This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
78 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | Tarzan of the Apes | nan | 86685 | 4869 | nan | ./cache/78.txt | ./txt/78.txt |
90 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | The Son of Tarzan | nan | 96011 | 6100 | nan | ./cache/90.txt | ./txt/90.txt |
81 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | The Return of Tarzan | nan | 90591 | 5425 | nan | ./cache/81.txt | ./txt/81.txt |
92 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar | nan | 66914 | 3487 | nan | ./cache/92.txt | ./txt/92.txt |
85 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | The Beasts of Tarzan | nan | 64653 | 3076 | nan | ./cache/85.txt | ./txt/85.txt |
1401 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | Tarzan the Untamed | nan | 110680 | 5704 | nan | ./cache/1401.txt | ./txt/1401.txt |
2020 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | Tarzan the Terrible | nan | 97961 | 5307 | nan | ./cache/2020.txt | ./txt/2020.txt |
106 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | Jungle Tales of Tarzan | nan | 75480 | 3989 | nan | ./cache/106.txt | ./txt/106.txt |
61837 | Burroughs, Edgar Rice | Tarzan and the Ant Men | nan | 78896 | 4350 | nan | ./cache/61837.txt | ./txt/61837.txt |