This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
25937 | Lyall, Alfred Comyn, Sir | Studies in Literature and History | nan | 142244 | 5246 | nan | ./cache/25937.txt | ./txt/25937.txt |
11224 | Mill, John Stuart | Utilitarianism | nan | 27761 | 828 | nan | ./cache/11224.txt | ./txt/11224.txt |
38138 | Mill, John Stuart | Socialism | nan | 25892 | 875 | nan | ./cache/38138.txt | ./txt/38138.txt |
27597 | Stephen, Leslie | The English Utilitarians, Volume 1 (of 3) | nan | 94320 | 5827 | nan | ./cache/27597.txt | ./txt/27597.txt |
25788 | Stephen, Leslie | The English Utilitarians, Volume 2 (of 3) James Mill | nan | 109316 | 7104 | nan | ./cache/25788.txt | ./txt/25788.txt |
29917 | Thornton, William Thomas | Old-Fashioned Ethics and Common-Sense Metaphysics With Some of Their Applications | nan | 91430 | 3333 | nan | ./cache/29917.txt | ./txt/29917.txt |