
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A32715Hitts of these facetious Spirits?
A32715are not his eyes open 〈 ◊ 〉 high noon?
A66357Could not the same Sunne and Dew which enripened them, refine and purifie them there?
A66357Have they wanted the Sunne and Dew when upon the stalke?
A66357I am not ignorant that Criticks will laugh at this; much good doe it them, and why so many Moneths for the same seed?
A66357My Exceptionist forgets that wee not onely covet to have things early, but their continuance: Will it offend him that wee have Artichokes in May?
A66357What Riches may not the Silke- worme, Vine, Olive, and Almond afford us?
A66357Why so many Repetitions?
A66357and July both?
A66357or increase our miseries wi ● hout any addition to ou ● happin ● sse?
A25256By the Stars which adorn my Great Fathers high way, What mean you?
A25256Claret Sir — Lord there''s not a Drop in Town; But we''ve the best Red Port — What''s that you call Red Port?
A25256For did ever a Poet in writing excel, Who with dull Beer and Ale made his heavy Panch swell?
A25256How hapned your Thoughts thus to mount on the high ropes?
A25256Says Bacchus, how happen''d it that in these doors, Came this Crew of half sober, half drunk Sons of Whores?
A25256That no less Wickedness cou''d thee content, Than madly tearing up a Monument?
A25256The Whets you pretend I can never think well of, You Whet, but pray what?
A25256V. Pray taste your Wine Sir, — Sir, by your good favor, I''ll view it first, and nose its flavor; Is this the Wine you so commend?
A25256What Wolf begat thee?
A25256What arts my friend you have?
A25256What other Wines you brewing Ass, Have you; you would for Clarets pass?
A25256What tricks you use?
A25256quoth Bacchus, and pray Master Sheeps- head Where live you?
A25256quoth God Bacchus what fellows are these?
A25256says Bacchus, what Pimp of a Liquor is this?
A25256what are you I say?
A25256what foul Lust of gain possest, What Fury seiz''d thy Sacrilegious breast?
A25256whence come you?
A66356Besides what a small summe of money will buy your Cattell, and Swine in Virginia?
A66356Could not the same Sunne and Dew which enripened them, refine and purifie them there?
A66356For the other what meanes to live there?
A66356Have they wanted the Sunne and Dew when upon the stalk ●?
A66356I am not ignorant that Criticks will laugh at this; much good doe it them ● and why so many Moneths for the same seed?
A66356My Exceptionist forgets that wee not onely covet to have things early, but their continuance: Will it offend him that wee have Ar ● ichokes in May?
A66356The basenesse of these incomparable Poltrons considered, what cause should there be to feare them?
A66356To those other Questions how people shall transport themselves if of fortunes?
A66356W ● y so many Repetitions?
A66356What Fleets come yeerely upon the coasts of New found Land, and New England for Fish, with an incredible re ● ● rne?
A66356What Fowles can she make oftentation of, in which Virginia can be esteemed inferiour?
A66356What Riches may not the Silke- worme, Vine, Olive, and Almond afford us?
A66356What discover without a power of Appropriation?
A66356What multitude of flowers have our lat ● Gardens in England seen non native to this soyle or Climate?
A66356What opulency does China teeme with which shall not be made our owne by the Midwi ● ● y, by the Juno Lucina of this virtuall pass ● ge?
A66356Which if it should faile, why may not Virginia in her future felicity of silke be a new China and Persia to Europe?
A66356Why being capable to crowne her browes with Garlands of Roses and plenty, she sate desolate amongst the W ● llowes of neglect and poverty?
A66356Why rather doe wee apply our selves to the South of Virginia, then the North?
A66356Why to a new where in probability all things may be wanting, rather then an old Colony where already there is great abundance?
A66356already can Virginia boast of Cinamon, which if transplanted might not be inferiour unto any?
A66356and July both?
A66356and why may not the intralls of this Minerall be Gold, since the skinne and crust of it is Copper?
A66356how the lesse able be transported?
A66356or increase our miseries without any addition to our happinesse?
A66356what conditions they are to expect?
A66356what way of improvement upon meanes?
A66356why may not all the spicery of the East flourish with an equall successe in this our most justly tempered Climate?