
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A266221 sheet([ 1] p.) s.n.,[ Oxford?
A37876s.n.,[ London?
A37874s.n.,[ London?
A53818s.n.,[ Oxford?
A53821s.n.,[ Oxford?
A538191 sheet([ 1] p.) s.n.,[ Oxford?
A903161 sheet([ 1] p.) s.n.,[ Oxford: 1681?]
A53816Annon de agnoscendâ supremà Regiae majestatis potestate,& de observandis statutis hujus Universitatis juramentum non semel suscepimus?
A53816Annon fidei articulis,& religionis iterum& saepius subscripsimus?
A53816Et quis, vel quid fidem Ecclesiae, Regi, vel Academiae datam violare cogat?
A30982Smith comes into the Hall up to my Lord, confidently asked him, by what Authoritie hee sate there?
A30982Was there ever such a conclusion from such praemisses?
A66946But pray where''s the Ingenuity of this Method of Defence?
A79478And are not the Scriptures perfect, and therefore sufficient for reproofe and correction without Ecclesiasticall Traditions?
A94141As, Who are the Common Enemies?
A94141How far that phrase of hindring Reformation may be extended?
A94141Quis damnaverit eum, qui duabus potentissimis rebus defenditur, Jure& mente?
A94141What is meant by the supreme Judicatory of both Kingdomes?
A94141Who( in the fourth Article) are to be accounted Malignants?
A94141and which be the best Reformed Churches?
A94141or what need to e desire his Royall assent, to that which may be done as well without it?
A62025As, Who are the Common Enemies?
A62025How far that phrase of hindring Reformation may be extended?
A62025Iure& mente?
A62025What is meant by the supreme Iudicatory of both Kingdomes?
A62025Who( in the fourth Article) are to be accounted Malignants?
A62025and which be the best Reformed Churches?
A62025or what need to e desire his Royall assent, to that which may be done as well without it?
A56225* Do not the King and Parliament, let parts judg the whole?
A56225An statuta& laudabiles consuetu ● lines Vniversitatis abamnibus observentur?
A56225Item, an communes cistae& pecuniae ac claves earundem fideliter conserventur?
A56225Item, an sint aliquae personae& suspectae de Lollardia vel de haeretica pravitate?
A56225Item, an sint aliqui pacem& Vnitatem in dicta Vniversitate perturbantes?
A56225Item, an sint aliqui scholares in dicta Vniversitate mandatis& monitionibus dicti Cancellarii obtemperare nolentes?
A56225Item, qualiter regitur eadem ● Vniversitas, videlicet in victualibus& aliis necessariis?
A56225Item, si Doctores reputant& disputent publicè in scholis,& quotiens& quando?
A56225Item, si sit numerus sociorum completus in Aulis sive Collegiis dictae Vniversitatis juxta ordinationem& voluntatem fundatorum?
A56225Rursus, si ipse Consul aliquid jubeat,& aliud jubeat Imperator; vel si aliud jubeat Imperator, et aliud Deus, quid i ● dicatis?
A56225Sed quid 〈 ◊ 〉 Iubentur 〈 ◊ 〉 quod non, debe ● ● facere?
A08253An melius sit fines Imperij propagare, quam tueri?
A08253And what made Alexander by learned pennes so eternized to succeeding ages, but his bountie in giuing giftes, and bestowing benefits?
A08253Signatures: A- F⁴(-F4, blank?).
A08253The Questions being: VVhether the Saints and Angels doe know the thoughts of our hearts?
A08253VVhether a truce or league is to bee considered according to good meaning, or according to the strictnes of Lawe?
A08253VVhether in the time of Pestilence the pastors of the Church are tyed to visit the infected?
A08253VVhether it be more to defend, or enlarge the boundes of an Empire or Kingdome?
A08253VVhether the Iudge be bound to followe the lawfull proofes, or euidence produced in iudgement, against the truth priuately knowne to himselfe?
A08253VVhether the often taking of Tobacco bee wholesome for such as are sound and in health?
A08253Whether Golde may be made by Arte?
A08253Whether Imagination may produce reall effects?
A08253Whether the manners and disposition of the Nurse is taken by the Infant in sucking her milke?
A08253and his magnificent deportmēt in powring foorh his treasures to the encouragement of learning?
A08253and to this purpose play their seuerall parts, For how can Sōmer staie, when sun departs?
A90323An Animae fiant sapientiores quiescendo?
A90323An Bilis sit excrementum corporis inutile?
A90323An Bona opera sint ad vitam aeternam necessaria?
A90323An Christus solus sit Mediator?
A90323An Delinquens ultra i d quod cogitavit de eventu teneatur?
A90323An Dogmata Fidei rationis humanae examini subjici fas sit?
A90323An Ex falsis possit inferri Verum?
A90323An Febres sedes suas habeant in Corde?
A90323An Gesta per eum qui per errorem Magistratu functus est, rata sint habenda?
A90323An Imaginatio producat effectus reales ad extra?
A90323An In Jure deterior sit conditio Faeminarum quàm Masculorum?
A90323An In Variolis& Morbillis regimen frigidum sit prosicuum?
A90323An Lex naturae sit dispensabilis?
A90323An Liceat Clericis Matrimonium contrahere?
A90323An Liceat Ministris Ecclesiae Stipendia accipere?
A90323An Liceat praescriptâ formulâ orare?
A90323An Magistratus habeat potestatem in Adiaphoris?
A90323An Materia ex quâ Lac conficitur sit Sanguis?
A90323An Patres sub Veteri Testamento habuerint Promissiones tantùm temporales?
A90323An Plures sint Mundi?
A90323An Pro ratione Legis ejus Sententia sit extendenda& restringenda?
A90323An Reus Actori instrumenta edere teneatur?
A90323An S. S. Scripturae Auctoritas pendeat à Traditione Ecclesiasticâ?
A90323An Sacra celebranda sint sermone vernaculo?
A90323An Sancti sint invocandi?
A90323An Signatura Corporis sit certus animi index?
A90323An Similitudo foetûs respectu Parentis fiat ab imaginatione?
A90323An Statuta recipiant interpretationem à Jure communi?
A90323An Terra sit mobilis?
A90323An Variolae& Morbilli sint morbi maligni?
A71276( 2) Whether any artificial Instrument can so fully and truly express musick as the natural Voice?
A71276( 3) Whether the practick be the more useful part of musick or the theory?
A71276And if he be not, how can he read?
A71276Another also, was made after his expulsion, wherein he disclaimeth the aforesaid Libel, beginning thus: Jenkin why Man?
A71276But what Commander is able to repel the stroke of death?
A71276By Trecatio — Gods pitty what a knave it is?
A71276Davies among, who stood behind, them, the King straightway asked, whether he was Nosce Teipsum?
A71276Doctus eras Graecè, felixque tibi fuit Alpha?
A71276Epitaph, running thus, Whatsoe''ere thou l''t say who passest by, Why?
A71276If I was in Germany, the States would defray all my charges: can not our estates supply what is wanting?
A71276Is it so?
A71276Question, Whether a man for preservation may be purged in Dog- days or no?
A71276Sed quorsum haec?
A71276The Questions were( 1) Whether discords may be allowed in musick?
A71276The beginning of which is Quid mihi cum Musis?
A71276Vbi, hic, quis?
A71276Vnde Zizania?
A71276Was it because one was originally of Cambridge, and the other an Oxford Man?
A71276What can be said more?
A71276Whereupon being committed for a time, he, among several examinations, was asked why he brake down those famous Windows of Christ Church in Canterbury?
A71276Why Jenkin?
A71276Why is Camden, I pray, blame- worthy for making use of Leland''s Collections?
A71276quid cum borealibus oris?
A71276tongue; in answer to a Quere, whether the ordinary way by teaching Latin by the rules of Grammar, be the best way for youths to learn it?
A71276you''ll say, or to what end do you tell this old story?
A90318An Anasarca sit ex Hepate, aut liene refrigerato?
A90318An Bonae fidei possessor percipiendo fructus, suos faciat?
A90318An Cathartica humores electivè attrahant?
A90318An Creditor qui rem deterioratam recepit ▪ aestimationem damni petere possit?
A90318An Criticorum labor sit occupatissima vanitas?
A90318An Dentur Spiritus à Sanguine distincti?
A90318An Detur curatio per sympathiam?
A90318An Dies Dominicus sit jure Divino Sanctificandus?
A90318An Dies& Hora mortis possint ab Astrologis praedici?
A90318An Ecclesiam Pontifician, Judicem, Regulámve fidei infallibilem nullan habere, ex ipsorum principiis demonstrari possit?
A90318An Embryo sugat in utero materno?
A90318An Errores naturae faciant ad ornatum Universi?
A90318An Hysterica passio ab utero oriatur?
A90318An Imperia potestatis supremae, legi Dei positivae, aut naturali contrariasint obligatoria?
A90318An Ingenium pendeat ▪ humoribus corporis?
A90318An Institutio Academiam sit utilis in Republica?
A90318An Liceat sanguinem mittere ante annum aetatis decimum quartum?
A90318An Licitum sit carnibusesci?
A90318An Lux sit ignis?
A90318An Medicamentorum vis narcotica proveniat a solâ frigiditate?
A90318An Medico Salarium debeatur, si sanatus in morbum reinciderit?
A90318An Ministris Ecclesiae legitimè vocatis, Potestatem spiritualem, à Civilidistinctam, Christus delegaverit?
A90318An Omnia animalia oriantur ex Ovo?
A90318An Orificium Stomachi sit sedes Animae?
A90318An Quae fiunt Corporis recreandi gratiâ, sint licitè exercenda in Dic Dominico?
A90318An Qui( bello repentè exorto) intra fines hosticos repertus est, belli incommodis sit obnoxius?
A90318An Quilibet Dics sit instar Sabbati?
A90318An Rem ab hoste captam recuperare liceat in amici territorio?
A90318An Sanguificatio sit in Hepate, liene, aut in venis?
A90318An Si damnatus ad crucem ducat meretricem causâ evadendi mortem, valeat matrimonium?
A90318An Verum illud, Lac habet, ergò peperit vel concepit?
A90318An Vinum competat febricitantibus?
A90318Neg ▪ An Sanguis nutriat?
A50441And can these waters which are Tongues, which the whore is upon, which drinks the blood of the Saints, can these open the Scriptures that are waters?
A50441And must these open Christs words the Beast hath power over?
A50441Are those the Orthodox men the Beast hath power over, which hath got the Tongues?
A50441Are you not ashamed, doth money make your Ministers?
A50441Are you pillars of the Church, or of Antichrist?
A50441Away with your abominations, is this your Moddell for money?
A50441Cover your faces, you chief Doctors and Teachers; was this the work of the Apostles?
A50441Did Christ set forth such a way?
A50441Did the Apostles go begging up and down to Gentlemen( as you call them) for money to make Students, to make Ministers?
A50441Doth it give them all enough?
A50441Doth not all the sober people in the Nation behold here your folly?
A50441Doth not your gold and silver begin to burn in your flesh and your bones?
A50441Doth the tenths serve all the widows, fatherlesse, and strangers, and the Priest?
A50441For what Priest will come in the Steeple- house, and sing without money?
A50441For what good( when you have made them Ministers by money, and send them forth to preach for money) what good do they do for it?
A50441Hath it not cankered your flesh yet?
A50441Is it not rusted in your flesh yet?
A50441Is that the Originall which the Beast hath power over?
A50441Is the whore on them?
A50441Now hath the Beast power over Tongues?
A50441Now if these could have opened Scripture, how chance they are no better then waters?
A50441Now what is the whore, or the Original, and Orthodox men?
A50441Was ever they made pillars of the Church that came in their own names?
A50441What Jesuits are wiser men then you, fain to name your houses for you?
A50441Will you make Ministers and young Students for money?
A50441and Schools?
A50441and did ever that in all ages do good, to make a Minister of Christ Jesus, to give him the spirit, to give him the gift of God?
A50441and had not Pilate which crucified Christ Hebrew, Greek and Latine?
A50441and hundred pounds a year stipends?
A50441and is not that the confounded language your Original?
A50441and is the Original waters?
A50441and is the originall waters?
A50441and is this the end of your so many thousands of pounds a a year you have out of the Nation?
A50441and the Orthodox men waters?
A50441and you sing Davids quaking, and Prayers, and Praises, and prophecies for money?
A50441are not the Heathen and Papists and Jesuites your example in this, and will they not over- wit you in this?
A50441did not he set this up a top of Christ when he crucified him?
A50441did not they prison and persecute and kill as you do, and could not open scripture?
A50441doth not all this come out of your own names?
A50441had ever Christ any place but in the manger amongst the Professors,& them that lived in lip service, their hearts far off from God?
A50441had not the great professors Hebrew, Greek and Latin in the dayes of old, the great Talkers of Christ?
A50441have you thrust out Christ, and denyed the faith, will you let Christ have no Room, but in your mouths to talk of him?
A50441how are you like Ravens, and the Lilies, and the grasse, are you not all comprehended here amongst the Heathen?
A50441is not this the fruits of your Ministers, and your makers of them?
A50441is the Orthodox men waters?
A50441of the Beast, of the Whore, and Babylon, and members of fallen Babylon?
A50441was it not money that made all the false Prophets and the selfish ends?
A50441was not all the earth of one language before Babel?
A50441was not all this from the spirit, did God confound his spirit?
A50441were not they the first Authors of it of making Ministers by their learning?
A50441what, Tongues which is the original?
A50441what, the Orthodox men?
A50441will nothing serve you, but the Saints blood, there bodies, and their lives?
A71277& c. This Keme was asked at Namptwich by a Brick- layer, why the Earl of Denbigh gave offence by wearing long hair?
A71277( 1) An Ecclesia habeat authoritatem in determinandis fidei controversiis?
A71277( 1) An Ecclesia unquam fuerit invisibilis?
A71277( 2) An Ecclesia possit errare?
A71277( 2) Seneca''s answer to Lucilius his Quaere, why good men suffer misfortunes, seeing there is a divine providence?
A71277( 2) Whether your mixt ways, or ours of Separation, be nearest the word of God?
A71277( 5) How we may best cure the love of being flattered?
A71277( 6) How we may enquire after news, not as Athenians, but as Christians, for the better managing our prayers and prayses for the Church of God?
A71277( 9) The learned Maid, or whether a Maid be a Scholar?
A71277A remembrance of the rights of Jerusalem above, in the great question, where is the true Mother Church of Christians?
A71277An Paedobaptismus sit licitus?
A71277At Christ Church Marriage done before the King, Least that those Mates should want an offering, The King himself did offer, what I pray?
A71277Being an answer to four quaeries, first whether there be any need of Vniversities?
A71277But what do I mean?
A71277Col. said no: whither then?
A71277Discussio istius quaestionis, An bona Infidelium opera sint peccata?
A71277Dissertatiuncula de novis actibus sint ne Deo ascribendi?
A71277Downing a poor child, bred upon charity, like Judas betray''d his Master: What can his Country expect?
A71277Forbes concerning the necessity of Bishops to Ordaine: in answer to a question proposed in these late unhappy times by the author what is a Minister?
A71277Gregory, what had it been for an admirer of those learned and pious men, to have put a memorial over their graves?
A71277Harrison that came so late into the Castle; Are you sure it was Major Harrison, said the King?
A71277His Majesty being thus denied a sight and answer, demanded if his orders and instructions were from the Parliament, or General of the Army?
A71277His Majesty likewise demanded of him how many there were that sate in the Court and who they were?
A71277I question, nor can I yet decide Whether thou more art my delight or pride?
A71277Kilburne, flew about, wherein he tells you that Nedham wrot, Politicus, Intelligencer( As famous as old Meg Spencer) Pragmaticus, The Spy, what not?
A71277Question why are you a Catholick?
A71277Reynolds tell you what the Major''s business is?
A71277Saith Browne then, Do you not see how it is ruined, now the King is murthered?
A71277Secondly if they were not of his sealing, why did he swear they were his?
A71277The King beheld him with astonishment and interrogated him whether his orders were to remove him to his prison at Carisbroke?
A71277The King being now ready to take Coach, he asked Cobbet whether he was to have any servants with him?
A71277The running title of which in the Corollary it self is this, Who can touch the Lords anointed and be guiltless?
A71277They therefore in the first place ask''d Joyce if he had the Commissioners approbation for his intrusion?
A71277Toby Mathews( Pox( c) on him) what made him there?
A71277Whalleys Regiment, and his business was to speak with the King: From whom said they?
A71277Whereupon Scrope answer''d Why?
A71277did well to lye in his scarlet Gown that night he was made Doctor, since his degree was a thing he ought not to have dreamed of?
A71277habeat authoritatem decernendi ritus& ceremonias?
A71277how does his( f) Excellency?
A71277of Cambridge, which begins thus, Can then a father of our Israel die, And none step forth to sound an Elegy?
A71277quid tandem video?
A71277to which is annex''d Mr. W. C. his dialogue concerning this question, Where was the Church before Luther?
A71277whether to murther me or not?
A71277why are you a Protestant?
A67467And is not a double scandal against charity and duty both( for duty implieth charity) greater than a single scandal against charity alone?
A67467And who can help it, if a man will needs cherish an errour, and persist in it?
A67467Are we in the case of them, who as yet do any ask and have not received?
A67467As, Who are the Common Enemies?
A67467Else, what shall we say of the Indies and other barbarous Nations, to whom God never vouchsafed the lively Oracles of his written word?
A67467First, besides that all parties pretend to godliness, Papists, Anabaptists, and what not?
A67467For every Case of Conscience being only this — Is this action good or bad?
A67467For why?
A67467He liked better of him which enquired, Lord, what shall I do that I may be saved?
A67467How far knowledge and ignorance may aggravate or excuse, increase or diminish the goodness or evil of our Actions?
A67467How far that phrase of hindring Reformation may be extended?
A67467How the variety of Circumstances varies the goodness or evil of humane Actions?
A67467How then come they to be guilty of transgression?
A67467If these things be so, how comes it to pass that so many godly men should incline so much to this way?
A67467In what comprehension man is to be considered as the Object of Predestination?
A67467Is it for us to be made acquainted with the way he hath to bring his counsel& purposes about?
A67467Is this the Paradise, in description whereof so much glosing and deceiving eloquence hath been spent?
A67467Is this the milk and honey that hath been so spoken of?
A67467It is but attendance a small time, we shall rejoyce then; but how?
A67467May I do it, or may I not?
A67467Must we think that they were left a lawless people, without any Rule at all whereby to order their actions?
A67467Quis damnaverit eum, qui duabus potentissimis rebus defenditur, jure& mente?
A67467Say it be not well done of them to command it, Sed enim quid hoc refert tuâ?
A67467Shall a servant in a Family, rather than offend his fellow- servant, disobey his Master?
A67467There remaineth but one other Question, and that of far smaller difficulty; What is to be done when the Conscience is scrupulous?
A67467To all which demands I must Answer, Use the words of our Saviour Christ, quid hoc ad te, what are these things unto us?
A67467To which his reply was, A quarter of an hour?
A67467To whom is the beginning, and to whom the continuance of a quarrel rather imputable?
A67467What are the dreadful consequences of scrupling some indifferent things?
A67467What booteth it to others that we wish them well, and do nothing for them?
A67467What is meant by the supreme Iudicatory of both the Kingdoms?
A67467What measure of assurance we have concerning the salvation of such Infants, so baptized, if they die before they come to the use of Reason?
A67467Whether Christ was ordained a Mediator in the intention of God for mankind indefinitely, or universally for all mankind, or only for the Elect?
A67467Whether a person so justified and sanctified, can at the last fall away finally, and be damned?
A67467Whether all mankind have title to the second Covenant, and to the Promises and Conditions therein proposed, or the Elect only?
A67467Whether justification and sanctification be proper to the Elect only?
A67467Whether or no in electing men unto salvation God had respect unto Christ?
A67467Whether the King and Parliament ought to impose any more upon us in matters of Religion, than is imposed in the Scripture?
A67467Whether the efficacy of the grace of conversion depend upon the determination of man''s Free- will, so as by resisting to make it ineffectual?
A67467Whether the right use of naturals be any cause to induce God to confer upon any man sufficient Grace for his Conversion?
A67467Whether they that have taken the Covenant may Renounce it?
A67467Whether we English men may think our selves bound by the Solemn League and Covenant?
A67467Whether what the King and Parliament have determined may be altered to satisfie private men?
A67467Which Rule, what other could it be than the Law of Nature, and of right reason, imprinted in their hearts?
A67467Who( in the fourth Article) are to be accounted Malignants?
A67467an ex genere& objecto, vel ex circumstantiis?
A67467and to overthrow all bond to subjection and obedience to lawful authority?
A67467and which be the best Reformed Churches?
A67467but where is the fault?
A67467have we after four hundred and thirty years left Egypt to come to this?
A67467it shall be opened, but with what hand?
A67467or interpret that power to the prejudice of Christian liberty?
A67467or to him that withholdeth it from him?
A67467or what need to* desire his Royal assent to that which may be done as well without it?
A67467or whether every one ought not to be left to serve God according to his best apprehensions out of the Scripture?
A67467saith he, What is that to thee?
A67467to him that demandeth his right?
A67467we shall find, but where?
A67467what languishings in the duties of his calling?