015013331627But in what nation?
mdp.39015013331627But now?
mdp.39015013331627But pardon me, old friend, why the devil did n't you say your American guest was black?"
mdp.39015013331627But politically we were in a strait- jacket, so that men were asking:'Where is the German fatherland?'
mdp.39015013331627But then what?
mdp.39015013331627But what bothers me is, what are black leaders going to do for the people of those countries?
mdp.39015013331627But what in God's name does he want The Color of Europe 45 in West Africa?
mdp.39015013331627But what is the future of the world's colonies?
mdp.39015013331627But what other way has humanity yet discovered to advance but by way of aristocracy?
mdp.39015013331627But what was that these days?
mdp.39015013331627But what would he do at “ home ”?
mdp.39015013331627But what would she do with that much?
mdp.39015013331627But when all is said and done, what does it all add up to?
mdp.39015013331627But where?
mdp.39015013331627But while we wait, and schools linger, and people starve- in that little interval of a century or two- what shall we do, you and I?
mdp.39015013331627But who gets it?
mdp.39015013331627But why not take a chance?
mdp.39015013331627But why not?
mdp.39015013331627But why, why is so much of this unknown, hidden from the public? ”.
mdp.39015013331627But, pardon me, Sir, if I ask where do you come in?
mdp.39015013331627By sympathy, political support or by- espion- age?"
mdp.39015013331627By that time, perhaps something better can be done. ” Then Wilson asked,"What about this Kent House which you mention?
mdp.39015013331627Can Sterling Brown or Rayford Logan get a book in print even if it is a classic?".
mdp.39015013331627Can even England pay?
mdp.39015013331627Can he tell us anything we do n't know?"
mdp.39015013331627Can we not improve it?
mdp.39015013331627Can you see it?
mdp.39015013331627Carmichael, with whom would you associate in my church?
mdp.39015013331627Dear land, The Free North 125 long transport, high prices for materials and low prices for prod- uct- and God! ” “ God?"
mdp.39015013331627Did you happen to see him?"
mdp.39015013331627Do n't you see the amount of money that has been invested by whites around that church?
mdp.39015013331627Do you re- member the oil marriage that was making the headlines just be- fore we left the West Coast?"
mdp.39015013331627Do you realize the succession of blows that have prostrated this nation since?
mdp.39015013331627Do you realize what happened to Germany at Versailles?
mdp.39015013331627Do you think I am going to share my rule with darkies?
mdp.39015013331627Do you think that I will even tolerate you Japanese monkeys in my back yard?
mdp.39015013331627Ehrenburg beamed upon her in his sort of enveloping and fatherly way and said,"Why not look at the Soviet Union before you return?"
mdp.39015013331627Except for a certain similarity of color, what had his father in common with a Mississippi field- hand?
mdp.39015013331627Grey come yet? ” “ No,"she said.
mdp.39015013331627Had she gone to Atlanta by train?
mdp.39015013331627Had we bettered this?
mdp.39015013331627Has she been mur- dered and the bonds stolen? ”"That Dean got them bonds and sold them, ” said Jacobs.
mdp.39015013331627Have you found out?"
mdp.39015013331627Have you read what Trotsky is revealing?
mdp.39015013331627He growled:"What the hell are we doing here?
mdp.39015013331627He pointed to the vast plain:"Yonder the black slaves came, swept on like a hurricane; but what summoned them was the Wheel. ”"The Wheel?"
mdp.39015013331627He said softly, “ Did you want some- thing?"
mdp.39015013331627He was puzzled; was it that he did not look rich enough to be her quarry or had she mistaken him for another?
mdp.39015013331627He would phone: “ May I speak to the passenger manager?
mdp.39015013331627He'll present his bill for services rendered. ” “ Will it be paid? ”"Hell, no!
mdp.39015013331627Heard how a great music hall is to be sold for room to exchange foodstuffs between the West Indies and New England?
mdp.39015013331627Here was an imperial servant who did not eat with “ Niggers. ” Was this a mistake of Sir John's?
mdp.39015013331627How about Mansart's son in New York? ” Mansart wrote to Revels and asked his help.
mdp.39015013331627How about food?
mdp.39015013331627How are your working classes progressing?
mdp.39015013331627How can they when the cost is 20 cents? ” That was the beginning.
mdp.39015013331627How can we rest and play?
mdp.39015013331627How could a man who was bad be called good?
mdp.39015013331627How could one of our greatest universities refuse to let Shostakovich give a concert on its campus?
mdp.39015013331627How could you lie and tell the truth for the sake of the same God?
mdp.39015013331627How could you love your enemies and refuse to speak to them on the street?
mdp.39015013331627How could you turn the other cheek and fight for your country, right or wrong?
mdp.39015013331627How far will that influence sift down to the fifteen million of the black rank and file?
mdp.39015013331627How many Australian black men sweated to make her skirt?
mdp.39015013331627I hear you're taking a sabbatical?
mdp.39015013331627I take it that you do not think your people can help?"
mdp.39015013331627I trust you understand, President Mansart? ” President Mansart said he did, and thanked her humbly.
mdp.39015013331627I wonder if it will help renew them now?"
mdp.39015013331627I wonder if the world will ever produce a power which will open the way for colonies really to become free?"
mdp.39015013331627I wonder, however, if the mass of Africans are going to be better off?
mdp.39015013331627If any nation furnishes arms to the blacks the end will come soon. ”"What nation will?"
mdp.39015013331627If not, where?
mdp.39015013331627If so, how and why?"
mdp.39015013331627If that is true, then Miss Du Bignon will go to jail. ”"But can lying testimony be had and be believed?"
mdp.39015013331627If they did n't like Joe's profession, why did n't they train him for another?
mdp.39015013331627If this was true around New York, was it better in New England, the Middle West, or California?
mdp.39015013331627If this were true, what was the reaction in the rest of the world?
mdp.39015013331627If to balance this, the colored person sought letters or words of introduction, who in America would furnish them?
mdp.39015013331627If we just had the hospitals and funds some nations have""But we have n't, ” said Manuel, opening his eyes, “ and after all what difference?
mdp.39015013331627If you can get this place honestly, get it. ”"Is bribery honest? ” “ No, it is not.
mdp.39015013331627In case then, and against all probabilities, he does win, what then?
mdp.39015013331627In the Soviet Union?
mdp.39015013331627Indeed, mulattoes, educated in Paris during the Seven Years'War, were often slave- owners. ”"Why was Ogé attacked?"
mdp.39015013331627Is his wife white or colored?
mdp.39015013331627Is it not so with you?"
mdp.39015013331627Is it pique at being jilted by a white girl?
mdp.39015013331627Is n't he a rabid enemy of our people?"
mdp.39015013331627Is this necessary?
mdp.39015013331627It was not enough to let her retire and why should she retire?
mdp.39015013331627Jean said at Teachers'Prayer Meeting:"How shall Negroes vote next Fall- those who can vote?
mdp.39015013331627Judge Mansart, is this no sound basis for revolt? ”"It might be, if conditions get worse.
mdp.39015013331627Lady Rivers asked, to keep up conversation:"Mr. Mansart, what in England strikes you most?"
mdp.39015013331627Looking about us here, how many people have time or training to enjoy a Titian painting or a great piece of statuary?"
mdp.39015013331627May I call on you- from hiuddenly Curly hair Roosevelt Dies 207 perhaps tomorrow?"
mdp.39015013331627Must they not be killed if Viet- Nam was ever to live?
mdp.39015013331627Observe how stubbornly they fight over colonial trusteeships?"
mdp.39015013331627Of course, he was not sure- could anybody be sure of anything in this damned world?
mdp.39015013331627Of what use was reason and effort and his dream?
mdp.39015013331627Often this made die- hard Southerners furious, but what could they do?
mdp.39015013331627One finds real people there, do n't you think?"
mdp.39015013331627One picture hung on the wall- what was it?
mdp.39015013331627One thousand dollars?
mdp.39015013331627Or if they admit my facts, they say: so what?
mdp.39015013331627Or will this all be straightened out through blood and prayers and tears, Or will it just go on and on As long as there are years?"
mdp.39015013331627Or, suppose this phase passed- where would friendship, neigh- borly intercourse or social recognition enter?
mdp.39015013331627Otherwise what might not colonial labor demand?
mdp.39015013331627Our free West?
mdp.39015013331627Pass, Heil Hitler! ” “ Who? ” Hitler roared as the Japanese was ushered in.
mdp.39015013331627Remember how he defended lynching in Congress?
mdp.39015013331627Roosevelt wanted us to enter; but why?
mdp.39015013331627Say at four in the afternoon?
mdp.39015013331627Shall they treat each other as understanding friends or shall they rather ignore each other, or what path between was there?
mdp.39015013331627Shall we help them out by building a black atomic bomb in our own insides?"
mdp.39015013331627She hesitated and then blurted out: “ Did you know Bruce Mansart?"
mdp.39015013331627She looked puzzled—“Guernica? ” He looked surprised and explained: “ You know, the Spanish town which was bombed."
mdp.39015013331627She said, “ My dear, do you know what Kent House is?"
mdp.39015013331627Should sep- arate trade unions be organized for Negroes, and a nation- wide Negro trade union movement be organized?
mdp.39015013331627Still, why were Negroes fighting?
mdp.39015013331627Suppose now you secure those bonds and put them in my hands for 24 hours?"
mdp.39015013331627Suppose she should die in the night?
mdp.39015013331627Suppose the Church finally decided to get rid of him and give him neither the bishopric nor even a decent pastorate?
mdp.39015013331627Sylvia burst out:"Africa?
mdp.39015013331627That leather belt around her slender waist- it must have brought tuberculosis and hunger to how many shacks among the gauchos of the Argentine?
mdp.39015013331627The Bishop talked to Wilson about a church in the working districts, nearer “ the masses. ” Perhaps Wilson would like to transfer there?
mdp.39015013331627The Judge said to himself, “ Where did I get my information about Russia?"
mdp.39015013331627The Russian Jews had the foresight to join with the workers and forward the socialism of the world. ” “ Socialism? ” asked Mansart.
mdp.39015013331627The consumers should pay more for goods?
mdp.39015013331627The elders might stand this, but what of an eager youth of eighteen?
mdp.39015013331627Then he came back to the United States, to his own people — where did they belong in this new phantasmagoria?
mdp.39015013331627Then he turned to a fellow- traveller and said in halting German: “ Is not this the Lorelei and is not there a song?"
mdp.39015013331627Then she whispered,"He is dead? ” 98 WORLDS OF COLOR “ Yes."
mdp.39015013331627Then the same boy asked, “ Do you think it was right to send Ben Davis to jail?"
mdp.39015013331627Then why the gloom?"
mdp.39015013331627There remained only the question: Who will control the government?
mdp.39015013331627There was aid for Turkey and Greece, or was it for control of oil in the Middle East- oil for war in face of the world cry for peace?
mdp.39015013331627There was the tragedy at Dunkirk- but why?
mdp.39015013331627There were rich and pretty colored girls to be found, but why spend time on such a quest?
mdp.39015013331627They know too much of murder, ruin, devastation not to long for Peace. ” Viet- Nam?
mdp.39015013331627They therefore tried to avoid white Americans like the plague, but where could they turn?
mdp.39015013331627They whispered: what can a black town do in a white state where the blacks have no vote?
mdp.39015013331627They'll worship the white rich and despise the black poor. ”"Well, I still do n't like it! ”"Neither do I, but what else can we do about it?
mdp.39015013331627This black West Indian drove the British army out of San Domingo. ” “ But could Negro slaves oppose the British army? ” “ They did.
mdp.39015013331627Throw all to the winds and try Africa?
mdp.39015013331627Was he a Jew?
mdp.39015013331627Was it anything they could have done?
mdp.39015013331627Was n't the New Deal leading us right? ”"No, it was n't.
mdp.39015013331627Was that truly aiding China?
mdp.39015013331627Was there the slightest doubt of their guilt?
mdp.39015013331627Was this not the place to teach truth?
mdp.39015013331627We're scared stiff, and why?"
mdp.39015013331627Were they not worthy to die?
mdp.39015013331627What can I do for you, Miss —?".
mdp.39015013331627What can we do?
mdp.39015013331627What community wanted a Negro family, no matter what their status and character?
mdp.39015013331627What could they do in this crisis?
mdp.39015013331627What could they say?
mdp.39015013331627What did he now propose to do?
mdp.39015013331627What do you say?"
mdp.39015013331627What effort are you being paid for?
mdp.39015013331627What had he done last night and who had witnessed his disgrace?
mdp.39015013331627What have we Negroes and the Indians to compare even with this?
mdp.39015013331627What is it?
mdp.39015013331627What is it? ” “ It's a house of prostitution for white men with white girls as inmates.
mdp.39015013331627What is our duty and our ideal?
mdp.39015013331627What is there to see?
mdp.39015013331627What is'conspiracy'to commit when commission is not even alleged?
mdp.39015013331627What now was this thing called the “ Negro Problem"at which all his life he had been working?
mdp.39015013331627What organizations would you work with?"
mdp.39015013331627What proof of their doing it exists, outside the word of a criminal?
mdp.39015013331627What shall we do?
mdp.39015013331627What to do?
mdp.39015013331627What was it?
mdp.39015013331627What was it?
mdp.39015013331627What was there to hesitate about?
mdp.39015013331627What was to be done about this?
mdp.39015013331627What would be the relation of Negro business to the national business development?
mdp.39015013331627What's happening to America?
mdp.39015013331627Where do you plan to go?"
mdp.39015013331627Where else?
mdp.39015013331627Where had he seen and known that smile?
mdp.39015013331627Where had she gone and when?
mdp.39015013331627Where is Yemen?
mdp.39015013331627Where is the outburst of literature which we began a generation ago- the poetry and music, the dance and drama?
mdp.39015013331627Where is there time for music, dance and song; for comfort and dream?
mdp.39015013331627Where the hell is Althea?
mdp.39015013331627Where would authority rest?
mdp.39015013331627Where would your community live?".
mdp.39015013331627Who did it, how did it happen, why?
mdp.39015013331627Who is she?
mdp.39015013331627Who knows?
mdp.39015013331627Who would invite them to tea, dinner or dance?
mdp.39015013331627Who would really be in charge?
mdp.39015013331627Whom would a colored American know in Eng- land to ask to undertake such a task?
mdp.39015013331627Whom would my white- black girl marry and live with happily the rest of her life?
mdp.39015013331627Why do n't our army jump on Hitler while his back is turned?"
mdp.39015013331627Why is it that you hate Japan more than Europe when you have suffered more from England, France and Germany than from Japan?
mdp.39015013331627Why not try to enlist Zoe's sympathy?
mdp.39015013331627Why should a white hotel be set down in the center of Black Bottom?
mdp.39015013331627Why this difference between the pay of the European and the African?
mdp.39015013331627Why was it that New York and the nation ut- terly repudiated this meeting of some of the greatest men of the world?
mdp.39015013331627Why, considering our own home- what would our servants do if we did not hire them?".
mdp.39015013331627Will publishers publish or critics review, or booksellers handle anything but Negro's lauding of white philanthropy?
mdp.39015013331627Will you do this?
mdp.39015013331627Wo n't you come home with me to tea?"
mdp.39015013331627Would Senator Baldwin or any member of his board of trustees do so?
mdp.39015013331627Would she not face an- nihilation by America? ”"Only if we permitted it.
mdp.39015013331627Would you permit me, Sir, to look through your apartment? ”"With pleasure, Sir, only do n't disturb my things.
mdp.39015013331627Yes, this was the master criminal- or was there no master- simply embodied, encysted Evil?
mdp.39015013331627Yet, she must marry or where is the purpose of the novel?
mdp.39015013331627You know what I was once?
mdp.39015013331627You might find yourself in charge of white workers--""And in such case?"
mdp.39015013331627You remember how your father helped my father settle in South Georgia?
mdp.39015013331627You see it, do n't you?
mdp.39015013331627“ Africa?
mdp.39015013331627“ All right; but how much cash will be ‘ enough'?
mdp.39015013331627“ Am I glad?
mdp.39015013331627“ And God? ”"Well, at any rate, ” said Jean reflectively, “ and gods.
mdp.39015013331627“ And his reward?"
mdp.39015013331627“ And what are they going to fight for? ” he asked in despair.
mdp.39015013331627“ And you aim to raise Africa against all its mighty oppressors? ” asked Adelbert.
mdp.39015013331627“ And you, Sir, what did you do that these mines and these miners should work for you?"
mdp.39015013331627“ And, ” asked a girl,"would you make the number of sane people large or moderate? ” Jean's eyes became vague and she almost forgot the class.
mdp.39015013331627“ Any colored folks treated in these Springs?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Are you Catholic? ” he asked.
mdp.39015013331627“ Are you the proprietor of this shop?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Are you trying to say, Mr. Reeves, that your members will not serve God beside Negroes?".
mdp.39015013331627“ Beauty?
mdp.39015013331627“ Boy, ” he said,"where'd you buy that uniform? ” The boy, somewhat taken aback, answered suspiciously.
mdp.39015013331627“ But do we really have to plunge into the world labor problem and the inextricable tangles of Asia and Africa?
mdp.39015013331627“ But do we? ” insisted Sylvia.
mdp.39015013331627“ But see here, how about the church?
mdp.39015013331627“ But there was surely much real philanthropy in England?"
mdp.39015013331627“ But why, why?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Byrnes?
mdp.39015013331627“ Could we not try her for the summer semester?
mdp.39015013331627“ Do they pay you well?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Do you think Socialism will win? ” “ Will win?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Do you think Socialism will win? ” “ Will win?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Do you think of returning to America at some time? ” asked Mansart.
mdp.39015013331627“ Do you think we ought to let the Dean know?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Does anyone really believe that Communism is an international conspiracy and that Russia is planning to destroy us?"
mdp.39015013331627“ For whom?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Heard nothing from her?"
mdp.39015013331627“ How can we get'honest civil servants of high ideals'?"
mdp.39015013331627“ I am amazed- I can not believe that in either case--"“ In a life and death struggle will Negroes ask or care who sends them arms?
mdp.39015013331627“ I expect you do not remember me, Sir?
mdp.39015013331627“ I had, but what of it?
mdp.39015013331627“ I know, but why did n't he start business among Negroes, and not compete with white merchants?".
mdp.39015013331627“ I'm wondering if Mr. Mansart would not like to drive up to London tomorrow and lunch at my club?"
mdp.39015013331627“ In fact, it has been in Spain. ”"Spain?"
mdp.39015013331627“ In what way?
mdp.39015013331627“ Is it?
mdp.39015013331627“ Is n't it still?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Is that Communism?
mdp.39015013331627“ It is the result of law. ” “ Who makes the law?"
mdp.39015013331627“ John, have you by chance noticed the daily quotations on these particular oil bonds?".
mdp.39015013331627“ Listen, John, ” she said, “ I want you to take those bonds and give them to me. ” “ And go to jail for theft? ”"Certainly not.
mdp.39015013331627“ Madame who?"
mdp.39015013331627“ May I enter? ” he asked, smiling.
mdp.39015013331627“ My god, is she dead? ” cried the brown boy, leaping up.
mdp.39015013331627“ Not only in these ways, but by- revolt?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Now, what is it you want?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Recall 1940?
mdp.39015013331627“ Right- and why?
mdp.39015013331627“ So that is why he's not here today?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Was n't that tip enough?"
mdp.39015013331627“ What is this America to which we all crawl?
mdp.39015013331627“ What the Hell was he talking about?"
mdp.39015013331627“ What's the old buffer driving at?
mdp.39015013331627“ What, Mr. Mansart, is your attitude toward Africa?
mdp.39015013331627“ Where were you last night? ” “ I was in Atlanta talking to the Bishop of the Diocese. ” “ Planning this fire?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Where were you last night? ” “ I was in Atlanta talking to the Bishop of the Diocese. ” “ Planning this fire?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Why not?
mdp.39015013331627“ Will go the way of Indo- China. ” “ But will France ever surrender Indo- China? ”"She will.
mdp.39015013331627“ Will you touch her on the shoulder?"
mdp.39015013331627“ Would it not be wiser and better to say,'I do not know'or'I do not hope?'
mdp.39015013331627“ Yes, sir, I'm helping the President's valet. ”"Pretty good job?"
mdp.39015011340141Abe, ” he said, “ what will the Grand Jury do with those d- beasts? mdp.39015011340141 Do not what? ” said Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141Malcolm, suppose I tell you just what I have done, will that not make you a party to ny crime, or whatever you may call it?
mdp.39015011340141Mr. Overley, ” said Dr. Donewell, “ what do you expect to do after you have kept your vow? mdp.39015011340141 'Spec'Mars Abe cumin'to see yo ’ heah? mdp.39015011340141 '” “ Well, what would you say to that? ” asked Malcolm. mdp.39015011340141 11 an ’ sick, habe he crowded my Abe from he own mammy's breast? mdp.39015011340141 143 to a neck of ten feet in width? mdp.39015011340141 185 After Abe's departure, Malcolm soliloquized: “ Why was Abe not made white the same as I am? mdp.39015011340141 29'nigger marrying white'oman,'an'de debble knows what- all sich fool talk dat causes trouble? mdp.39015011340141 A.? ” asked Draper; “ what put that into your head? mdp.39015011340141 A.? ” asked Draper; “ what put that into your head? mdp.39015011340141 Abe, d — your black hide, have you nothing to say? mdp.39015011340141 Abe, do you remem- ber —“ Do I remember?
mdp.39015011340141Abe, when do you start for the West?
mdp.39015011340141Abe, would yer? ” “ Did you ever see this horse trace before? ” asked Abe, holding the trace before Tim's eyes.
mdp.39015011340141Abe, would yer? ” “ Did you ever see this horse trace before? ” asked Abe, holding the trace before Tim's eyes.
mdp.39015011340141Abe,"continued Mal- colm, as they clasped hands, “ what can I. do now to help you?"
mdp.39015011340141After Buck had related his version of why he was expelled, this virtuous(?)
mdp.39015011340141After Malcolm had finished the narration, the Doctor instructed him to have Abe come to him at once, and that he would impose the further burden(?)
mdp.39015011340141After bending over her for a moment, he said: “ You fellows have raised h- now, have n't you?
mdp.39015011340141Ai n't that right, fellers? ” “ Sho'yer is, ” spoke up Si Weedles;"an'anybody thet do n't lek them officers, we puts out.
mdp.39015011340141Ai n't yer never goin'ter l’arn to act lek a lady?
mdp.39015011340141Alike in all respects but color?
mdp.39015011340141Am I ever to be reminded that my father is different from the fathers I meet out in the world?
mdp.39015011340141Am I not a craven that I do not avenge her?
mdp.39015011340141Am I right nohow?
mdp.39015011340141Am I to consider you a disturbing element?
mdp.39015011340141And what is your objection? ” 36 AS WE SEE IT.
mdp.39015011340141And who is they goin'to run agin'him?
mdp.39015011340141And why did he say that I knew where he was, when I did not?
mdp.39015011340141And you do not feel that you ought to go back to College?
mdp.39015011340141And you would not tell me?
mdp.39015011340141Are you all done?
mdp.39015011340141Are you going to fail me now?
mdp.39015011340141Are you going to let them make a thief of that boy?
mdp.39015011340141Are you still in the lead in your classes?
mdp.39015011340141As the boy left Malcolm turned to Abe with the inquiry: “ Abe, who rode that horse to his death last night?
mdp.39015011340141Ask me what will I not do? ” 137 138 AS WE SEE IT.
mdp.39015011340141At last she whispered in a voice, uncertain and weak, “ Abe Overley? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Bloxum, how came this pipe to be there? ” asked the Doctor.
mdp.39015011340141Bloxum,"said the Doctor, “ is this statement true? ” “ Yes, sir, it is true; every word of it, ” was Bloxum's answer.
mdp.39015011340141Buck glared at him for a moment, then said: “ So you are trying to put this whole thing on me, are you?
mdp.39015011340141But can this boy afford to start a fight with these people just at the time he comes out of College and with nothing to live upon?
mdp.39015011340141But in what way?
mdp.39015011340141But is I as good as you an'de res'ob yo ’ friends?
mdp.39015011340141But must we permit him to sacrifice himself upon the altar of his high ideal, which seems to me a bit over- drawn?"
mdp.39015011340141But what about my chum, Abe?
mdp.39015011340141But what can we do?
mdp.39015011340141But what can you do?
mdp.39015011340141But what did I say?"
mdp.39015011340141But where has Abe gone, Mr. Donewell? ” CHAPTER XXXII.
mdp.39015011340141But where is this new blood to come from?
mdp.39015011340141But, Abe, what will we do when my boy and your boy learn the truth? ” “ God am my hepper, I dunno.
mdp.39015011340141But, sah, will yo'nebber'member dat de Lawd is more pow’ful den we is?
mdp.39015011340141But, why do n't he tell where he was that night?
mdp.39015011340141But, why take this matter in your own hands?
mdp.39015011340141By whom?
mdp.39015011340141Ca n't you talk? ” “ Yes, sar, ob cose I kin talk, ” said Old Abe; “ but yuse been talkin'an'cussin'for mor'n half hour.
mdp.39015011340141Can he justify himself before God, should he keep his vow?
mdp.39015011340141Can there be a God, Malcolm?
mdp.39015011340141Can there be a just God?
mdp.39015011340141Can there be laws to reach such people?
mdp.39015011340141Can there be nothing that governs the universe but the avenging demon? ” Abe had now risen to his feet, towering above his friends in his rage.
mdp.39015011340141Can you not see that that of which you complain is but the American idea?
mdp.39015011340141Can you see anything funny in that?
mdp.39015011340141Casper Lashum, will you let this grand old place get away from you for seventeen thousand five hundred dollars?
mdp.39015011340141Casper said: “ Nick, what did I tell yer when yer started thet boy to school twenty odd yeirs ago?
mdp.39015011340141Come, old man, tell me why you are throwing your life away? ” “ Black ”( this is the name he gave Abe when they first 186 188 AS WE SEE IT.
mdp.39015011340141Could you git'long widouten me?
mdp.39015011340141D — your black hide, do you think I am a ghost? ” “ Yes, sah, yo'is de ghost of yo’se'f.
mdp.39015011340141Dat boy, he mean what he say. ” “ Well, Abe, what do you think of that boy starting a legal fight with these poor whites?
mdp.39015011340141Den I say, What am dis world a cumin'to?
mdp.39015011340141Did I also cause Overley to cut you out? ” laughed DeVaux's friend.
mdp.39015011340141Did I also make you acquainted with Miss Donewell?
mdp.39015011340141Did I teach you to be'vengeful?
mdp.39015011340141Did my mother's cries stop you?
mdp.39015011340141Did my poor old mother suffer?
mdp.39015011340141Did my sister suffer when you brutes were tearing her garments from her back? ” thundered Abe.
mdp.39015011340141Did n't I write pappy that yer particular was coming?
mdp.39015011340141Did n't he tell me that?
mdp.39015011340141Did n’t I say go?
mdp.39015011340141Did you spare my sister for her old father? ” “ Mr.
mdp.39015011340141Do I hear a bid of one hundred dollars more?
mdp.39015011340141Do I hear one hundred dollars more?
mdp.39015011340141Do you agree to that? ” “ I do.
mdp.39015011340141Do you know that they control just a few thousand less than five hundred million dollars worth of farm property in this country?
mdp.39015011340141Do you know the difference?
mdp.39015011340141Do you mean to tell me that the sixteen drops of your superior blood will be overcome by his one drop of inferior blood?
mdp.39015011340141Do you remember having met a man by the name of Lashum- Nicholas Lashum-in A- County, Alabama? ” “ Oh, yes!
mdp.39015011340141Do you think I had better try to win her?
mdp.39015011340141Do you think I want you to wake me up to talk about your d — school?
mdp.39015011340141Do you think that a good plan? ” “ Yes, Nancy, that is a very good plan, and I shall act upon it, ” said Abe, as he arose to leave.
mdp.39015011340141Do you think that they or that I would object to your saying that you accepted the invitations?
mdp.39015011340141Do you understand?
mdp.39015011340141Do you want her to follow you, seeking an apology? ” Rattles said this with a view to relieving the strain under which they were laboring.
mdp.39015011340141Does I tink dat a'nigger'oughten fight a white man?
mdp.39015011340141Does he get it by contact with this dominant race of ours?
mdp.39015011340141Does yo ’ feel dat you is on dis eart'to do His work or His biddin'?
mdp.39015011340141Does yo ’ think dat Abe Overley, sixth, white, will ever turn his back on Abe Overley, sixth, black?
mdp.39015011340141Does yo''member dat yo'promised me er greenback mor’n six mon?
mdp.39015011340141Does yo'feel yo’se'f stronger dan He am?
mdp.39015011340141Donewell, do you not think your daughter a little severe in her comments? ” asked Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141Dr. Snell, and —"“ The minister? ” interrupts Abe.
mdp.39015011340141Duz you not feel dat a old man is safer in de Lawd's fole dan he is outen it?
mdp.39015011340141Duz you not feel dat tim’hab done cum fo’you to spoke to de Lawd an'axe Him to forgin you all yo'many sins?
mdp.39015011340141Duz you not feel de lonel’ness ob bein'outen de Lawd?
mdp.39015011340141Duz you'member Miss Miranda, what she say when she jine our han ’s togedder jes'befo ’ de Lawd done took her'way?
mdp.39015011340141Duz you'member dat you is de onny pusson on dis heah'hole plantation dat has nebber gib he soul to de Lawd?
mdp.39015011340141Father says he can not possibly send me one cent, but to come home and go to work. ” Then he added: “ Why are you grinning?
mdp.39015011340141Father, what must I do?
mdp.39015011340141Finally it was broken by Malcolm A. Overley, with a voice trembling with emotion: “ Abe, you old black fool, who has broken word with you?
mdp.39015011340141Finally, Malcolm A. Oberley said: “ Abe, what the h- are you staring at me that way for?
mdp.39015011340141Finally, he asked in a solemn voice: “ What can I do?
mdp.39015011340141Finally, the man appeared who lost(?)
mdp.39015011340141For what are those clothes being aired?
mdp.39015011340141Go they bail?
mdp.39015011340141Going to a ball?
mdp.39015011340141Going to let you buy my tickers and — ” “ Yer shut up; ai n't yer my guest?
mdp.39015011340141Got married?
mdp.39015011340141H — and damnation, man, are you asleep, or are you dumb, or are you such a fool that you do n't care what happens to that boy of yours?
mdp.39015011340141Has either of us done so?
mdp.39015011340141Has that note deprived you of your senses?
mdp.39015011340141Have I not done my work well ever since I have been old enough to work? ” “ Oh, d — your work!
mdp.39015011340141Have n't yer learned yet that a gentleman never goes back on his words?
mdp.39015011340141Have n't yer passed yer word that yer would come?
mdp.39015011340141Have you and Uncle Abe been quarreling over the stock or over some passage in the Bible, or what? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Have you any blood in your veins?
mdp.39015011340141Have you got a right to take that which you ca n't give?
mdp.39015011340141Have you left it in any boy's room?
mdp.39015011340141Have you never seen me before?
mdp.39015011340141Have you nothing to be thankful for? ” “ Oh, yes, we have our fallen fortunes to be thankful for, ” said Big Joe Wheatley.
mdp.39015011340141Have you talked to your father about going? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Having been left, after the war, without stock to work the plantation- thanks to the disinterestedness(?)
mdp.39015011340141He is black enough, but appears to be a gentleman. ” “ What do you think the young ladies will say? ” questioned Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141He walked over to Abe, placing his hand on his shoulder, saying: “ My son, may I not speak to you in God's name?
mdp.39015011340141He's your"“ Mabel, his voice is grand and his manners are"“ Mabel, where was he educated?
mdp.39015011340141Him's the one they expects to beat Cas fer sheriff?
mdp.39015011340141His garments, which were gray in color, might have been homespun or anything else, and hung in loose flaps about his person, the trousers(?)
mdp.39015011340141How I goin'to git a word in, nohow?
mdp.39015011340141How are you?
mdp.39015011340141How came he by this undefinable something?
mdp.39015011340141How can I answer all those questions?
mdp.39015011340141How can I help you most?
mdp.39015011340141How can I study now? ” “ Abe, I took the responsibility upon myself to make an engagement for you with Dr. Finley.
mdp.39015011340141How can the Negro come in contact with you and your institutions and not be Americanized?
mdp.39015011340141How could I look father in the face again? ” said Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141How could you possibly get that idea in your head?
mdp.39015011340141How do you know that those were good old times? ” “ I always heard uncle refer to them as the good old times,"was the Doctor's hesitating reply.
mdp.39015011340141How fared the Overleys as the years sped by?
mdp.39015011340141How kin I talk?
mdp.39015011340141How long have you been on this place that you have n't yet learned that I sleep at this hour?
mdp.39015011340141How long since I commenced to take these'crackers'on terms of'Social Equality'?
mdp.39015011340141How was he to explain his expulsion?
mdp.39015011340141I am going to ask whether, after I have stained my hands in the blood of my mother's murderers, which I surely will do, will you still want to see me?
mdp.39015011340141I axe you, duz you'member?
mdp.39015011340141I do not believe that Abe knows anything about the pipe; but why does he not tell where he was?
mdp.39015011340141I have seen the result of so many accidents(?)
mdp.39015011340141I hope you do not think, Abe, that I will desert you in your hour of need? ” “ Malcolm, I can not think.
mdp.39015011340141I loved you before I ever met you, or else how would our souls have joined at sight?
mdp.39015011340141I —_"“ Been a good woman? ” was Abe's contemptuous reply.
mdp.39015011340141I've been hankerin'arter yuse job for a long time, sah. ” “ Well,—you have, have you?
mdp.39015011340141If I can handle him so easy, what may I not do with the whole bunch of'meadow hogs'in a year or two?
mdp.39015011340141If you had a piece of poor land, would you keep it poor?
mdp.39015011340141Is dese white folks what dey is cracked up to be?
mdp.39015011340141Is he one of us? ” “ No!
mdp.39015011340141Is she not the only mother that I ever knew?
mdp.39015011340141Is there a God that directs and shapes the courses and destinies of nations alike?
mdp.39015011340141Is thet so? ” “ Say, man, ef Buck tell yo'dat, what yo'ax me fer; ai n't dat'nough? ” answered Sue, with great dignity.
mdp.39015011340141Is thet so? ” “ Say, man, ef Buck tell yo'dat, what yo'ax me fer; ai n't dat'nough? ” answered Sue, with great dignity.
mdp.39015011340141Kin you talk?
mdp.39015011340141Lashum, are you a Southern man?
mdp.39015011340141Lashum, do you know where that pipe was? ” asked the Doctor.
mdp.39015011340141Leetle Joe Wheatley?
mdp.39015011340141Let them go scot free?
mdp.39015011340141Make it one thousand more, Mr. Wardeman?
mdp.39015011340141Make us to love and revere the same things?
mdp.39015011340141Malcolm extended his hand to him, saying: “ Abe, can you ever forgive me for the pain I have caused you?
mdp.39015011340141Malcolm, are you crazy?
mdp.39015011340141Malcolm, when do you start for College? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Malcolm, why did you keep this from me all these weeks?
mdp.39015011340141Malcolm, why did you keep this from me? ” he asked, and then added: “ Can there be a God?
mdp.39015011340141Malcolm, why did you keep this from me? ” he asked, and then added: “ Can there be a God?
mdp.39015011340141May I return later? ” “ I will inform you when you return whether or not you may remain, ” laughed Miss Watson.
mdp.39015011340141Maybe you gentlemen would like to have me call him?
mdp.39015011340141Miss Wat- son- may I say Nancy?
mdp.39015011340141Mr. Zeph Smaly, do you bid one thousand dollars more?
mdp.39015011340141My Abe say he want to go to College to be a lawyer, why he not?
mdp.39015011340141My brothers — ”"May de good God Almighty keep yo ’ gemmen from letten?
mdp.39015011340141Nancy, you say you will wait for me?
mdp.39015011340141Need I say more? ” Abe extended his hand to the elder Overley, who grasped it heartily.
mdp.39015011340141No revenga? ” “ No, Tony, ” said Abe, “ I do not want your bombs.
mdp.39015011340141November 10, 18 —?
mdp.39015011340141Now, what have you both to say?
mdp.39015011340141Now, what is the result?
mdp.39015011340141Now, what yer goin'to back out fer? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Now, what yo'goin'do?
mdp.39015011340141Now, what's yo ’ gwine say? ” “ Sue, I wants the facts'bout them ‘ niggers'of Overleys,"said Nick, meekly.
mdp.39015011340141Oh, my po'boy, what I teach yo'when yo'a leetle boy at yo'po'mammy's knee?
mdp.39015011340141Overley, what vow has your friend Abe made? ” asked Miss Donewell.
mdp.39015011340141Overley, would you not consider me less than a man should I permit these mur- derers to go unpunished?
mdp.39015011340141Overley, ” said the Doctor, “ do you realize the posi- tion in which you place yourself and the chain of suspicion that encircles you?
mdp.39015011340141Overley,"said Miss Watson, “ have n't you forgotten something? ” Abe did not seem to comprehend her meaning.
mdp.39015011340141Say, Rattles, old boy, what is the matter? ” asked Hawkins.
mdp.39015011340141Sud- denly Abe said: “ Stay here six weeks?
mdp.39015011340141Suppose you had become chilled and caught cold?
mdp.39015011340141THE VINVLAJMIT Firsi TuAN LIDHAKIES done at your home when all this excitement was on?
mdp.39015011340141Takin'up fer ‘ niggers,'hey?
mdp.39015011340141Tell me, did you have any trouble? ”"Not a bit,"answered Abe.
mdp.39015011340141That boy steal?
mdp.39015011340141That your Abe and my Abe can not get along in College as they do here?
mdp.39015011340141The idea, taking a ‘ nigger'to call on a white woman! ” “ Why, Mr. Rattles,"again urged Buck, “ are you going to stand for that?
mdp.39015011340141The one on the end of the seat? ” asked Malcolm of young Forbes, a resident of Oberlin.
mdp.39015011340141Their eyes met in a long, steadfast gaze, the one bear- ing the mute inquiry, “ What have you done? ” the other conveying the desired information.
mdp.39015011340141Then, with a sudden burst of passion, he exclaimed: “ Doctor, what do I now care for law, life or liberty?
mdp.39015011340141They did not belong to the people who “ gloried in the Holy(?)
mdp.39015011340141They were both then seized, bound, and taken back into the orchard, stripped bare to the waist by these “ Alabama gentlemen ”(?
mdp.39015011340141They will suttenly starve without me to find for them. ”"Your wife and child?
mdp.39015011340141Think I am a ‘ nigger'?
mdp.39015011340141Turning to Draper, he asked: “ Do you expect to tarry with us tonight? ” “ Yes, that is what we came for,"answered Draper.
mdp.39015011340141Wait for me to commit these terrible crimes — for crimes they will be?
mdp.39015011340141Want me to stand with you?
mdp.39015011340141Wan’ter rob yer own flesh and blood? ” “ How's thet robbin'yer? ” asked Casper, warmly.
mdp.39015011340141Wan’ter rob yer own flesh and blood? ” “ How's thet robbin'yer? ” asked Casper, warmly.
mdp.39015011340141We are old men now"“ Is it too late now? ”'exclaimed a voice from the hall, and the good minister, Rev.
mdp.39015011340141We form ties at College that should never be severed. ” “ Father, what is the matter? ” asked Mrs. Donewell.
mdp.39015011340141Well, who the h- would have thought it?
mdp.39015011340141Were I this young man, placed as he is, could I withstand the desire for revenge that is born in every human being?
mdp.39015011340141What I goin'to let dem po'white trash bamboozle me oughten dem fo'? ”.
mdp.39015011340141What a nasty look they gave us when we got on the train?
mdp.39015011340141What am I to do in the next year or two?
mdp.39015011340141What are you going to do about that boy of yours? ”.
mdp.39015011340141What are you going to do?
mdp.39015011340141What are you shaking your head about?
mdp.39015011340141What can I do to help you? ” “ Mr.
mdp.39015011340141What can he mean by that remark?
mdp.39015011340141What can we do about it? ”"I hardly know, ” said Forbes.
mdp.39015011340141What can we do to help you in this matter? ” “ I want to go home!
mdp.39015011340141What can you do, I say? ” Abe arose slowly and stood looking first at one and then the other.
mdp.39015011340141What do you say to that? ” “ That has been my desire from the first, but I did not so express myself, because I am not Malcolm A. Overley, Jr.
mdp.39015011340141What do you say? ”.
mdp.39015011340141What do you want per year?''
mdp.39015011340141What else can you expect?
mdp.39015011340141What had those fel- lows planned to do? ” asked Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141What has come over Abe that he has so far forgotten himself as to lie? ” “ Are you sure of what you say? ” asked Forbes.
mdp.39015011340141What has come over Abe that he has so far forgotten himself as to lie? ” “ Are you sure of what you say? ” asked Forbes.
mdp.39015011340141What has yo'lef'fo'de Lawd to do in dis matter?
mdp.39015011340141What have you got, or has Abe got, to pay five hundred dollars with? ” “ I could sell my ole mule, an'Baldy, dat would bring something."
mdp.39015011340141What have you to say for yourself? ”.
mdp.39015011340141What have you young devils hatched now?'
mdp.39015011340141What in the world do you mean by that? ” This question brought forth a peal of laughter from all those present.
mdp.39015011340141What in the world does Clemmie look like?
mdp.39015011340141What is the matter with my friend? ” asked Draper.
mdp.39015011340141What made him a'nigger'? ”.
mdp.39015011340141What place should he buy?
mdp.39015011340141What right is they got to have one hundred and sixty acres and good horses and cattle- horses thet kin come down the road faster'n you kin?
mdp.39015011340141What should he write?
mdp.39015011340141What the darn- nation good would that do?
mdp.39015011340141What the h — has this country come to?
mdp.39015011340141What the h- do you learn at school, that you do n't know better than to disturb an old man during the hour he sleeps?
mdp.39015011340141What the —?
mdp.39015011340141What was he to do?
mdp.39015011340141What will we do when we get to Oberlin?
mdp.39015011340141What would a white man do?
mdp.39015011340141What would we have done after the war had your father left us, or had he said to the rest of the people,'Let us go North?'
mdp.39015011340141What would you do?
mdp.39015011340141What yer think I kin do'bout it now?
mdp.39015011340141What you go dat way for, nohow?
mdp.39015011340141What you goin'say?
mdp.39015011340141What you goin'say?
mdp.39015011340141What you mean by dem big words?
mdp.39015011340141What you treat yer friend this way fer?
mdp.39015011340141What's coming off?
mdp.39015011340141What's the matter with yer?
mdp.39015011340141When I see how nigh de grave yo?
mdp.39015011340141When de Great Day dun kum, an de question's axed yo ’ what yo ’ dun wid dem two munts, what yo ’ goin'say?
mdp.39015011340141When do you start? ” was Miss Watson's next query.
mdp.39015011340141When those two women were killed, did you feel that every white man in the county should be killed? ” “ In course I did not.
mdp.39015011340141When will the event take place?
mdp.39015011340141Where did you get the idea that I am nearer the grave than any other man of my age? ” “ Hab yo'forgot so soon dat yo'jus'camed outen yo'sick bade?
mdp.39015011340141Where did you get the idea that I am nearer the grave than any other man of my age? ” “ Hab yo'forgot so soon dat yo'jus'camed outen yo'sick bade?
mdp.39015011340141Where did you work last, and why did you leave? ” “ I worked for Mr. Jim Connors, down on the bottom in Grove Neck.
mdp.39015011340141Where will it end?
mdp.39015011340141Who are under bond?''
mdp.39015011340141Who asked for your advice?
mdp.39015011340141Who asked for your aid?
mdp.39015011340141Who been yo'Abe's mammy eber since?
mdp.39015011340141Who is going to accept? ” “ Bloxum, I guess, ” answered DeVaux;"he has the one chance left.
mdp.39015011340141Who is going to pay for his schooling? ” “ Why, who pay for his ticket to de Fair las ’ fall?
mdp.39015011340141Who is going to pay for his schooling? ” “ Why, who pay for his ticket to de Fair las ’ fall?
mdp.39015011340141Who made me what?
mdp.39015011340141Who sent for you?
mdp.39015011340141Who the h — will dare to question an Overley as to his reason for doing what he thinks proper? ” Thus he smoked and dreamed for an hour.
mdp.39015011340141Who the-?
mdp.39015011340141Who would buy the beast?
mdp.39015011340141Who's in thet county thet has got nothin''gin anybody in this hyre county?
mdp.39015011340141Whoever hear'n of anything lassin'dat dese po'white trash does?
mdp.39015011340141Whom would they nominate to run for these offices?
mdp.39015011340141Why did God Almighty make you black and me white?
mdp.39015011340141Why did you surrender so quickly? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Why do you look for trouble from them? ”"That is just it.
mdp.39015011340141Why do you teach him?
mdp.39015011340141Why not me?
mdp.39015011340141Why not me? ” “ Well, when dem boys cum to me an ’ Abe tol'me what he dun done, yo'Abe say dat you better not know'bout it.
mdp.39015011340141Why say,'we all know the Negro is thus and so,'when the facts before us are just to the contrary?
mdp.39015011340141Why should I care to live?
mdp.39015011340141Why should I tell you that which you already know? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Why should a man of his fine intellect and sensibilities be placed in this world where he is looked down upon even by the most ignorant of white men?
mdp.39015011340141Why take your own life in your own hands?
mdp.39015011340141Why was I not told at once?
mdp.39015011340141Why were they killed?
mdp.39015011340141Why yo'gemmen not do de same?
mdp.39015011340141Why yo'not cum in?
mdp.39015011340141Why, my brother, are we brothers, yet as far apart as the poles, north and south, and held apart because I am black and you are white?
mdp.39015011340141Why, what is that you are reading?
mdp.39015011340141Why, what is the matter? ” he asked, as no one appeared to be willing to answer him.
mdp.39015011340141Why? ” “ I do not know at what moment the hand of the law may reach me.
mdp.39015011340141Will I care to see you?
mdp.39015011340141Will I care to see you? ” again she asked, her eyes flashing, her slender figure swaying, as the panther sways when about to leap upon its prey.
mdp.39015011340141Will he adhere to his vow?
mdp.39015011340141Will yo'nebber'member dat His Will mus'be done?
mdp.39015011340141Will you allow your name to be handed down in this College as a contemptible liar? ” again urged the Tennessee boy.
mdp.39015011340141Will you answer me now or shall I leave you to consider the matter? ”.
mdp.39015011340141Will you be as glad to present him as you are to present me? ” asked Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141Will you fight the land of the Rising Sun?
mdp.39015011340141Will you go to see him before you decide to leave the College? ” asked Rattles.
mdp.39015011340141Will you go?
mdp.39015011340141Will you let this opportunity pass?
mdp.39015011340141Will you tell us? ” “ No, sir; if he refused to say where he was, I, of course, can not betray his confidence,"answered Malcolm, simply.
mdp.39015011340141Will your father be present?
mdp.39015011340141Wonder how she dresses?
mdp.39015011340141Would I be a man?
mdp.39015011340141Would the Mosaic Law deter me?
mdp.39015011340141Would you desert me at this time? ” “ No, Malcolm, of course not.
mdp.39015011340141Would you do your mother justice not to avenge her?
mdp.39015011340141Would you not avenge your mother's murder?
mdp.39015011340141Would you, under such circumstances, bow your head, clasp your hands and trust in the Lord?
mdp.39015011340141You hear me, fellows?
mdp.39015011340141You ole fool, do n't you know that it would cost five hundred dollars a year for his schooling?
mdp.39015011340141You —"“ Why ca n't I understand? ” asked Forbes.
mdp.39015011340141by yourself?
mdp.39015011340141let yer come in and git what I wants?
mdp.39015011340141must I not also be endowed with the accompanying sensibilities that would tend to make up the mentality of which you speak?
mdp.39015011340141to prevent the improvement of the land or would you fertil- ize and cultivate it so as to increase its productive power?
mdp.39015011340141you and Mr. Overley disagreed again on some point in the Bible, or some point in farming? ”.
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, do I understand you to say that I knew of your whereabouts upon the night this pipe was stolen?
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, suppose I fail in the examination?
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, what do you propose to do now? ” asked Miss Watson.
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, what do you think those boys will want to do when they get out of College? ”.
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, when all this is ended, what will you do the rest of your life? ” inquired Miss Watson.
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, where are you going now? ” suddenly asked Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, where did you get that little jumper? ” he asked.
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, who the h- made you my censor?
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, why do you continually refer to the poor whites?
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, will you finish your course this year? ” she asked.
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, ” said Rattles, kindly, “ what can I do for you?
mdp.39015011340141“ Abe, ” said Rattles, “ are you thinking about leaving the College without first asking Miss Watson's permission?
mdp.39015011340141“ Ai n't we white?
mdp.39015011340141“ Are you afraid to talk?
mdp.39015011340141“ Are you never going to learn anything?
mdp.39015011340141“ Be married?
mdp.39015011340141“ But, Malcolm, this is very sudden, is it not? ” “ Yes, it is sudden, ” answered Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141“ Can it be possible that you, of all persons on this earth, doubt me, too?
mdp.39015011340141“ Can you give a ‘ nigger'life?
mdp.39015011340141“ Did you notice those Lashum and Smaly boys at the station?
mdp.39015011340141“ Do you not see that date? ” asked Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141“ Does your friend Overley know your whereabouts? ” asked the Doctor.
mdp.39015011340141“ Dose yer know who yo ’ is talkin'at?
mdp.39015011340141“ Fer God's sake, Mr. Abe, ai n't yer got no heart in yer body? ” he pleaded.
mdp.39015011340141“ Forgotten what, Nancy? ” he asked.
mdp.39015011340141“ Gentlemen, do you know what these Negroes are doing?
mdp.39015011340141“ Go to College?
mdp.39015011340141“ Have you concluded not to go?
mdp.39015011340141“ His mother's blood? ” asked the English boy.
mdp.39015011340141“ How are you going to live? ” “ I have no fear along those lines,"answered Abe.
mdp.39015011340141“ How kin I tell, I'se seed so many?"
mdp.39015011340141“ How many have you used on helpless old women? ” de- manded Abe.
mdp.39015011340141“ Is yer never goin'ter get ter act lek men when yer gits tergether?
mdp.39015011340141“ Malcolm, what is the matter?
mdp.39015011340141“ My boy, does yo''member what de good Lawd say on dat ·< t?
mdp.39015011340141“ Naw! ” exclaimed Casper;"who the h~'s goin'ter git they money together?
mdp.39015011340141“ Say, Forbes, ” said Malcolm, “ what shall we do with Abe?
mdp.39015011340141“ Say, fellows, what is this conspiracy?
mdp.39015011340141“ So, that's what the matter wid them'big bugs,'is hit?
mdp.39015011340141“ So, you want to go out West to kill somebody, do you?
mdp.39015011340141“ Sue, ” said Nick, with a great show of wrath, “ why the h-- do n't yer come when I send fer yer?
mdp.39015011340141“ Wall, boy, youse in a pretty fix, now, ai n't you?
mdp.39015011340141“ What can we do? ” asked Rattles.
mdp.39015011340141“ What dat?
mdp.39015011340141“ What do you call that? ” pointing to the child.
mdp.39015011340141“ What do you think of them? ” “ Come in my room, fellows, ” said one of the young men; “ we are not permitted to stand in the hallways.
mdp.39015011340141“ What does he want, Abe? ” asked Malcolm, when the request was delivered.
mdp.39015011340141“ What has he told you he means to do? ” “ He insists that his vow must be kept, ” said Mr. Donewell.
mdp.39015011340141“ What have I done, Malcolm, to warrant this? ” asked Abe, when he had recovered from the surprise caused by his sus- pension.
mdp.39015011340141“ What have you to say for yourself? ” “ I will simply say that these fellows"“ Gentlemen, ” interrupted Hawkins.
mdp.39015011340141“ What is that you say, boy? ” exclaimed the father.
mdp.39015011340141“ What is the matter with Rattles? ” asked Forbes.
mdp.39015011340141“ What is the matter, Lashum? ” asked a Tennessee boy.
mdp.39015011340141“ What is the trouble? ” “ Yes, my son, I is worried, ” answered the father.
mdp.39015011340141“ What makes them ‘ niggers'? ” asked an English boy.
mdp.39015011340141“ What shall I do? ” asked Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141“ What will I say to father if we do n't find it?
mdp.39015011340141“ What you take me fer?
mdp.39015011340141“ When are you going home?
mdp.39015011340141“ When do I start for College? ” asked Malcolm.
mdp.39015011340141“ Who are these people?
mdp.39015011340141“ Who is the young lady with the dark hair and eyes?
mdp.39015011340141“ Why, Bloxum, what is the matter with yer?
mdp.39015011340141“ Why, Malcolm, do you think you can get along without my care? ”'laughed Abe.
mdp.39015011340141“ Why, Overley,"said Forbes, “ what on earth ails you?
mdp.39015011340141“ Why, dad, what is the matter? ” he exclaimed.
mdp.39015011340141“ Why, what is the matter with me?
mdp.39015011340141“ Why?
mdp.39015011340141“ Yer has al’ays been a good boy, Nick; but ca n't yer overlook them things thet I learnt when I was a boy? ” “ Overlook h —!"
mdp.39015011340141“ Yes jis'knowed that?
mdp.39015011340141“ Yes, Abe, but do n't you know that these are different times?
mdp.39015011340141“ Yes, but off of whose labor? ” AS WE SEE IT.
mdp.39015011340141“ Yes, pappy, but that'nigger'is at the same school, and I-"“ How long yer been runnin'this heah place?
mdp.39015011340141“ You have, have you?
mdp.39015011340141“ Your poor mammy?
mdp.39015011340141“ Your wife?
mdp.39015011340141” “ Why, Abe, who the h — told you how near the grave I am?
mdp.39015054272441Which one of you can dance? ” Shorty asked, as he toyed with his.45.
mdp.39015054272441A hundred dollars a week? ” June asked in astonishment. mdp.39015054272441 Ai n't we just going to cut'em as they come, till we've cut out June's part? ” Uncle Jack asked, with growing concern.
mdp.39015054272441Are you sure that's what he meant? mdp.39015054272441 At about what depth can water be found down there in the coast country?"
mdp.39015054272441Do you mean that you have sold them already? ” he said in surprise. mdp.39015054272441 Do you think they are Meredith cattle? ” “ Yes.
mdp.39015054272441Does she have to decide right away? ” Aunt Harriet ex- pressed concern. mdp.39015054272441 Gave you notice to get off? ” Aunt Harriet murmured, seemingly unable to understand.
mdp.39015054272441Have you a copy of the contract, June? ” he asked. mdp.39015054272441 Have you decided to let me take that land off your hands? ”"I've given it some thought, and I ca n't see where it can be of much use to me.
mdp.39015054272441Have you had any offers on them yet? ” he asked. mdp.39015054272441 Hello, Chandler? ” the bandit asked.
mdp.39015054272441How about getting them to the yards? ” Scott asked. mdp.39015054272441 How are you getting along with June? ”"What do you mean, Jim?"
mdp.39015054272441How are you getting along with June? ”What do you mean, Jim?"
mdp.39015054272441How did you rest last night after so much activity crowded into so short a time yesterday, Mr. Shearn? ” Aunt Harriet inquired. mdp.39015054272441 How do you do? ” he said as he rose and bowed.
mdp.39015054272441How long will it take to do that job? ” “ With the drilling outfit I'll send, we should put down a well in a day. mdp.39015054272441 How will a hundred dollars per week do to start with? ” Chandler smiled.
mdp.39015054272441How, and why, do you figure they got into our pasture? ” the foreman asked. mdp.39015054272441 Juan, do you know where that large Stillson wrench is in the tool house at the ranch? ” Bill asked.
mdp.39015054272441Robert? mdp.39015054272441 So he'll leave us to rot in this joint, will he?
mdp.39015054272441Something wrong, Tom? ” Scott asked as the rancher hung up the receiver. mdp.39015054272441 Then Tom Meredith did pay you the twenty thousand dollars, and clear his ranch of the mortgage before he died? ” the sheriff said.
mdp.39015054272441Well, do you think you can raise five hundred dollars of it? mdp.39015054272441 What happened?"
mdp.39015054272441When did you leave Avera? ” “ About ten o'clock day before yesterday. mdp.39015054272441 When do you plan to sell them? ”"Well, I've got until Friday before he can file suit for fore- closure.
mdp.39015054272441Where are you going, Mr. Chandler? ” she asked. mdp.39015054272441 Where did you get this? ” the boss asked somewhat skepti- cally.
mdp.39015054272441Where is Mr. Chandler? ” June asked. mdp.39015054272441 Would you take four of the others?
mdp.39015054272441Yeah? mdp.39015054272441 You mean you're going to dig for oil here on this place?"
mdp.39015054272441142 The Tin Box “ Wo n't you come in, gentlemen? ” June said as she led the way into the large living room.
mdp.39015054272441144 The Tin Box “ Looks sort of like she did forty years ago, do n't she, Cyrus?"
mdp.39015054272441166 The Tin Box see man"Have you seen that brand anywhere, Bill? ” the foreman asked.
mdp.39015054272441210 The Tin Box “ Robert Chandler? ” the sheriff asked in surprise.
mdp.39015054272441240 The Tin Box"What do you mean, Bill?
mdp.39015054272441A Story of Texas Cattle and Oil 253"Yes, why do n't you come back and help us get things straightened out? ” Aunt Harriet suggested.
mdp.39015054272441A Story of Texas Cattle and Oil 261"I wonder who that letter was from? ” the lawyer remarked as they climbed into the car.
mdp.39015054272441A Story of Texas Cattle and Oil 91"Have you given any thought to the proposition I men- tioned to you some time ago? ” he asked."
mdp.39015054272441All through. ” “ If they gave up those wells, why did n't they pull the cas- ings? ” Bill looked Chandler straight in the eye.
mdp.39015054272441And besides, who'd take your word against mine?
mdp.39015054272441And he would n't give you a third renewal?
mdp.39015054272441And in the Johnson pasture?
mdp.39015054272441And may I ask what brings you here? ” Wade inquired.
mdp.39015054272441Are they where I might see them, Miss Meredith? ” “ Yes, they are in a pasture, right off from the oil field there."
mdp.39015054272441Are you Mr. Robert Chandler? ” June said as they entered the office.
mdp.39015054272441Are you ready to meet those payments this morning? ” “ Why, no, I'm not, ” she replied, leading him away from Bill.
mdp.39015054272441Are you through, gentlemen?
mdp.39015054272441Aunt Harriet walked over and, placing her arm tenderly about the girls shoulder, asked: “ What's the matter, June?
mdp.39015054272441But do you think you could have any luck with them Meredith horses?
mdp.39015054272441But how could they have gotten there?
mdp.39015054272441But how?
mdp.39015054272441But was he blue because he could n't see any good coming his way?
mdp.39015054272441But what makes you think he's crooked? ” Bill asked.
mdp.39015054272441But you watch every move that snake?
mdp.39015054272441Ca n't he see what he's doing to me?
mdp.39015054272441Ca n't you speed up, Charlie?
mdp.39015054272441Can I drive? ” “ Yes, you can drive, but it's a little rough for a car.
mdp.39015054272441Can you get me some trucks around here? ” “ Yes, I think so.
mdp.39015054272441Chandler'would be more appropriate?
mdp.39015054272441Come down here and get me out. ” “ How'd you get in jail this time?"
mdp.39015054272441Did Bill know them? ” “ No, he says he has never seen them before.
mdp.39015054272441Did n't he tell you?
mdp.39015054272441Did you know about it, Aunt Harriet? ”"Only a few days ago,"Aunt Harriet replied.
mdp.39015054272441Do I hear three and a quarter?
mdp.39015054272441Do I hear three?
mdp.39015054272441Do n't you think so? ” “ I'm awfully sorry, June, if the arrangements were unsatis- factory.
mdp.39015054272441Do you know anything about that? ” “ Yes, I do, son, ” Uncle Jack replied confidentially.
mdp.39015054272441Do you mean Bill, here? ” Johnson asked curiously.
mdp.39015054272441Do you still say this receipt is a forgery? ” “ Well, no, I confess,"Chandler admitted reluctantly.
mdp.39015054272441Do you suppose someone is playing a joke on me?"
mdp.39015054272441Do you suppose the money and other papers, if he had any on him at the time, could be still in the car? ” Chandler asked.
mdp.39015054272441Do you think that cowpuncher from down there is taking them?
mdp.39015054272441Do you think they could have mistaken you for somebody else? ” “ Ca n't answer that either.
mdp.39015054272441Do you think this is genuine?
mdp.39015054272441Do you think you can get that information for me?"
mdp.39015054272441Do you think you can let me have it? ” “ What is the occasion, June? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441Do you think you can let me have it? ” “ What is the occasion, June? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441Does he want to force me to beg on the streets?
mdp.39015054272441Finally Bill spoke: “ What do you make of it? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441Getting over- stocked? ”"No.
mdp.39015054272441Has n't he a heart at all?"
mdp.39015054272441Has n't it been four years straight, Wade? ” “ Yes, I believe it has, ” Wade admitted, with an air of pride.
mdp.39015054272441Has n't my work pleased you?"
mdp.39015054272441He acquired the name “ Gotch ” because of the condition of his right ear, the end of which was dropped by gotch ticks?
mdp.39015054272441He was in a big hurry to get home before the dust storm got too severe. ” “ Did he cash the check for the full amount? ” June asked.
mdp.39015054272441He will ride his own horse, however. ”"That's that cow puncher from the coast country, that took first money in the calf roping, ai n't it?"
mdp.39015054272441He-"“ A mortgage? ” June interrupted in surprised alarm, “ You mean a mortgage on this ranch, our home? ” “ Yes, ” Scott replied.
mdp.39015054272441He-"“ A mortgage? ” June interrupted in surprised alarm, “ You mean a mortgage on this ranch, our home? ” “ Yes, ” Scott replied.
mdp.39015054272441How am I to get through the winter?"
mdp.39015054272441How are Mrs. Scott and the children? ” “ Just fine.
mdp.39015054272441How can you think that he does n't mean weli? ” “ I hope you'll excuse me, Miss June.
mdp.39015054272441How did that happen? ” June related in a few words just what had taken place.
mdp.39015054272441How did you find out? ” Wade then told him about the inquiry made by the cowboy, and of his conversation with Uncle Jack that morning.
mdp.39015054272441How did you learn? ” she asked.
mdp.39015054272441How have you been getting along?
mdp.39015054272441How have you been getting along? ” “ Oh, I've been doing all right, Cyrus.
mdp.39015054272441How long has Mr. Chandler known about this? ”"Oh, he's known about it for some time.
mdp.39015054272441How long has the sheriff been gone? ” “ Just about thirty minutes.
mdp.39015054272441I do n't know what to do. ”"How can he do that?
mdp.39015054272441I do n't want to be seen having any dealings with him; might not look so good. ”"When do you want me to go? ” Bromberg asked.
mdp.39015054272441I have n't been able to sleep for nights. ” “ That serious? ” Scott was deeply concerned.
mdp.39015054272441I personally inspected the brands on several of them. ”"How do you suppose they got there? ” Aunt Harriet asked curiously.
mdp.39015054272441I won- der why? ” June seemed puzzled.
mdp.39015054272441I'll make it reasonable, though. ” “ When can you get started? ” “ Any time you're ready."
mdp.39015054272441I'm glad to do anything I can. ” “ Wo n't you come into the house? ” June said.
mdp.39015054272441I'm going to eat Harriet out of house and home. ” “ Is n't he nice?
mdp.39015054272441If you want'em, you can have'em. ” “ How much do you charge for your horses?"
mdp.39015054272441Is he around here again? ” “ Yes.
mdp.39015054272441Is that right?"
mdp.39015054272441Is the sheriff in? ” he inquired.
mdp.39015054272441Jim? ” he called excitedly, when he had been connected with the company's office in Labesia.
mdp.39015054272441Know him? ” “ Yes, I know him.
mdp.39015054272441Martha Thompson. ” “ Did you marry Martha Thompson?
mdp.39015054272441Maybe the next time you're sent out on a job, you'll do it right. ” “ What do you mean, leave us in here?
mdp.39015054272441Now I'm seeing things. ” “ How are you, Martha?
mdp.39015054272441Now how soon can you have them ready?"
mdp.39015054272441Now what about your cattle? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441Or do you think Junë is disposing of them through him?"
mdp.39015054272441Or possibly June?"
mdp.39015054272441Perhaps some message that would disclose the activities of the last hours of her fa- ther's life?
mdp.39015054272441Say, how about getting some horses to ride?
mdp.39015054272441Say, you do n't happen to be no kin to that Tom Meredith that lost that ranch, do you, Miss? ” “ Yes, that was my father, ” June replied.
mdp.39015054272441See that? ” Bill took off his hat and stuck a finger through a hole in the crown.
mdp.39015054272441Shall we ride on and take a look at it? ” “ Yes, I suppose so,"June replied halfheartedly.
mdp.39015054272441So what can I gain by keeping it? ” She had about decided to dispose of it when Robertson, with his attorney, drove up to the ranch one afternoon.
mdp.39015054272441Sold for three cents a pound to Mr. Felix Hobson of Kansas. ” “ Do you think three cents will bring enough to clear my ranch, Randall?"
mdp.39015054272441Somebody has driven all those steers out of the three- mile pasture. ”"What's that? ” the rancher asked excitedly.
mdp.39015054272441Sounds like he's excited. ”"Hello, Tack? ” the rancher spoke into the mouthpiece.
mdp.39015054272441Tell me, how is June Meredith getting along since the death of her parents? ” the rancher inquired.
mdp.39015054272441That's the second letter you've got from her, ai n't it? ” “ Yes, but it's nothing like that, Pete.
mdp.39015054272441Then how is she ever to pay the land out if you do n't approve the sale of her cattle?
mdp.39015054272441Then you will have all the boys ready early Monday morning? ” “ Yes, Miss June,"Uncle Jack said.
mdp.39015054272441Then, since she had no other source of income, how was she to meet her obliga- tions at all?
mdp.39015054272441They said that so far as oil is concerned, we might as well for- get about that. ” “ What can we do? ” His wife looked at him inquiringly.
mdp.39015054272441Three cents once, three cents twice, all done?
mdp.39015054272441Un- less he had some other object in view. ” “ But you do n't think Bill had anything to do with it, do you, Uncle Jack?"
mdp.39015054272441Vamoose, you hombres. ” “ What do you mean, ordering these men away?"
mdp.39015054272441Was that some kind of a stunt? ”"No, Sam, ” Bill replied earnestly, “ I never stunt, and I most certainly would not on so serious an occasion.
mdp.39015054272441We did n't tell you we have a plane, did we? ”"No, you did n't. ” “ Come on, get on your horse.
mdp.39015054272441We're glad to do what we can to help. ” “ About how far would you call it to the river? ” she asked.
mdp.39015054272441What about the payments that would be due in late winter A Story of Texas Cattle and Oil 151 when her cattle would be in no condition for market?
mdp.39015054272441What about the rest of the notes that would follow in such rapid succession until the land at Avera was paid for?
mdp.39015054272441What are you going to do?"
mdp.39015054272441What brings you out so early? ” June asked curiously.
mdp.39015054272441What brings you out this way? ” “ You, Bill. ” “ Me? ” Bill took the sheriff's statement as a joke.
mdp.39015054272441What brings you out this way? ” “ You, Bill. ” “ Me? ” Bill took the sheriff's statement as a joke.
mdp.39015054272441What can I do for you gentlemen? ” the foreman drawled.
mdp.39015054272441What can I do for you this morning? ”"I'm Mr. Chandler.
mdp.39015054272441What did Chandler say to you?"
mdp.39015054272441What did Mr. Chandler say?"
mdp.39015054272441What did he do?"
mdp.39015054272441What did the envelope contain?
mdp.39015054272441What did you find out? ” he said in rapid- fire order.
mdp.39015054272441What did you say, Randall? ” “ I said that it looks like it has hung up on two and three- quarter cents, ” the broker repeated.
mdp.39015054272441What do I hear?"
mdp.39015054272441What do you mean? ” Chandler was curious.
mdp.39015054272441What do you want me to do about the problem this discovery has created? ”"I do n't know.
mdp.39015054272441What do you want, Jim?"
mdp.39015054272441What is it you want me to do? ”"It's this check, ” he said as he handed the Hobson check to the teller.
mdp.39015054272441What makes you think they did n't? ” he stammered.
mdp.39015054272441What was she to do?
mdp.39015054272441What were they doing at Avera?
mdp.39015054272441What would a check book from Labesia be doing in a box away down here, more than six hundred miles away?"
mdp.39015054272441What would happen to Chandler?
mdp.39015054272441What would he do when confronted with proof of his fraud?
mdp.39015054272441What would she do then?
mdp.39015054272441What'd you catch'em doing, skin- ning a cow? ”"No, not quite that bad.
mdp.39015054272441What'll you charge me? ” “ Oh, I do n't know.
mdp.39015054272441What's hap- pened?"
mdp.39015054272441What's happened, Mr. Chandler, that causes you to order us off so suddenly? ” Chandler repeated what he had told the sheriff a short time before.
mdp.39015054272441What's he doing down there? ” The lawyer seemed very much surprised.
mdp.39015054272441What's on your mind this morning? ” he inquired.
mdp.39015054272441What's the matter? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441What's the nature of your troubles? ” “ My ranch. ” “ Your ranch?
mdp.39015054272441What's the nature of your troubles? ” “ My ranch. ” “ Your ranch?
mdp.39015054272441What's the occasion this evening? ” the man asked.
mdp.39015054272441What's the trouble?"
mdp.39015054272441What's wrong?"
mdp.39015054272441When are you expecting to send your cattle in? ”"I expect to send the first ones in Saturday.
mdp.39015054272441When did you leave Avera? ” “ We left about ten o'clock yesterday morning; stopped over- night with a friend of Mr. Johnson's, about halfway here.
mdp.39015054272441When did you see Tom Meredith? ” 16 The Tin Box dollars per acre bonus alone will amount to almost twenty- five times what the ranch is costing you.
mdp.39015054272441When does the next train leave here for Labesia? ” she inquired anxiously.
mdp.39015054272441Where did they get a plane to come here?
mdp.39015054272441Where have you been keeping yourself?
mdp.39015054272441Where is she? ”"Down at the house, there by the old sorghum mill.
mdp.39015054272441Where's June?"
mdp.39015054272441Where? ” June asked excitedly.
mdp.39015054272441Where? ” he said loudly, as he jumped up.
mdp.39015054272441Who are they? ” “ Do n't know, ” Bill replied, somewhat puzzled, “ Never saw them before. ” “ But why were they after you?
mdp.39015054272441Who are they? ” “ Do n't know, ” Bill replied, somewhat puzzled, “ Never saw them before. ” “ But why were they after you?
mdp.39015054272441Who do you suppose did it? ”"I have no idea.
mdp.39015054272441Who is this Felix Hobson?"
mdp.39015054272441Who knows but that some day you'll have oil wells, and be just as secure as I am today? ” “ Mr.
mdp.39015054272441Who would you say is doing this stealing?
mdp.39015054272441Who'll give two and a quarter cents?"
mdp.39015054272441Who'll make it three and a quarter?
mdp.39015054272441Who'll make it two and a quarter?
mdp.39015054272441Who'll make it two?
mdp.39015054272441Why are you buying this land, with all the land you have up there?
mdp.39015054272441Why do n't you and Tom sell out the ranch and move to town, Mrs. Mere- dith?
mdp.39015054272441Why do you ask, June? ” “ Wade is coming by to lend me some money to pay Mr. Chandler.
mdp.39015054272441Why do you ask? ”"I was up at the house with Miss Meredith awhile ago, when he came to her and asked her about paying pasture fees.
mdp.39015054272441Why do you think that? ” The rancher seemed deeply concerned.
mdp.39015054272441Why should n't I be happy?
mdp.39015054272441Why should n't every- body be happy on a beautiful spring morning? ” he beamed.
mdp.39015054272441Why should they be so anxious to take our home without giving us an equal chance? ”"I ca n't understand it, ” her husband said.
mdp.39015054272441Why? ” he asked curiously.
mdp.39015054272441Will you do it? ” “ Anything I can.
mdp.39015054272441Will you show them to him? ” “ Why, yes, sure, ” Uncle Jack replied.
mdp.39015054272441Wo n't you have breakfast with us?
mdp.39015054272441Wo n't you sit down? ”"I'm trying to learn something of my father Tom Mere- dith's activities on the day of his death, ” June said.
mdp.39015054272441Would you favor me by taking an early morning jaunt with me? ” “ Yes, I'll be delighted.
mdp.39015054272441Would you repeat what you were saying? ” she apologized.
mdp.39015054272441Would you tell me some- thing about it?
mdp.39015054272441You can do that, ca n't you? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441You do n't mind if I call you Uncle Jack, do you?"
mdp.39015054272441You do n't think he had anything to do with it, do you? ” Meredith asked, seemingly much perturbed.
mdp.39015054272441You remember what I told you about my feelings towards Chandler, the other day, do n't you? ” w can he do that?
mdp.39015054272441You remember what I told you about my feelings towards Chandler, the other day, do n't you? ” w can he do that?
mdp.39015054272441You remember when those men were out here with those trucks last September?
mdp.39015054272441You say you have located them at Avera, Wade?"
mdp.39015054272441Your friend Miss Meredith came in on it. ”"You mean June?"
mdp.39015054272441with, have n't you?
mdp.39015054272441“ A check book? ” June was puzzled.
mdp.39015054272441“ All right then, Mr. Chandler, what is it you've got? ” she asked with a tinge of sarcasm.
mdp.39015054272441“ Am I right, boys? ” “ Sure, you're right, ” chorused the men.
mdp.39015054272441“ And I believe I'd prefer to walk- alone. ” “ What are you doing coming home alone, June? ” Mrs. Scott asked as June came up on the porch.
mdp.39015054272441“ And may I ask what brings you here? ” June asked curi- ously.
mdp.39015054272441“ And where was the gallant Mr. Chandler all this time? ” she asked in a tone of mockery.
mdp.39015054272441“ And you say this man Chandler took your place?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Are you Miss June Meredith? ” the official asked as the men raised their hats.
mdp.39015054272441“ Are you sure he's going to let you have the money?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Are you sure they're circle- bar cattle, Wade? ” June asked, greatly puzzled.
mdp.39015054272441“ Are you the Mr. Hobson that bought them circle- bar cattle at the stockyards more than a year ago?"
mdp.39015054272441“ At about what depth do you think oil might be found there? ” Chandler asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ At about what speed would you say they were driving when you passed them? ” the attorney asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Aunt Harriet, you'll be around near the house most of today, wo n't you? ” June asked as they were removing the breakfast dishes from the table.
mdp.39015054272441“ Brom- berg, I want you to go down to Avera right away and see about getting Stonelli and those other two bums out of jail. ” “ Stonelli?
mdp.39015054272441“ But what did he say?
mdp.39015054272441“ Could you wait on me until a little later, about the four- teenth, Mr. Chandler?
mdp.39015054272441“ Did he give you specific instructions for holding up Mr. Meredith? ” Stevens asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Did he set any time limit?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Did you see any more of them? ” the boss asked, when the men had closed the gate behind the steers.
mdp.39015054272441“ Did you see those cattle?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Do I have to give you my answer now, Wade? ” she asked after a moment's hesitation.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do n't you think that some of the other wells might be opened more easily? ” June suggested.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do n't you try to fight against it? ” “ Yes, very hard, ” he said thoughtfully.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you have anything on the yards this morning? ” the buyer asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you have proof of this charge? ” The officer was puz- zled.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you know him very well? ” the sheriff asked curiously.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you mean it? ” “ Yes, I do.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you mean that Robert Chandler who owns that big ranch and oil field at Labesia?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you mean that you are going to take my cattle that I borrowed money on all I have left, to feed? ” she asked, be- wildered.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you mean those cattle are being stolen off my ranch?
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you mean to leave them in jail? ” Bromberg asked when he and Chandler had reached the street.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you plan to have the car removed from the water and searched? ” Chandler was curiously interested.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you really think he will go through with it? ” Bill asked with deep concern.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you think he meant what he said about leaving us in here? ” one of the gunmen asked uneasily.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you think he would try to take her cattle if she failed to pay that pasture rent? ” Bill asked, deeply concerned.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you think that salesman will let those steers go for as little as four cents? ”"I think he'll take less than that, ” Scott replied.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you think we ought to tell Miss June? ” Jim Buckley suggested.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you think you'll get that back? ” Bromberg asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you want me to put down the wells? ” Robertson asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you want to break my arm? ” Chandler yelled in pain.
mdp.39015054272441“ Do you want to sell them? ” he said.
mdp.39015054272441“ Does he know the location of your three- mile pasture?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Get going where?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Happy?
mdp.39015054272441“ Has he the right to take them fed steers, Miss June? ” he was asking.
mdp.39015054272441“ Have you anyone you might send along to show me the way? ” “ Uncle Jack, my foreman, will go with you.
mdp.39015054272441“ Have you got the cash? ” Chandler looked up.
mdp.39015054272441“ Hello, Randall? ” It was the voice of Tom Meredith.
mdp.39015054272441“ Here's Bill- er, I mean Mr. Shearn. ” “ Why did n't you let it go like you first said it? ” Bill rep- rimanded her.
mdp.39015054272441“ How are you getting along with your oil field? ” “ Oh, just fine.
mdp.39015054272441“ How can I get to them?
mdp.39015054272441“ How did it happen? ” Stonelli explained in detail what had happened in the at- tempted assassination of Bill Shearn.
mdp.39015054272441“ How did you happen to get tied up like that?
mdp.39015054272441“ How do you do?
mdp.39015054272441“ How do you do? ” June smiled, as the men doffed their sombreros and bowed low.
mdp.39015054272441“ How many did you see? ” “ We counted twelve cows and calves, ” José Gonzales said.
mdp.39015054272441“ How much are you behind in your payments, June? ” he inquired.
mdp.39015054272441“ How much did he offer you?"
mdp.39015054272441“ How much do you want an acre for it, and how could I pay for it? ” June inquired.
mdp.39015054272441“ Huh? ” Uncle Jim said sleepily.
mdp.39015054272441“ I do n't know anyone from whom I might borrow enough money to release the mortgage on my cattle. ”"Have you tried Wade Lucas?"
mdp.39015054272441“ I like to work in a rodeo with good men. ” “ Going in this morning, June? ” Wade asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ I tell you what you do, Tom, ” Scott suggested, “ Where are you now? ”"I'm at the Wilson Pharmacy, ” the rancher said.
mdp.39015054272441“ Is n't this a beautiful morning? ” he said as he took a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape.
mdp.39015054272441“ Is that all they are offering? ” he asked in puzzled surprise.
mdp.39015054272441“ Is that so?
mdp.39015054272441“ Is there no plane out before that time? ”"No.
mdp.39015054272441“ Is this the Scott Commission Company?"
mdp.39015054272441“ It is a small world, is n't it?"
mdp.39015054272441“ June did that?"
mdp.39015054272441“ June ’s not here, is she? ” he asked knowingly.
mdp.39015054272441“ June, what did you tell that cattle buyer that just left here?
mdp.39015054272441“ Martha has already fixed for him to stay with us tonight. ” “ Well, Mr. Shearn, you'll have breakfast with us in the morning, wo n't you?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Martha, know who this is? ” Uncle Jack asked as his wife came out on the back porch.
mdp.39015054272441“ May I see your contract? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Miss Meredith! ” he called ex- citedly, “ Do n't you have a City National Bank at your home? ”"Why, yes.
mdp.39015054272441“ Miss Meredith, at Labesia? ” The foreman was puzzled.
mdp.39015054272441“ Now that you know the cattle are being stolen, what are you going to do about it? ” he asked concernedly.
mdp.39015054272441“ Offering to help you?
mdp.39015054272441“ Oh, I rent'em all day for three dollars apiece. ” “ Where can we see them? ” June asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Oh, they're celebrating June- er, Miss Meredith getting her ranch back. ”"Miss Meredith getting her ranch back? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Oill Oill Ca n't you understand?
mdp.39015054272441“ On what event?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Pretty place, ai n't it?
mdp.39015054272441“ Say, Jim,"he addressed the president, you've got a water- well drilling outfit, have n't you? ” “ Why, yes.
mdp.39015054272441“ Shall we be riding? ” he suggested.
mdp.39015054272441“ Shooting at Billl When?
mdp.39015054272441“ Some saddle horses?
mdp.39015054272441“ Startling in what way? ” Chandler asked curiously.
mdp.39015054272441“ Take Simmons?
mdp.39015054272441“ That was certainly a bad accident, was n't it?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Then why am I being discharged? ”.
mdp.39015054272441“ These horses are not wild, are they, mister?
mdp.39015054272441“ Uncle Jack has n't told you?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Wake up! ” Adams shook him violently, “ There's a truck driving into the pasture. ”"A truck?
mdp.39015054272441“ Well, June, ” he said without the customary greeting,"have you got my money?"
mdp.39015054272441“ What am I to do, Aunt Harriet?
mdp.39015054272441“ What are you doing there?
mdp.39015054272441“ What are you going to do, Tom?"
mdp.39015054272441“ What are you going to do?"
mdp.39015054272441“ What are you talking about, Mr. Chandler?
mdp.39015054272441“ What brings you down here? ” A Story of Texas Cattle and Oil 223"I shipped some cattle here a day or two ago.
mdp.39015054272441“ What brings you to town so early this morning? ”"Oh, just felt like taking an early morning ride, ” the rancher replied.
mdp.39015054272441“ What business did you have nos- ing around those wells?
mdp.39015054272441“ What can I do for you? ” he stammered.
mdp.39015054272441“ What can we do, Jack?"
mdp.39015054272441“ What do you mean, Mr. Chandler? ”"You know very well what I mean,"Chandler stormed angrily.
mdp.39015054272441“ What do you mean? ” Robertson asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ What do you want me to do with'em, ” Shorty asked,"brand'em? ” “ I do n't care what you do with them.
mdp.39015054272441“ What have you been offered? ”"I've been offered a bonus of ten dollars an acre.
mdp.39015054272441“ What have you found there, a fortune? ” June asked jok- ingly.
mdp.39015054272441“ What is the nature of the business, may I ask? ” Aunt Har- riet inquired.
mdp.39015054272441“ What is your name? ” Horace Stevens asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ What kind of a man is this fellow Chandler? ” Bill asked curiously.
mdp.39015054272441“ What kind of an outfit do you have here? ” Bill asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ What security did you give him? ” he asked uneasily.
mdp.39015054272441“ What's he doing there now? ” Sam Harris was excited.
mdp.39015054272441“ What's the hurry, Jim?
mdp.39015054272441“ What's the matter, June?
mdp.39015054272441“ What's the matter? ” June inquired anxiously.
mdp.39015054272441“ When can you get them together so we can get some kind of a line- up on them? ” he asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ When do you expect them to start operations?"
mdp.39015054272441“ When do you expect to get busy out there? ” Chandler inquired.
mdp.39015054272441“ Where are the ones you retained? ”"They're down below the pens in a small pasture."
mdp.39015054272441“ Where are the papers, the mortgage I signed? ” Meredith asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Where did you raise this money? ” “ Mr.
mdp.39015054272441“ Where is Mr. Chandler now? ” Mr. Ross inquired anx- iously.
mdp.39015054272441“ Where's Miss June? ” A Story of Texas Cattle and Oil 79"She's about here some place.
mdp.39015054272441“ Where's Mr. Chan- dler? ” “ I left him at the hotel. ” June then explained Chandler's actions a short time before.
mdp.39015054272441“ Who holds the lien on your ranch? ” “ Robert Chandler. ”"I see.
mdp.39015054272441“ Who told you that? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015054272441“ Who wanted to talk to you? ” “ Robert Chandler. ” “ What did he want? ” the prosecuting attorney asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Who wanted to talk to you? ” “ Robert Chandler. ” “ What did he want? ” the prosecuting attorney asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Why do n't you marry me, June, and forget about this whole thing?
mdp.39015054272441“ Why do n't you send the sheriff after him?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Why do you ask? ” Bill then went into a low, earnest conversation with Uncle Jack.
mdp.39015054272441“ Why, what's the matter, Mr. Chandler?
mdp.39015054272441“ Will Anthony Sto- nelli take the stand?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Will you sign an affidavit that what you've told me is true? ” the district attorney asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Wo n't you come in?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Wo n't you sit down? ” He smiled.
mdp.39015054272441“ Wonder what they're doing down here, and in our pas- ture?"
mdp.39015054272441“ Yeah?
mdp.39015054272441“ Yes, I am. ” “ May I offer my condolences, Miss Meredith? ” “ Thank you, Mr.
mdp.39015054272441“ Yes, what's the excitement? ” Robertson asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ Yes. ” A Story of Texas Cattle and Oil- 25 erer “ Is Mr. Meredith there? ” “ Yes, just a moment.
mdp.39015054272441“ Yes. ” “ Yet you foreclosed and took the place because June could find no proof of it? ” “ Yes.
mdp.39015054272441“ You did?
mdp.39015054272441“ You have a trailer here that you can load the horses into, have n't you? ” he in- quired.
mdp.39015054272441“ You have n't said or done anything to make Wade angry, have you, June? ” Aunt Harriet asked.
mdp.39015054272441“ You know, June- you do n't mind my calling you June, do you?
mdp.39015054272441“ You say you want to get off on the fifth for about ten days? ” the foreman asked when Bill had spoken to him.
mdp.39015054272441“ You want to locate a wildcat? ” “ Perhaps you do n't understand,"the man laughed.
mdp.39015054272441“ You've got what, Robert?"
mdp.39015054272441“ You-you mean Mr. Chandler? ” he stammered.
osu.32435001929710‘ What does n’t seem right, Jess? osu.32435001929710 '“ How old am I? ” Madam leaned forward, as iflistening, with her head on one side and her mouth pursed up. osu.32435001929710 '“ Is it, Garnet Dare? ” asked Jessie, sternly. osu.32435001929710 .285 llannah? osu.32435001929710 .“Oh, you have n’t found it? ” she cried, sharply, throwing herself back on the pillows. osu.32435001929710 145 you any idea where you lost it? osu.32435001929710 15 about full and I ’ve no outside pocket. ”( “ Have you an inside one with fifteen cents in it? ” asked Jessie, innocently.) osu.32435001929710 173 “ Where are you going Vera? ” asked J'essie about 4 o’clock that afternoon, as Vera came into the room and took her hat down from its nail. osu.32435001929710 193 “ Head- ache, dear? ” she asked. osu.32435001929710 247 “ May we come again to- morrow? ” askedjessie, as she clung to the hand that Mrs. osu.32435001929710 261 pretend to be so poor are just the ones that have the full pocket- book. ”'“ Do you think ‘ Grandpa ’ and ‘ Grandma ’ have any money? osu.32435001929710 5/16 came with Garnet; but what was Garnet there for? osu.32435001929710 77 “ ‘ Is there none Will tell the kingl love him tho ’ so late? osu.32435001929710 99 ladies be kind enough to read it aloud? osu.32435001929710 After fifteen minutes walk Mr. Richards said: “ Do you see that smoke curling up among those trees? ” Yes, they all saw it. osu.32435001929710 All that night ’s and the next day ’s watching? osu.32435001929710 Aloud she asks, suddenly, “ Can you mesmerize, professor? osu.32435001929710 And Garnet? osu.32435001929710 And no wonder that she did. ” “ Why? osu.32435001929710 Are n’t one class just as good as another? osu.32435001929710 As Garnet took out her pocket- book to pay him, the clerk asked with a smile: “ Are you cashier? ” ‘_ ‘ Yes, ” answered Garnet. osu.32435001929710 As I was saying, children — you do n’t mind my calling you children, do you? ”( “ No, no; certainly not, ” murmured the girls.) osu.32435001929710 Beneath — did the profes- sor see what there was? osu.32435001929710 But do you think it is well for you to feel so intensely, what is, after all, only imagination? ” Vera looked serious. osu.32435001929710 But it more than blows; eh, Er? osu.32435001929710 But what was he there for? osu.32435001929710 But wo n’t some nougats be almost as good to- night? osu.32435001929710 By the way, Mr. Richards, that makes me think of a little ditty of Tennyson ’s, in which he proves traitor to his sex. ” “ What is it? osu.32435001929710 Ca n’t we come again and hear the rest ofit? osu.32435001929710 Can we draw on the ‘ bank ’ for eight cents? ” “ I guess so, ” whispered back Garnet, with a smile. osu.32435001929710 Can you guess what it is? ” Vera ’s red lips parted in a smile, showing her lovely white teeth.' osu.32435001929710 Could he ask me if my heart felt tender toward the One who had sent this misery upon me? osu.32435001929710 Could that man tell me what sorrow was? osu.32435001929710 Did n’t you ever hear of a wife- murderer? osu.32435001929710 Did you have a good supper? osu.32435001929710 Did you say he was'out on the piazza? osu.32435001929710 Do n't you feel her arms aroundyou? osu.32435001929710 Do n’t you hate me for it? osu.32435001929710 Do n’t you know where you are? osu.32435001929710 Do n’t you want to try it? ” “ Yes I do. ” The professor comes forward, very obligingly. osu.32435001929710 Do you know who he is? osu.32435001929710 Do you really believe that anyone on this earth can see into the future? ” “ I do not say that. osu.32435001929710 Do you remember of hearing the bell ring, while Madam was talking to you? osu.32435001929710 Do you remember where you had it last? ”Oh, Allie, you tell them, ” said Jessie, with a sob between every word.
osu.32435001929710Do you suppose my scalp'is made of sheet- iron?
osu.32435001929710Do you think I would?
osu.32435001929710Do you think we had better? ” “ No; we would n’t enjoy it very much.
osu.32435001929710Do you think you can accommodate us?
osu.32435001929710Does any one else want to come? ”'“ Let ’s all go, ” cried Jessie.
osu.32435001929710Does n’t that sound dignified enough to come from the lips of my senior over there?
osu.32435001929710Does she know? ’ ‘ Yes; I stopped there on my way home. ’ ‘ And how did she take it? ’ Father shook his head.
osu.32435001929710Does she know? ’ ‘ Yes; I stopped there on my way home. ’ ‘ And how did she take it? ’ Father shook his head.
osu.32435001929710Fortunate, eh? ” And Vera replied with a little squeeze of the hand.
osu.32435001929710Fred Travers?
osu.32435001929710Fred commenced to sing in a low voice: “ It stopped — short — never to go again, And the old man died. ” “ What was the matter, Jess?
osu.32435001929710Garnet was indignant at being called romantic( what really romantic person is not?)
osu.32435001929710Give me some more, Net. ” “ Are you intending to make any more toasts, Vera? ” asked Garnet, gravely.
osu.32435001929710Has my heart never been changed?
osu.32435001929710Have some, Garnet?
osu.32435001929710Have some, ladies? ” Our girls ’ thought they would.
osu.32435001929710Have we not heard the bridegroom is so sweet?
osu.32435001929710Have you been sick, or what, that you are just showing yourselves? ” “ We are sorry if we have disappointed you, ” said Fred, wickedly.
osu.32435001929710Have you changed your mind about going to the theatre?
osu.32435001929710Have you heard from Vera?
osu.32435001929710He is one with'whom we can safely trust our little girl, for WW m~ m mum m1? ‘__ 376 four( Birls at Gottage Gitt).
osu.32435001929710He was the ‘ preacher. ’ Did he look as I had pictured him?
osu.32435001929710Hey, Allie? ” Vera laughed outright.
osu.32435001929710Hey? ”_ “ Stop your nonsense, Jessie, and let me talk, ” said Garnet.
osu.32435001929710Hood this after- noon. ” “ Did you? ”.
osu.32435001929710Hood? ” I90 jfour( Birls at Gottage Gitv.
osu.32435001929710How could her life be happy?
osu.32435001929710How did he know?
osu.32435001929710How did you find it out?"
osu.32435001929710How is that?
osu.32435001929710How is that? ” she asked, with a con- ceited little toss of her head.
osu.32435001929710How long since had Er turned preacher?
osu.32435001929710How much do we generally have left over, young lady?
osu.32435001929710I guess we are all right for the cocoa. ” “.Is he a large, smooth- faced man, with a ‘ Uriah Heep- like ’ face? ” asked Erfort.
osu.32435001929710I had my fortune told last summer. ” “ Who told it? ” asked Vera.
osu.32435001929710I have fully made up my mind to go, and I ’ll go if I have to go alone; but I wish you would go with me; will you?
osu.32435001929710I knew you would; what made you so late?
osu.32435001929710I love to think ofits being so. ” “ When do you think it is too late to repent? ” asked Vera.
osu.32435001929710I wonder how it is?
osu.32435001929710I65. “ What did she tell you, Net? ” Garnet looked before her with dreamy eyes.
osu.32435001929710IIs “ Are we going to have any breakfast this morn- ing? ” asked Garnet, calmly.
osu.32435001929710If it is right for people of one denomination to go, why is n’t it right for those of another? ” Vera seemed to appeal to Mr. Richards.
osu.32435001929710Is it possible that'I have been all along mistaken?
osu.32435001929710Is it really you?
osu.32435001929710Is it strange that a young girl like Priscilla would prefer a handsome young man like John Alden to a rough old fellow like Miles Stan- dish?
osu.32435001929710Is n’t he perfectly splendid?
osu.32435001929710Is n’t that sinful and selfish and everything else that is bad?
osu.32435001929710Is n’t that the idea, Vera? ” ’ “ I suppose so, ” answered Vera, thoughtfully.
osu.32435001929710Is she as mad as that?
osu.32435001929710Is she frightened?
osu.32435001929710Is that cheese over there? ” she asked, suddenly.
osu.32435001929710Is this it?
osu.32435001929710It ca n’t be, for where is the justice in it? ”'Vera could not tell her; she'did n’t know herself.
osu.32435001929710It was rather sudden, was n’t it, not_to say — sly?
osu.32435001929710It was you, was n’t it? ” The girls thought for a moment.
osu.32435001929710It will take somebody a little bigger than that white- headed lunk to hurt me. ’ My vocabulary of loving(?)
osu.32435001929710It would not be a bad idea to suggest a telephone to them, would it? ” “ Do n’t be disrespectful to old age, Fred, ” said Garnet, reprovingly.
osu.32435001929710Iwonder, ” she added gravely, “ if she really means to give us to understand that this room is at our command?
osu.32435001929710Jess, will you let me try to mesmerize you? ” “ Oh, dear!
osu.32435001929710Jessie spoiled the effect by saying, reproach- fully: “ Oh, why did n’t you do it before?
osu.32435001929710Jessie was all hot resentment, but she was seeking for light, poor child l> “ What do you t/ zink, Vera?
osu.32435001929710Let me go for only one moment? ’ He stooped down and raised me with infinite tenderness.
osu.32435001929710Let me see — what was it?
osu.32435001929710Let us learn from the actor how to read and how to infuse life into our service. ’ ”'1?
osu.32435001929710Matters of busi- ness; or relating to health?
osu.32435001929710Mother, do you hear? ’ Then her arms dropped and all was still.
osu.32435001929710Nobody can say anything to you but what you get mad. ” “ Have I expressed my displeasure at anything? ” asked Garnet, haughtily.
osu.32435001929710Now I ’ll make the cocoa. ” “ What are we going to have to top off with? ” asked Jessie.
osu.32435001929710Now, what made me?
osu.32435001929710Ready, Allie?
osu.32435001929710Run; quick! ” “ Nor wash dishes, either? ” “ No. ” “ Nor wipe? ” “ No, no, no!
osu.32435001929710Run; quick! ” “ Nor wash dishes, either? ” “ No. ” “ Nor wipe? ” “ No, no, no!
osu.32435001929710Shall I?"
osu.32435001929710Strange to say, it was the first time, they had been there that day, and Jessie greeted them with: “ Well, what ’s going to happen?
osu.32435001929710That bell is for morning prayers; do n’t you remember, Jess? ” “ Yes!
osu.32435001929710That must be a pretty piece; but do you know ‘ Nearer My God to Thee?
osu.32435001929710That poor man will one day see the Father, but he must first rid himself of the gold. ’ ‘ But how can he do that?
osu.32435001929710The woman ’s sex excuses her to an extent, but what is more despicable than a cowardly man — especially if he is a big one?
osu.32435001929710Then came silence, and then she heard his voice ” — “ ‘ Liest thou here so low, the child of one I honored?
osu.32435001929710There is only one fault I can find with him. ” “ What is that?
osu.32435001929710There were as many as two hundred in bathing, this morning, was n’t there Al?
osu.32435001929710This article here says: ‘ If vacant seats are so plenty in the church, whose fault is it?
osu.32435001929710Too late, too late?
osu.32435001929710Vera and Allie followed the rolling eyes with their own, and unsuspicious Jessie blurted out: ‘ ‘ What of it?
osu.32435001929710Vera said, impulsively: “ Wo n’t you tell us about it, Mr. Richards? ” “ There is n’t very much to tell.
osu.32435001929710Was it any wonder?
osu.32435001929710Was she one of these religious girls?
osu.32435001929710Was there nothing more?
osu.32435001929710Wa’n’t it you?
osu.32435001929710We hear Garnet whisper to Allie: “ The poor child is frightened half out of her wits. ” Is n’t the speech characteristic?
osu.32435001929710We were all too horri- fied to say a word for some little time, and then mother asked: ‘ Have you been to mother ’s, War- ren?
osu.32435001929710Were you really so carried away that you did n’t hear it?
osu.32435001929710What could that man tell me of sorrow, with my three dear dead ones lying up stairs?
osu.32435001929710What crime had I ever committed that my life should be one long pain — one long struggle for mere existence?
osu.32435001929710What deep sorrow had come into her life?
osu.32435001929710What do you mean? ” “ Have you forgotten so soon?
osu.32435001929710What do you mean? ” “ Have you forgotten so soon?
osu.32435001929710What do you say, Net? ” No need for Net to say anything.
osu.32435001929710What do you say?
osu.32435001929710What do you think? ” 214 your Girls at Gottage Gitt.
osu.32435001929710What is it?
osu.32435001929710What made her guess at the desire that was in the girl ’s heart, and that she longed to express but did not dare?
osu.32435001929710What use is there in my telling it all over?
osu.32435001929710What was it the professor said, Net?
osu.32435001929710What was it to him?
osu.32435001929710What was it?
osu.32435001929710What was size there for?
osu.32435001929710What would you like?
osu.32435001929710Whatever made you think of going there? ” 174 four Girls at GottagésGity.
osu.32435001929710Where be my rubber boots?
osu.32435001929710Where did you come from?
osu.32435001929710Where does she live?
osu.32435001929710Where is all its brilliant color?
osu.32435001929710Who is coming to- morrow?
osu.32435001929710Who is it? ” 198 four( Birls at Gottage Gtty.
osu.32435001929710Who is she?
osu.32435001929710Whose was that pale, radiant face?
osu.32435001929710Why did not the change come to me as it did to him?
osu.32435001929710Why do n’t you go out and get a breath of fresh air?
osu.32435001929710Why not try some, just for a change?
osu.32435001929710Why was it?
osu.32435001929710Will you ask? ” “ Yes, ” Vera answered, rather reluctantly.
osu.32435001929710Will you be displeased with me if I ask you not to come in?
osu.32435001929710Will you go down to the Tower afterwards and watch the bathers? ” “ Yes, I believe it is your turn to treat on soda to day, is n’t it?
osu.32435001929710Will you go down to the Tower afterwards and watch the bathers? ” “ Yes, I believe it is your turn to treat on soda to day, is n’t it?
osu.32435001929710Will you join us? ” said Vera.
osu.32435001929710Will you let me make you acquainted with my friends? ” “ Certainly, ” answered Mrs.
osu.32435001929710Will you please excuse me ifI omit the congrat- ulations and the supper, and the talking and laugh- ing, and everything else?
osu.32435001929710Wo n’t you, Allie?
osu.32435001929710Would n’t that pin look lovely in my hair?
osu.32435001929710Would you just as lief sing one of them now? ” Oh, yes; they would sing them both.
osu.32435001929710Would you like to hear it? ” “ Oh, if you would, Mrs. Hood, ” said Jessie; and Vera said: “ Yes, please, if you are willing. ” Mrs.
osu.32435001929710Would you want two single ones or one large one? ” “ We would prefer one large one, if you have it, ” replied Vera.
osu.32435001929710You and Al clear up the room and Net and I will get the breakfast. ” “ What are you going to give us? ” asked Jessie, anxiously.
osu.32435001929710You do not know what it is to have the Saviour for your friend?
osu.32435001929710You have never given your hearts to him? ” Both girls shook their heads.
osu.32435001929710You see it says: ‘ Can I go to the theatre? ’ the Christian asks.
osu.32435001929710_ “ By the way, ” said Fred, rather loudly, “ what has become of Uriah Heep?
osu.32435001929710for you know Lena Rivers, Er?
osu.32435001929710have everything needful. ” “ Will you have another quilt?
osu.32435001929710it wo n’t stay where it belongs, ” and, “ will you please tell me if you think my flowers are pinned too high up on the shoulder?
osu.32435001929710only three years old. ”( So Vera is married then?
osu.32435001929710with a smiling “ You are too kind, Mr. Richards. ” “ Miss Earle, ” said Fred, “ would n’t you like to try a waltz with me?
osu.32435001929710~ “ I suppose you will take in most of the band concerts, wo n’t you? ” asked Fred, as they rose to go.
osu.32435001929710‘ And what has he on his back?
osu.32435001929710‘ And- — how — can — she — tell? ’ I asked, between my sobs.
osu.32435001929710‘ Do n’t you know me, Debbie?
osu.32435001929710‘ Oh, Charley, did he hurt you?
osu.32435001929710‘ Shall I send some one to help you? ’ ‘ No, thank you.
osu.32435001929710‘ She will see papa, wo n’t she mamma? ’ ‘ She has seen him, darling; she said so. ’ The child never questioned.
osu.32435001929710‘ Was he not a sincere christian? ’ I asked.
osu.32435001929710‘ What had my innocent little brother ever done to be punished in this way?
osu.32435001929710‘ Why had He done it? ’ I used to ask, with passionate pain and anger.
osu.32435001929710‘ You promise me, my child? ’ ‘ Yes, Father. ’ ‘ And you will do this — for what?
osu.32435001929710‘ You promise me, my child? ’ ‘ Yes, Father. ’ ‘ And you will do this — for what?
osu.32435001929710‘ You see what is lying here?
osu.32435001929710‘ ‘ What word? ” Knowing all the.
osu.32435001929710’ and ‘ Jesus, Lover of My Soul?
osu.32435001929710’ he asked, putting his little arm about me, and despite a black eye and a rapid- ly swelling lip, I replied, carelessly: ‘ Hurt me?
osu.32435001929710“ A laundress?
osu.32435001929710“ A tea- party? ” “ The next thing to it, ” answered Vera, taking the books, etc., from the table.
osu.32435001929710“ An ’ did the innocent think I did n’t know? ” cried Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ And the young men? ” said Vera, slyly.
osu.32435001929710“ And you, ” he added, turning to Vera, “ are the teller?
osu.32435001929710“ Are n’t we going to have any fun to- night, girls?
osu.32435001929710“ Are n’t we going to morning services? ” asked Allie, timidly.
osu.32435001929710“ Are we all ready? ” asked Allie.
osu.32435001929710“ Are you going to tell Professor Wild of your plan? ” asked Erfort.
osu.32435001929710“ Are you thinking of the sermon? ” “ There was but one sermon'for me this morn- ing, ” replied Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ Are you, really? ” she asked slowly.
osu.32435001929710“ Are’you in search of rooms, young ladies? ” he asked, and his voice was very quavering.
osu.32435001929710“ Been getting mesmerized? ’’ he asks, ele- gantly.
osu.32435001929710“ But I would think it mighty wicked ifI could n’t go. ” “ Jessie, will you please stop using that word? ” asked Garnet."
osu.32435001929710“ But do you really believe she will tell you any- thing worth listening to, Net?
osu.32435001929710“ But it ’s my belief he would'falter at nothing. ” “ Not even murder, hey? ” said Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ But where ’s your fortune, Fred?
osu.32435001929710“ But you will see differently when you get older. ” Now, was n’t that provoking?
osu.32435001929710“ Ca n’t you imagine them hopping around here?
osu.32435001929710“ Ca n’t you play at all? ” she asked.
osu.32435001929710“ Can I help you, ‘ Grandma? ’"Poor “ Mother ” turned at the sound of the sweet, young voice, and her dim eyes brightened.
osu.32435001929710“ Certainly I will care to, for she has the loveliest face I ever saw. ” “ How in the deuce did you find out about her, Er?
osu.32435001929710“ Cocoa? ” asked Fred, gaily, springing to his feet and assisting her.
osu.32435001929710“ Come back to bed and run the risk of losing our train?
osu.32435001929710“ Did it ring? ” she asked.
osu.32435001929710“ Did n’t you have it told? ” “ Yes, ” replied Fred, with his hand on the knob to open the door.
osu.32435001929710“ Did you wish to consult with me? ” “ Yes, ma’am. ” ’ Both girls replied, but their voices together would not have made one good one.
osu.32435001929710“ Do let me arrange it for you, will you, Jess? ” “ With the greatest of pleasure, ” said Jessie, with alacrity, sitting down on her trunk.
osu.32435001929710“ Do n’t you be so sure of that, Miss Dare. ” “ Jess and I are going to keep ‘ old maids ” hall, are n’t we, Jess? ” said Allie.
osu.32435001929710“ Do n’t you think it is a little chilly out here?
osu.32435001929710“ Do n’t you think that in nine cases out of ten you will find they go together? ” “ Yes, I do, ” said Vera, decidedly.
osu.32435001929710“ Do n’t you want me to go with you? ” Strange to say, Vera hesitated.
osu.32435001929710“ Do n’t you want me, Vera? ” she asked, child- ishly.
osu.32435001929710“ Do n’t you wish it were you, Allie, who was going to be the centre of attraction to- night?
osu.32435001929710“ Do you know what they ask? ” “ I ’m not quite sure, but I think only thirty-five cents.
osu.32435001929710“ Do you think the other girls will venture out? ” As if in answer to her question, the door- bell rang.
osu.32435001929710“ Does it seem such an impossible thing — finding a sermon in a face? ” asked Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ Does n’t anyone go to the church but shouting Methodists?
osu.32435001929710“ Does n’t that advocate theatre- going?
osu.32435001929710“ Excuse me, Miss, but do you play on the organ? ” “ Yes, ma’am, ” answered Vera, with a prompt- ness born of surprise.
osu.32435001929710“ Excuse me, please, but is there anything more that you want?
osu.32435001929710“ Excuse me; shall we go — go up? ” she asked.
osu.32435001929710“ Giving yourself away, Freddie, my son? ” said Erfort, gravely.
osu.32435001929710“ Got a ‘ shothecary pop ’ in there? ” asked Jessie, bending over and peering in.'
osu.32435001929710“ Got stuck? ” Something that sounded like “ Ga, ga, gla, ’ was the answer.
osu.32435001929710“ Guess who it was? ” Garnet stood perfectly still.'
osu.32435001929710“ Had n’t you better rest awhile Jessie? ” asked Garnet, just then.
osu.32435001929710“ Have n’t you two lazy girls got the beds made yet?
osu.32435001929710“ Have you any more questions to ask, Squaw? ” Madam was meekness personified, and her tones were timid.
osu.32435001929710“ Have you any to dispose of?
osu.32435001929710“ He is your cousin, is n’t he? ” There is a slight slur on the last words.
osu.32435001929710“ He makes his women too weak. ” “ Physically, intellectually, or morally? ” “ Oh, morally.
osu.32435001929710“ He ’ll have to step over your dead body to get it; wo n’t he, Vera? ” giggled Jessie, and Garnet frowned at her for her indiscretion.
osu.32435001929710“ Her name is Hood—- Charlotte Hood — and she is a widow. ”'‘ Any children? ” asked Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ How can it?
osu.32435001929710“ How could you?
osu.32435001929710“ How long do you intend to stay at the city? ” asked Fred.
osu.32435001929710“ How many would you have? ” “ I do n't mean the sermon the minister preached."
osu.32435001929710“ How old are you anyway, Vera? ” “ Five years older than you, Miss, ” answered Vera, calmly.
osu.32435001929710“ How was it you asked if Net and Allie might come, Jess? ” asked Vera, as they walked swiftly towards home.
osu.32435001929710“ I choose the biggest cup. ”'“ Where shall I set it? ” asked Garnet, standing still in her white night dress, and looking around.
osu.32435001929710“ I do n’t mean to be cruel and spoil your supper, but — its a man. ” “ Wkat ’s a man? ” asked Jessie, with charming directness.
osu.32435001929710“ I want to surprise Prof. Ban- croft when I begin lessons again in the fall. ” “ What time were our young men going to call? ” asked Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ I want to tell you it all. ”_ “ When will it be most convenient for you to have us come?
osu.32435001929710“ I was reading only this afternoon an article in here — let me see — who was it by?
osu.32435001929710“ I ’m not going anywhere I do n’t want to go, am I? ” “ It seems not, ” replied Garnet, still holding her ’ temper under control.
osu.32435001929710“ Is it crawling up from the foot, Al? ” she asked, concernedly.
osu.32435001929710“ Is n’t that a little strong?
osu.32435001929710“ It was n’t, was it, Vera? ” 166 jfour( Btrls at Gottage( IttQ.
osu.32435001929710“ It's too 66d of you, Garnet. ” “\Vhat ’s that? ” giggled Jessie, lifting her head from her pillow.
osu.32435001929710“ Jessie, ” said Vera, where was it you and your mother stayed the time you came here three or four years ago? ”'“ Sure enough!
osu.32435001929710“ Just a drop more? ” she pleaded.
osu.32435001929710“ Just wait until I finish, will you? ” said Jessie, breathlessly.
osu.32435001929710“ Let ’s try it to- night, will you, Al? ” “ With pleasure, ” replied Allie.
osu.32435001929710“ Lost your watch, Jess?
osu.32435001929710“ May I come and talk, too? ” asked Garnet.
osu.32435001929710“ Me and Mr. Atherton have morning prayers, ” went on “ Mother. ” “ Wo nt you join us?
osu.32435001929710“ My feet are wet. ” “ He looked like a nice old gentleman, did n’t he? ” observed Allie.
osu.32435001929710“ My sermon, Mr. Richards?
osu.32435001929710“ No clothes- press, but — can you complain? ” and she pointed to the hooks and nails that were driven into the beams and walls.
osu.32435001929710“ No peculiar sensation there, is there, Freddie? ”'Fred had turned in surprise, but at Erfort ’s ques- tion he broke into a merry laugh.
osu.32435001929710“ Not yet, but there is going to be. ” “ An ’ phwere did yez get the news, Vera? ” asked Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, Er, are n’t you glad you are living? ” “ We are to have a new lodger, to- morrow, boys, ” said Vera, putting the cups on the table.
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, Jasmine; what do you know about men? ” asked Vera, with a laugh.
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, Mr. Travers, do you read Dickens?
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, Vera, it does n’t seem right, does it? ” Vera looked very grave.
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, Vera, you look for all the world like a bride yourself. ” “ And why should n’t I?
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, dear, dear, dear, where was it?
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, do n’t you want to go out either, Allie? ” asked Vera, rather anxiously."
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, do you?
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, is it you, dear?
osu.32435001929710“ Oh, will you?
osu.32435001929710“ Oh,.something to drink will be better; I feel burning up. ” “ Some phosa?
osu.32435001929710“ On anything in particular?
osu.32435001929710“ On what street do you live? ” “ Tremont street. ” “ How many in your family? ” 332 Jfour Girls at Gottage Gity.
osu.32435001929710“ On what street do you live? ” “ Tremont street. ” “ How many in your family? ” 332 Jfour Girls at Gottage Gity.
osu.32435001929710“ Our aged friends are rather swift, are they not?
osu.32435001929710“ Pleasant news? ” she repeated, smiling.
osu.32435001929710“ Ready, Vera? ” asked Garnet.
osu.32435001929710“ Shall I go in for chairs? ” asked Garnet.
osu.32435001929710“ Shall I pull you out?
osu.32435001929710“ Shall I sit or stand? ” he asks.
osu.32435001929710“ Shall we go in? ” she asked.
osu.32435001929710“ She is none the less a lady for all that, is she? ” she asked, softly.
osu.32435001929710“ Suppose we begin on the beds? ” “ All right.
osu.32435001929710“ The power they possess is really remarkable. ” “ Did you ever go to one? ” Vera asked.
osu.32435001929710“ To Mrs. H0od ’s?
osu.32435001929710“ Vera Earle not come?
osu.32435001929710“ Was it Trinity Park? ” asked'Allie, absently.
osu.32435001929710“ We went for a little walk and came through the park on our way home. ” “ The park opposite? ” asked Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ We will sing to them now if they would like to have us, wo n’t we? ” “ Certainly, ” they answered.
osu.32435001929710“ Well, I must say, Jessie, you are behaving very childishly. ” “ Well, why? ” flashed out Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ Well, and why did n’t you keep them? ” asked Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ Well, if you will, I ’ll be much obliged to you, ” said “ Mother. ” “ Is there anything else you ’d like? ” asked Vera.'
osu.32435001929710“ Well, what do you think of that? ” asked Fred.
osu.32435001929710“ Well, will you please play softly while lam talking to this young lady?
osu.32435001929710“ What am I? ” asked Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ What are you laughing at?
osu.32435001929710“ What are you looking so solemn about, Miss Hunt?
osu.32435001929710“ What are you so solemn about? ” “ I am not solemn, ” replied Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ What did he give?
osu.32435001929710“ What do you call yourself, Granny? ” “ I am three years your senior, ” replied Garnet, calmly.
osu.32435001929710“ What do'you mean by your prolongation of the vowel O, Vera Katherine Earle?
osu.32435001929710“ What ever induced you to go there this afternoon?
osu.32435001929710“ What have we got for supper?
osu.32435001929710“ What is that now?
osu.32435001929710“ What is that? ” asked Garnet innocently.
osu.32435001929710“ What is the distinction between phrenology and physiognomy? ” asked Garnet, who knew, but wanted.
osu.32435001929710“ What is the impression received? ” “ Not particularly favorable. ” “ Good!
osu.32435001929710“ What is the subject of discussion this afternoon? ” “ We have just had a glimpse of our new lodger, ” said Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ What is your Hotel? ”.
osu.32435001929710“ What is your name?
osu.32435001929710“ What is your question?
osu.32435001929710“ What shall mamma sing, dear? ” “ The pretty one, please. ” “ ‘ Nearer, my God to Thee, Nearer to Thee.
osu.32435001929710“ What shall we bring you back that is good, Jasmine? ” asked Vera.'
osu.32435001929710“ What shall we do?, ” “ Oh, we ’ll find it.
osu.32435001929710“ What time is it? ” asked Allie.
osu.32435001929710“ What ’s the matter, Jasmine?
osu.32435001929710“ What ’s the matter? ” asked Erfort.
osu.32435001929710“ Whatever made you think of it? ” “ I happened to look up ’ and see the name, ” nodding her head towards a sign- post.
osu.32435001929710“ Where did you go?
osu.32435001929710“ Where did you find it? ” both asked at once.
osu.32435001929710“ Where ’s the ‘ bank ’? ” asked Jessie, rather loudly.
osu.32435001929710“ Which character did you like best? ” asked Allie.
osu.32435001929710“ Which of his books do you like the best, Mr. Richards?
osu.32435001929710“ Which would you rather do, Al and Jess, ” said Garnet, as they rose from the table, “ wash the dishes or make the beds?
osu.32435001929710“ Who do you think is his noblest character, Miss Dare? ” asked Erfort.
osu.32435001929710“ Who is she? ” “ She is a laundress. ” If he had said: “ She is a murderess, ” the effect would have been scarcely more startling.
osu.32435001929710“ Who now?
osu.32435001929710“ Who wants to go with me? ” “ Not I, thank you, ” said Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ Who ’s going to get breakfast this morning? ” asked Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ Who ’s going to get breakfast this morning? ” repeated Garnet.
osu.32435001929710“ Why did n’t you tell us?
osu.32435001929710“ Why do n’t the crowd wake up then?
osu.32435001929710“ Why do you ask? ” “ Oh, I thought you looked as though you did, ’ was the rather alarming answer.
osu.32435001929710“ Why do you think ‘ Jonas ’ his worst charac- ter?
osu.32435001929710“ Why, Jessie, what a question l Of course he is. ” “ Then why does He provide better for the'dog than for the child? ” Vera was mute.
osu.32435001929710“ Will it be possible for us to become acquainted with her? ” she asked, turning to Erfort.
osu.32435001929710“ Will they come in here? ” she asked, in an agitated whisper.
osu.32435001929710“ Will you come in?
osu.32435001929710“ Will you pass me my cap, dear, and is my’hair smooth in the back?
osu.32435001929710“ Will you try to mesmerize me?
osu.32435001929710“ With whom do I live? ” was her next question, and immediately after asking it she fixed her eyes on space and her mind ditto.
osu.32435001929710“ Wo nt some one get up and open the blind- door, so that the electric light will shine in? ” asked Allie.
osu.32435001929710“ Wo nt you come in, Mr. Richards? ” and she placed a chair for him as she spoke.
osu.32435001929710“ Wo n’t you come in? ” asked Vera, as they reached the cottage.
osu.32435001929710“ Wo n’t you do it again? ” “ Never l ” “ Then I forgive you t/ z's time. ” So they parted friends.
osu.32435001929710“ Wonder if they heard us warbling? ” said Jessie.
osu.32435001929710“ Would n’t you like to go down to the beach and watch the bathers? ” asked Erfort, as they turned to leave.
osu.32435001929710“ Would you be guilty, my sedate cousin? ” he asked, with mock solemnity.
osu.32435001929710“ Would you like for me to tell you what you ought to be, if you are not? ” “ If you please. ” “ A school teacher. ” Vera started.
osu.32435001929710“ Yes;'would you like some? ” “ Well, now I would.
osu.32435001929710“ Yes? ” “ Well, ” repeated Vera.
osu.32435001929710“ You are not in love with the reverend, are you Net? ” “ I am not very far from it, ” replied Garnet.
osu.32435001929710“ You have, really, Mr. Richards, and so early?
osu.32435001929710“ You like it, do n’t you? ” “ Oh, yes, dear; very much.
osu.32435001929710“ You object to the bathing? ” asked Erfort, quietly.
osu.32435001929710“ You remember what Fred said to- night about that clairvoyant who has rooms on the avenue? ” Garnet ’s whisper was tremulous with excitement.
osu.32435001929710“ You ’ll come with me, wo n’t you, Allie?
osu.32435001929710“ You ’ll have to draw on the bank soon, win’t you Jess?
osu.32435001929710“ llh; is that so?
osu.32435001929710“ l’ve- al- most- got- it. ” “ You ’ve gotten it pretty bad, have n’t you? ” asked Vera, laughing.
osu.32435001929710“ ‘ Little Dorrit. ’ ” ‘ And his worst?
osu.32435001929710“ ‘ Many hands make light work. ’ Suppose you help?
osu.32435001929710“\Vhat have you down on the bill of fare for to- day ’s breakfast, Net? ” asked Vera.
osu.32435001929710” “ C- c- lerk. ” “\Vhat kind of a clerk?
osu.32435001929710” “ Martin Chuzzlewit. ” “ Oh, do you?
osu.32435001929710” “ Oh, did she have on a lovely white lace dress and a hat just one bed of pansies? ” interrupted Jessie, turning around with an animated face.
osu.32435001929710” “ What are you looking so sober about, Vera?
osu.32435001929710” “ What s/ mll I call them? ” asked Jessie, not a bit abashed.
osu.32435001929710” “ Yes. ” “ Who is it? ” But before Fred can answer, Erfort steps quickly forward and takes hold of the moving hand.
mdp.39015042099351... but what the hell can they do? ” “ They can send federal troops down if they wanta. ” “ They ai n't a- gonta do that?
mdp.39015042099351... but what the hell can they do? ” “ They can send federal troops down if they wanta. ” “ They ai n't a- gonta do that?
mdp.39015042099351Could I ask your name? ” Ned inquired. mdp.39015042099351 Have a good time? ” “ Grand.
mdp.39015042099351He's too exalted? ” “ Yes. ” There were other placards. mdp.39015042099351 Hello, Joe. ”"Feel better, Sarah dear? ” “ I feel like hell, ” she said in a grating voice.
mdp.39015042099351Hi. ” “ What's up?
mdp.39015042099351How are you, Tom? ” he asked pleasantly. mdp.39015042099351 How was No'th C’lina? ” he asked.
mdp.39015042099351It even got to Joe. ” “ The Senator? ” Blake McLeod asked incredulously. mdp.39015042099351 Mind if I come in a minute, Mr. Gill- um? ” “ Come right in, Tim.
mdp.39015042099351What do you mean, vigilante? ” The football captain stared in the mirror to see that his collar and tie were just so. mdp.39015042099351 What do you mean? ” “ What do you think?
mdp.39015042099351What do you mean? ” “ What do you think? mdp.39015042099351 What is it? ” he asked.
mdp.39015042099351Yes, sir, I do. ” “ What you wan'be, lawyer, doctor maybe? ” “ Maybe a lawyer, I'm not sure.
mdp.39015042099351You did? mdp.39015042099351 You plan go North to college, eh, Ned? ”.
mdp.39015042099351'” “ What have you gotten out of it so far? ” “ That, ” Joe replied, an edge of temper slipping into his voice, “ is a personal matter."
mdp.39015042099351...""I'll never tell. ” “ You want to know the truth?
mdp.39015042099351224 THE WHITE BAND"Well, who's mixed up in this? ” “ I do n't know that.
mdp.39015042099351A phrase from the announcement flashed back: “... serving without salary. ” What the hell?
mdp.39015042099351After all, what was one Negro student?
mdp.39015042099351And did you know, by the way, that New England was the first to run slave ships?
mdp.39015042099351And even when they did, what was there for them afterward?
mdp.39015042099351And what if someone did?
mdp.39015042099351And what, as counsel have asked, is deliberate speed?
mdp.39015042099351And who was better fitted to lead them?
mdp.39015042099351And why had n't they shortened its name when they streamlined con- gressional committees some years back?
mdp.39015042099351And you? ”"I do very well considering my age and burdens. ” Dr. Jameson laughed.
mdp.39015042099351And, after all, what harm can one colored student do among three thousand white students?"
mdp.39015042099351Any questions? ” “ I guess not, ” said Bill Dade tentatively, and Fats knew the young man was thinking up a further observation.
mdp.39015042099351Anything I can do for you? ”"I ca n't think of anything, unless it's another drink. ” “ If you need it, you'll get it, ” he said.
mdp.39015042099351As Shakespeare said, what's in a name? ” “ Quite a lot sometimes.
mdp.39015042099351Because he was afraid of the coach?
mdp.39015042099351Ben Blackwell, the auto repair manager, repeated, “ What do we do now?
mdp.39015042099351Best man in town on- on trau- matic surgery. ” “ Traum what?"
mdp.39015042099351But anything that barbarous..."“ Prejudice, hatred..."“ But if your information is correct, what can we do?
mdp.39015042099351But do you know who's stirring up the more irresponsible element among the Negroes?
mdp.39015042099351But how could he forget?
mdp.39015042099351But how could you be an editor and write what you did n't believe?
mdp.39015042099351But how could you compromise with principle, with what you felt to be right?
mdp.39015042099351But is it?
mdp.39015042099351But now- where could he get another job at his age?
mdp.39015042099351But now... Well, what had he decided about the White Band?
mdp.39015042099351But was it in the larger sense?
mdp.39015042099351But what about this White Band?".
mdp.39015042099351But what are your plans?
mdp.39015042099351But what can you expect? ” “ They'll all rule the same way,"the friend said.
mdp.39015042099351But what could even Doc do?
mdp.39015042099351But what could you do?
mdp.39015042099351But what did he care what they said?
mdp.39015042099351But what did they know in Rome about the prob- lems of the southern United States?
mdp.39015042099351But what else could he have done?
mdp.39015042099351But what the hell do we care?
mdp.39015042099351But what were they like, the ones some Bandsmen would teach what they called the facts of life?
mdp.39015042099351But who cared about evidence in this segregation fight?
mdp.39015042099351But why should he?
mdp.39015042099351But why the formal- ity?
mdp.39015042099351But why?
mdp.39015042099351But would they?
mdp.39015042099351Ca n't you answer'em?
mdp.39015042099351Ca n't you run back for a few days while things are dull, just simmering, as you say?
mdp.39015042099351Call me back, Sam, will you?
mdp.39015042099351Can you think of a better name? ” “ Not at the moment.
mdp.39015042099351Cigarette? ”"I do n't mind.
mdp.39015042099351Could he, possibly, have been mistaken, could the “ party ” Fats had talked about have been less sinister than he thought?
mdp.39015042099351Could the White Band be blamed?
mdp.39015042099351Did he know better?
mdp.39015042099351Did you file suit for divorce? ” “ No, I resigned from the Senate. ” Her eyes Aared like two jets abruptly ignited.
mdp.39015042099351Do lot- a better'n me, eh? ” He thanked Bianchi.
mdp.39015042099351Do n't you keep up with our athletes, Senator?
mdp.39015042099351Do n't you think I know why you went up there? ” “ Oh, hell. ” He picked up his luggage, started up the stairs.
mdp.39015042099351Do n't you think you might have misunderstood a word here and there, or that maybe Fats was kidding?
mdp.39015042099351Do n't you- you damn fools ever use your heads?
mdp.39015042099351Do you know Bearcat Turner, the ex- prize fighter? ”"Just to speak to, ” the coach said.
mdp.39015042099351Do you think I'd have bothered with that if it had n't been for you? ” “ That's sweet, darling.
mdp.39015042099351Do you think maybe those guys in Halloween masks that burned the nigger lawyer's house were the same ones that killed this Ned Tarver?"
mdp.39015042099351Do you want that? ” “ No, no! ” they shouted.
mdp.39015042099351Does that shock you?
mdp.39015042099351Drink? ”"I would n't mind, ” he said.
mdp.39015042099351Even if officially it con- tinued to insist it was for lawful resistance( and could there be lawful resistance when the law had spoken its final word?
mdp.39015042099351Ever hear of the White Band?"
mdp.39015042099351Everybody understand? ” They said they did.
mdp.39015042099351Execution squad? ” He laughed.
mdp.39015042099351For what?
mdp.39015042099351Forget it?
mdp.39015042099351Get it?
mdp.39015042099351Go to the police?
mdp.39015042099351Got it?
mdp.39015042099351Have a good time? ” “ So- so.
mdp.39015042099351Have you had dinner? ” “ Yes, I have, ” Tim lied.
mdp.39015042099351Have you noticed that?
mdp.39015042099351He said, “ I did n't tell you or Hank, because it was pretty vague, but I was tipped off to this. ”"To what? ” Dave finished his whiskey sour.
mdp.39015042099351He says he's an old friend of yours, and just dropped in. ” “ Carver?
mdp.39015042099351He'd thought of tearing up these forgotten scraps of the past, but what was the use?
mdp.39015042099351He's high up in some union, and he's going around telling people integration is coming and we might as well accept it. ” “ That so?
mdp.39015042099351He, Tim, was a big shot only on the campus, and what would that amount to when it would be his word against Coach Gilliam's?
mdp.39015042099351His condition is reported serious. ” “ He's a football player, is n't he? ” Joe asked.
mdp.39015042099351How could even someone who sincerely wanted to prevent trouble act on anything so vague?
mdp.39015042099351How did he know the man actually was Graham?
mdp.39015042099351How did she keep it in such flawless order?
mdp.39015042099351How do you feel about it, Joe? ” Duffield delayed his answer.
mdp.39015042099351How do you feel about that? ” “ Suits me fine,"she said.
mdp.39015042099351How else could you satisfy your lords and masters, the voters?
mdp.39015042099351How far could prejudice, hatred, retaliation go?
mdp.39015042099351How much? ” “ Nothing,"said Joe.
mdp.39015042099351How would it hurt anyone?
mdp.39015042099351How're you?
mdp.39015042099351How's the boy? ”"Fine, fine, thank you all. ” He shuffled back until he stood near Johnson and the fat man, watching the pool game.
mdp.39015042099351How's your fam- ily? ” “ Quite well.
mdp.39015042099351How's your mis- sion going? ” “ Just starting, so I do n't know.
mdp.39015042099351I did n't hear any names men- tioned. ” “ Well, Mr. O'Hearn, who are the fellows planning this thing?"
mdp.39015042099351I do n't doubt that's what'll happen too. ”"Did Fats say he was in on it? ”"Fats did n't say.
mdp.39015042099351I had a talk with Joe Duf- field this morning. ” vernm THE WHITE BAND 37"Joe Duffield?
mdp.39015042099351I heard things were boiling in Niggertown, jigs going around armed. ” THE WHITE BAND 211 “ That so? ”"Sure.
mdp.39015042099351I realize my information is pretty vague, but it comes straight from the feedbox. ”"How did you hear it? ” the chief pressed.
mdp.39015042099351I stand to make twenty, thirty bucks. ” “ More craps? ” “ Nope, they've sort of got on to my influence over the bones.
mdp.39015042099351I think it was his idea. ” “ It could n't have worked out better- for us. ” “ How's Project Bearcat coming? ”.
mdp.39015042099351I was just dressing. ” “ Are they treating you all right? ”"Sure.
mdp.39015042099351I'm a student at Teachers and..."THE WHITE BAND 223 “ Do n't you think I know you, Tim? ” said the sergeant.
mdp.39015042099351I'm a widow. ” “ Oh, do you have children? ” “ Yassah, three. ” “ Could we sit here on the porch a minute and talk?
mdp.39015042099351I'm a widow. ” “ Oh, do you have children? ” “ Yassah, three. ” “ Could we sit here on the porch a minute and talk?
mdp.39015042099351If they'll just let me alone, I'll be as- as..."“ Unobtrusive? ” Dr. Davison suggested.
mdp.39015042099351If you go ahead and fight, what'll happen?
mdp.39015042099351If you were going in for nature, why make it fit man's ideas of measured conformity?
mdp.39015042099351In fact, I saw him yes- terday. ” 44 THE WHITE BAND"You saw him? ” “ Sure, he came up to my office.
mdp.39015042099351In other words, who's advancing them money?
mdp.39015042099351In what connection? ” “ Ever hear of Patsy Grogan? ” “ I remember him, sure.
mdp.39015042099351In what connection? ” “ Ever hear of Patsy Grogan? ” “ I remember him, sure.
mdp.39015042099351Is it International or La Guardia? ” “ La Guardia, I think. ” “ I'll check, and I'll be there with the car. ” “ Grand.
mdp.39015042099351Is that so?
mdp.39015042099351Is there anything you want to add? ”"Only this, Mr. Gray.
mdp.39015042099351Is this any of my business?
mdp.39015042099351It probably was true, so what?
mdp.39015042099351It was Fats Gilliam, our football coach. ” “ Fats? ” Joe's eyes widened with incredulity.
mdp.39015042099351It was headlined: DO YOU WANT DESEGREGATION FORCED ON YOU?
mdp.39015042099351It's — it's bad. ” “ Me go by the paper? ” Young Blake McLeod shuddered.
mdp.39015042099351Jack Talley said, as he adjusted the restored tie, “ I thought this integration thing had died down, but I heard something today. ” “ What?"
mdp.39015042099351Jesus, how it hurt! ” “ I'll bet. ” “ Any more excitement around town? ” Dave said everything was quiet, had been since that last fire.
mdp.39015042099351Just give it some thought. ” “ I will, John. ” “ Will you lunch with me tomorrow, Harry?
mdp.39015042099351Know any more good ones?
mdp.39015042099351May we expect that the leaders of the valiant force that took the offensive against him will receive some sort of civic decoration for their courage?
mdp.39015042099351My resignation is effective immediately. ” “ In God's name, why?"
mdp.39015042099351Now do you guys agree with me?
mdp.39015042099351Now that he knew, what should he do?
mdp.39015042099351Oh, I have, as I told you before, ways of learning things- what you might call sources of information. ”"Perhaps the police? ” Ned suggested.
mdp.39015042099351Only cowards would gang up on somebody. ” “ You're right, Tim. ” “ And this Ned Tarver, he was an educated nigra, a lawyer, was n't he?"
mdp.39015042099351Or did anyone ever become independent?
mdp.39015042099351Or was he happy, or even content?
mdp.39015042099351Or would it matter?
mdp.39015042099351Right away, huh?
mdp.39015042099351Sarah asked, “ What'd he want?
mdp.39015042099351Saturday? ”"I doubt it, sir, but we'll give it the old try. ”"I know that.
mdp.39015042099351Say, Sam, think you could get the boys together for me, say tomorrow night or next night?
mdp.39015042099351See how sharp its edges are?
mdp.39015042099351See what I mean? ” some THE WHITE BAND 321 Va use “ Yeah, but the effect was the same, whatever they in- tended. ”"Sure.
mdp.39015042099351Should I ignore it or do something about it?
mdp.39015042099351Should he go to Doc Davison?
mdp.39015042099351Should he go to Fats, when he could get hold of him?
mdp.39015042099351Smoke? ” “ Thanks. ” Graham sat down in the one comfortable chair and lit the cigarette.
mdp.39015042099351So I figure I cash in on that, hein? ” “ Well, watch your step. ” “ That I'll do. ” They parted, Graham throwing back a canine grin.
mdp.39015042099351So what?
mdp.39015042099351So what? ” “ The White Band, so it says at least, wants to keep things in hand and prevent trouble.
mdp.39015042099351Sold any more paintings? ”.
mdp.39015042099351Somebody break in the frat house? ”"Not that, Chief, this time.
mdp.39015042099351Suppose he's marching there somewhere? ”"Oh, he would n't take part in a thing like that, ” Ned was sure.
mdp.39015042099351THE WHITE BAND 73 How could you fool a child of even average intelligence?
mdp.39015042099351Take me up to my- my apartment, and all of you- come along. ” “ But do n't you need to see a doctor? ” Blake McLeod asked.
mdp.39015042099351The Band had nothing to do with this. ” “ How do I know?
mdp.39015042099351The afternoon was fading before its brief time because of a fog on W THE WHITE BAND 241"Properly segregated? ” “ Quite properly.
mdp.39015042099351The police?
mdp.39015042099351The youngest in the group, Blake McLeod, a bank teller, who was twenty- four and looked about nineteen, asked, “ What do we do now, Fats? ”.
mdp.39015042099351Then Ben Blackwell said how about the game Saturday, and Fats said, “ Must you bring that up?"
mdp.39015042099351Then Bill Davison said, “ I was wondering..."“ What, dear? ” “ Well, whether that college in Pennsylvania, Claybank, has found a president.
mdp.39015042099351There had been a time, when they were both very young... “ How,"Joe asked, “ did your outfit happen to spring up?
mdp.39015042099351There's trouble coming- plenty, I'm afraid. ” “ Yes? ” “ You bet.
mdp.39015042099351This office is being inundated with paper work. ” “ Is that bad? ” Hank Caldwell asked.
mdp.39015042099351Tim's fists moved fast, landing here THE WHITE BAND 285 “ What people have blamed the White Band? ” he countered.
mdp.39015042099351To cause more trouble? ” “ On the contrary, ” Dave said quickly.
mdp.39015042099351WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT IT?
mdp.39015042099351Want to go along, Dave? ” “ Sure, I'll go, ” Dave agreed.
mdp.39015042099351Was he a success?
mdp.39015042099351Was it Huneker?
mdp.39015042099351Was it anyone's, least of all Sarah's?
mdp.39015042099351Was it his fault?
mdp.39015042099351Was n't his name Ballard?
mdp.39015042099351Was n't it time now to carry out the law?
mdp.39015042099351Was that so terrible?
mdp.39015042099351Was the White Band worth it?
mdp.39015042099351We fixed them at twenty dollars a year, did n't we? ” “ Yeah, payable quarterly.
mdp.39015042099351We talked over the situ- ation a little. ” “ You knew him before? ”"I knew him around Washington, ” Joe said vaguely.
mdp.39015042099351We took care of Tarver but- good. ” “ Should we have left him there? ” Blake McLeod wondered.
mdp.39015042099351We want them to go into the regular, established unions, not in any special one of ours. ” “ What's all that got to do with me?"
mdp.39015042099351Well, what did it matter, if she knew or not?
mdp.39015042099351Well, what was the excuse? ” “ Oh, a dull committee meeting. ” “ The Committee on Subversive Activities? ” “ Nothing that exciting.
mdp.39015042099351Well, what was the excuse? ” “ Oh, a dull committee meeting. ” “ The Committee on Subversive Activities? ” “ Nothing that exciting.
mdp.39015042099351Well, what would he do now?
mdp.39015042099351Well, what's next?
mdp.39015042099351Were not four months long enough to move with deliberate speed to comply with the law?
mdp.39015042099351Were they as innocuous, as polite and in- conspicuous as Jack had been?
mdp.39015042099351What I wondered about was, how could ten or fifteen of them all at once have the money to buy guns?
mdp.39015042099351What about the League for Racial Justice? ” “ We're moving along, doctor, sort of feeling our way.
mdp.39015042099351What can I do for you?
mdp.39015042099351What can we do?
mdp.39015042099351What cops did he know?
mdp.39015042099351What could I do, anyway?"
mdp.39015042099351What did a few months matter?
mdp.39015042099351What did he have to say?"
mdp.39015042099351What did it matter if his skin was dark?
mdp.39015042099351What did it matter?
mdp.39015042099351What did you expect for your color?
mdp.39015042099351What difference did it make?
mdp.39015042099351What difference does it make to an alcoholic? ” She was remorseful: she rarely admitted her addiction.
mdp.39015042099351What do we do now? ”"I'll tell you in a minute, ” said Fats.
mdp.39015042099351What do you fellows think? ” “ Okay, I'd say, ” Dave replied.
mdp.39015042099351What do you mean—'vigilante'? ”.
mdp.39015042099351What does it do mostly? ”"Well, we try to organize the workers, encourage them to join their appropriate unions.
mdp.39015042099351What had happened, among other things, to their friendship?
mdp.39015042099351What happened?
mdp.39015042099351What have you to say about that? ” “ We are against violence, Ben.
mdp.39015042099351What if a cop should stop and search me?
mdp.39015042099351What if he did?
mdp.39015042099351What is a person of influence?
mdp.39015042099351What is justice?
mdp.39015042099351What is this idea you think you got? ” Boehmer leaned over the table.
mdp.39015042099351What now?
mdp.39015042099351What possible difference could it make what he thought?
mdp.39015042099351What the hell do you mean?
mdp.39015042099351What the hell was getting into him?
mdp.39015042099351What was it?
mdp.39015042099351What was the use?
mdp.39015042099351What would he have written?
mdp.39015042099351What would they do?
mdp.39015042099351What'd I tell you?
mdp.39015042099351What's next?
mdp.39015042099351What's on your mind? ” “ More of the same. ” Graham laughed.
mdp.39015042099351What's the matter with you boys?
mdp.39015042099351What's the sense in that?
mdp.39015042099351What's this all about anyway? ” Then he saw the small procession of Negroes and paused.
mdp.39015042099351What's to stop'em?"
mdp.39015042099351What, he wondered, had happened to Sarah... perhaps he should say, to Sarah and him?
mdp.39015042099351Whatever got into him. ”"You'll attend them? ” she asked.
mdp.39015042099351When'll our progressive city air condition that gaudy hall? ” “ Some vagrant January, ” she said.
mdp.39015042099351Where else could the average pushed- around sap turn?
mdp.39015042099351Where is he now?
mdp.39015042099351Where was you brought up, Mr. Ned? ” “ Over in Alabama. ” “ Golly, you ought to know.
mdp.39015042099351Where would he get the money?
mdp.39015042099351Where'd you hear that? ” “ It's just a... well, a sort of rumor around the campus.
mdp.39015042099351Where's he?
mdp.39015042099351Where's the Science Building? ” Tim pointed.
mdp.39015042099351Where's your mother? ”.
mdp.39015042099351Who cared what was done to niggers or who did it?
mdp.39015042099351Who could say?
mdp.39015042099351Who does?
mdp.39015042099351Who gave a whoop in hell about them now?
mdp.39015042099351Who had denounced this attitude, its translation into action?
mdp.39015042099351Who knew that he was stopping at Baynesville's only"colored ” hotel?
mdp.39015042099351Who knew?
mdp.39015042099351Who would ever bother to decipher them?
mdp.39015042099351Who would hear him in this wild spot?
mdp.39015042099351Whose nest had you a better right to foul?
mdp.39015042099351Why did he do this, and why did n't he do that?
mdp.39015042099351Why did he leave his clothes and his hunting things around to clutter up the house?
mdp.39015042099351Why do n't you clear out?
mdp.39015042099351Why do you ask?
mdp.39015042099351Why had he protected Fats?
mdp.39015042099351Why had he said yes?
mdp.39015042099351Why had this fellow insisted on enrolling and causing a lot of trouble?
mdp.39015042099351Why not fly back to New York for a few days, now that 216 THE WHITE BAND he d phone the airlinlaybe he could get meeting the brief was finished?
mdp.39015042099351Why not?
mdp.39015042099351Why settle for anything small like the legislature, or even the national House?
mdp.39015042099351Why should he step out, or at least sidetrack himself at the threshold, you might say, of a notable career?
mdp.39015042099351Why, really, underneath all the bunk, was Joe Duffield retiring from poli- tics?
mdp.39015042099351Will you go now, so we can go back to sleep? ”"I guess so,"Bill Dade replied.
mdp.39015042099351Would n't he be first on the list? ” “ I guess so. ” “ I heard, too, who was leading the bunch. ” “ You did?
mdp.39015042099351Would n't he be first on the list? ” “ I guess so. ” “ I heard, too, who was leading the bunch. ” “ You did?
mdp.39015042099351Would n't you like to have your chil- dren go to a better school? ” The little woman's eyes flashed.
mdp.39015042099351Would the community, the state, the South be better prepared four months or a year hence?
mdp.39015042099351Would they levy on his furniture?
mdp.39015042099351You about ready? ” “ In two shakes, ” he called back.
mdp.39015042099351You do all right, maybe get rich, eh?
mdp.39015042099351You forget I was brought up in Alabama?"
mdp.39015042099351You interested in it? ” “ I do n't know.
mdp.39015042099351You maybe buy me out, eh?
mdp.39015042099351You name it. ” “ Any suggestion? ” She pondered.
mdp.39015042099351You'd think it was a racetrack. ” “ What'd he say? ” Ben Blackwell asked “ Oh, nothing much except what he felt he had to say.
mdp.39015042099351You'll be hosts to the other guest. ” “ Where'll we find this other jig? ” “ Be careful what you say, ” Fats Gilliam cut in.
mdp.39015042099351You've been threatened, have n't you? ” “ Maybe.
mdp.39015042099351You've received two written threats, have n't you? ”"How did you know that? ” Ned looked steadily at Graham.
mdp.39015042099351You've received two written threats, have n't you? ”"How did you know that? ” Ned looked steadily at Graham.
mdp.39015042099351“ A sort of Ku Klux? ”"No, that's not my understanding.
mdp.39015042099351“ Am I in time to ask you for this dance?"
mdp.39015042099351“ Am I like hell and damnation?
mdp.39015042099351“ And did n't you and I and Rafferty and that tall Swede- Larsen?-go to that speak nights and settle the problems of the universe? ”"Sure."
mdp.39015042099351“ And why should I have? ” “ Oh.
mdp.39015042099351“ And you ca n't figure from the note who it was? ” “ That's it.
mdp.39015042099351“ Baynesville cops?
mdp.39015042099351“ But how can you know, Senator?
mdp.39015042099351“ But what can they do?
mdp.39015042099351“ But where does organization, the White Band, come in?
mdp.39015042099351“ But why not, Mr. Haynes?
mdp.39015042099351“ But, Senator, the way it happened... was n't it just like I told you, that fellow Tarver at the nigger Elks', everything?
mdp.39015042099351“ Can you mean Negrotown? ”"No, Baynesville would n't know what you meant.
mdp.39015042099351“ Could I speak to Mr. Carruthers?
mdp.39015042099351“ Could I speak to you a minute? ” “ Of course,"Ned said, “ right here? ” “ Maybe we could walk a little, ” Graham suggested.
mdp.39015042099351“ Could I speak to you a minute? ” “ Of course,"Ned said, “ right here? ” “ Maybe we could walk a little, ” Graham suggested.
mdp.39015042099351“ Did he maybe work for you once? ” the coroner asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ Did you hear that trumpet?
mdp.39015042099351“ Do you love him, Myra? ” She looked at him with an impish grin.
mdp.39015042099351“ Do you owe him money?
mdp.39015042099351“ Do you think I'm a complete fool?
mdp.39015042099351“ Does Your Honor care to hear further from us? ” “ I do n't think so,"Judge Darcy said.
mdp.39015042099351“ Does your way of life involve keeping the Negroes down? ”.
mdp.39015042099351“ Ever play? ”"Nope. ” Bearcat Turner reflected.
mdp.39015042099351“ Fats Gilliam is with us? ” “ Decidedly.
mdp.39015042099351“ Hello, Johnson, how're things? ” “ Okay, Graham.
mdp.39015042099351“ How are plans for headquarters coming? ” “ Oh, I'm glad you asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ How are you, Joe?
mdp.39015042099351“ How are you, Mr. Tar- ver?
mdp.39015042099351“ How can anyone know?"
mdp.39015042099351“ How did he learn all this? ” Tom wondered.
mdp.39015042099351“ How do I know you're not a white man tryin'git me into a jam? ”.
mdp.39015042099351“ How's your girl friend? ” He tried to laugh, but succeeded in making only an ambigu- ous sound.
mdp.39015042099351“ How's ’ at? ”"They're sore because a few of us tried to get into white schools."
mdp.39015042099351“ How?
mdp.39015042099351“ I heard a nigra is going to try to enroll here. ”"You mean in some Baynesville school or at State Teach- se o ers? ” “ At Teachers."
mdp.39015042099351“ I suppose I should be very proud to be wife of the Grand Mogul, what- ever it is, of the White Band?
mdp.39015042099351“ I'd like to know why the hell not?
mdp.39015042099351“ I'm sorry, Dr. Davison, ” she said crisply, “ it's taken. ” “ Then a later one? ” he suggested.
mdp.39015042099351“ If that fine drum- and- bugle corps will give us an A- or is it a B- sharp?
mdp.39015042099351“ Intimidated? ” “ If you want to call it that.
mdp.39015042099351“ Is your husband around? ” She opened the door a little wider.
mdp.39015042099351“ It's just that... 68 THE WHITE BAND 69 well, Coach, do you know anything about the White Band? ” “ Something, sure.
mdp.39015042099351“ Just who was that? ” she asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ Let's go down to Nigger- town, walk around a little. ” Why?
mdp.39015042099351“ Look, Ned, why do n't we go out and have a drink?
mdp.39015042099351“ Look, Sarah dear, how'd you like to go up to the mountains to recuperate? ” “ That would be nice.
mdp.39015042099351“ May I have this dance?"
mdp.39015042099351“ Me?
mdp.39015042099351“ No, but what good would a gun do?
mdp.39015042099351“ Now that you're no longer a senator, Joe, ca n't we book you for more speeches here and there?
mdp.39015042099351“ O'Hearn?
mdp.39015042099351“ Senator, how much is the White Band paying you? ” Bixby asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ So what?
mdp.39015042099351“ So you're Tim O'Hearn?
mdp.39015042099351“ Sure, Warren, it's fine. ” “ It wo n't offend anybody? ”"I'm sure it wo n't, ” the old editor said.
mdp.39015042099351“ Sure, what outfit is n't that tries to help those without money or influence. ”"Is it that bad? ” “ I honestly think so, Mr. Tarver.
mdp.39015042099351“ That's a job, is n't it? ” he said pleasantly.
mdp.39015042099351“ The Sons and Daughters of I Will Arise? ” he suggested.
mdp.39015042099351“ Think it's okay? ” Warren Ashley asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ Think they want another war, like back in'sixty- four when Sherman come down here? ” “ They would n't care a damn."
mdp.39015042099351“ Think you can beat Auburn, Fats? ” The coach looked up with his fat man's false joviality and chuckled.
mdp.39015042099351“ This desegre- gation thing? ”"Not altogether. ” Graham grinned, exposing broken and missing teeth.
mdp.39015042099351“ Unless you think of anything else we should do, Tom?"
mdp.39015042099351“ Want me too? ” Hank asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ Want to leave that with me? ” “ Sure, I do n't want it."
mdp.39015042099351“ Want to try?"
mdp.39015042099351“ Was n't such a trait once considered rather noble? ” Sarah asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ We just happened to be passing. ” “ I'se crazy, is I? ” The Negro stepped closer, and his com- panions gathered around him.
mdp.39015042099351“ We try to help the laboring man everywhere, and we're in a number of countries. ” “ What are you doing here? ” Gilliam asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ Well, Joe, what do we do now?"
mdp.39015042099351“ Well, Sarah Duffield, you're no longer married to a senator. ”"I'm... what?
mdp.39015042099351“ Well, anyone else any questions? ” The others made negative sounds.
mdp.39015042099351“ Whar you white boys goin'? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015042099351“ What ages are your children? ” “ Nine, eleven, twelve.
mdp.39015042099351“ What brings you here, Ned?
mdp.39015042099351“ What can I do for you, Tarver? ” The officer did not ask his visitor to sit down.
mdp.39015042099351“ What can I do for you? ” Tom Goodwin pulled out his billfold and extracted a notice.
mdp.39015042099351“ What can I do for you? ”"I'm Tim O'Hearn.
mdp.39015042099351“ What checks?
mdp.39015042099351“ What could that be?"
mdp.39015042099351“ What did he say? ”.
mdp.39015042099351“ What do we do?
mdp.39015042099351“ What do we do? ” someone asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ What do you mean, Fats? ”.
mdp.39015042099351“ What effect do you think such a parade has?
mdp.39015042099351“ What good would they be?
mdp.39015042099351“ What is it, please? ” “ Could I speak to you a minute? ” She looked at him suspiciously.
mdp.39015042099351“ What is it, please? ” “ Could I speak to you a minute? ” She looked at him suspiciously.
mdp.39015042099351“ What is it? ” “ Just what it purports to be. ”"I see.
mdp.39015042099351“ What mought that be? ” “ Well, it's an organization to try to get full citizenship rights for the colored people.
mdp.39015042099351“ What white folks? ”"You know, this school thing."
mdp.39015042099351“ What would you prefer?"
mdp.39015042099351“ What you white boys doin'here? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015042099351“ What you wrote me about Baynesville..."“ Yes? ”"It might do very well.
mdp.39015042099351“ What you wu'k at? ” Bearcat asked, his eyes still roving over Johnson.
mdp.39015042099351“ What'll you fellows have? ” The Senator wanted bourbon and water, the others Tom Collinses.
mdp.39015042099351“ What's it to you, uncle? ” Hefty retorted, catching in the street light a patch of gray hair.
mdp.39015042099351“ What's my title to be? ”.
mdp.39015042099351“ What's new, boys? ” They disclaimed knowledge of anything in particular.
mdp.39015042099351“ What's the matter? ” he asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ What's the trouble? ” he asked, raising his voice to give it the color of authority, without which he knew they would n't listen to him.
mdp.39015042099351“ What's the use?
mdp.39015042099351“ Which one? ” “ Which one!
mdp.39015042099351“ White band- white band?
mdp.39015042099351“ Who are they planning to work on? ”"I wish I knew, Chief- I'd tell you."
mdp.39015042099351“ Who have we got this fall that can pass? ” Fats Gilliam countered.
mdp.39015042099351“ Who is the- fortu- nate guy? ” “ Nobody you know, dear; at least I do n't think so.
mdp.39015042099351“ Who said any- thing about love?
mdp.39015042099351“ Who told you? ” “ It was- well, confidential, ” Tim explained.
mdp.39015042099351“ Who's Doc Whimsett? ” Joe asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ Who's not a working man? ” Fats countered.
mdp.39015042099351“ Who's scared?
mdp.39015042099351“ Why do you want to be a teacher, Jack?"
mdp.39015042099351“ Why not? ” “ Well, we have other methods, even if the courts held against us, which I suppose they'd have to do.
mdp.39015042099351“ Why pick on poor old Bearcat?
mdp.39015042099351“ Why the bejesus not?
mdp.39015042099351“ Why, Tim?"
mdp.39015042099351“ Why? ” “ Because he's in the hospital. ”"Since when?
mdp.39015042099351“ Why? ” “ Because he's in the hospital. ”"Since when?
mdp.39015042099351“ Wonder what happened to Bill Dade? ” Ben Blackwell asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ Yeah?
mdp.39015042099351“ Yeah? ” the massive coach reflected.
mdp.39015042099351“ Yes, Sarah? ” She floated downstairs in a blue duster, fresh from a cold shower, and she seemed all right.
mdp.39015042099351“ Yes?
mdp.39015042099351“ You a stranger, friend?
mdp.39015042099351“ You believe me now?
mdp.39015042099351“ You did what?"
mdp.39015042099351“ You do n't know of any plans to take anybody out? ”.
mdp.39015042099351“ You know what I was telling you the other day, Bearcat,'bout the white folks uptown? ” Bearcat stared at Johnson, suspicious again.
mdp.39015042099351“ You mean full time? ” Hank asked.
mdp.39015042099351“ You might have heard of me too? ” He laughed, exposing his wolfish assortment of irregular teeth.
mdp.39015042099351“ You think I have n't seen you play?
mdp.39015042099351“ You think so? ” Bearcat asked, as pleased as if some expert had picked him to win a crucial bout.
mdp.39015042099351“ You think so? ” Hefty stepped back in a fighting pose.
mdp.39015042099351“ Your family well? ” “ All quite well.
mdp.39015004315027About little Tony? mdp.39015004315027 And what's all that got to do with Tony's falling??
mdp.39015004315027And what's all that got to do with Tony's falling?? mdp.39015004315027 Are n't we having dinner together?"
mdp.39015004315027Are there any special effects you wish to have registered, sir?
mdp.39015004315027Are you sure you want me, Erskine?? mdp.39015004315027 Are you sure you want me, Erskine??
mdp.39015004315027Are you very busy now?? mdp.39015004315027 Are you very busy now??
mdp.39015004315027But I thought the child was dead...Had he spoken too abruptly, in too surprised a manner?
mdp.39015004315027But how could we ever live together?
mdp.39015004315027But what in the world can I do?
mdp.39015004315027But what ought we to do? ” Erskine asked. mdp.39015004315027 But you do n't know me, so how can you be jeal- ous? ” she asked him.
mdp.39015004315027But, Erskine? ” He seized her nude body and held her close to him. mdp.39015004315027 But, listen... That morning I tried to get my Sunday paper from the hallway, see?
mdp.39015004315027Confess? mdp.39015004315027 Could he have fallen against it? ” Erskine asked him in a low, charged tone.
mdp.39015004315027Could you be certain of how big they were from that distance?
mdp.39015004315027Did I say I was n't? ” Mabel demanded. mdp.39015004315027 Did you hear anything out here this morning?
mdp.39015004315027Do n't you think you ought to ask your mama about that, Tony? mdp.39015004315027 Do you ever go to church?"
mdp.39015004315027Do you really want me?
mdp.39015004315027Do you want to fight Longevity Life?
mdp.39015004315027Does she beat you often?
mdp.39015004315027Erskine, do you want to confess something to me?
mdp.39015004315027Erskine, teach me how to live, wo n't you?
mdp.39015004315027Erskine, what in hell's the matter with you?
mdp.39015004315027Fowler, are n't you stepping just a bit outside of SAVAGE HOLIDAY 25 your little track?
mdp.39015004315027God, Erskine, what good on earth would that do now? ” she asked in a hopeless whisper. mdp.39015004315027 Good- bye. ” He heard a smacking sound of lips over the wires and he knew that she was giving him a kiss... Was she drunk?
mdp.39015004315027Have you a screwdriver? ” he asked her. mdp.39015004315027 Have you any special selections of sacred music in mind, sir? ”"No."
mdp.39015004315027He did play on other floors, did n't he?
mdp.39015004315027Hello... Is that you, Erskine? ” “ Yes, Mabel, ” he dragged the words out of him. mdp.39015004315027 How can I tell?
mdp.39015004315027How do you think I live? mdp.39015004315027 Hunh? ” Erskine grunted, struggling to orient himself.
mdp.39015004315027I know it sounds wild... You did n't hear any- thing on the balcony, did you? ” she asked suddenly. mdp.39015004315027 I wonder if there's anything we can do? ” Erskine spoke uncertainly.
mdp.39015004315027I'm bad, hunh? ” SAVAGE HOLIDAY 175 “ You're worried. mdp.39015004315027 Is Mrs. Mabel Blake there? ” he asked finally,"Mabel Blake?"
mdp.39015004315027Is Mrs. Mabel Blake there? ” he asked finally,Mabel Blake?"
mdp.39015004315027Is it about Tony? mdp.39015004315027 Is there anything we can do? ” Mr. Fenley asked Westerman.
mdp.39015004315027Mabel, what are you getting at?
mdp.39015004315027Mabel? ”Yes? ”"I still love you,"he said.
mdp.39015004315027Mabel? ”Yes? ”"I still love you,"he said.
mdp.39015004315027Mr. Fowler...? ” It was a distant, strained voice of a woman. mdp.39015004315027 Or maybe she's all mixed up, in a kind of fog or something; you know?
mdp.39015004315027Sir? ” Minnie's voice came from the kitchen. mdp.39015004315027 Special effects?"
mdp.39015004315027That depends —“ On what? ” SAVAGE HOLIDAY 185 wanted him to remain, but he went resolutely out.
mdp.39015004315027Then it was from this floor? ” Mr. Fenley asked. mdp.39015004315027 Then why did n't you take me?"
mdp.39015004315027Was there anybody with ’ i m?
mdp.39015004315027Well, Erskine, what's on your mind? ” Warren had broken the ice, speaking through a lying smile. mdp.39015004315027 What about Tony? ” he asked her.
mdp.39015004315027What are you doing to me?
mdp.39015004315027What are you doing?
mdp.39015004315027What are you talking about?
mdp.39015004315027What did she say?
mdp.39015004315027What do you mean?
mdp.39015004315027What do you think I want to say, Mabel? ” he asked her in a breathless sort of way. mdp.39015004315027 What do you want with me, I asked you? ” Mabel asked, her eyes sleepy and swimming.
mdp.39015004315027What good would that do?
mdp.39015004315027What happened to my child?
mdp.39015004315027What have I done to you? ” He hung his head. mdp.39015004315027 What's the matter, Mister?"
mdp.39015004315027What? ” he answered. mdp.39015004315027 Where are you? ”"In Mike's Tavern.
mdp.39015004315027Where are your little playmates? mdp.39015004315027 Where do you keep this? ” he asked.
mdp.39015004315027Where's your honor? ” Erskine had asked in a. mdp.39015004315027 Why'if,'Mabel?"
mdp.39015004315027Will she be able to get back in?
mdp.39015004315027Would half an hour of music be enough, sir?
mdp.39015004315027Yes, Minnie? ” “ Mrs. mdp.39015004315027 You do n't feel well, do you?"
mdp.39015004315027You mean that you did n't tell him about Tony? ”No.
mdp.39015004315027You never told them you had a son?
mdp.39015004315027You work? ” he asked gently, leading her to talk. mdp.39015004315027 You'll have to notify your relatives, your husband's relatives, wo n't you? ”"No.
mdp.39015004315027You're not angry...?
mdp.39015004315027You're telling me?
mdp.39015004315027**** “ Say, Tony, would n't you like some toys from the store down the street?"
mdp.39015004315027- “ Do you ever think of changing your life, Mabel?
mdp.39015004315027.."Oh, God,"she sighed,"would you do that?
mdp.39015004315027... Then why all this perturbation, hesitation?
mdp.3901500431502748 But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother?
mdp.3901500431502772 RICHARD WRIGHT and had frightened the child, would n't the idea leap into everybody's mind that he had been up to something “ perverse ”?
mdp.3901500431502794 RICHARD WRIGHT"Do n't you love your mother? ” Tony had not answered.
mdp.39015004315027; “ Did they find out how he fell?"
mdp.39015004315027AND HE HADN'T REALIZED THAT HIS BLEEDING LEFT PALM HAD LEFT THIS TELLTALE BLOTCH OF BLOOD... Now, how could be explain that stain of blood?
mdp.39015004315027After rent, expenses, and the kickback I have to give to the nightclub owner, what have I left?
mdp.39015004315027Ah, hell, why had he ever dared to talk to her in the first place?
mdp.39015004315027All right, suppose someone had seen him?
mdp.39015004315027And God knows what people think I'm do- ing... How could I look after Tony and earn my living at the same time?"
mdp.39015004315027And I'd like to talk to you for about half an hour regarding arrangements for Tony, hunh? ”"Sure.
mdp.39015004315027And Mrs. Blake, what could he tell her?
mdp.39015004315027And about what?
mdp.39015004315027And did n't he have a duty to let Mabel know somehow just what harm she'd done to little Tony?
mdp.39015004315027And if he did n't believe it, would others?
mdp.39015004315027And if he had anything to tell, should he not have told it already?
mdp.39015004315027And only four hours ago he'd told her that he loved her?
mdp.39015004315027And what was that bal- cony door doing open at this time of night, anyway?
mdp.39015004315027And where, in the medley of these unrehearsed episodes, did the element of his guilt lie?
mdp.39015004315027And who was that woman who'd called and said that she'd seen what had hap- pened?
mdp.39015004315027And who'd believe her tale of “ naked'feet dangling"?
mdp.39015004315027Blast it all, what was he to do?
mdp.39015004315027But do n't you think you're acting kind of hard...?
mdp.39015004315027But from whom?
mdp.39015004315027But had he the right to interfere?
mdp.39015004315027But how could I help what hap- pened?
mdp.39015004315027But how could I know that Tony would react so? ” “ Why did n't you knock at my door?"
mdp.39015004315027But how could I know that Tony would react so? ” “ Why did n't you knock at my door?"
mdp.39015004315027But how could he get back into his apartment?
mdp.39015004315027But how could he?
mdp.39015004315027But not in the way you are"“ What's wrong with me?"
mdp.39015004315027But she should not drink so..."Is a Chinese restaurant all right with you? ” he asked her.
mdp.39015004315027But some friends asked me over for a drink; I was feeling so low, so lonely, so blue... Are n't you com- friends of pick me up?
mdp.39015004315027But that phone call...?
mdp.39015004315027But that's what I saw...""You think you saw that? ” he asked her pointedly.
mdp.39015004315027But was n't this question idle, premature as long as he did n't know if Tony was dead or alive?
mdp.39015004315027But was this not his chance to save this woman, to own her, to hold her in his arms so that no one could, would want to claim her?
mdp.39015004315027But what else could I do?"
mdp.39015004315027But what had he to lose?
mdp.39015004315027But what was he to do with the woman?
mdp.39015004315027But what was the motive?
mdp.39015004315027But what would he say to her?
mdp.39015004315027But who could one summon when one's emotions went into a state of rebellion?
mdp.39015004315027But why was he so certain that others would think him “ perverse ”?
mdp.39015004315027But, if Mabel was in on this, would n't she be more concerned about avenging Tony's death?
mdp.39015004315027But, if he did n't open that door, what was he to do?
mdp.39015004315027But, if no one had seen him on that balcony, then why tell...?
mdp.39015004315027But, if they had, would n't they have spoken to the police about it before now?
mdp.39015004315027But, out of what would he bribe his way?
mdp.39015004315027Could be, could n't it, Mr. Fowler?
mdp.39015004315027Could he ever believe anything she told him?
mdp.39015004315027Did I lie to you?
mdp.39015004315027Did he go into your apartment, Erskine?
mdp.39015004315027Did n't I?
mdp.39015004315027Did n't she care?
mdp.39015004315027Did n't she know a good man when she saw one?
mdp.39015004315027Did she have someone waiting outside the door?
mdp.39015004315027Did she still believe that she'd seen"naked feet dan- gling ”?
mdp.39015004315027Did she suspect him of anything?
mdp.39015004315027Did she think that he'd killed Tony and was now trying to kill her?
mdp.39015004315027Did telling the truth mean that one had to expose one's self uselessly to slander of that sort?
mdp.39015004315027Do n't you talk to them?
mdp.39015004315027Do you know?
mdp.39015004315027Do you want her to bring you some coffee?"
mdp.39015004315027Do you want me to spell it out any clearer?
mdp.39015004315027Do you want to 160 RICHARD WRIGHT buy me?
mdp.39015004315027Do you want to go on like this?
mdp.39015004315027Do you?"
mdp.39015004315027Does n't she understand anything?
mdp.39015004315027Erskine shook his head, trying to stave off emo- tional scenes stemming from his childhood... What was it that made him afraid to remember?
mdp.39015004315027Erskine, what on earth was that?
mdp.39015004315027Fowler, do n't you think I could make some breakfast for that Mrs. Blake?
mdp.39015004315027Go to a movie?
mdp.39015004315027God- dammit, I've got to livel What in God's name do you think I'm doing... pa Should he believe her or not?
mdp.39015004315027Good God, what could he do?
mdp.39015004315027Good Lord... Maybe she'd seen it all, and was too stunned, too stricken to weep or scream...?
mdp.39015004315027Had Tony fallen because he had been afraid of him, or had that bal- cony railing simply given way, or what?
mdp.39015004315027Had anyone else noticed it?
mdp.39015004315027Had anyone seen him on that bal- cony?
mdp.39015004315027Had he reduced her to this?
mdp.39015004315027Had n't he explained that spot of blood on the newspapers sufficiently for Mabel to forget it?
mdp.39015004315027Had n't she sense enough to know that?
mdp.39015004315027Had she found the letter?
mdp.39015004315027Had someone seen Tony's little body falling, or had someone come across it in the street and phoned the police?
mdp.39015004315027Had someone waited just long enough to hear his voice, and then hung up?
mdp.39015004315027Had someone, besides Mrs. Blake, seen him naked on that balcony?
mdp.39015004315027Had that been Mabel or had it been the other woman who'd called him twice before?
mdp.39015004315027Had the Medical Examiner or the police found any clues that would make them suspect that some- one had been with Tony on that balcony?
mdp.39015004315027Have n't I got enough trouble?
mdp.39015004315027He had n't intended to; but they would say that he had done it on purpose...?
mdp.39015004315027He had some pride, had n't he?
mdp.39015004315027He had the right to find out who was doing all that screaming, had n't he?
mdp.39015004315027He had to do something, but what?
mdp.39015004315027He had to protest their abandonment of him... “ Why did n't you tell me that you wanted me out to make a place for your son?"
mdp.39015004315027He knew that even now, if he told Mrs. Blake or the police how utterly blameless he'd been, he'd still feel guilty?
mdp.39015004315027He rode down in the elevator, asking him- self: Now, who's Jack...?
mdp.39015004315027He walked behind Westerman, still wear- ing his bathrobe, holding his Sunday newspaper... “ But what happened?"
mdp.39015004315027He'd heard vaguely( was it from Mrs. Wester- man, the wife of the building superintendent?)
mdp.39015004315027He'd offer her his con- dolences; but after that, what?
mdp.39015004315027He'd tell'em what had happened... No one could possibly blame him, could they?
mdp.39015004315027Hear from her? ”"Not often, ” she admitted, blushing.
mdp.39015004315027Henis forehead wit 60 RICHARD WRIGHT hing; bized and to distinct felt th knowledge of a deeper nature than what had actu- ally happened?
mdp.39015004315027Her sense of guilt and her grief were making her accept what he'd sug- SAVAGE HOLIDAY 133"I mean somebody with whom you can discuss all this?"
mdp.39015004315027Her shame and anger told him to believe her, but to whom could she be talking on the phone all the time?
mdp.39015004315027His mother or the man?
mdp.39015004315027How are you?"
mdp.39015004315027How could he again make a foolproof prison of himself for all of his remaining days?
mdp.39015004315027How could he become his own absolute jailer and keep the peace within the warring pre- cincts of his heart?
mdp.39015004315027How could he have felt such a headlong predilection for Mabel?
mdp.39015004315027How could he suppress or throttle those slow and turgid stirrings of buried impulses now trying to come to resurrected life in the deep dark of him?
mdp.39015004315027How could she laugh like that the day after her child was dead?
mdp.39015004315027How could she so lightly accept another invitation?
mdp.39015004315027How could there be any desire to deceive in anyone with a face so helpless and innocent as hers?
mdp.39015004315027How could you do that?
mdp.39015004315027How did one take a woman like this?
mdp.39015004315027How did poor Tony fall? ”"Nobody seems to know,"Erskine said uneasily.
mdp.39015004315027How had he gotten himself into this?
mdp.39015004315027How much did she know or suspect?
mdp.39015004315027I could n't even break the door down —""Did your door slam very loud when it shut?"
mdp.39015004315027I did n't think you'd act like this... What do you take me for?
mdp.39015004315027I think she was confused and I'd say so in court under oath, so help me God. ” “ But how could she see onto my balcony?"
mdp.39015004315027I'll tell you her very words...'Naked feet dangling in the air'... Can you imagine that?
mdp.39015004315027I'm not for you- “ Why do you say that? ”"You wo n't like me.
mdp.39015004315027I'm not working tonight. ” 6 » u » You did?
mdp.39015004315027I'm really a little ill...""Darling... No; some other time, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027I'm so worried that I do n't know if I'm going or coming...""Is there anything I can do?"
mdp.39015004315027I'm with you; un- derstand?"
mdp.39015004315027I've been pounding my brains to find out what to do about it, and you start press- ing me about loving me... Do you call that responsi- bility?
mdp.39015004315027If you keep bothering me, I'll kill you, you hear? ” “ Oh, Mabel, no! ” he pleaded.
mdp.39015004315027In your apartment?
mdp.39015004315027Is that what's worrying you? ” She sank to the floor, her hands clasped before her, unable, it seemed, to catch her breath.
mdp.39015004315027Is that why you're drinking? ” he asked her in a whisper.
mdp.39015004315027Is there any discus-: sion on this motion? ” “ Question!
mdp.39015004315027Is there anything wrong? ” Er- skine asked.
mdp.39015004315027It makes him look so lifelike; do n't you think, sir? ”"No; no... No special effects. ”.
mdp.39015004315027It was usually locked... Well, it was his balcony, was n't it?
mdp.39015004315027It'll help you.."They're saying all kinds of things about me"“ Who?"
mdp.39015004315027It's about Tony, is n't it?"
mdp.39015004315027It's my body, is n't it? ” “ No, Mabell God, no! ” Erskine whispered, shaking his head.
mdp.39015004315027It's none of their damned busi- ness, is it?"
mdp.39015004315027Just a formality, you know?
mdp.39015004315027Just ask for Mabel... We can fix a time for dinner and maybe you could pick me up, perhaps?
mdp.39015004315027Just listen endlessly to that hollow, re- sounding knocking?
mdp.39015004315027Just what, then, would his story be?
mdp.39015004315027Let him pass, wo n't you, Fred?"
mdp.39015004315027Let's go to the drugstore and get a malted milk, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027Listen, do you want to come by here and pick me up?
mdp.39015004315027Mabel took her cigarettes from the pocket of her robe and popped one of them into her mouth and SAVAGE HOLIDAY 189 what?
mdp.39015004315027Maybe she was trying to trap him, preparing black- mail?
mdp.39015004315027Maybe she's remembering the man who was with her, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027Maybe someone else had offered to help her?
mdp.39015004315027Morning already?
mdp.39015004315027Mrs. Westerman stared, finally comprehending 66 RICHARD WRIGHT “ When did this happen?"
mdp.39015004315027Mrs. Westerman?
mdp.39015004315027My God, what do I do?
mdp.39015004315027My best- MABEL Why was she acting like this?
mdp.39015004315027No answer... “ Yes?
mdp.39015004315027No; not at this time of night... Maybe it was the superin- tendent?
mdp.39015004315027No; she'd never believe the simple truth, would she?
mdp.39015004315027No; you wanted to ease me out""Fowler, are you mad, man? ” Ricky had bawled at him.
mdp.39015004315027Nobody's disputing your loyalty,""Who told you about Robert Warren's taking your place?"
mdp.39015004315027Now, if Mabel had seen"naked feet dangling,"would n't she behave exactly as she was now behaving?
mdp.39015004315027Now, she's alone... What kind of friends did she have, I ask you?"
mdp.39015004315027Now, what was his future con- duct to be?
mdp.39015004315027O and I'm quite freents for Tony: food, swallowed, 136 RICHARD WRIGHT"You're retired?"
mdp.39015004315027Oh, God, what had he done to her?
mdp.39015004315027Oh, maybe that had been Mrs. Blake?
mdp.39015004315027Oh, things like this unnerve me no end... And that Mrs. Blake lost her husband in the war, you know?
mdp.39015004315027Or had he imagined that?
mdp.39015004315027Or had she gone to meet some man and had lied to Minnie?
mdp.39015004315027Or had they?
mdp.39015004315027Or was she alone in this attack?
mdp.39015004315027Organ music...""And a choir, sir?"
mdp.39015004315027Ought he not to report his arrangements for Tony's funeral and tell her off?
mdp.39015004315027Ought he to call a doctor?
mdp.39015004315027Ought he to look into the hallway?
mdp.39015004315027Patting his damp brow with his folded handker- chief, Erskine concluded in simple but stern tones: “ Who is my mother?
mdp.39015004315027Perhaps he should say nothing...?
mdp.39015004315027Read a book?
mdp.39015004315027Really, I've no change; I'm sorry... Or do you want to take down a twenty- dollar bill and get some-?"
mdp.39015004315027SAVAGE HOLIDAY 173"Erskine, is that you, dear?"
mdp.39015004315027SAVAGE HOLIDAY 81 of rebellionen when ughted ato vice?
mdp.39015004315027She and my step- father work, ”"Do you ever see your mother?
mdp.39015004315027She just fixes the supper and leaves it for me to eat when I wanna. ” “ But do n't you talk to your mother at all?"
mdp.39015004315027She was a hatcheck girl in a nightclub and maybe she'd confided her story to some of her boy or girl friends?
mdp.39015004315027So what?
mdp.39015004315027So, that was why she had had that Mona Lisa smile on her face when he had left her at her door this afternoon... “ Why did n't you?"
mdp.39015004315027Some outsider made that phone call, but for what purpose?
mdp.39015004315027Still nude, he crossed the room and put his mouth to the door panel and called out:"Say, will next week be all right?
mdp.39015004315027Suppose she agreed to what he had said in the letter?
mdp.39015004315027Tell his story now, at once?
mdp.39015004315027Tell me now...""You really want it? ”"I do, with all my heart.
mdp.39015004315027Tell me, you do n't, do you?"
mdp.39015004315027The hell with the reasons... Now, why do you bring up this matter half an hour before the banquet...?
mdp.39015004315027Then why do n't you ask?
mdp.39015004315027Then, fearing that she was becoming too quickly intimate, she asked him: “ Say, do n't you want something? ” She glanced down at herself.
mdp.39015004315027There was now a loud banging on the elevator doors..."What's the matter?"
mdp.39015004315027There was trying to break into his mind yet another recollection, but he was fight- ing it off... Why?
mdp.39015004315027They were silent until their malted milks came and they sat sipping them through long straws, “ Why do n't you ever come to see my mama?"
mdp.39015004315027They're taking him to the hospital now_"“ The hospital?"
mdp.39015004315027This is Erskine... Good morning? ”"Oh, good morning, ” Mabel said in a sleepy, throaty voice.
mdp.39015004315027This is no way to bury anybody... “ But have n't you notified Tony's father's people yet? ”"Not yet.
mdp.39015004315027Tony knew him, admired him; then, why had he gone into such a panic...?
mdp.39015004315027Tony was no doubt dead and it was too late to help him... And, if he did tell, what could he tell...?
mdp.39015004315027Too small for kids to play on. ”"But is the child really dead? ” Erskine asked.
mdp.39015004315027Wait for what?
mdp.39015004315027Was it because he was old that her behavior seemed so odd?
mdp.39015004315027Was it because he'd denied any knowledge of how the child had died that he felt guilty?
mdp.39015004315027Was it possible that he'd felt like that last night?
mdp.39015004315027Was n't his fear of her unnecessary?
mdp.39015004315027Was n't that maybe why he was so fond of Tony?
mdp.39015004315027Was she acting?
mdp.39015004315027Was she afraid of him?
mdp.39015004315027Was she grieving over Tony at all?
mdp.39015004315027Was that image of those “ naked feet dangling ” in her mind still?
mdp.39015004315027We could n't be together every minute..."“ But you'd be faithful to me, would n't you?"
mdp.39015004315027We may have a son, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027We want live wires with gray mat- ter upstairs; see?
mdp.39015004315027We'll have something around which to build a joyful and solemn relationship, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027Were the police examining that iron railing?
mdp.39015004315027Were there shadows of that density lurking behind these bright, straight streets?
mdp.39015004315027Westerman tells everybody that Tony was scared of me... No; no; no... Tony, Tony, what did mummy do to you?
mdp.39015004315027What about invitations?
mdp.39015004315027What are you trying to do to me?
mdp.39015004315027What could he do for Tony?
mdp.39015004315027What could he do?
mdp.39015004315027What could he do?
mdp.39015004315027What could he do?
mdp.39015004315027What could he do?.
mdp.39015004315027What could he tell her?
mdp.39015004315027What could they blame him for?
mdp.39015004315027What dark nature did it possess to evoke such distress in him?
mdp.39015004315027What did one do in situations like this?
mdp.39015004315027What did she really think of that stain of blood on the newspapers?
mdp.39015004315027What did that sullen tone of voice mean?
mdp.39015004315027What good could telling do now?
mdp.39015004315027What had be solved?
mdp.39015004315027What had happened?
mdp.39015004315027What had he done to her?
mdp.39015004315027What had he done wrong?
mdp.39015004315027What had he done?
mdp.39015004315027What if Tony was still alive?
mdp.39015004315027What in hell more do you want? ”"Honesty! ” Erskine had shouted.
mdp.39015004315027What invis- ible walls could he now erect about his threatening feelings, desires?
mdp.39015004315027What is it?"
mdp.39015004315027What on earth do you think I'm doing with that boy?
mdp.39015004315027What was happening?"
mdp.39015004315027What was she thinking about?
mdp.39015004315027What was the child getting at?
mdp.39015004315027What would his friends and relatives think?
mdp.39015004315027What would the Daily News or the Mirror think of it?
mdp.39015004315027What's it to anybody on this damned earth?
mdp.39015004315027What's that? ”"I want to surrender,"Erskine repeated.
mdp.39015004315027What's that?"
mdp.39015004315027What's wrong with me?
mdp.39015004315027What'sit to you, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027What, for example, did he want to do at this mo- ment?
mdp.39015004315027What, then, had Tony associated him with that seemed so fantastic, fright- ful?
mdp.39015004315027What, then, was that act?
mdp.39015004315027What? ” he asked finally.
mdp.39015004315027When you're with me, you're not thinking of me... What are you thinking of? ” Panic rose in him.
mdp.39015004315027Where could he hide himself?
mdp.39015004315027Where do you want them?
mdp.39015004315027Where was that neat solution that he'd been hugging to his heart back there in that dim, song- filled church?
mdp.39015004315027Which of us is really re- sponsible, who knows?
mdp.39015004315027Who is my brother?
mdp.39015004315027Who was she talking to now?
mdp.39015004315027Who'd believe that?
mdp.39015004315027Who's on the phone?"
mdp.39015004315027Who's speaking?"
mdp.39015004315027Who, then, was that woman?
mdp.39015004315027Whom had he hated more?
mdp.39015004315027Why did he love her one moment and hate her the next?
mdp.39015004315027Why did that boy fling his paper about like this?
mdp.39015004315027Why do n't you believe me?
mdp.39015004315027Why do n't you take a sleeping pill and get some rest? ”"Ill try."
mdp.39015004315027Why do you say that?"
mdp.39015004315027Why had her plea of ignorance put him so quickly at ease?
mdp.39015004315027Why had n't he 142 RICHARD WRIGHT caught an echo of grief in her voice?
mdp.39015004315027Why had she dumped all of this upon him?
mdp.39015004315027Why had the sudden sight of him- huge, hairy, sweating, panting- sent Tony reeling?
mdp.39015004315027Why should I?
mdp.39015004315027Why should I?"
mdp.39015004315027Why should she do that?
mdp.39015004315027Why was he letting himself get into such a state?
mdp.39015004315027Why were they forever tinkering and changing things?
mdp.39015004315027Whypy"Talk to me some, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027With music, sir?"
mdp.39015004315027Wo n't you come, honey?"
mdp.39015004315027Wo n't you phone me at: ATWATER 9- 0632?
mdp.39015004315027Would it?
mdp.39015004315027Would n't somebody see him staring down into that street and could n't it be said later that that was proof that he already knew what had happened?
mdp.39015004315027Would n't that ac- count for the fact that his mysterious caller had not asked for a confirmation, had not waited for a reac- tion?
mdp.39015004315027Would you acknowledge me before them?"
mdp.39015004315027Would you believe it?
mdp.39015004315027Yes; he could handle her... SAVAGE HOLIDAY 145 too soon? ” he asked her bluntly.
mdp.39015004315027Yes; would n't being close to Mabel put that woman at a disadvantage?
mdp.39015004315027Yet he sat, impatiently waiting for her return... Why was he so glad to welcome her gestures of modesty, even though he thought her a whore?
mdp.39015004315027You do n't think that your mother would mind, do you?"
mdp.39015004315027You understand?"
mdp.39015004315027You understand?"
mdp.39015004315027You're free; go... No?
mdp.39015004315027You're out of date, behind the times; get it?
mdp.39015004315027You're through, Fowler; hear?
mdp.39015004315027and who are my brethren?
mdp.39015004315027darling; wo n't you?"
mdp.39015004315027ten do you ing?"
mdp.39015004315027that she worked nights; but what kind of work...?
mdp.39015004315027“ And whose business is it if I'm drunk?
mdp.39015004315027“ Are you engaged to anyone?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Be nice to me tonight, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027“ But I thought we were having dinner together tonight?"
mdp.39015004315027“ But how could you retire so early?"
mdp.39015004315027“ But what?
mdp.39015004315027“ But why on earth did n't you call Tony and tell him to get Westerman-?
mdp.39015004315027“ Could such a thing happen?"
mdp.39015004315027“ D- do you t- think that he w- was scared of... scared of that, Erskine? ” she asked in a broken voice.
mdp.39015004315027“ Did that person whose feet I saw...?
mdp.39015004315027“ Did you sleep well? ” he asked her; he was try- ing to picture how she looked in bed and his skin tingled.
mdp.39015004315027“ Did you?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Do n't you think you've had enough? ” Erskine asked her in a timid whisper.
mdp.39015004315027“ Do n't you?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Do you think Tony was hurt before he fell? ”"I do n't know,"he said.
mdp.39015004315027“ Erskine, what about your family and friends?
mdp.39015004315027“ Erskine, why are you treating me like this?"
mdp.39015004315027“ For real?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Go then; I'll go to the dogs quietly... You do n't wanna run?
mdp.39015004315027“ God, I want to die... Oh, Mark, why did you die... Oh, Mark, why did you die and leave me like this?
mdp.39015004315027“ He comes to the Red Moon to drink"“ But that does n't give him the run of your house, does it? ” She stood and her face flamed scarlet.
mdp.39015004315027“ He must have been killed as soon as he hit the pavement..."“ The balcony on this floor? ” Mrs. Fenley asked.
mdp.39015004315027“ How many guests are you inviting, sir?
mdp.39015004315027“ How's your mother?"
mdp.39015004315027“ I heard him crying this morning,"“ Crying?
mdp.39015004315027“ I pray for you to believe me; I beg you with all my heart... What 206 RICHARD WRIGHT do you want me to do to prove it?
mdp.39015004315027“ I'm through; I'm licked... You'll teach me, tell me what's right? ”.
mdp.39015004315027“ It 11 pass..."“ But do n't you want somebody to be excited about you? ” he asked.
mdp.39015004315027“ It makes me a little scared. ”"Why?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Just keep these for Tony, wo n't you? ” he'd asked her.
mdp.39015004315027“ Like a rifle shot-"“ What time was that?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Mabel?
mdp.39015004315027“ Maybe she does n't want me to love her-"“ Why do you say that? ”"I dunno.
mdp.39015004315027“ Oh, Mr. Fowler, do you know what has hap- pened?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Say, what do you want with me, anyhow? ”"Are n't you hungry?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Say, what do you want with me, anyhow? ”"Are n't you hungry?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Say, you did n't phone me today, did you? ” She seemed startled; her lips moved silently before she answered.
mdp.39015004315027“ Scotch and soda?"
mdp.39015004315027“ See? ” he asked, pointing.
mdp.39015004315027“ She does n't have to be so blasted careless, does she?"
mdp.39015004315027“ So what?
mdp.39015004315027“ So, you're a snob, hunh?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Suppose I'm selling myself, hunh?
mdp.39015004315027“ Tell me, what plans have you for Tony?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Tell me: will you marry me?
mdp.39015004315027“ That railing came smack out of that wall... How on earth could that happen? ” Westerman advanced upon the balcony now.
mdp.39015004315027“ That seems odd — ”"What's so odd about it?"
mdp.39015004315027“ The Red Moon?
mdp.39015004315027“ The mother would n't mind if we put the toy pistol in the child's hand, would she, sir? ” Jenkins asked with a shadow of a smile.
mdp.39015004315027“ Then God wants them to be angry?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Then what are you jealous of? ”"You! ” “ But what have I doneº"she cried.
mdp.39015004315027“ Then why do n't you call up and ask her to let you come over, like the others do?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Then you'll marry me?
mdp.39015004315027“ Then, what does she do to you to make you say that she does n't want you to love her, Tony?"
mdp.39015004315027“ This is awful_""Is this where he fell from?"
mdp.39015004315027“ This morning, I think..."“ This morning? ” Mr. Fenley echoed.
mdp.39015004315027“ Wait, will you? ” Erskine screamed, his body shak- ing with rage, shame, despair, and a sickness which he could not name.
mdp.39015004315027“ We'll go after your drink, wo n't we?"
mdp.39015004315027“ We'll make up for little Tony, wo n't we?
mdp.39015004315027“ Were you alone?"
mdp.39015004315027“ What about him?
mdp.39015004315027“ What can we do for her? ” Eva asked of the table in general.
mdp.39015004315027“ What did I do to my child?"
mdp.39015004315027“ What do we care about who's calling?"
mdp.39015004315027“ What'll you have to drink?"
mdp.39015004315027“ What's all this about little Tony?"
mdp.39015004315027“ What's the matter? ” he asked.
mdp.39015004315027“ What?
mdp.39015004315027“ When you were a boy, did you sleep in bed with your mother?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Who is it? ” he called, turning and standing in the bathroom door, his right hand lifted to reach for his robe.
mdp.39015004315027“ Why do n't you leave me alone, if you think that I'm not good enough for you?"
mdp.39015004315027“ Why do you and that Mrs. Westerman keep riding me?
mdp.39015004315027“ Why should I?
mdp.39015004315027“ Will fifty seats be enough, sir?"
mdp.39015004315027“ You did n't dare tell me-""So what?"
mdp.39015004315027“ You do n't want me to speak to my friends over the phone?
mdp.39015004315027“ You owe me two- twenty; that right?"
mdp.39015004315027“ You too?
mdp.39015004315027“ You want something, sir?
mdp.39015004315027“ You'd better make it fifteen seats_-"“ Will fifteen seats be enough, sir?"
mdp.39015004315027“ You're inviting some friends, are n't you?
mdp.39015004315027“ You're really so silly, like a boy...""We'll redeem everything, wo n't we, honey?"
mdp.39015004315027“ You're sure it's no trouble? ” “ None at all.
mdp.39015004315027“ You're sure that you're not drunk? ” “ I'm not drunk. ”"Do you realize what you just said to me?"
mdp.39015004315027“ You're sure that you're not drunk? ” “ I'm not drunk. ”"Do you realize what you just said to me?"
mdp.39015016454574A friend of yours- man or woman? ” pressed Murphy. mdp.39015016454574 A little drink would n't go bad, eh, George?
mdp.39015016454574A shore dinner? mdp.39015016454574 A what?"
mdp.39015016454574All de time, and ah bin livin'here nigh to fifty yeahs. ” “ Did n't you ever think of doing anything about it?
mdp.39015016454574And do you mean that, even after America went in, you and your association still felt the same way about it?
mdp.39015016454574And is Marcus still in —?
mdp.39015016454574And then what?
mdp.39015016454574And then —?
mdp.39015016454574And what did Lido think about it? ” “ She? mdp.39015016454574 And what did Lido think about it? ” “ She?
mdp.39015016454574By Jovel Counselor King, just the man I was thinking ofl I'm having a few friends gather at my apartment on Saturday night, will you join us?
mdp.39015016454574Cutting a hog? ” he murmured. mdp.39015016454574 Did you read de copy of de indictment I sends you?"
mdp.39015016454574Do n't you know? mdp.39015016454574 For what?"
mdp.39015016454574Forgot something?
mdp.39015016454574He struts around like Hamlet looking for his father's ghost. ” “ Is that supposed to be funny?
mdp.39015016454574How come de co’poration to make charges'gainst de High Commander when we is all satisfied? ” argued one giant bystander in the throng. mdp.39015016454574 How long yo ’ been here? ” suddenly queried Marcus.
mdp.39015016454574How well does yo ’ know dese people?
mdp.39015016454574Hutson. ”Where de hell dese niggers gets dere name from?"
mdp.39015016454574I know what title you deserve. ” “ Tell me, and I'll ask the High Commander to make me that. ” “ Grand Kidder. ”What's that?"
mdp.39015016454574I suppose you prefer your pure charcoal, eh, Marcus?
mdp.39015016454574If that's so, how do you know about shore dinners? mdp.39015016454574 Is Mar... ” started Jeremiah, then corrected himself:"Is Mr. Cox in?
mdp.39015016454574Is dere anything else you wants, Chief, before Ah turns in?
mdp.39015016454574Is he? mdp.39015016454574 Is that fortunate or unfortunate?"
mdp.39015016454574Is that so? mdp.39015016454574 Is yo'a member?
mdp.39015016454574Jesus, what's money?
mdp.39015016454574Like what?
mdp.39015016454574Make what? ” She had had an uncanny feeling all eve- ning that some disturbance was ahead. mdp.39015016454574 Maybe I will ”; and, after a pause:"Where's Murphy?
mdp.39015016454574No, I doan draw no salary. ”How do you live?"
mdp.39015016454574No, who, I? ” “ All right, Mr. Englishman. mdp.39015016454574 Oh, you met dat young upstart lawyer George Webb, eh?
mdp.39015016454574On a vacation?
mdp.39015016454574Say, is yo'tryin'to kid me, King?
mdp.39015016454574Some house, ehn't it, boy?
mdp.39015016454574Told us what? ” questioned Jeremiah sharply and ir- ritably. mdp.39015016454574 Until I knew you better. ” “ Why delay pleasant things?
mdp.39015016454574Wah yo'mean wot dat means? mdp.39015016454574 Well, how about now?"
mdp.39015016454574Well, how in blazes are you, Marcus? mdp.39015016454574 Well, if that is so, what's all this fuss about then?
mdp.39015016454574Well, picketing is a perfectly lawful act, is n't it? ” inter- jected Jeremiah. mdp.39015016454574 Well, what about your children?
mdp.39015016454574Well, what do you mean by,'if they will serve us'? mdp.39015016454574 Well, ” and he paused,"when are we going to make it?"
mdp.39015016454574Well, ” he abruptly opened, looking towards Murphy,what's de verdict?
mdp.39015016454574What are we going to eat?
mdp.39015016454574What has that to do with it?
mdp.39015016454574What is it?
mdp.39015016454574What is the general purpose of your organization?
mdp.39015016454574What kind of a car?
mdp.39015016454574What time do you expect Murphy?
mdp.39015016454574What yo ’ thinks of my speech?
mdp.39015016454574What's de matter wid you, mon?
mdp.39015016454574What's de matter?
mdp.39015016454574What's the purpose of this Movement? mdp.39015016454574 What?"
mdp.39015016454574When's the trial coming up?
mdp.39015016454574Where is she?
mdp.39015016454574White or black?
mdp.39015016454574Who are they, Marcus? mdp.39015016454574 Who says they need help?
mdp.39015016454574Why ca n't we start a newspaper?
mdp.39015016454574Why, I'm out with you now, am I not?
mdp.39015016454574Would you say a half- million?
mdp.39015016454574You do? ”Yes, sir, I tends to dat; and,'sides, I knows all yo'is goin'to say.
mdp.39015016454574You mean working for Marcus Cox and his bunch of Negroes? mdp.39015016454574 You own an automobile, do n't you?"
mdp.39015016454574Your Worship? mdp.39015016454574 Your mother?"
mdp.39015016454574'Course, I'se only illustratin', but you gits my pint, does yo ”?"
mdp.39015016454574'“ What first papers? ” “ To be an American. ” “ You mean because I said'stick around'? ”"Surely!
mdp.39015016454574'“ What first papers? ” “ To be an American. ” “ You mean because I said'stick around'? ”"Surely!
mdp.39015016454574'” “ How did you guess it?"
mdp.39015016454574'” “ What happened then? ”.
mdp.39015016454574'”"Who's dat man'Jake'?"
mdp.39015016454574... Where, did you say?
mdp.39015016454574106 The Black Challenge"Well, what about something to eat? ” questioned Jere- miah.
mdp.39015016454574126 The Black Challenge “ Why doan you sues'em and collec'damages? ” Marcus questioned.
mdp.39015016454574136 The Black Challenge “ Yes’m. ” “ Did he give any name?
mdp.3901501645457438 The Black Challenge"So you could n't make it- you split up, eh?"
mdp.39015016454574: “ That you, Jerry? ” The voice sounded distant, far off, and, somewhat plaintive.
mdp.39015016454574Am I? ” he persisted.
mdp.39015016454574And dat hanging lamp?
mdp.39015016454574And had they not all sailed down the bay the Saturday before with flags flying and brass band tearing away on deck How come?
mdp.39015016454574And if he were equipped, would his temperament enable him to do so?
mdp.39015016454574And then, after a pregnant pause: “ I'm be- ginning to be crazy about it myself. ” “ Yo'knows something, King?"
mdp.39015016454574And to what account was Marcus intent on turning this power?
mdp.39015016454574And was not the love affair of John Smith and Pocahontas a classic of white America?
mdp.39015016454574And who may span that boundless sea, Or limit its embrace?
mdp.39015016454574And you, Ruth? ” turning to the olive- complexioned young woman.
mdp.39015016454574Are n't there plenty of places up there?"
mdp.39015016454574Are n't we all col- ored people just the same?"
mdp.39015016454574Are you thinking of going there?"
mdp.39015016454574At the subway station, her father said: “ Come, go with me, child. ”"Where?"
mdp.39015016454574At thirty- six years of age, was he too old to pull up stakes and start anew?
mdp.39015016454574Back to the African jungles- habitat of lions and tigers and all sorts of strange, wild animals, among them savage human beings?
mdp.39015016454574But how is that to be done?
mdp.39015016454574But out here in the woods?
mdp.39015016454574But shel What did she care?
mdp.39015016454574But tell me, what's the shouting all about? ”"What shouting?"
mdp.39015016454574But tell me, what's the shouting all about? ”"What shouting?"
mdp.39015016454574But what's de diff?
mdp.39015016454574But what's de diff?
mdp.39015016454574But where was Cox, the defendant?
mdp.39015016454574Chai'man, I craves the privilege of a few remarks. ” “ What's the name, please?"
mdp.39015016454574Coates, ” smoothly began Owen Murphy, “ I show you a piece of paper and ask you what that is- if you know?"
mdp.39015016454574Dat's de fustest Nigger king dere ebber was. ”"Wah yo'talkin''bout? ” interjected another.
mdp.39015016454574De world?
mdp.39015016454574Den what yo ’ wants?
mdp.39015016454574Dey always travel'roun'in Ha'lem together. ” “ What's his name?"
mdp.39015016454574Dey's goin'to say: What de hell dose Niggers knows about runnin'ships?
mdp.39015016454574Did he think he was his master, his boss?
mdp.39015016454574Did n't I tells you de oder night dat money, money is de great t'ing?
mdp.39015016454574Did n't he have fine sensibili- ties, fine ideals, fine fancies?
mdp.39015016454574Did n't you think I had one?"
mdp.39015016454574Do n't you fellows know it's agen the law to transport liquor?
mdp.39015016454574Do n't you know dis car belong to de High Commander?
mdp.39015016454574Do n't you know?
mdp.39015016454574Do you think you are conferring a favor on anybody by refraining from running around with white men?
mdp.39015016454574Doan yo'knows a king when yo'sees one?
mdp.39015016454574Doan you'members I tells yo'so?"
mdp.39015016454574Does yo'thinks you can look into dese things?"
mdp.39015016454574Eb, has yo'got yo'gun?"
mdp.39015016454574Eh’nt yo ’ hear de news?
mdp.39015016454574Every time dere is a lynching dey raises some money; den dey spends dat, see?
mdp.39015016454574Everybody knows that Negroes are a downtrodden people and need their rights protected. ” “ Their rights?
mdp.39015016454574Finally, after a pause: “ Will you come over to de office tomorrow mawning'bout eleven?
mdp.39015016454574Finally, with deliberate slow- ness, he answered: “ What in hell is that to you?
mdp.39015016454574For instant? ” urged Marcus, as Jeremiah hesitated.
mdp.39015016454574From whence had this ability to emit such harmony come to these Negroes?
mdp.39015016454574Great, ehn't dey?
mdp.39015016454574Guess we'll have to postpone our meetin'. ” “ What's it all about, Marcus?
mdp.39015016454574Had he not built, purchased, created, somehow, a great big ship for them?
mdp.39015016454574Had he not worked wonders for them?
mdp.39015016454574Had he, by virtue of his mixed heritage, become emasculated of the strength that might have been his had he been a purely white or a purely black man?
mdp.39015016454574Had n't he as much refinement as any white man in the world?
mdp.39015016454574Had not her own experiences taught her anything?
mdp.39015016454574Had they not also survived?
mdp.39015016454574Half- past nine?
mdp.39015016454574Have you met him or seen him?"
mdp.39015016454574He extended his arm: “ May I?"
mdp.39015016454574He wondered: could this be true in his case?
mdp.39015016454574Hear that?"
mdp.39015016454574Her mood changed, and she said in a low, pleading voice: “ Is that nice, Jerry?
mdp.39015016454574How about dat indictment?
mdp.39015016454574How about you, Lido?
mdp.39015016454574How are Americans going to feel about your ship project?"
mdp.39015016454574How long's de worl'been takin'care of herself?"
mdp.39015016454574How much closer could you have been to him, anyhow?
mdp.39015016454574How much had all these assets weighed in that restaurant a short while ago?
mdp.39015016454574How shall we do this?
mdp.39015016454574How was he going to gird himself to meet it?
mdp.39015016454574How would a black man have answered it?
mdp.39015016454574How would a white man have answered this assault had the situation been reversed?
mdp.39015016454574How would you like to be such a character? ” “ Hush yo'nonsens, King.
mdp.39015016454574I do so love'em, only ” she hesitated, “ I wonder whether it's all right?
mdp.39015016454574I hope that when the Good Lord calls me, And says: Who's a- going there?
mdp.39015016454574I understan'that you took dat little girl out de other night in yo'car and yo'insults her. ” “ She told you that?"
mdp.39015016454574I was Gran''Sistant Treasurer. ” “ Are you still that in the corporation?"
mdp.39015016454574I wonder whether they will serve us?"
mdp.39015016454574I'm not so dumb after all, am I?
mdp.39015016454574I've been waiting out here for three- quarters of an hour. ” “ Oh, have you?
mdp.39015016454574If I were Marcus, I would hire the best trial lawyer that money can buy. ” “ Why do n't you talk to him?
mdp.39015016454574If eventually, why not now?"
mdp.39015016454574If so, how divide himself?
mdp.39015016454574If you ca n't get what you are looking for, why not do the next best thing?"
mdp.39015016454574Is n't Doctor Proudfoot a regular brick to turn this party on for me before I go away?"
mdp.39015016454574Is n't dat as good as anyt’ing else?
mdp.39015016454574Is n't that what they have'em for, to serve people? ” Lido looked covertly over at her companion.
mdp.39015016454574Is that a nice thing for you to say to me- after I've been so honest and frank with you?
mdp.39015016454574Is that the thanks I get for my frankness?"
mdp.39015016454574Is that true, Mr. Cox? ” Murphy had goaded and jeered Marcus to the limit of exasperation.
mdp.39015016454574Jeremiah paused for a moment, then remarked:"You know something, Marcus? ”"No, what's dat?"
mdp.39015016454574Jeremiah paused for a moment, then remarked:"You know something, Marcus? ”"No, what's dat?"
mdp.39015016454574Marcus Cox held out his hand and drawled slowly, “ Howdye do, Murphy? ” Jeremiah rose as Murphy came up the steps.
mdp.39015016454574Marry Marcus, eh?
mdp.39015016454574Mind- 202 The Black Challenge ful of the gibes and sneers and wisecracks which occasionally shot through the stark, surprised silence of the watchers?
mdp.39015016454574Mothers, all the world over, are static, definite persons- but fathers?
mdp.39015016454574Mr. Cox?
mdp.39015016454574Mr. King- Jerry?
mdp.39015016454574My idea was a more serious —"“ When does we start, boy?"
mdp.39015016454574No objection to that, is there? ”"I’spose not. ” “ Would you like to meet him?"
mdp.39015016454574No objection to that, is there? ”"I’spose not. ” “ Would you like to meet him?"
mdp.39015016454574Now, which is it- you black brothers of this movement?
mdp.39015016454574Of course, we are both in the same boat, and this is n't meant as criti- cism; we're only talking between us, understand? ” Her mother nodded.
mdp.39015016454574Oh, doan worry, ” as Jeremiah raised The Black Challenge 73 in de debil's name should Niggers want to copy de white man all de time?
mdp.39015016454574Or was it because of her grace and beauty and- manner?
mdp.39015016454574Or was it his master?
mdp.39015016454574Or, was it that, in spite of those experiences, she was flattered that her daughter had arrested the atten- tions of a white man?
mdp.39015016454574Putting it 146 The Black Challenge to his lips for what seemed to Jeremiah an ungodly long minute, he remarked: “ Whiskey, eh?
mdp.39015016454574Re- sort to the courts?
mdp.39015016454574Say, King, does yo'believes all you reads in de Bible?"
mdp.39015016454574Say, King, where de hell you t'inks de moon go ef we knocks her over? ”"Search me, Marcus, you're doing the knocking."
mdp.39015016454574Say, King, yo ’ knows what I'd like to be?"
mdp.39015016454574Self- conscious?
mdp.39015016454574Shall human beings shrink?
mdp.39015016454574She has been takin'care of herself dese- how many years, King, tell me dat?
mdp.39015016454574She stared evenly at Jeremiah and, with much of ice in her voice, questioned: “ What's become of yours?"
mdp.39015016454574She was out last night when you had supper with us. ”"Oh, she lives at Mr. Cox's house, does she?"
mdp.39015016454574Should she call her mother?
mdp.39015016454574So I says again, what's de diff, King?
mdp.39015016454574Step right in de office and de hon’able Chamberlain Phillips will fix yo'alls up. ”"Hear dat, Nigger, ai n't I tole you so?
mdp.39015016454574Suppose he like black clothes and I like red clothes- ain't my red clothes as good as his black clothes?
mdp.39015016454574Suppose they should grow up and want to eat on the boardwalk?"
mdp.39015016454574Suppose we drops down and looks dem over, eh King? ” Jeremiah agreed.
mdp.39015016454574Suppose we phone you? ” Marcus Cox thought a moment.
mdp.39015016454574Suppose you had a whack at the remaking of things, what would you do?"
mdp.39015016454574Tell me, just what do we look like in our present position?".
mdp.39015016454574That black, moon- faced Obadiah Jackson?
mdp.39015016454574That was a great piece of cross- examination I conducted, was n't it now?
mdp.39015016454574That'll be time enough, wo n't it? ” he questioned.
mdp.39015016454574That's not the answer to the problem. ” “ What is de answer, den? ”.
mdp.39015016454574The Black Challenge 105 “ Me?
mdp.39015016454574The Black Challenge 223"Well, doan yo'thinks we want to go out of Ha'lem sometimes?"
mdp.39015016454574The Black Challenge 39 “ Udder things like what?
mdp.39015016454574The impohtant thing is that you is here ”; and, after a pause, “ What yo'thinks o'doing?"
mdp.39015016454574The streets of Harlem?
mdp.39015016454574The worst that can happen to him is a prison term. ” 204 The Black Challenge"A prison term?
mdp.39015016454574Then, turning to Jeremiah: “ What's de matter with you?
mdp.39015016454574This helps, does n't it?"
mdp.39015016454574To whom hab I de honah of addressin'myself to?"
mdp.39015016454574To whom was this invitation addressed, anyhow?
mdp.39015016454574Was he being sardonic, or what?
mdp.39015016454574Was he not well equipped?
mdp.39015016454574Was he serious?
mdp.39015016454574Was he serious?
mdp.39015016454574Was he, Jeremiah King, equipped to contribute any real help to this black dreamer and his followers?
mdp.39015016454574Was he, Jeremiah, a weak and sexless thing?
mdp.39015016454574Was it because of her light color?
mdp.39015016454574Was it not his friend, his pal?
mdp.39015016454574Was it or was it not some contribu- tion of worth to so- called civilized man?
mdp.39015016454574Was it the whiskey which had so stimulated him, or was it some latent thing in his blood coming to life?
mdp.39015016454574Was n't this place good enough?
mdp.39015016454574Was not England, the birthplace of his Caucasian mother, as much his home as Africa, the land of his paternal ancestors?
mdp.39015016454574Was that white district attorney fellah wid him?
mdp.39015016454574Was this man actually referring to him?
mdp.39015016454574We knows this fellow Murphy there a while now?
mdp.39015016454574We want what they have, and if we are fortunate enough to be able to get it without question, why not take it?
mdp.39015016454574We'se got to take her- she's de enemy, see?
mdp.39015016454574Well, what yo'thinks of it?
mdp.39015016454574Were they not all members of a common conspiracy?
mdp.39015016454574Were they not the United Negro Movement of the United States and of the World, and was not that Association they- themselves?
mdp.39015016454574What connection could there be between portly, squat black Marcus Cox and this striking, exotic creature?
mdp.39015016454574What de hell does I cares what de white man t'inks of me?
mdp.39015016454574What did she hope could be gained from such a relationship between her colored daugh- • ter and this white man?
mdp.39015016454574What did this man, Marcus Cox, think he was with respect to him, Jeremiah?
mdp.39015016454574What do they aim to do?"
mdp.39015016454574What else has yo'got on yo'ches'? ”.
mdp.39015016454574What else have you got with you?"
mdp.39015016454574What else is'forty'? ”.
mdp.39015016454574What explanation had he to give for it?
mdp.39015016454574What good is a ship sailing the high seas going to do you and all these people? ” “ You eh’nt see'cause you eh'nt got any vision, King.
mdp.39015016454574What made you say that?"
mdp.39015016454574What right had he to be nosing into her affairs?
mdp.39015016454574What time?"
mdp.39015016454574What was Lido Jones to Marcus Cox, anyhow?
mdp.39015016454574What was that inherent something which had enabled it to survive?
mdp.39015016454574What was the answer- if there were answer at all?
mdp.39015016454574What was the matter with New York, with Harlem?
mdp.39015016454574What would they do there, anyway?
mdp.39015016454574What yo ’ say his name?"
mdp.39015016454574What yo'say we has a drink?"
mdp.39015016454574What yo'think you kin live here on?
mdp.39015016454574What'd you say you come around to the station house with me?"
mdp.39015016454574What're you fellows, bootleggers? ” “ We ought to be, but we ehn't.
mdp.39015016454574What's become of his wife and... brats? ” he ended shortly.
mdp.39015016454574What's de diff, King? ” laughed Marcus.
mdp.39015016454574What's de diff? ”.
mdp.39015016454574What's de time?
mdp.39015016454574What's he look like? ”"No ma'm, no name.
mdp.39015016454574What's the matter with me?
mdp.39015016454574What's the use of living here if you ca n't have what you want? ”"Me?
mdp.39015016454574What's the use of living here if you ca n't have what you want? ”"Me?
mdp.39015016454574What's the use of playing dumb?
mdp.39015016454574What's your little office in this outfit?"
mdp.39015016454574What, indeed, were the white people doing to their chief, their leader, their High Commander?
mdp.39015016454574When are you coming down to my flat and give me a night of it?"
mdp.39015016454574When are you going out with me?"
mdp.39015016454574When did you get that idea? ” “ I've been pondering things over, and I've come to that conclusion.
mdp.39015016454574When you had your kingdom, then what would you do with it?
mdp.39015016454574Where are you going?"
mdp.39015016454574Where de hell yo't'ink I could live like I living in this man's country?
mdp.39015016454574Where is we going?
mdp.39015016454574Which part of him belonged to Africa and which to somewhere else?
mdp.39015016454574Who are you, anyhow, and how dare you come over here and ask me a question like that? ” “ I am the manager of this restaurant.
mdp.39015016454574Who has all de nice places down in de Islands?
mdp.39015016454574Who is dis Marcus Cox?
mdp.39015016454574Who is this?"
mdp.39015016454574Who was his opponent?
mdp.39015016454574Who's driving this car?
mdp.39015016454574Who, I?
mdp.39015016454574Whom are you paying that to but to some white man who owns it?
mdp.39015016454574Whose ship is dat?
mdp.39015016454574Who’se dat?"
mdp.39015016454574Why are you trying to build a Negro kingdom on the black man's troubles if everybody, white and black, is subject alike to these common annoyances?
mdp.39015016454574Why ca n't you?
mdp.39015016454574Why do n't you buy?
mdp.39015016454574Why eh’nt I thinks of dat long ago?
mdp.39015016454574Why in hell is we'shamed of good, rich black mens and womens?".
mdp.39015016454574Why not?
mdp.39015016454574Why not?
mdp.39015016454574Why should n't I try to help all those? ” “ Because charity begins at home, and you ought to help your own race first.
mdp.39015016454574Why should not he, Jeremiah, be proud of that part of his lineage which, being black and condemned, had the capacity for a sur- viving smile?
mdp.39015016454574Why, mon, why do yo't'inks you had to come to dis country?
mdp.39015016454574Will yo'? ” he pleaded.
mdp.39015016454574Wonder how he gets away with it?
mdp.39015016454574Would he snub her?
mdp.39015016454574Would n't that satisfy the public prosecutor?
mdp.39015016454574Yet how had he been treated?
mdp.39015016454574Yet was this true?
mdp.39015016454574Yo''member I tell yo'about de time I had to chase George Webb from de house because I did n't like his gallivantin roun'wid Lido all de time?
mdp.39015016454574Yo''members when you’se had a tuff case and you use to loll back wid your feets on de table communin'wid de spirits?
mdp.39015016454574Yo'know dat little Nigger Webb that yo'met at de cabaret de fust night I meets you?
mdp.39015016454574Yo'knows what fo?".
mdp.39015016454574Yo'see all dem houses out dere?
mdp.39015016454574Yo'stands me?"
mdp.39015016454574Yo't'inks dey'd want yo', do n't yo ’?
mdp.39015016454574Yo't'inks so?
mdp.39015016454574You comprehends me, King?"
mdp.39015016454574You know Mr. Cox of course?"
mdp.39015016454574You knows why de black man ca n't build towns and cities like de white man, like out dere?"
mdp.39015016454574You knows'i m? ” Jeremiah rose and extended his hand in greeting to the newcomer.
mdp.39015016454574You must be doin'some pow'ful thinkin', mon?".
mdp.39015016454574You remember?
mdp.39015016454574You see dis one?
mdp.39015016454574You sees dem shelling out dere bucks?
mdp.39015016454574You sees me speechifying to dem in Liberty Hall?
mdp.39015016454574You smoke?
mdp.39015016454574You travel around with white men, eh?"
mdp.39015016454574crowd? ” inquired Jere- miah after some moments of silence.
mdp.39015016454574have n't we?"
mdp.39015016454574the white part of him had made him feel that he was not like this — this other black kind?
mdp.39015016454574to think that even such a thought should come into my mind! ” Flee from the question that way?
mdp.39015016454574“ All right, Mr. Cox, then, ” emphasized Murphy, “ do you draw a salary from the corporation?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Am I a greater pain than usual?"
mdp.39015016454574“ And how long has this kind of thing been going on here?"
mdp.39015016454574“ And its mistress?"
mdp.39015016454574“ And the liquor in the car?"
mdp.39015016454574“ And what about America?
mdp.39015016454574“ And what about Harlem?
mdp.39015016454574“ And what's all this Back- to- Africa stuff that I've read in the papers about you and your Movement, Mr. Cox?
mdp.39015016454574“ And where is we going, black soldiers of this Universal Movement?
mdp.39015016454574“ And you've had your share?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Are n't you glad to see me again? ”"No, I hoped never to set eyes on you again in this world, ” she ended passionately.
mdp.39015016454574“ Are they coming down on the boat?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Are you going to Proudfoot's party?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Are you sure?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Bible stuff, eh? ” “ Who told you?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Bible stuff, eh? ” “ Who told you?"
mdp.39015016454574“ But de$ 3,000 was all right- no kick'bout that, eh? ” drawled Marcus.
mdp.39015016454574“ Ca n't we do that some other time?
mdp.39015016454574“ Could get you up a nice steak – a nice planked steak, 168 The Black Challenge"What's funny about him?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Dat's damn fine liquor, ehn't it, officeh? ” observed Marcus.
mdp.39015016454574“ Did n't you read Home to Harlem?
mdp.39015016454574“ Did you think I was re- ferring to your age?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Dis is a gor'jus night, ehn't it, King?
mdp.39015016454574“ Do lawyers... cut... hogs? ”.
mdp.39015016454574“ Do n't you know English?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Do n't you people know each other? ” he ques- tioned.
mdp.39015016454574“ Do you know any more like that? ”"Yes, hunching shoulders again. ” “ Damn the shoulders! ” he repeated.
mdp.39015016454574“ Do you know what I'd like to do right now?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Do you know what happens to naughty little monkeys who try to be smart?
mdp.39015016454574“ Does it cost that much to- take me out? ” she questioned a little icily.
mdp.39015016454574“ Eh, what?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Gen’man to see you, Miss Jones. ”"Me?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Got a moment, Counselor?
mdp.39015016454574“ Guess what? ” laughed Lido.
mdp.39015016454574“ Hello, Al, ” Murphy greeted the proprietor, “ how's tricks?"
mdp.39015016454574“ High Commander?
mdp.39015016454574“ Honest? ” she questioned.
mdp.39015016454574“ Hopping a little – and..."“ And what? ” “ Your shoulders."
mdp.39015016454574“ How are things out West?"
mdp.39015016454574“ How are you, old chappie?
mdp.39015016454574“ How many's a couple for you?
mdp.39015016454574“ How much dat's goin'to cost?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Huh?"
mdp.39015016454574“ I can be a cave man. ” “ At such short notice?"
mdp.39015016454574“ I guess this is one of Marcus'problems. ” “ Yoh means de mayor, Mr. Marks?
mdp.39015016454574“ I have n't much memory for names ”; and, after a pause: “ What's he doing in Harlem, slumming?"
mdp.39015016454574“ I would, eh?
mdp.39015016454574“ I'spose you thinks you could ah done heaps better, do n't you?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Is Mrs. Jones in yet?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Is n't it a great party?
mdp.39015016454574“ Is n't that dangerous?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Is n't the question of a crime in this case altogether a question of intent?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Is that the bunch who publishes the newspaper called the Crucible? ” “ De same.
mdp.39015016454574“ It's dere for a purpose. ” “ What purpose?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Let's see, dat's how much?
mdp.39015016454574“ Like who?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Look out dere what yo ’ doing, Nigger; do n't you see me drivin'up?
mdp.39015016454574“ Majah, say dat again, will yo?
mdp.39015016454574“ Maybe. ” “ How am I doing now?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Me?
mdp.39015016454574“ Might I axe you, Mr. Couns’lor, what yo'bizness wid de President General High Commander might appertain to?
mdp.39015016454574“ Mighty unctious, ehn't it?"
mdp.39015016454574“ My Sunday- school teacher. ” “ Where is she? ” “ She's a he. ” “ Where?"
mdp.39015016454574“ My Sunday- school teacher. ” “ Where is she? ” “ She's a he. ” “ Where?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Next week, when the fall term of court starts, I believe. ”"Are you going to be his lawyer?"
mdp.39015016454574“ No, de Madam. ” “ To see me? ” queried Mrs. Jones in surprise.
mdp.39015016454574“ No, you are very- different. ” “ In my dancing, you mean?"
mdp.39015016454574“ No?
mdp.39015016454574“ Not any more. ” “ Before?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Oh, is it your party?
mdp.39015016454574“ Oh, is that so?
mdp.39015016454574“ Oh, so Marcus has been talking to you, eh? ” Lido Jones nodded.
mdp.39015016454574“ Oh, sure, why not?"
mdp.39015016454574“ One ub dose bankin'-brokin'fellahs, eh?
mdp.39015016454574“ Say, Mandy, when is yo'goin'to let me steal you? ” he ended, looking roguishly at Amanda.
mdp.39015016454574“ Say, Marcus, you know the thing that has made more for Negro progress in the United States than anything else?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Say, dis is one hell of a party, ehn't it?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Shucks, man, what we care for dere suits?
mdp.39015016454574“ So you're going on a vacation soon, eh? ” as if recalling something that had been lost.
mdp.39015016454574“ Stick around?
mdp.39015016454574“ Sure, what's de matter with it?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Surely, did n't you know?
mdp.39015016454574“ Surely, officer, you're not serious?"
mdp.39015016454574“ That so?"
mdp.39015016454574“ That$ 3,000 you collected tonight was real money, was n't it?"
mdp.39015016454574“ The Tombs?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Then what is yo ’ kickin''bout?"
mdp.39015016454574“ To what?"
mdp.39015016454574“ To whom is you speaking- to whom?
mdp.39015016454574“ Violent, eh? ”"The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent- you know the rest?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Violent, eh? ”"The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent- you know the rest?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Want me, Commander?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Webb and Proudfoot good friends?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Well, do you suppose I want to hide, or disguise myself, behind a light skin?
mdp.39015016454574“ Well, what has that to do with you and your work?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What are you laughing at?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What do you want here? ” she added in a cold, hard voice.
mdp.39015016454574“ What good would that do you, Marcus?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What good would that do?
mdp.39015016454574“ What in the world are you talking about, Mother?
mdp.39015016454574“ What makes you think so?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What was your position in the Negro Movement of the World- in the corporation at that time- the date of that check?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What would I do?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What yo'bets?
mdp.39015016454574“ What yo'bis'ness?
mdp.39015016454574“ What yo'means- dey doan serve cullud people?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What yo'think?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What yo'thinks'bout it?"
mdp.39015016454574“ What you fellows doing here? ” Silence a moment, then Marcus'voice.
mdp.39015016454574“ What's a shore dinner, and why do you wonder if we will be served? ” smiled Jeremiah, abstracting his gaze and thought from the ocean.
mdp.39015016454574“ What's dat? ” returned Marcus, turning his head to one side.
mdp.39015016454574“ What's funny about Mr. Cox employing you? ” He looked at her.
mdp.39015016454574“ What's that?
mdp.39015016454574“ What, relaxing?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Where in hell did you get yours- Cox?
mdp.39015016454574“ Where's Lido?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Which way is the doctor's apartment?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Who are you? ” he was saying as Marcus came inside the railing and stood beside Jeremiah.
mdp.39015016454574“ Who can that be?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Who is de pompous fellah over yondah? ” The Black Challenge 89"You mean the one with his hair sticking up like a mop?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Who is de pompous fellah over yondah? ” The Black Challenge 89"You mean the one with his hair sticking up like a mop?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Who is the blonde?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Who, I?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Who, me?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Why, Mr. King, you here?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Why?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Wiggling too much, eh?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Will you call upon me if you do?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Ye- s-? ” drawled Jeremiah slowly, with a half- curious lift of his eyebrows.
mdp.39015016454574“ Yes, King, but you knows something?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Yes, at the end of next week. ”"Do n't you need a chaperone? ” he bantered in an effort to recapture their former mood.
mdp.39015016454574“ Yes, whatever I needs. ”"Now this$ 20,000 that you sent to the West Indies, what's it doing there?"
mdp.39015016454574“ Yes, why not?
mdp.39015016454574“ Yes, why not?
mdp.39015016454574“ Yes, why not?
mdp.39015016454574“ Yo'means de time dey turns you down in dat res’trant? ” Jeremiah nodded.
mdp.39015016454574“ Yo'see that big white birch- bark swan?
mdp.39015016454574“ Yo'thinks that a joke, do n't yo'? ” queried Marcus.
mdp.39015016454574“ Yo'was in de hall, then, tonight, was you?"
mdp.39015016454574“ You agree with me?"
mdp.39015016454574“ You do n't seem so jolly tonight. ” “ No?"
mdp.39015016454574“ You heard all about it, did you?"
mdp.39015016454574“ You mean irrelevant, immaterial, and incompetent, do n't you?"
mdp.39015016454574“ You met him, did n't you?
mdp.39015009022487'I suppose you think we're a pretty somber lot, Mr John- son?
mdp.39015009022487Ai n't it bad nuf fo'her to make a fool out'n herself'thout you all pleasurin'in it?
mdp.39015009022487Ai n't there nothin'we kin do?
mdp.39015009022487Ai n't we got protection? mdp.39015009022487 And I suppose that one drinks with one's brother? ” he suggested witheringly, sniffing.
mdp.39015009022487And just why are you looking at me like that? ” he de- manded. mdp.39015009022487 And she's got sort o'red- like hair and uses a lot of lip- stick and rouge, does n't she?"
mdp.39015009022487And you want each of us to take a third of this new stock, is that it?
mdp.39015009022487Are n't you being a little too hard? mdp.39015009022487 But who's to blame for those people's condition?
mdp.39015009022487Ca n't figure it out? ” Connie's voice was amused. mdp.39015009022487 Ca n't you see I'm sick? ” he answered dully to Essie's sharp demands.
mdp.39015009022487Did you all find Johnny?
mdp.39015009022487Did you at any time hear the two ladies solicit the two gentlemen?
mdp.39015009022487Did you find'em? ” he whispered. mdp.39015009022487 Did you mail those letters last night, Dad? ” she asked before she left.
mdp.39015009022487Do I look like a married man?
mdp.39015009022487Do n't I keep things clean here in the house? mdp.39015009022487 Do n't I keep up my dues?
mdp.39015009022487Do n't I see folks totin'whole sacks o'stuff'way, come Sat’dy nights — an'ever'night, too? mdp.39015009022487 Do you mean to tell me that he got the amount he asked for? ” demanded Paul skeptically.
mdp.39015009022487Do you swim?
mdp.39015009022487Ef I'd- a had a man like you"Who's that woman? ” Christine had jerked up suddenly out of her sleep. mdp.39015009022487 Figure what? ” Bran started guiltily.
mdp.39015009022487Georgie says what? mdp.39015009022487 Gone? ”"Where? ” Connie and Lem bent over their mother while Maggie slid forward on the edge of her chair.
mdp.39015009022487Gone? ”Where? ” Connie and Lem bent over their mother while Maggie slid forward on the edge of her chair.
mdp.39015009022487Got enough? ” he asked as they paused to change sides. mdp.39015009022487 H'm... ” he murmured casually,"razor cut, eh?
mdp.39015009022487Have n't I always been willing to let you have what I can? ” reminded Connie. mdp.39015009022487 Have n't I said that is n't the sensible way? ”"Give it to him, Dad! ” exclaimed Essie maliciously.
mdp.39015009022487Have you taken Mr John- son over on Federal and Dearborn and into some of the blocks on the other streets below the Forties?
mdp.39015009022487Have you taken your medicine? ” she demanded. mdp.39015009022487 He signed a'greement an'ever'thing-"Did you go to a notary?"
mdp.39015009022487He's sick- can't you see? ” Joe looked more closely at his son. mdp.39015009022487 Help me wid these vegetables, will you, Nick? ”"Here's some!
mdp.39015009022487Hey, what's the big idea?
mdp.39015009022487How are the two white ladies? ” asked Mae Carter merrily just before New Year's. mdp.39015009022487 How could you talk so to your own mother? ”"Oh, stop it! ” commanded Connie relentlessly.
mdp.39015009022487How do you know you're going to get your job back? ” he demanded. mdp.39015009022487 How in the name of all that's holy can they live in such a hole?"
mdp.39015009022487How much did you take him for? ” whispered Clo as they were conducted by a female attendant to the floor above. mdp.39015009022487 How much do I owe you? ”"You just scrape up enough for that dinner next Sunday,"replied Essie.
mdp.39015009022487How you know so much'bout'er? ” he questioned. mdp.39015009022487 How you likes my cooks? ” She waved to the long range where two young men moved swiftly between it and the serving table.
mdp.39015009022487How's business, feller? ” Maggie Dawson stood in front of her little restaurant, her arms wrapped in the folds of a greasy apron. mdp.39015009022487 How's that? ” Paul held a small mirror to the back of Jeff's head.
mdp.39015009022487I do your typing for you, do n't I? ” asserted Essie de- fensively. mdp.39015009022487 I reckon Sam done told you'bout me? ” He chuckled as Paul nodded.
mdp.39015009022487I reckon we kin make it all right by ourselves, eh, gal? ” he muttered, tossing the letter aside. mdp.39015009022487 I suppose you heard I had a little luck, so you decided you'd come around and collect again, eh?
mdp.39015009022487I want to sell- does n't make much difference to me what it is, so long as people want it and buy it. ”You done had trainin', ai n't you?
mdp.39015009022487I was just thinking how closely you resemble someone I know. ” “ Wife? ” Essie held her breath. mdp.39015009022487 I'll show'em! ” “ What you aimin'to do? ” asked Jethro.
mdp.39015009022487I've been thinking the same thing for the last two months. ”Well, what's the matter now?"
mdp.39015009022487If you'd- a had a man like who?
mdp.39015009022487Is it really like everybody says? mdp.39015009022487 Is there a counsel for the defense? ” A hawk- nosed mulatto in shiny blue serge stepped for- ward and presented himself to the Bench.
mdp.39015009022487Is you a barber, sho'nuf? ” he demanded eagerly. mdp.39015009022487 Is you plumb gone crazy, Maggie?
mdp.39015009022487It's hot in here anyway, is n't it, boys? ” Her voice was its most seductive, and she moistened her carmined lips. mdp.39015009022487 It's my wedding, is n't it? ” she resumed.
mdp.39015009022487Just when do I get my week's dough? ”Look in my pocketbook,"said his mother wearily.
mdp.39015009022487Keep telling you I'd rather be a lamppost in Harlem than a big shot in my home town! ”Who do you think you're stuffing?"
mdp.39015009022487Know what?
mdp.39015009022487Listen, cat, ” growled Holt,if you know what's the number, tell us — before I throw the whole room on you! ”"Türow on who?
mdp.39015009022487Look here, ” said Joe as Jane got up to go,whyn't you git some cops to go ’ long wid you? ”"No sir! ” replied Jane.
mdp.39015009022487Look- it them shacks! ”You know whar they's went? ” asked Sam.
mdp.39015009022487Maggie jes'gittin'up?
mdp.39015009022487May I see the news? ”Sure, go right ahead.
mdp.39015009022487Maybe? mdp.39015009022487 Mrs Benson, what's the trouble?
mdp.39015009022487Nigger- rich, eh?
mdp.39015009022487Not bad, eh? ” chuckled Clo. mdp.39015009022487 Now what? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015009022487Now who's that staring at us? ” whispered Clo. mdp.39015009022487 Now why be like that?"
mdp.39015009022487Now, children, you know what you're going to do for me this morning? mdp.39015009022487 Oh, for cryin'out loud, Mother- how do you think we could have paid the bills we owed?
mdp.39015009022487Oh, so that's your game? ” she panted angrily. mdp.39015009022487 Oh-'tis you, is it, Miss Saunders?"
mdp.39015009022487Old families? ” laughed Connie lightly. mdp.39015009022487 Paul- Paul Johnson. ”"Got a license?"
mdp.39015009022487People do n't actually live in those awful places, do they? mdp.39015009022487 Play up to him and tap him for money like some people I know?"
mdp.39015009022487Reckon they's all headin'fo ’ the same place- Chicago? ”Near'bout.
mdp.39015009022487Remember how I used to have to bring our water from your house? ” she recalled. mdp.39015009022487 Say, did n't I have one of your wife's babies?
mdp.39015009022487Say, how did we get into that? ” she exclaimed. mdp.39015009022487 Say, what are you dreaming about? ” Connie did not look up.
mdp.39015009022487Say, what are you driving at?
mdp.39015009022487Say, what's eating you?
mdp.39015009022487Say, who plays the tennis? ” He balanced one and O Canaan! mdp.39015009022487 See the big boy at Essie's side with the suspicious bulge at his hip?
mdp.39015009022487See them? ” asked Joe. mdp.39015009022487 Sho'looks fittin'in that white, do n't they, boy?
mdp.39015009022487So Ellen and Jimmy- Lew are proud parents of a boy?
mdp.39015009022487So ya wanted to make time with a chippie and let me take a rap, eh? ”Wait a minute, for God's sake!
mdp.39015009022487So you want to open a beauty shop, eh? ” she said when Essie had divulged her plan. mdp.39015009022487 So you wants a job, eh? ” Jeff turned to his companion.
mdp.39015009022487So you're down and out today, are you? ” said Jane, rais- ing her thin eyebrows. mdp.39015009022487 Still figuring, eh, Russ? ” mocked Paul, stripping off his clothes.
mdp.39015009022487Surprised? ” she questioned, placing cool fingers in his hot, moist hand. mdp.39015009022487 Take in roomers? ” cried Christine.
mdp.39015009022487That silly Ronnie Brown? mdp.39015009022487 The chap there who could pass for your younger brother?
mdp.39015009022487The room? mdp.39015009022487 True- life stories? ”"No, I simply want to play fair with you.
mdp.39015009022487Two? ” Paul looked his surprise. mdp.39015009022487 Was she about my size and big up here? ” She indicated her small bust.
mdp.39015009022487We're always saying what we ca n't do instead of what we can do! ”Is that sho'nuf right'bout them furriners, son?"
mdp.39015009022487Well, Junior, what you doin'in the house this time o'day? mdp.39015009022487 Well, boy, you's really gittin'ready, ai n't you? ”"Yes ma'am, A'nt Lizzie, ” replied Paul.
mdp.39015009022487Well, feller, how we doin'now? ” she grinned to Joe. mdp.39015009022487 Well, how do you gentlemen like my proposition?"
mdp.39015009022487Well, how do you like our little town, now that you've had a real chance to see it? mdp.39015009022487 Well, sir! ”"See the slinky kid with the black gown which she be- lieves makes her sophisticated?
mdp.39015009022487Well, you went through with it, did n't you?
mdp.39015009022487Whar you bound? ” called Sam to one old man whose hair was a mat of white above a dried apple of a face. mdp.39015009022487 Whar you gwine?"
mdp.39015009022487What I want wid some old dried- up man? ” scorned Mag- gie,Be better'n lettin'a no- good cuss like this guy do you out'n yo'money!"
mdp.39015009022487What are the charges here? ” The judge was lean, gray, saturnine, and spoke with the weary voice of a confirmed cynic. mdp.39015009022487 What are you- a night mechanic? ” whispered Paul, tittering"No, a machinist,"she corrected and laughed noiselessly.
mdp.39015009022487What did he mean by that? ” Essie looked across the top of the typewriter at Joe. mdp.39015009022487 What did you do when Connie was here?"
mdp.39015009022487What do you think I am — a streetwalker? ”Well,"puzzled Essie,"you as good as said so."
mdp.39015009022487What do you think they'll do to her? ”They oughta give'er a medal! ” growled Joe.
mdp.39015009022487What do you want? ” he snapped peevishly. mdp.39015009022487 What good'll that do? ” scoffed Paul, shutting his two shabby suitcases.
mdp.39015009022487What have you been reading? ” he rasped. mdp.39015009022487 What style, mister? ” he asked, poising his clippers.
mdp.39015009022487What time is it? ”Ten o'clock. ”"Holy mackerel!
mdp.39015009022487What was it this time last year, Russ? ” asked Patton. mdp.39015009022487 What we gone do now, Mistah Joe?"
mdp.39015009022487What you doin', man? ” he inquired, wiping his face. mdp.39015009022487 What you want do — bust it?"
mdp.39015009022487What you want? ” she demanded, her breath reeking of whisky. mdp.39015009022487 What ’re you down here for — another pappyless baby? ”"Not this time,"she answered, sitting beside him.
mdp.39015009022487What'd I tell you'bout raisin'a ruckus fust thing in the mornin'? mdp.39015009022487 What're ya doin'in there? ” she demanded again, her right hand fumbling at her pocketbook.
mdp.39015009022487What's a guy going to do if he ca n't get a break? ” coun- tered Bob. mdp.39015009022487 What's done happen to Jim Ed Boozey an'them Wilsons from up the country?
mdp.39015009022487What's going on down there?
mdp.39015009022487What's it to you? ” snapped Essie. mdp.39015009022487 What's she doing out in all this? ” exclaimed Connie.
mdp.39015009022487What's so remarkable about it? ” she demanded. mdp.39015009022487 What's that correct digit going to be, A’nt Lizzie?"
mdp.39015009022487What's that- a new one your mother's brought on you? ” she asked. mdp.39015009022487 What's the matter, Sis?
mdp.39015009022487What's the matter? ” asked Paul quickly, treading water. mdp.39015009022487 What's the matter?"
mdp.39015009022487What's the matter?
mdp.39015009022487What's yo'name, young feller? ” whispered Sam. mdp.39015009022487 Where are you off to? ” he asked, dropping his bulging brief case beside a chair and wiping his flushed, perspiring face.
mdp.39015009022487Where's Ree- o- dee January? ” he'd suddenly demand of Lem. mdp.39015009022487 Where's that Joe? ” he demanded by way of diverting her attention.
mdp.39015009022487Where's that Junior anyhow?
mdp.39015009022487Where's that Reverend Williams'address?
mdp.39015009022487Where's the funeral? ”They've cut Bran's salary to the bone, ” announced Connie.
mdp.39015009022487Where's the officer who made the arrests?
mdp.39015009022487Where? ” demanded Joe eagerly. mdp.39015009022487 Which way did he go?"
mdp.39015009022487Who owns that one? ”My brother- in- law used to run it, ” said Essie as she stepped into the car and they drifted away.
mdp.39015009022487Who that?
mdp.39015009022487Who told you to write'em? ” he asked slowly, his voice an ominous rumble. mdp.39015009022487 Who's done what, baby? ” he yawned.
mdp.39015009022487Who's next, gentlemen? ” smiled Paul. mdp.39015009022487 Who's she? ” he demanded.
mdp.39015009022487Who, me? ” said Essie defensively. mdp.39015009022487 Why didn'cha go my fine?"
mdp.39015009022487Why do n't you play a man's game? ”Because I'm playing a female minnow! ” grinned Paul, unruffled by the taunt.
mdp.39015009022487Why do n't you say it? ” he demanded as sharply as he could. mdp.39015009022487 Why you — why you wan'go, bye?"
mdp.39015009022487Wo n't I though? mdp.39015009022487 You ai n't likin''bout yestiddy... Georgie... that it?"
mdp.39015009022487You and who else? ” he replied, assuming a mock polite- ness of tone. mdp.39015009022487 You ever think what we mought do ef we was to run our places in partners? ”"I ai n't bin thinkin'nothin'diff'rent! ” ejaculated Maggie.
mdp.39015009022487You gentlemen know how I stuck to my post — at great loss to myself, I'd have you recall — when those bombing outrages were at their worst? mdp.39015009022487 You go past Connie's today? ” he asked as an afterthought.
mdp.39015009022487You got enough?
mdp.39015009022487You hear that?
mdp.39015009022487You know one thing? mdp.39015009022487 You know what you're saying, Connie? ” demanded the mother feebly.
mdp.39015009022487You know your family right down to the bricks and make no bones about it. ” “ Why should I? mdp.39015009022487 You lovesh me-hic!-do'you- hic!—Russh?"
mdp.39015009022487You mean a po'ter?
mdp.39015009022487You mean to say that you live in this house with nothing but men?
mdp.39015009022487You see Sol yet, Mom?
mdp.39015009022487You see them sitting on the porches, do n't you? mdp.39015009022487 You see, Connie?
mdp.39015009022487You send any o'that money home, boy?
mdp.39015009022487You still gon na stick to that business co’se? ” asked Joe. mdp.39015009022487 You'd think he'd stick around and go with us to see Dad, would n't you?
mdp.39015009022487You're asking me? ” shrugged Essie. mdp.39015009022487 You're from back East, are n't you?"
mdp.39015009022487You're out for a big time, are n't you, boys? ” Her brilliant teeth flashed at them, and Essie thought im- mediately of a purring cat. mdp.39015009022487 You're pretty cool about it all, are n't you?"
mdp.39015009022487You's all right, ai n't you, schoolboy? ” approved Jeff. mdp.39015009022487 You's the barber, ai n't you? ” asked Jeff curtly.
mdp.39015009022487'Bout how many's leavin'wid us? ”"Near'bout fifty, countin'chilluns.
mdp.39015009022487'So what do I care if now it's colored they are?'
mdp.39015009022487... Say, ai n't that the gal you was tellin'us'bout once?"
mdp.39015009022487... What kind o'business you want try?
mdp.39015009022487... What's Junior doing?
mdp.39015009022487...""Oh, that? ” Bran laughed.
mdp.39015009022487...""What kind o'proposition? ” Joe's face was still expression- less.
mdp.39015009022487123"What're ya doin'in there? ” Essie stared.
mdp.3901500902248715"So you wo n't listen to me, eh? ” quavered the old man.
mdp.39015009022487239"What's the matter- do I look that bad? ” The young man suddenly smiled.
mdp.39015009022487249"She plays the organ? ” Paul remembered the piano in the sitting room.
mdp.39015009022487291 family, do we, Connie? ” said Essie ruefully.
mdp.3901500902248759"What? ” Joe stripped off his apron.
mdp.3901500902248787 fifth of the profits and — a chance to sell yours and Nick's liquor —""Who's Nick?
mdp.39015009022487? ” Connie laughed and followed Mae out into the corridor.
mdp.39015009022487AND WHERE shall a young man turn with his strident ambi- tion to garner a portion of the world's goods for his very own?
mdp.39015009022487After all, a young man could pay attention to an older woman without having any bad motive ”"Et tu? ” exclaimed Connie archly.
mdp.39015009022487Ah- won't you go for a stroll in the park with me?
mdp.39015009022487Ai n't no harm in that, is they?"
mdp.39015009022487Ai n't no use giving our money to somebody else, now is there?
mdp.39015009022487Ai n't that so, neighbor?"
mdp.39015009022487Ai n't yo'ma give you same's Essie?
mdp.39015009022487All gone?
mdp.39015009022487All you needs is three- fifty from Jackson —""Hot dam?
mdp.39015009022487An's'posin'from now on you an'me runs these two places together?
mdp.39015009022487An'the mo'you got, the mo'you gots to spend — ”"Ai n't got time fo ’ Jesus, eh?
mdp.39015009022487And Maggie, who had let him have his way about mortgaging the property?
mdp.39015009022487And after a while we could put them in a taxi and send them about their business-"But suppose they went to the police?"
mdp.39015009022487And does the cold shoulder ice him?
mdp.39015009022487And for what?
mdp.39015009022487And how's your husband's store coming on?
mdp.39015009022487And what am I doing?
mdp.39015009022487And what do women do at club and lodge meetings?
mdp.39015009022487And what have I done?
mdp.39015009022487And what'd he do?
mdp.39015009022487And you do n't want to go back home now?"
mdp.39015009022487And, my dear, have you seen thus- and- so?
mdp.39015009022487Any more for me to type? ”"Nope, not yet.
mdp.39015009022487Any objections? ” Junior grinned sheepishly.
mdp.39015009022487Anybody home? ” The voice was punctuated by a terrific pounding on the kitchen door.
mdp.39015009022487Anything! ”"Sort of a ‘ man begs, woman sells'proposition, eh? ” Dan's lips were writhing in irony now.
mdp.39015009022487Are n't you, Mae?"
mdp.39015009022487Are you with me, children?
mdp.39015009022487Barber? ”"No sir,"replied Paul thoughtfully.
mdp.39015009022487Be your age, will you?
mdp.39015009022487Big meat places there, you know. ”"What's yo'name?"
mdp.39015009022487Business must be picking up for you boys, eh? ” She scanned the room and chuckled mischievously.
mdp.39015009022487But did I?
mdp.39015009022487But does Mother care?
mdp.39015009022487But what to wear?
mdp.39015009022487But when?
mdp.39015009022487But, after all, what is business?
mdp.39015009022487But...""But what? ” coaxed Joe as Milburn looked out of the window.
mdp.39015009022487By the way do you have any place I can keep it?"
mdp.39015009022487By the way, how are you coming with that paper of yours?
mdp.39015009022487Ca n't you see you ai n't gon na be makin'dough like this all the time?
mdp.39015009022487Carrying out the-whose theory?
mdp.39015009022487Changes every day, and carries a big roll of dough-""How do you like that? ” Connie was cynically triumphant.
mdp.39015009022487Do Mother and Essie know yet?
mdp.39015009022487Do n't I, Sister Dawson?
mdp.39015009022487Do n't think I want something for myself, do you?
mdp.39015009022487Do n't you want these kids finishing school to have a chance?"
mdp.39015009022487Do n't you want to see your old man a bank director?
mdp.39015009022487Do you follow me?"
mdp.39015009022487Do you smoke in bed? ”"Not any more!"
mdp.39015009022487Do you understand?
mdp.39015009022487Do you want to end up like that?"
mdp.39015009022487Especially since Barnes, the real estate guy, was bombed? ”"Say, that was pretty bad, was n't it? ” exclaimed Mick.
mdp.39015009022487Especially since Barnes, the real estate guy, was bombed? ”"Say, that was pretty bad, was n't it? ” exclaimed Mick.
mdp.39015009022487Everything, you hear? ” Another coughing spell left him weak and shaken, but he raged on:"What we need is more plagues!
mdp.39015009022487Fickle young huntsman..."Put the dishes in that cupboard, will you?"
mdp.39015009022487Georgie backed farther away, but the fury followed him as she barely whispered:"I love my dad — you hear me?
mdp.39015009022487Get me? ” “ Yes, ” said Ronnie as he sank into a chair with a sigh,"but I'm afraid some females do n't submit willingly to the treat- ment."
mdp.39015009022487Get wise to your- self! ”"What do you mean?"
mdp.39015009022487Gives you plenty covers in the"SO YOU WANTS to go in business, eh?"
mdp.39015009022487Going out with your boy friend? ”"Yeah, ” grinned Josie.
mdp.39015009022487Have n't I been keeping your books for you?
mdp.39015009022487Have you forgotten the string of boy friends you've led around on pink ribbons?
mdp.39015009022487Have you that which we would find before the Night... the dawnless Night... bids us, at last, to rest?
mdp.39015009022487He used to work in the stockyards when I was there"“ You- stockyards? ”"Oh yes, ” affirmed Connie.
mdp.39015009022487He was hardly out of sight when Lem and Connie, fol- lowed by Mazzie Dawson, hurried up from the opposite di- rection,"What's the matter, Mom?"
mdp.39015009022487He's doing the same thing with Jeanette Allen-""You mean that girl who lost her husband last year? ” ex- claimed Christine.
mdp.39015009022487Hello, Ronnie — just home from school? ”"Yes, ” gasped the sallow- skinned one.
mdp.39015009022487How about the room?"
mdp.39015009022487How are you, Miss Maggie? ” He extended a hand to the latter, who bulked behind the girl.
mdp.39015009022487How come he wo n't listen?
mdp.39015009022487How come you ai n't got none o'yo'money left, boy?
mdp.39015009022487How did you know? ” Paul squinted his admiration of her comeliness.
mdp.39015009022487How in the world do you stand all that snow and cold? ”"Lord, honey! ” laughed Jane, unwrapping a blue scarf from her neck.
mdp.39015009022487How long...?
mdp.39015009022487How much did you lose? ” The old man quietly stated the sum.
mdp.39015009022487How much? ”"Are n't you going to look at it?"
mdp.39015009022487How much? ”"Are n't you going to look at it?"
mdp.39015009022487How you gettin'on? ” Notwithstanding Joe's cordiality, Bran could n't suppress the feeling of wonder he always experienced whenever he saw Joe.
mdp.39015009022487How ’ m I doin'? ” She stood and turned about so that Joe could better appraise her.
mdp.39015009022487How ’ m I doin'? ” The Boulevard Terrace was a model housing project in the heart of the Black Belt.
mdp.39015009022487How'bout it, Joe?"
mdp.39015009022487How'd you all like to have some real stuff to drink?"
mdp.39015009022487How'd you like that, huh?"
mdp.39015009022487How'd you make out up the country?"
mdp.39015009022487How's Sol and Connie doing at the Yards? ”.
mdp.39015009022487I got it! ”"Did you ever see State Street as quiet as this? ” chuckled Jane as they turned into the almost deserted thoroughfare.
mdp.39015009022487I got kind of bighearted and scattered bless- ings in sundry places immediately after the crash. ”"I'm terribly sorry""Are you going to listen?
mdp.39015009022487I knowed it! ”"What's the matter, Joe? ” queried Christine.
mdp.39015009022487I lost her. ”"Still bothers you, eh? ”"I'll get her yet! ”"Some things are n't meant for some individuals, son. ”"Humph!
mdp.39015009022487I saw him the other day when I was around. ”"What's he ever done? ” countered Essie bitterly.
mdp.39015009022487I suppose you can guess that, though?"
mdp.39015009022487I suppose you want to make a belated attempt on this fair damsel's heart, eh? ”"I? ” queried Dan, striking an attitude.
mdp.39015009022487I suppose you want to make a belated attempt on this fair damsel's heart, eh? ”"I? ” queried Dan, striking an attitude.
mdp.39015009022487I wanted you hard, but not too hard- especially where your own people are concerned. ”"Who are my people? ” asked Dan somberly.
mdp.39015009022487I'll dish the dough out to you! ”"Ah- so you're the big boss since they jugged the ole man, eh? ” laughed the boy.
mdp.39015009022487Is n't Mae the limit, though?
mdp.39015009022487Is that plain? ” Connie's drawl was impatient as she paused before her mother.
mdp.39015009022487Is that your little brother, or is that your little brother?"
mdp.39015009022487Is you crazy in the haid? ” she bayed.
mdp.39015009022487It's about time for us to be getting to church, is n't it?"
mdp.39015009022487Jes'carries me a gait all the time, plague take'em! ”"You — you tell- a me?"
mdp.39015009022487Less painful, would n't you think?"
mdp.39015009022487Look here- how you go'bout gittin'that comp’ny to run a train? ”"Well, it's this- a- way, ” explained Sam.
mdp.39015009022487Man, why do n't you pull out for home while you're ahead? ”"Now you know what I keep telling you about home! ” grinned Russ.
mdp.39015009022487Many bullets he ducked'Over There,'this little fracas do n't mean a thing to him"Is it very bad out? ” asked Connie.
mdp.39015009022487Mendel? ”"I do n't get it."
mdp.39015009022487Mess, is n't it?
mdp.39015009022487Mind if I bring them over here? ”"Mind?
mdp.39015009022487Mind if I bring them over here? ”"Mind?
mdp.39015009022487Momma's on a spending spree?"
mdp.39015009022487My sister's having a birthday party-"You all wants me? ” Joe stepped forward out of the dark.
mdp.39015009022487Nasty high yallers an'po'white trash! ”"Ai n't they a mess?
mdp.39015009022487Now ai n't that fair?
mdp.39015009022487Now ai n't that right?
mdp.39015009022487Now ai n't that right?
mdp.39015009022487Now ai n't that right?"
mdp.39015009022487Now do you get what I mean about Junior? ” She rose.
mdp.39015009022487Now is they?"
mdp.39015009022487Now what you folks what's done bin up here fo'the Lawd knows when gon na do'bout it?
mdp.39015009022487Now what's the answer? ”"We just have n't learned the value of a dollar, that's all, ” replied Bob.
mdp.39015009022487Opens up tomorrow, do n't it?
mdp.39015009022487Reckon he's over to Henny's, Christine? ”"Dere he! ” chirped Essie, pointing.
mdp.39015009022487Reckon you'll stay awhile longer now, wo n't you? ”"No’m, A’nt Lizzie, ” said Paul decidedly.
mdp.39015009022487Remember 1920?
mdp.39015009022487Say — what do you know about what Georgie says?"
mdp.39015009022487Say, did you have any inkling about Lem and Mae?
mdp.39015009022487Say, whyn't you all take in roomers?
mdp.39015009022487See if you can catch him before he goes home, will you? ”"Okay, Dad. ” Old Dan lit a cigar as Dan departed.
mdp.39015009022487See the youngster calmly pouring his grog from that beauti- ful flask, and who thinks he's a Valentino?
mdp.39015009022487See? ” But Christine already was mounting Henrietta's porch.
mdp.39015009022487See? ”"What you mean, nigger? ” Old Lawson flinched, and his gray eyes flashed as the red flooded his freckled neck.
mdp.39015009022487See? ”"What you mean, nigger? ” Old Lawson flinched, and his gray eyes flashed as the red flooded his freckled neck.
mdp.39015009022487She does n't bother? ”"I do n't mess with boys! ” Essie interrupted her mother.
mdp.39015009022487Sho'is glad you made up yo'mind to come! ”"You seed that boy o'mine?
mdp.39015009022487Shucks — what diff'ence it make anyways?
mdp.39015009022487So far you're right, Johnson —""But what about the other side?"
mdp.39015009022487So what did they do?
mdp.39015009022487Sol, do ole man Tibbetts still want that land?"
mdp.39015009022487T'row — t'row on who?"
mdp.39015009022487That curiously coarse crimpiness of hair and the cheekbones she and Dad have?
mdp.39015009022487That reminds me — I'm starved! ” “ How'd you like to help me get dinner downstairs?"
mdp.39015009022487That's the watermelon king's youngest son —""Watermelon king?"
mdp.39015009022487That's what Essie told me. ”"So, you've been talking about me? ” teased Paul to Essie.
mdp.39015009022487The gals all quit you? ”"Naw, Miss Maggie, ” answered the boy, assuming a mourn- ful pose.
mdp.39015009022487The man what kin put you on is from my home town an'all I got do is say the word an'you got the job. ”"Railroad, eh? ” said Joe disappointedly.
mdp.39015009022487Then gruffly, as her lower lip dropped:"Aw, fo’git it! ”"Did you go to the doctor about that dizzy spell?"
mdp.39015009022487There's plenty money- and I know what I'm talking about. ”"Oh yeah? ” queried Essie sarcastically.
mdp.39015009022487These roomers — are there any women? ”"No women for me.
mdp.39015009022487They do n't mix wid us over here- don't even want set in same pew wid you"“ Like some folks down home, eh? ” growled Joe.
mdp.39015009022487They gits that from'at feller writin'in the Champ'on. ”"Canaan, eh?
mdp.39015009022487They sent us a crazy telegram from Detroit about Santa Claus and an elopement""Is n't it something, though? ” exclaimed Connie.
mdp.39015009022487This place's gittin'jes'like Sodom —""Thought it was jes'like Canaan when we fust come up here, Sam? ” reminded Joe.
mdp.39015009022487Tired of being married? ” asked Essie.
mdp.39015009022487Understand? ” He shook the wilted man.
mdp.39015009022487We have to live, do n't we?
mdp.39015009022487Well, I'll be doggone! ”"Now what?"
mdp.39015009022487What about it? ” She was on the defense.
mdp.39015009022487What about that fight last year?
mdp.39015009022487What did I tell you? ” And he received another pluck.
mdp.39015009022487What do you say to next Sunday afternoon? ”"It's a go, ” came her ready agreement.
mdp.39015009022487What do you say, gentlemen? ”"I'm wid you!"
mdp.39015009022487What do you think I am? ” He scowled about the room and came up in front of her again.
mdp.39015009022487What do you think of that? ”"I think he's got something there! ” laughed Connie, pick- ing a glass from the tray Bran offered.
mdp.39015009022487What do you think, Doctor? ”.
mdp.39015009022487What had the four years profited him?
mdp.39015009022487What is it this time- twins?"
mdp.39015009022487What kind of a background is that for kids?
mdp.39015009022487What remains for us who have not now that strength which com passed us and fended the buffets of daily strife?
mdp.39015009022487What say?"
mdp.39015009022487What say?"
mdp.39015009022487What time is it?
mdp.39015009022487What was he paying his Greek clerks?
mdp.39015009022487What you think I am?
mdp.39015009022487What'bout these here bad houses what we folks got to live in?
mdp.39015009022487What'd he do now- same thing?"
mdp.39015009022487What's matter- Christine cryin'the blues agin? ” “ Yeah. ” Joe frowned into his coffee.
mdp.39015009022487What's the mat- ter?
mdp.39015009022487What's the matter wid you menfolks?
mdp.39015009022487What's the matter wid you?
mdp.39015009022487What's the matter, Mother? ” She patted Christine's shoulder.
mdp.39015009022487What's the number? ”"Damned if it ai n't! ” puzzled Paul.
mdp.39015009022487When are you at home, young lady? ”.
mdp.39015009022487When are you coming home?
mdp.39015009022487When is he going to finish that work? ” 166 168 O Canaan!
mdp.39015009022487Where do you think you'll head when you leave?"
mdp.39015009022487Where is the one in whom we may anchor our soul when the tides of spring surge within us, and we would ride the winds of March to far places?
mdp.39015009022487Where shall we find sustenance, we who twined our lesser stems about its rugged trunk and drew therefrom our life's blood?
mdp.39015009022487Where you bound? ”"Same place,"answered Maggie, very pleased now that she was among"home folks."
mdp.39015009022487Where you got to go?"
mdp.39015009022487Where ’ ve you been?"
mdp.39015009022487Where'd you get it — the movies? ” His voice was terse and hard.
mdp.39015009022487Where'd you git all them purty gals from? ”"Sh!
mdp.39015009022487Where's my babies? ”"Here they is, ” called Joe from the dining room.
mdp.39015009022487Where's she at? ”"Gone to bed- plumb give out, ” said Josie.
mdp.39015009022487Who do you think you are?
mdp.39015009022487Who — who got eet?"
mdp.39015009022487Who's this here? ” Essie presented Paul, who received Maggie's instant ap- proval.
mdp.39015009022487Why do n't you say amen? ”"Amen!
mdp.39015009022487Why the hell should he pay me as much as he pays his own peo- ple?
mdp.39015009022487Why'n hell do n't they go on and have a red- light district, like in the old days? ” The nurse shrugged.
mdp.39015009022487Whyn't you give Sam Cum- mins a chance?
mdp.39015009022487Whyn't you talk some sense in'er head, Joe? ”"Ai n't no use, Sam.
mdp.39015009022487Wo n't you join me?"
mdp.39015009022487You all smoke cigars? ” He offered a handful to them.
mdp.39015009022487You and your father live here all alone?"
mdp.39015009022487You be by today, daughter? ”"Tell them I'll be past sometime during the week, ” lied Essie.
mdp.39015009022487You find a job yet? ”"No,"said Essie glumly.
mdp.39015009022487You hear me, Joe Benson? ” The subdued butler fingered his black bow nervously.
mdp.39015009022487You hears me?
mdp.39015009022487You know Bran- Connie Benson's husband? ” Milburn grunted his acknowledgment.
mdp.39015009022487You know about him — first trading post and all that?"
mdp.39015009022487You know any so- called Christians who would do the same thing?"
mdp.39015009022487You means you goin'over there'mongst them Pollocks an'Hunkies?
mdp.39015009022487You mind helping me with it?"
mdp.39015009022487You notice how many of'em's moving out to the suburbs?
mdp.39015009022487You staying this time?"
mdp.39015009022487You sure do n't make a pretty picture sitting there like that. ”"But what will all our friends say?"
mdp.39015009022487You take it too seriously. ”"How can I take it any other way, coming from where I came? ” said Connie soberly, and with a far gaze in her eyes.
mdp.39015009022487You want me to solve it for you?"
mdp.39015009022487You're from Georgia, are n't you? ”"Yes'm, that's right, ” grinned Jeff.
mdp.39015009022487and Essie?
mdp.39015009022487gone have trouble, eh? ” Essie laughed off the hint, but Paul, watching her closely, thought her eyes sparkled brighter.
mdp.39015009022487to do- borrow money on the house?
mdp.39015009022487“ Ai n't you goin'to church this mo’nin', honey? ” he asked Christine, who continued to gaze fixedly at her plate.
mdp.39015009022487“ And do I look like I've been through the mill? ”"I ca n't say you do."
mdp.39015009022487“ And now, Miss Benson, may I take the liberty to inquire: so what?"
mdp.39015009022487“ And what good'll that do you?
mdp.39015009022487“ And what's the string attached to it? ”"What do you think? ” he asked.
mdp.39015009022487“ And what's the string attached to it? ”"What do you think? ” he asked.
mdp.39015009022487“ And you can drop the movie pose too ”"Wo n't you have a seat? ” interrupted Georgie.
mdp.39015009022487“ Any- body been here yet?"
mdp.39015009022487“ Business picked up this week, did n't it, Essie? ” Joe shifted as Paul fell into his apathy again.
mdp.39015009022487“ But I'm telling you if something is n't done it'll be the next plague-"How do you want your eggs?"
mdp.39015009022487“ But suppose they get rough? ”"You used to play a mighty strong game of basketball and tennis, ” replied Clo.
mdp.39015009022487“ But what's a guy's best gal going to do but nurse him when he's sick, sweetheart? ” He kissed her swiftly on her cheek.
mdp.39015009022487“ Cat, you're really takin'it on the lam, eh?"
mdp.39015009022487“ Come on, let a pal in on the secret, will you?
mdp.39015009022487“ Did he recognize us? ”"I'll say he did!
mdp.39015009022487“ Did you collect it all? ”"All but twenty- seven fifty, ” replied Russ.
mdp.39015009022487“ Do n't you know any time a man offers you odds of six hundred to one you have n't a chance except in rare cases like today?
mdp.39015009022487“ Folks sho'nuf leavin'from down here, ai n't they?
mdp.39015009022487“ Give up, cat! ”"Who — who got eet?
mdp.39015009022487“ Harlem no can do weethout you, bye! ”"Oh yeah?"
mdp.39015009022487“ Her back any better? ” 14 O Canaan!
mdp.39015009022487“ How do you like the backless velvet and the diamonds?
mdp.39015009022487“ How much? ” demanded Paul impatiently.
mdp.39015009022487“ How's Essie and Junior getting along in school?
mdp.39015009022487“ How's Lem doin'out there? ”"He's all right, ” said Sol.
mdp.39015009022487“ How's MY BABIES TODAY?
mdp.39015009022487“ How's you?"
mdp.39015009022487“ How's your aunt Henny? ” asked Christine when he had gained the porch.
mdp.39015009022487“ I sup- pose the term has the same meaning out here, eh? ”"You guessed it, mister! ” She grinned.
mdp.39015009022487“ I suppose there's no use in my trying to change your mind about social work? ” she asked as they alighted at the station.
mdp.39015009022487“ I tried to signal you to ease up on the liquor, ” she said, “ but you paid me no mind. ”"What was I to do? ” moaned Essie.
mdp.39015009022487“ I'll see you when I make my first ten thousand. ”"What, piker- no million? ” exclaimed Booker sarcasti- cally.
mdp.39015009022487“ Is n't he an interesting man?
mdp.39015009022487“ Oh, it's you, eh? ” Some of the gruffness left her voice.
mdp.39015009022487“ Remember what you told me a while ago? ”"Okay. ” He accepted the jibe.
mdp.39015009022487“ Say, Mick, you got any o'them tickets for the game Saturday?"
mdp.39015009022487“ So they's like that, is they?"
mdp.39015009022487“ So you thought you'd stand guard to protect Little Red Ridinghood from the big, bad wolf, eh? ” He laughed loudly and reared back in his chair.
mdp.39015009022487“ So you're having the same trouble too?"
mdp.39015009022487“ Very striking, is n't she? ” said Weeks brazenly.
mdp.39015009022487“ Well, I wish I knew where to find it! ” “ Where do you think I got these? ” Clo indicated her jewelry and clothing.
mdp.39015009022487“ Well?"
mdp.39015009022487“ What are you going to do? ” asked Paul.
mdp.39015009022487“ What better use could I put my money to than to help you get started?
mdp.39015009022487“ What did you do?"
mdp.39015009022487“ What do you get for being soft?
mdp.39015009022487“ What do you know, Patton?"
mdp.39015009022487“ What do you think about Lem and Mae?"
mdp.39015009022487“ What do you want me to do?"
mdp.39015009022487“ What have you been drinking? ” demanded Connie.
mdp.39015009022487“ What you blushing about, boy? ” he roared.
mdp.39015009022487“ What you meddlin'wid these people fo ’?
mdp.39015009022487“ What you tryin'do, schoolboy- kill me?"
mdp.39015009022487“ What'd he mean by'Canaan'? ”"That's what they's callin'Chicago, man! ” exclaimed Sam as they walked back along the solitary street.
mdp.39015009022487“ What's all the hurry for any- way?
mdp.39015009022487“ What's mat- ter- payday today? ” Patton made him a swift sign and eyed A’nt Lizzie fur- tively.
mdp.39015009022487“ What's on your mind — that Thomas guy? ”"Yeah, ” said Joe.
mdp.39015009022487“ What's the big noise, sister? ”"Aw, I just want her to loan me a deuce until next week, Dad, ” said Junior blandly.
mdp.39015009022487“ What's the matter wid you all? ” he growled as they halted.
mdp.39015009022487“ What's the matter, boy friend? ” inquired a familiar, cheery voice at his elbow.
mdp.39015009022487“ What's the matter- can't you take it?"
mdp.39015009022487“ What's them Lawsons gwine say? ” Joe's face hardened.
mdp.39015009022487“ What?
mdp.39015009022487“ What?
mdp.39015009022487“ When do I start? ” 156 O Canaan!
mdp.39015009022487“ When do we begin? ” asked Essie briefly.
mdp.39015009022487“ Where are they now?"
mdp.39015009022487“ Where was that?"
mdp.39015009022487“ Where'll I meet you — at the apart- ment? ”"Yeah- around eleven,"answered Bob and sauntered out.
mdp.39015009022487“ Who all's this? ” demanded Jeff Jackson, nodding a matted head at Paul.
mdp.39015009022487“ Who did the job, Dad? ”"Says here,"answered Joe, bending closer to the paper,"some gal by the name o'Gladys — Gladys Colton.
mdp.39015009022487“ Why, jes'yestiddy I loan'i m some money to set up a poolroom""What?"
mdp.39015009022487“ Will that be enough? ” He did not wait for her answer.
mdp.39015009022487“ Would they want to explain? ” countered Clo.
mdp.39015009022487“ You an'her done quit comin'to church, ai n't you?
mdp.39015009022487“ You know I love you, do n't you? ”"No, you do n't love me, ” said Connie, still calm though her flesh smarted from his strong grip.
mdp.39015009022487“ You mean to tell me you pay seventy- five cents to have your hair done?"
mdp.39015009022487“ You remember Doctor Branshaw, do n't you, Dad? ”"Sho'-sho'! ” Joe extended a friendly hand.
mdp.39015009022487“ You want to see a sight? ” asked Essie when Paul came home that evening.
mdp.39015009022487“ You want try it?
nyp.33433076059314A Negro woman?
nyp.33433076059314A contest on Orlean's place? nyp.33433076059314 A sense of humor?"
nyp.33433076059314A son?
nyp.33433076059314A sort of cabaret?
nyp.33433076059314A suit — want to obtain a judgment?
nyp.33433076059314A — ah — how are you?
nyp.33433076059314Ah — ha — who — who — who is th- is?
nyp.33433076059314Ai n't I done outlined it right?
nyp.33433076059314And I venture to say that you have just about raised yourself?
nyp.33433076059314And did you wonder at my calling your name that night?
nyp.33433076059314And for that, for all that I have sacrificed, what am I given? nyp.33433076059314 And how about the women?
nyp.33433076059314And how are the crops?
nyp.33433076059314And how did you come to meet him, daughter?
nyp.33433076059314And how is everybody?
nyp.33433076059314And how is everything about the home, my son?
nyp.33433076059314And how long have you been here?
nyp.33433076059314And how's hubby?
nyp.33433076059314And is it not a fact that Mrs. Pruitt as well as your daughter, explained it all at the time with satisfaction to you?
nyp.33433076059314And last summer you recall how it rained?
nyp.33433076059314And my plans are that you go over there, and see her?
nyp.33433076059314And she paid for it out of her own money?
nyp.33433076059314And since you have asked me, may I explain?
nyp.33433076059314And the name?
nyp.33433076059314And the rest of the family?
nyp.33433076059314And then, forsooth, it must have been your daughter's husband who was instrumental in saving the place for her?
nyp.33433076059314And what did I do to him?
nyp.33433076059314And what do you mean? nyp.33433076059314 And what do you think of him, my dear?"
nyp.33433076059314And what followed?
nyp.33433076059314And when did you receive my letter? nyp.33433076059314 And when you arrived you found her dead near the door, while your father lay murdered in the bed?"
nyp.33433076059314And where is my friend, Baptiste?
nyp.33433076059314And you are not worth ten thousand?
nyp.33433076059314And you can not possibly wait until next week?
nyp.33433076059314And you could not pay it?
nyp.33433076059314And you have me here and are caring for me?
nyp.33433076059314And you?
nyp.33433076059314And you?
nyp.33433076059314And yours?
nyp.33433076059314And — ca n't you understand it, either?
nyp.33433076059314And — you — you — have just come?
nyp.33433076059314And, why, mama, do the preachers have no time for little boys? nyp.33433076059314 AndhowisOrlean?"
nyp.33433076059314Another beer, Cap'n?
nyp.33433076059314Any coal?
nyp.33433076059314Any evidence of a struggle?
nyp.33433076059314Anything else?
nyp.33433076059314Are n't you coming down to supper, Orlean?
nyp.33433076059314But I do n't see the joke?
nyp.33433076059314But I have guessed correctly, have n't I?
nyp.33433076059314But how came you with mohey? nyp.33433076059314 But how could you have missed the train so often?"
nyp.33433076059314But is that the fault of protestantism?
nyp.33433076059314But it was — er, rather — a little irregular, was it not? nyp.33433076059314 But we do n't understand?"
nyp.33433076059314But what — what became of their mother?
nyp.33433076059314But why did n't you explain that Bill could stay home?
nyp.33433076059314But you are going away, dear, and will surely need money?
nyp.33433076059314But you did n't come from there today — this afternoon? nyp.33433076059314 But you have n't answered my question?"
nyp.33433076059314But you're engaged?
nyp.33433076059314But, mama, why?
nyp.33433076059314By the way, Jean, why do n't you marry my sister?
nyp.33433076059314Ca n't you loan the old man the money?
nyp.33433076059314Call this same number in about ten minutes, understand? nyp.33433076059314 Can your father not understand, Orlean,"he com- plained, with a deep frown,"that I can not accept his char- ity?
nyp.33433076059314Could n't dissuade him, eh?
nyp.33433076059314Did he give reasons?
nyp.33433076059314Did he say I could get up soon?
nyp.33433076059314Did he?
nyp.33433076059314Did it last until after you had left your bed?
nyp.33433076059314Did n't I say hush? nyp.33433076059314 Did you crawl through all that storm?"
nyp.33433076059314Did you have any conversation with Baptiste after the trial in which he sued your father- in- law?
nyp.33433076059314Did you hear how he abused your father?
nyp.33433076059314Did you hear me, Aggie?
nyp.33433076059314Did you hear that, daughter?
nyp.33433076059314Did you hear the news?
nyp.33433076059314Do I look all right, mama?
nyp.33433076059314Do n't they?
nyp.33433076059314Do n't you know that I have longed to see you, and that it has not been just right that I could not?
nyp.33433076059314Do you believe these statements?
nyp.33433076059314Do you happen to be acquainted with a family here by the name of McCarthy?
nyp.33433076059314Do you love me, Orlean?
nyp.33433076059314Do you recall it?
nyp.33433076059314Do you recall, Mrs. Glavis, whether she screamed long, or whether it was brief?
nyp.33433076059314Do you recognize my voice?
nyp.33433076059314Do you think so?
nyp.33433076059314Done for what?
nyp.33433076059314From your father, you mean?
nyp.33433076059314Granting that he secured a judgment?
nyp.33433076059314Has a doctor been here?
nyp.33433076059314Has she told you what I have been doing to her?
nyp.33433076059314Has some one come between you?
nyp.33433076059314Have I spoken rightly?
nyp.33433076059314Have truly forgotten that you are an Ethiopian, and must share what is Ethiopia's?
nyp.33433076059314Have you ever considered the outcome in case he should get a judgment against you? nyp.33433076059314 Have you heard the the rest of it?"
nyp.33433076059314Have you rented your place yet?
nyp.33433076059314Have you tried elsewhere, father?
nyp.33433076059314Havel, now, really?
nyp.33433076059314He farms with his parents?
nyp.33433076059314He was?
nyp.33433076059314Her? nyp.33433076059314 His grandmother?
nyp.33433076059314How are you, anyhow?
nyp.33433076059314How could I forget it?
nyp.33433076059314How did he know my name and come to say what he did?
nyp.33433076059314How did they come to extend the note, father?'' nyp.33433076059314 How did you come to discover it, lady?"
nyp.33433076059314How did you come to get kicked, Jean?
nyp.33433076059314How do you feel? nyp.33433076059314 How do you like it in our country?"
nyp.33433076059314How do you like it?
nyp.33433076059314How is everything back home?
nyp.33433076059314How is she?
nyp.33433076059314How is that — did you say that you drank?
nyp.33433076059314How long after you heard her scream was it before you came out of the room — your room?
nyp.33433076059314How many of them?
nyp.33433076059314How shall we explain in regards to Bill? nyp.33433076059314 How so?"
nyp.33433076059314How — what kind of animal is it?
nyp.33433076059314How's Doc?
nyp.33433076059314How's that?
nyp.33433076059314How's your neighbors across the road? nyp.33433076059314 Hurt?"
nyp.33433076059314I ask what you are doing at my house?
nyp.33433076059314I can not understand?
nyp.33433076059314I do n't quite understand?
nyp.33433076059314I think you have met him, have you not?
nyp.33433076059314I wonder what he's been saying to Orlean?
nyp.33433076059314If it is quite fair, may I ask where or how your father came by such a name?
nyp.33433076059314In New York?
nyp.33433076059314In what position, Orlean?
nyp.33433076059314Is Miss Irene at home?
nyp.33433076059314Is it so, Jean? nyp.33433076059314 Is it you?"
nyp.33433076059314Is it — it — a woman?
nyp.33433076059314Is n't it beautiful, Agnes? nyp.33433076059314 Is n't it warm tonight?"
nyp.33433076059314Is that all you saw?
nyp.33433076059314Is that so?
nyp.33433076059314Is this a fact?
nyp.33433076059314Is this the Greys home?
nyp.33433076059314Is this you?
nyp.33433076059314It is not so?
nyp.33433076059314It was not you?
nyp.33433076059314M- m. Was that the first time you had seen him?
nyp.33433076059314M- m. You say this was your daughter's place en- tirely?
nyp.33433076059314M- m."How much do you plan seeding this season?
nyp.33433076059314M- m."How old is he — a young man?
nyp.33433076059314M- m?
nyp.33433076059314May I take your hat?
nyp.33433076059314Meaning that since she had gone and taken the land, you were morally bound to look into and consider the mat- ter favorably?
nyp.33433076059314My folks?
nyp.33433076059314N. J. McCarthy, N. J. McCarthy? nyp.33433076059314 Now I wish you would explain how you could be at fault for this contest upon your place, and why your hus- band accuses you of such?"
nyp.33433076059314Now there must be something?
nyp.33433076059314Now where is your sister- in- law?
nyp.33433076059314Now, look here, Reverend McCarthy,he said and his tone revealed his feelings,"what kind of a'stunt'are you pulling off with my wife?"
nyp.33433076059314Now, young man,his mother said to him the following morning,"you will get into clean cothes and stay clean, do you understand?"
nyp.33433076059314Of what?
nyp.33433076059314Oh, baching? nyp.33433076059314 Oh, is that so?"
nyp.33433076059314Oh, is that so?
nyp.33433076059314Our race?
nyp.33433076059314Out here, you mean?
nyp.33433076059314Out where?
nyp.33433076059314Papa,she said in her usual, but sleepy- like voice,"Is that you?"
nyp.33433076059314Play you a game of Casino?
nyp.33433076059314Say, Brookings,he opened,"what kind of deal is the old Scotchman up against out there?
nyp.33433076059314See who?
nyp.33433076059314Shall I hire a lawyer, Jean? nyp.33433076059314 So I do n't guess I have it?"
nyp.33433076059314So it came that you sacrificed the real love to be loyal to the race we belong to?
nyp.33433076059314So that is how you came here?
nyp.33433076059314So you serve drinks here, then?
nyp.33433076059314That would please me if you would condescend?
nyp.33433076059314The Watson place? nyp.33433076059314 The doctor, eh?"
nyp.33433076059314The joke?
nyp.33433076059314The wind?
nyp.33433076059314Then how? nyp.33433076059314 Then we can contest it?"
nyp.33433076059314Then what about their half brother in East St. Louis, eh? nyp.33433076059314 Then why do n't you come on out here?"
nyp.33433076059314Then why not you and I get together on this proposition before the trial is called?
nyp.33433076059314Then, how can you expect their followers to be?
nyp.33433076059314Thinking? nyp.33433076059314 This is — er — rather unusual, do n't you think?"
nyp.33433076059314Thought she was engaged to be married when I was here last year?
nyp.33433076059314Until you had left the room you were in?
nyp.33433076059314Was Baptiste aware that such a knife was in the room?
nyp.33433076059314Was it providence, or was it God that brought you that night and saved me from the slow death that was coming over me, Agnes?
nyp.33433076059314Was it/ who brought all this?
nyp.33433076059314We have just be- come acquainted, but papa has told me of her, and the family, and I'm sure we will be the best of friends, wo n't we?
nyp.33433076059314Well, Jean,she said now more soberly,"just what shall I do?"
nyp.33433076059314Well, are they as a whole?
nyp.33433076059314Well, dear? nyp.33433076059314 Well, how's Chicago?"
nyp.33433076059314Well, how's everything over home?
nyp.33433076059314Well, now what do you think of that,he kept repeat- ing to himself, as he went for the ice cream,"what do you think of that?"
nyp.33433076059314Well, now, coming to think of it, it would, would n't it?
nyp.33433076059314Well, now, to be frank, Duval,said Crook,"What do you think of it anyhow?"
nyp.33433076059314Were those your folks I seen driving into town a while ago?
nyp.33433076059314Wh — at a — re yo — u do- i- ng a — t m- y h- o- u- s- e?
nyp.33433076059314What are you talking about?
nyp.33433076059314What did he say to it?
nyp.33433076059314What did he seem to think of it?
nyp.33433076059314What did you do with your little wife?
nyp.33433076059314What did you tell her?
nyp.33433076059314What do you mean?
nyp.33433076059314What do you think of it?
nyp.33433076059314What do you think of protestantism?
nyp.33433076059314What has been the matter with my little girl?
nyp.33433076059314What have you been doing to my child?
nyp.33433076059314What is it, dear?
nyp.33433076059314What is it, dear?
nyp.33433076059314What is singular?
nyp.33433076059314What is the matter, Glavis?
nyp.33433076059314What is the matter?
nyp.33433076059314What is there to understand about this wilderness?
nyp.33433076059314What is this place?
nyp.33433076059314What is this?
nyp.33433076059314What is this?
nyp.33433076059314What kind of weeds are those?
nyp.33433076059314What was the conversation?
nyp.33433076059314What was the matter?
nyp.33433076059314What ways, please?
nyp.33433076059314What — what is the matter with him, Glavis? nyp.33433076059314 What — why — what's the matter?"
nyp.33433076059314What'll you do with your horses?
nyp.33433076059314What's he calling to see Orlean for?
nyp.33433076059314What's her name — this Negress? nyp.33433076059314 What's the matter with lots of these nigga'men'round Chicago?
nyp.33433076059314What's the matter, Mother Mary?
nyp.33433076059314What's the matter?
nyp.33433076059314What, papa?
nyp.33433076059314When did you discover this, madam?
nyp.33433076059314When did you leave home?
nyp.33433076059314When do they look for the Reverend in?
nyp.33433076059314When, to your knowledge, was Baptiste last in the house?
nyp.33433076059314Where am I?
nyp.33433076059314Where are you?
nyp.33433076059314Where do you live?
nyp.33433076059314Where is Orlean?
nyp.33433076059314Where is he?
nyp.33433076059314Where is my husband?
nyp.33433076059314Where is the family and how many are there of you?
nyp.33433076059314Where is your father today?
nyp.33433076059314Where were they murdered?
nyp.33433076059314Where would you like to go?
nyp.33433076059314Where's the governor?
nyp.33433076059314Which way do you live from town?
nyp.33433076059314Who are you?
nyp.33433076059314Who are you?
nyp.33433076059314Who else?
nyp.33433076059314Who has been murdered, and why am I accused?
nyp.33433076059314Who holds the place, did you say?
nyp.33433076059314Who is it out there?
nyp.33433076059314Who? nyp.33433076059314 Why are you laughing?"
nyp.33433076059314Why does he never ride in the daytime?
nyp.33433076059314Why is it so?
nyp.33433076059314Why must this be so?
nyp.33433076059314Why not just go to one?
nyp.33433076059314Why should I have done so when I did n't feel to?
nyp.33433076059314Why should it please you?
nyp.33433076059314Why should n't I? nyp.33433076059314 Why so?
nyp.33433076059314Why so?
nyp.33433076059314Why will he partake of the fuel he brought to keep from freezing, then?
nyp.33433076059314Why would I want to do that? nyp.33433076059314 Why would you want to do that?"
nyp.33433076059314Why would you want to see him?
nyp.33433076059314Why — Jean — the man is — drunk, is he not?
nyp.33433076059314Why — what's the matter?
nyp.33433076059314Why — you have met my daughter?
nyp.33433076059314Why, Or- lean, what has come over you?
nyp.33433076059314Why, my child, this — this is rather sudden, is it not? nyp.33433076059314 Why,"he suddenly exclaimed, his eyes widening,"what is the matter?"
nyp.33433076059314Will they not leave one?
nyp.33433076059314Will you kindly state to the court just what you overheard and know regarding this affair?
nyp.33433076059314With what were they murdered?
nyp.33433076059314Wo n't you tell it to me?
nyp.33433076059314Wo n't you tell me what the matter is, mother?
nyp.33433076059314Wo n't — ah — wo n't you be seated?
nyp.33433076059314Wonder why he does n't marry?
nyp.33433076059314Would n't that be all right?
nyp.33433076059314Would n't you like to go to town, papa?
nyp.33433076059314Would you care for it?
nyp.33433076059314Would you like to walk down by the river?
nyp.33433076059314Yes, what do you think of that?
nyp.33433076059314You admit to this, then, my dear Reverend?
nyp.33433076059314You are going back home with me tomorrow, dear?
nyp.33433076059314You are honestly happy, dear?
nyp.33433076059314You did n't?
nyp.33433076059314You discovered this tragedy, madam?
nyp.33433076059314You do n't live here?
nyp.33433076059314You have money?
nyp.33433076059314You have not traveled far?
nyp.33433076059314You have?
nyp.33433076059314You have?
nyp.33433076059314You infer that I have forgotten my troubles?
nyp.33433076059314You mean,she said, straightening curiously,"that you loved an Indian up there?
nyp.33433076059314You say you saw him going north of town?
nyp.33433076059314You say, madame, that after you heard your sister scream you rushed from your room and to where she was?'' nyp.33433076059314 You think so?"
nyp.33433076059314You think so?
nyp.33433076059314You think you heard a door slam? nyp.33433076059314 You want to do what?"
nyp.33433076059314You will awaken me early tomorrow — say, six o'clock?
nyp.33433076059314You will go back with me, and be mine, all mine and love me forever?
nyp.33433076059314You will not go back today — rather tonight?
nyp.33433076059314You? nyp.33433076059314 Your mother is dead?"
nyp.33433076059314Your wife, perhaps?
nyp.33433076059314'What's the rip?
nyp.33433076059314'Who're those girls liv- ing near the church?'
nyp.33433076059314..."Has n't she wanted to see me?
nyp.33433076059314130 THE HOMESTEADER"I agree again; but it's outrageous that he should say what he did about Jean Baptiste, now is n't it?"
nyp.3343307605931415o THE HOMESTEADER"I have never lied to you, have I?"
nyp.33433076059314178 THE HOMESTEADER"Now where did you meet Mr. Baptiste, my dear?"
nyp.33433076059314206 THE HOMESTEADER"Then you will?"
nyp.33433076059314379"What is the matter, Jean?"
nyp.33433076059314380 THE HOMESTEADER"Do n't what?"
nyp.3343307605931448 THE HOMESTEADER"Whiskey?"
nyp.33433076059314After what Orlean said?
nyp.33433076059314Am I speaking correctly?"
nyp.33433076059314And how are you today?"
nyp.33433076059314And how do you happen to be down here in the spring?"
nyp.33433076059314And now that she was away, to his mind first came the question, why was she away?
nyp.33433076059314And say, Brother McCarthy, what is this I read in the paper about your son- in- law com- ing in here and suing you for breaking up Orlean and he?"
nyp.33433076059314And what did you see when you came out?"
nyp.33433076059314And what do you think she had the nerve to say to me?
nyp.33433076059314And what has he done it for?'
nyp.33433076059314And yet, why was his wife in Chicago without even a letter from her to him; or one from him to her?
nyp.33433076059314Another fence: who would furnish that two hundred and fifty dollars and secure him for the remainder?
nyp.33433076059314Are the winters here as a rule as cold as this one has been?"
nyp.33433076059314Are you in love with this man?"
nyp.33433076059314At where I board?"
nyp.33433076059314Besides, how did you know it?
nyp.33433076059314Besides, what would he do with the books when he had them?
nyp.33433076059314Besides,'I went on,'Why?'
nyp.33433076059314Bill, however, not the least perturbed over his apparent breach of impropriety, became reseated, and resumed:"Well?"
nyp.33433076059314Blanche's mother?"
nyp.33433076059314But Jean, do you want me to?"
nyp.33433076059314But did that stop her mouth?
nyp.33433076059314But here we are, compelled to be apart, and by whom?"
nyp.33433076059314But if he was awake, what was it he saw?
nyp.33433076059314But is it not a fact that Mrs. Pruitt, with whom you are well acquainted, accompanied your daughter on this trip?"
nyp.33433076059314But it seems rather odd, does n't it?
nyp.33433076059314But maybe I am entitled to hear it?"
nyp.33433076059314But the fact that others culti- vate and heed such is no reason, dear, do you feel, that we should?"
nyp.33433076059314But was free- dom all?
nyp.33433076059314But what can be done?"
nyp.33433076059314But what did he know of such?
nyp.33433076059314But while land was selling and selling readily the country would and could not maintain it?
nyp.33433076059314CHAPTER II WHICH?
nyp.33433076059314CHAPTER X"YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN THIS WAY BEFORE"WHEN AGNES STEWART found her father and they were ready to return home, she inquired:"Did he see you?"
nyp.33433076059314CHAPTER XVI THE EVIL GENIUS"/^\H> JEAN,"breathed Orlean, from the bed,"where 1 M have you been?"
nyp.33433076059314Ca n't you take a joke?"
nyp.33433076059314Did he speak to you on the street?"
nyp.33433076059314Did the editor not have a conversation with yon before the article appeared?"
nyp.33433076059314Do you realize, Agnes, had it not been for you, I — I — would not be sitting here now?
nyp.33433076059314Do you recall of having ever heard your daughter or any one say what deeded land in that section sold for?"
nyp.33433076059314Do you understand?"
nyp.33433076059314Does your head pain you much?"
nyp.33433076059314EUGENE CROOK 225"Is that so?"
nyp.33433076059314Even had he been blind he could have known he was among them, for was not there the usual noise; the old laugh, and all that went with it?
nyp.33433076059314Finally he heard himself speaking, and in a voice that seemed to come from far away:"Ah — well — did my wife have — attention?"
nyp.33433076059314For what more could he have wished?
nyp.33433076059314Get it?"
nyp.33433076059314Guess I may depend on you to be ready that day?"
nyp.33433076059314Had he, done that, too?
nyp.33433076059314Had n't you heard about it?"
nyp.33433076059314Has something happened?
nyp.33433076059314Have you a'phone?"
nyp.33433076059314Have you any idea who the plaintiff is going to use as witnesses?"
nyp.33433076059314Have you never heard of Jean Baptiste?
nyp.33433076059314Have you never seen a woman who never changed her mind — especially when there was a man in the case?"
nyp.33433076059314Have you really not seen a colored girl in a whole year?"
nyp.33433076059314Have you sent him word when he could?"
nyp.33433076059314He caught his breath and held his hand over his heart, as he heard her voice:"Papa, is that you?
nyp.33433076059314He lowered his eyes in thought as his lips muttered:"Wonder where he is?"
nyp.33433076059314He petted her a moment and then, placing his hand under her chin, raised her head and said:"Well, now, my dear, what is the matter?"
nyp.33433076059314He raised his hand to his head and was thoughtful, before saying:"Why were you so disturbed over me seeing the letter, Orlean?
nyp.33433076059314He said — well, I ca n't quite explain, but he — he wants to marry me, mama, and you know — well, mama, you under- stand, do n't you?"
nyp.33433076059314He was not injured, she was relieved to see; but what-was the matter?
nyp.33433076059314He was possessed with a business turn of mind, and one 407 IRENE GREY 409"How much do you have to have to go down there?"
nyp.33433076059314He was succeeding in the game of reform(?)
nyp.33433076059314He will be there over Sunday you say?
nyp.33433076059314Her father was a minister, a dispenser of the gospel, and while for reasons we will become acquainted with in due time, WHICH?
nyp.33433076059314How can it be your fault when you have sacrificed the nice home in Chicago for this wilderness?"
nyp.33433076059314How could I get married?
nyp.33433076059314How could I?
nyp.33433076059314How did he come to utter her name and say that he had waited?
nyp.33433076059314How did you make him understand?"
nyp.33433076059314How far is that?"
nyp.33433076059314How is Pearl?"
nyp.33433076059314How long would it take for her to be his mate again at this rate?
nyp.33433076059314How should I know?
nyp.33433076059314How were you impressed with him when you met him later at this friend's house?"
nyp.33433076059314How would he be able to face these friends if they failed to accept the book?
nyp.33433076059314I almost be- seeched you, because — oh, do n't you understand what is in me, that I am as all men, weak?
nyp.33433076059314I hear they are parted?'
nyp.33433076059314I said:'I do n't understand you?'
nyp.33433076059314I suppose I can count you as witness to the fact?"
nyp.33433076059314I think it's in your eyes; but I do understand that whatever it is it is something good — it could n't be other- wise, could it?"
nyp.33433076059314I wonder if he could board me?"
nyp.33433076059314I wonder whether she will testify that she overheard your father- in- law abusing this Baptiste to his wife?"
nyp.33433076059314I — would like to speak to you?"
nyp.33433076059314INTERMARRIAGE OF RACES 151"Come to what?"
nyp.33433076059314If not, then, where might I find her?"
nyp.33433076059314If so then what would he write?
nyp.33433076059314In hell and its tortures did you say?
nyp.33433076059314Is it not so?"
nyp.33433076059314Is she a single woman or married?"
nyp.33433076059314Is that all?'
nyp.33433076059314Is that quite true?"
nyp.33433076059314It does n't stop here; but you catch it and go to the station above here, do you under- stand?"
nyp.33433076059314It does not seem reasonable to suppose that he granted her the privilege to sign his name to checks to secure money with which to leave him?"
nyp.33433076059314It was rather singular, however, he now thought; for if such had happened, and he had seen it, then why had he not stopped the robber?
nyp.33433076059314M- m. Then who purchased it for her, Rever- end?"
nyp.33433076059314Me, for murder?"
nyp.33433076059314Not away down on that farm southeast?"
nyp.33433076059314Now what would it all come to?
nyp.33433076059314Now — a — who solicited that write- up?
nyp.33433076059314Now, are those girls straight?'
nyp.33433076059314Now, supposin'you married a white woman and brought her here to Chicago, who would you associate with?
nyp.33433076059314Now, what am I to do?
nyp.33433076059314Now, what am I to do?
nyp.33433076059314Or was it her presence?
nyp.33433076059314Perhaps it just happened so?
nyp.33433076059314Presently she said in a low voice:"Do you feel hurt badly, Jean?"
nyp.33433076059314She called him:"Father?"
nyp.33433076059314She says:'Is she sick physically, or mentally?'
nyp.33433076059314She turned to him, and said:"What are you doing here?"
nyp.33433076059314Shortly she felt his hand upon her shoulder and she turned to hear him say: ORLEAN 183"Wo n't you come back into the parlor?
nyp.33433076059314Should he confess?
nyp.33433076059314So he had arisen, that was sure; but why had he not come for his meal?
nyp.33433076059314So you are home to dinner?"
nyp.33433076059314Some you have bought since you have been married?"
nyp.33433076059314Soon she heard him, as she clung to his arm, allowing her body to rest against his shoulder: 274 THE HOMESTEADER"How much for, Orlean?"
nyp.33433076059314Soon she said:"Do you play?"
nyp.33433076059314THE GREAT QUESTION 289"Well?"
nyp.33433076059314THE MYSTERY 511"Well, the house where he stops is just a few doors — about a half dozen — up the street —""On the same side or the opposite?"
nyp.33433076059314THE PREACHER'S EVIL INFLUENCE 307"Where is Orlean?"
nyp.33433076059314Tell them that it had been rejected as unavailable?
nyp.33433076059314That much money?"
nyp.33433076059314That would be the first thing to do, would n't it, Jean?"
nyp.33433076059314That, I recall is the home of the Sioux?"
nyp.33433076059314The melting smile she bestowed him with was quite sufficient, so seeing, he continued:"And do you wish to become his wife?"
nyp.33433076059314The old fellow who moved out here recently from Indiana?"
nyp.33433076059314The only ques- tion was, would E. M. Glavis have the courage to go through with it?
nyp.33433076059314The question is —""Are they worth anything?"
nyp.33433076059314The station I refer to is only four miles above this, and when you get off there, catch another train that comes in a few minutes back this way, see?"
nyp.33433076059314Then who rode the horse?
nyp.33433076059314Then why did not he, Jean Baptiste, act?
nyp.33433076059314Then why should it be?
nyp.33433076059314Then, to whom?
nyp.33433076059314Then:"Are you married yet?"
nyp.33433076059314There is nothing wrong between us — never has been, nor between you and I now either, is there?"
nyp.33433076059314Therefore, can I be forgiven if I say to you; if I ask you, Miss McCarthy,"and so saying, he turned to her, his face serious,"to become my wife?"
nyp.33433076059314Thinking of what?""
nyp.33433076059314This, this, do you hear?
nyp.33433076059314Throw up my hands and quit, or try to see Orlean and get her around to reason?
nyp.33433076059314To have her to talk to; her to tell the truth to and share what little happiness there was to be had in life, he became overly anxious?
nyp.33433076059314Wanta go long?"
nyp.33433076059314Was he aware also that the preacher occupied this particular room?
nyp.33433076059314Was he the cause of what he saw in this girl's face?
nyp.33433076059314Was it all because Jean Baptiste loved his wife?
nyp.33433076059314Was this a. proposal or was it a play?
nyp.33433076059314Well, here's what it was, and I hope she said it:'Why, Ethel, how is Orlean?'
nyp.33433076059314Were they not little boys once themselves?"
nyp.33433076059314What becomes of women who are deceived?
nyp.33433076059314What did he pay for the place?"
nyp.33433076059314What did it mean?
nyp.33433076059314What do I want with him?
nyp.33433076059314What do you say to it?"
nyp.33433076059314What does she know about it?"
nyp.33433076059314What does that mean?"
nyp.33433076059314What happened next?"
nyp.33433076059314What is there between love and duty?
nyp.33433076059314What is your opinion, hav- ing been on the property, of its actual worth?"
nyp.33433076059314What part of Indiana do you come from?"
nyp.33433076059314What was it?
nyp.33433076059314What was passing in her mind?
nyp.33433076059314What was the matter with her?
nyp.33433076059314What you want to ask me such a question for?
nyp.33433076059314When he had drunk deeply and lay back weakly upon the pillow, he heard:"How do you feel, Jean?"
nyp.33433076059314When shall I bring her?"
nyp.33433076059314When she met my eyes she sighed, and then said:'Do you think he can hurt papa, Mildred?
nyp.33433076059314When will your father- in- law be in?"
nyp.33433076059314When would the railroad be extended out of Bonesteel westward?
nyp.33433076059314Where did you go, sweet one?
nyp.33433076059314Where is Speed, and the wife of his you ruinedf Where?
nyp.33433076059314Where shall we find him?"
nyp.33433076059314Where would VANITY 203 they sit?
nyp.33433076059314Who could keep from liking you?"
nyp.33433076059314Who was this man that he should call her name and say that he had waited?
nyp.33433076059314Who would not under such circumstances?
nyp.33433076059314Why did n't I come to the house?
nyp.33433076059314Why do you not wear some of your summer dresses?
nyp.33433076059314Why do young men call to see any young ladies?"
nyp.33433076059314Why should I come to your house, when the last time I was there I was kicked out, virtually kicked out, do you hear?"
nyp.33433076059314Why should he be seen?
nyp.33433076059314Why should they be separated?
nyp.33433076059314Why should we be keeping this a secret from him — rather, why should I?
nyp.33433076059314Why was it that they understood each other so well?
nyp.33433076059314Why would n't you be welcome?
nyp.33433076059314Why"was she away?
nyp.33433076059314Why, why, why?
nyp.33433076059314Will that be all right, dear?"
nyp.33433076059314Will that be alright?"
nyp.33433076059314With Jean?
nyp.33433076059314With sudden im- pulse, she turned to Mrs. Reynolds who had not inter- rupted:"It will be nice, now, wo n't it?"
nyp.33433076059314Would it be worth while?
nyp.33433076059314Would you like to look forward and feel that you had to go through all your life what your mother has endured?"
nyp.33433076059314Yes, and where are my brothers?
nyp.33433076059314You are hurt, do you understand?"
nyp.33433076059314You are perhaps, then, newcomers here?"
nyp.33433076059314You did n't kill him, you did n't kill her — you did n't kill anybody, did you, Jean?"
nyp.33433076059314You have her, is she not enough?
nyp.33433076059314You have her, is that not enough?
nyp.33433076059314You loved none of us, perhaps, and it was because you had not had the opportunity, maybe?"
nyp.33433076059314You might have heard that Blanche is married?"
nyp.33433076059314You never, I sup- pose, informed her husband regarding the transaction after the deal was closed?"
nyp.33433076059314You'll be so kind as to wait until then, will you not?"
nyp.33433076059314Your father had it cashed for you?"
emu.10002350164A lady? emu.10002350164 A person with original ideas has no place in society?"
emu.10002350164All understand? emu.10002350164 And you, Kate, are you with us?"
emu.10002350164And, pray what is he to do?
emu.10002350164But how is my mother? emu.10002350164 But if we write frequently,"inquired Susan,"may we not be too forward?
emu.10002350164But what about yourself?
emu.10002350164But what of your children?
emu.10002350164But where are you going?
emu.10002350164But, Father, Father, Father, Oh Father,she pleaded,"have n't some used the sword, and lived?
emu.10002350164But, Uncle Abbot, what are we going to do in our own time?
emu.10002350164Ca n't we stop this?'' emu.10002350164 Can you praise me?"
emu.10002350164Can you.suffer the worries and anxieties of my situa¬ tion? emu.10002350164 Could the people come to this estate for about a half hour?"
emu.10002350164Did n't he make of the poorest young peoples'meeting in town the largest and most interesting?
emu.10002350164Do I pretend, William?
emu.10002350164Do n't you know by now, William, that a woman ca n't tell a man everything? emu.10002350164 Do n't you know?"
emu.10002350164Do n't you see I'm trying to guard your good name?
emu.10002350164Do n't you see it's impossible?
emu.10002350164Do these crimes continually occur without being pun¬ ished?
emu.10002350164Do we know the will of God?
emu.10002350164Do we not know that out of Chaos God formed the universe, that by making plants and beasts and man He willed us life? emu.10002350164 Do you know where Mr. Turner is?
emu.10002350164Do you remember Wright's'The Shepherd of the Hills'?
emu.10002350164Do you still wish me to remain, Miss Haskell?
emu.10002350164Do you think we should rush out?
emu.10002350164Do you think you could dance with a minister?
emu.10002350164Doctor Harper, do you think we have acted merely upon impulse and not for the interests of the community?'' emu.10002350164 Dr. Harper,"he began pleasantly but serious¬ ly,"Have you as yet decided upon your new dean of girls?"
emu.10002350164Dr. Smith has been a friend to every one of you, will you be a friend to him? emu.10002350164 Gentlemen, what are you going to do to these folks?"
emu.10002350164Has Socrates come back again?
emu.10002350164Has some recent occurrence sad¬ dened you?
emu.10002350164Has the time come when we should consider the sugges¬ tions of these men or must we wait longer? emu.10002350164 Have n't I already done so?"
emu.10002350164Have you allowed her to answer you on this point?'
emu.10002350164Have you tried?
emu.10002350164How are we to get there? emu.10002350164 How has it come so suddenly as this?"
emu.10002350164How many can you get?
emu.10002350164How may we organize?
emu.10002350164How will you fight?
emu.10002350164How's your ammunition? emu.10002350164 I do not know your danger?
emu.10002350164I do not know?
emu.10002350164I heard you say you were going to remain on the estate; but what's to be done concerning the other people?
emu.10002350164If this is followed, however, then what? emu.10002350164 If two persons of good health love and wish to marry, who should gainsay them, be they white or black, or white and black?
emu.10002350164If you were here,remarkt Susan, lowering her eyes tenderly,"do n't you know we should crowd your church?
emu.10002350164Is it bread or is it William?
emu.10002350164Is it just then, for God to burn his children not for a day, a week, or a year, but forever?
emu.10002350164Is it lawful for a mother, for any offense her child might commit, to throw it into fire even for a moment?
emu.10002350164Is n't she interested?
emu.10002350164Is the God of those who oppress us our God? emu.10002350164 Is there present any young woman who would do so?"
emu.10002350164Is- the business private?
emu.10002350164It is far on its decline now,Susan remarkt,"do n't you see already the streaks of red and purple?"
emu.10002350164Madame/'he began,can you tell me where I can find Mr. Smith?
emu.10002350164May I not omit just one insignificant incident?
emu.10002350164Miss Haskell, what would Reverend Smith say, if harm befell you in your effort? emu.10002350164 Miss Haskell?
emu.10002350164Mr. Simpson, ca n't you do anything to stop this?
emu.10002350164Mr. Tucker, have you ever visited Dr. Smith and sur¬ veyed the work he's doing? emu.10002350164 Mr. Wilson, I think that you are rather well protected on this estate, but what about your good neighbors?
emu.10002350164Must I be carried to the skies On flowery beds of ease, Whilst others fought to win the prize And sailed thru bloody seas? emu.10002350164 No, what's the use?"
emu.10002350164Of what are you thinking, William?
emu.10002350164Pardon me for being bold, but do you have any idea who the lady will be?
emu.10002350164Pardon me, but what was my impudence?
emu.10002350164Pardon me,put in Thelma at this point,"but may I interrupt you a wee bit?"
emu.10002350164Should you have told, how could I meet him after that?
emu.10002350164Smith, you'll be leaving- soon, wo n't you?
emu.10002350164The man who stops robbers, who sees that workers are not only worthy of their hire, but actually gets it causes trouble?
emu.10002350164The question'Where do I exert my greatest influence?' emu.10002350164 Thelma, Miss Haskell,"he remarkt upon seeing her,"what are you doing here?"
emu.10002350164Thelma, Thelma, you're not going to let him go, are you? emu.10002350164 Then what are we going to do with this Bible?"
emu.10002350164This is well said, but what are the utterances of the people generally?
emu.10002350164Well, I suppose you can prosecute them when this is over, ca n't you?
emu.10002350164Well, what do you think of the mob?
emu.10002350164What can I do for you?
emu.10002350164What can we charge concerning that?
emu.10002350164What did she do?
emu.10002350164What do you think of it?
emu.10002350164What do you think of that?'' emu.10002350164 What do you think of the idea, Thelma?"
emu.10002350164What fool would come without one in an affair like this?
emu.10002350164What man here can all follow, and obey at the slightest suggestion?
emu.10002350164What the h—1, what you waiting for? emu.10002350164 What would you suggest that I do?"'
emu.10002350164What's yours?
emu.10002350164What, Susan?
emu.10002350164What, are the folks out?
emu.10002350164What, are you afraid?
emu.10002350164When then is the ultimate goal? emu.10002350164 Where can they be?
emu.10002350164Which way are you going now?
emu.10002350164Who made this trouble?
emu.10002350164Why did you come, Susan?
emu.10002350164Why do n't you go to the University then and have some white man teach you something about improved farming?
emu.10002350164Why had Thelma said this?
emu.10002350164Why have you come at this particular time?
emu.10002350164Why preach a sermon against him?
emu.10002350164Why was that?
emu.10002350164Will the people understand?
emu.10002350164Will they regard me as an impostor? emu.10002350164 William1, must not?
emu.10002350164Wil¬ liam,she askt,"do you like Thelma?"
emu.10002350164Would you like to go outside?
emu.10002350164Would you require that much time?
emu.10002350164Would you stop there?
emu.10002350164You do n't understand? emu.10002350164 You here?"
emu.10002350164You know he is so tantalizing, is n't he?
emu.10002350164You think of hesitating? emu.10002350164 You wo n't help to put this down?"
emu.10002350164You're not doing this alone tho, are you?
emu.10002350164Your parents do n't know you are here, Susan?
emu.10002350164'Man am I grown, a man's work must I do, Follow the deer?
emu.10002350164'which is the Superior Being?
emu.1000235016416 THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL"But why do you say'under the existing circumstances?'
emu.10002350164234 THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL"Yes, but —""I belong to myself, do n't I, William?"
emu.1000235016484 THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL, OF HIS SOUL"But have we not neglected the chief purpose of our visit, in going thus astray?"
emu.10002350164< JWhy is the laborer unworthy of His hire?
emu.10002350164? e, livel- ma observed with greater interest.
emu.10002350164After all these years of comradeship, shall they leave us now?
emu.10002350164Ai n't that enough?"
emu.10002350164Am I right?"
emu.10002350164America, when we have died, To keep our country free, Will hate for blacks fore'er abide?
emu.10002350164And for what?"
emu.10002350164And in that great day, or thru the ages, when it is our pleasure to see H'im not thru a glass darkly, but as He is, shall we know Him?"
emu.10002350164And what had made possible the building of the new station but the new impetus give to farming?
emu.10002350164And what's the use of loving, if you ca n't be jealous?"
emu.10002350164And would I not pursue my present way of life, which is the result of years of thinking in spite of her opposition?
emu.10002350164Are n't you afraid?"
emu.10002350164Are n't you aware that such must be done, if we continue here?
emu.10002350164Are n't you quite different from most of our women?"
emu.10002350164Are our schools and business institutions thus multitudinous?
emu.10002350164Are these passages false or true?
emu.10002350164Are they aware of what is going on or do they, since no one has come against them, regard it as a joke?"
emu.10002350164Are yoii happy?"
emu.10002350164Are you trying to help or to injure me?
emu.10002350164Are you well sup¬ plied with arms?"
emu.10002350164Are you willing to stop them?"
emu.10002350164As he lingered behold¬ ing it, for the first time he noticed its Negro features?
emu.10002350164As the knocking did not ce?.
emu.10002350164At least I may pretend so, may I not?"
emu.10002350164At length, after a few moments, he said pleadingly,"are you aware of the risk you take?"
emu.10002350164At once he turned to « her and askt childishly,"Are you satisfied now?
emu.10002350164Besides your going was only pretense?"
emu.10002350164But are n't we on the same vantage ground?
emu.10002350164But do you think I can find democracy any¬ where in these United States?"
emu.10002350164But had n't she led him on?
emu.10002350164But how can we do this?
emu.10002350164But how long do you plan to be here?"
emu.10002350164But how1 has it been gained?
emu.10002350164But is there no such a thing- as endless night?
emu.10002350164But may they not meet at the school house?
emu.10002350164But shall this always be?
emu.10002350164But what is the basis of your complaint?"
emu.10002350164But what is the point of the incidents?"
emu.10002350164But where is your son?
emu.10002350164But will you excuse me now?
emu.10002350164Ca n't you see that to serve God, you must help your fellow- man?"
emu.10002350164Can I preach what we have discust to the people?
emu.10002350164Can a man be born again?
emu.10002350164Can persons maltreat the Negro and not abuse their own people?
emu.10002350164Can she permit the great issue to be solved without taking part?
emu.10002350164Can this priceless boon be gained in other ways?
emu.10002350164Can we have a united country with one morality for whites and another morality for blacks?
emu.10002350164Can you bear the disquiet of my being subject to at¬ tack at any time?"
emu.10002350164Could a man be impervious to the teachings of such men as Professor Young and the great divines that visited Henderson College?
emu.10002350164Could a man see a fellow being who was innocent lynched in his own yard before wife and chil¬ dren, and be unchanged?
emu.10002350164Could he be unimprest by these individuals of inter¬ national repute?
emu.10002350164Could he hear that wife pray and see her petition unanswered without questioning his faith?
emu.10002350164Could there yet come another?
emu.10002350164Could they not be mistaken?
emu.10002350164Could they not distinguish between the man and the office?
emu.10002350164Could you bear this, could you share in this work, or have you been educated to stay aloof from society?
emu.10002350164Did every 46 THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL minister talk like that?
emu.10002350164Did he hear?
emu.10002350164Did he not say in quoting Tagore,'When gods fail to help their children, men must come to their assistance?'
emu.10002350164Did it mean that he was criminal, vulgar, or immoral?
emu.10002350164Did n't David use the sword on Goliath?
emu.10002350164Did n't George THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL 255 Washington use the sword and become the first president of this great Nation?''
emu.10002350164Did not thy aveng¬ ing angel use the sword on Sennachrib's host of a hundred and eisrhty- five thousand men?
emu.10002350164Did the speaker mean that?
emu.10002350164Did you see it, gentlemen?"
emu.10002350164Did you tell them to bring their guns?"
emu.10002350164Do n't you feel that you should see your co- workers and arrange for a reconsideration?"
emu.10002350164Do n't you remember?"
emu.10002350164Do n't you see that thru him we have gained such a reputation, as we may lose with his departure?
emu.10002350164Do n't you see there's not a one here, where¬ as generally we have as many white as colored?
emu.10002350164Do the meek inherit it?
emu.10002350164Do you believe the Scriptures?"
emu.10002350164Do you blame me for coming?
emu.10002350164Do you know what the community did for Thelma?
emu.10002350164Do you need any?
emu.10002350164Do you not hear me faintly calling, calling to you, heart atuned to love; in the distance, can you not hear the call of love?
emu.10002350164Do you think Henry's admiration for me would go far, if I could n't arouse the commendation of'his associates?
emu.10002350164Do you think it safe for us to follow this high sounding talk of Nailor?"
emu.10002350164Does each profession but get its portion of the truth?
emu.10002350164Does he too love who brings thee shame By hell's hot savagery?
emu.10002350164Does n't your ankle pain you more thaw your head?"
emu.10002350164Does not the world call us a distinctly religious people?
emu.10002350164Dost not remember well How sweetly to her songs we fell?
emu.10002350164Dr. Harper interrupted to make the master stroke,"Do n't you in your heart admire Miss Haskell?"
emu.10002350164During the course of the evening, William askt,"Uncle Abbot are our people doing no¬ thing at all to end this or to prevent its recurrence?
emu.10002350164Furthermore, does the white man wait?
emu.10002350164Gentlemen, have you rifles and revolvers?"
emu.10002350164Great heavens, what do men expect?
emu.10002350164H'ow are you?"
emu.10002350164H'ow could he be unaltered?
emu.10002350164Had Susan made a good jight?
emu.10002350164Had he been basically wrong, had he been unjust?
emu.10002350164Had he not used the wrong word?
emu.10002350164Had not William penetrated their souls, as deeply as human beings could?
emu.10002350164Had not many who had left for the cities returned to the farms?
emu.10002350164Had not the cabins for ten miles around given place to cottages and weatherboard houses?
emu.10002350164Had you made any arrange¬ ment for such?"
emu.10002350164Has Lincoln labored and died in vain?
emu.10002350164Has she told you?
emu.10002350164Have I been false?
emu.10002350164Have I leave?"
emu.10002350164Have I made you nervous?"
emu.10002350164Have n't we already done enough?
emu.10002350164Have n't you really excelled him?
emu.10002350164Have n't you really made a mis¬ take?
emu.10002350164Have they ever inherited it?
emu.10002350164Have we not first sought the kingdom of God and His righteousness?
emu.10002350164Have you forgotten that our country is at war?
emu.10002350164Have you not had sufficient time?
emu.10002350164Have you read them, gentlemen?"
emu.10002350164He had come and gone often, but could he now?
emu.10002350164He listened attentively while she read the following idyl: THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL O cabin dear, Dost thou not hear Her faltering voice?
emu.10002350164Here you have several natural ambuscades and redoubts, but what have our other kind friends?
emu.10002350164How are you?
emu.10002350164How are you?"
emu.10002350164How can he do this?
emu.10002350164How can there be a democracy based on color rather than upon the inequality of merit?
emu.10002350164How can we do this while we meet him so seldom?
emu.10002350164How can we even havr in Americn, with? uch disrespect for the law on the part of the so- called superior race.
emu.10002350164How could a human being outstrip a miracle of mechanical ingenuity?
emu.10002350164How could she win?
emu.10002350164How could they be Christian and act otherwise?
emu.10002350164How did he miss you?"
emu.10002350164How did the English gain it?
emu.10002350164How do neighboring farmers take this?"
emu.10002350164How have you been since last we met?"
emu.10002350164How have you been?
emu.10002350164How long do you think the bliss can last?"
emu.10002350164How long have you been there?"
emu.10002350164How many marriages of our peoples are absolutely without quarrels?
emu.10002350164How otherwise can we prepare for our children's comfort in case we die prematurely, or prepare for old age?
emu.10002350164How otherwise could he account for the scurrilous article in the"Seaton Gazette?"
emu.10002350164How should this be?
emu.10002350164How soon will Mr. Davis begin thresh¬ ing?"
emu.10002350164How would he receive her?
emu.10002350164I believe you have not seen a wheat threshing?"
emu.10002350164I can have the governor call the militia, but what good wTould that do?
emu.10002350164I do n't know?
emu.10002350164I do n't see vet what you're aiming at?"
emu.10002350164I do not know the peril of your neighbors?
emu.10002350164I do not mean to be inquisitorial, but are you doing all this without advice, without well qualified helpers?"
emu.10002350164I fear, I fear —""What do you fear?"
emu.10002350164I have n't seen her before: is she a stranger in these parts?"
emu.10002350164I wonder if they'll be capable of holding out?"
emu.10002350164I wonder who it can be?"
emu.10002350164I'd marry, if I thot I'd have some days of pleasure; but why marry to make a widow and probably an orphan?
emu.10002350164I'm at home, am I not, William?
emu.10002350164I'm glad there's present at least one man from each of the farm?
emu.10002350164If colored and white show equal fitness for a task, who is taken, who is left?
emu.10002350164If forced to protect your home, could you do so?
emu.10002350164If man burns his child, he is a criminal?
emu.10002350164If man will refrain from such punishment and try to reform his child, iUjiot God do the same?"
emu.10002350164If this were logically followed, where would the churches be?
emu.10002350164If we should re¬ peat that act, where would be the inspiration?
emu.10002350164In the case of dancing that is vicious, I'm ready to attack it now; but is the dancing which is conducted in public schools vicious?
emu.10002350164In the thralldom of this deep religious emotion, with cares all dispelled, who thot of Thelma?
emu.10002350164Is God different, if He burns His?
emu.10002350164Is it fear on the part of our people and arrogance of the white?
emu.10002350164Is it not God's desire that we should love one another, that we should love our enemies?
emu.10002350164Is it not because we have been waiting on God and God has been waiting on us?
emu.10002350164Is it not the democratic ideal?
emu.10002350164Is it not worth while to try to learn more of this, that our light may shine?"
emu.10002350164Is n't he, and his wife all right?"
emu.10002350164Is n't it remarkable how your mother seems to take no account of time?
emu.10002350164Is n't my sister Julia just such an example?
emu.10002350164Is n't that enough?
emu.10002350164Is n't the machinery even too slow for him?"
emu.10002350164Is n't the punch delight¬ ful?
emu.10002350164Is not this the very thing she would oppose?
emu.10002350164Is that true?
emu.10002350164Is the THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL 53 shedding of blood for the remission of sins an eternal law?
emu.10002350164Is the preacher right and everyone else wrong?
emu.10002350164Is there someone you're trying to find?"
emu.10002350164Is this a mark of ignorance on the part of our people or of the white?
emu.10002350164Is this a matter to be spurned?
emu.10002350164Is this right?
emu.10002350164Is this the only way?
emu.10002350164Is your life purpose the same?
emu.10002350164Love, you will come to me?
emu.10002350164Mayor Goodrich, Mayor Goodrich, down in your heart do you really think I ought to go?"
emu.10002350164Mr. Clarkston, do you hear that singing?"
emu.10002350164Must personality enter in?
emu.10002350164Must the Negro not look more and more to himself for the activities and com¬ forts he deserves and desires?
emu.10002350164Must there always be civil wars, rebellions, riots, strikes, and barbarous conquests?
emu.10002350164Must there be another War of the Rebellion?
emu.10002350164Now that you've got a chance to get him, surely you ai n't a going to back out?
emu.10002350164Now what are your plans?
emu.10002350164O saw ye bonnie Lesley As she gaed o'er the border?
emu.10002350164Often she plaintively askt herself:"How is he to know this?"
emu.10002350164On the other hand, nothing that the necessity of nature brings to pass can be a hardship to those who seek all good things from their own ability?'
emu.10002350164Or did each have but a glimpse of the truth?
emu.10002350164Our own citizens murder our most loyal citizens in cold blood and what do we do?
emu.10002350164Our wrestling with the scorning, to do each fond behest Will win at least not frowns, but joy and loving at thy breast?
emu.10002350164Peerless on the gridiron, in class, and in debate, who was this powerful son of Africa?
emu.10002350164Pray tell me what white man wants to see a colored man outdo him?"
emu.10002350164Seeing her thus absorbed, William askt,"What is vour meditation?
emu.10002350164Seeing nothing done to alleviate the matter, the visitor askt,"Is there no way to stop this, but who are they after?
emu.10002350164Shall it become the universal law?
emu.10002350164Shall the undeserv¬ ing continue receiving blessing, while the worthy are crusht under foot?
emu.10002350164Shall we condemn their depths of zeal?
emu.10002350164Shall we leave them?
emu.10002350164Shall we of all peoples, forgetting the spirit of our ancestors, wait for others to fight ours?
emu.10002350164She lookt about mirthfully and said,"Are all seated?"
emu.10002350164Should I do dis?"
emu.10002350164Should he be willing to die even for it?
emu.10002350164Should he break other customs or should he for the interim permit the right of way to any who sought to enter it?
emu.10002350164Should he enter the theological school or choose some other calling?
emu.10002350164Should he go to Washington for the larger work and at; a later date re¬ turn to Seaton or should he offer the malefactors of race a firm resistance?
emu.10002350164Should he go?
emu.10002350164Should he not keep his?
emu.10002350164Should he speak freely?
emu.10002350164Should hurricanes with ruin rampant, give us battle at the start?
emu.10002350164Should it not rather be so?
emu.10002350164Should she follow her mother's advice or Thelma's?
emu.10002350164Should she go or remain?
emu.10002350164Should she speak or keep silent?
emu.10002350164Since you know them all, ca n't you bring them together at one place for me to speak to them?"
emu.10002350164Smith after many moments of reflection,"what are the people doing?
emu.10002350164Smith just await the ministers'bidding?
emu.10002350164Smith, is n't it?"
emu.10002350164Stamford, is not God unknowable?
emu.10002350164Still if he did not mean to con¬ sider her, why did he not tactfully turn the question, to dis¬ cuss some other subject?
emu.10002350164Stone,"askt the president,"do you permit a ques¬ tion?"
emu.10002350164THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL 287"Why did I come?
emu.10002350164The meek shall inherit'the earth?
emu.10002350164The question on every lip was,"who'll lead?
emu.10002350164Thelma quickly scanned its contents and then spoke with some degree of alarm and dismay,"What's the matter with these white folks?
emu.10002350164Thelma stared at Susan, as if in amazement, laughed heartily and then said,"Girls, does n't she put the case well?"
emu.10002350164Thelma, why have you done this?"
emu.10002350164Then came another question provoked by the friendly in¬ tercourse with Henry Lee,"How can I repay them?"
emu.10002350164Then looking about to see if all were there, he askt,"Is there anyone here who does n't know THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL 301 what he is to do?"
emu.10002350164Then the tender maiden askt herself,"What did Milton say?
emu.10002350164Then turning the conversation as much as possible, he askt,"Has your journey been pleasant?"
emu.10002350164Then why should I be unwelcome?"
emu.10002350164There were inquiries of"How are you enjoying yourself?
emu.10002350164This is truly a wonderful estate, is n't it?"
emu.10002350164Thy dusky prince unto himself must build a seperate race, United with his for en folk, to rise unto his place?
emu.10002350164To learn the other phase of the issue, she askt,"How did you win the white farmer?"
emu.10002350164Turning more directly to her adversary, she requested good- naturedly,"Tell me please why you did n't dismiss me, but preferred to ask me to resign?
emu.10002350164Turning towards him, she said,"What do you wish Wil¬ liam?"
emu.10002350164Unquestionably she would write; but should she risk all by making a disclosure and then launching the'fight of her life?'
emu.10002350164W'e have first sought the kingdom of God, now have these other things been added unto us?
emu.10002350164Wait for him to choose someone else, I suppose?
emu.10002350164Wait for him to choose someone else?
emu.10002350164Was each now to be the death of each?
emu.10002350164Was he not after all an exalted instrument in the hands of unscrupulous people?
emu.10002350164Was he the posessor of that dominant will?
emu.10002350164Was he the promist emancipator of his race or should we look for another?
emu.10002350164Was he worthy of this care?
emu.10002350164Was her temperament against her?
emu.10002350164Was his complexion a handicap?
emu.10002350164Was it a noble life like Christ's that would save men from them¬ selves?
emu.10002350164Was it not His will, that Christ should teach'Love thy neighbor as thy self?'
emu.10002350164Was it not the shedding of blood?
emu.10002350164Was it possible that Susan had come anyhow?
emu.10002350164Was not Thelma's last utterance an avowal of love?
emu.10002350164Was that speech a chal¬ lenge?
emu.10002350164Was there a common foe?
emu.10002350164Was there also tragedy?
emu.10002350164Was there also tragedy?
emu.10002350164Was there now or had there been a demand for strict conformity?
emu.10002350164We call Nero cruel, but what about our own people?"
emu.10002350164We could n't help it, could we girls?"
emu.10002350164We were always told that we could not have too many churches, but did we think that out for ourselves?
emu.10002350164We'll have to get up a party that they may go, wo n't we?"
emu.10002350164Were no more to come?
emu.10002350164Were there not more independent farmers just out from Seaton than anywhere in the state?
emu.10002350164Were they equally happy?
emu.10002350164Were they on guard or were they trusting to chance?
emu.10002350164What are they doing?
emu.10002350164What are you doing now, my child?"
emu.10002350164What are you going to do about this?
emu.10002350164What are you going to do, Mr. Goodrich?
emu.10002350164What are you go¬ ing to do?
emu.10002350164What better use could he make of this boon than to supplement his agricultural knowledge with a course at Cornell University?
emu.10002350164What care I for the scorn of thousands?
emu.10002350164What caused the passing of the Old Regime and the establishment of the French Republic?
emu.10002350164What could have happened to the'prophet of Sinai Shrine?'
emu.10002350164What could it be?
emu.10002350164What could she be doing?
emu.10002350164What did he mean?
emu.10002350164What did she do?"
emu.10002350164What did they think of him?
emu.10002350164What did this mean?
emu.10002350164What do they mean by leaving me alone?
emu.10002350164What do we say?
emu.10002350164What do you suggest that I do?"
emu.10002350164What do you want us to do?"
emu.10002350164What does He say?
emu.10002350164What does he mean?
emu.10002350164What does she think of me?
emu.10002350164What does this argue but the negligence of God, what but His injustice?
emu.10002350164What happens to people who lose their sense of shame?
emu.10002350164What harm is Mr. Smith doing?"
emu.10002350164What has come over this place?
emu.10002350164What have you done for this town?
emu.10002350164What important event occurred there in which he had not taken part?
emu.10002350164What of being justified by faith?
emu.10002350164What other race offers the other side of his face when slapt?
emu.10002350164What shall we say?
emu.10002350164What should a girl do to keep first palce in the affections of a young man while he is away at school?"
emu.10002350164What should be done?
emu.10002350164What spell was this?
emu.10002350164What things?
emu.10002350164What tho the field be lost?
emu.10002350164What was he to do?
emu.10002350164What was this pastor to have his members do anyway?
emu.10002350164What was this to them other than social equality?
emu.10002350164What were the others to do?
emu.10002350164What were their thots?
emu.10002350164What will Susan say?
emu.10002350164What will thir portion be?
emu.10002350164What would have occurred in Wil¬ liamsburg?
emu.10002350164What you're doing down here so early anyhow?'
emu.10002350164What's been the result?
emu.10002350164What's the slogan?"
emu.10002350164What's the trouble, Thelma?"
emu.10002350164What's the use of worrying?
emu.10002350164When I receive another, it will be from her I must we d.""And who will that be?"
emu.10002350164When are they to assemble?"
emu.10002350164When he reached the Union Station, whom should he meet, full of smiles and captivating graces but Thelma Has¬ kell?
emu.10002350164When peace comes, why can they not live to¬ gether?
emu.10002350164When she had finisht, Dr. Harper said,"Do you still feel the same towards our dean?
emu.10002350164When will man learn that justice is even- handed?
emu.10002350164When will they learn that some conventionalities are sacred?
emu.10002350164When will you make the start?"
emu.10002350164When, William, will you decide?"
emu.10002350164Where are you?"
emu.10002350164Where could it be?
emu.10002350164Where then is your place in this great hour; scattered like dandelions in a lawn, or united like the streams of the mighty river?"
emu.10002350164Where was Thelma?
emu.10002350164Where was he to find an anchorage?
emu.10002350164Where were the officers when one of their foremost citi¬ zens was suffering this disgrace?
emu.10002350164Which did the community need the more, the mother or the child?
emu.10002350164Which would you expect to be the nobler, God or man?
emu.10002350164Who are responsible for this calamity?
emu.10002350164Who can deny that we must reshape our ideas to adjust ourselves to this complex life?
emu.10002350164Who can she be?"
emu.10002350164Who could doubt it now?
emu.10002350164Who could not be happy here?
emu.10002350164Who did not know his interest in the old and young, especially his honored devotion to the little folk?
emu.10002350164Who expected anything like this?
emu.10002350164Who have been more patient than we, who upon this continent have suffered longer?
emu.10002350164Who is going to take his place?"
emu.10002350164Who is the happier?
emu.10002350164Who of us would say/Refrain from the company of all young men during the absence of the lover?'
emu.10002350164Who was right: the theologian, the poet, the scientist, or the philosopher?
emu.10002350164Who will combat His word?
emu.10002350164Who would con¬ tradict him?
emu.10002350164Who'll address them?"
emu.10002350164Whom could he have in mind but her?
emu.10002350164Why are n't you on 224 THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL your farm organizing your friends to resist these insults?
emu.10002350164Why are we blind to the fruits of this: the stratification of society, schools for the rich, and schools for the poor, but not American schools?
emu.10002350164Why could he not clasp her hand and be himself again?
emu.10002350164Why could he not continue to think out a resistance?
emu.10002350164Why could he not speak?
emu.10002350164Why did Thelma?
emu.10002350164Why did he not positively ask her to marry him, and.take the responsibility of making her happy?
emu.10002350164Why did not some proper utterance or event de¬ tract his thots from himself?
emu.10002350164Why did she have to die?
emu.10002350164Why did she say"defiant?"
emu.10002350164Why do n't you let a fellow know your intention?
emu.10002350164Why do n't you order troops of the governor?"
emu.10002350164Why had the gentleman failed in this instance?
emu.10002350164Why have throbbing intellects, if we will not think; why have hearts, if we will not love?
emu.10002350164Why have we delayed?
emu.10002350164Why is not every adult black man a contributor to its weal?
emu.10002350164Why not accept the offer coming from1 Washington?
emu.10002350164Why not in ours, that we may enjoy the good fortune?
emu.10002350164Why not like other folks, for instance, the suffragists, produce a crisis and receive the first fruits of them that slept?
emu.10002350164Why run from a goal we have reacht with hope of returning to it some day?
emu.10002350164Why should she wonder or wait for that which often never comes?
emu.10002350164Why should the Church ever stop, while the world moves on?
emu.10002350164Why then did Elaine entreat it?
emu.10002350164Why this letter now?"
emu.10002350164Why was the moderator tongueless?
emu.10002350164Why was there this distinct¬ ion?
emu.10002350164Why were they there?
emu.10002350164Why would a woman steal from parents and friends, and risk abuse and calamity to see a man?
emu.10002350164Will a new Church 82 THE IMMEDIATE JEWEL OF HIS SOUL suddenly spring forth to satisfy the new people?
emu.10002350164Will man never cease to oppress his fellow man, till he has poured out his precious blood?
emu.10002350164Will the longing of my aching heart be satisfied?
emu.10002350164Will they grapple me or will they leave me?
emu.10002350164Will they not do as much for him?
emu.10002350164Will they now?
emu.10002350164Will you love him with the greatest love that can stir the human heart?
emu.10002350164William, why is this?"
emu.10002350164Would I not be called an infidel and my career as a minister finisht with its beginning?"
emu.10002350164Would n't you?
emu.10002350164Would not some one with great courage risk his life for the child?
emu.10002350164Would she wait now?
emu.10002350164Would the boldness be a sacrifice of modesty?
emu.10002350164Would you be¬ lieve all this was a part of him?
emu.10002350164Would you like that?"
emu.10002350164Yet how few marriages of any sort are without some differences?
emu.10002350164You are indeed more radical than I, but would n't my love offset that?"
emu.10002350164You did not acquire your lovely homes until he came; will you be able to hold them, if he falls and dies?
emu.10002350164You have n't met my nephew, have you?"
emu.10002350164You know the pagan philosophy: Eat, drink, and be merry today, for tomorrow we die?"
emu.10002350164You un¬ derstand me, do n't you?"
emu.10002350164You're not going to leave, are you?
emu.10002350164Your work instead of obtaining the good- will of the ordinary white farmer may merely aggravate the evil you are trying to stamp out?
emu.10002350164^'•"^So he can,"the professor admitted,"but is it just?
emu.10002350164follow the Christ, the King, Live pure, speak true, right wrong, follow the King, — Else, wherefore born?'
emu.10002350164or should she wait, striving in the meanwhile by tact to force a declaration from him?
uc1.b2839282. ” She hesitated so long that he asked: “ But what? ” “ It's your house, and they are your neighbors.
uc1.b2839282111 “ But what happened? ” “ I ’m terribly sorry.
uc1.b2839282128 “ It's better for you. ” How could she introduce any doubting questions into such a harmonious atmosphere?
uc1.b2839282147 After a while he asked, “ Shall I get my neighbor to come over or should we go there?"
uc1.b2839282201 But what would happen when Philip and his friends arrived?
uc1.b2839282204 “ I guess you men are ready to eat, are n't you?"
uc1.b283928234 “ Wo n't you have a cup of coffee?
uc1.b28392824 “ There's a movie I'd like to see, would you?
uc1.b2839282Above all, if she were married to him would she cease worrying about the time he would spend away from her?
uc1.b2839282After walking a half a block she asked, “ How about to- morrow night? ” “ It's Wednesday.
uc1.b2839282Again came the thought, “ Will Joan remember this 114 conversation?
uc1.b2839282Also did the clothes in the bottom drawer fit this woman?
uc1.b2839282Am I really in love with the 23 man?
uc1.b2839282Am I using the same underhanded tactics as she?
uc1.b2839282And I am. ” “ Can you walk around without pain? ” “ Nearly.
uc1.b2839282And I've the plants to set in the ground. ” What was he planning to do?
uc1.b2839282And were those her cigarettes that had been upstairs?
uc1.b2839282And you said you'd come out. ” “ When is our next opera? ” “ Not for over three weeks.
uc1.b2839282Are you free on that night? ” “ I can come over later.
uc1.b2839282Are you going in with me? ” “ Yes, I planned to. ” Marie broke into the conversation, “ Have supper with us.
uc1.b2839282Are you going out this week? ” “ No, the hot weather has made it hard to work.
uc1.b2839282Are you planning to drive out with Richard and his wife? ” “ I have n't spoken to him lately.
uc1.b2839282Are you really coming this time? ” “ Yes, do n't you worry. ” “ I made this a collect call.
uc1.b2839282Are you really taking this man seriously? ” “ More or less.
uc1.b2839282As he came towards her, she looked up and smiled, and asked “ The same book? ” He nodded in affirmation.
uc1.b2839282As he was leaving her, she questioned, “ You're not going for the night? ” “ You only asked me to come say good- night.
uc1.b2839282As she was the only adult left at the beach, would they realize he had stayed behind to talk to her?
uc1.b2839282As she worked he exclaimed, “ I do n't even know what's behind them. ” “ Why do n't you make another set of shelves along this wall?
uc1.b2839282As they left class the following week, he asked, “ Will you go to a show this Saturday night? ” “ I'd love to.
uc1.b2839282As they were walking across the room, she inquired, “ Whose class are you taking? ” “ I do n't know his name.
uc1.b2839282Basically he's a very liberal- minded person. ” “ What do you mean?
uc1.b2839282But a woman's voice asked, “ Are you Mrs. Morgan? ” “ Yes, I am. ” “ My name is Irene Walker.
uc1.b2839282But did you get the two dollars I left on the little table at your house? ” 132 “ Yes, I did.
uc1.b2839282But did your father say anything about Philip's being here? ” “ No, do n't worry.
uc1.b2839282But do n't go to much trouble. ” “ Another cold meal will be all right? ” “ Of course.
uc1.b2839282But do you like the idea? ” “ I do.
uc1.b2839282But if you call, tell them who it is, and I'll come to the phone. ” Why would n't he generally go to the telephone when he re- ceived a call?
uc1.b2839282But should she have directed him to her cabin where he would be completely confident of his reception?
uc1.b2839282But to probe deeper into his feelings — had he reached the conclusion that he wished to become a part of it?
uc1.b2839282But what time is it?
uc1.b2839282But why are you washing those things? ” She was quite intimidated at the sharp way he spoke to her.
uc1.b2839282But would n't he enjoy it if he once got here?
uc1.b2839282Ca n't you come down? ” “ I was going to ask if I could.
uc1.b2839282Ca n't you see it would be? ” “ That's what I'm saying.
uc1.b2839282Can I phone you? ” “ My number is WA 9- 73490.
uc1.b2839282Can we go out to dinner after I look up a few references? ” “ I ’d like to. ” 31 It was Tuesday.
uc1.b2839282Can you come out during that time? ” Louise could tell that her daughter was especially anxious to convey to Philip that he would be most welcome.
uc1.b2839282Could he be two men?
uc1.b2839282Could it really be true that he was coming?
uc1.b2839282Could she conceive of a life without him?
uc1.b2839282Could we go to a movie later on in the day?
uc1.b2839282Dear Philip: Do you mind if I take your story to the editor of a magazine which we both know?
uc1.b2839282Desperately she asked, “ Why not?
uc1.b2839282Did everyone especially look at them or was she imagining it?
uc1.b2839282Did he constantly think of her as being different, and need a chance to spend not too many consecutive hours with her?
uc1.b2839282Did he really know how much she loved him, or would he conclude that she was more unattainable than ever?
uc1.b2839282Did he regret the events of the weekend, and not want her to take them too seriously?
uc1.b2839282Did he think she was only asking him there because the adults were away?
uc1.b2839282Did he want to remain with her, or did he not wish to in- trude himself upon them?
uc1.b2839282Did he? ” “ No, he's working for a contractor who always starts another job as soon as he finishes one.
uc1.b2839282Did her being there mean enough to him to compensate for her disappoint- ment of spending two days practically alone?
uc1.b2839282Did my snoring keep you awake? ” “ No, you were n't snoring.
uc1.b2839282Did you enjoy the holidays in the country?
uc1.b2839282Did you figure out one? ” “ No, not yet.
uc1.b2839282Did you get the car ready? ” She knew that her mentioning the car would indicate she wanted him to take her out to her place in the country.
uc1.b2839282Did you go out to the country? ” “ No, I stayed right here and worked both days.
uc1.b2839282Did you have any trouble getting in yesterday morning? ” “ No, I had a seat on both bus and subway.
uc1.b2839282Did you make up my bed? ” “ No, I thought you would sleep with me. ” “ You really do n't mind?
uc1.b2839282Did you make up my bed? ” “ No, I thought you would sleep with me. ” “ You really do n't mind?
uc1.b2839282Did you not mail it even though you said you would?
uc1.b2839282Did you think I would refuse or did you not want me to go?
uc1.b2839282Do n't you remember that I said I could come out this weekend?
uc1.b2839282Do n't you want to? ” Again there was a long pause.
uc1.b2839282Do you mind if we do n't know what opera they are playing? ” “ No, I'd enjoy any one of them.
uc1.b2839282Do you mind? ” “ Of course not.
uc1.b2839282Do you really have to go?
uc1.b2839282Do you take route 17 the whole way? ” “ Yes, except the last eight miles.
uc1.b2839282Do you think I should? ” This was a difficult question to answer in an off- hand manner.
uc1.b2839282Do you think you can find it? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282Do you want to go? ” he asked her.
uc1.b2839282Do you want to take it down? ” She gave the number and he repeated it.
uc1.b2839282Does Laura like him? ” “ Yes, very much.
uc1.b2839282Does he live in a community where my appearance would cause much gossip among his neighbors?"
uc1.b2839282Does he really mean that much to you? ” Louise had never failed to spend the entire weekend when visiting this sister.
uc1.b2839282Does that give you plenty of time? ” She had agreed, as she always did, having acquired this habit over many years.
uc1.b2839282Finally Marie asked, “ Who's going to put out the fire? ” John immediately started hunting for something that would contain water.
uc1.b2839282Finally he asked, “ Have you a pencil and paper? ” “ Yes. ” “ Here are the directions.
uc1.b2839282Had he not then intui- tively concluded that her being with her family was of far greater importance to her than occasional evenings spent with him?
uc1.b2839282Had n't she already steeled herself for a cooling- off period to his latest advances?
uc1.b2839282Had not Joan's attitude toward Philip 238 today proved to him the truthfulness of her depiction of her daughter?
uc1.b2839282Had the lady who came to use his typewriter been correct in her state- ment that he had not been driving for a long time?
uc1.b2839282Had this conversation been a very deceitful way of making Joan agree to her marriage with Philip?
uc1.b2839282Had those words in any way altered his reaction to the situation concerning the three of them?
uc1.b2839282Has it been very hot working? ” “ Yes, but I do n't mind it.
uc1.b2839282Have you 18 thought of what they might say?
uc1.b2839282Have you any more pages ready for me? ” “ No, I have n't.
uc1.b2839282Have you many plans for the weekend? ” “ No, none at all. ” That was a gratifying statement to hear; his answer was both quick and positive.
uc1.b2839282Have you marked that date on your calendar? ” “ Yes, I wo n't forget; you know I wo n't. ” He suddenly 152 started to leave.
uc1.b2839282He had ironed a shirt to wear, and she had asked him, “ Can I iron and mend these other shirts while you're gone? ” “ Why not.
uc1.b2839282He introduced himself by saying, ‘ You must be Marie's sister? ’ ” 235 “ Yes, he's a friend of theirs.
uc1.b2839282He kissed her, and asked: 82 “ You wo n't care if I go sleep alone?
uc1.b2839282He seems to be very nice, does n't he? ” “ Yes, he does.
uc1.b2839282He works on a night shift, and is generally here when I leave in the morning. ” “ Shall I ask him for it?
uc1.b2839282How am I going to get in to- 38 night? ” She sat down on her coat, looking extremely for- lorn.
uc1.b2839282How are the things we transplanted? ” she asked him.
uc1.b2839282How are you this evening? ” “ Fine, and yourself? ” “ Never felt better.
uc1.b2839282How are you this evening? ” “ Fine, and yourself? ” “ Never felt better.
uc1.b2839282How are you? ” She preceded him into his sitting room.
uc1.b2839282How could he be so glad to see her if there were anything amiss between them?
uc1.b2839282How could he become surfeited with her during the course of two wonderful evenings, when he had not seen her for a long time?
uc1.b2839282How could he think she would know?
uc1.b2839282How could you do so much?
uc1.b2839282How did she look tonight?
uc1.b2839282How did you find your brother? ” So he had received her letter.
uc1.b2839282How did you know?
uc1.b2839282How did you make out? ” “ They've not organized a seminar yet.
uc1.b2839282How formal should she be now that they were coming to her house?
uc1.b2839282How is it in the country? ” “ Much cooler than where you are, and the swimming is nice.
uc1.b2839282How long could she read?
uc1.b2839282How long have you known him? ” “ Nearly a year; but we've only been going out together lately.
uc1.b2839282How long should she wait for him to get in touch with her?
uc1.b2839282How should she dress?
uc1.b2839282How would he act?
uc1.b2839282How would he greet her?
uc1.b2839282I bathed this afternoon. ” “ Shall we change the bed?
uc1.b2839282I brought some papers I want to discuss with you. ” How could he be so casual about something so utterly important?
uc1.b2839282I ca n't call you, can I? ” “ Yes, I wrote today to have the phone turned on, as I have rented the apartment for the month of August.
uc1.b2839282I could n't do it alone. ” As he said nothing she anxiously continued, “ How about Saturday?
uc1.b2839282I did think of trying to get you there. ” “ Why did n't you come out anyway?
uc1.b2839282I do n't think we should travel without, do you? ” She noticed that he did n't mention renewing his driver's license.
uc1.b2839282I enjoyed it so much. ” “ I will expect you on Saturday whether I call you on Friday or not. ” “ About eleven o'clock? ” she questioned.
uc1.b2839282I hate to rush. ” “ Yes, have you had time to read the plot? ” “ No, the book you gave me is in New Jersey. ” “ I ’ll take my book.
uc1.b2839282I know you're glad it's Friday night. ” “ When are you leaving for the country — tomorrow morning? ” “ Early; about nine o'clock.
uc1.b2839282I never mentioned it to him again, but he has treated me the same as always. ” “ How about your sisters? ” Joan still would insist.
uc1.b2839282I saw Richard and Fanny on Sunday and they want to drive out to your place. ” “ That's wonderfull Do you still have the directions? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282I want you to meet him. ” Hanging up the receiver she immediately thought, “ Will he get here before Laura does?
uc1.b2839282I went out to New Jersey on Saturday, spent the night, but came back early Sunday. ” Was this statement true?
uc1.b2839282I'll ask a neighbor to water them this week. ” “ Wo n't you let me cook lunch? ” “ Sure, if you want to.
uc1.b2839282I'm looking forward to your coming out. ” “ Yes, after this job is over. ” “ Why could n't you go out on the train with me tomor- row morning?
uc1.b2839282I've a friend in the hospital I should go and see. ” “ When are the visiting hours? ” “ Between seven and eight.
uc1.b2839282If I typed them for you, could n't you work on them better? ” “ I certainly could.
uc1.b2839282If he could n't reply to this simple in- vitation, how could she expect him to make any statement more compromising?
uc1.b2839282If you ca n't get over to your place tomorrow, could n't I go and collect the rent? ” “ I'm afraid not.
uc1.b2839282If you had n't let him in I would have had the same bill as last time. ” 161 “ Shall I give you your key? ” “ I'd like to have it.
uc1.b2839282In fact, should she not be relieved that she would not be respon- sible for all the pleasures he might desire?
uc1.b2839282Is n't it all the way out on Long Island? ” “ Well, I'd like to know what it's all about.
uc1.b2839282Is n't it getting late? ” He arose and went over to move her chair, and kept hold of her elbow while they were leaving the restaurant.
uc1.b2839282Is n't this bed big enough? ” For an answer she leaned over and kissed the top of his head as he was still seated at the table.
uc1.b2839282Is she very young? ” “ No, she must be older than I: she has been a widow for seven years.
uc1.b2839282Is that all right? ” “ Sure, we'll work it out together. ” So, it was n't entirely all right, it had to be worked out later.
uc1.b2839282It has rained quite a lot. ” “ Where are you now? ” “ In Brooklyn. ” “ Why do n't you come over?
uc1.b2839282It has rained quite a lot. ” “ Where are you now? ” “ In Brooklyn. ” “ Why do n't you come over?
uc1.b2839282It will take me nearly two hours to get home at this time of night. ” “ Did you enjoy the opera? ” “ I certainly did.
uc1.b2839282It's a European film in a midtown theatre. ” His startled expression said, “ Do you really mean it? ” His voice acquiesced haltingly.
uc1.b2839282It's at the very end of my spine. ” “ Did you hurt yourself when you stooped over sud- denly?"
uc1.b2839282It's only nice in the summer. ” “ Shall I leave the car here? ” asked Richard.
uc1.b2839282Let's walk up; it's only one flight. ” “ I have never been here before, have you? ” he asked as he took her arm going up the stairs.
uc1.b2839282Louise said, “ I ’m glad they do n't have company. ” Did his relaxed manner really portray his inner feelings?
uc1.b2839282Marie will tell you what she needs. ” She sat down next to Joan, asking, “ Where are the boys? ” “ Playing tennis or swimming.
uc1.b2839282May I take you to dinner before the show? ” “ Please come to my apartment instead.
uc1.b2839282May I use the telephone?
uc1.b2839282Might she not be suffering when it was totally unnecessary?
uc1.b2839282Moreover, would he always care for her as he now did?
uc1.b2839282Must she again settle down to a go- slow policy, letting him always take the initiative?
uc1.b2839282No, do n't you worry about that. ” What did he mean?
uc1.b2839282Now you have a room in town, I'll see you oftener. ” “ Shall I call you early in the morning when I'd be sure of reaching you?
uc1.b2839282One evening she asked, “ Would you mind if I invited two couples to dinner next time you are here?
uc1.b2839282Or had he deliberately shortened the time so that dinner would consume the only hour left before the show?
uc1.b2839282Or was he gradually becoming more willing to have them in love with each other?
uc1.b2839282Or, was she afraid that, as she had asked for his 25 show of affection, the situation was not truly indicative of his feelings?
uc1.b2839282Philip will be here; we have tickets for a show. ” “ Shall I come? ” Laura asked.
uc1.b2839282Please, ca n't you say something? ” They had arrived at her little cabin.
uc1.b2839282Remember we have tickets for “ Rigoletto'for Friday. ” “ This coming Friday?"
uc1.b2839282Shall I bring it to you? ” “ Yes, I would like to read it. ” “ I ’ll take it to your office one day soon.
uc1.b2839282Shall I come to your apartment? ” “ Yes, she seemed to think that would be the simplest way.
uc1.b2839282Shall I meet you at the theatre? ” “ If you do n't mind. ” The time was arranged.
uc1.b2839282Shall we eat something now?"
uc1.b2839282Shall we go down? ” 211 to be a tacit agreement that her entering the scene would not interrupt the conversation.
uc1.b2839282She met me there last night. ” “ What is she like?
uc1.b2839282She must gain something from his having gone; had he not in- stantly called her upon his return?
uc1.b2839282She overheard Marie saying, “ Yes, we've known him for some time. ” “ Is he connected with William in his work? ” “ No, he is n't.
uc1.b2839282She said it should n't take more than a half hour. ” “ Will it be all right if I come over at eight? ” “ Sure. ” “ See you then.
uc1.b2839282She was startled when the receiver was picked up, and she could barely manage to say, “ Hello, how are you? ” “ Oh, Louise, where are you?
uc1.b2839282She was startled when the receiver was picked up, and she could barely manage to say, “ Hello, how are you? ” “ Oh, Louise, where are you?
uc1.b2839282She was suddenly brought back to the immediate pres- ent by his asking, “ What time is the show Friday night? ” “ Eight- thirty.
uc1.b2839282Should she ask him to stay?
uc1.b2839282Should she attribute his lack of en- thusiasm to the debilitating effects of his job?
uc1.b2839282Should she forget about him — or try to forget?
uc1.b2839282Should she return to her original plan of never asking him to do anything?
uc1.b2839282Should she stay around the apartment in order to receive his call, or should she try to forget it?
uc1.b2839282Should she wear her usual sum- mer costume of slacks and sleeveless blouse, or dress con- ventionally?
uc1.b2839282Should we be going along?
uc1.b2839282Slowly and most seriously he asked, “ Are you sure you want me to come? ” “ Of course I am.
uc1.b2839282Speaking pleasantly, when her daughter returned to the telephone, she asked, “ How are the children?
uc1.b2839282There is no forwarding number. ” Would he have any regrets that he had not come to see her on the last night she was to be in town?
uc1.b2839282Therefore you were n't plan- ning to call me for many days, giving me time to cool off from any intended upbraiding?
uc1.b2839282They'll never know I'm here. ” She hoped he would frankly express his desire for her to stay: if he wanted her for next Friday, why not now?
uc1.b2839282Those past events concerned her no longer, but should she not have gained some beneficial experiences to help her in her current dilemma?
uc1.b2839282Tired or rested?
uc1.b2839282To his reply, “ Benson, ” she made the usual query, “ How are you? ” “ Oh, Louise.
uc1.b2839282Tonight would she speak of her again?
uc1.b2839282Truthfully she could n't conceive of Philip staying with her on Twelfth Street; therefore, how could she expect him to consider such a plan?
uc1.b2839282Under such circumstances would he have enjoyed the evening?
uc1.b2839282Was he angry about something, or was he truly in a great hurry?
uc1.b2839282Was he interpreting her words to mean something entirely different from what she had intended?
uc1.b2839282Was he that unsure of his position with her?
uc1.b2839282Was it hazardous to be looking forward to spending a few 137 days alone with him?
uc1.b2839282Was she again going to become steeped with doubts and fears?
uc1.b2839282Was she the first white woman willing to be his girl friend, and did this situation confront him with too many conflicting ideas?
uc1.b2839282Was she wrong to encourage him in this way?
uc1.b2839282Was there anything in it I would n't want to read? ” “ No, how could there be?
uc1.b2839282Was there anything in it I would n't want to read? ” “ No, how could there be?
uc1.b2839282Was this Mary's writing?
uc1.b2839282Was this his method of procedure now 56 that he knew her so well?
uc1.b2839282We might be coming while you're there. ” “ I hope you can. ” “ How's your job working out for the summer? ” Louise asked.
uc1.b2839282We went away in such a hurry that I did n't lock the door. ” “ Does it matter? ” “ No; except during the winter months.
uc1.b2839282We've got plenty of time. ” “ I wo n't. ” “ Is n't it nicer to be slow? ” “ Do you enjoy waiting as much as I do? ” “ I do n't know.
uc1.b2839282We've got plenty of time. ” “ I wo n't. ” “ Is n't it nicer to be slow? ” “ Do you enjoy waiting as much as I do? ” “ I do n't know.
uc1.b2839282Were there constant demands over his telephone, and her voice only signified something easy for him to cope with?
uc1.b2839282Were you able to get a rest before coming here? ” “ Yes, I feel fine.
uc1.b2839282Were you afraid I would start raving at you, as has happened to you in similar past experiences?
uc1.b2839282Were you going to tell me not to come?
uc1.b2839282What did she really care if everyone eventually discovered she had a definite interest in town?
uc1.b2839282What did you do? ” She thought how that little note and the two dollars would puzzle him and convey how much he could hurt her.
uc1.b2839282What do you mean about it's not being tidy?
uc1.b2839282What do you think? ” “ It is n't worth it.
uc1.b2839282What is the address there? ” He gave it to her, although she already had it.
uc1.b2839282What is the reason for his silence? ” The telephone rang about six o'clock, and she was actu- ally trembling when she picked up the receiver.
uc1.b2839282What particular incident had changed his attitude towards her?
uc1.b2839282What time are you leaving tomorrow morning? ” “ I ’ll leave about nine.
uc1.b2839282What time did you leave? ” “ About nine.
uc1.b2839282What time do you get up? ” “ A quarter to eight.
uc1.b2839282What time do you plan to leave in the morning? ” “ If you are n't going to be there, I wo n't have any reason for hurrying.
uc1.b2839282What was the advantage of having a man in love with you if he did n't care about spending much time with you?
uc1.b2839282What was to be gained now by further deception?
uc1.b2839282What will she think when she finds out the com- plete story? ” IX Philip arrived promptly at Marie's house the next eve- ning.
uc1.b2839282What would he say?
uc1.b2839282When are you coming out to visit us in the country? ” “ Not during the summer months.
uc1.b2839282When are you going back to the city? ” “ About eight.
uc1.b2839282When did you come in? ” “ Not till late afternoon; that's why I did n't come to the library. ” “ Where are you now?"
uc1.b2839282When did you come in? ” “ Not till late afternoon; that's why I did n't come to the library. ” “ Where are you now?"
uc1.b2839282When will you get here on Saturday? ” “ About noon.
uc1.b2839282Where are my pajamas? ” This question startled her.
uc1.b2839282Who is this man?
uc1.b2839282Why alter her habits when she was with him?
uc1.b2839282Why are you so late? ” “ I ’m sorry. ” She had purposely chosen this hour; she did n't want him to think she was too anxious to see him.
uc1.b2839282Why did she extricate herself from his embrace, gather up a pile of dishes from the table, and take them into the kitchen?
uc1.b2839282Why did that detestable char- acteristic of doing always what she should do instead of what she wanted to do have to crop up at such a crucial moment?
uc1.b2839282Why do n't I let him decide?
uc1.b2839282Why do n't you come over? ” Surely he would be willing to please her momen- tarily.
uc1.b2839282Why do n't you come to the library and go there with me?
uc1.b2839282Why do n't you try to come out with Richard and his wife? ” “ I ’ll call him and see if we can plan it.
uc1.b2839282Why do n't you wait and let me help you plant them? ” “ If I put them in tomorrow we can water them twice before leaving.
uc1.b2839282Why had she turned off her telephone?
uc1.b2839282Why wait any longer to send the following note?
uc1.b2839282Why was he so hesitant?
uc1.b2839282Why was she embarrassed at bringing up the subject of going to bed?
uc1.b2839282Why worry?
uc1.b2839282Why would he make such an expenditure if he were not expecting material gain?
uc1.b2839282Will I have time for a bath? ” “ Sure. ” She went to him for another kiss before he started up the stairs.
uc1.b2839282Will I lose those precious moments I've been longing for these many weeks?
uc1.b2839282Will it be all right that way? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282Will she qualify? ” “ Oh, sure.
uc1.b2839282Will you be coming out? ” Did he want to know in order to be with her or avoid her?
uc1.b2839282Will you be coming out? ” Did he want to know in order to be with her or avoid her?
uc1.b2839282Will you be free Thursday night? ” “ Yes, and you be sure to save it for me.
uc1.b2839282Will you be there? ” “ I plan to be.
uc1.b2839282Will you buy some? ” and he opened the bill section of his wallet.
uc1.b2839282Will you order seats when the program changes?"
uc1.b2839282With no hesitation whatsoever, she went over and took the seat next to his, and asked, “ How are you? ” He looked up and smiled.
uc1.b2839282Wo n't I be seeing him there? ” “ That's a moot question.
uc1.b2839282Wo n't I be seeing you again soon? ” “ I do n't know.
uc1.b2839282Wo n't you be at the library Thursday afternoon? ” “ Yes. ” “ I ca n't get there before four- thirty.
uc1.b2839282Wo n't you have supper with me? ” She did n't trust herself to stay until the evening.
uc1.b2839282Wo n't you tell me why not?
uc1.b2839282Would a whole week pass without her seeing him?
uc1.b2839282Would he be loving or would he have assumed that stand- offish attitude she had inculcated into their last meeting?
uc1.b2839282Would he be there now?
uc1.b2839282Would he call or would he not?
uc1.b2839282Would he come to her apartment without communicating with her?
uc1.b2839282Would he mention Saturday?
uc1.b2839282Would he stay after the other people left?
uc1.b2839282Would he think she was avoiding him by not being at home when he had promised to call?
uc1.b2839282Would it mean as much to her as she wished, and would she satisfy him?
uc1.b2839282Would living with him soon tend to lose its glamour, and the added duties become burden- some?
uc1.b2839282Would she add sufficient pleasure to his life to keep him satisfied with her?
uc1.b2839282Would she ever honestly admit to herself that his being with her was not always of para- mount importance to him?
uc1.b2839282Would she ever see them again?
uc1.b2839282Would she then run the risk of losing him altogether?
uc1.b2839282Would that be too early? ” “ I ’ll call you before nine. ” “ Ca n't you be more definite?
uc1.b2839282Would that be too early? ” “ I ’ll call you before nine. ” “ Ca n't you be more definite?
uc1.b2839282Would you like a cup of coffee first? ” She disliked this formal way of being taken care of and answered, “ A taxi is n't necessary.
uc1.b2839282Would you like to come along? ” “ No, thanks.
uc1.b2839282Would you like to go there? ” “ Yes, I would, ” he quickly responded.
uc1.b2839282Would you mind that? ” “ You know I would n't.
uc1.b2839282Would you rather do that or stay here? ” 229 to performing all the tasks of daily existence just when and how she wished.
uc1.b2839282Would you read it to me? ” “ You read it to me. ” They settled down together on the couch.
uc1.b2839282XII “ How did you enjoy the trip to New York, Mother? ” Joan asked when they were sitting at the lake the next afternoon.
uc1.b2839282You do n't mind holding him, do you?
uc1.b2839282You have the address, have n't you?
uc1.b2839282You realize you saved me a trip out there. ” “ How was your back today?
uc1.b2839282You've already done so much for me. ” What was the matter?
uc1.b2839282for you? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282“ Anna is not coming? ” “ No, I did n't confirm the date with her in time to get in touch with the other woman.
uc1.b2839282“ Are n't you coming in to say good- night? ” His caresses were very affectionate, but she did not like the finality they seemed to express.
uc1.b2839282“ Are we planning to have a campfire supper down here this eve- ning? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282“ Are you asking me to come and help you clean up? ” “ Yes, I'll never get around to doing it myself.
uc1.b2839282“ Are you hungry? ” “ Starved.
uc1.b2839282“ Are you in town? ” Here she was again dropping back into the old habit of making the approach.
uc1.b2839282“ Are you planning to go to New Jersey for the week- end? ” she asked him.
uc1.b2839282“ Are you sure you are n't robbing yourself? ” asked Fanny.
uc1.b2839282“ Been staying in New Jersey? ” “ No, just in and out.
uc1.b2839282“ But do I wish to go ahead? ” she pondered.
uc1.b2839282“ But how has it been in the country? ” “ Wonderful.
uc1.b2839282“ But it might be he. ” “ Hello, Louise, how are you? ” “ All right — and yourself? ” “ Never felt better.
uc1.b2839282“ But it might be he. ” “ Hello, Louise, how are you? ” “ All right — and yourself? ” “ Never felt better.
uc1.b2839282“ Can we have a cup of coffee before we go to work? ” she asked, remembering that she had not needed to make this request on her first visit.
uc1.b2839282“ Can you have supper with the children?
uc1.b2839282“ Come in. ” “ Is Mr. Benson here? ” “ No, he's already gone to town.
uc1.b2839282“ Did Fanny and Richard leave? ” “ Yes, they were worried about the long drive home.
uc1.b2839282“ Did he regret having asked me to his house?
uc1.b2839282“ Did the woman call you about the interviewing job? ” Louise asked her.
uc1.b2839282“ Did you sleep? ” “ I certainly did, and I feel fine.
uc1.b2839282“ Do n't you want a pillow? ” “ No, I'm comfortable this way. ” She shoved both pil- lows away and lay down beside him.
uc1.b2839282“ Do n’t you want to come? ” “ Of course I do. ” “ So you are coming? ” How anxious he was to draw this happy conclusion.
uc1.b2839282“ Do n’t you want to come? ” “ Of course I do. ” “ So you are coming? ” How anxious he was to draw this happy conclusion.
uc1.b2839282“ Do you know when I have to get up to be at work by eight o'clock? ” “ Six o'clock? ” she queried.
uc1.b2839282“ Do you know when I have to get up to be at work by eight o'clock? ” “ Six o'clock? ” she queried.
uc1.b2839282“ Do you like the color?
uc1.b2839282“ Do you mind if I take off my coat? ” he asked.
uc1.b2839282“ Have you been writing? ” “ Yes, you'll be proud of me.
uc1.b2839282“ Have you eaten supper? ” His greeting was almost me- thodical, as if he had experienced this identical situation with her for many years.
uc1.b2839282“ How about a second breakfast cup of coffee? ” He jumped up, grasped both her hands to lift her from the grass.
uc1.b2839282“ How about the restaurant on the corner of the next block uptown?
uc1.b2839282“ How are you, Louise?
uc1.b2839282“ How are you, Louise? ” “ All right, and you're going with me? ” “ No, I'm afraid not.
uc1.b2839282“ How are you, Louise? ” “ All right, and you're going with me? ” “ No, I'm afraid not.
uc1.b2839282“ How are you, Louise? ” “ Very well, and how are you? ” “ Well, just so- so.
uc1.b2839282“ How are you, Louise? ” “ Very well, and how are you? ” “ Well, just so- so.
uc1.b2839282“ How are you, Mother?
uc1.b2839282“ How are you? ” “ Oh, Louise, where are you?"
uc1.b2839282“ How are you? ” “ Oh, Louise, where are you?"
uc1.b2839282“ How long have you been waiting? ” “ Only five minutes.
uc1.b2839282“ How much rent are they paying? ” Louise asked.
uc1.b2839282“ How strong is the string? ” “ You ca n't break it. ” “ All right.
uc1.b2839282“ How's the front porch?
uc1.b2839282“ I forgot to tell you the toilet is in the garage. ” “ In this vast outside do I have to know where the toilet is? ” She laughed aloud.
uc1.b2839282“ I have n't seen him yet; I am planning to spend the day with him tomorrow. ” “ When did you get in? ” “ Not till one o'clock.
uc1.b2839282“ I ’ve decided I'm not going tomorrow night. ” “ Why not? ” “ Well, you know the way it turned out yesterday and the week before.
uc1.b2839282“ I ’ve missed you so much. ” “ Do you really like my sun tan? ” “ It's most becoming.
uc1.b2839282“ I ’ve missed you. ” “ So have I, but you did n't have to go and leave me. ” “ Yes, I did. ” “ Why?"
uc1.b2839282“ In Brooklyn. ” “ Why do n't you come over for a while? ” There was quite a long wait; she feared his reply.
uc1.b2839282“ Is n't that too heavy to carry? ” She noticed how the 75 muscles of his arms protruded as he lifted the great mass of dirt and tree.
uc1.b2839282“ It's beautiful country, is n't it? ” “ Yes, that lake is perfect, ” said Fanny.
uc1.b2839282“ Laura looked beautiful tonight, did n't she? ” she asked him.
uc1.b2839282“ Lots of things which are n't apparent at first glance, because the whole place looks so worn- out. ” “ Wo n't you show us? ” “ Sure.
uc1.b2839282“ Louise, how are you? ” 198 “ Pretty good; are you planning to come out? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282“ Louise, how are you? ” 198 “ Pretty good; are you planning to come out? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282“ May I have Gunther's book called “ Inside Africa'? ” “ Certainly, ” she answered as she got down from her stool.
uc1.b2839282“ May I try one? ” he asked.
uc1.b2839282“ Mother, have you really considered how your brother and sisters will treat you? ” “ Of course I have thought about it a great deal.
uc1.b2839282“ Must you be going so soon?
uc1.b2839282“ My first wife liked it that way, too. ” Was n't he thus acknowledging that she was his second wife?
uc1.b2839282“ No, he never calls during the week unless his plans have changed. ” “ Then he'll be out Friday night?
uc1.b2839282“ Oh, Louise, how are you?
uc1.b2839282“ Oh, is it he? ” Yes, it was.
uc1.b2839282“ Philip Benson. ” “ What does he do? ” “ He makes his living as a carpenter, but also delves in real estate, and writing.
uc1.b2839282“ Philip, how are you? ” “ Well, and yourself?
uc1.b2839282“ Philip, how are you? ” “ Well, and yourself?
uc1.b2839282“ Shall I bring you something refreshing to drink? ” “ No, thanks.
uc1.b2839282“ Shall I call you Friday night? ” “ I ’d like for you to, but it is n't necessary.
uc1.b2839282“ This is Louise. ” “ How are you? ” “ Not so good.
uc1.b2839282“ This is Philip's favorite pastry from Sutters. ” 163 Turning to him she asked, “ When is your birthday?"
uc1.b2839282“ What are you up to? ” She gave in completely.
uc1.b2839282“ What did they say about your story? ” “ They liked it.
uc1.b2839282“ What do you think? ” “ I ’ll have to see. ” Such a foreboding, noncommittal statement.
uc1.b2839282“ What happened?
uc1.b2839282“ What is the matter?
uc1.b2839282“ What is this? ” “ Oh, it's only a loaf of bread. ” “ Wo n't you take a couple of cans of grease to make your soap?
uc1.b2839282“ What is this? ” “ Oh, it's only a loaf of bread. ” “ Wo n't you take a couple of cans of grease to make your soap?
uc1.b2839282“ What needs fixing on the house, Louise? ” asked Philip.
uc1.b2839282“ What price have you put on it? ” “ Twenty thousand.
uc1.b2839282“ What's the address? ” She gave him directions as to time and place and they lingered in conversation many minutes before they said good- night.
uc1.b2839282“ What's the matter? ” “ I ’m disappointed; I really am, ” and he must have understood that she could hardly refrain from crying.
uc1.b2839282“ What's this? ” He went to her, literally grabbed both her arms, and demandingly kissed her.
uc1.b2839282“ When are you coming back to town? ” “ I do n't know, ” she said despondingly.
uc1.b2839282“ When is Daddy coming? ” 240 “ There's plenty of cold milk in the ice box. ” She tried to get away from him.
uc1.b2839282“ When would we go? ” So, he would consider it, or was he only stalling for time to ponder her momentous re- quest?
uc1.b2839282“ When would we go? ” So, he would consider it, or was he only stalling for time to ponder her momentous re- quest?
uc1.b2839282“ Where shall we have dinner? ” he asked.
uc1.b2839282“ Why are n't you contented with such a pleasant companionship?
uc1.b2839282“ Why did I ever reach the place where this could give me so much pleasure?
uc1.b2839282“ Why did n't I go at six when he left?
uc1.b2839282“ Why do you feel that way about it? ” “ I would have five years more of happiness ahead of me.
uc1.b2839282“ Why not?
uc1.b2839282“ Will you be able to come over on Thursday evening? ” she asked.
uc1.b2839282“ Will you feel like coming over tonight? ” she asked.
uc1.b2839282“ Will you have a drink?
uc1.b2839282“ Wo n't everyone be out there? ” “ Yes, but what difference will that make?
uc1.b2839282“ Wo n't everyone be out there? ” “ Yes, but what difference will that make?
uc1.b2839282“ Wo n't you drive down with us? ” “ I ’ll be right there. ” She neared the car, and as they both got in, Laura spoke.
uc1.b2839282“ Wo n't you have supper with us?
uc1.b2839282“ Would you like a cup of tea and perhaps a cheese sandwich? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b2839282“ Yes, I would. ” Was he also thinking that she had furniture in her apartment in New York, and in her shack in the country?
uc1.b2839282“ Yes, are you free this evening? ” “ I ’m staying here and working.
uc1.b2839282“ Yes, you are; but the longer this dinner cooks the better it will be. ” As he took off his coat he asked, “ How much time do we have?
uc1.b2839282“ Yes. ” “ Is n't that the plot about the jester? ” “ Yes; I'll have to read it again before we go.
uc1.b2839282“ You are sure? ” “ Unless I get sick on the job, I'll be there. ” She believed him thoroughly.
uc1.b2839282“ You do n't need to give me any money. ” “ Why not?
uc1.b2839282“ You remember Richard and his wife? ” “ Certainly. ” Well did she remember the incident of his failing to take her when he went to see them.
uc1.b2839282“ You went to see your relatives? ” “ Yes, my brother and his wife, and my married sisters in Wilmington. ” “ How are they?"
uc1.b2839282“ You went to see your relatives? ” “ Yes, my brother and his wife, and my married sisters in Wilmington. ” “ How are they?"
uc1.b2839282“ You ’ll be down for supper? ” “ I suppose we will. ” What a great relief.
uc1.b2839282“ You ’ll come for supper, wo n't you? ” “ Yes, about six- thirty. ” “ I ’ll have something cold. ” She watched his every move- ment.
uc1.b2839282“ You'll be working on your notes and not coming to town this week? ” “ Yes, but I'll be coming in one day.
mdp.39015025101117'Nother game?
mdp.39015025101117A switch?
mdp.39015025101117About what?
mdp.39015025101117After you got a scholarship at J City?
mdp.39015025101117Ai n't you glad for me, Scar? mdp.39015025101117 All right, huh, man?
mdp.39015025101117Am I?
mdp.39015025101117And what did you find, when you flashed your light into the car, the Cadillac of the defendant?
mdp.39015025101117And why let them do it?
mdp.39015025101117And you Billy and 56] Thomas, why do n't you stay at home sometime?
mdp.39015025101117And you know what that means?
mdp.39015025101117Any luck?
mdp.39015025101117Anybody here think Spider ai n't a good friend of mine?
mdp.39015025101117Anybody here want to accuse me of being chicken?
mdp.39015025101117Anything, I can do for you, kid?
mdp.39015025101117Are you kidding?
mdp.39015025101117Are you kidding?
mdp.39015025101117Are you kidding?
mdp.39015025101117Are you sorry I moved in with you?
mdp.39015025101117Aw, hell, what difference does it make?
mdp.39015025101117Aw, you do n't think he's got serious about some gal? mdp.39015025101117 Baby, are you doing that to the dress, or is the dress doing that to you, or are you doing it to each other?"
mdp.39015025101117Been doing any driving lately?
mdp.39015025101117But no one nowadays stays over a week —"We had a tough time with you, but —"How tough? mdp.39015025101117 But why, Bert?
mdp.39015025101117But, Monk, could you swing it?
mdp.39015025101117Ca n't you stop?
mdp.39015025101117Ca n't you think of better things to talk about?
mdp.39015025101117Caldonia? mdp.39015025101117 Call Armenta, willya?"
mdp.39015025101117Can you do this?
mdp.39015025101117Could I please see him, Doctor?
mdp.39015025101117Could you get me some supplies so I can write a letter?
mdp.39015025101117Curiosity get the better of you now?
mdp.39015025101117Damn, when you start wearing stilts?
mdp.39015025101117Damn, you mean they let whores go to school?
mdp.39015025101117Did it bother you, Morty?
mdp.39015025101117Did n't he?
mdp.39015025101117Did n't you know?
mdp.39015025101117Did you? mdp.39015025101117 Do I?"
mdp.39015025101117Do n't I treat you right?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't be getting mad, what's he getting hot about?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't they always?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't this setup bugg you?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't you believe a girl can be true?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't you have anything like a stock girl, or drugstore clerk? mdp.39015025101117 Do n't you know about Mary?"
mdp.39015025101117Do n't you people like plain, ordinary folks?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't you want to be my brother?
mdp.39015025101117Do you know the defendant?
mdp.39015025101117Do you like her?
mdp.39015025101117Do you think we could?
mdp.39015025101117Do you?
mdp.39015025101117Doing what?
mdp.39015025101117Doing what?
mdp.39015025101117For what?
mdp.39015025101117From her parents, where you think?
mdp.39015025101117Funny how things work out in the end, ai n't it?
mdp.39015025101117Get stomped?
mdp.39015025101117Getz, that his name? mdp.39015025101117 Got a heavier load this time, think you can handle it?"
mdp.39015025101117Got anything by Miles, Ventura, Diz, or Kenton?
mdp.39015025101117Got four hundred skins of stuff; you got the bread or want me to stake you till you clear?
mdp.39015025101117Have I what?
mdp.39015025101117Have n't you ever been scared of having an accident?
mdp.39015025101117He did n't get hurt, did he?
mdp.39015025101117He did n't have the nerve to tangle with no T's man?
mdp.39015025101117He the Henry Arnez head of the Arnez Real Estate Agency?
mdp.39015025101117Henry, what are you talking about?
mdp.39015025101117Hey, Jake, what you trying to do, get a suntan?
mdp.39015025101117Hey, Jake, who's Miss Big Stockings the boys tell me you done latched onto?
mdp.39015025101117Hey, Jake, why you get a black Dyna?
mdp.39015025101117Hey, Scar, Jake sure knew what he was doing, did n't he?
mdp.39015025101117Hey, Scar, where you been?
mdp.39015025101117Hey, remember the time we had that tough war when the Ratz and the T's was both trying to take over the town?
mdp.39015025101117Hi, Slim, what you trying to prove?
mdp.39015025101117How are you doing in school?
mdp.39015025101117How are you feeling?
mdp.39015025101117How badly?
mdp.39015025101117How come we did n't pick her up yesterday?
mdp.39015025101117How could you?
mdp.39015025101117How did I ask you?
mdp.39015025101117How do you know no one cares?
mdp.39015025101117How do you know so much about junk then?
mdp.39015025101117How do you mean?
mdp.39015025101117How have you been getting along?
mdp.39015025101117How late is it?
mdp.39015025101117How long does this go on?
mdp.39015025101117How long does this go on?
mdp.39015025101117How long will I be here, Doctor?
mdp.39015025101117How long you been a swabbie, Ed?
mdp.39015025101117How many of you is there?
mdp.39015025101117How much I owe you, Jake?
mdp.39015025101117How you and Jake making it?
mdp.39015025101117How you been, Jake?
mdp.39015025101117How you been?
mdp.39015025101117How you do- ing?
mdp.39015025101117How you doing?
mdp.39015025101117How you doing?
mdp.39015025101117How you expect to keep up with what's going on in the world mister?
mdp.39015025101117How you figure?
mdp.39015025101117How you figure?
mdp.39015025101117How you know my name?
mdp.39015025101117How you know so much about the force?
mdp.39015025101117How you mean?
mdp.39015025101117How you mean?
mdp.39015025101117How'bout Pres and Bird?
mdp.39015025101117How'bout me?
mdp.39015025101117How'd you know?
mdp.39015025101117How's Georgia like col- lege?
mdp.39015025101117How's Jake doing?
mdp.39015025101117How's Jake?
mdp.39015025101117How's he doing?
mdp.39015025101117How's the old school?
mdp.39015025101117How's tricks?
mdp.39015025101117Humans really make a mess of things, do n't they?
mdp.39015025101117I do n't get you?
mdp.39015025101117I do?
mdp.39015025101117I hear you say you're boy crazy?
mdp.39015025101117I suppose you think you can do better?
mdp.39015025101117I thought you liked to be scared?
mdp.39015025101117I wonder why?
mdp.39015025101117I — I dunno —"You know? mdp.39015025101117 I — well forget I said anything, huh?"
mdp.39015025101117I —She was about to say that was the most important thing in the world, but what was more disgusting than a drunk fool crying in his beer?
mdp.39015025101117I'll write you, hear?
mdp.39015025101117If you had n't I would have always held it against you, you know what I mean?
mdp.39015025101117In grade school, huh?
mdp.39015025101117Is a bear?
mdp.39015025101117Is anything wrong with that?
mdp.39015025101117Is he dead?
mdp.39015025101117Is n't Gregory Peck the sweetest hunk of man? mdp.39015025101117 Is that a proposition?"
mdp.39015025101117Is that all you got to say, just'ohT'You're not gambling, are you, Bert?"
mdp.39015025101117Is that right?
mdp.39015025101117Is that right?
mdp.39015025101117Is that what happened to you?
mdp.39015025101117Is that what it is? mdp.39015025101117 Is that you, Jake?"
mdp.39015025101117It depends on how smooth the guy is, you know what I mean?
mdp.39015025101117It's funny about things, how they change, I mean, ai n't it?
mdp.39015025101117Jake, our ancestors really messed up the world, did n't they?
mdp.39015025101117Jake? mdp.39015025101117 Jake?"
mdp.39015025101117Junk? mdp.39015025101117 Just thinking of a song, remember the movie Casablanca?"
mdp.39015025101117Kenny joining the WAC?
mdp.39015025101117Kenny, you think you're doing the right thing? mdp.39015025101117 Like what, get married?"
mdp.39015025101117Like what?
mdp.39015025101117Lord, why?
mdp.39015025101117Man, ai n't you worried'bout them college cats cutting in? mdp.39015025101117 Man, do n't tell me that you going to turn out square after all these years?
mdp.39015025101117Man, what did I say wrong?
mdp.39015025101117Man, you wanna sleep all day?
mdp.39015025101117Me? mdp.39015025101117 Monk, have I ever crossed you?
mdp.39015025101117Navy do that to everybody?
mdp.39015025101117Naw, you?
mdp.39015025101117New, think I'd play to an old crowd?
mdp.39015025101117No hard feelings?
mdp.39015025101117No kidding?
mdp.39015025101117No kidding?
mdp.39015025101117Oh no? mdp.39015025101117 Oh, Kenny's O.K.,"a girl said,"but that Armenta —""What about her?"
mdp.39015025101117Oh, the girl would n't persecute?
mdp.39015025101117Oh, was it a she? mdp.39015025101117 Oh, you did?"
mdp.39015025101117Oo- wee, baby, will I ever?
mdp.39015025101117Or chests?
mdp.39015025101117Or should I say early in the morning?
mdp.39015025101117Other side of the fence, those babes, you know?
mdp.39015025101117Paper, mister?
mdp.39015025101117Remember that pass he threw in the last minute of the Riddick game? mdp.39015025101117 Remember that punk I put in the hospital?"
mdp.39015025101117Remember when I used to be your play sister?
mdp.39015025101117Say man, how you gon na sound?
mdp.39015025101117Say man, you hear'bout the crazy happening at the gas station?
mdp.39015025101117Say, Evelyn, we're still friends, ai n't we?
mdp.39015025101117Say, is this cat bothering you?
mdp.39015025101117Say, man, this is a crazy Thanksgiving, huh?
mdp.39015025101117Say, man, you studs run out of playmates?
mdp.39015025101117Say, what happened to Bouie?
mdp.39015025101117Say, you guys still moving around in circles?
mdp.39015025101117Scar, have you seen Jake?
mdp.39015025101117Seen any of the ole gang lately?
mdp.39015025101117She your girl?
mdp.39015025101117She's your girl friend, is n't she?
mdp.39015025101117Since when?
mdp.39015025101117Slits, man?
mdp.39015025101117Snap out of what?
mdp.39015025101117So now you're putting on your boots?
mdp.39015025101117So what?
mdp.39015025101117Someday, what girl does n't? mdp.39015025101117 Spider, you're kidding?"
mdp.39015025101117Still wo n't change your mind'bout coming back next semester, huh?
mdp.39015025101117Such as?
mdp.39015025101117Take her home, will you, fellas? mdp.39015025101117 Tell you what, how'bout holding down the fort while I take Georgia to school before she has a nervous breakdown?"
mdp.39015025101117That all Perk had to say?
mdp.39015025101117That does n't mean you have to tear it up, smoking pod and —"Doing what?
mdp.39015025101117That eighteen- year- old mystery man? mdp.39015025101117 That is your name, is n't it?"
mdp.39015025101117That one of yourn?
mdp.39015025101117That the way you do Maxine, just grab and kiss her?
mdp.39015025101117That time we tied all your hair ribbons on the cat's tail?
mdp.39015025101117That what they call cars in New York?
mdp.39015025101117That whose sweater you wearing?
mdp.39015025101117That's what's eating you?
mdp.39015025101117The arsenal been handed out?
mdp.39015025101117The trouble, Jake?
mdp.39015025101117Then why the treatment?
mdp.39015025101117Then why this J City talk?
mdp.39015025101117They gon na curse each other out?
mdp.39015025101117They got those kind of bars over there?
mdp.39015025101117Think they'll catch on?
mdp.39015025101117Think you can make it in all right?
mdp.39015025101117Was that kid stuff this afternoon?
mdp.39015025101117We ca n't be the way we used to, can we?
mdp.39015025101117We had a lot of fun in the ole days, did n't we, Slim?
mdp.39015025101117We wo n't live around here, will we, Bert? mdp.39015025101117 We'll see you tomorrow, huh?"
mdp.39015025101117Well, I better pack —170]"Maxine, you know?"
mdp.39015025101117Well, I understand this Monk —"The hell with Monk, he was a hell of a friend running out —"Is that what's eating you?
mdp.39015025101117Well, I —"Mr. Marachy, do you realize what you are saying? mdp.39015025101117 Well, have you?"
mdp.39015025101117Well, that's right, ai n't it? mdp.39015025101117 Well, what was the line?"
mdp.39015025101117Well, why do n't you say something then?
mdp.39015025101117Well, you know how everyone always says'how you been doing'?
mdp.39015025101117What about her?
mdp.39015025101117What about hospital work?
mdp.39015025101117What are you going to do after graduation?
mdp.39015025101117What are you thinking?
mdp.39015025101117What are you thinking?
mdp.39015025101117What brings you down, Scar?
mdp.39015025101117What did he say?
mdp.39015025101117What did you say your name was?
mdp.39015025101117What difference does it make what you are long as you got bread?
mdp.39015025101117What do you mean by that?
mdp.39015025101117What do you think I am?
mdp.39015025101117What do you think?
mdp.39015025101117What do you want me to say?
mdp.39015025101117What good is loyalty? mdp.39015025101117 What happened to the one you had?"
mdp.39015025101117What happened?
mdp.39015025101117What he say?
mdp.39015025101117What he say?
mdp.39015025101117What he want to go do that for?
mdp.39015025101117What in hell is that?
mdp.39015025101117What is this and that?
mdp.39015025101117What kind of business?
mdp.39015025101117What kind of crowd, old or new?
mdp.39015025101117What kind?
mdp.39015025101117What makes boys so vulgar?
mdp.39015025101117What makes you think you're woman enough to hold a man strictly to you?
mdp.39015025101117What other people? mdp.39015025101117 What started you on the jive?"
mdp.39015025101117What the hell you doing in bed?
mdp.39015025101117What the hell you expect me to do, Monk? mdp.39015025101117 What the hell you talking about?
mdp.39015025101117What time is it?
mdp.39015025101117What was I supposed to do, stand there and watch him paw you?
mdp.39015025101117What we got?
mdp.39015025101117What you looking for — a little dream cottage with a white picket fence around it?
mdp.39015025101117What you mean there ai n't no Ratz?
mdp.39015025101117What you mean?
mdp.39015025101117What you mean?
mdp.39015025101117What you mean?
mdp.39015025101117What you so hot about, Jake?
mdp.39015025101117What you talking about?
mdp.39015025101117What you talking so quiet for?
mdp.39015025101117What you thinking?
mdp.39015025101117What you trying to do, stand there and upset all the little boys, put grown- up ideas in their little childish minds?
mdp.39015025101117What you want? mdp.39015025101117 What'going on?"
mdp.39015025101117What's Maxine going to do?
mdp.39015025101117What's Maxine got to do with this?
mdp.39015025101117What's eating that cat?
mdp.39015025101117What's eating your broad, man?
mdp.39015025101117What's going on here?
mdp.39015025101117What's going on, Slits?
mdp.39015025101117What's going on?
mdp.39015025101117What's going?
mdp.39015025101117What's happening, Pres?
mdp.39015025101117What's happening, President?
mdp.39015025101117What's it to ya?
mdp.39015025101117What's so bad- looking about Beatrice? mdp.39015025101117 What's the dif?"
mdp.39015025101117What's the matter with you?
mdp.39015025101117What's the matter, Scar, the beast do n't move you?
mdp.39015025101117What's the matter, Scar?
mdp.39015025101117What's the matter, heel?
mdp.39015025101117What's the matter, you want to go home?
mdp.39015025101117What's the matter? mdp.39015025101117 What's the matter?
mdp.39015025101117What's to it, Scotty?
mdp.39015025101117What's up?
mdp.39015025101117What's with you anyway? mdp.39015025101117 What's wrong with that?
mdp.39015025101117What's wrong with that?
mdp.39015025101117What's wrong with your friend?
mdp.39015025101117What's wrong, man? mdp.39015025101117 What's wrong?"
mdp.39015025101117What's wrong?
mdp.39015025101117What's your game?
mdp.39015025101117When Spider getting out of the hospital?
mdp.39015025101117When do you think they'll get wise?
mdp.39015025101117When it gets down to choosing between me and the broad, which way you going to ride?
mdp.39015025101117When they going to let you unhorse that bed, man?
mdp.39015025101117When you going to quit it?
mdp.39015025101117When you meet?
mdp.39015025101117Where are they?
mdp.39015025101117Where at?
mdp.39015025101117Where in hell ya think ya going?
mdp.39015025101117Where is it?
mdp.39015025101117Where she going to teach classes at, on the corners?
mdp.39015025101117Where to, Jack?
mdp.39015025101117Where to, Jack?
mdp.39015025101117Where were you to notice all this?
mdp.39015025101117Where you been, kid?
mdp.39015025101117Where you from, baby?
mdp.39015025101117Where you get a burn like that?
mdp.39015025101117Where you get that name?
mdp.39015025101117Where you going to stay tonight?
mdp.39015025101117Where you going, Country?
mdp.39015025101117Where you going, man?
mdp.39015025101117Where you pick them up?
mdp.39015025101117Where's Rudolph now?
mdp.39015025101117Where's your old man from anyway?
mdp.39015025101117Which one?
mdp.39015025101117Who ever heard of anybody wearing a white orchid to a high school prom?
mdp.39015025101117Who in hell does that guy think he is?
mdp.39015025101117Who is he?
mdp.39015025101117Who is it?
mdp.39015025101117Who is she?
mdp.39015025101117Who is she?
mdp.39015025101117Who said anything like that?
mdp.39015025101117Who sez?
mdp.39015025101117Who told you?
mdp.39015025101117Who was that?
mdp.39015025101117Who was this man?
mdp.39015025101117Who you know in J City?
mdp.39015025101117Who you talking about?
mdp.39015025101117Who you think put the bims on their tail?
mdp.39015025101117Who's Monk?
mdp.39015025101117Who's Spider's ole lady?
mdp.39015025101117Who's going to take care of these guys for us?
mdp.39015025101117Who's that?
mdp.39015025101117Who's that?
mdp.39015025101117Who's the messenger in this dump?
mdp.39015025101117Who's the messenger in this dump?
mdp.39015025101117Who's the rook — Hey, Pres, did n't you use to work on the garbage truck?
mdp.39015025101117Who's your friend?
mdp.39015025101117Who, me? mdp.39015025101117 Who?"
mdp.39015025101117Whose'that car?
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you do it now?
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you go to sleep, Maxine?
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you leave if you do n't like the way I'm walk- ing?
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you let me get my charge from you?
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you offer me one of your old cigarettes?
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you stir up some chow, since you're here?
mdp.39015025101117Why do we always fight?
mdp.39015025101117Why do you play the radio all night?
mdp.39015025101117Why does he drink so much? mdp.39015025101117 Why in the hell you go out with me if you do n't like me?"
mdp.39015025101117Why not?
mdp.39015025101117Why not?
mdp.39015025101117Why not?
mdp.39015025101117Why should I?
mdp.39015025101117Why should she find out?
mdp.39015025101117Why you ask that?
mdp.39015025101117Why'd you do that?
mdp.39015025101117Will you tell the court when and under what circum- stances you came to know the defendant?
mdp.39015025101117Work hard?
mdp.39015025101117Would it have done any good?
mdp.39015025101117Would you approve of your daughter, your neighbor's daughter or your friend's daughter going out with a Negro?
mdp.39015025101117Would you talk to me about things that personal?
mdp.39015025101117Yeh, who you calling nigger?
mdp.39015025101117Yes, how can you feel like that?
mdp.39015025101117Yes, what?
mdp.39015025101117Yet you expect us to believe that you caught Jake Adams committing a carnal act with Georgia Garveli and did noth- ing about it?
mdp.39015025101117You Jake Adams?
mdp.39015025101117You are n't?
mdp.39015025101117You ask the people about Kenny?
mdp.39015025101117You been on the force long?
mdp.39015025101117You believe I would do you like that?
mdp.39015025101117You did n't flunk no courses?
mdp.39015025101117You do n't know where she went?
mdp.39015025101117You drunk?
mdp.39015025101117You ever compare legs?
mdp.39015025101117You ever think much about things?
mdp.39015025101117You ever try Duz?
mdp.39015025101117You getting nosy? mdp.39015025101117 You go with Armenta?"
mdp.39015025101117You going speeding on the highway?
mdp.39015025101117You going to bring Armenta with you?
mdp.39015025101117You got a hang- over in Sweetport?
mdp.39015025101117You got any friends on junk?
mdp.39015025101117You got what you wanted, did n't you?
mdp.39015025101117You guys look- ing for somebody?
mdp.39015025101117You have?
mdp.39015025101117You having a good time?
mdp.39015025101117You know me real good, do n't you, Georgia?
mdp.39015025101117You know that girl you asked me did I like?
mdp.39015025101117You know what a spot you're in? mdp.39015025101117 You know what a spot you're in?"
mdp.39015025101117You know what a spot you're in?
mdp.39015025101117You know what you're asking?
mdp.39015025101117You know what, Georgia? mdp.39015025101117 You know who you owe your job to?"
mdp.39015025101117You like B and Sassy?
mdp.39015025101117You mad at me?
mdp.39015025101117You mean God? mdp.39015025101117 You mean I can go, Monk?"
mdp.39015025101117You mean do they?
mdp.39015025101117You mean go speeding like you did the last time?
mdp.39015025101117You mean the president of the Termites?
mdp.39015025101117You mean where Lincoln is?
mdp.39015025101117You mean you do n't now?
mdp.39015025101117You mean you're going up there with Armenta, man?
mdp.39015025101117You on leave?
mdp.39015025101117You ready to go home, Georgia?
mdp.39015025101117You really go for the broad, huh?
mdp.39015025101117You remember Spider?
mdp.39015025101117You remember when you were telling me I did n't have nothing to worry about Armenta riding back with that Jake Adams bird?
mdp.39015025101117You say'sir'to him?
mdp.39015025101117You scared somebody might make it to your ole lady if you're not around?
mdp.39015025101117You see him?
mdp.39015025101117You still want to go out to the high- way?
mdp.39015025101117You still want to marry me? mdp.39015025101117 You studs know what this council is all about?"
mdp.39015025101117You sure got yourself in a hornet's nest, did n't you?
mdp.39015025101117You talking to me?
mdp.39015025101117You telling me what to say?
mdp.39015025101117You the only child?
mdp.39015025101117You think I — I would — if I did n't like you?
mdp.39015025101117You think I'm doing wrong, Evelyn? mdp.39015025101117 You think I'm stupid?"
mdp.39015025101117You think he's really gone and got serious?
mdp.39015025101117You try his house?
mdp.39015025101117You trying to be funny?
mdp.39015025101117You want to fix everything for Spider, is that it?
mdp.39015025101117You want to go out on the highway? mdp.39015025101117 You what?"
mdp.39015025101117You working?
mdp.39015025101117You're good at fixing things, are n't you, Jake?
mdp.39015025101117You're in the rackets, are n't you?
mdp.39015025101117You, man?
mdp.39015025101117Your name, please?
mdp.39015025101117Your ole man?
mdp.39015025101117102]"What's going to happen when she finds out where you're getting all those fancy clothes and pocket change?"
mdp.39015025101117134] That's funny, ai n't it?
mdp.39015025101117138]"Where's Jake?"
mdp.39015025101117140]"What do you think?"
mdp.39015025101117172]"It's like that, huh?"
mdp.3901502510111719"What's your mother going to say when you come in this late at night?"
mdp.39015025101117194]"I do n't care,"Georgia finally said flippantly,"do you?"
mdp.3901502510111726]"Aw, who in hell is interested in a babe built like a crap house?"
mdp.3901502510111729"What's with this going to J City talk?"
mdp.39015025101117A broad was a broad, what difference did it make talking about'em?
mdp.39015025101117A guy who was supposed to be your best friend, doing something like that?
mdp.39015025101117After all, what would it prove?
mdp.39015025101117Ai n't all the gals sweet on him?"
mdp.39015025101117Always been able to get your share, have n't you?
mdp.39015025101117And the elections, had n't he fixed the elec- tions?
mdp.39015025101117And what about that new babe working in the ticket window at the Circle Theater?
mdp.39015025101117Ben- bow and Eddie do n't mind, do you?"
mdp.39015025101117Besides, you know the graduates from City College get first crack at the jobs around here?"
mdp.39015025101117Both people are fighting against each other, you know what I mean?"
mdp.39015025101117But he walked out on you, did n't he, lady?
mdp.39015025101117But how were you to know Jake was going to become crazy about Armenta?
mdp.39015025101117But you had to keep the boys happy, did n't you?
mdp.39015025101117Ca n't you see I'm splitting my wig?"
mdp.39015025101117Caldonia —"You know what being without a woman does to a man?
mdp.39015025101117Can it erase time?
mdp.39015025101117Can it give you back the years you spend in prison, can you go to bed with it, breathe it, eat it?
mdp.39015025101117Can it melt those walls between you and the outside world?
mdp.39015025101117Can you fix that, Jake?"
mdp.39015025101117Could they touch him after the elections came in?
mdp.39015025101117Did n't he and Scar have the toughest reputation of anybody that ever went to Marshall High?
mdp.39015025101117Did n't you and Armenta years ago?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't even speak, you dig?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't tell me you goin'turn square on me?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't you know this town is loaded with Feds?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't you know this town is so hot that nothing white is moving in it except sugar, and I mean the real stuff?
mdp.39015025101117Do n't you think you better go inside?"
mdp.39015025101117Do you really like me?"
mdp.39015025101117Do — what I mean is, do colored girls go to bed with somebody just because they like them?"
mdp.39015025101117Does n't he look cute?"
mdp.39015025101117Even if I sprung ya?"
mdp.39015025101117Feed the suckers the mainline — Red, Scar?
mdp.39015025101117Funny how things change, ai n't it?"
mdp.39015025101117Go sip on a milkshake and forget about it?"
mdp.39015025101117Had n't he made it to Sadie and run across Pearl last week and shacked with her?
mdp.39015025101117Had n't she?
mdp.39015025101117Have n't I always taken care of my end of everything?"
mdp.39015025101117He brought his fist down on the table, hardl"What's the matter, Bert?"
mdp.39015025101117He did n't blame Maxine for what she had done, but damn, how was he to know?
mdp.39015025101117He had a Cadil- lac too, a 1949 Cadillac, did you know that?
mdp.39015025101117He knew his men, did n't he?
mdp.39015025101117He wondered if they realized this would be the last time many of them ever saw each other?
mdp.39015025101117He would n't be trying to lay down the law, would he?
mdp.39015025101117He's got to be a pretty sharp boy, you know?
mdp.39015025101117Her heart was hard as a rock, was n't that what Russell said?
mdp.39015025101117Hey Leo, how'bout a nice sociable game of nine ball?"
mdp.39015025101117Hey, Armenta, where you going?"
mdp.39015025101117Hey, what you sniffing about?
mdp.39015025101117How come I never met you before, anyway?"
mdp.39015025101117How come I never saw you with him?"
mdp.39015025101117How could a father tell his son to give up all of that and come back to the kind of life he was living a few years ago?
mdp.39015025101117How do people get like that, Jake?"
mdp.39015025101117How do you explain that, huh?
mdp.39015025101117How does Scar do it?
mdp.39015025101117How long you been living in this town?"
mdp.39015025101117How many did you marry?
mdp.39015025101117How many husbands have you had, Mrs. Waston?
mdp.39015025101117How was he going to talk Monk into it though?
mdp.39015025101117How you feeling?"
mdp.39015025101117How you making it?"
mdp.39015025101117How'bout that, huh?"
mdp.39015025101117How's it sound to you, kid?"
mdp.39015025101117How's tricks?"
mdp.39015025101117I always felt could n't nothing happen to me, that's funny ai n't it?"
mdp.39015025101117I feel a hundred pounds lighter and heavier all at the same time, you know what I mean, Russell?"
mdp.39015025101117I got a good man 100] in each section, you follow me?
mdp.39015025101117I know I should n't —""Should n't what?"
mdp.39015025101117I mean what does he do?"
mdp.39015025101117I most humbly beg your pardon, Mr. Parakeet, now tell me — oh did I mispronounce your name again?
mdp.39015025101117I only wish —""I thought you outgrew being bashful?"
mdp.39015025101117I shall have your visitor come and see you later —""I have a visitor?"
mdp.39015025101117I should n't have asked you that, should I?"
mdp.39015025101117I still do n't — wait a minute, Monk, you do n't mean — you do n't mean the bims?"
mdp.39015025101117I think they're a long ways too big for your feet, you know what I mean?"
mdp.39015025101117I wonder where she is?
mdp.39015025101117If I had been there it would never have happened, or would it?
mdp.39015025101117If Jake goofed?
mdp.39015025101117If you do — if a guy ca n't carry the ball, he's got to get off the team before he messes the team up, you know that?"
mdp.39015025101117Is he back in town?"
mdp.39015025101117Is n't that what you tell everyone?
mdp.39015025101117Is that chick still in town?
mdp.39015025101117It bothering you, Morty?"
mdp.39015025101117It was Scar, Jake's best friend, 3[ 5"Who you talking'bout, Maxine?"
mdp.39015025101117It wo n't hurt nothing, will it?"
mdp.39015025101117It's funny how a woman can grow on you, ai n't it?"
mdp.39015025101117Jake —?"
mdp.39015025101117Jake, are you still there?"
mdp.39015025101117Jake, can I ask you something?"
mdp.39015025101117Man, do n't Nellie kill you?"
mdp.39015025101117Man, oh man, and he had thought he was smart setting up that little deal with Carl, that crooked dice hype, was n't that some- thing?
mdp.39015025101117Must it always be like this?
mdp.39015025101117My wig is split..."Well, they were, they were —""They were what, Mr. Marachy?
mdp.39015025101117Naw — hell, why should it?"
mdp.39015025101117No answer, huh?
mdp.39015025101117Nothing, another conquest, so what?
mdp.39015025101117Now what did she see in him?"
mdp.39015025101117Now what kind of sense does that make?"
mdp.39015025101117Now, is n't it true, Mr. Marachy, that all of these absurd charges are figments of your imagination?"
mdp.39015025101117Or would it be different, like the way you feel about Maxine is different?
mdp.39015025101117Our house wo n't be anything like this?"
mdp.39015025101117Rack the damn balls, will ya?"
mdp.39015025101117Remember how you used to always tease me about making faces when I drank?
mdp.39015025101117Remember the time we ate all that candy when we thought Pop was n't looking and got sick and he laughed at us?"
mdp.39015025101117Remember'Early Au- tumn'?"
mdp.39015025101117See what I mean?"
mdp.39015025101117She got a scholarship, did n't she?"
mdp.39015025101117She thought she had to work, was n't that a joke?
mdp.39015025101117So what?
mdp.39015025101117Still, how in hell did Jake figure Monk would let him do something[ 91 like that?
mdp.39015025101117Tell him to call as soon as you find him, no matter what time it is, will you?"
mdp.39015025101117That ball must have gone fifty yards, and did you see how Hill came out of nowhere to take it?
mdp.39015025101117That frigging bastard Jake Adams ai n't going to like it, and that's gon na make me feel real good, you know?"
mdp.39015025101117That makes everybody loaded, do n't it?"
mdp.39015025101117That was what was 202] much pent- up energy when he was with her, so what was so wrong in that?
mdp.39015025101117That's a pretty rough deal finding somebody like that, you know that?
mdp.39015025101117That's alL""When?"
mdp.39015025101117That's funny, ai n't it?"
mdp.39015025101117That's funny, is n't it?
mdp.39015025101117The best guy for doing any- thing is the guy who knows his business backwards and for- wards and is happy doing it, right?"
mdp.39015025101117Then when you finally get the ball where you want it, what do you do?
mdp.39015025101117Think you tough, huh?
mdp.39015025101117Was it because he was bad?
mdp.39015025101117Was n't that some- thing?
mdp.39015025101117Was that what made love, wanting to be bad with someone?
mdp.39015025101117We're going to have a baby, you know?"
mdp.39015025101117Well, just what do you think I'm smart enough to do?"
mdp.39015025101117Well, she was his ole lady, was n't she?
mdp.39015025101117Well, what are you going to do all those years you spend in prison?
mdp.39015025101117What are you going to do about that?"
mdp.39015025101117What could be greater than that?
mdp.39015025101117What did you expect Monk to do, stick around and commit suicide?"
mdp.39015025101117What good would you be to the org notorious?
mdp.39015025101117What had he done?
mdp.39015025101117What had they done to her?
mdp.39015025101117What is your man anyway?
mdp.39015025101117What kind of babe was she anyway?
mdp.39015025101117What kind of sense does it make when you start to think about it?"
mdp.39015025101117What the hell is this anyway?
mdp.39015025101117What the hell, she did n't think he could make$ 75 a week, working a split- shift eight- hour day doing nothing* did she?
mdp.39015025101117What was it Armenta felt watching Jake going down the steps?
mdp.39015025101117What was so wrong with that?
mdp.39015025101117What was wrong with him anyway?
mdp.39015025101117What were they doing?"
mdp.39015025101117What would Monk say if —?
mdp.39015025101117What would you guys think if I told you the Cootas were going to be taken care of by a group even more professional than us?"
mdp.39015025101117What you do that for?"
mdp.39015025101117What you doing now?"
mdp.39015025101117What you got to do with it?"
mdp.39015025101117What you trying to prove anyway?"
mdp.39015025101117What's eating you?"
mdp.39015025101117What's so silly about that?"
mdp.39015025101117What's the dif?"
mdp.39015025101117What's the matter?"
mdp.39015025101117What's the name of the jam?"
mdp.39015025101117When I sight the object you just make the contact, O.K.?"
mdp.39015025101117Where else would Jake be going?
mdp.39015025101117Where you been?
mdp.39015025101117Where you hear all of this?"
mdp.39015025101117Which way you riding when it gets down to that, kid?"
mdp.39015025101117Who in hell would n't if they could go out and buy them- selves a Cadillac on their nineteenth birthday?
mdp.39015025101117Who is Armenta?
mdp.39015025101117Who is this, Armenta?"
mdp.39015025101117Who would n't be?
mdp.39015025101117Who's the babe you ca n't make?
mdp.39015025101117Who's the babe you ca n't make?
mdp.39015025101117Why ca n't I ever do what I want to do?"
mdp.39015025101117Why could n't she keep her face against his shoulder and not look at him like that?
mdp.39015025101117Why did n't he come on?
mdp.39015025101117Why did n't they get him instead of you?
mdp.39015025101117Why did she like him so much?
mdp.39015025101117Why did she sit in the dormitory reading an old letter from Jake when she could be out with Lou Carl, who was going into interning next semester?
mdp.39015025101117Why did they do it?
mdp.39015025101117Why do I always have to do what you want to do?
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you take care of your own and call Armenta?"
mdp.39015025101117Why do n't you take her home so she can get some rest?
mdp.39015025101117Why do you always have to do things so dangerous?"
mdp.39015025101117Why does God let things like that happen?"
mdp.39015025101117Why does n't it burn going down any more, Jake?
mdp.39015025101117Why had she looked at him then?
mdp.39015025101117Why should I?
mdp.39015025101117Why should he be acting so silly around this broad anyway?
mdp.39015025101117Why should n't I be?
mdp.39015025101117Why the war council?"
mdp.39015025101117Will you keep in touch with me, Jake?"
mdp.39015025101117Would I be here if he had run out on you?
mdp.39015025101117Would she have been the one in the car instead of Georgia?
mdp.39015025101117Would you forget it if you were in my shoes?"
mdp.39015025101117You ai n't scared are you?"
mdp.39015025101117You and Scar ca n't shoot'cause you might hit one of our boys, you dig?
mdp.39015025101117You chicken?"
mdp.39015025101117You come by and sit in with me tomorrow, huh, Evelyn?"
mdp.39015025101117You ever hear that joke — masturbation is the dearth of a nation?
mdp.39015025101117You follow me or I got to draw a diagram?"
mdp.39015025101117You getting to wondering what the Cootas going to be doing next?"
mdp.39015025101117You got it?"
mdp.39015025101117You great now, man, do n't you feel great, up in the clouds?
mdp.39015025101117You guys know that?"
mdp.39015025101117You had to prove you were somebody, did n't you?
mdp.39015025101117You have n't seen him?"
mdp.39015025101117You know something about romance?
mdp.39015025101117You know something?
mdp.39015025101117You know something?"
mdp.39015025101117You know what?
mdp.39015025101117You know why?"
mdp.39015025101117You one of her men?
mdp.39015025101117You ready to talk now?"
mdp.39015025101117You really want to know something?
mdp.39015025101117You say Frenchie says we can get the juniors and midgets?"
mdp.39015025101117You say we got two leads, Scotty?"
mdp.39015025101117You still so sorry your daughter's in New York?
mdp.39015025101117You think if there was one he'd care what we said about him?"
mdp.39015025101117You think my old man cares, or Pop and Mrs. Garveli having to listen to all that dirt about Georgia and me?
mdp.39015025101117You think she's going to marry you knowing you're doing something funny?"
mdp.39015025101117You trying to kill him?
mdp.39015025101117You understand that?"
mdp.39015025101117You want him, do n't you, sophis- ticated lady?
mdp.39015025101117You're going to make me a feature dancer at the Paradise, are n't you, Russell?"
mdp.39015025101117You're not doing anything wrong like robbing old ladies to pay for that thing, are you?"
mdp.39015025101117Your boy took it pretty bad about Georgia, did you know that, Adams?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 139 Do you know what's going to happen when you go looking for the Cootas?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 153"Howya feel?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 177"Will you?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 211"What were you thinking about?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 219"Remember that time —?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 23"You in a hurry, Jake?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 263"Why did n't you tell me before?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 31"What the hell you pulling me away for?"
mdp.39015025101117[ 99"Why?"
mdp.39015025101117»"You know the guy?"
mdp.39015025101117— Doc — everything was all right, was n't it?"
mdp.39015031233243/* it? mdp.39015031233243 /* itf — i* it?"
mdp.39015031233243A love affair— she paled with something like fear —"and I"— she started to speak, but could not —"I want to know what you think about Zora?"
mdp.39015031233243About darky schools?
mdp.39015031233243About how much?
mdp.39015031233243Ain't, you got no money?
mdp.39015031233243All the truth?
mdp.39015031233243Always — tell — the truth?
mdp.39015031233243Am I? mdp.39015031233243 And Sanders?"
mdp.39015031233243And Zora?
mdp.39015031233243And cotton?
mdp.39015031233243And culture and work?
mdp.39015031233243And do the people believe that?
mdp.39015031233243And how long have you been buying it?
mdp.39015031233243And let your neighbor sell them poison at all hours? mdp.39015031233243 And now,"he said,"Miss Wynn, what can I do for you?"
mdp.39015031233243And say,as Easterly was turning away,"you know Congressman Smith?"
mdp.39015031233243And so you ca n't leave?
mdp.39015031233243And the Board of Education abolished?
mdp.39015031233243And the other planters?
mdp.39015031233243And then?
mdp.39015031233243And these Cresswells to- day?
mdp.39015031233243And throw the rest of our capital after the fifty thousand dollars we've already lost?
mdp.39015031233243And what brings you to town afoot this time of day?
mdp.39015031233243And what shall you do?
mdp.39015031233243And what were you to pay for it?
mdp.39015031233243And what's beyond the swamp?
mdp.39015031233243And where do you live, Buddy?
mdp.39015031233243And why do you hate it?
mdp.39015031233243And why does she hold a lily?
mdp.39015031233243And will they all be represented?
mdp.39015031233243And with the teachers of it?
mdp.39015031233243And yet you will stay?
mdp.39015031233243And yonder to the west?
mdp.39015031233243And you are still friendly with him?
mdp.39015031233243And you?
mdp.39015031233243And, Zora, what way do you seek? mdp.39015031233243 Are kisses illegal here?"
mdp.39015031233243Are they honest and kind?
mdp.39015031233243Are they not hard working honest people?
mdp.39015031233243Are you going back there when you finish?
mdp.39015031233243Are you men fools, or rascals? mdp.39015031233243 Are you sure of the path, Zora?"
mdp.39015031233243Are you sure?
mdp.39015031233243Are you the — er — the man who had a letter to the Senator?
mdp.39015031233243Are you walking?
mdp.39015031233243Are you — in a hurry, Miss Smith?
mdp.39015031233243Are you.happy?
mdp.39015031233243Back, is she? mdp.39015031233243 Behind where the sun comes up?"
mdp.39015031233243Black or white?
mdp.39015031233243Bles,she began didactically,"where are you from?"
mdp.39015031233243Bles,she cried,"how can I grow pure?"
mdp.39015031233243Bles,she said impulsively,"shall I tell you of the Golden Fleece?"
mdp.39015031233243Bles,she said primly,"have you absolutely no shame?"
mdp.39015031233243But could n't you hire some good workers?
mdp.39015031233243But did n't you settle at Christmas?
mdp.39015031233243But how about your raw material? mdp.39015031233243 But how can I know?"
mdp.39015031233243But how shall we help him?
mdp.39015031233243But how's cotton?
mdp.39015031233243But if she escapes, why not you?
mdp.39015031233243But others — a man's a man, is n't he?
mdp.39015031233243But surely you did n't join her in advocating that ten million people be menials?
mdp.39015031233243But that's been decided, has n't it?
mdp.39015031233243But the other gown?
mdp.39015031233243But the seed?
mdp.39015031233243But the unselfish work she does — the utter sacri- fice?
mdp.39015031233243But where are the houses?
mdp.39015031233243But where have you sent them?
mdp.39015031233243But where is it?
mdp.39015031233243But where is it?
mdp.39015031233243But who gave it to you?
mdp.39015031233243But why do n't the planters do something?
mdp.39015031233243But why is lies evil?
mdp.39015031233243But why prolong the thing?
mdp.39015031233243But you believe in some education?
mdp.39015031233243But you mean to say you ca n't even advise her?
mdp.39015031233243But — I do n't understand, Miss Smith — why ca n't you accept my offer?
mdp.39015031233243But — but I thought they had already started to work a crop on the Tolliver place?
mdp.39015031233243But — but how are — all?
mdp.39015031233243But — but, dear Mrs. Vanderpool, you would n't want your children trained that way, would you?
mdp.39015031233243But — will he?
mdp.39015031233243But, Mrs. Vanderpool,she protested,"is it right?
mdp.39015031233243But, Zora, must you folk ape our nonsense as well as our sense?
mdp.39015031233243But,— presently, —"how can we sell it without the Cresswells knowing?"
mdp.39015031233243By the bye, I met some charming Alabama people last winter, in Montgomery — the Cresswells; do you know them?
mdp.39015031233243Ca n't I have the girl Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Can I go?
mdp.39015031233243Can it be, Bles Alwyn,she said,"that you do n't know the sort of girl she is?"
mdp.39015031233243Can you put trust in that sort of help?
mdp.39015031233243Can you?
mdp.39015031233243Colton,he asked,"are you sending any of your white children to the nigger school yet?"
mdp.39015031233243Come, is you? mdp.39015031233243 Cotton is a wonderful thing, is it not, boys?"
mdp.39015031233243Could I buy a lunch from the dining- car?
mdp.39015031233243Could I help?
mdp.39015031233243Could she pass?
mdp.39015031233243Did Helene attend the ball four years ago?
mdp.39015031233243Did he say he meant to sign such a contract?
mdp.39015031233243Did n't I tell you there was lots to learn?
mdp.39015031233243Did n't you know that this Child Labor business was opposed to my interests?
mdp.39015031233243Did you get that novel for me, Harry?
mdp.39015031233243Did you know that he is to be invited to make the principal address to the graduates of the colored high- school?
mdp.39015031233243Did you make that pin?
mdp.39015031233243Did you see Colonel Cresswell sign this paper?
mdp.39015031233243Did you suggest anything?
mdp.39015031233243Do crazy folks forget?
mdp.39015031233243Do fools like the Amer- ican people deserve salvation?
mdp.39015031233243Do n't white folks make books?
mdp.39015031233243Do n't you hate the deception?
mdp.39015031233243Do n't you know that is a wicked, bad habit?
mdp.39015031233243Do n't you see,he said angrily,"that that will ruin our plans for the Cotton Combine?"
mdp.39015031233243Do they get that — ten cents an hour?
mdp.39015031233243Do you ever tell lies, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Do you go to school?
mdp.39015031233243Do you happen to have any whiskey handy?
mdp.39015031233243Do you hear the bodies creaking on the limbs? mdp.39015031233243 Do you know how?"
mdp.39015031233243Do you know me?
mdp.39015031233243Do you know my people? mdp.39015031233243 Do you know no one in town?"
mdp.39015031233243Do you live about here?
mdp.39015031233243Do you mean to say he's actually slated for the place?
mdp.39015031233243Do you mean to say that you are going to keep in this school a girl who not only lies and steals but is positively — immoral?
mdp.39015031233243Do you s'pose mammy's the witch?
mdp.39015031233243Do you stay there now?
mdp.39015031233243Do you work for pay?
mdp.39015031233243Does he furnish you rations?
mdp.39015031233243Does she think them immodest?
mdp.39015031233243Does you own the land?
mdp.39015031233243Does, eh? mdp.39015031233243 Dreams?"
mdp.39015031233243Enough to marry me?
mdp.39015031233243Even if it hurts me?
mdp.39015031233243Except who?
mdp.39015031233243For what? mdp.39015031233243 General philanthropy?"
mdp.39015031233243Gentleman is asking if you forgits it's Saturday night, sir?
mdp.39015031233243God is the father of all the little babies, ai n't He, Bles?
mdp.39015031233243Good white folk?
mdp.39015031233243Got my letter?
mdp.39015031233243H'm, they're way behind, are n't they? mdp.39015031233243 Harry, will you do me a favor?"
mdp.39015031233243Hate what?
mdp.39015031233243Have I shocked you?
mdp.39015031233243Have n't I a right to have a gun?
mdp.39015031233243Have you got the deed?
mdp.39015031233243Have you hired a maid?
mdp.39015031233243Have you many settlements?
mdp.39015031233243Have you never heard of the Golden Fleece, Bles?
mdp.39015031233243He deserved it, did n't he?
mdp.39015031233243He's a fair God, ai n't He?
mdp.39015031233243Helps folks that they love? mdp.39015031233243 Here you, Jim, take the big mules and drive like — Where's that wench?"
mdp.39015031233243How about fighting for exercise?
mdp.39015031233243How am I to know this is true?
mdp.39015031233243How dare you?
mdp.39015031233243How do you do, Miss Smith?
mdp.39015031233243How do you mean?
mdp.39015031233243How do you spell that?
mdp.39015031233243How does you know He does?
mdp.39015031233243How is my sister?
mdp.39015031233243How long before the stalks will be ready to cut?
mdp.39015031233243How much is that?
mdp.39015031233243How much — farther will it drop?
mdp.39015031233243How much?
mdp.39015031233243How so?
mdp.39015031233243How you know?
mdp.39015031233243How's his cotton?
mdp.39015031233243How's the school getting on?
mdp.39015031233243I beg pardon, does the Miss Wynn live here who got the prize in the art exhibition?
mdp.39015031233243I do hope the thing can be managed, but —"What are the difficulties?
mdp.39015031233243I do n't suppose you know any one who is acquainted with any number of these Northern darkies?
mdp.39015031233243I hate it, Bles, do n't you?
mdp.39015031233243I mean, what work?
mdp.39015031233243I mean, would the Cresswells approve of educating Negroes?
mdp.39015031233243I suppose you hear from the school?
mdp.39015031233243I thought it was the lazy, shiftless, and criminal Negroes, you feared?
mdp.39015031233243I wonder what I shall make out of her?
mdp.39015031233243I — er — came; that is, I believe you sent a group to the art exhibit?
mdp.39015031233243I — er — meant to ask if Colonel Cresswell, in signing this paper, meant to sign a contract to sell this wench two hundred acres of land?
mdp.39015031233243I'm driving round through the old plantation,he explained;"wo n't you join me?"
mdp.39015031233243I've gambled — before; I've gambled on cards and on horses; I've gambled — for money — and — women — but —"But not on cotton, hey? mdp.39015031233243 If not I, who?"
mdp.39015031233243In your dark lives,he cried,"who is the King of Glory?
mdp.39015031233243Inclined to be a little nasty?
mdp.39015031233243Indeed? mdp.39015031233243 Indeed?
mdp.39015031233243Is it off?
mdp.39015031233243Is it ready, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Is it wrong,asked Zora,"to make believe you likes people when you do n't, when you'se afeared of them and thinks they may rub off and dirty you?"
mdp.39015031233243Is n't Bles developing splendidly?
mdp.39015031233243Is n't it so — anywhere?
mdp.39015031233243Is n't the census building wretched?
mdp.39015031233243Is she very sick?
mdp.39015031233243Is that all?
mdp.39015031233243Is that so?
mdp.39015031233243Is that wrong?
mdp.39015031233243Is that you, Smith?
mdp.39015031233243Is the Congressional business very heavy?
mdp.39015031233243Is there any water near?
mdp.39015031233243Is there anything in Washington that the South does not already own?
mdp.39015031233243Is this a new gag?
mdp.39015031233243Is this about this?
mdp.39015031233243Is you afeared, honey?
mdp.39015031233243Is — is anything the matter?
mdp.39015031233243It is so late and wet and you're tired to- night — do n't you think you'd better sleep in your little room?
mdp.39015031233243Just begun?
mdp.39015031233243Just what is your plan?
mdp.39015031233243Know dem? mdp.39015031233243 Look like a fool, do I?"
mdp.39015031233243Me? mdp.39015031233243 Mean?
mdp.39015031233243Miss Smith's school?
mdp.39015031233243Miss Smith, how much money have you?
mdp.39015031233243Miss Smith, is yo'got a speller fo'ten cents?
mdp.39015031233243Miss Smith, is yo'got just a drap of coffee to lend me? mdp.39015031233243 Miss Smith, who do you think has been here?"
mdp.39015031233243Miss Smith, would Jim do to drive?
mdp.39015031233243Mr. Cresswell would be their local representative?
mdp.39015031233243Mr. Taylor, have you any money in this?
mdp.39015031233243Mr. Taylor,said the lawyer carelessly,"were you present at this transaction?"
mdp.39015031233243Mrs. Grey talked to you much?
mdp.39015031233243Must you do as he wants?
mdp.39015031233243My God — it walks — like my wife — I tell you — she held her head so — who is it?
mdp.39015031233243My people? mdp.39015031233243 Never?"
mdp.39015031233243No — well, what can I do for you?
mdp.39015031233243No,he pressed her,"with your bargain?"
mdp.39015031233243Now, about the niggers,the chairman had asked;"how much more boodle do they want?"
mdp.39015031233243Now, what do you know,she asked finally,"about Negroes — about educating them?"
mdp.39015031233243Now, what have you got there?
mdp.39015031233243Of Colonel Cresswell?
mdp.39015031233243Oh, you've noted it, too? mdp.39015031233243 Ought I to tell?
mdp.39015031233243Our success?
mdp.39015031233243Promise you wo n't tell?
mdp.39015031233243Really, now, you do not mean to say that there is danger of — of amalgamation, do you?
mdp.39015031233243Robert, where is the land Cresswell offers you?
mdp.39015031233243Sam, is it? mdp.39015031233243 Say, Harry, how about that darky, Sykes?"
mdp.39015031233243Say,he whispered another time,"do n't you want to buy these gold spectacles?
mdp.39015031233243See those boys over there? mdp.39015031233243 Sell it?
mdp.39015031233243She gets a salary, does n't she?
mdp.39015031233243She lives in the swamp — she's a kind of witch, I reckon, like — like —"Like Medea?
mdp.39015031233243So'm I,answered the boy, fumbling at his bundle; and then, timidly:"Will you eat with me?"
mdp.39015031233243So? mdp.39015031233243 So?
mdp.39015031233243Some time you'll tell me, please, wo n't you?
mdp.39015031233243Something political?
mdp.39015031233243Still thinking of going, are you, Sam?
mdp.39015031233243Surely there must be many friends of our race willing to stand for the right and sacrifice for it?
mdp.39015031233243Taylor, what does this mean?
mdp.39015031233243The Cresswells?
mdp.39015031233243The Silver Fleece?
mdp.39015031233243The Tolliver place?
mdp.39015031233243The brotherhood of man?
mdp.39015031233243The problem, you mean?
mdp.39015031233243The snake — what is he?
mdp.39015031233243The world?
mdp.39015031233243Then what's the use of seeing the world?
mdp.39015031233243Then you can leave the place, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Then you care — for me?
mdp.39015031233243Then you lies sometimes, do n't you?
mdp.39015031233243There'e going to be racing out at the park this evening,said Harry,"Want to go?"
mdp.39015031233243They are — wealthy people?
mdp.39015031233243They may accommodate you — how much would you want?
mdp.39015031233243They want us to revive the Farmers'League?
mdp.39015031233243Tightening up on the tenants?
mdp.39015031233243To be sure,she murmured,"but what sort of folks?"
mdp.39015031233243Todd asks: Who is Vanderpool, anyhow? mdp.39015031233243 Todd just let fall something of a combination against us in Congress — know anything of it?"
mdp.39015031233243True; but ca n't we force them to it?
mdp.39015031233243Was n't what I said true?
mdp.39015031233243Was she pretty?
mdp.39015031233243Was the child born dead?
mdp.39015031233243We wo n't work any more to- day, then?
mdp.39015031233243We'se both crazy, ai n't we?
mdp.39015031233243We've cornered the market all right — cornered it — d'ye hear, Cress- well? mdp.39015031233243 We?"
mdp.39015031233243Well, I wants to see Mr. Harry very much; could I wait in the back hall?
mdp.39015031233243Well, Uncle Jim, why are n't you at work?
mdp.39015031233243Well, Zora, what have you there?
mdp.39015031233243Well, all right, if — »Harry, I feel a little — hysterical to- night, and — you will not refuse me, will you, Harry?"
mdp.39015031233243Well, are you all moved, Aunt Rachel?
mdp.39015031233243Well, are you getting things in shape so as to enter school early next year?
mdp.39015031233243Well, nigger, what are you going to do about it?
mdp.39015031233243Well, sir?
mdp.39015031233243Well, what do you want?
mdp.39015031233243Well, what do you want?
mdp.39015031233243Well, what then?
mdp.39015031233243Well, who'd have dreamed it?
mdp.39015031233243Well, why do n't you go to the office?
mdp.39015031233243Well,asked Cresswell, maintaining his composure by an effort,"how are things?"
mdp.39015031233243Well,shortly,"now for that talk — ready?"
mdp.39015031233243Were they kind to their slaves?
mdp.39015031233243What Smith?
mdp.39015031233243What about Johnson?
mdp.39015031233243What bargain?
mdp.39015031233243What can I do for you?
mdp.39015031233243What can I do to help you?
mdp.39015031233243What can be done with Negroes?
mdp.39015031233243What damned mummery is this?
mdp.39015031233243What did you dis- agree about?
mdp.39015031233243What do the colored people want, and who can best influence them in this campaign?
mdp.39015031233243What do you do?
mdp.39015031233243What do you mean?
mdp.39015031233243What does Miss Wynn do for a living?
mdp.39015031233243What does it amount to a year?
mdp.39015031233243What does she intend to do?
mdp.39015031233243What else?
mdp.39015031233243What for?
mdp.39015031233243What for?
mdp.39015031233243What is it?
mdp.39015031233243What is planted over there?
mdp.39015031233243What is the matter, Bles?
mdp.39015031233243What is the matter, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243What is the matter, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243What is the world like?
mdp.39015031233243What is your plan?
mdp.39015031233243What kinds?
mdp.39015031233243What of it? mdp.39015031233243 What of it?"
mdp.39015031233243What pin?
mdp.39015031233243What shall we offer him?
mdp.39015031233243What sort of people are the Cresswells?
mdp.39015031233243What the devil are you doing here? mdp.39015031233243 What was the trouble?"
mdp.39015031233243What will you say in your speech?
mdp.39015031233243What would the interest be?
mdp.39015031233243What would you have? mdp.39015031233243 What you run for?"
mdp.39015031233243What — what did you do?
mdp.39015031233243What's a shame?
mdp.39015031233243What's over there?
mdp.39015031233243What's that got to do with it?
mdp.39015031233243What's that? mdp.39015031233243 What's that?"
mdp.39015031233243What's that?
mdp.39015031233243What's that?
mdp.39015031233243What's that?
mdp.39015031233243What's the matter, Rob?
mdp.39015031233243What's the use, Miss Smith — what opening is there for a — a nigger with an education?
mdp.39015031233243What's this stuff about the Civic Club?
mdp.39015031233243What's this?
mdp.39015031233243What's your name?
mdp.39015031233243When we cry they mock us; they ruin our women and debauch our children — what shall we do? mdp.39015031233243 When?"
mdp.39015031233243Where can we buy them?
mdp.39015031233243Where did this come from?
mdp.39015031233243Where did you get these facts?
mdp.39015031233243Where does it go?
mdp.39015031233243Where does this road come out?
mdp.39015031233243Where have you been?
mdp.39015031233243Where is it?
mdp.39015031233243Where is she now?
mdp.39015031233243Where is she?
mdp.39015031233243Where is the deed?
mdp.39015031233243Where now, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Where shall I put these?
mdp.39015031233243Where you going?
mdp.39015031233243Where's Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Where's that?
mdp.39015031233243Where's — Nell's?
mdp.39015031233243Who is dis what talks of doing the Lord's work for Him? mdp.39015031233243 Who is he?"
mdp.39015031233243Who is he?
mdp.39015031233243Who is it, and what do you want?
mdp.39015031233243Who is it?
mdp.39015031233243Who'll be the committee?
mdp.39015031233243Who's a- feared of the dark? mdp.39015031233243 Who's going to get what's made on this land?"
mdp.39015031233243Who's going to tend this land?
mdp.39015031233243Who's going to work on the place?
mdp.39015031233243Who's running it?
mdp.39015031233243Who's speaking?
mdp.39015031233243Who's that?
mdp.39015031233243Who's that?
mdp.39015031233243Who's that?
mdp.39015031233243Who's that?
mdp.39015031233243Who's this?
mdp.39015031233243Whose child is this?
mdp.39015031233243Whose is that?
mdp.39015031233243Whose work is this, Senator?
mdp.39015031233243Why did n't you tell me?
mdp.39015031233243Why did you send your exhibit when you knew it was not wanted?
mdp.39015031233243Why did you speak so to Miss Taylor?
mdp.39015031233243Why do you say these things?
mdp.39015031233243Why is it yours?
mdp.39015031233243Why not bigger?
mdp.39015031233243Why not make a speech on the subject?
mdp.39015031233243Why not, then, admit that you draw the color- line?
mdp.39015031233243Why not? mdp.39015031233243 Why not?"
mdp.39015031233243Why not?
mdp.39015031233243Why should it be?
mdp.39015031233243Why should n't people do anything they wants to?
mdp.39015031233243Why should we trust him?
mdp.39015031233243Why, Aunt Rachel, how are you?
mdp.39015031233243Why, Bles, what's the matter?
mdp.39015031233243Why, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Why, certainly,Mrs. Vanderpool agreed, and then curiously:"What?"
mdp.39015031233243Why, dangerous?
mdp.39015031233243Why, how do you do, Robert?
mdp.39015031233243Why, it's civil- service, is n't it?
mdp.39015031233243Why, one must live; and why not be happy?
mdp.39015031233243Why, what's there?
mdp.39015031233243Why, yes —faltered Miss Taylor;"but — would n't that be difficult?"
mdp.39015031233243Why,he said at length,"are n't you promoting it?"
mdp.39015031233243Why,in abrupt recognition,"it is our Venus of the Roadside, is it not?"
mdp.39015031233243Why? mdp.39015031233243 Why?"
mdp.39015031233243Will it take long?
mdp.39015031233243Will you come to hear me?
mdp.39015031233243With his bargain?
mdp.39015031233243With that hair?
mdp.39015031233243Wo n't you come in?
mdp.39015031233243Wo n't you try?
mdp.39015031233243Work? mdp.39015031233243 Would Bles care if I told?"
mdp.39015031233243Would it not be worth a fight?
mdp.39015031233243Yes — but back of it all, what is it really? mdp.39015031233243 Yes, but ought you to tell them?"
mdp.39015031233243Yes, this is it — good- bye — I must —Wait — what is your name?"
mdp.39015031233243Yes. MWell, did he intend so far as you know to sign such a paper?"
mdp.39015031233243You are a stranger?
mdp.39015031233243You are interested in bronzes?
mdp.39015031233243You can depend on Taylor, of course?
mdp.39015031233243You do n't mean that any one can advise a black man to vote the Demo- cratic ticket?
mdp.39015031233243You had quite forgotten what you were waiting for — is n't that so, Sis?
mdp.39015031233243You know the Cresswells, then?
mdp.39015031233243You know the people pretty well, then?
mdp.39015031233243You mean it will stand in law?
mdp.39015031233243You mean you can pay what we ask?
mdp.39015031233243You mean youse gwine to git yo'livin'off it?
mdp.39015031233243You remember our visit to Senator Smith?
mdp.39015031233243You wished to see — Caroline Wynn?
mdp.39015031233243You would not like me to act dishonestly, would you?
mdp.39015031233243You'd let a nigger vote?
mdp.39015031233243You've found some things worth knowing in this world, have n't you, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Zora —he gasped,"how — how did you do it?"
mdp.39015031233243Zora,he said,"sometimes you tell lies, do n't you?"
mdp.39015031233243Zora,she presently broke into the girl's absorption,"how would we like to be Ambassador to France?"
mdp.39015031233243Zora,she said evenly,"why did n't you come to class when I called?"
mdp.39015031233243Zora? mdp.39015031233243 Zora?"
mdp.39015031233243'140 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"Do n't you want to be different?"
mdp.39015031233243* You mean the Smiths of Boston?"
mdp.39015031233243*"Could I trust you with a human soul?"
mdp.39015031233243,"What are prospects in March?
mdp.39015031233243- 160 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE Do n't you see the two schemes ca n't mix?
mdp.39015031233243-"And more beautiful?"
mdp.39015031233243/"184 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"Aunt Rachel?"
mdp.39015031233243142 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"Indeed?"
mdp.39015031233243192 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"Who's John Taylor?"
mdp.39015031233243206 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE He frowned as he noted the footprints pointing to Elspeth's — what did Mary Taylor want there?
mdp.39015031233243238 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"Do you mean to intimate that Mr. Alwyn's appoint- ment is held up because he is colored?"
mdp.39015031233243290 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"Like it?
mdp.39015031233243368 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE Would the boys help her some time to clear some swamp land?
mdp.3901503123324338 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"And who is Elspeth?"
mdp.3901503123324364 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"There's something in it,"he admitted,"but what can we do?
mdp.3901503123324372 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"Why?"
mdp.39015031233243A PARTING OF WAYS 849"Where to, Madame?"
mdp.39015031233243A horror crept over Mary Cresswell: where had she lived that she had seen so little before?
mdp.39015031233243After all why should he care?
mdp.39015031233243After all, which was worse — a Cresswell or an Alwyn?
mdp.39015031233243Ai n't that all?"
mdp.39015031233243Always before she had been veiled from these folk: who had put the veil there?
mdp.39015031233243And Bles — was Miss Taylor deceived?
mdp.39015031233243And how much have you paid a year?"
mdp.39015031233243And if it were?
mdp.39015031233243And suppose I had?"
mdp.39015031233243And then, brightening, he asked gayly:"And we'll be friends al- ways, wo n't we?"
mdp.39015031233243And who could furnish that illumination better than Zora, the calm, methodical Zora, who knew them so well?
mdp.39015031233243And why are you afraid for her?"
mdp.39015031233243And why not?"
mdp.39015031233243And yet, once in the hands of these past- masters of debt- manipulation, would her school be safe?
mdp.39015031233243And yet, why should she hesitate?
mdp.39015031233243And you graduated, I sup- pose, and all that?"
mdp.39015031233243And, Sam, ca n't you find us a sandwich and something cool?
mdp.39015031233243Anything on?"
mdp.39015031233243Are you blind?
mdp.39015031233243Are you dumb?
mdp.39015031233243Are you?"
mdp.39015031233243As the two white riders approached the buggy one said to the other:"Who's that nigger with?"
mdp.39015031233243At any rate, who was better?
mdp.39015031233243At last, however, she said happily to Zora:"Well, the battle's over, is n't it?"
mdp.39015031233243Aye, face it boldly — what?
mdp.39015031233243Bend-"Can it be, Bles Alwyn,"she said,"/that you do n't know the sort of a girl she is?"
mdp.39015031233243Bles, where was he?
mdp.39015031233243But Bles asked coldly:"Why did n't you have him arrested?"
mdp.39015031233243But be- fore?"
mdp.39015031233243But could she do it?
mdp.39015031233243But do you know I like the girl?
mdp.39015031233243But do you know that we! re encountering opposition from the most unexpected source?"
mdp.39015031233243But how about the Smith School?
mdp.39015031233243But if she talked again of mere men would these devotees listen?
mdp.39015031233243But if she went there what would she see and do, and would it be possible to become such a woman as Miss Smith pictured?
mdp.39015031233243But if she were especially invited?
mdp.39015031233243But these are not my chil- dren, they are the children of Negroes; we ca n't quite forget that, can we?"
mdp.39015031233243But to Miss Taylor:"I beg pardon — er — Miss Smith?"
mdp.39015031233243But what did I say so funny?"
mdp.39015031233243But what does it matter?
mdp.39015031233243But what of that?
mdp.39015031233243But who?
mdp.39015031233243But why lonely?
mdp.39015031233243But would she make a satisfactory maid?
mdp.39015031233243By the way, what did that letter say about a'sister'?"
mdp.39015031233243CHAPTER XI THE FLOWERING OF THE FLEECE ZORA,"observed Miss Smith,"it's a great bless- ing not to need spectacles, is n't it?"
mdp.39015031233243CHAPTER XXXI A PARTING OF WAYS WAS the child born dead?"
mdp.39015031233243COTTON 63"First, there's England — and all Europe; why not bring them into the trust?"
mdp.39015031233243Can you be ready by eleven?"
mdp.39015031233243Could it be possible that all unconsciously she had dared dream a forbidden dream?
mdp.39015031233243Could it be that this Negro had dared to mis- understand her — had presumed?
mdp.39015031233243Could she be brought back to a useful life?
mdp.39015031233243Did John think she had nothing else to do?
mdp.39015031233243Did colored people attend the ball?
mdp.39015031233243Did he know of the mortgage, too?
mdp.39015031233243Did he understand?
mdp.39015031233243Did n't you see her while she was here?
mdp.39015031233243Did she intend to exhibit?
mdp.39015031233243Did you notice how unhealthy the children looked?
mdp.39015031233243Do n't they ever get there?"
mdp.39015031233243Do n't you remember those fine bales of cotton that came out of there several seasons ago?"
mdp.39015031233243Do n't you see you're planning to cut off your noses?
mdp.39015031233243Do n't you want to come up and help me look?"
mdp.39015031233243Do you dance and laugh, and hear and see not?
mdp.39015031233243Do you know the man that stands ready to gobble up every inch of cotton land in this country at a price which no trust can hope to rival?"
mdp.39015031233243Do you think the plantation sys- tem can be maintained without laborers?
mdp.39015031233243Does one"appeal"to the red- eyed beast that throttles him?
mdp.39015031233243Dr. Boldish, naturally the ap- pointed spokesman, looked helplessly about and whispered to Mrs. Vanderpool:"What on earth shall I talk about?"
mdp.39015031233243Ever met him?"
mdp.39015031233243Find out for us just what this revolt is, how far it goes, and what good men we can get to swing the darkies into line — see?"
mdp.39015031233243From the other side the words came distinctly and clearly:"— other children, doctor?"
mdp.39015031233243Had Mrs. Still- ings heard of the new art movement?
mdp.39015031233243Had Zora thought of them?
mdp.39015031233243Had he dreamed?
mdp.39015031233243Had he seen a haunt?
mdp.39015031233243Had it been real?
mdp.39015031233243Had she herself hung it before her soul, or had they hid- den timidly behind its other side?
mdp.39015031233243Had she met this stately ceremony with enough breeding to show that she too was somebody?
mdp.39015031233243Had you heard?"
mdp.39015031233243Harry Cresswell laid his hand on his father's arm and said quietly:"And where do we come in?"
mdp.39015031233243Harry Cresswell was not a bad man — are there any bad men?
mdp.39015031233243Has John written you?"
mdp.39015031233243Have I got a little of the year's wage coming to me?"
mdp.39015031233243Have I made my clothes and food?
mdp.39015031233243Have I paid my old debts to you?
mdp.39015031233243Have you a young man named Alwyn on your eligible list?
mdp.39015031233243Have you seen this?"
mdp.39015031233243He bent to her fiercely:"Who?"
mdp.39015031233243He leaned against his hoe and talked half dreamily — where had he learned so well that dream- talk?
mdp.39015031233243He watched her silently, till, waking from her day- dream, she abruptly asked:"Where you from?"
mdp.39015031233243Helen regarded her brother through her veiling lashes: what meant this sudden assumption of warmth and amiability?
mdp.39015031233243Her heart answered back:"What is impossible to youth and resolution?"
mdp.39015031233243Hit's hot, ai n't it?
mdp.39015031233243How could she find out?
mdp.39015031233243How dares the black puppy to ignore a Cresswell on the highway?
mdp.39015031233243How goes the great battle for black men's rights?
mdp.39015031233243How is she, and where?"
mdp.39015031233243How is you?"
mdp.39015031233243How large is your place?"
mdp.39015031233243How much?
mdp.39015031233243I do n't like work do you?"
mdp.39015031233243I found'em and I dassen't sell'em open, see?
mdp.39015031233243I hope John's well?"
mdp.39015031233243I said:'Judge, a friend is expecting me at two,'it was then half- past one,'would I not best telephone?'"
mdp.39015031233243I wanted to go in the trap — take me?"
mdp.39015031233243I wonder if I'm sell- ing my birthright for six thousand dollars?"
mdp.39015031233243I'd marry Carrie — but how can I help you?"
mdp.39015031233243I'll put stuff into him that'll make him wave the bloody shirt at the next meeting of the Bethel Literary — see?
mdp.39015031233243If his intense belief happened THE EDUCATION OF ALWYN 263 to be popular, all right; but if not?
mdp.39015031233243If it failed, would not they fail?
mdp.39015031233243If she was not careful —"But what is it you want?"
mdp.39015031233243If this went on, the day would surely come when Negroes felt no respect or fear whatever for whites?
mdp.39015031233243If, now, you could drop a word here and there —""But why should I?"
mdp.39015031233243In the parlor and have the servants astounded and talking?
mdp.39015031233243In town?"
mdp.39015031233243In vain her shrewd New England reason asked:"What can a half- taught blacky girl do in this wilderness?"
mdp.39015031233243Is it fair — to the children?"
mdp.39015031233243Is it fair?
mdp.39015031233243Is it yo's?"
mdp.39015031233243Is it you, little wife, come back to accuse me?
mdp.39015031233243Is n't that your idea, Miss Smith?"
mdp.39015031233243Is that an excuse for saying it?"
mdp.39015031233243Is that woman's brother going to spend this money?
mdp.39015031233243Is that you, Mr. Cole?
mdp.39015031233243It might rain only an hour or so, but, suppose it should rain a day — two days — a week?
mdp.39015031233243It oc- curred to her that she had heard that name before — but where?
mdp.39015031233243It seemed to her that every breeze and branch was instinct with sympathy, and murmuring,"What's the use?"
mdp.39015031233243It was all right, and yet why so suddenly had the threads of life let go?
mdp.39015031233243MR. HARRY CRESSWELL 87"Said that, did he?"
mdp.39015031233243Mr. Cresswell says they own almost no land here; think of it?
mdp.39015031233243Must I study five years?"
mdp.39015031233243My father writes me that they are showing signs of ex- pecting money right off — is that true?
mdp.39015031233243New York?"
mdp.39015031233243No more talk; no more consideration — kill THE ANNUNCIATION 309"What is Todd's bill?"
mdp.39015031233243No spontaneity either — rather languid, did you notice?
mdp.39015031233243Not less than half a million; per- haps three- quarters of a million; perhaps — was not cotton still rising?
mdp.39015031233243Now here, everything seems to be happening; but what is it that ishappening?"
mdp.39015031233243Now, I wonder where they got the music?
mdp.39015031233243Now, have n't you a girl about here who would do?"
mdp.39015031233243On the porch and have Mr. Maxwell ride up?
mdp.39015031233243Or had it been some witch- vision of the night, come to tempt and lure him to his undoing?
mdp.39015031233243Or was it simply a brute fact, regardless of both of them?
mdp.39015031233243Or was the elf- girl real?
mdp.39015031233243Or, was he happy?
mdp.39015031233243Perhaps a mortgage on the strength of the endowment?
mdp.39015031233243Senator Smith regarded him again: was Cresswell play- ing a shrewd game?
mdp.39015031233243Shall I make him an enemy?
mdp.39015031233243Shall I resign and beg, or go tilting at windmills?
mdp.39015031233243Shall I try in addition to reform?
mdp.39015031233243She did not expect this, but she asked the porter:"Do you know where I can get a lunch?"
mdp.39015031233243She dreamed and sang over that dark field, and again and again appealed to him:"S'pose it should n't come up after all?"
mdp.39015031233243She felt impelled to go forward and ask — what?
mdp.39015031233243She had thought of him as a boy — an old student, a sort of confidential servant; but what had he thought?
mdp.39015031233243She helped herself to a chocolate and called out musically:"Pa, are you going to town to- day?"
mdp.39015031233243She must be sent to board- ing- school, somewhere far away; but the money?
mdp.39015031233243She must offer this unsullied soul up unto God in mighty atonement — but how?
mdp.39015031233243She rang the bell, asking the trim black maid:"Is there a person named Caroline Wynn living in this house?"
mdp.39015031233243She seemed to feel rather than hear his presence, and she in- quired softly:"Who's it, Bles?"
mdp.39015031233243She smiled and said sweetly,"Wo n't you sit?"
mdp.39015031233243She tried to think it out: what could have happened?
mdp.39015031233243She was thinking rapidly — Was this the Way?
mdp.39015031233243She wondered how she had done her part — had she been too eager and school- girl- ish?
mdp.39015031233243She'll be reasonable, wo n't she, and placate the Cresswells?
mdp.39015031233243She's planning to call some day — shall you be at home?"
mdp.39015031233243Should he be one?
mdp.39015031233243Somewhat to Miss Taylor's surprise Miss Smith said nothing until they were parting for the night, then she asked:"Was Miss Cresswell at home?"
mdp.39015031233243Suppose Mr. Alwyn should take this occasion to make a thorough defence of the party?"
mdp.39015031233243Suppose he asked Caroline Wynn to help him in this THE CAMPAIGN* 69 case?
mdp.39015031233243THE PROMISE 188"Tolerable, how are you?"
mdp.39015031233243THE RETURN OF ALWYN 877 white people had such troubles; yet, he reflected, why not?
mdp.39015031233243THE TRAINING OF ZORA 247"Then why do they go?"
mdp.39015031233243TOWN 87"This is a great cotton country?"
mdp.39015031233243Teerswell nodded and said: A MASTER OF FATE 323"Well, what do you think of last night?"
mdp.39015031233243That's the way it is now, see?
mdp.39015031233243The Negroes are not, then, very efficient?"
mdp.39015031233243The Silver Fleece, how was it?
mdp.39015031233243The Sun, the Swamp?
mdp.39015031233243The World, the great mysterious World, that stretched beyond the swamp and into which Bles and the Silver Fleece had gone — did it lead to the Way?
mdp.39015031233243The lagoon had been level with the dykes a week ago; and now?
mdp.39015031233243The way where?"
mdp.39015031233243Then Mary Taylor, whose conscience was uncom- fortable, said:"But, Mr. Cresswell, you surely believe in schools like Miss Smith's?"
mdp.39015031233243Then Miss Taylor said, absently: THE PLACE OF DREAMS 73 Zora, what do you propose to do when you grow up?"
mdp.39015031233243Then faint and fainter whisperings: what could be worse than death?
mdp.39015031233243Then he said:"Colonel Cresswell, who drew this contract of sale?"
mdp.39015031233243Then she said dreamily:"We'se known us all our lives, and — before, ai n't we?"
mdp.39015031233243Then there was Zora; what had she said and hinted to Mary?
mdp.39015031233243Then what?
mdp.39015031233243Then with a puzzled look:"I wonder why?"
mdp.39015031233243They ca n't concen- trate; notice how some slept when Dr. Boldish was speak- ing?
mdp.39015031233243Treat Alwyn well and call on Miss Wynn as usual — see?"
mdp.39015031233243Used to be one of our servants — you remember?
mdp.39015031233243Usually, while he played at loving, women grovelled; for was he not a Cresswell?
mdp.39015031233243Was Cresswell back of Taylor?
mdp.39015031233243Was Death the Way — the wide, dark Way?
mdp.39015031233243Was Elspeth now at peace?
mdp.39015031233243Was it all straight, or did the whole move conceal a trick?
mdp.39015031233243Was it not a rather dangerous experiment?
mdp.39015031233243Was it not the King's Highway?
mdp.39015031233243Was it possible that the price of Alwyn's manhood would be her husband's appointment to Paris?
mdp.39015031233243Was there a change, sudden, cataclysmic?
mdp.39015031233243Was there, after all, some"nigger- loving"conspiracy back of the cotton combine?
mdp.39015031233243Was this rain beating down and back her love for him, or had she never loved?
mdp.39015031233243Was this —"Nell's"?
mdp.39015031233243We'll get this committee which Taylor suggests appointed, and send it on a junket to Alabama; you do the rest — see?
mdp.39015031233243We'll put the cotton in- spection bill through in the last days of the session — see?
mdp.39015031233243Well, I'm going to give you some money — do you know why?"
mdp.39015031233243Well, why has he no appointment?
mdp.39015031233243What did he care?
mdp.39015031233243What did he ever do?
mdp.39015031233243What do you propose?"
mdp.39015031233243What does de good Book say?
mdp.39015031233243What does it look like?"
mdp.39015031233243What else could she have dreamed?
mdp.39015031233243What had happened?
mdp.39015031233243What had happened?
mdp.39015031233243What must he pay for success?
mdp.39015031233243What of the morning?
mdp.39015031233243What school?"
mdp.39015031233243What should she do?
mdp.39015031233243What time?"
mdp.39015031233243What was Wash- ington, and what was this fine, tall, quiet residence?
mdp.39015031233243What was he to her?
mdp.39015031233243What was she doing?
mdp.39015031233243What was"Nell's"?
mdp.39015031233243What would Elspeth do?
mdp.39015031233243What would happen to her?
mdp.39015031233243What's a maid?"
mdp.39015031233243What's your name?"
mdp.39015031233243Where can we get land, with Cress well owning every inch and bound to destroy us?"
mdp.39015031233243Where had Mrs. Cresswell seen her before?
mdp.39015031233243Where had she known him?
mdp.39015031233243Where is it?
mdp.39015031233243Where should she receive him?
mdp.39015031233243Where was that black and flaming cabin?
mdp.39015031233243Where was the girl — the soul that had called him?
mdp.39015031233243Where was the poor spoiled woman?
mdp.39015031233243Where was the use of imagining?
mdp.39015031233243Where was"Nell's"?
mdp.39015031233243Where, Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Where, and what mark?"
mdp.39015031233243Who had rushed the news to this woman?
mdp.39015031233243Who was caring for her, and what was she doing?
mdp.39015031233243Who was doing it?
mdp.39015031233243Who was he to falter when she called?
mdp.39015031233243Who was he to stand and judge this unselfish woman?
mdp.39015031233243Who was putting her to bed and smoothing the pillow?
mdp.39015031233243Who would win — the witch, or Jason?
mdp.39015031233243Who, then, should be nominated?
mdp.39015031233243Whom do you think that's for?"
mdp.39015031233243Why had he not known?
mdp.39015031233243Why had he not stood his ground?
mdp.39015031233243Why had neither Mary nor John Taylor mentioned this?
mdp.39015031233243Why had she asked for her?
mdp.39015031233243Why had she asked for this girl?
mdp.39015031233243Why had they not let her see the child — just one look at its little dead face?
mdp.39015031233243Why had they stolen from her?
mdp.39015031233243Why is you trying to make dis ole world better?
mdp.39015031233243Why not go back to the South where she had gone?
mdp.39015031233243Why not go see him?
mdp.39015031233243Why not send Zora?
mdp.39015031233243Why not take this young man in hand and make a Negro leader of him — a protagonist of ten millions?
mdp.39015031233243Why not?
mdp.39015031233243Why should he be elbowed into the roadside dust by an insolent bully?
mdp.39015031233243Why should he not be as other men?
mdp.39015031233243Why should he pose as better than his fel-[ 146] MRS. GREY GIVES A DINNER 147 lows?
mdp.39015031233243Why should not he go back, too?
mdp.39015031233243Why should we who have sacrifice the substance for the shadow?"
mdp.39015031233243Why should you spoil this black girl and put impossible ideas into her head?
mdp.39015031233243Why was it?
mdp.39015031233243Why was she drifting in vast waters; in uncharted wastes of sea?
mdp.39015031233243Why were her eyes wet to- day and her mind on the Silver Fleece?
mdp.39015031233243Why worry with more?"
mdp.39015031233243Why, are you daft?
mdp.39015031233243Will you go?"
mdp.39015031233243Will you hear?
mdp.39015031233243Willyou marry me?"
mdp.39015031233243Wo n't you take a stand on some of these pro- gressive matters — this bill, or the Child Labor movement, or Low Tariff legislation?"
mdp.39015031233243Would Rob become a tenant when she asked?
mdp.39015031233243Would Uncle Isaac help her build a log home?
mdp.39015031233243Would Zora make one or would this blow send her to perdition?
mdp.39015031233243Would he be amenable to her training and become worldly wise?
mdp.39015031233243Would not comrade- ship on the basis of the new friendship which she insisted on, be the death of love and thoughts of love?
mdp.39015031233243Would this woman recognize that fact and respect him accordingly?
mdp.39015031233243Would you like it?"
mdp.39015031233243Yes — how about Mrs. Grey's education schemes?
mdp.39015031233243Yet how should she do it?
mdp.39015031233243Yet, perhaps — who can tell?
mdp.39015031233243You can wheel the planters into line — will you do it?"
mdp.39015031233243You never had a witch for a mammy — did you?"
mdp.39015031233243You see?
mdp.39015031233243You surely remem- ber that awful scarlet dress?
mdp.39015031233243[ 266] THE CAMPAIGN 867"What's the matter?"
mdp.39015031233243[ 368] 364 THE QUEST OF THE SILVER FLEECE"But in the tenth case — suppose he should stick to it?"
mdp.39015031233243do n't you love to be frank and open?"
mdp.39015031233243inwardly com- mented Miss Taylor —"literally born in cotton, and — Oh, well,"as much as to ask,"What's the use?"
mdp.39015031233243it is n't as bad as that all over the world, is it?"
mdp.39015031233243now where is that paper?"
mdp.39015031233243on Saturday?"
mdp.39015031233243vaguely, —"dreams?
mdp.39015031233243where do you teach?"
mdp.39015031233243where is she?
mdp.39015031233243— and no appointment?"
mdp.39015031233243— he poured him- self a glass of brandy — was he not rich and young?
mdp.39015031233243— his friendship for that impossible girl, Zora?"
mdp.39015031233243— it it?"
mdp.39015031233243— my people?"
mdp.39015031233243— or was he chuckling?
mdp.39015031233243— was our right?
mdp.39015059415839A Miss or a Mrs.? mdp.39015059415839 A fear?
mdp.39015059415839A sucker?
mdp.39015059415839A widow then? ”No,"she said in that same tone, again shaking her head, eyes still straight before her.
mdp.39015059415839Ah wonduhs'f the niggah's daid? ”He mought be,"said the voice of another.
mdp.39015059415839And did he tell you, or send you to whom you were interested in seeing? ”He did, and I promptly looked the man up that he referred me to.
mdp.39015059415839And how long was that? ”Well, he was here three months. ”'"And how long was that before the murder?"
mdp.39015059415839And how long was that? ”Well, he was here three months. ”'"And how long was that before the murder?"
mdp.39015059415839And that is what you were asking my brother about? ”I was told in Jackson to stop over in Canton and look your brother up.
mdp.39015059415839And that was all?.
mdp.39015059415839And what about Bob? mdp.39015059415839 And what is that angle?
mdp.39015059415839And what kind of a man is your father, Miss Dorothy? ” Le Baron turned to ask her now. mdp.39015059415839 And where do they get with it?
mdp.39015059415839And why did n't you go with him if he wanted you to?
mdp.39015059415839And why? ” “ Because they get on to him and talk about him and they wo n't play with him, forcing him to keep moving. mdp.39015059415839 And you've never told me anything about it? ”.
mdp.39015059415839And? ” “ After a pause he crossed to my car and spoke.
mdp.39015059415839Anything, Sam?
mdp.39015059415839Are there lots of Negroes down there? ”Most all the people down there are Negroes — and I mean Negroes — black! ” She laughed.
mdp.39015059415839Are you convinced now that my formula is safe; that it can take care of you fine until we return to the cemetery and dig you up?
mdp.39015059415839Bury me alive? mdp.39015059415839 But what could happen in a gas station that would interest anybody? ”"Plenty this morning,"cried Le Baron, insistently.
mdp.39015059415839But why should both of you know Mr. Wyeth and neither of you know this Frank Knight?
mdp.39015059415839But you were not on your way there to take care of any books this morning, were you, Bob?
mdp.39015059415839Ca n't i talk like I know how without you forever correcting me?
mdp.39015059415839Did he stay out that time? ” A. mdp.39015059415839 Did she give you her jewels? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Did the dog start barking again? ” A. mdp.39015059415839 Did you get acquainted with him during the time he was coming to see her? ” Bob interjected at this point.
mdp.39015059415839Did you push her in? mdp.39015059415839 Did you say something, Bob?
mdp.39015059415839Did you tear any of her clothing? mdp.39015059415839 Did you throw rocks at her while she was in the water, as she also testified? ” “ I did not."
mdp.39015059415839Did you tie her up and carry her into the car as she testified that you did? ” A. mdp.39015059415839 Did you? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839Do I seem worried, Brown? ”Like you had lost your mammy."
mdp.39015059415839Do n't you think so, Bob?
mdp.39015059415839Do you feel like telling the rest of it, Helen? ”I think I ought to."
mdp.39015059415839Do you feel like telling the rest of it, Helen?
mdp.39015059415839Do you think we could trust the darkey? ”I've known Jenkins for a long time.
mdp.39015059415839Do you-happen to work somewhere hereabout? ” “ Yassuh. mdp.39015059415839 Explain about the planning?"
mdp.39015059415839For answer, I'll cite a parallel. ” “ A parallel? mdp.39015059415839 Forest City?"
mdp.39015059415839From away down there? mdp.39015059415839 Had you ever seen Johnson before he took the job?"
mdp.39015059415839Have n't you seen them milling around Harlem? mdp.39015059415839 Have you an opinion as to why he killed the housekeeper, too, Bob?"
mdp.39015059415839Have you been forgetting again so quickly?
mdp.39015059415839Have you ever met her?
mdp.39015059415839Have you read the other one? mdp.39015059415839 He was not only about the tightest Jew in the Bronx, but he'd work you to death if you'd stand for it. ”"Did the Jew work you hard? ”.
mdp.39015059415839He's a big- time writer now, is n't he? mdp.39015059415839 He's a mathematician. ”"In one of our local high schools? ” she asked.
mdp.39015059415839Heard what? mdp.39015059415839 Her previous husband, who was a white man, was a million- aire. ” THE STORY RY 201 ROTHY STANFIELD ANFIELD OF DOROTHY"A millionaire?
mdp.39015059415839How and where? ” “ At a party some friends of mine were giving. mdp.39015059415839 How can you hate the man when you have n't ever seen him or met him, either?
mdp.39015059415839How can you hate the man when you have n't ever seen him or met him, either? mdp.39015059415839 How could you picture me like that? ”"I did n't quite picture you like that.
mdp.39015059415839How do you account for her changing and declaring that you raped her? ” A. mdp.39015059415839 How do you do, old timer? ”"Fine, Le Baron, ” said Wyeth, happy to see him again.
mdp.39015059415839How do you feel? ” He raised a hand and placed it over his heart, and said: “ My heart, it is paining me. mdp.39015059415839 How is bo'f of you all tuday?"
mdp.39015059415839How long did you know Johnson? ”Since he took the superintendent's job here at the building."
mdp.39015059415839How long do you plan to be in Memphis, Walter? ” she in- quired, as they drove back towards Forest City. mdp.39015059415839 How many has he married, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839How so? ” she wanted to know. mdp.39015059415839 How was she dressed?"
mdp.39015059415839How you and me might make some extra money, eh? ” “ Yes, Brown, some extra money.
mdp.39015059415839How'd he get into such a thing? mdp.39015059415839 How'd you like it, anyhow? ”"Oh, it was a good picture.
mdp.39015059415839How? mdp.39015059415839 How?"
mdp.39015059415839I do n't quite remember; but Mrs. Stribling paused by the dresser and I got up and walked over by her and said:'Well, what are we going to do?' mdp.39015059415839 I suppose they told you how Zacarrio was killed? ” “ They said he was stabbed.
mdp.39015059415839I thought both very interesting. ” “ Only interesting? ”. mdp.39015059415839 I was n't exactly afraid of you then. ” “ No?"
mdp.39015059415839I wonder what's on his mind, anyhow?
mdp.39015059415839If I am beginning to like her, will I have to start out by for- giving her the sins of her earlier girlhood?
mdp.39015059415839If he was n't a pimp, then what was he; what did he do? ” Bob asked, and waited for Ransom to reply, ansiously. mdp.39015059415839 If he went that way, it looks like he must have been headed for the big bridge across the Mississippi, do n't you think? ”.
mdp.39015059415839If he went that way, it looks like he must have been headed for the big bridge across the Mississippi, do n't you think?.
mdp.39015059415839If there's anything left when he gets through, just give it to him, see?
mdp.39015059415839In a gas station?
mdp.39015059415839In moving- picture language, that means a thousand dollars, am I right, Stanfield? ” “ That's right, doctor.
mdp.39015059415839Is he a gambler, a racketeer or a- kept man? ” Bob recoiled violently, his mouth open, his eyes, too. mdp.39015059415839 Is that so?
mdp.39015059415839Is that why, you a stranger, have been looking at me so hard? ”I guess so."
mdp.39015059415839It must be about the- Doctor then?
mdp.39015059415839Just how do you mean,'black Harlem? mdp.39015059415839 Just how funny?"
mdp.39015059415839Just what did you think, anyhow? mdp.39015059415839 Just where did you meet him and how and when? ”"I'll answer the last question first."
mdp.39015059415839Let's drive down to it, okay?
mdp.39015059415839Lon Williams?
mdp.39015059415839Name them? ”First, to get some money.
mdp.39015059415839Neither one of you are going to leave this room alive, get what I mean?
mdp.39015059415839No, but I have a peculiar feeling about the whole thing. ” “ Just what do you mean by that, Arthur? ”. mdp.39015059415839 Nobody, however, described the man who actually did it?"
mdp.39015059415839Not when I tell you some more. ” “ Why do n't you?
mdp.39015059415839Now is that nice? ” Dorothy asked, petulantly. mdp.39015059415839 Now that I have met him, you feel that he has told me something, eh? ” “ What else can I think? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Now that I have met him, you feel that he has told me something, eh? ” “ What else can I think? ”. mdp.39015059415839 Now that you have, perhaps, won and lost, are you ready to go back downstairs so that we can put on a little demonstration as we had planned?"
mdp.39015059415839Now what did he talk about? ” Bob asked, and she was ready to answer, and did so, frankly. mdp.39015059415839 Now what do you mean?".
mdp.39015059415839Now what does you all want me to do? ”. mdp.39015059415839 Oh, Walter, where have you been all day?
mdp.39015059415839Oh, the other girl, eh? mdp.39015059415839 Oh, two? ” “ Yes, two.
mdp.39015059415839Oh, yes? mdp.39015059415839 Oh, yes? ”"Surel ” cried Mrs. Austin.
mdp.39015059415839Perhaps. ” “ Why ca n't you tell me now? ” “ You'll understand better why when I do, ” he said, eyes fixed on the road ahead. mdp.39015059415839 Say, Brown, what's this?
mdp.39015059415839Say, now, you are n't cheating on somebody, are you? ” he said, laughing. mdp.39015059415839 Shall we use it? ” and Le Baron broke off and paused.
mdp.39015059415839Since you say that you've invited this Mrs. Wingate, what about this writer, Frank Knight? mdp.39015059415839 So he was what might be referred to as a pool expert?"
mdp.39015059415839So much money, Arthur? ” “ Yes, Dorothy. mdp.39015059415839 So what? ” and they both laughed, and turned their thoughts and conversation into other channels.
mdp.39015059415839So you're taking me to meet a lady? mdp.39015059415839 So?"
mdp.39015059415839Something's happened to you. ” “ What do you mean, Bob?
mdp.39015059415839Spoke to you, then what?.
mdp.39015059415839Strange how?
mdp.39015059415839Sup- posing one of these times they decided not to dig me up?
mdp.39015059415839Surprised? ” Dorothy ventured, a trifle playfully. mdp.39015059415839 The matter with — what?"
mdp.39015059415839Then why are you so anxious about Walter Le Baron of New York, whom you've never seen or met? ” Dorothy started and almost gave herself away. mdp.39015059415839 Then you were, perhaps, well acquainted with the- murdered man? ” “ Yassuh, ” he replied promptly.
mdp.39015059415839Then you- changed your mind?.
mdp.39015059415839Thinking? mdp.39015059415839 To you? ” “ To me."
mdp.39015059415839Was he a pimp, too?
mdp.39015059415839Was it because you are no longer accustomed to calling a man ‘ darling?' mdp.39015059415839 Was there any screaming?"
mdp.39015059415839Well, Brown, how's business anyhow? ” Stanfield inquired, his eyes on the paved highway ahead. mdp.39015059415839 Well, Sam, how're you doing?"
mdp.39015059415839Well, they're considered to be white, are n't they? ” Dorothy wanted to know. mdp.39015059415839 Well, ” she said sighing,"what am I supposed to do, now that you have said so much?
mdp.39015059415839Were you ever in — Mississippi? ” · “ Who lives in Memphis who has n't been, ” she said and decided to continue to be sarcastic. mdp.39015059415839 What did de jedge say tu dat? ”.
mdp.39015059415839What did she say?.
mdp.39015059415839What do you mean by'for a little while,'Doctor? ” The Doctor shrugged his shoulders and was sorry that he had said it. mdp.39015059415839 What do you mean, come to a bad end? ” Dorothy wanted to know.
mdp.39015059415839What frightened you, dear? mdp.39015059415839 What happened near the reservoir? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839What happened? ” “ Oh, nothing in particular. mdp.39015059415839 What is on your mind? ” she repeated, raising and turning now to face him.
mdp.39015059415839What's the matter, Dorothy? ” he asked. mdp.39015059415839 What, ” she interrupted him to say,"for instance? ” She af- fected to regard it all as just one big joke.
mdp.39015059415839When you pulled off on the side of the road after that was it at her request? ” A. mdp.39015059415839 Where? ” Mrs. Vaughn repeated, and without exercising any effort at restraint, actually laughed out loud.
mdp.39015059415839Who are you burying? ” “ Old man Moses..."Mm. mdp.39015059415839 Why not take Bob's car, or mine for that matter, and drive her out to my farm?
mdp.39015059415839Wonder, Doctor? ” The matter was already giving Doctor Stanfield a slight case of nerves. mdp.39015059415839 Would you happen to know- Sidney Wyeth? ” “ Very well and for a long time.
mdp.39015059415839Yeah..."How much is his folks spending on the funeral? ”About a thousand — maybe...""Maybe, what? ”"Aw, about a thousan'.
mdp.39015059415839Yeah..."How much is his folks spending on the funeral? ”About a thousand — maybe...""Maybe, what? ”"Aw, about a thousan'.
mdp.39015059415839Yes, darling,he cried, holding her close and looking into her eyes,"What is the matter? ”.
mdp.39015059415839You also knew Cleo Johnson, who has been charged with murdering Zacarrio? ”Of course.
mdp.39015059415839You ca n't tell me over the phone, Arthur?
mdp.39015059415839You can keep your mouth shut, Sam..."Mah mouf shet? mdp.39015059415839 You come over here quite often? ” inquired Le Baron.
mdp.39015059415839You do n't have a room? mdp.39015059415839 You expect me to manage this finance? ” “ That's our idea.
mdp.39015059415839You know positively that he killed Zacarrio?
mdp.39015059415839You shculdn't say all that. ”And why not? ” Bob wanted to know, turning upon him.
mdp.39015059415839You travel a great deal, perhaps? ” “ A very great deal, Miss Dorothy.
mdp.39015059415839You were wondering- about- what, Thurston? ” Doctor Thurston looked at him quickly, since he noted a bit of alarm in Stanfield's voice. mdp.39015059415839 You were?
mdp.39015059415839You're not so sure about it? mdp.39015059415839 You? ” “ Yes, Dorothy, Bob.
mdp.39015059415839_ providing? mdp.39015059415839 '” Q: “ What floor was the apartment located on?
mdp.39015059415839... You've got something on your mind?
mdp.39015059415839116 THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD"What's this you want to talk to me about, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839288 THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD “ Imagining that ah's daid?
mdp.3901505941583946 THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD"You saw something, too, did n't you, Bcb? ” she cried nervously, anxiously.
mdp.39015059415839:"What do you mean by he was when he is? ” argued Dorothy, a frown on her face.
mdp.39015059415839A bit tanned. ” THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 115 “ Is that a hint to get rid of it- I mean the tan?"
mdp.39015059415839A lady, eh?
mdp.39015059415839All right? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Am I right?"
mdp.39015059415839And he does n't have to endure so many headaches, any more, which he also assured me. ” “ What did he mean by that?"
mdp.39015059415839And how do you feel by now, Walter...? ” “ Sort of bewildered, Dorothy.
mdp.39015059415839And how is your good health after such a long, long absence from our fair city? ”"I feel like a Bull Moose, ” he said.
mdp.39015059415839And now,"he said, rising to his feet,"what about a nice little drive around town before we go to dinner?"
mdp.39015059415839And that's how she hap- pened to get mixed up with us? ”.
mdp.39015059415839And where?"
mdp.39015059415839And, nobody will ever know, if you keep your mouth shut and just do what I say, do you understand, Sam? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Another white woman married to a Negro, eh?
mdp.39015059415839Ard that is what you do?
mdp.39015059415839Are these questions important?
mdp.39015059415839Are you feeling- bad? ” He started almost abruptly and turned to meet her gaze.
mdp.39015059415839Are you quite sure that you love me as much as I do you, sweetheart? ”"I could n't love you more; I would n't even know how to start trying.
mdp.39015059415839Are you surprised? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Are you — angry at my friend?
mdp.39015059415839Are you — ill? ”"No, oh, no; I'm not ill at all, Miss Dorothy.
mdp.39015059415839Are you- hurt? ”"My- my heart, Dorothy, ” he said, faintly.
mdp.39015059415839At least thinking about it, perhaps? ” She pointed this question at him directly, and watched his face to see what effect it had on him.
mdp.39015059415839Because he wanted 10?
mdp.39015059415839Because he wanted to?
mdp.39015059415839Because he wanted to?
mdp.39015059415839Because what? ” “ I'm going out to the cemetery and dig that man up, that's why I'm not going! ” Brown stuck his jaw out defiantly.
mdp.39015059415839Bob Martin. ” “ Is that so? ” She decided not to let him know that she knew Martin.
mdp.39015059415839But was he to?
mdp.39015059415839But what about me?
mdp.39015059415839But what, Sam? ” “ Could n't we- talk about it up heah, the same as — down- staiuhs?"
mdp.39015059415839But what, Sam? ” “ Could n't we- talk about it up heah, the same as — down- staiuhs?"
mdp.39015059415839But when you saw what you did, dear Walter, did I, at the same time, look like I might be — a bad girl? ”"No, you did not, Dorothy.
mdp.39015059415839But why are you asking me these questions?
mdp.39015059415839But why go into all that?
mdp.39015059415839Could Walter Le Baron be associated with this kind of a life?
mdp.39015059415839Did it?"
mdp.39015059415839Did you break his heart and then send him away? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Did you get a- flat, or what did happen? ”"Nothing that you are thinking about, ” Bob said evasively.
mdp.39015059415839Did you invite him?
mdp.39015059415839Did you say that he- was- a- gentleman? ” Bob had n't said and Dorothy knew that he had n't.
mdp.39015059415839Did you say that she was rather popular among the Negroes? ” “ Very popular, so I'm told.
mdp.39015059415839Did you tell him why you were here? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Did you? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839Do n't talk; do n't get confidential with anybody — not even your girl friend, get me, Sam?"
mdp.39015059415839Do n't you understand that as a race it is time we quit calling each other by that word, even among ourselves?
mdp.39015059415839Do n't you understand?"
mdp.39015059415839Do you hear?'
mdp.39015059415839Do you mind? ” “ Of course not, Jim.
mdp.39015059415839Do you want to go?"
mdp.39015059415839Do you want to see the figures?"
mdp.39015059415839Do you? ” She was directing all questions at Le Baron, seeming to shoulder him with the responsibility of answering them.
mdp.39015059415839Do you? ” “ Oh, yes, Walter, ” she cried, joyfully.
mdp.39015059415839Does ah keep breathin'? ” The others laughed, whereupon the Doctor turned on them with a huge frown and they shut up promptly.
mdp.39015059415839Does this'plan- ning to do things, mean to just get another job, teaching perhaps, in a better school, getting a few more dollars monthly? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Down South somewhere, perhaps? ” queried the Commissioner, a bit more at ease.
mdp.39015059415839Exactly what do you mean, anyhow, Dorothy? ” “ That I do n't mind if you do. ”"Do n't mind if I do?
mdp.39015059415839Exactly what do you mean, anyhow, Dorothy? ” “ That I do n't mind if you do. ”"Do n't mind if I do?
mdp.39015059415839Faint, fall out or cry? ” THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 19 “ Oh, please,"he pleaded sincerely.
mdp.39015059415839Finally she heard some- body turn over, listen and then set up, light a lamp and call out:"Who dat?"
mdp.39015059415839For a good time. ” “ When did you decide to do this?"
mdp.39015059415839Frankly and honestly, I'm ashamed of myself. ” “ But why should you be? ” cried Dorothy, sympathetically.
mdp.39015059415839From the police department? ” Le Baron shook his head.
mdp.39015059415839Gone to talking to yourself? ” And it was Connie who laughed this time.
mdp.39015059415839Has he written something new?"
mdp.39015059415839Has something happened to you? ” “ Not to me, Arthur, but to the Doctor. ” “ What!
mdp.39015059415839Has something happened?"
mdp.39015059415839Has your husband con- fided in you as to why and how he is making so much money? ” Dorothy hesitated, and Arthur knew by that that he had n't.
mdp.39015059415839Have you considered what effect telling him this story might have upon him?
mdp.39015059415839Have you thought about that; that he might win?
mdp.39015059415839He had others. ” “ What others, for instance?"
mdp.39015059415839He killed a man and robbed him of a large sum of money, and I have traced him right up to Memphis. ”"Oh, you have, Walter?
mdp.39015059415839He paused to smile, then went on:"Happy now?"
mdp.39015059415839He turned to her and went on:"You're sure hard on Knight, are n't you? ” and he continued to smile, playfully.
mdp.39015059415839Her eyes seemed inclined, as I talked to her at that party, like yours, to be sad. ” “ Has she had trouble, too?"
mdp.39015059415839Her white husband was killed, and left her a very wealthy woman. ”"This seems to be a- rather unusual case? ”"Very much so,"said Le Baron.
mdp.39015059415839How come?"
mdp.39015059415839How did this one happen? ”.
mdp.39015059415839How do you feel by now?"
mdp.39015059415839How do you plan to look for him?"
mdp.39015059415839How do you propose to postpone tell- ing him?
mdp.39015059415839How does that sound to your pretty ears, heh?"
mdp.39015059415839How many teachers do you have assisting you?"
mdp.39015059415839How much do I get, Brown? ” “ About a hundred and a ha'f. ” “ About again.
mdp.39015059415839How much insurance did you have her in for? ”.
mdp.39015059415839How much?
mdp.39015059415839How would you know that he is? ”"It was brought to my attention some time ago.
mdp.39015059415839How'd she come to get mixed up with us, anyhow? ” Again Mrs. Austin glanced about her.
mdp.39015059415839How'd you enjoy your trip to the Islands? ”"It was n't exactly an occasion for enjoyment."
mdp.39015059415839How'd you like it? ”"I thought it was most interesting, too, ” said Walter.
mdp.39015059415839How's yours?"
mdp.39015059415839I asked you how you were doing? ” “ And I said that my business was rotten.
mdp.39015059415839I assure you that I am not a flirt, a- nonentity or a play boy. ” “ Then what are you?"
mdp.39015059415839I can appreciate how you feel, all right, but her case is an exception. ” “ What kind of an exception?
mdp.39015059415839I do feel, how- ever, that I am acquainted with what did recently in part lead up to the practice. ” What source?"
mdp.39015059415839I do n't think that you are free. ” “ What about yourself? ” she said, looking at him.
mdp.39015059415839I hate that nigger- Negro, for it; but go on, Mr. LRaron, and tell me why he did it?"
mdp.39015059415839I have for a long time been interested in chemical research. ” “ Chemical research?
mdp.39015059415839I helped engineer something like it in Cincinnati a few years ago. ” “ How'd you come out? ”.
mdp.39015059415839I jes'make out lak ah’m daid?"
mdp.39015059415839I mean, in their lowdown business?"
mdp.39015059415839I said,'What's the matter?'
mdp.39015059415839I said,'Why did you marry THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 305 them?'
mdp.39015059415839I said:"What's wrong?'
mdp.39015059415839I think Bob must know him, too. ” Turned to Bob now, he called louder:"Bob, you must know Sidney Wyeth, do n't you? ”"Surely I do.
mdp.39015059415839I understand that the marriage was not a happy one. ” “ No?
mdp.39015059415839I want to go with you and I'll be waiting. ” “ At what time?"
mdp.39015059415839I was merely wondering THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 299 if you could manage and advance to me, say, of about twenty- five dollars?
mdp.39015059415839I was sort of talking to myself. ” “ What were you talking to yourself about?
mdp.39015059415839I was sure that I heard you scream, when I paused to look around and up at the top of the stair?
mdp.39015059415839I will tell you now, dear, what made me THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 105 hesitate and wonder this morning. ”"Oh, you will, Walter?"
mdp.39015059415839I wonder how the white people take to them? ” 74 THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD.
mdp.39015059415839I wonder if they stand for anything, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839I wonder if you can be trusted — very far?"
mdp.39015059415839I'll give you the two hundred now, but you've got to promise to die the next time for nothing, is that agreeable? ” Sam said it was.
mdp.39015059415839I'll take most of the responsibility. ”"What do you mean about you taking most of the responsibility?
mdp.39015059415839I'm going to tell you all about it. ”"Then why do n't you get started? ” She looked at him and the expression on his face amused her.
mdp.39015059415839I'm letting you off cheap. ” This seemed to anger Brown, and he paused and whirled around with: “ What do you call, cheap?
mdp.39015059415839I'm not going, Doctor, because"“ Because?
mdp.39015059415839I'm sorry. ”"But why not you? ” he cried, his peculiar eyes wide open now and gazing down into hers with a strange exhilaration.
mdp.39015059415839I've been taking it on the chin ever since and have n't squawked, have I? ”"No, you have n't, Dorothy.
mdp.39015059415839I've seen the policy... ” “ Yes?"
mdp.39015059415839If they do they may hurt us in other ways. ” “ And you say that this Mrs. Wingate is nice? ” “ Oh, sweet."
mdp.39015059415839If you do n't want a drink at the bar, what about a- half pint to take to your room?"
mdp.39015059415839If you do n't want to say, then you can at least tell me this much. ” “ What much, Dorothy?".
mdp.39015059415839Immediately he perked up and snapping his fingers, cried:"A Doctor?"
mdp.39015059415839In New York?
mdp.39015059415839In evening clothes as I asked you to wear?
mdp.39015059415839In fact, I've become very fond of him. ” “ Then why is it that you do n't care any longer if I do tell him?
mdp.39015059415839In just what form?"
mdp.39015059415839In other words he did n't like to pay what any man's work was worth. ”"And this is why you account for nobody staying long on the job, eh?"
mdp.39015059415839In short, sane? ” “ Now, now, Doctor,"protested Issh.
mdp.39015059415839Inside he walked up to Brown with:"I've thought of a way to get rid of Sam. ”"Yeh? ” Junius Brown became uneasy.
mdp.39015059415839Is I told you, they did n't know where I ras because I was hid. ”"How did the colored help reply?"
mdp.39015059415839Is it possible that you were talking to someone else in the meanwhile?"
mdp.39015059415839Is n't that a predicament for a man like me to be in? ” “ Why a predicament?
mdp.39015059415839Is n't that a predicament for a man like me to be in? ” “ Why a predicament?
mdp.39015059415839Is n't that enough?"
mdp.39015059415839Is that all for the present? ”"That is all, thank you, ” replied Le Baron, and hung up.
mdp.39015059415839Is that all right, dear? ” THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 181"It would have been all right just after I met you.
mdp.39015059415839Is that all right, dear? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Is that it?".
mdp.39015059415839Is that so? ”"She surely did.
mdp.39015059415839Is that the power of love, dear?
mdp.39015059415839Is that what has been happening to you while you've been away?
mdp.39015059415839Is you sho'dat's what dey locked him up'bout? ” “ Ah wuz in Jedge Fuquay's co't when'e sentenced'i m."
mdp.39015059415839It ca n't miss doing so. ” “ What can I do? ”.
mdp.39015059415839It is what happened to me in the gas station this morning that I want to talk to you about. ” “ Why do you want to talk to me about her? ”.
mdp.39015059415839It looks like a cold deck to me. ”"Oh, I'm not so sure about it. ” “ What do you mean? ” “ That I know Sam; I know Negroes.
mdp.39015059415839It means a nice cool drive of about fifty miles over into Arkansas and a call on a very successful doctor of our group. ”"A doctor?"
mdp.39015059415839It might turn out that Dorothy may meet and fall in love with a handsome man, or a plain man, or some other kind, who knows?
mdp.39015059415839Just about how much is the casket costing? ”"Around five hundred. ”"It's always ‘ about'and'around and etc.
mdp.39015059415839Just how have you figured it all out? ” “ Well, ” said the Doctor.
mdp.39015059415839Just what did you mean, Issh?
mdp.39015059415839Knight is never seen in Harlem. ” “ No?"
mdp.39015059415839Knight is never seen in Harlem. ”"No?"
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron does?
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron re- membered meeting me and that he has said something — about me? ” “ Something? ” exclaimed Bob.
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron re- membered meeting me and that he has said something — about me? ” “ Something? ” exclaimed Bob.
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron re- membered meeting me and that he has said something — about me?"
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron, and tell me why he did it? ”"This is my personal opinion of how it got started.
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron, and tell me why he did it?"
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron, would you?"
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron?
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron? ” He turned and met her eyes squarely, then smiling, patted her hand again and said: “ You."
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron? ” Ransom asked, looking at Walter, who in turn looked at Helen.
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron? ” Ransom asked, looking at Walter, who in turn looked at Helen.
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron? ” and when she looked up at him and he met her eyes, there seemed to be a bit of fear and sorrow in her look.
mdp.39015059415839Le Baron? ” she asked.
mdp.39015059415839Make it plainer? ”"Well, starting out with pool.
mdp.39015059415839May I drive out, say, this afternoon and take you to a show?
mdp.39015059415839Mean- while, how does he spend his time?
mdp.39015059415839Mean- while, how does he spend his time?
mdp.39015059415839Meantime, how is it that while all the Negro men up there are grabbing white wives, some white men do n't take to themselves a Negro woman for a wife?
mdp.39015059415839Meanwhile, are you very busy?"
mdp.39015059415839Meanwhile, just where were you going, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839Meanwhile, where are you staying? ” Sam answered with a shrug of his shoulders and a grin which was self- explanatory.
mdp.39015059415839Meanwhile, whom do you have in mind? ”"Jeff Watkins, out in east Memphis for one.
mdp.39015059415839Might arouse suspicion, understand?"
mdp.39015059415839More, perhaps, than he was on the pictures?"
mdp.39015059415839Mrs. Burton is due at church very shortly, so supposing you entertain Dorothy?
mdp.39015059415839No one of them ever stayed very long. ”"Why? ” inquired Le Baron, pausing to look straight at him.
mdp.39015059415839Not only tell him — but tell him everything and at the earliest possible opportunity! ”"Dorothy, Dorothy, what ever are you talking about?
mdp.39015059415839Now after all expenses have been deducted, including yours which are liberal I know, how much do I come in for?
mdp.39015059415839Now do you understand why I want you to hear the story? ”"Yes, dear, I do, and it will be as you wish it.
mdp.39015059415839Now is n't that so, Bob?"
mdp.39015059415839Now look at his picture again,"and Le Baron withdrew his hand and laid it over the scar, THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 195 “ See the difference?"
mdp.39015059415839Now may we go on from here?
mdp.39015059415839Now what is it you want to tell me?".
mdp.39015059415839Now what is there about me, really, to talk about, anyhow? ” There was an intermission at this point and the orchestra stop- ped playing.
mdp.39015059415839Now what were you thinking about, anyhow? ” “ Of a way that you and I might make some extra money."
mdp.39015059415839Now what? ” He finished and looked at her with a question in his eyes.
mdp.39015059415839Now where did you say that he's being tried? ” and Walter reached for a pencil and pad.
mdp.39015059415839Now will you try it, Sam- please? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Now you were asking me?"
mdp.39015059415839Now, will you, darling?"
mdp.39015059415839Oh, Bob, must that thing haunt me, follow me like a gray ghost to — my grave? ”"But he ca n't go asking me about what happened to you.
mdp.39015059415839One of them things, huh? ” “ That's what I've been told."
mdp.39015059415839Perhaps you know Bob?
mdp.39015059415839Pretty well fixed, was n't he? ”"Had good inshoance.
mdp.39015059415839Professor? ” she inquired now as they circled around the floor.
mdp.39015059415839Raising his head presently, he inquired:"Did Van Revel have a family, uncle? ” “ Sure did.
mdp.39015059415839Ransom, this man that you are referring to, is he the one, in your opinion, that did the killing?"
mdp.39015059415839Ransom? ” Bob asked at this point.
mdp.39015059415839Say, men, what is you all talkin''bout, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839She looked hard at Annie and went on: “ What ever made you think anything like that? ” “ Aw, I dunno, ” sighed Annie, sort of bewildered.
mdp.39015059415839She regarded him curiously now, and went on: “ What do you mean?"
mdp.39015059415839She said:"What do you want?'
mdp.39015059415839She was enjoying talking to him, hearing him talk to her; but all she said to his last words was a simple:"No? ” “ I do not.
mdp.39015059415839She's a white woman, is n't she? ” “ Of course, but Mrs. Wingate is a very rich woman, under- stand?"
mdp.39015059415839She's a white woman, is n't she? ” “ Of course, but Mrs. Wingate is a very rich woman, under- stand?"
mdp.39015059415839So I left him standing there in the gas station, looking after me sadly — just like he had been badly hurt- yet was he not?
mdp.39015059415839So I wonder what they do for social intercourse?
mdp.39015059415839So how could he, after he has heard the story, think less well of you? ” “ But I do n't want him to know it — that is, just now.
mdp.39015059415839So what?"
mdp.39015059415839So which one?
mdp.39015059415839So why do you keep threatening to let me down?"
mdp.39015059415839So why does the great American press condemn Mr. Micheaux's books just because he chooses to portray the facts to some degree as they exist?
mdp.39015059415839So why does the great American press condemn Mr. Micheaux's books just because he chooses to portray the facts to some degree as they exist?
mdp.39015059415839So why was it unprofitable for him to produce them?"
mdp.39015059415839Start looking for your man?"
mdp.39015059415839Still, we have n't kicked, have we?
mdp.39015059415839Supposin'we git du truck and drive out thaiuh and see what's happened? ” “ Ah’m wid yuh.
mdp.39015059415839THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 133 Then how come them getting so mixed up with Ne-"No?
mdp.39015059415839THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 245 “ What do you mean by'too bad?'
mdp.39015059415839THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 293 We want to make our play seem real, understand? ”.
mdp.39015059415839THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 41 “ Did you know that the Williams run a- whorehouse? ” She started, turned to him.
mdp.39015059415839Tell me more about it?"
mdp.39015059415839That was not the name he was called when she introduced him to me. ”"No? ”"Oh, no.
mdp.39015059415839That's you. ”"How much will my cut be?
mdp.39015059415839The Com- missioner came forward with outstretched hand to greet Le Baron, with:"Where'n hell have you been for months, Le Baron?"
mdp.39015059415839The Commissioner wants to see you. ”"You mean Walton? ”"Not La Guardia.
mdp.39015059415839The one I admire most of all is old Doctor Carter's son. ”"Beryl, eh?
mdp.39015059415839The one about the white woman who fell in love and got mixed up with a Negro, and in the end married him?"
mdp.39015059415839Then from where had come that sound he heard?
mdp.39015059415839Then he did own the building, eh?"
mdp.39015059415839Then how would her story end?
mdp.39015059415839Then raising her eyes, looked up at me and repeated:'Did n't you understand what I meant, Lonnie?
mdp.39015059415839Then smiling, jokingly, he turned to Le Baron and said:"But you can shoot craps, Le Baron? ”"It's the simplest game in the world to learn.
mdp.39015059415839Then somebody said:'Why do n't someone call the police?'
mdp.39015059415839Then somebody said:'Why do n't someone call the police?'
mdp.39015059415839Then there was nothing in his talking to them when I drove in that would in any way associate him in their connection?
mdp.39015059415839Then what is he and who is he? ” She sighed — then recoiled violently as she thought about something else, which frightened her.
mdp.39015059415839Then what possessed her to give up that- and marry a Negro? ”"She was a widow.
mdp.39015059415839Then you think that he may still be in the United States?
mdp.39015059415839There are 100,000, perhaps even more, who reside across the river in Brook- lyn alone. ” “ Really? ” she asked, innocently.
mdp.39015059415839There is something infinite in your face. ” “ Infinite? ” “ More.
mdp.39015059415839They did n't know what they were doing. ”"Were any of them indicted in connection with the failures? ” inquired Le Baron.
mdp.39015059415839They got into the car and drove away. ”"Did she have on her mink coat? ”"No,"replied Ransom.
mdp.39015059415839They pull at and paw over them and — even give them their little money, when they have any, so what can be expected? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Think of something easier. ”"Then stay in there for half an hour. ” “ How'm ah goin'know when the ha'f houh is up?"
mdp.39015059415839This damned nigger here? ” “ Oh, Mr. Van Revel! ” Lizzie cried and started toward him.
mdp.39015059415839This damned nigger here? ” “ Oh, Mr. Van Revell ” Lizzie cried and started toward him.
mdp.39015059415839To see if you were in and if you plan to still be in your office around, say, about four o'clock? ”"I guess so, Connie, ” he called back.
mdp.39015059415839Took place while you were away. ” “ A murder case, huh?
mdp.39015059415839Trail bad men who break the law?
mdp.39015059415839Was Johnson married? ”"No,"said Williams, shaking his head.
mdp.39015059415839Was he coming in or was he not?
mdp.39015059415839Was it because in some way, she did not trust the man?
mdp.39015059415839Was it possible that she might add to it this meeting with him, and some of the many things he had said; some of the many questions he had asked?
mdp.39015059415839We ca n't afford to make mistakes, understand? ” “ I do.
mdp.39015059415839We have plenty of them — even in Memphis, as white as the whitest woman back there, so what? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Well, I'll get on with what I started to say. ” “ What was that? ” from Lizzie.
mdp.39015059415839Well, what happened, or has happened? ”"You,"he said, and smiled.
mdp.39015059415839Well, what?"
mdp.39015059415839Well, ” Dorothy went on,"You say that he is doing much better for himself in the book business? ”"Oh, much better!
mdp.39015059415839Were he and his white wife at the party? ”"No.
mdp.39015059415839Were you able to get a photograph of the guy anywhere?
mdp.39015059415839What I am curious to know is, what was it? ” She laughed openly now, a laugh she did not mean; but he thought she did and bit his lip in vexation.
mdp.39015059415839What about a little game now- right now?"
mdp.39015059415839What about you?'
mdp.39015059415839What action, dear? ” “ Your action, just before I asked you if you were ill? ” “ Oh, ” he cried, and smiled.
mdp.39015059415839What action, dear? ” “ Your action, just before I asked you if you were ill? ” “ Oh, ” he cried, and smiled.
mdp.39015059415839What are you doing out here?
mdp.39015059415839What are you talking about, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839What circumstances?
mdp.39015059415839What did he look like, anyhow, and was he a young man, middle- aged or what?
mdp.39015059415839What did he mean? ” “ That's why I asked you to come here and why I want you to talk with me. ” “ About what?"
mdp.39015059415839What did he mean? ” “ That's why I asked you to come here and why I want you to talk with me. ” “ About what?"
mdp.39015059415839What did you mean by what you just said? ”.
mdp.39015059415839What do you know, if anything, about him? ”.
mdp.39015059415839What do you mean by'doing anything with dice that he wanted to?'”.
mdp.39015059415839What do you mean'not alone'? ”"Just what I say, brother.
mdp.39015059415839What do you mean? ” “ Take you now,"he said, permitting his eyes to linger in hers for a moment,"and your family.
mdp.39015059415839What do you pro- pose? ” She paused and was thoughtful a moment.
mdp.39015059415839What do you propose to do?
mdp.39015059415839What do you think of his marry- ing a white woman anyhow? ”"Well, I do n't know just what to say, ” said Le Baron, and hesitated thoughtfully.
mdp.39015059415839What do you want to talk about?"
mdp.39015059415839What does he want to see me about?"
mdp.39015059415839What does this mean?
mdp.39015059415839What does this mean?
mdp.39015059415839What ever gave you such an idea, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839What ever possessed you to call me at such a late hour? ” She was suddenly anxious, fearing some invisible something.
mdp.39015059415839What for? ”"Something very important- most important."
mdp.39015059415839What happened?"
mdp.39015059415839What has that to do with this deal? ”.
mdp.39015059415839What he then talked about was me. ” “ You? ” Bob repeated, pointing a finger and looking at her.
mdp.39015059415839What influence on Zacarrio did that have? ”"Plenty!
mdp.39015059415839What is on your mind? ” “ You, as usual, ” he said playfully, but meant it.
mdp.39015059415839What is the joke, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839What kind of a man are you, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839What now? ”.
mdp.39015059415839What shall I do? ”"I'll call our Doctor, right here in the building.
mdp.39015059415839What the hell were we talking about, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839What time do you want me to?"
mdp.39015059415839What time is it anyhow? ”.
mdp.39015059415839What time shall I tell him that you will be here? ”, said the secretary, and waited for his reply.
mdp.39015059415839What was that? ”"That's what I do n't quite understand.
mdp.39015059415839What was the matter? ” Connie shrugged her shoulders and her expression was odd.
mdp.39015059415839What will I do when you- go away? ”"I do n't know, darling.
mdp.39015059415839What will become of me with you showering so much affection on me?
mdp.39015059415839What you think?"
mdp.39015059415839What'll be my cut?
mdp.39015059415839What's New York coming to, anyhow? ” “ That's what's going on."
mdp.39015059415839What's got you looking that way, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839What's the matter, Junius?
mdp.39015059415839What's the matter?
mdp.39015059415839What's up, anyhow? ” “ Oh, nothing in particular, ” she said with feigned carelessness.
mdp.39015059415839What's your last name? ” “ Stanfield. ” “ O- o- h! ” he cried.
mdp.39015059415839Whatever can you be thinking of? ” Le Baron smiled, and digressed to explain what he meant.
mdp.39015059415839When I lifted the receiver to my ear, I got another surprise, for it was Bob Martin. ” “ Oh, Bob? ” he said, and waited.
mdp.39015059415839When I see him, I'll explain why I am late. ” “ You will? ” she suggested, oddly.
mdp.39015059415839Where did you find such a- specimen? ”, and turning to Issh, all but laughed out loud.
mdp.39015059415839Where did you get the photographs any- how?
mdp.39015059415839Where had the Negro hidden himself?
mdp.39015059415839Where was Johnson, which was his real name, if you did n't happen to know, at that time?"
mdp.39015059415839Who could be calling her at such a hour?
mdp.39015059415839Who else can you consider? ”.
mdp.39015059415839Who is the girl friend? ” Bob shook his head deprecatingly, whereupon Le Baron's smile grew bigger.
mdp.39015059415839Who's been up to mischief now?"
mdp.39015059415839Whom are you referring to, anyhow? ” tested Bob, looking as innocent as a babe.
mdp.39015059415839Whom do you work for? ”"Myself, sweetheart.
mdp.39015059415839Whom would I be thinking of? ”"Now, now, Dorothy,"he chided, kindly.
mdp.39015059415839Whom you have never seen before? ”"I'm so sorry,"he said kindly.
mdp.39015059415839Whut wuz Corn- bread's alibi; his'scuse? ”"Said he had a twitchin'in one ob his eyes. ” Again all laughed and struck each other.
mdp.39015059415839Why about you?".
mdp.39015059415839Why are n't you dressed for the party?
mdp.39015059415839Why did n't you do so when I came in? ”"Because you — frightened me so by your- condition, ” she said, hesitatingly.
mdp.39015059415839Why do his books sell so well?
mdp.39015059415839Why do his books sell so well?
mdp.39015059415839Why do n't you go down and meet him and — and bring him here and let us all drive out to Forest City? ”"Great! ” exclaimed Bob.
mdp.39015059415839Why do n't you tell me now?"
mdp.39015059415839Why do n't you tell me?
mdp.39015059415839Why have you waited so long?"
mdp.39015059415839Why not go on and tell me about this girl?
mdp.39015059415839Why the delay, I'm certainly not the only detective in New York?
mdp.39015059415839Why were they so strong for him?"
mdp.39015059415839Why, Dorothy, what's the matter?
mdp.39015059415839Why? ” “ Because I'd like for you to come down to the office."
mdp.39015059415839Will you go, darling?"
mdp.39015059415839Will you have dinner with me, also, darling?"
mdp.39015059415839Will you please try to explain to me when and why you have reached such an- inglorious decision?"
mdp.39015059415839Will you try to, Walter? ” “ I shall do even more than that, darling.
mdp.39015059415839Will you wish to, honey?".
mdp.39015059415839Women whom you do n't know?
mdp.39015059415839Wonduh wha''es been? ”"In jail, ” the other answered, without a smile.
mdp.39015059415839Would he ever see her again?
mdp.39015059415839Would n't it be a glorious thing if one had to go insane, to do so in the arms of one you love as much as I do you?"
mdp.39015059415839Yesterday, it was what I thought I did n't want you to do, but this morning, ” “-this morning?
mdp.39015059415839You are a detective?"
mdp.39015059415839You believe that I will, do n't you dear? ”,"I would not offer to tell you if I did not trust you — and, im- plicitly, dear.
mdp.39015059415839You could n't, perhaps, permit me to sign for one of those you say you've planned for next week?"
mdp.39015059415839You did want to see and talk with me about something, did you not? ” “ Why, of course, Bob.
mdp.39015059415839You know that by now, do n't you, dear? ” “ Yes, Walter, and I ca n't find words to explain how happy it has made me.
mdp.39015059415839You know that you're a sucker for good- looking boys and your crying proves it?"
mdp.39015059415839You know what that means?".
mdp.39015059415839You mean that he is- dead? ”.
mdp.39015059415839You might have avoided this had you not been so'sassy,'as he put it. ” “ What do you mean, Henry, dear?"
mdp.39015059415839You must be married, of course?"
mdp.39015059415839You must have been thinking of something that happened a long time ago; or was it about somebody, perhaps?
mdp.39015059415839You say that the funeral is- Sunday? ” “ Sunday, two p. m. ”"Very well then.
mdp.39015059415839You say that you are here in search of a murderer? ”.
mdp.39015059415839You say that you trailed the murderer into Memphis?
mdp.39015059415839You say, however, that he is not any of those things I just suggested? ”"By no means, no, Dorothy.
mdp.39015059415839You under- stand that, do n't you, dear? ” “ Of course, but you women, you women!
mdp.39015059415839You're not cheating on the regular one?"
mdp.39015059415839You're not plan- ning to do so, too, are you?
mdp.39015059415839“ A licensed physician signs a death certificate...""And?"
mdp.39015059415839“ About him?
mdp.39015059415839“ About him? ” Bob exclaimed, excitedly.
mdp.39015059415839“ About something?"
mdp.39015059415839“ After you returned and saw Mrs. Stribling's car in the garage, what did you do? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ After you saw Bob Saturday, what did you do then?
mdp.39015059415839“ Ah agrees, Doctor Stanfield. ” Stanfield turned to Brown and said:"You're a witness to his promise, Brown? ” Brown nodded in the affirmative.
mdp.39015059415839“ Ah, I understand now! ” cried Bob, shaking his head, then looking across at Le Baron, cried: “ Understand what he means, Walter?"
mdp.39015059415839“ And his wife. ” “ What about? ” “ Dear Bob, ” she said, turning to him,"how would I know?
mdp.39015059415839“ And his wife. ” “ What about? ” “ Dear Bob, ” she said, turning to him,"how would I know?
mdp.39015059415839“ And not Nathan's? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ And now, precious, ” she said, relaxing into a moment of soberness,"Just how long do you plan to be in Memphis, anyhow?
mdp.39015059415839“ And several others around here. ” “ The dirty, lying little sonofabitch! ” “ Why are you so bitter regarding Zacarrio?"
mdp.39015059415839“ And she charges him with raping her?"
mdp.39015059415839“ And she was n't no — whore when he married her? ” “ Gracious, no, Annie! ” exclaimed Mrs. Austin, shocked.
mdp.39015059415839“ And that was one of his weaknesses?"
mdp.39015059415839“ And the other bank's personnel?
mdp.39015059415839“ And why not? ” Bob wanted to know, turning upon him.
mdp.39015059415839“ And why? ” he said and turned to her in surprise.
mdp.39015059415839“ And you have trailed him right up to Memphis??
mdp.39015059415839“ And you have trailed him right up to Memphis??
mdp.39015059415839“ And you love me, too, do n't you Dorothy? ” She fell to weeping again but nodded her head in assent as she did so.
mdp.39015059415839“ And you said that I seemed — ill? ” “ You most assuredly did. ”"I'm surprised.
mdp.39015059415839“ And you saw him over there only a few hours before Van Revel drove by and picked her up?
mdp.39015059415839“ Are you in the habit of becoming interested in — strange women?
mdp.39015059415839“ Are you sure that you would, dear?
mdp.39015059415839“ Are you well, Connie? ” “ Quite well, Walter.
mdp.39015059415839“ Because the most up there — are black? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ Before we started to Forest City?"
mdp.39015059415839“ But I'd be willing to lay a bet that I am right, anyhow. ” “ What? ” She asked, breaking off abruptly in her pretended laughter.
mdp.39015059415839“ But is he a- normal man, meaning, if you do n't catch my drift, rational?
mdp.39015059415839“ But she did n't, did she? ” Le Baron looked at her and smiled.
mdp.39015059415839“ But should n't I tell you what happened after Mr. Elliott left? ” Helen said, looking from first one to the other.
mdp.39015059415839“ But should n't I tell you what happened after Mr. Elliott left? ” Helen said, looking from first one to the other.
mdp.39015059415839“ But that does not alter what I see. ” Why was he so persistent?
mdp.39015059415839“ But why did you do it? ” she cried.
mdp.39015059415839“ Ca n't you guess? ” she asked, her eyes a bit coquettish.
mdp.39015059415839“ Can you see the river?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Did he hurt himself badly? ” “ I do n't know, Arthur.
mdp.39015059415839“ Did you choke her in the hall when she came out, as she testified that you did? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ Did you say something, Bob?
mdp.39015059415839“ Do you have more than one? ” “ Two, ” she said.
mdp.39015059415839“ Do you — like it? ”"Not at all, no!
mdp.39015059415839“ Do you — think we should- leave him there, Doctor? ”"Sure! ” said the Doctor, firmly, a frown on his face.
mdp.39015059415839“ Does he happen, as far as you might know, to have a- sister?
mdp.39015059415839“ Does you reckon dat he's plan- ing tu git rid ob Sam by not diggin''i m up?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Dorothy?"
mdp.39015059415839“ For the way you chose to misunderstand me. ” “ What do you expect? ” “ Nothing, I guess.
mdp.39015059415839“ Gambling, eh?
mdp.39015059415839“ Get in a coffin an'I ai n't daid? ” Sam cried, again springing to his feet excitedly.
mdp.39015059415839“ Had she been going with some Negro on the side?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Had there been any other superintendants on the job since you started working here? ”"Perhaps a dozen during the past two years.
mdp.39015059415839“ Hello? ” “ Hello,"somebody said, a bit hesitantly, but not so hesitantly that she failed to recognize the voice.
mdp.39015059415839“ How come? ” “ He jes'ain'come home, dats all. ” “ Is dat so? ” After a thought, “'Scuse me.
mdp.39015059415839“ How come? ” “ He jes'ain'come home, dats all. ” “ Is dat so? ” After a thought, “'Scuse me.
mdp.39015059415839“ How do you do? ”"I'm fine, Walter.
mdp.39015059415839“ How much do you love me, Walter? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ How'd he get into such a thing?
mdp.39015059415839“ How'd he get into such a thing?
mdp.39015059415839“ How'd you know? ” they inquired simul- taneously.
mdp.39015059415839“ How? ”"He was there for service, on his way, perhaps, to meet you at the New Daisy."
mdp.39015059415839“ I ca n't even hear myself now. ” Bob leaned over and into Dorothy's ear: “ You're wondering if he's married? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ I have a contact man here who teaches in the colored high school. ” “ Oh, you have? ”"I have, Miss Stanfield.
mdp.39015059415839“ I still do n't understand what you mean? ”"Because Doctor Thurston has since died. ” “ Died?
mdp.39015059415839“ I still do n't understand what you mean? ”"Because Doctor Thurston has since died. ” “ Died?
mdp.39015059415839“ I was saying that he said my face was familiar. ”"Why did he say that?
mdp.39015059415839“ I wonder if he knows it, also? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ I've always longed to travel- but then I suppose most everyone would like to. ” “ Have you been out of Memphis often? ” he asked her now.
mdp.39015059415839“ In a gas station? ” echoed Bob, lying nobly.
mdp.39015059415839“ In jail? ” asked the first speaker.
mdp.39015059415839“ Is n't it beautiful?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Is n't this great fun? ” he cried, turning to her.
mdp.39015059415839“ Is that so? ” Le Baron said, and was immediately all interest.
mdp.39015059415839“ Is that so? ” “ Yes, ” said Bob.
mdp.39015059415839“ Is that you? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ Is that you?"
mdp.39015059415839“ It did n't happen to be about me?"
mdp.39015059415839“ It happened, in fact, in a gas station. ”"In a gas station?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Just about when did he start going with this Lizzie, as they called her? ” Bob asked.
mdp.39015059415839“ Just what are his plans to do these things, Issh? ” inquired the Doctor a bit coldly.
mdp.39015059415839“ Just what do you mean, anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Me?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Must you insist?
mdp.39015059415839“ My action?
mdp.39015059415839“ My wife notices it and keeps pestering me with'What's the matter, Junius?
mdp.39015059415839“ Not afraid of me like you were last night? ” “ Oh, darling, no, ” she cried as the blood flushed to her cheeks.
mdp.39015059415839“ Now what's this? ” he cried, and lifted the paper closer to his eyes and studied it carefully.
mdp.39015059415839“ Oh, we? ” “ Well, ” replied Grimes in reply to the'we'as emphasized by the Doctor, “ It's our idea.
mdp.39015059415839“ Only does you all have to — actually bury me? ” “ That will be necessary now and then, Sam; but not often.
mdp.39015059415839“ Per- haps he's a fortune teller?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Protection? ”"Protection from dozens of girls, hustling all over Harlem- by his permission."
mdp.39015059415839“ Really? ” he asked with a pleasant smile, as if at having her recall their meeting.
mdp.39015059415839“ Really? ” “ Yes, really!
mdp.39015059415839“ Really?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Really?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Single, then?"
mdp.39015059415839“ So Walton wants to see me, eh? ” THE STORY OF DOROTHY STANFIELD 137 “ Nobody else.
mdp.39015059415839“ So somebody killed your beautiful neighbor, Ransom?"
mdp.39015059415839“ So wo n't all of you please come into the dining room?"
mdp.39015059415839“ So you waited? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ So you're taking me to meet a lady?
mdp.39015059415839“ So you're taking me to meet a lady?
mdp.39015059415839“ Something? ” exclaimed Bob.
mdp.39015059415839“ Sorry for what? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ Still a trifle suspicious? ”"Perhaps. ” “ You will let me tell you more? ” “ I'll let you tell me everything,"he said.
mdp.39015059415839“ Still a trifle suspicious? ”"Perhaps. ” “ You will let me tell you more? ” “ I'll let you tell me everything,"he said.
mdp.39015059415839“ Suppose we let him sleep awhile longer? ” “ Okay by us, ” replied Grimes, as if speaking for both.
mdp.39015059415839“ That is my card, and I'm from New York. ”"Oh, New York?"
mdp.39015059415839“ That is why he is so successful — and rich! ”"Rich?"
mdp.39015059415839“ The South put the quietus on any more of the kind. ”"What do you mean? ”.
mdp.39015059415839“ The guy's ace- in- the- hole is his ability to master dice. ” “ Master dice?
mdp.39015059415839“ The reason I'm mentioning this, ” Williams went on thought- fully,"is so that you can spot him if and when you find him. ” “ Well?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what did cause you to change your mind? ” he wanted to know.
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what did he talk about? ” “ Take it easy, Bob, and ask me some more questions.
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what did you do? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what did you say?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what do you want to know?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what happened? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what happened?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what happened?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then what?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then who can?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then why did he, a master of all you've said, have to be worka ing as a janitor?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Then you arrived here perhaps the same night? ” “ That's it, dear.
mdp.39015059415839“ This man you seek?
mdp.39015059415839“ To bury somebody still living, not dead at all?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Understand that you had a funeral... How'd things go? ” “ Went off all right, Thurston.
mdp.39015059415839“ Understand what, Dorothy? ” “ That I could n't admit to him that anything had happened to me?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Understand what, Dorothy? ” “ That I could n't admit to him that anything had happened to me?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Well, he was a master of the soft roll, if you know what I mean? ” “ I've heard of it."
mdp.39015059415839“ Well, what are we waiting for? ” cried another and led the way toward the rear, followed by the others, including Sam.
mdp.39015059415839“ Well, what school would you like to go to to take it up?
mdp.39015059415839“ Well, you cheap nigger, has n't she said enough?
mdp.39015059415839“ Well, ” she said, “ Where? ”"I do n't know, madam.
mdp.39015059415839“ Were n't we good enough?
mdp.39015059415839“ Were you- on good terms with Zacarrio?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What about Frank Knight?
mdp.39015059415839“ What about it, you ask me, after what you've just said? ” “ Oh, I see, ” said Dorothy, nodding her head up and down.
mdp.39015059415839“ What about it?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What about the Negroes?
mdp.39015059415839“ What are you telling me?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What are you thinking about?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What became of him?
mdp.39015059415839“ What did Mrs. Stribling say then? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ What did he want?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What did she do then? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ What did she say?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What did you say, Walter?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What did you say, or do? ” A.
mdp.39015059415839“ What did you speak to my brother about? ”"I was making some inquiries.
mdp.39015059415839“ What did you then do? ” A."
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you mean by he was when he is?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you mean by that? ” Walton wanted to know.
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you mean by'he had'anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you mean, Henry?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you mean, driving out to Forest City? ” “ Sure!
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you mean? ” said Le Baron, not seeming to under- stand Bob's statement.
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you mean? ” “ He looks just like you.
mdp.39015059415839“ What do you want me to do, Dorothy?
mdp.39015059415839“ What fo ’?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What happened?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What is your father's name?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What kind of a counterplot? ” inquired Le Baron, listening to every word Ransom spoke, carefully, and unnoticed by Ransom.
mdp.39015059415839“ What kind of a mark? ”"Somewhere during his perhaps hectic career, a man or a woman of his race, no doubt, took a swipe at him with a razor.
mdp.39015059415839“ What something in my face? ” she said and forced an unen- thusiastic smile.
mdp.39015059415839“ What the hell? ” Van Revel finally managed to say, then looked past Elliott to where Lizzie was rising from the floor.
mdp.39015059415839“ What the hell? ” Van Revel finally managed to say, then looked past Elliott to where Lizzie was rising from the floor.
mdp.39015059415839“ What was the immediate cause? ” “ Bad banking.
mdp.39015059415839“ What were we talking about anyhow?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What were you doing in Canton? ”"Just passed through on my way here.
mdp.39015059415839“ What you doin'up dis late?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What's on your mind by now?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What's the matter, kid? ” he said, carelessly.
mdp.39015059415839“ What's the matter?
mdp.39015059415839“ What's up?"
mdp.39015059415839“ What? ” they cried.
mdp.39015059415839“ What?".
mdp.39015059415839“ When they write them a letter, then what? ” “ I know how to have it received.
mdp.39015059415839“ Where were you raised, Professor Stanfield? ” Stanfield shrugged his shoulders without much show of pride.
mdp.39015059415839“ Who's there? ” the Doctor called presently.
mdp.39015059415839“ Whom did he marry?
mdp.39015059415839“ Whom have you in mind?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Why are you laughing? ” he wanted to know.
mdp.39015059415839“ Why do n't yuh ansuh?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Why have n't you dressed for the occasion, Brown? ”"Because I'm not going. ”"Not going? ” the Doctor cried, amazed.
mdp.39015059415839“ Why have n't you dressed for the occasion, Brown? ”"Because I'm not going. ”"Not going? ” the Doctor cried, amazed.
mdp.39015059415839“ Why have you got to do that?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Why? ” “ By what you said-'one of the worst1'I'm quoting you, you understand? ”"Oh, sure,"replied Williams readily.
mdp.39015059415839“ Why? ” “ By what you said-'one of the worst1'I'm quoting you, you understand? ”"Oh, sure,"replied Williams readily.
mdp.39015059415839“ Why?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Will it ever end? ” she asked herself.
mdp.39015059415839“ Winkin'at a white'oman?
mdp.39015059415839“ Wo n't you- join us, brother? ” said one.
mdp.39015059415839“ Would you care to study medicine?
mdp.39015059415839“ Yeah? ” he replied, looking at her curiously.
mdp.39015059415839“ Yes — and, no. ” “ What do you mean by that?"
mdp.39015059415839“ Yes, I remember full well, Bob, but that was then. ”"Then?
mdp.39015059415839“ Yes, but what good does it do when I'm worried half the time and scared stiff the rest?
mdp.39015059415839“ Yes? ” he asked, turning to her anxiously.
mdp.39015059415839“ Yes? ” “ See the buildings, a group of buildings, and the large gate opening this side of them? ” “ Surely. ” “ Well, turn in there."
mdp.39015059415839“ Yes? ” “ See the buildings, a group of buildings, and the large gate opening this side of them? ” “ Surely. ” “ Well, turn in there."
mdp.39015059415839“ You did laugh, did n't you, Dorothy? ” “ I giggled, Walter, like a stupid idiot; but I was laughing at myself.
mdp.39015059415839“ You do like farming, do n't you, Jennifer?"
mdp.39015059415839“ You do n't care to- tell me? ” Glancing up at him, she presently relaxed and shrugged her shoulders.
mdp.39015059415839“ You had n't any suspicion that it contained Zacarrio's body? ” “ Oh, none whatever.
mdp.39015059415839“ You home so soon?
mdp.39015059415839“ You mean, about Walter Le Baron? ” He then, as if to be sure, started to describe him.
mdp.39015059415839“ You mean, they went down before the depression?"
mdp.39015059415839“ You think so? ” from Bob.
mdp.39015059415839“ You think so? ” from Bob.
mdp.39015059415839“ You think so?"
mdp.39015059415839“ You think you would — but you would n't. ” “ How do you know? ” she asked.
mdp.39015059415839“ You — won't- tell him, Bob, maybe? ” He did not answer then.
mdp.39015059415839“ You've come back? ” “ Yessuh, Doctuh Stanfield, ” Sam lied very humbly.
uc1.b3711121* “ Should n't I be?
uc1.b3711121- “ About you asking if she wants to go when she is all but insane to do so. ” “ Really? ” 2.
uc1.b3711121- “ And that is where you attended school? ” “ Yes, Mrs. Wingate. ”- “ There's a state school about fifty miles north of Cairo.
uc1.b3711121- “ Can you — get it?
uc1.b3711121- “ Changes? ” she said, and met his eyes when he raised them from the desk.
uc1.b3711121- “ Did you get the letter? ” inquired Marie.
uc1.b3711121- “ Do I have to tell you again, after all the many times I've told you before, that I am not in love with you or any other woman?
uc1.b3711121- “ From Wyeth! ” she exclaimed “ What do you mean, from Wyeth? ” a “ Just what I say.
uc1.b3711121- “ Have what?
uc1.b3711121- “ How come?
uc1.b3711121- “ No, Watson? ” “ Naw, man.
uc1.b3711121- “ Should n't that be enough to convince you of the logic of mak- ing such a picture, Wyeth? ” said Schultz, leaning forward.
uc1.b3711121- “ Then what happened? ” She asked.
uc1.b3711121- “ What's it all about? ” cried Mrs.
uc1.b3711121- “ Who ’s been fooling you? ” He asked rather bluntly.
uc1.b3711121- “ Why? ” she exclaimed.
uc1.b3711121- “ You went to him and told him that you loved him, did n't you, Edrina, which meant that you did n't love me, now is n't that so?
uc1.b3711121. ” said Wyeth, “ Everything, Mr. Wyeth. ” “ And are satisfied? ” THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE 413 “ I ’m satisfied.
uc1.b3711121232 THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE “ How did you know that I was in it? ” “ I saw it, ” he replied calmly.
uc1.b3711121250 THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE 251 “ But the pay, I – ” “ Who said anything about pay? ” said Bertha.
uc1.b3711121A Doctor of Philosophy. ” “ And you are a Doctor of Philosophy?
uc1.b3711121A colored girl, highly educated and intelligent, critical, and with a German accent?
uc1.b3711121A little at least? ” He looked down at her.
uc1.b3711121A nice girl like you, riding all over the country with a- man? ” “ I want to go.
uc1.b3711121A white woman, and a Southerner, friendly with a- colored man? ” Heinrich shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
uc1.b3711121A white woman, you say? ”- “ A very pretty white woman, rich, dignified and refined. ” “ Indeed.
uc1.b3711121According to the story, she seemed like a good girl? ” “ She was. ” “ Is that so? ” exclaimed Bertha again, all interest.
uc1.b3711121According to the story, she seemed like a good girl? ” “ She was. ” “ Is that so? ” exclaimed Bertha again, all interest.
uc1.b3711121All he did was to turn to her slightly and inquire: “ Who said I did n't like shows?
uc1.b3711121All the advances?
uc1.b3711121All the people have n't filthy minds like you imply, so what if he does have the chorus girls display their bodies?
uc1.b3711121Always, ” Bertha complained, “ he is out — gone before I reach the office, so what?
uc1.b3711121And the girl he wrote at such length about? ” “ That was his wife. ”- “ Oh, my l’exclaimed Bertha, her eyes opening wide.
uc1.b3711121Anyway, answering your first question, ‘ what do I think of the Jews'?
uc1.b3711121Are n't they still making pictures? ” 90 THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE “ Hell, naw! ” exclaimed Wyeth.
uc1.b3711121Are n't you going to report them to the FBI?"
uc1.b3711121Are there any instructions you wish to give us? ” “ Yes, ” she said, faintly.
uc1.b3711121Are there any of them being shown in New York now?
uc1.b3711121Are you out of the picture business altogether?
uc1.b3711121Are you sure it was not to see Thompson?
uc1.b3711121Are you sure that you would like to help him that way? ” “ I tell you, darling Marie, I would like to help him in any way.
uc1.b3711121Are you sure you'd be willing to put up with all that? ” “ It is exactly what I would like to do.
uc1.b3711121Are you — falling for Mr. Wyeth? ” He looked at her quickly, curiously.
uc1.b3711121As I see it, he's going to have an easy time of it when the time does come. ” “ Why so? ”- “ Because nobody will be watching him.
uc1.b3711121At least I have n't seen any? ” “ No, I have n't. ” “ Why? ” “ Oh, dear, that's a long story — too long for us to go into now.
uc1.b3711121At least I have n't seen any? ” “ No, I have n't. ” “ Why? ” “ Oh, dear, that's a long story — too long for us to go into now.
uc1.b3711121At the first opportunity. ” “ Meanwhile, does she seem to — like Mr. Wyeth? ” “ I think so. ” “ You think so.
uc1.b3711121At the rate they are being sunk, how in hell are they ever going to catch up?
uc1.b3711121Be as nice to him as I can be? ” “ Sounds a bit suspicious to me, ” he muttered, not entirely satis- fied.
uc1.b3711121Because — ” “ — what? ” “ Be — because he thought she was a-white girl. ” “ Oh, ” he exclaimed, and smiled.
uc1.b3711121Being proud of your country, I presume that you, as most Germans, are given to reading a great deal, Herr Schultz? ” queried the Baron.
uc1.b3711121Better be careful, Kermit, that gal's dynamite. ” “ What do you mean, dynamite? ’ “ She's as hot as hell.
uc1.b3711121But I want to go with Mr. Wyeth on this trip. ” “ Are you losing your mind?
uc1.b3711121But I've just got to get this off my chest. ” “ What is it that you want to ask, Mrs. Wingate? ” said Wyeth, calmly, evenly.
uc1.b3711121But has she said anything about feeling him out? ” said Kermit.
uc1.b3711121But in the past, as I understand it, it rather strained you to- finance your pictures, did it not? ” “ Strained me?
uc1.b3711121But in the past, as I understand it, it rather strained you to- finance your pictures, did it not? ” “ Strained me?
uc1.b3711121But since you brought it up, just what happened, anyhow? ” “ The police had to come and escort him away.
uc1.b3711121But supposing the show began to totter, to waver and threaten to fail?
uc1.b3711121But there is a doctor who will come to see you. ” “ What doctor, dear?
uc1.b3711121But what if I did?
uc1.b3711121But where, and about what? ” “ Your book. ” “ My book? ” “ Your book. ” “ Which one? ” “ Which one P ” she asked.
uc1.b3711121But where, and about what? ” “ Your book. ” “ My book? ” “ Your book. ” “ Which one? ” “ Which one P ” she asked.
uc1.b3711121But where, and about what? ” “ Your book. ” “ My book? ” “ Your book. ” “ Which one? ” “ Which one P ” she asked.
uc1.b3711121But why?
uc1.b3711121Ca n't you — get the money? ” She was getting close to what she wanted to talk about now.
uc1.b3711121Can a girl promise more? ” “ No, Edrina, she can not, ” he said and sighed, deeply, like he was getting tired.
uc1.b3711121Could n't that be arranged? ” “ But you are already employed, you already have a job, ” Bertha shrugged her shoulders.
uc1.b3711121Could you tell me, perhaps, why? ” Marie shrugged her shoulders.
uc1.b3711121Decidedly academic. ” “ Not material, industrial, commercial or economic? ” “ No, it was not, ” he said.
uc1.b3711121Did he like it?
uc1.b3711121Did he say? ” “ I do n't think anybody but Mr. Wyeth and his secretary.
uc1.b3711121Did the Jew go from the shores of persecuted Europe, as he claims, and make conquest of anything?
uc1.b3711121Did you ever meet her? ” “ Yes, I met her.
uc1.b3711121Do I remember it?
uc1.b3711121Do n't know just why? ” “ And it's been a long time since I ’ve seen you, too, Mr. Wyeth. ” He then introduced Schultz.
uc1.b3711121Do n't you think it's nice and roomy?
uc1.b3711121Do n't you think she is beautiful? ” “ Well, ” said Kermit, after a moments thought, “ come to picture her, I suppose so. ” “ She is.
uc1.b3711121Do n't you think that is very reasonable? ” “ Yes, fair enough. ” “ Then supposing you take it under advisement.
uc1.b3711121Do n't you understand?
uc1.b3711121Do they know many people? ” Kermit was thoughtful for a moment, shook his head.
uc1.b3711121Do we?
uc1.b3711121Do you believe that? ” said Schultz.
uc1.b3711121Do you know, Kermit? ” He was silent.
uc1.b3711121Do you like it? ” tº He shrugged his shoulders carelessly.
uc1.b3711121Do you mind telling us something about yourself?
uc1.b3711121Do you think she would really like to go? ” He asked, a bit anxiously Marie laughed, kept on laughing.
uc1.b3711121Does he hate Jews? ” “ I have n’t taken the matter up with Kermit, but I will.
uc1.b3711121Does that suit you? ” “ Yes, maam. ” He turned now and placed a hand on the knob.
uc1.b3711121Early then? ” “ Sure.
uc1.b3711121Early, would you say? ” “ I ’d say about two years younger.
uc1.b3711121Early, “ That — that they will — publish our pictures in — the papers? ” “ Every paper from here to San Francisco, Mrs.
uc1.b3711121Early? ” “ She's his girl friend. ”- “ Oh, his girl friend.
uc1.b3711121Ever been around them much? ” Bertha shook her head in the negative.
uc1.b3711121Ever been to Augusta 2"“ On the Chattahoochee?
uc1.b3711121Exactly, then, what did she want? ”~ THE CASE OF MIRS.
uc1.b3711121For instance, ” “ What? ” “ Have you noticed that a very large number of the screen actors lately are English? ” said he.
uc1.b3711121For instance, ” “ What? ” “ Have you noticed that a very large number of the screen actors lately are English? ” said he.
uc1.b3711121For what? ” He smiled down into her eyes.
uc1.b3711121For — me? ” He turned to look at her, not making reply at once for no reason that he could understand.
uc1.b3711121From Atlanta. ” “ Is n't that a bit — unusual?
uc1.b3711121From a shoe shine boy to a- what? ” “ Not so fast, Baron Otto, ” laughed Schultz.
uc1.b3711121Furthermore, instead of being in his way, I could — help him. ” “ Help him? ” cried Marie.
uc1.b3711121Get it off your chest and your mind. ” “ How do you feel about the Jewish situation, the Jews themselves, I mean? ” inquired Early.
uc1.b3711121Had you con- sidered where? ” “ No, dear, because I was planning to call it finis when I get my master.
uc1.b3711121Has n't anybody ever told you that you have before? ” He was forced to smile again, but said nothing.
uc1.b3711121Has she tiied to do anything? ” THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE 373 “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121Have always liked it, although New York is a freer city for Negroes to live in now. ”- “ You think so? ” queried Early.
uc1.b3711121Have n't you ever did that? ” “ Of course I have, silly.
uc1.b3711121He ca n't help his condition — ” “ And since matters are going along as well as they are, why upset them? ” said he.
uc1.b3711121He developed it into a nice business, and took Thompson along to assist him. ” “ Assist him, eh? ” said Bertha.
uc1.b3711121He followed her “ I ’ll take it up with them today. ” “ Who have they invited to dinner, other than us?
uc1.b3711121He has n’t been inclined to trust me. ” “ Why? ” he said, looking straight at her.
uc1.b3711121He is n't a man that runs around or keeps women like most show men. ” “ No? ” “ Oh, no.
uc1.b3711121He knew that Marie was Wyeth's stenographer, but who was the other girl?
uc1.b3711121He looked hard at her, and managed to say: “ Why, Miss Florence — what — do you mean? ” Again she re- laxed.
uc1.b3711121He seems to be a sort of pacifist in spirit, does n't hate anybody. ” “ Well, what are you going to do about it?
uc1.b3711121He shook his head dumbly but managed to smile, “ I do n't know. ” “ You do n't know?
uc1.b3711121He turned and looked at her a moment be- fore answering “ It's closing. ” “ Closing? ” she echoed, startled- like.
uc1.b3711121He was mixed up with them while I was writing my book in Chicago, two years ago. ” “ And you knew? ” “ Of course I did, Marie.
uc1.b3711121He's interesting. ” “ Is he — good looking? ” “ Plain, ” said Kermit.
uc1.b3711121He's very plain and unassuming. ” “ Is he? ” “ Yes, ” replied Marie.
uc1.b3711121Heinrich will be able to work without being suspected or molested. ” “ Just what do you think he's likely to do, as a starter, for in- stance?
uc1.b3711121His hotel. ” “ What time, I mean, at what hour? ” “ Nine o'clock.
uc1.b3711121His office is down on Railroad Avenue. ” “ A nigger Doctor?
uc1.b3711121How are you anyhow? ” “ Oh just fine, Miss Florence, just fine. ” “ You look it.
uc1.b3711121How are you getting along in school? ” “ I expect to graduate six months ahead of schedule. ” “ Wonderful, ” she cried and beamed.
uc1.b3711121How are you, dear? ” After writing her such a letter, now he was talking so nicely.
uc1.b3711121How did it all start, and where? ” “ Schultz and I talked about it the day we met downtown and he told me that her husband had been killed.
uc1.b3711121How do the colored people feel about the way they're treated here in New York? ” asked Schiller.
uc1.b3711121How do they seem to be getting along? ” said Bertha.
uc1.b3711121How does he feel?
uc1.b3711121How far did Mr. Wyeth go in school? ” said Bertha.
uc1.b3711121How is Mr. Wingate? ” “ Fine.
uc1.b3711121How much? ”- “ I do n't know, Heinrich. ” He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
uc1.b3711121How'd you like it? ” He shrugged his shoulders, and they caught his complete reaction.
uc1.b3711121I could help you, to some degree, but it is not convenient at this time. ” “ What do you mean?
uc1.b3711121I do n't hate anybody. ” “ After all they did to spoil your business? ” “ They did n't go into it to hurt me; to put me out of business.
uc1.b3711121I had a hard time making her understand that he was only a figure of speech; that the term meant lynching. ”- “ Then what?
uc1.b3711121I had something I wanted to talk to her about. ” “ What, for instance? ” “ My trip. ” “ Oh, your trip.
uc1.b3711121I have n't asked you to — to go to bed with me, have I? ” She nodded her head in agreement.
uc1.b3711121I keep on askin ’ ‘ how much a pound?'
uc1.b3711121I knew they did, not only in Germany but all over Europe, even a great deal in England. ” “ Is that so? ” cried Marie, in surprise.
uc1.b3711121I liked it. ” “ Really, or are you just saying that to make me feel good? ” “ Oh, Mr. Wyeth, no.
uc1.b3711121I love a colored man and have been in love with him for ten years, ten years, understand?
uc1.b3711121I married a man by the name of Wingate. ” “ Oh, you did?
uc1.b3711121I mean, in Wakefield? ” “ Oh, Miss Florence, ” he cried.
uc1.b3711121I mean, just you and I?
uc1.b3711121I remember it all now. ” “ And who won? ” inquired Early, smiling at one, then the other.
uc1.b3711121I saw a whole stack there the other day. ” “ Where is the office? ” said Bertha.
uc1.b3711121I suppose, after all, however, that I ’m not the first white woman to marry a colored man? ” “ No, dear.
uc1.b3711121I use to hunt every fall when I was a boy — until I left home. ” “ And where is your home, Mr. Wyeth?
uc1.b3711121I want to please you, understand? ” She nodded her head and found something to fix at on his coat, 102 THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE vest, tie or shirt.
uc1.b3711121I want to select something to get married in. ” “ I ’m due to meet Heinrich downtown today. ” “ Downtown, eh?
uc1.b3711121I wanted to see you. ” “ Did you, sweetheart? ” 126 THE CASE OF MIRS.
uc1.b3711121I was to an affair they gave out there once. ” “ Was it — interesting? ” she asked, curiously.
uc1.b3711121I wonder where I can get a copy? ” “ At any book store, I guess, ” said Mrs. Wingate.
uc1.b3711121I wonder why? ” She was silent a moment, and he turned to look at her.
uc1.b3711121I would, however, like to know more about you. ” “ Then why not ask?
uc1.b3711121I — I think you're — in love with him. ” “ I — am — what? ” she started and cried out, shocked- like.
uc1.b3711121I ’d like to be around when you and her meet. ” “ Has she met Thompson? ” He asked.
uc1.b3711121I ’ll be anxious to witness it now myself. ” “ What sort of looking woman is this Mrs. Wingate? ” said Wyeth.
uc1.b3711121I'd like to meet him anyhow. ” “ Meantime, what does your sister say about him? ” “ Plenty.
uc1.b3711121I'm cold, almost frozen and unless you save me, I will surely die. ’ “ ‘ How c'n I save you, Mistah snake?'
uc1.b3711121I'm not sure if I ever want to fool around with it again. ” “ Meaning what? ” asked Kermit.
uc1.b3711121I've been thinking about that all day long; ever since I left you last night. ” “ But you do like me, do n't you, Sidney?
uc1.b3711121I've hoped he'd get a good wife for several reasons. ” “ Among which, for instance? ”- “ That he's on the road to real success at last.
uc1.b3711121I've read it. ” “ What did you think of it? ” “ It was interesting, ” she replied.
uc1.b3711121If a few thousand of our folks could see a picture telling the same kind of story those women have just related, ca n't you see what it would mean?
uc1.b3711121If he had been playing her, then why had n't he gone the limit, at least as far as he could have?
uc1.b3711121If not a process server or the marshal, then who? ” “ The prettiest girl you ever saw. ” “ A pretty girl? ” “ I must change that.
uc1.b3711121If not a process server or the marshal, then who? ” “ The prettiest girl you ever saw. ” “ A pretty girl? ” “ I must change that.
uc1.b3711121If you had real money you could make the kind of pictures you are capable of producing, could n't you?
uc1.b3711121In fact, who has n't heard of Cairo?
uc1.b3711121In short, it just is n't Negroes, is it, Early? ”- “ No, ” admitted Early.
uc1.b3711121In the event that he will not, however, is n't there somebody else? ” Early shook his head in the negative.
uc1.b3711121Is he a Nazi spy, too? ” she said calmly.
uc1.b3711121Is he going to direct the picture? ” Kermit's face fell, his smile died.
uc1.b3711121Is he going to make the picture you and your associates have planned? ” Kermit's face fell.
uc1.b3711121Is it a deal? ’ ” “ Then what did he do? ” asked Schiller, curiously.
uc1.b3711121Is it a deal? ’ ” “ Then what did he do? ” asked Schiller, curiously.
uc1.b3711121Is it because of his — sister? ” “ Oh, no. ”- “ Then why? ”- “ Maybe it's because of America's attitude toward us.
uc1.b3711121Is it because of his — sister? ” “ Oh, no. ”- “ Then why? ”- “ Maybe it's because of America's attitude toward us.
uc1.b3711121Is it because you — don't like shows? ” There it was again.
uc1.b3711121Is it possible that you consider him a friend of the Negro; of ours? ” “ I do n't consider him anything of the kind.
uc1.b3711121Is n't he a man of- means? ” from Carrie, and she glanced across from Edrina to Alice, whose eyes were on Edrina.
uc1.b3711121Is n't he good to you? ” Face still down, eyes hidden, she nodded her head up and down.
uc1.b3711121Is n't that all I can do?
uc1.b3711121Is n't that enough? ” “ It would be — if you meant it, ” he argued.
uc1.b3711121Is n't that some- thing, Betty? ” “ I'm afraid so, Mrs. Adair.
uc1.b3711121Is that right, Sidney, or wrong? ” “ It's right, of course, Edrina.
uc1.b3711121Is that so? ” “ I do n't know. ” He did n't know what else to say.
uc1.b3711121Is that true? ” “ I guess so.
uc1.b3711121Is that where you got your college training? ” Marie laughed.
uc1.b3711121Is this the place where it is published? ”- “ Yes, ” replied Marie.
uc1.b3711121It is in all the papers. ’ “ Then you understand, Dr. Johnson? ” “ I understand, Mrs.
uc1.b3711121It is to have a story?
uc1.b3711121It wo n’t ever do, ever. ” “ Why wo n't it? ” she cried, and bouncing up, sat quickly down on his lap.
uc1.b3711121It would n't be because — you do n't care for — women? ”- “ What are you doing, ” he called back.
uc1.b3711121It's brains that count with her. ” “ And he has the brains, you think? ” “ Too much.
uc1.b3711121Just how do they man- age to keep colored people off? ” “ Easily and simply, ” replied Wyeth, calmly.
uc1.b3711121Just what kind of a compromise?
uc1.b3711121Just what was your reaction to it? ” She shrugged her shoulders lightly.
uc1.b3711121Just who is he? ” inquired Bertha, looking from first one then to the other.
uc1.b3711121Just who is the girl?
uc1.b3711121Lowered her eyes to think, then looked up at him: “ And, if I do? ” “ I will never let you down, ” he insisted, earnestly.
uc1.b3711121M- m. A Southerner? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121Maybe I was going to stay in the office all day today. ”- “ With that case of books, ” she said, pointing to it, “ and the car half full?
uc1.b3711121Maybe some of your old friends? ” “ Oh, I do n't care to dig up any.
uc1.b3711121Maybe you recall that they had stationed some colored soldiers from America there? ” “ We remember all about it, my lad, ” said the Baron.
uc1.b3711121Meantime, just about when do you think we'll get away on our trip? ” she wanted to know.
uc1.b3711121Meanwhile, how is Wakefield? ” She started.
uc1.b3711121Meanwhile, suppose I go on a shopping trip downtown?
uc1.b3711121Messed up the business you set in motion years and years ago? ” “ But I do n't hate Jews.
uc1.b3711121Mrs. Wingate is a Southerner, you know. ” “ From Georgia, where they eat Negroes. ” “ What do you mean? ” She seemed curious.
uc1.b3711121Must I make all the over- tures?
uc1.b3711121Not unhappy while in his company, are you? ” “ But I tell you Sidney Wyeth, I do not love the man!
uc1.b3711121Now are you satisfied? ” He nodded, but not too enthusiastically.
uc1.b3711121Now come, ” he said, “ what are you trying to hide? ” He tried to see what it was but she kept on turning so that he could not.
uc1.b3711121Now did you? ” After a brief reflection, Schultz shook his head in the negative.
uc1.b3711121Now do you understand what I am getting at? ” “ I sure do, dear.
uc1.b3711121Now is that all right, dear? ” THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE 429 “ I — I guess it will have to be.
uc1.b3711121Now is that correct? ” “ Absolutely. ” “ Then, Mr. Wyeth, ” she went on, surprisingly intelligent, he thought.
uc1.b3711121Now since she has been so neglectful, why not put her on this job? ” “ Why not? ” agreed Hans.
uc1.b3711121Now since she has been so neglectful, why not put her on this job? ” “ Why not? ” agreed Hans.
uc1.b3711121Now what do you want; what is this all about? ” THE CASE OF MIRS.
uc1.b3711121Now when P ” “ I am not engaged tonight, so can bring it up there around eight o'clock? ”.
uc1.b3711121Now when would you like me to call and begin to check it?
uc1.b3711121Now where is that?
uc1.b3711121Now — will he be back soon? ” “ He wo n't be back at all — that is, not today, ” replied Marie.
uc1.b3711121On this trip you will — ex- ploit your book? ”* “ That is the purpose.
uc1.b3711121One fall, down around Albany. ” “ At Albany?
uc1.b3711121One of the prettiest girls I ever saw, anywhere. ” “ Is she really all that beautiful? ” “ Why of course, Kermit.
uc1.b3711121Only thing. ” “ Now what? ” “ I wish I had told him that I ’d been married. ” “ Oh, forget about it.
uc1.b3711121Otherwise, he asked him- self, why did she have them?
uc1.b3711121Out with it? ” Kermit looked at him as if he did n't care to go any further at the moment, but suddenly said:- “ Then you like Jews, maybe?
uc1.b3711121Out with it? ” Kermit looked at him as if he did n't care to go any further at the moment, but suddenly said:- “ Then you like Jews, maybe?
uc1.b3711121Played every one I've made. ” “ Is that so? ” “ Yes, Mrs. Wingate.
uc1.b3711121Policy and — principle. ” “ Principle? ” “ Yes, Edrina, as I ’ve said over and over again.
uc1.b3711121Presently he turned his eyes towards her and peered at her a moment, oddly,- “ Yes? ” she said.
uc1.b3711121Right away? ” “ Right away, precious. ” “ That's a darling, ” said Bertha, her hopes high.
uc1.b3711121Shall I — get up and — fix you some breakfast? ” “ No, honey.
uc1.b3711121Shall I — wrap it? ” holding her hand out for it.
uc1.b3711121She ai n't going to let any of them fool around and set her up. ” “ Wonder if any has ever got next to her? ” said Kermit.
uc1.b3711121She looked at him, at a loss for a moment what to say, “ What about his sister, I mean, Bertha Schultz?
uc1.b3711121She noticed it and became anxious, “ He has n't agreed to yet. ” “ Why not?
uc1.b3711121She says that she is engaged in research, but did n't say who for. ” “ So you discussed Nature's Child, eh?
uc1.b3711121She seemed to catch some inference from his words “ in for the season now. ” Then he must know, or did he know?
uc1.b3711121She seems quite talkative. ” “ Is that so? ” “ Seems to want to. ” “ Do you think Kermit would object? ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121She seems quite talkative. ” “ Is that so? ” “ Seems to want to. ” “ Do you think Kermit would object? ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121She swallowed a moment, then managed to say: “ Kicking? ” breathed deep and looked surprised.
uc1.b3711121She was sure the people liked it, so how dare they even suggest changing it?
uc1.b3711121She'd ought to have, but had she?
uc1.b3711121She's back in town — and in the show on 125th St. ” “ So what?'
uc1.b3711121She's been working on him, in a way. ” “ In a way?
uc1.b3711121She's planning to have us up to dinner soon. ”- “ Really? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121She's that kind of a girl, do n't you think? ” “ I do, and I am rather fond of Miss Schultz.
uc1.b3711121Sit down, write him a sweet, tender and honest letter and tell him everything? ” “ I will, Donald. ” She said.
uc1.b3711121So dat's wha ’ I went and got mine. ” “ You did? ” cried Lucy, amazed.
uc1.b3711121So he's the guy whom they tried to get to direct the picture — and he ran out on them, eh?
uc1.b3711121So high that all trains slow to twenty miles an hour when they cross it. ” “ It that So? ”- “ Sho is, brother.
uc1.b3711121So that — ” “ — is why you are swamped with work, eh? ” “ Exactly, ” said Marie and sighed.
uc1.b3711121So that's the kind they usually fall for, as you put it? ”- “ That kind or a musician.
uc1.b3711121So what do you say? ” and he slapped his thigh in a gesture of finality.
uc1.b3711121So what, exactly, does he do, and what has he got against the Jews?
uc1.b3711121So you'll do as I say?
uc1.b3711121So, will you — proceed? ” “ All right.
uc1.b3711121Something about — you. ” “ About me? ” cried Bertha, starting to rise.
uc1.b3711121Sorry I missed them in Wakefield and Atlanta. ” “ They were n't shown where you go. ”- “ How is that? ” She looked at him quickly.
uc1.b3711121Speak up, dear, get it off your chest. ” “ How can I reason with you when you're so prejudiced against show people? ” she argued.
uc1.b3711121Still, he's asked you to marry him, has n't he? ” “ Finally.
uc1.b3711121Still, it is truthfully what you would like to do, now is n't it? ” her mother insisted, pointedly.
uc1.b3711121Still, there is, perhaps, a string tied to this help you speak of, yes or no? ” “ Maybe, ” replied Kermit with a little shrug of the shoulders.
uc1.b3711121Stood shoulder to shoulder with me through thick and thin. ” “ Where would you like to take your Doctorate?
uc1.b3711121That does n't give me any leave to go off sulking, to start a campaign of hate. ” “ But consider what it can mean to you?
uc1.b3711121That is all. ” “ Then you do n't believe I'd do all that?
uc1.b3711121That it would make me happy to do so?
uc1.b3711121That'll give me time to have you both up to dinner. ” “ Really? ’ “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121That's a German City is it not? ” “ Not now.
uc1.b3711121The Jews want America to get into a war with Germany. ” “ Do you think so? ” said Early.
uc1.b3711121The Macon, Georgia Chronicle, in its editorial column, which paper is widely circulated in Wakefield, went on to declare: YANKEE NORTH, whAT Now?
uc1.b3711121The Negro stopped and looking down at the snake, cried ‘ Hey, you, what does this mean?'
uc1.b3711121The divorce you've been talking about getting for more than a year, but never had money enough to get? ” Still Edrina made no answer.
uc1.b3711121The girl said that she thought Mantan was teaching Edrina to shake. ” “ Shake? ” cried Bertha.
uc1.b3711121The money? ” His smile and enthusiasm was replaced quickly by an impatient frown.
uc1.b3711121The point is, just how could anything like this be arranged? ” and she lowered her eyes.
uc1.b3711121The prettiest one I ever saw, just about, at least. ” “ And she called here to see me?
uc1.b3711121Then what? ” from Schiller.
uc1.b3711121Then what? ” “ I ’m coming to that, all that, ” she said.
uc1.b3711121Then who would?
uc1.b3711121Then why do you dislike them so? ” She looked at him, and the very expression with which she did so seemed to him most unreasonable.
uc1.b3711121Then you come of rich folks? ” “ No, Mr. Wyeth, ” said Mrs. Wingate.
uc1.b3711121Then “ Maybe — what? ”-- “ Howard has something to say about it.
uc1.b3711121There must be a mistake, unless it was somebody trying to get into the movies? ”- “ No, ” said Marie, with a twinkle, but quite firmly.
uc1.b3711121They forced you out of making pictures?
uc1.b3711121This country seems to be swarming with Ger- mans lately. ” “ It is. ”- “ Trying to keep America out of the war? ” “ That's it.
uc1.b3711121Three ov'm, do n't you remember? ” said Angel looking across at her.
uc1.b3711121To please you, for is n't it the function of man and wife to want to, and try to, please each other?
uc1.b3711121To- to, oh, where could we go for about six months; where they would n't know just when — the baby came?
uc1.b3711121Too bad. ” “ Why too bad? ” said Early.
uc1.b3711121Up here in Harlem?
uc1.b3711121Very much? ” “ She seems to a great deal.
uc1.b3711121WINGATE 261 like — that? ” Bertha's expression indicated how she viewed it.
uc1.b3711121WINGATE “ How can you explain such a- a peculiar phenomenon? ” Bertha queried, her brow wrinkled.
uc1.b3711121WINGATE “ In regards to Mr. Wingate? ” “ Since I ’ve been wanting the baby for so long, I am resigned to what I have to do.
uc1.b3711121WINGATE “ Then why do n't you, Sidney?
uc1.b3711121Was it affection?
uc1.b3711121Was it because he was telling a truth that did n't seem to her necessary, and that she'd rather not hear?
uc1.b3711121Was it because she was overly anxious?
uc1.b3711121Was it because women of their own race did not quite come up to their ideas, socially and otherwise?
uc1.b3711121Was n't it? ” “ Why? ” and he looked straight into her eyes.
uc1.b3711121Was n't it? ” “ Why? ” and he looked straight into her eyes.
uc1.b3711121Was n't that the way that part ended? ” “ So inquisitive, Mrs. Wingate.
uc1.b3711121Was there something that she wanted to have Wyeth do, and if so, what?
uc1.b3711121We ca n't go there? ” Kermit was thoughtful.
uc1.b3711121We cross it on the way to Omaha, just west of Boone, Iowa, over the Coon River. ” “ Over the Coon River, eh? ” “ Sho.
uc1.b3711121We'll be married just as quickly as you say. ” “ Where? ” she asked.
uc1.b3711121We'll talk matters over. ” What could she mean by all that?
uc1.b3711121Well, old tall, dark and handsome got hooked. ” “ Hooked? ” inquired Bertha, and Marie laughed as she saw 254 THE CASE OF MIRS.
uc1.b3711121Well, what about now? ” “ Now?
uc1.b3711121Well, what about now? ” “ Now?
uc1.b3711121Well, what is it all about?
uc1.b3711121Well, what, for instance? ” He glanced at her, then let his eyes run up and down her.
uc1.b3711121Were they — real people? ” “ Real people, Mrs. Wingate, ” he admitted.
uc1.b3711121What about him? ” She tried to ignore his question.
uc1.b3711121What about that girl now? ” 327 328 THE CASE OF MES.
uc1.b3711121What are they going to do about it? ” “ You mean the shipping, the coastwise shipping? ” “ That's what I mean.
uc1.b3711121What are they going to do about it? ” “ You mean the shipping, the coastwise shipping? ” “ That's what I mean.
uc1.b3711121What are you going to do? ” “ Go on just as I have been. ” “ Admiring her and being interested in her, ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121What can I do for you? ” “ Can I – get a shine? ” she said, evenly.
uc1.b3711121What can I do for you? ” “ Can I – get a shine? ” she said, evenly.
uc1.b3711121What could she now tell them to pass on to the folks, the best people, back there in Louisville?
uc1.b3711121What could you have wanted to talk with her about? ” “ Oh, nothing in particular.
uc1.b3711121What did she mean?
uc1.b3711121What do you have? ” said Kermit.
uc1.b3711121What do you mean, Edrina? ” he wanted to know.
uc1.b3711121What do you mean, anyhow? ” “ He met her at one of the schools where you were reviewing your book.
uc1.b3711121What do you mean, beat me to it? ” She came into his office before removing her hat and coat, paused to face him.
uc1.b3711121What do you say to that? ” Before she could answer, for she had no answer then to make, he glanced at his watch and started.
uc1.b3711121What do you say? ” She smiled up at him now, happily, and stuck out her free hand: “ Shake, partner, ” she cried, enthusiastically.
uc1.b3711121What do you think of him? ” “ He ’s a 100 per cent Nazi, out and out, and in a way, I'm — well, afraid of him. ” She looked up, quickly.
uc1.b3711121What do you want to know? ” “ He is the fellow you ’ve been telling me about for some time. ” “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121What doctor? ”- Florence was silent for a moment.
uc1.b3711121What does he want? ” “ Oh, yes, him, ” said Marie, as if just remembering Fountain.
uc1.b3711121What does it mean, anyhow, Marie? ” said Bertha, all curious.
uc1.b3711121What does that mean? ” “ I would n't know.
uc1.b3711121What ever you do is up to you. ” “ Up to me, Sidney? ” she asked, slightly puzzled.
uc1.b3711121What for?
uc1.b3711121What has happened?
uc1.b3711121What kind of way? ”- “ He ’s about to take a long sales trip.
uc1.b3711121What more? ” she wanted to know.
uc1.b3711121What was I to do, what was I to think?
uc1.b3711121What was he going to say about her part?
uc1.b3711121What was it?
uc1.b3711121What was it?
uc1.b3711121What's this all about, anyhow? ” “ I ’ll catch a taxi and come right down.
uc1.b3711121When are you going to get over it? ” “ Never. ” “ Oh, Kermit.
uc1.b3711121When, dear one? ” She shrugged her shoulders, perked up, looked rather cute.
uc1.b3711121Where are they?
uc1.b3711121Where were you born, and where did this — genius begin to sprout? ” “ Please, Mrs. Wingate.
uc1.b3711121Where would you show it, with the Jews owning most of the theatres?
uc1.b3711121Where, dear? ” “ In Milwaukee. ” “ Milwaukee?
uc1.b3711121Where, dear? ” “ In Milwaukee. ” “ Milwaukee?
uc1.b3711121Where, may I ask? ” “ Of course.
uc1.b3711121Where? ” “ At Hans Schiller's office, to meet Doctor Von Barwig. ” “ More Germans.
uc1.b3711121Where? ” “ Heidelberg. ” “ Oh, ” cried the Baron.
uc1.b3711121Where? ” “ The same place.
uc1.b3711121Who is he? ” “ He ’s the colored Doctor.
uc1.b3711121Who is this girl, and what's it all about anyhow? ” “ You ’ll soon find out, ” she said, and smiling, plunged into her work.
uc1.b3711121Who runs the business? ” “ Belongs to a fellow by the name of Wyeth. ” “ Wyeth? ” the Herr Doctor repeated, thoughfully.
uc1.b3711121Who runs the business? ” “ Belongs to a fellow by the name of Wyeth. ” “ Wyeth? ” the Herr Doctor repeated, thoughfully.
uc1.b3711121Who wrote the story?
uc1.b3711121Who? ” “ She's the gal who used to wait table at the Y.
uc1.b3711121Who? ” “ Sidney Wyeth, ” he said calmly, but watched her carefully as he said it.
uc1.b3711121Why are you all of a sudden, so strange, so excited? ” Bertha looked at her for a moment.
uc1.b3711121Why are you so hard to please? ” “ There's nothing to please involved, ” he answered, matter- of- factly.
uc1.b3711121Why did you want to embarrass your sister like that? ” Alice and Carrie turned back to their work now and were silent.
uc1.b3711121Why do n't you be nice to me? ” “ I have no right to.
uc1.b3711121Why do we hate each other so? ”, “ The most unfortunate part about it is, that so few seem to be.
uc1.b3711121Why do you ask such a question? ” For answer, he squeezed her.
uc1.b3711121Why do you pause and hesitate?
uc1.b3711121Why is that?
uc1.b3711121Why not at the same time and as well, about the Italian, the Greek, the Chinaman — about anybody?
uc1.b3711121Why not drive me out to the house where we can talk the matter over in detail?
uc1.b3711121Why not live it, feel it, say it? ” Pausing, she looked up into his face expectantly.
uc1.b3711121Why not? ” “ Oh, for one reason and another, ” he said, with a bit of a sigh and a shrug of his shoulders.
uc1.b3711121Why should he lose any time or thought being a friend of ours?
uc1.b3711121Why should you think about quitting or even retiring? ” Again Wyeth sighed.
uc1.b3711121Why struggle against fate as you are; you've fought against it all along, and why?
uc1.b3711121Why was Mrs. Wingate doing all this for him?
uc1.b3711121Why was our Ambassador virtually sent home and relations between our two countries practically broken off long before all this started? ” he asked.
uc1.b3711121Why wo n't he? ” Kermit shrugged his shoulders.
uc1.b3711121Why, all this?
uc1.b3711121Why? ” “ Well, regarding the statement about saying that Jews had forced me to suspend, I did n't mean it literally.
uc1.b3711121Why? ”- “ Well, she said that she did n't know if it would be proper to do so.
uc1.b3711121Will I ever meet him P Ever? ” Marie sighed and shook her head.
uc1.b3711121Will that little darkey you're married to out in Louisville give it to you? ” “ Oh, yes, ” she said, reassuringly.
uc1.b3711121Will try to answer anything you ask. ” “ Why do n't you put your book on sale at the bookshops?
uc1.b3711121Will you come in and scrub my back? ” “ Like I always do? ” “ Like you always do.
uc1.b3711121Will you come in and scrub my back? ” “ Like I always do? ” “ Like you always do.
uc1.b3711121Wingate? ” he murmured, thoughtfully.
uc1.b3711121With her complete educa- tion, and being so close to me, she can help put it into the shape I want it, understand? ”- “ Of course.
uc1.b3711121Wo n't you finish it, please? ”- Again he shrugged his shoulders and glanced at his manuscript.
uc1.b3711121Would you be agreeable to- seeing me, and hearing what I have to say? ” “ Why, of course I would.
uc1.b3711121Would you mind explaining? ” He looked at her, then he thought for a moment and looked at her again.
uc1.b3711121Would you want that done? ” “ Oh, no, ” she cried, hastily.
uc1.b3711121Would you — lke a copy?"
uc1.b3711121Wyeth is a lovely man. ” “ What is this, Sis?
uc1.b3711121Wyeth is not the kind of a man that a show girl would be falling overly much in love with. ” “ What do you mean? ” inquired Bertha.
uc1.b3711121Wyeth, perhaps, has money?
uc1.b3711121Yet what can I do?
uc1.b3711121You and — me? ” “ Plenty, Edrina.
uc1.b3711121You hate Jews, do n't you? ” “ No, ” he said.
uc1.b3711121You know my mother, Mrs. Adair? ” “ Yes, Mrs.
uc1.b3711121You know what I saw. ” “ Yeah? ”- “ Yeh.
uc1.b3711121You say'was'? ” “ Was, because — he is dead.
uc1.b3711121You sell it by the pound, do n't you?'
uc1.b3711121You should have. ” “ Why should I? ” she wanted to know.
uc1.b3711121You would n't want to do that; no- body ever wants to help do that — and it is so simple, so easy. ” “ Why would n't I?
uc1.b3711121You wrote me that you bought a swell dress for your party with money he sent you?
uc1.b3711121You're the type of girl I'd like to see Mr. Wyeth fall in love with. ” “ Me? ” exclaimed Bertha, pointing to herself, and laughing.
uc1.b3711121You've never had that kind of money, so what? ” “ But I have never made a hate picture. ” “ But you do hate Jews, do n't you?
uc1.b3711121You've never had that kind of money, so what? ” “ But I have never made a hate picture. ” “ But you do hate Jews, do n't you?
uc1.b3711121You've put it on me, so I'll tell her. ” “ What could it mean? ” she asked herself, now very anxious.
uc1.b3711121You've said you'd be glad to have real money to make some pictures with once?
uc1.b3711121r “ A colored girl? ”- “ She would n't mean that much to us. ” “ Oh, of course.
uc1.b3711121w “ Did n't you overhear us talking? ” “ Of course I overheard you, in a general way, ” explained Marie.
uc1.b3711121woman, from down South? ” Wyeth smiled.
uc1.b3711121~ But she was in New York, deep in the heart of Harlem, where she did n't have to see them, hear them — but what about her poor, help- less mother?
uc1.b3711121º THE CASE OF MRs. WINGATE 337 “ Why are you laughing? ” he asked.
uc1.b3711121‘ Come on,'she calls, “ do you want it or not? ” At 44 cents a pound, the chicken would total about a dollar and fifty eight cents.
uc1.b3711121‘ How much a pound?'
uc1.b3711121‘ May I ask what is the trouble?'
uc1.b3711121“ A jungle romp, and I'm to take my clothes off?
uc1.b3711121“ A sense of humor, Mrs. Wingate? ” “ Yes, Mr. Wyeth.
uc1.b3711121“ A sense of humor? ” “ A sense of humor.
uc1.b3711121“ A show girl, and that was not his intention. ” “ No? ” “ Absolutely not.
uc1.b3711121“ A what? ” she cried, looking hard at him.
uc1.b3711121“ A — what? ” she cried.
uc1.b3711121“ About Howard 2 Well, what about him? ” “ A whole lot.
uc1.b3711121“ After all they've done to you? ” He ignored the remark.
uc1.b3711121“ After the Sorbonne, what? ” “ A job back in the foreign office. ” “ But not shining shoes any longer, ” she said and they all smiled.
uc1.b3711121“ Against show people?
uc1.b3711121“ And Edrina, from now on try to be sensible, understand? ” “ Leave it to me, dear.
uc1.b3711121“ And about how old?
uc1.b3711121“ And besides, would you stand for such a thing? ” He looked up at her quickly.
uc1.b3711121“ And have n't said anything about it? ” “ Perhaps I thought you knew.
uc1.b3711121“ And how he can rehearse! ” “ The rehearsenist man that ever lived. ”- “ Remember “ Old Man Evil? ’ ” said Angel.
uc1.b3711121“ And she's from Georgia? ” “ Atlanta, ” replied Bertha.
uc1.b3711121“ And this — this means that — it is all — over between us, Sidney? ” she said.
uc1.b3711121“ And trade and commerce, what do they sell; what do they have to sell? ” “ Religion mostly, ” said Marie, humorously.
uc1.b3711121“ And what did she say?
uc1.b3711121“ And what did you decide? ” Marie did not reply immediately, but lowered her eyes momen- tarily, then raised them to Bertha.
uc1.b3711121“ And why? ” “ That girl? ” “ Oh, the girl.
uc1.b3711121“ And why? ” “ That girl? ” “ Oh, the girl.
uc1.b3711121“ And you think he's completely through with the girl back there? ” “ Completely. ” “ It might be for the best. ” “ It is.
uc1.b3711121“ And — an'—he would n't get angry? ” 186 THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE “ Get angry!
uc1.b3711121“ Anyway, ” observed Angel, “ how come her running around with Wyeth, anyhow? ”- “ Maybe she's tryin'tu win a home.
uc1.b3711121“ Are you Mrs. Wingate? ” “ I am Mrs. Wingate. ” “ Mrs.
uc1.b3711121“ Are you driving? ” He pointed to his car, standing at the curb.
uc1.b3711121“ Are you there? ” “ Sure, Mr. Mantan.
uc1.b3711121“ As for instance? ” “ We ’ve all got to eat, provide a place to sleep, buy clothes to wear, pay rent and a thousand other things.
uc1.b3711121“ Been reading about them, Betty? ” “ Yes, Mrs. Adair.
uc1.b3711121“ Been reading your mind, maybe?
uc1.b3711121“ Before you go to sleep, Mr. Wyeth, ” called Marie, eyes on the road ahead, “ Before I go to sleep? ” he echoed, looking at her.
uc1.b3711121“ Berthal ” “ Yes, ” she replied, “ she was all excited about something. ” “ I wonder what it could be? ” he said curiously.
uc1.b3711121“ But did you like it? ” “ It was n't a story that one would, I think, exactly like, Mrs. Adair.
uc1.b3711121“ But what can I do to make you trust me, Sidney?
uc1.b3711121“ But why and how, you might ask, did this come to happen?
uc1.b3711121“ But why ca n't you?
uc1.b3711121“ But why do you dislike show people so, dear? ” she began, in- nocently enough.
uc1.b3711121“ But why — why do they permit so much indecency up here? ” Bertha wanted to know.
uc1.b3711121“ But why, and of whom? ” She sat up again, her eyes on the floor.
uc1.b3711121“ But would these ‘ hounds of the Baskerville's, view it that way?'
uc1.b3711121“ But you do n't think it is genuine, real? ” “ It could be, if she'd do right by him. ” “ What do you mean? ” THE CASE OF MES.
uc1.b3711121“ But you do n't think it is genuine, real? ” “ It could be, if she'd do right by him. ” “ What do you mean? ” THE CASE OF MES.
uc1.b3711121“ But, what, my dear? ” “ Oh, nothing, ” he said and shrugged his shoulders to indicate that what he started to say had best be left unsaid.
uc1.b3711121“ Can she dance? ” Irvin hesitated, then lied: “ A little. ” “ M- m.
uc1.b3711121“ Can we talk about something very im- portant for a few minutes? ” “ Why, of course, Florence.
uc1.b3711121“ Carter Thompson ” “ And so he fell downstairs and broke his hip, eh?
uc1.b3711121“ Did I – make a mistake, dear? ” “ Yes, mother, you did.
uc1.b3711121“ Did he make a good assistant? ” “ Naw, ” cried Marie disgustedly.
uc1.b3711121“ Did they say Florence, Betty? ” “ Yes, Mrs. Adair.
uc1.b3711121“ Did you ever hunt any in Georgia, Mr. Wyeth? ” “ I sure did.
uc1.b3711121“ Did you think I was a- bad girl, the way I acted?
uc1.b3711121“ Do n’t we know each other well enough by now to drop some of the formality? ” “ Why of course, ” cried Marie, glad that Bertha had called.
uc1.b3711121“ Do n’t you think so? ” Irvin had to admit that she had.
uc1.b3711121“ Do n’t you think so? ” They nodded and agreed it was but Wyeth did n't.
uc1.b3711121“ Do they really love the Jews that much in America? ” Schultz laughed.
uc1.b3711121“ Do we?
uc1.b3711121“ Do you know what I could do so much better than that. ” “ What? ” asked Early.
uc1.b3711121“ Do you like me, Kermit? ” “ I do n't know, Miss Florence.
uc1.b3711121“ Do you mean to tell me that you are — that lad? ” “ That lad grown up, Baron.
uc1.b3711121“ Do you mind going with us? ” “ I do n’t mind. ” “ Just a minute, Otto, ” said Baroness Ernestine, as they started away.
uc1.b3711121“ Do you think I am, Mr. Wyeth 2 Really? ” “ Really, Miss Schultz.
uc1.b3711121“ Do you think she's really interested in trying to get him to do so? ” “ Heinrich is.
uc1.b3711121“ Do you think you’d — like to- talk about it? ” As he finished, he glanced unconsciously around at the others.
uc1.b3711121“ Do you want me to, Sidney? ” “ I do, Edrina, seriously. ” She seemed at a loss for a moment how to proceed, what to say.
uc1.b3711121“ Does the Jew play such cheap politics?
uc1.b3711121“ Even more than what, Sidney? ” “ It ’s about — Howard. ” She straightened in surprise, this time glared at him.
uc1.b3711121“ Feeling me out? ” “ Maybe. ” “ I ’m not a fairy, if that's what you're trying to find out. ” She laughed but seemed satisfied.
uc1.b3711121“ Florence, what do you mean? ” “ He told me that he was not a normal man, mother. ” “ What l ” cried Mrs. Adair.
uc1.b3711121“ From Wyeth?"
uc1.b3711121“ From my brother, you mean? ” “ From your brother, Bertha. ” Bertha handed it over.
uc1.b3711121“ Getting sleepy, sweetheart? ” “ M- m. ” “ Want me to put you to bed? ” She nodded and looked cute.
uc1.b3711121“ Getting sleepy, sweetheart? ” “ M- m. ” “ Want me to put you to bed? ” She nodded and looked cute.
uc1.b3711121“ Glad to hear it. ” “ Yes? ” “ She left rather abruptly the other day.
uc1.b3711121“ Had you thought about taking anybody with you on this trip? ” “ Not exactly.
uc1.b3711121“ Has n't he been sending you money, taking care of you all the while you were in Louisville?
uc1.b3711121“ Has n't he bought you a divorce?
uc1.b3711121“ Has she gone crazy?
uc1.b3711121“ Have n't you a- script?
uc1.b3711121“ Have n't you been going around with him ever since he put you in the show? ”.
uc1.b3711121“ Have they? ” she repeated.
uc1.b3711121“ Have you read that new novel, Passion, Betty? ” “ Yes, Mrs. Adair.
uc1.b3711121“ Have you seen the papers? ” she said, and then before he could answer, she went on.
uc1.b3711121“ Have you — something in mind, Hans? ” she asked, testily.
uc1.b3711121“ He asked me to make you one. ” “ Make me one? ” she exclaimed.
uc1.b3711121“ He did n't want you in a show, did he? ” She shook her head to indicate that he did n't.
uc1.b3711121“ He did n't want you in this show, did he? ” She admitted with a shake of her head.
uc1.b3711121“ He is a nice fellow, is n't he? ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121“ He is — gone? ” she asked.
uc1.b3711121“ He told me there on our wedding night, that he was not a normal man, mother. ” “ You mean? ” “ That he was like — like — Leo M. Frank.
uc1.b3711121“ He will. ” “ Sure? ” “ I ’ll make it sure, ” said Marie, and Bertha seemed satisfied.
uc1.b3711121“ He — trusts me. ” “ Will he — trust Mr. Wyeth? ”- “ If I trust Mr. Wyeth, my brother will trust me with him. ” “ I see.
uc1.b3711121“ How come? ” said Maude, turning again toward her.
uc1.b3711121“ How do I feel about the Jews? ” he repeated.
uc1.b3711121“ How do you suppose he's going to feel?
uc1.b3711121“ How is Miss Schultz? ” he inquired of Marie, after they got through the letters and he had signed and was handing them back to her.
uc1.b3711121“ How many shows have you planned for Sunday? ” he asked Levine.
uc1.b3711121“ How much is the chicken, a pound, woman?
uc1.b3711121“ How so? ” and Marie looked at her.
uc1.b3711121“ How so? ” from Bertha.
uc1.b3711121“ How'd you happen to think of him?"
uc1.b3711121“ How'd you know? ” “ He do n't act like one, do n't talk like one, ” said Maude.
uc1.b3711121“ How'd you like to come and work for us, Kermit?
uc1.b3711121“ How're you coming along with the colored picture?
uc1.b3711121“ Huh? ” “ I said she will, ” from Maude humorously.
uc1.b3711121“ I ask you, Sidney, is that just right and fair?
uc1.b3711121“ I beat you to it today. ” “ Beat me to it, Marie?
uc1.b3711121“ I felt it. ” “ Going to marry Mr. Wyeth, eh? ” mused Carrie, thoughtfully.
uc1.b3711121“ I guess this all sounds, to Negroes anyhow, who have failed too often as men of destiny, fantastic and foolish, and why am I saying all this now?
uc1.b3711121“ I have only had one short and one longer talk with Wyeth since I arrived? ” said Kermit, a bit evasively.
uc1.b3711121“ I like to be in Georgia at least twice a year. ” “ Why only twice, Mr. Wyeth? ” “ Twice in particular.
uc1.b3711121“ I mean, Mr. Wyeth, I got here before you got away this time, see? ” “ Oh, ” he said, smiling and relaxing.
uc1.b3711121“ I met you only last week, but I ’ve known you for a long, long time. ” “ Really? ”-- “ Who does n't know Sidney Wyeth?
uc1.b3711121“ I met you only last week, but I ’ve known you for a long, long time. ” “ Really? ”-- “ Who does n't know Sidney Wyeth?
uc1.b3711121“ I said, almost, Bertha, dear. ” “ Oh, almost?
uc1.b3711121“ I saw Sidney last night. ”- “ You did? ” he cried, and seemed surprised.
uc1.b3711121“ I should know?
uc1.b3711121“ I told Bertha that Georgia was the home of Judge Lynch. ” “ And what did she say? ” He began to laugh.
uc1.b3711121“ I will, Bertha, with the understanding that you dress and come right down. ” “ Will I?
uc1.b3711121“ I ’m asking what you mean? ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121“ I- I did n't understand what it was all about. ” “ Do n’t you like to see your picture in the papers?
uc1.b3711121“ If I was in love with her and she with me, ’’ “ — what? ” said Mrs. Wingate, pointedly.
uc1.b3711121“ In October. ” “ October?
uc1.b3711121“ In just what way, if any, has this affected you, and especially your book? ”- “ That is a long story. ” “ Is it? ” she said.
uc1.b3711121“ In just what way, if any, has this affected you, and especially your book? ”- “ That is a long story. ” “ Is it? ” she said.
uc1.b3711121“ In the meantime, how did you two come out regarding the trip yesterday? ” he now said, looking at her with some interest.
uc1.b3711121“ Is all they say, possible? ” “ Nothing to it, ” he smiled and shook his head.
uc1.b3711121“ Is he – related to you? ” inquired Bertha.
uc1.b3711121“ Is it all right by you, boss? ” THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE 383 “ All right by me, ladies, ” he said, agreeably.
uc1.b3711121“ Is it be — because it is a colored section, and the white people do n't care what they do? ” “ In a way, yes, but not altogether so.
uc1.b3711121“ Is n't it wonderful, Kermit?
uc1.b3711121“ Is that so? ” mused Wyeth.
uc1.b3711121“ Is this Mr. Wyeth a- single man? ” Kermit nodded.
uc1.b3711121“ Is this a round- about way to see if I have changed in regards to your work on the stage?
uc1.b3711121“ It is comfortable, Bertha. ” “ And now, what did Mr. Wyeth say? ” she asked, suddenly lean- ing forward.
uc1.b3711121“ It is from Sidney Wyeth, is n't it? ” Her silence confirmed his words.
uc1.b3711121“ It is uncomfortable. ” “ Why ca n't we retire to our stateroom?
uc1.b3711121“ It would n't be worf a quatah if it was n't fo ’ dat gal. ” “ You mean the gal doin'the naked dance? ” “ Sho. ” “ Youse right.
uc1.b3711121“ It ’s the South. ”~ “ The South? ” echoed Schiller, not understanding.
uc1.b3711121“ It's Marie, Bertha. ” “ Has Mr. Wyeth left the office? ”- “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121“ Jealous? ” said Wyeth, wonderingly.
uc1.b3711121“ Just for what reason, do you mind saying? ” she asked now, solicitiously.
uc1.b3711121“ Just how could something be made to happen, Herr Doctor? ” inquired Schiller, naively.
uc1.b3711121“ Just what do they produce, anyhow? ” “ Arguments, mostly, ” said Marie and laughed.
uc1.b3711121“ Just what is up to me, darling? ”- “ The stage, Edrina, your work on it.
uc1.b3711121“ Like it? ”- “ Yes, maam, but — ” “ No buts.
uc1.b3711121“ Lucky Negro. ” “ Now what do you mean? ” “ Just what I say.
uc1.b3711121“ Me?
uc1.b3711121“ Me? ” he cried, pointing to himself.
uc1.b3711121“ Meantime, we'll call on him. ” “ Maybe you'd better call him up and — make an appointment? ” suggested Schultz.
uc1.b3711121“ Miss Schultz could n't be expected to like anybody like me. ” “ And why not?
uc1.b3711121“ Mother? ” “ Yes, Florence? ” “ Call Doctor Johnson. ” “ Doctor Johnson?
uc1.b3711121“ Mother? ” “ Yes, Florence? ” “ Call Doctor Johnson. ” “ Doctor Johnson?
uc1.b3711121“ Mother? ” “ Yes, Florence? ” “ Call Doctor Johnson. ” “ Doctor Johnson?
uc1.b3711121“ Must have said something of importance; maybe asked you to marry him, eh? ” “ Oh, Donald, ” she said evasively.
uc1.b3711121“ Must — I say it for you? ” she asked, eyes downcast.
uc1.b3711121“ My brother has always seemed to be strangely lucky. ” “ Really? ” said Kermit.
uc1.b3711121“ My slip is not showing beneath my skirt, is it?
uc1.b3711121“ Neither would I. I'm surprised at myself, but I'm sure there's a reason. ”- “ What reason, may I ask? ” He looked at her.
uc1.b3711121“ Next Thursday at 5 P.M. Is the date okeh with you? ” “ Sure.
uc1.b3711121“ No, I'm not jealous any longer, dear. ” “ Then what? ” “ Curious. ” “ Curious?
uc1.b3711121“ No, I'm not jealous any longer, dear. ” “ Then what? ” “ Curious. ” “ Curious?
uc1.b3711121“ Nothing. ” “ Well? ” “ Because they teach nothing about Negroes in our schools but the history of slavery and the war that ended it.
uc1.b3711121“ Nothing? ” he repeated, and looked closely at her.
uc1.b3711121“ Now does that sound all right? ” “ Sounds better if you mean it and intend to stick to it, ” he agreed and seemed a bit more satisfied.
uc1.b3711121“ Now returning to the stage and as I have said, you like it and you're hoping to go places on it. ”- “ Well? ”- THE CASE OF MIRS.
uc1.b3711121“ Now what do you mean? ” she said, frowning impatiently.
uc1.b3711121“ Now when does Mr. Wyeth plan to leave? ” “ In a few weeks. ” “ Fine.
uc1.b3711121“ Now will you — believe me? ” “ I believe you, Edrina.
uc1.b3711121“ Now, where do we go from here, partner? ” said Edrina, and waited for him to make the next move, a smile spreading over her face.
uc1.b3711121“ Now, who will go with you on this — trip? ” He shook his head.
uc1.b3711121“ Of course not. ” “ But — but why not? ” “ Because I do n’t want to. ” “ But they will be reported, ” she said.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, I do n’t know. ” “ You ’ve known him a long time? ” “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, Kermit, why? ” “ I do n't know, ” he sighed thoughtfully, gazing at nothing.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, down at the city hall, perhaps? ” She frowned.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, for lack of money to make them with for one thing. ” “ Lack of money?
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, it will not begin to show for months yet. ” “ No? ” “ Of course not, darling.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, so it's gone that far, eh? ” Again she nodded, her eyes down- cast.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, so that's what the hold back is all about, eh? ” she cried, eyes dilated, with inspiration.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, what? ” Then seeing she was getting nowhere, she made a final try.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, you know me? ” said the Baron in surprise, drawing his wife to one side to be out of the way of people, going in and out of the salon.
uc1.b3711121“ Oh, you're wondering what my interest could be, are n't you?
uc1.b3711121“ On account of Wyeth? ” She nodded affirmatively.
uc1.b3711121“ Or do you — have an interest in the business? ” “ Oh, just work here, Hans.
uc1.b3711121“ Or, maybe, rearrange this one? ”- “ Perhaps.
uc1.b3711121“ Pardon me, ” she said, pleasantly, “ but is this the office of Mr. Sidney Wyeth? ”- “ It is, ” replied Marie, courteously, pleasantly.
uc1.b3711121“ Please call me Bertha- that is, if you want to. ” “ Do you want me to? ” he asked.
uc1.b3711121“ Plenty? ” he repeated, curiously, a bit anxiously.
uc1.b3711121“ Quit the whining and come with me to the back room, do you THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE- 37 hear? ” Again she shook him.
uc1.b3711121“ Really? ” he said.
uc1.b3711121“ Really? ” “ Sho. ” “ Whores. ”- “ Naw.
uc1.b3711121“ She was n't trying to get into the movies. ” “ Then whatever could a pretty girl want to see me about, if not to try to get into the movies?
uc1.b3711121“ Since you feel as you do about it, supposing that we postpone our wedding awhile?
uc1.b3711121“ So beautiful! ” “ Never been out this way? ” inquired Wyeth.
uc1.b3711121“ So glad? ” called Marie.
uc1.b3711121“ So it will be all right to tell Bertha you'll take her with you? ” she said.
uc1.b3711121“ So these high officials will be passing over that bridge if they go west to the coast? ” “ Sho.
uc1.b3711121“ Some steps, eh, Kermit? ” He looked down.
uc1.b3711121“ Soon? ” she asked.
uc1.b3711121“ Sort of a joke? ” “ No, ” replied Heinrich.
uc1.b3711121“ Strictly on the level. ” “ Is that so? ” said Schiller, a touch of doubt still in his tone.
uc1.b3711121“ Supposing you let me, this time, yes? ” “ Sure, baby.
uc1.b3711121“ Take it easy, Marie. ” “ What am I to do? ” she blurted out, looking at him oddly.
uc1.b3711121“ Tell him that — that I ’ve been married? ” “ Of course you can, ” he cried.
uc1.b3711121“ Tell me now, Bertha, ” Marie began, “ What is all the excitement about?
uc1.b3711121“ That girls like her usually go all overboard on some good- looker like Thompson, you remember, and who used to work for us. ” “ Yes?
uc1.b3711121“ That was because he loved her, was n't it? ” “ Yes, he loved her. ” Mrs. Wingate seemed more satisfied now.
uc1.b3711121“ That ’s fine. ” “ And who, pray, is Sidney Wyeth? ” cried their mother, perking up, curiously.
uc1.b3711121“ That's what's worrying me at the moment. ” “ What is it? ” he said, turning and coming closer.
uc1.b3711121“ That's why they went away so suddenly, eh? ”- “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121“ The first day? ” she said, also reflectively.
uc1.b3711121“ The last time you were there? ”- “ Yes, I'm living here now, you know. ” “ Oh, you're living in Atlanta?
uc1.b3711121“ The last time you were there? ”- “ Yes, I'm living here now, you know. ” “ Oh, you're living in Atlanta?
uc1.b3711121“ The price, please? ” Marie told her and went for a copy, bringing it forward and showing it to her.
uc1.b3711121“ The same old thing. ” “ Do n’t like the “ hate the Jew ’ angle? ” “ That ’s it. ” “ I do n’t understand.
uc1.b3711121“ The show's dying, if you understand what that means. ” Still, she was confused, so repeated after him: “ Dying? ”-- “ Dying dead.
uc1.b3711121“ Then on whom? ” she looked at him sobbingly.
uc1.b3711121“ Then please do that, wo n't you?
uc1.b3711121“ Then what are we waiting for? ” said Schultz following Kermit.
uc1.b3711121“ Then what do you want- me to do, Sidney darling? ” Her question rather caught him off guard.
uc1.b3711121“ Then who? ” “ I ’d rather not say.
uc1.b3711121“ Then, he- he does n't want me? ” she said, slowly.
uc1.b3711121“ Then, we can — sit in his office? ” “ Of course, Bertha. ” “ Meanwhile, I can wait until you work. ” “ I am caught up.
uc1.b3711121“ Then? ” “ I ’m willing to take her along if she wants to go. ” “ Wants to go? ”... •- “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121“ Then? ” “ I ’m willing to take her along if she wants to go. ” “ Wants to go? ”... •- “ Yes.
uc1.b3711121“ They wo n't do this, will they?
uc1.b3711121“ They've never done anything to you, have they?
uc1.b3711121“ Think so? ” he echoed.
uc1.b3711121“ Think they'll succeed? ” “ I do n’t think so. ” “ Why? ” “ The Jews are closer to Roosevelt.
uc1.b3711121“ Think they'll succeed? ” “ I do n’t think so. ” “ Why? ” “ The Jews are closer to Roosevelt.
uc1.b3711121“ Think you could — what? ” he did n't seem to understand.
uc1.b3711121“ This is his real name, then, is it not? ” “ Yes, ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121“ This is some affair, is n't it? ” she said, and laughed lightly.
uc1.b3711121“ This is your room, Kermit. ” “ My room? ” he repeated in surprise.
uc1.b3711121“ This race question, strange thing, is n't it, Betty? ” “ I'm afraid so, ” said Betty.
uc1.b3711121“ To play down there has always been my ambition, the height of my ambition, of my dreams. ”-- “ Have you got anything to sell to Broadway?
uc1.b3711121“ To visit your mother and sisters?
uc1.b3711121“ Too hot, honey? ” “ Too hot, darling, ” she said.
uc1.b3711121“ Trying to make a fool of the man, hunh?
uc1.b3711121“ Twice, Mr. Wyeth. ”- “ Twice? ” he said this in such a way that she had to explain it was not necessary to do so in order to understand it.
uc1.b3711121“ We are not important, Kermit and I, are we Kermit? ” He laid a comforting hand on her.
uc1.b3711121“ We have n't sunk that low, really, have we? ” Marie embraced her.
uc1.b3711121“ We ’re so happy, are n't we, Kermit? ” “ So happy, Florence.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, I'll just have to be patient and give you time. ” “ Do n’t you think I ought to be going? ” he said, stirring.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, how do you like the new show? ” she started, pretending to be surprised.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, how ’re you making out with your book? ” he inquired, laconically.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, how'd you like it? ” “ Oh, it seemd all right — I guess. ” “ You guess"she repeated.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, she smiled at me, and says: “ A chicken?
uc1.b3711121“ Well, she's a widow now and I'm wondering if she and Kermit are going to get married. ” “ Has he said anything about it? ” inquired Marie.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, since we are the victims, would n't it seem appropriate for the Negro to be awakened to his own perils? ” said Schultz.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, what do you think of him by now, since you've met and talked with him? ” “ Oh, fine, ” said Bertha, smiling and looking the part.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, what do you think of it? ” she ventured.
uc1.b3711121“ Well, ” to herself, “ What is it? ” He was talking.
uc1.b3711121“ Well? ” “ Levine's squawking. ” “ I was afraid he would be.
uc1.b3711121“ Well? ”- “ I ’ll be at rehearsal tonight, ” she said, without looking at him, but rising to her feet, walked by him on the way out.
uc1.b3711121“ Were you in the show? ” and he turned and nodded his head toward the theatre.
uc1.b3711121“ What about Wyeth?
uc1.b3711121“ What did you learn about the Jewish situation, if anything, in particular, in America? ” inquired the Baron, evenly.
uc1.b3711121“ What do they want with all they have asked; with all the pictures they took? ” “ You ’ll see by tomorrow morning's papers, ” said Wyeth.
uc1.b3711121“ What do you honestly think about the intermarriage of races? ” The question was a difficult one, a bold one, an embarrassing one.
uc1.b3711121“ What do you mean by you guess?
uc1.b3711121“ What do you mean, the Jews did it? ” “ It is n't easy to explain and is a long story, ” said Wyeth.
uc1.b3711121“ What do you think of the idea by now, Mr. Jackson? ” 80 THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE “ Oh, de story was fine, Miss.
uc1.b3711121“ What does she mean — going to have a baby? ” he exclaimed out loud.
uc1.b3711121“ What for? ” from Heinrich.
uc1.b3711121“ What has been happen- ing since?
uc1.b3711121“ What has happened with your engagement to him, anyhow?
uc1.b3711121“ What is it, Bertha? ” Marie now called back, sitting up and taking notice.
uc1.b3711121“ What is it? ” Marie asked.
uc1.b3711121“ What more?
uc1.b3711121“ What shall I tell Bertha when she calls or comes around? ” “ Well, ” he said, moving across to the door, preparatory to leav- ing.
uc1.b3711121“ What was he doing in Baltimore, anyhow? ” he cried, impatiently.
uc1.b3711121“ What would be wonderful, Edrina? ” he inquired.
uc1.b3711121“ What's going on?
uc1.b3711121“ What's happened to your deal?
uc1.b3711121“ What's the matter with Broadway?
uc1.b3711121“ What's the matter? ” said Bertha, looking at her concernedly.
uc1.b3711121“ What's this? ” said Hans.
uc1.b3711121“ When I rehearsed from April to October in the thing?
uc1.b3711121“ When Mr. Wyeth leaves the office, do you think he will be gone all day? ” “ He ’s getting ready to leave now.
uc1.b3711121“ When are you going to move in? ” she said.
uc1.b3711121“ When shall we get married? ” He turned to her.
uc1.b3711121“ When? ” “ Now, ” said Early, promptly rising to his feet.
uc1.b3711121“ Whenever you say. ” “ How about tomorrow night? ” “ Okey by me, ” said he.
uc1.b3711121“ Where are you going from here? ” “ Where? ” he repeated absently.
uc1.b3711121“ Where are you going from here? ” “ Where? ” he repeated absently.
uc1.b3711121“ Where do you want to go? ” Marie asked, looking across at him.
uc1.b3711121“ Where have I heard that name before? ” “ From Heinrich and me.
uc1.b3711121“ Where is the girl now? ” “ In that show on 125th Street. ” “ Oh, I thought she was in Louisville, ” said Bertha.
uc1.b3711121“ Where you wanted to go? ”*.
uc1.b3711121“ Where? ” she asked.
uc1.b3711121“ Where? ” “ To the po'house, ” laughed Maude.
uc1.b3711121“ Which girl?
uc1.b3711121“ Which one?
uc1.b3711121“ Who introduced you to him, Edrina? ” inquired Alice curiously.
uc1.b3711121“ Who ’s behind all this, anyhow, Kermit?
uc1.b3711121“ Who's the glook outside?
uc1.b3711121“ Who, me? ” she threw back at him coldly.
uc1.b3711121“ Why about the Jew?
uc1.b3711121“ Why are you saying all this, Sidney? ” “ I ’m coming to something.
uc1.b3711121“ Why did n't you come to the front door?
uc1.b3711121“ Why did n't you suggest that angle to me long ago, darling? ”- “ It ’s a brilliant angle, ” cried Heinrich.
uc1.b3711121“ Why do n't you — get it off?
uc1.b3711121“ Why not?
uc1.b3711121“ Why not? ” Schiller wanted to know.
uc1.b3711121“ Why not? ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121“ Why not? ” said the Baroness, rising to her feet.
uc1.b3711121“ Why play at it, dear?
uc1.b3711121“ Why should n't it? ” “ Because it should n't.
uc1.b3711121“ Why smile, Marie?
uc1.b3711121“ Why? ” “ He ’s a plain sort of person.
uc1.b3711121“ Will Mr. Wyeth approve? ” she was next asked, whereupon Edrina answered with her sweetest and most attractive smile.
uc1.b3711121“ Will he be gone very — long? ” There was a note of anxiety in her tone.
uc1.b3711121“ Will it make any difference in your immediate plans, dear? ” she asked, her eyes on him anxiously.
uc1.b3711121“ Will you be going to Georgia again soon? ”.
uc1.b3711121“ Will you go, or shall I open the door and scream? ” “ I ’ll — I'll go, Miss Florence.
uc1.b3711121“ With me?
uc1.b3711121“ Would you mind dancing with — me? ” she said and held up her arms.
uc1.b3711121“ Would you — marry a white girl if you were in love with her? ” He started, looked around at the others, who were all looking at him.
uc1.b3711121“ Yes, Kermit, Been living here since I married. ” 40 THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE “ Since you married And so you're married?
uc1.b3711121“ Yes, dear? ” “ About your — your folks back in Wakefield? ” She sighed.
uc1.b3711121“ Yes, dear? ” “ About your — your folks back in Wakefield? ” She sighed.
uc1.b3711121“ Yes, how can you? ” Wyeth repeated.
uc1.b3711121“ Yes, of course. ”- “ So what am I going to do? ” she said, still frowning, and look- ing at him, helplessly.
uc1.b3711121“ Yes? ”- “ By all means.
uc1.b3711121“ You can feel that something, Edrina, ca n't you? ” he whispered, hoarsely.
uc1.b3711121“ You did or just sketched through it? ” “ Sketched it?
uc1.b3711121“ You did or just sketched through it? ” “ Sketched it?
uc1.b3711121“ You do n't know?
uc1.b3711121“ You found, ” he said, “ it interesting? ” THE CASE OF MRS. WINGATE 211 “ Yes, I found it interesting, ” she admitted.
uc1.b3711121“ You mean that we do n't have plenty of Negro writers? ” 296 THE CASE OF MES.
uc1.b3711121“ You mean — a — picture? ”. ” Exactly. ” “ I see.
uc1.b3711121“ You mean, Mr. Wyeth? ” Bertha cried.
uc1.b3711121“ You mean, be — nice to her, and — all that? ” “ Of course, ” said he.
uc1.b3711121“ You mean, is, do n't you? ” “ I mean what I just said, ” said Marie.
uc1.b3711121“ You mean, ship building? ” “ I did n't mean skiffs.
uc1.b3711121“ You need money, do n't you?
uc1.b3711121“ You saw what? ” “ Do n’t try to kid me, Kermit.
uc1.b3711121“ You say that you — like Atlanta? ” “ Oh, fine.
uc1.b3711121“ You talked with him? ” “ I talked with him, Bertha, rather, we talked about it. ” “ I see, ” said Bertha, thoughtfully.
uc1.b3711121“ You want me to say that — that you — like me, Sidney? ” “ I do like you, Bertha.
uc1.b3711121“ You would like to see us sell a lot of books, would n't you? ” “ Of course.
uc1.b3711121“ You — were — born in- Germany? ” exclaimed the Baron, a bit incredulously.
uc1.b3711121“ You — you know what you saw when I came for the shine?
uc1.b3711121“ You ’re still going with him, are n't you?
uc1.b3711121“ You ’ve been over there several months, how is he able to do it, Herr Schultz? ” inquired the Baron, crossing a leg and lighting a cigarette.
uc1.b3711121“ You ’ve been — abroad, Miss Schultz? ” “ I have, Miss Coleman, attending school, ” replied Bertha.
uc1.b3711121“ You ’ve had a visitor, among other things. ” “ A visitor?
uc1.b3711121“ You? ” he repeated.
uc1.b3711121“ You’d — rather not talk about it, perhaps? ” she said now, glancing across at Wyeth, hesitantly.