
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A26746A right Nicodemus temper, which stumbles at Divine Truths only with an — How can these things be?
A26746And strange it is they should always be in the right, and yet be always condemned for it?
A26746But after all this, What ground hath this Letter for his Confidence?
A26746But let old Theodotion, and Symmachus be what they will, what is the Glory of having these two on their side, when the whole Church was against them?
A26746But you will say then, where, or how doth this Creed teach the Divinity of the Holy Ghost?
A26746But you will say, what is the reason then, we are not commanded to pray expresly and particularly to the Holy Ghost, as we are to God?
A26746For did these Authors recite this Creed, yet how doth this prove the Apostolical Composure of it?
A26746For who knows not the Writings of Irenaeus, Melito,& c in which Christ is set forth as both God and Man?
A26746Jesus said — thou shalt not Tempt the Lord thy God?
A26746Now here is a Priority of Order or Prace; but where is that of Time and Power?
A26746That he ascended, what is it, but that he descended first?
A26746This is evident from Joshua; for c. 5. v. 13. he sees a Man with a drawn Sword, and ▪ asks, Who he was for?
A26746Where have ye laid him?
A26746Where is Abel thy Brother, doth prove that God knew not what was become of him?
A26746Why callest thou me Good?
A26746Why not God''s Son, since the Scriptures so often call him so?
A26746Why one of these Angels may not be the Son of God, as well as these three Men be Angels?
A26746Will ye accept his Person?
A26746Will ye speak wickedly for God?
A26746Will ye speak wickedly for God?
A26746and talk deceitfully for him?
A26746as Man, or as God?
A26746l. 1. if the Holy Ghost be not God, Tì 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 ▪ Why do Men believe the H. Ghost?
A26746— Will ye accept his Person?
A26746〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 — who hath heard such things as these?
A52606( Now that he ascended, what is it, but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the Earth?
A526064. Who hath ascended up into Heaven, — who hath established all the Ends of the Earth?
A52606And again, Is not this he that destroyed them that called on this Name in Jerusalem?
A52606And thou, Lord, in the Beginning hast laid the Foundation of the Earth; — but to which of the Angels said he at any time, Sit on my right Hand?
A52606And, Is not this he that destroyed them that called on this Name in Jerusalem?
A52606And, Is not this he that destroyed them who name this Name in Jerusalem?
A52606And, Is not this he, that destroyed them who are called by this Name in Jerusalem?
A52606Are these things Persons?
A52606But did Superstition( say the Socinians) stop here?
A52606But how can Christians with Satisfaction to their Consciences punish such a Man?
A52606But was not the Son also with the Holy Ghost, and is not he too( according to the Trinitarians) God, or a God?
A52606But what Principle more clear both in Reason and Scripture than this, that there is but one God, or that God is one?
A52606But what sense can the Trinitarians make of these things?
A52606But where in Scripture is the Word called God the Son?
A52606Do not Trinitarians absolutely disallow, as false and Heretical, these Forms of Speech, though defended by the Distinction of the two Natures?
A52606For one Instance, how many express Texts ascribe Parts and Members, Affections and Passions, Shape and Figure, Place and Circumscription to God?
A52606For what other help could that Nature need, which was one Person with( as they speak) God the Son; and in which God the Son did personally dwell?
A52606How comes this to be again repeated?
A52606If not, how can it be so now?
A52606Shall we now infer, that the Disciples and Ministers of Christ, are Christ: nay, are him also that sent Christ, namely God?
A52606The Spirit that guided the Apostles into all Truth, was it not the meer Inspiration of God?
A52606They searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so?
A52606Vnto what then were ye baptized?
A52606Was number in those times an Argument of Truth?
A52606What hinders but that they may believe all the Transformations in the Metamorphosis of Ovid?
A52606What shall we do here?
A52606Where have ye laid him?
A52606Whither shall I go from thy Spirit?
A52606Who does not now see, that to be baptized unto, and in the Name of Christ, or any other Person or thing, are used as equivalent terms?
A52606Why callest thou me good?
A52606Why callest thou me good?
A52606Why hath Satan filled thine Heart, to lie to the Holy Ghost?
A52606Will ye speak wickedly for God?
A52606they say the Spirit is a Person and God: did God receive and assume the Shape of a Dove, that is, of a Brute?
A52606was the Word the Father?
A52606what is his Name, and what is his Son''s Name?
A52606why then do they expect, that their Adversaries in this Controversy, should admit their Answers which are founded on the same, and no other Defence?
A52606— Is not this he, that destroyed them which called on this Nome( Christ''s Name) in Jerusalem?
A52606— Will ye accept his Person?
A40444242, That it was matter of free choice: And have I not said the same?
A40444242. you say, That that proves his Pre- existence: And I grant it you: And what, Sir, is not this agreeable to my Hypothesis?
A4044443, that I am asham''d to see''t: What, Sir, do you think they would have called the greatest Council that ever was, if they had design''d a tricking?
A404448. and the Context directs?
A40444: 1687?]
A40444And are we not bound to have a Charity for their Errour?
A40444And if not, how can it be an open and barefac''d Idolatry?
A40444And is not the other Expression adequate to both Hypothesis alike?
A40444And pray, Sir, where are the Absurdities and Contradictions of these things?
A40444And pray, Sir, why is not Hatred a Person in God, as well as Love?
A40444And what Men said of him?
A40444And what is it nothing to Christianity, that we have several degrees of Glory as an Encouragement, set in our prospect and search above the Heathen?
A40444And what, Sir, do these Wiles look as from God?
A40444And what, Sir, does this look, as if there was a coequality to be represented?
A40444And what, Sir, is not this Insolence?
A40444And what, Sir, was it out of Charity that they forbore to call the Trinitarians Hereticks?
A40444And what?
A40444And who shall deny you this Honour?
A40444But methinks I hear you object to me, What Faith is necessary then, if this be not?
A40444But what benefit will these Texts do you?
A40444But what need I repeat more of these proofs?
A40444But you say, This is a Mystery: And pray who has authoris''d it for one?
A40444But you''ll say, here is some colour for the Trinity: And what, is there not then as much sor Transubstantiation?
A40444Can any thing under infinite Wisdom Rule the World?
A40444Can here be any pretence then that the Godhead suffer''d?
A40444Does Baptism shew Worship?
A40444Does not the Sun do the same thing in the Sensible, and Vegetable World?
A40444Give me leave to advise you a little, Sir, if you are resolv''d to follow Tradition: Be not partial in it: Why should you act by halves?
A40444If so, why may not my Construction of it, agreeable to Scripture- Interpretation, be as good as yours?
A40444Is it that you think to storm and brave us out of our Cause; or that you are sure you only are in the right?
A40444Is not the whole Foundation of your Argument rotten?
A40444Is this clear like a heavenly Truth?
A40444No, we''ll turn the havock of the first Commandment justly, in Contradictions upon you; we need not ask with Nicodemus, How can these things be?
A40444Not that we beg it neither: But is it generous, first to fetter a Man, and then challenge him?
A40444Or are you resolv''d to trust more to the Council of Nice, because not so many?
A40444Or were the Copy of it lost, who would be able exactly to hammer it out?
A40444Or what, Sir, is your Eye evil, because God is good?
A40444Or would you have him damn them to support your Hypothesis?
A40444Page 153, you say, We ought not to force the Scriptures to preconceiv''d Notions: But what?
A40444Pray who can agree in this Mystery?
A40444Pray, Sir, what is it you mean by these Triumphs?
A40444That Faith which you say requires both Forehead, and Forgery to deny it, page 44, when you should say to maintain it?
A40444That at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bow — and that every tongue shall confess,( But what?)
A40444That the son of man hath power on earth, to forgive sins: But what then?
A40444What looks more impertinent and absurd?
A40444What shall I say?
A40444What shall a meer Man be exalted above Angels?
A40444What wo nt you make us no allowances in your Thoughts?
A40444What, a Coequal?
A40444Would you have God a Devil, create Men meerly for Damnation?
A40444Yes surely, if he were first above them, and laid aside his Being only for a time, and in obedience to his God: And what say you?
A40444Yes surely; But if they are, why do they stille us, and our Books, is it not that they fear our Truths?
A40444You had as good say, she has no concern in Language; And pray in what has she more?
A40444is not this Mystery such?
A40444or that if you had the worst Cause, you could defend it well?
A40444s.n.,[ London?
A2382322, 23, 24. was it too hot, or to heavy for him?
A23823And now I appeal to any Reader, whether this be an absurd Sense?
A23823And what then; if some Learned Jews have spoken non- sense, must we speak non- sense too?
A23823And why then can not the Lamb be said to be slain from the beginning of the World, meerly because God had certainly decreed it should be so?
A23823Are not Angels in Scripture called Sons of God?
A23823Are then the Miracles of Christ, and of his Apostles, nothing?
A23823Because Christ''s Sufferings have been remunerated with a transcendent Glory; must they not be accounted Humility, but Pride?
A23823Because He voluntarily condescends below the Dignity of his Nature; does He forfeit the Dignity of his Nature?
A23823Besides, how can it be said here, that the Supream God made himself of no Reputation?
A23823But I ask, is not the Son equal to the Father, both in Energy and Authority?
A23823But I pray, what is the meaning of this?
A23823But do not Singular Pronouns denote Singular Persons, in all Languages?
A23823But does it follow from thence, that such a Knowledg is not from Revelation?
A23823But has not the Historian produced such a Text?
A23823But how can this be the same Individual Act?
A23823But how comes this Love of God to be called a Mystery still?
A23823But how has he perverted the first Verse of St. John''s Revelations?
A23823But if so; How can the Son be that one God, the Father?
A23823But is not the Sense which the Author would put upon this place, both absurd and inconsistent?
A23823But is this Impudence, to say, Transubstantiation can not be contained in Scripture, because it implies a Contradiction?
A23823But must he that is the Son of God, be also by Nature God?
A23823But of whom can the true God receive, either Knowledg, or Authority to dispense it?
A23823But saith the Author, A modest Man would first inquire whether it be in Scripture or not?
A23823But suppose those early Sacrifices were an Institution, does it follow from thence, that they were instituted to be Types of the Sacrifice of Christ?
A23823But was not the Son also with the Holy Ghost, and is not he too( according to Trinitarians) God, or a God?
A23823But what Principle of natural Reason does it contradict?
A23823But what is the meaning of all this?
A23823But what then?
A23823But what then?
A23823But what then?
A23823But where in Scripture, says he, is the Word called God the the Son?
A23823But where is the Holy Ghost called God in Scripture?
A23823But why not?
A23823But why should the Temple be a Figure of Christ''s Body, rather than the Ark?
A23823But why so?
A23823But why, I pray, does it not prove that, he is not one God with the Father?
A23823But, How( saith the Historian) can in the Beginning, be from all Eternity?
A23823But, I say, how can God be called the Head of Christ, in such a Sense?
A23823But, what if all the Power Christ is invested with, is as Head of the Church?
A23823Can all this be ascribed to the Supream God?
A23823Can any Man know any thing but by his inherent Personal Knowledg?
A23823Can he that invokes, and he that is invoked, be one and the same Being?
A23823Can sending another, and giving one''s self, be one and the same Act?
A23823Could any thing be said more absurd and ridiculous?
A23823Does Reason tell us, that Three Divine Persons can not be one God?
A23823Does he mean, that he has found somewhere in Scripture in plain and express Words, that there are Three Persons in one Divine Nature or Godhead?
A23823Does it follow from thence, that the Socinian Doctrine ridicules the Christian Religion?
A23823Does not the Scripture mention Moses his Intercession with God; and that God was moved by his Intreaty?
A23823Does the Apostle make a distinction between his two Natures?
A23823Does the Holy Scripture plainly say; that there is but one God, yet there are Three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in the Godhead?
A23823For if he intercedes with God, can he be that very God with whom he intercedes?
A23823For the Spirit of God must be in God, as the Spirit of a Man is in a Man?
A23823Furthermore, how can we forbear conceiving Two Gods, according to this Hypothesis?
A23823Has the Doctor found any where in Scripture, that the Son is a Personal Subsisting, but Reflex Image of his Father''s Wisdom?
A23823He therefore that ministreth to you the Spirit, and worketh Miracles among you; doth he it by the Works of the Law, or by the hearing of Faith?
A23823How did he become Poor, says he, who was never Rich?
A23823How does he prove it?
A23823How is he only said, to love the World; for the Son and Holy Ghost love it as well as the Father?
A23823How so?
A23823How so?
A23823How so?
A23823How then can he be said to be sent by his Father, to receive his Commands, and to seek his Glory?
A23823I answer; Where have you found in Scripture, that Christ is God as well as Man?
A23823I appeal to the Reader, whether this be not a mear denial of the Difficulty, not an Explication or a Solution of it?
A23823I come in the second place to examine; Whether the Trinity be well grounded in Scripture?
A23823I hope it may be said of a Man inlightned by Revelation, that he knows, as well as of any other?
A23823If Christ made this Revelation, because he is God, how is it said to be given to him, which can in no sense agree to him who is true God?
A23823If by God be meant the Father only; How comes the Father to ingross here the Title of God, to the Exclusion of the Son and the Holy Ghost?
A23823If this Inspiration be without God, in the Creatures who are inspired by him; how is it the Spirit of God?
A23823If you ask him, why?
A23823If you ask them, how they can avoid admitting a Plurality of Gods?
A23823In a Word, being the Author of this New Evangelical Creation, ca n''t He also be the First- born of every New Evangelical Creature?
A23823In a word( as the Historian speaks) How comes the Father to ingross here the Title of God, to the exclusion of the Holy Ghost?
A23823Indeed Three are there mentioned; the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost: but how came Men to fancy, that they Three are but One God?
A23823Indeed, how could we?
A23823Is Christ''s Resurrection no Proof, or but a weak one, of his being sent by God, and the truth of his Message?
A23823Is an Ironical Answer sufficient, to confute a good and a strong Argument?
A23823Is it all one, to worship Christ by God''s Appointment, and to worship False Gods and( Apocryphal) Saints, without any Warrant from God?
A23823Is it not a plain Contradiction to the Apostle?
A23823Is it not absurd and senseless to say, That the Father signifies also the Son and Holy Ghost, in those very Texts where he is distinguished from them?
A23823Is it possible, Men should put such a trifling sense on the words of an Apostle?
A23823Is not he, to whom Christ here directs his Prayer, called God?
A23823Is not this Explication clear, and agreeable to the Scope of the Sacred Writer?
A23823Is not this an admirable Argument, which consists only in an Interrogation, and in a meer denial of the difficulty proposed in the Objection?
A23823Is this a direct Confutation?
A23823Lastly, If our Lord Christ were himself God, how could any command him?
A23823Must we account as nothing, the Purity of the Gospel, and its swift Propagation thrô the whole World?
A23823My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A23823Now if it be so; how can the Father be said to be greater than the Son, who is as great as himself?
A23823Now what does the Author mean by the plain and express Authority of Revelation?
A23823Now what is a Contradiction, if this be not, to say that Christ created them, and that the Father set him far above them?
A23823Now where is the Fallacy, but in the Author''s Answer?
A23823Now who should not scruple an Opinion, perfectly parallel with Transubstantiation; and equally fruitful in Incongruities and Contradictions?
A23823Or does our Saviour say, that he calls his Body a Temple, because it was the Anti- type of the Temple of the Jews?
A23823Or was it impossible that the Trinity should creep into the Church, as well as several other false Opinions?
A23823Or were those Reformers so infallible, that they purged the Church from all Errors?
A23823Or why do we seek to make him greater than he ever said he was?
A23823Our Author adds, He might as well have asked, why the Sanctification of the Church is ascribed to the Spirit?
A23823Reason tells us, that Three Gods can not be One God; but does Reason tell us, that Three Divine Persons can not be One God?
A23823Shall we not call Humility what St. Paul calls so?
A23823Shall we trust Men, barely on their Word?
A23823This is a very hard Language; for who can fancy, that the Son of God should be God himself; and that before, should signify Eternity?
A23823To this our Author replies; But why does he confine this bowing the Knee to the last Judgment?
A23823Vnto what then were ye baptized?
A23823Was Adam by nature God?
A23823Was the Reformation so proper to Luther and Calvin,& c. that it ought no more to be thought of?
A23823Was the Temple at Jerusalem a Figure or Type of the Bodies of the Corinthians?
A23823Was the Word, i. e. was God the Son?
A23823Well then, if the Trinity implies no less Contradiction than Transubstantiation; why ca n''t we say, that it can not be contained in Scripture?
A23823What Man knoweth the things of a Man, save the Spirit of a Man which is in him?
A23823What Principle of natural Reason does it contradict?
A23823What Things?
A23823What follows from thence?
A23823What hope is there of convincing those, with whom the Father only shall not signify the Father only?
A23823What is more plain than that, the Power of the Highest in these Texts is the explication of the Holy Ghost?
A23823What then?
A23823What then?
A23823What then?
A23823When the Father is called, the one God, and the only true God; in opposition to all false Gods: is he not so called in opposition to the Son also?
A23823Where has he found, that those early Sacrifices were Typical of the Sacrifice of Christ?
A23823Where now is that unchangeable Tradition, so much cried up?
A23823Whereupon our Author says, The single Question is, Whether Christ be that God of whom the Psalmist says, that He ascended on High?
A23823Who denies that those Words, He knew what was in Man, signify inherent Personal Knowledg?
A23823Who taught''em so?
A23823Whom, what Person or God, does this Trinity beseech?
A23823Why does he not speak the Language of Scripture?
A23823Why innocent Beasts must die, to expiate the Sins of Men?
A23823Why not rather, in his own Mediatory Kingdom, does his own Will, seeks his own Glory?
A23823Why not?
A23823Why should God he propitiated by a Man, subject to the same Sins and Infirmities, and very often guilty of them, that other Men are?
A23823Why should Men call us Hereticks and Libertines, because we inquire after Truth; and will have our Faith built upon a solid Foundation?
A23823Why then does this Author affirm; that to intercede with the Authority of a Mediator, is above the Nature and Order of Creatures?
A23823Will it not follow, that all the Power He is invested with, is as a Man, not as God?
A23823and all good Christians are they not also Sons of God, in the Language of Scripture?
A23823and is he not distinguished from the Son, who is called the Messenger?
A23823and that He is the First- born of every Creature, and has created all Things, as He is God?
A23823but then they must not part with three Persons of the Trinity: Therefore, what are those three Persons?
A23823does he say, we have Redemption thrô his Blood, as He is a Man?
A23823has our Author forgot, or is he to learn, that Moses, thô a meer Creature, was a Mediator between God and his People?
A23823how long shall it be, that Men will love Darkness rather than Light; and prefer a Novel and Unintelligible Gospel, before the old, plain and easy One?
A23823how the Spirit of God differs from his Gifts and Graces?
A23823if Christ be as Great, and have as great Power and Authority as God has, how can God be called his God?
A23823if he is, what need is there for him to intercede?
A23823the asserting of Christ''s Divinity?
A23823when the Apostle says, that Christ took upon him the Form of a Servant; must we say, that he did not?
A23823why has he concealed a matter of so great importance to be known?
A23823why must Father here signify, not the Father; but one Godhead, of which the Father is the Source?
A23823why then should he not signify here Personally, God the Father, as well as in other places?
A23823— The Temple then was a Figure, and we must inquire, what it was the Figure of?