This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
A26622 | 1 sheet([ 1] p.) s.n.,[ Oxford? |
A37876 | s.n.,[ London? |
A37874 | s.n.,[ London? |
A53818 | s.n.,[ Oxford? |
A53821 | s.n.,[ Oxford? |
A53819 | 1 sheet([ 1] p.) s.n.,[ Oxford? |
A90316 | 1 sheet([ 1] p.) s.n.,[ Oxford: 1681?] |
A53816 | Annon de agnoscendâ supremà Regiae majestatis potestate,& de observandis statutis hujus Universitatis juramentum non semel suscepimus? |
A53816 | Annon fidei articulis,& religionis iterum& saepius subscripsimus? |
A53816 | Et quis, vel quid fidem Ecclesiae, Regi, vel Academiae datam violare cogat? |
A30982 | Smith comes into the Hall up to my Lord, confidently asked him, by what Authoritie hee sate there? |
A30982 | Was there ever such a conclusion from such praemisses? |
A66946 | But pray where''s the Ingenuity of this Method of Defence? |
A79478 | And are not the Scriptures perfect, and therefore sufficient for reproofe and correction without Ecclesiasticall Traditions? |
A94141 | As, Who are the Common Enemies? |
A94141 | How far that phrase of hindring Reformation may be extended? |
A94141 | Quis damnaverit eum, qui duabus potentissimis rebus defenditur, Jure& mente? |
A94141 | What is meant by the supreme Judicatory of both Kingdomes? |
A94141 | Who( in the fourth Article) are to be accounted Malignants? |
A94141 | and which be the best Reformed Churches? |
A94141 | or what need to e desire his Royall assent, to that which may be done as well without it? |
A62025 | As, Who are the Common Enemies? |
A62025 | How far that phrase of hindring Reformation may be extended? |
A62025 | Iure& mente? |
A62025 | What is meant by the supreme Iudicatory of both Kingdomes? |
A62025 | Who( in the fourth Article) are to be accounted Malignants? |
A62025 | and which be the best Reformed Churches? |
A62025 | or what need to e desire his Royall assent, to that which may be done as well without it? |
A56225 | * Do not the King and Parliament, let parts judg the whole? |
A56225 | An statuta& laudabiles consuetu ● lines Vniversitatis abamnibus observentur? |
A56225 | Item, an communes cistae& pecuniae ac claves earundem fideliter conserventur? |
A56225 | Item, an sint aliquae personae& suspectae de Lollardia vel de haeretica pravitate? |
A56225 | Item, an sint aliqui pacem& Vnitatem in dicta Vniversitate perturbantes? |
A56225 | Item, an sint aliqui scholares in dicta Vniversitate mandatis& monitionibus dicti Cancellarii obtemperare nolentes? |
A56225 | Item, qualiter regitur eadem ● Vniversitas, videlicet in victualibus& aliis necessariis? |
A56225 | Item, si Doctores reputant& disputent publicè in scholis,& quotiens& quando? |
A56225 | Item, si sit numerus sociorum completus in Aulis sive Collegiis dictae Vniversitatis juxta ordinationem& voluntatem fundatorum? |
A56225 | Rursus, si ipse Consul aliquid jubeat,& aliud jubeat Imperator; vel si aliud jubeat Imperator, et aliud Deus, quid i ● dicatis? |
A56225 | Sed quid 〈 ◊ 〉 Iubentur 〈 ◊ 〉 quod non, debe ● ● facere? |
A08253 | An melius sit fines Imperij propagare, quam tueri? |
A08253 | And what made Alexander by learned pennes so eternized to succeeding ages, but his bountie in giuing giftes, and bestowing benefits? |
A08253 | Signatures: A- F⁴(-F4, blank?). |
A08253 | The Questions being: VVhether the Saints and Angels doe know the thoughts of our hearts? |
A08253 | VVhether a truce or league is to bee considered according to good meaning, or according to the strictnes of Lawe? |
A08253 | VVhether in the time of Pestilence the pastors of the Church are tyed to visit the infected? |
A08253 | VVhether it be more to defend, or enlarge the boundes of an Empire or Kingdome? |
A08253 | VVhether the Iudge be bound to followe the lawfull proofes, or euidence produced in iudgement, against the truth priuately knowne to himselfe? |
A08253 | VVhether the often taking of Tobacco bee wholesome for such as are sound and in health? |
A08253 | Whether Golde may be made by Arte? |
A08253 | Whether Imagination may produce reall effects? |
A08253 | Whether the manners and disposition of the Nurse is taken by the Infant in sucking her milke? |
A08253 | and his magnificent deportmēt in powring foorh his treasures to the encouragement of learning? |
A08253 | and to this purpose play their seuerall parts, For how can Sōmer staie, when sun departs? |
A90323 | An Animae fiant sapientiores quiescendo? |
A90323 | An Bilis sit excrementum corporis inutile? |
A90323 | An Bona opera sint ad vitam aeternam necessaria? |
A90323 | An Christus solus sit Mediator? |
A90323 | An Delinquens ultra i d quod cogitavit de eventu teneatur? |
A90323 | An Dogmata Fidei rationis humanae examini subjici fas sit? |
A90323 | An Ex falsis possit inferri Verum? |
A90323 | An Febres sedes suas habeant in Corde? |
A90323 | An Gesta per eum qui per errorem Magistratu functus est, rata sint habenda? |
A90323 | An Imaginatio producat effectus reales ad extra? |
A90323 | An In Jure deterior sit conditio Faeminarum quàm Masculorum? |
A90323 | An In Variolis& Morbillis regimen frigidum sit prosicuum? |
A90323 | An Lex naturae sit dispensabilis? |
A90323 | An Liceat Clericis Matrimonium contrahere? |
A90323 | An Liceat Ministris Ecclesiae Stipendia accipere? |
A90323 | An Liceat praescriptâ formulâ orare? |
A90323 | An Magistratus habeat potestatem in Adiaphoris? |
A90323 | An Materia ex quâ Lac conficitur sit Sanguis? |
A90323 | An Patres sub Veteri Testamento habuerint Promissiones tantùm temporales? |
A90323 | An Plures sint Mundi? |
A90323 | An Pro ratione Legis ejus Sententia sit extendenda& restringenda? |
A90323 | An Reus Actori instrumenta edere teneatur? |
A90323 | An S. S. Scripturae Auctoritas pendeat à Traditione Ecclesiasticâ? |
A90323 | An Sacra celebranda sint sermone vernaculo? |
A90323 | An Sancti sint invocandi? |
A90323 | An Signatura Corporis sit certus animi index? |
A90323 | An Similitudo foetûs respectu Parentis fiat ab imaginatione? |
A90323 | An Statuta recipiant interpretationem à Jure communi? |
A90323 | An Terra sit mobilis? |
A90323 | An Variolae& Morbilli sint morbi maligni? |
A71276 | ( 2) Whether any artificial Instrument can so fully and truly express musick as the natural Voice? |
A71276 | ( 3) Whether the practick be the more useful part of musick or the theory? |
A71276 | And if he be not, how can he read? |
A71276 | Another also, was made after his expulsion, wherein he disclaimeth the aforesaid Libel, beginning thus: Jenkin why Man? |
A71276 | But what Commander is able to repel the stroke of death? |
A71276 | By Trecatio — Gods pitty what a knave it is? |
A71276 | Davies among, who stood behind, them, the King straightway asked, whether he was Nosce Teipsum? |
A71276 | Doctus eras Graecè, felixque tibi fuit Alpha? |
A71276 | Epitaph, running thus, Whatsoe''ere thou l''t say who passest by, Why? |
A71276 | If I was in Germany, the States would defray all my charges: can not our estates supply what is wanting? |
A71276 | Is it so? |
A71276 | Question, Whether a man for preservation may be purged in Dog- days or no? |
A71276 | Sed quorsum haec? |
A71276 | The Questions were( 1) Whether discords may be allowed in musick? |
A71276 | The beginning of which is Quid mihi cum Musis? |
A71276 | Vbi, hic, quis? |
A71276 | Vnde Zizania? |
A71276 | Was it because one was originally of Cambridge, and the other an Oxford Man? |
A71276 | What can be said more? |
A71276 | Whereupon being committed for a time, he, among several examinations, was asked why he brake down those famous Windows of Christ Church in Canterbury? |
A71276 | Why Jenkin? |
A71276 | Why is Camden, I pray, blame- worthy for making use of Leland''s Collections? |
A71276 | quid cum borealibus oris? |
A71276 | tongue; in answer to a Quere, whether the ordinary way by teaching Latin by the rules of Grammar, be the best way for youths to learn it? |
A71276 | you''ll say, or to what end do you tell this old story? |
A90318 | An Anasarca sit ex Hepate, aut liene refrigerato? |
A90318 | An Bonae fidei possessor percipiendo fructus, suos faciat? |
A90318 | An Cathartica humores electivè attrahant? |
A90318 | An Creditor qui rem deterioratam recepit ▪ aestimationem damni petere possit? |
A90318 | An Criticorum labor sit occupatissima vanitas? |
A90318 | An Dentur Spiritus à Sanguine distincti? |
A90318 | An Detur curatio per sympathiam? |
A90318 | An Dies Dominicus sit jure Divino Sanctificandus? |
A90318 | An Dies& Hora mortis possint ab Astrologis praedici? |
A90318 | An Ecclesiam Pontifician, Judicem, Regulámve fidei infallibilem nullan habere, ex ipsorum principiis demonstrari possit? |
A90318 | An Embryo sugat in utero materno? |
A90318 | An Errores naturae faciant ad ornatum Universi? |
A90318 | An Hysterica passio ab utero oriatur? |
A90318 | An Imperia potestatis supremae, legi Dei positivae, aut naturali contrariasint obligatoria? |
A90318 | An Ingenium pendeat ▪ humoribus corporis? |
A90318 | An Institutio Academiam sit utilis in Republica? |
A90318 | An Liceat sanguinem mittere ante annum aetatis decimum quartum? |
A90318 | An Licitum sit carnibusesci? |
A90318 | An Lux sit ignis? |
A90318 | An Medicamentorum vis narcotica proveniat a solâ frigiditate? |
A90318 | An Medico Salarium debeatur, si sanatus in morbum reinciderit? |
A90318 | An Ministris Ecclesiae legitimè vocatis, Potestatem spiritualem, à Civilidistinctam, Christus delegaverit? |
A90318 | An Omnia animalia oriantur ex Ovo? |
A90318 | An Orificium Stomachi sit sedes Animae? |
A90318 | An Quae fiunt Corporis recreandi gratiâ, sint licitè exercenda in Dic Dominico? |
A90318 | An Qui( bello repentè exorto) intra fines hosticos repertus est, belli incommodis sit obnoxius? |
A90318 | An Quilibet Dics sit instar Sabbati? |
A90318 | An Rem ab hoste captam recuperare liceat in amici territorio? |
A90318 | An Sanguificatio sit in Hepate, liene, aut in venis? |
A90318 | An Si damnatus ad crucem ducat meretricem causâ evadendi mortem, valeat matrimonium? |
A90318 | An Verum illud, Lac habet, ergò peperit vel concepit? |
A90318 | An Vinum competat febricitantibus? |
A90318 | Neg ▪ An Sanguis nutriat? |
A90318 | QVAESTIONES IN MEDICINA DISCVTIENDAE IN COMITIIS An Calor sit de essentia febris? |
A50441 | And can these waters which are Tongues, which the whore is upon, which drinks the blood of the Saints, can these open the Scriptures that are waters? |
A50441 | And must these open Christs words the Beast hath power over? |
A50441 | Are those the Orthodox men the Beast hath power over, which hath got the Tongues? |
A50441 | Are you not ashamed, doth money make your Ministers? |
A50441 | Are you pillars of the Church, or of Antichrist? |
A50441 | Away with your abominations, is this your Moddell for money? |
A50441 | Cover your faces, you chief Doctors and Teachers; was this the work of the Apostles? |
A50441 | Did Christ set forth such a way? |
A50441 | Did the Apostles go begging up and down to Gentlemen( as you call them) for money to make Students, to make Ministers? |
A50441 | Doth it give them all enough? |
A50441 | Doth not all the sober people in the Nation behold here your folly? |
A50441 | Doth not your gold and silver begin to burn in your flesh and your bones? |
A50441 | Doth the tenths serve all the widows, fatherlesse, and strangers, and the Priest? |
A50441 | For what Priest will come in the Steeple- house, and sing without money? |
A50441 | For what good( when you have made them Ministers by money, and send them forth to preach for money) what good do they do for it? |
A50441 | Hath it not cankered your flesh yet? |
A50441 | Is it not rusted in your flesh yet? |
A50441 | Is that the Originall which the Beast hath power over? |
A50441 | Is the whore on them? |
A50441 | Now hath the Beast power over Tongues? |
A50441 | Now if these could have opened Scripture, how chance they are no better then waters? |
A50441 | Now what is the whore, or the Original, and Orthodox men? |
A50441 | Was ever they made pillars of the Church that came in their own names? |
A50441 | What Jesuits are wiser men then you, fain to name your houses for you? |
A50441 | Will you make Ministers and young Students for money? |
A50441 | and Schools? |
A50441 | and did ever that in all ages do good, to make a Minister of Christ Jesus, to give him the spirit, to give him the gift of God? |
A50441 | and had not Pilate which crucified Christ Hebrew, Greek and Latine? |
A50441 | and hundred pounds a year stipends? |
A50441 | and is not that the confounded language your Original? |
A50441 | and is the Original waters? |
A50441 | and is the originall waters? |
A50441 | and is this the end of your so many thousands of pounds a a year you have out of the Nation? |
A50441 | and the Orthodox men waters? |
A50441 | and you sing Davids quaking, and Prayers, and Praises, and prophecies for money? |
A50441 | are not the Heathen and Papists and Jesuites your example in this, and will they not over- wit you in this? |
A50441 | did not he set this up a top of Christ when he crucified him? |
A50441 | did not they prison and persecute and kill as you do, and could not open scripture? |
A50441 | doth not all this come out of your own names? |
A50441 | had ever Christ any place but in the manger amongst the Professors,& them that lived in lip service, their hearts far off from God? |
A50441 | had not the great professors Hebrew, Greek and Latin in the dayes of old, the great Talkers of Christ? |
A50441 | have you thrust out Christ, and denyed the faith, will you let Christ have no Room, but in your mouths to talk of him? |
A50441 | how are you like Ravens, and the Lilies, and the grasse, are you not all comprehended here amongst the Heathen? |
A50441 | is not this the fruits of your Ministers, and your makers of them? |
A50441 | is the Orthodox men waters? |
A50441 | of the Beast, of the Whore, and Babylon, and members of fallen Babylon? |
A50441 | was it not money that made all the false Prophets and the selfish ends? |
A50441 | was not all the earth of one language before Babel? |
A50441 | was not all this from the spirit, did God confound his spirit? |
A50441 | were not they the first Authors of it of making Ministers by their learning? |
A50441 | what, Tongues which is the original? |
A50441 | what, the Orthodox men? |
A50441 | will nothing serve you, but the Saints blood, there bodies, and their lives? |
A71277 | & c. This Keme was asked at Namptwich by a Brick- layer, why the Earl of Denbigh gave offence by wearing long hair? |
A71277 | ( 1) An Ecclesia habeat authoritatem in determinandis fidei controversiis? |
A71277 | ( 1) An Ecclesia unquam fuerit invisibilis? |
A71277 | ( 2) An Ecclesia possit errare? |
A71277 | ( 2) Seneca''s answer to Lucilius his Quaere, why good men suffer misfortunes, seeing there is a divine providence? |
A71277 | ( 2) Whether your mixt ways, or ours of Separation, be nearest the word of God? |
A71277 | ( 5) How we may best cure the love of being flattered? |
A71277 | ( 6) How we may enquire after news, not as Athenians, but as Christians, for the better managing our prayers and prayses for the Church of God? |
A71277 | ( 9) The learned Maid, or whether a Maid be a Scholar? |
A71277 | A remembrance of the rights of Jerusalem above, in the great question, where is the true Mother Church of Christians? |
A71277 | An Paedobaptismus sit licitus? |
A71277 | At Christ Church Marriage done before the King, Least that those Mates should want an offering, The King himself did offer, what I pray? |
A71277 | Being an answer to four quaeries, first whether there be any need of Vniversities? |
A71277 | But what do I mean? |
A71277 | Col. said no: whither then? |
A71277 | Discussio istius quaestionis, An bona Infidelium opera sint peccata? |
A71277 | Dissertatiuncula de novis actibus sint ne Deo ascribendi? |
A71277 | Downing a poor child, bred upon charity, like Judas betray''d his Master: What can his Country expect? |
A71277 | Forbes concerning the necessity of Bishops to Ordaine: in answer to a question proposed in these late unhappy times by the author what is a Minister? |
A71277 | Gregory, what had it been for an admirer of those learned and pious men, to have put a memorial over their graves? |
A71277 | Harrison that came so late into the Castle; Are you sure it was Major Harrison, said the King? |
A71277 | His Majesty being thus denied a sight and answer, demanded if his orders and instructions were from the Parliament, or General of the Army? |
A71277 | His Majesty likewise demanded of him how many there were that sate in the Court and who they were? |
A71277 | I question, nor can I yet decide Whether thou more art my delight or pride? |
A71277 | Kilburne, flew about, wherein he tells you that Nedham wrot, Politicus, Intelligencer( As famous as old Meg Spencer) Pragmaticus, The Spy, what not? |
A71277 | Question why are you a Catholick? |
A71277 | Reynolds tell you what the Major''s business is? |
A71277 | Saith Browne then, Do you not see how it is ruined, now the King is murthered? |
A71277 | Secondly if they were not of his sealing, why did he swear they were his? |
A71277 | The King beheld him with astonishment and interrogated him whether his orders were to remove him to his prison at Carisbroke? |
A71277 | The King being now ready to take Coach, he asked Cobbet whether he was to have any servants with him? |
A71277 | The running title of which in the Corollary it self is this, Who can touch the Lords anointed and be guiltless? |
A71277 | They therefore in the first place ask''d Joyce if he had the Commissioners approbation for his intrusion? |
A71277 | Toby Mathews( Pox( c) on him) what made him there? |
A71277 | Whalleys Regiment, and his business was to speak with the King: From whom said they? |
A71277 | Whereupon Scrope answer''d Why? |
A71277 | did well to lye in his scarlet Gown that night he was made Doctor, since his degree was a thing he ought not to have dreamed of? |
A71277 | habeat authoritatem decernendi ritus& ceremonias? |
A71277 | how does his( f) Excellency? |
A71277 | of Cambridge, which begins thus, Can then a father of our Israel die, And none step forth to sound an Elegy? |
A71277 | quid tandem video? |
A71277 | to which is annex''d Mr. W. C. his dialogue concerning this question, Where was the Church before Luther? |
A71277 | whether to murther me or not? |
A71277 | why are you a Protestant? |
A67467 | And is not a double scandal against charity and duty both( for duty implieth charity) greater than a single scandal against charity alone? |
A67467 | And who can help it, if a man will needs cherish an errour, and persist in it? |
A67467 | Are we in the case of them, who as yet do any ask and have not received? |
A67467 | As, Who are the Common Enemies? |
A67467 | Else, what shall we say of the Indies and other barbarous Nations, to whom God never vouchsafed the lively Oracles of his written word? |
A67467 | First, besides that all parties pretend to godliness, Papists, Anabaptists, and what not? |
A67467 | For every Case of Conscience being only this — Is this action good or bad? |
A67467 | For why? |
A67467 | He liked better of him which enquired, Lord, what shall I do that I may be saved? |
A67467 | How far knowledge and ignorance may aggravate or excuse, increase or diminish the goodness or evil of our Actions? |
A67467 | How far that phrase of hindring Reformation may be extended? |
A67467 | How the variety of Circumstances varies the goodness or evil of humane Actions? |
A67467 | How then come they to be guilty of transgression? |
A67467 | If these things be so, how comes it to pass that so many godly men should incline so much to this way? |
A67467 | In what comprehension man is to be considered as the Object of Predestination? |
A67467 | Is it for us to be made acquainted with the way he hath to bring his counsel& purposes about? |
A67467 | Is this the Paradise, in description whereof so much glosing and deceiving eloquence hath been spent? |
A67467 | Is this the milk and honey that hath been so spoken of? |
A67467 | It is but attendance a small time, we shall rejoyce then; but how? |
A67467 | May I do it, or may I not? |
A67467 | Must we think that they were left a lawless people, without any Rule at all whereby to order their actions? |
A67467 | Quis damnaverit eum, qui duabus potentissimis rebus defenditur, jure& mente? |
A67467 | Say it be not well done of them to command it, Sed enim quid hoc refert tuâ? |
A67467 | Shall a servant in a Family, rather than offend his fellow- servant, disobey his Master? |
A67467 | There remaineth but one other Question, and that of far smaller difficulty; What is to be done when the Conscience is scrupulous? |
A67467 | To all which demands I must Answer, Use the words of our Saviour Christ, quid hoc ad te, what are these things unto us? |
A67467 | To which his reply was, A quarter of an hour? |
A67467 | To whom is the beginning, and to whom the continuance of a quarrel rather imputable? |
A67467 | What are the dreadful consequences of scrupling some indifferent things? |
A67467 | What booteth it to others that we wish them well, and do nothing for them? |
A67467 | What is meant by the supreme Iudicatory of both the Kingdoms? |
A67467 | What measure of assurance we have concerning the salvation of such Infants, so baptized, if they die before they come to the use of Reason? |
A67467 | Whether Christ was ordained a Mediator in the intention of God for mankind indefinitely, or universally for all mankind, or only for the Elect? |
A67467 | Whether a person so justified and sanctified, can at the last fall away finally, and be damned? |
A67467 | Whether all mankind have title to the second Covenant, and to the Promises and Conditions therein proposed, or the Elect only? |
A67467 | Whether justification and sanctification be proper to the Elect only? |
A67467 | Whether or no in electing men unto salvation God had respect unto Christ? |
A67467 | Whether the King and Parliament ought to impose any more upon us in matters of Religion, than is imposed in the Scripture? |
A67467 | Whether the efficacy of the grace of conversion depend upon the determination of man''s Free- will, so as by resisting to make it ineffectual? |
A67467 | Whether the right use of naturals be any cause to induce God to confer upon any man sufficient Grace for his Conversion? |
A67467 | Whether they that have taken the Covenant may Renounce it? |
A67467 | Whether we English men may think our selves bound by the Solemn League and Covenant? |
A67467 | Whether what the King and Parliament have determined may be altered to satisfie private men? |
A67467 | Which Rule, what other could it be than the Law of Nature, and of right reason, imprinted in their hearts? |
A67467 | Who( in the fourth Article) are to be accounted Malignants? |
A67467 | an ex genere& objecto, vel ex circumstantiis? |
A67467 | and to overthrow all bond to subjection and obedience to lawful authority? |
A67467 | and which be the best Reformed Churches? |
A67467 | but where is the fault? |
A67467 | have we after four hundred and thirty years left Egypt to come to this? |
A67467 | it shall be opened, but with what hand? |
A67467 | or interpret that power to the prejudice of Christian liberty? |
A67467 | or to him that withholdeth it from him? |
A67467 | or what need to* desire his Royal assent to that which may be done as well without it? |
A67467 | or whether every one ought not to be left to serve God according to his best apprehensions out of the Scripture? |
A67467 | saith he, What is that to thee? |
A67467 | to him that demandeth his right? |
A67467 | we shall find, but where? |
A67467 | what languishings in the duties of his calling? |