
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
nyp.33433081963203( A big word, is n't it?)
nyp.33433081963203Are not their voices fine?
nyp.33433081963203But look| What is all this commotion about?
nyp.33433081963203But the little girl to whom Petrovna has brought the dress, and her three- year- old brother, where do they sleep?
nyp.33433081963203But what is Petrovna doing?
nyp.33433081963203Does it not make you think of fairy- land?
nyp.33433081963203How do they get along?
nyp.33433081963203It cost a good deal of money, but her papa thought, “ What does that matter?
nyp.33433081963203Should n't you be afraid of getting lost there?
nyp.33433081963203What is the difference?
nyp.33433081963203Would you not like to stay all day to listen to such music?
nyp.33433081963203Yet again he called out, “ Are you warm, my pretty ones? ” And again they answered him with curses.
nyp.33433081963203“ Well, my darlings, are you cold? ” But the girls only answered with bad words.
nyp.33433081963013Do you remember Ibrahim, your boy friend?'
nyp.33433081963013How is it that a cat can do such a thing?
nyp.33433081963013The Sultan's seat is in the front part of the gallery. ” “ He has many children, has n't he? ” “ Yes, and he loves them dearly.
nyp.33433081963013Wait till morning, and I will go with you before school- time. ” “ Are their eyes open yet?
nyp.33433081963013“ Are we to drive or walk, papa? ” asked Osman.
nyp.33433081963013“ Fatima, do n’t you see what is the matter?
nyp.33433081963013“ How would you like a day by the Sweet Waters of Europe, my child? ” The little boy looked in the direction of the voice.
nyp.33433081963013“ Where?
nyp.33433081963013“ Wo n't you tell my little boy the story of Mohammed and the cat? ” she asked.
osu.32435008535544How is it that you should come to find me at midnight?
osu.32435008535544So how do you suppose Yung Pak's mother used to put him to sleep in this land where cradles were unknown?
osu.32435008535544The noise was so great that Kim Yong hardly heard Yung Pak when he shouted: “ Oh, I see papa! ” “ Where is he?"
osu.32435008535544To what family do you belong?'
osu.32435008535544Upon the man's appearance, the king asked:'Do you know who I am?
osu.32435008535544What examination?'
osu.32435008535544What little boy ever saw a monkey that he did n't want for his own?
osu.32435008535544Why did I not die years ago?
osu.32435008535544Why did the nun dance, the bereaved man sing, and the old man weep?
osu.32435008535544Why has this degra- The Monk's Story 55 now go away dation come to my daughter- in- law? ” Tears accompanied his words.
osu.32435008535544why such persistence in trying to learn about other people's business?'
osu.32435008535544« « On this account,'said the man to Cheng- chong,'my father broke out into mourning in these words:"Why have I lived to this age?
osu.32435008535544“ Do n't you see him right behind that little man in yellow who is carrying a big blue flag? ” “ Oh, yes, ” said Kim Yong.
osu.32435008535544“ Do you think, ” said Yung Pak,"that the old kings were any better than our own gra- cious ruler?"
osu.32435008535544“ For what reason do you pry into other people's business?'
osu.32435008535544“ True,'was the reply, but whence are you?
osu.32435008535544“ What is that music? ” asked Yung Pak.
osu.32435008535544“ What is that wall for? ” he asked Wang Ken as they passed one.
osu.32435008535544“ Who is in that chair? ” asked Yung Pak of his companion.
osu.32435008535544“ Yes, but why is this done? ” asked Yung Pak.
hvd.hn5hrwAre n't they lovely?
hvd.hn5hrwDid you ever see a cobra yourself, father?
hvd.hn5hrwDo you see him there under the canopy, with his children around him?
hvd.hn5hrwFather, will you tell us the story of Rosy Dawn?
hvd.hn5hrwIs n't the canopy over the king the loveli- est thing you ever saw?
hvd.hn5hrwIs n't this pickled turnip fine?
hvd.hn5hrwWere n't you afraid when you crossed the river on the elephant's back, Chin? hvd.hn5hrw What else did you see, Chin?"
hvd.hn5hrwWhat kind were they, Chin?
hvd.hn5hrw26 Our Little Siamese Cousin"Look, look,"said Chin,"is n't that grand?"
hvd.hn5hrw52 Our Little Siamese Cousin How was Chie Lo getting along with her load of fruit this morning?
hvd.hn5hrwA Chinaman who was once asked why he had the eye there, answered,"If no have eye, how can see?"
hvd.hn5hrwAre n't they beautiful?"
hvd.hn5hrwAs his feet were always bare, why should n't he make them useful in other ways than walking and running, swimming and playing games?
hvd.hn5hrwDo you think those men were n't scared?
hvd.hn5hrwDoes n't it ever slip on the elephant's back, Chin?"
hvd.hn5hrwHow do they make their gums such a fiery red?
hvd.hn5hrwHow do they manage to sleep when the air around them is filled with the buzzing, troublesome creatures?
hvd.hn5hrwHow should the roof be protected from the heavy rains that fell during a portion of the year?
hvd.hn5hrwIs n't it beautiful?
hvd.hn5hrwIt startled Chie Lo, and she exclaimed:"What is it, Chin?
hvd.hn5hrwWas n't he the least bit afraid?"
hvd.hn5hrwWas n't that wonderful, Chin?"
hvd.hn5hrwWhat could she mean by these words?
hvd.hn5hrwWhat did he care if he was brought up on the street, as one might say?
hvd.hn5hrwWhat is it?"
hvd.hn5hrw| CHIN|% Our Little Siamese Cousin%** I By% 4* Mary Hazelton Wade^** 4?
hvd.hn5i9t10 Our Little Japanese Cousin Never she cry?
hvd.hn5i9tAnd will he pre- pare medicine marked in some such way as this: • One teaspoonful to be taken each hour?
hvd.hn5i9tAnd, after all, is n't one reason why we live in this big world and are so different one from another, that we may learn from each other?
hvd.hn5i9tAs Lotus Blossom and Toyo draw near, the man ends his song and calls out, “ Now who wants me to blow him a candy dog?
hvd.hn5i9tBut is n't it a strange idea to have dancing, praying, and feasting in the same place?
hvd.hn5i9tBut suppose that the tea or rice should be spilled on the beautiful table?
hvd.hn5i9tBut why is it?
hvd.hn5i9tDo n't you think so?
hvd.hn5i9tDo n't you think that is a very nice and cleanly custom?
hvd.hn5i9tDo you sigh now, and wish you could get your education in that far- away land where long division is not a daily trial?
hvd.hn5i9tHe may boast of six pockets, but what of that?
hvd.hn5i9tHow many holidays have we in a whole year?
hvd.hn5i9tHow were they to get there?
hvd.hn5i9tI believe you would not object to a party like that yourself, would you?
hvd.hn5i9tI'm glad we do n't have this custom in our country, are n't you?
hvd.hn5i9tIn steam or electric cars?
hvd.hn5i9tIs he crazy?
hvd.hn5i9tIs n't it a shame?
hvd.hn5i9tLotus Blossom ran to her mother, just as her American cous- ins might do, and cried, “ Oh, mamma, my precious, honourable'mother, what shall I wear?
hvd.hn5i9tOr shall it be a monkey eating a nut?
hvd.hn5i9tThat little girl, nine years old, drinking tea?
hvd.hn5i9tWas there ever a lovelier sight?
hvd.hn5i9tWhat can you be thinking of to ask such questions?
hvd.hn5i9tWhat do you suppose she carries in the bag?
hvd.hn5i9tWhat wonderful dolls they have in Japan, do n't they?
hvd.hn5i9tWhen school is done, what will the children do throughout the long afternoon?
hvd.hn5i9tWhere does our little Japanese cousin sleep in this funny house?
hvd.hn5i9tWould you believe it?
hvd.hn5i9tYou know the punk that you use on the Fourth of July to light your firecrackers and fireworks?
hvd.hn5i9tYou say at once, “ Is the priest in Japan a doctor?
hvd.hn5i9t“ How about punishment in the Japanese school? ” I hear a little boy ask.
uc1.b3332999A-5 BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FAMOUS LEADERS SERIES By Edwin WILDMAN FAMOUS LEADERS OF INDUSTRY.-First Series “ Are these stories interesting?
uc1.b3332999But how is anybody able to kiss the Blarney Stone?
uc1.b3332999But what is a pig fair?
uc1.b3332999Can they go in the next letter to Maggie, mother? ” asked the little girl, as she finished singing.
uc1.b3332999DANIEL O'CONNELL “ O Paddy, dear, and did you hear The news that's going round?
uc1.b3332999Did ye ever hear tell of the famine? ” she asked.
uc1.b3332999Do you know what a giant is? ” “ Oh, yes.
uc1.b3332999Do you know what peat is?
uc1.b3332999He heard the word “ Fairies. ” Hallowe'en 75 “ Do you believe in fairies? ” he asked Norah.
uc1.b3332999How can I help my country? ” He worked early and late.
uc1.b3332999Is it a true story?
uc1.b3332999LW Norah II Own “ What is it, what is it? ” they all cried together.
uc1.b3332999Mollie says can I go with her for a day at Killarney? ” cried Norah, rushing into the house quite out of breath.
uc1.b3332999Sure, what else could the good news be? ” said their father.
uc1.b3332999THER “ Dear FATHER AND MY OWN SWEET MOTHER:- First of all, how are yoursilves and the pigs and all the children?
uc1.b3332999Then what?
uc1.b3332999What do you suppose the king replied?
uc1.b3332999What was the meaning of the fire?
uc1.b3332999What will the money buy yez now?
uc1.b3332999Who could have dared to disobey the king?
uc1.b3332999Who could tell?
uc1.b3332999Who would duck for the apples?
uc1.b3332999where had she gone?
uc1.b3332999“ Can I do it?
uc1.b3332999“ Do you mean four Irish miles? ” asked one of the gentlemen.
uc1.b3332999“ Is n't it grand to be travelling like that, Katie? ” said her sister.
uc1.b3332999“ What use would it be to spend much time on it? ” he would say.
uc1.b3332999“ Why, Norah? ” “ When you see a cloud of dust sweeping along, you may know the fairies are travelling.
uc1.b3332999“ You have never been to the north of Ireland, have you? ” he asked.
umn.31951000937200p9F i?
umn.31951000937200pA Drive to Richmond 39 “ Did not a great many kings and queens live in Richmond, besides Queen Elizabeth? ” asked Adelaide.
umn.31951000937200pCan somebody explain why?
umn.31951000937200pIs n’t he a beauty?
umn.31951000937200pLondon 57 “ Is not he a beauty, Edith?
umn.31951000937200pOf course it is much heavier and bigger than a carriage of to- day, but what did that matter with four horses to pull it?
umn.31951000937200pPresently the little girl, who had been glanc- ing at Edith, leaned over and said, eagerly: “ They will soon be here, wo n’t they?
umn.31951000937200pThat ’s a long time, is n’t it?
umn.31951000937200pThere is such a jam on the avenue that they can only creep along; it ’s like a big picnic. ” “ Is it not nearly tea- time?
umn.31951000937200pWe will really see the king and queen, aunty?
umn.31951000937200pWhat is the name of the place, Miss Green?
umn.31951000937200p“ Are you alone, my dears? ” she finally asked the little American girl.
umn.31951000937200p“ Ca n’t we see the big grape- vine now?"
umn.31951000937200p“ Do they have cows in London? ” asked Edith.
umn.31951000937200p“ Does he not look wise, Edith?
umn.31951000937200p“ Does not London look smoky and dark?
umn.31951000937200p“ Does not the river look gay? ” said Eleanor.
umn.31951000937200p“ Have you a good boat for us to- day?
umn.31951000937200p“ How is the raven? ” asked Adelaide.
umn.31951000937200p“ How would you and Edith like to go with me to Hyde Park this afternoon?
umn.31951000937200p“ Is not this a lovely Old room, mamma?
umn.31951000937200p“ It ’s just like dolls keeping house; is n’t it lovely, mamma?
umn.31951000937200p“ P: 3 Our thtle g If; English Cousin ii “ 35* ‘ 9: g is:'3 BY\ g Blanche McManus if “?
umn.31951000937200p“ They are all kept for the king ’s own use. ” 22 Our Little English Cousin “ Well, are you young people ready for dinner?
umn.31951000937200p“ Why do we always eat more out- of- doors, ” said Edith, “ than when we are indoors eating in the proper way?
uc1.b3332998- “ Is n't she beautiful? ” whispered Mari, to a little girl behind her.
uc1.b3332998But who cares?
uc1.b3332998But why did you do it? ” “ I was after down for mother's cloak.
uc1.b3332998But, as I said before, the gods always ended by being suc- cessful. ” “ Are you too tired to tell another story, father?
uc1.b3332998Can it be possible that a thief has been here?
uc1.b3332998Do you believe you have grown any taller since last night? ” said Mari's mother, when she called her that morning.
uc1.b3332998Do you wonder what fun there could be in staying up in that basket, hour after hour?
uc1.b3332998I shall have to admit you have beaten me. ’ “ ‘ Did n't you see what I did?'
uc1.b3332998I will finish the baking while you take the baby and give him an airing. ” And where was the baby, bless him?
uc1.b3332998May I keep it, please? ” “ It seems as though you had enough pets now, Mari.
uc1.b3332998Suppose one log gets across the stream and blocks the way?
uc1.b3332998The Golden Age did n't last after quarrelling began, did it? ” “ No.
uc1.b3332998They had to catch each animal and hold it still with a lasso while the milking was done. ” “ Why did you speak of milking- day, Adolf?
uc1.b3332998Was the good time over now, do you think?
uc1.b3332998What is that for? ” “ They are laying presents there for the min- ister.
uc1.b3332998What kind of a home would he find when he got into the forest?
uc1.b3332998Why were they all dressed so finely Why were they all looking in one direction?
uc1.b3332998“ And what did our brave little Ashiepattle do?
uc1.b3332998“ Could you see what is coming? ” asked her mother.
uc1.b3332998“ Did n't you put it away in the box where you always keep it? ” “ Certainly, my child, but I did not lock the box as usual.
uc1.b3332998“ Do you think I have enough to decorate your cake, Mari? ” He laughed as he spoke.
uc1.b3332998“ Have you seen the silver brooch I wore at my throat yesterday? ” said their mother, as soon as they came into the house.
uc1.b3332998“ Is that your spinning- wheel? ” asked the visitor, as she looked around the room.
uc1.b3332998“ Is there any- thing else the women of Lapland make, Adolf? ” “ Many things.
uc1.b3332998“ May father have the cakes I made? ” asked Mari.
uc1.b3332998“ Mother, why is our house a posting- station? ” asked Mari, when the travellers had gone.
uc1.b3332998“ The baby behaves finely, does n't he? ” whispered Ole.
uc1.b3332998“ What do you think Ashiepattle did?
uc1.b3332998“ Which story shall it be? ” asked the farmer.
uc1.b3332998“ Wo n't you come into the house while you wait for the carriage? ” she asked.
nyp.33433081963021-- º-----*-*-----------------------********//04*/ tº//>*/?
nyp.33433081963021----- º*****-*--- e-*** º-* … º*,-**-- r ºr º Our Little---**-*-* º- º----***| º---** º i*** j}- f-- •?
nyp.33433081963021And did this little family own so much linen as lay spread out on the grass to- day?
nyp.33433081963021But we in our village have other work. ” “ But why do n't the wood- carvers change?
nyp.33433081963021But you will come, wo n't you? ” Carl's father and mother were as much pleased by the invitation as were the boys.
nyp.33433081963021Do n't you think now that it is a wonderful sight? ” “ Yes, indeed.
nyp.33433081963021Do n't you think that is a pretty idea, father?
nyp.33433081963021His hair has rubbed off against it as he moved while asleep. ” “ How large do the marmots grow? ” asked Carl.
nyp.33433081963021How does the work go? ” “ Pretty hard, my boy, pretty hard, but I love it, ” answered the younger man of the two mowers.
nyp.33433081963021How soon are we to start, father? ” “ Next week.
nyp.33433081963021How would you like to go too?
nyp.33433081963021In a moment, almost, they were out of sight. ” “ Why can they climb where no one else is able to go? ” asked Carl.
nyp.33433081963021Io8 Our Little Swiss Cousin “ Have you been a good boy? ” he cried, suddeq'v turning toward Carl.
nyp.33433081963021It is n't easy walking over them, either, is it? ” After some hard climbing they found them- selves on the glacier.
nyp.33433081963021The holy man gave them food and drink, but what do you think these wicked men did in return for such kindness?
nyp.33433081963021This was so mother could drink the waters and get cured. ” “ Do you remember the name of the place? ” asked Carl.
nyp.33433081963021What could it all mean?
nyp.33433081963021What did it matter if some of the women of Switzerland dressed like the people of other lands?
nyp.33433081963021What have you been doing? ” “ I have spent part of my time as a guide among the highest mountains of the Alps.
nyp.33433081963021What should be done?
nyp.33433081963021What would he receive, himself?
nyp.33433081963021Why is it that cretins are often found in the homes of the poor?
nyp.33433081963021You know that? ” “ O, yes, Uncle Fritz. ” “ Very well, then.
nyp.33433081963021“ Carl, my boy, are you thinking of the good time to- morrow? ” said a voice at the other side of the room.
nyp.33433081963021“ Did you believe such a silly story as that, Rudolf?
nyp.33433081963021“ Did your mother do like these others? ” he asked, and he turned his head toward the beautifully dressed lady who sat talking with his parents.
nyp.33433081963021“ Do n’t you think our cows are lovely, and did you notice the big black one in the first stall?
nyp.33433081963021“ Do you think Tell feared he could not do it?
nyp.33433081963021“ Have you been at home all summer? ” asked Rudolf.
nyp.33433081963021“ May I go with you when you collect the hay in November? ” Carl asked his friends.
nyp.33433081963021“ O father, is that you?
nyp.33433081963021“ Why is it such a busy place, father? ” asked Carl.
nyp.33433081963021“ Why, have n't you heard about it?
mdp.39076002869175And how did the people move the boat?
mdp.39076002869175But, mother, our people were not always like this, were they?
mdp.39076002869175Did you ever hear what the people in other countries call the Sultan, Artin?
mdp.39076002869175Did you ever ride on a camel, father?
mdp.39076002869175Do n't you know we were talking about geese the other day?
mdp.39076002869175Do you really suppose we can get within shot of them?
mdp.39076002869175Do you remember what I found on our chimney last spring, Mariam?
mdp.39076002869175Do you see anything moving below us?
mdp.39076002869175Have you learned whether any wolves have been seen near the village, Artin? mdp.39076002869175 He stalked about very proudly, as much as to say:'What business have you to make me stay here with common fowls?
mdp.39076002869175How can a person help keeping well and strong if he lives here?
mdp.39076002869175If you climb to the top of yonder mountain, what can you, see beyond?
mdp.39076002869175Is that so? mdp.39076002869175 It seems a long time, does n't it?
mdp.39076002869175Now, my son, what do you suppose the wise man's story meant? mdp.39076002869175 Should we be spared?
mdp.39076002869175Was she drowned?
mdp.39076002869175What kind of cargoes did the merchants of those days carry?
mdp.39076002869175Why are n't there kings in Armenia any more?
mdp.39076002869175Why in the world was the ass carried?
mdp.39076002869175Why was there a deluge, mother?
mdp.39076002869175Wo n't you tell us a story? mdp.39076002869175 Would you like to hear about Armenia in Bible days?
mdp.39076002869175Yes, I know, I know,said Mr. Brown,"but it was the grandest part of the journey, was n't it?"
mdp.39076002869175You are thinking of the Garden of Eden, are n't you, mother?
mdp.39076002869175f What has happened?' mdp.39076002869175 'Are n't you afraid?' mdp.39076002869175 And what was Artin's father doing all this evening? mdp.39076002869175 And where was he going? mdp.39076002869175 Are our Turkish masters as cruel as ever?
mdp.39076002869175But how could the sheep get up on the roof?
mdp.39076002869175But what of the wild sheep the Americans hoped to bring home with them?
mdp.39076002869175But what was it?
mdp.39076002869175Can you guess the reason?
mdp.39076002869175Can you imagine the lower story of a house with no wall facing the street?
mdp.39076002869175Did n't the people ever catch him?"
mdp.39076002869175Do tell me how are my people on the seacoast?
mdp.39076002869175Do you remember bringing one home last year, Artin?
mdp.39076002869175Do you see the fine stone slabs on the roof and around the doorways?
mdp.39076002869175Do you understand?
mdp.39076002869175How were we ever to pass that procession of camels?
mdp.39076002869175How would you like to be let down with ropes over the sides of the cliffs?
mdp.39076002869175It was n't a bad way of building a home, was it?
mdp.39076002869175THE SACRED LAND"Mother, why ca n't I talk about Armenia as much as I wish?
mdp.39076002869175THE VISITORS"May we rest here for a short time?
mdp.39076002869175Tell me, is it not so?"
mdp.39076002869175They like to feel the warm sunshine 57 Queer Animals 59"What makes them take the journey?"
mdp.39076002869175What can I say that would interest you children?"
mdp.39076002869175What do you suppose has happened?"
mdp.39076002869175What do you think he saw in his dreams that night?
mdp.39076002869175What is the matter?"
mdp.39076002869175What was to be done now?
mdp.39076002869175Why do n't they drive out the brigands?"
mdp.39076002869175Would you care enough for wild sheep to do such things?"
mdp.39076002869175how could the people inside of that big building see to do the work?"
nnc1.cr61011363'WILL YOU NOT LET ME TAKE YOU HOME IN THE CAR? nnc1.cr61011363 Is that why we call the thunder Trajan's voice?"
nnc1.cr61011363Where did you get these? ” both boys shouted with delight. nnc1.cr61011363 'Do you see that?' nnc1.cr61011363 'Have you your knife?' nnc1.cr61011363 'He knows his cure, but will not tell it to thee.? nnc1.cr61011363 'If it is indeed so, why should I not? nnc1.cr61011363 Are you going to stay in Bukurest? nnc1.cr61011363 Are you sure?' nnc1.cr61011363 As she shook hands with Nicolaia and looked at Jonitza's animated face she roguishly asked, “ Did you like the dance?
nnc1.cr61011363Did n't you hear him bray?
nnc1.cr61011363For answer Jonitza glared and then burst out with: “ What have I done that you wo n't let me go with you on St. George's Eve?
nnc1.cr61011363Have you ever seen snakes just born? ” At this last question, Nicolaia's eyes flashed.
nnc1.cr61011363How can I tell whether I'm stupid or dull unless I do? ”."
nnc1.cr61011363How will you like that? ” “ Very much, dear mother, ” Jonitza answered.
nnc1.cr61011363How would you like to be Jonitza's teacher and earn a little money of your own?"
nnc1.cr61011363Might I tell you 84 Our Little Roumanian Cousin the story, sir?
nnc1.cr61011363Of what good will life then 56 Our Little Roumanian Cousin be to me?
nnc1.cr61011363Our Little Roumanian Cousin “ Why are n't you out- of- doors? ” the Doctor asked in a surprised tone.
nnc1.cr61011363Perhaps Vasili would keep an eye on our sheep for a few hours if we asked him. ” “ Do you think so? ” asked Jonitza eagerly.
nnc1.cr61011363Suppose I go to- morrow morning and take you with me?"
nnc1.cr61011363What would she say?
nnc1.cr61011363Where do you 96 Our Little Roumanian Cousin live? ” were some of the questions that Jonitza hurled at his companion.
nnc1.cr61011363Will Roumania be destroyed, or will she emerge a greater and more powerful country, standing for liberty and justice?
nnc1.cr61011363Will you give your life?'
nnc1.cr61011363Would you like to hear the old legend as to how it got its name?"
nnc1.cr61011363“ Are n't we brothers?".
nnc1.cr61011363“ Can that be really my son? ” he said.
nnc1.cr61011363“ Do n't you know that precious stones are made from snake saliva?
nnc1.cr61011363“ Do you know,"he said,"that there are more varieties of ducks on the Danube than in most parts of the world?
nnc1.cr61011363“ How can you and see me dance?"
nnc1.cr61011363“ How did it come to get it? ” he asked.
nnc1.cr61011363“ How is one to tell harmless snakes from others?
nnc1.cr61011363“ I know you're late and deserve a scolding, but how dare I scold you when I was ten minutes late myself?
nnc1.cr61011363“ It was splendid, was n't it, Nicolaia?
nnc1.cr61011363“ We certainly love to call things by his name. ” “ The Milky Way is Trajan's Road, is n't it?"
nnc1.cr61011363“ What do you think that is? ” he asked.
nnc1.cr61011363“ What has happened?"
nnc1.cr61011363“ What is it? ” Jonitza inquired.
nnc1.cr61011363“ What's that for? ” he asked her.
nnc1.cr61011363“ What's the matter? ” Nicolaia finally asked.
nnc1.cr61011363“ When did you come?
nnc1.cr61011363“ Where are you from?"
nnc1.cr61011363“ Where are you going to- morrow?
nnc1.cr61011363“ Where is Nicolaia?
nnc1.cr61011363“ While the boys are enjoying the market together, will you not let me take you home in the car?".
nnc1.cr61011363“ Why are you doing that? ” he asked.
nnc1.cr61011363“ Why should n't Jonitza accompany Nicolaia as a sheep herder into the Carpathians?"
nnc1.cr61011363“ Will you? ” asked Jonitza dropping on the floor beside Nicolaia.
nnc1.cr61011363“ Will your parents let you join me in carol singing? ” was Dimitri's first question.
nnc1.cr61011363“ Would you like to visit him with me? ” he asked, turning politely to Jonitza.
nnc1.cr61011363• Why should we believe all that ill?'
hvd.hx5663132 OUR LITTLE VIKING COUSIN “ What have we here? ” said he.
hvd.hx5663And how was it that he had determined to go in search of adventures in a strange and un- known country?
hvd.hx5663And was he not the god of all gods?
hvd.hx5663And what manner of men were these Skrel- lings?
hvd.hx5663And where have you concealed it? ” “ Thrym grinned, even laughed derisively.
hvd.hx5663Become the bride of that hor- rible old monster?
hvd.hx5663But how was it that Leif the Lucky had knowledge of this land lying far to the west?
hvd.hx5663But what of Winland?
hvd.hx5663But what was now to be done with the treasure?
hvd.hx5663But what was this?
hvd.hx5663Do you want to hear it? ” “ Yes!
hvd.hx5663For was he not the strongest man in the Heavens?
hvd.hx5663Freyja the bride of such a horrible, old giant?
hvd.hx5663Have you not stolen Thor's hammer?
hvd.hx5663How could I man an oar? ” “ I am young, also.
hvd.hx5663How fare the elves?
hvd.hx5663How fares Thor, god of all gods?
hvd.hx5663How fares the beautiful Freyjaź Why do you come alone to Jotunheim?'
hvd.hx5663Is it to win the beautiful Freyja that he has made all this trouble?
hvd.hx5663Is it true that Thrym has sent me such a mes- sage?
hvd.hx5663She cried out, angrily: “ ‘ What?
hvd.hx5663Should it be divided, or should it go, for the most part, to Leif the Lucky?
hvd.hx5663So their prized possessions had been searched, had they?
hvd.hx5663W W BARNE HERJULFASON** s*~~~*** º-?
hvd.hx5663Was not this captain well named when they called him Leif the Lucky?
hvd.hx5663What do you think?
hvd.hx5663What has old Thrym been doing, eh?
hvd.hx5663What have you learned about my hammer, pray?
hvd.hx5663What if they should see him?
hvd.hx5663What is this you tell me, Loki?
hvd.hx5663What say you? ” “ I certainly agree, Eric.
hvd.hx5663What shall I do?
hvd.hx5663What think you of that?'
hvd.hx5663What would Leif do to him should he now declare a truce, after he had made every show of an attack?
hvd.hx5663What would be the outcome of the battle?
hvd.hx5663What would the Vikings do with it?
hvd.hx5663Where, then, have they placed it? ” Eric's heart began to beat loudly against his ribs.
hvd.hx5663You and I must search the beach, comrade, and I am sure that we can find where it lies buried. ” “ How do you know this? ” asked the second.
hvd.hx5663“ And what of that? ” “ Would you not like to go with him, and have some adventure? ” Biarne's eyes opened wide.
hvd.hx5663“ And what of that? ” “ Would you not like to go with him, and have some adventure? ” Biarne's eyes opened wide.
hvd.hx5663“ Are n't you glad that you came along? ” said Biarne to Eric, as they toiled over the timber cutting.
hvd.hx5663“ Biarne, I have bad news to tell you. ” “ What can it be, Eric?
hvd.hx5663“ But how is it that you are not fierce, Lothair, as you are a great huntsman? ” The Skald laughed with much good humor.
hvd.hx5663“ Can it be the treasure? ” he whispered.
hvd.hx5663“ Can we get him? ” he asked eagerly.
hvd.hx5663“ Does n't he look like a statue? ” said Eric.
hvd.hx5663“ How long will we have to crouch down here? ” whispered Eric, when the ship had trav- eled about a mile from the shore.
hvd.hx5663“ I believe that they are pirates. ” “ Pirates? ” “ Yes, even as we might become if we had to.
hvd.hx5663“ Is that you, Eric? ” “ Yes.
hvd.hx5663“ It's a big, brown owl. ” “ Are you sure? ” “ Certainly 1 ” Biarne seemed to be relieved.
hvd.hx5663“ Loki said again: “ ‘ Is this the only answer that you give?
hvd.hx5663“ My, do you suppose that is one of the Skrellings? ” whispered Biarne.
hvd.hx5663“ She looks to me like a pi- rate ship. ” “ And will she stand? ” asked Biarne, curi- ously.
hvd.hx5663“ Was n't Loki a crafty fellow, though? ” Thorwald laughed.
hvd.hx5663“ What do you suppose it is, Eric? ” said he.
hvd.hx5663“ What is it that disturbs you so? ” The old man looked at him with wide open eyes.
hvd.hx5663“ What is it, Eric? ” he asked.
hvd.hx5663“ What means this, men? ” shouted Leif, 122 OUR LITTLE VIKING COUSIN above the splashing of the waves.
hvd.hx5663“ What say you to that, sir? ” he asked.
hvd.hx5663“ Where? ” “ Up on the beach, up near those hemlock trees.
hvd.hx5663“ Yes, ” answered old Staumfroid, “ if you follow my advice. ” “ What is that? ” “ Keep doggedly to his trail!
hvd.hx5663”* “ What is it, Eric? ” “ There is trouble in the windl''“ Eh!
hvd.hn5hrzAnd now what do you suppose came along and saw the children?
hvd.hn5hrzAnd what is the bird of America, Arthur?
hvd.hn5hrzAre there any real harpies?
hvd.hn5hrzBut how will she manage to travel so far? hvd.hn5hrz But what will mother do with me away all day long?"
hvd.hn5hrzDid he escape?
hvd.hn5hrzDid he really live, father, or is this only a legend?
hvd.hn5hrzDid you ever hear of anything so odd? hvd.hn5hrz Do n't you see him creeping along that stone wall?
hvd.hn5hrzDo you see what Arthur is doing?
hvd.hn5hrzDoes n't any one speak in Latin now, father?
hvd.hn5hrzHow did you know about their food?
hvd.hn5hrzHow long ago do they say all this hap- pened, father?
hvd.hn5hrzHow would you like to go to the carni- val?
hvd.hn5hrzIn five minutes, ca n't we, mother?
hvd.hn5hrzIt is only two o'clock now; how soon can you all be ready?
hvd.hn5hrzIt is queer, is n't it? hvd.hn5hrz Oh, father, do you suppose all this was really true?"
hvd.hn5hrzOnce upon a time there were two little boys —"But when was this'once upon a time?'
hvd.hn5hrzShall we not be crowded worse than we were last night?
hvd.hn5hrzThey are ugly little things, are n't they? hvd.hn5hrz Was it where Rome stands now?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat are they doing?
hvd.hn5hrzWhat do you mean? hvd.hn5hrz What is the bird of your country, Beppo?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat is this show? hvd.hn5hrz What was the fable, and who was Agrippa, and why did he come out on this dreary place to tell a story?"
hvd.hn5hrzWho will take care of the baby while she works in the garden? hvd.hn5hrz Why do you speak of it as a'sacred ruin,'father?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhy is he such a great man, and why do the people give him such reverence?
hvd.hn5hrzYou are going to take us to see the city before we go back to Rome, are n't you, father?
hvd.hn5hrz68 Our Little Italian Cousin"Why, what do you mean, father?"
hvd.hn5hrz86 The Twins 87 And what do you think she saw?
hvd.hn5hrzAnd who will help her pull the weeds?"
hvd.hn5hrzAre n't io8 Our Little Italian Cousin the ladies in it pretty, Beppo?
hvd.hn5hrzBeppo, do I look all right?
hvd.hn5hrzBut does Tessa know its name?"
hvd.hn5hrzBut how shall we manage it with our family of four children?"
hvd.hn5hrzBut what could a poor stupid donkey be expected to care about a baby only a day old?
hvd.hn5hrzBut what shall Tessa wear?
hvd.hn5hrzBut where was Francesca now?
hvd.hn5hrzCould it be true that this lovely wax doll was her very own?
hvd.hn5hrzDid you ever eat them, Lucy?
hvd.hn5hrzDid you ever notice a lizard's feet?"
hvd.hn5hrzDo n't we, father?"
hvd.hn5hrzDo you think the artist will take me?"
hvd.hn5hrzDo you think, wife, that you will be able to mount them?"
hvd.hn5hrzHow do you do, my child?
hvd.hn5hrzI should think it would be better than the lard we have in America, is n't it?"
hvd.hn5hrzIf it is now 1,903 years since his birth, how many years old is Rome?"
hvd.hn5hrzIt looks some- thing like a man's boot, do n't you think so?
hvd.hn5hrzSay, Tessa, is there a nice chestnut cake( waiting for our supper?
hvd.hn5hrzTessa thought they were So Our Little Italian Cousin What was his name now, you ask?
hvd.hn5hrzThe Story of JEneas 43"Are you ready with your story, father?"
hvd.hn5hrzThe Twins 91 Their father came up to them at this moment, and said:"How would you like to take a carriage now and visit the Coliseum?
hvd.hn5hrzThe odd way the toes swell out on the edges?"
hvd.hn5hrzThey said the city must be on one of these hills, but which hill should it be?
hvd.hn5hrzWere they drowned?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat can be the reason for its being there?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat do you say, my boy?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat do you say, sister?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat do you say?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat do you think?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat does this word"carnival"mean?
hvd.hn5hrzWhat shall we do when you go back to America?"
hvd.hn5hrzWhat should be done?
hvd.hn5hrzWhat would an Italian do without hands to help him in talking?
hvd.hn5hrzWhere would he be now, if Columbus had not discovered the new world?
hvd.hn5hrzWho should say?
hvd.hn5hrzWill you, father dear?"
hvd.hn5hrzWould Arthur tell him the story some day?
hvd.hn5hrzWould you like to go down into the garden and walk among the flowers for a little while?"
hvd.hn5hrzYou know the story of Columbus, do n't you, Beppo?"
hvd.hn5hrzdo you really mean it?"
hvd.hn5hrzjWill father take us to Saint Peter's then, do you think?"
nyp.33433044181414A decoy? nyp.33433044181414 A warm friend?
nyp.33433044181414And do these big ships go back empty to Europe?
nyp.33433044181414And that group of men on the corner, see, Uncle, they are all dressed alike, and must be of the same nationality; what are they?
nyp.33433044181414And was Jose with you on that expedi- tion?
nyp.33433044181414And who are you that you may sit in judgment on generals and captains?
nyp.33433044181414Are there more than two?
nyp.33433044181414But how are they cooking here in the street?
nyp.33433044181414But how can you kill millions of ants with so small a machine?
nyp.33433044181414But, Uncle Juan, what right had Argen- tina to take the land from the Indians of Pata- gonia? nyp.33433044181414 Can the boy take another long ride in the same day?"
nyp.33433044181414Cosmopolitan? nyp.33433044181414 Cotno no?"
nyp.33433044181414Do they not send anything at all down here, but yellow pine, Uncle?
nyp.33433044181414Do they often use those murderous looking knives on each other, Uncle?
nyp.33433044181414Do you know him, Uncle Juan?
nyp.33433044181414Do you think Uncle would allow me to go with you?
nyp.33433044181414Have you ever seen the puma skin in the library of my city house?
nyp.33433044181414How would you like a spin out to Palermo?
nyp.33433044181414I should do it as the English lad tells me he saw them do it in Chubut Territory; that's part of Patagonia, is n't it, Uncle?
nyp.33433044181414Indeed, and which one will you choose, little White Rose? nyp.33433044181414 Is he not exhausted?
nyp.33433044181414Is it — is it another fishing trip?
nyp.33433044181414May I go with you, Uncle Juan?
nyp.33433044181414No, Senorito, but we always have one hap- piness; have you noticed it? nyp.33433044181414 Uncle Juan, why is it that most of these street peddlers are Italians?
nyp.33433044181414Uncle, as we have so many things that are the largest and best in the world, tell me, is this the longest railroad on the earth?
nyp.33433044181414Uncle, may we not go back by the Prensa building and see what has happened?
nyp.33433044181414Uncle? nyp.33433044181414 What do you know of Buenos Aires, Nino?"
nyp.33433044181414What do you raise these wild horses for, Uncle Juan?
nyp.33433044181414What if San Martin could see this now?
nyp.33433044181414What was that, Uncle?
nyp.33433044181414Where does the little White Rose wish to go?
nyp.33433044181414Who calls, Colonel? nyp.33433044181414 Why are some of the flamingoes scarlet and some pink?"
nyp.33433044181414Why do some of those ragged beggars wear metal badges, Jose?
nyp.33433044181414Why do they call it ugly bug? nyp.33433044181414 Why do you brand them, Uncle Juan?
nyp.33433044181414Why do you use that to kill ants?
nyp.33433044181414Why, Uncle Juan, does it use up as much steam as that?
nyp.33433044181414Why, this is an ant destroyer, Senorito; would you care to watch me kill ants?
nyp.33433044181414Would n't he open his eyes?
nyp.33433044181414Would you like to see them load the vessels? nyp.33433044181414 66 Our Little Argentine Cousin have put it here? ” and she looked up inquir- ingly, first at her uncle and then at her brother. nyp.33433044181414 And then, to the boy beside him, he said,How could you stand half an hour in the Zoological Gardens, Nino?"
nyp.33433044181414Anita,"turning to his sister,"I doubt if you, yourself, have ever been to the Barracas, have you?"
nyp.33433044181414Are those guanaco skins in the dining- room at the estancia — the tawny yellow ones with white spots and such deep soft fur?"
nyp.33433044181414But Jose, what did you say about not cleaning your turtles till you had tied them?"
nyp.33433044181414But one ca n't have everything one wants, all at the same time, can one, Jose?"
nyp.33433044181414But what is a decoy?"
nyp.33433044181414CHAPTER VII ON THE RANCH"What is that you have, Manuel?"
nyp.33433044181414Can you bound the Argentine Republic?"
nyp.33433044181414Did you ever hunt them, Uncle?"
nyp.33433044181414Did you ever notice that our plasterers, or masons, who plaster the outside and inside of all our houses, speak Italian?"
nyp.33433044181414Do they ever eat anything but meat?"
nyp.33433044181414Do you know what alluvial soil is?"
nyp.33433044181414Do you know who was our first admiral?
nyp.33433044181414Do you now see why we were justified in fighting them?"
nyp.33433044181414Do you remember how we put young frogs on the end of a string and then lay low in the grass and waited?"
nyp.33433044181414Does the Senor care to have his breakfast now?"
nyp.33433044181414How would you catch them if you had the opportunity?"
nyp.33433044181414However, Elena could not walk, her on this, her first outing; eh, White Rose?"
nyp.33433044181414Just what would you buy, anyhow, if you got your share of the reward?"
nyp.33433044181414Maybe they will tell us the price of horsehair per kilo — eh, gentlemen?"
nyp.33433044181414See those heavy carts going towards the docks?
nyp.33433044181414Shall I leave him here?"
nyp.33433044181414Slept through all of this noise?
nyp.33433044181414U4 Our Little Argentine Cousin Do you know how they came by their name, Patagonians?"
nyp.33433044181414Uncle, are we coming to the cowboys?"
nyp.33433044181414What smells so good?"
nyp.33433044181414Where could he be?
nyp.33433044181414Where shall we go first?"
nyp.33433044181414Who could have brought it?
nyp.33433044181414Why, what's the matter, Nino?"
nyp.33433044181414Why, you act as though you had seen them before, Fran- cisco, are you not surprised to see so many?"
nyp.33433044181414Why, you're not homesick, are you?"
nyp.33433044181414Would you like to try?"
nyp.33433044181414Your estancia is so large surely they could not stray on to a neighbour's ranch; and then the gauchos watch them carefully?"
nyp.33433044181414“ Uncle, shall we eat out here with the gauchos? ” he asked, wild- eyed.