
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A45166I''th''Street he greets his Friend with chearful Eyes, And hugging Close, when will you come?
A71299By Lust and Pride, from Virtues Paths missed: What shameful shadows of my Guilt draw near?
A71299How Black and Monst''rous, do my Ills appear?
A71299How Lank my Breasts, how Nauseous is my Breath?
A71299Madam, said I, But when shall I obtain, A Sight of this sweet Miracle of Man; And do you think he Loves me?
A71299O where''s my only kind Physician, Death?
A71299Where are the Flatt''rers, that my Love pursu''d, And would have giv''n whole Worlds to do me good?
A71299whither am I stray''d?
A68130Is he threatned banishment?
A68130What hath God giuen which hee can not giue?
A68130What haue others suffered which hee may not be enabled to indure?
A68130What need we more than to discouer these two to the world?
A68130When a present is sent him, he asks Is this all?
A68130When he should giue, he looks about him, and sayes WHO SEES ME?
A68130and What no better?
A68130but, What if I runne ouer and fall not?
A59472''T is thus that it is often said, such a one has done ill; but what is he the worse for it?
A59472And what Fortune, what outward State ever so secure, can deliver from this?
A59472But how much better dos Nature, that has so well and easily provided for our Pleasure, dictate also and prescribe to us for the enjoyment of it?
A59472For how can there be an indulgence of those irregular Appetites, without a greater inflammation of them?
A59472For where shall we once stop when we are over this, when we are no longer contain''d within the bounds of Nature?
A59472How advantageous to all Oeconomy, and management of privat and public Affairs, in all the duties and offices of Friendship, and of a civil Life?
A59472How heavy dos Life grow when without it?
A59472How lively must be the sense of every thwarting and controling Accident?
A59472How promotive of Society, and conducing to all ease, prosperity, commodious and happy living?
A59472How shall we any way fix or ascertain a thing wholly unnatural and unreasonable?
A59472Is not the very consciousness and feeling it self of such an Ease and Indifference as this, an infinit satisfaction in a world of occasions?
A59472On the other side; how fair and recommending is the contrary character and habit of Virtue and Continence?
A59472Or what method or regulation shall we set to Excess or exorbitant Fancy, in adding Expence to Expence, or Possession to Possession?
A59472To what is not such a one necessitated and driven, who lives under a more than ordinary fear of this sort?
A59472What can be a sorer or deeper wound, a closer grief, or more sensible misery, than to be agitated by this fierce Passion, and carry this sting within?
A59472What ground of horror and despair?
A59472What trust or dependence is there on one of such a Character and Fame?
A59472Who is there that can well, or long enjoy any thing when alone, and abstracted perfectly even in his very Mind and Thought, from any thing of Society?
A59472Who is there that knows not how little a Portion that is, which is agreed by all to be sufficient for a man''s single use and convenience?
A59472and who by quitting Nature e''er made advancement or improv''d in Pleasure?
A59472what foundation of fear and continual apprehension from Mankind, and from superior Powers, when ever any such are credited, or but suspected?
A36903A Sergeant desired on the Iury Sir Iohn questioned what he in the Buff- Jerkin was?
A36903And first to you, Mr. Tanner, Are you a man worthy to be of a Jury, when your Conscience cares not to wrong the whole Common- wealth?
A36903And in all this, who but Monsieur the Apothecary?
A36903And what if he do?
A36903And what is the reason( quoth he) that there is such mortal hatred betwixt you and the Sergeant?
A36903Are they guilty of that, and those Crimes for which they stand here Indicted; or are they not guilty?
A36903Art thou guilty of this Indictment, or not?
A36903Art thou guilty, or not guilty?
A36903Assoon as he came, Iupeter asked him what News?
A36903Beside, Sir, may it please you, when new Corn comes into the Market, who brings it in to relieve the State?
A36903Beside, you will join a Neats- Leather Vampey to a Calves Leather ● eel: Is not here good stuff, Mr. Shoemaker?
A36903But I pray you, what be these two honest men The one( quoth the Grocer?)
A36903But art thou not ashamed to conceit the bringing of these mens verdict to the tryal?
A36903But let us hear what the Witnesses have to say for the King against the Prisoner at the Bar, is he guilty of this Indictment or no?
A36903But what be those( qouth the Judge) that come here so soberly?
A36903But what canst thou try the Principles of Religion?
A36903But where did he use to commit his wickedness, in some private corners, or was he more open and shameless?
A36903By whom wilt thou be tryed?
A36903Call for the Witnesses: What say you the Witnesses to this Prisoner?
A36903Clerk, Then said the Clerk, You t ● e Witnesses for the King, look upon the Prisoner at the Bar, Do you know him?
A36903Clerk, You are sure you know him?
A36903Come Mr. Good- deed, what have you to say for our Lord the King against the Prisoner at the Bar?
A36903Come Mr. Love the Peace, what have you to say?
A36903Come Mr. Well- doe, look upon the Prisoner at the Bar, do you know him?
A36903Guilty or not guilty?
A36903Have you much knowledge of him?
A36903How like you of these( quoth Si ● Iohn to the Judg) shall they be of my Iury?
A36903How like you these?
A36903How say you, are you guilty of it, or not?
A36903I pray you Goodman Kill- Calf, what havock play you with puffing up of meat, and blowing with your Pricker as you slay it?
A36903If you do not?
A36903Implacable, May I speak a few words in my own defence?
A36903Is there any further ● vidence?
A36903Iudge, Well Mrs. Good- huswifry, what can you say concerning the Prisoner?
A36903Judge, D ● d you know her before her marriage?
A36903Love the Peace, Where I in a great many places?
A36903Marry Sir, quoth he, a Broker: Why do you ask?
A36903Master Sincerity come near, what can you say concerning the ● ● ● soner at the Bar?
A36903Mercury coming back Iupeter demanded of him what news?
A36903Moreover this Villain is the Devils Factor, sent from Hell to torment young Gentlemen upon Earth?
A36903Mr. Envy- good, How could you have the face to plead, Not guilty, when you are manifestly the Doer of so much wickedness?
A36903Mr. Hate- Rogue, look upon the Prisoner at the Bar, do you know him?
A36903Mr. Hot- spur, do you hear what these three other Gentlemen say?
A36903Mr. Peaceable, what can you say for our Lord the King, against the Prisoner at the Bar?
A36903Mr. Pro ● estant, What is it that you have to say against this Prisoner at the Bar?
A36903Mr. Sober, what say you?
A36903Must Fathers, Councils, Scriptures, and all be brought under our judgments?
A36903My Lord, I know this man well, he is a Knave, the son of a Knave?
A36903Perhaps, quoth he, you marvel why the Informer hath all these Writs, and knows neither the parties, nor can object any offence to them?
A36903Sir Iohn Fraud, Art thou Guilty, or not Guilty of these Misdemeanors laid to thy Charge?
A36903Then said the Clerk, Mr. Vouch- Truth, What say you to the Kings Iudges, touching the Prisoner at the Bar?
A36903Then they called Mr. Heal- breach, and bid him look upon the Prisoner: They also asked, What he could say for their Lord the King against him?
A36903Tush, what Bawdry is it he will not suffer, so he may have Money and good Chear?
A36903Well said, You have here heard his Indictment, what say you to it, is he guilty of those things charged against him, or no?
A36903What Books, Mr. Protestant?
A36903What are you, quoth the Priest, that stand by the high way to examine me and my friends?
A36903What is it not possible, quoth the Prisoner, to have one more to make up the four and twenty?
A36903What sayest thou?
A36903What sayst thou to this Indictment?
A36903What think you of these three, quoth Sir Iohn?
A36903What''s his Name?
A36903What''s the matter?
A36903When the Broker was gone Three pert Youths come up cl ● se to Sir Iohn in a cluster very nea ● ly ty ● ed, who questioning them what they were?
A36903Where did you hear him say so?
A36903Where did you hear him say such grievous words?
A36903Where did you hear him say these things?
A36903Where did you hear him say this?
A36903Where have you heard him say these words?
A36903Which the Tailors seeing they start up, and said, What Fellow, a shovel and Spade to butter''d Pease?
A36903Who be they Master Sheriff?
A36903Who shall speak for you?
A36903Wilt thou deny them?
A36903Wondring what Companion this should be, he enquired of what Occupation he was?
A36903Yes, my Lord, I know him?
A36903and especially with reference to his Indictment?
A36903hast thou no more manners?
A36903have they not a Drawer to serve their turn; to draw and seam up the holes so cunningly, that it shall never be espyed?
A36903have you any Pawns at my House?
A36903is he guilty or not?
A36903or like a Spaniard, long at the ears, and curled like to the two ends of an old cast Periwig?
A36903or will you be Frenchifyed with a Love- lock down to your shoulders, wherein you may wear your Mistriss Favour?
A36903whether he will have his crates cut low like a Juniper bush, or his Suberches taken away with a Razor?