
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A63087Allsop smoaking a Pipe of Tobacco by the fire; he asked her, Who did the Murther?
A39604Sheriff Bethel ask''d Mr. Fitz- harris, What have you to say?
A63587Readers, what can subdue, what can asswage The bloody hands of men this sinful age?
A49468s.n.,[ London?
A559474 p. Printed for J. Millet...,[ London?]
A63164And the King of Israel said to Elisha when he saw them, my Father shall I smite them?
A63164shall I smite them?
A41761Besides, they ask''t, How he durst take a Commission from any Forreign Prince, directly contrary to the late Treaty, and his Majestie''s Proclamation?
B00045And being asked who did send that Planet?
A63139Whereupon the Prisoner was asked what he had to say for himself?
A63139Whether did you see this Gentlemen sitting among the Judges of the King?
A28857Mr. Boteler, what have you done?
A28857[ 47] p. Printed for J. Clarke, and P. Brooksby,[ London]:[ 1678?]
A63434: 1680?]
A63434s.n.,[ London?
A63182Have you any thing more to say?
A63182Keeble COme M. Gibbons what have you to say?
A87169The best of Fathers from most sweet and dutiful Children?
A87169The best of Husbands from a most affectionate Wife?
A87169The best of Kings from his most Loyal Subjects?
A87169What Tongue of Men or Angels can sufficiently express the detestation of that bloody fact that separated the best of heads from so lovely a body?
A53577In my Return Home( in the narrow Passage among Ebrington Furzes) there met me one Horseman, and said, Art thou there?
A53577Who answered, Yes, it was his Brother: And being further asked, Whether he were then with him?
A53577answered No; for that, after he came to them, his Master cried, Ah Rogues, will you kill me?
A25800And did I not concur to bind the Landlords for their Tenants, though I was mainly concerned?
A25800And have I not always keep''d my Tenants in obedience to His Majesty?
A25800Have I not shewed my Zeal to all the ends of the Test?
A25800How then can it be imagined, that I have any sinister design in any thing that I have said?
A25800Was I not for offering proper supplies to His Majesty and his Successor?
A52636: 1694?]
A52636Ashton upon presu 〈 … 〉 Treason?
A52636W 〈 … 〉 〈 … 〉 not lament, What good Engl 〈 … 〉 is not afflicted for the Death 〈 … 〉 Essex and Rawleigh?
A75778Have you shared the Money?
A75778Is Mr. Holland safe?
A75778Is it not so agreed?
A75778Mr. Davis what do you do here, will you ruin your self and me?
A75778Recorder asked her, where was that Madam Walton, she had so often mentioned in her Evidence?
A75778but he and his Accomplices crying out, Are not we agreed?
A75778but he making as if he stay''d belovv to secure the maid, he cryed Damn her for a Bitch, Shoot her, Cut her Throat, what is her Life worth?
A75778there is a great ado about the Robery, and I would not have you appear here this Month: Is the Plate secure?
A63146And can a Wife be a Legal Witness against her Husband?
A63146Are persons of mean Extraction, and of no Estates, sufficient Evidences against a Baron?
A63146But, my Lord, what do you say to what these Fellows your Servants have Sworn against you?
A63146How will you be Tryed?
A63146Is a Man that is Particeps Criminis, a party in the Crime, a Legal Witness against the Accused?
A63146Is your Name Fitz- Patrick?
A63146My Lords the Judges, Can a Rape be Committed against a Whore?
A63146My Lords the Judges, you have heard what the Countess desires of us; will you give your Opinions, and satisfie her Ladyship about it?
A63146My Lords the Judges, you hear the Lord Audley''s Query, pray give him your Opinions?
A63146Or, whether they can extinguish the Flames of Hell, by going Merily and Laughing thither?
A63146Pray Mr. Attorney let Skipwith be call''d, that we may hear what he can say?
A63146Whether they can the better indure Eternal Torment, because they do n''t believe them?
A63146Will the Law allow us to give my Lord Audley the liberty of Counsel to speak for him?
A63146Will your Ladyship be pleas''d to inform these Peers with the Real truth, concerning my Lords Vile, and unheard of Actions to your Ladyship?
A63146You Gentlemen of the King''s Counsel, have you any more Witnesses to produce, if you have, pray be expeditious?
A46139How wilt thou be tri''d?
A46139My Lord Duras, Is Charles Lord Conwallis guilty of the Felony and Murder, whereof he stands Indicted, or not guilty?
A46139My Lords the Judges, is there any Question whether a Person acquitted of an Offence be a good Witness against another charged with the same Offence?
A46139Now that here is a Murder committed, I dare with all humily averre: by whom, that is the question?
A46139Then one on the Stairs( no man can tell who it was) with horrid Execrations, askt, will you command the Kings Soldiers?
A46139They both swore they would kill him: had there been any excuse for the other, if one of them had killed the Centinel?
A46139What occasion had they of Malice, Revenge or Injury to the Centinel?
A9128720, 21. shall the Throne of inquity have fellowship with thee which frameth mischief by a Law?
A9128722. doth consirm this Statute of Magna Charta in Ireland or not?
A912876. concerning Rapes, of which there was some doubt made whether it extended to Ireland?
A91287For the first, Whether this Act extends to Treasons committed in Ireland by Irish- Commoners?
A91287Namely, Whether this Act extends to Treasons perpetrated in Ireland by Irish- Peers, as well as by Irish Commoners?
A91287Whether it reacheth to Treasons in Ireland perpetrated by Irish Peers, as well as by Irish Commons?
A91287Whether this S ● atute extends to Treasons committed in Ireland, by Irish Commoners?
A91287or sent over to be tryed in Ireland for Treasons acted there, after an Endictment for them here found against him?
A70679Can you, now you have kindled this fire from hell, which is like to devour and consume all can you( I say) by your Preachings quench it again?
A70679Consider, is any thing called for but your unrighteousness, which will certainly be your death?
A70679Have you brought Salvation, Liberty, and Freedom to your selves?
A70679Have you not, amongst you preached three Nations into blood?
A70679What is it you are to part with?
A70679What use or need then is there of any of your sittings, of any of your Judgements or Judicatories?
A70679Whence, from what, or from whom your selves, or any other at this time, hold and derive your Rights, Power, and Authority?
A70679in, from, and by the Law; or in, from, and by the Sword?
A70679is it any thing but that which will evidently and eminently be your destruction?
A25867A Cade?
A25867A Jack- Straw?
A25867A Kett?
A25867I were well fitted for justice, if you should come to be my Judg, what indifferency is there in this my Lord Chiefe Justice?
A25867Master Atturney said, Is my Lord so poore?
A25867My Lord Cecil desired to know whither out of that which was left to him or to his brother?
A25867No longer said Rawleigh?
A25867Or how could we invent to offer to him the letter of an Arabella, whom he could not chuse but know to be of no following, what a mockery is this?
A25867What did we offer him?
A25867What pawne had we to give the King of Spaine?
A25867do Princes so easily now a dayes part with such Masses of mony?
A25867hath he used me thus?
A25867or if he had been in case, could I thinke it so easy a matter, to obtaine such a sum of mony of the Spaniard?
A25867what would I make my selfe?
A26301But Sir, if you demand, did I do no more then carry a Letter, or go with a Ceremonious how d''ye from the King?
A26301But my Lord( reply''d the Speaker) had you no private Instructions?
A26301Did you only perform the Duty of a Commanded Souldier?
A26301Having thus Sir, shew''d you how little fond I was of the thing, let me now( with Submission) ask you, what could I otherwise do in my Circumstances?
A26301In the next place, Sir, what did I go to Rome for?
A26301Shall I then suffer that had neither Buoy nor Mark to direct me?
A26301Who beat the Souldiers for not crying Justice?
A26301Who encourag''d spitting in the Kings Face?
A26301Who was it( I pray) that animated the Rabble?
A43885Being asked, Whether he knew him to be her Husband?
A43885Billing replyed, Yes; and askt her, Why she did not come to him upon his first sending for her?
A43885He ask''d me, Where?
A43885How wilt thou be tryed?
A43885I said, My Lord, why, are you Righteous?
A43885Mr. Clark was askt by the Court, Whether he could prove, or swear, That I was the Mary Mauders that was Tryed at Dover?
A43885She ask him, wh ● t they were?
A43885The Corinthians also demanded of Chilo the Philosopher, what Truth was?
A43885The Court askt, Whether they found the Prisoner Guilty, or not Guilty?
A43885The Lord Chief Justice ask''t Knott, What were the words used in the Marriage?
A43885The Lord Chief Justice was pleased to ask Me, Where I was Born?
A43885Upon his entring the Room he said, How do you do, Madam?
A43885Well Moll, said he to her, Have ye all your things?
A43885When the Jury was Returning with their Verdict, my Husband in the Garden, met them; he askt one of them, If they had found me Guilty?
A43885Why, said he, will you kiss me?
A43885Why,( said I) my Lord, have you numbred my dayes?
A43885— Diogenes the Cinick being ask''d, What Beast Bit most Deadly?
A38972And by the good fortune of the Emperour, was not that another oath?
A38972And if this were an oath, why do you cast friends into prison?
A38972And was not the ceremony of his oath to lay three fingers a top of the book to signifie the Trinity?
A38972I am a servant to the King, and the King sent me not to dispute, but he sent me to put his Laws in execution, wilt thou swear?
A38972I say unto you that''s no answer, will you take it or will you not take it?
A38972That is no answer, will you take the oa ● h or will you not take it?
A38972The Judge askt me again, whether I had denyed the Oath, what did I say?
A38972This is no answer, will you take the Oath?
A38972Thou understands that?
A38972We spend time about those things, come to the matter in hand, what say ye to the Oath and to the indictment?
A38972Will you swear or no?
A38972You say well, the Law is made for transgressours, but Mistress do you go to Church?
A38972and can not there be in truth and faithfulness Allegiance to the King without swearing?
A38972they could not swear by the Prosperity of Caesar; and was not that oath then imposed upon them?
A63191Court, Who was it that quarrelled with the Coachman?
A63191Did they draw their Swords in the Entry?
A63191Did you put the Beef into the Bill?
A63191Did you see Mr. Bradshaw there when Sir Charles fell?
A63191Did you see him do any thing to him after he was down?
A63191Did you see the man killed?
A63191Did you see them draw their Swords?
A63191Did you take notice of what passed between Mr. Walters and Sir Charles Pymm?
A63191Do you know the Man?
A63191Do you know whether Mr. Walters was wounded or no?
A63191Mr. Bradshaw, what have you to say for your self?
A63191Mr. Cave, What have you to say?
A63191Mr. Mirriday, did you see me strike Sir Charles''s Head upon the Ground?
A63191Mr. Mirriday, were you in any Fish- mongers Shop?
A63191Mr. Walters, will you ask him any questions?
A63191This was in the Entry; but where was Sir Charles Pymm?
A63191Was Mr. Cave or Bradshaw at the place where Sir Charles fell?
A63191Was his Sword drawn?
A63191Were you not in Drink?
A63191Were your Swords put up again?
A63191What came of Mr. Walters afterwards?
A63191Where did he receive his Wound?
A63191Where was Mr. Bradshaw?
A63191Where was Mr. Walters?
A63191Who began?
A63191Would you ask Mr. Mirriday any Question?
A63191Yes my Lord: Mr. Mirriday, what did you say to Sir Charles Pymm in the Fish- mongers Shop?
A63191did you not say, go and fight him, and I will be your Second?
A30726Anigitur possunt Legitimis conjugia dirimi?
A30726Are these children ill born Bastards?
A30726But what shall be said?
A30726Does God patronise Adultery or Fornication by allowing of such a Conoubinage to be a lawful and undefiled bed?
A30726Does God usually give his blessing to bastards, who are utterly barr''d thereof unto the tenth generation?
A30726If so, How much good would their repentance avail him beyond their ruin?
A30726In this case what should this Repondent do?
A30726Is this Respondent Father to these Brats?
A30726Such is her IV Article; unto which this Respondent saith, it is a meer forgery of Lies, he having no such wife as Martha Butler?
A30726[ Qualem intelligit Paulus Desertionem?]
A30726[ Quid de voluntaria& affectata absentia statuendum?]
A30726[ Quid si magistratus officium negligat?]
A30726v. Quot modis Consumptum Conjugium dirimitur?
A30726will such a Man think to be excused by alleging that this was an extraordinry work of God?
A89263Because I shall have no more torment, shall not I see your faces againe?
A89263But had it not pleased God to have sent you to me that time, what have would become of me?
A89263Have not I reason to blesse God?
A89263Is this the last farewell?
A89263No creature thought we could have indured, what can we indure of our selves?
A89263No, without God we can doe nothing, what can not God inable us to indure?
A89263Now after this, when they can not get power to torment me, will they ever be more vehement with my brothers and sisters?
A89263Now when I am released, what shall become of my brother and sister, if it please God to give them so much power as to torment them?
A89263Our paine, what''s all our pain?
A89263Our soules are all the comfort we can expect, what are our bodies?
A89263Said she is this possible?
A89263Shall I meet you in such a place, at such a time?
A89263Shall I never behold your faces againe?
A89263Shall they never have more power to torment me?
A89263She hath entred into the Divels service, ought she not to think of the torment of her soule?
A89263Since God hath granted this day to be my releasement, have I not reason to blesse this God?
A89263The servant answered, God blesse me, could he tell what his Mistresse said to him, no living soule else prese ● it, bidding him reveale the party?
A89263What is this they have run their soules into?
A89263What mercies can be showne unto a creature, but it hath pleased God to shew it to me?
A89263but( alas) where are the rest?
A89263what''s all the pain on earth?
A63205Are you sure( looking upon the Prisoner) that was the man?
A63205Did you know Staley?
A63205Did you know him before?
A63205Did you name the word Heretick?
A63205Did you say you would kill the King of France?
A63205Did you see Mr. Staley perfectly, was the door open?
A63205Did you see him when he spake the words?
A63205Did you write all that is in the Paper at that time?
A63205Did you write the words presently?
A63205Do you believe the King of France is an Heretick?
A63205Have you any thing else to say for your self, or have you any more Witnesses, that you would have examined on your behalf?
A63205Have you any thing more to say for your self than what you have already said?
A63205How came you to stay so long?
A63205How near were you to him?
A63205Look upon the Writing, is it your Hand?
A63205Mr. Sutherland, Tell what you heard the Prisoner at the Bar say, were you there?
A63205Sir John Kirk, do you understand French?
A63205Were you in the same Room?
A63205What Goods, Chattels, Lands or Tenements?
A63205What Jesuit taught you this trick?
A63205What are those things he charged upon him?
A63205What can you say to this?
A63205What did you do upon this?
A63205What discourse had you?
A63205What were the first words?
A63205Which was nearest to him, he or you?
A63205Who told you it was Staley the Goldsmith?
A63205Who told you you had best take it up?
A63205Would you kill your self because you said the King was a Heretick?
A63205and that he was a great Heretick?
A60819And how did you know that I said Mass?
A60819And then for the private Room, what Room of the House was it?
A60819Can you swear that he is the man?
A60819Come, I would fain see whether you Priests and Jesuits can speak one word of truth or no: Come, Mr. Starkey, did you ever say Mass in the Army?
A60819Did you go by that Name?
A60819Did you know one Mr. Duncomb that is dead?
A60819Did you know that I took Orders?
A60819Do you know him well?
A60819He did well, did he not?
A60819He tells me of Priests Habits; what are they, Sir?
A60819Is that your use?
A60819My Lord, how comes it to pass that I did not come here in a Yellow Coat; and was not arraigned for a Fool, and not for a Traytor?
A60819Now I think I shall prove the Rogue perjur''d: Is my Lord Chief Baron in the Court?
A60819Now I will ask Mr. Oates a Question; Mr. Oates, can you prove that I received Orders from the See of Rome?
A60819Recorder, I desire to know what you would have had me done?
A60819Recorder, pray will you advise me what to have done?
A60819Recorder: Mr. Starkey, What can you say for your self?
A60819That is a pretty Argument indeed: Do any but Priests say Mass?
A60819Well, admit it; But why Bedloe''s open Perjury about Mr. Anderson''s Father omitted?
A60819What Habit had he on?
A60819What have I to say for my self?
A60819What, to prove it is day?
A60819Who is it that will prove that you did not come to the House?
A60819if I am a Priest, that I should tell him I was such an one?
A60819if that was not true what he urged against Dangerfield?
A77144And being asked what it was she hung about the neck?
A77144Boddenham you would not offer to doe such wickednesse, would you?
A77144Consider how God himself pities thee: What will you doe, saith the Lord in the day of my Wrath?
A77144Did I ever deserve svch mercy?
A77144Do you know what faith is?
A77144How doe you apprehend your owne state and condition to be?
A77144I also asked her who she knew to be Witches?
A77144I asked her how she did?
A77144I asked her, what Books she had, and where she had them?
A77144I asked her, whether she had any ground or testimny that repentance was wrought in her?
A77144O how many souls hath God in Heaven, that have had their passage thither by Hels gate?
A77144On what do you ground your hope on?
A77144Q. Doe you know the Fundamentalls of Religion?
A77144Qust Doe you not know salvation is to be had for the worst of sinners, if they are willing to be saved?
A77144Suppose the best, That such a shamefull end shall not betyde them: Yet is there any happynesse or any good to be found in the Devils service?
A77144The Witch replyed, Do you not lie to me?
A77144They asked her the reason why?
A77144What a madness rests in the sons of men, to think they can repent when theywill?
A77144Who would willingly have lived her life?
A77144but who then would dye her death?
A77144she answered, Yes, from the Jury; I replyed, But have you any minde to be saved from Hell?
A77144she answered, a Spell written in a peece of paper: And heing demanded to whom she did pray for cure?
A8857913. and 16. and 11. yet is it imaginable that Christ thought this Title of right belonged to the Divell?
A88579Adams being ask''d, whether was there not a Letter, sent from Piercy for money to be sent to the King, read at Mr. Love''s house?
A88579And being askt, whether I did not protest against it?
A88579And being demanded, whether Mr. Love was not named to draw up a Letter to be sent to Scotland?
A88579And doth not C ● o ● ● ell do this to Scotland, as Pekah did to Iudah?
A88579Because( said I) then your next Question will be, Who else was present?
A88579Did I ever encourage Cromwell to invade Scotland?
A88579Have we not all one Father?
A88579He being askt, whether I did send Alford to Callis, or agree to the sending of him?
A88579He being askt, whether I gave my consent to the sending away of the Commission?
A88579He being askt, whether he thought that I received the five pound he laid on my table?
A88579If it be demanded, what was the reason that I refused formerly to mention a word about the justice of the Sentence in any sence, yet afterwards do it?
A88579Sixthly, I intend upon the Scaffold to make an acknowledgment of what I have done, and why may I not do it before?
A88579What a woe then shall befall Cromwell, that doth not build Townes with blood, but destroys many Townes by blood, but builds up none?
A88579What act have I done( my Enemies themselves being Judges) to make me guil ● y of the blood spilt in Scotland?
A88579What law of God, or of the Land, have I broken, if I had done so?
A88579Why doe we deal treacherously every man against his brother, by prophaxing the Covenant of our Fathers?
A88579hath not one God created us?
A88579or ever invite the Scotish Nation to invade England?
A88579or to bring over foraigne Souldiers, Generalls, Shipping?
A88579that doth not stablish a City, but destroyes many Cities in ENGLAND and SCOTLAND by Iniquity?
A63409And confessed, that the Devil did ask of her whether she was a Poor woman?
A63409And thereupon this Informant''s Wife did ask of the said Agnes Whitefield who it was that was at the door?
A63409Did not you know of their coming to Goal?
A63409Did the Devil never promise you any thing?
A63409Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
A63409H. And did you go?
A63409H. Are you willing to have any Prayers?
A63409H. Did he come to make use of thy Body in a carnal manner?
A63409H. Did he ever take any of thy bloud?
A63409H. Did he give thee any Gift, or didst thou make him any Promise?
A63409H. Did he offer any violence to you?
A63409H. Did you bruise her till the bloud came out of her Mouth and Nose?
A63409H. Did you know any Marriners that you or your Associates destroyed by overturning of Ships and Boats?
A63409H. Do you know one Mr. Lutteril about these parts, or any of your Confederates?
A63409H. Had he any of thy bloud?
A63409H. Had he ever any carnal knowledge of thee?
A63409H. Had you no Discourse or Treaty with him?
A63409H. Have you a Teat in your Privy- parts?
A63409H. How did he appear to thee first, or where in the street?
A63409H. How do you know it was the Devil?
A63409H. How many did you destroy and hurt?
A63409H. In what shape did the Devil come to you?
A63409H. Mary Trembles, Was not the Devil there with Susan when I was once in the Prison with you, and under her Coats?
A63409H. Susan, Did you see the shape of a Bullock?
A63409H. Susan, Had you any knowledge of the bewitching of Mr. Lutteril''s Child, or did you know a place called Tranton Burroughs?
A63409H. Temperance Lloyd, Have you made any Contract with the Devil?
A63409H. Temperance, How did you come in to hurt Mrs. Grace Thomas?
A63409H. Was it you or Susan that did bewitch the Children?
A63409H. What caused you to do her harm?
A63409H. What did he do when he came to thee?
A63409H. Why had you not called upon God?
A63409H. You say you never hurted Ships nor Boats; did you never ride over an Arm of the Sea on a Cow?
A63409Had you no discourse with the Devil?
A63409Have you any thing to say to satisfie the world?
A63409How do you know you did it?
A63409I knew it by his Eyes?
A63409In what Shape or Colour was he?
A63409Mr. H. MAry Trembles, What have you to say as to the Crime you are now to die for?
A63409This Informant demanded of her the said Temperance, why she had not confessed so much when she was in Prison last time?
A63409Upon which this Informant did demand of her the said Temperance whether she had been suckt at that place by the black Man?
A63409Upon which this Informant said, Why dost thou weep for me?
A63409Well; consider you are just departing this world: do you believe there is a God?
A63409You are lookt on as the woman that has debaucht the other two: Did you ever lie with Devils?
A63409You were charged about 12 years since, and did you never see the Devil but this time?
A63409did she do you any harm?
A63409did you or them bewitch his Child?
A63409did you pass through the Key- hole of the Door, or was the Door open?
A63409how went you in, through the Key- hole, or the Door?
A63409in what shape?
A63409what malice had you against her?
A42872Againe, did he prove all manner of rents were levied by souldiers?
A42872And how defends he this Article?
A42872And when he stands under this question, and goes about to justifie his exorbitant actions, how often hath he created this Idol againe?
A42872Beside that it was intended orriginally for Scotland, what proofe makes hee?
A42872Now, my Lords, how comes this to be his designe?
A42872and if not the other way, why the first way?
A42872and yet my Lord Renula should say, Shall wee turne our swords upon our owne bowels?
A42872for else why should he mention the Prerogative, when he is charged to exceed the law?
A42872himselfe; and therefore who was the cause of this proposition but himselfe?
A42872how would he destroy?
A42872how would he devoure?
A42872is there no difference to bring an Army to offend them, and for the King to raise a force to defend himselfe?
A42872shall we bring this Army to turne the points of our blades upon that Nation from whence we were all derived?
A42872to interpose betwixt the King and his subjects?
A42872were it not better to enjoy his estate in peace and quietnesse, then have it under danger of a warre?
A42872where is his care to advance the Kings rents ▪ to encrease his revennue?
A42872where is the Kings service?
A42872where is your safeguard?
A35351And how great diligence ought to be used in the discovery of so many hidden Achans that are in the Camp of Israel?
A35351And the Girl being asked how she came to the knowledge of these things?
A35351And the Girl being enquired at, How she came to the knowledge of these strange things?
A35351And, in the Next place, whether or not these Prisoners are the Witches?
A35351Art thou not the filthy Devil, for as brave as thou art with thy Silver and Gold Lace?
A35351But being Asked, Why she would not Confess the rest, as well as that Passage?
A35351But how much ought we to be humbled?
A35351Dost thou promise to give me brave Men in Marriage, and fine Cloaths, and perfect Health, if I should consent thereunto?
A35351Dost thou say my Baptism will do me no good, because thou alledgest he was not a sufficient Minister that baptized me?
A35351For when the President asked, Whether or not she knew one of the Prisoners Names that was to be pricked?
A35351How is it with thee?
A35351I enquired again, What Katharine Cambel was doing?
A35351If Satan''s Possession of Bodies be so great a Plague, how much worse is it to have him reign Master of our Souls?
A35351Is this their Errand Indeed?
A35351Now Kate what think''st thou of that Promise?
A35351Now Kate, what think''st thou of that?
A35351Or how can I have him by the hand as thou say''st, seeing I feel it not?
A35351Then Agnes ask''d, How she her self did, and how old she was?
A35351Then he enquired what brought her thither?
A35351Why should thou Trouble me?
A35351Wouldst thou have me Renounce my Baptism?
A35351art thou wishing the Devil to take me?
A35351know''st thou the reward of the Hypocrit?
A35351she who should have been a comfort to him in his Trouble, turned a Cross to him?
A35351to which Christian replied, What do I know?
A35351what a Wife was this, that bid her Husband Curse God and Dy?
A35351where is the Habit thou wast cloathed with the other day?
A7069428, 29. where he saith, Who is weak, and I am not weak?
A706948. where he makes this Proclamation, Who shall, saith he, separate us from the Charity of Christ?
A70694And whether I used to change my Cloaths when I came to pray?
A70694But, as our Saviour saith, What doth it profit a man to gain the world, and lose his soul?
A70694Do all that pretend to Charity do thus?
A70694He asked me how I could prove that?
A70694He asked me how?
A70694He asked me of what Calling I was?
A70694He asked me what Estate I had?
A70694He replied, Will you take them, or will you not?
A70694If Alms profit nothing without Charity, can such Injuries profit Persecutors, that take all away- against Charity?
A70694If there be but one Faith, how can this be?
A70694Shall Tribulation, or Distress, or Persecution, or Famine, or Nakedness, or Peril, or Sword?
A70694Sir, You may take your own time, and you shall have no interruption; Sir, will you be pleased to have your own time?
A70694Then he asked me, If I would take the Oaths?
A70694Then he asking me, whether I was guilty, or not guilty of my Accusations?
A70694Then the Judge asked him, Whether he knew me before or no?
A70694Then they asked what Cloaths I had on when I prayed?
A70694Then they asked, Whether they had ever seen me pray?
A70694There is but one Faith, one Lord, one Baptism; if it be so, how can this stand with so many Sectaries as there are?
A70694To which the Judge replied, Where had I the Seal to that Declaration?
A70694When I came to Sir John, he asked me who I was?
A70694Why then shall any sear to die for his Faith, having this Hope?
A70694how oft have I, by descending to Jericho, instead of going up to Jerusalem?
A70694how oft, I say, have I been rob''d of this garment of Charity?
A70694or what I said to him when I gave it him?
A70694or whether I told him I would give him the Sacrament?
A70694understand by compassion, as Fellow- sufferer; Who is scandalized, and I burn not?
A70694— But first they were urgent with me to answer positively, Ay or No, was I a Jesuitical Priest, or was I not?
A70694— First they asked whether any of them had ever heard me read?
A70694— I therefore desired my Lord to ask him, Whether I spake of Confession or Communion?
A418042. does not plainly intimate the contrary?
A41804And consequently where is the Security of any Man?
A41804And must a Jury find a matter of which no manner of Evidence at all is given?
A41804And now I pray consider where is this Liberty and Property?
A41804But be the matter true or false, what signifies believing in this case?
A41804But can these Instances be any thing to the Case of a Printer?
A41804But then is Printing Treason?
A41804Can any thing be more plain to demonstrate this than my present Case?
A41804For was ever such brave Justice known?
A41804For what was my Lord Cobham''s Case to Printing?
A41804Grascome, Samuel, 1641- 1708?
A41804Grascome, Samuel, 1641- 1708?
A41804Is one Man to be hanged for anothers believing?
A41804Let us now see what art this reverend Judg could use to condemn him?
A41804Nay, where the very Laws themselves?
A41804Now could a more unquestionable Witness have been produced to printed Books, and their Titles, than a Man that can not read?
A41804Now what is the Crime of buying Paper?
A41804Or I would fain know what favour was done it, if there were more effectual Remedies before?
A41804Was ever such a wise Oath made by two Printers?
A41804What are the Proceedings but Arbitrary in a superlative Manner, and such as no Reign ever produced before?
A41804What blessed times are these?
A41804What hath a Judge to do with a Man''s Affections?
A41804What need was there to have troubled such a Witness as this?
A41804What preposterous Doings are these, to hate the Name and love the Thing?
A41804When the Jury appeared, the Question was asked, Whether they were agreed of their Verdict?
A41804When the last day of the Sessions came, and the Prisoner was asked in course what he had to say, why Sentence should not be passed upon him?
A41804Whether Printing were Treason?
A41804Whether any Judg,& c. can construe Printing to be a sufficient Overt- Act, till it be so declared by Parliament?
A41804Would any Judge, who had either a Grain of Sense or Conscience, hang a Man upon such Evidence as this?
A41804Would not a Man think, that Astrea were come down from Heaven again, and sat in Court?
A41804and is this the Faith wherein you die, and wherein you hope for Salvation?
A41804and particularly by the Church of England?
A41804and shall not I learn of thee patiently to bear the undeserv''d Reproaches of this inconsiderate Man?
A41804how much more hast thou suffered for me and for Mankind?
A41804what would become of the Laws, if every Rogue should have a License to murther whom he pleaseth?
A41804where the Rights and Privileges of the Subject?
A41804whether may not People be led, who will suffer themselves to be thus deluded?
A63195Adams, What can you say?
A63195And how many blows were given, ten or twenty, or how many?
A63195And in that case any Man( and why not Mr. Bethel?)
A63195And what was he doing?
A63195And you say you were there all the while, and saw no disturbance given by Mr. Bethel?
A63195Before Mr. Bethel came, how did this Man behave himself, did he not shout and behave himself rudely?
A63195By whose Sollicitation came you there?
A63195Did Mr. Bethel Swear when he came into the Borrough?
A63195Did not you, before Mr. Bethel came there, Interrupt the peoples coming to Pole, and what did Mr. Bethel say?
A63195Did you hear Mr. Bethel say so?
A63195Did you not hear Mr. Bethel say so?
A63195Did you see any blow given by Mr. Bethel?
A63195Did you see him come into the Burrough?
A63195Dory, Give the Court an account of the Matter in Question, did you see Mr. Bethel give Mason any blows?
A63195Had he a Red- Coat on?
A63195Had he the same Coat on as now he hath?
A63195Had he this Coat on or no, or had he not a Campaign Coat on?
A63195Have you a Right to Poll?
A63195How many blows?
A63195How was this man Cloathed?
A63195I appeal to you of the Jury, whether here be any Cause for this Indictment, or colour of Reason for you to find it?
A63195I ask one Question more, Mason said he had Twenty Blows, what say you to that?
A63195I went with Sheriff Bethel there at that time, and he asked the Waterman what he had to do there?
A63195Is it necessary for Mr. Bethel to beat a Man with his Cane?
A63195Is it necessary for Mr. Bethel to give a Man Twenty blows?
A63195Is it necessary for Mr. Bethel to pluck a Mans Coat off his Back?
A63195Is it necessary to an Election?
A63195May not a Man live in London, and be a good Evidence here?
A63195Mr Traverse, What Account can you give of the matter?
A63195Mr. Bethel aapplying himself first to Mason, asked him in a milde and Civil manner if he had a right to Pole?
A63195Mr. Gerrad, what can you say?
A63195Mr. Tarrant, what can you say?
A63195Mr. Thompson, is that a fair Question?
A63195Mr. Weekes, do you live in London, or do you live in the Burrough?
A63195No, Did you hear him Swear?
A63195Or had he not a Campain Coat over it?
A63195Pray, Sir,( as you seem a sober Man) were any blows struck by Mr. Bethel?
A63195Sir I know not that, but he had the same Coat then on his back, which he has on now?
A63195Then you did not see the quarrel on the Ground?
A63195Thomas Walbrooke, what can you say to the case in hand?
A63195Thompson, Mason said Mr. Bethel gave him twenty blows, did you see it?
A63195Upon the Oath you have taken, being( I think) you are an Honest man, had the Waterman this Coat on at that time?
A63195Upon the Oath you have taken, how many blows did you see given, because they say Twenty?
A63195Upon the Oath you have taken, were there any blows given?
A63195VVho was it that swore?
A63195Was Sams there?
A63195Was he cloathed with this Coat, or had he not a Campane Coate over it?
A63195Was there any pushing, or thrusting, by Mr. Bethel?
A63195Were there any blows given by Mr. Bethel?
A63195What did he strike you also with his Fist?
A63195What do you know?
A63195What do you think the Consequence had been, if Mason had struck again?
A63195What is this Witness to the purpose then?
A63195What was Mr. Bethels behaviour, when he entered into the Burrough?
A63195What words did you hear?
A63195Where did he hurt you with all his blows?
A63195Who did Swear?
A63195Why what made you think, if Mason had struck Mr. Bethel, that it would have made such a great disturbance?
A63195You were there all the while?
A63195did you see Mr. Bethel strike Mason, and what words did he say?
A63195hast thou a Right to Poll?
A63195— And as to the Fact and manner of what Mr. Bethel did, it was no more than coming in a civil manner, asking whether he had a right to Poll?
A59394& c. was he your prisoner?
A59394About what time did he tell you of this Letter?
A59394And what you promised, did you not make it good?
A59394Clerk You have heard your Charge read, and Plea demanded; the Court again requires of you, that you give a positive Answer, whether Guilty or not?
A59394Did he tell you what considerable persons were concerned?
A59394Did it not clearly appear before us, that you endeavoured to betray the Garri ● … on of Hull to C. Stuart?
A59394Did it not clearly appear in proof before us, that you promoted C. S ● … to be King o ● … England?
A59394Dr. H. Hath your Lordship assigned me Counsel in matter of fact when matters of L ● … w arise?
A59394Dr. H. Pray my Lord is there any Indictment found against me by a Crand Jury, by which I am to be tryed?
A59394G. After what manner?
A59394G. At what place, and at what time?
A59394G. Did he not encourage you thereto?
A59394G. Did he not say that he had Commissions from the King?
A59394G. Do you stand to your Plea not guilty?
A59394G. Pray who is the Judge?
A59394G. What did he tell you concerning his being entrusted by the King therein?
A59394G. What discourse past between you at the Halfe moon Tavern in Aldersgate street about March last?
A59394G. What was the end of your meeting?
A59394G. Who was present at any of these discourses?
A59394Gen. Did you see that Commission delivered to Waterhouse by Sir H. Slingsby?
A59394Gen. How long have you been an Officer there?
A59394Gen. How many men did he tell you should be at Paul near Hull?
A59394Gen. Mr. Waterhouse, what Letter was that Sir H. Slingsby sent to his Son?
A59394Gen. Sir Henry, was it you that filled up that blank Commission?
A59394Gen. What Officer were you Mr. Waterhouse?
A59394Gen. What discourse had you with Sir H. Slingsby touching the de ● … vering up of Hull?
A59394Gen. What men did he tell you Andrew would raise?
A59394Gen. What proceedings was there between Sir H. and you?
A59394He said, that the King was more private then to let any man know his design: But asked me, whether I was ready to receive him?
A59394I desire to know whether there can be any conviction, unless it be by confession?
A59394I shall say no more to you, we must make our Authority appear to you either by trying of you, or judging of you; will you be try''d?
A59394Is it a good President?
A59394Is not every Englishman, whether in Prison, or out of Prison, bound by the Laws of England?
A59394Is the Court Judge and Jury?
A59394John Mordant Esquire, you stand here charged of High Treason; to this charge you plead not guilty, is this your Plea?
A59394Mordant at dinner together at the Halfe moon?
A59394Mordant came to him, tels him there were great grievances; I, says he, but how shall it be remedied?
A59394Mordant touching Charles Stuart?
A59394Mordant with you, touching the bringing in of Charles Stunrt?
A59394Mordant, would you aske Mr. Scobel any question?
A59394Mr. At Gen. What Treaty was between Sir H. and you at Hull?
A59394Mr. Attorney, What have you to say against the Prisoner at the Bar?
A59394Mr. Stapley, about what time was this?
A59394Mr. Stapley, at what place was the encouragement made?
A59394My Lord, Pray give me leave to ask this question, Whether there be any president for this?
A59394My Lord, shall I not know by what Law I am tryed, nor by what Act, nor by what Commission?
A59394My Lord, will you take away that liberty that we shall not know by what Commission we are tryed, and who are our Judges?
A59394Overton, and a Deputation to the third?
A59394Sir H. S. have you any thing else to say?
A59394Sir, What said you to this Proof?
A59394Sir, doth not every Englishman owe a natural Allegiance to the supreme Magistrate of England?
A59394What could you think of that Family th ● … r did tolerate Popery for a match with Spain?
A59394What meetings had you?
A59394What then would that Family have done, if it could have gained them England, Scotland& Ireland?
A59394Who was by?
A59394Will you plead or not?
A59394You speak of common friendship; what is common friendship, but to be a friend to the publick Government?
A59394and why did you deny me the Act of Oblivion?
A59394are you an Officer there?
A59394days in 88. had said they had been in ● … st; what would you have thought of that, Sir?
A59394did not Duke Hamilton, did they not all petition to the House?
A59394did not the Parliament order Execution upon some, and cleared others?
A59394should be paid to Maj. Waterhouse?
A59394was not this a great aggravation of their sin?
A59394what Arguments did he use?
A59394with Barr ● … ls of Gunpowder, had said that they had brought in those Barr ● … ls in Jest; what would you have thought of it?
A63161A Gentleman writes a Letter to a private Friend, and sends it to the Post- house; whether that be a publishing of a Libel, I leave it to you?
A63161And did you write the Superscription too?
A63161And here is Mr. Sidney Sainted, what an extraordinary Man he was?
A63161And you did transcribe it exactly as it was in the Paper he gave you?
A63161By whose order?
A63161Can you tell whose Hand is the other part?
A63161Did Sir Samuel own this Letter to be his Hand- writing too?
A63161Did he confess it?
A63161Did he own them all three?
A63161Did he own them to be of his hand- writing?
A63161Did he say they were published by him, or sent to any one?
A63161Did he take any Notice to you, or did you understand by him, that they were sent to the Post- House by his consent?
A63161Did he write these Letters to keep them in his Pocket, do you think, Mr. Williams?
A63161Did you ever see the Inside of those Letters that you say you superscribed?
A63161Did you hear Sir Samuel Barnardiston own them to be his Letters?
A63161Did you serve any Body before?
A63161Do you know any thing of those Superscriptions?
A63161Do you think he did it to serve the Crown?
A63161Have you any of those Records here, the Convictions of my Lord Russel and Colonel Sidney?
A63161Heark you, Mr. Atterbury, do you know any thing of these Letters?
A63161His Majesty asked him, Who subscribed them?
A63161How long have you served Sir Samuel Barnardiston?
A63161How shall any man prove another mans malice, which is a thing that lies only in a mans mind?
A63161How should any man know that I am malicious against the Government, but by my Actions?
A63161I ask you again: Did you deliver these Letters, or any of them back again to Sir Samuel Barnardiston, or no?
A63161In order to what?
A63161Is it likely he should write these Letters to a Draper?
A63161Is that Sir Samuel''s too?
A63161Is that a true Copy?
A63161Is this man''s Name Osland?
A63161Look you, Mr. Atterbury, Did he say he directed any of his Servants to carry them to the Post- House, upon your Oath?
A63161My Lord, We would ask the Witness, Whether he did own, that he sent them to the Post- House?
A63161Pray Sir, who are they directed to?
A63161Pray when you had superscribed them, or Sir Samuel, what became of them Letters?
A63161Pray, Sir, mind, and answer my Question, Did he say he directed any of his Servants to carry them to the Post- House?
A63161Shall I read it all?
A63161Shew that other Letter to Mr. Blathwaite: ● hat say you to it Sir?
A63161Sir, Did Sir Samuel order you to superscribe those three Letters, and send them to the Post- house?
A63161These Letters tell you, God will be sure to raise up Instruments, but what Instruments do they mean?
A63161This Letter was written at London, was it not?
A63161To go down into the Country too?
A63161Was that Copy his Hand- writing?
A63161Well come, Have you those Records now?
A63161Well, what say you to it that are for the Defendant?
A63161Were the Superscriptions upon them all, as they are now?
A63161What Directions had you about them, after you had superscribed them?
A63161What Preamble do you mean?
A63161What did you write it out of?
A63161What do you mean, Mr. Williams?
A63161What is your name Sir?
A63161What say you now to it, Gentlemen, for the Defendant?
A63161What say you, Mr. Blathwaite?
A63161Where is Nehemiah Osland?
A63161Where is it Sir?
A63161Where was that?
A63161Which are those two?
A63161Whose hand is the Superscription?
A63161Why Mr. Williams, would you have the Jury find that he is not so?
A63161Why, Do you think he doth not serve him well now, Mr. Williams?
A63161Will you have it all read?
A63161You Osland, Do you know who writ that Letter?
A63161Your Christian name?
A34463( read these Scriptures over And did not the very Disciples of Christ oft stumble and were offended at him?
A34463: 1657?]
A34463AFter the tares appeared, then came the servants of the housholder and said unto him, Wilt thou that we go and gather them up?
A34463And are not these things to be acted amongst the Disciples of Christ?
A34463And as it was then, is it not so now?
A34463And did not He come again to his Apostles according to his promise, and make his abode with them, and sup with them?
A34463And did not the Prophets do many things that the wisdom of the flesh might count foolishness, and to be rediculous?
A34463And for the washing or kissing of feet, it is but an expression of love and humility?
A34463And if such say they are the children of God, or Christians, whether( by the Scripture) that be not blasphemy?
A34463And is it not an expression of love and honor where there is the washing of one anothers feet?
A34463And is it not the Prince of the air that rules in the children of disobedience, if it be not the Prince of Peace and the Lamb of God?
A34463And whether all men be not either the children of God or of the Devil?
A34463And whether by their fruits they are not made manifest?
A34463And whether or n ● … it is offence to bow to man, or to kneel before a Iudge in the world?
A34463And whether the day be not approaching that will try every mans work?
A34463And whether this be not the same that gave his Cheeks to the Smiter, and opened not his mouth?
A34463Are not these the expressions of love to one another?
A34463Are not these things wonders amongst you that do not wash one anothers feet, that be out of the example of the Lord?
A34463Are these things judged with a just measure, and weighed with an equall ballance, yea or nay?
A34463Are you come into His innocent nature?
A34463DID not Christ wash the Disciples feet?
A34463Did he not do that as a pattern and example to those that came after him, that they should do so to one another?
A34463Did not Peter desire his head to be washed?
A34463Do not wonder and strange at these things where they are practised: Were not the Saints to salute one another with a holy kisse?
A34463Do you know the Son?
A34463Doth not he that is born after the flesh persecute him that is born after the spirit?
A34463Have ye anointed one another with oyle that stumble at these where they are acted?
A34463Have you communion and fellowship with them?
A34463Have you washed one anothers feet?
A34463Is Christ in you?
A34463Is He formed in you?
A34463Is the Son begot in you?
A34463Now examine your selves you that are for killing, or hurting; Do you know the Father?
A34463Now where is this councel and chief Priests against him?
A34463Now why is it that in this confident zeal they kil his Children, taking them for enemies?
A34463VVhether the Lord in all ages hath not tried the children of men?
A34463Was not the appearance of Christ when He was born glorious, when that the voyce was cryed Hosanna to the Highest?
A34463Was not this to the astonishing of the beholders, and amazement of the world?
A34463Was there not a time that he girded himself?
A34463Were not the Prophets feet washed?
A34463Where Christ is manifested, whether or no he shall not have more honour, or as much, where he is manifested?
A34463Whether Christ Jesus hath not been a stumbling stone, and a Rock of offence throughout all Generations?
A34463Whether bowing in the Truth may not bee a figure, that the seed of God shall rise, and reign above the Earthly Powers, and they shall bow to it?
A34463Whether lyars, covetous or proud men are not the Synagogue of Satan?
A34463Whether or no you will suffer Christ to have as much honor in the earth, and the world, as the Devil hath?
A34463Whether the lyar doth not hate him that abides in the truth?
A34463Whether the ● be offensive to the world, amongst the world, to bow before such, and among such the truth is not in?
A34463Whether they that have the spirit of Christ Jesus in them, punisheth the body, or puts any to death for words true or false?
A34463and did not that make Herod and Pilate friends in the highest place of Worship?
A34463and was not Jerusalem the highest place of Worship?
A34463and was not Peter to be carried whither he would not?
A34463did it not stir up all chief Priests, and Herod, was not He puzled about His Birth, and they troubled at his coming?
A34463did not He say, and tell his Disciples, Hee would come again, the Hosanna, Him that was cryed Glory to the Highest?
A34463did not the Chief Priests and Rulers gather against Him who was full of grace and truth?
A34463did not the Disciples wash one anothers feet according to Christs example?
A34463is it not as much to be admired in the world as it was ever?
A34463s.n.,[ London?
A286671 What is meant by Righteousness of Faith?
A2866716 Though we have known Christ, after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more?
A2866717 for us: And what work they?
A2866722. Who is a lyar?
A2866771. above) he quarrels the word[ Humane] and querieth, where doth the Scripture speak of Humane?
A28667Again the High Priest asked him, and said unto him, art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?
A28667Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off: can any hide himself in secret places, that I should not see him?
A28667An out- side Christ no Saviour?]
A28667And I answered, who art thou Lord?
A28667And I answered, who art thou Lord?
A28667And I heard a voice, saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
A28667And the Dead shall be raised incorruptable, and we shall be changed: but how?
A28667And why?
A28667But if any ask, how the Deity may be said to be every where, and in every thing, and creature that is made?
A28667But there is no sin charged upon Elizabeth; so that she might be perfect without sin?
A28667But( quoth he) Ezra had not a Cushen: I askt him how he knew that?
A28667Could your Light within tell you ought of all this, if the written Scriptures had not told it first?
A28667Dost thou( saith Christ to the Man that was born blind) Believe on the Son of God; he answered and said, who is the Lord, that I might believe on him?
A28667How is that Iesus Christ in you?
A28667I declare unto you, the Gospel which I Preached unto you: What was that Gospel, the Apostle tells us?
A28667I demanded of him, where those words might be found?
A28667If the Godhead of the Son( considered as distinct from his being a Man) be the true Christ and Saviour; how, or to whom was he manifested?
A28667If the true Christ and only Saviour be in thee, in what part of thy body is he residing?
A28667In what sense way Christs flesh be said not to profit, or profiteth nothing?
A28667It s then clear, that the Son of God, is the honour intended above; if any ask, who is this Son of God?
A28667That by the word Perfect, as it referrs to Saints in this world, it doth signifie a perfect freedome from all sin?
A28667They neither Marry nor are given in Marriage, but are as the Angels in Heaven?
A28667They( the Jews) strove amongst themselves, saying, how can this man give us his flesh to eat?
A28667What hath the Son of God spoken, touching the Scriptures?
A28667What is it to confess that Paul is come in the flesh?
A28667What is that Honour which cometh from God only?
A28667What was the Gospel that Paul Preached?
A28667What, by the word Faith?
A28667Whether Christ could have saved us, without his being God?
A28667Whether shall I go from thy presence?
A28667Whether the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, are declared as three distinct witnesses?
A28667Whether the Saints was cleansed from all sin by the water of regeneration, or by the blood of justification?
A28667Whether we could be saved by Christ, without the operation of the Spirit in us?
A28667Whom do men say, that I the Son of Man am?
A28667Why shouldest thou not be whipt by the Christian Magistrate, for this thy notorious and open Blasphemy?
A28667and are ye not now Apostatised, and fallen away from this your profession of Faith?
A28667and what that body prepared was?
A28667on whom wilt thou call to receive thy almost despairing Spirit?
A28667saith the Lord, do not I fill Heaven and Earth?
A28667takes in all, as well as the number three?
A28667that is to say, whether in thy ly Legs, Brains or Bowels?
A28667what dost thou then, but( under colour of reflecting on me) reflect upon the holy Apostles themselves?
A28667what is his Name?
A28667what shall I do, that am in my sins of impenitency and unbelief, and have no share in him?
A28667where is it written,( quoth he) that we may search for it?
A28667whether it were from 〈 ◊ 〉 or Drunk ● ness, Oathes, or Adultery?
A28667will it not amaze thee?
A38261''T is not Treason in praesenti, and if such a Declaration should be non constat, whether it would relate to the time past?
A38261* That he had Traitorously Endeavoured( which is worse than design''d) to alter the Government,& c. Now where is the Difference?
A382616. then what doth the first of Q. M. do, unless it take away all declaratory Treason?
A38261And have you not burnt his Paper for refiecting upon the House?
A38261Are not Envy and Ambition now Banish''d the Palace Gates?
A38261Are they not contented with their moderate Perquisites?
A38261Are we not rul''d by a Monarch who makes the Interest of the Nation his own, and regards Merit only in the Choice of his Ministers?
A38261But how is it possible to draw it as an Article which you expect he should be imprisoned upon?
A38261But now what shall you do?
A38261But suppose they be of the Lords House, Can you send for them?
A38261But why do the Lords refuse?
A38261But why should you Commit him?
A38261Did this Information come from a Subject, or from one of the King''s Enemies?
A38261Do they now covet Perferments to get vast Estates?
A38261Do we not see our Grandees following their Great Masters Steps?
A38261Had it been part of the Crown of England, what needed a Bill to make it so?
A38261Hath the Parliament declaratory Power now?
A38261Have we not Ministers that Act with Uprightness and Integrity?
A38261How may it then be Circumstantiated, so as that he may put to plead?
A38261How then doth the bringing it in to Parliament alter the Case?
A38261If I come before a Justice of Peace, and say, I accuse this Man of Treason, will any wise Man Commit him?
A38261If not, Why do we not Comply?
A38261If one say, A killed a Man and it is not so, must not he give reparation?
A38261If the King agreed to it, doth it follow, that he, who adviseth the King to a Thing destructive to his Kingdom and King, is not a Traitor?
A38261If you declare, it will beget an Answer, and where will that end?
A38261In short, have we not a King who only thinks himself happy, because he sees his People so?
A38261Is there any Obstruction to Justice?
A38261It, was done, but you have Repealed it, and have said None of which pretended Crimes are Treason; and what was pretended against him?
A38261None: But if he appears, to what is it?
A38261Now what can you do?
A38261On the other side, what is the Case of Committhing for Treason?
A38261Or if you do, will they come and say it?
A38261Or who amongst them are afraid to stand the Test of the severest Scrutiny?
A38261Shall we abate him of what he ought to suffer for his saying so?
A38261Suppose a Person accused generally, they are then to know whether it be Treason, and is not it as much that they Commit an Innocent Person so?
A38261The Lords do not say Commitments should follow because Treason is Bailable by the Kings- Bench, its true, the Kings- Bench Bails for Treason, but how?
A38261The Question is whether he shall be Impeached of Treason upon this Article?
A38261They Answered, Yes, Then he asked how they ought to be punished who procured it?
A38261This was questioned before the Judges, whether''t was Treason or not, that is, whether Counterfeiting the Great Seal or not?
A38261Was this Information given by an Enemy or by a Subject?
A38261Was, what is mentioned, Treason by the Common- Law, tho''so said by the Lords?
A38261We all agree to these Votes, in Order to justifie your Rights; but what is the use of it?
A38261We profess that there shall be Candour in our Proceedings, Do we therefore believe this great Man is Out- law''d?
A38261What Courtiers do we now find breaking their Promises, or giving only Words instead of just Performances?
A38261What Ministers can the most observing Eye find Guilty of Acting, or Advising, Ill?
A38261What if he hath Life in other Parts, his Family Untainted, and his Children alive, and enjoy his Estate?
A38261Whither therefore tends this?
A38261Why should not you proceed in such a way against him, as whose very Flight amounts to a Confession?
A38261Would our Ancestors leave what is to be Resolved Treason to the Lords, and themselves have no share in it?
A38261and can you think he will appear who is departed in despair of the Court?
A38261do we see any Court- Minion or haughty Favorite Advanc''d?
A38261or any Man of worth pass Unregarded and Despis''d?
A631921640, were dissolved by the King''s Death?
A631921640, were dissolved by the late King''s Death?
A631923. having the exercise of Regal Power in all the particulars of it, though not the name?
A63192A Quarrel more God''s, than their own?
A63192And as to the Question, Whether an House of Parliament can commit Treason?
A63192And had they been granted, what could they have said as to defects of Law in the Indictment, unless they might have a Copy of it?
A63192And if the Judgment thereof is to be followed, when the question is, who is King?
A63192And why, said he( speaking before all the company) should we be frighted with Death?
A63192Another replied, How should he do ill that suffers for so glorious a Cause?
A63192Are the like Mercies recorded of any Nation?
A63192Are they not therefore in effect, chargeable with my Blood, by such unequal Proceedings as I have had in my Tryal?
A63192As to the Question, Whether the King being out of actual possession, can have Treason committed against him?
A63192At this rate, who is secure of Estate or Life?
A63192At which Sir Henry( lifting up his hand, and then laying it on his breast) said, What mean you Gentlemen?
A63192But what if this great Charter it self had never been made?
A63192But what may not be said, when nothing may be replied?
A63192But what need had he to regard their threatnings, that he saw resolved to pass a Sentence of Death upon him, say what he would?
A63192Did they not endeavour to conserve and secure it, as due to them by the Law of God and of Nature?
A63192For it is become the question, Whether I am guilty, or not guilty, according as these Propositions following, are truly or erroneously resolved?
A63192Hereupon being threatned by the Emperor, he replyed, Did I ever tell you, that I was immortal?
A63192How long, O Lord, holy and true?
A63192I speak but matter of Fact, and can not you bear that?
A63192If those that command, do not, not can commit Treason, how can those that act by their Authority, be guilty of it?
A63192In what seasons more,( Lord) than when thou callest for the Testimony of thy Servants to be writ in Characters of Blood?
A63192It being therefore so serviceable to Nature and the institution of it, why should it be feared or shunned?
A63192Let thy Servant speak something on the behalf of the Nation wherein he hath lived; Lord, did we not exceed other Nations in our day?
A63192Me thinks we should soon be tired with the daily repetition of these and the like Vanities?
A63192Or is it to the Will of the Kingdomes Representative, in conjunction with the Laws, though in opposition to the Personal Will of the King?
A63192Simply to live, breath, eat, drink, and see this World?
A63192The Second Querie is, In whose Judgement in this case are the People by Law to acquiesce, as to the declaring with whom the Laws are?
A63192Then shall it be said, Where is the fury of the Oppressor?
A63192Thirdly, Pursuant to such Decision, did they not recover and repossess the Kingdoms original and primitive freedom?
A63192To what end serves a long Life?
A63192To which, or Whether of these by Law is the Allegiance required as due?
A63192What but the taking things immediately into his own hands, for administration of Judgement, and giving the last and final decision?
A63192What hard dealing can not he suffer, that fears not to die?
A63192What is the matter?
A63192What needs so long a time for all this?
A63192What was the scope of this Statute?
A63192Whether a King de jure, and out of possession, can have Treason committed against him, he not being King de facto, and in actual possession?
A63192Whether a Parliament were accountable to any inferiour Court?
A63192Whether any person acting by Authority of Parliament, can( so long as he acteth by that Authority) commit Treason?
A63192Whether during that time fore- mentioned, his Majesty that now is, were properly King de facto?
A63192Whether matters acted by that Authority, can be called in question in an inferiour Court?
A63192Whether matters done in Southwark, in another County, may be given in evidence to a Middlesex Jury?
A63192Whether the Personal Judgement of the King single, or the Vote of the Senate, that is, the Kingdoms Representative Body?
A63192Who is he that dares or can stand before the Spirit of the Lord, in the mouth of his Witnesses?
A63192Why are you troubled?
A63192Why fearest thou to go whither all the World goes?
A63192Why therefore should we be unwilling to leave this estate to go that?
A63192Would we live long, to gain knowledge, experience, and Virtue?
A63192and whether this Court may judge things done in Parliament?
A63192did you use all the rest so?
A63192had England been to seek for righteous Laws and just Liberties?
A63192have I never a servant here?
A63192is this your usage of me?
A63192know ye not that your Body is the Temple of the holy Ghost, unto which Redemption by Christ extends, as well as to your Spirits?
A63192much more, when the question is, what is the best service of the King and Kingdom?
A63192or whether he were not out of possession, and without all exercise of his Regal Authority within the Realm?
A63192what abjuring of Light, what Treachery, what meanness of spirit has appeared in this day?
A63193Against whom?
A63193And all King Charles his time the same Plot was on foot, and pray how far did they bring it?
A63193And he consented to it?
A63193And was it resolved at that Consult?
A63193Are any Challenged?
A63193Are you sure that in the presence of Sir Miles Stapleton it was resolved the King should be killed?
A63193At what time in 77?
A63193Bolron said I, do you thus requite Sir Tho Gascoyn''s kindnesses?
A63193Brother have you any thing more to say?
A63193But did Sir Miles ever desire you?
A63193But do you know any thing against the Prisoner?
A63193But he would not tell him; so said he, is Sir Miles Stapleton in it?
A63193But you do not know what discourse they had?
A63193Carleton, what is that?
A63193Did Bolron bring you in writing what Mowbray could say?
A63193Did I ever do it?
A63193Did I or any other desire you to keep any secret for me?
A63193Did Mr. Babington offer you mony, what would he have you to testifie for it?
A63193Did any body else desire you?
A63193Did he speak any thing to you concerning Sir Miles?
A63193Did he tell you Mr. Lowder what Mr. Mowbray could Swear against Sir Miles, and was it not the day which he tells you hereof?
A63193Did they make any assurance?
A63193Did they mean the King?
A63193Did you ask Bolron if he knew whether Sir Miles was concern''d in the Plot or no?
A63193Did you ever attend Rushton at the Altar?
A63193Did you ever tell any that if they would come and swear against the Evidence against Sir Miles Stapleton, they should be sufficiently Rewarded?
A63193Did you hear Sir Miles Stapleton say hee would Adventure his Life and Estate for the killing of the King?
A63193Did you know him then?
A63193Did you say this to Sir Thomas?
A63193Did you tell him you had any thing against Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63193Do you know it?
A63193Do you know of any Conspiracy in Yorkshire?
A63193Do you say Bolron read over his Information to Mowbray and he said he knew nothing of it as to Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63193Dolb Was it Parchment, or Paper?
A63193Gascoyn, and my Lady Tempest, and others?
A63193Had you Informed the Counsel of any thing against Sir Miles?
A63193Had you any Warrant at that time to take Sir Miles?
A63193Had you then Informed the Counsel of any thing before that time against Sir Miles Stapleton''s being at Barnbow Hall at the Consult?
A63193Have you any thing more Sir Miles?
A63193He said then he should recollect more?
A63193He was not then upon his Oath?
A63193How came he to name Sir Miles to you?
A63193How could he do him an ill turn?
A63193How do you know it?
A63193How long did it last?
A63193How long did the Consult last?
A63193How long was this Mr. Lowder, you had that discourse with Bolron before Mowbray came to give in his Information?
A63193How wilt thou be tried?
A63193I have read all these things over, and there is nothing of any Consult in them: How should then the Accusation of Sir Miles be mentioned in them?
A63193In the bringing of this Order of Councel to you, did you ask Mr. Bolron if he knew any thing against Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63193Is Babington a Solicitor for Sir Miles?
A63193Is that all?
A63193Is that all?
A63193It was not the same day?
A63193Miles Stapleton to Sir John Daney; pray what was the forfeiture of it?
A63193Mowbray, before you came to Mr. Lowders had you acquainted Bolron with what you had to say?
A63193Mr. Leggett, pray what mony would Mr. Bolron have given you when I was taken?
A63193Mr. Lowder did he tell you the perticulars, or he only said he was to depose things against Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63193No matter what Mr. Shereburn said, what said Sir Miles?
A63193No, no Sir Miles, that must not be, would you have the same for your Witnesses?
A63193Pray Let us ask Bolron that, did you say to Mr. Lowder you knew nothing against Sir Miles Stapleton but there was others would do it?
A63193Pray tell my Lord and the Jury what Witnesses were hir''d, and whether you were hired to testifie for Sir Thomas Gascoyn or no?
A63193Pray tell my Lord what you were offer''d, and what he would have you to say?
A63193Pray what was the occasion you were turn''d out of Sir Thomas Gascoyns Service?
A63193Pray who did he name?
A63193Stringer What say you Mr. Mowbray, of an Indulgence you had?
A63193Stringer, How came you acquainted with Bolron?
A63193That is, you would chuse all of one way, and leave the others; where is the Indifferency of the Trial then?
A63193That was in 79, and a little before that I kept correspondency with Father Addison?
A63193That was the Whitsontide after you had taken the Oath of Secrecy?
A63193The Evidence is very improper: I never thought ill against the King in my life: what reason was there for it?
A63193Then I desire to ask Bolron this question; Did you accuse me in your Information to Justice Lowder?
A63193Then you did not do it at that time?
A63193Thou never didst see them in my house?
A63193Upon what occasion did he mention Mowbray in his Information to the Counsel?
A63193Was it for the time to come, or the time past?
A63193Was it in 79 that you discover''d the Plot?
A63193Was the discourse so loud that Sir Thomas Gascoyne could hear it?
A63193Well have you any more Witnesses?
A63193Well how material will that be?
A63193Well what is that to the purpose, did you hear him say any thing against Sir Miles?
A63193Well, but what was he to say?
A63193Well, have you done?
A63193Were these Informations inclosed in the Letter from the Counsel?
A63193Were you ever with Mr. Lowder, and knew when he and Mr. Tindal ordered him to come to him?
A63193Were you offer''d any thing by Mr. Babbington to be a Witness for Sir Miles?
A63193Were you to assist in Killing the King?
A63193What Room was it in?
A63193What Servants were there?
A63193What do you say to this, Bolron?
A63193What is that Hewit?
A63193What is this to Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63193What mony would he have given you?
A63193What said he of Sir Miles?
A63193What telst thou us of a Ring?
A63193What then?
A63193What time was that?
A63193What was it for?
A63193What was it he told you Mowbray could say?
A63193What was there done at that Consult?
A63193What were those Collections for?
A63193When did you first become a Protestant?
A63193When did you see me last, Bolron?
A63193When was that?
A63193When was this?
A63193When was this?
A63193Where did you see it?
A63193Where do you live?
A63193Where was this?
A63193Whether did I, or any other desire you to keep any secret for me?
A63193Who is thy Master?
A63193Who profer''d you this?
A63193Who said these latter words?
A63193Who said this, know you?
A63193Who was there?
A63193Whose names were there?
A63193Will your Lorship please to give me leave to ask the witnesses some questions?
A63193Yarbrough askt him if Sir Miles was concerned, and he said not that he knew of?
A63193Yarbrough, or Sir John Daney you told of it?
A63193Yes I am said he: Then I pray you, who are they that are concerned?
A63193You are sure Sir Miles Stapletons name was in the List?
A63193You can not know it, were you there then?
A63193You did not give him his Oath at that time?
A63193You know Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63193You say Bolron told you this?
A63193You took no Examination then?
A63193and me discourse about any thing?
A63193canst not thou as well tell us it was for that he left Sir Thomas Gascoynes service?
A63193know that each other was concerned in the Plot?
A63193or no?
A63193why did you ask him that about Sir Miles?
A63169And had he not his Priests habit on when he gave it you?
A63169And what did you tell her you could say?
A63169Are you a Papist?
A63169Are you a Papist?
A63169But now the main question will be, what it was she heard him say?
A63169By and by your defence will be proper, in the mean time, what will you ask her more?
A63169Can you say you ever saw or knew him?
A63169Come Friend, what can you say concerning Atkins the Prisoner being a Priest?
A63169Come Jarvis, what can you say?
A63169Come Mr. Brown, what can you say against the Prisoner?
A63169Come what can you say?
A63169Come what have you more to say?
A63169Did not you tell her that you heard the Prisoner say Mass?
A63169Did she ask where you saw Mr. Kerne?
A63169Did she tell you and instruct you what you should say against the Prisoner?
A63169Did she tell you what she could say?
A63169Did they all receive at the same time?
A63169Did you ever Confess to him?
A63169Did you ever hear him say Mass?
A63169Did you ever hear him say Mass?
A63169Did you ever hear him say Mass?
A63169Did you ever receive the Sacrament according to their way of Mr. Brommich before the time you speak of?
A63169Did you ever receive the Sacrament before, and of whom?
A63169Did you ever receive the Sacrament of him according to the manner of the Church of Rome?
A63169Did you ever receive the Sacrament of him, or hear him say Mass?
A63169Did you ever see Brommich give the Sacrament?
A63169Did you ever see him give a Wafer, Marry, or Christen?
A63169Did you ever see him say Mass?
A63169Did you ever see him since?
A63169Did you ever take up that woman to hear Mass?
A63169Did you not see Brommich there?
A63169Did you not tell Margaret Edwards that you heard him say Mass?
A63169Did you see him deliver the Wafers?
A63169Did you see him do any thing?
A63169Did you tell her what she shouly say?
A63169Did you tell her what you could say against him?
A63169Do any Bury or Christen but Priests?
A63169Do you believe this to be the man?
A63169Do you know Margaret Edwards?
A63169Do you know Mr. Kerne?
A63169Do you remember that about May was Twelvemonth this woman came to you for Physick for a woman that was sick?
A63169Do you remember this?
A63169Do you take it to be certain, or do you believe it only that it was that day?
A63169Gentlemen of the Jury are you agreed of your Verdict?
A63169Gentlemen of the Jury look on the Prisoner, What say you, Is he guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands indicted, or not guilty?
A63169Gentlemen of the Jury, have you agreed on your Verdict?
A63169Gentlemen, Are you Agreed of your Verdict?
A63169Had he a Surplice on?
A63169Had you any discourse with him there?
A63169Had you any discourse with him?
A63169Have you Witnesses Atkins, or any thing to say for your self?
A63169Have you any Witnesses?
A63169Have you any more Witnesses?
A63169How came you to give her the Sacrament?
A63169How came you to see him at Mrs. Monington''s?
A63169How long ago?
A63169How long have you known him?
A63169How long is''t ago since you saw him last?
A63169How long were you a Papist?
A63169How many were there in company?
A63169How neer were you to him?
A63169How often between the first time and the twenty ninth of May was Twelvemonth, did you see Mr. Kerne?
A63169How often?
A63169How often?
A63169How you answer?
A63169I askt Margaret Edwards if she had been at Mrs. Monington''s: she said she had; I askt her if she knew Mr. Kerne?
A63169In what language were his prayers?
A63169Is it lawful for any one but a Priest to say Mass?
A63169Is that all you have to say?
A63169J. Biddolph, do you know Mr. Kerne?
A63169J. Jarvis, why will you not be sworn?
A63169J. Mary Jones, when did you see Mr. Kerne?
A63169J. Mr. Hyet, you can not be sworn, but you must speak the truth as much as if you were: Well, what can you say?
A63169J. Mrs. Monington, do you know James Harris of Lempster?
A63169Look on the Prisoner, can you say that is the man?
A63169Look upon the Prisoner: What say you, Is Charles Kerne Guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or Not Guilty?
A63169Margaret Edwards, Did Mary Jones tell you that she heard Mr. Kerne say Mass?
A63169Mary Jones, was it a sickly Child?
A63169My Lord, I desire she may be askt whether she came to Mrs. Monington''s of her own accord, or was sent for Physick?
A63169N ● did not Robinson say he heard you say something in an unknown tongue, that he then saw you in a Surplice?
A63169Now, Mary Jones, what say you?
A63169P. Did the Man send you or his Wife?
A63169P. How could you know a voice?
A63169P. I would know if the man she saw at Mrs. Monington''s, was the same Person she saw at Lucton?
A63169P. Was there no Room between?
A63169P. Where did that Harris live?
A63169Robinson at the time she speaks of at Mr. Parsall''s?
A63169Robinson, are you a Papist?
A63169To how many?
A63169To how many?
A63169Was he in a Surplice then?
A63169Was he in a Surplice then?
A63169Was she upon her Oath when you askt her this?
A63169Well, what said Mrs. Monington to you?
A63169Were there any more in the Room besides him?
A63169Were they in Latin?
A63169Were you a Papist then?
A63169Were you a Servant there?
A63169What Lands, Goods, or Tenements had he?
A63169What Statute do you mean, that of 27 Eliz?
A63169What a question is that?
A63169What an argument is that?
A63169What can you say against the Prisoner?
A63169What can you say concerning Atkins being a Priest?
A63169What can you say for your self?
A63169What can you say more?
A63169What can you say to Mr. Brommich?
A63169What can you say?
A63169What company was there?
A63169What did he say?
A63169What did you say to her?
A63169What did you see him do?
A63169What did you see him do?
A63169What discourse had you with the other woman?
A63169What kind of Chappel was it?
A63169What say you for your self?
A63169What say you to this?
A63169What was the Chappel adorn''d with?
A63169What were the Cushions of?
A63169What, did she ask you what you could say against Mr. Kerne?
A63169When was the first time you saw Margaret Edwards?
A63169When you give such Bread, do you not say Accipe Corpus Christi?
A63169Where did you first see him?
A63169Where did you know him?
A63169Where, at Bollingham?
A63169Who Christned it?
A63169Who first seduc''d you?
A63169Who shall say for you?
A63169Who shall say for you?
A63169Who shall say it for you?
A63169Whose was it, the Prisoners?
A63169Why, do n''t you know him?
A63169Will you ask her any thing else?
A63169Woman, was it Harris or his Wife sent you?
A63169You Jeoffery Robinson, do not you know Mr. Brommich?
A63169You never absconded, what is that to giving the woman the Sacrament several times?
A63169You swear positively to four: Did they Confess to him?
A63169You wait on Mrs. Monington, did you ever see that woman?
A63169did we talk of any one but you?
A63169do you remember this?
A63169have you any more to say?
A63169know you by Face or by Name?
A63217And they would not come back?
A63217And vvere there any Guns aboard her, and small Arms?
A63217And vvhat did you do vvith it?
A63217And vvhen you took him in again, vvhat did he do?
A63217Art thou Guilty of the High Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63217Art thou guilty of this Pyracy and Robbery, or not guilty?
A63217Brenain, have you any Copy of your Indictment?
A63217Brenain, hold up thy hand( which he did); Thou standest Indicted,& c. How sayest thou?
A63217But did no body make opposition to their going?
A63217But do you know of any others that were set ashore?
A63217But he went ashore?
A63217Can Men otherwise Demonsttrate their Consent, than by their Actions?
A63217Culprit, how wilt thou be tried?
A63217Did J. Sparks share vvith you too?
A63217Did W. May take his leave of you, or was he unwilling to be left behind?
A63217Did any of the Ships Crew go ashore at the Isle of May?
A63217Did he belong to the Charles the 2d?
A63217Did he consent and agree to vvhat vvas done?
A63217Did he express any inclination to go with you?
A63217Did he take all away?
A63217Did not you command me to go?
A63217Did they desire to go ashore with the rest?
A63217Did they make any Answer?
A63217Did you all share?
A63217Did you go all on the same Design?
A63217Did you know all the Men?
A63217Did you make any complaint or discovery so soon as you had liberty, or at your first coming into the King''s Dominions?
A63217Did you see any hindered that would have gone off?
A63217Did you share it?
A63217Did you think it no Piracy to Rob?
A63217Does he desire to be tried now?
A63217Foreseth in the Ship then?
A63217Foreseth there?
A63217Foreseth, What have you to say?
A63217Foreseth, art thou Guilty, or not Guilty?
A63217From what Ship did they come?
A63217Gen. Did any of the Prisoners at the Barr say so?
A63217Gen. Did you know that they assented to it?
A63217Gen. Do you know any thing of the carrying of that Ship away?
A63217Gen. Mr. Druit, was you aboard the Ship called the Charles the Second, when she was carried away?
A63217Gen. What do you know about the Prisoners running away with the Ship Charles?
A63217Gen. What do you know of the Prisoners at the Barr?
A63217Gen. Who did it?
A63217Gen. You saw them go off, did you not?
A63217Gentlemen of the Grand Jury, are you agreed in your Bills?
A63217Gentlemen, Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A63217Gibson told you, you say you went off; might any one that would go?
A63217Gibson, and as they said, to ask him if he would go with them, or not?
A63217Had all the Ment heir shares?
A63217Had all the Prisoners some share?
A63217Had he a share?
A63217Had not these men their part and share of the Plunder?
A63217Had not you a share?
A63217Had these Men their shares of the several Prizes they took?
A63217Have you any Witnesses to call?
A63217Have you any more to say?
A63217Have you any more to say?
A63217Have you any of the former Jury in this Pannel?
A63217He asks you vvhere he vvas taken sick?
A63217Hovv did they share it?
A63217How many were there that went away in that Boat?
A63217How much was that you had?
A63217How say''st thou, I. Sparks, art thou guilty, or not guilty?
A63217How say''st thou, Iames Lewis, art thou guilty, or not guilty?
A63217How say''st thou, W. Bishop, art thou guilty, or not guilty?
A63217How say''st thou, Will May, art thou guilty, or not guilty?
A63217How wilt thou be Try''d?
A63217How wilt thou be Tryed?
A63217How wilt thou be tried?
A63217How wilt thou be tried?
A63217I desire he may be askt vvhere I vvas taken sick?
A63217I did not lie dovvn vvith it?
A63217I. Dan, Did you tell I. Sparks the Ship was going for England?
A63217Iames Lewis ▪ What have you to say?
A63217Is W. Bishop Guilty,& c. or not Guilty?
A63217Is W. May Guilty,& c. or not Guilty?
A63217L. C. J. H. Did you go to a Magistrate?
A63217L. C. J. H. Have you done?
A63217L. C. J. H. Where?
A63217L. C. J. H. You speak now of Providence, but in England who did you discover it to?
A63217L. C. J. Holt, Have you any more to say?
A63217Lewis Guilty,& c. or not Guilty?
A63217Lewis share too?
A63217Look on the Prisoners at the Barr, were they all there?
A63217Look upon the Prisoner; Is Edward Foreseth Guilty of the Piracy and Robbery whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63217Midleton, You had some Share, had you not?
A63217Mr. Gravet, Do you remember when you went into the Boat?
A63217Murphey, Art thou Guilty of the High Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63217My Lord, I desire you vvill ask him, vvhether he thinks I had any knovvledge of the going avvay of the Ship?
A63217My Lord, may I speak for my self?
A63217Or did they go of their own head?
A63217Or was there any uproar, or opposition?
A63217Pray tell vvhat you knovv of taking avvay the Ship Charles the 2d?
A63217S. C. H. When you came to Bristol, did you discover it to any Magistrate?
A63217S. C. H. Where did you first arive in England?
A63217So Every took me by the hand, and ask''d me if I would go with him?
A63217Sparks Guilty,& c. or not Guilty?
A63217Sparks there?
A63217Sparks, What say you?
A63217That vvas a brave Prize, vvas it not, the best you had all the Voyage?
A63217The Carpenter stood by him, and said, Do you not see this, Cock?
A63217They belonged to what Ship?
A63217Thou standest Indicted,& c. Art thou Guilty of this High Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63217VVas W. Bishop there?
A63217VVas W. May there?
A63217VVhat Fleet?
A63217VVhat Provisions vvere aboard the Charles vvhen she vvas taken avvay?
A63217VVhat did he do in the Company?
A63217VVhat did he do there?
A63217VVhat did he do?
A63217VVhat did he do?
A63217VVhat did you do vvith the Charles the 2d, after the Voyage?
A63217VVhat vvas that other Ship?
A63217VVhen you say, as the Company thought fit, vvhat do you mean?
A63217VVhere is that?
A63217W. Bishop, What have you to say?
A63217W. May, What do you say?
A63217Was I. Lewis there?
A63217Was W. Bishop there?
A63217Was W. May there?
A63217Was any body stopt that would go?
A63217Was he at the Isle of May, taking in necessaries with you?
A63217Was he there?
A63217Was it not proved that many went out of the Ship, that were not willing to go on that Design?
A63217Was there any Guns fired in that time?
A63217Was there any of the Prisoners at the Barr that came in that Boat?
A63217Was there any room for more in the Boat?
A63217Was there liberty for any more to go?
A63217Was there not a Boat came from the Ship Iames, before you went away?
A63217Was this done in the Ship with silence?
A63217Were any of the Prisoners at the Barr any of them?
A63217Were any of the Prisoners at the Barr there?
A63217Were any of the Prisoners at the Barr there?
A63217Were the Prisoners at the Barr in the Ship, when they went away?
A63217Were there any Guns sent after them?
A63217Were these three men sent?
A63217Were they Active in the taking of the Prize?
A63217Were they set ashore willingly?
A63217What Boat did they go away with, the Iames Boat?
A63217What Ship were you aboard of at the Groin?
A63217What became of it?
A63217What became of it?
A63217What did you cammand him to do?
A63217What do you do here?
A63217What do you mean by Consenting?
A63217What have you more to say?
A63217What if he be?
A63217What is Consent?
A63217What is his Name?
A63217What is the meaning of that?
A63217What might the shares be?
A63217What number of Persons were Aboard, when the dividend was made?
A63217What quantity of Bread vvas there?
A63217What time past from the coming of the Boat, to the time of your going off?
A63217What was it for?
A63217What was the next Ship you met with, after you had rounded the Cape?
A63217What was your Voyage?
A63217When had you it?
A63217Where did he set you?
A63217Which of them was aboard the Charles, that belong''d to her?
A63217Who did it?
A63217Who said so?
A63217Who shall say for you?
A63217Who told you so?
A63217Who took it from you?
A63217Who will you call?
A63217Will you ask him any Questions?
A63217Will your Lordships please that he may be tried now?
A63217You call them Privateers, but were they such Privateers as you were?
A63217You hear vvhat he says, What do you say?
A63217You hear what he says?
A63217You say there was about 17 went off, would the Boat hold more?
A63217did he do his business as a Seaman?
A63217vvas he active?
A63178And I asked him again, Why they should not be put to death if they should deserve it?
A63178And then you went to your Lodgings?
A63178And there you stay''d till Twelve or One a Clock?
A63178And what did he say to you?
A63178And you are sure that you did not see him again till he came to your door going to Bed?
A63178Are you sure he went to Bed when you made it?
A63178Are you sure?
A63178At Vske, And as we were making up the Account, said Mr. Watkins to Mr. Giles, Where is the Horse- hair you promised me to make Fishing- lines?
A63178At what House was it?
A63178Because the man asked you, Why you would leave the Hair at the Farriers in order to a Fishing- line?
A63178But by and by some Friends came in, and they asked him, What News, Sir?
A63178But can you remember, as near as you can guess what time was it you saw this Maid making of the Bed?
A63178But the Question is, Whether you told this man so?
A63178But this is not your question, the question before you is, Whether this Man be Guilty or not Guilty?
A63178Can it be such a Religion said I, that will Act such things against the King and the Government?
A63178Can you say any more to it?
A63178Can you say how long he was in the House before he went to Bed?
A63178Come do n''t be angry, you were not angry when you were making love together?
A63178Crook, In whose Chamber?
A63178Crook, Why do you say so?
A63178Did Richmond come in when you were making the Bed?
A63178Did he go to Bed as soon as he came in?
A63178Did he tell you how he did break his Sword?
A63178Did they not talk any thing about Killing the Devil?
A63178Did you Drink at the Kings Arms?
A63178Did you make the Bed after he went into it?
A63178Did you not very well know him?
A63178Did you stay in that House till that time?
A63178Do you know how long he staid before he went to Bed?
A63178Do you remember any such Discourse?
A63178Do you remember he was in the Chamber?
A63178Do you remember now he was there?
A63178Do you think my Lord, I would say such a thing to such a man as this is?
A63178Giles replyed, He left very good Horse- hair at a Farriers in Glocester: And he asked him why he left it?
A63178Giles, Did not you say that George Tayler discoursed this with you?
A63178Giles, Have not you been a Papist Sir?
A63178Giles, How long ago is this?
A63178Giles, How long ago was this?
A63178Giles, Pray Sir, Who was with you when you say I said these words?
A63178Giles, What did Tayler say to you?
A63178Giles, Will you say that I am a Papist?
A63178Good Woman, did you go with him to Whetstones Park?
A63178Hark you, do you know the danger of for swearing your self?
A63178Have you any more?
A63178Have you any more?
A63178Have you any more?
A63178Have you been fighting with the Devil?
A63178Have you been fighting with the Devil?
A63178Have you been fighting with the Devil?
A63178Have you, said he, been fighting with the Devil?
A63178He asked me in the Afternoon before Mr. Arnold was hurt, Where he might buy a very good Rapier?
A63178He asked where he might have a good Rapier?
A63178He did not go out of your Company at all?
A63178He went out, did he?
A63178How chance it was not so?
A63178How do you know?
A63178How long did you stay in Drury- lane?
A63178How long was you in his Company?
A63178How many was there in Company?
A63178How now, says he, how came this Sword to be broken?
A63178How old are you?
A63178I ask you, do you remember Richmond came into you and asked you any thing about making the Bed?
A63178I asked Mr. Giles what was the occasion of his haste?
A63178I asked her who it was for?
A63178If you forget your other Sweet- Hearts, can you remember this?
A63178Is your Name James?
A63178It is not the Question, Whether you did stay long at Glocester or no?
A63178John Howel, Pray tell my Lord and the Jury when Giles came to Town?
A63178Jones, He never met with Arnold, my Master asked him, Mr. Giles, Have you been in some Battle or other?
A63178L. Mayor Do you believe a man could wound himself so?
A63178Mr. Arnold I would know one thing, will you undertake to Swear positively that this Person was one of the Persons who stept before you?
A63178Mr. Darnal, And you heard no other Discourse?
A63178Mr. Darnal, Elizabeth Crook, Pray do you tell my Lord and the Jury about what time Giles went to Bed?
A63178Mr. Darnal, How long was it that he came to his Lodging before that?
A63178Mr. Darnal, Were you there all the time Sir?
A63178Mr. Darnal, What time was that?
A63178Mr. Darnal, When did he go to Bed, do you know that upon your Oath?
A63178Mr. Holt, Do you believe that is John Giles''s hand?
A63178Mr. Holt, Heark you Sir, have you had any Discourse with Giles concerning the Plot, and concerning the Lords in the Tower?
A63178Mr. Holt, Mr. John Philpot where do you live?
A63178Mr. Holt, Mr. Reynold, What have you heard Giles say concerning Mr. Arnold?
A63178Mr. Holt, Mr. Richmond, What can you say concerning this thing?
A63178Mr. Holt, What Sign do you live at?
A63178Mr. Holt, What Trade are you?
A63178Mr. Holt, What did he say of the Lords in the Tower?
A63178Mr. Milbourn, Do you know Mr. Arnold is acquainted with Mr. Giles?
A63178Mr. Thompson, Did he speak any thing to you further concerning the Plot?
A63178Mr. Thompson, Is this the man that spake it, upon your Oath?
A63178Mr. Thompson, What depth might that be?
A63178Mr. Thompson, What depth?
A63178Mr. Thompson, What did he say about Mr. Arnold?
A63178Mr. Thompson, What has he said about it?
A63178Mr. Thompson, Where else?
A63178Now I ask you, After they came back, was you with him all the while?
A63178Prisoner, Deny it?
A63178Record, After Twelve a Clock you say you left him?
A63178Recorder, Upon your Oath, what time of Night was it?
A63178Recorder, What day do you say?
A63178Reynold, He thought that he wounded himself, says his Wife, How could he wound himself in his Arms?
A63178Says Darcy, Where have you been, you have been hot at it?
A63178Speak as loud as thou would''st do if thou wer''t at home: When was this?
A63178Tell my Lord what time of Night Giles came into his Lodging, and where it was?
A63178Tell what time of the Night Giles came in, where you were in his company; what time of Night it was?
A63178The Prisoner ask''d him, If he were not a Papist?
A63178The Thursday in Easter Week, or the Thursday in the next Week?
A63178The one answers, when the thing was asked him, Whether he had been fighting with the Devil?
A63178Then the Court asked him his Witnesses Names, and what they could say?
A63178Was he chief Constable?
A63178Was not I in the Chamber when you made the Bed?
A63178Was one John Jones there?
A63178Was there any Discourse in the Countrey about Mr. Arnold?
A63178Well said, how long did you stay there?
A63178Were not we Singing and Roaring together?
A63178Were you with him at the Artillery Ground?
A63178Were you with him in Drury- lane?
A63178What Habit had he on?
A63178What House?
A63178What Week was it in?
A63178What a Clock was it?
A63178What can you say when Mr. Giles came into his Lodging?
A63178What day did you come through Glocester?
A63178What day?
A63178What did he say to that?
A63178What did you drink there?
A63178What did you hear Giles say about the Rapier?
A63178What did you hear that Giles should say in Glocester- shire about this Business?
A63178What did you say when the Cutler asked him, Whether he had been fighting with the Devil?
A63178What do you know concerning Giles''s being at the Cutlers?
A63178What do you say as to his coming to his Lodging?
A63178What have you been Fighting with the Devil?
A63178What have you to say?
A63178What is it?
A63178What is your Name Sir?
A63178What said he about this business of Mr. Arnold?
A63178What say you?
A63178What time a Night was it?
A63178What time did you come to the House?
A63178What time did you make the Bed upon your Oath?
A63178What time of Night was it that he was making love to you?
A63178What time of Night was it that you went from thence?
A63178What time of Night was that?
A63178What time of Night was that?
A63178What time of day was it?
A63178What time was that?
A63178What time was that?
A63178What time was this?
A63178When was this?
A63178Where after that?
A63178Where did you go at that time?
A63178Where did you go at that time?
A63178Where is your House?
A63178Where was it?
A63178Where was it?
A63178Where was your Lodging at the Kings Arms?
A63178Whether did you go from thence?
A63178Who did you meet withall between your going from the Helmet in Drury- lane to the Peacock?
A63178Who is thy Master?
A63178Who was by?
A63178Why will you say so?
A63178Will the Prisoner ask him any Questions?
A63178Will you take it upon your Oath, That that Person, the Prisoner at the Bar, went before you?
A63178You have been in a great Combat, have you been fighting with the Devil?
A63178You knew him before, Mr. Arnold?
A63178You made the Bed, did not you?
A63178You say about Nine, you were at your Lodging with him, did your party company with him?
A63178You say you are certain you left him in the Kitchin at Twelve?
A63178You went to Whetstones- Park, and what did you spend there?
A63178You were not out of the House all the while?
A63178and he said again no, not with the Devil, but with damn''d Arnold?
A63178says he; says my Master, Mr. Giles, How came your Sword broke?
A31192Accablé de Crimes& de mauvaises affaires?
A31192And what then did she talk of filling it again?
A31192Are there any more Walthammen here?
A31192Are you Sworn, Sir?
A31192Are you a Protestant or a Papist?
A31192Are you prepared for it to argue it now?
A31192As much as to say, Is there no Man here that can help a man out to vilifie this Rogue?
A31192But how far is he a Witness?
A31192But indeed, that is not our Case; we are upon this single point, Whether a Man Burnt in the Hand, to whom after a Pardon is granted, may be a Witness?
A31192But, my Lord, how do you prove he was Burnt in the Hand?
A31192C. J. Captain Richardson, Is this the man that broke Chelmsford Goale?
A31192C. J. Dangerfield, were you ever Indicted for Burglary?
A31192C. J. Mr. Tanner, what say you?
A31192Can you apply one Scheme to any body?
A31192Captain Richardson, is this the Man that broke ChelmsfordGoale?
A31192Captain Richardson, was he Burnt in the Hand for Felony?
A31192Come Gentlemen, what say you to this Outlawry?
A31192Dangerfield, was you ever Indicted for Burglary?
A31192Did Mrs Cellier tell you of any Popish Priests or Jesuits coming hither from beyond the Seas?
A31192Did she desire you to consult your Art how long the King would live?
A31192Did she desire you to consult your Art?
A31192Did she never ask you any question about the life of the King?
A31192Did she not say when you refused to meddle with the death of the King, that she would go to another Astrologer?
A31192Did she say it of her own accord, that she hoped that would carry on the Popish PLOT?
A31192Did she say she heard Mr. Dangerfield talk of a Non- Conformist PLOT, that would take off the Popish PLOT?
A31192Did she say she would go to somebody else?
A31192Did she say the Nation would be destroyed first?
A31192Did she say there were, or that she heard there were several Priests and Jesuits coming over?
A31192Did she speak of any Plot or Contrivance to kill the King?
A31192Did you do nothing for her at that time?
A31192Did you ever see Dangerfield and Mrs Cellier in Company?
A31192Did you ever see them together?
A31192Do you know of any attempt to change the Government?
A31192Do you know of any contrivance of Mrs Celliers to Kill the King?
A31192Flagitiis atque facinoribus Coopertus& Fulvia?
A31192For his Burning in the Hand, what say you, Mr. Atturney?
A31192For what?
A31192For what?
A31192G. When do you say he was Outlawed?
A31192G. Where is that Reported?
A31192G. Why not?
A31192Had you heard it before that she spake of it, because you say it was common?
A31192Had you seen the King?
A31192Have you any Friends will be bound with you a in good Sum of Money?
A31192Have you any Record to prove him Perjured?
A31192Have you any Record to shew that Dangerfield was put in the Pillory?
A31192Have you any friends will be bound for you in a good sum of Money?
A31192Have you any more to say, Mrs Cellier?
A31192Have you any other Exception?
A31192Have you any other Witnesses to examine?
A31192He talks as like a Papist as can be: was it, What if it should be filled again?
A31192How came it then that she should go to another Astrologer?
A31192How came you there?
A31192How long have you been acquainted with Mrs Cellier?
A31192How many persons are there every Sessions at Newgate, Convicted upon the Testimony of persons concerned in the same Offence, and Pardoned?
A31192How often do you think she spake of it to you?
A31192I answered, yes, I was; and then said, would your Lordship have me kill the King, for that''s it you mean, I suppose?
A31192I asked him what to do?
A31192I desired to know what that was?
A31192Is not his Blood corrupted if he be Outlawed?
A31192L. C. J. Doth the stigmatizing signifie nothing?
A31192L. C. J. Mr. Gadbury, what do you know concerning this PLOT?
A31192L. C. J. Pray you, how came she to say she would go to another Astrologer?
A31192Might I be so bold, I would ask his Lordship, who discovered the Conspiracy of Cataline, but Curius?
A31192Mrs Cellier, have you any more to say?
A31192My Lord Castlemain, do you rest upon this Exception onely?
A31192Notwithstanding the Outlawry?
A31192Quid ergo?
A31192Say what it was: was it This place was once filled with Benedictine Monks?
A31192She desired you to make a Scheme?
A31192She had better have gone to one of the Clerks than a Conjurer for them; but why should she go to another Astrologer?
A31192She would have had you consult your Art or Scheme, or what ever it is, to know whether the King would live or die?
A31192This is Sir Henry Finch his Case, is it not?
A31192To which his Lordship, What do you think with all the Mischiefs Hell has in you, to brave it in a Court of Justice?
A31192Was he Burnt in the Hand for Felony?
A31192Was it a Felony for stealing?
A31192Was it ever opposed?
A31192Was it ever questioned and admitted upon debate?
A31192Was the Record of his Conviction shewn?
A31192Were you nice in these Curiosities?
A31192What Answer did you make?
A31192What Discourse had you with Mrs Cellier passing through Westminster- Abbey?
A31192What Question?
A31192What a strange Question was this, for all Men that own Impartiality to shake their heads at?
A31192What curiosity did she ask besides this?
A31192What did she say concerning the Temple?
A31192What did she say else?
A31192What did she say of the Temple?
A31192What did they talk about?
A31192What did you say to Dangerfield, when he said he must turn Rogue, and discover all their PLOTS?
A31192What did you say to that?
A31192What did you say to that?
A31192What discourse had you about that?
A31192What discourse have you ever heard between Dangerfield and Mrs Cellier?
A31192What else did she ask?
A31192What if it should be again?
A31192What infamy is it?
A31192What intimacy have you known between Dangerfield and Mrs Cellier?
A31192What other discourse had you with her?
A31192What to do?
A31192When did you know it was for Dangerfield?
A31192When is that Pardon?
A31192When you saw them at Dinner or Supper, what other Company was there?
A31192Where is Dangerfield?
A31192Where was it?
A31192Where was this Pardon allowed, and for what?
A31192Where was this Pardon allowed?
A31192Who did she say that to?
A31192Who revealed the Treasons of Marshal Biron, but his Confident Laftin?
A31192Who would you have assigned you my, Lord?
A31192Why was she so earnest to get him out?
A31192Why was she so kind to Dangerfield?
A31192Why, Mr. Darnel, do you think at Newgate they take out a several Pardon for a joint Felony?
A31192Why, says his Lordship, were you not yesterday at the Tower?
A31192Will they take notice without the Question put?
A31192Will you have him Sworn whether his Father or Cozen Thomas was ever Convict of Felony?
A31192Will your Councel argue it now?
A31192You have looked upon the paper, and pra ● tell us what she said; did she say she hoped to see this place filled with Benedictines?
A31192and for what?
A31192are there any Waltham- Men here?
A31192at her House?
A31192did she not at any time talk of Mr, Dugdale?
A31192did she tell you what she would have with him?
A31192do you with all the Mischiefs that Hell has in you, think to brave it in a Court of Justice?
A31192doth he intend to Pardon the one half, and leave him to answer the Law for the other; or is it intended in ample manner?
A31192how then did she expect you should give her an Answer from your Art?
A31192is he Convicted?
A31192is he gone?
A31192non irascor Latroni?
A31192non irascor Venefico?
A31192to Dangerfield?
A31192was it allowed for Felony, as well as the Fine, or for the Fine onely?
A31192was it allowed for Felony, or the Fine onely?
A31192you were not shie of answering these questions?
A63173And Harcourt gave them to you?
A63173And therefore next, Upon what ground does he presume this?
A63173And what did they say when you delivered the Letters to the English Monks?
A63173Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A63173Are you sure the Letter was of his hand?
A63173But Mr. Oats, when you heard his voice, you said you knew him; why did you not come then, and say you did well know him?
A63173But in truth, why should Mr. Coleman believe that another Parliament( if this Parliament were Dissolved) should comply with Popery?
A63173But, Sir Thomas, did he say he did not well know him after M. Coleman spake?
A63173Can you prove that?
A63173Can you say that he was in Warwick- shire all August?
A63173Could you guess whom he meant?
A63173Did I ever see you in my life?
A63173Did Mr. Oats give a round Charge against Mr. Coleman?
A63173Did any body ask him why he took them?
A63173Did he add, that he did not well know him by the Candle light?
A63173Did he consent to it?
A63173Did he know him by some French name?
A63173Did he say he did not well know Mr. Coleman, or that he did not well know that man?
A63173Did he use any words to declare his assent?
A63173Did he use no Words about it?
A63173Did he write it as from himself?
A63173Did not you say you went to Langhorn in November?
A63173Did you break it open?
A63173Did you bring them all to the Clerks of the Council?
A63173Did you ever Write any for him to Le Chese?
A63173Did you ever see him?
A63173Did you hear him consent to it?
A63173Did you hear him say so?
A63173Did you hear him speak to Mr. Coleman to write for him?
A63173Did you hear him speak?
A63173Did you know his hand?
A63173Did you not accuse Sir George Wakeman by name, and that he accepted his Reward?
A63173Did you not say you came to Langhorn in November?
A63173Did you open the Letters?
A63173Did you receive Monsieur Le Chese''s Letters for Mr. Coleman?
A63173Did you see Father le Chese?
A63173Did you see him take a Copy of these Instructions?
A63173Did you see them open upon his Table?
A63173Directed to whom?
A63173Do the Gentlemen of the Jury hear what he saith?
A63173Do you believe it is his hand?
A63173Do you believe it to be his Hand- writing?
A63173Do you believe, there was no Negotiation after 75. because we have not found them?
A63173Do you know any thing concerning any money Mr. Coleman said he had received?
A63173Do you know any thing of Arms?
A63173Do you know when he came home?
A63173Do you know when the last Packet of Letters came up, that were sent to Mr. Coleman, from beyond the Seas?
A63173Do you know where they are bestowed?
A63173Doth Aid and Assistance signifie more than Money?
A63173From whom?
A63173Gen. A Commission for what?
A63173Gen. Did he not usually write and receive Letters from beyond Sea?
A63173Gen. Did you put up any other Papers among them then what you found at Mr. Coleman''s House?
A63173Gen. Do you know any thing of transmitting the money to Windsor, or perswading any to be sent thither, and the time when?
A63173Gen. How long before he was sent to Prison?
A63173Gen. Tell how many Priests or Jesuits were lately in England, that you know of, at one time?
A63173Gen. We have another Witness: Cattaway, are you acquainted with Coleman''s Hand- writing?
A63173Gen. What do you know of any Rebellion to have been raised in Ireland?
A63173Gen. What is become of that Book?
A63173Gen. What were the Names of those men that came over from St. Omers besides your self?
A63173Gentlemen of the Jury, do you hear what he saith?
A63173Had he such a Kinsman there?
A63173Had you ever seen Mr. Langhorn in London before?
A63173Have we so soon forgot our Reverence to the late King, and the pious advice he left us?
A63173Have you a Kinsman whose name is Playford at S. Omers?
A63173Have you any Witness to prove that?
A63173Have you any more Witnesses?
A63173Have you confessed, or produced those Papers and Weekly Intelligence?
A63173Have you spoke one vvord to that?
A63173He said he gave him an accidental visit, My Lord Chancellor asked him whether or no he had a Pass?
A63173How came Mr. Coleman to answer it?
A63173How came he to shew you the Commissions?
A63173How came you to see it?
A63173How did he desire it?
A63173How did you know he had the Commissions?
A63173How do you know it was his Letter?
A63173How do you know that?
A63173How do you know they were provided?
A63173How do you know?
A63173How know you they were Guinies?
A63173How know you this, that Mr. Coleman did take a Copy of these Instructions for that purpose as you say?
A63173How long after the Consultation was it that he approved of it?
A63173How long had you been in England before you were at Mr. Langhorn''s Chamber?
A63173How long was it between the first charging Mr. Coleman, and your acquainting the Parliament with it?
A63173How long was it between the one and the other?
A63173How long?
A63173How many came over with you?
A63173How was it to be done otherwise?
A63173How were the Questions asked?
A63173I ask your Servant, do you know when Mr. Coleman went out of Town?
A63173I have two short questions to ask him: The first is what he hath seen or heard touching any Commission to Mr. Coleman, what say you?
A63173I would know the day in August?
A63173In what Room?
A63173In what language was it written?
A63173Inform the Court whether he kept any Book to make Entry of Letters he sent or received?
A63173Is Edward Coleman Guilty of the High Treason, whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63173It is all true that you say: but did you tell all that vvas true?
A63173Just Did the King, or Council, or Lord Chancellor ask you whether you knew Mr. Coleman, or no?
A63173Knowing, or not knowing is not the present question; but did he make an answer to the knowing, or not knowing him?
A63173Mr. Boatman, look upon these papers; Tell my Lord and the Jury whose Hand it is: Are you acquainted with Mr. Coleman''s Hand?
A63173Mr. Coleman answered, I will make haste with my Copies, that I may dispatch them away this night?
A63173Mr. Coleman inquiring of John Keins who I was?
A63173Mr. Coleman, will you ask him any thing?
A63173Mr. Oates, Yes?
A63173Mr. Oats, you say you were with him at the Savoy and Wild- house, pray, Sir Thomas, did he say he did not know him, or had seen Mr. Coleman there?
A63173Now if not by these means, In what way truly did he intend to bring in Popery?
A63173Or what Security could they possibly expect against that Body of Men, or their Religion, more than We had given them?
A63173Or, how often had you seen Mr. Coleman?
A63173Pray Mr. Coleman, was that the concluding Letter in this affair?
A63173Pray ask Mr. Oats, whether he was not as near to me as this Gentleman is, because he speaks of his eyes being bad?
A63173Pray, how can any man think, that the Dissolving of the Parliament could have such a mighty influence to that purpose?
A63173Recorder, Know you of any Commission?
A63173Recorder, Was he not to be one of the Principal Secretaries of State?
A63173Shall I have the honour to see some of them?
A63173Sir Philip Floyd, did you find this Writing among Mr Coleman''s Papers?
A63173Sir Robert Southwell, you were present at Mr. Oats his Examination before the Council; in what manner did he accuse Mr. Coleman then?
A63173Sir Thomas, you are not upon your Oath, but are to speak on the behalf of the Prisoner: what did he say?
A63173Tantum Religio potuit suadere malorum?
A63173That he was there in August, may be very true; I do not ask how long he was in Warwick- shire, but was he no where else?
A63173That is to say, That there should be great hopes of bringing in of Popery by a new Parliament?
A63173The Letter that le Chese wrote, to whom was it directed?
A63173The Stress of the Objection lyeth not upon seeing so much, but how come you that you laid no more to Mr. Coleman''s charge at that time?
A63173The first thing we will inquire, what account he can give of the Prisoner at the Bar, whether he was any way privy to the murther of the King?
A63173Till that time had he not Negotiation as usually?
A63173To what purpose should Mr. Coleman take a Copy of these Instructions?
A63173To whom was Mr. Coleman to send them?
A63173To whom was that directed?
A63173VVhat time did you come over?
A63173VVhat time went you to Langhorns chamber?
A63173Was Mr. Coleman examined before Mr. Oats spake?
A63173Was he asked whether he was acquainted with you?
A63173Was it in August Old- stile?
A63173Was it subscribed Coleman?
A63173Was it the second time you saw him that you saw the Commissions?
A63173Was that the Person?
A63173Was that the first time that you saw him after you came from Spain?
A63173Was this Consult but in August last?
A63173Was you there, and who else?
A63173Were the Four Irish men there?
A63173Were there any Entries of Letters in that Book within Two Years last past?
A63173Were they thus?
A63173Were you acquainted with Mr. Langhorn?
A63173Were you demanded if you knew M. Coleman?
A63173What Inscription was upon the Seal?
A63173What a kind of way and talking is this?
A63173What became of those Letters?
A63173What consultation was that you had at the Savoy, in the Month of August?
A63173What day of August was that at the Savoy?
A63173What did you hear Mr. Coleman say?
A63173What have you now more to say?
A63173What kind of Corner?
A63173What relation had you to him?
A63173What said Mr. Langhorn to you about the Commissions in his chamber?
A63173What said you?
A63173What time was there betwixt the first time you were at the Council before you told of this matter concerning the King?
A63173What to do?
A63173What was done to Mr. Coleman at that time?
A63173What was the Commission for?
A63173What was the Contents of that Letter to Lechees?
A63173What was the Information you gave at that time to the Council against Mr. Coleman?
A63173What was the substance of that Answer?
A63173What was the substance of the Letter?
A63173What words did he say?
A63173What words did you hear Mr. Coleman express, what he would do for the Catholick Cause?
A63173What, for them to be private alone?
A63173When did you see that Book last upon your Oath?
A63173When did you see the Commissions?
A63173When saw you the Letters at St. Omers?
A63173When the Question was asked by my Lord Chancellour, Mr. Coleman, when were you last in France?
A63173When was it you gave him an account of the Consult?
A63173When was this?
A63173Where is your Book?
A63173Where was Mr. Coleman in Aug. last?
A63173Where was it he said this?
A63173Where was it said?
A63173Where was the Consult?
A63173Where was this?
A63173Where was you the last Bartholomew day?
A63173Where was your Master?
A63173Where were you then?
A63173Who proposed them?
A63173Who said so?
A63173Who saw Mr. Coleman read these Instructions?
A63173Who shall Speak for you?
A63173Who was by besides Fenwick?
A63173Who was there?
A63173Who was to carry it after them, what was his name?
A63173Who were they provided by?
A63173Who wrote this Letter?
A63173Who wrote this Letter?
A63173Why did you not accuse Mr. Coleman by name?
A63173Why did you not accuse all thosse Jesuits by name?
A63173Why did you not name Coleman at that time?
A63173Why should Coleman take Copies?
A63173Wild, What other Commissions were there at Mr. Langhorns Chamber?
A63173Will you ask him any more?
A63173Will you ask him any more?
A63173You Mr. Coleman asked the Question, what preparations were made for the Men going to Windsor?
A63173You saw the Letter of the same hand which the News Letter was of with Mr. Coleman''s name subscribed?
A63173You say Mr. Coleman did give this Packet to Harcourt?
A63173You say the Letter was thanks for the Ten Thousand Pound; what was the other Contents?
A63173You say you delivered this Letter, from whom had you it?
A63173advance money, and a Pension for your self, and make your self somebody for the present, and Secretary of State for the future?
A63173and what was to be done with the Duke of Ormond?
A63173for the Doctor that was to poyson the King?
A63173or did you ask to see them?
A63173or how often?
A63173that he found out a way of transmitting 200000 pounds to carry on the Design?
A63173that he was not at London?
A63173the Sums, and for what?
A63173was Mr. Coleman with them at the Consultation?
A63173was he sent away Prisoner?
A63173was too little; would you omit all this?
A63173what said he?
A63173when you were to receive the Answer?
A63162About what time were they to Endict Mr. Oates?
A63162All who?
A63162Allen, How attempt?
A63162And did he tell you at the same time that they had recanted?
A63162And he did it by the direction of my Lord Dunblain''s Coach- man?
A63162And it was he that told you of the dropping of the Guinney, was it not?
A63162And that what he did was at their request?
A63162And what other meetings had you besides?
A63162Answer me, What hath your Son said to you at any time concerning Oates?
A63162Are you brother to Mr. Oates?
A63162As to the manner of it, what said Knox to the dropping of it?
A63162Ay, but would you perswade him after such an abuse of your Son as that?
A63162Between whom?
A63162But from whom had he that Note?
A63162But he did not name the sum?
A63162But is this material?
A63162But pray how can it be circumstantial evidence and yet no evidence?
A63162But two Witnesses is better than one, Mr. Holt, do you remember that?
A63162But you carried no Note nor Messages, upon your Oath?
A63162But you got your money?
A63162By whom?
A63162Clerk of the Crown, Gentlemen are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A63162Clerk of the Crown, How say you, are the Defendants Guilty of the Offence and Misdemeanour whereof they stand Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63162Clerk of the Crown, Who shall say for you?
A63162Come, where are these two young Fellows?
A63162Did Knox ask you who had the perusal of those Papers?
A63162Did Knox at any time speak to you, to bring him into the Company of Lane and Osborne?
A63162Did Lane produce the Informations, and those things that Knox tempted him to swear?
A63162Did Mr. Knox tell you any thing what was contained in those Examinations?
A63162Did ever any body perswade you not to come to give Evidence?
A63162Did he confess to you he paid for those Lodgings?
A63162Did he say any thing to you, to invite you, or incourage you to Swear against your Master?
A63162Did he say he had advised them where to lie?
A63162Did he say he had taken Lodgings for them?
A63162Did he say his Son told him?
A63162Did he say so, that the Lord Latimer wished him to go to you?
A63162Did he shew it you?
A63162Did not they say, Mr. Oates?
A63162Did they come along with Knox?
A63162Did they say they had falsely accused Mr. Oates?
A63162Did you ask Knox if he had dropt a Guinny?
A63162Did you ever hear Lane complain that his Master would be uncivil with him?
A63162Did you ever hear your Son say he did know Knox before that time?
A63162Did you ever see Knox in your life?
A63162Did you ever see the Note again?
A63162Did you give his Mother the money?
A63162Did you hear him?
A63162Did you let him know what they had said to you?
A63162Did you speak with Lane and Osborne?
A63162Did your Son at that time know Knox?
A63162Do you believe Osborne said true, Mr. Saunders?
A63162Do you believe it was of Lane''s own writing?
A63162Do you know Lane''s hand?
A63162Do you know when Iohn Lane came acquainted with Knox?
A63162Gen. And hark you Sir, what Messages did you carry between them?
A63162Gen. Did you ever hear him say which way he did intend to get this Thousand pounds?
A63162Gen. Did you ever hear of any complaints made by Lane against Doctor Oates?
A63162Gen. Pray Mr. Slightam will you tell my Lord and the Jury what you know of this Knox, what offers have been made you, by whom, and when, and for what?
A63162Gen. What do you know of any summ that this Mr. Lane did pretend to get, and on what account?
A63162Gen. What do you know of being at the Sugar- loaf at any time?
A63162Gen. What have you to say more?
A63162Gen. What is your name Sir?
A63162Gen. Where is Mrs. VViggins?
A63162Gen. Why, what Office had you there?
A63162Had Osborne repented himself, of what?
A63162Had they all given Evidence?
A63162Have you had any offers of late not to come here as a Witness in this Case?
A63162He had left his Service once, had he not?
A63162He is called Willoughby sometimes,& sometimes Dangerfield; for he went by both Names: But I ask you, What Money you know was given to him?
A63162He told me, he was to be allowed Ten Shillings a Week?
A63162He was upon his Oath there too?
A63162How came you by the Note?
A63162How can they tell that?
A63162How do you know it was from Knox?
A63162How do you know that?
A63162How is it possible that any one can swear a Negative?
A63162How long is it ago since he went away?
A63162How often did he tell you this?
A63162I think you have not opened that clear enough; before whom was that accusation?
A63162I think you say you had three half Crowns given you by Knox, pray who was the first that offered you money to carry the Notes?
A63162I think you say, you knew Mr. Knox a Justice of Peace''s Clerk: Pray Sir, you are an ingenuous man, from whom did he pretend to come to you?
A63162I would fain have her asked this Question, my Lord, if you please; Did you ever see Mr. Knox, at Mrs. Celiers House?
A63162If he complained he had so used him before, why would he go to him again?
A63162If the Jury do not find them not Guilty generally, may they not find them not Guilty of writing the Letters?
A63162In what Prison?
A63162Is that Information true?
A63162L. C. I No, what had you your money for?
A63162L. C. I Why, what could this be?
A63162L. C. I. Knox advised this, did he?
A63162L. C. I. Knox said he only lent it?
A63162Mr. Dewy, who came in company with Mr. Knox to you?
A63162Mr. Iust Pemberton, Do you know any thing of that?
A63162Mr. Iustice Iones, When was this?
A63162Mr. Serjeant Maynard, And you will admit that Doctor Oates and Mr. Bedloe were witnesses upon those Trials?
A63162Mr. Warcup, had Lane recanted what he had said against Mr. Oates at that time when the Lodgings were taken?
A63162Mr. Williams, what Answer can you give to all the Transactions that Mr. Dangerfield tells you of about Knox?
A63162Mrs. Lane, are not you Mother to Lane the Defendant?
A63162No, he told me only that his Son was weary of Doctor Oates his service, and I told him that he was come away once before, and why did he go again?
A63162On whom?
A63162Osborne is a telling how Knox and Lane and he did conspire and contrive this business, is this evidence against these Defendants?
A63162Pemberton, What did Knox and Lane say?
A63162Pray Mrs. Blake, what can you say of any Reward Lane was to have, for accusing Mr. Oates?
A63162Pray acquaint the Court and the Jury, did Lane tell you how he was drawn into this, and who drew him in?
A63162Pray did Lane confess to you from whom this Money and Reward was to be had?
A63162Pray did he propose any Reward to you?
A63162Pray upon your Oath, did he offer you any money, or any reward?
A63162Recorder, Do you hear him Gentlemen?
A63162Richard was?
A63162Said I to Mr. Lane, will you drink a Pot of Beer?
A63162Said I, Does my Lord know of this?
A63162Shall what Osborne says at one time and apart from the rest be any evidence here?
A63162Sir Francis Winnington, What is that of Osborne that you can say?
A63162Sir VVilliam VValler, was Knox ever before you?
A63162Sir William Waller, Did he confess he left them with my Lord Latimer?
A63162Sir, you mention several sums of money that you paid to Knox, and paid to Lane, pray where had you this money?
A63162That was Knox''s defence?
A63162That was Lane and Osborne did confess that?
A63162That was the Substance of it?
A63162The Ten Shillings a week, whence came that?
A63162The question is plain, Did he speak it of himself, and not that his Son told him?
A63162This was the first time you met with him about this matter?
A63162To meet with whom?
A63162To whom was it convey''d?
A63162To whom?
A63162To you?
A63162Upon your Oath Lane did say this?
A63162VValler, or before?
A63162VVhat found you upon their examination?
A63162VVhat were their Names?
A63162Was Lane with him then?
A63162Was he upon Oath before you?
A63162Was he upon his Oath the last time, when he said this to the Committee?
A63162Was it before Christmas?
A63162Was it before or after he left his Service?
A63162Was it from any of the Conspirators?
A63162Was not this project on foot when the Presbyterian- Plot was on foot?
A63162Was there any thing in it concerning Mr. Oates?
A63162Was there any thing particular in those Papers concerning Mr. Oates being guilty of Sodomy?
A63162Well Mr. Holt, what say you for Lane?
A63162Were you by, and present at their examination?
A63162Were you ever with my Lady Danby?
A63162What Business, said I?
A63162What Lord?
A63162What Lords?
A63162What became of the Note?
A63162What did Knox say to you after Osborne had confessed?
A63162What did he confess?
A63162What did he desire you to do for that Money?
A63162What did he say as to Knox?
A63162What did he say of Oates and Bedloe, Sir?
A63162What did he say?
A63162What did they offer you?
A63162What did you promise Knox you would do?
A63162What did you say, that they might not betray one another?
A63162What do you know of Knox?
A63162What do you know of any application to bring this Lane into Oats''s service?
A63162What do you know of any endeavours to corrupt this Evidence?
A63162What do you say Mrs.?
A63162What does that signifie to these Defendants?
A63162What is all this?
A63162What is this mans Name?
A63162What is this mans name?
A63162What said Knox to it?
A63162What said Knox to that?
A63162What said you?
A63162What say you as to Lane and Osborne?
A63162What say you to the Promises of Five Hundred Pound, and a Hundred Pound a Year a peece?
A63162What sayes the other Woman?
A63162What should you do?
A63162What time after was it that you did know them?
A63162What two Servants were they?
A63162What was it that was there witnessed?
A63162What was the purport of that Affidavit?
A63162What was the substance of them?
A63162What were they?
A63162What were they?
A63162What, before the Lords?
A63162What, he told you that his Son told him so?
A63162What, upon his Oath?
A63162When was the first time he complained to you?
A63162When was this you speak of?
A63162When was this?
A63162When was this?
A63162Where did Lane tell you so?
A63162Where had he done him Injury?
A63162Where is this Woman?
A63162Which is Mary Lane?
A63162Who came and told you so?
A63162Who came that Note from?
A63162Who carryed them?
A63162Who did?
A63162Who did?
A63162Who gave it him?
A63162Who had repented himself?
A63162Who is Wood?
A63162Who is that?
A63162Who is your Master?
A63162Who proves them?
A63162Who read it?
A63162Who told you so?
A63162Who told you?
A63162Who was gone out of Doctor Oats''s service?
A63162Who went with him?
A63162Who went?
A63162Who writ that Note?
A63162Whose hand were they in?
A63162Why did you not make Osborne a party?
A63162Why do you believe so?
A63162Why, where was the Villany done that he repented of?
A63162Will your Lordship give me leave to speak one word for my self?
A63162Would you have them read, Brother?
A63162You never agreed to any thing?
A63162You never looked into the Information at all?
A63162You say Lane confessed this as of himself?
A63162You say Lane was a servant to Dr. Oates, pray whose servant was Knox?
A63162You say he told you that Knox promised them?
A63162You were not by?
A63162Young Mrs. Lane, what was there in that Paper that Osborne brought to your House?
A63162Your Brother was not acquainted with Knox then?
A63162and what were the contents of them?
A63162and who had made Additions to them?
A63162before the Lords?
A63162for having a Villain to come over to her side, that swore backwards and forwards?
A63162or any Promises were made to him?
A63162or from whom that the Rewards, and this Money should come, upon your Oath?
A63162or who did?
A63162the other end of the Town, said he to me: But, said I, why do you leave Mr. Oates?
A63162this Nurse?
A63162was it before April last or after?
A631523. Who says so?
A63152And he me met you accordingly, and there was order taken for the last 20 l. that was paid him: Did you hear that?
A63152And said I, Sir John what will you give me?
A63152But did Piggot pay you any Mony, and by whose Order?
A63152But did he meet with you?
A63152But did you lay out any mony?
A63152But now I say, Have you any reason to offer that these Witnesses have any Malice against you?
A63152But was the Prisoner at the Bar present at the second Meeting?
A63152But what Date was this Commission?
A63152Can you say you have seen him there this Four Years?
A63152Cole was your Mothers name; and did not you promise him to make him next Man after the Commissioners in the Excise?
A63152Did not I bring you Mr. Cole that Lives at Deal?
A63152Did not his Brother- in- law Mr. Robinson and Mr. Gillibrand Dine there?
A63152Did not we Dine with you?
A63152Did not you speak of Listing a great many Men?
A63152Did you ever hear me use any Reflections against the Government?
A63152Did you not hear he was a Roman Catholick?
A63152Did you see him write that Letter?
A63152Do you know Mr. Blair?
A63152Do you know any thing of his being a Roman Catholick?
A63152Do you know him to be a Roman Catholick?
A63152Do you know the Prisoner at the Bar?
A63152Fisher to you, with a promise that he should be Eldest Captain?
A63152For what must he be called?
A63152Friend, My Lord, How many may I Challenge?
A63152Friend, What do you take him for?
A63152Gen. And did he say he had an Answer to it?
A63152Gen. And was it paid afterward?
A63152Gen. And what did you get, what Officers did you procure for him?
A63152Gen. By whose Order?
A63152Gen. Ca n''t you tell what time it was, last Summer, or Winter?
A63152Gen. Can you name any of them?
A63152Gen. Did Sir John Friend afterward meet with you at Jonathan''s Coffee- House?
A63152Gen. Did Sir John Friend tell you of Ferguson''s bringing in any Men?
A63152Gen. Did Sir John Friend tell you so?
A63152Gen. Did Sir John Friend tell you so?
A63152Gen. Did Sir John meet you at that time?
A63152Gen. Did he ever afterward tell you that he had writ such a Letter?
A63152Gen. Did that Gentleman thrust himself into your Company, or did you desire him to come in?
A63152Gen. Did you know Mr. Charnock?
A63152Gen. Do you hear what he says, Mr. Blair?
A63152Gen. Do you know any thing of Sir John Friend''s receiving a Letter from the Late King James?
A63152Gen. Do you know of his coming to him?
A63152Gen. Do you remember who was to be his Major?
A63152Gen. Do you remember you Dined with Sir John Friend near the Exchange in January last?
A63152Gen. For what purpose were these Four Troops to be in a readiness?
A63152Gen. Had Sir John Friend any occasion to pay you any Money upon any other account, but that 100 l.?
A63152Gen. Had you at any time any Discourse with Sir John Friend about Colonel Sclater?
A63152Gen. Have you any Estate in England?
A63152Gen. Have you any other Questions to ask him?
A63152Gen. Have you seen him write?
A63152Gen. How came you to go to him?
A63152Gen. How did that Letter come to your Hand?
A63152Gen. How do you know Sir John Friend advanced any Mony toward that Escape?
A63152Gen. How do you know Sir John Friend ordered him to pay you?
A63152Gen. How long ago?
A63152Gen. How long have you known him?
A63152Gen. How long was it since?
A63152Gen. How much was the Money?
A63152Gen. How much?
A63152Gen. How much?
A63152Gen. Is that Sir John Friend''s Hand?
A63152Gen. Is that his own Hand?
A63152Gen. Mr. Porter, When saw you Charnock afterward?
A63152Gen. Mr. Porter, do you know Sir John Friend?
A63152Gen. Pray Sir, what Troopers?
A63152Gen. Pray did you see it?
A63152Gen. Pray give account what was done upon it, and what Officers he did appoint?
A63152Gen. Pray give an account what Meetings Sir John Friend hath been at last Winter?
A63152Gen. Pray have you heard what Sir John Friend said of Mr. Ferguson; was he to be an Officer?
A63152Gen. Pray what Discourse pass''d between you and him then?
A63152Gen. That was the first 20 Pound, when was the last 20 Pound paid?
A63152Gen. VVas Harrison there then?
A63152Gen. VVhat Discourse had you then?
A63152Gen. VVhat did Sir John Friend say on that?
A63152Gen. VVhat did he go for?
A63152Gen. VVhat was the Order?
A63152Gen. VVhat were the Effects of that Order?
A63152Gen. VVhen did Sir John Friend tell you so?
A63152Gen. VVho paid it?
A63152Gen. VVho said?
A63152Gen. Was it the Conspiracy against the King''s Life, and seizing the King?
A63152Gen. Was it within twelve Months past?
A63152Gen. Was there any body else there?
A63152Gen. What Country Man is Blair?
A63152Gen. What Discourse had you there?
A63152Gen. What Discourse have you had with him about any Regiment?
A63152Gen. What did he say of that 100 Pound, how he was to be paid it again?
A63152Gen. What did you Discourse of?
A63152Gen. What did you do as Lieutenant Colonel?
A63152Gen. What do you know of a Commission for Sir John Friend to raise a Regiment of Horse?
A63152Gen. What is he?
A63152Gen. What other Officers?
A63152Gen. What was it for?
A63152Gen. What was it for?
A63152Gen. What was that Conspiracy?
A63152Gen. What was that Meeting for?
A63152Gen. What was you taken up for?
A63152Gen. What was you to do when you were to skulk about?
A63152Gen. Where do you live?
A63152Gen. Who else was the other Officer, can you remember?
A63152Gen. Who shew''d you the Commission?
A63152Gen. Who was by when the last 20 Pound was paid?
A63152Gen. Who was to be Colonel of the Regiment?
A63152Gen. Whose Lodgings?
A63152Gen. Will you ask him any more Questions?
A63152Gen. You say there were two Meetings, pray how long afterwards was it before you had the second Meeting?
A63152Gen. You say you met Sir John Friend, and he took you into his Coach?
A63152Gentlemen, Are you All agreed in your Verdict?
A63152Had you any other dealing with Sir John Friend but concerning the Regiment, upon the account of which Sir John owed you any Money?
A63152Have they any Displeasure or Malice against you?
A63152Have you any more Witnesses?
A63152Have you heard me speak any thing of an Invasion, how I would venture my Life in such a Cause?
A63152He asked me what News?
A63152He clasp''d his Hands, and told me, very Ill, very Ill. What, said I, have you got a Cold?
A63152He told me so on Friday Night; as he was lying on his Back very ill, I ask''d him how he did?
A63152How came it to your hand?
A63152How came you to go to Blair?
A63152How do you say, may it please your Lordship?
A63152How know you him to be a Captain?
A63152How long have you known Captain Blair?
A63152How wilt Thou be Try''d?
A63152I asked him if he had got the News?
A63152I desire to know if it were Signed or Sealed, or what Date it was, whether 2 or 3 Years, or 5 Years, or when it was?
A63152I desire to know if you have not done this?
A63152I desire to know whether he be a Roman Catholick or a Protestant?
A63152I desire to know whether he be a Roman Catholick or no?
A63152I desire to know whether or no Mr. Porter be a Roman Catholick, and Mr. Blair?
A63152I have; I desire Mr. King may be called?
A63152I my self?
A63152I shall, my Lord: He is a Roman Catholick, and I hope to have a Witness that he is so; Will that be heard?
A63152I was walking up and down the Room, and Blair came in, and ask''d what was the News?
A63152I would ask him if he hath done, and hath no more to say?
A63152Is he Guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63152Is there not such a Statute?
A63152Is this the Witness you would have, Sir John Friend?
A63152Jury- Man Where did you Dine?
A63152L. C. J. H. And did Sir John Friend give you the Order?
A63152L. C. J. H. Blair, Did you say you never knew any thing of a Plot?
A63152L. C. J. H. But did he talk of going against his Conscience?
A63152L. C. J. H. But what were their Names?
A63152L. C. J. H. Can you remember any of the Contents of the Letter?
A63152L. C. J. H. Did Sir John Friend agree to it?
A63152L. C. J. H. Did he tell you he went against his Conscience?
A63152L. C. J. H. Did he tell you so?
A63152L. C. J. H. Did you ever demand any Money before?
A63152L. C. J. H. Did you see him write it?
A63152L. C. J. H. Did your Wife say you went against your Conscience?
A63152L. C. J. H. Do you hear me?
A63152L. C. J. H. For what?
A63152L. C. J. H. Go on; You say you met at the Coffee- House: What was done between you and him?
A63152L. C. J. H. Had you the same Discourse?
A63152L. C. J. H. Have you any Witness to prove that these Men have no Reason to charge you thus?
A63152L. C. J. H. Have you any more Witnesses?
A63152L. C. J. H. Have you any more to say?
A63152L. C. J. H. Have you any more to say?
A63152L. C. J. H. Have you any thing more, Sir John?
A63152L. C. J. H. Have you known him go to Church?
A63152L. C. J. H. Have you seen him there within a Year or two?
A63152L. C. J. H. How long ago was this?
A63152L. C. J. H. How long ago was this?
A63152L. C. J. H. How long is it since you left him?
A63152L. C. J. H. If he be a Roman Catholick, it is no Objection against his Evidence: Is not a Roman Catholick a good Evidence?
A63152L. C. J. H. Is he your Witness?
A63152L. C. J. H. It hath been repeated what you complained of; but will you ask him about the Letter?
A63152L. C. J. H. Pray remember and recollect your self: Who was there at the first Meeting?
A63152L. C. J. H. Sir John Friend, will you ask this Witness any Questions?
A63152L. C. J. H. The Question is, whether it be your Right or no to know that?
A63152L. C. J. H. There is no such thing; Where is your Statute?
A63152L. C. J. H. To whom?
A63152L. C. J. H. VVas this the first 20 l. or the last?
A63152L. C. J. H. VVhat was this Money paid to you for?
A63152L. C. J. H. VVhat were you to be?
A63152L. C. J. H. Was Cole to be any thing in the Regiment?
A63152L. C. J. H. What Answer did Charnock bring back?
A63152L. C. J. H. What Chapter?
A63152L. C. J. H. What Commission was it?
A63152L. C. J. H. What Questions do you ask him?
A63152L. C. J. H. What do you say?
A63152L. C. J. H. What say you Mr. King?
A63152L. C. J. H. What was said there?
A63152L. C. J. H. What would you have him asked?
A63152L. C. J. H. What, since the Revolution?
A63152L. C. J. H. When did you see him at Church?
A63152L. C. J. H. When was it?
A63152L. C. J. H. When was it?
A63152L. C. J. H. Who did he give the Order to?
A63152L. C. J. H. Who shewed you that Letter?
A63152L. C. J. H. Who was the Commission to?
A63152L. C. J. H. Who was to Command that Troop?
A63152L. C. J. H. Who were there?
A63152L. C. J. H. Why do you desire to know that?
A63152L. C. J. H. Will you ask him, whether he be a Christian?
A63152L. C. J. H. Will you call any Witnesses in the mean time, or any thing else?
A63152L. C. J. H. You believe so?
A63152May I speak my Lord?
A63152Mr. Carpenter?
A63152My Lord, as to a Commission, Doth he charge me with a Commission from K. James?
A63152My Lord, may I ask one Question?
A63152Porter ask''d him, Whether he had been with the rest?
A63152Pray Sir answer me to that: There is a God you must give an account to as well as I; Answer me if you have not writ these Lines to me?
A63152Pray my Lord, ask him whether he Beleives me to be a Protestant?
A63152Ridley was present?
A63152That was the occasion of asking the Question: When was that Letter?
A63152To what purpose was you to drink with them, and cherish them?
A63152VVho were the Men you Listed?
A63152Was he with you any time when the Prisoner was there?
A63152Was it before it broke out that he told you so?
A63152Was it my Letter?
A63152What did he say of me?
A63152What hast thou to say for thy self why Judgment should not pass against thee to dye according to the Law?
A63152What is his Christian Name?
A63152What is his Name, James Courtney?
A63152What was it for?
A63152What, was the second Meeting to confirm the first?
A63152When was it?
A63152When was it?
A63152When was that Letter writ?
A63152When was the first 20 Pound paid, about what time?
A63152Where is Burleigh?
A63152Who shall say for you?
A63152Who were the Persons that were present?
A63152Who were then at Dinner besides Sir John Friend and you?
A63152Why did you not desire this before?
A63152Will you please that the Statute Book may be sent for?
A63152Would you have me name them, my Lord?
A63152You of the Jury, look upon the Prisoner; How say you?
A63152You say he wrote to King James, Who shewed it you?
A63152You say you were constituted a Lieutenant Colonel; who made you so?
A63152You were pleased to say, you Listed a great many Persons for me: VVho were they, and what were their Names?
A63152bring them into the Regiment?
A63152did you engage any Persons to be Troopers?
A63152or did Sir John Friend pay you any mony for this Service?
A63152which was done Did Blair desire any body should come in but his Wife?
A63152— and whether the Mony I gave you, was not on meer Charity?
A25881And did he stay within?
A25881And how long stayed he at your House?
A25881Are you going to arraign his whole Life?
A25881At the time when Mr. Sutton and you went first out, did you agree of your going to the Horseshooe- Tavern?
A25881At what time a- night did they come in?
A25881At whose House was it, you deliver''d the Trunk?
A25881Because you did not do it sooner, have you not been troubled with your Husbands Ghost?
A25881Can you say that the Prisoner was the Man that drank with Mr. Sutton?
A25881Can you take it upon your Oath that the Prisoner is the same Person?
A25881Clayton, Did not you lie at Cole''s House, Mistress?
A25881Coachman, Look upon that Handcherchief, do you know it, and where did you see it?
A25881Culpriest, How will you be Tryed?
A25881Culprist, How will you be Tryed?
A25881Damn him, says Harrison, does he say that a Woman of your Quality should go to Service?
A25881Did Mr. Harrison ever Lodge in your House?
A25881Did any one come with the Prisoner, to your House?
A25881Did he look out of the Coach, Mrs. Ashbolt?
A25881Did he say any thing of Mr. Humston?
A25881Did he tell you where he had been before?
A25881Did he use to frequent your House?
A25881Did not one strike you with a Muff?
A25881Did not you go to Mr. Maccaffee''s House?
A25881Did not you say, that as you hop''d to be sav''d, that I was Innocent of the Thing?
A25881Did she say that she observod either of their Faces?
A25881Did she say, she could know him again?
A25881Did you hear him say, from whence he came?
A25881Did you know the Prisoner, when you saw him in Newgate, to be one of them that were in the Coach?
A25881Did you meet Mr. Harrison before you went to the Horseshooe- Tavern, or after?
A25881Did you play at Cards in the Kitchen?
A25881Did you request Mr. Sutton to go with you?
A25881Did you see Mr. Harrison there?
A25881Did your Servant tell you of any Money that had been offered him by the before- mentioned Gentleman?
A25881Do you remember that Mr. Baker was there?
A25881First, why did you say that you were a Parliament Man?
A25881For what?
A25881Gentlemen, Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A25881Had he black Cloaths on?
A25881Had one of the two Men a Cloak on?
A25881Harke you, In what Posture did you find Dr. Clenche, when you came back to your Coach?
A25881Have you any Body else, Mistress?
A25881Have you any body that can prove any thing against Cole, or does it all arise barely from your Husband''s Report?
A25881Have you done, Prisoner?
A25881Here hath been two or three Sessions since that time, why did not you take up Cole about it before now?
A25881Hold, what are you doing now?
A25881How came Mr. Sutton to go with you?
A25881How came Rowe to be intrusted or concerned with the Money?
A25881How could you discern his Face?
A25881How long did he stay there?
A25881How long did he stay?
A25881How long did you tarry at the House?
A25881How long was it before Dr Clenche was murthred?
A25881How many were there, do you say?
A25881How much Wine had they?
A25881How say you, Henry Harrison, are you Guilty of this Felony and Murther whereof you stand Indicted, or not Guilty?
A25881How say you, John Cole, are you Guilty of the Felony and Murther whereof you stand Indicted, or not Guilty?
A25881I would fain know, Mistress, who set you on upon this business?
A25881In what humour did he seem to be?
A25881Is he guilty of the Felony and Murder whereof he stands indicted, or not guilty?
A25881Is there not some Money promis''d you?
A25881It was before Night, was it not?
A25881John Allen, what time of Night was it that Mr. Sutton and Mr. Russel came to your House in a Coach?
A25881L. C. J. Capatin Cannon, do you know this Mr. Baker?
A25881L. C. J. Cartwright, Was that in Mrs. Vanwick''s Chamber that you heard him Swear so?
A25881L. C. J. Coachman, what time was it, that they left your Coach?
A25881L. C. J. Madam, Pray what was the reason, that she did not Discover it sooner to Mrs. Clench?
A25881L. C. J. Mr. Harrison, Did I ever tell you, That I was sensible of it?
A25881L. C. J. Mr. Harrison, what have you to say against that which hath been proved against you, what defence can you make?
A25881L. C. J. Mrs. Jones, what time did Mr. Harrison come to your House, to his Lodging, that Night that the Murder was committed?
A25881L. C. J. Pray Mistress, did Mr. Harrison come in, and find them at Cards?
A25881L. C. J. Watson, When did he leave the Lodgings, say you?
A25881Look upon that Man, do you not know him to be the Person?
A25881Look upon the Prisoner; How say you?
A25881Madam, pray give an account what Mrs. Ashbolt told you concerning any Man''s being in a Coach at Brownlow- street end?
A25881Mistress, What say you to that?
A25881Mistress, What time did Mr. Harrison come to your House on the 4th of January last at Night?
A25881Mr Darnell, Did you hear him say any thing against the Doctor?
A25881Mr Darnell, Pray Sir, did the Dr desire you to act for him in your own Name, because he had no mind to meet with Mrs Vanwicke and the Prisoner?
A25881Mr. Butler, Pray tell the Court what Mr. Fairbeard said to you about me?
A25881Mr. Dudley, What did my Husband say, concerning the Doctor, to you in the Country?
A25881Mr. Sutton, what time was it that I was coming by, when one Mr. Russel and you were Drinking?
A25881Mrs. Whelstead, pray give the Court and Jury an Account what disorderly House Mr. Maccaffee keeps?
A25881My Lord, Mr. Fairbeard asked me what I could say about what Mr. Harrison had said to me concerning the Murther of Doctor Clench?
A25881Now what said Mr. Harrison farther for himself?
A25881Or, who it was, that he was to go to?
A25881Pray Mr. Russel what time of Night was it that you saw me go by you, when you were drinking at the Kings- Head- Tavern?
A25881Pray, What Room were you in?
A25881Says I, do you hear the News, Sir?
A25881Says he, I have been in the Country: Where says I?
A25881Secondly; why did you leave your Lodgings, and take other Lodgings in Paul''s- Church- Yard?
A25881That wo n''t do: what if your Husband had told you that I kill''d Dr. Clenche, what then?
A25881That you should have done before now; why did you not stay with Mr. Humston, when he Invited you to Sup with him?
A25881The Doctor asked me, if I could tell, Who they were?
A25881The Question is, Gentlemen, Whether the Prisoner at the Bar be Guilty of this base and barbarous Murder?
A25881The question now before you is, whether Cole was one of these two?
A25881Then I Ask you, was that one of the men?
A25881Thirdly, why did you say that you had extraordinary business?
A25881Was he less than I, or taller?
A25881Was it the Monday before he was taken?
A25881Was that before you offered to abate the twenty Pounds?
A25881Was there no quarrel betwixt Cole and you about your Goods?
A25881Well, and what then?
A25881Well, have you any more Witnesses?
A25881Well, have you any more to say?
A25881Were there any Reproaches cast upon the Doctor at that time?
A25881Were there not some Accidents happen''d at that time?
A25881Were they up Stairs?
A25881Were you any where else with him that Night, besides at the places you have mentioned?
A25881Were you not with Harrison?
A25881What Cloathes had the Prisoner on?
A25881What Cloaths had he on?
A25881What Cloths had they on?
A25881What Day of the Month was it?
A25881What Goods or Chattels?
A25881What News, says he?
A25881What Night was it?
A25881What Religion are you of, Mistress?
A25881What day of the Month was it?
A25881What did he say further, Sir?
A25881What did he say of the Doctor?
A25881What did you hear the Prisoner say against Dr Clenche?
A25881What discourse had you with her when you heard that those men had Murdered Doctor Clench?
A25881What do you say to this, Woman?
A25881What had I on, a Cloak and a Muff?
A25881What had you been doing before that time?
A25881What had you for your Swearing?
A25881What have you more to say Mr. Harrison?
A25881What have you to say, Woman, against Cole the Prisoner, concerning the Murther of Dr. Clenche?
A25881What if he was?
A25881What if they had run away, what then?
A25881What is become of the Boy?
A25881What kind of Habit had he?
A25881What kind of Man was the other?
A25881What made you take notice of the Day of the Month, and Hour of the Day?
A25881What manner of men were they?
A25881What said he?
A25881What say you more?
A25881What time did Mr. Sutton come to your House, did you see any one stand at the Coach side?
A25881What time did they come to your House?
A25881What time of Night do you shut your Doors, especially on Monday Nights; and were they shut when Mr. Sutton called in the Coach?
A25881What time of Night was it that you took them up at Fetter Lane end?
A25881What time of the Night was it that Mr. Harrison came to speak with Mr. Humston, on that Night Dr. Clenche was murder''d?
A25881What time on the Monday did he hire the Lodging of you?
A25881What time was Dr. Clenche Kill''d?
A25881What time was it, was it before or after Eleven a Clock?
A25881What was Milward?
A25881When dy''d your Husband Mistriss?
A25881When was it that you met Mr. Harrison, the Prisoner?
A25881When you had been Drinking all the Afternoon, how came you to stop your Coach at the King''s- Head?
A25881Whence did he pretend to come?
A25881Where did he say he had been?
A25881Where do you live, and what is your Name?
A25881Where do you live?
A25881Where had you been before you came to the King''s- Head Tavern?
A25881Where is your House, Sir?
A25881Where is your House?
A25881Where is your Master''s House?
A25881Where was he going, which way went he?
A25881Where was it?
A25881Where was your Husband?
A25881Where were you going at that time of Night?
A25881Where were you?
A25881Who are those two Men that were with you?
A25881Who knows Mr. Harrison''s Hand?
A25881Who sent you to Crown- Court?
A25881Who shall say for you?
A25881Who was I talking to?
A25881Who was the Mortgage made to?
A25881Who went out first, only Milward?
A25881Who were they that play''d at Cards?
A25881Who were together?
A25881Why did not you take him then?
A25881Why were you so curious, Mistress, and what did you observe further?
A25881Witness, What were the Words that he said against Doctor Clenche?
A25881Yes, I did, my Lord?
A25881Yes, it was, my Lord, and I did receive it?
A25881You hear what is said against you; what do you say to it Mr. Cole?
A25881You may assure your self, that we will do you no wrong; Have you any more to say?
A25881You say your easiness was to go to Wild- street, to receive some money?
A25881You, Coach- man, do you know the Prisoner?
A25881You, the last Witness Mrs. Jones, When did Mr. Harrison come to Lodge at your House?
A25881Your business had been to have discover''d this to Mrs. Clenche, and she should have look''d after Cole; is Mrs. Clenche here?
A25881and what Cloaths had he on?
A25881what Day of the Month was it?
A76061After this, they both spent some time in Prayer, and H. B. asked him, how it was with him now?
A76061After which, his soul was wounded, his heart was pierced, he knew not what to do: he asked, May Mercy be had for a back- sliding sinner?
A76061Afterwards when he looked upon his Cloaths he had put on to dye in, said, What have I got on my dying- cloaths; dying- cloaths did I say?
A76061And are we less guilty?
A76061And are you guilty?
A76061And can not you use unseemly dalliance, and say, am I not in sport?
A76061And dare you do so still?
A76061And how canst thou endure to hear of this, without trembling?
A76061And how would you take it, if I should come to you, and tell you roundly of all your sins?
A76061And what could any expect should be the issue and product of sin arriv''d to such perfection, but Death and wrath, and the vengeance of eternal fire?
A76061And yet how are silly souls pleased with such company, whose greatest kindness is to make them go merrily to Hell?
A76061Are Fetters such desireable things?
A76061Are there not many of the Devils Emissaries, that make it their business to decoy poor young ones?
A76061Are they those that discourse of God and their Souls, and warn one another with words of Grace?
A76061Are you so barbarous, as to be indifferent whether your Servants and Children are damned or saved?
A76061Are you( in sober sadness) of this mind?
A76061Are you( said he) the person that committed the murther upon the maid at Ratcliff?
A76061Because our Captain bids us flee: we have his Commission, nay, his absolute command: may I not say, his Entreaty too?
A76061But do I not see some weeping eyes, and aking hearts?
A76061But hold, sinner, I prithee let''s reason the case a little; do not act like a fool and a mad- man: Were you ever in Newgate?
A76061But it may be thou beginst to think, what a strange censorious man is this?
A76061But what is it that I see?
A76061But what will you say when the Judge shall pass sentence upon you, to be carried from thence to the Prison, and from that, to the place of Execution?
A76061But you''l say, Your tongues are your own; who is Lord over us?
A76061Can you stretch your selves upon Beds of Ivory, and drink VVine from morning to night, and look upon this as the only life?
A76061Children, how say you, are you as ready to obey, as your Parents are to command?
A76061Come tell me, sinner, What good did the Devil ever do for thee willingly?
A76061Consider a little, young man, is it nothing to come gingling in your chains before an Earthly Judge?
A76061Could you bear it if I should come close to you and set Hell and Damnation before you?
A76061Dare you say, I''le drink, though there be Death in the Pot, though Hell be at the bottom of the Cup?
A76061Did Christ die for nothing, Lord?
A76061Did he not die to save all repenting and believing sinners of whom I am chief?
A76061Did none of you hear how earnestly he begged of you to have a care of that sin, as you loved your lives and souls?
A76061Did none of you hear what he said when he was upon the Cart?
A76061Did none of you stand by the Cart when he wept so bitterly, and cryed to the Lord to forgive this great and dreadful sin?
A76061Did you never wrong your Master in your life?
A76061Do not many of our young ones act as if they took pattern by Sodom and had learned of Gomorrah?
A76061Do not many( I wish old ones were not here too guilty) act as if their business in this World was to eat and drink, and take their pleasures?
A76061Do you believe that there is a God?
A76061Do you fear an Oath?
A76061Do you know what a prison is?
A76061Do you think he did but jest?
A76061Doth not the Scripture speak plain enough against this sin?
A76061Doth not the multitude of Apprentices and Children that wander up and down Moorefields on the Lord''s Day, speak this to be too true?
A76061Doth not your Conscience tell you, that you can tell a lye to cover a fault, and yet not be much troubled?
A76061H. B. coming to him, enquired how it was with him now?
A76061Hath the Devil done you so much kindness, as that you must venture your liberty for his sake?
A76061Have not the sad complaints of many at Tiburn, sufficiently demonstrated this to be true?
A76061He answered, Yes: and dost thou believe that this God is true?
A76061He answered, that he had: they enquired into the grounds of his hopes?
A76061He confessed it: And you took so much money from your Master?
A76061He said, Yes, And did you not murther your fellow- servant?
A76061He said, Yes: O what think you of your condition) What do you think will become of your precious Sou?
A76061He said, Yes: and taking up the Bible, I asked him, Dost thou believe that this is the Word of God?
A76061How did they know but I might have Murthered some of them?
A76061How do they flye in the face of them which reprove them?
A76061How do you think God will take it at your hand, that you should be so careful that your work be done, and never mind his at all?
A76061How do you think you shall look, when evidences comes in clear, and the Jury shall cast you?
A76061How does that swearing Wretch storm and rage there at me, for telling him of his sins?
A76061How far are most from following the Apostles counsel ▪ in redeeming of the time?
A76061How hardly brought so much as to debate the business soberly with themselves or others?
A76061How many Servants are there that wrong their Masters, imbezil their Goods, and secretly wast them by the fore- mentioned sin?
A76061How ready are young ones to learn the language of their Father?
A76061How resolutely do most young ones go on in their sins?
A76061How shall I do this, and sin against God?
A76061How shall I give thee up, O Ephraim?
A76061How shall I make thee as Admah?
A76061How shall I set thee as Zeboim?
A76061I asked him how old he was?
A76061I asked him, what do you think?
A76061I askt this poor boy how he spent his time in prison?
A76061I deserve Hell ten thousand times over; and have I now but one grain of sand left in the glass to work for Eternity?
A76061I have lived in almost all these sins for many a year; what shall I do?
A76061I pray tell me, How do you spend your time?
A76061Is it best venturing still?
A76061Is it in your Chamber upon your knees, and at your honest Callings, and in Civil and Christian Society?
A76061Is it not a pleasant thing to lye in the embraces of wanton VVoman?
A76061Is it nothing to have Ten Thousand Spectators, of your shameful end?
A76061Is it nothing to have your villany laid open before the world?
A76061Is it so, That it is our duty to flee youthful lusts?
A76061Is it worth thy while to do and fuffer so much for one that never intended any good to any in the world?
A76061Is not England too near a kin to France?
A76061Is robbing your selves of sleep, to lye in the bosom of Dalilah, redeeming time?
A76061Is sitting up whole nights to play at Cards and Dice redeeming of time?
A76061Is the sight of the Bench nothing?
A76061Is there nothing in all that I have been speaking?
A76061Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?
A76061Lord, what will become of me?
A76061May not I see you idling in the Streets, and sitting at your doors?
A76061No indeed, for I verily believe that he is a Saint in glory: but how do you know whether God will give you repentance?
A76061No, he knew not any, and yet did he hope to be saved?
A76061O God, what shall I do?
A76061O how little do most of the young people of this City mind the sanctifying of the Sabbath?
A76061O how will your boon Companions greet one another in Hell, nay, it may be upon Earth too?
A76061O then what will become of me?
A76061O what will such be when they come to be old, if they begin so soon?
A76061O wretch( said he) that I was?
A76061O, saith he, I believe it, it is a hard work to dye: I could carry it out as bravely as any,( do you think I could not?)
A76061One asked him in the cart, Well now, Thomas, how is it with your soul?
A76061One asked him what he thought of Heaven?
A76061One asked him, which he thought was worse, hell or sin?
A76061Or do you make account his eye is nothing, so man do not know: can you so?
A76061Or do you think the deepest Oaths the best Rhetorick, and most graceful, if I may so speak, to your Discourse?
A76061Parents me thinks you have something within you, to put you upon your duty: what?
A76061Pray for them, cry to the Lord mightily, and say, O that Ishmael may live in thy sight: Lord, hast thou not a blessing, O my Father, for me and mine?
A76061Remember, sirs, what a dreadful sin the sin of Murder is: what then do you think of those that murder souls, that starves souls?
A76061Say, what have I to do with Idols any more?
A76061Shall I leave this world, before thou smilest upon my Soul?
A76061Sirs, be faithful to your Souls, and ask your selves speedily, What you have done?
A76061Sirs, the substance of this Sermon I received from his mouth: and will you not believe a dying man?
A76061Some of you are come here this day to hear News, more than to hear your sin reproved: but where are you on the Sabbath- day?
A76061That they did not swear?
A76061That thou shalt never enter into his rest?
A76061The next time he asked him, whether he were sorry for the Fact?
A76061The night before the Sessions, H. B. coming to him, asked him if it was not terrible to him to think of appearing before the Barr of men?
A76061Then they asked him, whether he had any hopes of escaping this dreadful punishment of hell?
A76061They asked him if he knew what Hell was?
A76061VVell, have you put it to your Conscience?
A76061VVell, young man, now what do you say?
A76061VVhat do you think of T. Savage?
A76061VVhat language do you speak, the language of Canaan, or the languague of Ashdod?
A76061VVhat think you of Cursing and Swearing?
A76061Well Sirs now my work is done; have I been beating the air?
A76061What brought him to that shameful death?
A76061What do you say; sirs, to these things?
A76061What is the English of that?
A76061What is the design of all the Scripture?
A76061What is the meaning of all those pathetical Expostulations, Turn, you, turn you; why will you dye?
A76061What sense have you of God''s love?
A76061What shall become of these two Sermons?
A76061What shall you do that you and yours may be saved, and your Servants and Children might escape the Snares of Satan, and flee youthful lusts?
A76061What, hath your Master none?
A76061What, would they venture to come and pray with me a Murtherer?
A76061When he was in prayer, some of us heard him say, Now Lord I am coming to thee, thou art mine, and Christ is mine; and what need I be afraid of Death?
A76061When his Coffin was carried up to him again, one asked what he thought, and what were the workings of his heart when he saw his Coffin brought back?
A76061Wherefore do we Preach and pray?
A76061Who would choose to sleep upon the top of a mast?
A76061Who, but a mad man would take strong poyson into his mouth, and say that he will then spit it out?
A76061Why doth he bid us to beseech you to look about you?
A76061Why should we flee youthful lusts?
A76061Why, where shall I have it, said he?
A76061You have heard what God saith?
A76061Young men, Are you guilty, or not guilty?
A76061and dare you outface God with your wickedness?
A76061and how he hoped to be saved?
A76061and if life doth continue, may not he deny you the grace of repentance?
A76061and pacifying his anger that was kindled against him?
A76061and stop thy breath with an Oath in thy mouth?
A76061and that he is privy to all you do?
A76061and what dost thou say, poor soul?
A76061and, that though he threaten high, yet he means no such matter?
A76061are you in good earnest, friends?
A76061but is it possible for me to escape Hell?
A76061can you bear to hear them cry out against you, and ready to fly in your faces?
A76061did none of you see with what earnestness he spoke?
A76061did run no great hazzard: what was it that brought Thomas Savage to Theft and Murder?
A76061do you think it would not daunt you?
A76061doth not custom and continuance in sin, harden your heart, and fasten you in Satans Chains?
A76061have you no love at at all to the fruit of your bodies?
A76061how will you escape the damnation of hell, and the great wrath that is come?
A76061if they are, can the commands of the living God be so easily contemned?
A76061is it no great matter whether your children sink or swim?
A76061is it nothing to you, that one that dwells under your your roof, must dwell with everlasting burnings?
A76061is not Presumption the bane and ruine of Millions of Souls?
A76061may not God cut you off in the act of some of your sins, and not give you time for repentance?
A76061nay, may I not see you in the companny of wicked creatures, in an Ale- house?
A76061or do you think that God will be worse than his word?
A76061shall I neglect God any longer?
A76061striking his hand upon his Breast, and wringing his hands, and shaking his head, and weeping abundantly, said, Lord, what shall I do?
A76061what do you say?
A76061what do you think many hours discourse of filthy bawdy stories, is that redeeming of time?
A76061what if God should go to cursing too?
A76061what if God should take thee at thy word, when the next Damn- me is in thy mouth?
A76061what, is there no such thing as Repentance?
A76061what, shall the tears, prayers and entreaties of that dying young man, be so soon forgotten?
A76061which is like to end best?
A76061who are the persons that you take most delight in?
A76061who would not dye this death to go to Jesus Christ?
A76061will a man drink down poyson, because some by an Antidote have expelled the poyson, and escaped with life?
A76061will you do nothing to rescue them from that devouring Lion who would tear them in pieces?
A76061wilt thou then be desperate?
A76061would it not be a blessed Reformation?
A76061would you be contented to see them in a house that is in a flame, and do nothing to get them out?
A76061would you have your children fire- brands of hell for ever?
A76061yesterday you heard one out of the Cart, and from the Gibbet, and to day from the pulpit; and what are you resolved to do?
A63140About the French Army?
A63140About what time?
A63140About what time?
A63140About what?
A63140About what?
A63140And are you not so now?
A63140And do you know that he had correspondence in France?
A63140And pray, did not he give you a full Answer to that Question?
A63140And so you always understood him?
A63140And that was for the Design?
A63140And the Letter was for Spiritual Affairs too, was it not?
A63140And thereupon he denounced you Excommunicate?
A63140And these Mandates you have seen under his hand?
A63140And this was to bring in the Mony?
A63140And to raise mony?
A63140And towards the proceedings of the Plot?
A63140And were you acquainted with all these Orders?
A63140And when you were creating Priests, you would always send for me to be present; and I wonder how the man should forget himself?
A63140And you saw him with my Letters?
A63140And you understood it by himself?
A63140Are you a Roman- Catholick still?
A63140Before you paid it, did you receive any Order from him?
A63140But I ask you, Why did not you discover it all this time?
A63140But I think you paid something your self?
A63140But did you converse with him about mony?
A63140But now you are acquainted with his hand, is it the same hand which you have seen up and down in Writings with his name to?
A63140By whom?
A63140Can you name any other person I received mony from?
A63140Can you shew any of the Orders under my Hand?
A63140Can you shew any of the Orders?
A63140Come, do n''t trifle; What discourse have you had with the Prisoner about raising of mony, or bringing in the French?
A63140Come, what say you?
A63140Did Cardinal Bouillon shew you my Letter?
A63140Did he beg as he went?
A63140Did he claim to be Titular Primate under the Pope?
A63140Did he come a begging there?
A63140Did he desire you to be secret?
A63140Did he stile himself so in his Letters?
A63140Did he tell you that the mony was to be employ''d that way?
A63140Did the Lay Gentry agree to pay nothing?
A63140Did you ever discourse with him about it?
A63140Did you ever see him write?
A63140Did you ever see me at Carlingford?
A63140Did you ever see me at any other of the Ports?
A63140Did you ever speak with the Prisoner at the Bar about his going?
A63140Did you give in any Evidence to the Grand Jury?
A63140Did you know Neal O Neal?
A63140Did you know he was the Doctors Servant?
A63140Did you never send any Letter by one O Neal?
A63140Did you see him in my Service?
A63140Did you see those Conditions?
A63140Did you write any Process to Rome against me?
A63140Do n''t you know he was Chaplain to Bishop Duffy?
A63140Do you know my own Hand writing?
A63140Do you know of any other transactions about the Plot?
A63140Do you know that he did endeavour to bring them into Ireland?
A63140Do you know this Seeker?
A63140Do you not know that he was ingaged to assist the French Army?
A63140Do you own this man, Dr. Plunket, to be of your Religion?
A63140Do you remember whether Henry O Neal was there?
A63140Does your Lordship deny, that I know your Hand?
A63140Establishing, establishing what?
A63140Gen. After he was taken, do you know of any Order he sent out to gather Mony?
A63140Gen. And what was done there besides?
A63140Gen. And what was the import of it, pray?
A63140Gen. Are your sworn, Sir?
A63140Gen. By whose Order?
A63140Gen. Come, Sir, you have been at the Spanish Embassadors lately, answer my Question: Have you ever been with Plunket in Ireland?
A63140Gen. Did you hear the Prisoner speak about it?
A63140Gen. Did you see any Order under Plunket''s hand for raising of mony?
A63140Gen. Did you see any Precept about it?
A63140Gen. Did you see the Letter?
A63140Gen. Did you send any Mony that you know of?
A63140Gen. Did you tell a word of that to the Grand Jury?
A63140Gen. Did you?
A63140Gen. Do you know any thing of his going to view the Ports?
A63140Gen. Do you know his Hand?
A63140Gen. Dr. Plunket, will you ask him any questions?
A63140Gen. From whom had you those Orders?
A63140Gen. Had you an Order from him?
A63140Gen. Have you ever heard him own himself Primate of Ireland?
A63140Gen. Have you seen any mony paid to him?
A63140Gen. How came you to be in France?
A63140Gen. How do you know that; Did you go into the Consult?
A63140Gen. How do you know that?
A63140Gen. How often were you in the Doctor''s company?
A63140Gen. Pray Sir, you were speaking of raising of Mony?
A63140Gen. Pray had you any converse with O. Plunket about the raising of mony?
A63140Gen. Pray, if you can recollect, was you once, or twice, or twenty times in his company?
A63140Gen. Was it to mingle the Irish, and Spanish, and French Army together?
A63140Gen. Was that the effect of the Letter?
A63140Gen. Was there an Oath given?
A63140Gen. Was there any mention of Mony at that time?
A63140Gen. What did he conclude upon that?
A63140Gen. What discourse had they about the French at any time?
A63140Gen. What do you know of any Letters from Plunket?
A63140Gen. What do you know of any Precept to be given in of all sorts of persons of such an age?
A63140Gen. What do you know of delivering any Amunition and Arms?
A63140Gen. What do you know of his summoning or issuing out these Warrants for Lists of men?
A63140Gen. What for?
A63140Gen. What number might meet at that time?
A63140Gen. What passed in the company?
A63140Gen. What was the occasion and design of that meeting?
A63140Gen. What was the transaction of that day, besides the Sacrament of Confirmation?
A63140Gen. What was then said?
A63140Gen. Where did you make it?
A63140Gen. Where is the Original?
A63140Gen. Where was this?
A63140Gen. Where?
A63140Gen. Who employed him there?
A63140Gen. Why, do you know his Hand?
A63140Gen. Will you ask him any Questions?
A63140Gen. Will you ask him any questions?
A63140Gen. You say you never saw the Mandates?
A63140Had you any discourse with him, yea, or no?
A63140Had you the Oath of Secresie given you?
A63140Have you any more Witnesses?
A63140Have you any thing more to say concerning the Plot in general?
A63140Have you ever heard him own himself Primate?
A63140Have you had any discourse with him at any time about the raising of mony, which the Vicar- general gave order for?
A63140Have you heard him say so?
A63140Have you no Superiors of your own?
A63140Have you paid him any mony?
A63140Have you seen any of them pay any monies?
A63140Have you the Original here?
A63140How came you here to day?
A63140How came you to fall out, Moyer?
A63140How came you to know of this Oath?
A63140How came you to know the Prisoners hand?
A63140How come you now to change your mind?
A63140How did you know my hand?
A63140How do you know he was so?
A63140How do you know this?
A63140How know you that?
A63140How long ago was that?
A63140How many years is it since you returned from France?
A63140How many?
A63140How much do you say was the mony, Dr. Plunket?
A63140How much was it?
A63140How often?
A63140How often?
A63140How old are you?
A63140How say you, is he Guilty of the High- Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63140How then did you know my hand which you had never seen?
A63140How was it specified?
A63140I ask you, Sir, when you came back again and told him you had seen such a Letter under his hand with O Neal, did he own it to you?
A63140I desire he may be asked how he came to be there?
A63140I desire to know of him, whether Mr. Moyer did allure and intice him to swear against me?
A63140I desire to know when he left Ireland?
A63140I will only try you by one question more, for you are sought out, and it may be you may be found; Do you know how many men he was to raise in Ireland?
A63140I would ask you another Question Sir, were you at one Vicar Bradeys House?
A63140If you were, you were invisible: But I ask you, why did not you tell this to some Justice of the Peace?
A63140In all Ireland?
A63140Is it 500 l?
A63140L. C. J. Apiece, do you mean?
A63140L. C. J. Hath he owned them to be by his direction?
A63140L. C. J. I do n''t hear it, but what if he did?
A63140Look you Sir, was this at a Provincial meeting?
A63140Mr. Att Gen. What do you know of your self?
A63140Mr. Duffy, one word with you; Is not this out of malice to me for correcting some of the Clergy?
A63140My Lord, I desire to know whether they have been of the Juries of Langhorn, or the Five Jesuits, or any that were condemned?
A63140My Lord, does not he say I was in disgrace at Rome?
A63140My Lord, to shew what was part of the falling out, I would ask him if he was Indicted for any Crime, and found Guilty by a Jury?
A63140Now tell me this?
A63140Of what Quality was the Prisoner amongst you?
A63140Tell me this, Why did not you acquaint some Justice of the Peace then with what you knew, that which you had heard 7 years ago?
A63140Tell me what that discourse was?
A63140That is, to the Prisoner?
A63140The Prisoner, that he did expect Duffy should have been Primate?
A63140Then Duffy would have it conferred on him?
A63140Then it was several times, you say?
A63140To what end?
A63140To what purpose was it?
A63140To whom did you give it?
A63140To whom?
A63140Told whom?
A63140Under whom did he claim that Authority?
A63140Under whom then?
A63140Under whom?
A63140Under whom?
A63140Under whose hand were those Orders?
A63140Upon that, says Sir Nicholas Plunket, What is that?
A63140Upon your Oath, did you converse with him about bringing in the French?
A63140Upon your Oath, did you not swear before the Grand Jury, that you saw the Orders under his hand?
A63140Very well, when did you see the Letter with the young man in Caprennica?
A63140Was any of the Mony specified for raising an Army or bringing in the French?
A63140Was he reputed generally so to be?
A63140Was it the Attorney General or Plunket that summoned you?
A63140Was that Letter under his own Hand?
A63140Was that at the time when there were so many persons met?
A63140Was that you swore before the Grand Jury true, upon your Oath?
A63140Was the Original of his Hand Writing?
A63140Was the Paper you translated that from, of his Hand Writing?
A63140Was the Prisoner there?
A63140Was the end of that correspondence to bring men from France into Ireland?
A63140Well, so far we have got 70000 men to establish the Romish Religion, what, was Plunket to do this?
A63140Well, what of that?
A63140Well, you have nothing further to say in Bar of Judgment, you have said all you can?
A63140Were not you acquainted with him?
A63140Were you Chaplain to him?
A63140Were you a Protestant, Sir?
A63140Were you a Roman- Catholick at that time?
A63140Were you at any other meeting?
A63140Were you in the Prisoners company when he viewed the Ports?
A63140Were you in the company with them?
A63140Were you present at any of the general Consultations or Meetings?
A63140Were you required to take the Oath?
A63140Were you sworn before the Grand Jury?
A63140Were you there your self?
A63140What Language were those Conditions in?
A63140What Religion were you of then?
A63140What Year was it?
A63140What Year was that?
A63140What did he say?
A63140What did pass there?
A63140What do you know about the Prisoners viewing the Ports?
A63140What do you know concerning any Plot in Ireland, and Dr. Plunkets being in it?
A63140What do you know of any Orders issued out by Mr. Plunket, to raise mony from the Priests?
A63140What do you know of any design carrying on in Ireland against the Government and the Protestant Religion?
A63140What do you know of any of your own knowledge?
A63140What do you know of his being Primate?
A63140What do you know of your own knowledge?
A63140What greater evil can be designed by any man?
A63140What if they have?
A63140What in one Parish?
A63140What is his name?
A63140What is the reason you kept it secret all this while?
A63140What is your question, Dr. Plunket?
A63140What know you of any design in Ireland to introduce the Popish Religion?
A63140What made you take a Copy of it?
A63140What more do you know?
A63140What place did he pitch on as most convenient?
A63140What say you more of him?
A63140What say you to the Question?
A63140What things were those he had undertaken?
A63140What time were those Collections?
A63140What was his Name?
A63140What was that Design?
A63140What was the Parishes Name?
A63140What was the number contained in your List?
A63140What were they to do?
A63140What would you ask him?
A63140What year was this?
A63140What year?
A63140What year?
A63140When did you leave Ireland?
A63140When did you make this Translation?
A63140When did you return?
A63140When died he?
A63140When he went to take a view of those Ports, can you tell to what purpose he did it?
A63140When was this?
A63140Where are they?
A63140Where did you see him?
A63140Where did you take it?
A63140Where is that?
A63140Where was that Dr. Cray?
A63140Where was that meeting?
A63140Where was this?
A63140Who did he say made him Primate?
A63140Who else was there?
A63140Who gave him this Paper, he had it not before?
A63140Who is that man?
A63140Who told you this?
A63140Who was the first of these Primates you speak of?
A63140Who were they, you say, that were commanded sub poena suspensionis?
A63140Who were those Gentlemen?
A63140Whose Servant was he?
A63140Why did not he discover it before?
A63140Why did not you tell it to some Justice of the Peace?
A63140Why did you not speak all this while till now?
A63140Why were you exempted?
A63140Why, you are acquainted with this man, are you not, Mr. Plunket?
A63140Will you ak him any Questions, Mr. Plunket?
A63140Will you ask him any more?
A63140With him?
A63140With whom had Plunket correspondence in France?
A63140With whom?
A63140Yes, I received an Order sub poena suspensionis, and there was a publick Order throughout Ireland, or we would not pay it?
A63140You are a Papist then?
A63140You are asked questions here, and produced as a Witness, will you answer directly or not?
A63140You know that man, Dr. Plunket?
A63140You know the Prisoner, do n''t you?
A63140You say some mony was sent to Dr. Cray?
A63140You say you remember you saw me at my first coming as Primate 10 Years ago, and that you were at the Priory when I was there?
A63140You say you saw the Orders for raising of mony, how do youknow for what it was to be employed?
A63140You say you were Murfey''s Curate; Can you shew any such Institution as you say came to you to raise Mony?
A63140You say you were with him at my house?
A63140You say, I think, this was at Vicar- general Bradey''s; how came you to be there?
A63140You understood the Letters when you read them, did you not?
A63140You were a Papist then?
A63140You your self?
A63140did he explain himself?
A63140did he take the Oath of Secresie?
A63140under the King, or under the Pope?
A63140were you employed?
A63190And ask''d me, Are there working Persons employ''d in that business?
A63190And what else?
A63190And you said, You would suffer no more for Conscience sake?
A63190And, That it is an hard thing to want Bread?
A63190Answer my Brother''s Question, Was the Letter you had seen, before or after that Discourse at Fenwicks?
A63190Are you a Protestant now?
A63190Are you prepared to speak to it now?
A63190Are you prepared, Mr. Jones, to speak?
A63190As to ask when his Majesty will return from Windsor?
A63190At Fenwick''s Chamber?
A63190But did you ever receive a Letter from my Lord Castlemain?
A63190But pray mind, you will be morally not believed else: Do you know my Lord used any endeavours, in order to obtain a Divorce?
A63190By whom was that Case stated?
A63190Clerk of the Crown, This is your Verdict, You say he is not Guilty, so you say all?
A63190Clerk of the Crown, Who shall speak for you?
A63190D. Oates, My Lord, I do n''t know; but I am morally certain as to my self; but I ca n''t swear he did?
A63190D. Oates, What Consult?
A63190Did he acknowledg to you my Lords anger in the beginning of July?
A63190Did he call him by his Name?
A63190Did he put in Government?
A63190Did he say from whom he had received it?
A63190Did he write so?
A63190Did the Priests shew it to you?
A63190Did they mention the particulars of that Consult?
A63190Did you come with Hilsley?
A63190Did you deliver this Letter to my Lord Castlemain?
A63190Did you know Mr. Oates at St. Omers?
A63190Did you know Oates first in Spain?
A63190Did you know his Name?
A63190Did you know then that my Lord Castlemain had ever heard of this matter before?
A63190Did you see him then?
A63190Did you see him?
A63190Did you sign among the rest?
A63190Do n''t my Lord Cook tell you expresly, That the taking a Pardon doth not prove any Offence?
A63190Do n''t you know him?
A63190Do not you alwaies mean the Death of the King and the bringing in Popery?
A63190Do you hear, Mrs Cellier, was there any Letter sent by my Lord Castlemain to my Lady Powis, that was read before you and Dangerfieild?
A63190Do you know what the purport of the Letter was?
A63190Do you know?
A63190Do you prove this by any but Parker?
A63190Dr. Oates, Did not Mr. Fenwick pay for it?
A63190Dr. Oates, Had I Scholars Commons?
A63190Dr. Oates, My Lord, I will satisfie the Court when they question me?
A63190Dr. Oates, Shall I be allowed to satisfie the Court as to this Evidence?
A63190Dr. Oates, Who paid for my Quarters?
A63190Gen, Heark you, Woodman, were you sent with any Letter?
A63190Gen, Nor did you never receive any Notes from him?
A63190Gen. Did you ever receive any money of my Lord Castlemain?
A63190Gen. Madam, I think your Ladiship says you never sent a Letter by Dangerfield?
A63190Gen. Was it for Dangerfield?
A63190General, Come Mr. Dangerfield are you Sworn?
A63190General, Come, Mr. Dangerfield, are you sworn?
A63190General, Did he speak of it to him as a stranger to it?
A63190General, Have you any thing to ask, my Lord?
A63190General, How came that Discourse about Killing the King?
A63190General, My Lord, will you give me leave to speak?
A63190General, Then he did go about it?
A63190General, To my Lord Castlemain, or any body?
A63190General, When was he burnt in the Hand?
A63190Had he ever been angry before?
A63190Had you refused it to my Lord?
A63190Have you any more to say?
A63190Have you any more?
A63190Have you any thing more to ask?
A63190Have you any thing to say against Doctor Oates?
A63190Have you heard him?
A63190He asks a plain Question, why do you labour so much that he should not ask, Whether he had seen the Divorce?
A63190He asks you where it was he agreed to it?
A63190He does not remember that ever he was with you afterwards?
A63190He said, Why did you refuse to do that for which you were taken out of Prison?
A63190How came they to talk of laying aside the King and bringing in the Catholick Religion?
A63190How came you into my Lords acquaintance?
A63190How came you into this Discourse?
A63190How came you to Discourse this Affair here in England?
A63190How came you to see the Contents?
A63190How can you say it was so received by him?
A63190How did they bring in the Particulars of that Design?
A63190How did you come to know his Name?
A63190How do you believe it?
A63190How do you know he understood the word Design in its utmost capacity as you understood it?
A63190How do you know?
A63190How do you prove he was burnt in the Hand, my Lord?
A63190How long after?
A63190How long before the Plot did he lie at your House?
A63190How long had he been there?
A63190How long have you had it?
A63190How long might you be at Fenwicks?
A63190How many Letters have you seen?
A63190How many Messages had you?
A63190How much was it?
A63190How often had you seen him?
A63190How was it subscribed?
A63190How was that?
A63190I ask you Mr. Armstrong, Whether you knew any thing of Mr. Oates there?
A63190I asked about what matter?
A63190I asked his Lordship, What that was?
A63190I do n''t ask you whether he was there or no, but whether you saw him before the Consult was Signed?
A63190I was angry with him at such a time for a business at my house; was I not angry with him at Powis house for going to the Lords in the Tower?
A63190In 78?
A63190In general, where?
A63190In what company?
A63190In what would you satisfie us?
A63190Is it to Kill the King?
A63190Is it true that he gave you Ten Shillings?
A63190Is that the Newgate Pardon?
A63190Is that the business?
A63190It might be in June, or July, or August, but you think July?
A63190J. Jones, And you did not see him till after the Consult?
A63190J. Jones, Did you discover all this then?
A63190J. Jones, Have you any other Witness in the mean time?
A63190J. Jones, How doth any thing that your Lordship excepts against in this Gentleman''s Testimony contradict it self?
A63190J. Jones, How far was my Lord Castlemain concern''d in this?
A63190J. Jones, In the Court did he say it?
A63190J. Jones, My Lord, do you except against that one particular?
A63190J. Jones, To the Parliament?
A63190J. Jones, What are your Exceptions, my Lord?
A63190J. Jones, What did he subscribe then?
A63190J. Jones, When was he out- lawed?
A63190J. Jones, You saw him first in May?
A63190J. Raymond, How many Men have been Witnesses that have been convicted of Felonies, after the Kings have Pardon''d them?
A63190J. Raymond, I speak of Witheringon particularly?
A63190J. Raymond, The same year?
A63190J. Raymond, What Jesuits?
A63190J. Raymond, What do you say, Mr. Atturney?
A63190J. Raymond, When did he go away from you, Sir?
A63190J. Raymond, When did you see him again?
A63190J. Raymond, When was this?
A63190J. Raymond, Which of his Reports?
A63190J. Raymond, Why do you think so?
A63190L. C. J. Aloud?
A63190L. C. J. Dangerfield, that Discourse you had with my Lord, was it before the Jesuits dyed or after?
A63190L. C. J. I wonder what introduced the particulars: Was it to acquaint him with those particulars?
A63190L. C. J. Pray how came they to bring it in, in Discourse?
A63190L. C. J. Pray tell me what was the Subject of these Letters; what was the substance of them?
A63190L. C. J. Pray tell us the purpose of them?
A63190L. C. J. Pray what do you know of his Imployment in Spain?
A63190Might it be August?
A63190Mr. Dangerfield, What Discourse?
A63190Mr. Gregson were not you Landlord to Mr. Oates before the Plot was discovered?
A63190Mr. Hilsley did you come with Mr. Oates in April in the Pacquet- boat?
A63190Mr. Littcott, Do you know any thing about a Divorce?
A63190My Lord Castlemain did ask, Why he had not Answers to such and such Letters?
A63190My Lord Castlemain, I have askt the question for you, Whether or no he said he had seen the Divorce?
A63190Now what say you, my Lord?
A63190Only that, to promote the Design?
A63190Or did you only see it yourself?
A63190Prisoner, At Wild- house?
A63190Prisoner, Did I talk Treason at Wild- house?
A63190Prisoner, Did not you tell the King that you saw the Divorce in Strange''s hand?
A63190Prisoner, Did you never see me nor Discourse with me after that time?
A63190Prisoner, Did you not see me at Liege?
A63190Prisoner, Does not that confirm Mr. Hilsley''s testimony?
A63190Prisoner, How can a man be catch''d in the Truth?
A63190Prisoner, How many days do you think?
A63190Prisoner, I only submit it to your Lordships, Whether or no a Witness may go out of the Court?
A63190Prisoner, Look Mr. Oates, Was there any by besides Mr. Langworth and Mr. Fenwick?
A63190Prisoner, Look you, Mr. Oates, Pray let me ask you a Question, you said this, That you did not know me when you met me at the Consult?
A63190Prisoner, Mr. Oates, Did not you say, that at Wild- house you did not know me, nor I you?
A63190Prisoner, Mr. Oates, Pray Mr. Oates, did you and I ever meet together after that time?
A63190Prisoner, Mr. Oates, When was it you came over?
A63190Prisoner, Mr. Oates, you did say you saw a Divorce, I ask you whether you saw a Divorce, and where, or whether you said so?
A63190Prisoner, My Lady Powis is in Court, will you hear her?
A63190Prisoner, My Lord, He says he came from St. Omers at the Consult, Pray Sir, who did you come along with?
A63190Prisoner, Suppose I can prove him an Ill Man in any place, is not that fit to be spoken of here?
A63190Prisoner, That is before Lady- day?
A63190Prisoner, Was I familiar with you?
A63190Prisoner, Was I in Town or out of Town?
A63190Prisoner, Was I never angry with you but at that time?
A63190Prisoner, Was not he in a poor condition?
A63190Prisoner, Was not there another Priest there?
A63190Prisoner, Was there any thing about killing the King at Wild- house?
A63190Prisoner, What time were you at Leige, pray Sir?
A63190Prisoner, When did you come over again, pray Sir?
A63190Prisoner, When did you go to the Tower?
A63190Prisoner, When you met me in Lincolns- Inn- Fields, was I in a Coach or on Foot, or was any body with me?
A63190Prisoner, You do n''t know whether ever I discours''d with you afterwards?
A63190Prisoner, You saw Letters in Spain from me?
A63190Prisoner, You went over to Liege; did not you see me there?
A63190Prisoner, You were at Liege, did you stay there?
A63190Recorder, Ask him what you said to such a man upon the Ninth of August was Twelve Month, must he give an Account?
A63190Recorder, Things may be objected against a Person, and his Credit left to the Jury, but the Question now is; Whether he shall be a Witness or no?
A63190Said I, Mr. Oates, are these things true, that you swear against the Jesuits?
A63190Said I, Yes, my Lord, I was; Would you have me kill the King?
A63190Said he, How came it to pass he came over so soon again?
A63190Said he, Was not you at the Tower yesterday?
A63190Said he, Were not you at the Tower yesterday?
A63190Sir F. W. May we pass upon these Authorities?
A63190So you did not know his Name till Three Weeks or a Month after?
A63190That was after the Discovery?
A63190The reason is this, first you must have him perjured, and we are not now to try, Whether that thing sworn in another place be true or false?
A63190Then you did not see his Name to it?
A63190Then you know he did know of the Design?
A63190They did talk of it?
A63190To whom?
A63190To whom?
A63190To you?
A63190Was he not there Four months?
A63190Was it not given to you to give it him?
A63190Was not you at the Tower yesterday?
A63190Was that in the Letter?
A63190Was that in the Pillory too?
A63190Was the Exception taken, Mr. Atturney?
A63190Was there any body with him?
A63190Was there any endeavour by my Lord concerning it?
A63190Was this before the Plot was discovered?
A63190Was this the first?
A63190Was this the next day after it?
A63190Was you acquainted with my Lord Castlemains hand?
A63190Was you by?
A63190Was you ever in his Company after?
A63190Were not the Originals all to the same purpose?
A63190Were they not all alike?
A63190Were you by when the Lords in the Tower did agree to it?
A63190Were you present, Mr. Oates, pray, at that Consult, when I consented to the Kings Death?
A63190What Discourse had you with him?
A63190What Gentleman was this?
A63190What Infamy was contain''d in being a Villain?
A63190What did Mr. Oates say more?
A63190What did they agree to?
A63190What did they talk of at that time?
A63190What did you do with it?
A63190What did you say to him?
A63190What disturbance?
A63190What have you else to say?
A63190What have you to say to him, my Lord?
A63190What have you to say?
A63190What is his Name?
A63190What is it, my ● ord?
A63190What is that my Lord?
A63190What is that?
A63190What is the Page?
A63190What is your Name, Sir?
A63190What is your Name?
A63190What kind of fury did he shew to you at that time?
A63190What part?
A63190What say you, Sir Richard Barker, can you give any account of Oates?
A63190What should he know?
A63190What then?
A63190What time that you know of?
A63190What time?
A63190What use can you make of this?
A63190What was it?
A63190What was that?
A63190What was the occasion of that Discourse?
A63190What was, as far as you know, the very Expression of the Letter?
A63190What will you do against him?
A63190What, my Lord, to kill the King?
A63190When did he say so?
A63190When was Mr. Oates in Town?
A63190When was it you saw him?
A63190When was that?
A63190When was the time that these words were spoken?
A63190When was this?
A63190When was this?
A63190When you talk of the Design you always mean the Consult?
A63190Where did you receive this Letter?
A63190Where do you say that is?
A63190Where is that for which he was burnt in the hand?
A63190Where was my Lord?
A63190Where were you when you gave this Letter to the Provincial?
A63190Whether or no, I may use my own Method?
A63190Who and where?
A63190Who says so?
A63190Who was by?
A63190Who was it directed to?
A63190Who was speaking of it?
A63190Who was there?
A63190Why should he tell them so?
A63190Why so?
A63190Why wo n''t you do it?
A63190Will you admit that he stood in the Pillory?
A63190Will you swear it Mr. Oates?
A63190With whom did you come back?
A63190Woodman, To whom?
A63190Would he say in your hearing, that he desired their Assistance to carry on the Design, and you did not know him?
A63190Would the Gentleman let you hear him say, that he desired Assistance to carry on the Design, and you a stranger to him?
A63190Writing what?
A63190Yes says he, That is it, why wo n''t you do it?
A63190You had nothing but what they allow''d you?
A63190You have given us a very short Account of it in Four lines: You were two hours together, What was the main of your Discourse about?
A63190You own him to be the Lord Castlemain, When was it you did first discover this business concern ● ● g my Lord Castlemain?
A63190You were by?
A63190You were two hours together, pray let me ask you this Question, What was your Discourse about?
A63190Your charge is to inquire, Whether he be Guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63190of the Crown, Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A63190would you have me kill the King?
A63179And be it so in Fact, Will any man apply this to any thing was done before( as my Lord Howard sayes about a Consultation to joyn in Rebellion?)
A63179And consented to it?
A63179And is that the Man that went by the name of Clerk at New- Castle, and that you went with towards Scotland?
A63179And this Circumstance is a thing that may be helped by other proof; and what is this Circumstance?
A63179And upon Bells Examination, What says he?
A63179And upon your Oath that same man you saw there was the same man that lodged at your house in February was 12 month?
A63179And what you know of him?
A63179And which way went he then?
A63179Are the Rules out in this Cause?
A63179Are we to gratifie your Clyent?
A63179Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A63179As to his Spirit and Disposition, is he a Turbulent Man?
A63179As to what is spoken of his intention to go again into France, if he designed to go, why did he not go before all this mischief broke out?
A63179Ask him what discourse he had with him of the Plot since it brake out?
A63179Ask him why does he think the French Minister, the Savoyard as he calls him, should ask whether Mr. Hambden were in the Plot?
A63179At my Lord Russels you say it was?
A63179Ay, will you consent that we prove what the Duke of Monmouth has said?
A63179B. R. L. C. J. Mr. Attorney, Have you any thing to move?
A63179But Doctor did not you a little wonder at the carriage of my Lord Howard?
A63179But ask him the Question I put, Why should that Savoyard Parson say so?
A63179But is that any argument?
A63179But my Lord it concerns me in my Reputation; who is this Rascal they bring here?
A63179But pray how comes it to be a Challenge now that was not one before?
A63179But when he first came to your House, which way went he?
A63179But when he said they acted nothing but legally, what did he mean?
A63179But who gave an Account of the Reason of the Meeting?
A63179But you know the Law, why should you offer any such thing?
A63179By my Lord Mountagues House that now is, you mean?
A63179Can it then be an Objection against my Lord Howard, because he gives a Testimony VVest and Keeling could not give?
A63179Could they go further then the Killing of the King, which was their business?
A63179Did he deny it?
A63179Did he seem to declare any Opinion about the Plot or Conspiracy in general, That there was any such thing or not?
A63179Did he seem to take any Notice, or have any Knowledge of your Meeting, and other things before?
A63179Did he tell you to what part or place of Scotland he was to go?
A63179Did my Lord Howard use to come to you some times?
A63179Did you Name the Person then that was to go?
A63179Did you ever find him to be of a turbulent temper?
A63179Did you see any body else?
A63179Did you see him at any time after that?
A63179Did you take exact notice of the Man?
A63179Do n''t you believe a great many that were concerned in this Plot would deny it?
A63179Do you think he would tell the Doctor, or any Body else that he was Guilty, when he was like to be questioned?
A63179Do you think they called their Servants to be Witnesses of what they were about?
A63179Does that Act of Parliament make it a good cause of Challenge?
A63179Does that fellow look like a Man of that Figure, That I should say any thing, or have any conversation with him?
A63179Dr. Burnet, you say you did believe there was a Plot then?
A63179Dr. Needham, Pray, what can you say of any of these Gentlemens Opinions of my Lord Howard?
A63179Friend what is your Name?
A63179Gen, Do you keep any Inn there?
A63179Gen. About what time was that?
A63179Gen. And he would frequently discourse against the Goverment I suppose?
A63179Gen. And what did he do there?
A63179Gen. Are not you one of the Bail, Sir Henry Hobart?
A63179Gen. At that time did my Lord express himself as discontented, and that it was irksome to him to be brought as a Witness?
A63179Gen. By his discourse, you possibly might understand what he meant, did he mean being privy to the Murder of the King or the raising of Rebellion?
A63179Gen. Did Aaron Smith say any thing?
A63179Gen. Did Mr. Mountague go over?
A63179Gen. Did any of you oppose it at all?
A63179Gen. Did he desire you to furnish him with a guide?
A63179Gen. Did he make no distinction?
A63179Gen. Did he say a word of Mr. Hambden?
A63179Gen. Did he tell you when he intended to go over, Sir Henry?
A63179Gen. Did the rest consent to it?
A63179Gen. Did you go any by- Road to get into Scotland?
A63179Gen. Did you see any Commission they had?
A63179Gen. Had this Gentleman a view of Aaron Smith?
A63179Gen. Had you a view of this man they call Aaron Smith?
A63179Gen. Have you heard him at any time complain of the Male Administration of the Government?
A63179Gen. Have you never heard any such thing from him?
A63179Gen. How do you know it?
A63179Gen. How many 100 Errors do you find in my Lord Coke, notwithstanding all his Learning?
A63179Gen. Is it an high- open- Road?
A63179Gen. Mr. Atterbury, What do you know of these Scotch- men coming to Town; and what became of them afterwards?
A63179Gen. Mr. Howard, Then I will ask you your Opinion, whether in your Judgment, every man that was in the Plot could not have said so much?
A63179Gen. My Lord Howard, Did Mr. Hambden discourse of this matter?
A63179Gen. My Lord Howard, Pray were the Names of any of the Scotch- men mentioned at your Meeting, that were to be sent for?
A63179Gen. My Lord Newport, Why do you lift up your hands?
A63179Gen. My Lord of Clare, Did you never hear my Lord Howard before this complain of the Government that it was amiss, and was to be rectified?
A63179Gen. My Lord, how can my Lord Howard be prepared to give any answer to this?
A63179Gen. Not at the time of the last Westminster Parliament?
A63179Gen. Now pray give an accompt what you know of the man you saw?
A63179Gen. Pray give my Lord and the Jury an account What you know of any Person that lay at your house some time since and whether you have seen him since?
A63179Gen. Pray good my Lord, Why did you joy my Lord Howard, had you any reason to mistrust my Lord?
A63179Gen. Pray my Lord, before you come to tell the particular Discourses, give an account how, and upon what grounds you came to have this Juncto of Six?
A63179Gen. Pray what did he say?
A63179Gen. Pray what was the reason you had to believe it?
A63179Gen. Pray, Sir Henry, ask him this Question; How long ago it was since he left him?
A63179Gen. Then where is Bell?
A63179Gen. To whose Province was that comitted of sending this Person into Scotland?
A63179Gen. Was there any Servant with him?
A63179Gen. Was this before my Lord Howard was taken?
A63179Gen. Was this in March, 83?
A63179Gen. What Name did he go by?
A63179Gen. What Resolution did you come to then?
A63179Gen. What Sign?
A63179Gen. What became of the others?
A63179Gen. What became of them upon the Discovery of the Plot?
A63179Gen. What day of the Month, and what Month was it?
A63179Gen. What name did he go by at your house?
A63179Gen. What things were spoken of?
A63179Gen. What was debated there?
A63179Gen. What was it for?
A63179Gen. Where is Aaron Smith?
A63179Gen. Where is Mr. Atterbury?
A63179Gen. Where was it in England or France?
A63179Gen. Whither did he go from you?
A63179Gen. Whither was he to go?
A63179Gen. Who was there?
A63179Gen. Will you ask him any Questions?
A63179Gen. You say he was at your House last February, pray tell the Court where that is?
A63179Gen. You say in 1680. he went into France, and in( 82) he came over again?
A63179God''s life who is he?
A63179Had he a servant with him?
A63179Had you any other discourse with my Lord about it?
A63179Have you done with him?
A63179Have you had any intimate conversation with him?
A63179Have you known this Gentleman Mr. Hambden, and what a sort of a man is he?
A63179He sits down here pointing to the Table What would you ask him?
A63179Here is the person principal, will they render him in Custody?
A63179How has he been, Sir, as to his Disposition and Spirit?
A63179How long did he continue abroad, Sir Henry?
A63179How long did you tarry there, Sir, your self?
A63179How long is it since?
A63179How long was that after your second Meeting at my Lord Russels where you say you intrusted Col. Sidney to send one into Scotland?
A63179How long wilt thou be so Foolishly prevailed upon, as to believe the World was ever Made, or will ever have an End?
A63179How near Scotland is it?
A63179How say you?
A63179How sayst thou, art thou Guilty of this High Misdemeanour whereof thou standest Indicted, and hast been now Arraigned, or not Guilty?
A63179I appeal to the Rule of Court, whether he was not Bail upon the Habeas Corpus Act only?
A63179I asked if there were any Servants that were nearer to his Grace in the House, that I might speak with?
A63179I askt him who he meant?
A63179I consent?
A63179I desire to know who that Rascal is; What is he?
A63179I desired to speak with him, and he came out to me; I asked him if the Duke was there?
A63179I had former Discourses with my Lord Howard at other times, and I asked him; My Lord, what tends all this to?
A63179I would fain know, what one Opinion in a stragling Book is against the Currant of all our Law?
A63179In the Popish Plot, what Witnesses of it had you there?
A63179In what Company was he to go?
A63179In what places you were to serve him, and who you left it with?
A63179Is he convicted of any crime?
A63179Is my Lord of Essex now before us?
A63179Is that the Road to Scotland?
A63179Is the Defendant guilty of the Trespass and Misdemeanor whereof he is impeached, or not guilty?
A63179Just, Did any of you dissent from the Riseing?
A63179L. C. J. Ay, what say you, will you render him in custody?
A63179L. C. J. Ay, you lay it before us, but you are a Lawyer, do you your self think fit it should be done?
A63179L. C. J. Pray give an account of that?
A63179L. C. J. Pray how far was this, you say you went with him to Jadbrough, how far distant is that from New- Castle?
A63179L. C. J. Pray, my Lord, who was the Person?
A63179Let my Lord of Essex have what Opinion he would of him; How does that concern the Defendant?
A63179Mr. A. Gen. How long after the first Meeting at Mr. Hambden''s was that?
A63179Mr. Atterbury, do you know Aaron Smith?
A63179Mr. Attorney, Did this Man see Smith at the time the other saw him?
A63179Mr. Attorney, Has my Lord Howard his Pardon?
A63179Mr. Ducas, Pray what did you hear my Lord Howard say at any time concerning this Conspiracy, and who were concerned in it, and who were not?
A63179Mr. J. Withins, Had you any discourse with Col. Sidney, my Lord, afterwards that he was sent?
A63179Mr. Sheriffe, He had a man with him that stay''d at our house during the time of his going Northward?
A63179My Lord Grey is gone and the Duke of Monmouth is gone, why wo n''t you go?
A63179My Lord Paget, Pray what have you heard my Lord Howard say concerning the Plot, and when?
A63179My Lord of Clare, Will your Lordship please to acquaint the Court and the Jury, what you heard my Lord Howard say concerning the late Conspiracy?
A63179My Lord, Do you think that every thing that a Man speaks at the Bar for his Client, and his Fee, is therefore to be believed, because he said it?
A63179My Lord, is Mr. Hambden here?
A63179Of the Plot?
A63179Or any other Scotch- men that you know of?
A63179Or was he a studious retired Man, or What?
A63179Pray Sir, when went Mr. Hambden abroad to go into France?
A63179Pray Sir, will you acquaint the Court and the Jury what you have heard my Lord Howard say about the late Conspiracy?
A63179Pray Sir, will you tell my Lord and the Jury what you know about the Cambell''s, and Sir John Cockram''s being in Town?
A63179Pray did he then say he would do any thing rather then go to the Tower, when you were talking of the Plot and Conspiracy?
A63179Pray do you believe it now?
A63179Pray in that time, What was his Disposition?
A63179Pray mind what is the business before you?
A63179Pray what did you hear my Lord Howard say concerning the Plot?
A63179Pray what was that Undertaking?
A63179Pray where is Mr. Benjamin Mercer?
A63179Pray, Sir, Will you ask him, Was he employ''d to get any French Servants to be with him?
A63179Pray, Sir, ask the Dr. this Question, If he be acquainted with Mr. Hambden?
A63179Pray, Sir, what is his Disposition?
A63179Pray, my Lord, as near as you can remember, will you give an Account what was the thing he began to discourse of?
A63179Said I, Pray will you give this Subpoena to the Duke, or to Mr. Row to give it the Duke?
A63179Say they, If we prove my Lord of Essex was not there, or such an one was not there, would it not discredit the Evidence of my Lord Howard?
A63179Says he, I think the Man is mad, What does he mean?
A63179Sir Andrew, You say, you saw Sir John Cockram, and Monrow?
A63179Sir Henry Hobart, How long have you been acquainted with this Gentleman, Mr. Hambden?
A63179Sir Henry, Will you please to repeat what Questions we shall ask, and what Answers he makes?
A63179Sir, Do you know of any preparation made by Mr. Hambden for it?
A63179Sir, Will you please to acquaint the Court, what acquaintance you have had with Mr. Hambden, and how long?
A63179Sir, did he barely affirm it, or with Asseverations and Imprecations?
A63179Some would speak of the Time when it should be, whether it were not convenient now or when?
A63179Speak again to the Jury that did not hear you, what said my Lord Howard to you?
A63179Sware Dr. Burnet which was done Pray will you Doctor acquaint the Court, what you heard my Lord Howard say concerning the late Plot, and when?
A63179Swear him which was done Pray will you give the Court an account, Whether you did serve the D. of Monmouth with any Subpoena?
A63179Tell what you know?
A63179That a man that was not accused, that you heard of, should make such solemn Protestations?
A63179That is a vain and idle imagination?
A63179Then he tells you concerning the time; it was Debated, Whether it should be all at one time, or at several times?
A63179Then says I, I hope you gave the Duke it?
A63179This was about July you say?
A63179This was the day after the Discovery broke out?
A63179To Jadbrough my Lord?
A63179Upon what Questions did you debate and consult, my Lord?
A63179Was Mr. Hambden there at the second Meeting?
A63179Was he a Factious, Seditious Person?
A63179Was he a Seditious and Turbulent Man?
A63179Was he served with a Subpoena?
A63179Was it some Months before?
A63179Was this Plot legal?
A63179Well call your next Witness Gentlemen?
A63179Well then, what say you for Mr. Hambden?
A63179Well there is Dr. Needham, What do you ask him?
A63179Well what do you ask my Lord of Clare?
A63179Well, what do you ask this Man?
A63179Well, what said that Minister to him?
A63179Well, who do you call next?
A63179Were they strangers to the Plot?
A63179Were you ever in his Company at any time when he discoursed about Government?
A63179Were you in France then at this time?
A63179Were you speaking of the Conspiracy?
A63179What Company was he to go in, and what time?
A63179What March, Sir?
A63179What Opinion had my Lord of Essex of him?
A63179What Record is it Sir?
A63179What a question is that, Mr. Serjeant?
A63179What can be a greater reflection?
A63179What can be greater than that of being the Kings Tenant?
A63179What did he say Sir?
A63179What do you ask him?
A63179What do you know, Sir, of his intentions to go again beyond Sea?
A63179What do you mean by that, Mr. Williams?
A63179What had these Gentlemen to do to take upon themselves this Power without Authority?
A63179What is he then?
A63179What is that to this Case, Mr. Williams?
A63179What is your Cause of Challenge?
A63179What is your Cause of Challenge?
A63179What say you as to his Disposition; Because this Indictment says he is a Person of a Turbulent, Factious, Seditious Spirit?
A63179What say you as to his Loyalty and Principles?
A63179What say you to it, Gentlemen, for the Defendant?
A63179What should provoke him to come and forswear himself, when he is under no danger as to his own particular?
A63179What then if he have?
A63179What was my Lord''s Opinion of the Plot in June or July, or August?
A63179What, he spake as if there were like to be great heats and stirs, I suppose?
A63179When he first came to your house about the middle of February was twelve month, Whither was he bound then, Northward or Southward?
A63179When was it say you?
A63179When was it?
A63179When was this my Lord?
A63179When was this?
A63179When was this?
A63179When was this?
A63179When was this?
A63179When was this?
A63179When, Sir, do you mean?
A63179Where does he live?
A63179Where is Mr. Pelham?
A63179Whether they should onely begin here, and the Country fall in, or all at once?
A63179Which do you call a stragling Book, Mr Attorney?
A63179Who shall say for you?
A63179Who to be a Prisoner again?
A63179Who will say so, Mr. Jones?
A63179Why do you spend our time in urging things that are nothing to the purpose, and can not be allowed?
A63179Why should any Man sneak and sculk, and be ashamed to own an honest and lawful business?
A63179Will Mr. Hambden''s declaration be any evidence, he being a Person accused?
A63179Will any man think, that he should talk at that kind of rate, if that were his Employment, and tell whether he were going?
A63179Will that be any evidence do you think, Mr. Thompson?
A63179Will you ask him the Question?
A63179Will you please to recollect, and tell what you know who began the Discourse?
A63179Yes, Sir, said I, I did, had you it?
A63179You hear the Question, Sir, how long have you been acquainted with Mr. Hambden?
A63179You must give your Evidence your self Mr. Howard, I hope you do not Swear by Book?
A63179Your going up into the City and making these meetings?
A63179answer my question, will you render him in Custody?
A63179are you afraid?
A63179my Lord Coke''s Institutes, or my Lord Rolls Abridgment?
A63179said I, why are you not concerned for my Lord Russel?
A63179what February?
A63179what reason had he to think Mr. Hamdden was in the Plot?
A63176''Pray, Did I go down post four or five times, do you say in that space?
A63176''Pray, from whom did you receive that money?
A63176''Pray, my Lord, ask him who took his Horse from him?
A63176''Prethee, I do not know when thou camest to Newgate, it may be thou hast been there oftner than once?
A6317611 Miles you say, Sir?
A63176And did not he go from thence that night?
A63176And to whom my Lord?
A63176And you say he did not go out of Town till August?
A63176Ask my Lord, Whether he be guilty, or not guilty?
A63176Ay, God forbid else; what is his name?
A63176Ay, what did he say to you about it?
A63176Ay,''pray tell my Lord, how you came acquainted with my Lord Brandon?
A63176But I ask you a plain Question, upon your Oath is it the best way into Cheshire?
A63176But did not he tell you as he went along, whither he was going?
A63176But how came you to be so exact as to the time?
A63176But mind my Question, Did you agree that he should have him but 3 days?
A63176But now, My Lords, comes the Question, the main Question, How is it made out that he had Notice, Jones brought such a Message?
A63176But we are as much at a loss now as ever we were, for what day that Tryal was does not appear: What day was my Lord Macclesfield''s Tryal?
A63176By the way, Friend, where is that Brand that you speak of?
A63176Call whom you please, My Lord?
A63176Call your Witnesses, Mr. Attorney; Who do You begin with?
A63176Can you instance in particular, Friend, of any Fraud, Cheat, or Cozenage that he has been guilty of?
A63176Can you tell where he went when he went from your House?
A63176Culprit, How wilt thou be Tryed?
A63176Did he go upon his own Horse?
A63176Did my Lord then tell you how your Friends did in Cheshire?
A63176Did not I ask you afterwards one Question more, and told you it was a Cheat, and you said it should be mended?
A63176Did not he agree with you for 12 d. a day as long as he used your Horse?
A63176Did not he give thee a Bond for all thy money?
A63176Did not my wife tell you that Richard Hildage lent me the money?
A63176Did you belong to him?
A63176Did you belong to him?
A63176Did you ever speak with Saxon himself?
A63176Did you hear at any time that he stay''d by the way, between his going from you and coming to his own House?
A63176Do you know what Door of the house you were let in at?
A63176Does Mere lye in the Road between Sir Willoughby Aston''s and Crew- Hall, so that your Master might be there within that time?
A63176Does he look as if he were fit to be employed for the raising of ten thousand men?
A63176Does he owe thee any thing now?
A63176Does he seem to be a man of such considerable Interest in his Countrey?
A63176Gen. Before my Lord Howard goes, I would ask him one Question in general, Whether he knew of any Design of a Rising in Cheshire?
A63176Gen. Do you know any thing of Jones''s coming into Holland, and for what?
A63176Gen. Had he any Servant with him at that time?
A63176Gen. Had you any discourse with the Duke of Monmouth about it at any time?
A63176Gen. Had you no discourse with Disney what he had done with the Message, when you met at Smithfield?
A63176Gen. How far did you ride that night?
A63176Gen. My Lord, I would acquaint your Grace that this is an unwilling Witness, and we are forc''d to pump all out of him by questions?
A63176Gen. My Lord, the Question I ask You, is, What do You know of any Design of a Rising in Cheshire, and when?
A63176Gen. Pray Mr. Babington, do you tell my Lords what you know of my Lord Delamere''s going by the name of Brown?
A63176Gen. Pray Mr. Edlin, will you look upon that Gentleman that stands at the Bar; is that he that went by the name of Brown?
A63176Gen. Pray Sir, how long were you riding that, from the Bell in Coleman- Street to Hoddesden?
A63176Gen. Pray Sir, when did he tell you he came to Town?
A63176Gen. Pray give my Lords an account whether you went out of Town with my Lord Delamere, and when?
A63176Gen. Pray tell the Court as near as you can, what day it was you came?
A63176Gen. Pray was that the direct Road to Cheshire that you went?
A63176Gen. Pray were you at any meeting with any body, and whom, at any Tavern, and what Tavern where any such discourse was had?
A63176Gen. Pray what Office had you under the Duke of Monmouth?
A63176Gen. Pray what discourse had you with the late Duke of Monmouth about the Prisoner at the Bar?
A63176Gen. Pray when was it that Vaux met you at the Custom- House?
A63176Gen. Pray when was it you went out of Town, Story?
A63176Gen. Pray who was that Mr. Brown as they meant, as you apprehended?
A63176Gen. Pray who were present when you had this Discourse with Disney?
A63176Gen. Pray, Mr. Booth, did you know of your Brothers going out of Town the 27 th of May?
A63176Gen. Pray, Sir, had you any discourse with the late Duke of Monmouth at Shepton Mallet?
A63176Gen. Then you rid hard out of Town?
A63176Gen. Well then, what time did you set out?
A63176Gen. What Lords did he name, that he depended upon?
A63176Gen. What day of the Month did you go out of Town?
A63176Gen. What directions were given him, what Lords to go to?
A63176Gen. What discourse had you with Disney, or any body else about my Lord Delamere''s going by the name of Brown?
A63176Gen. What name did my Lord Delamere then go by?
A63176Gen. What number of Declarations did Disney print?
A63176Gen. What other Company went with you?
A63176Gen. What time did you get thither?
A63176Gen. What time of the night was it you went out of London?
A63176Gen. What was the name of him you did know?
A63176Gen. Whither did you go then?
A63176Gen. Whither was it that he sent for you?
A63176Gen. Whither was my Lord Delamere going then?
A63176Gen. Who else were to be acquainted with it?
A63176Gen. Who was he sent to, to acquaint with his coming?
A63176Gen. Who went out of Town with you?
A63176Gen. You made it your way; but I ask you whether it be the best way?
A63176Gen. You say, Sir, that you went first for Hoddesden?
A63176Goodenough, My Lord, he said( among other things) that he hoped my Lord Delamere would not break his promise with him?
A63176H. St. Has your Lordship nothing more to ask him but that?
A63176Had Lock any of those Declarations away for that Mr. Brown you speak of?
A63176Had you never the money?
A63176Has your Lordship any Question to ask him?
A63176Have you any more Questions to ask him?
A63176Have you any more Witnesses, my Lord?
A63176Have you any more Witnesses, my Lord?
A63176Have you any more questions to ask him, Mr. Attorney?
A63176Have you any more questions to ask him, Mr. Attorney?
A63176Have you any thing more then to say, My Lord?
A63176Have you any thing more to say, My Lord?
A63176Have you done with him Mr. Attorney?
A63176He lived with him in the House all the while he says?
A63176He must be but one day by computation of time?
A63176He was not come to Town?
A63176He went forward Post into Cheshire, did he not?
A63176He, who do you mean?
A63176Henry, Baron of Delamere, Art thou Guilty of the High- Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, and hast been now Arraign''d, or Not Guilty?
A63176How came you to be recommended by my Lord Brandon to these Gentlemen: Were you acquainted with my Lord Brandon?
A63176How came you to see him?
A63176How come you to remember so punctually when he came to Town, and that he staid here all the while?
A63176How come you to remember the time so particularly?
A63176How did he read it?
A63176How do you know this?
A63176How long ago was it since he hired your Horse?
A63176How long time was it before that, that you had not seen him?
A63176How long was he in the Country?
A63176How many times do you think my Lord did ride post to and fro?
A63176How much Money did he owe thee?
A63176How much dost thou call a deal?
A63176How sayst thou, Henry Baron of Delamere, Art thou guilty of this High Treason whereof thou hast been indicted, or not guilty?
A63176I beg your Grace would please to satisfie me whether your Grace be one of my Judges in concurrence with the rest of the Lords?
A63176I desire to know, when was the first time that he made Oath of this, and upon what occasion it was?
A63176I desire you would please to ask him whether or no, he did not lend me the money?
A63176I humbly thank your Grace, I desire to know of him, who let him into the house?
A63176I live with him in the House?
A63176I perceive by the time, he rid into the Rebellion with this Horse, and he was a very Knave for so doing, upon my Conscience?
A63176I shall be very glad of it, My Lord?
A63176If he did, pray acquaint my Lords, who they were?
A63176If your Grace please I would ask Sir Willoughby Aston one question?
A63176If your Grace please, I desire to know what the Business was that he was to do?
A63176If your Grace please, I would ask him another Question?
A63176If your Lordships please my Mother may be examined?
A63176In what Capacity did you serve Sir Robert Cotton?
A63176In what Capacity, Friend?
A63176Is he here?
A63176It is not so long ago, but you may easily recollect your self; pray what day was it that my L. Delamere sent for you?
A63176Just now you said they were to go to Cheshire?
A63176L d. H. St. Will you ask him any questions, my Lord Delamere?
A63176L. Delamere, Pray can you remember what time in June you saw me in Town here?
A63176L. H. St. About what time was this, pray you?
A63176L. H. Steward, My Lords the Judges have you considered of the Matter that has been proposed to you, and what is your Opinion?
A63176Lord Delamere, Pray, Sir, did you ever know any body else that went by the name of Brown besides me?
A63176Lord H. St. Have you any more questions to ask him, Mr. Attorney?
A63176Lord H. St. Will your Lordship please to ask this Witness any questions, my Lord?
A63176Lord H. Steward, Had he a Servant with him every time he came down Post?
A63176Lord H. Steward, Well, and what Discourse had you with him at that, or any other time?
A63176Lord H. Steward, Will you ask him any questions, my Lord Delamere?
A63176Matthews or Jones brought over from Holland, and to whom, and from whom?
A63176May I answer this question, my Lord?
A63176Mr. Attorney, Do you desire my Lord Howard should give an Account of those other Meetings, and Consultations, at which he was present?
A63176Mr. Edlin about the latter end of May last, went out of Town, as I heard, and when he came back again, I asked him whither he went?
A63176My Lord Delamere, Will You ask him any Questions?
A63176My Lord Delamere, will you ask him any Questions?
A63176My Lord Delamere, will you ask him any Questions?
A63176My Lord Delamere, will your Lordship ask him any questions?
A63176My Lord High Steward, with your Grace''s leave, may I ask this Witness any Questions?
A63176My Lord Howard, not to interrupt you, Did he name those other Lords?
A63176My Lord Steward, I humbly pray this Witness may be asked, to whom that Letter was written, that he saith the late Duke of Monmouth sent by Jones?
A63176My Lord desires to know of you, when it was that you first made known this against him?
A63176My Lord, I ask him whether it were the next Door to the Stable?
A63176My Lord, I can not very well give an account of that, for I was never at the house before?
A63176My Lord, I desire your Grace would ask him what time he came up?
A63176My Lord, I would ask him whether the Door he was let in at was that which was nearest to the Stable, or which Door?
A63176My Lord, he says he was sent for to my House, I desire to know who was the Messenger that was sent for him?
A63176My Lords, are you agreed of your Verdict?
A63176Next my Lord, I desire to know when he came to my House, whether he did alight from his Horse at the Stables that belong to the House or no?
A63176Pray Mrs. Lane will you give an account when it was Sir Robert Cotton came to Town, and how long he staid here?
A63176Pray Sir, will you please to recollect your self what time you saw Sir Robert Cotton, and where, the last Summer?
A63176Pray Sir, will you satisfie my Lord, whether the Bishop was not ill at that time?
A63176Pray did you hear or know upon the Road, whither he was going?
A63176Pray into what Countrey was he to carry them?
A63176Pray is the usual way from his house to yours by my Lord Delamere''s?
A63176Pray repeat what it was he acquainted you with?
A63176Pray where was he the 2 d of June?
A63176Pray who gave you directions to call my Lord Delamere by the name of Brown?
A63176Pray will you give my Lords and the Court an account whither you went with my Lord Delamere out of Town, and when?
A63176Pray, did he shew you any Places in any Maps?
A63176Pray, what made you come back again so soon?
A63176Recommended by him, who does he mean?
A63176Shaw, can you tell any thing of Thomas Saxon''s writing a Letter, and sending it in the Name of one Paugston a Bayliff?
A63176Sir, I desire to know how far it is from your house to my Lord Delamere''s?
A63176So you speak as to the 2 d and 3 d of June?
A63176Swear Hope, which was done Pray tell my Lords what Discourse you had with my Lord Delamere, and when?
A63176That which I would know of you, Mr. Goodenough is, Whether Jones was sent of my Message, and about what?
A63176Then I desire to know, my Lord, whether he did remain a Prisoner in the Country all the other time?
A63176Then Mr. Attorney General, will you proceed?
A63176Then Mr. Attorney, and you that are of the Kings Counsel, What have you to say more?
A63176Then it will be fit for you to give an account where you were the 28 th of May, and so all along till the 3 d of June?
A63176Then the Method you are to take, is this, you must propound your Questions to me, and then I will propound them to the Witness?
A63176Then what is it you would have him asked, Saxon?
A63176Then whither went he?
A63176Then who do you call next, Mr. Attorney?
A63176Then, Gentlemen, Will You have him asked any more Questions?
A63176There is my Lord Lovelace, what will you ask him?
A63176There is your Witness, What say you to him?
A63176Was he at Mere that day at my Lord Delamere''s?
A63176Was it a Lease for Years, or a Lease for Lives?
A63176Was that the first time my Lord went by that name, as you know of?
A63176Was the Bond read to you?
A63176Was there no body else but we there?
A63176Well, Mr Attorney, is that all you have to ask him?
A63176Well, What do You ask my Lord Howard?
A63176Well, are you sure he was in Town all the Month of June?
A63176Well, well, Hold your tongue; will your Lordship please to go on?
A63176Well, what do you ask him?
A63176Well, what do you ask this Witness?
A63176Well, what do you say, Sir Willoughby?
A63176Well, what dost thou know ill of him?
A63176Well, what say you, Sir?
A63176Well, what say you?
A63176Well, what says this Witness?
A63176Well, what says this man?
A63176Well, who do you call next?
A63176Were they Printed at that time?
A63176Were you acquainted with any great Number?
A63176Were you at Disney''s when the Declarations were printed there?
A63176Were you in the same house with him, Madam?
A63176Were you no time from him?
A63176Were you then in the same Prison with Storey?
A63176Were you with Mr. Offley the whole Journey home?
A63176What Business of Importance had my Lord Delamere ever imploy''d you about before this time?
A63176What Declarations were those you speak of?
A63176What June do you mean?
A63176What day did he come to Town do you say?
A63176What day of June?
A63176What day was it?
A63176What did he say the Bond should be made for?
A63176What did you apprehend by his reading it was made for?
A63176What didst thou never find him?
A63176What do you ask him?
A63176What do you ask him?
A63176What do you ask this Gentlewoman?
A63176What do you ask this Man, My Lord?
A63176What do you ask this Witness?
A63176What he told you so, did he?
A63176What is it that you ask Sir Willoughby Aston?
A63176What is it you ask of this Witness?
A63176What is this Gentleman''s name?
A63176What say you did Richard Hildage lend him the money?
A63176What say you to it Saxon?
A63176What say you to it, Mr. Attorney?
A63176What say you to that?
A63176What should it have been for?
A63176What time did he come home?
A63176What time of the day was it when you parted?
A63176What time was that, you say, I came without any Servant, only with a Post- boy?
A63176What, as long as he used him, or only for 3 days?
A63176What, she lived in the Countrey, did she?
A63176What, to his house in Staffordshire?
A63176When did he tell it Storey, my Lord?
A63176When was this do you say?
A63176When was this, do you say?
A63176Where did you part with my Lord Delamere, and when?
A63176Where is Paugston?
A63176Where is that Mrs. Wilbraham, is she here?
A63176Where is your house?
A63176Where was that?
A63176Wherein dost thou mean?
A63176Which way did you come back?
A63176Which will you begin with first?
A63176Who do you call next, My Lord?
A63176Who do you call next, My Lord?
A63176Who do you go to next, Mr. Attorney?
A63176Who is your Master?
A63176Whose are those two Letters?
A63176Whose discourse did you understand it by?
A63176Why then, when came he hither to Town again?
A63176Wilkinson,''pray tell my Lords, how Saxon dealt with you about your Horse?
A63176Will my Lord Delamere ask him any Questions?
A63176Will you ask Sir Willoughby Aston any more Questions?
A63176Will you ask him any more questions, my Lord?
A63176Will you ask him any questions, my Lord Delamere?
A63176Will your Grace be pleas''d to accept it as I have done it?
A63176Will your Grace be pleased to hear me tell you my Reasons why I offer you a Plea of this nature to the Indictment?
A63176Will your Grace give direction for my Lord to proceed?
A63176Will your Grace please to ask him, where that was, and when?
A63176Will your Grace please to hear what I have to say?
A63176Will your Lordship ask him any more Questions?
A63176Within what space of time?
A63176You hear my Lord''s question, who did Monmouth send that Letter by Jones to?
A63176You hear the Question; What say You to it, my Lord?
A63176and about what?
A63176and who were engaged in it?
A63176at this rate who can be innocent, If a man must be guilty because others intend to draw him into Treason?
A63176mean, one that was in the Army?
A63176or, was he to give you 12 d. a day for so long as he kept him out?
A63176who appeared Pray were you that day with Mr. Offley when he went from Sir Willoughby Aston''s?
A63228( If they shall take Tests and Sacraments, and all this, under colour of Religion be avoided, and signifie nothing, what is become of all converse?
A63228( for we must deal subtilly with such as you are,) have you been in his company ten times?
A63228And heard all this?
A63228And that we were there present?
A63228And the Question is, whether the thing be true?
A63228And you swear, Ireland was there?
A63228Are you sure Pickering and Grove accepted of the Terms?
A63228Are you sworn S ● ●?
A63228As being where, in what place?
A63228At what time was that?
A63228Baldwyn, What do you know of the Ruffains that went down to Windsor ▪ what success had they?
A63228Bertue ▪ Was the Commission which you delivered to Sir John Gage from Ashby or from Whitebread?
A63228But Mr. Oates pray Mr. Oates, when was Mr. Cary dispatched away to Rome, and what was his Errand?
A63228But he did talk of Ireland?
A63228But they were not required to sign this, were they?
A63228But what if I prove, I was not in London all August last, from the beginning to the end?
A63228But you say Mico did draw up the resolution, where was that?
A63228By whom?
A63228By whom?
A63228Ca n''t you tell what they were?
A63228Can you bring any one that can testifie it?
A63228Can you name any one person that he hath sealed a Commission to?
A63228Can you recollect by the discourses you have heard, how long he might have known Ireland?
A63228Can you tell the Court and the Jury when it was that by agreement Grove should have the fifteen hundred pound?
A63228Clerk of Crown, Culprit how wilt thou be Tryed?
A63228Clerk of Crown, Culprit how wilt thou be Tryed?
A63228Clerk of Crown, Culprit how wilt thou be tryed?
A63228Clerk of Crown, Culprit, how wilt thou be Tryed?
A63228Clerk of Crown, God send thee a good deliverance, How saist thou John Grove, art tho ● ● Guilty of the same High Treason or not Guilty?
A63228Clerk of the Crown, Culprit how wilt thou be Tryed?
A63228Did Grove intend to champ them?
A63228Did Mr. Oates ever pay it again?
A63228Did Strange ever lye at your house?
A63228Did he come from London on that day?
A63228Did he desire you to lend him the eight shillings?
A63228Did he lye th ● ● re in April o ● ● M ● ● y?
A63228Did he shew you the Bullets?
A63228Did not you say that you were at my Chamber the 24th of April with the Resolve of the Consult?
A63228Did the other three sign it?
A63228Did they accept it before they took the Sacrament?
A63228Did they tell you when, and where the agreement was made?
A63228Did you ask him so the money, and had you it?
A63228Did you ever hear them speak any thing in particular?
A63228Did you ever see me before?
A63228Did you go back again?
A63228Did you know, that when he ca ● ● e over from beyond sea, that hi ● … was frequented by any ● ● d by whom?
A63228Did you lend him eight shillings?
A63228Did you lye at his house?
A63228Did you never hear of it before?
A63228Did you never see him at Whitebreads?
A63228Did you not know him before?
A63228Did you pay eight shillings for him?
A63228Did you see the Instructions left for Ashby?
A63228Did you see the Oath administred?
A63228Did your Brother know any thing of them?
A63228Did your Brother receive any money from the ● ●?
A63228Do you know Le- Fair and Perrare?
A63228Do you know Mr. Ireland?
A63228Do you know Mr. Oates?
A63228Do you know Tonstall?
A63228Do you know any thing of Mr, Whitebreads being present at of the Consults?
A63228Do you know that Friends name?
A63228Do you say it positively, that it was the latter end of August?
A63228Doth he say that he saw them sign it?
A63228Fenwick Does your Lordship think there is no Justice out of England?
A63228Fenwick, VVhere?
A63228Finch, For whom?
A63228From whom was that?
A63228Gentlemen, Are you all agreed in your verdict?
A63228Grove, He did order me to go to such a one for it?
A63228Grove, Where was this?
A63228Had you it of Ireland?
A63228Have you any more questions to ask him?
A63228Have you any more to ask him?
A63228Have you any more witnesses to call?
A63228Have you any other Witn ● ● sses?
A63228Have you any other circumstance Mr. Oates to prove that you were here ther?
A63228Have you any thing to ask him any of you?
A63228Have you been in his company seven or eight times?
A63228Have you been often in his company?
A63228Have you done with your Evidence?
A63228How cam ● ● you to go wi ● ● h them?
A63228How came you then to lend money to one you had no more acquaintance with?
A63228How came you to do it, when it seems, if you say true, he was a stranger to you?
A63228How came you to do it?
A63228How can we think obligations and promises between man and man should hold, if a Covenant between God and man will not?
A63228How can you tell you had it then?
A63228How can you undertake to say that he did not com ● ●?
A63228How did he talk of them?
A63228How long is it a goe?
A63228How long was you in his company?
A63228How many persons did meet at that Consult?
A63228How saist thou John Fenwick, a ● ● thou guilty of the same High Treason or not Guilty?
A63228How say you, is he Guilty of the same High Treason, or not Guilty?
A63228How sayst thou Thomas VVhite alias Whitebread, art thou Guilty of this H ● ● gh Treason whereof thou standest Indicted or not Guilty?
A63228How sayst thou William Ireland, a ● ● thou Guilty of the same High Treason or not Guilty?
A63228How then were you sure you should have it?
A63228I believe, Mr. Oates, that that Army was intended for something, pray what was it for?
A63228I never saw you there in all my ● ● ● e: Are you sure I was by, when the money was there?
A63228I only ask you were all the five Prisoners privy to it, or do you dis ● ● guish of any of them, and which?
A63228I would gladly see that Letter?
A63228If an hundred witnesses swore it, they will deny it, well, will you have any more?
A63228In what nature did he talk of them?
A63228Ireland, Do you know Sir John Warner?
A63228Is that Mr. Peters hand?
A63228Is that all your reason, where were you then?
A63228L. C. J But did he speak as if he knew any of them?
A63228L. C. J Have you any more to say?
A63228L. C. J Who was the money given to?
A63228L. C. J. Mr. Pickering what say you for your self, you relye upon your Masses?
A63228L. C. J. VVho was by when the money was paid?
A63228L. C. J. VVho was that messenger?
A63228L. C. J. W ● ● ll have you do ● ● with the evidence for the King?
A63228L. C. J. Whe ● ● e have you seen Mr. Fenwick?
A63228L. C. J. come ▪ you are better prepared then you seem to be call whom you have to call ▪ can you prove that against Mr. Oates which you speak of?
A63228L. C. J. did you see the four fellows?
A63228Levings, Pr ● ● y, ● ● ● m whom had your Brother that money?
A63228Levings, do you know any thing of Pickerings doing Penance, and for what?
A63228Mr Oates, the day before the consult me ● ● ▪ Whitebread, Did you hear me ask Mr. Peters?
A63228Mr ▪ Finch ▪ Have you received any consi ● ● erable ● ● ● at a time?
A63228Mr, Oates, did you pay him that money?
A63228Mr. Bedlow, Yes 〈 … 〉 Mr. Finch, How muc ● ●?
A63228Mr. Finch ▪ Do you know when that was to be delivered out to him?
A63228Mr. Finch, What do you know of any attempts to Kill the King at St James Park?
A63228Mr. J. Bedlow, fifty or threescore pounds at a 〈 … 〉 Mr. Finch, Of wh ● ● m?
A63228Mr. Justice Atkins, Who did you receive the Commission from?
A63228Mr. Oates ▪ Yes, Pickering and Grove did sign it before they took the Sacrament?
A63228Mr. Oates, Coleman that is executed; and my Lord, there was this Mr. Fenwick by, that is the Prisoner at the Bar ▪ Fenwick VVhen was this?
A63228Mr. Oates, were you going beyond Sea then?
A63228Mr. Oates?
A63228My Lord, I do not charge any more, but them three?
A63228Name one?
A63228Nor I neither, might not he be there for all that?
A63228Now by the Oath that you have taken, did he own to you that he had fired Southwark?
A63228Pray tell me when I received the Sacrament?
A63228Recorder, What does he say for himself?
A63228So did your daughter too, did she?
A63228That was in March last?
A63228Then I discoursed them, why they kept their Design so long hid from me?
A63228They must Pardon me if I seem sharp, for a Papist in England is not to be treated as a Protestant ought to be in Spain,& if ye ask me why?
A63228To whom?
A63228Was he so?
A63228Was it Pickering or Grove that had the Flint of his Pistol loose?
A63228Was it in May or June?
A63228Well Sir what say you?
A63228Well, have you any thing more to say?
A63228Well, will you have any more of this?
A63228Were Ireland and Fenwick present when Mico drew it up?
A63228Were not you at Wolverhampton with him?
A63228Were you acquainted with his hand?
A63228Were you attendant upon them?
A63228Were you of his Acquaintance Mr. Fenwick?
A63228Were you there when he took the Sacrament?
A63228Were you well acquainted with him?
A63228What Goods and Chattels, Lands or Tenements?
A63228What Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements?
A63228What Goods or Chattels, Lands, or Tenements?
A63228What all that while?
A63228What can you say as to Fenwick?
A63228What can you say of any of the rest?
A63228What day of the week was it?
A63228What did he chide you for?
A63228What did you talk of the ● ● e?
A63228What do you call often?
A63228What do you know of the Prisoners at the Bar?
A63228What is said to all this by the Prisoners, but Denya''s?
A63228What is that to them, and how came you by it?
A63228What part of August was it?
A63228What say you to Whitebread?
A63228What say you to the fourscore pounds?
A63228What say you to this circumstance?
A63228What say you to three times?
A63228What signifies that?
A63228What that which was drawn up by Mico?
A63228What there?
A63228What was Mr. Grove to have?
A63228What was Pickering to have?
A63228What was done upon that Indictment?
A63228What was in that Indictment?
A63228What was it they signed?
A63228What was the Commission for?
A63228What was the Reward that you were to have, for your pains in this business?
A63228What were those Commissions for?
A63228What, I warrant you, you are not Provincial of the Jesuits, are you?
A63228What, from thence?
A63228What, of Sussex?
A63228What, of him?
A63228When was it?
A63228When was it?
A63228When was that done?
A63228When was that?
A63228When were those Commissions signed?
A63228Where did they two do it?
A63228Where did you see it?
A63228Where is that Le Fair, you would do well to produce him?
A63228Where is that?
A63228Where was it first signed?
A63228Where was it that they gave the Sacrament?
A63228Where was it?
A63228Where was that, and when?
A63228Where was this agreed upon?
A63228Where was this meeting, and when?
A63228Whitebread, Are you sure you know us?
A63228Whitebread, At what times?
A63228Whitebread, From whence I pray?
A63228Whitebread, Was I there?
A63228Whitebread, What day was that?
A63228Whitebread, When was this?
A63228Who administred it?
A63228Who beat you?
A63228Who carried it from Lodging to Lodging?
A63228Who gave you the Sacrament?
A63228Who had it you from?
A63228Who had you it of then?
A63228Who sent that pacquet of letters in 76?
A63228Who shall say for you?
A63228Who was it given by?
A63228Who was that?
A63228Who was that?
A63228Who were present the ● ● e?
A63228Who were these Commissions sealed by?
A63228Why did you goe thither?
A63228Why did you not ask Mr. Oates for it?
A63228Why did you then lay it down for him?
A63228Why ha ● you him here?
A63228Why then do you fall off from your Fathers virtue?
A63228Why, do n''t you know Mr. Oates?
A63228Why, were you Treasurer for the Society?
A63228Will you ask him any Questions?
A63228Will you have any more Evidence?
A63228William Ireland, Hold up thy Hand, Look upon the prisoner, How say you, is he guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63228Yes, my Lord, that which was drawn up by Mico?
A63228You are now very good at a negative I see, how can you tell that?
A63228You have not that letter?
A63228You heard them talk of this matter in August at Harcourts Chamber, you say: What, did they talk of it, as a matter they had agreed?
A63228You know nothing of this Letter, Mr. Whitebread?
A63228You never had your eight shillings again, had you?
A63228You of the Kings Council, will you sum up the Evidence?
A63228You say, you saw Mr. Ireland say Masse, where did you see him?
A63228You tell us of an Oath of Secresie that was taken, what was that Oath?
A63228You were not at all these places, and saw them sign it, were you?
A63228You were not denied to send for any witnesses, were you?
A63228You witness, who do you live with?
A63228at the White- horse Tavern?
A63228for an Army?
A63228in the month of May ▪ Whitebread, Then was he Actually himself at St. Omers?
A63228were Pickering and Grove present?
A63228what is there left for man ▪ kind to lean upon, if a Sacrament will not bind them( unless it be to conceal their wickedness?
A63228what shall I do with them?
A63228what shall I say to them?
A63228● ● e ask him that question: How long is it since you knew him?
A55942About what Month?
A55942About what time was it?
A55942After this Discourse with you, how long was it before you spake of it to any body else?
A55942All of them?
A55942All the same Discourse?
A55942All your Kindred are Papists, are not they?
A55942And did not you declare then that you were tempted to witness against your Conscience?
A55942And did you provide them with Arms?
A55942And what then?
A55942And you think this is ground enough for you against him?
A55942And, said he, Mr. Dennis, what is the Number of your name in the Country as near as you can tell, how many are you?
A55942Answer them whether you did hear him speak any words that you conceive Treasonable at any other time?
A55942Are these Coffee- house Discourses, do you think, ground enough for you to cavel at Persons, because you have heard this Discourse in a Coffee- house?
A55942Are you acquainted with one Callaghan and Downing, two Irish- men?
A55942Ay, to the Protestant Religion: You say you have been one many years?
A55942Before my Lords Commitment or after?
A55942By whose hand?
A55942Can not you bring in one of them?
A55942Did he carry you up to my Lord?
A55942Did he propose any Reward, or any thing of that Nature?
A55942Did he talk to this purpose every time?
A55942Did never any body move you, or desire you to be a Witness in this case against my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Did not you hear of it in Parliament?
A55942Did you ever go about to muster your 400. men you had in Ireland, I ask you whether you did or no?
A55942Did you ever go by the Name of Barry?
A55942Did you ever hear their Names?
A55942Did you ever make any solicitation to any to make this Discovery?
A55942Did you find that Paper in the Trunk?
A55942Did you hear any thing about deposing the King?
A55942Did you hear any thing else, at any other time?
A55942Did you hear my Lord speak these words in any other Room or Place?
A55942Did you know any more of them?
A55942Did you never go by the Name of Barry?
A55942Did you never hear my Lord speak Treason in any House but his own?
A55942Did you never hear of any Irish Witnesses sent down by Mr. Marriott to the Isle of Ely?
A55942Did you not speak such words to William Herbert?
A55942Do n''t you know, Sir, there was a Discourse in the Parliament of an Association?
A55942Do n''t you remember in the House of Commons, Sir, it was read upon occasion of that Bill?
A55942Do you know any thing more than what you have said here?
A55942Do you know one Mr. Marriott?
A55942Do you know one Mr. Shelden?
A55942Do you know what the mans name is?
A55942Do you officiate as a Minister?
A55942Do you own your self to be in Orders still?
A55942Do you remember any discourse of Richard the Second, at that time?
A55942Do you remember any more?
A55942Do you remember nothing at any other time?
A55942First Converted?
A55942Foreman ▪ Which Secretary?
A55942Foreman, Did you never hear of any Witnesses he sent to his Tenants?
A55942Foreman, What Month was it?
A55942Foreman, Who else?
A55942Foreman, Who was present when my L. Shaftsbury spake those words?
A55942From whom had you the Key?
A55942Gentlemen of the Jury, would you ask him any Questions?
A55942Had you any other discourse with him at any other time?
A55942Had you any other discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Had you any other discourse, at other times?
A55942Has no body discoursed you from him?
A55942Have you been desired to be a Witness, or did you do it voluntarily?
A55942Have you had any Information concerning this to Mr. Herbert?
A55942He introduced you?
A55942How did it come into my Lord Shaftbury''s Closet?
A55942How do you mean to be in Orders?
A55942How long have you been a Protestant?
A55942How long have you been a Protestant?
A55942How long was this before you communicated this to any body?
A55942How many Stories was that Room where you talked with my Lord?
A55942How many, Sir?
A55942I am sorry to hear it, said I, but what would you have me do with these Irish Witnesses?
A55942I ask you if this is all you have to say?
A55942I do not know whether you desire the Witnesses should be Examin''d apart, do you desire that, Gentlemen?
A55942I would ask him one word, we would fain know what allowance you have, or what you receive, if you have any allowance, from any body?
A55942In the beginning?
A55942In what Room was it that my Lord spake those words to you?
A55942In what place in his house?
A55942Is Mr. Turbervile there?
A55942Is that Witness a Prisoner?
A55942Is that all, speak all your knowledge?
A55942Is that fit to be brought in when Treason is in question against the King''s Life?
A55942Is this all that you know, have you heard my Lord say any treasonable words in any other place, or at any other time?
A55942Is this all?
A55942It was about the Fourth of July, you say, your Depositions were taken?
A55942It was in March, and where?
A55942Jury, Can not you remember how long it was before?
A55942L. C. J. VVill you have the Statute read?
A55942Look ye Gentlemen, is that a question that is pertinent?
A55942Look ye, Gentlemen, what Discourse you take up at random in every Coffee- house?
A55942Look you Gentlemen of the Jury, you hear what his Evidence is, would you ask him any thing while he is here?
A55942M. Papilion, Mr. Smith, who did you give your Information to?
A55942More than you said in the Morning?
A55942Mr. Booth, do you go under no other name but Booth?
A55942Mr. Booth, you told us of Fifty men that were Listed under Captain Wilkinson, Do you know any more of them?
A55942Mr. Dennis, in the morning you told me something about the Discourse you had with my L. of Shaftsbury, tell me when it was?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, Mr. Dennis, pray who was in the Room when you were there?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, VVho else?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, VVho else?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, Was it in the Evening or the morning?
A55942Mr. Godfrey, was it to the purpose whether Mr. Marriott sent any Irish Witnesses to his Tenant, or no?
A55942Mr. Haynes, Against the Earl of Shaftsbury, Sir?
A55942Mr. Haynes, The words against my Lord?
A55942Mr. Papilion, And is that all?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Are you an English- man or an Irish man?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Are you sure none of his servants were there?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Before my Lord was committed, or after?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Can not you tell which of the months?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Dennis Macnamara, tell us how you were introduced to my L. Shaftsbury, when you had this Discourse?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did he every time say the same?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did he whisper it in your ear?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did my Lord whisper it, or speak out?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did not you give in an Information of a Design against the Earl of Shaftsbury?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did not you petition the Common- Council Sir, for relief?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you ever hear any other words than what you have now testified?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you ever make any other Information to a Justice of the Peace?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you hear these words in any other place, or at any other time, or any Treasonable words against the King?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you petition to the Common Councel?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Did you read it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Do you know of any other place or time?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Fitz- Gerrald told you this, and so you made Affidavit of it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, In June, or when?
A55942Mr. Papilion, In another place?
A55942Mr. Papilion, In the month of June?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Is Mr. Smith gone?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Mr. Haynes, when did you give in your Information upon this matter?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Mr. Macnamara, when was it you had this discourse with my L. Shaftsbury, what is the time as near as you remember?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Nay, I know not from whom: I ask whether you have any from any body?
A55942Mr. Papilion, No body but Mr. Ivey?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Nor don''t know what is in it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Nor touching this matter?
A55942Mr. Papilion, So you say the words were, when were the words spoken that you mentioned?
A55942Mr. Papilion, That was before my Lord was committed, was it not?
A55942Mr. Papilion, To what purpose was that?
A55942Mr. Papilion, To whom did you give information?
A55942Mr. Papilion, To whom did you give it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Twice then do you speak of?
A55942Mr. Papilion, VVhen did you make this information?
A55942Mr. Papilion, VVhich of them?
A55942Mr. Papilion, VVho did you make it to?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Was it before his Commitment?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Was it before my Lord was committed?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Was it the same time he spake about the D. of Buckingham?
A55942Mr. Papilion, We ask if he have any allowance?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Were none of his Servants in the Room?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time in April was this?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time was it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What time?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What was that design against my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Mr. Papilion, What, did you propound a Rebellion in Ireland?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When did you give Information of this?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When did you hear these words ▪ speak to the time exactly?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When did you make information of this?
A55942Mr. Papilion, When was that?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where did you see my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where was it you had this discourse?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where was it?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Where?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Which is that that was in April?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Which of them?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who else?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who was in the Room besides?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who was present with you then?
A55942Mr. Papilion, Who was present?
A55942Mr. Secretary, I would ask you some questions, if you did not know of a Debate in Parliament of an Association?
A55942Mr. Smith, From whom?
A55942Mr. Smith, My Lord, am I to answer to these questions?
A55942Mr. Smith, What Information?
A55942Mr. Smith, Which words do you ask?
A55942Mr. Smith, the Jury ask you a Question, whether or no you did not use to go by the name of Barry?
A55942Mr. Turbervile, I desire to be satisfied in one thing, whether my Lord Shaftsbury was Committed before or after your Information?
A55942Mr. Turbervile, when you had this Discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury, who was present with you?
A55942Mr. Turberville, have you had any discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942My Lord, said I, what is the meaning of that?
A55942My Lord, we only ask this Question, whether he hath not contradicted this, or said the contrary to any body else?
A55942No body else?
A55942Nor in any other place?
A55942North, Gentlemen, what do you mean that he should have a pardon for?
A55942Or a Justice''s Clerk?
A55942Pray my Lord said I, what shall I do in the mean time?
A55942Pray my Lord, what Model do you take, or intend to do?
A55942Pray what Room was it you had this Discourse in?
A55942Pray what date is this Paper of?
A55942Pray what time did you discover this?
A55942Pray, Sir, Did any inform you that I had any Correspondence with this man?
A55942Pray, Sir, what Education have you had?
A55942Pray, Sir, whose hand writing is that Paper of?
A55942Sayes he, Do you not think but there are Families in England, that have as great pretences to the Crown as the King?
A55942Sayes he, Do you think there are no Families in England, that have as much pretence to the Crown as any of the Stewarts?
A55942The Discourse that you had with my L. Shaftsbury, when was it, at what time?
A55942The beginning of July?
A55942The words that you spoke of, when was that?
A55942Then you concealed it from February to July: Who did you Communicate it to first of all?
A55942There is no hand to it at all?
A55942To satisfie the Jury, was the Paper in the Closet before you came there?
A55942To whom did you give it?
A55942To whom did you give your Information?
A55942To whom, Sir, did you give your first Information?
A55942Upon what account?
A55942VVas it above stairs?
A55942VVas it at more times than one?
A55942VVhat Religion are you of?
A55942VVhy did not you say so before?
A55942VVhy did you conceal it so long?
A55942Was he with you every time?
A55942Was it before my Lord was Committed, or after?
A55942Was it out of your hands?
A55942Was it the right hand as you came in?
A55942Was it the right hand or the left?
A55942Was this Paper found in one of those Trunks or Boxes that was deliver''d to you by Mr. Gwyn?
A55942Was you frequently with him?
A55942Was you never desired to be a Witness against my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942Were not you one that Petitioned to the Common Council in London?
A55942Were you ever Indicted for any Felony?
A55942Were you ever a witness for my Lady Windham or against her?
A55942Were you ever an Attorney''s Clerk?
A55942Were you ever in Orders?
A55942Were you in a poor Condition?
A55942Were you in their Company lately?
A55942Were you never in their Company?
A55942What Date, Sir, was the Warrant for my Lord Shaftbury''s Commitment?
A55942What Members were they?
A55942What Month?
A55942What Religion are you of, Mr. Smith?
A55942What is that to this business?
A55942What is your mans name?
A55942What place was it in?
A55942What should I do?
A55942What time in February?
A55942What time was it when you had this Discourse with my Lord Shaftsbury?
A55942What time was this?
A55942What was the reason, you say it was the latter end of April and May, my Lord was not committed for a good while after, here was two months time?
A55942What was your design in signing that Petition?
A55942What words did he speak?
A55942What, he that was here last?
A55942When did Mr. Booth come down?
A55942When did you give in this Information?
A55942When did you give in your Evidence first?
A55942When did you make Information of this?
A55942When did you receive the Sacrament?
A55942When was it?
A55942When was that?
A55942When was this?
A55942When were you first Converted?
A55942When were you in his Company?
A55942Where had you the Trunk you delivered to Mr. Blaithwait?
A55942Where would you have these Witnesses that have been examined to stand?
A55942Whether the Matter contained in them, and which you shall have in Evidence, be Matter of Treason within the former, or this Act of Parliament?
A55942Which of the Secretaries?
A55942Who did?
A55942Who introduced you?
A55942Who put up the Papers?
A55942Who supposes it?
A55942Who was by?
A55942Who was present when the Discourse was?
A55942Who was that too?
A55942Who was with you at that time?
A55942Who went in with you?
A55942Will you ask him any more questions?
A55942You did it voluntarily?
A55942You had several Discourses with him; Had you easie Admission, or was it with difficulty you came into his Company?
A55942You have not heard then, that there was such a thing in Parliament concerning an Association?
A55942You say Mr. Ivey was by at the same time?
A55942You understand the question, whether you did give no Information of a Design against my L. Shaftsbury to some Justice of the peace?
A55942You were never examined before then as a Witness?
A55942what did you look for?
A38938A better man than you, for ought appears; you are indicted for a foul offence, so is not he?
A38938Alas, said he, I have no skill in such things; who revised it then?
A38938And did it purposely to do mischief?
A38938And did not you know?
A38938And who Printed the other part?
A38938Are you Guilty, or not Guilty?
A38938Are you Guilty, or not Guilty?
A38938Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A38938Are you all agreed of your verdict?
A38938Are you his Captain?
A38938At the same time and in the same room with you?
A38938At what time did you work about it?
A38938Brewster guilty of the Offence whereof he stands Indicted, for printing the Sedicious book called The Speeches,& c. or not guilty?
A38938By the Oath you have taken, did he send you for them to the Printers?
A38938By the Oath you have taken, where was the place whence you were to fetch them, when you were to sell them?
A38938By the Oath you have taken, who did you change sheets with?
A38938By whose direction were they said there?
A38938By whose direction?
A38938By whose order did you Print that?
A38938Can you remember to what Letter you printed?
A38938Can you turn to any part of that you did Compose?
A38938Did I give you any order to deliver them to any particular Booksellers?
A38938Did I order you how you should print them, or Mr. Calvert?
A38938Did any body correct books in your house but your Master?
A38938Did he Compose the Title?
A38938Did he compose one?
A38938Did he confess that he read it?
A38938Did he confess that?
A38938Did he declare to you that he Printed the other?
A38938Did he not enjoyn you privaey?
A38938Did he not likewise Print?
A38938Did he not say, He would not tell you ▪ or that it was no matter to you?
A38938Did he not send you to the Book- binders for them when they were stitched?
A38938Did he set you to work in Stitching those books?
A38938Did he use other Correctors at any time?
A38938Did he wish you to do it with privacy?
A38938Did not you by his direction break the Form when Mr. L''Estrange came to search?
A38938Did not you hear him say, that they had staid two hours for me at an Ale- house to be his Partner?
A38938Did not you see the whole intire Copy in your Masters hand?
A38938Did not you see your Master with Copie?
A38938Did not your Master nor fellow- apprentice tell you who brought the Coppy?
A38938Did not your Master use to correct other works before this?
A38938Did not your Master work in that time?
A38938Did not your Mr. presse the dispatch?
A38938Did you Print but one Impression?
A38938Did you Print the Title?
A38938Did you and he agree that he should Print the other part?
A38938Did you ask your Master who delivered him this Copy to Print?
A38938Did you change sheets with him?
A38938Did you deliver them accordingly?
A38938Did you deliver them to any Body?
A38938Did you hear this man say that he had corrected it?
A38938Did you know there were those passages in them?
A38938Did you not open them?
A38938Did you open them afterward, and did they appear to be this book?
A38938Did you see that book, that very book?
A38938Did you sell any of them for him?
A38938Did you speak for them?
A38938Did your Master Compose that?
A38938Did your Master give you that to Compose?
A38938Did your Master work at the Presse about this work, any part of the time?
A38938Did your other man, or you, ever correct?
A38938Do not Book- Sellers keep Account ▪ what Books they sell, and set down the money?
A38938Do not you know who began where you left off?
A38938Do you believe it to be your Masters?
A38938Do you think the Press is open to print what you list?
A38938Douglas his was printed in Scotland; Was it Licensed here?
A38938From whence had you them?
A38938Had you no discourse of the danger of it?
A38938Had you no more?
A38938Has he been in the Shop when they have been sold?
A38938Have you any more to say?
A38938Have you any more to say?
A38938Have you any more?
A38938Have you any thing else to say to the Indictment?
A38938Have you any thing else?
A38938Have you done?
A38938Have you seen your Master write heretofore?
A38938He came first and knockt at our Chamber door; said I, Who is there?
A38938He said that the Copie of the Book was brought to him by one Evans, maid to Mistris Calvert ▪ that for the Author, being asked if he knew him?
A38938He saies he did so; what have you to say to the Charge?
A38938He seemed to confess that he had corrected it himself, for when I urged it to him that he could not chuse but know the matter of it by reading it?
A38938He spake this in the presence of two or three here present; could you read over this Book, said I, and not know that it was not fit to be Printed?
A38938Hearken to your Verdicts as the Court hath Recorded them; You say, that& c. and so you say all?
A38938Hide, I doubt we shall not be able?
A38938Hide, What do you mean by Time, and Place?
A38938Hide, What would you have?
A38938How came he to bring them to you?
A38938How came you by the book?
A38938How did you deliver them to me?
A38938How long agoe was it since they were brought to you to print?
A38938How long had you been at work upon it?
A38938How many Books were delivered to you?
A38938How many did you deliver in that manner?
A38938How many of those did your Mr. compose?
A38938How many sheets did you print?
A38938How many was his part?
A38938How many?
A38938How much did you Print?
A38938How say you, is Nathan Brooks guilty of the Offence for printing and selling the said book?
A38938How say you, is Simon Dover guilty of the Offence for printing and publishing The Speeches,& c. or not guilty?
A38938How will you be Tryed?
A38938How will you be Tryed?
A38938How will you be tryed?
A38938How wilt thou be Tryed?
A38938I asked Mr. Twyn further, How did you dispose of those sheets which you had printed, those several heaps whether are they gone?
A38938I asked him( Mr. Twyn said I) who corrected this sheet?
A38938I asked the Prisoner at my house, whether he could not write or read?
A38938I desire to ask Mr. Creek a few Questions; Mr. Creek, How much of that in the Indictment did you Print?
A38938I desire to ask him one Question ▪ whether Mr. Creek saw this book a printing at Mr. Dovers house, or no?
A38938I desire you to consider, I being only a workman, how can I be guilty of Sedition and Scandalous things?
A38938I did ask him in the house of the Constable: Who corrected this?
A38938I do say, I never saw the man before, I would ask whether ever he saw me before in his life?
A38938I know you use to let your Titles of a New Book lie open upon your Stalls, did you lay these open?
A38938I think it is enough, what say you to it Friend?
A38938If I did not mistake; you desired to have Councell; Was That your request?
A38938If you have a thousand to this purpose only, what signifies it?
A38938Is it your Lordships pleasure, I shall read it all?
A38938Is that the book?
A38938J. Keeling Were they Publickly to view as other Books?
A38938J. Keeling Where was this Book kept?
A38938Joseph Walker My Lord, whereas my Master is Indicted for Printing this Book — Lord Hide Your Master?
A38938Joseph Walker, was the whole copy of this book in the house at that time when you composed that which you did?
A38938Judge Keeling, Did any set them at work but your self?
A38938Judge Keeling, Tell us to whom you carried this Copy to be Corrected?
A38938Judge Keeling, The papers were found wet wi ● h you; who was in your House?
A38938Judge Keeling, Was it printed at your House or no?
A38938Jury ▪ Did he confess he Printed it?
A38938L. Hide After you had stampt the sheet, who did peruse, and over- read it, to see if it were right?
A38938L. Hide What folio is that you ended at?
A38938L. Hide ▪ What did he confess before Mr. Secretary?
A38938L. Hide, Have you any thing else to say?
A38938L. Hide, If you have any thing to say, speak it, God forbid but you should have a full hearing, say what you will?
A38938Le Strange, what he thought of it?
A38938Let there be what there will in it, if you knew the Title, look you to it; have you any thing else to ask?
A38938Morton What talk had you about receiving them?
A38938Morton What was the substance of it?
A38938Morton When you had taken these sheets, were they wet, or not?
A38938Mr North Did they charge you to do it privately?
A38938Mr. Lestrange coming up to my Husband, sayes he, Are you sure there is nothing in your Rooms?
A38938Mr. Mortlock, How many of those books did you receive of this Nathan Brooks?
A38938Mr. North VVhosold them?
A38938My Lord, this very book did Mercer bring down, told us, He would be hang''d for never a Rogue of them all; did he think to lay his books at my door?
A38938My self, and my Mistris sometimes, L. Hide VVere they brought to the Shop to sell by his privity?
A38938No, that you can not, unless you saw him write them; but was it like his hand?
A38938Observe the time when it was printed, was it not to set forward Rebellion?
A38938Or, Who Corrected it?
A38938Ordinary demanded of him, What it was, that could prevail with him, to undertake the Printing of it?
A38938Pray Sir thus; were you in the house when Mr. L''Estrange came up?
A38938Pray my Lord, give me leave to aske Creeke one question?
A38938Publickly, as other Books, or in other Roomes?
A38938Set John Twyn to the Bar, Look upon him my Masters; how say you, is he Guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands indicted, or not guilty?
A38938Shall I speak to the whole matter, or only to the particular you last mentioned?
A38938That the Jury can best tell; have you any more questions?
A38938That we use as Evidence, that he had uttered the first, because he went upon a second: how many did you Print at first?
A38938The Phenix, or Solemn League and Covenant; you all know it, and rue it; When was it printed?
A38938The Title, what is it?
A38938The first was three thousand you say, what number did they take?
A38938The question asked by my Lord, is, whether he did confess he revised it, or whether you did collect it from his reply?
A38938Then by the Oath that you have taken, were not the corrections of this Book like those of other corrections by his own hand?
A38938Then for the other Sermon, by what Licence was that printed?
A38938Then we must not trouble our selves; Did you never see the hand before, with which this Copy was written?
A38938There were two Impressions Printed, did not you Print more in one, then in the other?
A38938These three men joyn''d to bear each man his share?
A38938They all?
A38938Thresher, by the Oath that you have taken, did you see those sheets hang ▪ upon the line in his house?
A38938To what purpose were they?
A38938To whom did you pay the money that you receied for them?
A38938Truely I had no body but my self; I read it over; What thought you upon reading it?
A38938Tryals being put off; Are you content to lye in Goal till the next Sessions?
A38938VVere they in the Shop to be sold?
A38938VVho fetched them away?
A38938Was he not used to tell you the Authors of books that you printed?
A38938Was the Copy written, or printed?
A38938Was there any body in the house besides you and your Master?
A38938Was there any body in the house that might Correct it?
A38938We desire to know upon what Statute Law this Indictment is grounded?
A38938We will take care of that; Have you any more to say?
A38938Well, and you set the letters to Print according to the Copy, and you had it of your Master, had you?
A38938Were not some found under the bed?
A38938Were the amendments that were brought back, like his hand?
A38938Were there no strangers there?
A38938Were they Printed in your Masters house?
A38938Were they not of this book?
A38938Were they open?
A38938Were they put up privately?
A38938Were you at work then, or before?
A38938What became of the other?
A38938What book?
A38938What did you do with them?
A38938What did you hear him confess before Sir Hewy Bennet?
A38938What did your Master say when you told him Mr. L''Estrange was below?
A38938What directions did your Master give you about Printing it, did he direct any privacy?
A38938What do you mean by all printed formerly?
A38938What doe you mean by Composing?
A38938What else do you know?
A38938What grounds have you to believe that Dover Printed the rest?
A38938What is this but Justifying the printing of it?
A38938What made you so loath to be their Partner, were they two hours perswading of you?
A38938What needed all this, but that you knew what you were doing?
A38938What private place was that?
A38938What quantity was there of them?
A38938What room?
A38938What say you of it?
A38938What say you to it?
A38938What say you to this Book?
A38938What say you, is he guilty of the Offence of printing and publishing the book called The Phenix,& c. or not guilty?
A38938What say you?
A38938What sayest thou, John Twyn, art thou Guilty of this High Treason, whereof thou standest indicted, or Not Guilty?
A38938What time was this Printed?
A38938What was it that burnt above?
A38938What was the Title of it?
A38938What was your Book ▪ binder''s Name?
A38938What were the words that you read?
A38938What were you then at work upon?
A38938What''s that tome; if a man have a book in his house, and throw it down, and say so, doth that concern me?
A38938When I questioned him how many was done?
A38938When did you give Mr. L''Estrange information of this matter?
A38938When my Husband went down, I called to my Sister; said I, Did you hear Mr. Brooks there?
A38938When you had Printed them, what did you do with them?
A38938When you had carried a sheet down, how long was it ere it was brought back again?
A38938When you had printed one sheet, were there not some mistakes of the Letters to be mended?
A38938Where are those men that changed the sheets, which of my men were they?
A38938Where did you receive or find this Letter?
A38938Where did you receive them?
A38938Where were the books found when they were seized?
A38938Where were they delivered?
A38938Where were they found by the Oath you have taken?
A38938Who Composed the second, third, and fourth sheet?
A38938Who brought them back to you?
A38938Who changed sheets with you?
A38938Who compared them?
A38938Who delivered it to you to compose?
A38938Who delivered them to you?
A38938Who did he say revised the Press?
A38938Who did you send the Proofs to?
A38938Who furnished you with blew paper?
A38938Who gave you what you did?
A38938Who helped you to that?
A38938Who is your Landlord?
A38938Who is your Master?
A38938Who made the Amendment?
A38938Who paid for the Printing?
A38938Who paid you for printing of it?
A38938Who paid you for them?
A38938Who shall say for you?
A38938Who shall say for you?
A38938Who was the cause they did not, did your Master direct the privacy?
A38938With as much privacy and expedition as I could?
A38938Yes, said she, he has left a book here: said I, Do you know what''s in it?
A38938You Composed you say foure pages; there are eight in a sheet, who composed the other of the same sheet?
A38938You and he knew what book it was?
A38938You knew the contents of the book?
A38938You printed it: for whom?
A38938You say you think you had some discourse with him; did not you speak about the danger of printing it?
A38938You speak of your behaviour ▪ have you any testimony here?
A38938You were not by to see it done?
A38938by night, or by day?
A38938did they work of their own heads?
A38938he said, Yes; did not you know Treason when you read it?
A38938he said, Yes; did not you use to read what you Printed?
A38938how many dayes?
A38938nor nothing?
A38938or more?
A38938sayes he, A Friend, Who are you?
A38938the very individual book that I brought up there?
A38938to set up the Scotch Presbytery?
A38938were they sold?
A38938who ● i ● ted it for the Press?
A43633''T is readily granted, that there is a disserence betwixt the Bishop and the Defendant, as to Riches,& c. But what then?
A43633( Quoth Hob) I know none but that they say Sir Francis Pemberton is made Lord chief Justice Scroggs: Scroggs?
A43633( Sir George Jefferies brought the Books, and pointed with his Index to the two last Lines of the Black Non- Conformist, namely — A Bishop sayest?
A43633( a likely matter) when there is a great Bishop, and Privy- Councellor, and great with the King and Court; For the Defendant?
A43633( if any Body could tell; for I believe the Defendant himself can scarcely tell that) and lastly, Where he himself is?
A43633( quoth a) a likely business; Scroggs?
A43633( replied Petty- fogger) in Words or Deeds?
A43633( replyed the Defendant) what?
A43633( where is your Jus Divinum now, my Lord?
A436331. a Statute that I doubt not but to make good against you all?
A436331. if it be in force?
A436333, 4. that sits in the Temple of God, and opposeth, and exalteth himself above all that is called God?
A43633A Whigg,( dost say?)
A43633And all this for what?
A43633And did not he lose their Hearts thereby?
A43633And have shook hands with Grace and parted?
A43633And have they not been inexorable, and like the Meridian- Shadows( of Men running North- ward) which flys the faster, the faster they are pursued?
A43633And he shall restore the Lamb four- fold,( Mark that, four times 2000 pounds; How much is that?
A43633And instead of curing our distempers and wounds, or of endeavours to heal our breaches, must men be countenanced to make them rancor more?
A43633And not since found?
A43633And then the nimble Magistrate tosses them to the Bishop again?
A43633And to defame a Prelat,( that in comparison of God is but Worms- meat) shall the temporal Punishment be no less than Imprisonment, or 2000 l. in Mony?
A43633And what Mischiefs have come to the Church, to the Nations, to Christianity and Christendom, by these rash sanguinary ways?
A43633And what tho''Priests do wait by Writ of Cape?
A43633And wherefore were David''s Enemies so malicious?
A43633And why?
A43633Are Neptunes Clerks, and Bishops such No mercy from them can be found, As whosoever doth but touch Upon them, sinks unto the ground?
A43633Are men bound to Repair when there are no Dilapidations?
A43633Are they not inexorable to any Terms, but what is worse than Death, and ill becomes a Gentleman or a Christian?
A43633Are you above the Law?
A43633Ay, but when?
A43633Ay, set but the Clergy — upon a Man, and you need not set any Dogs upon him to worry him?
A43633Bishop and''s Clerks; Call you Rocks so?
A43633Breath- seller replied, — Canst thou not swear Treason against him?
A43633But Crafty replied, How long ago?
A43633But Thompson and Heraclitus — How now?
A43633But do we find in Scripture such a destroying- Divinity?
A43633But do you think that that unthinking King would hear them?
A43633But still you will object — what have I to do to discuss these State- matters, sit chiefly for a Parliament?
A43633But to the Question keep and tell, Why that Name suits those Rocks so well?
A43633But what shall the Locusts and Caterpillars do?
A43633But where is the Judg will declare against its force, and say in Westminster- Hall that it is repealed?
A43633But who those names did give, and why?
A43633But, I confess, my Lord, at that time, I knew no better,( How does Interest blind the Eyes of the wisest?)
A43633But, prethee( Tory) tell me why They were so call''d( for Rythme) truly?
A43633Can you prove your Words?
A43633Do you mark me?
A43633Do you plead Gospel against Law?
A43633Do you speak against Prelacy?
A43633Drown''d in their Seas, hid from the Eye, Men lost, e''re they these Rocks espy?
A43633Find fault with Oppressions and Extortions of Ecclesiastical- Courts, with Apparitors, Registers, Commissaries, and all that Fry of Lay- Elders?
A43633For Harris has not wit, memory, nor docility, to repeat my words twice together alike off- book; and must I pay 2000 l. because he wants Wit or Grace?
A43633For the Defendant, do you say?
A43633For who but an Ass would write or speak so much plain and naked truth in a dissembling, Hypocritical and lying Age?
A43633Have they not rockie Hearts of Stone?
A43633Have we, with so much adoe, been puzzling all this while, these 40 Years, and are we not yet got over the Lambeth- Canons and Constitutions of 40?
A43633Hey- day — where live we?
A43633How can you answer it, to turn Promoter in the Spiritual Court?
A43633How can you answer it?
A43633How can you answer the invading of my Legal Rights by an Illegal Sequestration, contrary to Magna Charta, and the Petition of Right?
A43633How did King James court them?
A43633How has this Defendant been pester''d within this Twelve Months?
A43633How have they been bassled, disappointed and beloved with their own Politick, Wyles, Shams, and Gimcracks?
A43633How long is it since you can prove you were in his Company?
A43633How now?
A43633I''le venture all I have in the World upon this Contest, if you will stake an equal Gage: What?
A43633If All be Caesars?
A43633If this Statute be repealed, Why does not the Judges so declare it?
A43633If you will not consent to a new Tryal, upon so profitable, so honourable and so advantagious Terms, what will men think and say of you?
A43633Is Libels the way then?
A43633Is Sampson bound?
A43633Is it come to this?
A43633Is it for a Bishop to be a Striker, that is, an Action- Driver or Promoter?
A43633Is it not an ill thing for a Minister to be Non- Resident ever since before Mid- Summer last?
A43633Is not this bold, daring, and abominably impudent?
A43633Is that such Policy?
A43633Is that the way?
A43633Is the Push come to a Head?
A43633Is the boyle Ripe, that has been so long a breeding?
A43633Is this good Behaviour?
A43633It is not meet, that we should leave the Word of God and serve Tables?
A43633Lastly; What Jury alive( except this) could, against the Evidence of so many substantial Witnesses, credit one single Creature, that was so infamous?
A43633Must the Defendant be ruin''d by one alone, and such an one, and one so infamous?
A43633No Tory can this Truth confute, For Tory- Cain did Persecute, For Difference in Religion too, Plagu''d the Dissenter;( Is''t so now?)
A43633Or did the Gondeliers who see Romes Bishop with insulting feet Tread on great Fredricks neck, that he In Venice City shame might meet?
A43633Or were the Flamens in the time Of Pagan- worship so renownd For Cruelties?
A43633Or, make them as of Old?
A43633Or, that he is a common Drunkard, or a common Whoremaster, or a common Swearer?
A43633Room enough for the He''s and She''s, let them go there and work and Engender; why should not Spiders spin?
A43633Rouse to the Speaker] you have heard the Voice of the wicked one — Judas( quid dabetis?)
A43633Scroggs( quoth a) that was discarded or discharged honourably: Scroggs that was questioned for as much as his life was worth in Parliament?
A43633Scroggs, but, as thought unmeet, discharged; but to mend the Market,( who comes there?)
A43633Seal those Cap — there; are you sure they are all sent to the Devil?
A43633Search Histories, consult the Past- times, and then tell me, if there can be worse fools in Nature then some that call themselves Polititians?
A43633Shall they escape by Iniquity?
A43633Sir Thomas Exton,( said the Defendant) was there no Colloquium, no Discourse preceding nor subsequent to to the Words Ignorance, — and Impudence?
A43633Speak out, who do you mean by?
A43633The Bishop is great, Who denies it?
A43633The Horary Questions will be, Where the Defendant''s Estate is?
A43633The King may seize their Temporalities for Contempt — no wonder they frisk, being so netled; How they strive for Life?
A43633The Popishgloss, says, Temporal and Spiritual Sword, but what is that to you?
A43633The same Hand that gave the Wound give the Cure?
A43633Then do not whine, The present Good or Ill( alone) is thine; But — what''s i''th''depth of future Times — can''st tell?
A43633Then,( Good Sir George) retorted the Defendant, Where is your Veracity, your Truth good Sir George?
A43633This is no Persecution to speak of — but — except death — what is worse?
A43633Thou tellest my wandrings, put thou my Tears into thy Bottle: Are they not in thy Book?
A43633Vulnus opemque tulit?
A43633Was it their crime, And only theirs?
A43633Well then, Has not Mr. Harris been non- Resident and deserted his Flock ever since Mid- summer last?
A43633What Mischief to the Church( in all Ages) has it brought?
A43633What care they for Discipline?
A43633What cringing Letters( upon this Hope) were writ to his Holiness?
A43633What displeasure of the King or great men of the Realm have you incurred hereby?
A43633What has the House of Prayer to do with a Den of Thieves?
A43633What have we to do with a Devil in the likeness of Samuel?
A43633What is bold, daring, and impudent, if this be not?
A43633What suffer Scripture to be quoted instead of Law, and Christ and his Apostles, instead of Cook and Littleton?
A43633What tho''at present they be shy of thee?
A43633What tho''thy Naked- Truth by some be blamed?
A43633What will not Malice and Man- catchers swear?
A43633What''s this but to be a Make- bate?
A43633Where do we live?
A43633Where to be argued?
A43633Whereupon the Earl( one time when he saw him weep) ask''d him, What ail''d him?
A43633Whether the Proceedings in the Ecclesiastical- Courts, being made under the name Stile and Seal of the Bishop were warranted by Law?
A43633Who are you for?
A43633Who are you for?
A43633Who do you mean?
A43633Who would have thought, when Job was on the Dunghil, that his latter End should doubly transcend his Beginning?
A43633Who, I?
A43633Whose Vices?
A43633Why do these Rocks so covert lie?
A43633Why should we make our selves thus the Town- talk, the Kingdoms talk, the chat of every Ale- bench and Coffee- house?
A43633Will Men never take warning, till they be maul''d 2000 l. thick?
A43633Will any Man of Honour stoop so low to take notice of such contemptible Wretches?
A43633Will you( quoth Sir Thomas) publickly and in Print retract and refute your Books called the Naked- Truth?
A43633Would you make Bishops stony- hearted?
A43633You, that are so blunt and such a plain Dealer, do you mean those Throngs about Temple- Bar, and Chancery- Lane?
A43633a silly Question not to be nam''d?
A43633and King Charles the First humble himself, in hopes of an Alliance with Spain?
A43633and a Proctor''s Boy?
A43633and be naught( to him) This''t is to want good breeding: Scroggs and be hang''d( to him) for a silly villian?
A43633and in what place?
A43633and then, what will become of you all?
A43633and to strike with his two- edged Sword, and hack and hew both ways?
A43633and why?
A43633and yet what Wretches in England are greater contemners of the King''s Laws than they?
A43633and your Prime- Law?)
A43633are you indeed?
A43633as you have hack''d me in Spiritual Court, and Temporal Courts?
A43633but we have a Law and Act of Vniformity, and must not Laws be put in Execution?
A43633can you tell us that?
A43633did vex and depauperize the Subject( will men never take warning?)
A43633do you know who you speak against?
A43633do you not honour a Lord, and a Lord''s Son?
A43633do you think a Lawyer will tell a Lye?
A43633do you think wise Men do not know which side of their Bread the Butter lies on?
A43633for what?
A43633for what?
A43633good sence, and Tory- like) had, that pull''d off Hick''s( what?
A43633how can you in Conscience or honour take a penny on''t, when you are not damnified a penny?
A43633how depopulated?
A43633how despicable to all their Neighbours, that were so formidable( so latley) to England, and the Christian World?
A43633in God''s Name, are any Prelats greater than the Laws, or too big to be subject to the King''s Laws, or too great to be good?
A43633is he conformable in every Point to the King''s Ecclesiastical Laws?
A43633is it come to that after so much blood- shed?
A43633might some say to David — When?
A43633must Parliaments always be plagu''d with these Earwiggs and Tantivees?
A43633must the Church and Kingdom twice be split on the same Rock?
A43633nay, what shall God have?
A43633no Name can be bad enough for this wilful and daring Attempt, and Contempt: What?
A43633or bound with Wit hs of smal Cords, made on purpose to be broken?
A43633or could have devised a shorter cut, or a neerer way to stop their own Wind- pipes, and ruine themselve, and their posteries?
A43633or have your Superiors to take from you your Rights, and you must not speak for your self?
A43633or rather wounds which were( I thought) quite closed, and must men rend and tear them open again Impunè?
A43633or, greater Oppressors?
A43633or, is it Piety?
A43633or, who can imagine that a Man means a Popish- Plot, when he expresly says, a Horrid Plot against my righteous Name?
A43633or, who swears against me, but the for- sworn Rogues, Groom, and Martin, your Apparitors, six Proctors, Harris and Exton, all Ecclesiastical Fellows?
A43633plain Hick — still?
A43633prefer the Favour of a Bishop before Hickeringill?
A43633quoth Mortlack yes I can; In what?
A43633run Men down with a Noise?
A43633saith Solomon, when will ye be good?
A43633says, They( the Whiggs) clamour and say, the Dammages are excessive:( Honestly said for a Fool or Jester) Why so?
A43633that a Man can scarce stir there without being justled or run down by them or their Coaches?
A43633the Vermine of the Land, the Locusts, and the Caterpillars?
A43633those Crouds of Pen and Inkhorns?
A43633what Complements( for I hope they were not in earnest) to Pope Gregory the 15th,( that Wretch)?
A43633what Oppressions does your Discipline- mongers correct?
A43633what Sins?
A43633what do you produce a Bible instead of a Breviate?
A43633what minute favour of the King have you lost by this Scandal, that had never been heard of, if Harris had not broacht it?
A43633what of the Church?
A43633what will you give me?
A43633what''s this but to hang men up in effigie, for fancies of his own making?
A43633when as Bonner a Friend to Jaylors was?
A43633when will ye be Wise?
A43633where his Goods?
A43633where his Lands?
A43633where his Moneys?
A43633whether within a Mile of an Oak, or just under the Bishop''s Nose?
A43633which of your many High- Places or Preferments have you( thereby) lost, either Temporal or Spiritual?
A43633who comes next?
A43633why a Picque at mee only?
A43633why do you make fish of one, and flesh of another?
A43633— what am I going to write?
A63211''T is a strange inference you make, Do you think, that every Witness is Perjured, because the Jury do n''t find according to what he says?
A63211''T is an Immaterial Question, Why do you ask it?
A63211( which was done) You were at the last Tryal, Sir, I only ask of you, Can you remember any thing of this?
A63211About the year 77 and 78, wherein Mr. Oates alleadges he heard me, let them Answer to that, how long I was at Windsor?
A63211Am I the man?
A63211And Consecrate the Host?
A63211And I Asked then, Where is our Father going?
A63211And did you see him Consecrate the Host?
A63211And gave them Absolution?
A63211And give the Sacrament?
A63211And he heard me say Mass before he went over?
A63211And how did you know that I said Mass?
A63211And in the Priests Habit?
A63211And see him take Confession?
A63211And then for the Private Room, What Room of the House was it?
A63211And this is the man that brought the Chalice to you?
A63211And was he never at London all that time?
A63211And was you and he always together at that time?
A63211And what said they to you?
A63211And whether I did not dwell constantly there?
A63211And whether you saw me take Orders from the See of Rome?
A63211And you saw him give the Sacrament?
A63211Ask him whether he ever heard me say Mass at my Lord Ambassadors House?
A63211At what time?
A63211But how shall I do then, when I am Lame?
A63211But if a Man were to Argue with you now, in your own way, Pray are there not Priests in England, besides those Priests that were born here?
A63211But is this Good Evidence?
A63211But the Question is, Whether you be a Priest, or no?
A63211But the Question is, whether ever you, Mr. Oates, saw him say Mass in this womans house?
A63211But was there Mass never said since in the house?
A63211But what part of the Summer?
A63211But when?
A63211But where Mr. Oates, and when?
A63211But why does he not name some particular time, for unless he name the time, How is it possible for us to disprove him?
A63211But why is he not a good Witness, pray?
A63211But you are sure this is the man?
A63211But you told him it was your own: VVhat say you to that?
A63211Can you affirm, that for a Twelve moneth together, you saw him every day?
A63211Can you nominate any in particular?
A63211Can you nominate any one that saw me at the same time?
A63211Come Dr. Oates, What say you to this man?
A63211Come, What say you, Sir William?
A63211Culprit, How wilt thou be Tryed?
A63211Did he Consecrate the Sacrament?
A63211Did he Dine of Ashwednesday, and Good Friday?
A63211Did he Dine there all that time?
A63211Did he deliver the Sacrament to you?
A63211Did he dine a Wednesdays and Fridays?
A63211Did he dine there every Friday constantly?
A63211Did he do it publickly?
A63211Did he eat Beaf or Mutton?
A63211Did he eat Flesh upon those days?
A63211Did he give the Sacrament then, or at any other time?
A63211Did he give the Sacrament?
A63211Did he give the Sacrament?
A63211Did he never keep a Fast in all that time?
A63211Did he own himself to be a Priest?
A63211Did he receive the Sacrament, and consecrate the Host?
A63211Did he shew it you?
A63211Did he shew you the Letters of his Orders?
A63211Did he wear the Habit of a Priest?
A63211Did you ever hear him say Mass at Father Lathum''s?
A63211Did you ever receive the Sacrament from him?
A63211Did you ever see Dr. Oates there betwixt March and April, before he went over into Spain?
A63211Did you ever see him give the Sacrament?
A63211Did you ever see him give the Sacrament?
A63211Did you hear him declare, that he hath been going at any time to take Confession?
A63211Did you hear me say Mass before you went over to Spain?
A63211Did you know one Mr. Duncomb that is dead?
A63211Did you know that I took Orders?
A63211Did you never go by that name of Johnson?
A63211Did you never see him deliver the Sacrament?
A63211Did you see him there every day of that year?
A63211Do any Administer the Sacrament but Priests?
A63211Do you believe it was in August?
A63211Do you deny you are an Englishman?
A63211Do you imagine there should be no proof to convict you upon that Statute, unless we produce some Witnesses that actually saw you take Orders?
A63211Do you know Mr. Oates?
A63211Do you know this Hand, Sir?
A63211Do you know what Countreyman he is?
A63211Do you not know him?
A63211Do you pretend to have known the Savoy ever before your coming back again?
A63211Do you suppose then that any other Jury should never believe him?
A63211Do you suppose then that every Priest had a hand in the Plot?
A63211Do you think you know every one that hath seen you at Mass?
A63211Do, Why?
A63211Does the Minister, or ought he to know all his Congregation whilest he is in Preaching?
A63211Does, or can any but a Priest Absolve?
A63211Dr. Oates, will you tell my Lord and the Jury, what you know of Mr. Russels being a Priest?
A63211From what time do you Ask?
A63211From whom was that Patent?
A63211Hath not many a Witness Sworn true, yet the Verdict gone against their Evidence?
A63211Have not you your self been Confessed by Marshall?
A63211Have you any Witnesses that you would call?
A63211Have you any thing to Ask him?
A63211Have you any thing to say?
A63211Have you done?
A63211Have you ever seen him give the Sacrament?
A63211Have you heard him say Mass?
A63211Have you recorded his Plea?
A63211Have you seen him in a Priests Habit say Mass?
A63211Have you that Record here?
A63211He did give in that I heard Mr. Collins''s Confession, I ask why he does not give it in now?
A63211He did well, did he not?
A63211He tells me of the Priests Habits, What are they Sir?
A63211He told me his Name was Russel; I asked him, If ever he went by any other Name?
A63211Here are three Witnesses against you, and do you think your bare Word will be taken against their three Oaths?
A63211Here are two positive VVitnesses against you, what say you to it?
A63211How can he do that?
A63211How can you tell that?
A63211How does that afford me any occasion of Defence?
A63211How does that appear so?
A63211How long before?
A63211How long have you known him?
A63211How long since?
A63211How long staid he there?
A63211How long was he at Windsor?
A63211How long was he at Windsor?
A63211How long was it agoe?
A63211How long was it before the Plot, as near as you can, tell the time Mr. Oates?
A63211How many might come into a Room, and you not see them while you are at Mass?
A63211How many years ago do you speak of?
A63211How many years ago was it, I Ask?
A63211How often have you heard him say Mass?
A63211How often have you seen him in a Monks Habit?
A63211How often have you seen him say Mass?
A63211How often?
A63211How often?
A63211How often?
A63211How often?
A63211How sayest thou, David Joseph Kemish, Art thou Guilty of this High Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63211How shall I clear my self, if the testimony of the Ambassador, and his whole Family be not admitted?
A63211How shall I disprove that?
A63211How will he be Tryed?
A63211How wilt thou be tryed?
A63211I appeal to all the World that ever came to Somerset- house, Whether ever any one heard me say Mass there?
A63211I ask, Did she ever see Mr. Oates in the Summer before last?
A63211I call her to know whether Dr. Oates was there?
A63211I can say enough; but what can I say against the King''s Evidence?
A63211I desire to know of Mr. Oates who was Embassador at Wildhouse at that time when he sayes he heard me?
A63211I do n''t Ask you that, but how many years ago''t is?
A63211I do never wonder at their denying any thing, I would feign know whether he would not deny the Sun shines now or no?
A63211I had occasion to speak with the Bishop of London, Dr. Shelden about another Person, and when I came to him, he asked me, What is your Name?
A63211I never had any great converse with the man: when he was taken, they asked me, If I knew any thing of this man about the Plot?
A63211If there be but one Witness, VVhat need I make any Defence?
A63211In a Priests Habit?
A63211In his Habit?
A63211Is all his Family gone with him?
A63211Is he not acquainted with the Savoy?
A63211Is it credible I should do so?
A63211Is that any argument, or any thing to the purpose, or does that contradict the Evidence?
A63211L. C. J. Doe they use to let them see when they confess?
A63211L. C. J. Me- thinks you speak very like an Englishman?
A63211L. C. J. Mr. Prance, you are sure that is the man?
A63211L. C. J. VVell, what would you have with her?
A63211L. C. J. VVhat can you say against the Prisoner, as to his being a Priest?
A63211L. C. J. VVhat say you to Mr. Oates Testimony?
A63211L. C. J. VVhat time in the Summer?
A63211L. C. J. VVhen was this, VVinter or Summer?
A63211L. C. J. VVhere do you say?
A63211L. C. J. VVhere else?
A63211Look upon the Prisoner, How say you, Is he Guilty of the High- Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or Not Guilty?
A63211Look you Gentlemen, The single Question is, Whether he be a Romish Priest or no?
A63211Look you Sir, do you know that Mr. Parry ever said Mass at Wild- house?
A63211Look you then, How vain would you make a Statute of England, the Laws of your Countrey?
A63211Mr. Prance dare you say you know me?
A63211Mr. Prance, what do you know of Lumsden''s being a Priest?
A63211Must I stay there and hazard my life, or trust to the Kings Mercy?
A63211My Lord Chief Justice, may I speak now?
A63211My Lord, as to that he speaks of Seventy seven or Seven eight, what Month of Seventy eight, I desire to know?
A63211My Lord, how comes it to pass, that I did not come here in a Yellow Coat, and was not arraigned for a Fool?
A63211None use to do it but Priests, doe they?
A63211Nor at the Venetian Residents?
A63211Now I will ask Mr. Oates a Question: Mr. Oates, Can you prove, That I received Orders from the See of Rome?
A63211Of what Order is he?
A63211Of what part of Scotland?
A63211Pray Ask this Witness if he never heard him say Mass?
A63211Pray Sir will you tell my Lord and the Gentlemen of the Jury, what you do know of this Starkeys being a Priest?
A63211Pray, Sir, are you sure you saw his Orders as a Priest?
A63211Recorder, May I speak one word?
A63211Recorder, before you pronounce Sentence?
A63211Searching among his Clothes, I found some Religious Habits; I asked him, If they were his?
A63211Swear Mr. Prance( which was done) What did you hear him say at his last Tryal?
A63211That Morning I took him, as soon as I came into the Room, I asked him his Name?
A63211That is a forreign matter, what have we to do with it now?
A63211That is a pretty Argument indeed; Do any but Priests say Mass?
A63211That was an holy Vessel, was it not?
A63211The Jury did not beleive it, might not he speak true for all that?
A63211Then you are sure your Proselytes will say any thing you would have them?
A63211Then you know him very well?
A63211Then you think it was at another time?
A63211Thou art in the same Condition with him that went last before thee, what canst thou say for thy self?
A63211To what purpose will it be for me to ask him?
A63211Under what Seal was it?
A63211VVell, but you pretend now, that since you came over here, you were in the Savoy; Had you a Key to get in?
A63211VVere not you here when Marshall was Tryed for the Plot?
A63211VVhat say you to his saying, He hath heard you say Mass twenty times?
A63211VVhat say you to the saying Mass at the time Dr. Oates speaks of?
A63211VVhen, my Lord?
A63211Was he alwayes in your fight all the time?
A63211Was he in Priests Habit?
A63211Was he there in the Habit?
A63211Was it in any one of them?
A63211Was there any body by when you confess''d your self to him?
A63211Was there any body with you when you heard me say Mass?
A63211Was there never Mass said in the House?
A63211Was there not Mass said in three or four years time there?
A63211Well, Have you any thing to ask him?
A63211Well, come Mr. Dangerfield, in the first place, Who ever saw you with me?
A63211Well, have you done, have you any more witnesses?
A63211Well, well, will you ask him any Questions?
A63211Well, will you ask him any thing?
A63211Were you a Papist then?
A63211Were you born there?
A63211Were you never at Paston''s?
A63211Were you there always your self?
A63211What Countreyman are you?
A63211What I do know against him?
A63211What November?
A63211What a wild inference do you make from this un- intelligible business?
A63211What are you?
A63211What before the Plot?
A63211What can you say to Mr. Marshall''s being a Priest?
A63211What can you say to that?
A63211What can your Witnesses prove?
A63211What do you ask him?
A63211What do you expect for proof?
A63211What do you say as to Mr. Parry?
A63211What does he say?
A63211What have I to say for my self?
A63211What have you then to say for your self?
A63211What have you to say for your self?
A63211What house?
A63211What if he could tell you when?
A63211What in a Room?
A63211What in his Habit?
A63211What is his Name?
A63211What is my Name?
A63211What is that he sayes?
A63211What of his being a Priest?
A63211What say you Mr. Dugdale?
A63211What say you Sir to this?
A63211What say you about Mr. Parry''s being at Windsor?
A63211What say you to Mr. Paston''s?
A63211What say you to him, will you Ask him any Questions?
A63211What say you to the Savoy Mr. Corker?
A63211What say you?
A63211What then?
A63211What then?
A63211What time was this, if it please you Sir?
A63211What was the good of the Cause that he meant?
A63211What will they prove?
A63211What would you have this man Asked?
A63211What, that particularly?
A63211When Sir?
A63211When came he down to Windsor?
A63211When did you come to London, in August?
A63211When the King went, what must I do?
A63211When was it that you heard me say Mass?
A63211When was it that you saw him do thus?
A63211When was it?
A63211When was that?
A63211When was this?
A63211When was this?
A63211When was this?
A63211When was this?
A63211When you saw me in my Habit, Was it when you came to Father Lathum''s?
A63211Where did you hear me say Mass then?
A63211Where is my Lord Ambassador, why does not he come hither?
A63211Where is the Record of any of this?
A63211Where, pray was this?
A63211Whether she ever heard you say Mass?
A63211Who did I give the Sacrament to?
A63211Who is it that will prove you did not come to the house?
A63211Who is that?
A63211Who would you send for?
A63211Why can I ask Counsel after Plea pleaded?
A63211Why did you never go with a Chalice to this man, and break it?
A63211Why did you say so then?
A63211Why do n''t you ask him some questions?
A63211Why do n''t you bring them hither as your Witnesses?
A63211Why do you deny it your self?
A63211Why have you forgot the Chalice you brought to his House?
A63211Why is he not credible?
A63211Why should you suspect that your Witnesses should not go free?
A63211Why then did not this Woman, when she knew this Evidence that would lay a blemish upon me, come and give it for Pickering to have saved him?
A63211Why, was there no Mass said, but in that particular house you lived in?
A63211Why, were you never there?
A63211Why, what reason had you to see him every day?
A63211Why, what were you never at Wild- house, and said Mass there?
A63211Will you ask him any Questions?
A63211Will you ask him any Questions?
A63211Will you ask him any Questions?
A63211Will you ask him any more Questions?
A63211Will you ask him any questions?
A63211Will you ask him any questions?
A63211Will you ask him ever a Question?
A63211Will you give the Jury leave to believe you Mr. Marshall?
A63211Will you go to arraign the Judges here?
A63211William Marshall, hold up thy hand, thou art in the same Condition, What say''st thou for thy self?
A63211William Russel, hold up thy Hand, Thou art in the same Case, what canst thou say for thy self?
A63211Yes, Whether you do know me to be an Englishman?
A63211You are in the same Condition, what have you to say?
A63211You can tell what he did eat, can you?
A63211You have no more to say, have you?
A63211You hear the Question, Sir, Is the Prisoner at the Bar a Priest?
A63211You knew him very well then?
A63211You went to Confession to him, and received Absolution?
A63211Your house?
A63211where can we find such a Witness?
A631531000 Horse, 1000 Dragoons, and 8000 Foot: Mr. Charnock said, if you send me over, what shall I tell him you will do?
A63153Again, on Monday about Nine he came to the Tap- house, and askt if I heard any thing of their coming?
A63153And for those Boots, were there any more than two pair?
A63153And on Sunday, about three a Clock, Mr. Lewis came to enquire if Sir William''s Horses were come to Town?
A63153And were not those small Horses?
A63153And, what was the substance of it?
A63153Are none of these Men known?
A63153But Hostler, have you not known those Horses to be mine a long time?
A63153But did he tell you of any Assurance he had of King James''s landing?
A63153But did you never observe a Roan Horse that came in the Day before?
A63153But did you see any body come?
A63153But if they had been there when he came, how came he at this time to secret them?
A63153But is this an Overt- Act of Treason, to tell how People stand affected?
A63153But on Saturday morning, who did you speak with?
A63153But then what does Mr. Sweet say to that, which was still a part of the same Design, tho''at another time?
A63153But when your first discourse was with him about King James his Landing, what did he say?
A63153But why were they bury''d in your Garden?
A63153By what Circumstance do you know that he agreed to it?
A63153Consider that, did you ever hear me call this King Prince of Orange since he was King?
A63153Culprit, How wilt thou be Tryed?
A63153Did I tell you Mr. Sweet I had a Troop of Horse?
A63153Did I tell you positively, that he was to land?
A63153Did Sir W. Parkins agree to that?
A63153Did Sir W. Parkins discourse of the Assassination himself?
A63153Did any body own them?
A63153Did he ever mention King James?
A63153Did he name King James or King William?
A63153Did he name King James?
A63153Did he say it did consist, or would consist?
A63153Did he speak of a Lord''s Brother?
A63153Did he tell you he had a Troop, or that he was to have one?
A63153Did he tell you who?
A63153Did you desire the Goods might be removed?
A63153Did you speak with Sir W. Parkins?
A63153Do you know the day of the Week?
A63153Do you know what time the Horses were Saddled, that day, the Saturday that they went away?
A63153Does any Body swear it was in order to that?
A63153Does he not say you had a Troop, that consisted of Old Soldiers?
A63153Does this Troop consist of Men in the Air?
A63153Gen. About what time was that Discourse?
A63153Gen. After this, when did you bring up Horses to the George Inn for your Master, and how many?
A63153Gen. After this, when did you hear from your Master next?
A63153Gen. And did they agree to it?
A63153Gen. And did you observe any Persons on Saturday morning?
A63153Gen. And this, you say, was Ash- wednesday at Night?
A63153Gen. And what Gentlemen went with him?
A63153Gen. And what did he speak of Voluntiers?
A63153Gen. And what did you observe, nothing at all?
A63153Gen. And what was discoursed of then?
A63153Gen. And you took those Goods upon that Letter, upon his Recommendation?
A63153Gen. At the time he said he was to go to Leicestershire to meet his Friends, was it at that time he had discourse with you about King James Landing?
A63153Gen. Before you go upon the second Meeting, did Sir W. Parkins agree to that Message?
A63153Gen. By whose Hand was it writ?
A63153Gen. Can you remember those that came the Week before, how long they stay''d there?
A63153Gen. Did Mr. Lewis or Sir William Parkins say four and Twenty?
A63153Gen. Did he give you any reason why it was written with his own Hand?
A63153Gen. Did he go home, or did he change his mind?
A63153Gen. Did he say any thing of Volunteers to joyn with him?
A63153Gen. Did he say he belonged to the King''s Kitchin?
A63153Gen. Did he speak any thing to you of the Horses?
A63153Gen. Did he tell you what it was for?
A63153Gen. Did that Letter come from Mr. Charnock?
A63153Gen. Did they Bury them then?
A63153Gen. Did they agree to their former Resolution taken at the first Meeting?
A63153Gen. Did they carry them away that Night?
A63153Gen. Did they come in no name?
A63153Gen. Did you bring any Boots?
A63153Gen. Did you carry that Letter?
A63153Gen. Did you ever see Sir William come with so many before?
A63153Gen. Did you go back to him?
A63153Gen. Did you go with Evans to fetch those Boxes?
A63153Gen. Did you help to bury them?
A63153Gen. Did you know him?
A63153Gen. Did you know who that was?
A63153Gen. Did you not see him before?
A63153Gen. Did you observe any other Furniture?
A63153Gen. Did you observe any other Horses come in there?
A63153Gen. Did you see Sir W. Parkins?
A63153Gen. Did you see any more wrapt up?
A63153Gen. Did you see any other?
A63153Gen. Did you see the Boxes broke open?
A63153Gen. Did your Master give you those two Saddles?
A63153Gen. Do you know Sir William Parkins?
A63153Gen. Do you know one Mr. Lewis?
A63153Gen. Do you know the Names of the men he was to mount?
A63153Gen. Do you remember what Horses were brought up the Week before?
A63153Gen. For how long?
A63153Gen. For what Horses were they?
A63153Gen. From whence came that Horse?
A63153Gen. Have you ever heard him call this King Prince of Orange?
A63153Gen. Have you ever heard that Sir W. Parkins had a Commission from the late King James?
A63153Gen. How far is Mr. Heywood''s House from Sir William Parkins House in Warwickshire?
A63153Gen. How long have you lived at the George Inn?
A63153Gen. How long since?
A63153Gen. How many Boxes were there?
A63153Gen. How many Boxes were there?
A63153Gen. How many Horses did you bring up then?
A63153Gen. How many there?
A63153Gen. How many were there in all, did he say?
A63153Gen. How many were they?
A63153Gen. How many?
A63153Gen. How were they accoutred, when they came to Town on Friday?
A63153Gen. How were they accoutred?
A63153Gen. How were they furnished besides?
A63153Gen. Is your Name Hipwell?
A63153Gen. Is your Name Hipwell?
A63153Gen. Let me ask you a little: How long have you known Sir W. Parkins?
A63153Gen. Mr. Freeman, Where do you live?
A63153Gen. Mr. Sweet, What did Sir William Parkins tell you of Leicestershire?
A63153Gen. Mr. Wats, was you present when Sir William Parkins''s House was Searched?
A63153Gen. Sir William, have you any Questions to ask him?
A63153Gen. Sir William, will you ask him any Questions?
A63153Gen. Sir William, will you ask him any more questions?
A63153Gen. Sir William, will you ask him any questions?
A63153Gen. Sir William, will you ask the Witness any Questions?
A63153Gen. Sir, will you ask him any more Questions?
A63153Gen. Was Sir William Parkins there at that Meeting?
A63153Gen. Was it Valentine''s day?
A63153Gen. Was there another?
A63153Gen. Was there any Discourse of his going into Leicestershire?
A63153Gen. Was there any Man at Kensington to give notice?
A63153Gen. Was you by when they were broken open?
A63153Gen. Was you there, when they brought these Goods back?
A63153Gen. What Age?
A63153Gen. What Company did you observe came to him?
A63153Gen. What Day of the Week?
A63153Gen. What Day was it?
A63153Gen. What Directions had you from your Master that Night, to go any where the next Morning?
A63153Gen. What Discourse had you in the Morning?
A63153Gen. What Discourse was there at the same time?
A63153Gen. What Man was that, what sized Man, what manner of Man?
A63153Gen. What Month was it in?
A63153Gen. What Orders had you to come up to Town?
A63153Gen. What Relation was Mr. Charnock to you?
A63153Gen. What are you there?
A63153Gen. What day of the Month?
A63153Gen. What day of the Week?
A63153Gen. What day of the Week?
A63153Gen. What did Evans and you do after that Letter was deliver''d?
A63153Gen. What did Mr. Lewis say then?
A63153Gen. What did he call him else?
A63153Gen. What did he say of any Preparation that he had made?
A63153Gen. What did he say to you?
A63153Gen. What did he say to you?
A63153Gen. What did he tell you he was to go about?
A63153Gen. What did he tell you that Brown was?
A63153Gen. What did he use to call him?
A63153Gen. What did they bring to carry the Goods?
A63153Gen. What did they do with them there?
A63153Gen. What did they do with them?
A63153Gen. What did you do there?
A63153Gen. What did you find in Sir William Parkins''s Garden?
A63153Gen. What directions had you from him when you went into the Country?
A63153Gen. What discourse had you with them?
A63153Gen. What kind of Swords were they?
A63153Gen. What other Discourse had you about this matter?
A63153Gen. What quantity of Arms?
A63153Gen. What said your Master to you?
A63153Gen. What time came your Master to the Inn?
A63153Gen. What time did he come?
A63153Gen. What time did they return?
A63153Gen. What time did you come back?
A63153Gen. What time of the Month?
A63153Gen. What time was the first?
A63153Gen. What time was this Discourse?
A63153Gen. What time was this?
A63153Gen. What time was this?
A63153Gen. What time?
A63153Gen. What use was there made of her afterwards?
A63153Gen. What was Whetstone?
A63153Gen. What was done in this Consult?
A63153Gen. What was his Name?
A63153Gen. What was it he said to you about this matter?
A63153Gen. What was that Letter for?
A63153Gen. What was that Mare borrow''d for?
A63153Gen. What was the Method agreed upon?
A63153Gen. What was the discourse?
A63153Gen. What was the reason it was not executed the first day?
A63153Gen. What was your Message?
A63153Gen. What were the Goods in?
A63153Gen. What were the Goods put up in?
A63153Gen. What were the two Saddles for?
A63153Gen. Whence came he?
A63153Gen. Where did he tell you he was wounded?
A63153Gen. Where did they stand?
A63153Gen. Where did you bring them?
A63153Gen. Where did you find them?
A63153Gen. Where did you leave those Horses on Friday Night?
A63153Gen. Where do you live?
A63153Gen. Where was it?
A63153Gen. Where was it?
A63153Gen. Where was the second Meeting?
A63153Gen. Where were they left?
A63153Gen. Where?
A63153Gen. Where?
A63153Gen. Whither did you carry them?
A63153Gen. Whither did you come when you came back from Leicester- shire?
A63153Gen. Whither did you go from Stony- Stratford?
A63153Gen. Who bid you go with him?
A63153Gen. Who came for them?
A63153Gen. Who came with him then?
A63153Gen. Who came with him?
A63153Gen. Who came with them?
A63153Gen. Who came with you?
A63153Gen. Who could land but King James?
A63153Gen. Who delivered them to you?
A63153Gen. Who do you live with?
A63153Gen. Who was there at that Meeting?
A63153Gen. Who was there?
A63153Gen. Who went with him?
A63153Gen. Whose Man?
A63153Gen. Whose Wall?
A63153Gen. Whose were they?
A63153Gen. Why did they bury them?
A63153Gen. Will you ask him any Questions?
A63153Gen. You said you had no Master; Is he your Master?
A63153Gen. You say Sir William Parkins told you his Troop consisted of all Old Souldiers, did he tell you what use his Troop was for?
A63153Gen. You went the next day to Leicester; how long did you stay?
A63153Gen. You went to view the Ground, did you not?
A63153Gen. were you present when they were found?
A63153Gentlemen, Are you agreed of your Verdict?
A63153Had you a Note for the three Horses?
A63153Have you any more questions to ask him?
A63153Have you any more to say?
A63153Have you any thing more to say, Sir William?
A63153He ask''t me whether I could procure any number of men?
A63153He asked him how he knew it?
A63153He asked me if I had been at Kensington?
A63153He askt me whether I was going?
A63153He only tells you my Troop would be composed?
A63153He says, Mr. Homes went out of Town with me; you would insinuate as if it were Major Homes in the Proclamation; who was it?
A63153He went home with him on Monday, did he?
A63153How long is it since you were Committed?
A63153How many Horses came from Somerset house?
A63153How many Horses was you to bid his Man to bring to Town?
A63153How many Horses?
A63153How many?
A63153How say''st thou, Sir William Parkins, Art thou guilty of this High Treason, whereof thou standest Indicted, or not guilty?
A63153How were they put up?
A63153I asked him when he would take them away?
A63153I asked him when?
A63153I heard Mr. Charnock ask him one Night why Scudmore and the rest would not go?
A63153I told him, he had Goods at my House, and asked him what he would do with them?
A63153If by King were meant King William, how impertinent were this Discourse?
A63153In the Boxes?
A63153In what County?
A63153It is impossible; for can I speak from hence to France?
A63153J. H. What was in it?
A63153Mr. A 〈 … 〉 How were those Horses furnished?
A63153Mr. Att Gen. What did he say he was?
A63153Mr. Charnock asked me how many I could bring?
A63153Mr. How long have you been acquainted with Sir William Parkins?
A63153Mr. Porter, how many Horses had you from Mr. Lewis?
A63153Mr. Sollicitor Gen. Mr. Baker, How was it that he had not Counsel sooner?
A63153Mr. Sweet, did not he tell you he was to go into Leicestershire?
A63153Mr. Sweet, will you give the Court and Jury an account what Sir W. Parkins said to you about the late King James''s landing?
A63153Must not I be there, said I?
A63153My Lord, I expected to have found it in this?
A63153One Morning I was going out, and met him, and ask''d him where I should meet him at Night?
A63153One Witness?
A63153Parkyns, Does it appear?
A63153Parkyns, No?
A63153Parkyns, Where was it, and when were they bought, and made ready?
A63153Pray, my Lord, may not the Trial be put off for some little time?
A63153Recollect your self, speak the truth, and no more; did you ever hear him call him little Gentleman, or Prince of Orange?
A63153Said I, I can not stay; when shall I see you again?
A63153Sir W. Parkins, Why did you send your Man to Kensington, to speak with one Brown?
A63153Sir William Parkins, Did you see them buried?
A63153Sir William, have you any more to say?
A63153Sir William, have you any more to say?
A63153Sir William, you have heard the Statute Read, do you infer any thing from it?
A63153Suppose I should tell him a brag, a Lye; shall I lose my Life for talking of a Troop in Nubibus?
A63153That Person at the Confectioners, had he a lame Arm, or no?
A63153The Question you propose, is, Whether there be Two Witnesses in this Case for the matter you are Indicted for?
A63153The Week before the Proclamation?
A63153Then there was a Bay Gelding, what sized Horse was that?
A63153Then, my Lord, I desire your Judgment, whether words spoken in Hartfordshire, will affect me here?
A63153To each?
A63153To say that the West was as well inclined to King William as the North, and that a Lord''s Brother was concerned; in what?
A63153To what particular, my Lord?
A63153To what?
A63153Two Witnesses?
A63153Was it not Mr. Homes in Holborn?
A63153Was it possible for that to be true?
A63153Was it three of his strongest Horses?
A63153Was there not a Gentleman that came to Town with me?
A63153We are desirous to know, whether at any of the Meetings the Discourse was to Assassinate the King?
A63153Were there any Pistols?
A63153Were they Hilted?
A63153Were they not your Masters Horses?
A63153Were they your Masters Horses?
A63153Were you not committed for High Treason?
A63153Were you to go to Leicestershire to see whether the People were well disposed to King William?
A63153What Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements, had he at the time of the High- Treason committed, or at any time since?
A63153What King must he mean?
A63153What Orders had you from your Master?
A63153What Witnesses do you want?
A63153What did he say when such Discourses were had?
A63153What did he say?
A63153What did you understand by that?
A63153What did your Master say about Saddles?
A63153What do you think of the Design to bring in King James, to assist him with Horses, and providing Horses and Arms?
A63153What hast thou to say for thy self why Judgment should not pass against thee to dye according to Law?
A63153What height was the Bay Gelding?
A63153What is he?
A63153What kind of Horses were they?
A63153What occasion had you for such a quantity of Arms?
A63153What place?
A63153What said he?
A63153What say you, Sir William?
A63153What sized Horses were they?
A63153What time of the Day or Night were the Boxes fetched by Evans from Mr. Heywoods?
A63153What time was that he had five?
A63153What time?
A63153What, the Roan?
A63153When Captain Scudmore was with him, had you discourse with him before?
A63153When came Mr. Lewis?
A63153When came you back to Bushy?
A63153When did he come to Town again?
A63153When did he go?
A63153When did the Five come in?
A63153When did these Horses go away again?
A63153When did you go out of Town with those Horses?
A63153When did you hear me call him the little Gentleman?
A63153When did you speak with Mr. Charnock?
A63153When had he Notice?
A63153When had you notice of your Tryal?
A63153When he would take them away, or dispose of them?
A63153When was it that Sir William spoke to you of the King''s Landing?
A63153When was the next Meeting, after you were disappointed?
A63153When was the time they came for them?
A63153When was this?
A63153When was this?
A63153When was this?
A63153When you came to Town with those three Horses, did you go to your Master presently, and acquaint him with it?
A63153When you had discourse of the present King, what Name did he give him?
A63153Where did you Dine that Day?
A63153Where were these words spoken?
A63153Where were those Saddles?
A63153Whether you had provided for a whole Troop or no, I may not be skillful enough to know that?
A63153Which way should I have his Word, when I was not out of England?
A63153Which will you have first?
A63153Who said that, my Lord?
A63153Who shall say for you?
A63153Who told you so?
A63153Who told you so?
A63153Why did you concern your self with the King''s Friends in the West and in the North?
A63153Why might they not have been as publick now as before?
A63153Will your Lordship please that it may be read?
A63153You had frequent discourse with him about the present Government?
A63153You say, you observed there were three or four Cases of Pistols; Did you not observe that I always used to ride with Pistols?
A63153and what was that Person that lodged at the Confectioners in Holbourn, over against Grays Inn?
A63153in being true to King William?
A63153was he not all last Summer at my House?
A63153what did he say of a Lord''s Brother?
A63153why do not you tell it?
A63142A piece, do you mean?
A63142About the French Army?
A63142About what time?
A63142About what time?
A63142About what?
A63142About what?
A63142After this is done, what does Mr. Everard do?
A63142And all this to what purpose?
A63142And are you not so now?
A63142And pray, did not he give you a full Answer to that Question?
A63142And so you always understood him?
A63142And that was for the designe?
A63142And the Letter was for Spiritual Affairs too, was it not?
A63142And thereupon he denounced you Excommunicate?
A63142And these Mandates you have seen under his haud?
A63142And this was to bring in the Money?
A63142And to raise money?
A63142And towards the proceedings of the Plot?
A63142And were you acquainted with all these Orders?
A63142And what is all this to do?
A63142And you saw him with my Letters?
A63142And you understood it by himself?
A63142And, Mr. Fitz- harris, do you design to detect Mrs. Wall of Falshood?
A63142Answer me directly, Did he claim to be titular Primate under the Pope?
A63142Are you a Free- holder Sir?
A63142Are you a Roman- Catholick still?
A63142Are you( meaning the Subjects of our said Soveraign Lord the King) become French Asses to suffer any load to be laid upon you?
A63142Ask him, is he a Free- holder?
A63142Aye, but then this is dangerous, how shall I venture upon such matters?
A63142Before you paid it, did you receive any order from him?
A63142But I ask him this Question, Mr. Attorney, was he put upon it to Trapan others?
A63142But I ask you, Why did not you discover it all this time?
A63142But I desire to ask Mr. Cowling a Question, and that is, Sir, What Mrs. Wall said to you about my Business?
A63142But I think you paid something your self?
A63142But Sir said I, you spoke of some recompence for me, what shall I have for venturing this?
A63142But asked him, why he did not go to one of the Secretaries of State?
A63142But did you converse with him about money?
A63142But do you think it is fit for you to move this ● ow?
A63142But is not this upon the account of a Pension granted in Ireland?
A63142But now you are acquainted with his hand, is it the same hand which you have seen up and down in Writings with his name to?
A63142But speak, had I it?
A63142But that that is not to be answered, Gentlemen, is his own instructions in writing; what can be said to that?
A63142But will you say it was upon that account?
A63142By whom?
A63142Can you mention any Person that I was to Trapan?
A63142Can you name any other person I received money from?
A63142Can you shew any of the Orders under my hand?
A63142Can you shew any of the Orders?
A63142Col. What did you hear Sir William Waller say after this Discovery was made?
A63142Come, do n''t trifle; What discourse have you had with the Prisoner about raising of money, or bringing in the French?
A63142Come, what say you?
A63142Did Cardinal Bouillon shew you my Letter?
A63142Did I give them you?
A63142Did any body else assist you in drawing the Libel?
A63142Did he come a begging there?
A63142Did he declare he had many more employed in the Service?
A63142Did he desire you to be secret?
A63142Did he name any Parliament men?
A63142Did he not say it was another Sham Plot, Sir, against the Phanaticks, and the House of Commons?
A63142Did he not say this was a Design against the Protestants?
A63142Did he say I was employed by him, and received any Money, and what for?
A63142Did he say any thing, that it was a Design to put the Libel upon the Protestant Lords, and the House of Commons?
A63142Did he stile himself so in his Letters?
A63142Did he take the Oath of Secresy?
A63142Did not I come to you the Wednesday before I was taken, and told you, I desired to speak with the King, and that I had a Libel to present to him?
A63142Did not I say here is the Libel that I come to deliver to the King now?
A63142Did not I speak to the King in the outer Room?
A63142Did not I tell you, I had a promise of a Quit- Rent for Secret- Service?
A63142Did not I tell you, I was carrying it to the King?
A63142Did not my Lady Portsmouth tell me, the Duke was angry,& c?
A63142Did not my Wife shew you this Libel the Sunday that I was taken?
A63142Did not the King declare in Council, that I had gotten Mony of him?
A63142Did not you receive some of them from me to give to the King?
A63142Did the Lay Gentrie agree to pay nothing?
A63142Did you ever discourse with him about it?
A63142Did you ever see him write?
A63142Did you ever see me at Carlingford?
A63142Did you ever see me at any other of the Ports?
A63142Did you ever speak with the Prisoner at the Bar about his going?
A63142Did you ever, upon any such account as this, receive any Mony for me, speak the truth?
A63142Did you give in any Evidence to the Grand Jurie?
A63142Did you go into the Consult?
A63142Did you know Neale O Neale?
A63142Did you know he was the Doctors Servant?
A63142Did you never send any Letter by one O Neale?
A63142Did you not read it, my Lord?
A63142Did you see him in my Service?
A63142Did you see those Conditions?
A63142Did you write any Process to Rome against me?
A63142Did you write this Libel?
A63142Do n''t you know he was Chaplain to Bishop Duffy?
A63142Do you believe I had any Trayterous intention in it?
A63142Do you know any other transactions about the Plot?
A63142Do you know my own hand Writing?
A63142Do you know this Seeker?
A63142Do you not know that he was ingaged to assist the French Army?
A63142Do you own this man, Dr. Plunket, to be of your Religion?
A63142Do you remember whether Henry O Neale was there?
A63142Does Mr. Fitz- Harris stand Impeached by the House of Commons upon the same Treasons mentioned in the Indictment?
A63142Does not your Grace remember what Directions I received about my Lord Howard?
A63142Does the Impeachment mention that Paper?
A63142Does your Lordship deny, that I know your hand?
A63142Establishing, establishing what?
A63142For what cause?
A63142For what does it tend to?
A63142For what security hath a man for his Life and Estate, if twelve substantial men of a Jury shall dare to go against plain and full Evidence?
A63142Gen. After he was taken, do you know of any Order he sent out to gather money?
A63142Gen. And what was done there besides?
A63142Gen. And what was the import of it, pray?
A63142Gen. Are those the Instructions he gave you to frame this Libel?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder Sir?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder Sir?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder Sir?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder Sir?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder Sir?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder Sir?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder in Middles ● x, upon vour Oath?
A63142Gen. Are you a Free- holder?
A63142Gen. Are you sworn, Sir?
A63142Gen. Ay, but before his appearing at the Council Table, did the King ever say he saw him, or before he was Arrested for this Fact?
A63142Gen. By whose order?
A63142Gen. Come, Sir, you have been at the Spanish Embassadors lately, answer my Question: Have you ever been with Plunket in Ireland?
A63142Gen. Did he name a Reward that Mr. Everard was to have?
A63142Gen. Did he say any thing that day about a reward you should have?
A63142Gen. Did he tell who set him on work?
A63142Gen. Did he tell you in what manner?
A63142Gen. Did the King ever declare that he saw Fitz- Harris in his Life, or that he ever was in his Presence?
A63142Gen. Did the King ever take any notice of him, speak to him?
A63142Gen. Did the Prisoner acknowledge that to be all his own Hand- writing?
A63142Gen. Did you know that ever he was admitted to the King?
A63142Gen. Did you see any Order under Plunket''s hand for raising of money?
A63142Gen. Did you see any Precept about it?
A63142Gen. Did you see the Letter?
A63142Gen. Did you send any money that you know of?
A63142Gen. Did you?
A63142Gen. Do you know any thing of his going to view the Ports?
A63142Gen. Do you know his hand?
A63142Gen. Dr. Plunket, will you ask him any questions?
A63142Gen. From whom had you those Orders?
A63142Gen. Had you an Order from him?
A63142Gen. Had you any design to trapan the Prisoner, or any body?
A63142Gen. Hath he not owned himself so?
A63142Gen. Have you any Free- hold in your own right in Middlesex?
A63142Gen. Have you ever heard him own himself Primate of Ireland?
A63142Gen. Have you seen any money paid to him?
A63142Gen. How came you to be in France?
A63142Gen. How come you to know this?
A63142Gen. How do you know that?
A63142Gen. How do you know that?
A63142Gen. How often were you in the Doctor''s company?
A63142Gen. Is he a Free- holder?
A63142Gen. Is he a Free- holder?
A63142Gen. Is it interlined with his own hand?
A63142Gen. My Lord, I pray he may answer that question, whether he be a Free- holder in Middlesex?
A63142Gen. Of whom?
A63142Gen. Pray had ● ou any converse with Oliver Plunket about the raising of money?
A63142Gen. Pray, Madam, who was it?
A63142Gen. Pray, if you can recollect, was you once, or twice, or twentie times in his companie?
A63142Gen. Recollect your self; Was it against the Protestant Lords, or the Protestant Party?
A63142Gen. Sir W. Waller, and Mr. Everard, is that the Paper?
A63142Gen. Tell what was done there?
A63142Gen. To whom was it to be delivered?
A63142Gen. Was he your Countryman, Madam?
A63142Gen. Was it to mingle the Irish, and Spanish, and French Armie together?
A63142Gen. Was not he a Roman Catholick?
A63142Gen. Was that the effect of the Letter?
A63142Gen. Was there an Oath given?
A63142Gen. What did he conclude upon that?
A63142Gen. What did he desire from Mr. Everard, when he seemed to boggle at his Instructions?
A63142Gen. What did he say about the Prisoner?
A63142Gen. What discourse had they about the French at any time?
A63142Gen. What do you know of any Letters from Plunkett?
A63142Gen. What do you know of any Precept to be given in of all sorts of persons of such an age?
A63142Gen. What do you know of delivering any Ammunition and Arms?
A63142Gen. What do you know of his summoning or issuing out these Warrants for Lists of men?
A63142Gen. What do you know of your self?
A63142Gen. What for?
A63142Gen. What number might meet at that time?
A63142Gen. What passed in the companie?
A63142Gen. What was the occasion and design of that meeting?
A63142Gen. What was the transaction of that day, besides the Sacrament of Confirmation?
A63142Gen. What was then said?
A63142Gen. What was your Discourse at the Ale- house?
A63142Gen. What, because you were a Papist?
A63142Gen. Where did you make it?
A63142Gen. Where is the Original?
A63142Gen. Where was this?
A63142Gen. Where?
A63142Gen. Who employed him there?
A63142Gen. Who writ that Sir?
A63142Gen. Why, do you know his hand?
A63142Gen. Will you ask him any Questions Mr. Fitz- harris?
A63142Gen. Will you ask him any questions?
A63142Gen. Will you give a Rule to have him brought up to morrow?
A63142Gen. Will your Lordship please to give Judgment?
A63142Gen. Would you have the Libel, or the Paper Sir William?
A63142Gen. You know nothing of the Paper of Instructions?
A63142Gen. You say you never saw the Mandates?
A63142Had you any discourse with him, yea, or no?
A63142Had you the Oath of secrecie given you?
A63142Have I had any Money of your Grace since you knew my L. Howard?
A63142Have not you something more to say Doctor?
A63142Have you any more Witnesses?
A63142Have you any more Witnesses?
A63142Have you any other Witnesses, Mr. Fitz- harris?
A63142Have you any thing more to say concerning the Plot in general?
A63142Have you any thing to say to me, Mr. Fitz- harris?
A63142Have you done, Gentlemen?
A63142Have you ever heard him own himself Primate?
A63142Have you had any discourse with him at any time about the raising of money, which the Vicar- General gave order for?
A63142Have you heard him say so?
A63142Have you known Mr. Fitz- Harris before, Sir William?
A63142Have you no Superiors of your own?
A63142Have you paid him any money?
A63142Have you seen any of them pay any moneys?
A63142Have you the Original here?
A63142Have you( meaning the Subjects of our said Soveraign Lord the King) not Eyes, sense or Feeling?
A63142Here is Col. Mansel, what say you to him?
A63142How came you here to day?
A63142How came you to fall out, Moyer?
A63142How came you to know of this Oath?
A63142How come you now to change your mind?
A63142How come you to know the Prisoners hand?
A63142How did you know my hand?
A63142How do you know he was so?
A63142How do you know this?
A63142How know you that?
A63142How long ago is it since you brought the Mony to me from my Lady Portsmouth?
A63142How long ago is that?
A63142How long ago was that?
A63142How long is it since you paid the mony to me from my Lady Portsmouth?
A63142How long is this since?
A63142How many years is it since you returned from France?
A63142How many?
A63142How much was it?
A63142How often?
A63142How often?
A63142How old are you?
A63142How say you, is he Guilty of the High- Treason whereof he stands Indi cted, or not Guilty?
A63142How then did you know my hand, which you had never seen?
A63142How was it specified?
A63142How was it?
A63142I ask you Sir, when you came back again and told him you had seen such a Letter under his hand with O Neale, did he own it to you?
A63142I desire he may be asked how he came to be there?
A63142I desire to know of him, whether Mr. Moyer did allute and intioe him to swear against me?
A63142I do n''t hear it, but what if he did?
A63142I had met him sooner, half an hour before: why what is the occasion saies he?
A63142I will only try you by one question more, for you are sought out, and it may be you may be found; Do you know how many men he was to raise in Ireland?
A63142I would ask you another Question Sir, were you at one Vicar Bradeys House?
A63142If you do remove me, that is the worst you can do to me, what should I come here for without I may help my Husband?
A63142If you were, you were invisible: But I ask you, Why did not you tell this to some Justice of the Peace?
A63142In February was it not?
A63142In all Ireland?
A63142In the mean time, where is the Porter?
A63142Is Sir Robert Thomas here?
A63142Is it 500 l?
A63142Is it fit or reasonable for me that I should stand here without any help?
A63142Is it not plain?
A63142Is th ● s the same Paper by the Oath you have taken, for whic ● I was Impeached by the Commons in Parliament?
A63142Is the Footman here that was by, when you paid me the Mony?
A63142Is this the same Libel that was read in the House of Commons upon which I was Impeached?
A63142Is this the same Paper that was read in the House of Commons?
A63142Is this your hand, Mr. Fitz- harris?
A63142Jeff Was that you swore before the Grand J ● rie true, upon your Oath?
A63142Justice, Tell me what that discourse was?
A63142L. C. J. Mr. Fitzharris, have you any more Witnesses that you would have called?
A63142Look upon that Paper Sir,( which he did) Did Mr. Fitz- Harris acknowledge it was his Hand- writing?
A63142Look upon the Prisoner; How say you, is he Guilty of the High- Treason whereof he stands indicted, or Not guilty?
A63142Look you Sir, is this the same Person?
A63142Madam, does not your Grace remember, you undertook, upon the account of those Papers I conveyed, that you would procure me my Quit- Rent?
A63142May I have libertie to speak one word?
A63142Mr Att ▪ Gen. Was there any mention of money at that time?
A63142Mr. Astrey, Are the English sentences that are in the Indictment also comprised in the Libel?
A63142Mr. Att Gen. Did you hear the Prisoner speak about it?
A63142Mr. Bulstrode, then, What Message did you bring from the King to my Wife?
A63142Mr. Duffy, one word with you; Is not this out of malice to me for correcting some of the Clergie?
A63142Mr. Everard said they were Treasonable things, what then said Fitz- Harris?
A63142Mr. Secretary Jenkins, I desire to know of your Honour, what the King said of me?
A63142Mrs. VVall, I conceive he never discovered this Libel unto you; but, pray, did he ever discourse with you about Everard?
A63142Mrs. Wall, to let the World see how you shuffle about me, When did the King see my Lord Howard first, when I brought him?
A63142Must he have nothing to help himself?
A63142My Lord Conway, do n''t you remember it?
A63142My Lord, I beg of you, may not I ask what he did say?
A63142My Lord, I desire to know whether they have been of the Juries of Langhorn, or the Five Jesuits, or any that were condemned?
A63142My Lord, I humbly beg Mr. Everard may be asked who those Parliam ● nt men were, that were to concur with the French Ambassador in this design?
A63142My Lord, Must not Mr. Attorney shew his caus ● now?
A63142My Lord, did not I come to you with a Message, the night before my Lord Stafford was condemned?
A63142My Lord, does not he say I was in disgrace at Rome?
A63142My Lord, to shew what was part of the falling out, I would ask him if he was Indicted for any Crime, and found Guilty by a Jury?
A63142My Lord, why should he challenge him?
A63142Nay and if need be to open action, and fling off these intolerable Riders?
A63142No Sir; But what have you heard Sir William Waller say concerning my Business?
A63142Nor to give me time before my Execution?
A63142Not that Paper of the Impeachment against your Grace?
A63142Now tell me this: What things were those he had undertaken?
A63142Now tell us when this was?
A63142Now what Evidence hath he produced for it?
A63142Now what defence does the Prisoner make to it?
A63142Now your Lorship is here, I would ask you, Did you ever hear the King declare when he first spoke with the King?
A63142Of what qualitie was the Prisoner amongst you?
A63142Oliver Plunket about the raising of money?
A63142Once he did, and he said he was an honest Man; and asked me if I would be acquainted with him?
A63142Or what particular Treason he was Impeached upon?
A63142Pray Sir will you answer it?
A63142Pray tell the Court, Can you deny that I had the 250 l?
A63142Pray, Mrs. Wall, speak, who was it?
A63142Pray, my Lord, when did you go to my Lady Dutchesses''s?
A63142Sir, can I do you any more Service?
A63142Sir, do n''t trifle, have you had any with him?
A63142Tell me this, Why did not you acquaint some Justice of the peace then with what you knew, that which you had heard 7 years ago?
A63142That is, to the Prisoner?
A63142Then Duffy would have it conferred upon him?
A63142Then he did not name any?
A63142Then it was several times, you say?
A63142Then your Lordship did not read the Paper?
A63142Therefore you are not guilty: Is that the consequence?
A63142To what end?
A63142To what purpose was it?
A63142To whom did you give it?
A63142To whom?
A63142Told whom?
A63142Under whom did he claim that Authoritie?
A63142Under whom then?
A63142Under whom?
A63142Under whom?
A63142Under whose hand were those Orders?
A63142Upon that, saies Sir Nicholas Plunket, What is that?
A63142Upon the same Treasons?
A63142Upon what Conditions was he made Primate?
A63142Upon what account then had I the Mony I received?
A63142Upon your Oath, did you converse with him about bringing in the French?
A63142Upon your Oath, did you not swear before the Grand Juri ●, ● hat you saw the Orders under his hand?
A63142Was any of the Money specified for raising an Army, or bringing in the French?
A63142Was he reputed generally so to be?
A63142Was it before October last?
A63142Was it not Christmass last was twelve month?
A63142Was it not a dispute, whether this was Treason, or not?
A63142Was it not he brought the Mony?
A63142Was it the Attorney General or Plunket that summoned you?
A63142Was my Lord Howard ever at your House before October last?
A63142Was not the mony received before ever those Papers were given you?
A63142Was that Letter under his own hand?
A63142Was that at the time when there were so many persons met?
A63142Was the Original of his hand Writing?
A63142Was the Paper you translated that from, of his hand writing?
A63142Was the Prisoner there?
A63142Well, have you any thing further to say?
A63142Well, so far we have got 70000 men to establish the Romish Religion, what, was Plunkett to do this?
A63142Well, what of that?
A63142Well, you have nothing further to say in Bar of Judgment, you have said all you can?
A63142Were not you acquainted with him?
A63142Were you Chaplain to him?
A63142Were you a Roman- Catholick at that time?
A63142Were you at any other meeting?
A63142Were you in the Companie with them?
A63142Were you in the Prisoner''s companie when he viewed the Ports?
A63142Were you present at any of the general Consultations or Meetings?
A63142Were you put upon it to Trapan the Protestant Lords, and the House of Commons?
A63142Were you put upon this to Trapan others?
A63142Were you required to take the Oath?
A63142Were you sworn before the Grand Jurie?
A63142Were you there your self?
A63142What Interest?
A63142What Language were those Conditions in?
A63142What Religion did you take him to be of?
A63142What Religion is Mr. Fitz- Harris of?
A63142What Religion was he reputed to be of?
A63142What Religion were you of then?
A63142What Year was that?
A63142What Year?
A63142What did Mr. Bulstrode say to me?
A63142What did he say?
A63142What did pass there?
A63142What did you say th ● n?
A63142What do you appeal to me for?
A63142What do you know about the Prisoner''s viewing the Ports?
A63142What do you know of any Orders issued out by Mr. Plunket, to raise money from the Priests?
A63142What do you know of any design carrying on in Ireland against the Government and the Protestant Religion?
A63142What do you know of any your own knowledge?
A63142What do you know of his being Primate?
A63142What do you know of your own knowledge?
A63142What do you think Sir pray?
A63142What if they have?
A63142What in one Parish?
A63142What is his name?
A63142What is that Sir said I?
A63142What is the reason you kept it secret all this while?
A63142What is your question, Dr. Plunket?
A63142What know you of any design in Ireland to introduce the Popish Religion?
A63142What made you take a Copy of it?
A63142What more do you know?
A63142What offer did you make me?
A63142What place did he pitch on as most convenient?
A63142What say you more of him?
A63142What say you to my Lord?
A63142What say you to the Question?
A63142What then was the Reward?
A63142What time were those Collections?
A63142What use do you make of that?
A63142What use was it for?
A63142What was his Name?
A63142What was said?
A63142What was that design?
A63142What was the Parishes Name?
A63142What was the number contained in your List?
A63142What were they to do?
A63142What would you ask him?
A63142What would you have with me, Mr. Fitz Harris?
A63142What year was it?
A63142What year was this?
A63142What year?
A63142When did you leave Ireland?
A63142When did you make this Translation?
A63142When did you return?
A63142When did you see me at Mass?
A63142When did your Grace ask it for me?
A63142When died he?
A63142When he went to take a view of those Ports, can you tell to what purpose he did it?
A63142When must I speak?
A63142When was that mony paid?
A63142When was this?
A63142When was this?
A63142When were those Papers given you that you produced?
A63142Where are they?
A63142Where did you take it?
A63142Where is Dr. Cary?
A63142Where is Mr. Hunt?
A63142Where is Mr. Peacock?
A63142Where is Mr. Peacock?
A63142Where is that old English Noble Spirit?
A63142Where is that?
A63142Where there?
A63142Where was my Lord Howard of Escrick?
A63142Where was that Dr. Cray?
A63142Where was that meeting?
A63142Where was this?
A63142Who did he say made him Primate?
A63142Who else was there?
A63142Who gave him this Paper, he had it not before?
A63142Who is that man?
A63142Who told you this?
A63142Who was the first of these Primates you speak of?
A63142Who were they, you say, that were commanded sub poena suspensionis?
A63142Who were those Gentlemen?
A63142Whose servant was he?
A63142Why did he not discover it before?
A63142Why did not you tell it to some Justice of the peace?
A63142Why did you not speak all this while till now?
A63142Why have you not my hand in it?
A63142Why were you exempted?
A63142Why you are acquainted with this man, are you not, Mr. Plunket?
A63142Will you apply them you have called?
A63142Will you ask him any Questions Mr. Fitz- Harris?
A63142Will you ask him any Questions, Mr. Plunket?
A63142Will you ask him any more?
A63142Will you have an Account how it came first to my knowledge?
A63142With him?
A63142You are a Man of Honour, Sir; Did not the King own he had employed me?
A63142You are a Papist then?
A63142You are asked questions here, and produced as a Witness, will you answer directly or not?
A63142You could see him where you were?
A63142You know that man, Dr. Plunkett?
A63142You know the Prisoner, do n''t you?
A63142You say some money was sent to D. Cray?
A63142You say some of the Priests paid 20, some 40?
A63142You say you remember you saw me at my first coming as Primate ten Years ago, and that you were at the Priory when I was there?
A63142You say you saw the Orders for raising of money, how do you know for what it was to be employed?
A63142You say you were Murfey''s Curate; Can you shew any such Institution as you say came to you to raise money?
A63142You say you were with him at my house?
A63142You say, I think, this was at Vicar- general Bradey''s; how came you to be there?
A63142You were a Papist then?
A63142You were not in the Room?
A63142You your self?
A63142and did not you get me to make a stand there?
A63142and upon what account?
A63142and what Character did he give him?
A63142did he explain himself?
A63142speak, Mrs. Wall, had I 250 l?
A63142there was to be at present fortie Guinnies, and an annual Pension; but to whom was Mr. Fitzharris to discover this?
A63142under the King, or under the Pope?
A63142were you employed?
A63142what is that to the purpose?
A63142would you have us take his Examination, and afterwards give it in Evidence to the Grand- Jury?
A25874A Lease for years?
A25874About time did my Lord of Ailesbury go away?
A25874About what hour did they part?
A25874After Dinner did any body come to them while they were there?
A25874And can any body say it is quasht or abated?
A25874And can this be duly made, if another appear upon Record before it?
A25874And did you never see Mr. Goodman there?
A25874And who was that?
A25874And yet you ca n''t tell whether there was any body else that you did not know, how then can you tell that Goodman was not there?
A25874Are you a Free- holder, Sir, in London of the value of 10 l. a year?
A25874Are you a Free- holder, Sir, in London of the value of 10 l. a year?
A25874Are you a Free- holder, Sir, within the City of London of 10 l. a year?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London?
A25874Are you a Freeholder in London?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir, in London?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir, in London?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir, of 10 l. a year, in London?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Are you a Freeholder?
A25874Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A25874Are you positive you are a Freeholder in London upon your Word?
A25874Are you sure of that, upon the Oath you have taken?
A25874Ask him if he hath not a Freehold in London?
A25874At the middle, or the top of the Stairs?
A25874But I ask you, Sir, when it was?
A25874But did you purchase it for Term of Years, or to you and your Heirs?
A25874But have you a Freehold of 10 l. a year?
A25874But is not your Wife an Inheritrix?
A25874But one Sir; What say you to Mr. Parker?
A25874But suppose it be before he was summon''d?
A25874But the Question is, How this shall be discovered, by his own Oath or by other Proof?
A25874But then they make an Objection, How comes the Master of the House to remember my Lord of Ailesbury''s going away, more than any body else?
A25874But, Brother, how can you ask him the Question?
A25874But, Mr. Cock, did you ever see Goodman in your House since my Lord of Aylesbury and they were there?
A25874By what time did the rest go away?
A25874Can you be positive that any body was there before my Lord of Aylesbury went away, that cou''d stay there any time, and did not Dine there?
A25874Can you remember when any of the Company went away, and who went away first?
A25874Can you tell what day of the Week it was?
A25874Captain Porter, Do you know Mr. Cook, the Prisoner at the Barr?
A25874Captain Porter, who were present at that second Meeting, do you say?
A25874Cook Were you of the Grand- Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Cook Which is he, Sir?
A25874Cook, Hold, pray, Are you a Freeholder, Sir?
A25874Cou''d any Man come in or out without your seeing?
A25874Did Mr. Cook stay till the last?
A25874Did People come to him as they used to do?
A25874Did all the Company, but my Lord of Ailesbury, and my Lord Montgomery, stay till it was Duskish?
A25874Did all the rest of the Company go away at once?
A25874Did any body come to this Company before my Lord of Aylesbury went away that did not Dine there?
A25874Did he go formerly by the Name of Douglas?
A25874Did not the same Company use to meet at other Times, at your House?
A25874Did the Servants go up and down as they us''d to do?
A25874Did you attend the Company after my Lord of Aliesbury was gone?
A25874Did you attend them all the while they were there?
A25874Did you attend them at Dinner?
A25874Did you ever hear him Swear?
A25874Did you ever hear me talk of the Government, or any thing of that nature?
A25874Did you know Mr. Porter, pray?
A25874Did you know all the Company that was that Day at Dinner?
A25874Did you meet him just coming out of the Room?
A25874Did you see Mr. Goodman come in at any part of the Day afterwards?
A25874Did you see him come down Stairs, or did you go up Stairs then?
A25874Did you see him go away?
A25874Did you see him here in England before Mr. Porter was Discharged from the Riot, and came out of Newgate?
A25874Did you see this Gentleman in France, Sir?
A25874Do you know Mr. Cook, the Prisoner at the Bar, was he one of the Gentlemen that were at your House?
A25874Do you pay a Ground- Rent for it?
A25874Do you remember any such thing of one that was with Sir John Friend, that spoke of buying of Brandy when he was sick?
A25874Do you remember the Treaty about the Hogshead of White- wine?
A25874Do you remember the manner of Mr. Goodman''s coming in?
A25874Do you remember when my Lord of Alesbury and they went away?
A25874Do you think if a fresh Man had come in after Dinner, you should not have known him?
A25874For, what shall become of it, why should it not continue?
A25874Gen. And yet you do confess that Mr. Goodman might come in after Dinner before my Lord of Aylesbury went, and you not see him?
A25874Gen. Can you take it upon your Oath, that he was not there whilst my Lord of Aylesbury staid?
A25874Gen. Did all the Company agree to it?
A25874Gen. Did he give his Consent to it?
A25874Gen. Did he go by that Name at that time?
A25874Gen. Did they use to meet at your House?
A25874Gen. Did you attend upon any other Rooms that Day?
A25874Gen. Did you attend upon other Rooms, as well as that, at the same time?
A25874Gen. Did you know them before that Day Sir, I ask you?
A25874Gen. Did you see Mr. Chernock afterwards?
A25874Gen. Did you see him at all?
A25874Gen. Do you remember a Meeting of some Gentlemen at the King''s- Head Tavern in Leaden Hall- street?
A25874Gen. Do you remember any Meeting of any Company at Mrs. Mountjoy''s?
A25874Gen. Do you remember nothing of his being with Sir John Friend at your House?
A25874Gen. Do you remember when Mr. Goodman came there?
A25874Gen. Had he any other Name?
A25874Gen. How can you be then positive he was not there before my Lord of Aylesbury went?
A25874Gen. How long after my Lord of Aylesbury went away?
A25874Gen. How long before my Lord of Aylesbury went away, had you been in the Room?
A25874Gen. Might he not as well come in before they went away, as after to come in and you not see him?
A25874Gen. Now how can you be positive who was in the Room when he came out of the Room?
A25874Gen. Prav how long was it after Dinner that they went away?
A25874Gen. Pray, Sir, let me ask you a Question or two: Did you ever see Mr. Goodman before now?
A25874Gen. Pray, did any body come to those Gentlemen after Dinner?
A25874Gen. Then how is it possible that he can swear that Mr. Goodman was not there?
A25874Gen. Was he one that went away?
A25874Gen. Was the Prisoner at the Barr in the Company, and present at this Resolution?
A25874Gen. Was you there all the time, from the time of the Dinner?
A25874Gen. What did Mr. Chernock do afterwards?
A25874Gen. What does Sir Bartholomew mean?
A25874Gen. What else do you know of him?
A25874Gen. What signs were there of their Agreement?
A25874Gen. What time did my Lord of Aylesbury go away?
A25874Gen. What time did the last of the Company go away?
A25874Gen. What was that second Meeting for, do you say?
A25874Gen. Who used to be with Sir John Friend at your House?
A25874Gen. Who were present at the second Meeting?
A25874Gen. Why are you not as positive that he was not there at all, as that he was not there before my Lord of Aylesbury went away?
A25874Gen. Why did not your Sollicitor compare it with the Indictment?
A25874Gen. Why do you say so?
A25874Gen. Why do you think so?
A25874Gen. You named Eight Persons that Dined at your House; Did you know them all personally before that day?
A25874Gen. did you ever see Goodman before now?
A25874Have you any thing to say in Arrest of Judgment?
A25874Have you done, Sir?
A25874Have you or any body in trust for you a Freehold in London of the Value of 10 l. a year?
A25874Have you said all you would say?
A25874He ask''d then who were the Witnesses against him?
A25874Here it is, Sir?
A25874Hold, I pray, Sir, let me look upon my Paper; Sir, Are you a Freeholder in London?
A25874Hold, Sir, let me see; are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874How came you to know it was Mr. Chernock?
A25874How can you tell it?
A25874How do you know that, Sir, that he was so godly a man?
A25874How do you know that?
A25874How long time do you think there was between Mr. Goodman''s coming in, and my Lord of Aylesbury''s going away?
A25874How long were they there after Mr. Goodman came in?
A25874How many besides those that are of Sir John Friend''s Jury?
A25874How many do you name that you know?
A25874How many have I to challenge, do you say?
A25874How many were there that din''d there?
A25874How many were there that were there at dinner?
A25874How then came you, if they never had us''d to meet there, to know all these People''s Names?
A25874How then can you be positive that he was not there till my Lord of Aylesbury went?
A25874I desire to know, Whether he is a Freeholder in London?
A25874I knew very few of them before that time, and I ask''d their Servants the Names of all those Persons that were there?
A25874If your Lordship pleases, may I ask Mr. Goodman any Questions?
A25874Is he not committed for High- Treason?
A25874Is it Sir John Friend, and Sir William Parkyns?
A25874Is it a true Copy, did you examine it there?
A25874Is it worth Ten Pound a Year?
A25874Joshua Foster, have you or any in trust for you any Estate of Free- hold in London of the Value of 10 l. a year?
A25874L C. J. Treby, What do you complain of?
A25874Let it be so: Who do you begin with?
A25874Might not Mr. Goodman come in to them without your seeing him?
A25874Mr. Burleigh, Out of the Treasury at Westminster?
A25874Mr. Cook, wou''d you say any thing yourself, before the King''s Councel sum up?
A25874Mr. Crawford, you say my Lord of Ailesbury and others went away about Four a Clock; pray how long did the rest of the Company stay there?
A25874Mr. Delarue, pray do you know Mr. Edwards that was here?
A25874Mr. Goodman, You are upon yor Oath: but did you ever hear me speak ten words in your life?
A25874Mr. Nicholls, you know Mr. Cook very well, pray what are his Morals?
A25874Mr. Porter, pray what else do you know of him touching his being concerned in the Conspiracy?
A25874Mr. Treganna, pray do you remember how long after the Plot broke out did you see Mr. Cook?
A25874My Lord, I desire to know, being ignorant of the Law, whether I am brought here by the common course of Justice or not?
A25874My Lord, I do n''t look upon my self as a Freeholder?
A25874My Lord, may I have my Paper again?
A25874No Sir?
A25874No, not during my Lord of Ailesbury''s stay, and my Lord Montgomery went away with him?
A25874Nor do you know nothing of your giving of him Brandy?
A25874Now, is that possible that he could be sure of that, when he owns,( and can not but own) That Mr. Goodman might go into the Room and he not see him?
A25874Now, what is the Nominative Case to this Agreement?
A25874Of 10 l. a year?
A25874Or can it be so?
A25874Porter, Was the King gone to Flanders when you had these Meetings?
A25874Pray Mr. Porter, look upon that man in the black Perriwig; what Name did he use to go by?
A25874Pray Sir, can you recollect what time a day this was that this Debate and Resolution were had at the Old King''s- Head in Leaden- Hall- street?
A25874Pray give an Account when you came in, whether you saw my Lord of Aylesbury, and what passed between you at my Lord of Aylesbury''s going away?
A25874Pray give me time to mark them; pray, who is this man you now call?
A25874Pray mind, Sir, was Mr. Goodman there at that Time before they went away?
A25874Pray what House was it, do you say, this Meeting was at?
A25874Pray what time was Mr. Goodman there at the first Meeting?
A25874Pray, Mr. Goodman, let me ask you a Question: When was it that you saw Mr. Chernock after this?
A25874Pray, Sir, can you tell who din''d there at that time?
A25874Pray, Sir, do n''t go too fast; Are you a Freeholder in London, Sir?
A25874Pray, Sir, how many times after Dinner were you there?
A25874Pray, Sir, let me ask you a Question: Were you in the Room at any time after Dinner?
A25874Pray, Sir, recollect your self, when did any of this Company part, or go away?
A25874Pray, Sir, will you give an account what you know of the Prisoner, concerning his Judgment, and concerning his Morals?
A25874Pray, by what means do you recollect that this was in the Month of May?
A25874Says he, He swore against me; how comes it then, said I, that he is not come off, and has not a Pardon, and would divulge no Body else?
A25874Sir B. Shower, Why shou''d there not be a Precept in nature of an Habeas Corpora for a Jury return''d, upon a Precept as well as on a Writ?
A25874Sir Bartholomew, any where, that upon a Commission of Goal- Delivery a Tales does lie?
A25874Sir are you a Freeholder in the City of London of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir are you a Freeholder within the City of London of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder in London?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a Year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a Year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a Year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a Year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a Year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder?
A25874Sir, Are you a Freeholder?
A25874Sir, Have you a Freehold of Ten pound a year in the City of London?
A25874Sir, are you a Free- holder in the City of London of 10 l. a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Free- holder of 10 l. a year, within the City of London?
A25874Sir, are you a Free- holder within the City of London of 10 l. a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Free- holder within the City of London of 10 l. a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Free- holder within the City of London?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder in London or no?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder in London?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder of the City of London, of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder within the City of London of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder within the City of London of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder within the City of London of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder within the City of London of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder within the City of London, of 10 l. a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder within the City of London, of Ten pound a year?
A25874Sir, are you a Freeholder within the City of London, of the Value of Ten pounds a year?
A25874Sir, have you a Free- hold in London, of the value of 10 l. a year?
A25874Sir, have you a Freehold of 10 l. a year in the City of London?
A25874Sir, have you said any such thing, that you believe me guilty?
A25874Sir, how do you know that?
A25874Sir, pray will you tell my Lord and the Jury what you know of Mr. Cook''s appearing abroad after the Plot was discovered?
A25874Stay, Sir, are you Mr. Wray?
A25874Stay, Sir, pray stay a little, where is he?
A25874That was the Company, you say, that din''d there: Did Mr. Goodman dine there?
A25874The King did not go till several days in May; was Mr. Goodman there?
A25874The Question is not whether a Man( if ever such a Man there were) that hath so resolved and declared shall be sworn?
A25874Then he is a Freeholder, What do you say to him?
A25874Then heark ye, Sir, I wou''d ask you one Question, Did you see him, upon your Oath, or not?
A25874Then, Brother Darnall, what say you for the Prisoner?
A25874Then, you Gentlemen of the King''s Councel, will you conclude?
A25874Thereof now the Question is, Whether he can be tried upon a new Pannel?
A25874VVho did agree, my Lord?
A25874Was Mr. Goodman there at all that Day?
A25874Was Sir John Friend there, or no?
A25874Was he here when he was called over?
A25874Was it Light, or was it Dark when they went away?
A25874Was it a quarter of an hour, or half an hour?
A25874Was it before or after the Tenth of June?
A25874Was it not in April?
A25874Was that Gentleman, Mr. Goodman, there, when they went away?
A25874Was that all the Company?
A25874Was the Room shut while they were there, or did the Servants and Drawers, go up and down commonly?
A25874Was then any body there but such as din''d there?
A25874Was there any body came in before my Lord of Ailesbury went out, that is, any body besides those that din''d there?
A25874Was you ever in the Company of these Gentlemen at any other time?
A25874Was you of the Grand- Jury, Sir, when the Bill was found against me?
A25874Was you there several times after my Lord of Ailesbury was gone?
A25874Well, Brother Darnall, how is that a Cause of Challenge?
A25874Well, Sir, what say you to this Gentleman Mr. Walker?
A25874Were you always in sight then?
A25874Were you at Dinner with them, Sir?
A25874Were you by when my Lord of Aylesbury went away, and spoke with him about it?
A25874Were you in the Room all the time?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand- Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand- Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand- Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand- Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand- Jury that found the Bill against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand- Jury when the Bill was found against me?
A25874Were you of the Grand- Jury, when the Bill was found against me?
A25874Were you one of Sir John Friend''s Jury?
A25874Were you there in the Room when they went away?
A25874What Company was there?
A25874What Country- man did you take this Edwards to be?
A25874What Discourse had you with Mr. Goodman, concerning the Prisoner at the Bar, what did you here him say?
A25874What Estate have you in it?
A25874What Fleet, pray Sir?
A25874What Goods or Chattels, Lands or Tenements had he at the time of the Treason committed, or at any time since?
A25874What Question was that he ask''d him?
A25874What day of the Week was it he was taken?
A25874What have you heard him say about our Fleet, or Army?
A25874What makes you think it was in May rather than April?
A25874What say you to Mr. Billers?
A25874What say you to Mr. Mitchell?
A25874What say you, Mr. Attorney?
A25874What say you, Mr. Cook?
A25874What shall become of that Pannel, it can not be quasht, nor abated?
A25874What will you do to Assist in this Matter?
A25874What''s the Value of it?
A25874What, Leases for Years, or Leases for Lives?
A25874What, does he say he has no Free- hold?
A25874When did you see him afterwards?
A25874When was he at St. Germains?
A25874When you went into the Room after Dinner, did you look about the Room to see whether there were any new Company?
A25874Where did you meet him going away?
A25874Where did you meet them?
A25874Where had you it, Sir?
A25874Where is Mr. Brewster?
A25874Where is he, Sir?
A25874Where is he?
A25874Where is the Warrant of his Commitment?
A25874Where was you when my Lord of Aylesbury went away?
A25874Which is Mr. Huntley?
A25874Which is Sir John Sweetapple?
A25874Which is he?
A25874Which is the Gentleman?
A25874Who are the Evidences against him, said I?
A25874Who demanded it?
A25874Who else went with my Lord of Aylesbury?
A25874Who had not a Pardon do you mean?
A25874Who must I apply my self to, Sir?
A25874Who shall say for you?
A25874Who were the Persons that were present at that Meeting?
A25874Why do you apprehend so?
A25874Why, what Estate have you?
A25874Why, what Estate have you?
A25874Would you have us tell you how you came here?
A25874You saw my Lord of Aylesbury when he parted: Was Mr. Goodman there then?
A25874You say Mr. Goodman did not come up till after they were gone?
A25874You, Huntley, I would ask you one Question more, was the Door shut, or no?
A25874and that he might assure the King, that this was our Resolution thereupon?
A25874did they stand up severally and declare their Agreement, or how?
A25874was you ever in my Company in any House, before or since?
A25874what is he committed for?
A25874would he have the Jury- men bring their Evidences with them to prove their Free- hold?
A63143About what time of the day was it that he had this discourse?
A63143All three confessed they were there?
A63143And did you take him from the Lodging?
A63143And for what reason should he ask the Question, if Mr. Hanson speaks true, who brought the news in from Whitehall?
A63143And he came to you to the French Academy, to enquire for Count Conningsmark?
A63143And he had the Sword with him when he went away?
A63143And that he stopped the Coach?
A63143And that he was afraid the Polander might miscarry?
A63143And then my Lord, upon the Monday morning when the Boy comes in, the Count asks him, What was the matter with the Bustle in the Street the last night?
A63143And there the Bullets were found?
A63143And we asked the man, what he had done with the Gentleman that lay at his House?
A63143And whether the Captain had a good Lodging?
A63143And whether you know the occasion why my Lord altered his Lodgings so often?
A63143And whither did you bring him?
A63143And whither then?
A63143And who else?
A63143And you parted with him there?
A63143And you saw him once at his first Lodging?
A63143And your self to go away, and to make such a private withdrawing of your self down the River in this manner?
A63143Are not you Governour to the young Count?
A63143Are you paid for them or no?
A63143Are you sure it was Sunday?
A63143As to the other part of his Question, whether I heard that he took Physick?
A63143Ask him if he had any quarrel with Mr. Thynne?
A63143Ask him that Question, do you know any thing of what money he took with him?
A63143Ask him that question, whether he ever spoke to him?
A63143Ask him this, about what time he saw him at the Play- house?
A63143Ask him too how he will be Tried; Whether by a Jury?
A63143Ask him upon what occasion he was there?
A63143Ask him whether he understands what an Oath is?
A63143Ask him whether this Affront that he pretends, was given him since he last came over, or when he was in England before?
A63143Ask him, where is the Boy?
A63143At that time, who used to frequent his Company?
A63143At whose Chamber?
A63143Boy who do you serve?
A63143But do you take any of them Men to be one of the three?
A63143But how came you to chuse a Forreigner, I ask?
A63143But the great Question that we wonder should be asked the Boy, is, What Mr. Thynne was?
A63143But this he does say, He asked him what the people did say of it?
A63143But to what purpose did he bring him hither?
A63143But was he there?
A63143But was there any with the Count?
A63143But were you at the Count''s on Sunday morning, or no, I ask you?
A63143But what did you say his friends advised him to about it?
A63143But what were you to go to the Count to do?
A63143But when did you see him first?
A63143But when you fetched him away, was it Saturday or Sunday morning?
A63143But why must he have such a strong Basket- hilted Sword furnished him in a days time?
A63143By whose Directions did you go to inquire whether the Ship were lost?
A63143Ca n''t he give an account of it himself?
A63143Call him to accompt about what?
A63143Call the Boy''s Father, Thomas Watts( who was sworn) How long have you known the Count?
A63143Can you remember what were the Contents?
A63143Can you remember who it was came to your Master then?
A63143Can you speak of his Credit Sir Nathaniel Johnson?
A63143Can you tell who brought the first news?
A63143Did any Merchant or any body send to you about this Body, to take him into Service?
A63143Did he acknowledge he was there at the time when he was shot?
A63143Did he ask you what Mr. Thynne was?
A63143Did he come privately or publickly?
A63143Did he confess any thing of the delivery of the Gun to him?
A63143Did he confess he did fire?
A63143Did he confess he was at the Fact?
A63143Did he continue there all the time that you were in the House?
A63143Did he desire you to let him have your Clothes, because he was in trouble?
A63143Did he direct you to come to him?
A63143Did he dye of those Wounds?
A63143Did he go by his own Name, or another Name?
A63143Did he go in the Sculler with him?
A63143Did he go up to your Master''s Lodgings?
A63143Did he live with the Count?
A63143Did he mention any thing about a stain to his Blood?
A63143Did he mention any thing of Fortifications to you then?
A63143Did he say he was a Jeweller upon your Oath?
A63143Did he say so?
A63143Did he seem to have any thing under it?
A63143Did he send over this Polander?
A63143Did he wear a Perriwig, or how?
A63143Did no body speak of any such thing to you?
A63143Did not you keep your own Letter?
A63143Did not you know the Contents of it then?
A63143Did not your Maid know of any such thing?
A63143Did the Captain give him any Physick?
A63143Did the Captain use to come to him?
A63143Did the Count read the Letter, and tell you the Contents of it?
A63143Did the Polander take it away with him?
A63143Did you apprehend them all Mortal, or any, or which of them?
A63143Did you at the first time that you seized him charge him with the Murder?
A63143Did you give him Physick for that?
A63143Did you leave him there?
A63143Did you leave him with the Count?
A63143Did you lend him those Clothes or sell them?
A63143Did you lye in the same Lodging?
A63143Did you observe any body come to your Master''s Lodgings afterwards?
A63143Did you see him again the next day?
A63143Did you see the Count that Morning?
A63143Did you see the Gun in the Room after the Polander was gone?
A63143Do the rest of them understand it?
A63143Do you Row in a pair of Oars, or a Sculler?
A63143Do you hear Gentlemen what he says?
A63143Do you know his Name?
A63143Do you know it or not?
A63143Do you remember any thing that ever you heard the Count speaking of fighting with Mr. Thynne?
A63143Do you remember the Coat he had uppermost?
A63143Do you( or can you) think it was begun, invented and contrived by yonder three men?
A63143Does he challenge him in respect of what I said to him about the Outlandish Gentlemen, that the King is to shew cause?
A63143Does he say so?
A63143First, that here is a Murder committed is plain, then that this Lord did fly is also plain, and when he did fly?
A63143For what Cause?
A63143For whose sake pray can it be thought to be?
A63143From whom and to whom?
A63143Gentlemen, Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A63143Had he a Buff- coat under his Campaigne?
A63143Had he an old Coat or a new Coat upon him?
A63143Had he any Coat?
A63143Had he any Letters?
A63143Had he no Clothes before?
A63143Had the Polander a Sword when you went away with him?
A63143Had the Polander been a Groom formerly?
A63143Had they broke the great bone?
A63143Had you any Discourse with the Count about the Murder?
A63143Had you any discourse with him, what his business was here in England?
A63143Had you any discourse with him?
A63143Had you no discourse with him?
A63143Had you no endeavours used with you about it?
A63143Had you the searching of Mr. Thynn''s Body after it was hurt?
A63143Had you them again?
A63143Harder use to come to him?
A63143Has he any body to prove it?
A63143Hath he any body to prove it?
A63143Have you been laboured and sought to by any body to conceal your Boy, that he should not be brought at this Tryal?
A63143Have you done?
A63143Have you that Letter about you?
A63143Have you the Note by you?
A63143He asked me what was the matter with the bustle in the street?
A63143He asked me where Count Conningsmark''s Lodgings were?
A63143He asked me, whether he confessed any thing?
A63143He askes him if he has not seen him oftner in his Lodging undressed than dressed?
A63143He asks, Whether the Doctor was not desired by him to cure him; whether he did not tell him he would cure him of those Spots?
A63143He desired me to administer Physick unto him?
A63143He desired to know, whether I knew him?
A63143He seemed to be concerned at it, did he?
A63143He spoke in relation to a Marriage, pray what was it?
A63143He that pinched and pushed you back, and took the things from you and put them into the Coach?
A63143Hold, hold, or stop, you Dog?
A63143How came the Count to your House?
A63143How came you to chuse a Forreigner to know what the Laws of England are?
A63143How came you to him?
A63143How can you tell that, Sir?
A63143How did you find him?
A63143How had he spoken abusively of him?
A63143How long before the Count?
A63143How long did he continue at your House?
A63143How long did he continue in his second Lodging?
A63143How long did he continue there?
A63143How long did he continue there?
A63143How long did he continue with you?
A63143How long did he stay there?
A63143How long did you stay in the Shop?
A63143How long have you known Captain Vratz?
A63143How long have you known Count Conningsmark?
A63143How long have you known the Count that stands there at the Bar?
A63143How long is it since?
A63143How long is that ago?
A63143How long is that ago?
A63143How long was Mr. Hanson and the Polander together?
A63143How long was it before the Death of Mr. Thynne?
A63143How long was it, before that he wrote for him?
A63143How long was that ago?
A63143How long?
A63143How many Lodgings had he while you were with him?
A63143How many were there of them?
A63143How often do you remember you saw him at his Lodging?
A63143How old is the Child?
A63143How parted you and your Master?
A63143How will you be Tried?
A63143I beg one favour of you, Sir, that you would ask him one question, and that is, What the Affront was that Mr. Thynne gave him?
A63143I came up, as I used to do in the morning, to my Master, and he aked me what was the matter with the bustle in the Street?
A63143I do ask you, did he declare the reason why he would have those Cloathes, was, because he would not be known?
A63143I would ask you, Sir, when was the first time you knew the Count?
A63143If he should ask him satisfaction about it, having heard that he had spoken abusive words of him?
A63143If he should call him to account, then how the Laws of England might do in this Point?
A63143If the Letter were written to you, it is not so long since, but you can tell us the Contents of it; pray what were the Contents?
A63143In plain English, Did he ever direct you to go to the Swedish Envoy?
A63143In whose Character was it writ?
A63143Is he guilty of the Felony and Murther whereof he stands indicted, or not guilty?
A63143Is the Taylor here?
A63143L. C. J. Pray Sir thus, what was the Discourse as near as you can remember it, between Count Conningsmark and you, relating to Mr. Thynne?
A63143Let me ask you one Question, young man, Do you remember you saw any Musquetoon in your Master''s Lodging?
A63143Let me ask you this Question, for they desire it here, What was the occasion?
A63143Look upon the Prisoner; How say you?
A63143Look upon the Prisoners at the Bar: Can you say all them, or any of them were the men?
A63143Look you, now you do tell the Polander, that the Evidence against him is, That he did fire this Musquetoon, or Blunderbuss, or what you will call it?
A63143Maid, my Lord asks, whether he did not take a Vomit in your House?
A63143Mr. Bridgman, were you by at the taking of the Examination of these persons?
A63143Mr. Bridgman, when the Polander was Examined concerning this Murder, what did he say?
A63143Mr. Craven, can you tell the substance of the Evidence that this Gentlemen hath given?
A63143Mr. Williams, And what, did he speak to any Body, or go strait up?
A63143My Lord Coningsmarke, will you ask him any thing?
A63143My Lord desires to know, whether you did not suspect he took Physick in the House?
A63143My Lord, he asks him whether he does not remember, when he first came to Town, he had not his Body full of Spots?
A63143My Lord, he asks him, if ever he told him that he had a design to fight Mr. Thynne, or do him any Prejudice, or send him a Challenge?
A63143My Lord, would you ask any more Questions of the Doctor?
A63143None were got quite through then?
A63143Nor the Saturday evening?
A63143Not always purging Physick, but some sort of Physick all the time?
A63143Now Sir, I would ask you, did you observe him to be in any Disguise?
A63143Now my Lord, Is there any person that you would have called to ask any Questions of?
A63143Now what say you to this?
A63143Now, was the Polander then in the Count''s Lodgings, or no?
A63143Now, what does he mean by this calling to account?
A63143Now, young man, I would ask you as to Monday morning: About what time on Monday morning did you come to your Masters Lodgings?
A63143Of this man?
A63143Of whom, and what?
A63143One Dr. Frederick, you say, who else?
A63143One is, that the Boy should say that the Count asked him whether men might ride in London on Sundaies?
A63143Or how does he challenge him?
A63143Pray Sir Nathaniel, is a Rancounter the killing a Man after this manner?
A63143Pray Sir at that time that he was in that Lodging, did he wear his own hair, or was he in a disguise?
A63143Pray Sir have you carried any Message from the Count to the Swedish Resident?
A63143Pray Sir thus; Did Captain Vratz come with the Count into England this last time?
A63143Pray Sir, one thing more, when you did speak to him of Confession, did he say any thing to you about Captain Vratz?
A63143Pray Sir, thus; you went often to visit him, pray did you enquire for him by his own Name, or any other Name?
A63143Pray Sir, you confess you acquainted the Envoy with it?
A63143Pray do you remember his last coming into England?
A63143Pray do you remember what he said?
A63143Pray had you this Direction for the Sword, after you had brought the Polander to the Count, or before?
A63143Pray how came the Polander into your company on Saturday morning?
A63143Pray in all that time did he keep privately at home, or did he go abroad sometimes?
A63143Pray in what Habit was he, and how came he in?
A63143Pray let me ask you another Question, when was it you first heard Mr. Thynne was kill''d?
A63143Pray tell what that Discourse was?
A63143Pray then, how comes it to pass that the Count so suddenly could go by Water to Gravesend?
A63143Pray what Name did he go by, his right Name, or any particular Name?
A63143Pray what Ship did he come in?
A63143Pray what day of the Week?
A63143Pray what did the Count say to you about his coming in a disguise to your House?
A63143Pray what did the Count say to you?
A63143Pray what directions had you given about a Sword for that Polander?
A63143Pray when you first saw him; what did he ask you?
A63143Pray when you saw him, had he his own Hair or a Perriwig, or how was he habited?
A63143Pray who came?
A63143Pray, Sir, let me ask you, Who was with the Count on Sunday night?
A63143Pray, Sir, the Physick that you gave the Count, did it require his keeping within doors?
A63143Pray, as long as you were there, what passed between the Count and the Polander?
A63143Pray, did you sell any Sword to the Count?
A63143Pray, my Lord, let us know who it was assisting him?
A63143Said I, certainly my Lord will pay you his Wages; how long have you serv''d him?
A63143Sir Nathaniel, What does he say?
A63143Sir, I ask you upon your Oath, you are a man of understanding, did you frequently see Captain Vratz in his Company?
A63143Sir, You do not know the Question, or you wo n''t apprehend it; pray when had you this direction from the Count to buy this Sword?
A63143Sir, he was only asking of me how things were, what the people said or some such thing?
A63143Sir, was he in a disguise, or no?
A63143Sir, was it nine of the Clock?
A63143So I spake to the Boy, and asked him what does thou stay for?
A63143So the Maior came and the Custom- House Officers Searched him?
A63143Sterne did confess that, did he?
A63143Tell all he said Sir about it?
A63143That he apprehends he gave him?
A63143That he swears to be about nine a Clock; Was it after Mr. Thynne was killed?
A63143That is as to him, but what did Captain Vratz say?
A63143That man there?
A63143That was Berg, wa''nt it?
A63143That was on the Monday morning; but the Sunday morning before, what Company did you observe there then?
A63143The Count desires to ask him where he was that unhappy day this Business was done?
A63143The Doctor understands English, do n''t he?
A63143The Musquetoon or Gun that was in your Masters Lodgings, was it that which was bought by the Polander, or no?
A63143Then I ask you another Question; upon Sunday Morning or any other time, do you remember that the Polander was with the Count your Master?
A63143Then I ask you this, my Lord, Did you ever hear Mr. Thynne had married my Lady Ogle before you last came into England?
A63143Then I ask you, what did he declare to you?
A63143Then I ask, you in his second Lodging, was he there publickly or privately?
A63143Then ask my Lord this, To what purpose he did bring over this Polander here?
A63143Then he came along with you from the Count''s Lodgings?
A63143Then he never told you what that business was?
A63143Then he said nothing to the Polander?
A63143Then hear a little, When was it you shew''d the Letter to the Count?
A63143Then my Lord and the Polander were together?
A63143Then pray ask him this, What occasion he had to ask the Boy upon Sunday, Whether Horses might ride about the Town of a Sunday?
A63143Then, upon your Oath I ask you once more, Was the Polander ever in Company with you and my Lord at any time?
A63143Then, where is William Ellers?
A63143These things are plain: Now what Answer is given to this?
A63143This was that Sunday morning, was it?
A63143Thus Child, Do you remember the time of killing Mr. Thynne?
A63143To what end or purpose; or for what advantage to them?
A63143To what place did you come in the morning, say you?
A63143To whom was that Sword delivered afterwards?
A63143To whom?
A63143Two of them?
A63143Upon the Sunday, upon your Oath?
A63143Upon what occasion did you make your discourse of Mr. Thynne''s death to Mr. Hanson?
A63143Upon your Oath, Sir, did you furnish him with any Clothes?
A63143VVhat day of the Week?
A63143VVhat said the Count to you, when you told him Mr. Thynne was well- beloved?
A63143VVhen were you last employed by him?
A63143VVhere did the Polander dine on Saturday?
A63143Vrats, or no?
A63143Vratz acquainted then?
A63143Vratz at any time?
A63143Vratz come to him to your House?
A63143Vratz on Saturday morning to the Count?
A63143Vratz to the Count, what did the Count say to you?
A63143Vratz was no Physician; why should he send you a Letter to talk about Physick?
A63143Vratz was there?
A63143Was Captain Vratz there?
A63143Was any of them gone through the body?
A63143Was he alone?
A63143Was he as private there, as he was in his other Lodgings?
A63143Was he in a Black Perriwig?
A63143Was he in employment under my Lord?
A63143Was he in the Company or Presence of the Count?
A63143Was he in the same Clothes all the while?
A63143Was he often with your Master?
A63143Was he privately there or publickly?
A63143Was he shot then?
A63143Was he the next day in Company with the Count or no?
A63143Was his name Berg?
A63143Was it Saturday or Sunday?
A63143Was it a corner House, as the other Witness saith, or not?
A63143Was it a fair Perriwig, or what colour?
A63143Was it a long Piece or a short Piece?
A63143Was it known to any person in the Family?
A63143Was it near the time of killing Mr. Thynne?
A63143Was it sent in his own name, or the name of another?
A63143Was it your Son that waited upon him?
A63143Was that the first Message you received from the Count?
A63143Was the Count a private Lodger there?
A63143Was the Doctor with him?
A63143Was the Polander in my Lord''s Lodgings?
A63143Was there any discourse about him then?
A63143Was there any lodged in the Stomach?
A63143Was there any thing in that Message about marrying my Lady Ogle?
A63143Was there any thing said about going back, and paying his Lodging, and coming back?
A63143Was this left ragged on purpose to do the more mischief?
A63143Well, I ask you once more, what time of day was it that he went away with the Sword and the Boots?
A63143Well, I see you will give no reasonable answer to that; but now, when came the Polander over into England?
A63143Well, and what then?
A63143Well, what did you do the next morning?
A63143Well, what says the first man?
A63143Were any of your Master''s Goods carried away then?
A63143Were they Iron or Lead?
A63143Were they in Company at the Post- house?
A63143Were those Men at the Bar, or any of them the Persons?
A63143Were you by all the while?
A63143Were you by?
A63143Were you employed to carry any thing for him?
A63143Were you hired to wait upon him all that time?
A63143Were you in the Boat at any time, and gave him any Account of the Man''s having Confessed; what did he say to it?
A63143Were you in your Master''s Service then?
A63143Were you with him at any time there?
A63143Were you with him, pray Sir, upon the Sunday Morning that Mr. Thynne was murdered?
A63143What Company came to him thither?
A63143What Company did use to be with him to your knowledge?
A63143What Company did you observe came to the Count''s Lodgings?
A63143What Condition was your Master in then?
A63143What Countrey- men are they, Mr. Sheriff?
A63143What Country- man are you?
A63143What Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements?
A63143What Goods were carried away then?
A63143What Lord?
A63143What Name did he enquire for him by?
A63143What Name did he go by then?
A63143What Name did he go by?
A63143What Room was it carryed into when it was brought?
A63143What Time in the morning was it?
A63143What became of him after Thursday?
A63143What condition was he in?
A63143What day of the Month?
A63143What day was this, do you say?
A63143What did he reply to that?
A63143What did he say to you when he bought it?
A63143What did he say to you when you discovered that he was the Count?
A63143What did he say to you?
A63143What did he say was a Stain upon his Blood?
A63143What did he say?
A63143What did he speak about Stabbing, or about an Italian?
A63143What did he tell you of his business?
A63143What did that if relate to?
A63143What did the Count call himself?
A63143What did you do the next Day?
A63143What did you observe of the Bullets, was there any thing done to them more than ordinary?
A63143What did you tell him?
A63143What do you know of any Sword that was delivered to him?
A63143What do you talk of a President?
A63143What else did he say?
A63143What every night and morning?
A63143What kind of Periwigg had he when he went away?
A63143What kind of Sword was it?
A63143What makes you think he came into England with him?
A63143What profession did he tell you he was of?
A63143What said Hanson to him in your presence?
A63143What said Sterne?
A63143What said he then?
A63143What say you Sir Nathaniel Johnson?
A63143What say you to a Velvet Cap?
A63143What say you to a black Suit?
A63143What says that Gentleman to you?
A63143What says that Gentleman?
A63143What should befall him?
A63143What then was to follow?
A63143What time afterwards was it?
A63143What time came you to him?
A63143What time did you go away?
A63143What time in the Evening was it reported Mr. Thynne was kill''d?
A63143What time of Night was it?
A63143What time of night was it that Vratz came in to the Count?
A63143What time was it in the Afternoon?
A63143What time was it that he bespoke it?
A63143What time was it?
A63143What time were you with him in the Evening?
A63143What title was he called by, Captain, or what?
A63143What was he doing?
A63143What was his name in his first Lodging?
A63143What was in the Letter?
A63143What was it that you discerned he doubted, if he did call Mr. Thynne to account?
A63143What was it you did for him?
A63143What was that Message?
A63143What was that afterwards?
A63143What was the Agreement between your Father and the Count?
A63143What was the Agreement for your Son''s Service?
A63143What was the man''s name( as you remember) that gave you the things to carry to the Coach, which were said to go to Windsor?
A63143What was the occasion that brought you acquainted with him?
A63143What was the reason that you shewed it to him then?
A63143What was your Employment with him?
A63143What way did he go, by Boat, or how?
A63143What were you to do with him?
A63143What, did your Master take no Leave, nor say any thing to you?
A63143What, the Cutler brought the Sword?
A63143What, was that his first Lodging after he came last into England?
A63143When did he remove from thence?
A63143When did he speak of the stormy Weather?
A63143When did you first see that Gentleman?
A63143When did you see the Count, the Prisoner at the Bar?
A63143When did you see the Polander at the Count''s Lodgings, and whether was it on Sunday morning?
A63143When he came for the Sword, what said he?
A63143When was it you brought the Polander to the Count?
A63143When was that?
A63143When was that?
A63143When was this Sword brought to your Master''s house?
A63143When was this?
A63143When was this?
A63143When went he from your Master''s Lodgings?
A63143When you dressed him, why did he put on that habit?
A63143When you first came to him to the Post- house, did you go of your own accord, or were you sent for?
A63143When you had the Custody of him, whither did you carry him?
A63143When you told him of the Murder of Mr. Thynne, did he make no Answer, nor say any thing about it?
A63143Where did he lye that Night?
A63143Where did the Polander dine on Saturday?
A63143Where did you part with him?
A63143Where is Mr. Gibbons, and Mr. John Kid?
A63143Where is that?
A63143Where lay the Polander that night?
A63143Where there?
A63143Where was his Lodging first?
A63143Where was his second Lodging, do you say?
A63143Where was it?
A63143Where was it?
A63143Where were you directed to deliver these?
A63143Which is William Cole?
A63143Which was his first Lodging?
A63143Which, my Lord?
A63143Whither did you carry the Count that day?
A63143Whither the next day?
A63143Whither went he afterwards?
A63143Whither went you with the Polander then?
A63143Who brought down the Sword?
A63143Who carried them away?
A63143Who caused him to be there?
A63143Who else?
A63143Who shall say for you?
A63143Who told you so then?
A63143Who used to resort to him at that time?
A63143Who was in your Master''s Company that morning before Mr. Thynne was killed?
A63143Who was it that told you they were to go to Windsor?
A63143Who was your Master?
A63143Who were they?
A63143Who would he have?
A63143Why did he come unknown and in a disguise?
A63143Why does he except against Walloons?
A63143Why should the Polander do it, if he had no reason to do it upon his own aacount?
A63143Why were you unwilling to tell this?
A63143Will any man in England believe, but that he had had earlier news of it?
A63143Will the Count ask the Boy any Questions?
A63143Would not the raggedness hinder the healing?
A63143Would this be more Mortal than another Bullet, or harder to heal?
A63143You had the warmer Coat, had you?
A63143You mince your words mightily; pray remember your self; did he speak of killing Mr. Thynne, or that Mr. Thynne should be destroyed?
A63143You said after the thing was done; what was that thing?
A63143You say the Polander came over on Friday?
A63143You say the first place of his Lodging was in the Hay- market, where did you see him the second time?
A63143You say you directed him to clear his Quarters?
A63143You say you found the Polanderat the Count''s Lodgings?
A63143You say you heard he was expected, pray who expected him?
A63143You say you saw him on Friday?
A63143You say, Sir, you saw him not, what company did come to him?
A63143You seem to intimate, as if he lay private to take Physick, pray let me ask you this Question, Did you give him Physick all this time?
A63143and upon what occasion?
A63143might not he walk abroad with it, upon your Oath?
A63143or no?
A63143the next day that he comes over?
A63143was he in bed, or up?
A63143was he in the Counts Service?
A63143was he packing up?
A63143where did you first meet with him?
A63143who brought you?
A63223''t is not in the capacity of every one to endure it?
A63223About what matter?
A63223All Protestants?
A63223And I?
A63223And at whose Chamber was it kept?
A63223And did he say they had Commissions sent to them?
A63223And he distributed them as he pleased, did he?
A63223And how did that Letter come?
A63223And if any voice, cry or protestation of dying men may pass for truth, and obtain belief, where is now our new Conspiracy?
A63223And if he received no information, how then could he descr ● b ● the Rooms without he knew them?
A63223And then Harcourt spoke merrily to him, Why are you so angry, Sir George?
A63223And then Sir George Wakeman''s Name was set to it at length, was it?
A63223And then you went to Irelands C ● ambe ●, did you?
A63223And therefore Dr. Oates must look for another mark must he, how does that appear?
A63223And was all this about the Plot?
A63223And what did you see writ in that Book?
A63223And what said Corker?
A63223And what time was it that you met him, as you remember?
A63223And whereas S ● ● George VVakeman sayes he does not know me, I did take physick of him at the Bath?
A63223And would they have perswaded you to have done it?
A63223And you would not have gone away again if you could, would you?
A63223Are you one still?
A63223Are you sure it was?
A63223As when?
A63223Ashby to goe to the Bath?
A63223Ashby went to the Bath?
A63223Ashby''s drinking milk while he was here?
A63223At that time had you any discourse whence he came, and about his wea ● iness?
A63223At whose house was it?
A63223Atk ● ns, Had you been free in your Purse?
A63223Atkins, Pray Sir, what did induce them to have so much confidence in you?
A63223Atkyns, Was it said to be, by my master''s directions?
A63223Atkyns, Who wrote the letter?
A63223Bed ● oe; ask her whether ever she saw them in the House in her life?
A63223Bedloe had not been there?
A63223Bedloe in the common Room?
A63223Bedloe, can you say you have seen me any where before you saw me at the Gatehouse?
A63223Bedloe, where have you seen me?
A63223Besides what came in those Letters, had you any discourse with any touching killin ● the King?
A63223Between whom?
A63223But I pray give a positive Answer to what I ask you; have you not said you do not know my hand?
A63223But did the Note mention any Name?
A63223But how could I prepare Witnesses for that which I did not know would be testified against me?
A63223But if he were absent, did not Mr. Corker officiate in his place?
A63223But in that letter there was nothing mentioned of killing the King was there?
A63223But was that business of being assisted to kill the King in the same letter tha the Physical Directions were in?
A63223But what say you to Corker?
A63223But what say you to Marshall, but that he carried Letters?
A63223But who did it?
A63223But why did he then speak of the mark behind my head?
A63223But would it have been an Argument because you were not then taken, you were not so?
A63223But you ca n''t Swear the Clerk writ true?
A63223But you did not see him write?
A63223But you take it upon your Oath that you saw Ireland the 19th of August?
A63223By Mr. Ashby?
A63223By what name were you committed?
A63223By whom?
A63223Can you mention the particulars of any one Letter that he knew the Contents of?
A63223Can you name any one body that ever see you in the Savoy?
A63223Can you p ● ove tha ●?
A63223Can you prove this?
A63223Corker, About what time in August?
A63223Corker, Are you ready to swear it, if my Lord will permit you?
A63223Corker, Are you your Fathers eldest Son?
A63223Corker, Did Kaines or I, or any of us name any such thing as Plot, design, or the like?
A63223Corker, Did you hear any word of killing, Army, or d ● sign?
A63223Corker, Did you, pray Sir, leave your Religion, and make this discovery before the pretended Plot came out?
A63223Corker, He says I went in June to Lampspring, now I would ask Mr. Oates where Lampspring is?
A63223Corker, How long hath he been so?
A63223Corker, I beseech you may I speak one word?
A63223Corker, Is that a Copy of my Examination before the Justices?
A63223Corker, Mr. Ireland had been in Staffordshire?
A63223Corker, What day in August?
A63223Corker, What reason or motive had I to tell him a lie?
A63223Corker, Who gave me that Patent?
A63223Corker, Yes, my Lord ▪ Those Commissions you speak of, when were they sent?
A63223Corker, have you any Witnesses in the first place?
A63223Did Mr. Ewers shew it you?
A63223Did he ask you what Company he had?
A63223Did he call him by his Name as if he knew him?
A63223Did he know the Contents of those Letters?
A63223Did he say he would have five more, or any other Sum?
A63223Did he say that he had nothing to say to them?
A63223Did he say what he would have?
A63223Did he write his name to that Bill?
A63223Did it come by the common post?
A63223Did not you send( saith he) to such an one, to have Mr ▪ Bedloe questioned about such and such things?
A63223Did that letter come to your hand?
A63223Did they proposeit to you,& how, in what manner would they have you do it?
A63223Did they shew you those Letters, or did you open them?
A63223Did they write that in a Letter?
A63223Did you ever come to London upon that errand?
A63223Did you ever see him more than once?
A63223Did you ever see me before?
A63223Did you ever talk with any that were intended to be Officers?
A63223Did you know this Gentleman before he wa ● at the Council?
A63223Did you never communicate with any of them?
A63223Did you never see any of the Officers?
A63223Did you read the English part?
A63223Did you see any Commissions first?
A63223Did you see his name subscribed?
A63223Did you see that Commission?
A63223Do you believe it is Sir George''s hand?
A63223Do you hear the Question?
A63223Do you know any thing of your own knowledg by him?
A63223Do you know it was afterward; paid?
A63223Do you know who did?
A63223Do you know who was the keeper of it?
A63223Do you know whose hand writ that?
A63223Do you swear that positively?
A63223Do you think he must needs go officiously to inform Bedloe of what he found upon an imagination that such a Question should fall out hereon?
A63223Dugdale By the common Post?
A63223Dugdale, this Letter that came from Whitebread, it came with others, did it not?
A63223Dugdale, was that Letter by a common Post, that the Lords set their hands too?
A63223Elly ● Dr. Oates, was he against the thing, the doing of it at all, or against Pickerings doing of it only?
A63223From whence did that Letter come Mr. Dugdale?
A63223From whom came it?
A63223Gentlemen, are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A63223Had not he?
A63223Had the first a date to it?
A63223Had the other Letters particular Directions to particular Persons?
A63223Had you any such Zeal for their Religion?
A63223Had you more Marks than one?
A63223Had you seen it before?
A63223Hath he not been here to day?
A63223Have you done now, all Three?
A63223Have you none of those Letters?
A63223Have you not said positive ● y that you do not know it, and is not that matter on Record?
A63223Have you not said that you do not know my hand?
A63223Have you that Record here?
A63223He asked me, What news?
A63223He hath a Witness in Kent, would you have us keep up the Jury till he sends for his witness out of Ken ●?
A63223He seemed to be surprized, and starting back, said, Who told you that?
A63223Here is no proof of all this?
A63223How can he imagine that this should be put upon him?
A63223How did the discourse begin?
A63223How do you so precisely remember the day, that it was the 19th of August?
A63223How do you, Sir George, said Harcourt?
A63223How does that follow?
A63223How dos that appear?
A63223How far were the Witnesses off?
A63223How long after you had left him was it?
A63223How long had you known him before?
A63223How long is it ago that you were there Sir George?
A63223How long was it before that you gave the money?
A63223How many years hath he been?
A63223How many?
A63223How much was that money?
A63223How much was the money?
A63223How often after?
A63223How should she know that?
A63223How soon after?
A63223How the Court diverted themselves?
A63223How was the direction?
A63223How you Argue Sir?
A63223However, pray, said he, keep counsel for we are off of that now ▪ Mr. Ward, Will you ask the Witness any Questions?
A63223I desire to know whether she knows who is President of the Benedictine Monks?
A63223I pray ask them whether they were not told of the time of their Tryal?
A63223If they did believe a God and a Judgement- seat that they were going to, could they be innocent and Christians too?
A63223If you did not, what did you send for them up for then, more than now?
A63223In his absence, who was?
A63223In the presence of whom?
A63223In those matters which concerned the Raising of an Army, Were there only Letters, no Commissions sent for the Raising of Forc ● s?
A63223In whose chamber?
A63223Is he of any Profession?
A63223Is it reported that he is so?
A63223Is that all?
A63223Is that the letter?
A63223Is that your Hand?
A63223Is there any Index expurgatorius, into which you have put these doctrines?
A63223Is your elder Brother a Priest?
A63223It may be he hath none can prove he ever was at VV ● stmi ● ster H ● ll in his life, for who could imagine such a Question should be put to him?
A63223It was by Order of Mr. Edward Coleman, 5000 l in part of this 15000 l Sir George Wakeman, Does he say this was in the Entry Book?
A63223It was in July, Mr. Ward, What do you know of his being privy to the Consult in April?
A63223It was some day this very month, but I would know what it is Sir George would have me to speak to?
A63223Just, Do you know whose hand it is?
A63223Just, Was there no name to it?
A63223Just, Who?
A63223L. C. J North, Why, is he professed?
A63223L. C. J What were the contents of that note?
A63223L. C. J Who writ that Letter?
A63223L. C. J, Did you know they would come to prove, to any day?
A63223L. C. J, Where were these last?
A63223L. C. J. Ay, they do say so, I know; were you a Papist then?
A63223L. C. J. H ● ve you any witnesses, Sir G. VVakeman?
A63223L. C. J. Ha ● e you any thing more?
A63223L. C. J. Mr. Bedloe speak yourself; was Sir William VValler there, when you came to the Gatehouse?
A63223L. C. J. Mr. Marshall what say you to it?
A63223L. C. J. Pray Sir do you know Mr ▪ Jennison?
A63223L. C. J. VVell, have you any witnesses?
A63223L. C. J. VVhere?
A63223L. C. J. VVho said so?
A63223L. C. J. was there no time appointed for the killing the King then?
A63223L. C. J. who is that?
A63223Lay your hand upon your heart, and in the presence of God declare whether ever you saw me in your life, before you came to the Gatehouse?
A63223Look upon the Prisoner, how say you?
A63223Lord Chief Just ▪ But what is this to your Case?
A63223Lydcott, I know nothing of that?
A63223Marsh ▪ How does he know that I know Sir Francis Radcliff?
A63223Marsh ● ll, But what day of August?
A63223Marshal, I desire you would tell my Lords the Judges how long you have known me, and where you have seen me?
A63223Marshal, Who is President of the Benedictines?
A63223Marshal, have you any Witnesses?
A63223Marshall ▪ I desire he may be asked whether he does not know that here were witnesses to testifie I was then at Farnborough?
A63223Marshall, And any where else?
A63223Marshall, I ask you this question; First, Why will you damn your soul to send me to Heaven?
A63223Marshall, I desire to know when that discription was given?
A63223Marshall, May there not be several Houses that I may give a discription of, upon the hearsay of others, though I were never in them my self?
A63223Marshall, Mr. Oats, was I at any other Consult besides this one?
A63223Marshall, VVhere?
A63223Marshall, Was you there at the time when the Savoy was searched?
A63223Marshall, Were not you with me first in that Room which turns in on the right hand from the common Room?
A63223Marshall, What matter is it what day it fell on?
A63223Marshall, Where was that letter read?
A63223Marshall, Who is that?
A63223Marshall, Why ca n''t he as well remember the day?
A63223Marshall, can you prove that ever you were in the Savoy in your life?
A63223Marshall, what day of the month was this Consult?
A63223Messenger, and asked him, Why he would kill the King?
A63223Mr. Bedloe called him by his name and asked if he knew him?
A63223Mr. Corker, Was not I in the Savoy when Pickering was taken?
A63223Mr. Dugdale, There was Sir James Symons, and Mr. Howard, I have talked with them?
A63223Mr. Dugdale, They writ that in a Letter directed to me?
A63223Mr. J. Atkins Did they give you any Oath to that purpose?
A63223Mr. J. Atkins, What Mr. Gaven that was Executed you mean?
A63223Mr. J. Atkins, You are a Working Goldsmith?
A63223Mr. J. Pemberton, There was no mention of Ewers on the out side, nor no name to it, was there?
A63223Mr. J. Windham, They were all directed to you, how did he know who they were to go to?
A63223Mr. Jennison, were you with him again at any time?
A63223Mr. Just, Atkins, When was it writ?
A63223Mr. Justice Dolhen, What say you, did Mr. Oates make my mention of this Letter?
A63223Mr. Lydcott, have you a Copy of the Lords Records?
A63223Mr. Oates, did you mention in the House of Lords whether you knew his hand or on?
A63223Mr. Prance, Yes ▪ Mr. Ward, What discouse had you with him?
A63223Mr. Recerder, Have you any more questions to ask him?
A63223Mr. Ward, Did you hear any thing mentioned of killing the King?
A63223Mr. Ward, Do you know one Messenger?
A63223Mr. Ward, Mr. Prance, pray will you give the Court an account only in general of what you know of any Design that was at this time?
A63223Mr. Ward, What was that Army to do?
A63223Mr. Ward, Will you ask him any more questions?
A63223Mr. Word, Pray do you know of any letters about the Death of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey?
A63223No name to the Letters?
A63223No said he: How do you know it was his letter then?
A63223North, But they have desired Pen, Ink, and Paper, is it given to them?
A63223North, He was there then, was he not?
A63223North, Was it the former part of August?
A63223North, What time was this, Mr. Oats?
A63223North, What, it was writ cross was it?
A63223Oates own hand set to the Record?
A63223Oates set his hand to that Record?
A63223Oates there?
A63223Oates, you say that the letter that you saw was written ten days before he went to the Bath?
A63223Oates, your self to it?
A63223Off of what part of the Letter did you tear it?
A63223Oh, said he, we are quite off of that now: But then I was going away, and he called me back, and asked me, If I would go and drink with him?
A63223Once more; what were the words in the Book?
A63223Or did you tell him of your own accord?
A63223P ● mberton, Did you see the Commission in this mans hand?
A63223Pemberton, Is there any date upon the Letter?
A63223Pemberton, Mr. Chapman, i ● this part of the body of the letter?
A63223Pray Dr Oates, what was the reason you did not give the same Evidence then you do now?
A63223Pray ask her if she knows of any Consult of the Jesuits in the Benedictine Convent?
A63223Pray what, upon y ● ur Oath, was the first part of Sir George Wakemans discourse with Harcourt when they met?
A63223Received of any body?
A63223Recorder, He is not here, what would you have with him?
A63223Recorder, How does that appear, that he did give such a mark?
A63223Recorder, Sir George, here is Sir Philip Lloyd, here now; what would you ask him?
A63223Recorder, What say you to Rumley?
A63223Recorder, What say you to the rest of the Prisoners?
A63223Recorder, Where is Dr. Oat ●?
A63223Recorder, Will he have his Witnesses called?
A63223Richardson, Did not you tell the Prisoners when their Tryals would be?
A63223Rumley, From how many several persons?
A63223Rumley, How many Letters came to you pray from beyond Sea?
A63223Rumley, Was it in the month of August?
A63223Rumley, Were not you there, Mr. Oats?
A63223Rumley, Were you there present?
A63223Rumley, When was Picke ● ing taken?
A63223Rumley, Who was the messenger that took Pickering?
A63223S ● r R. Sawyer, Do you know any thing of any Commission that he had?
A63223S ● r Robert Sawyer, By whom?
A63223Said I, do you remember the Contents of it?
A63223Sandwich and Mr. Philips, said I, do you not hear of a Knight, a Justice of Westminster that is killed?
A63223Sawyer ▪ What other discourse had they then?
A63223Sawyer, Can you say any thing more against the rest of the Prisoners?
A63223Sawyer, Do you know any thing besides that letter you have mentioned, which he writ, to give his consent?
A63223Sawyer, Do you know of his going to Windsor?
A63223Sawyer, How do you know that?
A63223Sawyer, It is here in Court?
A63223Sawyer, Pray Mr. Dugdale, you have been form ● ● ly examined: did you hear any thing of a massac ● e?
A63223Sawyer, Pray when did you receive it?
A63223Sawyer, That Letter you speak of was an Answer to it I suppose?
A63223Sawyer, Was it expressed at that time what Pickering was to do?
A63223Sawyer, Were you present when the exception was made?
A63223Sawyer, What did he write you in that letter?
A63223Sawyer, What do you know of the Consult, was he privy to that?
A63223Sawyer, What was that you had more recollected?
A63223Sawyer, Will any of you ask him any more Questions?
A63223Sawyer, Will you ask him any Questions?
A63223Says I, Mr. Oates, do you know me?
A63223Says Sir George, For what am I drill''d on thus in a concern of this importance?
A63223Si Ge ● ● ge VVakeman, You are good at remembring some sir- names, why ca n''t you remember this n ● me as we ● l?
A63223Sir G. VVakeman, How came he to omit that?
A63223Sir G. Wakeman, Does he me ● tion no place where it was Received?
A63223Sir G. Wakeman, In what month?
A63223Sir G. Wakeman, No ● no person it was paid to?
A63223Sir G. Wakeman, Pray what did Mr. Oates say to my Lord Chancelor in the House of Lords?
A63223Sir G. Wakeman, Was my Name to that Note?
A63223Sir G. Wakeman, Where was that kept?
A63223Sir Geo ● ● ge Wakeman, And would I upon the first sight of a man discover to him what would endanger my life?
A63223Sir George VVakeman, You do not k ● ow me?
A63223Sir George Wakeman''s hand was not to it, was it?
A63223Sir George Wakeman, Have not you said before the King and Council, that you never saw me in all your life, and that you did not know me?
A63223Sir George Wakeman, How could the same Cover cover all those Letters?
A63223Sir George Wakeman, How do you know it was a B ● l ● of Exchange for this money?
A63223Sir George Wakeman, W ● ● t day was it th ● t I had the discourse with Harcourt, and received the Bill from him as you say?
A63223Sir George Wakeman, Was there no body present but you?
A63223Sir George Wakeman, Where was that Received?
A63223Sir George, What do you ask her?
A63223Sir Go ● ● ge Wakeman, Had I any acquaintance with you?
A63223Sir Philip Lloyd, To what point Sir?
A63223Sir R. Sawyer, Was that the time Sir Philip Lloyd speaks of?
A63223Sir R. Sowyer, You hear what hath been objected and said by Sir Philip Lloyd, will you tell your knowledge of this matter?
A63223Sir Rob ▪ Sawyer, What do you know of his being privy to the Consult of the 24th of April?
A63223Sir Robert Sawyer ▪ Pray when did you go out of London ▪ to the North?
A63223Sir Robert Sawyer ▪ With whom?
A63223Sir Robert Sawyer, Pray what do you know more of the prisoner at the Bar, Sir G ● orge Wakeman?
A63223Sir Robert Sawyer, Pray when did he leave this Town?
A63223Sir Robert Sawyer, Well Sir, what was the contents of that letter?
A63223Sir Robert Sawyer, Why do you say t is known to the whole Nation, when it was so close a Conspiracy?
A63223Sir VVilliam VValler, is this so?
A63223Sir W. Waller, did he say first do you know me, and then Oates ask his name?
A63223Sir, do n''t you know from whom that Letter came, I ask you?
A63223So you were only Agent between Mr. Ewers and them, and none else?
A63223Tell us again who they were 〈 ◊ 〉 did s ● licit you?
A63223Th ● n I asked, who should govern them?
A63223That is all, we can make no more of it: Did he meet you at Windsor?
A63223That this is a strange story of Mr. Dugdale''s, because t is not part of Oates Discovery, is that a reasonable objection?
A63223That was in May, was it not?
A63223The Cover was directed to you, was it not?
A63223The letter came to you, you say, was it dated from any place and what?
A63223The milk was to be used while he stayed here, was it?
A63223Then Harcourt asked him how he did proceed?
A63223Then I asked him, What poor Tradesmen should do?
A63223Then Sir Robert Sawyer, would you say any thing more for the King, before the Prisoners make their Defence?
A63223Then he asked me, whence I came, and where I had been?
A63223There is no such thing at all proved here, or given in Evidence, and therefore why do you insist upon it?
A63223They did not know you opened them?
A63223This is his Question, whether you did say before the King& Council you did not know Sir George Wakeman?
A63223This was paid in part, was it not, Sir?
A63223To do what?
A63223To do what?
A63223To go Whither?
A63223To what purpose did they set their Hands to it?
A63223To what purpose did they write?
A63223To whom was that letter directed?
A63223To whom?
A63223To you?
A63223Two or three days after that, Grove came to my Shop to buy some Spoons for a Christning; and then I did ask him, what Office he was to have?
A63223VVas the letter you tore off in the man''s name, or in Sir George''s name?
A63223Was Sir George Wakeman''s hand subscribed to that Receipt?
A63223Was all this one intire discourse?
A63223Was he a Priest?
A63223Was he the only man that they were delivered to?
A63223Was he their President?
A63223Was it directed plainly to you on the out- side?
A63223Was it mentione in that letter what the design was?
A63223Was it said for what the money was proposed?
A63223Was it the middle of August, or the latter end?
A63223Was that after you met with Mr. ● owes?
A63223Was that at the Council?
A63223Was that the place you saw me in?
A63223Was that the subject of 〈 ◊ 〉?
A63223Was the Receipt, which is said such a day, the same day that the other?
A63223Was the letter dated from St ▪ Omers?
A63223Was the word spoke of POYSONING?
A63223Was there any Army to be r ● ised?
A63223Was there any other Date to that?
A63223Was there any place mentioned in the Note where it should be Received?
A63223Was there any receipt for Physick in Latin in it?
A63223Was there any thing plain of that in those letters?
A63223Was this in a letter?
A63223Was this in the beginning of the letter?
A63223Was this proposal made to Sir George Wakeman after this discourse you heard at Somerset- house?
A63223We will ask that Question of Sir William whether he did or no?
A63223Well Sir George, will you call your Witnesses?
A63223Well to satisfie you, we will ask the question, though it be improper; were you sent down for witnessss?
A63223Well, Mr. Rumley, have you any Witnesses?
A63223Well, have you any more Witnesses?
A63223Well, have you any other witnesses to any thing else?
A63223Well, have you done Mr. Marshall?
A63223Well, have you done?
A63223Well, what say the rest?
A63223Well, will you ask him any Questions?
A63223Were there not others called with him into the Lords house?
A63223Were there several marks to know who they were to?
A63223Were those the words writ in the Book?
A63223Were those the words?
A63223Were you acquainted with his Hand- writing?
A63223Were you at all the Consults?
A63223Were you present when mr, Oates was there and said this?
A63223Were you there?
A63223Were you very well acquainted with Mr. Ireland that sufferd?
A63223What Answer made Sir George Wakeman?
A63223What Commissions were they?
A63223What Consults were you at?
A63223What Lord?
A63223What Note was that he left behind him there?
A63223What can you say to Marshal?
A63223What can you say?
A63223What day did it come to you?
A63223What day was it?
A63223What day was that proposal made to me?
A63223What day was that?
A63223What did that Letter say?
A63223What did we talk about?
A63223What do you ask Sir Philip Lloyd?
A63223What do you call him to, Sir George?
A63223What do you go over things again and again?
A63223What do you infer from that?
A63223What do you know of the other Prisoners?
A63223What do you think we will be imposed upon in this manner?
A63223What does that signifie to the present business?
A63223What is all this?
A63223What is it you ask her?
A63223What is the matter with you, Sir George, said Harcourt?
A63223What is this to the business of the mark?
A63223What is this to your care?
A63223What month was it that you saw the Commission?
A63223What month was it?
A63223What night was that?
A63223What said he?
A63223What said they then to you?
A63223What say you Mr. Corker?
A63223What say you to him?
A63223What say you to the rest?
A63223What then?
A63223What time went you to Windsor?
A63223What two several dayes?
A63223What use do you make of that?
A63223What was his name?
A63223What was it about still?
A63223What was it about, say you?
A63223What was the Import of the Letters?
A63223What was the time?
A63223What was there relating to Sir George Wakeman?
A63223What was upon the other Letters?
A63223What words did he use?
A63223What would you have us to do in this case?
A63223What, besides the Cover?
A63223What, do''nt you publish them all over the world?
A63223What, must we he amused with I know not what for being up but two Nights?
A63223When at the Bath?
A63223When did you leave your Religion?
A63223When had you given the 400 pound?
A63223When was it he told you this?
A63223When was it that you were first ingaged to be an instrument to take away the Kings life?
A63223When was it that you were ingaged first?
A63223When was this discourse?
A63223When were you to have the money?
A63223Where did you see it in his hand?
A63223Where was Harcourts Chamber?
A63223Where was it dated?
A63223Where was it that you saw him when the writing you say was green that he left bhind him?
A63223Where was that 6000 l. to be raised?
A63223Where was that Book kept?
A63223Where was that?
A63223Where, Sir?
A63223Whether ever you saw me in any part of the world whatsoever?
A63223Which October?
A63223Who can help that?
A63223Who did ask you the Question?
A63223Who did you tell were in the house?
A63223Who else?
A63223Who his President of the Benedictines?
A63223Who is President of the Benedictines, Mistress?
A63223Who is''t you speak of?
A63223Who s''s particularly?
A63223Who said so?
A63223Who shall say for you?
A63223Who subscribed that Note?
A63223Who told you this that you speak of about the Commissions?
A63223Who told you?
A63223Who was by pray when he said so?
A63223Who were the Persons that were th ● n at Tunbridge?
A63223Who were you to communicate them to?
A63223Whose custody?
A63223Whose hand is that?
A63223Why are they not here?
A63223Why did not you send for them before, when you knew what day it was to be?
A63223Why did they look upon Sir Edmundbury Godfrey as such an enemy to them?
A63223Why did you not bring them up again ● ● this time?
A63223Why did you prepare them for the last Tryal?
A63223Why do not they come?
A63223Why should I repeat the number of the strokes twice, and write two letters about one thing?
A63223Why then were they not here?
A63223Why were they not here now?
A63223Why ▪ did I write two letters of directions?
A63223Why, is this a business to be slighted, said Sir George, as I am?
A63223Why, said Harcourt, what would you have?
A63223Will you ask him any more Questions?
A63223With them two?
A63223Would they set their hands to such a Letter, as they could not be certain into whose hands it might come?
A63223Would you have the Jury stay here while you go and shew us the door?
A63223Would you have them leave their Employments, and come up, and be at great charges?
A63223Wyndbam, Did you report it to any body?
A63223Yes, as for your Army, there is more than so; Do you remember what Mr. Dugdale and what Mr. Praunce say?
A63223Yes, it was so, and that you should be assisted by the Queen to poyson the King; and being asked how he did know that was your hand?
A63223Yes, my Lord, he did: He asked him if his name was not Marshal?
A63223You come and tell us what other Folks could tell, why have you not them here?
A63223You do n''t know what Goldsmith it was upon?
A63223You never saw Sir George- Wakeman write in you life, did you?
A63223You never saw him before that, did you?
A63223You saw the letter?
A63223You say there were several Lords see their Hands to it, what Lords were they?
A63223You say they were to be Officers, what were they to be military Officers?
A63223and by him accepted?
A63223and whether he did not know him?
A63223but that I should have my liberty so long as I had?
A63223for the service I had done her, was that any ha ● m?
A63223how wilt thou be tried?
A63223if he had come in then and said, Yes, I have seen a Letter subscribed under Sir George Wakeman''s hand, would not they have committed him?
A63223in August?
A63223may not you tell him, you go to one Place, and indeed go to another?
A63223might there not be two?
A63223my Lord Stafford you say?
A63223no said they?
A63223nor of the Queen?
A63223of August?
A63223of Cr ▪ How sayest thou Sir George Wakeman, art thou guilty of this High- Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, or not guilty?
A63223or did you break open the letter?
A63223or of any particular Persons to be murdered, be ● ● des the King and the Duke of Monmouth?
A63223said Harcourt, I have a Bill of 2000 l. From whom, said Sir George Wak ● man?
A63223said Sir George, I have been ready long since, but you have not been so punctual with me: But what have you there?
A63223said he, I do n''t know whether I shall or no; for what reason am I d ● ill''d on in such a Concern as this?
A63223that is that you say?
A63223to be given for?
A63223was proffered him; pray who did propose it to him?
A63223was she one?
A63223was the same hand wi ● h that you saw when he writ the Apothecaries Bill?
A63223well, have you any more?
A63223what need that?
A63223what time did you go away?
A63223what were the contents of the letter?
A63223when did he go out of Town?
A63223whence did it come?
A63223why, had you not the same Witnesses you had then?
A63223yes said he,''t is accepted: and when is it to be paid?
A63223〈 ◊ 〉, why, do you think he can bring VVitnesses for every Act that he did in his l ● ● e?
A63227( To Colonel Rumsey,) Sir, did my Lord Russell hear you, when you deliver''d the Message to the Company?
A63227- Walcott?
A63227A Conspiracy to levy War against the Kings person( as this was a Conspiracy to seize the Guards) what does that tend to, but to seize the King?
A63227About what time was this?
A63227About what time?
A63227About what?
A63227After they had conferr''d their Notes, I ask''d Mr. Ferguson, What provisions of Mony he had made?
A63227And I asked him, whether he had seen Mr. Goodenough?
A63227And after we had been there a little, West asked Rumbold, Whether he heard the King would come home that Night?
A63227And how many Crows- quills, with Sand and Ink, must you have?
A63227And so you did discover the whole business to him?
A63227And that Direction was given to take a view of the Guards, if the Rising had gone on?
A63227And was that about taking the Tower?
A63227And what did you resolve upon then?
A63227And what induced you to it?
A63227Are you Guilty of the Treason, in conspiring the Death of the King, and providing of Arms for that purpose?
A63227Are you a Freeholder of 40 s. a year, I hope none are allowed in the Pannel, but those that have Freeholds?
A63227Are you sure it is that Gentleman at the Bar?
A63227As I was told, there was a word in the Indictment called Colloquium: He was asked what Discourse passed before?
A63227As a special Baily?
A63227At the Salutation Tavern?
A63227At the time of the Assassination?
A63227Besides the seizing of the Guards, did they discourse about Riseing?
A63227Blague about this?
A63227Blague acquaint you with this?
A63227Blague before them?
A63227Blague came in about the way to take it?
A63227Blague in order to this?
A63227Blague said about taking the Tower with Mortar- Pieces, if it please your Majesty?
A63227Blague say?
A63227Blague what would you have him asked?
A63227Blague with you then?
A63227Blague, would you have him asked any Question?
A63227But did he consent?
A63227But did not they take notice of the Rising?
A63227But he was there when they talked of Seizing the Guards?
A63227But upon what day?
A63227But was he at Both?
A63227But what do you say as to the undertaking to kill the King?
A63227But when did you reckon to begin your Voyage?
A63227But you can tell the Effect of it, When was that to be set out?
A63227But you say, besides what you heard there, you understood there was to be a Rising at that time, Was you to be engaged in this?
A63227But you say, he did at last undertake to Fight the Guards?
A63227By and by Mr. Wyat came in,( that I was to meet at the Stationers) Mr. Wyat asked me, what I thought of the Sessions?
A63227By whom Sir?
A63227By whose Appointment was that?
A63227Can I hinder People from making use of my Name?
A63227Can you remember in whose Name the Declaration was to run?
A63227Can you say any thing about the Ship?
A63227Can you tell him?
A63227Carpenter, declare to my Lord how long you have been with me and upon what account I shipped you?
A63227Come Mr. Howard, what do you know?
A63227Come Sir, what have you to say on the behalf of the Prisoner at the Bar?
A63227Culprit how wilt thou be tryed?
A63227Culprit, How wilt thou be tryed?
A63227Culprit, How wilt thou be tryed?
A63227Culprit, how wilt thou be tried?
A63227Culprit, how wilt thou be tryed?
A63227D ● d ever Mr. Goodenough and you and I meet upon such an accompt?
A63227Did Blague and you discourse it to this purpose?
A63227Did I ever put you upon any thing of this nature?
A63227Did I tell you so?
A63227Did Mr Goodenough bring any account of it?
A63227Did the Captain tell you so?
A63227Did you break off from them before that?
A63227Did you find him Averse to it, or Agreeing to it?
A63227Did you hear any such Resolution from him?
A63227Did you hear what Parties were design''d to be in this act?
A63227Did you meet after this?
A63227Did you meet with him afterwards?
A63227Did you meet with him at any other time?
A63227Did you observe by the Debates that happened, that they did take Notice there was a Rising intended?
A63227Did you observe that my L. Russel said any thing there, and what?
A63227Do you allow the Exception?
A63227Do you come to justify these things?
A63227Do you confess the Indictment?
A63227Do you know about what time he fell ill of the Gout, and how long it continued?
A63227Do you not know the persons that are ingaged in the design?
A63227Do you remember any Writings or Papers read at that time?
A63227Do you remember, Col. Romsey at the first time had any discourse about any private business relating to my Lord Russel?
A63227Do you think the Gentleman at the Bar would have so little concern for his own life, to make this Discourse his ordinary Conversation?
A63227Does he pretend to intrap these Witnesses in any contradictions?
A63227Does he pretend to say that these Witnesses have consulted together to make up this story to accuse him for his life?
A63227Dr. upon what account were you shipped?
A63227For that purpose?
A63227For what purpose was Mr. Rumbold and those other men to attacque the Coach?
A63227Gen How long did he own he had been at London?
A63227Gen. About what time was this, when you setled this Council?
A63227Gen. After the Disappointment, what Meetings had you?
A63227Gen. After what manner was it setled that it should be done?
A63227Gen. After you had notice of the Discovery, did you meet?
A63227Gen. At these Discourses was this Gentleman present?
A63227Gen. Before this Discovery, did you keep up these Meetings?
A63227Gen. Collonel Rumsey was there to, was not he?
A63227Gen. Did he sit there as a Cipher, What did my Lord say?
A63227Gen. Did they come with their Coaches, or a foot, in the night time and in the dark?
A63227Gen. Did they engage you?
A63227Gen. Did they give any Directions about preparing Arms?
A63227Gen. Did they meet by Chance, or had you notice they would be there that night?
A63227Gen. Did those other persons that you said you discourst with engage you?
A63227Gen. Did you discourse of it as a thing that might be done, or that was intended to be done?
A63227Gen. Did you give it to my Lady?
A63227Gen. Did you hear no Discourse to what it tended?
A63227Gen. Did you hear them talk of standing to it with Swords in their hands?
A63227Gen. Did you know of their meeting there, or was it by my Lord Shaftesbury''s direction?
A63227Gen. Do you know who was sent, and what was done upon this Resolution?
A63227Gen. Had you any other Meetings?
A63227Gen. How came you to discover it?
A63227Gen. How many Meetings had you there?
A63227Gen. Mr. Rumsey, Pray after the Discovery, What did you resolve upon?
A63227Gen. Mr. West, To repeat all their passages would fill a Volume; but as to the continuation of the Rising, and whether it was continued?
A63227Gen. My Lord, We do not desire all your Discourse and Debates; What was your other General thing?
A63227Gen. Pray how did he interpret it at that time?
A63227Gen. Pray how often were you with them at that house?
A63227Gen. Pray in all your meetings was there no discourse of killing the King and the Duke?
A63227Gen. Pray my Lord, has your Lordship any Witnesses to call, as to this matter of Fact?
A63227Gen. Pray when you had got to the bottom of all this( as you call it) why did you deny your Name?
A63227Gen. Sir Nicholas Butler, had you any Discourse of killing the King at this time?
A63227Gen. To what purpose was the view?
A63227Gen. Was Mr. Rumbold there at that time?
A63227Gen. Was it discoursed among all the Company?
A63227Gen. Was it pretended there should be a Rising at that time?
A63227Gen. Was the Prisoner at the Barr present at that Debate?
A63227Gen. Was there any Coaches at the door?
A63227Gen. Was there any Discourse happened while you were there about a Declaration?
A63227Gen. Was there any provision made for a Rising now again?
A63227Gen. Was there any thing about my Lord Keeper?
A63227Gen. Was there any undertook to go and see there?
A63227Gen. Was there no Design to take off the Mayor or the Sheriffs in particular?
A63227Gen. Was there nothing of my Lord Shaftesbury to be contented?
A63227Gen. Was this Determined among you all?
A63227Gen. What Debates had you there?
A63227Gen. What account did they give of what they had done?
A63227Gen. What day was that?
A63227Gen. What did it come to, pray what was your Discourse then and Resolution?
A63227Gen. What did they mean by this?
A63227Gen. What did they say further?
A63227Gen. What did you discourse of there?
A63227Gen. What do you know else my Lord?
A63227Gen. What more Meetings had you?
A63227Gen. What time did you stay?
A63227Gen. What time of November?
A63227Gen. What was the Colloquium, when you said the Parliament might take it away?
A63227Gen. What was understood by that?
A63227Gen. Where was it to be done?
A63227Gen. Where was this Resolution taken?
A63227Gen. Who acquainted you Aaron Smith was sent?
A63227Gen. Who had you notice would be there?
A63227Gen. Who undertook to provide men?
A63227Gen. Who was Intrusted to take care of that Business?
A63227Gen. Who was intrusted with this to do it?
A63227Gen. Who was it shew''d to?
A63227Gen. Who was there then?
A63227Gen. Who was there?
A63227Gen. Will you ask him any Questions?
A63227Gen. Will your Lordship please to call any Witnesses to the matter of Fact?
A63227Gen. You are sure my Lord Russell was there?
A63227Gentlemen, Because they have been concerned, therefore they are to be believed; for who should know this, but thos ● that were so concerned?
A63227Guns aboard, and how many?
A63227Had he any intimation you went to view the Tower?
A63227Had they any debate before they went into the Room?
A63227Had you any particular business with my Lord Russel, or he with you?
A63227Had you any talk before of Surprizing the Tower?
A63227Hark you friend, did Lee or Rouse tell you that Blague was made privy to it?
A63227Have you any evidence in the world?
A63227Have you any more men?
A63227Have you any resolution in the Case?
A63227Have you any thing more to ask?
A63227Have you any thing more to say?
A63227Have you done Sir?
A63227Have you done as to this Gentleman at the Bar?
A63227Have you ever been in Keeling''s Company?
A63227He came in and Saluted not only me but the Master of the shop with How do you?
A63227He said Mr. Goodenough came to him, and told him, he wanted Labourers; he asked him, for what?
A63227He was at my Chamber once; says he, Master shall we do nothing?
A63227How came you to arrest my Lord Mayor?
A63227How came you to arrest my Lord Mayor?
A63227How came you to discourse concerning this?
A63227How came you to discourse with him concerning the best way of taking the Tower?
A63227How can I know who to Challenge?
A63227How can these two expressions go together?
A63227How do you know what discourse I had with Mr. Goodenough when you was not present?
A63227How do you know what discourse they had?
A63227How long ago was it?
A63227How long was it before the Discovery, that you did see him?
A63227How long was that ago?
A63227How many Goose- quills?
A63227How many Names was delivered?
A63227How sayest thou, William Hone, art thou Guilty of this High- Treason whereof thou standst Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63227How sayest thou, art thou Guilty, or not Guilty?
A63227How was it designed to be done, by Pistol, or how?
A63227How was this to be done?
A63227I ask neither the Day nor the Week, but about what Month?
A63227I ask you whether you did not begin with me?
A63227I asked West or Rumbold, or both of them, what they intended by it?
A63227I asked him in what manner he meant Invasion?
A63227I asked him what other Invasion do you mean?
A63227I asked him, For what purpose?
A63227I asked him, what Forces he had, he said he had enough; sayes I, what are you assured of?
A63227I asked them further, what they would do with the King''s Natural Sons?
A63227I asked, For what end?
A63227I desire he may be asked what was said before and after?
A63227I desire my Lord may be asked who he sent for it?
A63227I desire to ask him another Question, When he was told he was Sworn against, what did he say?
A63227I desire to know, my Lord, when is the time Mr. West speaks of, that I gave an account of killing the King at my Lord Mayors Feast?
A63227I think your Lordship did mention the Camb ● lls?
A63227I would desire a Copy of the Pannel of the Jury, that I might consider of it; for how else can I make any just Challenge?
A63227In Hertfordshire?
A63227In Israel?
A63227In the first place, did you hear any thing in general of assassinating the King?
A63227In what capacity, as Colonel or Captain?
A63227Is it probable they came to tast Wine?
A63227Is it usual for the Witnesses to hear one another?
A63227Is she fitted?
A63227Is that the man, Johnson?
A63227Is there any thing more that you would have asked of any of these Witnesses, or have you any Witnesses of your own?
A63227Is this the Statute your Lordship has read?
A63227It was delivered to your Servant, or Agent, what did you do with it?
A63227J. Ay, any or none?
A63227J. Hath not your Lordship had a Copy of the Pannel?
A63227J. Mr. Attorney, why may not this Tryal be respited till the Afternoon?
A63227L. C. J. Hath he owned always the Name of Walcott?
A63227L. C. J. I do n''t ask you the day; but was it when the King was last at New- Market, or before?
A63227L. C. J. Mr. Lee, What say you concerning his inquiry for Money?
A63227L. C. J. Mr. Rumsey, About what time was this resolution taken up, as near as you can?
A63227L. C. J. Mr. Walcot, Have you any thing to say for your self, against this plain Evidence?
A63227L. C. J. Pray let us go on a little gradatim, What was the reason that this was not effected when the King returned from New- Market?
A63227L. C. J. Pray where do you live?
A63227L. C. J. Pray, what do you here?
A63227L. C. J. Saker?
A63227Last February?
A63227Look you Mr. Lee, Mate Lee, the Captain told you of this Ball that was to be thrown upon Blackheath, how long ago was it?
A63227Look you Sir, by the Oath you have taken did he undertake to raise men, and to assist with his Ship in taking the Tower?
A63227Look you, Colonel Rumsey, after this disappointment, when this next meeting was, had you any further design upon the King then?
A63227Look you, Colonel Rumsey, let me ask you this, What was Keeling to do?
A63227Look you, Mate Lee, what say you to 〈 ◊ 〉 in your judgment and your thoughts was the discourse concerning taking the Tower in a jesting way?
A63227Look you, Sir, did any of them talk of securing themselves?
A63227Look you, Sir, was there any number of men insisted upon for doing this villany?
A63227Look you, Sir, when had you this?
A63227Look you, Sir, you hear the Question; it is, Whether ever Mr. Walcot met with Mr. West, till after the King''s Return from Newmarket?
A63227Look you, You have fixed but upon one person, here was Mate Lee that gives a very threwd Evidence against you; did he come and teach you?
A63227May I have some body write to help my memory?
A63227Mr. Att Gen. Pray were you imployed to speak with any of the Nonconformist Ministers about it?
A63227Mr. Att Gen. Where were these Arms to be carried?
A63227Mr. Att Gen. Why would they kill him?
A63227Mr. Pollexfen, do you find any Judgment, that in Cases of Treason by Common- Law, they might except for want of Freehold?
A63227Mr. Ramsey, Pray what consultation had you afterward, and what was done after?
A63227Must I ask him now?
A63227My Lord Russell, what do you ask my Lord Anglesey?
A63227My Lord, What say you to it, that you told his Father he was a discreet Man, and he needed not to Fear his Ingagement in any such thing?
A63227My Lord, does your Lordship call any more Witnesses?
A63227My Lord, may I make use of any Papers I have?
A63227My Lord, may I not have a Copy of the Matter of Fact laid against me, that I may know what to answer to it?
A63227My Lord, may not I have the use of Pen, Ink, and Paper?
A63227My Lord, we will hear your Counsel; what Counsel do you desire, my Lord?
A63227My Lord, would not any man in my circumstances desire a man to deal tenderly with him?
A63227Nor what he said to you?
A63227Now, Sir, what Question would you have?
A63227Of the fire?
A63227Or that you heard of?
A63227Or will you ask him any Questions?
A63227Or would you have any Witnesses called?
A63227Pray Mr. Sheppard, do you remember the time where these meetings were?
A63227Pray did he say the King had forfeited his Crown?
A63227Pray my Lord, not to interrupt you, by what Party( I know no Party) were they chosen?
A63227Pray what do you know of the Apprehending of the Cambells?
A63227Pray, Sir, answer this, Was this before the King went to Newmarket, or not?
A63227Recollect your self, what was the design?
A63227Religion, My Lord?
A63227Rouse I ask him by the Oath he has taken, whether ever I spake with him of any design against the King and Government?
A63227Rouse Who was present?
A63227Rouse, where is your Oath of Allegiance then that is to the King?
A63227Said Rumbold, I hope they will not come till then: But, said West, if they do come, How many Swan- quills must you have?
A63227Say I, who are the Persons?
A63227Sayes I, My Lord, That''s a good one indeed, Dare not you trust him, and yet do you send me to him on this Errand?
A63227Says I, pray what money have you to carry on this?
A63227Says I, what do you mean by this?
A63227Says I, what will you do if you have no Powder and Shot?
A63227Says Mr. L ● ch what shall I give you?
A63227Says Mr. West to Mr. Rumbold then, How many Swan Quills, Goose Quills, and Crow Quills, and how much Sand and Ink must we have?
A63227Says he, I am a man that am observed, because I have a Correspondence with my Lord Shaftsbury, and asked me, If I would provide him a good stiff Tuck?
A63227Says he, What if I get it under his Hand?
A63227Says he, can you get no men that are fit to make Commanders of Ships?
A63227Shall I speak a word, my Lord?
A63227Since he was taken, what did he say about this matter?
A63227Sir Nicholas Butler asked him in my Presence( I went along with Sir Nicholas when he examined him) as to this thing, how he was concerned?
A63227That Letter( when he see his Name in the Proclamation) acknowledges it, it is his first Crime he says; what was that Crime?
A63227That my Lord may not be surprized, what think you of giving my Lord time till the Afternoon, and try some of the rest in the mean time?
A63227The Guards?
A63227The Men, for what?
A63227The Prisoner was at those several meetings, was he not?
A63227The first time was in the Coach?
A63227The last Question is, Whether you have any Witnesses?
A63227The next day I asked him, what he intended by the Commanders of the Ships?
A63227The next time, he as ● ed me how far I would assist if such a thing should fall out as a foreign Invasion?
A63227The raising of Money you speak of, was that put into any way?
A63227The same Persons?
A63227Then Captain Walcott was not with you at the Five Bells?
A63227Then I desire your Lordship would ask him how many Months ago it was he saies I gave him the Paper?
A63227Then, whether I did not then lye ill of the Gout?
A63227Therefore that which is put to you now is, Whether you say you are Guilty, or not Guilty?
A63227Till after?
A63227To what intent was this discourse, had you had any former discourse with any Persons?
A63227To what purpose did you meet Mr. Goodenough so often to discourse about this matter of the Tower?
A63227To what purpose was it?
A63227To what purpose was the Declaration?
A63227Tracey to speak to him and Mr. West, What do you mean by that?
A63227Upon that what resolution was taken?
A63227Upon what account?
A63227Upon what occasion did you reveal this?
A63227VVhat Questions would you ask him my Lord?
A63227VVill your Lordship call any other VVitnesses?
A63227Walcot, how many was he to have?
A63227Was Captain Walcott there at that time?
A63227Was Mr. West at any of your Consults?
A63227Was he there at that meeting on Munday morning?
A63227Was he there?
A63227Was it before that time, you went to press them from my Lord Shaftesbury?
A63227Was it discoursed of before them?
A63227Was it discourst how, or in what manner those persons were to be raised?
A63227Was it requir''d of you to do any thing your self, more than to raise those Men, and know whether they were in a readiness?
A63227Was it securing or killing?
A63227Was my Lord Russel both times there?
A63227Was my Lord Russel in the Room when this Debate was?
A63227Was my Lord Russell, the Prisoner, there, when they undertook to take the view?
A63227Was she capable to do any service upon the Water?
A63227Was she in a condition to have done any Serivce upon the Water?
A63227Was that the usual Phrase among you, to signifie that?
A63227Was the Prisoner at the Bar there at that time, when they consulted about killing Mr. Keeling?
A63227Was there a day appointed for the doing this?
A63227Was there any Post assigned to Keeling in this?
A63227Was there any Post in this Case assign''d to you?
A63227Was there any body designed for that particular business?
A63227Was this Coroner any time at any of your Meetings?
A63227Was you shipped upon the Captain''s Ship, and upon what account?
A63227We desire to know whether he heard anything of the Ball or Tossing it?
A63227Well, is this young man come in?
A63227Well, was there any thing provided or designed in order to it?
A63227Well, what say you to it?
A63227Were any of those men to go down?
A63227Were there no Persons to undertake for a Fund?
A63227Were you design''d to go down to Rumbold''s House?
A63227Were you employed to arrest my Lord Mayor?
A63227What Meetings had you upon your Flight?
A63227What Money was he to have?
A63227What Religion do you profess?
A63227What Shepherd was this?
A63227What are they?
A63227What are you by Profession?
A63227What are you?
A63227What besides?
A63227What can you say concerning the Prisoner at the Barr?
A63227What canst thou say for thy self why Judgment of Death should not pass upon thee according to the Law?
A63227What did Captain Blague tell you of what discourse he had with Mr. Goodenough?
A63227What did he imploy you to do?
A63227What did he say about Money?
A63227What did he say the intention was of raising these men?
A63227What did he say to Mr. Keeling, when he came to the Salutation?
A63227What did he say?
A63227What did he say?
A63227What did you discourse about?
A63227What did you do with them?
A63227What did you mean by that?
A63227What did you mean by this, That this was your first crime?
A63227What did you observe my L. Russel to say?
A63227What did you use these words to him for then?
A63227What discourse had you with my Lord Shaftsbury thereupon?
A63227What do you know of any Treasonable practices of his?
A63227What do you mean, the Cart before the Horse?
A63227What do you say, Sir?
A63227What have you to say to this that is charged upon you?
A63227What is it?
A63227What is that, what do you mean, says he?
A63227What is this Ferguson?
A63227What is this?
A63227What made you among them?
A63227What made you believe he made preparation to be gone?
A63227What other meetings were you at with Captain Walcot?
A63227What other meetings were you at, Sir?
A63227What place was it I began to speak of any thing of this design?
A63227What said my Lord Shaftsbury?
A63227What saist thou, Thomas Walcot, Art thou Guilty of this High Treason, whereof thou standest Indicted, or Not Guilty?
A63227What say you to that?
A63227What say you to this?
A63227What say you, did my Lord give any Consent to the Rising?
A63227What say you?
A63227What sayest thou, John Rouse, art thou guilty of this High- Treason whereof thou standest indicted, or not guilty?
A63227What sayest thou, William Blagg, art thou guilty of this High- Treason whereof thou standest indicted, or not guilty?
A63227What time was that?
A63227What was Keeling?
A63227What was it he said?
A63227What was that Discourse?
A63227What was the Common Law?
A63227What was the designe of that Paper?
A63227What was the reason he would not kill the King?
A63227What was the result of your meetings?
A63227What was to be done?
A63227What was your Discourse there about?
A63227What were you to have done?
A63227What would have become of that Religion we have been so fond of preserving?
A63227What would have become of your Lives and Religion?
A63227What would you have Mr. Wright asked?
A63227What''s that?
A63227What, in Treason?
A63227What, is that the Man that talked of the Black- Bird, and Gold- Finch?
A63227When he was last at New- Market, in his return from thence?
A63227When the Discourse was about securing the King and the Duke, was Captain Walcott there?
A63227When was it that I should say these words?
A63227When was this time?
A63227When was this to be done?
A63227When was your first meeting?
A63227When was your last meeting, before the Discovery, that you were at?
A63227When was your last time?
A63227When were you Shipped?
A63227When were you to begin your Voyage?
A63227When you resolved to flie, Had you any discourse of making a Stand, and fighting the Government then?
A63227Where is that?
A63227Where is that?
A63227Where is the Salutation?
A63227Where is there then any Statute whatsoever that makes a difference in this Case, between London and other Counties?
A63227Where is your Habitation?
A63227Wherefore did they go up into a room?
A63227Wherefore did they order Mr. Sheppard that none of the Boys should come up, but that the Master must fetch the Sugar and Wine himself?
A63227Who can you have to say so besides your self?
A63227Who did he bring you to?
A63227Who did you understand that from?
A63227Who else?
A63227Who had you this Message from?
A63227Who is it directed to?
A63227Who met then?
A63227Who sent this Message back?
A63227Who told you this?
A63227Who was there?
A63227Who was with us?
A63227Who was with you when you discourst it first?
A63227Whose were the words?
A63227Will you ask him any more than that?
A63227Will you ask him any thing, Sir?
A63227Will you have it read in Latin or in English?
A63227Will your Lordship please to have any other Questions asked of my Lord Howard?
A63227With his Lordships leave, did you speak first to the Captain about the Tower, or did he speak to you, was it your motion to him, or his to you?
A63227With: You say you know a great deal more: How came it to pass you never told the King one word of this''till after you was taken?
A63227Without any proof?
A63227Would the Prisoner at the Bar ask him any questions?
A63227Yes Sr. — Richard Clarke, What Voyage had we?
A63227You are sure that is the Man?
A63227You confess, you heard some discourse of these things; What made you to frequent their company, when you heard these things?
A63227You hear what Sir Nicholas Butler says of the Cross- Bows you designed to kill the King with, what say you to that?
A63227Your Judgment is now rectified; but what say you to the matter?
A63227about what time?
A63227and whether I would ingage in the Defence of it?
A63227are you a stranger in England?
A63227but s ● ys he, shall not I be Hang''d for it?
A63227did he use these words?
A63227did you not tell me, there was a design to overturn the Government, but you would not shed blood?
A63227do you know there was any previous or subsequent discourse to this, that m ● ght a ● y way alter it?
A63227had you a prospect when the King would return?
A63227he answered presently, do n''t you know?
A63227says he, either a brisk Push( that I took for an Insurrection) for the two Brothers: says I, what Brothers do you mean?
A63227to Flea them, and Stuff them?
A63227was that debated among them?
A63227were they at the Table, or where were they?
A63227what can you propound to your self to extricate your self out of these troubles you so much complain of?
A63227what course do you think of?
A63227where would he have those Ships?
A63227— What saies the first Lee, what time does he speak of?
A25883After he received them, what did he with them?
A25883After my Lord Nottingham had perused them, what did he do with them?
A25883After the Money was paid, what did you do the next day?
A25883After they were taken, what said they?
A25883After this, Was not my Lord Preston call''d in to be examin''d?
A25883All the rest of my Lords the Judges are of the same opinion, as they tell me?
A25883And Mr. Ashton said some Words something to the same purpose; Prethee, said he, throw it over- board: What Good will it do you?
A25883And all that while was not the Bundle of Papers out of your sight?
A25883And did they part, after they were come out?
A25883And did they part, after you came out?
A25883And is there any thing but Supposition against me?
A25883And take this other thing with it, why did you desire Captain Billop to go along with you where you were going?
A25883And then you saw me take up the Pacquet off from the Ballast?
A25883And this Agreement being made,''t is possitively Sworn, that they did ask, whether there was a Hiding Place in the Vessel?
A25883And was it not after that, that you took the Papers out of my Breast?
A25883And who went with you, did you say?
A25883And, Whether he savv Billop deliver the same Pacquet to my Lord Nottingham?
A25883Are they not Persons much of the same Disposition, and much in the same Imployment?
A25883Are they not all known?
A25883Are those the Papers that have been read, my Lord?
A25883Are you Guilty of the High Treason, or not Guilty?
A25883Are you Guilty of the same High Treason, or not Guilty?
A25883Are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A25883Are you sworn Friend?
A25883Art thou Guilty of the same High Treason, or not Guilty?
A25883At what time were you to go to Rigby''s?
A25883Ay, what did he say to you?
A25883Ay; What is it you would ask him?
A25883Ay; What is it?
A25883Before Betsworth is examined, I would ask Pasely one Question?
A25883Before you went on Board, had you any discourse of hiding?
A25883Billop all the Papers that you received from him?
A25883Billop brought a Bundle of Papers to you, and what became of them?
A25883Billop take the Pacquet out of Ashton''s Bosom?
A25883Billop was out, but only my Lord Preston?
A25883Billop''s sight vvhile your Lordship had them?
A25883Billop, were those among the other Papers?
A25883Billop, when you had them back from my Lord of Nottingham, pray to whom did you deliver them?
A25883Billop, who did you deliver them to?
A25883Billop: Are these the Seals?
A25883Bland, Whether you were well acquainted with my Lord Preston''s Hand?
A25883But Ashton and Ellyot did desire of you a great many times to throw it over board?
A25883But I ask you where the Seals were?
A25883But I ask you, about going to France; did I speak to you about going to France?
A25883But I ask you, who brought it?
A25883But I''ll tell you what I remember; I remember my Lord Nottingham asked, who I took the Packet from?
A25883But answer the Question, Did you ever see him drink K. James''s Health?
A25883But at what time?
A25883But did you know there was to be a search, in order to the taking these Gentlemen on board you?
A25883But didst thou see the Boat?
A25883But does all this amount to more than Suspicion?
A25883But how can you tell that; for you see the little Papers taken, and they were loose from the others?
A25883But my Ld asks you, Whether you can swear the particular Papers?
A25883But what Arguments did he use?
A25883But what happened after they were taken?
A25883But what need We speak on this Subject, where the things themselves are so loud, and implore Your Aid?
A25883But whether were you going?
A25883But why should my Lord Preston have all this fear upon him?
A25883But you say the Persons that you took in at Surrey- Stairs carryed away your Cloths with them?
A25883But you say, these Gentlemen desired to be hid?
A25883But, good Woman, by Virtue of the Oath that you have taken, did I ever speak to you directly or indirectly of going to France?
A25883C. of A. Culprit, How wilt thou be Try''d?
A25883Can not you remember what they said any of them?
A25883Can you imagine my Lord came there by chance, and took a suddain Resolution?
A25883Can you say this Gentleman Mr. Ashton, the Prisoner at the Bar; was one of them that you carryed on Board the Smack?
A25883Clear of what?
A25883Come, what do you know of Mr. Ashton?
A25883Come, what say you, Sir?
A25883Did Ashton and Ellyot go out together from Mr. Rigby''s?
A25883Did Elliot seem to be angry?
A25883Did Ellyot and Ashton both come out with you?
A25883Did I speak to you to dispose of the Papers after we came from on Board the Ship?
A25883Did Mr. Ashton desire to meet at the Dog- Tavern?
A25883Did Mr. Ashton say any thing about going along with them?
A25883Did any Sculler hale you afterwards, as you were going down?
A25883Did any body mention going to France to you?
A25883Did he know there was a design to search him or no?
A25883Did he not tell you which way?
A25883Did he pay it out of his own Pocket?
A25883Did he see Ashton take away the Papers from any other place?
A25883Did he speak that aloud, or softly at Whitehall?
A25883Did he tell you, where you were to go with''em?
A25883Did my Lord Preston say any thing to you at Whitehall?
A25883Did my Lord own these to be his Seals?
A25883Did not I ask you to give me leave to go down for my Hat?
A25883Did not I go down into the Hold to take my Hat, and call to you, and desired that I might go down for my Hat?
A25883Did not I go down into the Hole for my Hat?
A25883Did not my Lord Sidney say so, or Mr. Bridgman?
A25883Did not that bundle of Papers that was taken out of my Breast, did not they lie near to the place where the Seals lay?
A25883Did not you go out of my Lord Nottingham''s Room, and give my Lord Nottingham some loose Papers?
A25883Did not you reply, That the Man should go down and fetch my Hat?
A25883Did the Water- man that brought these Men on Board you, leave his Coat there?
A25883Did they desire to be hid?
A25883Did they desire you to go to any particular Port in France?
A25883Did they desire you to hide them?
A25883Did they ever say they were bound for Flanders, till after they were taken?
A25883Did they give any money to the Sea- men?
A25883Did they give you any Note where you were to come for them?
A25883Did they mention any thing of Flanders to you?
A25883Did they mention how many were to go in the Smack?
A25883Did they pay the Money in Gold or Silver?
A25883Did they tell you what part of France they were to go to?
A25883Did we desire you to come and hide us, or did you desire us to go down?
A25883Did you belong to Captain Billop?
A25883Did you ever see him Drink King James''s Health?
A25883Did you go on foot, from the Seven Stars?
A25883Did you hear any Discourse as they came down?
A25883Did you look into all the Papers?
A25883Did you observe my Ld Sidney had marked them before you had them?
A25883Did you observe whence he took it?
A25883Did you see Captain Billop take the Pacquet of Letters from that Gentleman''s Breast?
A25883Did you see Captain Billop take the Papers from out of Mr. Ashton''s Coat?
A25883Did you see the Waterman that brought them on Board?
A25883Did you take in your Pendant?
A25883Did you take in your Pennant?
A25883Did you take that Lead, with the Packet, out of Mr. Ashton''s Bosom?
A25883Did your Lordship deliver them to any Person afterwards?
A25883Do you believe you know who writ it, by the Hand?
A25883Do you know any thing further?
A25883Do you know his Hand?
A25883Do you know my Lord Preston''s Hand?
A25883Do you mean that Bundle that I took out of your Bosom?
A25883Do you not?
A25883Does Mr. Ashton desire it too?
A25883Does any one of them tell you that this has been done?
A25883Does she know of any Papers that the Prisoner had?
A25883Dr. Bursh, have you known any thing of Mr. Ashton''s Conversation for two years past?
A25883Edmund Elliot, How say you?
A25883Ellyot spoke to me, to take it in?
A25883Gen. And how was the hiding, pray?
A25883Gen. And you hid them according to their desire?
A25883Gen. Did your Lordship mark them before they were delivered to Mr. Bridgeman to copy?
A25883Gen. Have you look''d upon them all, Sir?
A25883Gen. How came the Pendant to be taken down?
A25883Gen. My Lord President, will you please to look upon them?
A25883Gen. My Lord, those Papers that you markt were they the same Papers that my Lord President brought, and delivered in at the Council?
A25883Gen. Pray shew it my Lord President; What says your Lordship to it?
A25883Gen. Pray, my Lord President, what says your Lordship to these Papers?
A25883Gen. Pray, my Lord, are those Two Papers that you have in your Hand, Two of those Papers that my Lord President delivered at the Cabinet?
A25883Gen. To whom did your Lordship deliver them to be copied?
A25883Gen. Was my Lord Preston upon the Ballast?
A25883Gen. Well, they did go down to hide then, did they?
A25883Gen. Well, what followed?
A25883Gen. What did he say to you, when he went from you?
A25883Gen. Where were the Seals then?
A25883Gen. Who lay next my L. Preston?
A25883Gen. Who was by?
A25883Gen. Who was with you at Rigby''s?
A25883Gen. Why did they hide?
A25883Gentlemen, Do you consider the consequence of your not joyning in your Challenges?
A25883Gentlemen, Do you desire to be tryed alone, or with my Lord Preston?
A25883Gentlemen, are you all agreed of your Verdict?
A25883Gentlemen, what can be the meaning of all this?
A25883Gentlemen, why do Men avoid the light and put themselves under covert, unless they have some evil design?
A25883Had Mrs. Burdet the other Piece?
A25883Had he Paper of Instructions of this kind?
A25883Had he any one Witness of this thing?
A25883Had not I been search''d first?
A25883Had not I been up and searched before?
A25883Had not my Lord opened those Papers before you came in?
A25883Had not you search''d me then, and taken Papers from me?
A25883Had not you taken some other Papers from me before?
A25883Had you any Discourse with Mr. Ashton''s Wife after they went away?
A25883Had you any Discourse with my Ld Preston himself about them?
A25883Had you any directions from Mr. Ashton, to send for a Hamper or a Trunk?
A25883Had you any money given you?
A25883Had you ever opened them, or seen them opened, before they came to the Hands of my Lord Nottingham?
A25883Has this Gentleman any Freehold?
A25883Has your Lordship any more to say?
A25883Have you any more Witnesses, Mr. Ashton?
A25883Have you any more, my Lord?
A25883Have you any thing more, Mr. Ashton?
A25883Have you been lately conversant with him?
A25883Have you had any Intimacy with him?
A25883Have you heard him say any thing to the contrary?
A25883Have you looked upon those Papers, Sir?
A25883Have you no Freehold in the County of Middlesex in your own Right, nor in the Right of your Wife?
A25883Have you seen Mr. Ashton write at any time?
A25883Have you, says the Captain?
A25883How big is that place that they hid in?
A25883How came he acquainted with my L. Preston?
A25883How came they together in that place?
A25883How came you to take it in?
A25883How can I provide for my Defence?
A25883How can you tell that?
A25883How can you tell they were not opened?
A25883How did they go away from Mr. Rigby''s?
A25883How did they take it then?
A25883How do you know it?
A25883How long ago was that?
A25883How long had they been hid before they were taken?
A25883How long have you not been a Freeholder?
A25883How long was my Lord Preston in the Room, while you were out?
A25883How many came on Board the Smack?
A25883How many has he sworn to?
A25883How much did he advance?
A25883How say you Sir Richard Grahme, are you guilty of this Felony, and High Treason whereof you stand indicted, or not guilty?
A25883How say you?
A25883How, in the Name of God, came my Lord''s Seals to be found with other Peoples Papers, if they did belong to any body else?
A25883I am sorry for that says the Captain; what is it?
A25883I ask you again, who first Treated with you about Hiring this Vessel?
A25883I ask you what kind of place it is?
A25883I believe so; or was it Money that he had returned to him?
A25883I desire to know whether the Papers were sealed when he took them and brought them to my Lord Nottingham?
A25883I hope, my Lord, that no doubtful Insinuations or Suggestions are to effect me?
A25883I think you are Master of the Smack, called the Thomas and Elizabeth, are you not?
A25883I would ask you, Sir, one question, Have you taken the Oaths to this King and Queen?
A25883If I can assign the Errors in the Indictment, may I have the advantage of it then?
A25883If you have done with her, will my Lord ask her any question?
A25883If your Lordship please, I would beg the favour to ask one Question of my Ld Sidney; Pray, my Lord, did your Lordship number the Papers?
A25883In what place did they hide?
A25883Inquiry is made by him, what Mr. Ashton had there?
A25883Is he Guilty of the Felony and High- Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A25883Is he Guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands indicted, or not Guilty?
A25883Is it in all places with a C?
A25883Is it with an S or a C?
A25883Is that the Man that owned the Coats?
A25883Is that the Waterman?
A25883Is there any possibility of creeping out of this Evidence?
A25883Is this a true Copy?
A25883Is this your Lordship''s Defence, my Lord?
A25883J. Holt, What would you say?
A25883John Ashton, What sayst thou?
A25883L. C. J. Holt, But you can tell me if you will, I ask you, how it was agreed among you?
A25883L. C. J. Holt, Then you have done Mr. Ashton?
A25883L. C. J. Holt, Then you hired this Vessel for my Lord Preston?
A25883L. C. J. Holt, Well, what say you?
A25883L. C. J. Holt, Who desired my Lord Preston to go, or did he desire to go with you?
A25883L. C. J. Pollexfen, Are you well acquainted with my Lord Preston''s hand?
A25883L. C. J. Pollexfen, How often?
A25883L. C. J. Pollexfen, One word further, Why should you be so much concerned to have these Papers thrown Over- board?
A25883Look upon the Gentleman, is that he?
A25883Lord Preston, Pray my Lord is this any proof?
A25883Mistris, you speak the breaking of a Six- pence, what was to be done with that?
A25883Mr. Ashton and Mr. Ellyott do you also desire to have it read again?
A25883Mr. Ashton did say, a little after this, with a great deal of Insinuation, Captain Billop, What if you should turn about, and go along with us?
A25883Mr. Ashton, My Lord, I say 〈 … 〉 ● ● thing under my Hand, there is no Privity proved; does Supposition 〈 ◊ 〉 a Man?
A25883Mr. Ashton, Why would I have my Lord Preston go with me?
A25883Mr. Ashton, Will you ask him any thing?
A25883Mr. Ashton, did you never tell him how you should be repaid?
A25883Mr. Ashton, the Kings Council have done their Evidence for the King, what have you to say for your self?
A25883Mr. Ashton, will you ask him any Questions?
A25883Mrs. Pratt, Pray will you tell us what you know concerning the hiring of a Vessel, and whether it was to go?
A25883Mrs. Pratt, Pray, when the Vessel was hired, and you were told it was to go to France, what Persons did Mr. Ashton say were to go with him?
A25883Mrs. Pratt, what say you, what is the usual Rate to go to Flanders or Holland?
A25883Mun Ellyot whispered me several times, Dear Billop throw the Packet over- board, what good would it do you to injure so many honest Gentlemen?
A25883Must I begin from the Beginning?
A25883My L. Preston, if your Lordship can shew us that Statute, pray do?
A25883My Ld Preston, my Ld Nottingham is here a Witness, and his Occasions call him away, have you a mind to ask him any more Questions?
A25883My Lord Chief Baron, what say you?
A25883My Lord Preston says, he will, as''t is fit he should, take all Advantages he can; What says Mr. Ashton to it?
A25883My Lord Preston, you have heard what has been said concerning the matter you have been Indicted for; What has your Lordship to say for yourself?
A25883My Lord asked him, what he was going there for?
A25883My Lord, I desire she may be askt, whether she ever saw me before?
A25883My Lord, I desire to ask Mr. Bridgeman this Question, Pray Sir, Were they sealed up when you sent them to my Ld Sidney?
A25883My Lord, I desire to ask him, What the Summ of Money was, that was paid at Burdett''s?
A25883My Lord, I desire to know, what is the usual Rate to go to Flanders; What may a Smack and three Men deserve?
A25883My Lord, I humbly desire to know of your Lordship, whether all the Letters are read, that were read at the Tryal of my Lord Preston?
A25883My Lord, I humbly desire to know, whether they have been proved to be my Parpers?
A25883My Lord, have you no Witnesses, nor nothing that you would use of Evidence for yourself?
A25883My Lord, he does not swear that this was one of the Papers; but the Question is, Whether all these Witnesses together do not prove it?
A25883My Lord, may I ask a Question or two of this Witness?
A25883My Lord, may I have the liberty to say any thing before the Jury go out?
A25883My Lord, shall we assign Counsel to dispute Matters not disputable?
A25883My Lord, shall we have leave to ask my Lord Sydney a Question?
A25883My Lord, what say you, pray?
A25883No such Words in Nature?
A25883Now I would ask him, if your Lordship please, Did you see Ashton take up the Pacquet?
A25883Now tell us what you did with these Gentlemen, and these Papers afterwards?
A25883Now this Letter being thus taken, and there is never a one of the rest that was a Lord, do you think any of the rest was meant?
A25883Now, Gentlemen, pray let us look a little how this Evidence stands: Pray where was this Bundle found?
A25883Now, Gentlemen, the Question is in the first place, Whether this be Treason?
A25883Now, Gentlemen, what account does my Lord give you where he was going?
A25883Now, if you knew not what was in the Papers, how came you to deny you had any thing in your Bosom?
A25883Now, my Lord, I do n''t know whether the Captain can say that these were the very same Papers that he took in the Smack?
A25883Oh hoe, says he; did not I bring a Parcel of Gentlemen on Board this Smack?
A25883Oh, said, I, What a pretty Posture is this?
A25883Or whether else my Lord was really going?
A25883Paseley, what do you know about hiring of this Smack to go for France?
A25883Pray Captain tell us what hapned in the Vessel before you went out of it, after you found them there?
A25883Pray Friend, Had not I been up first, and search''d before the Papers were taken?
A25883Pray Mistris recollect your self; were they to go to Flanders?
A25883Pray Mr. Sollicitor will you speak out, that I may hear what you say?
A25883Pray Mr. Warr, look upon these Seals; whose Seals were they?
A25883Pray Sir will you look upon that Paper; do you know the Hand?
A25883Pray did I say any thing to you at Whitehall?
A25883Pray did the Prisoner desire to see the Master of the Vessel, or speak with him?
A25883Pray did they give you any Note about any thing?
A25883Pray had you any Money given you?
A25883Pray how came Mr. Ashton to pay you that part of your Money?
A25883Pray how much do they all come to?
A25883Pray in what place did this Pacquet and these Seals lie?
A25883Pray let me ask you, when you came to Mr. Rigby''s, in what manner did you go away from his House, and what was said at parting?
A25883Pray look upon that Gentleman there, my Lord Preston, are you sure that he was one of them that was in your Boat?
A25883Pray look upon that Paper, with the little one within it; Do you know whose Hand that is?
A25883Pray my Lord, when that Letter was read on Saturday, how was it construed by the Court?
A25883Pray tell us what you know of this Matter?
A25883Pray to what Place did they hire the Ship to go?
A25883Pray what Room of the House was this in at Mr. Burdet''s?
A25883Pray what have you heard him say, concerning his Affection to King William and Queen Mary?
A25883Pray who s''s Hand are they?
A25883Pray who was to repay him?
A25883Pray, Captain Billop, Did not you search me before you took the Packet upon me?
A25883Pray, Doctor, were the Prayers that were used at that time altered ▪ as they are now in the Common- Prayer- Book?
A25883Pray, Doctor, you say he has received the Sacrament lately; when was that, and where?
A25883Pray, Sir, let me ask you one Question; Were the same Papers that were delivered to you by my Ld Sidney, redelivered back again and altered?
A25883Pray, Sir, look upon those Papers; whose Hand are they do you believe?
A25883Pray, Sir, whose Hand- writing is that?
A25883Pray, When did you give my Lord Nottingham these Papers?
A25883Pray, answer my Question: Was it not out of your sight?
A25883Pray, how long have you been acquainted with Mr. Ashton, Sir?
A25883Pray, my Lord, I desire to ask, Are they of the same Hand?
A25883Pray, my Lord, Were the Letters in the Pacquet sealed?
A25883Pray, my Lord, did the Pacquet come to you Sealed?
A25883Pray, my Lord, is it any Consequence that I must be the Person that must be meant, or that I must know what the Contents of the Letters was?
A25883Pray, my Lord, is that at all proved upon me?
A25883Pray, my Lord, who is it that proposes that?
A25883Pray, my Lord, will you speak a little louder that I may hear you?
A25883Pray, when you received the Bundle of Papers from my Ld Sidney, to whom were they carried, and to whom were they delivered?
A25883Question was, whether King William and Queen Mary were Pray''d for?
A25883S. W. W. Who broke the Sixpence?
A25883Said I to him, Sir where do you go says he?
A25883Said I, Mr. Ellyot, If I should be so great a Villain to do such a thing, if ever it was your Day, would you trust me again?
A25883Said I, what will you give me?
A25883Says he, will you be sure to stay till we come?
A25883Says he, will you go with us at that time?
A25883Says the Captain, Have you got any thing to keep you clear?
A25883Sir W. W. Did they desire to be hid there?
A25883Sir W. W. Who hired the Ship?
A25883Sir W. W. Who paid the Money?
A25883Sir W.W. Do you know one William Pasely?
A25883Sir W.W. Was he with them?
A25883Sir W.W. What can you say more?
A25883Sir W.W. What occasion brought him thither?
A25883Sir W.W. Who made the Bargain with you?
A25883Sir W.W. Who next?
A25883Sir W.W. Who paid the Money?
A25883Sir, have you been acquainted with the Prisoner any time?
A25883So that they were never out of your Lordship''s Hands till now, but only in Mr. Bridgeman''s Hands?
A25883So the Captain took Mr. Ashton by the Arm, and turn''d him about; and, says he, What did you put in your Bosom?
A25883Some time about Ten a Clock, and we came there accordingly?
A25883Sure he was a Man sufficiently known in the World?
A25883That which was taken from this Gentleman, was it Sealed when it came to you?
A25883The Clerk is looking upon it; how is it Mr. Hardesty?
A25883The Question is ask''d you, Whether you carried them back sealed or no?
A25883The next thing is this, that is to be considered, that after such time as these Papers came to be laid open, what is it that appear among them?
A25883The next thing is, that Mr. Ashton being ask''d, What occasion he had to go to France?
A25883Then I ask you, Paseley, Is that one of the Persons that he brought on Board your Smack?
A25883Then assoon as ever they were on Board, you got up the Anchor, and pulled in the Pendant?
A25883Then let me ask you another Question, Had you a Pennant?
A25883Then my Lord Nottingham sent for Mr. Ellyot in, and ask''d him whither he was going?
A25883Then will your Lordship please to put it off till Monday?
A25883Then you have your Clothes again?
A25883Then you knew nothing of these Papers, but when you saw''em taken out of Ashton''s Bosom?
A25883Then your Lordship has no more to say?
A25883Then, Betsworth, will you give an Account of what you know against the Prisoner at the Bar?
A25883Then, my Lord, what have I done?
A25883There is another Point to enquire of them, and that is, Whether they be Freeholders or not?
A25883There pass''d no more than general Discourse before we came on Board?
A25883They asked me if I thought they might get well over?
A25883They asked me if there was a Pennant; and I told them yes; and they bid me take it in?
A25883They askt me if I thought they should go clear?
A25883They pray, my Lord, What are those Papers that are going to be read?
A25883They were all by when Ashton said you would do generously to go along with them, were they not?
A25883This must be a good considerable Time: It was all the Time that my Lord Preston was within with my Lord Nottingham, that you were out?
A25883Thompson, Pray were you a Clark in any Office?
A25883Those Two little Papers you speak of, were they severed from the Pacquet?
A25883To what hand was the Money paid?
A25883To what point would you have your Counsel heard?
A25883To which part of France were you hired to go?
A25883Upon what number Roll is it?
A25883Was King William and Queen Mary Pray''d for in those Prayers?
A25883Was Mr. Ashton there as soon as you?
A25883Was it a Bed- chamber?
A25883Was it a- board the Boat that I desired you to dispose of the Packet?
A25883Was it my Lord''s Money or your own that you paid?
A25883Was it that very Night that we were brought to Whitehall?
A25883Was my Lord Preston by when that money was given?
A25883Was my Lord Preston by when the direction was given you to say you were to go to Flanders, and not to France?
A25883Was not I the first Man that spoke to you after we came up?
A25883Was not the out- side of the Pacquet sealed?
A25883Was that after they were taken, or before?
A25883Was the Hundred Pound paid?
A25883Was the Pacquet sealed when you took it?
A25883Was the Prisoner at the Bar one of them?
A25883Was there a Note written whether you were to come?
A25883Was there any Discourse about Turning of the Tide?
A25883Was there any Provision carried on Board this Smack?
A25883Was there any Waterman''s Coat left?
A25883Was there any discourse what advantage they should get by going, or you by carrying of them?
A25883Was there any particular Port mentioned?
A25883Was there no Money return''d over from the Queen, K. Jame''s Q — n that was?
A25883Was this the Lead, that you took fix''d to the Packet?
A25883Well Gentlemen have you any more Evidence?
A25883Well Mr. Ashton, what have you more?
A25883Well, Dr. Lake, what say you?
A25883Well, What time will you be ready then?
A25883Well, and what followed?
A25883Well, go on, what happened afterwards?
A25883Well, he delivers them to my Ld Sidney, and my Ld Sidney says this is one of those Papers: Can there be a plainer Evidence than this?
A25883Well, what did you do then?
A25883Well, what happened when the Captain came on board?
A25883Well, what said they afterwards?
A25883Were any of them taken from you, Sir?
A25883Were the Hatches shut down upon them?
A25883Were these Bills found in that Pacquet?
A25883Were these Papers taken in the Pacquet?
A25883Were they all four there?
A25883Were they cut in your presence?
A25883Were they locked up where any of your Lordships Secretaries, or Servants could come to them?
A25883Were those Prayers as they are altered now or not?
A25883Were you all the while by, while my Lord Nottingham was reading the Papers?
A25883Were you at the taking of that Gentleman, and the others in the Smack?
A25883Were you hired for France, or Flanders?
A25883What Arguments did he use?
A25883What Bargain?
A25883What Gentlemen?
A25883What Goods and Chattels had he?
A25883What Goods or Chattels?
A25883What Money was paid?
A25883What Questions do you farther ask him, Mr. Ashton?
A25883What became of them?
A25883What can you say of any for the hiring of a Vessel?
A25883What day was that, can you remember?
A25883What did I say else?
A25883What did any of them say about the Tide turning?
A25883What did he mean by so many Gentlemen?
A25883What did he pull out?
A25883What did he say farther?
A25883What did he say to you?
A25883What did he say to you?
A25883What did he say?
A25883What did they carry a- board with them, Pasely?
A25883What did they lie upon there, pray?
A25883What did they lie upon?
A25883What did they say as they went along, as you remember?
A25883What did they say?
A25883What did you do with the Packet?
A25883What did you say to him?
A25883What discourse had you on board with any of them?
A25883What discourse had you with them there pray?
A25883What do you say were the words?
A25883What else did she say?
A25883What else were there found with the Papers, was not there some Seals?
A25883What followed then?
A25883What four?
A25883What further discourse had they?
A25883What has your Lordship to say?
A25883What have you farther to say, Sir?
A25883What have you heard him say about his Affection to K. James?
A25883What have you to keep you clear, says he?
A25883What he would do for you if you would dispose of the Packet?
A25883What is it your Lordship would say?
A25883What is that material to you, whether they be or not?
A25883What is the Master''s Name?
A25883What is the Master''s Name?
A25883What kind of place is it that they hid in?
A25883What kind of place was it, that they were hid in?
A25883What manner of Place was this that they hid in?
A25883What manner of place is that Quarter- Hatches?
A25883What promises did they any of them make you?
A25883What said they to you concerning the Papers?
A25883What say you Captain Billop?
A25883What say you to them Captain?
A25883What say you, Brother Thompson?
A25883What say you, Gentlemen, have you any further occasion for my Lord Nottingham?
A25883What say you, Mr. Ashton?
A25883What say you?
A25883What says Captain Billop to that Paper?
A25883What says my my Ld Nottingham?
A25883What sort of Place is it in which they were taken?
A25883What time a day was this?
A25883What time of Night did you depart from Mr. Rigby''s?
A25883What time of Night was''t pray?
A25883What was it?
A25883What will you ask him?
A25883What would Mr. Ashton have had you done?
A25883What, from the Time I went out?
A25883When Ashton came, who came along with him?
A25883When I gave you the Half Crown that you speak of, what did I say to you?
A25883When did any Body tell you you were to go to France?
A25883When did you meet at the Dog- Tavern?
A25883When did you take it in?
A25883When he has it sealed up, what does he do with it?
A25883When was it he paid it you?
A25883When was that Hamper and Trunk to be sent for?
A25883When was the Money paid?
A25883When was the Trunk and Hamper brought on board?
A25883When was the first time, that they would have you say, they were bound for Flanders?
A25883When was this, Doctor?
A25883When was this, Sir?
A25883When was this?
A25883When you came from Rigby''s at the Seven Stars, Who came away with you?
A25883When you came into the Room, did you find the Papers in the same Condition?
A25883When you came on Board, had you any Discourse with Ashton, about going to France?
A25883When you came to Covent- Garden that Night, what Discourse had you?
A25883Where about is Burdet''s House?
A25883Where are the Papers?
A25883Where are we a going?
A25883Where did you examine it?
A25883Where is that Patent, my Lord?
A25883Where is the Accompt that he had to make up with any body beyond Sea?
A25883Where is your Man that call''d to you, and said, I put something in my Breast?
A25883Where was the next Place, that they bid you say so?
A25883Where was this do you say?
A25883Where were the Notes or Bonds that he was to recover?
A25883Where were they before they spy''d the Barge a coming?
A25883Where were they taken?
A25883Where were you bound for, pray?
A25883Whether would he had you gone with them?
A25883Which was that that said so?
A25883Which way did he expect to be repaid?
A25883Whither went Mr. Ashton then?
A25883Who brought it?
A25883Who came into the Wherry?
A25883Who carried it away?
A25883Who desired you to throw the Packet over- board?
A25883Who did ask you that?
A25883Who did discourse?
A25883Who did they tell you they were to carry into France?
A25883Who did?
A25883Who else was there?
A25883Who gave you the Notes?
A25883Who knows which is the Original?
A25883Who said so?
A25883Who said so?
A25883Who shall say for you?
A25883Who shall say for you?
A25883Who told it?
A25883Who was by in the Chamber when the Money was paid?
A25883Who was by when the Bargain was made?
A25883Who was it gave you the money?
A25883Who was it that bid you say so?
A25883Who was it that told you, Every Dog had his Day?
A25883Who was it?
A25883Who was with Ashton when you met at the Dog Tavern?
A25883Who will you have called, Mr. Ashton?
A25883Why did you ask the Master of the Ship whether there was a convenient Place to hide in?
A25883Why did you take it in?
A25883Why do you believe so?
A25883Why do you not hear from my Lord some good Account upon what occasion my Lord and his Man were going to France?
A25883Why do you say so, Mr. Ashton?
A25883Why should he clap them into his Bosom, if he knew nothing what was in them?
A25883Why should he go to take up these Papers, if they were not his Brats?
A25883Why should he go with him and Mr. Ellyott?
A25883Why should my Lord be under such terrible Apprehensions as to creep into a hole so unfit for one of his Quality?
A25883Why was his concern so great to have them thrown overboard?
A25883Why would you have Ellyott to go with you into France?
A25883Why would you have it deferred?
A25883Why would you have my Lord Preston go with you?
A25883Why, what have you to shew, says he?
A25883Will my Lord ask Betsworth any Questions?
A25883Will my Lord ask him any Questions?
A25883Will you give me half a Crown?
A25883Will you please to ask any Questions to satisfy your self of any of these Noble Lords?
A25883Will you please to ask my Lord any Questions, Mr. Ashton?
A25883Will your Lordship ask him any other Questions?
A25883Will your Lordship be pleased then to allow me Counsel to be heard to it?
A25883Will your Lordship be pleased to declare what Papers you received from my Lord President?
A25883Will your Lordship be pleased to give the Court and the Jury an account of it?
A25883Will your Lordship give me leave, my Lord?
A25883Will your Lordship please to acquaint the Court and the Jury what Papers were delivered to you, and by whom, and where those Papers are?
A25883Would your Lordship disprove any thing of the matter that has been proved against you?
A25883Yes, of the Packet you did: You said, What Good would it do me to injure so many Gentlemen?
A25883Yes, says our Master?
A25883You Pasely, Did the Waterman that brought them on Board, leave two Coats behind him?
A25883You Pasely, I ask you, was my Lord Preston one of the Gentlemen the Waterman brought on Board your Smack?
A25883You are sworn, Sir: Are you not?
A25883You delivered them as you took them, to my L. Nottingham?
A25883You mean Ashton, not Ashby?
A25883You said you carried these to my Lord Nottingham: Did you see them opened?
A25883You say, Doctor, that he received the Sacrament six Months ago in Ely Chappel; Did you deliver the Sacrament to him there?
A25883You were under him in that Office, were you not?
A25883Your Lordship had markt them before you delivered them to Mr. Bridgman to Copy?
A25883Your Lordship has done then?
A25883[ Which he did] Look upon the Prisoner; How say you?
A25883a known declared Enemy''s Country at open War with the Government?
A25883and by whom it was hired, and for what?
A25883and this to be done at Night in the Dark?
A25883and what inquiries were there made, and by whom?
A25883and whether the Prayers were as they are now altered?
A25883did they ask you for a place to hide in?
A25883or can you say any more, Doctor?
A25883or how was it likely that I should force him to go along with us, when he had about twelve or fourteen Men with him Armed, and we unarm''d?
A25883or where?
A25883was there any Coat left on board you?
A25883what did he mean by it?
A63194After the money paid?
A63194Against whom?
A63194Among whom?
A63194And I heard them often say, that the King in Exile had promised them — L. J. C. Did they say the City was to be fired the second time?
A63194And always was?
A63194And for what purpose?
A63194And he asked me if I saw Bennet Johnson?
A63194And in 77 you heard him talk with 〈 ◊ 〉 again, and then he said, if it had been a thousand times as much, he would have sent it?
A63194And it should be employed for carrying on of the designe?
A63194And that unless the King would turn Roman Catholick the Pope would give away his Kingdomes to another?
A63194And there you found Rushton?
A63194And they told him he should be canonized for a ● … ai nt when he died?
A63194And this was in May 1678, was it not?
A63194And upon the Oath you have taken, do you believe that was his hand to the List?
A63194And was all this money paid to Corker upon the account of this Appleby?
A63194And what did they say?
A63194And what had my Lady Tempest?
A63194And who did you come and apply yourself to in London, when you came there?
A63194And you saw the money paid?
A63194And you were discharged?
A63194And''t is very like you were but very little acquainted, would they let you hear them talk thus?
A63194Are you one now?
A63194Are you sure it was the day after Assension- day?
A63194Are you sure of it?
A63194Are you sure there was?
A63194Art thou sure he said those words?
A63194Ask Sir Thomas if he would have this Barlow examined?
A63194Ask him if Mrs. Lassels was not to be Lady Abbess and live there?
A63194Ask him if his Neece Thwing was a single Woman, and was to have the whole House to her felf?
A63194Ask him if she was not beyond Sea, and kept in a Nunnery?
A63194Ask him if there was not one Mrs. Benningfield to be there?
A63194Ask him what he did mean by taking of Heworth?
A63194Ask him what he means by the last Mark there set under London?
A63194Ask him what he meant by that writing in the Almanack?
A63194Ask him whether Thwing be not a Priest?
A63194Ask him who he did intend should live in the House?
A63194Ask the one could you hear them?
A63194Ask what he will have done with them?
A63194Ask, if Mrs. Thwing were not a Nun?
A63194At whose suit?
A63194At your house, where is your house?
A63194Aye, or No?
A63194Before you?
A63194But ask him what he says to this, that he proffered him 1000 l. to kill the King?
A63194But did Mr. Tindal do nothing upon that Oath that was made?
A63194But did Sir Thomas Gascoyne or any of the Company wish you to do that thing?
A63194But he kept him two years after that?
A63194But her husband did not press her to say any thing but what was truth?
A63194But how came you to take notice that this fell out the 30th of May?
A63194But if the wind should be contrarie, my Lord, and they can not be brought over?
A63194But she lived in Yorkshire?
A63194But was that the first time that Sir Thomas ever spake to you to kill the King the 30th of May?
A63194But was there any such thing talked of in the Country?
A63194But what if the winds be contrarie, must my Grandfather''s life be lost?
A63194But what is his Reputation generally?
A63194But why did you leave it?
A63194But will you ask him any Question?
A63194But you must needs know( it was the talk of the Country) when Sir Thomas Gascoyne was sent for up to Town; was it after that time?
A63194But you say, Mowbray said he knew nothing against Sir Thomas Gascoyne?
A63194By the way, are you a Protestant?
A63194By whom?
A63194Can you make any Estimate 〈 ◊ 〉 six years how much you returned for Sir Thomas himself?
A63194Can you tell how much in any one year you returned upon the account of Sir Thomas?
A63194Come what say you?
A63194Come, Mistris, what do you know?
A63194Come, Sir, what say you in this matter?
A63194Could they hear in no Room that was near to them?
A63194Could they see you?
A63194Could you see them where you were?
A63194Did Mr. Tindal take your Examination in Writing?
A63194Did Sir Thomas Gascoyne send you into this Gallery?
A63194Did he ever desire you to speak any thing you did not know?
A63194Did he fly for it?
A63194Did he let them lie open?
A63194Did he make you confess that as a sin to him?
A63194Did he not make out a Warrant for the apprehending of Sir Thomas Gascoyne?
A63194Did he own he was in the Plot?
A63194Did he say he did not speak with the Judges?
A63194Did he say he had returned all the 3000 l.?
A63194Did he say he had sealed such a Conveyance?
A63194Did he tell her what she should swear?
A63194Did he tell you how it was to be disposed of?
A63194Did he tell you, you must sue him?
A63194Did he use any threats to you to make you swear against Sir Thomas?
A63194Did not you live with him then?
A63194Did they speak of killing the King?
A63194Did you ever know I was Master of 200 l. together in my Life?
A63194Did you hear him say so?
A63194Did you hear them down to the Stairs foot?
A63194Did you intend it for her?
A63194Did you intend to buy it for yourself?
A63194Did you know any other hands?
A63194Did you make an Oath there?
A63194Did you put that in the Oath you made?
A63194Did you say any thing to them about this?
A63194Did you see this List?
A63194Did you set your hand to it?
A63194Did you write this Brief?
A63194Didst thou ever hear it before you came to London?
A63194Do n''t you know his Son''s hand?
A63194Do you challenge him, Sir?
A63194Do you except against him?
A63194Do you hear what I say to you?
A63194Do you know how they came there?
A63194Do you know it?
A63194Do you know of any malice between them, and that he said he would do him any mischief?
A63194Do you know what moneth it was in?
A63194Do you know which of the Priests said the King was to be killed?
A63194Do you remember when the Constable came down to have you go before Esquire Lowther?
A63194Do you think he is not a Witness for all that?
A63194Does not that belong to one Mr. Dawson?
A63194For how long?
A63194Gascoyne Money, and I would know whether it be fit to pay it to him?
A63194Gen. Did you return all the Sums in that Note?
A63194Gen. Did you set down this Account?
A63194Gen. Do you not know this man neither?
A63194Gen. For how long time?
A63194Gen. How long have you been so?
A63194Gen. My Lord, Mr. Bolron desires to have this woman his Grand- mother be asked whether he threatned his wife?
A63194Gen. No, but this is Thomas Thwing: Is he a Priest?
A63194Gen. Pray ask him how it came to Corkers hands?
A63194Gen. Pray what Religion are you of?
A63194Gen. That is some, but what to the rest?
A63194Gen. Then thus, Sir, pray what comes it to?
A63194Gen. Well, will you for Sir Thomas ask him any Questions?
A63194Gen. What name did Cornwallis go by besides?
A63194Gen. What other place did you hear him mention?
A63194Gen. What, a Priest and a Nun?
A63194Gen. Who proves Sir Thomas his hand?
A63194Had you a Lease of your Farm under Sir Thomas Gascoyne?
A63194Had you any Discourse with him about May last?
A63194Had you any Estate of your own when you left Sir Thomas service?
A63194Hath he done so?
A63194Have you any more to say?
A63194Have you not had all this time to get your Papers ready?
A63194He asked me likewise if he would turn him out of his Farm?
A63194He did conspire, what to do?
A63194He is a Papist too, is he not?
A63194He puts it to you, whether ever you saw him have 200 l. together?
A63194He saith, he hath a great many Witnesses; are they all at Paris?
A63194He told my Man, Brother, tell thy Master he need not to fear at all; why said my Man, do you know he hath any hand in the Plot?
A63194Heark you, did not you see the Woman that went over there cry, and say she was unwilling to go?
A63194Here is 25 l. paid to Harcourt, I would ask him whether it were the same Harcourt that was executed?
A63194How came she to have 900 l. in 4 years?
A63194How came you to disourse with him, and question him about it?
A63194How came you to leave his service?
A63194How chance you did not go with him?
A63194How come they to say they would contrive their Business?
A63194How did he mean that?
A63194How did you leave him in good friendship?
A63194How do you apply that?
A63194How do you know it was colourably?
A63194How do you know that?
A63194How do you know that?
A63194How do you know that?
A63194How do you know they came from thence?
A63194How do you know they lived there?
A63194How far do you live off one from another?
A63194How far?
A63194How if it should fall out to be another day?
A63194How long after came you there?
A63194How long after the Discourse of the Priests was this?
A63194How long after the discourse that you had with the Priest in the Gallery was it that Sir Thomas Gascoyne spoke to you of the same thing?
A63194How long had he been from him, and left his Service then?
A63194How long had you been gone out of his service before?
A63194How long have you been a Protestant?
A63194How long staid they there?
A63194How long staid they there?
A63194How long was it you say he staid?
A63194How long was this after Dr. Oates discovery?
A63194How much was it?
A63194How much was paid to Mr. Corker?
A63194How much was she to have by the year?
A63194How much were the Bonds for?
A63194How soon did you go?
A63194How will you be tryed?
A63194I ask you, if you were in the Room under them?
A63194I asked Mr. Mowbray one time, what he knew concerning Sir Thomas Gascoyne?
A63194I asked him, how he would come off about the Plot( as they call it)?
A63194I do not know, what have I to do?
A63194I know not what Questions to ask, but where the money should be paid?
A63194I never heard of any such thing as killing the King, Sir, did I ever say any such thing?
A63194I suppose he bought it of Dawson?
A63194I then did ask, how they came to fall out?
A63194I went up with him to Barmbow, and as we went along, he asked me if Sir Thomas did intend to sue him upon his Bond?
A63194I would ask him what he does know concerning taking of Money, and stealing from me?
A63194If your Lordship please, Sir Thomas desires he may be asked why he did not discover it before?
A63194In 75 was this?
A63194In August las ● …?
A63194In that six years time what Sums of money did you return to London?
A63194In their discourse?
A63194In what Room was it?
A63194In what quality did you serve him?
A63194In( 76?)
A63194Is Maleverer a Protestant?
A63194Is he dead?
A63194Is his Daughter living?
A63194Is it a Common Fame in the Country?
A63194Is that all you know?
A63194Is that all you know?
A63194Is that the same place the other man speaks of?
A63194Is that your hand?
A63194Is there any mark of his Hand to that Paper?
A63194Is this Sir Thomas Gascoyne''s hand?
A63194Is this Thwing a Priest?
A63194Is this all you have to say?
A63194Is your Man here?
A63194It was in several hands, was it not?
A63194It was known but last night to me; and if you will not let me tell you what it is, how should you know it?
A63194L. C. J. Hath he return''d 800 or 900 l. in all?
A63194L. C. J. Mr. Bolron, how came you by that Paper?
A63194L. C. J. Rushton was there, was he not?
A63194L. C. J. Till the Plot was discovered?
A63194L. C. J. Whither were they going then?
A63194L. J. C. Were you by, when he said this?
A63194Let me ask thee?
A63194Look upon the prisoner; How say you, is he Guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands indicted, or not Guilty?
A63194Look you here Sir, did you order 100 l. to be paid to Corker?
A63194Look you, Sir, what do you know concerning the difference between Mr. Bolron and I?
A63194Look you, what is it you would have?
A63194May I have leave to ask him any Questions?
A63194May last?
A63194Mr. Bolron, pray what did the Justice say to you when you made this Oath?
A63194Mr. Mowbray indeed was asked, why he did not discover it sooner?
A63194Must he be here admitted to make his own defence?
A63194My Lord, I was in York last Assizes, and Mr. Bolron came to me into a Room, where I was with some Gentlemen, and asked me how I did?
A63194Nor at Heworth Hall?
A63194Nor never was?
A63194Now what says Mowbray?
A63194Pray what reason had you to take notice of this?
A63194Reveal no Discourse, what Discourse did they mean?
A63194Said I, What do you intend to do in this case?
A63194Said he, When must this Money be paid?
A63194Sir Thomas was Guardian, was the Estate in Yorkshire?
A63194Sir Thomas, here is Mr Bolron hath given Evidence against you, will you ask him any Questions?
A63194So she needed little returns to London?
A63194So you were satisfied the Papists might take the Oath?
A63194That is an abrupt thing for him to say; how did he begin the discourse?
A63194That was your Confessor?
A63194That you should know where to find them in London, you mean so?
A63194The night before I met him coming from the Race, which was the 29th of May, and he asked me if I saw any Bayliffs waiting for him?
A63194The other Man said he was in the Room with them; were you in the Room?
A63194The rest, what?
A63194The t''other Witness agrees with him, and what is said against all this?
A63194Then I asked him what it was?
A63194Then how came you to return 900. l. in one year to Corker?
A63194Then what Questions will you ask him?
A63194Then you were not a Protestant at that time?
A63194There was a woman there, you say?
A63194They did not know you were there?
A63194They would not trust you with it then?
A63194This Discourse was at Leeds, was it not?
A63194This Higgringil is a Protestant, is he not?
A63194This was in 77?
A63194Thomas Thwing?
A63194To what purpose was it bought?
A63194To which Mr. Mowbray answered again, How shall we bring this business about?
A63194To whom did he say so?
A63194To whom did he speak it?
A63194To whom did you go?
A63194To whom?
A63194To whom?
A63194Upon whose Account?
A63194Was Charles Ingleby there at that time?
A63194Was Metcalfe a Papist?
A63194Was Sir Miles Stapleton there at that time?
A63194Was he accompted an honest man?
A63194Was he apprehended in August last?
A63194Was he by?
A63194Was he not in the house?
A63194Was he one at the Meeting?
A63194Was it a new- built house?
A63194Was it a printed List, or a written one?
A63194Was it about Money?
A63194Was it an old or new- built house?
A63194Was it charged upon him?
A63194Was it mentioned in the List, for Killing the King?
A63194Was it not a month?
A63194Was it the next day?
A63194Was it then presently?
A63194Was it within a fortnight?
A63194Was no body there but he, Sir Thomas Gascoyne, and you?
A63194Was not he at the meeting with Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63194Was that man that went out last, with you all the time they spake?
A63194Was that the Man you spoke to?
A63194Was that writ on the Top?
A63194Was the Arrears from Sir Thomas to the Gentlewoman beyond sea?
A63194Was the door left open?
A63194Was there any Rooms near it?
A63194Was there any servant by in the Room, when this discourse was?
A63194Was there no Servant there?
A63194Was this some t ● … me in May?
A63194Was you in the Room when they first began the discourse?
A63194Well, come, what do you know?
A63194Well, was it about taking Money?
A63194Well, was this the common discourse of Leeds?
A63194Well, what day do you appoint for Sir Thomas his Trial?
A63194Well, what do you know more?
A63194Well, what do you know of this Business?
A63194Well, what said they?
A63194Well, what say you to that Q ● … estion?
A63194Were you a Papist then?
A63194Were you a Papist then?
A63194Were you a Protestant at that time?
A63194Were you by at that time when the Constable came to carry the witnesses before Mr. Lowther?
A63194Were you ever at his House at any other time to send any such Letter?
A63194Were you his Servant?
A63194Were you in good Correspondence?
A63194Were you in the Room?
A63194Were you in the Room?
A63194Were you in the Room?
A63194Were you in their Company at all that day?
A63194Were you never a Papist?
A63194Were you not his Servant?
A63194Were you with them in the Room still?
A63194What Child was that?
A63194What Design was that?
A63194What Estate had Sir Thomas besides?
A63194What Estate had he to live upon?
A63194What Gentleman was this?
A63194What Loss hath he received?
A63194What Profession are you of, Higgringil?
A63194What Religion are you of, Friend, let us know?
A63194What Rent?
A63194What Room was it in?
A63194What Trade are you of?
A63194What are you, a Protestant, or a Papist?
A63194What can you say then?
A63194What can you say to the Business about Sir Tho Gascoyne?
A63194What can you say to this honest man here your son?
A63194What did he say about Rushton?
A63194What did he say to you about August last?
A63194What did he say to you?
A63194What did he say?
A63194What did they subscribe to do?
A63194What did you stand there for?
A63194What discourse had they about the Designe?
A63194What do you ask her?
A63194What do you know concerning Mowbray, whether he was suspected of stealing when he was at my house?
A63194What do you know of any Conspiracy of these People against me?
A63194What do you know of this matter?
A63194What do you know then?
A63194What do you say to him?
A63194What if the Letter miscarry, my Lord?
A63194What is that to Sir Thomas''s Life?
A63194What is that to the purpose?
A63194What is the meaning of it then, that he should name the whole Design?
A63194What led them into that but a Consciousness of a design to convert England?
A63194What man is that, Mr. Bolron?
A63194What must I say?
A63194What other Evidence have you?
A63194What said Addison when you did turn Protestant?
A63194What said Metcalfe to all this?
A63194What said Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63194What said Sir Thomas?
A63194What said he?
A63194What said she?
A63194What said you to him?
A63194What say you to Sir Miles Stapleton?
A63194What say you to that, that you sent so much Money to Corker?
A63194What say you to the truth of this, Bolron?
A63194What say you to your Hand being to that List?
A63194What say you, Mr. Babbington?
A63194What say you?
A63194What she k ● … ew, was it?
A63194What t ● … en did Bolron say?
A63194What then is said by the Prisoner or the Witnesses in his defence?
A63194What time came you thither?
A63194What time in 75?
A63194What time in 76?
A63194What time in June was this?
A63194What time was that?
A63194What time was this after the discourse?
A63194What time was this?
A63194What was in them?
A63194What was it for?
A63194What was it for?
A63194What was that Barloe?
A63194What was the Oath?
A63194What was your discourse?
A63194What were they to do, did he tell them?
A63194What will he ask him?
A63194What, May last?
A63194What, are you a Papist?
A63194What, built it?
A63194What, that thousand pound was the consideration of the Deed?
A63194What, was that Ripley his house?
A63194When came you first to be a Papist?
A63194When did he first bid you question him for Monies upon the Bonds?
A63194When did you first discover it?
A63194When did you leave his service say you?
A63194When did you turn Protestant again?
A63194When did you turn Protestant?
A63194When was it you first turned Protestant?
A63194When was it?
A63194When was that Discourse?
A63194When was that, Sir?
A63194When was that?
A63194When was that?
A63194When was the discourse you speak of with Sir Miles Stapleton, do you say?
A63194When was the last time that he told you, Sir Thomas had not an hand in the Plot?
A63194When was this, in August last?
A63194When was this?
A63194When was this?
A63194When was this?
A63194When was this?
A63194When was this?
A63194When was this?
A63194When were you married?
A63194Where abouts was this house?
A63194Where does it ● … e?
A63194Where is Heworth Hall?
A63194Where is he now?
A63194Where is he?
A63194Where is she?
A63194Where is that Metcalfe?
A63194Where lyes the Question?
A63194Where should you be paid it?
A63194Where was that discourse?
A63194Where you a Pap ● … t when you took the Oath of Allegiance?
A63194Who did he speak it to?
A63194Who did it belong to?
A63194Who did make away his Goods?
A63194Who did say this?
A63194Who did speak it?
A63194Who do you call they?
A63194Who else?
A63194Who is Cornwallis?
A63194Who receiv''d it with you?
A63194Who says I am a Catholick?
A63194Who spoke to you?
A63194Who they?
A63194Who was in the Room besides?
A63194Who was it said this?
A63194Who was that Man?
A63194Who was the Heretick?
A63194Who was to pay this mony?
A63194Who were by?
A63194Who were the Nuns?
A63194Who were these Gentlemen?
A63194Who writ them?
A63194Whose Combination?
A63194Whose money was that?
A63194Why did not he discover it before?
A63194Why did you not discover it as soon as you turned Protestant?
A63194Why did you not indict him, Sir?
A63194Why would not you then go and be absolved according as your Priest bid you?
A63194Why, do you know any thing of her?
A63194Will you ask Mr. Bolron any Questions?
A63194Will you ask him any Questions or no?
A63194Will you ask him any Questions, Sir?
A63194Will you trie the one without the other?
A63194With that, I asked him if he was concerned in the Plot?
A63194Would any Men talk in such a place as this, that all the World may hear them, when they are contriving to take away a Man''s Life?
A63194Would it not have been to your purpose to have brought the Bayliff here?
A63194Yes, could you see them?
A63194You are a Protestant now?
A63194You came in when they were talking, you say; but they did not stop talking because you came in?
A63194You can say nothing of his Repute?
A63194You did not see the Conveyance of it your self sealed?
A63194You do not know whose House it was?
A63194You heard him say so?
A63194You know this man, do you not, Mr. Mowbray?
A63194You say Justice Tindal it was sworn before, what did he say when you made the Oath?
A63194You say he resolved to send 3000 l. to the Jesuits at London about this designe; pray what was the designe?
A63194You say you left Sir Thomas service in July 1678?
A63194You say, he said, I will return 3000 l. to the Jesuits in London: did he say in what time he would send that 3000 l.?
A63194You told me, Sir Thomas was agreed to stay so long, when was this?
A63194You were his Servant then?
A63194You were his Servant when all the Gentlemen met at his house?
A63194You were in the same Room, Dixon, were you not?
A63194You were not by when it was sworn?
A63194and asked me if I did not know him?
A63194but why did he take the Lease of the Widow, during her Joynture, and why buy the Reversion?
A63194did Sir Thomas ● … dict him?
A63194have you any Witnesses here?
A63194how came you to know of this?
A63194in September last?
A63194in what year was this Discourse?
A63194never fear, said he; why said I, hath he any hand in the Plot?
A63194upon what account?
A63194was this after the time he was accused by Bolron?
A63194what did they say about the Plot at that time?
A63194when did Oates and Be ● … oe make their discovery?
A63194who is it?
A63194would they fire it again?
A616011. and what is the reason of abolishing that Statute?
A61601Admit it be a full Evidence against my Lord Arch- Bishop: What''s that to the rest?
A61601After they discovered their unwillingness the second time, what followed next?
A61601All the Speeches that were made upon the opening of the Parliament, will you say, they are Declarations in Parliament?
A61601All this is but Imagination, and they would have the Court to imagine it too; For how do they prove it?
A61601An Act for Uniformity of Religion,& c. Whereabout is it?
A61601And as to what they say of my Lord Archbishop, That he has not been out of Doors for so long, who can prove such a thing?
A61601And making Constitutions in Matters Ecclesiastical?
A61601And that the Prince acts against Prudence, Honor, or Conscience?
A61601And then the next Question is a Question of Law indeed, Whether if there be a Publication proved, it be a Libel?
A61601And throw Dirt in the King''s Face?
A61601And what answer did they make?
A61601And what is it that they do represent?
A61601And what is therefore inferred from thence?
A61601And what is this Grievance?
A61601Are they true Copies?
A61601Are you not too hasty in that Motion, Mr. Attorney?
A61601Are you sworn, Sir?
A61601As to the publishing it, it was laid before them, and I think they were asked the question whether they published it?
A61601Ay, they did so, and what then?
A61601Brother, impose upon us?
A61601Brother, let us hear what it is?
A61601But I ask you, upon your Oath, do you believe that to be his Hand- writing?
A61601But I ask you, was it under Seal?
A61601But can they publish it in Middlesex, without committing an Offence?
A61601But did you take it upon the main that they owned the delivery of that paper to the King?
A61601But do you believe it, or do you not?
A61601But have you seen his Writing?
A61601But how is the ordinary course Sir Samuel Astry?
A61601But how will you apply that Case to this in hand, Mr. Sollicitor?
A61601But if you had stole a Horse in Yorkshire, and had that Horse in Middlesex, and owned it, I doubt it would go hard with you in Middlesex?
A61601But is that any Evidence where it was written?
A61601But my Lord, I desire to know, whether that were the Ancient Course Mr. Sollicitor?
A61601But my Question is, Do you believe it, or do you not?
A61601But pray answer my Question: Do you believe that to be my Lord of Ely''s Hand- writing, or do you not?
A61601But pray tell us, if you can, what the question was?
A61601But pray, my Lord, let us consider that Evidence they have given, they have begun with that Record in Richard the Seconds time, and what is that?
A61601But still, Gentlemen, do you answer what I objected to you?
A61601But to satisfie you I''le ask this question, was this question asked, my Lords was this the Paper you delivered to the King?
A61601But upon what Informations, Sir Samuel Astry, were they Informations upon Misdemeanors?
A61601But was there not Process taken out first to call the Party in?
A61601But we will have no Discourse to enflame the World; Did the King promise or declare that no advantage should be taken of their confession?
A61601But were you present with him when he writ any Letters with his own Hand?
A61601But what makes him say that this was delivered to the King, but only hear- say?
A61601But what sort of Evidence is all this?
A61601But what was said to them?
A61601But will you give no farther Evidence, Mr. Attorney?
A61601But you do think and believe one way or other: What do you believe?
A61601But you must Answer directly, Sir, Did he own them?
A61601But you never saw him Write his Hand you say?
A61601But, my Lord, how can the King''s Subjects be more concern''d in Interest, than when their Religion lies at stake?
A61601By the Oath that you have taken, did Mr. Graham tell you, there was any further Witness coming in this Case?
A61601Can any body assign a Reason why so solemn a thing as this should be done to no end and purpose?
A61601Can any thing be more humble, or done with a more Christian Mind, than by way of Petition, to inform the King in the Matter?
A61601Can my Lords the Bishop ● … fancy or imagine that this is to be imposed upon the King, or upon the Court, for a Declaration in Parliament?
A61601Can not you tell whether you believe it, or not believe it?
A61601Can there be a greater Evidence or a fuller?
A61601Can there be any great surprize in this?
A61601Can there be any greater Evidence of such a Case, unless it be the confession of the Party himself?
A61601Can you tell what was in that Letter?
A61601Cases this ten Years?
A61601Certainly none; And if we should Demurr, what will be the end of that?
A61601Come I''le ask the questions, were you bye at the Council- Board when my Lords the Bishops were committed?
A61601Come, Mr. Attorney, what do you ask Sir Iohn Nicholas?
A61601Come, Sir, you must Answer fairly, Do you believe it to be his Hand, or do you not?
A61601Could not this have been done at first, and saved all this trouble?
A61601Did You examin them?
A61601Did he own it?
A61601Did not you parcel out our Petition?
A61601Did you ever see him Write?
A61601Did you ever see him write?
A61601Did you ever see his Name?
A61601Did you ever see my Lord Bishop write?
A61601Did you ever see my Lord of Peterborough Write?
A61601Did you examin That with the Original under the Great Seal?
A61601Did you examin it with the Original under the Great Seal?
A61601Did you examine that, Mr. Iodrell?
A61601Did you examine them by the Record?
A61601Did you never see him write his Name?
A61601Did you receive, or did you give any account of it?
A61601Did you see them deliver it to the King, my Lord?
A61601Do n''t you remember that when Sir Blathwayt said the King gave it to be read, and it was shewed to the Bishops?
A61601Do not my Lords the Bishops in this Case raise a question between the King and the People?
A61601Do not they( as much as in them lyes) stir up the People to Sedition?
A61601Do they give your Lordships any Evidence that they had stifled this Paper?
A61601Do you believe it to be the same?
A61601Do you believe that to be my Lord of Peterborough''s Hand or no?
A61601Do you find any such Case as this is?
A61601Do you find the Defendants, or any of them, Guilty of the Misdemeanour whereof they are Impeached, or not Guilty?
A61601Do you know that those Letters that you say you received from my Lord, were of my Lords own Hand- writing, Do you Swear that?
A61601Do you know whether the Letters, that you received, as you say, were written by my Lord himself, or by his Secretary?
A61601Do you remember in what words or expressions( as near as you can) they did own it?
A61601Do you remember the 18th of May last?
A61601Do you think they were Counterfeit, or of his own Hand- writing?
A61601Do you think, Mr. Attorney, that writing in one County is such a continued Act, that he may be said to write it in another County?
A61601Do you use to return twenty four, or forty eight, and then strike out twelve a piece, which I perceive they desire for the Defendants?
A61601Does it not lie in their Power to shew where it was signed?
A61601Does your Lordship think it to be Evidence?
A61601Durst any one have served you so when you were in the Kings Service?
A61601Exton any Question?
A61601For what was done in 1662, do they shew any thing more than some Debates in the House of Commons?
A61601For who shall be Judg between the King and the Bishops?
A61601Gen, I ask you upon your Oath, Sir, do you believe it is his Hand- writing or no?
A61601Gen. About what time had you it from the King, Sir?
A61601Gen. About what time was this, pray, my Lord?
A61601Gen. And the Bishop of Bristol?
A61601Gen. And upon this, what answer did they make?
A61601Gen. And you say he own''d that Letter to be his?
A61601Gen. Are you afraid of the Law?
A61601Gen. Can any one tell who did examin it under the Great Seal?
A61601Gen. Can then any man in the world say, that a Libel does not require Sureties of the Peace?
A61601Gen. Can they give any one Instance that has any the least shaddow to the contrary?
A61601Gen. Did every one of the Bishops own their names subscribed to it?
A61601Gen. Did he own the whole to be his Hand- writing, or not?
A61601Gen. Did he say it at that time?
A61601Gen. Did the Archbishop do any thing to own it?
A61601Gen. Did they make their Application to your Lordship upon any account whatsoever?
A61601Gen. Did you do your part?
A61601Gen. Did you ever see him write?
A61601Gen. Did you examin them after they were printed, by the Copy they were printed by?
A61601Gen. Did you observe any questions that were asked the Bishops, either by the King or by my Lord Chancellor?
A61601Gen. Did you observe any thing that passed there in discourse?
A61601Gen. Do I say it was published by them?
A61601Gen. Do n''t you think the King''s Prerogative is affirmed by many Acts of Parliament?
A61601Gen. Do you believe all the Body of it to be of his Hand- writing, or only part of it?
A61601Gen. Do you believe it to be his Hand?
A61601Gen. Do you believe it to be his or no?
A61601Gen. Do you believe it to be his?
A61601Gen. Do you believe it to he his?
A61601Gen. Do you believe it, or do you not?
A61601Gen. Do you believe that is his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Do you hear, Williams?
A61601Gen. Do you know any of the rest of the Names that are upon that Paper?
A61601Gen. Do you know any other of the Names there?
A61601Gen. Do you know his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Do you know it when you see it?
A61601Gen. Do you know my Lord Bishop of Bristol''s Writing, Mr. Iames?
A61601Gen. Do you know my Lord Bishop of Peterburgh''s Hand- writing or no?
A61601Gen. Do you know my Lord Bishop of St. Asaph''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Do you know my Lord Bishop of St. Asaph''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Do you know my Lord of Peterburgh''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Do you know the Hand- writing of my Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells?
A61601Gen. Do you remember that the King asked them any question upon the producing of it?
A61601Gen. Do you remember that the King said any thing of the paper being delivered to him?
A61601Gen. Do you remember whether they owned, that they delivered that Paper to the King?
A61601Gen. Do you think there is any great stress to be laid upon that?
A61601Gen. Do you think, Mr. Serjcant, that when we call a Witness, you are at liberty to examine him to every impertinent thing?
A61601Gen. Do you undertake to speak for me?
A61601Gen. First we''ll ask as to my Lord Arch- Bishop; did he own it to be his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. First, Mr. Middleton, do you know my Lord Archbishop''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. For how long time is this that you speak of your own knowledge, Sir Samuel?
A61601Gen. Has not he sworn the manner of it, and almost the very words?
A61601Gen. Have you done, Gentlemen?
A61601Gen. Have you ever seen any of their Writing?
A61601Gen. Have you seen any of it?
A61601Gen. Have you seen that writing formerly Sir?
A61601Gen. Is that his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Is that his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Is that his Writing do you think?
A61601Gen. Is that the Council Book?
A61601Gen. Is this a fare way, of interrupting us when we are speaking?
A61601Gen. Is this a practice to be endured?
A61601Gen. Look upon the Name of my Lord of Ely in that Paper; Do you believe it to be my Lord''s Hand- writing, or no?
A61601Gen. Look you upon the Name of my Lord of Ely; do you know his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Mr. Brooks, I ask you this Question, Do you know my Lord Archbishop''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Mr. Chetwood, we would know of you if you know my Lord Bishop of Ely''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Mr. Graham, did you compare any of these Printed Declarations with the Original?
A61601Gen. Mr. Smith, I would ask you this Question, Do you know my Lord of Ely''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. My Lord, if you will admit every one of the Council to Speech it, before they give their Evidence, when shall we come to an End of this Cause?
A61601Gen. My Lord, the Question is, whether we are in the right Method of Practice, as to the Course of the Court, or they?
A61601Gen. Name them particularly; what say you the Bishop of Ely?
A61601Gen. No, we desire to know what it is first?
A61601Gen. Not to Read it, Sir?
A61601Gen. Now I would ask you, Do you believe that Name of my Lord Bishop of Peterborough to be the Hand- writing of my Lord Bishop?
A61601Gen. Once again, I ask you, upon your Oath, Do you believe it to be his Hand?
A61601Gen. Pray Sir, do you remember whether the King himself asked the question?
A61601Gen. Pray did you observe that the King produced the Petition?
A61601Gen. Pray how many days was this before the discourse in Counsel upon their Examination?
A61601Gen. Pray let us hear it what it is?
A61601Gen. Pray look upon that Paper, and upon your Oath tell us, do you believe that Name to be his Writing, or no?
A61601Gen. Pray look upon that Paper; do you take that to be my Lord Archbishop''s Hand?
A61601Gen. Pray look upon the Name, and tell us what you believe of it?
A61601Gen. Pray look upon the rest of the Hands there, do you know any of the other Names?
A61601Gen. Pray mind my question Sir, first I ask you who produced the Paper at the Council- Table?
A61601Gen. Pray speak out, and tell us what are the reasons that makes you say you believe this to be the Bishop of Ely''s Writing?
A61601Gen. Pray were the King''s Declarations for Liberty of Conscience printed both of them?
A61601Gen. Pray, Mr. Chetwood, do you look upon the Name of my Lord of Ely; do you believe that to be his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Pray, Sir, answer me; Do you believe it to be his Writing, or do you not?
A61601Gen. Pray, Sir, answer my question; Do you know his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Pray, tell us what it is you would have read?
A61601Gen. Shew him the Paper: Is that my Lord of Bristol''s Hand?
A61601Gen. Sir Thomas Pinfold, do you know my Lord Bishop of Peterburgh''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. That''s not an Answer to my Question: Do you know his Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. Then I ask you another Question, upon your Oath, Do you believe it is not his Hand?
A61601Gen. Then in your apprehension did they own that they delivered that Paper to the King?
A61601Gen. Then we ask you for the King, because they shall not enflame People by such an expression, In what words did they own it, if you can remember?
A61601Gen. Then what said the Bishops?
A61601Gen. Then where is the Order of Council for the Reading of it?
A61601Gen. Was it upon the first or second time of their being examined?
A61601Gen. Was the subject- matter of any of these Letters about Mony; and was it paid you?
A61601Gen. Was there any other matter in discourse, whether that was the paper that was delivered by them to the King?
A61601Gen. Was this before they appeared in Council?
A61601Gen. Was this done at Whitehall?
A61601Gen. We must ask him Questions as well as you, Sir Robert — what say you?
A61601Gen. Well Sir, what say you to it?
A61601Gen. What became of it afterwards?
A61601Gen. What did those Letters concern?
A61601Gen. What did you examine it with?
A61601Gen. What did you hear my Lord Arch- Bishop say about that Paper?
A61601Gen. What do you believe?
A61601Gen. What do you believe?
A61601Gen. What do you say to his Name there?
A61601Gen. What do you say to my Lord of Ely?
A61601Gen. What for?
A61601Gen. What is that my Lord offers to the Court?
A61601Gen. What is that to the purpose?
A61601Gen. What is that to this Question?
A61601Gen. What is that?
A61601Gen. What say you to that Writing there?
A61601Gen. What say you to the Bishop of St. Asaph?
A61601Gen. What say you to the Name?
A61601Gen. What say you to the whole Body of the Paper?
A61601Gen. What were those questions?
A61601Gen. What''s this to the purpose?
A61601Gen. Where had you the Copy; who had you it from?
A61601Gen. Where was it owned, because we would obviate that Objection of the County?
A61601Gen. Who copy''d this Paper?
A61601Gen. Who ever said so?
A61601Gen. Who had you it from, do you say?
A61601Gen. Who is that?
A61601Gen. Who says so?
A61601Gen. Why is this fit to be suffered?
A61601Gen. Why, Sir Robert Sawyer, will you never have done?
A61601Gen. You did not guide his Hand I believe — Do you know my Lord of Chichester''s Hand- writing?
A61601Gen. You do admit of a Tryal at Bar, Gentlemen?
A61601Gen. You do not mean a Letter to your self sure, Sir George?
A61601Gen. You have had Letters from him you say?
A61601Gentlemen of the Jury, Have you a Mind to Drink before you go?
A61601Gentlemen, are you agreed on your Verdict?
A61601Good Mr. Sollicitor give me leave to ask him a Question — Can you Swear then that they are the same?
A61601Have you ever known it disputed and denyed?
A61601Have you no farther Evidence, Mr. Attorney?
A61601Have you now done, Gentlemen?
A61601Have you the Letter here, Sir?
A61601He can not answer it, why will you press it?
A61601Here are six more, besides the Archbishop, where was it signed by them?
A61601Here''s Mr. Middleton; what do you call him for?
A61601How can it be believed that the Law will not give a man time to make his Defence?
A61601How can it be material what they said?
A61601How did he own it, Sir?
A61601How do you expect to be answered your questions, if you interrupt them?
A61601How do you find the Practice to have been as to that distinction they have made?
A61601How do you know it, do you say?
A61601How do you know that it was his Hand- writing that you saw?
A61601How do you know that that which you saw formerly was my Lord of Ely''s Hand?
A61601How do you make out that, Brother?
A61601How long ago is it since you saw him write?
A61601How long have you known the practice of the Court in this matter, and what is it?
A61601How many days was what Sir?
A61601How many years is it since you came into this Office?
A61601How shall this be tryed?
A61601How unreasonable is this now, that we must have so many Speeches at this time of Day?
A61601How was that unwillingness of theirs overcome?
A61601I ask you plainly, and let Mankind Judge of you?
A61601I ask you upon your Oath, Did my Lord Archbishop own it to be his Head- writing?
A61601I ask you, Sir, whether you believe it to be his Hand or not?
A61601I ask you, do you believe it to be his Hand?
A61601I carry it not so far, Sir; we have a Gracious Prince, and my Lords the Bishops find it so by this Prosecution: But what says that Case?
A61601I see you have a Paper in your Hand, Sir Iohn Nicholas, pray who had you that Paper from?
A61601I suppose you have had some Dealings with them in the way of your Trade, Did you never see any of their Writing?
A61601I would ask him that question, What was the manner that my Lord Chancellour exprest himself in to them, when they came in the third time?
A61601I would ask you, Sir Samuel Astry, one Question: Was the usual Process of Subpoena first taken out?
A61601I would only say this, my Lord, the Question is, Whether this be Evidence, or no?
A61601I''le ask you, Sir Iohn Nicholas, did my Lord Chancellor ask them this question, is this the Petition you delivered to the King?
A61601If a Deed he denied to be factum of such a one, what is the proof of it, but setting the Hand and Seal, and the Delivery?
A61601If a man write a Petition, are the pen and ink that he uses, the Arms?
A61601If it is a Plea your Grace will stand by it?
A61601If the King could dispense without an Act of Parliament, what need was there for the making of it?
A61601If the King will impose upon a Man what he can not do, he must acquiesce; But shall he come and fly in the Face of his Prince?
A61601If they had so done, they had said something, but will any body believe that this thing was done in vain?
A61601If you have more to offer, why did you conclude here, and let me begin to direct the Jury?
A61601In what Penalty shall we take it?
A61601Is he to tell you all that was done at the Council board that day?
A61601Is it a Plea in Abatement?
A61601Is it kept by you?
A61601Is it the course of the Court to give an Imparlance?
A61601Is it under Seal?
A61601Is not this a questioning of his Prerogative?
A61601Is not this raising a Question upon the King''s Prerogative in issuing forth Declarations?
A61601Is not your own Petition a thing very well known to yourselves and all the world?
A61601Is that Proof of an Information?
A61601Is that all you can remember that passed at that time?
A61601Is that all?
A61601Is that an Answer to my Question?
A61601Is that an Answer to our Objection, Mr. Attorney?
A61601Is that the Book of the House of Lords?
A61601Is that under the Great Seal too?
A61601Is the Great Seal to it?
A61601Is there any thing that will require Sureties of the Peace to be given upon the doing of it?
A61601Is your Grace contented?
A61601Is your Lordship contented?
A61601It is not a Plea to the Jurisdiction of the Court, tho''it do in a sort decline the Justice of the Court?
A61601It is not a presumption that is to make any thing in this case, but the Question is, whether here be a legal Return of a legal Commitment?
A61601It may be said, How can the publishing of a Libel be said to be done Vi& Armis?
A61601L. C. I. Mr. Harcourt, How long have you been a Clerk in the Crown- Office?
A61601Levinz, Suppose, my Lord, that I own in Middlesex, that I robb''d a man in Yorkshire, will that make me guilty in Middlesex?
A61601Might he not be so long here on this side the Water, as to make such a short thing as this, before it was delivered?
A61601Mr. Attorney, What do you say?
A61601Mr. Blathwayt, Did you take notes of what passed there?
A61601Mr. Blathwayt, was that the first time that my Lords the Bishops came in?
A61601Mr. Bridgeman, pray let me ask you one Question; Did you ever compare the Print with that under Seal?
A61601Mr. Hills, you say they were printed: Upon your Oath, after they were printed, did you examin them with the Original under Seal?
A61601Mr. Sollicitor Gen. Why will not you be satisfied with the Opinion of the Court?
A61601Mr. Williams, did you examin them with the Original under the Great Seal?
A61601My Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, is your Grace guilty of the matter charged upon you in this Information, or not guilty?
A61601My Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, is your Lordship guilty of the matter charged upon you in this Information, or not guilty?
A61601My Lord Bishop of Bristol, is your Lordship guilty of the matter charged upon you in this Information, or not guilty?
A61601My Lord Bishop of Chichester, is your Lordship guilty of the matter charged upon you in this Information, or not guilty?
A61601My Lord Bishop of Ely, is your Lordship guilty of the matter charged upon you in this Information, or not guilty?
A61601My Lord Bishop of Peterborough, is your Lordship guilty of the matter charged upon you in this Information, or not guilty?
A61601My Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, is your Lordship guilty of the matter charged upon you in this Information, or not guilty?
A61601My Lord Chancellor asked them, if those were not their hands to the Petition?
A61601My Lord, I would remember as well as I could, the very words, and the very words of the question were( I think) My Lords, do you own this Paper?
A61601My Lord, If this Declaration should take effect, what would be the End of it?
A61601My Lord, they find fault with the Words in the Information, and they say, why are these Words put in, Seditious, Malicious?
A61601My Lord, this is strange Doctrine; shall not the Subject have Liberty to Petition the King, but in Parliament?
A61601No, it is not, for it is only to gain time, and do they now offer any thing more for themselves, than what was said by their Council before?
A61601Not to enlarge at this time upon what the Consequences of such things may be, Is there a greater Breach of the Peace than such Seditious Practices?
A61601Now pray my Lord, what sort of Plea is this?
A61601Now, my Lord, Where is the Contrivance to diminish the King''s Regal Authority, and Royal Prerogative?
A61601Or if it be not proved that it was received at Exeter, would that be a Proof of a Publication at Exeter?
A61601Or is there any thing on this side a Capital Crime that is a greater Offence?
A61601Ought he not to give an account what became of it?
A61601Pray Brothers be quiet, or I''le turn him loose upon you again, if you''l not be quiet; what is the matter?
A61601Pray Mr. Blathwayt, what did they say concerning the King''s pleasure, whether they would answer if the King commanded them?
A61601Pray Sir Iohn Nicholas, let me ask you one question, was there any discourse about delivering that Petition to the King?
A61601Pray Sir, remember your Oath, and Answer seriously, Do you believe it to be his Writing or no?
A61601Pray Sir, was there any question to this purpose?
A61601Pray how was it with my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury at that time, and before that, did he go abroad?
A61601Pray recollect your self, and consider what you say, did they own that that was the Paper they delivered to the King?
A61601Pray what did you examin it by, Mr. Williams?
A61601Pray, Mr. Hills, what did you examin that Copy by, which you gave to Mr. Williams?
A61601Pray, Sir Robert Sawyer, would the Saying of a Governour of the Tower in his Return to a Writ of Habeas Corpus alter the Nature of the Commitment?
A61601Pray, Sir, when they were first asked, whether that was their Hands or not, what answer did they give?
A61601Pray, good my Lord, what Instance of a Publication have they given?
A61601Pray, my Lord, What has been the reason of His Majesty''s consulting of his Judges?
A61601Pray, my Lord, is a Transaction in the House of Commons, a Declaration of Parliament?
A61601Pray, were they asked whether they published it?
A61601Shall any Body mention that Bill of Exclusion to be a Declaration in Parliament?
A61601Shall he say it is Illegal?
A61601Shall they charge him with an Information?
A61601Should not the Bishops have had the Patience to have waited till a Parliament came?
A61601Sir Samuel Astry, can you give any one Precedent before you came into this Office?
A61601Sir, you must Answer the Question directly, and seriously: Do you believe it, or do you not believe it?
A61601Solicitor, Are you assured that you shall have this Witness that you speak of?
A61601Supposing then the Party were at Exeter; and he were interrogated before the Magistrate, Whether that were his Hand or no?
A61601Sure, I think, no one will affirm that any thing can be a Declaration of Parliament, unless he that is the Principal part Concurs, who is the King?
A61601Sureties of the Peace; but is there any Certainty where Sureties of the Peace shall be required, and where not?
A61601That you need not labour, Mr. Attorney, for that''s the Case of Williams of Essex; but how do you apply it to the Case now before us?
A61601The Bishop of Bath and Wells?
A61601The Bishop of Chichester?
A61601The Bishop of Peterborough?
A61601The King there says, That for those Reasons he was ready to Suspend those Laws; And be they Suspended?
A61601The Question is, Whether belief in any case be Evidence?
A61601The Question that remains, is, Whether my Lords the Bishops did Publish this Paper?
A61601Then I ask you in short, what did they refuse?
A61601Then the Question is, Whether this be Evidence?
A61601Then what did they say the third time?
A61601Then( as I remember) they were asked, whether that was the Paper that they delivered to the King?
A61601Then, last of all, for that in 1685. in this King''s time, What is it?
A61601Then, my Lord, What is the thing they are greatly averse to?
A61601Then, my Lord, is there any Evidence brought against what we have proved, That he did not consent?
A61601These Informations were anciently more frequent in the Star- Chamber; and what was the Process there?
A61601These Letters that you have received from my Lord of Peterborough, did he own them?
A61601They agree themselves, that if it were in the Case of Life and Death, they must plead presently; and doth not the same Reason hold?
A61601They came in several times, more than twice, I have reason to remark this, that they did so; Do you mean the second time, Sir?
A61601They did open their Petition to your Lordship, did they?
A61601Till when, Mr. Nicholls?
A61601To what purpose?
A61601To what purpose?
A61601To whom, Sir?
A61601Was it so in your own Case Mr. Sollicitor?
A61601Was it their owning and acknowledging it was their Hands, when the King asked them the Question at the Council- Table?
A61601Was not all that is contained in it, notoriously enough known before?
A61601Was not his Order of Councel for the Reading of the Declaration very well known?
A61601Was not his second Declaration very well known?
A61601Was not the Kings first Declaration very well known?
A61601Was that all that was said to them the second time?
A61601Was this the third time?
A61601We ask you upon what occasion they came to own their Hands?
A61601Well have you done now?
A61601Well, Gentlemen, have you done on either side?
A61601Well, Mr. Sollicitor, What say you?
A61601Well, What do you desire, Mr. Attorney?
A61601Well, and how has the practice been all your time?
A61601Well, what shall we do with my Lords the Bishops?
A61601Well, what was done upon it?
A61601Were they commanded to withdraw?
A61601What Declarations do you mean, Mr. Solliitor?
A61601What Use do you make of this, Mr. Finch?
A61601What did he own, Mr. Brooks?
A61601What did they say farther at that time concerning His Majesties pleasure?
A61601What did they say then?
A61601What did they say?
A61601What discourse was made to them, and what they answered?
A61601What do you ask Sir Thomas Exton?
A61601What do you ask him?
A61601What do you ask him?
A61601What do you mean, Mr. Sollicitour?
A61601What does his Grace and my Lords the Bishops say to it?
A61601What is a Declaration in Parliament, but a Bill that is passed by the King, Lords, and Commons?
A61601What is all this but a Certificate from Mr. Waterhouse?
A61601What is it you ask him, Brother Pemberton?
A61601What is that you would have, Sir?
A61601What is the reason of that belief of his, I would feign know?
A61601What is the usual co ● … se, Sir Samuel Astry?
A61601What necessity is there for so much?
A61601What say you Mr. Sillyard, How long have you known the Crown- Office?
A61601What say you to it, Mr. Attorney?
A61601What say you to the Bishop of Bristol''s Name?
A61601What say you, Mr. Attorney?
A61601What say you, Sir Samuel Astry?
A61601What were the questions that were asked either by the King or by my Lord Chancellor?
A61601What words did they own it in?
A61601What would not I have done?
A61601What would you have, Sir Robert Sawyer?
A61601What''s that Brother?
A61601What''s your Opinion of it, Brother Allybone?
A61601What, again?
A61601What, was it under Seal?
A61601When they came in again what questions were asked them?
A61601When they exprest their unwillingness what did they say farther?
A61601When they were first asked if it were their Hands, what answer did they give the King?
A61601When was it owned by him?
A61601When was the first time, Sir?
A61601When we are upon an Information of a Fact in Middlesex, will you hear them give Evidence of a Fact in Yorkshire?
A61601Where had you that Paper, Sir Iohn Nicholas?
A61601Where had you those, Sir?
A61601Where is it kept?
A61601Where is the Man that examin''d it?
A61601Whether the Bishops did deliver this Paper the King?
A61601Who shall say for you?
A61601Why a Paper should be framed that rails at the Kings two Declarations?
A61601Why do n''t you produce the Records that are mentioned in the Petition, those in King Charles the Second''s time?
A61601Why do not I behave my self between you all as I ought to do?
A61601Why do you believe it?
A61601Why so, Mr. Sollicitour?
A61601Why then, my Lord, what is done in this Case?
A61601Why, is there no more in the Second Declaration than there was in the First?
A61601Why, what did they say?
A61601Why, would you have it averred, That they did it being assembled in Council?
A61601Will you ask my Lord President any Question, you that are for the Defendants?
A61601Will your Lordship please to spare me one Word?
A61601Would this amount to a Declaration in Parliament?
A61601Would you allow all the Addresses of the House of Commons to be Evidence?
A61601Would you have all the Discourse betwixt the Council and my Lords the Bishops?
A61601Year of the King Printed?
A61601Yes, my Lord, I do believe it to be my Lord Archbishop''s Hand?
A61601Yes, my Lord, he did; he went out of the Hall, and returned when your Lorship was directing the Jury, and he asked me what the Court were upon?
A61601Yes, you will, for what do we who are of Councel for the King now ask of the Court, but that this Information may be read?
A61601Yes; All my Lords the Bishops did own it?
A61601You are to tell the whole Truth, Sir, Pray tell us what did my Lords the Bishops say about submitting to the King''s pleasure?
A61601You hear the question Sir, what say you to it?
A61601You never saw him Write, did you?
A61601[ Then speaking to Mr. Attorney, he said,] Have you any thing more to say to my Lords the Bishops, Mr. Attorney?
A61601and from whom can we take our Information to determine what is the course?
A61601and he should own it to be his Hand; can any body doubt whether his owning that to be his Hand, would be a sufficient Evidence to prove a Publication?
A61601and it coming to the hands of the King, that this is not a Publication?
A61601and may not an Argument be drawn à fortiori, in the Case of a Misdemeanour?
A61601and part with it?
A61601and proving that likenss by comparing it with something that he hath formerly seen?
A61601and shall the Law allow him Council to prepare his Plea, and not allow him time to consult with that Council about it?
A61601and then they own it so to be; how can this be taken to be a Publication?
A61601and upon the King''s Power and Right in Matters Ecclesiastical?
A61601can not you let us alone?
A61601can we have our Remedy against him for Perjury, for saying, He believes it to be our Hand?
A61601do you believe it to be his Hand- writing?
A61601for Mr. Serjeant Pemberton says it was, do you find any Warrant for such a difference as that?
A61601have you ever known it contested, and upon Debate so Ruled, in an Information for a Misdemeanour, as this Case is?
A61601is this the Paper you delivered to the King?
A61601or that it was contrived or made there?
A61601that the King did receive it, there is no room for question, or that they did write it; but the question is, from whom the King had it?
A61601they would have an Impa ● … till Michaelmas ▪ Term: does or can your Lordship think they ask than which is reasonable?
A61601to set his Name?
A61601were they about Books, or what?
A61601what makes the Fact in this Case?
A61601— Do you believe they are the same?
A61601— Do you know it to be the same, Mr. Bridgeman, I ask you again?
A61601— Do you know it to be the same?
A61601— Do you understand French?
A61601— Is that the Order of Council, Sir Iohn?
A61601— Pray what was done afterwards?
A61601— Sir Robert Sawyer, will you have it Read?
A61601— Sir Thomas, I would ask you one question: Do you know the Hand- writing of my Lord Archbishop of Canterbury?
A61601— Where is the Journal of the House of Lords?
A61601— was it Printed?
A579256. whether one direct Witness, with others, to circumstances, had been single or double Testimony?
A57925Again, did he prove all manner of Rents were levied by Soldiers?
A57925And Asking him, What he would do if the Warrant was disobey''d?
A57925And as for Industry and Valour, who will take pains for that, which when he hath gotten, is not his own?
A57925And being asked, What was the Intent and Circumstance of that discourse?
A57925And being further asked, Whether he knew of any other that had been oppressed with this Exorbitant Power, or no?
A57925And how defends he this Article?
A57925And is it not ordinary in England to have Juries Sentenced for not finding according to the Evidence?
A57925And my Lords, admit I were mistaken in my opinion, shall it be a Treason to be mistaken?
A57925And stood with his Advise, and the Advise of his Lieutenants?
A57925And what Relation the Sergeant at Armes hath to other Courts?
A57925And what doth he advise the King?
A57925And what he knew in particular about it?
A57925And what it was?
A57925And when he stands under this question, and goes about to justify his exorbitant actions, how often hath he created this Idol again?
A57925And when?
A57925And whether himself did not?
A57925And whether the Bishops were not more chearful then others?
A57925And whether there was any more than two?
A57925And whether they did not declare their consent to a Months pay, and that my Lord of Strafford should deliver the Message by word of mouth?
A57925And you intend to go and complain against the Order my Lord conceived against your Father?
A57925And, Mr. Maynard said, The Question is put, Whether this Kingdom, be this Kingdom?
A57925And, What if my Lord of Strafford should procure a Letter from His Majesty to do that, which is not warrantable by Law?
A57925And, What was the whole Process of the business?
A57925And, whether upon an Allegation of a Consent, of the Lords of the great Council?
A57925Answer, He never made that to Savill, and he can not tell whether there was one to Savill, or not?
A57925Anthony Palmer Sworn, and Interrogated, What my Lord of Strafford said to him, concerning the mixt Money?
A57925Are we come to an end for our Countreys Libertys?
A57925As to the Advertisement of it hither by the Deputy and Counsel; Shall their Advertisement, of what was done Unjustly, make it Just?
A57925Barnewell Sworn, and Interrogated, What he knew of the stopping of the Scotch Ships in Ireland?
A57925Being Asked in what Case it was?
A57925Being Asked what number of Gentlemen were in the Hall?
A57925Being Asked( on M r Whitlocks Motion) who were those that took it so chearfully?
A57925Being Asked( on Mr. Glyns Motion) Whether my Lord of Strafford had not directed the money to be levied in manner as is exprest in the Order?
A57925Being Asked( on Mr. Maynards Motion) What time this was?
A57925Being Asked( on Mr. Maynards motion) Whether any other direction was given for the Message, besides the Petition, the last clause excepted?
A57925Being Asked( on Mr. Maynards motion) Whether he ever heard my Lord of Strafford say, The King was loose, and Absolved from all Government?
A57925Being Asked( on Mr. Maynards motion) Whether there were not two Trained- Soldiers hang''d up, for Mutyning for want of Pay?
A57925Being Asked( on Mr. Palmers motion) Whether it was a Debt between party and party, or the Kings Debt?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Clares Motion) What he meant by this Direction?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords Motion) Whether in his VVarrant any Command was given to take other Mens Goods?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) VVhether he saw any VVarrant of his?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) VVhether it was Voted or no?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) Where he spake them?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) Where it was spoken?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) Where this was spoken?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) Whether the Commission and Instructions were not under the hand of the Council, as well as himself?
A57925Being Asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) Who was there present?
A57925Being Asked( on the Earl of Clares motion) Whether he be a Minister?
A57925Being Asked( on the several Motions of my Lord of Clare, and my Lord Savil) Whether, by this Kingdom, he meant the Kingdom of England, or Scotland?
A57925Being Asked, About the time, When this was?
A57925Being Asked, But after the Relation made to the Peers, Who then spake first?
A57925Being Asked, By whom they were spoken?
A57925Being Asked, Hath this been Executed on several parts of the Kingdom?
A57925Being Asked, How far the old woman lived from Dublin?
A57925Being Asked, How long the Soldiers remained there?
A57925Being Asked, How long this was after the Parliament was Dissolved?
A57925Being Asked, How many dissented from this Court?
A57925Being Asked, How much of his Fine he paid?
A57925Being Asked, If Pigott had such a Warrant?
A57925Being Asked, If any Ship Perish''d upon the Restraint?
A57925Being Asked, If he knew what Scotchmen were those that left the Kingdom, because they would not take this Oath?
A57925Being Asked, If there were not diverse Scotish Papists there?
A57925Being Asked, On how many several Persons he had done it?
A57925Being Asked, On what Grounds the Deputy Lieutenants were induced, to make such an Order?
A57925Being Asked, Under whose hand was the Warrant?
A57925Being Asked, VVhether he had the VVarrant, or a true Copy of it?
A57925Being Asked, VVhether he threatned, That he should serve in person, if he did not pay?
A57925Being Asked, VVhether the Four Musketiers did not go along with the Constable, from place to place to levy the money?
A57925Being Asked, Was there not Complaints made of his showing Favour?
A57925Being Asked, What Fines were Imposed on Stuart, and the rest?
A57925Being Asked, What Month it was?
A57925Being Asked, What Quantities he conceives is brought in Annually?
A57925Being Asked, What Rates the Merchants sold their Tobacco for before this Restraint, and what since?
A57925Being Asked, What he knew of the Execution of this VVarrant?
A57925Being Asked, What he meanes by laying of Soldiers?
A57925Being Asked, What he meant by Delinquents?
A57925Being Asked, What he said on that occasion?
A57925Being Asked, What my Lord of Strafford said, touching the City of London?
A57925Being Asked, What was meant by a Posture?
A57925Being Asked, What was the Suit?
A57925Being Asked, What was the effect of the Warrant under my Lord Deputies Hand?
A57925Being Asked, When this course began?
A57925Being Asked, Whether about the 5th day of May, 1639, he heard my Lord of Strafford perswade the King to an offensive War against the Scots?
A57925Being Asked, Whether another had not a Warrant to the same purpose?
A57925Being Asked, Whether any Papists of the Scotish Nation were sent for by Letter, or had the Oath tendered?
A57925Being Asked, Whether at the Dissolving of the last Parliament, my Lord of Strafford did not advise to an Offensive War?
A57925Being Asked, Whether by Horse or Foot?
A57925Being Asked, Whether by particular Men, he meant not particular members of the Parliament?
A57925Being Asked, Whether diverse that signed the Petition, did not retract it?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he could tell who spake first at Whitehal?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he delivered his Opinion once, or twice?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he knew any Sentenced on these Pretences?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he remembred the words my Lord of Strafford spake, at the making of that Relation to the Privy- Council?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he said, That if the King should do so, he should follow the Example of other Princes?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he said, The Parliament had denyed the King?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he thought in his Conscience, That it was a True Copy?
A57925Being Asked, Whether he was heard to Answer in the Cause?
A57925Being Asked, Whether in case any refused to pay this money, they were not to be compelled to serve in person?
A57925Being Asked, Whether it hath been done ordinarily on all occasions, and on Persons of Quality as well as others?
A57925Being Asked, Whether it was not thereupon resolved, To Consult the Principal Gentry of that Nation, and to speak with them?
A57925Being Asked, Whether my Lord Deputy ever spake to him, about the Complaints made of him?
A57925Being Asked, Whether my Lord of Strafford advised then an Offensive War, or a Defensive War?
A57925Being Asked, Whether my Lord of Strafford did not faithfully relate the Message to the King, according to the Commission the Country gave him?
A57925Being Asked, Whether my Lord of Strafford had authority to acquaint the King, There should be a Moneths pay?
A57925Being Asked, Whether my Lord of Strafford had not Commission from the County, to offer a full moneths pay of the Trained- Bands?
A57925Being Asked, Whether the Money was not paid willingly by every man, without Force and Constraint?
A57925Being Asked, Whether the Number was left to his discretion, or a certain number assigned?
A57925Being Asked, Whether the People were not ready to rise in Tumults and Uproares, where these were Executed?
A57925Being Asked, Whether there was not Authority to lay Soldiers?
A57925Being Asked, Whether there was not a course taken upon that for an Oath, to secure the quiet of the Kingdom?
A57925Being Asked, Whether they left their Corn on the Ground, and Goods in their Houses?
A57925Being Asked, Whether they were not willing to pay it in that part of the Country, where he lives?
A57925Being Asked, Whether they were worth these Sums?
A57925Being Asked, Whether this Fortnights Pay was voluntarily paid in the Parts where he lived?
A57925Being Asked, Why the Ships were not permitted to Land?
A57925Being Asked, concerning the Execution of Trueman, as a Traytor, for the matter of Knockfergus?
A57925Being Asked, on like motion, Whether he did not tell them he was sick, and could not go to the King at that time?
A57925Being Asked, on like motion, Whether he perswaded the King that he was to be supplyed in extraordinary wayes?
A57925Being Asked, on my Lord of Straffords Motion, What number of Soldiers he commonly laid, and what was the greatest number usually?
A57925Being Asked, on the like motion, Whether he heard him say, The Parliament had forsaken, or denyed, or deserted the King, or words to that effect?
A57925Being Asked, on the like motion, Whether he heard my Lord of Strafford offer to my Lord Cottington, That this was worthy his consideration or notice?
A57925Being Interrogated( on my Lord of Strafford''s motion) whether he the Lord Strafford was then in Ireland?
A57925Being Interrogated, By what VVarrant?
A57925Being Interrogated, In what manner the Money was to be Levyed?
A57925Being Interrogated, What Insolencies he had known committed by Soldiers in this Case?
A57925Being Interrogated, What the Contempt was?
A57925Being Interrogated, Whether my Lord of Strafford did, by his Instructions, deny liberty to the parties to whom it was tendered, to peruse the Oath?
A57925Being Interrogated, Whether they knew the occasion of their being sent for?
A57925Being Interrogated, who first spake in Council after this relation?
A57925Being asked by my Lord of Strafford, whether he himself spake them?
A57925Being asked of what Nation he was?
A57925Being asked on my Lord of Strafford''s motion, whether my Lord of Strafford was a Partie to them?
A57925Being asked to the Question, Nov. 2. proposed to the Lord Marquis?
A57925Being asked what Moneys were levied, by whose Warrants, and for what time?
A57925Being asked what he knew of another Petition framed afterwards?
A57925Being asked what he meant when he said, that not above halfe a score went to the negative of the Message?
A57925Being asked what was the reason of making this Demand, and whether he did conceive a forcible way was intended?
A57925Being asked when the Money was Assessed thus on Countreys, was it not by consent of the Countrey?
A57925Being asked whether Stuarts Sentence was not given by the unanimous Vote of the whole Council?
A57925Being asked whether he had not seen a Warrant to this purpose, subscribed by the Chief Governor?
A57925Being asked whether he heard my Lord of Strafford speak any thing concerning the reducing of England by the Army?
A57925Being asked whether it had been used before, or if it be an Innovation?
A57925Being asked whether it was not the voluntary consent of them all, that a months entertainment should be allowed the Trained Bands?
A57925Being asked whether there were not words of laying by the heels, and what the words were?
A57925Being asked whether this was immediately after the breach of the Parliament?
A57925Being asked( on Mr. Glyn''s motion) Whether those words were used before the Dissolution of the Parliament, or since?
A57925Being asked( on Mr. Glyn''s motion) whether he heard these words Root and Branch, or Stock and Branch?
A57925Being asked( on Mr. Maynards motion) whether Sir Pierce Crosby, or my Lord of Esmond fued it out?
A57925Being asked( on Mr. Whitlock''s motion) what time he heard these words from my Lord of Strafford, in the said Second Question?
A57925Being asked( on my Lord of Strafford''s motion) whether he saw the Warrant under Pigotts hand?
A57925Being asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) whether he did so send?
A57925Being asked( on my Lord of Straffords motion) whether it were paid voluntarily?
A57925Being asked, How he expressed his sense of those words to Sir Robert King?
A57925Being asked, Whether it was done by himself only, or another?
A57925Being asked, Whether it was not to this effect, Whether those that would not pay their Money, should serve in Person?
A57925Being asked, Whether it was not willingly and voluntarily paid in every place without constraint, to his knowledge?
A57925Being asked, Whether it was so left by Williams, did not he and his Partners undertake the Farm?
A57925Being asked, Whether it was spoken of Demands in Parliament?
A57925Being asked, Whether many that had subscribed the Petition, did not declare they would not wave it, and go the other way?
A57925Being asked, Whether my Lord of Strafford did not faithfully and rightfully present to His Majesty, the Message, he was intrusted with?
A57925Being asked, Whether that was not the place and time appointed by the King, for the Countrey to meet and Treat about the business?
A57925Being asked, Whether there were not divers that Signed it, who did afterwards retract it?
A57925Being asked, Whether these Demands of the Scots were not in Parliament?
A57925Being asked, Whether these Lands were not purchased in the Name of Sir Robert Meredith, and others, and to whose use?
A57925Being asked, Whether they lie on the Parties Lands?
A57925Being asked, as to the Contribution and Composition- Rents?
A57925Being asked, how long Pigott had been a Sergeant?
A57925Being asked, how many Gentlemen he thinks were present at that meeting?
A57925Being asked, what Warrant was shewed for laying on these numbers of Foot?
A57925Being asked, what number there was of the company, that were willing to wave the Petition?
A57925Being asked, what the words were my Lord of Strafford spake to him, on which the apprehensions were grounded?
A57925Being asked, where this was spoken?
A57925Being asked, whether divers that Signed it, did not decline it?
A57925Being asked, whether part of it was not the consent to a months pay of the Trained Bands?
A57925Being asked, whether some of the Lords then present, did not declare and express themselves to be of a contrary opinion?
A57925Being asked, whether the Debt might not have been compounded for 5 l. and why he would not rather pay 5 l. than suffer prejudice to 500 l?
A57925Being asked, whether the Deputy did know the House of Commons had ordered them to come over, and yet refused?
A57925Being demanded by the Lord Steward, By whom his Goods were seized?
A57925Being directed to repeat the words again?
A57925Being interrogated whether he knew of any Soldiers Billetted in Dublin?
A57925Being prest further to Answer, Upon what ground it was made?
A57925Being required to answer positively, whether he brought that Message from my Lord of Strafford, touching the time of delivering the Petiton?
A57925Being required to speak his knowledge, Whether my Lord of Strafford told them, the Lords had Commanded, or Consented to it?
A57925Benjamin Croky Sworn, was Interrogated, Whether he, by vertue hereof, hath Seized any Yarn, and how much?
A57925Beside, that it was intended originally for Scotland, what proof makes he?
A57925Besides, if there be a Monopoly set up in England, Shall that Justifie another?
A57925Besides, though it was to be assumed to His Majesty, yet the Question is, Who had the Profit?
A57925But if it were true; hath it been only by the ordinary Revenue that it hath supported it self?
A57925But said he( my Lord Conway) What if the Parliament shall not supply the King, or not give these Subsidies?
A57925But the matter is, What Speeches were used?
A57925But this money is honestly and justly paid; Where is the Crime then?
A57925But what doth he fall into?
A57925But, How do they prove this to be done by me?
A57925But, What is this as to the Charge laid against him?
A57925But, sayes he, Mr. S ● t, now you have heard my Lord Primate thus much, What can you speak for your self?
A57925Can the good King of France, suffer a Daughter of France, his Sister, and her Children to be thus affronted?
A57925Dr. Duncombe being asked, Whether he came accidentally to York that day?
A57925Earl of Barkshire being Sworn and Interrogated, What my Lord of Strafford counselled the King, touching the said matter of Loan?
A57925Edmond Berne being Sworn, and Interrogated, How many Soldiers were laid upon himself, by vertue of this Warrant?
A57925For if His Majesty be perswaded by any to take from His Subjects what He will, and where it pleashim, I would gladly know what we have to give?
A57925For that my Lord hath said, divers Witnesses were by, and heard not the words deposed by Mr. Treasurer, What Argument is this?
A57925For the matter of the Letter, it is of no great importance whether it be so or no?
A57925Francis Wetheringe being Asked, VVhat he knew concerning my Lord of Straffords giving of Licence to my Lord of Esmond?
A57925George Henley being Sworn, and Interrogated, Whether he saw Skinner this morning at Westminster?
A57925Griffin Sworn and Interrogated, Whether my Lord of Strafford said, The Lords of the Great Council had consented to the levying of Money?
A57925Haman thought in his heart, Whom will the King Honour but my self?
A57925Have I been all this while Charged as an Incendiary?
A57925He Answered, That he demanded of Sir George Ratcliffe, How the King would do for Money to maintain the Scotch War?
A57925He Answered, That it is very true, My Lord Deputy appealed to the King, VVhether he had not His Majesties Approbation and Order for it?
A57925He Answered, That it was thus: My Lord of Strafford at his last being in Ireland, was pleased to say to him, My Lord, will you buy any Land?
A57925He Answered, sometimes my Lords Secretary would demand, Why he would not put the Warrant in Execution?
A57925He being interrogated whether he knew any thing of Sir Pierce Crosbies Commitment, or no?
A57925He said the King hath 30000 men, and 400000 l. in his Purse, and his Sword by his side; and if he wants Money, who could pity him?
A57925Henry Gogan Sworn and Interrogated, What he heard my Lord of Strafford say, when he attended him, about the abusing of the Coyn?
A57925Henry Parry Sworn, was Interrogated, Whether the Copy showed unto him was a true Copy of Secretary Cooks Warrant?
A57925Henry Parry being Interrogated, What were the Proceedings with him about his Examinations in Ireland, before his coming over?
A57925Here my Lord of Strafford interrupted him, Asking, If this was to the Business?
A57925His Lordship Asked him, Who took his Bond?
A57925His Lordship Asked, What Warrant had Mr. Ralton to take Bond of you?
A57925His Lordship Interrogated him, Where my Lady Moore was?
A57925How many?
A57925How would he destroy?
A57925How would he devour?
A57925I say in my opinion, they might be lyable to Fine and Ransome; but what is this to Treason?
A57925I told the King he might be pleased to consider with himself, which of the ways it was fit for him to hearken unto?
A57925If it be Asked, What good this Statute doth, if it take not away the Common Law Treasons?
A57925If there be no Rule of Government,( My Lords) where is the Rule of Obedience?
A57925Iohn Gore Sworn; and being interrogated how his Father was Arrested, and how long before this Commission?
A57925Iohn Loftus being Sworn, and Interrogated, Whether he was present at the Sentence against Mr. Stuart and the rest?
A57925Is it then so much for me to say what''s in the Act?
A57925It was thereupon replyed, and as( he the Deponent takes it, by himself) how can Money be raised, when the Scotch Army is on foot, and so strong?
A57925Lord Cottington being examined to the Question Nov. 1. proposed to the Lord Marquis?
A57925Lord Dillon being Asked, What year it was?
A57925Lord Mountnorris being Examined, Whether he was put out of possession by Vertue of that Order, and how long he had Possession of the Lands?
A57925Lord Rainalaugh being Interrogated to the same effect?
A57925Lord Ranalaugh being Interrogated, What he heard Sir George Ratcliffe speak, concerning the Kings levying Money by force, or to that purpose?
A57925Lord Ranalaugh being Interrogated, what he knew of this Warrant, of laying of Soldiers, upon whom?
A57925Lord Ranalaugh being Interrogated, what his sense was of these words, spoken by Sir George Ratcliffe?
A57925Lord Roche Sworn, and Interrogated, Whether he did not demand a Licence, and was deny''d; and, in what suit he thought to be relieved?
A57925Lord Wharton being Sworn and Examined to the point of the Petition?
A57925Men have been driven to resign their Estates: And is this a Just way of improving a Kings Revenue?
A57925Mr. Fitzgarret being Interrogated, as to the Value of this Commodity, to the Kingdom of Ireland?
A57925Mr. Henry Dillon being Asked, Whether he knew of any such Warrant formerly granted?
A57925Mr. Kennedy being Interrogated, Whether he the said Fitzgerard did did not lye in the nature of a Rebel when Soldiers were laid on him?
A57925Mr. Little being Asked to the matter of Fees?
A57925Mr. Maxwell being Sworn, and Interrogated, In what manner were Gentlemen sent for to Dublin about this matter?
A57925Mr. Ralton being Asked, Whether the business of my Lord of Esmond, and Sir Walsingham Coke, were not Advertized over hither?
A57925Mr. Ralton sayes, he is confident there was a Commission: if there was so, Why is not that Record produced?
A57925Mr. Savill being Asked, How he came to set his hand to the VVarrant?
A57925Mr. Savill being Asked, What he did in that kind?
A57925Mr. Savill being Asked, Whether the Warrant to him granted was not agreeable to former Precedents?
A57925Mr. Savill being asked what was become of the Original Warrant?
A57925Mr. Savill being( on my Lord of Clares Motion) Asked, How they came by the Copy?
A57925Mr. Savill being( on the motion of the Earl Bath) Examined, Whether this was the occasion of his coming over?
A57925Mr. Slingsby being Asked about the Fees for Licences?
A57925Mr. Slingsby being Interrogated, What he knew concerning the Design of the Irish Army?
A57925My Lord Asked further, Where he took the Bond, if at the Signet- Office?
A57925My Lord Conway putting the doubt to him again, What if they should not be given?
A57925My Lord Cottington being asked( on Mr. Glyns motion) whether he had heard of such a Letter?
A57925My Lord Rainalaugh being Asked accordingly?
A57925My Lord Traquair being Interrogated, Whether the Reasons of the Demands were given before, or at the Meeting at Whitehall?
A57925My Lord of Strafford desired he might be Asked, Whether he was not then Prisoner in the Castle?
A57925My Lord of Strafford proposing, That my Lord Dillon might be Asked, What he remembred of the Sentence against Parry?
A57925My Lord of Strafford was pleased to aske Ardah, what he heard concerning laying of Soldiers?
A57925My Lords, I will not demand, What kind of Offence it may be, for a Man to Subvert the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom?
A57925My Lords, Who speaks this to the people, a Privy- Counsellor?
A57925My Lords, in the Third place, He is pleased to mention, That it was in a Debate, Whether an Offensive or Defensive War?
A57925No, sayes my Lord Deputy, Answer me Catagorically; Would you go or no, If we would Command you not to go?
A57925Now, My Lords, how comes this to be his design?
A57925Now, my Lords, Where is the Mark set upon this Crime?
A57925Of their intention to go into England, whether they would aske leave to go into England?
A57925Or, that Misdemeanors should be made Accessaryes to Treason, where there is not a Principal in the Case?
A57925Patrick Cleare Sworn: was Interrogated, What Execution he knew of my Lord of Straffords Warrant, to lay Soldiers?
A57925Patrick Gough being Interrogated, Where he had the Remonstrance of the House of Commons?
A57925Patrick Gough was examined, whether he heard of any Sentenced in the Proclamations for Tobacco?
A57925Richard Salmon Sworn, and Interrogated, What he knew concerning the Sentencing of Stuart, his Wife and Daughters, and Gray in Ireland?
A57925Richard Wade Interrogated, What my Lord Lieutenant said to him, concerning my Lord of Esmonds coming over?
A57925Richard Welsh Sworn: Being Interrogated, Whether he had seen a Warrant under my Lord of Straffords Hand, for laying of Soldiers?
A57925Robert Lord Dillon being asked, Whether he remembred any Charge laid against my Lord of Esmond, for a practice against Sir Walsingham Coke?
A57925Robert Lord Dillon being asked, whether ordinary fellows in Ireland, passed not under the name of Rebels?
A57925Shall it be Treason to embase the Kings Coin, though but a piece of Twelve- pence, or Six- pence?
A57925Shall we bring this Army to turn the points of our blades upon that Nation from whence we were all derived?
A57925Sir Adam Loftus Vice- Treasurer, produced and Sworn, was interrogated, whether my Lord of Strafford had not 24000 l. out of the Kings Revenue?
A57925Sir Adam Loftus being Interrogated to the same Point?
A57925Sir Adam Loftus being asked what he heard of these words?
A57925Sir Edward Osborne Interrogated to that Point?
A57925Sir Edward Osborne Interrogated, What he thinks of the Course?
A57925Sir George Wentworth of Wolley being Interrogated, Whether he was not present at the Hall, where the Petition was spoke of?
A57925Sir Harry Griffin being Interrogated, VVhether my Lord of Strafford sent not Messengers to them, that refused to pay this Money Assessed?
A57925Sir Henry Cholmley Sworn and Interrogated, what my Lord of Strafford said concerning Money?
A57925Sir Henry Garaway Interrogated, Whether any of the Aldermen were committed?
A57925Sir Henry Garaway being Sworn, and Interrogated, What my Lord of Strafford said to the Aldermen, about the Ship- Money and Loan- Money?
A57925Sir Iames Mountgomery being Interrogated, what he knew concerning the contriving and imposing of the said Oath?
A57925Sir Iohn Burroughes Sworn and Interrogated, Whether he knew of any such VVarrant, or Order, for levying money for those two Regiments?
A57925Sir Iohn Clotworthy Interrogated, What he hath known done in Execution of these Commands, being a Justice of Peace?
A57925Sir Iohn Clotworthy being Asked to that Point?
A57925Sir Iohn Hotham Sworn and Interrogated, what he knew touching the Petition, and my Lord of Straffords rejecting it?
A57925Sir Philip Manwaring being asked, what he heard the Master of the Rolls say that day?
A57925Sir Ralph Freeman being Asked, What words my Lord of Strafford spake concerning Copper Money, If it were refused to be taken?
A57925Sir Robert Smith being Sworn, and Interrogated, Whether he was imployed by the House of Commons to come over hither?
A57925Sir William Hamilton,& c. Being Asked( on the Earl of Clares motion) Whether the Refusers fled into any part of Scotland?
A57925Sir William Ingram Sworn, and Interrogated, VVhat he hath heard my Lord of Strafford say, touching this business of levying Money?
A57925Sir William Parkhurst being Sworn, and Interrogated, What my Lord of Strafford said, when he and the rest attended him about the Copper Money?
A57925Sir William Pennyman being Asked, Whether the Warrant was grounded on a former Command of my Lord of Strafford?
A57925Sir William Pennyman being Interrogated, touching the Convenience and Ease of this Course?
A57925Sir William Pennyman being Sworn and Interrogated, Whether a Warrant now shewed him, was not under His Hand and Seal?
A57925Sir William Pennyman being asked to the said last point?
A57925Sir William Savill being Interrogated, How many of them that set their hands to the Petition, did Vote against it?
A57925Strickland Interrogated, Whether he conceived not this a great ease to the Country, thus to lay the last Fortnights Pay for the two Regiments?
A57925That Mr. Somer came, and told him, Here is a Copy: That he asked Mr. Somer, Whether he had examined it?
A57925That afterwards he attended with a Petition of my Lord of Ely''s; and, that my Lord Asked him, Where his Petition was?
A57925That at another time when my Lord Conway, a Nobleman of this House, was pleased to ask him, How the Forces raised, and to be raised, should be paid?
A57925That he sent for the Soldier, and Asked him, By what Authority he did so?
A57925That thereupon his Lordship Interrogated him, Where the Great Seal was?
A57925That upon some Conferences heretofore had with their Lordships, a saving was made by this House in the Point, Whether Counsel should be heard or not?
A57925That when divers are by, that which divers do not remember is not true?
A57925The Deputy called on the Lord Moore, and said, What shall we say to this business?
A57925The King propounds a question, What shall be done to the man whom the King will Honour?
A57925The L. Treasurer being Asked, Whether ever he heard my Lord of Strafford in any private Council, or Debate with the King, tell him the said words?
A57925The Lord Treasurer of England being Interrogated, What Advice my Lord of Strafford gave, touching the levying of Ship- Money?
A57925The occasion being, Whether an Offensive or Defensive War?
A57925Their Lordships asking him, whether he was sure of it?
A57925Then he called, Where is the man that should do this last Office?
A57925There is another thing my Lord Insists on: Is the making of a good Bargain Treason?
A57925There is nothing in this that can be Treason, and when 1000 misdemeanors will not make one Felony, shall 28 Misdemeanors heighten it to a Treason?
A57925This might be a good Plea in the Kings- Bench, and inferior Courts at Westminster- Hall; the question is, Whether it be so in Parliament?
A57925Timothy Crosby Sworn, and Asked, Whether Ships have not been Prohibited to Land their Tobacco?
A57925To interpose betwixt the King and his Subjects whereby the splendor of his Glory and Justice can not be discovered to his people?
A57925To know whether the House would relye on His Royal Word or no, Declared to them by the Lord Keeper?
A57925To prove a design of seizing the Castle of Knock- Fergus, my Lord of Strafford desired Mr. Slingsby might be examined, and being Interrogated?
A57925To this Mr. Maynard excepted, as not proper to Examine the Judge, Whether his Sentence was just or no?
A57925To which he the Deponent objected, How can this course be taken, when the Scotch are on foot unpacified?
A57925To which my Lord Traquair being Interrogated?
A57925Torky being Asked the time of year the Summer Assizes used to be in Ireland?
A57925Upon whom?
A57925Was one made to Savill?
A57925Was there an Entrie of any Warrant in his Book to that purpose?
A57925What can be more hurtful, more pernicious to both, than such propositions as these?
A57925What if the Parliament would not give him that assistance?
A57925What is my fault( said the Arch- Bishop) that brings this message of Removal and Confinement upon me?
A57925What will be alledged on the other part?
A57925When Sir George Ratcliffe is asked how Money will be had?
A57925Where is the Token by which I should discover?
A57925Whether he made any such Warrant to Pigott to his knowledge?
A57925Whether the Irish Affairs should be referred to a Committee of the whole House?
A57925Whether the Rule for expounding the Irish Statute and Customs, be one and the same in England as in Ireland?
A57925Whether they would repair to England or no?
A57925Why should not that be done to him, that himself would have done to others?
A57925Why, sayes he?
A57925William Castigatt sworn, being asked several questions touching that part particularly, Whether he knew one executed by Martial Law, and by whom?
A57925William Dowsen Sworn, and Interrogated, How he hath known those moneys for the Trained- Bands, levyed?
A57925William Pierson Sworn, and Interrogated, VVhether Four Musketiers, or Soldiers, did not come to Collect this Money?
A57925and admitting my Lord Deputy should command them not to goe, till His Majesties pleasure was known, whether they would go?
A57925and how it was disposed of?
A57925and how long time?
A57925and how long?
A57925and if not the other way, why the first way?
A57925and is it not for the Honour of the English Nation to say it?
A57925and what he heard the words repeated to be?
A57925and when was it paid in?
A57925and yet my Lord Ranalagh should say, Shall we turn our Swords upon our own bowels?
A57925and, Am I now come in the Conclusion to be charged as a Confederate?
A57925and, For what cause?
A57925and, How many he had laid?
A57925and, How she did?
A57925and, Upon what Occasion?
A57925and, What Contempt?
A57925and, What Warrant he had for it?
A57925and, What condition they were in that deny''d to pay it?
A57925and, What his behaviour was?
A57925and, What was meant by laying of Soldiers?
A57925and, What was the loss?
A57925and, Whether Force was used?
A57925and, Whether a moneths pay was not consented to?
A57925and, Whether by the Orders of the House of Commons Read the other day, that their Lordships might clearly understand him?
A57925and, Whether he consented not to it, as a very great Advantage?
A57925and, Whether he had not said, He had brought all his Warrants with him?
A57925and, Whether he was deny''d Licence?
A57925and, Whether he was not then Sick?
A57925and, Whether it was meant, That he might imploy the Army in England, or in Ireland, because he said, The Army might be there imployed?
A57925and, Whether it was not on an Allegation, that the Lords of the Great Council had Consented, or Commanded, it should be done?
A57925and, Whether it was ordinarily done?
A57925and, Whether many of them were not Recusants?
A57925and, Whether my Lord of Straffords Letters were sent in persuance thereof?
A57925and, Whether that was not the place appointed for the County, to Consult about the business?
A57925and, Whether the Soldiers were Armed?
A57925and, Who knows how soon there may be no difference betwixt a Peer and another?
A57925and, amongst the rest, himself?
A57925are we secured for time future?
A57925for else why should he mention the Prerogative, when he is charged to exceed the Law?
A57925for how shall the People know to obey, when there is no Rule to direct them what to obey?
A57925have we entrenched on the right of the Deputy- Lieutenants?
A57925himself; and therefore who was the cause of this Proposition but himself?
A57925is there no difference to bring an Army to offend them, and for the King to raise a force to defend himself?
A57925might not I borrow of a Gentleman that would trust me with money, but it must be an Offence?
A57925of what strength it was, and how provided of Money?
A57925one Balshal coming from London, found one Bernard at Plough, in the Parish of Ofley, in the County of Hertford, Bernard asked Balshal what news?
A57925or how can we think of giving Subsidies, till we know whether we have any thing to give or no?
A57925or who fight for that wherein he hath no other interest, but such as is subject to the Will of another?
A57925or, Whether he was Examined after his Return?
A57925the said Dennis answered, He would carry it to Dublin: And he asking him farther, What he would do with it there?
A57925they would say it went higher: If whether Felony?
A57925to increase his Revenue?
A57925were it not better to enjoy his Estate in peace and quietness, than have it under danger of a War?
A57925what positions offers he?
A57925where is his care to advance the Kings Rents?
A57925where is the Kings service?
A57925where is your safeguard?
A57925whereupon being Examined, And, When it was?
A57925whether that City hath not a special Charter of Exemption?
A57925whether they were not a Grievance?
A258783. does not say that there shall be two positive witnesses to Treason?
A25878A Petition from whom?
A25878About what?
A25878Among whom?
A25878And I asked him to what purpose?
A25878And can you tell so long ago, not only your own actions, but testify to all other mens actions too that were in the room?
A25878And does he speak of another time when I shewed him the Back, Breast and Arms?
A25878And he asked, whether they had any Discourse that tended to justifie their former Votes?
A25878And how much of that Ribband had he, pray?
A25878And that was to vindicate him, that he never did speak any Treasonable words?
A25878And was that the true Interest of the Nation, to cut off the Kings Head?
A25878And what do you mean by having them go to Breda?
A25878And when he came up to me, How now, said I, honest Joyner?
A25878And you, take it upon your Oath, that he asked you, who Haynes was?
A25878Another time he came to speak with my Tenant Mrs. Scot, who is now gone into Ireland; when he came to the House, he asked me, is Mrs. Scot within?
A25878Are not your Witnesses together?
A25878Are you Bolron''s Wife?
A25878Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty, or Not guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty, or not Guilty?
A25878Are you Guilty, or not Guilty?
A25878Are you sure there was no such thing?
A25878Art thou Guilty of this High- Treason, or not Guilty?
A25878As to Dugdale or Turbervile?
A25878As to this Presbyterian Plot, Sir?
A25878At Oxford?
A25878But Mr. Atterbury, before you go down, pray tell the Court, did you take any of these papers at my House, or at my Brother- in- law Spurs House?
A25878But by whom?
A25878But did you ever hear me say any thing against His Majesty or the Government?
A25878But did you hear him say any thing of these words, that he was employed in a Plot against the Protestants?
A25878But he sung this Libel?
A25878But pray tell us again what he said of the Kings running away?
A25878But shall I not have my papers my Lord?
A25878But shall not we talk among our selves?
A25878But was this Treasonable discourse before you made the Affidavit, or after?
A25878But, Mr. Everard, have you any more to say concerning any of them?
A25878But, my Lord, pray let me ask you one Question more; You take these words distinct from any matter of Fact do n''t you?
A25878By whom is it subscribed?
A25878By whom was it presented?
A25878Ca n''t you answer him?
A25878Can not you tell whether you be Guilty or not Guilty of this Treason?
A25878Can you believe, said I, that my Lord of Shaftsbury will betray you?
A25878Can you deny that?
A25878Can you prove this now?
A25878Can you remember a matter so distinctly, which Dr. Oates says was a year and half ago?
A25878Can you say any thing concerning this matter that is sworn against of Treason?
A25878Can you say nothing of your own knowledge concerning Turbervile?
A25878Certainly, my Lord, the thing speaks it; he is not to be talked withal; Is it probable I should talk to an Irish- man that does not understand sense?
A25878Come will you call any Witnesses?
A25878Come, Mr. Smith, do you know Mr. Colledge?
A25878Come, what say you?
A25878Come, who do you call else?
A25878Culprit, by whom wilt thou be tryed?
A25878Did I discourse who were to joyn with me?
A25878Did I explain any Pictures to you at London, or owned I was the Author of them?
A25878Did I say any thing, Sir, who I had those Arms against?
A25878Did I say so to you at my Lord Lovelace''s?
A25878Did I speak these Treasonable words after the Affidavit made?
A25878Did Mr. Smith and you and I go together?
A25878Did Mr. Smith go with us?
A25878Did he discourse any thing to you about Arms to provide your self?
A25878Did he in Oxford desire this of you?
A25878Did he make any comparison between his own party and the Kings party?
A25878Did he make this explication to you?
A25878Did he publish that in the Intelligence?
A25878Did he say so?
A25878Did he say what he was offered, and by whom?
A25878Did he say, If he had not ran away, he would have seized him?
A25878Did he speak it openly or privately to you?
A25878Did he tell you he had them here?
A25878Did he tell you of any that were listed, in order to the coming down of the Parliament at Oxford?
A25878Did he tell you of any that were listed?
A25878Did he tell you so?
A25878Did he tell you that here?
A25878Did he tell you this was of his making?
A25878Did not he s ● y that the Dutchess of Portsmouth employed him too?
A25878Did not the Indictment say so?
A25878Did not you call me out, with Macnamarra and Haynes, to the Hercules- Pillars?
A25878Did not you swear against my Lord Stafford?
A25878Did not you tell Zeal of such a thing?
A25878Did the Jury believe you?
A25878Did the Kings Waterman take any shavings by himself?
A25878Did they go accordingly?
A25878Did they say what time I should be Hang''d?
A25878Did this man shew it you?
A25878Did we go into Cabals two and two together there?
A25878Did you come a purpose to speak with me, or had you any business particularly with me?
A25878Did you come for shavings there, Mr. Atterbury?
A25878Did you ever hear me speak against the King or the Government?
A25878Did you ever hear me speak any thing against the Government?
A25878Did you ever say the contrary, pray?
A25878Did you ever see him, Bolron?
A25878Did you find an Original of that in my Chamber?
A25878Did you hear Mr. Smith say any thing against me?
A25878Did you hear any Treasonable discourse between us?
A25878Did you hear him declare this at London?
A25878Did you know Bryan Haynes?
A25878Did you never declare to any Gentleman of Oxford, that Colledge made this Picture?
A25878Did you never hear him talk against the Government?
A25878Did you see him have any Pistols?
A25878Did you see him in his Silk Armour about the Parliament- House, the Lobby, or any place?
A25878Did you see him write it?
A25878Did you see them in his hand?
A25878Did you sell any mum?
A25878Did you stay after dinner?
A25878Did you swear then, that the words you swear now were spoken at London?
A25878Did you tell her you had nothing to say against her Master that would touch his life?
A25878Did you tell him that other passage, when you swore you would not starve?
A25878Did you tell you Master soon after they were left there?
A25878Do I charge you since the Parliament?
A25878Do you ask him any more questions?
A25878Do you call any more Witnesses, Gentlemen?
A25878Do you call any more Witnesses?
A25878Do you challenge him peremptorily, or with cause?
A25878Do you deny what they say to be true, Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Do you know Bryan Haynes, Mr. Lun?
A25878Do you know Bryan Haynes?
A25878Do you know Haynes?
A25878Do you know John Smith?
A25878Do you know John Smith?
A25878Do you know Narrative Smith?
A25878Do you know Turbervile, Sir?
A25878Do you know Turbervile?
A25878Do you know any thing against Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Do you know any thing concerning Mr. Smith?
A25878Do you know any thing concerning any of the Evidence that hath been given here?
A25878Do you know any thing more concerning him, what he hath said at other times concerning me?
A25878Do you know any thing more, Sir?
A25878Do you know any thing of Turbervill or Dugdale?
A25878Do you know any thing of a Presbyterian Plot?
A25878Do you know any thing of any Arms he had, and for what?
A25878Do you know any thing of the papers that were carried to my Brother George Spur ●?
A25878Do you know any thing of the rest of them; Haynes, or Smith, or Dugdale?
A25878Do you know any thing of the rest, Doctor?
A25878Do you know any thing of this conspiracy in general?
A25878Do you know any thing of your own knowledge?
A25878Do you know him, Sir?
A25878Do you know that Gentleman, Mr. Bolron?
A25878Do you know this Bryan Haynes, pray?
A25878Do you remember how long ago that was?
A25878Do you say I set you upon that?
A25878Does any body accuse me that I did?
A25878For what are the Evidence that have proved this?
A25878For what purpose?
A25878From whom?
A25878Gaoler, have you your Prisoner?
A25878Gen. And you found too those that were printed?
A25878Gen. Are these the same papers?
A25878Gen. Did he disperse them to any body else?
A25878Gen. Did he give you Ten pound to swear?
A25878Gen. Did he name any one?
A25878Gen. Did he swear any thing on your behalf, for your credit, Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Gen. Did he tell you he came down for that purpose to seize the King?
A25878Gen. Did he tell you to what purpose you should arm your self?
A25878Gen. Did not you find him a bragging man?
A25878Gen. Did not you ramble I do n''t know how, and yet you were suffered to go on?
A25878Gen. Did you lye together?
A25878Gen. Did you not shew it in Oxford?
A25878Gen. Do you go to Church, Mistress?
A25878Gen. Do you know any thing of any Pictures of Mr. Colledges making?
A25878Gen. For what purpose did he desire you to arm your self?
A25878Gen. For what?
A25878Gen. Has Mr. Turbervile told you any thing?
A25878Gen. How came you by that Original?
A25878Gen. How did he describe it to you, when he shewed it to you?
A25878Gen. How long have you been a Protestant, Mr. Colledge?
A25878Gen. How long is it ago since he left that place?
A25878Gen. Is it to this matter?
A25878Gen. Mr. Colledge; can any body tell whether you be guilty or no, better then your self?
A25878Gen. Mr. Smith, did you deliver these two papers to the Prisoner?
A25878Gen. Mr. Smith, did you never hear Mr. Colledge speak any ill words of the King?
A25878Gen. My Lord, I desire you would please to send for Mr. Starkey?
A25878Gen. Pray Mistress, did you believe him when he told you he was so honest a man?
A25878Gen. Pray let me ask you that question again: When was this that he said he believed he was an honest man?
A25878Gen. Pray, what account did he give you of it?
A25878Gen. Theirs and theirs, who did he mean?
A25878Gen. To what purpose did he bring them?
A25878Gen. To what purpose?
A25878Gen. Was it before Dinner, or after Dinner, that Colledge fell asleep behind the Table?
A25878Gen. Was it on Saturday last?
A25878Gen. Was that Gentleman sworn at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal, Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Gen. Was that the same Allowance you had when you were Witness for the Popish Plot?
A25878Gen. Was there no Silk Armor?
A25878Gen. Was this Gentleman sworn to your Reputation there?
A25878Gen. Well, go on, what more do you know?
A25878Gen. What Trade are you?
A25878Gen. What did he desire you to do, to be assisting in any thing?
A25878Gen. What did he say to you about any one''s seizing the King?
A25878Gen. What did you know of his delivering any marks or signs for persons to be distinguished by?
A25878Gen. What do you know concerning Mr. Starkey, and what he did offer you?
A25878Gen. What do you know of any Pictures?
A25878Gen. What say you to Mr. Masters?
A25878Gen. What say you your self?
A25878Gen. What was that for?
A25878Gen. What were the papers you delivered to him in the Tower?
A25878Gen. Where do you dwell, Sir?
A25878Gen. Where was this?
A25878Gen. Where was your Master all that time?
A25878Gen. Who did he mean by Rowley?
A25878Gen. Who do you mean by they?
A25878Gen. Who was the Author did he say?
A25878Gen. Who were they that were to be with him in that design of his?
A25878Gen. Will you ask him any more Questions, Mr. Colledge?
A25878Gen. Will you ask him any more Questions?
A25878Gen. Will you give us an account of your knowledge of him?
A25878Gentlemen, are you agreed of your Verdict?
A25878Had they been at dinner with us there?
A25878Had you ever seen me before?
A25878Have you any more Witnesses?
A25878Have you any more of them?
A25878Have you any other Allowance than what you had before, when you gave Evidence at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal?
A25878Have you any thing against Macnamarra?
A25878Have you any thing to ask Mr. Masters?
A25878Have you done with your Witnesses?
A25878Have you done, Mr. Colledge?
A25878Have you it there?
A25878Have you no Plea in Law?
A25878Have you proved any thing of this?
A25878Have you proved one jot of it?
A25878Have you proved that?
A25878Have you seen Raree Shew?
A25878Have you seen him at Church lately?
A25878He would have had you sworn it, would he?
A25878Heark you, Sir, were there no disputations in Divinity?
A25878Here is the Kings Health to you: So I drank, and I asked him how he did?
A25878Here you say he explained this with the Pack at the back to be the King?
A25878How came you there?
A25878How came you to have so many seized in your House?
A25878How comes any body to give you Papers?
A25878How did he explain it to you ▪ Mr. Dugdale?
A25878How did he express himself?
A25878How do you know Spur carried any?
A25878How do you know that?
A25878How do you mean, Sir?
A25878How does he come to know, that by that word I meant the King?
A25878How long ago is this?
A25878How long ago was it, pray?
A25878How long before I was taken?
A25878How long have you known him?
A25878How long is it ago since we were at the White Hart together?
A25878How long is it ago since you were in my company last?
A25878How long since?
A25878How long was it before the Sitting of the Parliament?
A25878How long was it before they were seized?
A25878How long?
A25878How often have you seen him?
A25878How sayest thou, Stephen Colledge, Art thou Guilty of this High- Treason whereof thou standest Indicted, and hast been now Arraigned, or not Guilty?
A25878I am not a carpenter but a joyner, is that any bar to it?
A25878I ask him, was he the first time with us when I was called out of the Coffee- house to hear Haynes''s Discovery?
A25878I ask when it was the first time you were acquainted with me so much, as to know me well?
A25878I ask whether he hath given any Evidence against me any where?
A25878I ask you whether it was the same with this?
A25878I ask you whether you have or no?
A25878I ask you, Sir, Whether the Song which you say was sung at my Lord Lovelace''s, and other places, was the same with this?
A25878I beseech you Sir, have you any body to prove this?
A25878I do n''t know you, Sir; but what do you know of him?
A25878I do only desire one thing, I do not say, that you ever had Raree Shew, but did you ever tell any body that Colledge made any of these Pictures?
A25878I met him, and said I, Where are now all your cracks and brags?
A25878I met with Mr. Turbervile again; and, hearing he had been there, I asked him if he had sworn any thing against Colledge?
A25878I put it, did I make it?
A25878I saw Mr. Turbervile since I come hither, and he asked, Are you come, Mr. Broadgate, to give Evidence against me?
A25878I would ask you, whether you ever had any discourse with that Gentleman?
A25878I would see what opinion he had of the Church of England; there are some Church- men, what are they a doing?
A25878If I am ignorant of that, and can not propose it, shall I not have the assistance of councel?
A25878If I am ignorant what Questions to ask of the Witnesses, shall not my Friends help me, my Lord?
A25878If matters of Law arise, shall I have Counsel to speak to them?
A25878If you are my counsel, then have I any Plea in law to make?
A25878If your Lordships please, whether or no I may deliver in these papers?
A25878In the company of whom?
A25878Is Justice Warcupp an Evidence here?
A25878Is Thomas Deacon there?
A25878Is he here?
A25878Is it for this man to ask me, my Lord, such a question?
A25878Is it not my right that I ought to have a copy of the jury?
A25878Is it so probable a thing, that any men of common knowledge would do it?
A25878Is it your Lordships opinion that I have no Plea in Law?
A25878Is not counsel to be allowed to one under my circumstances?
A25878Is that all you have to say?
A25878Is there any thing relating to White- hall?
A25878Is this man sworn?
A25878Is this the man, Shirland?
A25878It is not lawful for the Kings Counsel to confer together?
A25878It may be so, I am sure many at London have been by, as Mr. Starkey by name, Mr. Boson, Mr. Baldwin?
A25878It was since the Parliament sat at Oxford: But what was that he was employed to do, did he say?
A25878L. c. j. Mr. Colledge, will you call any other Witnesses?
A25878L. c. j. Mr. Smith, do you hear what Mr. Oates hath said?
A25878Let him answer you if he will, but you must not afterwards go to disprove him?
A25878Look you, Mr. Colledge; what word is there in all this Petition that, is a contradiction to what they have said now?
A25878May I have any Friends come to see me in the mean time?
A25878Mowbray, was Bolron''s Wife by when this discourse was?
A25878Mr. Bolron, what is Mr. Shirland?
A25878Mr. Everard, do you know any thing more?
A25878Mr. Ivy; you have sworn against me, have you not?
A25878Mr. Mowbray, pray, Sir, do you know Narrative Smith, as he calls himself?
A25878Mr. S. Gen. Who went along with Colledge?
A25878Mr. S. Gen. Who went along with Mr. Smith?
A25878Mr. Smith, Where was this discourse I had with you?
A25878Mr. Smith, did he never deliver you any of those Pictures?
A25878Mr. Turbervile, when did you give in this Information against me?
A25878Mr. Yates, pray was there nothing in the Coffee- House about one that he asked to go with him, when he said he knew nothing against me?
A25878Mrs. Bolron, Pray do you know Mr. John Smith?
A25878Mrs. Oliver, Do you know any thing more of him?
A25878Must I keep him in custody?
A25878Must that necessarily follow upon my saying, I might be a Colonel in time, and that more bloud would be lost?
A25878My Lord, I am a stranger to the Prisoner at the Bar; what I have to say, is concerning Mr. Turbervile, whom I met one day, and he asked me how I did?
A25878My Lord, I would know what time your Lordship is pleased to appoint for my preparation?
A25878My Lord, may not I have a pannel of the Jury?
A25878My Lord, ought not I to have a copy of this Jury?
A25878No, only this; Do you swear, upon your Oath, that you found the Original in my House?
A25878No, they were not, Sir?
A25878None but one I borrowed of you, and that you had again; had I?
A25878Nor of Philosophy?
A25878Nor was ever promised any thing?
A25878Not before?
A25878Not one word of that?
A25878Not to help me to my right in Law?
A25878Now for the Cut then; Did he shew you this Cut?
A25878Now the Question is, Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878Or will you call any more?
A25878Ought I not to have that paper, my Lord?
A25878Pray Sir, do you know that person there?
A25878Pray Sir, do you know who went together thither?
A25878Pray Sir, was there not some discourse betwixt Justice Warcupp and you in Lincolns- Inn Walks?
A25878Pray Sir, you go too fast already, as you are still gallopping; where was this discourse about his Majesty?
A25878Pray afterwards, what discourse had you about his Colonelship?
A25878Pray answer me, Sir; When was the first time I talked to you?
A25878Pray did you ever hear me speak for the King?
A25878Pray go on, when do you think we shall have done else?
A25878Pray what Arms did I bring to your House, Sir?
A25878Pray who came with you in the company?
A25878Pray who intends to murder you?
A25878Pray, Mr. Dugdale, what had you to give this your information?
A25878Pray, Mr. Dugdale, what was the use was to be made of this Ballad?
A25878Pray, Mr. Lewes, what do you know about Turbervile?
A25878Pray, Sir, how long ago was this?
A25878Pray, Sir, how many are there of the Jury that appear?
A25878Pray, Sir, let me ask you one question; when came you from York?
A25878Pray, Sir, what do you know concerning Dugdale?
A25878Pray, Sir, what do you know of Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Pray, Where is it?
A25878Pray, do you know Mr. Smith?
A25878Pray, how came you by this Witness?
A25878Pray, how could this be possible?
A25878Pray, my Lord, let me ask some Questions of Mr. Dugdale?
A25878Pray, my Lord, who hath been sworn against me?
A25878Pray, when was the first time you gave this Evidence?
A25878Pray, who did you give it before?
A25878Recollect your self, pray; was Mr. Colledge asleep there?
A25878Said I, by whom?
A25878Said I, did not you tell me so and so?
A25878Said I, if you will not give it to any body else, will you give it to Mr. Michael Godfrey, Sir Edmundbury Godfrey''s Brother?
A25878Said he, Sir, will you drink?
A25878Said he, of some design of the Protestants: Said I, what, against the Government?
A25878Said he,''t is a Sham Plot: I asked him what he meant by that Sham Plot?
A25878Says I, did Mr. Fitz- Harris move for Haynes''s pardon?
A25878Says he, what would you have us do?
A25878Shall I not have my Papers after I have pleaded?
A25878Shall I not have the use of the papers, my Lord; will you not please to deliver them back to me, now you have perused them?
A25878Shall I speak now, my Lord?
A25878Shall my ignorance destroy me, Mr. Attorney?
A25878Sir, did you see that trumpery taken?
A25878Sir, do you know any thing more of him, or did he name me, or that he was to swear against me, or any Protestant?
A25878That is Towzer; but you have the Original of the Rary Shew?
A25878That night?
A25878The Speech is not fit for you, what other papers would you have?
A25878The first discourse you talk of, what I told you going to Mr. Wilcox''s to dinner, and when it was?
A25878The next morning I came to him again, and, said I, I am come again, what must I do?
A25878Then it was before the Court, what could be made of it?
A25878Then pray, how long did you continue before you came to London?
A25878Then said I to him, why, what is the matter there?
A25878Then you did give in your Information, that I spoke these words at Oxford?
A25878There was nothing at all spoken of?
A25878They were in the Counting- House?
A25878This your Tenant told you, what do you know your self?
A25878To what Church?
A25878To whom?
A25878To whom?
A25878Twice, do you say?
A25878Upon what Picture was it that I took occasion to explain the name Rowley to you?
A25878Upon what occasion did I explain it to you?
A25878Upon your Oath, did you tell him so?
A25878VVe did discourse commonly then concerning the Papists, Pray, Sir, did you find me inclined to the Popish interest?
A25878VVhat Picture was it I gave you there?
A25878VVhat Statute is this Indictment grounded upon?
A25878VVhat do you know more about Haynes?
A25878VVhat do you know of him?
A25878VVhat have you sworn against me?
A25878VVhat have you to say more?
A25878VVhat was that you heard Turbervile say of me, or of any Presbyterian Plot?
A25878VVhat was the reason you did not discover this Treason before?
A25878VVhere is the Petition to the Common Council, Doctor?
A25878Was John Smith there?
A25878Was Mr. Peacock, Mrs. Fitz Harris Maids Father, or she here, either of them Witnesses against you?
A25878Was all this in the presence of Mr. Bolron?
A25878Was he alone?
A25878Was he at Church there then, and received the Sacrament?
A25878Was he in your Country the last Easter?
A25878Was he never in the company of Colledge at your house?
A25878Was he to swear against the Protestants?
A25878Was it above stairs, or below?
A25878Was it before it was printed then that he sung it?
A25878Was it on a Sunday that I told you I had been beating of somebody?
A25878Was it such a little room that you could hear all was said?
A25878Was my Lord at home?
A25878Was that his common application for the King?
A25878Was that in Oxford?
A25878Was that the first time?
A25878Was there any body by at Oxford, when you did hear me talk of Arming my self?
A25878Was there any body by at my explaining of these Pictures?
A25878Was there no body by?
A25878Was this after he had been at the Old- Baily, or before?
A25878Was you by when it was delivered?
A25878Was your Father in the Fleet then?
A25878We see what has been done by Massianello a mean man in another Countrey, what by Wat Tyler and Jack Straw in this Kingdom?
A25878Well, go on, have you any more?
A25878Well, what do you ask her?
A25878Well, what say you to him?
A25878Well, will you ask him any thing?
A25878Were not you a Witness, Mr. Smith, at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal?
A25878Were you an intimate acquaintance of his before March last?
A25878Were you at the Coffee- House when I went along with your Brother?
A25878Were you at the Dinner which Mr. Wilcox gave your Brother?
A25878Were you examined in my Lord Staffords Tryal?
A25878Were you in my company any where, but in those two places?
A25878Were you in their company in Oxford here?
A25878Were you much conversant with him?
A25878Were you there all the while?
A25878What Actions, my Lord?
A25878What Arms did you see of mine in this Town?
A25878What Church do you frequent in London to hear Divine Service?
A25878What City?
A25878What Countrey- man are you, Sir?
A25878What Religion are you of?
A25878What Trade, Sir?
A25878What a story is this?
A25878What about, Sir?
A25878What are you, Sir?
A25878What ask you him?
A25878What business?
A25878What can you say of him?
A25878What did I say, Sir, about my Armour?
A25878What did he mean by the two Faces?
A25878What did he say he would do to the King?
A25878What did he say if the King did not yield to the Parliament?
A25878What did he say of himself?
A25878What did he say of the Parliament since?
A25878What did he say to you about it?
A25878What did they talk of?
A25878What did you hear Turbervile say?
A25878What do I know?
A25878What do you ask her?
A25878What do you ask her?
A25878What do you ask him now he is here?
A25878What do you ask him, Mr. Colledge?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask him?
A25878What do you ask of him?
A25878What do you know concerning Mr. Dugdale?
A25878What do you know of Mr. Smith?
A25878What do you know of Mr. Turbervile?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of him?
A25878What do you know of it?
A25878What do you mean by cabals?
A25878What do you mean by that Mr. Smith?
A25878What do you say as to this Witness?
A25878What had he to do to engage himself before his advice was required?
A25878What is he?
A25878What is it that you know concerning Mr. Colledge at Oxford, Sir?
A25878What is that pray, Sir George?
A25878What is the Gentlemans Name?
A25878What is your Christian Name, Sir?
A25878What is your Christian Name, Sir?
A25878What is your Christian Name?
A25878What is your Christian Name?
A25878What is your Christian Name?
A25878What is your Name, Sir?
A25878What man was that?
A25878What month as near as you can?
A25878What said he further?
A25878What say you against him?
A25878What say you to it, Mr. Smith?
A25878What say you to it, Mr. Turbervile?
A25878What say you to the discourse he talks of at Fleet- bridge?
A25878What say you to this Gentleman?
A25878What then?
A25878What thing done?
A25878What think you of our perusing the papers?
A25878What times were those?
A25878What to do?
A25878What use did he say he would make of them?
A25878What was it, can you remember any part of it?
A25878What was it?
A25878What was meant by the Pack?
A25878What was the answer he made you?
A25878What were the base things he said he was to do, and would not do?
A25878What were the words?
A25878What were they?
A25878What will you ask her?
A25878What words did I say there?
A25878What words have they and you heard, and rebuked me for?
A25878What would you ask him, Mr. Colledge?
A25878What would you ask him?
A25878What would you ask of him now?
A25878What, Sir?
A25878What, before you have pleaded?
A25878What, did they say nothing all the while?
A25878What, just after the same manner, in raising War and Rebellion against the King?
A25878What, of all of them?
A25878What, of your conspiracy?
A25878When I was in the House with him, he then said Mr. Wilcox gave Mony to provide Arms: I asked for what?
A25878When did he carry them?
A25878When did you discover it?
A25878When he had been there, what did he say?
A25878When he said he would not do those base things, did you believe him?
A25878When was it dated?
A25878When was it that I gave you any Pictures there?
A25878When was it, Sir?
A25878When was it?
A25878When was it?
A25878When was that discourse, I ask you once again?
A25878When was that?
A25878When was that?
A25878When was the first discourse you had with him?
A25878When was the first time Mr. Smith came into your company?
A25878When was the first time you came acquainted with him?
A25878When was this?
A25878When was this?
A25878When was this?
A25878When were you last at the publick Church?
A25878When were you to make use of it?
A25878Where at my Lord Lovelace''s?
A25878Where did he tell you this?
A25878Where did you hear him say that?
A25878Where did you swear these particulars were done then?
A25878Where do you dwell, Sir?
A25878Where do you live, Sir?
A25878Where had you it?
A25878Where had you that Picture from me that they call Raree- Shew?
A25878Where is Aaron Smith?
A25878Where is George Spur?
A25878Where is Mr. Symonds?
A25878Where is it in Oxfordshire?
A25878Where is it?
A25878Where is that Room?
A25878Where is that?
A25878Where is that?
A25878Where is the Prisoner Stephen Colledge?
A25878Where is your friend, said I?
A25878Where was it I said those words in Oxford?
A25878Where was it he was in His Majesties Service?
A25878Where was it to be distributed?
A25878Where was it?
A25878Where was it?
A25878Where was this discourse about superceding your Warrant?
A25878Where was this he explained it?
A25878Where was this he said so?
A25878Where was this spoken?
A25878Where was this?
A25878Where was this?
A25878Where was this?
A25878Where were the other Discourses I had with you?
A25878Where, in his Pocket?
A25878Whereabouts in Somersetshire were you born?
A25878Whereupon I asked one Fellow, that was a kind of a Porter, if he knew any thing of him?
A25878Whether did he bring it?
A25878Which do you mean, the former part or the latter?
A25878Which part of them?
A25878Who appointed the High Court of Justice that tryed the King and condemned him but the Parliament?
A25878Who did I say this to, to you?
A25878Who did he send it by?
A25878Who did he tell you did make it?
A25878Who did tell you so?
A25878Who do you call next?
A25878Who has any conspiracy against your life?
A25878Who preferred and signed it?
A25878Who shall say for you?
A25878Who should?
A25878Who was that person?
A25878Who was there besides?
A25878Who were in the company there?
A25878Who were the All?
A25878Whose Waterman was it?
A25878Whose hand- writing are the papers in?
A25878Whose hands are to it?
A25878Why did you make it then, and not before?
A25878Why did you not indict him of it?
A25878Why do n''t you plead not Guilty then?
A25878Why do you use such loose Expressions then Mr. Smith?
A25878Why, do you think ▪''tis an answer to him in what he proves upon his Oath?
A25878Why, how is it written in your Fathers name, when it is not subscribed at all?
A25878Why, says Ivy, do you think there is no truth in it?
A25878Will it be now known that I am a Papist?
A25878Will not that bear a more favourable interpretation, my Lord?
A25878Will you ask Mr. Oates any questions?
A25878Will you ask her any thing else?
A25878Will you ask him any more questions?
A25878Will you ask him any questions?
A25878Will you ask him any questions?
A25878Will you ask him any thing more?
A25878Will you call any other Witnesses?
A25878Will you please to give me the paper that has the Questions in it, to ask the Witnesses?
A25878Will you please to order me my Papers back that were taken from me?
A25878Will you promise me my Lord, there shall no advantage be taken against me, if I do plead so?
A25878Will you that are of Counsel for the King call any more?
A25878Within what time did you tell him?
A25878Would he have had you been an Evidence, and swore it?
A25878Would he have perswaded you to say any thing that was not true?
A25878Would he say so to you?
A25878Would you ask any thing further?
A25878Would you ask her any thing else; what do you know more?
A25878Would you ask him any more questions?
A25878Would you ask him any thing else?
A25878Would you ask him any thing else?
A25878Would you have him called up again to clear this?
A25878Would you have the Jury to believe you upon your word?
A25878Yes, if it please your Lordship, Do you know no more, Sir?
A25878Yes, what then?
A25878You are to give a plain Answer, whether you are Guilty or not Guilty?
A25878You can tell whether you are Guilty or not Guilty, ca n''t you?
A25878You found the paper in the House?
A25878You have heard the Indictment read, what say you?
A25878You hear, says he, Haynes is taken?
A25878You mistook me, and said, Cousin, how long have you and I been Cousins?
A25878You say I desired you to make an Affidavit, was it after that or before I had that discourse with you?
A25878You say you heard him in Oxford, and in Oxfordshire, and at my Lord Lovelace''s, where is that?
A25878You say you knew him a Souldier, pray when was that?
A25878You talk of the contrary, and the contrary; what did he mean by that, what Plot should he disown?
A25878You used to converse with him, Mr. Smith, did he never say any thing like it to you?
A25878You were Colledge''s Servant, were you not?
A25878You were examined at Sir Miles Stapleton''s Tryal, was you not, Mowbray?
A25878Your Tenant you mean?
A25878did you know him?
A25878had not he as good send Mr. Smith, who is his counsel?
A25878of May, as near as I remember; so I came to him, How now, Colonel Colledge, said I, what do you make this bustle for?
A25878pray speak, did you see any more?
A25878what a bustle might they have made, and what confusion might there have been on a sudden?
A25878what do you ask him Mr. Colledge?
A25878what name did he give that?
A25878when, and to whom?
A25878which is it?
A25878who are they?
A25878who made it?
A25878with an abbreviation?
A65962( and Jaquel being demanded whether Mr. Drake and Mr. Love were not appointed to draw up the letter?
A65962After Drake was gone, where were your meetings usually?
A65962And Far doth me right herein; for in answer to that question, Was your Commissioners agreed upon?
A65962And I ask''d him this question, Did I send, or agree to send Major Alford to Calice?
A65962And I heard himselfe say so, when he went away upon the Act; and I asked him, Are you imployed by the Church or State of Scotland?
A65962And being ask''d by Mr. Love, Did not I dissent from sending the Commission and Instructions?
A65962And being asked, Did Mr Love receive this money?
A65962And do you expect to live again?
A65962And do you not think Mr. Love conceived it under that notion?
A65962And if it were enough to deny, who should be guilty?
A65962And some body asked him, what power have we to give such a commission?
A65962And that I therupon should particularly move him with this question, C. Far, What wil you do?
A65962And this charitable use, what would it have been?
A65962And this question being asked, What power have wee to give or send such a Commission?
A65962And this you deliver upon oath?
A65962And upon your coming home, you say the copie of a letter was read at my house, will you swear I was in the roome at the time when the letter was read?
A65962And was Mr. Love there then?
A65962And was he in the Room?
A65962And was it not after Dunbar fight?
A65962And where were these published?
A65962And why not to the third designe?
A65962Are not these as perfect as before?
A65962Are not we of as much credit as you?
A65962Are you not ready?
A65962Ask him one question more, What did Mr. Love tell you, that if the Presbyterians got the upper hand again?
A65962Ask him what he knows concerning Colonel Bamfield''s man coming hither?
A65962Ask him what return Titus made, what answer, and what account he gave?
A65962Ask him whether I gave my consent to the sending away of this Commission?
A65962Ask him whether there was not a letter at that time read, that Massey was withdrawn at that time in discontent from the Court?
A65962Ask him, whether this meeting, when this letter came from the King, advising to send Commissioners to treat with the King at Bredah?
A65962Ask whether upon the large letter, Massey did not write that things were well setled in Scotland?
A65962At Gen. Did he not advise you to be couragious, and that unlesse you discover one another, you were safe enough?
A65962At what time was it?
A65962Att Gen For whom was it to be raised?
A65962Att Gen What w ● s the effect of these instructions?
A65962Att Gen. Did not you propose to send fifty pounds to Titus?
A65962Att Gen. Do you remember who went with Mason, when he carried away this?
A65962Att Gen. For the Swan at Dowgate, he gave relation of that; but who was present then?
A65962Att Gen. VVhat do you know concerning any instructions to give power to the Commissioners what to do?
A65962Att Gen. Was not this meeting in M. Loves study?
A65962Att Gen. What mony was there agreed upon to be provided for Titus?
A65962Att Gen. Who did correct those instructions?
A65962Being again ask''d, whether J agreed to the sending of it away?
A65962Being ask''d about the copie of the Kings letter, that Alford sayes he brought over from Titus, whether I was in the room whilest it was read?
A65962Being ask''d again, Was Master Love privy to these letters of sending moderate propositions to the King?
A65962Being ask''d further, Was Master Love present at sometime of this meeting?
A65962Being ask''d whether he did not conceive this to be the copie of the Kings letter?
A65962Being ask''d, Was this way of laying down of money to prevent discovery?
A65962Being asked further, Whether did I give consent to the sending away the Commission?
A65962Being askt, whether upon the ending of the Treaty at Jersey, there was not a Letter came from Titus, to desire some body to come unto Callis?
A65962Being further ask''d, Was it not debated to send a Commission over?
A65962Between whom?
A65962But afterwards he sayes, that they did conceive it was convenient; Now, I pray ask him, how he knew that I thought it was convenient?
A65962But by all present?
A65962But did he discover nothing, and wish you to be prudent for your selfe, and them?
A65962But did not Drake tell you he had sent them to Master Baily in Scotland?
A65962But for Massey, and Titus?
A65962But for whom were those Letters?
A65962But then it was agreed that Alford should go?
A65962But was there no meeting upon it, was M. Love named?
A65962But was there not some expressions for a blessing upon the Treaty at Breda?
A65962But what do you know of Masons coming over here?
A65962But who were those he named, that were men for the King?
A65962But you had another of your own Robe too that came in, and hee would not testifie, and why?
A65962But you saw the letters there?
A65962But ● e told you it was the first advise of some others?
A65962By whom did you hear so?
A65962By whom, who did the Dialogue run between?
A65962By whom?
A65962Can this bee said to be misprision of Treason, that a man should hold so long in Treason and not reveal it?
A65962Can you remember what that relation was?
A65962Dare you speak the truth before a Magistrate?
A65962Dare you testifie the truth, when God calls you to it?
A65962Declare your knowledge in this businesse?
A65962Did I move Captain Far, or say, Captain Far, will you contribute five pounds to Massey, or Titus, or any money?
A65962Did Mr. Love do it?
A65962Did Mr. Love know of it?
A65962Did Mr. Love know of it?
A65962Did Mr. Love move it?
A65962Did any pray for a blessing upon the treaty?
A65962Did he dis- agree?
A65962Did he meet at your meetings?
A65962Did he never move others to lend money?
A65962Did he not demand Indempnity for them?
A65962Did he tell it to any man?
A65962Did no body tell you so?
A65962Did not Drake gather it up again?
A65962Did not Titus offer to go?
A65962Did not William Drake tell you, a letter was sent accordingly into Scotland?
A65962Did not the King of Scots declare in the letter, that he would give satisfaction to the Scots, and in order thereunto he desired Commissioners?
A65962Did not you make a Narrative your self of what you received by word of mouth from Titus?
A65962Did the Gentleman tell you so?
A65962Did you contribute any thing towards it?
A65962Did you ever hear such a thing, to pray day to argue that you do not know positively it is so?
A65962Did you give him an account?
A65962Did you hear of it?
A65962Did you not heare so?
A65962Did you not know him to be the Scotch Agent?
A65962Did you not?
A65962Do so then?
A65962Do you believe he carried them out of these circumstances you heard?
A65962Do you believe it was desired to be raised to that purpose; and do you think it was done according to that purpose?
A65962Do you believe it?
A65962Do you believe, Mr. Love was one of them?
A65962Do you know Titus was imployed as an Agent hence?
A65962Do you know none of them?
A65962Do you know of any letters that came from the Kirk, or Lowden, or Argile, or any of those?
A65962Do you look to die?
A65962Do you not know to whom the letters written in sack were sent?
A65962Do you remember any more?
A65962Do you sware such a Letter came?
A65962Do you swear that I heard the le ● ter read in my house?
A65962Doe you conceive it is so?
A65962Doth he not receive breath here to live, and his livelihood to sustain himself and his relations?
A65962Doth he swear that J assented?
A65962Doth this do any good to you?
A65962For being ask''d why he conceived so?
A65962For the businesse of mony, he saith, there was two or three hundred pounds raised, do you affirm I raised a penny?
A65962From whom?
A65962Gen. Alford did go to Calice and return, and how many daies was it between his going and returning?
A65962Gen. And did you subscribe then presently?
A65962Gen. And for contribution of money, what money did you pay, and to whom?
A65962Gen. And how was that to be done?
A65962Gen. And to take an account of the transaction at Jersey?
A65962Gen. And was it sent?
A65962Gen. And was not Mr. Love commonly at your meetings; and whether, after Drake went away, the meetings were not at his house?
A65962Gen. And what mention was there made, who were fit to command in England, if that party should come from thence into England?
A65962Gen. And who else did contribute, that was there?
A65962Gen. And who for the King and Kirk?
A65962Gen. And who neither for King nor Kirk?
A65962Gen. At what Fast were you at, and who officiated at those Fasts?
A65962Gen. At whose request did you come to the white Hart in Breadstreet, and when was it?
A65962Gen. By whom have you heard it?
A65962Gen. By whom?
A65962Gen. Did Gibbons bring it?
A65962Gen. Did M. Alford deliver no account there?
A65962Gen. Did M. Love never tell you the occasions of those meetings, and presse you to lend money to furnish Massey and Titus?
A65962Gen. Did M. Love often officiate there?
A65962Gen. Did Mr. Love agree for Ten pounds for Bamfields man, and Thirty pounds for Bamfield?
A65962Gen. Did Mr. Love at that time dis- agree?
A65962Gen. Did Mr. Love contribute to the messenger?
A65962Gen. Did Mr. Love contribute?
A65962Gen. Did Mr. Love know that this Scotch man was the Scotch Agent?
A65962Gen. Did Mr. Love make any protestation against it?
A65962Gen. Did Mr. Love presse you to contribute, or move any to do it?
A65962Gen. Did he bring it to you upon account as paid?
A65962Gen. Did he carry the instructions?
A65962Gen. Did he make no relation by word of mouth?
A65962Gen. Did he not pray for a blessing upon the Treaty, between the King and the Scots?
A65962Gen. Did he not wish you to be silent?
A65962Gen. Did he not write to you to send money to the King?
A65962Gen. Did it not mention five thousand pounds for providing of shipping?
A65962Gen. Did no body tell you that Mason went with the instructions agreed upon?
A65962Gen. Did not Major Alford tell you upon his return from Calice, that he was sent thither to take an account thence?
A65962Gen. Did not Mr. Gibbons bring the rough draft of the Commission?
A65962Gen. Did not Mr. Love generally tell you the cause of the meetings?
A65962Gen. Did not Mr. Love know of the collection?
A65962Gen. Did not Mr. Love move you to contribute to this?
A65962Gen. Did not Mr. Love say then, that he had been at a fast, where you were remembred?
A65962Gen. Did not Mr. Love speak to you to that purpose, to bring it in that way?
A65962Gen. Did not Mr. Love tell you, they agreed to raise a sum of money for Massey, and Titus, and Graves, and some of them?
A65962Gen. Did not some say, That Bamfield was a malignant?
A65962Gen. Did not you conceive so, that Mr. Love summed up every mans sum?
A65962Gen. Did not you go afterwards with some over into Southwark?
A65962Gen. Did you contribute money?
A65962Gen. Did you know that Mason went?
A65962Gen. Did you not give an account of that you received from him?
A65962Gen. Did you not hear Mr. Love say, that this Sterks was the Scotch Agent?
A65962Gen. Did you not meet with William Drake, and desire to go along with him to see Titus?
A65962Gen. Did you not receive an account from Titus of his transaction at Jersey?
A65962Gen. Did you not write this your self?
A65962Gen. Did you pay your money?
A65962Gen. Did you receive any of it again?
A65962Gen. Did you receive money, or were there promises made to you to testifie against Mr. Love?
A65962Gen. Do you conceive so?
A65962Gen. Do you know of a way of correspondency laid at Kendal, or no?
A65962Gen. Do you know of any answer returned from Piercy and Jermin?
A65962Gen. Do you know that Groves was sent to look for letters there?
A65962Gen. Do you not remember that this was one passage in the Kings letter, that the King wisht them to send Commissioners to Bredah?
A65962Gen. Do you remember of any Declaration of the Kirk and State read at that time?
A65962Gen. Doe not you know there was an agreement of a letter written back to Titus?
A65962Gen. Doe you not remember at any meeting, that there was money propounded for Captaine Titus, or for Alfords being sent over to Calice?
A65962Gen. For a table- book that was written in sack, do you know of any such thing?
A65962Gen. For what use?
A65962Gen. From whom?
A65962Gen. From whom?
A65962Gen. How came it about Mr. Love spake with you?
A65962Gen. How do you know they were for the good of the two Nations?
A65962Gen. How much did Mr. Love contribute?
A65962Gen. How much do you guess, or have heard?
A65962Gen. How should your 300 l. be disposed of?
A65962Gen. How was that to be raised?
A65962Gen. How was the money to be raised, and in what manner?
A65962Gen. Mr. Jaquel, you know William Drake and Mr. Love very well, do you not know that Mr. Drake and Mr. Love, were very familiarly acquainted?
A65962Gen. My Lord, Ask him where the letter was read?
A65962Gen. My Lord, Ask him whether when this was sent to Jersy, was there not a return made?
A65962Gen. My Lord, ask him from whom he came?
A65962Gen. My Lord, ask him if there were not some letters returned by Mason, in answer to what he brought?
A65962Gen. My Lord, ask him whether he knows of any petition sent to the King of Scots?
A65962Gen. My Lord, ask him whether he was not at supper with Titus?
A65962Gen. My Lord, ask him, whether after this return was made there was not a meeting, and instructions made about the commission to be sent to Bredah?
A65962Gen. Next about the Commission and instructions to be sent, what do you know of that?
A65962Gen. Now we speak of a letter from Alderman Bunce, and others?
A65962Gen. Of their former demands, that they might be the more like to agree; was it not so?
A65962Gen. Repeat that again?
A65962Gen. Then he asked it of you so, or for that purpose; but afterwards, What did you learn it was employed about?
A65962Gen. Then my Lord, he may tell you what he doth know?
A65962Gen. Titus took time to draw it up?
A65962Gen. To what end?
A65962Gen. To whom did you deliver it?
A65962Gen. To whom did you pay it, and where did you pay it?
A65962Gen. To whom did you pay it?
A65962Gen. To whom was it declared to be directed?
A65962Gen. To whom was that letter directed?
A65962Gen. To whom were they directed?
A65962Gen. To whom were those letters communicated here?
A65962Gen. VVas Colonell Vaughan there?
A65962Gen. VVas M. Love privie to it?
A65962Gen. VVas there a copie of a letter brought thither written from the King to the Presbyterian party?
A65962Gen. VVas there not an agreement of letters to be sent to the Queen, and no proposals that way?
A65962Gen. VVas there not at Mr. Love''s a promise of armes, or letters?
A65962Gen. VVat can you say?
A65962Gen. VVere there not letters sent to Scotland to them, and back again hither about sending moderate propositions to the King?
A65962Gen. VVere they not read?
A65962Gen. VVhat do you know of Mason, and of letters sent by him?
A65962Gen. VVhat had Groves for his pains for going?
A65962Gen. VVhat say you of Mr. Robinson?
A65962Gen. VVhat say you of Mr. Watson?
A65962Gen. VVhat was done at Mr Loves house?
A65962Gen. VVhat was the discourse at that meeting?
A65962Gen. VVhat was the effect of the letter?
A65962Gen. VVhat were they to do?
A65962Gen. VVhen then?
A65962Gen. VVhether was there not a Declaration to the Church of Scotland then published?
A65962Gen. VVho carried the commission and instructions?
A65962Gen. VVho else gave besides your selfe, and who received it?
A65962Gen. VVho took the Subscriptions?
A65962Gen. Was Master Iackson there?
A65962Gen. Was Master Love present?
A65962Gen. Was Master Love there?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Gibbons there or not?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Gibbons there?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Love present when this letter was read?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Love present, and did approve of it?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Love there?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Love there?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Love there?
A65962Gen. Was Mr. Love there?
A65962Gen. Was Sterks the Scotch Agent there or no?
A65962Gen. Was it after the fight at Dunbar?
A65962Gen. Was it at that time that the letters were read?
A65962Gen. Was it in his house?
A65962Gen. Was it not debated by what warrant they should derive power to themselves to send this Commission?
A65962Gen. Was it not in the name of the Presbyterian party in England?
A65962Gen. Was it not moved then to be debated what power they had to send a Commission, and by what authority they should do it, and by whom was it spoken?
A65962Gen. Was it not propounded likewise, that some should be sent to the King, to perswade him to give satisfaction to the Scots?
A65962Gen. Was it not read in the presence of the Company?
A65962Gen. Was it not to be communicated?
A65962Gen. Was not M. Alford sent to receive an account from him to Calice?
A65962Gen. Was not Mr. Love one of them?
A65962Gen. Was not Mr. Love there, and did not he write down the sums that were to be contributed?
A65962Gen. Was not an hundred pounds more to be sent agreed upon there?
A65962Gen. Was not there a letter penn''d by Master Love, and Doctor Drake?
A65962Gen. Was not this of what Titus had related from Jersey, the narrative of what had past between him and the King there?
A65962Gen. Was the letter read there, and who read it?
A65962Gen. Was the money, as you conceived, returned to Massey and Titus?
A65962Gen. Was the rough draft corrected by any body or no?
A65962Gen. Was there a Commission agreed upon to be sent?
A65962Gen. Was there any debate to mend the instructions?
A65962Gen. Was there no expression of letters of thanks for the good affection of the Presbyterian party here, and encouragement to persevere?
A65962Gen. Was there no mention then( when it was propounded to you to be a considerable party) was it not said the ministers were to be acquainted with it?
A65962Gen. Was there no sins named in particular?
A65962Gen. Was there not a copy of a letter said to be sent from the King, read there?
A65962Gen. Was there not a large letter inviting your friends to union?
A65962Gen. Was there not a motion of sending fifty pounds to Colonel Graves?
A65962Gen. Was there not at that time some letters propounded to be written to the Queen, and Jermi ● e, and to what purpose?
A65962Gen. Was there not one Sterks a Scotch Agent here, that kept intelligence from Scotland?
A65962Gen. Was there not one letter with L. upon i ●?
A65962Gen. Was there not some debate by what warrant they should act in this Commission and instructions?
A65962Gen. Was this letter from Massey, read at Master Loves house, was this for money?
A65962Gen. Was this twenty pounds that you laid out of your owne, or did you collect it of some of the rest, or did you gather any of it again?
A65962Gen. Well, what meetings afterwards was there in M. Loves study?
A65962Gen. What course or way was propounded to raise money?
A65962Gen. What course shall we hold?
A65962Gen. What did he do more?
A65962Gen. What did he tell you?
A65962Gen. What did you contribute to Sterks his going into Scotland?
A65962Gen. What discourse had you?
A65962Gen. What discourse upon Dunbar fight was there from this person that is already spoken of?
A65962Gen. What do you know more?
A65962Gen. What do you know of any correspondency setled at Kendal?
A65962Gen. What do you remember was said concerning him there?
A65962Gen. What else was in the letter?
A65962Gen. What hath Mistresse Love said unto you?
A65962Gen. What hath she said to you?
A65962Gen. What know you of the petition sent to the King?
A65962Gen. What know you since Dunbar ● ight ● ight?
A65962Gen. What ministers?
A65962Gen. What money had Titus to bear his charges?
A65962Gen. What money was he furnished with?
A65962Gen. What other Ministers were there?
A65962Gen. What other company was there?
A65962Gen. What said he concerning the Scots, and what he would do for the Ministers, if God restored him?
A65962Gen. What said he of Argile?
A65962Gen. What say you M. Hales?
A65962Gen. What say you of Mr. Drake?
A65962Gen. What say you of Mr. Sterks?
A65962Gen. What say you to the private fasts?
A65962Gen. What say you to those letters that came hither after the fight at Dunbar?
A65962Gen. What to do?
A65962Gen. What was he imployed about?
A65962Gen. What was his imployment to be there, and what money was to be raised for him?
A65962Gen. What was that sum?
A65962Gen. What was that?
A65962Gen. What was that?
A65962Gen. What was that?
A65962Gen. What was the answer that was returned to that which Mason did bring?
A65962Gen. What was the contents of the Commission?
A65962Gen. What was the effect of it?
A65962Gen. What was the occasion of those Fasts?
A65962Gen. What was the occasion of your Fasts, and at your house?
A65962Gen. What was the occasion that Major Alford did go?
A65962Gen. What was the substance of the Kings letter?
A65962Gen. What was the substance of the account given by Alford, or Drake, or who read it?
A65962Gen. What was the substance of the letter?
A65962Gen. What was the sum of money, and for whom was it agreed upon; did Mr. Love tell you so?
A65962Gen. What was then propounded for money to be raised for Bamfield?
A65962Gen. What was to be the effect of that commission?
A65962Gen. What, did he tell you of the young Kings escaping?
A65962Gen. What, for a blessing upon the treaty at Bredah?
A65962Gen. Where did you go?
A65962Gen. Where was this money agreed to be raised?
A65962Gen. Where 〈 ◊ 〉 it read?
A65962Gen. Where?
A65962Gen. Who did exercise at that time?
A65962Gen. Who did exercise at those Fasts?
A65962Gen. Who did they tell you it was?
A65962Gen. Who did?
A65962Gen. Who named you to go?
A65962Gen. Who officiated there, was Mr. Love one of them?
A65962Gen. Who should pay it?
A65962Gen. Who then were there present?
A65962Gen. Who was agreed to prepare the commission?
A65962Gen. Who was at that meeting?
A65962Gen. Who was in the Room then?
A65962Gen. Who was that Mason?
A65962Gen. Who was there?
A65962Gen. Who were the Commissioners?
A65962Gen. Why did you believe so?
A65962Gen. Why did you not this before?
A65962Gen. Why not?
A65962Gen. With whom did you leave them?
A65962Gen. You can not remember it was read?
A65962Gen. You do not remember, that ever any body did acquaint the Magistrate with the design in working from Scotland?
A65962Gen. You say he received the letter from your owne hands?
A65962Gen. is pleased to insist upon so much, Adams, being ask''d whether it was agreed upon that this letter should be sent?
A65962Gen. was pleas''d to ask him whether he did not give me a twitch by the hand or cloak when he brought it?
A65962Had Mr. Love a hand in them?
A65962Had he any money to bear his charges?
A65962Had he money collected?
A65962Had you not charge enough lying upon you, but must you be going abroad, and put your sickle into another mans harvest?
A65962Had you not enough to doe in your own calling?
A65962Hath he never come to Mr. Scots chamber?
A65962Have you any oath or promise among your combiners, to be secret in this businesse?
A65962Have you not heard the letter read?
A65962He answered no, Being further askt: Was there not an agreement at M. Loves house for a letter to be sent to the Queen?
A65962He confesseth further, he paid ten pounds: to whom were the letters directed?
A65962He did, and might do it; but did he it to testifie against Mr. Love?
A65962He paid it, be saith, how then did he lend it?
A65962He said, he did it under that notion: But being ask''d by me, Did I bid you lay it down under that notion?
A65962He saith, money was sent to Titus, pray ask him whether by Agents J imployed?
A65962He was asked likewise, did Master Love know of collecting a hundred pound for Titus?
A65962He will not say it?
A65962Hear a word, I appeal then to you, whether any such person were produced before you?
A65962How is it possible that this comes to be an exception untill you heare the evidence?
A65962How long ago?
A65962How many leaves is it?
A65962How many were there?
A65962How much was that?
A65962I am presented unto some, as if I were a Malignant, an Apostate from my first principles, a mover of sedition; and what not but what I am?
A65962I ask''d him further, Did I bid you lay it down?
A65962I desire you would take notice, whether this be faire, that Mr. Attorney should help the witnesse, by putting things into his mouth?
A65962I had thought he would not have gone upon these equivocations; Did he never move other men to write?
A65962I pray ask him this question, did not I dissent from sending the Commission?
A65962I was in my hou ● e, but did not I go often out and in?
A65962I will make it very short, Whether this were not done, that there might be no discovery of it?
A65962I would ask him, whether that open act must be in the Inditement, or in the Evidence?
A65962I would faine know, why may not the next prisoner say, you have done so in Mr. Love''s case?
A65962If it were enough to accuse, who should be innocent?
A65962In what part of his house, whether in his chamber, or study?
A65962Is this true?
A65962It is alledged by this Gentleman, that it was sent out of my house, Did J write any letter by you when you went into Holland?
A65962It was demanded of them by the Court, whether or no they would subscribe the Engagement?
A65962It was demanded, what authority had private men to send Commissioners?
A65962It was thought convenient by all the company present?
A65962J did not swear so?
A65962Jt will be said, why did not Mr Love reveale them?
A65962L. Pres But do you not conceive that he understood the contents of it?
A65962Look upon them, is not this your hand?
A65962Loves chamber, then he may give you an account of Mr. Alfords return, and where the account was given?
A65962Loves councell?
A65962Loves house afterwards, did you not make some narrative of what you received from him by word of mouth?
A65962Loves house again?
A65962Loves house agreed upon to be sent?
A65962Loves house at any time?
A65962Loves house too?
A65962Loves house, was Doctor Drake there?
A65962Loves house, was it not in his study?
A65962Loves house, when these letters were read, that they were in a hopefull condition?
A65962Loves house, wherein Massey complained he had back friends in Scotland?
A65962Loves house; was not Mr. Love present?
A65962Loves house?
A65962Loves house?
A65962Loves house?
A65962Loves house?
A65962Loves house?
A65962Loves or no?
A65962Loves palour, and left the ten pounds, did you not give him a twitch by the hand?
A65962Loves requiring of you, or notifying of it to you, and the maner of your pursuit of that?
A65962Loves study, or in another place?
A65962Loves study, whether was there not a Commission agreed upon, to give instructions to treat with the King at Bredah?
A65962Loves study?
A65962Loves study?
A65962Loves study?
A65962Loves, after the fight at Dunbar, a remarkable time to this Nation?
A65962Massey, to speak to Colonel Barton to lend money?
A65962Massey, was not for Massey and Titus?
A65962Mercy should not weigh down Justice( my Lord, these are good Instructions) in God they are both equall, why should it not be so in man?
A65962My Lord, I tell you the truth, I doe not know whether I did, or no; for I remember it was determined that we should gather it at that meeting?
A65962My Lord, if it be doubtfull to me, how can I be certaine, and charge it upon my memory?
A65962My Lord, was there any discovery made by Mr. Love?
A65962My Lord, whether may we or himself better take up this complaint?
A65962My Lord, whether was he not privy to it?
A65962Nay, Did he confesse it upon his Examination, when examined?
A65962Nay, Did he not deny it when he came to the Bar before your Lord- ship?
A65962Nor from the Generall Assembly?
A65962Not in the behalf of the Prebyterian party?
A65962Now Sir, I askt him this Question, Let it go, what doth that refer to?
A65962Now for the other matter, that is, Whether Misprision of Treason, concealment of Treason be Treason?
A65962Now when he shall affirm, that there was onely a motion for money, but no sum spoken of; Shall this be laid to my charge, as if I moved for 300 l.?
A65962Of your own knowledg?
A65962Potter there?
A65962Pray, ask him this one question, Were there no speeches between William Drakes words, and those words he pretends were mine?
A65962Shal I have the copy of the Charge?
A65962Shall the Councel have onely bare liberty, or will the Court assigne them me?
A65962Speak the truth?
A65962Speak what you know of that, and by whom it was told you?
A65962Speak what you know of this businesse?
A65962That he swears?
A65962The Commission you say, was not agreed to, but the letter and instructions were?
A65962The Court with patience hath heard you( I think) two hours, or thereabouts, and you have done nothing but anticipated the Court; What?
A65962The copie of the letter that came from the King by Major Alford?
A65962The letter did write likewise for Arms and Ammunition, did it not?
A65962The letter was then read you say?
A65962The most that J have done, is but to receive news, and J hope J shall not die for that: Was this letter of Massey written to me?
A65962The other witness that was threatned, it was testified by a worthy Captaine; I speak it again, was not it debated as much as the wit of man could?
A65962The question now was, whether he took bribes or no?
A65962Then being asked whether one Sterks was not a Scotch Agent, and whether he did not use to come to my house?
A65962Then further being ask''d what was the substance of that copie of the Letter from the King that Alford brought from Titus?
A65962Then the question is, whether this be so done here or no?
A65962Then your Lordship askd him this question, Did you say, that the Commission was not agreed upon, but that the Instructions were?
A65962There was a Proposition made of raising some money for supply of their necessities?
A65962There was more money contributed, who agreed to lend any?
A65962There were sometimes private fasts at your house, wha ● w ● s the occasion of them, and vvho spoke to you for them?
A65962They did debate together, and met together, and received instructions, and therefore he may very aptly conceive he was a Correspondent?
A65962This Narrative, whether was it a copy written by Alford, as news brought over, or the copy written by Titus himselfe?
A65962This is grosse darknesse, for you to dictate words to him, and then to say, VVas it not thus, or to this effect?
A65962To whom did you deliver it?
A65962To whom to be directed?
A65962Upon the oath you have taken, whether do you not know this of your own knowledge?
A65962Upon what account did you meet at M. Loves house?
A65962Upon your oath, did not Major Alford make returne of the answer in Master Loves study?
A65962VVas Drake present?
A65962VVas the letter sent to me, or was it received by me?
A65962VVhat was it?
A65962VVho moved it, and where?
A65962VVho writ them?
A65962VVill you give me but this favour, that I may have but an hour or two''s time to consult with a Lawyer?
A65962Was Doctor Drake there?
A65962Was I the first that did move it?
A65962Was Mr. Jenkyns there?
A65962Was Mr. Love there?
A65962Was he not taken among you to be an Agent from Scotland?
A65962Was he present?
A65962Was it agreed for money to bee raised?
A65962Was it approved of?
A65962Was it in his study?
A65962Was it not agreed in the generall that it should be sent over?
A65962Was it not debated at that meeting for a Commission to be sent accordingly?
A65962Was it not in order to the Treaty?
A65962Was it read in Master Loves study?
A65962Was not Mr. Love one of them?
A65962Was not Mr. Love, when the letter was communicated, sometimes in the room, going, and coming?
A65962Was there not a generall consent?
A65962Was there not some propositions for giving of thanks to Titus, for his so wel managing his affairs there?
A65962Well, go on, There was your twenty pounds gone?
A65962Were not you invited to the meeting?
A65962Were not you present at M. Loves house when they were read or made known there?
A65962Were not you prest or moved to go to Jersey?
A65962Were there not instructions agreed upon, and all this in M. Loves study?
A65962Were there not letters left at your house, and for whom, and what did you with them?
A65962Were they drawn up, and sent?
A65962Were they not read there?
A65962Were those papers read at that meeting?
A65962Were you at Colonel Bartons house at the Fast?
A65962Were you at any meetings at Mr ▪ Loves after Dunbar fight?
A65962Were you not then present at his house?
A65962Were you not told he was a Cavalier, and of the Kings side, and that that was the true reason, why they would not trust him?
A65962Were you there, when a Letter was read from Massey?
A65962What assistance should he have from hence?
A65962What can they do for me?
A65962What can you say?
A65962What did Mr. Love say?
A65962What did he say more to you?
A65962What did he speak of a non- compliance with the present Government, and by whom?
A65962What do you know about M. Loves house, about the Commission, and Captain Titus?
A65962What do you know about the meeting at the Swan at Dowgate?
A65962What do you know of it?
A65962What do you remember of this now, is this true?
A65962What is the truth?
A65962What is your reason?
A65962What past there?
A65962What prejudice Sir, can it be to this Court, being I have not spoken with any Lawyer, to give me but a days time?
A65962What provocation hath this Gentleman had in his Ministery, that he could not follow that, and have let the Parliament and State alone?
A65962What was that?
A65962What was the Narrative read from Titus?
A65962What was the contents of the letter?
A65962What was the contents of the letter?
A65962What was the substance of that letter read?
A65962What was the substance of that letter?
A65962What was the substance of the letter, as you remember?
A65962What was then agreed upon about letters when you were at M. Loves house?
A65962What wil you do?
A65962When Alford did return from Calice again, and there was an account given of his imployment, Where was this account given?
A65962When J ask''d him, Did J say to you, Captain Far, Will you contribute five pounds for Massey and Titus?
A65962When the Act came forth for banishing the Scots, was there not a collection for his charges, and were not you at M. Loves house when it was agreed to?
A65962When was Titus there?
A65962When you did meet there, what did you meet upon, was it not to receive Messages from Titus, and Massey, and Bunce, and Bailey, and to return answers?
A65962Where did you meet with these persons, with William Drake, and these so often mentioned?
A65962Where was Bayley and Titus then?
A65962Whether did it not declare the poverty of his condition?
A65962Whether did you bring from Titus a copy of a letter from the King?
A65962Whether did you not bring in your own examinations, and what you could inform, written by your own hands?
A65962Whether he read the letters that he pretends were sent into England, or Scotland, or whether he heard them read?
A65962Whether was there not a Commission named, and persons named to treat?
A65962Whether was there not five pounds given to a messenger that brought them?
A65962Whether was there not some directions given for a letter to be written to the Queen, to prepare the Articles with the Scots?
A65962Whether were not some friends at dinner at Dowgate, and was not Mason there?
A65962Whether were not you moved to go?
A65962Whether were you not at M. Loves house with these correspondents?
A65962Whether were you not at M. Loves house?
A65962Whether when Bamfields letter came, and the letters from my Lord of Argile, Lowden, and others came, Was there not a letter from Baily?
A65962Who contributed?
A65962Who did Drake say did carry the petition?
A65962Who do you mean by the Correspondents?
A65962Who made the motion?
A65962Who read them?
A65962Who told you of it?
A65962Who were to be the Commissioners?
A65962Whom do you conceive it came from?
A65962Why did he write them in sack?
A65962Why did you not say of heare- say then, as well as now?
A65962Why should you interpose to disquiet your self and the Common- wealth when they did not provoke you?
A65962Will you ask him this question?
A65962Will you plead?
A65962Will you put that upon law, for law, which is not law?
A65962Will you say your heart is lifted up unto God, when your understanding is in your heels?
A65962Will you take this oath, or not?
A65962Will you take your oath?
A65962You asked me the question, what I would do?
A65962You confesse you went to Callice, and brought the copie of a letter from Titus: Did J send you to Titus?
A65962You did say, that the Letter did mention for armes?
A65962You have had counsell?
A65962and are not we judged Ministers as well as you, and more then you?
A65962and did not the Court then satisfie you, or at least satisfie themselves that it was not so?
A65962and do you know whether this was not afterward communicated, and to whom?
A65962and doth not the promotion of Charls Stewart subvert the interest of this Commonwealth?
A65962and how much was the sum that was collected?
A65962and was there not a letter agreed upon to Massey, and Bailie, and Titus?
A65962and what did you contribute?
A65962and what succeeded upon it?
A65962and where did he give an account of what he did receive from Titus a ● Calice?
A65962and where were those papers read that did give the account?
A65962and whether at my house Alford was desired to go?
A65962and whether that Letter was read at any house?
A65962and, my Lord, why they should not meet before, but just at that time, and at a private Fast?
A65962are you a Professour of Jesus Christ, a Minister of God?
A65962at Mr. Love''s house?
A65962can they raise me ten thousand men?
A65962did he put the letters of their names before them, when he writ the sums?
A65962did they not tell you, Mason?
A65962did you not object that then that you do now?
A65962did you not take notice that Mr. Love took notice of him?
A65962do you think they have not understandings, and judgements, and consciences?
A65962doth not the subversion of this Commonwealth promote the interest of Charls Stewart?
A65962from whom did you receive it?
A65962he gave this answer;( says he) You ask''d me what I would do?
A65962he told me, he wondred that I was a stranger: and I asked him, what news?
A65962how long time do you intend to take up?
A65962if you will not be regular, let the Court be regular: had you not time for to do it then?
A65962of the Tower?
A65962saith he, if you come to M. Love''s house, you shall hear newes; what is your businesse there, said I?
A65962to whom was it declared to be written?
A65962was Mr. Love, Mr. Jenkyns, Mr. Case, any of them?
A65962was it not for an agreement between the King, and the Scots?
A65962was there any revelation of his to any Magistrate?
A65962what, will you cast away your self?
A65962when would men be executed for robbing, and stealing, and killing?
A65962who were present at this meeting?
A65962why you did refuse to do any thing about the Five thousand pounds?
A65962— Did he tell you he wanted money?
A63214''T is very true now, if that be so, it is impossible, Oates can swear an Truth: But whether that is to be believ''d or no, is the Question?
A63214About what time?
A63214And Turner was there?
A63214And all June?
A63214And all May?
A63214And can you charge your memory with that?
A63214And did he see him there dayly?
A63214And did he tell him how you lost your mony?
A63214And did he travel along with you?
A63214And did you know him at that time he spoke to you first?
A63214And did you see him all the month of April?
A63214And did you see him then?
A63214And did you serve Mr. Oates with bread and Beer every day?
A63214And for how long together did you see him after Mr. Hilsly''s departure?
A63214And he did receive it by the hands of Grove, Gavan, Where was that money to be taken up?
A63214And he staid there how long?
A63214And how long after that?
A63214And if it should be further known than they would have it, the thing could never be done?
A63214And if you consider the person that write ●, a Jesuit or a Priest, are Priests ever plain?
A63214And must we examine what matters have received a verdict and a judgment there?
A63214And so for how long?
A63214And that by your comparing was like the hand of the Letter about Staffordshire?
A63214And that was like the hand in the Letter to Ewers''s, was it?
A63214And the next thing is this, does any man write plainer then this, when they write of a thing that is of such a nature?
A63214And this you swear directly and positively?
A63214And what Design was that?
A63214And what can be a plainer proof of it, than the Evidence of this day, which Mr. Dugdale produces?
A63214And what were those same things?
A63214And what, did you see him in August?
A63214And when did he go away again?
A63214And when did you see Mr. Oates?
A63214And when did you see him after May?
A63214And when do you say you saw Ireland?
A63214And where have you been ever since?
A63214And where was he all May?
A63214And where was he in April?
A63214And where was he in May?
A63214And who were they?
A63214And why do you believe he was there?
A63214And will you expect plainness here, when, in things of Ten thousand times less moment, they do n''t write plainer?
A63214Are not all your deeds under ground?
A63214Are you a Catholick?
A63214Are you a Roman Catholick?
A63214Are you a Roman Catholick?
A63214Are you a Roman Catholick?
A63214Are you not to serve God too?
A63214Are you positive?
A63214Are you sure it was in July?
A63214Are you sure it was the fifth?
A63214Are you sure of that?
A63214At Watton?
A63214At what time?
A63214Bartlett, Whither?
A63214But are you sure it was the same man?
A63214But he was twice in the Infirmary, was he not?
A63214But how often did you see him?
A63214But how will you prove that?
A63214But must no body come to Town, nor appear too much about the Town for this?
A63214But pray what date did it bear?
A63214But shall you come now, and at this your Trial, and prove what he said at Staleys Trial, and Colemans Trial, and Irelands Trial?
A63214But supposing he had no linnen, might he not go to London and you not know of it?
A63214But then, say you,''t is wonderful, that since they say they saw such and such letters, they should not produce them; why?
A63214But was he absent long enough to have done it?
A63214But was he not sick of a Sunday in April?
A63214But we would know where he was afterwards; did you see him after the 9th?
A63214But what did Fenwick tell you?
A63214But what say you now to them?
A63214But what time of the month was it?
A63214But what time of the year was it?
A63214But when did you see Master Oate there?
A63214But why did you not answer then as readily to the one as to the other?
A63214But why should I say more than I know?
A63214But you maintained him abroad?
A63214But you saw him betwixt that time?
A63214But you say the second time was in April?
A63214But you say you Father is in Radnorshire, when came you here to Lnndon?
A63214But you say you served him every day?
A63214By the Oath that you have taken I would ask you one Question, Did not you see him till June?
A63214By what material Circumstances do you remember it was in the beginning of May?
A63214Can you not tell, whether you have any witnesses or no?
A63214Can you recollect whether it was the middle or latter end of July?
A63214Can you say you saw his Hand writing?
A63214Can you shew any Record of it?
A63214Can you speak English?
A63214Can you tell what day you found it?
A63214Cl, of Cr Culprit, How wilt thou be tryed?
A63214Cl, of Cr, Culprit, how wilt thou be Tryed?
A63214Come Gentlemen now what can you say to this?
A63214Come do you know Dr. Oates?
A63214Come now Mr. Harcourt, will you expound this Letter to me that speaks of this meeting and privacy?
A63214Come, Mr. Dugdale, pray will you tell my Lord and the Jury, what you know concerning Whitebread and Harcourt?
A63214Come, come, Answer me plainly if you can in what month Mr. Oates left St. Omers?
A63214Come, have they any thing to say for themselves?
A63214Come, you are upon your Oath, when did you see Dr. Oates, and where?
A63214Cooke, I made him some Clothes: L: C: J: Are you a Taylor?
A63214Cooke, I saw him in last June, L: C J: And was he there in July?
A63214Cooke, No, my Lord, L: C: J: What time did he go away?
A63214Cooke, Yes: L: C: J: How often did you see him?
A63214Culprit, How wil ● thou be tried?
A63214Culprit, How wilt thou be tried?
A63214Culprit, how wilt thou be Tryed?
A63214Did I order you?
A63214Did he read at the time he was sick in the infirmary?
A63214Did it reach to a Sunday?
A63214Did not you go sometime by the name of Sanders or H ● ll?
A63214Did not you know him Mr. Fenwick?
A63214Did they talk then of this business?
A63214Did you dine there?
A63214Did you do it?
A63214Did you ever know him?
A63214Did you ever see any writing of his, but when he signed the Bill of Exchange?
A63214Did you ever see me in all your life, before you saw me at Whitehall?
A63214Did you intercept them and read them your self?
A63214Did you know Mr. Ireland?
A63214Did you know him before then?
A63214Did you live in Town as a Taylor or in the Colledge?
A63214Did you never see him before that time?
A63214Did you never see him more than then?
A63214Did you say that Fenwick there at the Bar had converse with Ireland in August for the carrying on of the Plot?
A63214Did you see Mr. Ireland in August last?
A63214Did you see Mr. Ireland in August last?
A63214Did you see him every day, except that day?
A63214Did you see him every day?
A63214Did you see him every other day?
A63214Did you see him go in?
A63214Did you see him in August last?
A63214Did you see him in the Colledge from time to time?
A63214Did you see him once in 2 or 3 days?
A63214Did you see him once in a day or two?
A63214Did you see him there?
A63214Did you see him?
A63214Did you see me at the Consult?
A63214Did you see me at the Whitehorse?
A63214Did you serve the Infirmary?
A63214Did you speak to him?
A63214Did you speak to him?
A63214Did you understand he had been turned Roman Catholick?
A63214Did you you see him afterwards?
A63214Do not you know one Mr. Caryl?
A63214Do people take notice of every particular Bill of Exchange that they see, which they are neither to pay nor receive?
A63214Do you know Dr. Oates now?
A63214Do you know Dr. Oates?
A63214Do you know Dr. Oates?
A63214Do you know Dr. Oates?
A63214Do you know Master Oates?
A63214Do you know Mr. Gaven?
A63214Do you know Mr. Ireland?
A63214Do you know Mr. Oates?
A63214Do you know Mr. Thompson?
A63214Do you know Sir Thomas Preston?
A63214Do you know it was the same man that suffered?
A63214Do you know it was the same that dyed?
A63214Do you know that he went out of the Colledge at any time?
A63214Do you know that he went to any Gentlemans house some time before he left your house?
A63214Do you know when the Consult of the Jesuites was?
A63214Do you remember that?
A63214Do you say that he sojourned with you all June& July till the 23 th?
A63214Do your friends live here?
A63214Does he say any such thing now?
A63214Does he speak any English?
A63214Does that prove any dishonesty in Mr. Oates?
A63214Does your Father live here in Town?
A63214Doleman, what time in August did the King go to Windsor last Summer?
A63214Dr. Oates, Can I come to make good my Evidence against all I have done in my life?
A63214Dr. Oates, what was that Mony rais''d for?
A63214Dugdale there, said I?
A63214Ewers Mr. J. Pemberton, What to do?
A63214Examine your selves how often every day you do mistake things that have been transacted half a year ago, and err in point of time?
A63214Fenwick Mr. Parry, how long did Mr. Oates stay there, at St. Omers?
A63214Fenwick and Harcourt were there?
A63214Fenwick, Did he go away before June?
A63214Fenwick, Mr. Gifford, what do you know about Mr. Oates''s coming from St. Omers?
A63214Fenwick, Pray Sir, what do you know of Mr. Bedloe?
A63214Fenwick, What time was that, Sir, pray?
A63214Fenwick, When was this Mr. Prance?
A63214Fenwick, Who Father James?
A63214Fenwick, Who were they that came over with you?
A63214For God''s sake, where are the Commissions signed, and monies paid?
A63214For what end?
A63214From whence were those Letters sent?
A63214Gavan Not Guilty?
A63214Gavan, Pray, where was it Sir, that I gave an account of it, in London, or in the country?
A63214Gavan, Was it before Mr. Ashby went to the Bath?
A63214Gavan, What day?
A63214Gavan, What part of July?
A63214Gavan, What time in July?
A63214Gavan, What time?
A63214Gavan, You speak of one thing in August, and of another in July; which month saw you me in?
A63214Gaven in July last?
A63214Gaven in July?
A63214Gaven, How does she prove it?
A63214Gaven, Is it any harm, my Lord, to ask whether I might not be so tried?
A63214Gaven, Where was I in July?
A63214Gaven, Who brought it Sir?
A63214Gaven, how do you say is the meaning of this?
A63214Gentlem ● n, Are you all Agreed of your Verdict?
A63214Had you a long discourse with him?
A63214Had you no acquaintance with him before?
A63214Hall, what made you come into England?
A63214Harcourt, Can you say that ever ● ● pose to you about any such Business?
A63214Harcourt, I know nothing of it?
A63214Harcourt, My Lord, I desire to ask him one Question, When was the last time that you received any letters from me?
A63214Harcourt, What Paper is it?
A63214Harcourt, Who is it from?
A63214Harcourt, Who was by when this Bill was given?
A63214Hath Turner any thing to say?
A63214Have not I brought divers, and divers Portmantles?
A63214Have they ever told you any thing concerning the Killing of the King?
A63214Have you any more to ask, any of you?
A63214Have you any more to say?
A63214Have you any more?
A63214Have you any thing more to say to him?
A63214Have you any thing to say Mr. Fenwick?
A63214Have you not taken here as it is sworn, a Sacrament of Secresie?
A63214Have you proved it?
A63214He did not name any body, by whom?
A63214He says he was here in April, and at the Consult ▪ now I desire to know, how long before that time were you& I acquainted?
A63214He went away as I take it about the 10 th of June?
A63214Hil ● sh?
A63214Hilsly, I hope a Roman Catholick may be a lawfull witness?
A63214How I when you never saw him before that time?
A63214How came he to keep you company?
A63214How came you acquainted with him?
A63214How came you to come there?
A63214How came you to see it?
A63214How came you to take particular notice of it?
A63214How came you to take such particular notice Mr. Oates was there all this while?
A63214How came you to take such particular notice of him that he was there?
A63214How came you to take such particular notice of it that you can say, you saw him every other day?
A63214How can we prove one Cause in another?
A63214How can you remember what was said a year ago of one man?
A63214How can you say he did not stir thence all the while?
A63214How can you tell that?
A63214How can you tell that?
A63214How can you tell when a man is sick?
A63214How could he then come to know this?
A63214How could you know him when there were so many?
A63214How do you further know it to be upon Tuesday?
A63214How do you know it is the same man that suffered?
A63214How do you know it was he, did you speak with him then?
A63214How do you know it was in May, why might it not be in April?
A63214How do you know that Master Oates had no acquaintance with him before?
A63214How do you know that was the man that was executed?
A63214How do you know that?
A63214How do you know when Mr. Oates came over?
A63214How do you know you saw him then?
A63214How long ago is it since you knew him there?
A63214How long ago?
A63214How long before had you spoke to him?
A63214How long before?
A63214How long did he continue there?
A63214How long did he stay at my Lord''s?
A63214How long did he stay in the Infirmary?
A63214How long did he stay there?
A63214How long did you see him there?
A63214How long had you lived there?
A63214How long have you been from St. Omers?
A63214How long have you been in England?
A63214How long have you been in England?
A63214How long have you been in the Convent?
A63214How long have you know him?
A63214How long have you known him?
A63214How long in June?
A63214How long is it since you came from thence?
A63214How long was he absent?
A63214How long was he there then?
A63214How long was that after Mr. Hilsley went away?
A63214How long was that?
A63214How long were you in Mr. Irelands Company?
A63214How long?
A63214How long?
A63214How many Patents had you?
A63214How many are there that dine in one Room?
A63214How many days did he travel along with you?
A63214How often did you see him from the 24th of April to June?
A63214How often did you see him?
A63214How often did you see him?
A63214How old are you?
A63214How saist thou Anthony Turner, art thou Guilty of the same High Treason, or not Guilty?
A63214How saist thou John Gaven alias Gawen, art thou Guilty of the same High Treason, or not Guilty?
A63214How sayst thou Thomas White alias Whitebread, art thou guilty of this High Treason whereof thou standest indicted, or not guilty?
A63214How was it filled up?
A63214How were these letters conveyed?
A63214I am sure of it?
A63214I asked who should Govern them?
A63214I desire he may be asked, whether he be in the degree of a Priest or not?
A63214I hope, my Lord, we may ask him any questions in the court, of our Evidence, to make things clear?
A63214I only ask you one short question, Do you know when Mr. Oates left St Omers?
A63214I would ask you whether he could not possibly be absent, and make a step to London, and you be never the wiser?
A63214I would not interrupt you Mr. Oates, this was sometime before Mr. Ashby went to the Bath, was it not?
A63214I would seign have all the world hear this; pray what was Discoursed in the Parlour in my Lord Ashon''s house, and in Ewer''s Chamber?
A63214If you do n''t remember the time, say so?
A63214In short, Were Mr. Ireland and Mr. Harcourt together 〈 ◊ 〉 time?
A63214In what Room of my Lord Astons house was this Discourse?
A63214In what month?
A63214In what way?
A63214Is he Guilty of the High Treason whereof he stands Indicted, or not Guilty?
A63214Is it Patent or Patents?
A63214Is it not known, you have not a Proselyte, that you do not keep under Obligations as close as your Confession are?
A63214Is it not proper for me to say I have a Design to Dine with such a man to morrow, or he l ● ke?
A63214Is it not vain to put that in a Letter in words at length, which they, to whom it is writ, know what the thing means?
A63214Is it possible such a thing should be, and no sign of it for a whole year almost?
A63214Is it years ago?
A63214Is not the Danger too great to hazard that fact, which they call the nature of the thing, to intrust it in a Letter?
A63214Is that Gentleman here?
A63214Is that Patents?
A63214Is that the same man that you saw at Mr. Howards either in April or May?
A63214Is there a woman that you convert but in the Dark?
A63214Is there any body that can testifie where you were that day?
A63214Is there any thing that puts it into your mind more particularly?
A63214Is this all that you can say?
A63214It is from one Mr. Petre, do you know such a one?
A63214J How long have you known him?
A63214John Fenwick, art thou guilty of the same High Treason, or not guilty?
A63214Jury, My Lord, we desire to know what employment he is of now?
A63214Just, But what say you to Gavan and Ewers?
A63214L C, J, How can you tell?
A63214L. C. J And did you see him in May?
A63214L. C. J And when began you to be sick?
A63214L. C. J How can you tell?
A63214L. C. J How long have you been there?
A63214L. C. J When came you from St. Omers?
A63214L. C. J, And he was constantly in this Gentlemans company that day?
A63214L. C. J, But I say, did you ever see his Hand Writing before he writ the Bill?
A63214L. C. J, Did you keep Books of what meat and drink they had?
A63214L. C. J, Had you nothing about the Times?
A63214L. C. J, How do you know?
A63214L. C. J, How soon did you see him again after that?
A63214L. C. J, Was he never sick?
A63214L. C. J, What say you Mr. Oates?
A63214L. C. J, Why then would you make us lose all this time?
A63214L. C. J. Christmas last?
A63214L. C. J. I ask you, Are these people shut up at a certain time, and there is no coming to them upon any occasion?
A63214L. C. J. I ask you, recollect your self, was it by way of description of some Design or Plot, that those persons were to be chosen out?
A63214L. C. J. I thought you had said he confess''d the contents of the Letter, when he came out of Staffordshire?
A63214L. C. J. I will not ask him that question; but Mr. Clay, are you a Papist?
A63214L. C. J. Mrs. Winford, what say you?
A63214L. C. J. Pray did you see him in the year 1678, last year?
A63214L. C. J. Pray do you know where he was this time Twelvemonth?
A63214L. C. J. Youngman, in what Quality were you there?
A63214L. C. J. was he never absent?
A63214L. C. J. when was it that this was spoken?
A63214L. C. J. why, do n''t you know him Mr. Turner?
A63214L. J. C. Clay, What time of the month was it?
A63214L: C: J: Did you see Mr. Ireland in August?
A63214L: C: J: How do you know?
A63214L: C: J: Where did you see him?
A63214Levins Why Sir there are 150 Scholars there, how can you tell he was there so well?
A63214Levins, But where did you live before?
A63214Levins, Did not Mr. Ireland use to come there too?
A63214Levins, Did you see more than that one?
A63214Levins, Do you know Dr. Oates?
A63214Levins, Had he any discourse with you about Trade?
A63214Levins, Had not you carried many Letters to him?
A63214Levins, Heark you Sir, who maintained you at St, Omers?
A63214Levins, How long did you look upon him?
A63214Levins, Is that the man that you saw there?
A63214Levins, My Lord, here is Mr, Chetwin, pray swear him?
A63214Levins, Pray what can you say where this letter was found?
A63214Levins, Was he not absent in April or May?
A63214Levins, Well what say you, when did you see Dr. Oates in England?
A63214Levins, What Letters have you received from Mr. Harcourt?
A63214Levins, What can you say to any the prisoners at the Bar?
A63214Levins, What have you to say against Mr. Turner?
A63214Levins, What time did you see Mr. Ireland in London?
A63214Levins, What time was this?
A63214Levins, When was this?
A63214Lord Chief Baron, Now what have you to say every one of you for your selves, make your defence?
A63214Lord Chief Baron, What say you to Gavan?
A63214Lord Chief Baron, What say you to Turner?
A63214Lord Chief Just Was he there till June?
A63214Lord Chief Just, Where did you know him?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, And he did stay there all the while?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, But Mr. Dugdale, where is your Witness?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, But how shall a man know that what you say is true?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, From what time to what time?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, How many Letters have you intercepted, have you interepted Twenty?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, Is it a pin matter whether there were such a Bill or no, or whether he had mentioned it or no?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, Pray who mentioned this?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, Were you there all the time he was there?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, What did they consult there?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, What was that Consult and Conspiracy about, in short?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, What was that one particularly?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, What, for killing the King?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, When was this?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, Who broke it first to you?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, Why did you come over?
A63214Lord Chief Justice, You were acquainted with the hand?
A63214Lord Chief 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 read the Letters then?
A63214Might not he be in London the latter end of June or July, and you not know it, when he pretended to go to my Lord Aston''s?
A63214Mr, Clay, Yes, at Mr. Charles Howards, L, C. J, Where were you there with him?
A63214Mr. Bedloe, Kaines and Sir William Anderson ▪ Harcourt, How was this Bill drawn?
A63214Mr. Bedloe, What, Did I never bring but one Pacquet?
A63214Mr. Belwood, Did he ever use any Arguments to you, to prove the lawfulness of the Design?
A63214Mr. Belwood, Did you acquaint any body with this, or did you conceal it?
A63214Mr. Belwood, Do you know of any Reward those Russians were to have?
A63214Mr. Belwood, Pray, Sir, what was that for?
A63214Mr. Belwood, Pray, was either Whitebread or Fenwick knowing of the Agreement when it was spoken of?
A63214Mr. Belwood, Was Mr. Oates at Watton any part of the time?
A63214Mr. Belwood, What day?
A63214Mr. Gavan, I desire you to inform the Lords, and all here present, whether I was not under your Tuition?
A63214Mr. Harcourt, have you any more Witnesses?
A63214Mr. J. Dolben, What, the Boys at St. Omers now are gone?
A63214Mr. J. Pemberton, Who was it importuned you to have him for your Confessor?
A63214Mr. J. Pemberton: Can you tell every one that was there all that time?
A63214Mr. Just, Pemberton, When did you come into England?
A63214Mr. Justice Dolben, Who gave the Bill?
A63214Mr. Justice Pemberton, And are you sure that was Mr. Harcourts letter?
A63214Mr. Justice Windham, Will you ask him any Questions?
A63214Mr. Whitebread construes it, that it is his Commission; if so, does it lie in Oates or Bedlow''s power to shew that Commission?
A63214Mr. Whitebread, have you any Witnesses to call?
A63214My Lord, I desire to know, if a man be not convicted of the same offence, whether he be not a good Witness?
A63214North, I hope your witnesses are in readiness, that you were sp ● 〈 ◊ 〉 ● f, to fortify your Testimony?
A63214North, Were you there all May?
A63214Not in June?
A63214Now suppose the Witnesses were all equal, what does he prove against us Three?
A63214Now the Question is, whether it be true or no?
A63214Oates then?
A63214Oates there then?
A63214Oates was there by name?
A63214One of the witnesses says he saw him the first Munday in May, What signifie the witnesses, though upon Oath, that say they him in May?
A63214Or a Papist made out of a Preist''s hole?
A63214Or do you think it is a thing maliciously prepared or invented to take away the lives of these men, that his men should tell him a story so long ago?
A63214Or speak of i ●, on the Munday- night after when it was not known in London till the Thursday following?
A63214Pemberton, Heark you, how came you to take notice that he was at Watton one night?
A63214Pemberton, How do you know al that?
A63214Pemberton, Why did you come over, were you sent for over upon this oc ● asion?
A63214Pemberton, Why did you come over?
A63214Prance, do you speak any thing against Mr. Whitebread?
A63214Pray Mrs. what did that Minister say to you, and when, concerning Mr. Oates?
A63214Pray Sir, How came you to see these letters?
A63214Pray Sir, how long have you known him?
A63214Pray how often did you see him?
A63214Pray was it only one time or diverse; that you saw me in London?
A63214Pray what can you say to these Gentlemen?
A63214Pray where was it you saw that Letter?
A63214Pray, Sir, do you know that Mr. Oates was in England the beginning of last Summer?
A63214Pray, have you heard any Discourse of an Army, or about making a Massacre?
A63214Recorder Hath Mr. Fenwick any more Witnesses to call?
A63214Smith see him any other time after that?
A63214Suppose upon the taking of those printed Tryals they mistake, shall mr Oat therefore be thought guilty of perjury?
A63214That was the second of May?
A63214That you might do; but did you see him very day?
A63214This is that you say?
A63214This was the 11th of May?
A63214This you were not prepared for, and it was a question you did not come ready to answer: are you a Roman- Catholick?
A63214Thomas White alias Whitebread, art thou guilty of the High Treason whereof thou standest indicted, or not guilty?
A63214To whom was that letter writ?
A63214To whose?
A63214Turner Where was this?
A63214Turner, Have you any thing to say?
A63214Turner, Where was it you saw me?
A63214Turner, Where was it?
A63214Turner, Who was there?
A63214Upon what occasion?
A63214Upon what occasion?
A63214Upon what occasion?
A63214VVhat Goods or Chattels?
A63214VVho shall say for you?
A63214Was Gavan there?
A63214Was Gavan there?
A63214Was I there, pray Sir?
A63214Was Mr ▪ Ireland in Fenwicks company at that time in August?
A63214Was Mr. Gavan at that Consult the 24 th of April?
A63214Was any one talking with Ireland then?
A63214Was he in the Colledge in April?
A63214Was he not close when he was with you?
A63214Was he not in the Infirmary?
A63214Was he there all May?
A63214Was he there all May?
A63214Was he there all May?
A63214Was he there in all April, all May, and all June?
A63214Was it before he went to St. Omers?
A63214Was it in May that he told you he had seen him?
A63214Was it like the Hand that was to the consult?
A63214Was it new stile or old stile that you say Mr. Hilsly went away?
A63214Was it the same man that was Executed?
A63214Was my Lord Chamberlain there then?
A63214Was not I there?
A63214Was not Sir Robert Brett there?
A63214Was that in Whitebreads Letter?
A63214Was that the first time of your Acquaintance with him?
A63214Was that very word in the Letter, for killing the King?
A63214Well Mr. Gaven have you any more Witnesses to any other purpose?
A63214Well when did Sir John Warner come over from Saint Omers?
A63214Well, what do you ask him?
A63214Were any present there?
A63214Were they sent by the Ordinary Post?
A63214Were you acquainted with him before?
A63214Were you acquainted with him?
A63214Were you employ''d upon any such extraordinary matter?
A63214Were you here when Ireland was tryed?
A63214Were you in the Colledge then?
A63214Were you there all that time?
A63214Were you to be one?
A63214What Countrey- man are you?
A63214What Country Gentleman is he?
A63214What Country man are you?
A63214What Country- man are you?
A63214What Habit was he in?
A63214What Office had you there?
A63214What Proclamation was that?
A63214What Religion are you of?
A63214What Witnesses besides?
A63214What all June?
A63214What can you say as to Mr. Whitebread and Mr. Fenwick?
A63214What can you say?
A63214What day did you receive the Letter?
A63214What day of the week was that?
A63214What day was it that Mr. Hilsly went away?
A63214What day was it?
A63214What did he go thither for?
A63214What did you discourse about?
A63214What do you call them to prove?
A63214What do you infer from Irelands being there then?
A63214What do you know of any Forraign Assistance?
A63214What do you laught at Sirs?
A63214What do you mean to have counsell assigned you?
A63214What employment have you here, for you had a good place there?
A63214What every day?
A63214What for all April and all May?
A63214What from the 5th to the 9th?
A63214What is he?
A63214What is that Demand?
A63214What is the meaning of these Patents?
A63214What is this mans name?
A63214What is your Father?
A63214What is your Name?
A63214What is your name?
A63214What is your name?
A63214What is your name?
A63214What moneth did you see him in?
A63214What occasion had you to see him?
A63214What say you Master Whitebread?
A63214What say you to that?
A63214What say you, young Lad?
A63214What should make them to acquaint their master so, if it were not so?
A63214What time in April do you think?
A63214What time in the month of May?
A63214What time of the month?
A63214What time of the month?
A63214What time was it that Mr. Harcourt and Mr. Ireland conferred together about this same business?
A63214What time was it that he was there first?
A63214What time was this?
A63214What was Mr. Ewers?
A63214What was Pickring and Grove to have?
A63214What was it about?
A63214What was your Name at St. Omers?
A63214What were they to do?
A63214What will you say to that?
A63214What year?
A63214What, Old stile?
A63214What, do you keep a publick House?
A63214What, he came to sojourn with you, did he?
A63214What, was that your design of choosing a Procurator?
A63214When are the vacancies?
A63214When came he into the Colledge?
A63214When came you from S. Omers?
A63214When came you from Saint Omers?
A63214When came you from St Omers?
A63214When came you from St Omers?
A63214When came you from St. Omers?
A63214When came you from St. Omers?
A63214When came you from St. Omers?
A63214When came you to London?
A63214When did he go away?
A63214When did he tell that story?
A63214When did you come over into England last?
A63214When did you see Master Oates?
A63214When did you see Mr. Ireland?
A63214When did you see Mr. Ireland?
A63214When did you see Mr. Ireland?
A63214When did you see Mr. Oates there?
A63214When did you see Mr. Oates there?
A63214When did you see Mr. Oates?
A63214When did you see him at St. Omers?
A63214When did you see him first?
A63214When did you see him the second time?
A63214When did you see him, the beginning of last Summer?
A63214When did you see him?
A63214When else?
A63214When else?
A63214When saw you this same Mr. Oates at St. Omers?
A63214When w ● ● ● he 〈 ◊ 〉?
A63214When was he at St. Omers?
A63214When was he in the Infirmary?
A63214When was it that you say Mr. Hilsley was at St. Omers?
A63214When was it your Sister shew''d you him?
A63214When was it?
A63214When was that?
A63214When was that?
A63214When was that?
A63214When was that?
A63214When was that?
A63214When was the second time?
A63214When was the time that Mr. Conquest went for England?
A63214When was this?
A63214When was this?
A63214When was this?
A63214When went Fenwick?
A63214When went he first into this recluse way?
A63214When you saw that Letter: had you ever seen his hand before?
A63214When, the Latter end of July?
A63214Where did he go when he went from you?
A63214Where did he take his leave?
A63214Where did you see him in August or September?
A63214Where did you see him?
A63214Where did you see him?
A63214Where did you see him?
A63214Where did you see him?
A63214Where did you see him?
A63214Where does your Father live?
A63214Where had you that Commission from Whitebread?
A63214Where the Commissions?
A63214Where was Mr. Gaven in July last?
A63214Where was he for all the former part of July till those eight days?
A63214Where was he in April?
A63214Where was he the last fortnight?
A63214Where was he then?
A63214Where was he?
A63214Where was that?
A63214Where was the first three weeks in July?
A63214Where were the monies paid?
A63214Which Gentleman?
A63214Which do you say, Did you see him every other day, or every day?
A63214Which was done Sir Chr: Levins, Come on Mr. Prance, What can you say to Mr. Fenwick or any of the others?
A63214Whitebread, Did I tell you so?
A63214Whitebread, Did you say any thing of that at the last Tryal?
A63214Whitebread, I desire to ask him whether he was a Lieutenant in Flanders or no?
A63214Whitebread, No, my Lord, how could this stand together?
A63214Whitebread, Of Horse or Foot?
A63214Whitebread, Was not Mr. Nevel there?
A63214Whitebread, do any write after that manner?
A63214Who began the discourse?
A63214Who is your Father?
A63214Who told you so?
A63214Who told you?
A63214Who was present at the signing of this Commission?
A63214Why did he read when he was sick?
A63214Why did you skip the beginning of April?
A63214Why does not all this stand together?
A63214Why he differs from all the rest?
A63214Why may they not be mistaken as well with that portion of time, as they were in the other wherein they so much differed one from another?
A63214Why then you saw him at least twelve days?
A63214Why was he not fit to be employed among you?
A63214Why what month did he go away?
A63214Why, do you set down the day of the month when any one comes to you?
A63214Why, you did not count Mr. Oates a Boy, did you?
A63214Why, you do not count a ● l Boys there, do you?
A63214Will you be pleased to take notice of this?
A63214Would you ask your fellow if you be a Thief?
A63214Yet you can not tell the time that he went away?
A63214You answer readily as to June and July, why did you stick at the month of May, more than the other Months?
A63214You came over upon this occasion did you?
A63214You do not understand my Question, do you want any witnesses, now, that you may have another time?
A63214You of the Jury, look upon the prisoner: How say you?
A63214You say he was sick in April?
A63214You say he was there?
A63214You say the first of May he was there, how can you tell?
A63214You say you saw him every other day?
A63214You say you were then in Staffordshire, and might not you set your hand afterwards when you came to Town?
A63214You say, Sir, you saw his hand to the Consult that was in April; pray when was it that you saw it?
A63214You were in town in July?
A63214You were not acquainted with Mr. Whitebreads hand, were you?
A63214and do you work with any Light, but that of a Dark Lanthorn?
A63214and how many were present?
A63214and then too he had been provided to make his defence, Can he come prepared to make good every thing that he hath said in his life?
A63214and what reward?
A63214and whether you knew any unjust action by me?
A63214at Sir Richard Barker''s House?
A63214can you charge your memory with that?
A63214can you name any one?
A63214did he ever stay five or six days?
A63214did you see him tried here?
A63214did you see his Face or his Back?
A63214do you remember any passages about the time he left your house?
A63214for you know, when I asked you where he was in April, then you said he was at home; why do you doubt whether he was there in May or no?
A63214how often did you see him there?
A63214in England?
A63214in what Town was this?
A63214of April, and staied here about 6 or 7 days?
A63214of April, and stay but 6 days; and be seen here in May?
A63214of August, was it not?
A63214of June, the time he says you were there at the seeing of the Play?
A63214of his being there the first time?
A63214or was it his name only that was to it?
A63214or was it in downright words for killing the King?
A63214pray tell us why it is not as certain to you that he was not there in May as that he was there in June; why do you doubt more of it?
A63214upon what day?
A63214was he never away from you all that time?
A63214was it every other day?
A63214was not you at the White- Horse- Tavern?
A63214was that in Whitebreads''s Letter?
A63214was that the first time that ever they discoursed of the death of the King?
A63214what are you?
A63214what hour?
A63214what imployment were you to have?
A63214what month?
A63214what were you there?
A63214where lives h ●?
A63214where was m ●, Oates?
A63214who seemed that principal man?
A63214〈 ◊ 〉 Chief Baron, What were those Consultations for?
A25877''T is all but Evidence of a Presbyterian Plot, therefore pray Sir, what was the discourse between Justice Warcup and you?
A25877''T is strange you will stick to nothing; When was it we were at the Green Dragon Tavern?
A25877( pray speak) did you see any more?
A258773. does not say that there shall be two positive Witnesses to Treason?
A25877A Petition from whom?
A25877About what?
A25877Among vvhom?
A25877And I asked him to what purpose?
A25877And after the 3 d. of August?
A25877And can you tell so long ago, not onely your own Actions, but testifie to all other mens Actions too that were in the Room?
A25877And does he speak of another time when I shewed him the Back, Breast, and Arms?
A25877And he asked, whether they had any Discourse that tended to justifie their former Votes?
A25877And he overtook you upon the Road?
A25877And how much of that Ribband had he, pray?
A25877And then you came from thence towards London the next day?
A25877And was that the true Interest of the Nation, to cut off the King''s Head?
A25877And what do you mean by having them go to Breda?
A25877And when he came up to me, How now, said I, honest Joyner?
A25877And you and Mr. Bolron came together?
A25877And you did not see him from the Monday before, till that Sunday?
A25877And you left Mr. Smith behind?
A25877And you take it upon your Oath, that he asked you, who Haynes was?
A25877And you take upon you to have such a perfect memory, as to the Actions of all the Persons that were in the Room?
A25877Another time he came to speak with my Tenant Mrs. Scot, who is now gone into Ireland; when he came to the house, he asked me, is Mrs. Scot within?
A25877Are not your Witnesses together?
A25877Are you Bolron''s Wife?
A25877Are you Guilty or Not Guilty?
A25877Are you Guilty or Not Guilty?
A25877Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25877Are you Guilty or not Guilty?
A25877Are you Guilty, or Not Guilty?
A25877Are you Guilty, or Not Guilty?
A25877Are you sure there was no such thing?
A25877As to Dugdale or Turbervile?
A25877As to this Presbyterian Plot, Sir?
A25877At Oxford?
A25877Bryan Haynes?
A25877But Mr. Atterbury, before you go down, pray tell the Court, did you take any of these papers at my house, or at my Brother- in- law Spurs house?
A25877But by whom?
A25877But did you ever hear me say any thing against His Majesty or the Government?
A25877But did you hear him say any thing of these words, that he was employed in a Plot against the Protestants?
A25877But he sung this Libel?
A25877But shall I not have my Papers my Lord?
A25877But shall not we talk among ourselves?
A25877But was this Treasonable discourse before you made the Affidavit, or after?
A25877But, Mr. Everard, have you any more to say concerning any of them?
A25877But, my Lord, pray let me ask you one Question more; You take these words distinct from any matter of fact, do n''t you?
A25877But, pray, tell us again what he said of the King''s running away?
A25877By whom is it subscribed?
A25877By whom was it presented?
A25877Ca n''t you answer him?
A25877Can not you tell, whether you be Guilty or Not Guilty of this Treason?
A25877Can you believe, said I, that my Lord of Shaftsbury will betray you?
A25877Can you deny that?
A25877Can you prove this now?
A25877Can you remember a matter so distinctly, which Dr. Oates says was a year and half ago?
A25877Can you say any thing concerning this matter that is sworn against me of Treason?
A25877Can you say nothing of your own knowledge concerning Turbervile?
A25877Can you write and read, Mistress?
A25877Certainly, my Lord, the thing speaks it; he is not to be talked withal; Is it probable I should talk to an Irish- man that does not understand Sense?
A25877Come will you call any Witnesses?
A25877Come, Mr. Smith, do you know Mr. Colledge?
A25877Come, what say you?
A25877Come, who do you call else?
A25877Culprit, by whom wilt thou be tryed?
A25877Did I discourse who were to joyn with me?
A25877Did I say any thing, Sir, who I had those Arms against?
A25877Did I say so to you at my Lord Lovelace''s?
A25877Did I speak these Treasonable words after the Affidavit made?
A25877Did Mr. Smith and you and I go together?
A25877Did Mr. Smith go with us?
A25877Did he in Oxford desire this of you?
A25877Did he make any comparison between his own Party and the King''s Party?
A25877Did he make this explication to you?
A25877Did he publish that in the Intelligence?
A25877Did he say so?
A25877Did he say what he was offered, and by whom?
A25877Did he say, If he had not ran away he would have seized him?
A25877Did he speak it openly or privately to you?
A25877Did he swear they were all in my company at Oxon?
A25877Did he tell you he had them here?
A25877Did he tell you of any that were listed, in order to the coming down of the Parliament at Oxford?
A25877Did he tell you of any that were listed?
A25877Did he tell you so?
A25877Did he tell you that here?
A25877Did he tell you this was of his making?
A25877Did not he say that the Dutchess of Portsmouth employed him too?
A25877Did not the Indictment say so?
A25877Did not you call me out, with Macnamarra and Haynes, to the Hercules Pillars?
A25877Did not you ramble I do n''t know how, and yet you were suffered to go on?
A25877Did not you swear against my Lord Stafford?
A25877Did not you tell Zeale of such a thing?
A25877Did the Jury believe you?
A25877Did the Kings Waterman take any shavings by himself?
A25877Did they go accordingly?
A25877Did they say what time I should be hang''d?
A25877Did this man shew it you?
A25877Did we go into Cabals two and two together there?
A25877Did you come a purpose to speak with me, or had you any business particularly with me?
A25877Did you come for shavings there pray Mr. Atterbury?
A25877Did you ever hear me speak against the King or the Government?
A25877Did you ever hear me speak any thing against the Government?
A25877Did you ever hear me speak any thing against the King or the Government?
A25877Did you ever say the contrary, pray?
A25877Did you ever see him, Bolron?
A25877Did you find an Original of that in my Chamber?
A25877Did you hear Mr. Smith say any thing against me?
A25877Did you hear any Treasonable discourse between us?
A25877Did you hear him declare this at London?
A25877Did you know Bryan Haynes?
A25877Did you never declare to any Gentleman of Oxford, that Colledge made this Picture?
A25877Did you never hear him talk against the Government?
A25877Did you not swear at London that I spoke these words there, which now you say I spoke here?
A25877Did you see him have any Pistol?
A25877Did you see him in his Silk Armour about the Parliament- House, the Lobby, or any place?
A25877Did you see him write it?
A25877Did you see them in his hand?
A25877Did you sell any Mum?
A25877Did you stay after Dinner?
A25877Did you swear then, that the words you swear now were spoken at London?
A25877Did you tell her you had nothing to say against her Master that would touch his life?
A25877Did you tell him that other passage, when you swore you would not starve?
A25877Did you tell your Master soon after they were left there?
A25877Do I charge you since the Parliament?
A25877Do you ask him any more questions?
A25877Do you call any more Witnesses, Gentlemen?
A25877Do you call any more Witnesses?
A25877Do you challenge him Peremptorily, or with Cause?
A25877Do you deny what they say to be true, Mr. Dugdale?
A25877Do you know Bryan Haynes, Mr. Lun?
A25877Do you know Bryan Haynes?
A25877Do you know Haynes, pray?
A25877Do you know Haynes?
A25877Do you know John Smith?
A25877Do you know John Smith?
A25877Do you know Narrative Smith?
A25877Do you know Turbervile, Sir?
A25877Do you know Turbervile?
A25877Do you know any thing against Mr. Dugdale?
A25877Do you know any thing concerning Mr. Smith?
A25877Do you know any thing more Sir?
A25877Do you know any thing of Turbervill or Dugdale?
A25877Do you know any thing of a Presbyterian Plot?
A25877Do you know any thing of any Arms he had, and for what?
A25877Do you know any thing of the Papers that were carried to my Brother George Spurrs?
A25877Do you know any thing of the rest of them; Haynes, or Smith, or Dugdale?
A25877Do you know any thing of the rest, Doctor?
A25877Do you know any thing of this Conspiracy in general?
A25877Do you know any thing of your own knowledge?
A25877Do you know him, Sir?
A25877Do you know me, Sir, said he?
A25877Do you know no more Sir?
A25877Do you know that Gentleman, Mr. Bolron?
A25877Do you know this Bryan Haynes, pray?
A25877Do you remember how long ago that was?
A25877Do you say I set you upon that?
A25877Doe''s any body accuse me that I did?
A25877For what are the Evidence that have ● ● ● ved this?
A25877For what purpose?
A25877From whom?
A25877Gaoler, have you your Prisoner?
A25877Gen. And you found too those that were printed?
A25877Gen. Are these the same Papers?
A25877Gen. Did he desire you to be one of them?
A25877Gen. Did he disperse them to any Body else?
A25877Gen. Did he give you Ten pound to Swear?
A25877Gen. Did he name any one?
A25877Gen. Did he swear any thing on your behalf, for your credit, Mr. Dugdale?
A25877Gen. Did he tell you he came down for that purpose to seize the King?
A25877Gen. Did he tell you to what purpose you should Arm your self?
A25877Gen. Did not you find him a bragging Man?
A25877Gen. Did you ever know him forswear himself?
A25877Gen. Did you lie together?
A25877Gen. Did you not shew it in Oxford?
A25877Gen. Do you go to Church, Mistress?
A25877Gen. Do you know any thing of any Pictures of Mr. Colledge''s making?
A25877Gen. For what purpose did he desire you to arm your self?
A25877Gen. For what?
A25877Gen. Has Mr. Turbervile told you any thing?
A25877Gen. How came you by that Original?
A25877Gen. How did he describe it to you, when he shewed it to you?
A25877Gen. How long have you been a Protestant, Mr. Colledge?
A25877Gen. How long is it ago since he left that place?
A25877Gen. Is it to this matter?
A25877Gen. Mr. College; can any body tell whether you be Guilty or no, better then your self?
A25877Gen. Mr. Smith, did you deliver these two Papers to the Prisoner?
A25877Gen. Mr. Smith, did you never hear Mr. Colledge speak any ill words of the King?
A25877Gen. My Lord, I desire you would please to send for Mr. Starkey?
A25877Gen. Pray Mistress, did you believe him when he told you he was so honest a Man?
A25877Gen. Pray let me ask you that question again, When was this that he said he believed he was an honest man?
A25877Gen. Pray, what account did he give you of it?
A25877Gen. Theirs and theirs, who did he mean?
A25877Gen. To what purpose did he bring them?
A25877Gen. Was it before Dinner, or after Dinner that Colledge fell asleep behind the Table?
A25877Gen. Was it on Saturday last?
A25877Gen. Was that Gentleman sworn at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal, Mr. Dugdale?
A25877Gen. Was that the same Allowance you had when you were Witness for the Popish Plot?
A25877Gen. Was there no Silk Armor?
A25877Gen. Was this Gentleman sworn to your Reputation there?
A25877Gen. We shall talk of that by and by?
A25877Gen. Well go on Sir?
A25877Gen. Well, go on, What more do you know?
A25877Gen. What Trade are you?
A25877Gen. What did he desire you to do?
A25877Gen. What did you know of his delivering any Marks or Signs for Persons to be distinguished by?
A25877Gen. What do you know concerning Mr. Starkey, and what he did offer you?
A25877Gen. What do you know of any Pictures or Papers, have you any about you?
A25877Gen. What do you know of any Pictures?
A25877Gen. What say you to Mr. Masters?
A25877Gen. What say you your self?
A25877Gen. What was that for?
A25877Gen. What were the Papers you delivered to him in the Tower?
A25877Gen. Where do you dwell, Sir?
A25877Gen. Where was this?
A25877Gen. Where was your Master all that time?
A25877Gen. Who did he mean by Rowley?
A25877Gen. Who do you mean by they?
A25877Gen. Who was the Author did he say?
A25877Gen. Who were they that were to be with him in that Design of his?
A25877Gen. Will you ask him any more Questions, Mr. Colledge?
A25877Gen. Will you ask him any more Questions?
A25877Gen. Will you give us an Account of your knowledge of him?
A25877Gentlemen, are you agreed of your Verdict?
A25877Had they been at Dinner with us there?
A25877Had you ever seen me before?
A25877Hark you Sir, were there no disputations in Divinity?
A25877Hark you, Mr. Ivy; you have sworn against me, have you not?
A25877Have you any Estate?
A25877Have you any more Witnesses?
A25877Have you any more of them?
A25877Have you any other Allowance than what you had before, when you gave Evidence at my Lord Stafford''s Tryal?
A25877Have you any thing against Macnamarra?
A25877Have you any thing to ask Mr. Masters?
A25877Have you done with your Witnesses?
A25877Have you done, Mr. Colledge?
A25877Have you it there?
A25877Have you no Plea in Law?
A25877Have you proved any thing of this?
A25877Have you proved one jot of it?
A25877Have you proved that?
A25877Have you seen Raree Shew?
A25877Have you seen him at Church lately?
A25877Haynes stood by, and he asked, Who he was?
A25877He would be one that should secure the King, if he seized any of the Members?
A25877He would have had you sworn it, would he?
A25877Heark you now, you talk of Pistols, do you know that he had any Pistols in his Holsters at Oxford?
A25877Here is the King''s Health to you: So I drank, and I asked him how he did?
A25877Here you say he explained this with the Pack at the back to be the King?
A25877How came you there?
A25877How came you to have so many seized in your house?
A25877How comes any body to give you Papers?
A25877How did he explain it to you, Mr. Dugdale?
A25877How did he express himself?
A25877How do you know Spur carried any away?
A25877How do you know that?
A25877How do you mean, Sir?
A25877How does he come to know, that by that word I meant the King?
A25877How long ago is it since we were at the White Hart together?
A25877How long ago is this?
A25877How long ago was it, pray?
A25877How long before I was taken?
A25877How long do you think must we sit here to hear other peoples stories?
A25877How long have you known him?
A25877How long is it ago since you were in my Company last?
A25877How long was it before the Sitting of the Parliament?
A25877How long was it before they were seized?
A25877How long?
A25877How often have you seen him?
A25877How say''st thou Stephen Colledge, art thou Guilty of this High Treason whereof thou standest indicted and hast been now arraigned, or Not Guilty?
A25877I am not a Carpenter, but a Joyner, Is that any Bar to it?
A25877I ask him, was he the first time with us, when I was called out of the Coffee- house to hear Haynes''s Discovery?
A25877I ask when it was the first time you were acquainted with me so much as to know me well?
A25877I ask whether he hath given any Evidence against me any where?
A25877I ask you whether it was the same with this?
A25877I ask you whether you have or no?
A25877I ask you, Sir, Whether the Song which you say was sung at my Lord Lovelace''s, and other places, was the same with this?
A25877I beseech you Sr. have you any body to prove this?
A25877I do n''t know you, Sir; but what do you know of him?
A25877I do only desire one thing, I do not say, that you ever had Raree Shew, but did you ever tell any body that Colledge made any of these Pictures?
A25877I met him, and said I, Where are now all your Cracks and Brags?
A25877I never saw the Man before he was at Uxbridge; and asking Mr. White who he was?
A25877I put it, did I make it?
A25877I saw Mr. Turbervile since I come hither, and he asked, Are you come, Mr. Broadgate, to give Evidence against me?
A25877I would ask you, whether you ever had any Discourse with that Gentleman?
A25877I would know, was it between that place and London?
A25877I would see what opinion he had of the Church of England; there are some Church- men, what are they a doing?
A25877If I am ignorant what Questions to ask of the Witnesses, shall not my Friends help me my Lord?
A25877If matters of Law arise, shall I have Counsel to speak to them?
A25877If you are my Counsel, then have I any Plea in Law to make?
A25877If your Lordships please, whether or no I may deliver in these Papers?
A25877In the company of whom?
A25877Is Justice Warcup an Evidence here?
A25877Is Thomas Deacon there?
A25877Is he here?
A25877Is it for this Man to ask me, my Lord, such a Question?
A25877Is it not lawful for the Kings Counsel to confer together?
A25877Is it not my right, that I ought to have a Copy of the Jury?
A25877Is it so probable a thing, that any men of common knowledge would do it?
A25877Is not Counsel to be allowed to one under my Circumstances?
A25877Is that all you have to say?
A25877Is there any thing relating to White- hall?
A25877Is this man Sworn?
A25877Is this the man, Shirland?
A25877It was since the Parliament sat at Oxford: But what was that he was employed to do, did he say?
A25877Jeff What did they say nothing all the while?
A25877Jefferies, Be quiet; art thou got into Dialogues with the Maid now?
A25877L. J. C. How long since?
A25877Levinz Who did tell you so?
A25877Look you, Mr. Colledge; what word is there in all this Petition that is a contradiction to what they have said now?
A25877May I have any Friends come to see me in the mean time?
A25877Mr. Bolron, what is Mr. Shirland?
A25877Mr. Colledge, If you please I will answer you as to that, I do assure you?
A25877Mr. Colledge, Will you consider upon what Mr. Dugdale was called up about, the Exposition of the Name Rowley?
A25877Mr. Colledge, will you call any other Witnesses?
A25877Mr. Everard, Do you know any thing more concerning him, what he hath said at other times concerning me?
A25877Mr. Everard, do you know any thing more?
A25877Mr. Jones, Where did you hear him say that?
A25877Mr. Mowbray, Pray Sir do you know Narrative Smith, as he calls himself?
A25877Mr. Mowbray, was Bolron''s Wife by when this Discourse was?
A25877Mr. S. G. Who went along with Colledge?
A25877Mr. S. G. Who went along with Mr. Smith?
A25877Mr. Smith, Where was this Discourse I had with you?
A25877Mr. Smith, did he never deliver you any of those Pictures?
A25877Mr. Turbervile, when did you give in this Information against me?
A25877Mr. Yates, pray was there nothing in the Coffee- house about one that he asked to go with him, when he said he knew nothing against me?
A25877Mrs. Bolron, Pray do you know Mr. John Smith?
A25877Mrs. Oliver, do you know any thing more of him?
A25877Must I keep him in Custody?
A25877Must she tell you all she knows?
A25877Must that necessarily follow upon my saying, I might be a Colonel in time, and that more bloud would be lost?
A25877My Lord, I am a Stranger to the Prisoner at the Bar; what I have to say is concerning Mr. Turbervile whom I met one day, and he asked me, how I did?
A25877My Lord, may not I have a Pannel of the Jury?
A25877My Lord, ought not I to have a Copy of this Jury?
A25877No, only this; Do you swear, upon your Oath, that you found the Original in my House?
A25877None but one I borrowed of you, and that you had again; had I?
A25877Nor against the King?
A25877Nor of Philosophy?
A25877Nor that what he had said against Colledge was true?
A25877Nor was ever promised any thing?
A25877Not Guilty is his Plea?
A25877Not before?
A25877Not one word of that?
A25877Not to help me to my right in Law?
A25877Now for the Cut then; Did he shew you this Cut?
A25877Now the Question is, Are you Guilty or Not Guilty?
A25877Now then, I ask you, where was that place that he met with you?
A25877Of some design of the Protestants, said I: What, against the Government?
A25877Or did he name me?
A25877Or that he was to swear against me, or any Protestant?
A25877Or will you call any more?
A25877Ought I not to have that Paper my Lord?
A25877Pray Mr. Lewes, what do you know about Turbervile?
A25877Pray Mr. Turbervile will you tell my Lord and the Jury what discourse you had with Mr. Colledge, and where, and when?
A25877Pray Sir, You go too fast already, as you are still gallopping; where was this discourse about his Majesty?
A25877Pray Sir, do you know that Person there?
A25877Pray Sir, do you know who went together thither?
A25877Pray Sir, let me ask you one Question, When came you from York?
A25877Pray Sr. how many are there of the Jury that appear?
A25877Pray answer me, Sir, When was the first time I talked to you?
A25877Pray at that time he talked to you, did not he tell you of the Sitting of the Parliament, and that they would stand by you?
A25877Pray did you ever hear me speak for the King?
A25877Pray did you hear any discourse that time as if there had been a meeting upon Fleet- bridge?
A25877Pray do you know Mr. Smith?
A25877Pray go on, when do you think we shall have done else?
A25877Pray how come we to talk of such things?
A25877Pray my Lord let me have my Papers?
A25877Pray what Arms did I bring to your house, Sir?
A25877Pray who came with you in the Company?
A25877Pray who intends to murder you?
A25877Pray, Mr. Dugdale, what had you to give this your Information?
A25877Pray, Mr. Dugdale, what was the use was to be made of this Ballad?
A25877Pray, Sir, did you find me inclined to the Popish Interest?
A25877Pray, Sir, how long ago was this?
A25877Pray, Sir, what do you know concerning Dugdale?
A25877Pray, Sir, what do you know of Mr. Dugdale?
A25877Pray, do you know Mr. Bryan Haynes?
A25877Pray, how came you by this Witness?
A25877Pray, my Lord, who hath been Sworn against me?
A25877Pray, when was the first time you gave this Evidence?
A25877Pray, where is it?
A25877Pray, who did you give it before?
A25877Recollect your self, pray, was Mr. Colledge asleep there?
A25877Said I, If you will not give it to any body else, Will you give it to Mr. Michael Godfrey, Sir Godfrey''s Brother?
A25877Said I, by whom?
A25877Said I, did not you tell me so and so?
A25877Said he, Sir, will you drink?
A25877Said he, These Papers are to be left here; said I, Who do they come from?
A25877Said he,''t is a Sham Plot: I asked him, what he meant by that Sham Plot?
A25877Sayes he, What would you have us do?
A25877Says I, Did Mr. Fitz- harris move for Haynes Pardon?
A25877Shall I not have my Papers after I have pleaded?
A25877Shall I not have the Use of the Papers my Lord: Will you not please to deliver them back to me, now you have perused them?
A25877Shall my Ignorance destroy me, Mr. Attorney?
A25877Sir, did you see that Trumpery taken?
A25877Sir, do you know any thing more of him?
A25877So, after he came from Oxon, I met with Mr. Turbervile again; and, hearing he had been there, I asked him if he had sworn any thing against Colledge?
A25877Suppose all men of your condition should have gon to have guarded the Parliament, what an Assembly had there been?
A25877That Night?
A25877That is Towzer; but have you the Original of the Rary Shew?
A25877The Speech is not fit for you, what other Papers would you have?
A25877The first discourse you talk of, what I told you going to Mr. Wilcox''s to dinner; and when it was?
A25877The next morning I came to him again, and said I, I am come again; what must I do?
A25877Then said I to him, Why, what is the matter there?
A25877Then they were in your house?
A25877There was nothing at all spoken of?
A25877This your Tenant told you, what do you know your self?
A25877To be assisting in any thing?
A25877To what Church?
A25877To whom?
A25877To whom?
A25877Twice, do you say?
A25877Upon what Picture was it, that I took occasion to explain the name Rowley to you?
A25877Upon what occasion did I explain it to you?
A25877Upon your Oath, did you tell him so?
A25877Was John Smith there?
A25877Was Mr. Peacock Mrs. Fits- harris Maids Father, or she here, either of them Witnesses against you?
A25877Was all this in the presence of Mr. Bolron?
A25877Was he alone?
A25877Was he at Church there then, and received the Sacrament?
A25877Was he in your Country the last Easter?
A25877Was he never in the Company of Colledge at your house?
A25877Was he to swear against the Protestants?
A25877Was it above stairs, or below?
A25877Was it before it was printed then that he sung it?
A25877Was it in a week before?
A25877Was it such a little Room that you could hear all was said?
A25877Was that his common Application for the King?
A25877Was that in Oxford?
A25877Was that the first time?
A25877Was there any Body by at Oxford, when you did hear me talk of Arming my self?
A25877Was there any Body by at my explaining of these Pictures?
A25877Was there any body besides us two there?
A25877Was there any of this discourse you speak of passed there between us?
A25877Was there no Body by?
A25877Was this after he had been at the Old- bayly, or before?
A25877Was you present when it was delivered?
A25877Was your Father in the Fleet then?
A25877We have nothing to say to them?
A25877Well, go on, have you any more?
A25877Well, what do you ask her?
A25877Well, what say you to him?
A25877Well, will you ask him any thing?
A25877Were you Examined in my Lord Stafford''s Tryal?
A25877Were you an intimate Acquaintance of his before March last?
A25877Were you at the Coffee- house when I went along with your Brother?
A25877Were you at the Dinner which Mr. Wilcox gave your Brother?
A25877Were you in my Company any where, but in those two places?
A25877Were you in their company in Oxford here?
A25877Were you much conversant with him?
A25877Were you there all the while?
A25877Were you to come to Oxford, by agreement, with Mr. Colledge?
A25877What Actions, my Lord?
A25877What Arms did you see of mine in this Town?
A25877What Business?
A25877What Church do you frequent in London to hear Divine Service?
A25877What City?
A25877What Countryman are you, Sir?
A25877What Moneth as near as you can?
A25877What Picture was it I gave you there?
A25877What Religion are you of?
A25877What Sir?
A25877What Statute is this Inditement grounded upon?
A25877What Trade, Sir?
A25877What a story is this?
A25877What about, Sir?
A25877What are you, Sir?
A25877What ask you him?
A25877What before you have pleaded?
A25877What can you say of him?
A25877What day was the Tryal of Sir Miles Stapleton?
A25877What did I say, Sir, about my Armour?
A25877What did he mean by the two Faces?
A25877What did he say he would do to the King?
A25877What did he say if the King did not yield to the Parliament?
A25877What did he say of himself?
A25877What did he say of the Parliament since?
A25877What did he say to you about it?
A25877What did they talk of?
A25877What did you hear Turbervile say?
A25877What do I know?
A25877What do yo say as to this Witness?
A25877What do you ask her?
A25877What do you ask her?
A25877What do you ask him now he is here?
A25877What do you ask him, Mr. Colledge?
A25877What do you ask him?
A25877What do you ask him?
A25877What do you ask him?
A25877What do you ask him?
A25877What do you ask him?
A25877What do you ask him?
A25877What do you ask of him?
A25877What do you know concerning Mr. Dugdale?
A25877What do you know more about Haynes?
A25877What do you know more?
A25877What do you know of Mr. Smith?
A25877What do you know of Mr. Turbervile?
A25877What do you know of him?
A25877What do you know of him?
A25877What do you know of him?
A25877What do you know of him?
A25877What do you know of him?
A25877What do you know of him?
A25877What do you know of him?
A25877What do you know of it?
A25877What do you mean by Cabals?
A25877What do you mean by that Mr. Smith?
A25877What had he to do to engage himself, before his Advice was required?
A25877What have you sworn against me?
A25877What have you to say more?
A25877What he knows of Mr. Smith?
A25877What is all this to the purpose?
A25877What is he?
A25877What is it Mr. Attorney?
A25877What is it that you know concerning Mr. Colledge at Oxford, Sir?
A25877What is that, pray Sr. George?
A25877What is the Gentlemans Name?
A25877What is this to your purpose Mr. Colledge?
A25877What is your Christian Name?
A25877What is your Christian Name?
A25877What is your Christian Name?
A25877What is your Christian name, Sir?
A25877What is your Christian- name, Sir?
A25877What is your Name, Sir?
A25877What just after the same manner, in raising War and Rebellion against the King?
A25877What man was that?
A25877What occasion was there that I should talk Treason of the King to you?
A25877What of your Conspiracy?
A25877What said he further?
A25877What say you against him?
A25877What say you to it, Mr. Turbervile?
A25877What say you to the discourse he talks of at Fleet- Bridge?
A25877What say you to this Gentleman?
A25877What then?
A25877What thing done?
A25877What think you of our perusing the Papers?
A25877What times were those?
A25877What to do?
A25877What use did he say he would make of them?
A25877What was it, can you remember any part of it?
A25877What was it?
A25877What was meant by the Pack?
A25877What was that you heard Turbervile say of me, or of any Presbyterian Plot?
A25877What was the answer he made you?
A25877What was the reason you did not discover this Treason before?
A25877What were the base things he said he was to do, and would not do?
A25877What were the words?
A25877What were they?
A25877What will you ask her?
A25877What words did I say there?
A25877What words have they and you heard, and rebuked me for?
A25877What would you ask him, Mr. Colledge?
A25877What would you ask him?
A25877What would you ask of him now?
A25877What, of all of them?
A25877When I was in the House with him, he then said Mr. Wilcox gave Mony to provide Arms: I asked for what?
A25877When did he carry them?
A25877When did you come from York?
A25877When did you discover it?
A25877When he had been there, what did he say?
A25877When he said he would not do those base things, did you believe him?
A25877When is it dated?
A25877When was it that I gave you any Pictures there?
A25877When was it, Sir?
A25877When was it?
A25877When was it?
A25877When was that discourse, I ask you once again?
A25877When was that?
A25877When was that?
A25877When was the first discourse you had with him?
A25877When was the first time Mr. Smith came into your company?
A25877When was this?
A25877When was this?
A25877When was this?
A25877When were you last at the publick Church?
A25877When were you to make Use of it?
A25877Where at my Lord Lovelace''s?
A25877Where did he tell you this?
A25877Where did you swear these particulars were done then?
A25877Where do you dwell, Sir?
A25877Where do you live, Sir?
A25877Where had you it?
A25877Where had you that Picture from me that they call Raree Shew?
A25877Where is Aaron Smith?
A25877Where is George Spur?
A25877Where is Mr. Symonds?
A25877Where is it in Oxfordshire?
A25877Where is it?
A25877Where is that Room?
A25877Where is that?
A25877Where is that?
A25877Where is the Petition to the Common Council, Doctor?
A25877Where is the Prisoner Stephen Colledge?
A25877Where is your Friend, said I?
A25877Where was it I said those words in Oxford?
A25877Where was it he was in His Majesties Service?
A25877Where was it to be distributed?
A25877Where was it?
A25877Where was it?
A25877Where was this discourse about superseding your Warrant?
A25877Where was this he explained it?
A25877Where was this he said so?
A25877Where was this spoken?
A25877Where was this?
A25877Where was this?
A25877Where was this?
A25877Where were the other Discourses I had with you?
A25877Where, in his Pocket?
A25877Whereabouts in Somersetshire were you born?
A25877Whether he knows me and my Education?
A25877Whether it be not rational to think, that when he swore before Sir Lionel Jenkins, he should not swear the words were spoken, and things done?
A25877Which do you mean, the former part or the latter?
A25877Which part of them?
A25877Whither did he bring it?
A25877Who appointed the High Court of Justice that tryed the King and condemned him, but the Parliament?
A25877Who did I say this to?
A25877Who did he send it by?
A25877Who did he tell you did make it?
A25877Who did reflect upon you?
A25877Who do you call next?
A25877Who has any Conspiracy against your life?
A25877Who made it?
A25877Who preferred and signed it?
A25877Who shall say for you?
A25877Who should?
A25877Who was that person?
A25877Who was there besides?
A25877Who were in the Company there?
A25877Who were the All?
A25877Whose Hands are to it?
A25877Whose Waterman was it?
A25877Whose hand- writing are the Papers in?
A25877Why did you make it then, and not before?
A25877Why did you not indict him of it?
A25877Why do you think''t is an Answer to him in what he proves upon his Oath?
A25877Why do you use such loose Expressions then Mr. Smith?
A25877Why, how is it written in your Father''s name, when it is not subscribed at all?
A25877Why, says Ivy, do you think there is no truth in it?
A25877Will it be now known that I am a Papist?
A25877Will not that bear a more favourable interpretation, my Lord?
A25877Will you ask Mr. Oates any Questions?
A25877Will you ask her any thing else?
A25877Will you ask him any Questions?
A25877Will you ask him any Questions?
A25877Will you ask him any more questions?
A25877Will you ask him any thing more?
A25877Will you call any other Witnesses?
A25877Will you call your next Witness?
A25877Will you please to order me my Papers back that were taken from me?
A25877Will you promise me my Lord, there shall no Advantage be taken against me, if I do Plead so?
A25877Will you that are of Counsel for the King call any more?
A25877Within what time did you tell him?
A25877Would he have had you been an Evidence, and swore it?
A25877Would he have perswaded you to say any thing that was not true?
A25877Would he say so to you?
A25877Would you ask any thing further?
A25877Would you ask her any thing else?
A25877Would you ask him any more Questions?
A25877Would you ask him any thing else?
A25877Would you ask him any thing else?
A25877Would you have him called up again to clear this?
A25877Would you have the Jury to believe you upon your word?
A25877Yes, what then?
A25877You appeal to me, Shall I speak now, my Lord?
A25877You are sure of this?
A25877You can tell whether you are Guilty or Not Guilty, ca n''t you?
A25877You found the Paper in the House?
A25877You have heard the Indictment Read, what say you?
A25877You hear, says he, Haynes is taken?
A25877You live in this Country, do n''t you?
A25877You say I desired you to make an Affidavit, was it after that or before I had that discourse with you?
A25877You say you heard him in Oxford, and in Oxfordshire, and at my Lord Lovelace''s, where is that?
A25877You say you knew him a Souldier, pray when was that?
A25877You talk of the contrary, and the contrary; What did he mean by that, what Plot should he disown?
A25877You used to converse with him, Mr. Smith, did he never say any thing like it to you?
A25877You were Colledges Servant, were you not?
A25877You were a Priest?
A25877You were examined at Sir Miles Stapletons Tryal, was you not, Mr. Mowbray?
A25877Your Tenant you mean?
A25877did you know him?
A25877for Mr. Dugdale, do you own that?
A25877had not he as good send Mr. Smith, who is his Counsel?
A25877of Cr Art thou Guilty of this high Treason or not Guilty?
A25877of July?
A25877of July?
A25877to you?
A25877was it since the Parliament at Oxon?
A25877what a bustle might they have made, and what confusion might have been on a sudden?
A25877what do you ask him, Mr. Colledge?
A25877what name did he give that?
A25877what would he have had you done?
A25877when was the first time you came acquainted with him?
A25877when, and to whom?
A25877which is it?
A25877who are they?
A25877with an abbreviation?
A63208( he came?
A63208Affidavits taken, When, and where?
A63208And Coleman did send word back again, What was it the nearer?
A63208And I humbly demand your Lordships Judgment upon these points, whether it be so or no?
A63208And have not you seen Dugdale in his Company?
A63208And he promised to effect it?
A63208And he took the Commission?
A63208And here I would observe, how should Mr. Turbervill come to know that my Lord went that way?
A63208And humbly demand your Lordships Judgments upon these Points, whether it be so or no?
A63208And it was delivered to my Lord?
A63208And it was for coming to that Tryal he offered to murder you?
A63208And they lay aside that Statute?
A63208And under all these Circumstances might not such a Letter be lost?
A63208And was he at Liege, are you sure, all that time from October to January?
A63208And was no body in the Parlour when Dugdale fetched you to my Lord?
A63208And were they alone?
A63208And what does he say?
A63208And whether I bid him go out or no?
A63208And whether he follows that Trade or Profession now or no?
A63208And why should I speak it to him whom I did not know what Religion or what Profession he might be of?
A63208Answer that Question: Did you hear then that my Lord Stafford was to be one among them?
A63208Are no more Witnesses to be heard?
A63208Are not you a rare Fellow now?
A63208Are the Witnesses you speak of, any of the Witnesses you named last night?
A63208Are these all you do demand?
A63208Are they prepared to speak to them now?
A63208Are you a Practiser?
A63208Are you beneficed?
A63208Are you content that shall be read, if the Gentlemen will admit it?
A63208Are you his Brother?
A63208Are you my Lord Aston''s Servant?
A63208Are you my Lord Aston''s Servant?
A63208Are you sure it was a year ago?
A63208Are you sure of that?
A63208Are you?
A63208Are you?
A63208Are your Counsel ready to speak to that Point?
A63208Ask whether ever he saw Mr. Turbervill with me in France?
A63208At Dr. Perrotts?
A63208At this time?
A63208Ay, September?
A63208Ay, What say you to that?
A63208Ay, when?
A63208Aye, What time of the year was it?
A63208Be pleased to ask him, for I never saw the man before, nor heard of him till last week, what he should say against me, and whether he knew me or not?
A63208Before or after the Race?
A63208Before the discovery or after?
A63208But I ask you upon this Misdemeanor, Whether you threatned Yalden to lay him by the Heels?
A63208But I beseech your Lordships, how am I concerned in it?
A63208But I desire to ask whether you did not ask him upon the first Discovery of the Plot, whether he had any thing to say against some Lords?
A63208But I protest before God, my Lords, I asked him that Question, Will you go to the Colledge?
A63208But I speak of 16 Years ago, what Number of Men was there to be raised?
A63208But about what did he say he was sorry for him?
A63208But at night after Supper I enquired for Dugdale, how he took his loosings, and how he did after it?
A63208But before he went away?
A63208But can it be an Objection to the House of Commons?
A63208But had they then just given him the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy?
A63208But he offered you mony to swear against Symons and Howard?
A63208But how could you be Pardoned?
A63208But says my Lord, how should he come to know this?
A63208But then, my Lords, pray ask him whether he did not swear at a former Tryal, he had spent six or seven hundred pounds more than he got?
A63208But were they not angry with him?
A63208But what did I think of travelling, and going beyond Sea to do their business?
A63208But what is the Evidence of the general Plot( may some still say) to my Lord Stafford?
A63208But where was my Lord all the year( 72?)
A63208But where was my Lord from January 71. to January 72?
A63208But whom did you serve lately?
A63208But you are not of the Family?
A63208But, Gentlemen of the House of Commons will you ask this man any Questions?
A63208But, Gentlemen, will you call Captain Scudamore now, or will you stay till afterwards?
A63208But, my Lords, I beseech you, are there not some Proofs that look much this way, made out by another Witness?
A63208By the Name of Mr. Howard of Effingham?
A63208By what Authority could he do it?
A63208By what Token do you remember him there?
A63208By whom was it given you?
A63208By whom were you sent for?
A63208Call you Oats again?
A63208Can you remember what day of the week it was?
A63208Can you remember whether it were within five days of the one, or of the other?
A63208Can you say any thing that happened between Turbervill and Yalden?
A63208Can you say any thing touching the Credit of Dugdale?
A63208Can you send for the Letter?
A63208Can you take it upon your Oath, that my Lord was in London from January 71. stylo veteri to May 73. stylo veteri?
A63208Can you tell the Lords Name?
A63208Can you tell the place?
A63208Can you tell what time of the year it was?
A63208Can you tell wherein he swore quite blank contrary to what he swears now?
A63208Can your Lordship remember when my Lord Stafford went to London?
A63208Come, do you know Dugdale?
A63208Come, where are your Notes you pretend to speak by?
A63208Did Dugdale ever hire you to swear against my Lord Aston?
A63208Did Dugdale speak with them at that time?
A63208Did Mr. Dugdale come into your Lords chamber that morning?
A63208Did Mr. Dugdale tell you of the Tuesday, that Sir Edmundbury Godfrey was murdered the Saturday before?
A63208Did Philips hear it?
A63208Did all they make you this promise?
A63208Did ever this Boy come for you?
A63208Did he acknowledge to you he knew any thing of the Plot?
A63208Did he burn the Book at that time?
A63208Did he ever in his life send you to Mr. Dugdale to speak with him as you remember?
A63208Did he give you any further reason?
A63208Did he hear 15 or 16 Years that I was one to be among them?
A63208Did he hear us discourse, or any word we said?
A63208Did he make any agreement with you for what yon should take?
A63208Did he not say he told Erers what I said to him, and he did not understand the meaning of it?
A63208Did he offer you all the money, or bid you take some?
A63208Did he offer you any mony to swear against my Lord Stafford?
A63208Did he say any thing or nothing?
A63208Did he see Dugdale any more, or was there an end of it then?
A63208Did he swear that before Vernon and Lane?
A63208Did he take notice to you that they were afraid he would come in?
A63208Did he tell the reason?
A63208Did he tell you any thing of the Plot, Sir?
A63208Did he tell you what you should say against my Lord Stafford?
A63208Did he?
A63208Did my Lord know he lay there?
A63208Did my Lord send for Dugdale, or did he come to you to speak to my Lord for him?
A63208Did my Lord speak with you before he went or after?
A63208Did not you at Tixal think Dugdale a stout able Fellow?
A63208Did not you say at Sir George Wakeman''s Tryal, that you were to receive Orders from my Lord Stafford in June or July, when he came into the Countrey?
A63208Did not you say you knew of the Plot 15 or 16 years ago?
A63208Did not you send your Son abroad?
A63208Did they belong to him?
A63208Did they name the King?
A63208Did you carry my Lord from thence towards London?
A63208Did you come into the Parlour after Supper?
A63208Did you ever come from my Lord Stafford to bid Dugdale come to him?
A63208Did you ever know that Dugdale did forswear himself?
A63208Did you ever see Dugdale and my Lord Stafford together?
A63208Did you ever see Dugdale any other morning in your Lords Chamber?
A63208Did you ever see Dugdale in the Company of my Lord Stafford, while he was at Tixal?
A63208Did you ever see Dugdale in the company of a man they called my Lord Stafford?
A63208Did you ever see Turbervill at a Lords House in Paris?
A63208Did you ever see Turbervill there?
A63208Did you examine it?
A63208Did you hear Dugdale swear there, and give his Testimony?
A63208Did you hear of any sum certain?
A63208Did you know Oats at that time?
A63208Did you know him?
A63208Did you leave them together?
A63208Did you live with my Lord Aston?
A63208Did you never see Turbervill there?
A63208Did you not after that, lend my Lord your Coach?
A63208Did you not forbid him the House?
A63208Did you not know him, my Lord?
A63208Did you not see him then?
A63208Did you pen it your self?
A63208Did you read it?
A63208Did you say at a former Tryal, you were five or six hundred pound out of purse?
A63208Did you say so at Sir George Wakeman''s Tryal?
A63208Did you see Mr. Longmore before this Letter was writ?
A63208Did you see Robinson the Witness yesterday?
A63208Did you see him there, was he a Student there?
A63208Did you see that Commission?
A63208Did you stay all the while Dugdale was there?
A63208Did you swear that?
A63208Did you take Notes?
A63208Did you tell him you knew my Lord Stafford?
A63208Did you when you had a sight of these Letters at St. Omers, take any Notes out of them?
A63208Did you work at any time there for my Lord or Lady Gerard?
A63208Did your Lord bid you go out of his Chamber?
A63208Do you ask him any Question, Gentlemen?
A63208Do you call Turbervile, my Lord?
A63208Do you call that a threatning?
A63208Do you declare to my Lords whether you know Samuel Holt?
A63208Do you deny that my Lord came first to Tixal the 12. of September?
A63208Do you desire to know whether I asked him this Question, if he had any thing to say against some Lords?
A63208Do you hear nothing, said he, of a Justice of Peace that is murdered?
A63208Do you know Dugdale?
A63208Do you know Dugdale?
A63208Do you know Holt?
A63208Do you know Mr. Dugdale?
A63208Do you know Mr. Turbervill, and how long have you known him?
A63208Do you know Mr. Turbervill?
A63208Do you know Turbervill?
A63208Do you know him to be the same man that you saw then?
A63208Do you know him?
A63208Do you know him?
A63208Do you know him?
A63208Do you know one Father Evers?
A63208Do you know that he ever hired any body else to swear false?
A63208Do you know when Howard the Almoner went over?
A63208Do you know when he went away from Tixal?
A63208Do you live with him still?
A63208Do you oppose it Gentlemen?
A63208Do you own that Narrative in Print for true?
A63208Do you remember any other Servant of my Lords, that you did see there?
A63208Do you remember any other day?
A63208Do you remember it perfectly?
A63208Do you remember my Lord Stafford at Tixal in company of my Lord Aston, and Father Evers?
A63208Do you remember that any discourse passed between them?
A63208Do you remember the day of the Race at Etching- Hill?
A63208Do you remember the time of the Race at Etching- Hill?
A63208Do you remember what Dugdale swore then?
A63208Do you remember what he mentioned of my Lord Stafford?
A63208Do you remember when my Lord Stafford was at Tixall?
A63208Do you remember when my Lord Stafford was at the Marquess of Worcester''s House?
A63208Do you remember when my Lord came to Tixal?
A63208Do you remember whether your Lord did bid you go out or no?
A63208Do you say my Lord came by Calice?
A63208Do your Lordships require that he should be sworn again?
A63208Does Dr. Oats talk of any one Letter written to himself?
A63208Does any man now begin to doubt how London came to be Burnt?
A63208Does he deny that, my Lords?
A63208Does he know my Hand?
A63208Does not Mr. Mort tell you something of this Nature?
A63208Does your Ladyship know one William Robinson?
A63208Does your Lordship call this man?
A63208Does your Lordship intend to call any Witnesses?
A63208Does your Lordship say it may be at any time?
A63208Does your Lordship think all this matter must stay till we can find a loose Affidavit, that we know not where''t is filed?
A63208Every week?
A63208For Cui bono?
A63208For what was that money offered you?
A63208For what?
A63208Friend,''t is all one as if you were upon your Oath, and as penal to you; by whose direction did you go?
A63208From whom was it?
A63208From whom was that Message sent?
A63208From whom were you to have that Pardon?
A63208Furnese, did my Lord Stafford ever send you for Dugdale, either before or after the Race?
A63208Gentlemen of the House of Commons, will you ask him any Question?
A63208Gentlemen, I would ask you whether you take any Notice of the Points in Law?
A63208Gentlemen, Will you ask him any Questions?
A63208Gentlemen, what can you object why he should not have Counsel to argue his Objections in Law?
A63208Gentlemen, will you speak first to the Law?
A63208George Leigh, How long have you lived with my Lord Stafford?
A63208Go on, what do you know of him?
A63208Gods Life, is three years a Strain?
A63208Had he a Servant at Dr. Perrot''s to attend him?
A63208Had he any money from his Relations?
A63208Had my Lord Stafford never the Gout while he was in France?
A63208Had my Lord the Gout in France?
A63208Had you any discourse with Philips about this since?
A63208Had you any offer of money, and what sum?
A63208Had you ever that curiosity before?
A63208Had you it from my Lord Cheif Justice, or any servant of his?
A63208Has your Lordship any more to say?
A63208Hath any body endeavoured to perswade you to swear against Dugdale?
A63208Hath he never been at Tixal?
A63208Hath my Lord no more to say to him?
A63208Have we that are the Prosecutors maintained them?
A63208Have you Counsel ready to speak to these Points now?
A63208Have you any Copy of your own Examination Doctor Oats?
A63208Have you any Witnesses here, my Lord?
A63208Have you any more Questions to ask him?
A63208Have you any more to say?
A63208Have you any of any Lords Letters by you?
A63208Have you been in my Lords Chamber as well as in the lower Room?
A63208Have you concluded your Evidence, Sir?
A63208Have you done with Dugdale?
A63208Have you done with Mr. Dugdale?
A63208Have you done with him now?
A63208Have you done with him, Gentlemen?
A63208Have you done with my Lady Gerard?
A63208Have you done, my Lord?
A63208Have you heard of Mr. Holt any other ill thing besides what you speak of?
A63208Have you heard of any Massacre that was to be?
A63208Have you no more to say to Dugdale, my Lord?
A63208Have you said all you have to say?
A63208Have you seen him at my Lord Powis''s?
A63208Have you seen my Lord Stafford and Mr. Evers, ever together alone?
A63208Have you seen my Lord Stafford at Tixal?
A63208Have you seen my Lord Stafford at my Lord Aston''s?
A63208Have you sworn any thing of Don John of Austria?
A63208Have you them by you, or about you?
A63208He is called a Doctor, and I would know whether he did never declare upon his Oath, that he took the Degree at Salamanca?
A63208He is there, what say you to him?
A63208He said positively before, it was one of those two days, I beseech your Lordship to ask him where it was?
A63208He says about the latter end of August, or the beginning of September; will your Lordship stand still for that?
A63208He says he went to take Notes; by whose direction did he go to take Notes at Sir George Wakeman''s Tryal?
A63208He says, he was with me a fortnight, what does he mean?
A63208He stood pausing a little while, and by and by, said he, If I should make any discovery, how should I be secured of my Life?
A63208Here is a Question comes to the Doctor on a sudden, Have you any more to say, or can you speak against any other?
A63208His Lordship is pleased further to object against Dr. Oats, that he is of no Credit; why?
A63208How came it to pass that you never discovered this sooner?
A63208How came it to pass you did not agree with them?
A63208How came you to discover it now?
A63208How came you to live there?
A63208How can all this be true?
A63208How can you challenge him then with a Narrative he does not own?
A63208How could he lay him by the Heels?
A63208How do you live?
A63208How far is Heywood from Tixal?
A63208How far is Heywood from Tixal?
A63208How hath he behaved himself?
A63208How is that?
A63208How long ago before were you perverted?
A63208How long have you been called to the Bar?
A63208How long have you been so?
A63208How long have you been so?
A63208How long have you known him?
A63208How long have you known him?
A63208How long have you known this Plot?
A63208How long he hath lived in Worcestershire, and in what place there?
A63208How long is that?
A63208How long was it before the last day in August?
A63208How long was it?
A63208How long was my Lord there?
A63208How long was this before he went away?
A63208How long were you there?
A63208How many Papers were there?
A63208How many months of the year( 72) was he in England?
A63208How many more have you?
A63208How much money was in the Hankerchief?
A63208How much time will your Lordships understand the meaning of that to be?
A63208How often has His Majesty under his Great Seal, published and declared this Conspiracy?
A63208How often hath he seen me at Fenwick''s?
A63208How old are you?
A63208How should it come to you?
A63208How then can I make my Defence?
A63208How then shall I be able to make my Defence, if I have not those Papers, which I humbly concieve by the Law, ought to be brought?
A63208How was that?
A63208How, my Lords, can I be able to give an account of it?
A63208I ask only what inconvenience it is?
A63208I ask you again, by the Oath you have taken, did you correct it of your self, or by information from any other?
A63208I ask you in general, is he of a good or bad Reputation?
A63208I ask you; do you remember the day when my Lord Stafford came to Tixal?
A63208I asked Mr. Ireland, whether Sir George Wakeman was the Kings Physician?
A63208I beseech you then how is it possible I can make my Defence?
A63208I beseech you what does he mean by the latter end of August, how long before the end of August?
A63208I beseech you what were the Contents of the Letter?
A63208I beseech your Lordship, where was it he spoke to me?
A63208I beseech your Lordships, did he come directly to my Chamber, or where?
A63208I desire to ask him, whether, when he went away, he left them together?
A63208I desire to ask whether I sent him word that Count Gramont came over with me?
A63208I do not ask you the number, but the quantity, was there a bushel?
A63208I do not say positively your Lordship, but whether that Question was not asked him?
A63208I heard a Gentleman ask him, if he came there to get Clients?
A63208I humbly desire your Lordships Judgment, whether I ought or no, to be prosecuted upon that Statute?
A63208I only ask, and if he deny it, I''le prove it, whether he was not a Prisoner at Stafford for Debt, when he made the first Affidavit?
A63208I pray what Religion are you of?
A63208I pray, my Lord, was your Lordship at no time alone with him in your chamber?
A63208I will ask him a Question, Are not you a Protestant?
A63208I will not ask it since''t is an offence, but did not he say he said Mass, pray how long ago was that?
A63208I would ask him, whether afterwards he came into the Room where Mr. Philips the Parson was?
A63208I would ask this man whether he was summoned as a Witness upon any Tryal in relation to the Plot?
A63208I would ask, Was there any Recovery suffered to bar that Intail?
A63208I would only ask him one Question; Whether he did go to my Lord Aston from Dugdale, to know if he would own him for his Servant?
A63208If His Majesty have been bountiful to His Witnesses, what is that to this Cause of the Commons?
A63208If a man says the beginning of June I was at such a place, how many days is the beginning, and how many days the end of a Month?
A63208If there be any mistake pray tell us what it is?
A63208If they be so, what hurt will there be in hearing of them?
A63208If you would do what?
A63208In the year( 80) or( 79?)
A63208In what quality did you serve my Lord in France, Furnese?
A63208Indeed, my Lords, he says nothing concerning me; therefore I say only this, I desire to know, if he can tell, what time of day it was?
A63208Is he a tall man, or a low man?
A63208Is he of an ill Reputation in the Countrey where he lives?
A63208Is he only to speak to the general, or to me?
A63208Is he poor and needy?
A63208Is it a true Copy?
A63208Is it in the Journal?
A63208Is it possible to do an Act by Words?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure that Sir Walter Bagott be heard in his place?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure that we Adjourn?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure that we do Adjourn?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure that we should Adjourn?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure that we should Adjourn?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure to Adjourn?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure to Adjourn?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure to hear Counsel to nothing at all?
A63208Is it your Lordships pleasure, that we should Adjourn into the Parliament Chamber?
A63208Is that a true Copy of your first Examination?
A63208Is that the Paper of your Discharge?
A63208Is the 24. of December there?
A63208Is there any further variation, besides the variation of the year?
A63208Is there, my Lords, any doubt of any other Point that is urged?
A63208Is this all your Lordship will please to say?
A63208Is this person that gave Evidence last before you, the same person you saw at Validolid?
A63208Is this the same man you saw there?
A63208Is this your hand?
A63208It is true he did come to me, but pray what time of day was it?
A63208It was a Commission to be Pay- Master of the Army, was it not?
A63208It was objected sometimes Tradesmen were not paid; but what then, can a man pay without Money?
A63208Jones Is there any other fault he hath?
A63208L. H. Stew ▪ How was he received there?
A63208L. H. Stew ▪ This you say was the latter end of April, or beginning of May( 78) for the time is material, upon your Oath you say it?
A63208L. H. Stew ▪ What is your Name, Sir?
A63208L. H. Stew, Is it your hand?
A63208L. H. Stew, When was that?
A63208L. H. Steward When did he tell you so?
A63208L. Stafford: In what Street was it?
A63208L. 〈 … 〉 〈 … 〉 Records are they?
A63208Lieutenant, do you know any thing about Accompts between my Lord Aston and Mr. Dugdale?
A63208Look upon my Lord Stafford, is that the same Person?
A63208Lord Stafford?
A63208May I see it, my Lords?
A63208Mr. Dugdale replyed, Sir, what do you mean?
A63208Mr. Dugdale, Was the 20. or the 21. of September, you speak of, the first time you spoke to my Lord Stafford?
A63208Mr. Dugdale, you speak of leavying Arms, and of the Oath of Secrecy that was given you, were there not other Spiritual Weapons used?
A63208Mr. Matthews, pray tell my Lords, Whether you know Mr. Turbervill, and how long have you known him?
A63208Mr. Scudamore, what are you called for?
A63208Mr. Turbervile, How long have you been in England?
A63208Mr. Turbervile, I think I hear right, I do not know: My Lord Stafford asks when was the last time you spoke with his Lordship?
A63208Mr. Turbervill, Have you dared, or threatned Yalden the Witness, to lay him by the Heels?
A63208Mr. Turbervill, Were you told you should be disinherited?
A63208Mr. Turbervill, which way came you, from Diep, or from Calice?
A63208Mr. Turton, pray hear: When did you first hear in Staffordshire of the death of a Justice of Peace of Middlesex?
A63208My Lord Butler of Weston, Is William Lord Viscount Stafford Guilty of the Treason whereof he stands Impeached, or Not Guilty?
A63208My Lord Stafford, Was this at that time when your Lordship was at Tixal the 12 of September?
A63208My Lord Stafford, What are the Points you would have Counsel too?
A63208My Lord Stafford, What is the reason your Lordship had not, all this while, Copies of the Journal, which is that you now ask?
A63208My Lord Stafford, go on; hath your Lordship done with Dugdale, or have you any more Witnesses?
A63208My Lord Stafford, until such time as the Council- Book comes, which may be sent for: Will your Lordship proceed to something else?
A63208My Lord Stafford, was Count Gramont in your Lordships company when you came to Diep?
A63208My Lord Stafford, what is your Exception against this man that he may not be a Witness?
A63208My Lord Stafford, will you ask him any Questions?
A63208My Lord Stafford, will you ask him any Questions?
A63208My Lord Stafford, you say you can be ready to mor ● ow at Ten a Clock, Are you sure you can be ready then?
A63208My Lord, I desire to know how many Witnesses you have more?
A63208My Lord, I know not where you are, nor what you are about, are you objecting against Oats upon any Evidence out of the Journal?
A63208My Lord, what does your Lordship call him for?
A63208My Lord, will you conclude?
A63208My Lord, would you have offered five hundred pounds to an honest man to kill the King?
A63208My Lords, I beseech you, I may know what is the end of August and the beginning of September?
A63208My Lords, I desire Mr Prance would give us an account of what discourse he had with one Mr. Singleton a Priest; and when?
A63208My Lords, I desire he may give an Account what letters my Lord Stafford sent to Fenwick and Ireland, to pay money?
A63208My Lords, I desire to ask Sir Walter Bagott, whether he did not apprehend Dugdale, and upon what account it was?
A63208My Lords, I desire to ask him one Question further, what he hath heard about a Massacre that was intended?
A63208My Lords, I desire to ask him one Question further, whether he ever knew or heard of Mr. Oates and Bedloe till the Plot was detected?
A63208My Lords, I desire you to ask him whether he knew that upon his coming back to England, he was ill used?
A63208My Lords, I hear him speak to the day of the Month; if you please to ask him, if he can tell what day of the Week it was?
A63208My Lords, I must acquiesce and submit to your Lordships to do what you please; but if he does not name times nor places, how can I make my Defence?
A63208My Lords, I was desirous to know how things went, being concerned as well as Mr. Evers; and I asked what the reason was they took away his life?
A63208My Lords, I will ask him but one Question, and I hope I shall have occasion to ask him no more: When was the last time that he spoke with me?
A63208My Lords, I would only have your directions, whether I shall answer this General first, or stay till all be said against me?
A63208My Lords, Is it your Lordships pleasure I may have Pen, Ink, and Paper allowed me?
A63208My Lords, John Porter my Lord Powis''s Butler comes next, and what does he tell your Lordships?
A63208My Lords, The next Witness my Lord is pleased to bring is his Servant Furnese; and what is it that he testifieth?
A63208My Lords, does he deny it?
A63208My Lords, he says the 20. or 21. does he say that was the first time he spoke with me?
A63208My Lords, he says there was a Consult at Tixal, where such and such were present, and the Kings Death determined, I ask when was that?
A63208My Lords, if your Lordships please that I should call Witnesses to confront him now, or afterwards?
A63208My Lords, next Witness upon the same Head of Subornation was one Morral, a poor Barber; and what says he?
A63208My Lords, we desire to know where this Witness lives?
A63208My Lords, were those Letters written to Dr. Oats?
A63208My Lords, will his Lordship say I never saw him at Dr. Perrots?
A63208My Question is only whether he profess himself of the Church of Rome, or a Protestant?
A63208No, he said, Did I think there was?
A63208No, my Lord?
A63208No, says he, do n''t you hear he is murdered?
A63208Nor Wednesday?
A63208Nor on Tuesday?
A63208Not on Munday?
A63208Now to what Points will your Lordship call these Witnesses?
A63208Or by what ways and means poor Justice Godfrey fell?
A63208Or did he ask whether he knew me or not?
A63208Or do you know he was there before?
A63208Or was it the same day or the next day?
A63208Pray ask him what Reputation Dugdale hath in the Country?
A63208Pray declare what Arguments have been used by your Priests, to induce you to this Design?
A63208Pray did you never see Father Anthony Turbervill there?
A63208Pray recollect your self again, When was it that you saw the man they called Oats at the Jesuits Chamber?
A63208Pray who were you Servant to?
A63208Pray why did you ask him that Question?
A63208Pray, Sir, at that time did he say he knew any thing about my Lord Aston, and why my Lord Aston did use him ill?
A63208Pray, my Lord, does not your Lordship know Dr. Perrot?
A63208Pray, my Lords, ask how long ago this was?
A63208Pray, my Lords, do you mean New stile, or Old stile?
A63208Pray, my Lords, give me leave to ask this young Scholar one Question before he goes; By whose commendation or means did you come into that Colledge?
A63208Pray, my Lords, may I put you in mind of them?
A63208Pray, my Lords, what day was it then I spoke first to him?
A63208Pray, says he, now what course do you think to take?
A63208Said I, What course can I take?
A63208Said he, Do you hear any news?
A63208Sir Walter Bagott, my Lord desires to know of you, whether you did apprehend Dugdale, and upon what account?
A63208Sir William Poultney, Did Mr. Turbervill correct the mistake himself first, or was it found and altered by others?
A63208Sir, said he, what can be understood by it, but an alteration of the Government and Religion?
A63208So the man comes up to me, says he, My Lord, have you a mind to have your Son- in- law bubbled?
A63208Stay a little, Do you know Mr. Oats?
A63208Suppose it be not to be found my Lord?
A63208That is answered fully; will your Lordship ask him any thing else?
A63208That was for your Sins?
A63208That was in Drury ▪ lane?
A63208That was the beginning of September?
A63208That was the first day you were there?
A63208That was the last year?
A63208That was the time of your coming into his Chamber, and his offering you five hundred pound?
A63208That was, as near as I remember, in June?
A63208The Collections of Money among the Fathers abroad and at home?
A63208The Doctor hath never taken it upon his Oath, that he was a Doctor, and why do you ask it?
A63208The Question asked of you, have you heard of any money gathered in Ireland for the support of this Plot?
A63208The next matter is, That this man was never with my Lord; how was that proved, for''t is a Negative?
A63208Then I ask you, if you thought him an honest man, or a rich man?
A63208Then did not he say presently upon this he went to Mr. Evers Chamber?
A63208Then he was at Liege himself?
A63208Then my Lord what is it that you would say?
A63208Then one Question more, I desire you Lordship to ask him, what day the Race was at Etching- Hill, between Sir John Crew''s man and Lazinby?
A63208Then what can a man do if he must not go according to what is Printed?
A63208Then when Godfrey was murther''d, how came that Discovery out, but by the voluntary Confession of one engaged in the whole Plot, I mean Bedloe?
A63208Then, my Lords, he said, He knew no Persons more than he he had discovered: and after, did he not accuse the Queen and several others?
A63208There he is, what would your Lordship have with him?
A63208There is Mr. Dugdale, come Sir, what say you?
A63208Therefore we ask him again, Do you know the person of Mr. Oats?
A63208These new Witnesses, must I say what I can say against them presently?
A63208Thomas what?
A63208To what Lord?
A63208To what Point is he to be a Witness?
A63208To what Point?
A63208To what purpose were all the Correspondencies with Foreign Nations?
A63208To whom?
A63208Turbervile, where was it you spoke to my Lord?
A63208Turbervill, When do you say my Lord Castlemain was at Powis Castle?
A63208Upon what occasion came Turbervill to talk of these matters?
A63208Was Holt a Servant to my Lord Aston?
A63208Was I ever one moment lame while I was in France?
A63208Was Philips in the Room?
A63208Was any body by, besides your self?
A63208Was he consenting to that Resolution?
A63208Was he known by the name of Oats?
A63208Was he looked upon to be an honest man in his dealings?
A63208Was he not commonly there?
A63208Was he there afterwards?
A63208Was he thought a stout man?
A63208Was it Winter or Summer?
A63208Was it in the forenoon, or in the afternoon?
A63208Was it one or two bundles?
A63208Was it that time the Commission you spoke of was delivered?
A63208Was it the Forenoon or Afternoon?
A63208Was it the same day, pray ask him, my Lords?
A63208Was my Lord Castlemain there in any of those years?
A63208Was my Lord Stafford at that meeting, where they debated to kill the King?
A63208Was not Father Evers that time at my Lord Aston''s?
A63208Was not he a Papist then?
A63208Was that all you had?
A63208Was that before or after he came back to England?
A63208Was that before or after the 21. of September?
A63208Was that in the year 73?
A63208Was that said plainly in the Letter?
A63208Was there any discouse after you came in, about the Death of ● Justice of Peace?
A63208Was there no Cypher or Character?
A63208Was there no body else in company?
A63208Was there not an Indulgence, or such a thing?
A63208Was this Discourse in the Chamber, or in the lower Room?
A63208Was this time that Mr. Powel speaks of, that he did discourse with him, before or after that of Yalden?
A63208We ask you not to that: Where is Mr. Matthews?
A63208We desire he will let your Lordships know what reasons they gave for it?
A63208We desire to ask him whether he was present at that Tryal, and heard him say so?
A63208We desire to know this Ladies Name?
A63208We desire to know what Religion he is of?
A63208We desire to know where he lives now, what Country- man he is, and what Religion he is of?
A63208We desire to know where he lives?
A63208We desire to know whether he was ever with Sir James Symons himself, and what he offered?
A63208We would know what Arguments have been used to perswade to this design?
A63208Well, what can you say?
A63208Well, what can you say?
A63208Were any of those months within the year 73?
A63208Were not you with him at the Alehouse?
A63208Were they Letters?
A63208Were they Parchments or Papers?
A63208Were they alone?
A63208Were they by when the discourse was?
A63208Were they in the House at that time?
A63208Were you a Prisoner for Debt at Stafford, when you made your first Affidavit?
A63208Were you a volunteer Servant, or what were you?
A63208Were you all the while between August and October in London?
A63208Were you at Fenwicks when my Lord Stafford came to his Chamber?
A63208Were you at Liege when my Lord was in England, or were you with him all the time that he was in England?
A63208Were you at any other Tryal?
A63208Were you at the Tryal of the Five Jesuits?
A63208Were you at the Tryal of the five Jesuits?
A63208Were you desired to swear this?
A63208Were you ever summon''d as a Witness about the Plot?
A63208Were you promised nothing else but a Pardon from the Pope?
A63208Were you sent for by my Lord more than once?
A63208Were you subpoena''d up to the Tryal of my Lord Aston?
A63208Were you there all the while Dugdale was there?
A63208Were you there before Dugdale went in?
A63208Were you very well acquainted with him?
A63208Were you with my Lord Stafford all the while he was in France?
A63208What Company was in the house when he told you of it?
A63208What Country man are you?
A63208What Country- man are you?
A63208What Discourse hath passed between you and Turbervill about the Plot?
A63208What House are you of?
A63208What Justice of the Peace?
A63208What Month and Year?
A63208What Perswasion of Religion are you?
A63208What Profession are you of?
A63208What Profession are you of?
A63208What Profession are you of?
A63208What Profession are you?
A63208What Questions would your Lordship ask me?
A63208What Record is that?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion are you of?
A63208What Religion were they of that were to come in and help?
A63208What Reputation had he in the Country?
A63208What Reputation hath he born?
A63208What Reputation is he of?
A63208What Statute, my Lord?
A63208What Statute?
A63208What Trade?
A63208What Year?
A63208What account can you give of him?
A63208What are you, a Clergy- man?
A63208What are you?
A63208What becomes of the mean time, between January 71. and May 73?
A63208What can you say against him?
A63208What can you say, my Lord?
A63208What can your Lordship say for your self, why Judgment of Death should not be given upon you according to the Law?
A63208What day does your Lordship speak of?
A63208What day of August?
A63208What did Turbervill say to you about his knowing of the Plot?
A63208What did he offer you to do it?
A63208What did he say to you, pray?
A63208What did he say?
A63208What did he tell you?
A63208What discourse did you hear of the murder of a Justice of Peace, and when?
A63208What discourse was between you and Dugdale about it?
A63208What do you ask him, my Lord?
A63208What do you ask him, my Lord?
A63208What do you ask him?
A63208What do you ask him?
A63208What do you ask him?
A63208What do you call him for?
A63208What do you call him to, Gentlemen?
A63208What do you come to say?
A63208What do you know more as to his dealing?
A63208What do you know of Dugdale in particular that is ill?
A63208What do you know of Dugdale''s running away?
A63208What do you know of Mr. Dugdale, and my Lord Aston?
A63208What do you know of him?
A63208What do you know of him?
A63208What do you live upon, and how?
A63208What do you make of that?
A63208What do you mean by so and so?
A63208What do you mean by that, good or bad?
A63208What do you remember that Mr. Dugdale did then swear?
A63208What do you say Dugdale, were you at the Race?
A63208What do you say about John Morral?
A63208What do you say to it, Gentlemen, you hear what my Lord prays?
A63208What do you say, Mr. Dugdale, to it?
A63208What do you say?
A63208What do you say?
A63208What does your Lordship ask Sir Philip Lloyd?
A63208What does your Lordship call him for?
A63208What does your Lordship call this Witness for?
A63208What else can you say?
A63208What else do you know?
A63208What had you said in that Paper?
A63208What had you sworn?
A63208What hath he done?
A63208What have you to say?
A63208What ingagements of secresie had you given my Lord before he opened himself so plainly to you?
A63208What is his Name?
A63208What is his Name?
A63208What is it possible for me to say against this?
A63208What is it you would ask him?
A63208What is it your Lordship would know of me?
A63208What is it, said I?
A63208What is the Judgment there?
A63208What is the date of that Discharge Turbervill?
A63208What is the meaning of this?
A63208What is this mans Name?
A63208What is this mans name you call now, my Lord?
A63208What is your Christian Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Name?
A63208What is your Profession?
A63208What is your name?
A63208What kind of Room is it?
A63208What kind of man was he?
A63208What kind of servant were you then?
A63208What now doth my Lord object against Dr. Oats?
A63208What occasion brought you to London at that time?
A63208What particulars do you know?
A63208What place do you serve my Lord Marquess in?
A63208What proportion of Arms was to be provided?
A63208What said he?
A63208What say you Boy, which way came my Lord?
A63208What say you Doctor?
A63208What say you Gentlemen of the House of Commons?
A63208What say you Gentlemen to it?
A63208What say you Sir Philip ● loyd did you ever hear Dr. Oats deny upon his Oath, that ever he heard of any Lords that were concerned in the Plot?
A63208What say you Sir?
A63208What say you my Lord now?
A63208What say you to Dr. Oats, my Lord?
A63208What say you to him my Lord?
A63208What say you to him?
A63208What say you to it Gentlemen?
A63208What say you to it Gentlemen?
A63208What say you to it?
A63208What say you to that Question?
A63208What say you to that, Mr. Dugdale?
A63208What say you to that?
A63208What say you to the 20. or 21. of September, my Lord?
A63208What say you to this Turbervill?
A63208What say you to this particular, Turbervill?
A63208What say you, Gentlemen of the House of Commons?
A63208What say you, Gentlemen, once more?
A63208What say you, Gentlemen?
A63208What say you, Mr. VVhitby?
A63208What say you, Sir, did you?
A63208What say you, Sir, to it?
A63208What say you, Sir?
A63208What say you, did you go presently to Mr. Evers after my Lord Stafford had made the offer?
A63208What say you, when was my Lord Stafford at my Lord Marquess of Worcester''s House?
A63208What say you, when was my Lord Stafford at my Lord Marquess of Worcesters?
A63208What say you?
A63208What say you?
A63208What say you?
A63208What says my Lord?
A63208What says your Lordship my Lord Stafford?
A63208What says your Lordship to this?
A63208What should I conclude?
A63208What should they be trusty for?
A63208What sums of money did the Pope contribute to this Design?
A63208What time does Yalden speake of?
A63208What time of the Year?
A63208What time of the year?
A63208What time was it that you went back to Paris?
A63208What time was it?
A63208What use do you make of this, my Lord?
A63208What was he in my Lords House?
A63208What was in them?
A63208What was it?
A63208What was that missing of his Design?
A63208What was the day you first spoke to my Lord?
A63208What was the meaning of their Governing themselves here by such Advices as came frequently from Paris and Saint Omers?
A63208What was the occasion that Dugdale did come to fetch you to my Lord Stafford in the Parlour?
A63208What was the reason he did not think fit then to reveal it?
A63208What was the time my Lord offered you the Five hundred pound?
A63208What was your Employment there?
A63208What were the Contents of the Letter my Lord sent you?
A63208What were the Motives?
A63208What were they Sir?
A63208What were those things?
A63208What were you to swear?
A63208What would you ask Sir Walter, my Lord?
A63208What would you have h ● m asked my Lord?
A63208What would you, or can you prove?
A63208What would your Lordship have with him?
A63208What year?
A63208What year?
A63208What year?
A63208What year?
A63208What, September?
A63208When and where said I?
A63208When and where?
A63208When did he tell you so?
A63208When did he tell you so?
A63208When did that Summons come?
A63208When did you hear it first?
A63208When did you hear of the death of Sir Edmundbury Godfrey, Mr. Birch?
A63208When did you hear that?
A63208When did you last receive the Sacrament?
A63208When it is charged in the Articles, and proved to his Face he received a Commission, Is not that an Overt Act?
A63208When should that be?
A63208When then did you receive the Sacrament?
A63208When was it that he said that?
A63208When was that?
A63208When was that?
A63208When was that?
A63208When was that?
A63208When was that?
A63208When was that?
A63208When was the first time, Dr Oats, you saw my Lord Stafford?
A63208When was this last Discourse?
A63208When was this written?
A63208When was this?
A63208When will your Lordship be ready to make your Defence?
A63208When, and where?
A63208Where born?
A63208Where did Mr. Fenwick live when you saw my Lord at his Chamber, and the Commission delivered?
A63208Where did he live?
A63208Where did you hear of it?
A63208Where did you see my Lord write?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where do you live?
A63208Where is Ellen Rigby to prove, whether she did not give him six pence?
A63208Where is George Leigh?
A63208Where is John Minhead?
A63208Where is Mr. Lydcott?
A63208Where is Mr. Yalden?
A63208Where is Sir Philip Lloyd?
A63208Where is my Lord Marquess of Worcester''s Servant?
A63208Where is that?
A63208Where is the Council Book?
A63208Where is the Page?
A63208Where my Lord?
A63208Where was it?
A63208Where was that offer made?
A63208Where was that?
A63208Where was this Discourse about killing the King?
A63208Where was this said to you?
A63208Where was this, we desire to ask him?
A63208Where were you acquainted with him?
A63208Where were you after October?
A63208Whereabouts are you now my Lord then?
A63208Whereabouts did this Gentleman stand?
A63208Whereabouts in Paris?
A63208Whether Dugdale did not perswade him to swear against some of the Lords in the Tower?
A63208Whether I can be prosecuted after so many days?
A63208Whether Oats did not say, he had no more to accuse?
A63208Which October, if your Lordship please?
A63208Which way came my Lord Stafford out of France into England, by Diep or by Calice?
A63208Whitegrave, my Lord?
A63208Whitegrave, whether he did not examine Dugdale about the Plot, and what he said at that time?
A63208Who are they?
A63208Who came and offered it to you?
A63208Who did you hear it from?
A63208Who did?
A63208Who did?
A63208Who did?
A63208Who do you belong to?
A63208Who do you live with?
A63208Who do you live withall?
A63208Who is she, my Lord?
A63208Who is that?
A63208Who is that?
A63208Who is your next Witness, my Lord?
A63208Who must I speak to?
A63208Who offered it you?
A63208Who offered you that Seven hundred pounds?
A63208Who pen''d this for you?
A63208Who promoted you?
A63208Who recommended you to my Lord Stafford to go into England?
A63208Who said so, Fenwick?
A63208Who said so?
A63208Who told you so?
A63208Who was by?
A63208Who was that that said so?
A63208Who was that?
A63208Who were fearful?
A63208Who were you bred under?
A63208Who would have had you swear it before a Justice of Peace?
A63208Whom do you call next, Gentlemen?
A63208Whom do you serve now?
A63208Whom will you proceed against next?
A63208Whose Servant are you, or were you lately?
A63208Whose Servant are you?
A63208Whose servant is he?
A63208Why Mr. Turbervill said he had a Letter whereby he knew my Lord would come by the way of Calice, but where is that Letter?
A63208Why did he desire you to burn them?
A63208Why did you ask him so particularly?
A63208Why did you consent to burn them?
A63208Why did you think Mr. Dugdale concerned in it?
A63208Why had you that money of Oats?
A63208Why not?
A63208Why so?
A63208Why then you were but nine years old when you came to him?
A63208Why, my Lord is pleased to call his own Servants, Furnese and the Boy Leigh, and what say they?
A63208Why, said they, will you take no course with him?
A63208Why, you know Mr. Oats now?
A63208Will any deny that the sending for the Witness and offering him money in order to hire him to kill the King is an Overt Act?
A63208Will any man de ● y tha ● t ● e Receiving a Commission to be Pay- master of an Army is an Overt''Act?
A63208Will it not be every way as well?
A63208Will my Lord please to ask him any Questions?
A63208Will that satisfie your Lordship?
A63208Will you argue it now?
A63208Will you ask him Genlemen any Questions?
A63208Will you ask him any Questions Gentlemen?
A63208Will you ask him any Questions, Gentlemen?
A63208Will you ask him any Questions, my Lord?
A63208Will you ask him any Questions?
A63208Will you ask him any Questions?
A63208Will you ask him any more Questions yet?
A63208Will you ask him any more Questions, Gentlemen?
A63208Will you ask him any more Questions?
A63208Will you ask him any thing?
A63208Will you be ready by Ten a Clock to Morrow?
A63208Will you be ready to go on to morrow, my Lord?
A63208Will you call any more Witnesses, my Lord?
A63208Will you have this Copy of the Examination read, or not?
A63208Will you please to ask him any thing, my Lord?
A63208Will you take it upon you to say, That every day in 73. you were with my Lord?
A63208Will your Lordship ask him any Questions my Lord Stafford?
A63208Will your Lordship ask him any Questions, my Lord Stafford?
A63208Will your Lordship ask him any Questions?
A63208Will your Lordship conclude?
A63208Will your Lordship proceed?
A63208Will your Lordship recapitulate the material parts of your Defence, that the Process may be closed?
A63208Will your Lordships please I may have Pen, Ink and Paper?
A63208Will your Lordships please to ask how much money there was in the Handkerchief?
A63208With that one of them ask''d me, is there any Treason in the rest?
A63208With whom?
A63208Would your Lordship have him shew the Commissions which he saw you receive?
A63208Yalden, were you threatned by Turbervill?
A63208Yes, Mr. Turbervill did tell me himself, that they heard he would come in?
A63208Yes, ever since I came to Tixal?
A63208Yes, said I, how do you hear it?
A63208You are Coroner of the County of Stafford, Sir, I think?
A63208You are a person that knows the Obligation that lies upon you to give a true Testimony; what can you say of Mr. Dugdale?
A63208You came with him?
A63208You did not live in my Lord Aston''s house, did you?
A63208You do Consent, and will you Gentlemen permit it?
A63208You do n''t except against them, Gentlemen?
A63208You do not stand upon it, Gentlemen, do you?
A63208You fetched him?
A63208You little Boy, were you all the while with my Lord that he was in France?
A63208You mean according to the Foreign stile?
A63208You need not Question that, said I, nor his Majesties Gracious Pardon which he hath promised in his Proclamation; Have you seen the Proclamation?
A63208You never heard him say, he would be revenged of my Lord Stafford, did you?
A63208You read it?
A63208You say it was at Ireland''s Chamber?
A63208You say my Lord did propose to you the Killing of the King; did he plainly make the proposal in direct terms to kill the King?
A63208You say you did not know him in July; How then can you say you saw him before?
A63208You say you were betray''d, can you tell how or which way you were betray''d?
A63208You took Notes you say?
A63208Your Brother is dead, and died in Newgate?
A63208Your Christian Name?
A63208Your Christian Name?
A63208Your Christian Name?
A63208Your Lordships ask only as to my Lord Stafford?
A63208about those Witnesses you have now brought in?
A63208and for what?
A63208and how long he staid with her?
A63208and how should he tell Mort that he might go over with my Lord from Calice, unless he had receiv''d some such Information?
A63208and in November before that, and in all the year up backwards?
A63208and then he did not own any thing he knew?
A63208and when?
A63208and whether he did swear what is in that writing?
A63208as I remember, and he says presently, three years after; is that presently?
A63208did he ever see it in his life?
A63208of October, I offered him 500 l. to kill the King?
A63208of this King?
A63208says he, Do you think there is?
A63208shew me the Letter you carried to the Post- house?
A63208was he looked upon as one that would perjure himself?
A63208were you never Secretary to a Lord?
A63208what do you mention the collecting of Money?
A63208what do you mention the providing of Arms for?
A63208what do you mention the raising an Army?
A63208what he said of him?
A63208where is the Employment you promised me when I should come into England?
A63208whether Winter or Summer as near as you can?
A63208your Diary, or your Journal?