
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A50563And I did ask: Sir, Wherefore is the Northern Sun so dark?
A50563God hath never created such a man?
A50563He again, Of what Religion?
A50563He, Sing ye also French Psalms?
A50563Now as I thus considered of that strange man, and much wondered at him, saying: What is that for a man?
A50563Then I asked; Sir, how is that gone so suddenly?
A50563Which doing, he said to me, Dost thou see that piece of land?
A65443Beloved, have you so learned Christ?
A65443Can you prove that God hath not spoken to her and by her?
A65443Doth the Gospel teach you to defame you neighbour in Coffee- Houses, Ale Houses?
A65443In Coffee- House and Ale- House now VVhy do you me Defame?
A65443Thus when Elisha sent a young Prophet with instructions to anoint Jehu, his Fellow- servants askt him; Wherefore came this Mad fellow to thee?
A65443VVhat cause gave I to make your wrath So hot to burn at me?
A65443Where is God my Maker that giveth Songs in the Night?
A65443can your scorn and contempt of the weak instrument, frustrate the purposes and Counsels of God?
A49864Fulfilling that saying, O Death where is thy Sting, O Grave where is thy Victory?
A49864If it be asked, What Scripture is there for this?
A49864Must it not be by the Rod which shall strike the Rock, so that the Waters of the Spirit shall gush forth, and overflow, for Healing?
A49864Now as it was queried in my self, so it may be by others how those that are departed, shall be brought to Repent and believe in Christ for Salvation?
A49864Then was it queried in me,( because there was yet so little appearance of this,) how long it might be, before This would come to effect?
A63812Doth man commit Sin in the Night when he Dreameth?
A63812For a Lascivious man to was ● e his Wealth, his Strength, and expose both Body and Soul, for the filthy imbraces of a loathsom Strumpet?
A63812How long shall this be in the Heart of the Pr ● phets that Prophecy Lyes?
A63812Is there not as great need and occasion still for such spiritual 〈 … 〉 of mankind still continue in blindness, and unbelief?
A63812That they may roar under the Stone, and the Illia ● c Passion, and live Tormented Lives, and dye an Immature Death?
A63812Were not the Rachabites ennobled by the Recommendation, even of the Blessed Creator Himself, to all Posterity, for their Abstinence and Temperence?
A63812What do names ▪ or formal empty professions and talk signifie in this particular?
A63812What use are we to make thereof?
A63812why should we with a stupid neglect lose the benefit of such powerful Auxiliaries?
A63812— As, what are you here for?
A40026And I said Lord, what meaneth these hearts to be thus joyned together of a sudden?
A40026And I said, Lord, what meaneth these Suns, and one to be so bright over the other, and so to darken the rest?
A40026And I said, Lord, what meaneth this tree?
A40026And again my eternal God said unto me, behold, what dost thou now see?
A40026And the Lord said behold, behold: what dost thou see?
A40026And the word of the Lord came again saying, behold what dost thou now see?
A40026If this be a sin, how far greater sin is it when you take from them that that should preserve them from want, or take away their lives?
A40026If thou hast, thou in so doing hath done well; but what meaneth the crying of the poor so much; bread, bread, for the Lord sake?
A40026What art thou as can say, shall we give away our houses and lands?
A40026and lo I beheld a woman gloriously arrayed with a Scepter in her hand, and she had a maid to wait upon her: and I said Lord, what meaneth this?
A40026and my eternall God said, this man represents I the Lord of host, gathering my people together: and I said, Lord, what people?
A40026and what doth his cup signifie?
A40026and what is in this cup?
A40026and what men are these?
A40026do I command thee for to sel that which thou hast and give to the poor?
A40026do you know what you say, are they yours or mine?
A40026do you think that I regard you, and you only because of riches?
A40026do you think to go to heaven, when the rust of your silver wil rise up in judgement against you?
A40026hast thou fed them that thou accounts thine enemies?
A40026he comes to bring down the pride and haughty lookes of men; what pride and haughty lookes?
A40026thou proud Esau that exalts thy self above thy fellow- creatures, I wil reason with you, how or wherein dost thou fulfil my wil?
A40026what a condition should we bring our selves into if we should do so?
A40026who hath seen such a thing, that a nation should be born at once?
A387731653. as ye have it v. 11?
A387734, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19. then how can I rest, or hold my tongue, seeing no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him?
A38773And as concerning the Churches, how many men have been slain and hurt, whilest they were in obstructing the work about St. Pauls Church?
A38773And must the statutes of David be cast away, because the statutes of Omri be nought?
A38773And now me thinks I hear some of them in power say, what shall we do to prevent this judgement?
A38773And was not Constantine King of great Brittain the first Christian Emperour in all the World?
A38773And was not Lucius King of Brittain,( who builded St. Peters Church in Corn- hill London) the first Christian King in all the World?
A38773And what great rewards did God give them that fulfilled his word?
A38773And who knoweth the value of a seasonable well spent day?
A38773And why?
A38773And why?
A38773And will they not raise their children, friends, and relations to all places of profit?
A38773But when did any Astrologer speak of a Martyre ● death?
A38773But ye will say, those that gave these things were idolatrously devoted, I answer: Thou that abhorrest idols, doest thou commit sacriledge?
A38773Change Times, and Laws?
A38773Did he ever take any Kingdoms from any?
A38773Do they not stink now in the Nostrils of those whom they preach''d up?
A38773For, have they not known how God by me declared the most remarkable things that befell these Kingdoms since the Wars began?
A38773How I declared to the Earl of Essex, 7. years before he was General, that he should be the peoples General against the late King?
A38773How I declared to the late Parliament many times, that they should be destroyed long before their dissolution?
A38773How did K. Charls subdue three Kings?
A38773How hath Scotland and their great ones there, been punished for their rising against the King, as a just reward of their folly?
A38773How is their glorious Parliament as it were sunk quick to Hell?
A38773How prosperous were the late Parliament against the late King ▪ Why?
A38773How that 20. years ago, I declared the things which befell the late King, and that I suffered 3. years imprisonment for the same?
A38773How were those men cast down; mained, and spoyled, when they went about building a Preaching place for the Anabaptists in the stone Chappel thereof?
A38773I declared the downfall of the Presbyterians, and suffered two moneths imprisonment for that also?
A38773Is it not because of your ignorance of the Scriptures, and Luke- warmness?
A38773Is it not because the Bride doth not make her self ready to receive him?
A38773Is it not your ignorance of the Scriptures?
A38773Is not the eys, their knowledge, by which the late Parliament pretended to see more from Scripture, then any other before them?
A38773Is not this the height of hypocrisie?
A38773Now if we enquire who is a godly person after their account?
A38773That the Kings Son would come to England long before he came to Worcester,& his succes likewise?
A38773Then, why may not God do as much for England?
A38773This is godliness?
A38773What became of the Lord Brook that grand enemy of Gods Worship?
A38773What is the reason that the Bride- groom doth not come?
A38773What''s become of the Bishops, Deans, and Chapters Lands, and Delinquents Estates, and many other things that are gone I know not where?
A38773Will you break all your Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy to God and the King?
A38773Will you break your Protestations and Covenants, calling God to witness to them; and say, that all this is godliness still?
A38773Will you destroy Gods Ministers and Ordinances?
A38773Will you destroy and defile his sanctuary?
A38773Will you make Jesus Christ as your Captain who are such apparent Robbers, Murderers, spiritual Whoremongers, and false Swearers?
A38773Will you rob him in Tythes and Offerings, committing all manner of sacriledge against him; and say, This is godliness?
A38773Will you rob him, and his posterity of all their Rights for ever; and say, this is godliness too?
A38773Will you seek the ruine of other Nations?
A38773Will you yet thirst after more innocent blood, until ye be drunk therewith; and say, This is godlyness?
A38773and had not our former Parliaments the word of God for their direction therein, as well as you or any now a daies?
A38773and were they not more sober and prudent in the understanding of those Lawes?
A38773because it was Prophefied of before: Then, why can not they as easily set up the King; as they did dissolve the Parliament?
A38773because it was Prophesied he should fall; how prosperous was the Independents against the Presbyterians?
A38773because it was Prophesied that they should fall, how prosperous was the Army against the late Parliament, and how easily did they dissolve it?
A38773because it was Prophesied they should fall, how easily did the Portingals set up their King?
A38773the Lords Anoynted, for keeping his Oath to God, and his people, committed to his Charge?
A38773what is the reason that some of you count me a Blasphemer in what I say concerning King Charl?
A38773which are against popery, be cast away, because other Kings statutes are Idolatrous, and for popery?