
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
26841MARKET INFORMATION Where do you get your market information?
26841POSSIBILITIES OF PROFIT What are the possibilities of profit in stock speculation?
44052Can a bondholder in your company have information of the condition of these investments any time?
44052Do you consider your bonds as safe and profitable as savings banks?
44052Do you expect to carry a stock a year before you can sell it?
44052Do you guarantee interest on the bonds at the rate of five per cent.?
44052Do you guarantee investments made in the bonds of your company?
44052How do you buy the securities?
44052How many small"lots"can you handle with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars?
44052How often do you make purchases in a declining market?
44052How often do you make purchases or sales?
44052If you want to undertake to make money, why not make your attempt a scientific one?
44052In case of a sudden"slump,"say twenty per cent., what is the result?
44052Suppose some lots are on hand bought at higher prices?
44052What are the denominations of the bonds?
44052What is the use of following right along in their footsteps and trusting to dumb luck or something of that sort to pull you out?
44052What is the use of trying to make money in Wall Street by marginal speculation when the odds against you are so great?
44052What would be the effect of an unexpected calamity?
44052Why do you buy dividend paying stocks?
44052Why do you issue bonds for only twenty- five dollars?
44052Will these bonds have a market value during the three years?
44052do you expect the bonds will earn?
5820Aha, my girl, do n''t you see? 5820 And does it seem as necessary to you to do it as it did before you came to Fallkill?"
5820And is thee satisfied with it?
5820And now I tell you that is all arranged, I suppose you''ll tell me I ought to go?
5820And see ye not yon braid, braid road, That lies across the lily leven? 5820 And thee preferred the fop to the serious- minded?"
5820And thee would like to turn it into a hospital?
5820And what has Philip to do with that?
5820Bigger than$ 200,000, Beriah?
5820Bigger, child?--why, what''s$ 200,000? 5820 But Beriah, you''ve been expecting it every day, all along, have n''t you?"
5820Company say anything?
5820Did I ever show any want of confidence in you, Harry?
5820Did thee know thee father had been in correspondence with Philip?
5820Did you think he was fickle?
5820Do n''t know any of the families of the congressmen? 5820 Do you look upon them as I subjects, dear?"
5820Does your doctor know any thing-- I do n''t mean about medicine, but about things in general, is he a man of information and good sense?
5820Go on?
5820No answer?
5820O see ye not yon narrow road So thick beset wi''thorns and briers? 5820 Oh, I do n''t think I should come to Fallkill to practice, but I must do something when I am through school; and why not medicine?"
5820Ruth is a dear girl, Philip, and has as much firmness of purpose as ever, but do n''t you see she has just discovered that she is fond of society? 5820 We heard you were at the Sassacus House,"were Ruth''s first words;"and this I suppose is your friend?"
5820What is that?
5820What then?
5820What''s to be done?
5820What''s yours?
5820Who''s just superb?
5820Why did he come to you?
5820Why should I want you to go away? 5820 Why should n''t I try to make a pleasant evening?
5820Would you have her sign our petition?
5820You telegraphed yesterday?
5820And besides, ai n''t I going to do those things?
5820And when I say thin or not thin it''s a fact, anyway, they say,''Come, now, but do you really believe that?''
5820Bless your heart, you dear women live right in the present all the time-- but a man, why a man lives----"In the future, Beriah?
5820But ai n''t it a ripping toad, though?
5820But do n''t we live in the future most too much, Beriah?
5820But tell me father,"continued Ruth, not to be put off,"is thee still going on with that Bigler and those other men who come here and entice thee?"
5820Did n''t uncle tell me only last Saturday, that I might as well go down to Arizona and hunt for diamonds?
5820Did thee see anybody whom thee would like to live with always in Fallkill?"
5820Did you ever see that?"
5820Did you forget the railroad?
5820Do you go to Senator X?
5820How far from here is Columbus River?
5820How was he getting on with his navigation scheme, would it be likely to take him from home to Jefferson City; or to Washington, perhaps?
5820I do n''t mean to fret, I do n''t mean to worry; and I do n''t, once a month, do I, dear?
5820I know you''re doing all you can, and I do n''t want to seem repining and ungrateful-- for I''m not, Beriah-- you know I''m not, do n''t you?"
5820If he wo n''t stick to any industry except for himself now, what will he do then?"
5820Is it an appropriation?
5820Is it that railroad?"
5820Just stop and fancy a moment-- just think a little-- don''t anything suggest itself?
5820Let me see--where was I?
5820Perhaps the reader has never been there?
5820Sellers should, have business there; say, about this Columbus River appropriation?"
5820Sellers, who had been a confederate and had not thriven by it, should give him the cold shoulder?
5820So, do n''t you see?
5820Things ai n''t so dark, are they?
5820To what purpose?
5820Was she fascinated with Harry''s careless''bon homie''and gay assurance?
5820We''ve got the rail road to fall back on; and in the meantime, what are we worrying about that$ 200,000 appropriation for?
5820What difference does it make about the mood and tense of a mere verb?
5820What do you suppose I am staying in Hawkeye for, week after week, when I ought to be with my corps?"
5820When, however, they reached Stone''s Landing the Senator looked about him and inquired,"Is this Napoleon?"
5820Where''ll it be by the middle of summer?
5820Who shall say that this is not the golden age of mutual trust, of unlimited reliance upon human promises?
5820Why not, she said, why should n''t I do as other women have done?
5820Why will father have anything to do with him?
5820Would Ruth be glad to hear, he wondered, that he was coming East?
5820Would thee have me sit here like a bird on a bough and wait for somebody to come and put me in a cage?"
5820Would you?
5820You being a stranger, how could you do otherwise?
5820You want an appointment?
5820You''d go''straight to the Committee, or to the Interior office, I suppose?
5824And Ruth?
5824Are his great- grand- children still living?
5824But she was different after that?
5824But what should I lecture about?
5824Do you recognize, that hand- writing?
5824Does it leak anywhere?
5824Gentlemen, have you agreed upon your verdict?
5824Had you the least suspicion of the prisoner''s intention, up to the moment of the shooting?
5824How long have you known the prisoner?
5824Indeed I do n''t know.--Why should he?
5824Is it in good repair?
5824Leak? 5824 Major Sellers, what is your occupation?"
5824Mrs. Hawkins,said Mr. Braham,"will you''be kind enough to state the circumstances of your finding Laura?"
5824No? 5824 Not for thy profession?"
5824Well, then, why should n''t a man want to steal it if he got a chance?
5824What is it?
5824Why-- a-- do the clothes fall out of it when it is-- when it is stationary?
5824Why? 5824 Why?"
5824You mean,said Mr. Braham,"that there was an unnatural, insane gleam in her eyes?"
5824After the recovery of Laura from her long illness, did Mrs. Hawkins think there, were any signs of insanity about her?
5824And where to begin?
5824Are we to be shut out from showing that the motive attributed to us could not by reason of certain mental conditions exist?
5824At the time of first finding Laura on the steamboat, did she notice that Laura''s mind was at all deranged?
5824But upon one occasion, old Senator Thompson said to me, its my opinion, Colonel Sellers"--"Did you ever see any body who had seen him?"
5824Come, now, answer fair-- wouldn''t you steal it?
5824Could Phil let him have a hundred, say, for ninety days?
5824Dat Mister Prierly, he do n''t never come back here no more, ai n''t it?"
5824Did he accompany her to a reception at Mrs. Shoonmaker''s a day or two before?
5824Did n''t Miss Hawkins refuse you?"
5824Do n''t you see?
5824Do you want to carry water in it?
5824Following that occupation with Miss Hawkins?"
5824Gentlemen, did she ever emerge from this delirium?
5824Had he noticed any change in, Laura after her illness?
5824He was not able to deny that he believed Senator Dilworthy to be guilty-- but what then?
5824I believe Major Lackland is not living, Colonel?"
5824If he, seeks his daughter, it is the purposeless search of a lunatic, as one who wanders bereft of reason, crying where is my child?
5824Let the jury do what they please; what difference is it going to make?
5824Mr. Noble--"Contempt of whom?"
5824Mr. Noble--"Then will the Committee ask the question?"
5824Now what a way to talk that is: What do you suppose that trunk is worth?"
5824Now what would you call stealing?"
5824Or would not the truer way be to find out whether the Senator was capable of being entrapped into so shameless an act, and then try him?
5824Sellers, I believe?"
5824Sellers, did you know a Major Lackland?"
5824Sellers, did you; ever see this man, this supposed father?"
5824Sellers, have you any, reason to suppose that this man is still living?"
5824Sellers; you know the parties here, you are a friend of the family?"
5824Shall I do it, or shall I not?
5824Suppose you were a thief, and that trunk was lying around and nobody watching-- wouldn''t you steal it?
5824The question was this:"Were the doctors clear that the deceased had no disease which might soon have carried him off, if he had not been shot?"
5824Then he rushes outen the house, I goes in-- and I says,"Missis did you ring?"
5824Three or four tines in as many weeks he said to himself,"Am I a visionary?
5824Was it such an extraordinary case?
5824Was she not the heroine of the hour?
5824Was this to be done by trying an obscure adventurer for attempting to trap a Senator into bribing him?
5824Were not these following cheers the expression of popular approval and affection?
5824Were you not a lover of Miss Hawkins?"
5824What did he do first?
5824What do you mean by does it leak?"
5824What does she say?"
5824What is it?
5824What is the matter with you?"
5824What is your occupation?"
5824What occurred?
5824What would the morning bring?
5824What would you do first, after you had tomahawked your mother at the breakfast table for putting too much sugar in your coffee?
5824Who is he, where is he?
5824Why did you deal in bank bills on this particular occasion?"
5824Why does the Senate still stick to this pompous word,''Investigation?''
5824Why not?
5824Why, are n''t trunks always being stolen?"
5824Witness asked her"Who?"
5824Would he one day hear that she had died a felon''s death?
5824Would the conductor open the door and ask for Philip Sterling, and hand him a fatal dispatch?
5824You can do more for her now, sir, than I can?"
5824You have my card?"
5818Believe it, indeed? 5818 But how can I, father?
5818But how should I know whether they were boys or girls?
5818But the money, child?
5818Could n''t you, Washington-- seeing it''s you that wants the ride? 5818 De law sakes, Chile, did n''t I see him a lookin''at us?".
5818Did you feel scared, Uncle Dan''l?
5818Do you reckon he saw, us, Uncle Dan''l? 5818 Do you see these papers?
5818Does I reckon? 5818 Goodness sakes, mars Clay, do n''t de Good Book say?
5818How''s your wood?
5818It''s the same old boy, Nancy, jest the same old boy-- ain''t he?
5818Jim, what is the meaning of that?
5818Nancy, do you suppose I listened to such a preposterous proposition? 5818 Throw it away?
5818Uncle Dan''l, do you reckon it was the prayer that saved us?
5818Well what did you run for?
5818Well, what have you got on hand-- anything?
5818What''s a stirrin'', down''bout the Forks?
5818What''s plasterin''?
5818Where''s your hogs now? 5818 ''Sides, do n''t it call''em de HE- brew chil''en? 5818 Ai n''t any hay and oats? 5818 An''d''you spec''he gwyne to let''em off''dout somebody ast him to do it? 5818 An''warn''t he a lookin''right at dis gang heah, an''warn''t he jes''a reachin''for''em? 5818 And so you would n''t even part with Clay? 5818 And what do you suppose they burn? 5818 And what do you think you''ll do, Washington, when you get to Hawkeye? 5818 But as soon as the land is sold----"Emily, were you about to say something?
5818But the Amaranth''s head was almost abreast the Boreas''s stern:"How''s your steam, now, Harry?"
5818Could n''t you write and ask them?"
5818Did n''t he buy, after all?
5818Did n''t he make an offer?"
5818Did you ever see a house afire?
5818Dis Chile would like to know whah we''d a ben now if it warn''t fo''dat prah?
5818Finish your invention for making window- glass opaque?"
5818Folks all well, I suppose?
5818George Davis, the pilot on watch, shouted to the night- watchman on deck:"How''s she loaded?"
5818Hawkins said to himself,"How can a man ever lose faith?
5818Hawkins said:"Washington, my boy, what will you do when you get to be one of the richest men in the world?"
5818He bent over a speaking tube and said:"Who''s on watch down there?"
5818He muttered:"Gone?
5818Here, Jerry, got anything to do?
5818How could you do it, Clay?"
5818How much money have you got?"
5818How was the cottonwood stump on the false point below Boardman''s Island this morning?"
5818How''s your draft?"
5818I suppose you-- you''ll still go, Si?"
5818I wonder what is in the wind?
5818If dey was gals would n''t dey be de SHE- brew chil''en?
5818It is true we are not rich-- but still you are not sorry--- you have n''t any misgivings about the additions?"
5818Like her?
5818Little strangers?
5818Mrs. Hawkins looked up white and despairing:"You threw away this chance, you let this man go, and we in this awful trouble?
5818Mrs. Hawkins sprang in, beaming:"Well, Si?"
5818Now how does that strike you?"
5818Old Damrell said:"Tha hain''t no news''bout the jedge, hit ai n''t likely?"
5818Tell me-- is anything the matter?"
5818The boat was a moving earthquake by this time:"How is she now?"
5818The captain spoke through the tube:"What steam are You carrying?"
5818The"old man"spoke through the tube:"What is she- carrying now?"
5818Then I suppose you''ll finish your plan of coloring hen''s eggs by feeding a peculiar diet to the hen?"
5818Then he said:"Can I get well?
5818Three years of introductory trade in the orient and what will be the result?
5818Washington, Emily, do n''t you know me?
5818Well; do you know, they''ve quit burning wood in some places in the Eastern States?
5818Whah was yo''eyes?
5818What has started this sudden excitement about iron?
5818Where are the papers?--Have you got the papers safe?
5818Why could n''t these things have happened in father''s day?
5818Why what is the republic of America for an eye- water country?
5818Why woman, do you suppose that man do n''t know what he is about?
5818Wo n''t I fix you, though!--ponies, cows, dogs, everything you can think of that''ll delight a child''s heart- and-- Why how''s this?
5818Would I go to all that trouble and bother for the poor crumbs a body might pick up in this country?
5818You would n''t sell one of them at a good round figure?"
5818an''a goin''on turrible-- an''do de Lord carry on dat way''dout dey''s sumfin do n''t suit him?
5818he''ll be back here tomorrow, sure, and take my offer; take it?
5819Abolish''n wan''t it? 5819 And thee wo n''t go?"
5819And when thee has got the education thee wants, and lost all relish for the society of thy friends and the ways of thy ancestors, what then?
5819But how does that concern us? 5819 But in what capacity would I go?"
5819Can''t- take- me?
5819Did thee ever think, Margaret, whether, she can endure being thwarted in an, object on which she has so set her heart, as she has on this? 5819 Harry,"said Philip, after a pause,"what have you got on those big boots for; do you expect to wade ashore?"
5819Has thy mother led a useless life?
5819Have you breakfasted Colonel?
5819How far?
5819I know,said Margaret Bolton, with a half anxious smile, thee chafes against all the ways of Friends, but what will thee do?
5819I reckon you did n''t git them boots no wher''s this side o''Sent Louis?
5819I suppose your capital is largely in your plantation?
5819I suppose, Senator, that you have become acclimated to this country?
5819Is n''t this jolly?
5819Is thee going to the Yearly Meeting, Ruth?
5819Plague? 5819 Ruth?"
5819Take it of course,says Gringo, take anything that offers, why not?"
5819Take it? 5819 Thee will no doubt break things enough when thy time comes, child; women always have; but what does thee want now that thee has n''t?"
5819Well, why do n''t you go into something? 5819 What does this mean?
5819What makes you think the road will go there? 5819 What plague, indeed?
5819What sort of business can a young man go into without capital?
5819What''s jolly?
5819What''s the good, father, of a series of human beings who do n''t advance any?
5819When do you go?
5819Where thee and thy family are known?
5819Why did n''t you take it?
5819Why do n''t you see? 5819 Why should I?
5819Yes, but what is it for, what is it all about?
5819An opening eh?"
5819And if I had a fortune, would thee want me to lead a useless life?"
5819And the lectures, and the dissecting rooms, has thee thought of the dissecting rooms?"
5819And was it all present?
5819And, besides, suppose thee does learn medicine?"
5819Are all books lies?
5819At length she interrupted the conversation by asking,"You''d sell the stock, I suppose, Mr. Bigler, to anybody who was attracted by the prospectus?"
5819But he only said,"Has thee consulted thy mother about a career, I suppose it is a career thee wants?"
5819Can such a slight little body endure the ordeal of the preparation for, or the strain of, the practice of the profession?"
5819Did I tell you I had an offer from Bobbett and Fanshaw to go into their office as confidential clerk on a salary of ten thousand?"
5819Did she come to herself?
5819Do all men who wear big diamond breast- pins, flourish their knives at table, and use bad grammar, and cheat?"
5819Does thee think I lack nerve?
5819Does thee think thee could stand it six months?
5819Even this open declaration of his hospitable intention not being understood the Colonel politely said,"Gentlemen, will you take something?"
5819Everybody liked the young fellow, for how could they help liking one of such engaging manners and large fortune?
5819First visit?
5819For what would there have been to conquer?
5819From the East, perhaps?
5819How does that fruit strike you?"
5819How does that strike your engineering eye, Mr. Thompson?
5819How is that?"
5819I would''nt take three fortunes for one little operation I''ve got on hand now-- have anything from the casters?
5819If they were orphans, would they like to be brought up in a Grecian temple?
5819Is he going to start a daily newspaper among the Kick- a- poos?"
5819Is it true that he gave money to help build the pretty little church of St. James the Less, and that he is, one of the vestrymen?"
5819Is that too soon?"
5819Is the pathos in the eyes of the Beatrice Cenci from her guilt or her innocence?
5819Is thy father willing thee should go away to a school of the world''s people?"
5819It occurred to him, now, that the Colonel had not invited him lately-- could he be offended?
5819It''s twenty miles, on the map, off the straight line of the road?"
5819Les, see, what state''s Massachusetts in?"
5819Looking for an opening?"
5819Meantime why should they be separated?
5819Meeting the two friends in the lobby one evening, he asked them to give him the time, and added:"Excuse me, gentlemen-- strangers in St. Louis?
5819One of the men in Third street asked him the other day, whether his was a high church or a low church?
5819Perhaps I ought n''t said anything, but its bound to come out sooner or later, so what is the odds?
5819Ruth turned square round to her mother, and with an impassive face and not the slightest change of tone, said,"Mother, I''m going to study medicine?"
5819Shall we walk?"
5819She caught his arm and cried,"George, how can you joke so cruelly?
5819Stopping here, gentlemen-- stopping at the Southern?"
5819Was her husband ever cold or indifferent?
5819Was n''t it the broadest and the longest street in the world?
5819Was there anything left in her heart but hate and bitterness, a sense of an infamous wrong at the hands of the only man she had ever loved?
5819Was this the plain family dinner?
5819Was woman ever prudent when she loved?
5819What are their opinions to me?
5819What is there to fear in a person dead more than in a person living?"
5819What one useful thing could I do for a living, for the support of mother and the children?
5819What plague?"
5819What would happen to me if thee should lose thy property and die?
5819Where are you going?"
5819Why is thee so discontented?"
5819Why should I rust, and be stupid, and sit in inaction because I am a girl?
5819Will there not always be rosin enough for the squeaking fiddle- bow?
5819You got that basket of champagne?
5819You have n''t looked about any yet, gentlemen?
5819You''d rather sit here in front than go to my apartments?
5819by the way-- New York, did you say?
5823A waste of time, to purify the fountain of public law? 5823 Again I thought, Is this a theatre?
5823And are n''t you tired sometimes of the struggle?
5823Any scruples about capital punishment?
5823Any which?
5823Are you an idiot?
5823Are you cold?
5823Are you comfortable, Laura?
5823But what are the ways?
5823But,asked the Squire,"do you mean to abandon your land in Pennsylvania?"
5823Can I see her letter?
5823Can you read?
5823Can you read?
5823Can you read?
5823Die and leave the Duchess to fight it out all alone? 5823 Do you mean to insult me?"
5823Do you think you would be contented to live in Fallkill, and attend the county Court?
5823Do you think, Mr. Dilworthy, that the Hawkinses will get much of the money?
5823Does n''t it look like it?
5823Have n''t any particular business, eh? 5823 Have you any conscientious objections to capital punishment?"
5823Have you formed or expressed any opinion on this case, and do you know any of the parties?
5823Have you heard of this case?
5823Have you read anything about this case?
5823How is it that the reports made no impression on you?
5823How long does it take to disinfect itself of these minor impurities?
5823I do n''t know, she has a kind of beauty-- she is not like--''Not like Alice?"
5823I say, do you know what an oath is?
5823I''m afraid you could n''t go down very far in four hours-- could you?
5823Is she as beautiful as the newspapers say she is?
5823It goes up into the dozens, does it?
5823Now, Roberts, you are sure about this?
5823Oh, bother the effect!--What is it they do do? 5823 Oh, yes it can, too""Why, how?"
5823On what, for instance, just now?
5823Own some terriers, eh? 5823 Then why waste all the session in that tomfoolery of trying members?"
5823Tired? 5823 Well wo n''t it expel anybody?"
5823Well, at last, what do you think happened? 5823 Well, what did Congress do?"
5823Well, when nobody is expelled, what does the country think then?
5823Were there no combinations, no railroad jobs, no mining schemes put through in connection with the election? 5823 What for?
5823What is to hinder having a home of my, own?
5823What is your business?
5823What is your reason for supposing that there is coal there?
5823What sort of a home is it for the wife whose husband is always away riding about in his doctor''s gig?
5823What-- sure that it''s coal?
5823When did you strike it?
5823Who does it have a good moral effect on?
5823Who will pay for the sign, Ruth?
5823Why, do you suppose they will hang a woman? 5823 Would this feeling rather incline you against a capital conviction?"
5823Would you object to finding a person guilty-- of murder on evidence?
5823You do n''t mean to say,asked Philip,"that he went in without paying anything?"
5823Am I in some far- off monarchy, looking upon little princes and princesses?
5823Am I in some strange foreign clime where the children are marvels that we know not of?
5823Am I nothing-- to you?"
5823And can you eat any thing?"
5823And what do you think it was?
5823And would you want me to be dependent, Philip?"
5823At the same moment the lady in the bonnet advanced towards him and said something like,"George, will you go with me?"
5823But thee did n''t listen to him again?"
5823But what if he did?
5823But, Ruth, do you think you would be happier or do more good in following your profession than in having a home of your own?"
5823Come, now, how do they proceed?"
5823Come, what is the matter?
5823Could Laura have run away with him?
5823Did anybody tell you to say you had no opinion about it?"
5823Did he ever hear of this case?
5823Did he not know that the very"spittoon"which his judgeship used cost the city the sum of one thousand dollars?
5823Did it last year?
5823Do n''t you see how our bad luck has worked on me?
5823Do they say I shot him?".
5823Do you suppose they will be so barbarous as that?"
5823Do you think a Congress of ours could convict the devil of anything if he were a member?"
5823Had he not helped to build and furnish this very Court House?
5823Had the flight anything to do with Selby?
5823Has n''t it good timber, and does n''t the railroad almost touch it?"
5823Have not these big babies with beards filled all literature with their outcries, their griefs and their lamentations?
5823Have you any conscientious scruples about capital punishment?"
5823Have you ever heard of this case?"
5823He was about to be sworn, when the district attorney turning to him carelessly, remarked,"Understand the nature of an oath?"
5823Hold on a bit?
5823How do they proceed?
5823I ask you, my little friends, What did my consciousness reply?
5823I have been asking myself as I sat here, Where am I?
5823I wonder if Mr. Bolton''would rather sell out or work it?"
5823In Harry''s- room on the table Philip found this note:"Dear Mr. Brierly:--Can you meet me at the six o''clock train, and be my escort to New York?
5823Is it a concert or a gilded opera?
5823Is it nothing to show a disposition to sift things and bring people to a strict account?
5823Is it some other vain, brilliant, beautiful temple of soul- staining amusement and hilarity?
5823Is this woman a specimen of your western friends?"
5823It shall never be said that Beriah Sellers--Come in?"
5823Keep a rat pit?"
5823Laura''s only reply was, very simply,"Did I shoot him?
5823Let''s see?"
5823Ruth, do you believe a woman ever becomes a devil?"
5823Struck it, eh?
5823The University bill was sure to pass this, time, and that would make money plenty, but might not the, help come too late?
5823The attorney sat down, and the clerk called?"
5823The clerk says that the gentleman asked her,"What do you want to see him for?"
5823The man was about to be sworn, when Mr. Braham asked,"Could your father read?"
5823Then what is it?
5823Then what suggested it to you to volunteer that remark?"
5823Then where am I?
5823We took it to be that""Did you from the first?"
5823Well, what''s your general business?
5823What are you wilting down like that, for?
5823What did my consciousness reply?
5823What do you do for a living?"
5823What else, can we get for you?"
5823What quality is it?"
5823What should you say it was, children?
5823What was Laura''s object in taking Harry?
5823What was it for?"
5823What would he care for it then?
5823Where could they, have gone?
5823Where is it?
5823Who would be alive to care for it then?
5823Why, indeed, might we not feel pity for a woman whose brilliant career had been so suddenly extinguished in misfortune and crime?
5823Would Harry be such a fool as to be dragged into some public scandal?
5823Would it never get on?
5823Would the clerk tell him that a lady and gentleman wished to see him for a moment in the parlor?
5823Would you like to try it again in the spring, Phil?"
5823Yes-- where am I?
5821And that we owe the men and the contractors nearly ten thousand dollars besides?
5821And then-- burst up, I suppose?
5821Another appropriation, do n''t you see?
5821Beg pardon?
5821But how great, Laura? 5821 But is it going to be as much as people say it is?"
5821But the poor Injuns-- not that I care much for Injuns-- what did he do for them?
5821But what makes you think so?
5821But will it be soon, Laura?
5821Close? 5821 Did you see Hopperson last night after the congressional prayer meeting?"
5821Do you find it hard and lonely to be so far from your home and friends, Miss Hawkins?
5821Do you think any thing can be done, sir?
5821Have you Taine''s England?
5821He said that, did he?
5821I suppose you heard of the fright we had two weeks ago last Saturday? 5821 If you had n''t levied the assessment you would have been in a close place I judge?"
5821Indeed? 5821 Indeed?
5821Is it not so, mamma?
5821Is there anything more?
5821My daughter,said the Senator, with a grave look,"I trust there was nothing free in his manner?"
5821Not exactly, he said-- shall I tell you what he said?
5821Now does it, indeed? 5821 Now what can the girl mean?
5821Oh, I saw Senator Balloon"He will help us, I suppose? 5821 They ought, ought they?
5821Was that where you learned to play the bones? 5821 What do they say it is?"
5821Why is n''t it? 5821 Why no-- can that be so?"
5821Why so?
5821Why, Phil,she would say,"what puts you in the dumps to day?
5821Am I right?"
5821And then Hicks went on, with a serious air,"Colonel, if you register a letter, it means that it is of value, does n''t it?
5821Are you fond of watering- places, Miss Hawkins?"
5821Are you?
5821But how do those letters strike you?"
5821But how would it strike you if I were to say that I was in Washington all the time this bill was pending?
5821But to go back a bit, it begins to look as if you never saw any of that appropriation at all?"
5821But where is it?"
5821But, after all, was that the best way?
5821Confound the girl, he would say to himself, why does she never tease Harry and that young Shepley who comes here?
5821Did Ruth care for anybody at Fallkill?
5821Did Ruth ever speak of him?
5821Did n''t you show him he was in error about the bill?"
5821Did she care for anything except her profession?
5821Did she think Ruth cared for him?
5821Do n''t you think so Colonel?"
5821Do you know any of their signatures?
5821Do you know their handwriting?"
5821Do you know this signature here?--and this one?
5821Do you know who those initials represent-- and are they forgeries?"
5821Do you like winter, Miss Hawkins?"
5821Do you think I am in love with her?"
5821Does Alice appear to be present when she is absent?"
5821Does he believe in anything?"
5821Does it mend the matter by calling her your sister?
5821Does she think I have turned idiot?
5821Had Ruth a premonition of Philip''s intention, in his manner?
5821Has, a confessor, if she is young and pretty, any feeling?
5821Have n''t you paid the men?"
5821Have you figured up the total of the disbursements I told you of?"
5821He did not make any objections?"
5821He''s a kind of--""Eh?
5821How are we going to pay them when you do n''t honor our drafts?"
5821How do you like Washington?"
5821I can depend on you for that, ca n''t I?"
5821I had to tell him some of the side arrangements, some of the--""You did n''t mention me?"
5821I suppose I did ask you, did n''t I?"
5821I suppose you seldom meet in society now, the people you used to be familiar with twelve or fifteen years ago?"
5821I think we ought all-- to share our pleasures with others, and do what we can to make each other happy, do not you?"
5821I wonder what Dilworthy does think of me anyway?
5821Introductions followed, and then the usual original question,"How do you like Washington, Miss Hawkins?"
5821Is it hymns?"
5821Is n''t that so?"
5821It is part of your business, then?"
5821It is the land that''s to bring the money, is n''t it Laura?
5821Laura--"And Hildebrand and Percy-- are they-- are they like this one?"
5821Let me see-- have I stated all the expenses I''ve been at?
5821Might I ask you to give me the time?
5821Miss Emmeline Gashly--"What and leave poor Johnny Peterson behind?"
5821Mrs. Gashly--"Is it your first visit?"
5821Must you go?
5821Oh bless my soul, you ca n''t mean that you have not paid these people?"
5821Said he:"Have you ever read this, ma''m?
5821Sellers took a like amount?"
5821She caught such remarks as,"Who is she?"
5821Some people jump to conclusions without any thought-- you have noticed that?"
5821That''s good economy, is n''t it?"
5821The Senator spoke with feeling, and then added,"I hope you showed Hopperson that our motives were pure?"
5821The appropriation?--that paltry$ 200,000, do you mean?"
5821The porter returned in a minute; and asked whom he would like to see?
5821The president smiled blandly, even sweetly, all through this harangue, and then said:"Is that so?"
5821The words were music to his ear; but what were they compared to the ravishing smile with which she flooded his whole system?
5821Then after a pause-- he did not notice Laura''s smiles"Laura, would you lay the main hall in encaustic tiles, or just in fancy patterns of hard wood?"
5821Then both came forward and the proprietor said:"Is it an American book, ma''m?"
5821Then he said:"Now here, for instance; do you believe that that is a genuine letter?
5821There''s two months''wages due the men, and----""How?
5821There, now-- does that satisfy you?"
5821Was it possible for a gentleman to get even with such a fellow as that conductor on the letter''s own plane?
5821Was n''t it enough to have offered the lady his seat, to have rescued her from an accident, perhaps from death?
5821Was n''t it old what''s his name?
5821Well, was it a myth, or was it a reality?
5821Well, well, well-- how did you ever have the nerve to approach him, of all others?"
5821What did he say?"
5821What woman, under the circumstances, would?
5821What''s the road out?"
5821Whatever become of it?"
5821Why should he have put himself in such a ridiculous position?
5821Why should n''t he speak his mind, and end his doubts?
5821Will it be millions?"
5821You are acquainted with the members down there, of course, else you could not have worked to such advantage?"
5821You can tell me that much, ca n''t you?"
5821You never suspected him?"
5821You remember his saying that, daughter?"
5821You remember, child, your father always admired thunder?"
5821You subscribed for 100 shares of the capital stock, at$ 1,000 a share, I believe?"
5821and what if I added that I put the measure through myself?
5821supplemented by that other usual original question,"Is this your first visit?"
5821that said only the beautiful is useful?"
44274A check on what?
44274About what?
44274All right; what do you want to do?
44274Are you going to turn down all those$ 5 bills?
44274Are you? 44274 At what time?"
44274But suppose the properties do n''t make good?
44274Did they get you? 44274 Did you meet any outsiders there?"
44274Did you sign that interview which they published?
44274Do you mean to say that the odds against a man making money on Union Pacific on any given day are only 6 to 5 when he buys the stock_ on margin_?
44274Do you still bet on the horses?
44274Do you want a cut?
44274Do you want them?
44274Hello,I said,"who is this?"
44274Hold us?
44274How am I going to get back to Tonopah and from there to San Francisco?
44274How am I going to subsist here for a few days until I can begin to make a living?
44274How can I? 44274 How far do you intend to go?"
44274How much capital have you got?
44274How much do you want?
44274How much would your bank loan the Sullivan Trust Company on its unindorsed paper and at a moment''s notice?
44274How''s that? 44274 If we only get a few customers to- day and this one wins, what will happen?"
44274Sullivan,I said,"is n''t it a certainty that the miners will vote the Democratic ticket because Mitchell has been put forward by the mine owners?
44274Suppose we get stranded out there, what will happen?
44274Well, what of it?
44274Well,said I,"how can you lose?
44274What are you doing here?
44274What authority have you for this?
44274What did you say in your second story?
44274What do you know about mines?
44274What theater has a sale of seats to- day?
44274What will I pay?
44274What will we do next?
44274What will we do next?
44274What will you take to make a report on Ely Central?
44274What''s my job, and what do I get?
44274What''s the matter?
44274What''s the news, Jack?
44274What''s the purpose of the report?
44274What''s the trouble?
44274What''s up?
44274What? 44274 Where did you buy your information?"
44274Why do n''t Rice come over here himself, eh? 44274 Why?"
44274As for myself, what excuse have I had for catering to the gambling instinct?
44274But what happened to Nipissing?
44274But what of the public?
44274C. Goodwin, where he delivered himself somewhat as follows:"What are you fellows trying to do, anyway?
44274CHAPTER XII THE LESSON OF IT ALL What is the lesson of my experience-- the big broad lesson for the American citizen?
44274Can you beat that for a layout?
44274Could it be possible that they themselves were scuttling the ship that had given them such glorious passage?
44274Custom and practice cover a multitude of remarkable transactions-- don''t they?
44274Did I fall for Greenwater?
44274Did I have foresight?
44274Did I realize that stocks were selling at much higher prices than were warranted by intrinsic worth and speculative value?
44274Did the Government find any evidence of this in the books?
44274Did we invariably bet the money of our clients on the horse we named?
44274Do n''t drowning men grasp at straws?
44274Do you know that the gambling instinct is responsible for the wonderful growth of the mining industry in the United States?
44274Do you suppose newspapers presided over by those men are going to say a word against the enterprises of their benefactors?
44274Do you think we are fools or crazy, or what?
44274Do you think we are going to stand for any such newspaper notoriety as you are getting and watch it with our arms folded?
44274Do you think we can sell them in the morning for enough to provide breakfast money?"
44274Do you want to burn up the money?"
44274Does_ any_ exist?
44274Finally I asked,"What is the matter?"
44274Gans wins, does n''t he?"
44274Has an outraged Government ever raised hue and cry against these eminent captains of industry?
44274He exclaimed,"Bet?
44274Holding up both hands, I gasped,"In heaven''s name, what have we done?"
44274How can you make any money giving out that Silver Coin tip for nothing?"
44274How many of his trading customers travel that way?
44274How many words?"
44274How was it done?
44274How was this to be accomplished?
44274How would you like to join us?"
44274If he is frank, he will shrug his shoulders and reply something like this:"If the game could be beaten, do you think I would be a broker?
44274If there was a Greenwater boom, how was it that we in Goldfield, who were in touch with all Nevada mining affairs, did not know about it?
44274Is he?
44274Is it necessary to spend any money with the Western Federation?"
44274Is it not the habit of horse- race players when they lose five races in succession to make a plunge bet on the sixth with a view to getting out even?
44274It''s a foul, is n''t it?
44274Now, will that satisfy you?
44274People in Nevada began asking,"Who is Teague?"
44274Pool- room habitués argued it thus:"If the tip is not''a good thing,''what object in the world would these people have for publishing the ad?
44274Pushing his fist into the referee''s face, Mr. Sullivan cried:"Now, Siler, you saw that foul, did n''t you?
44274Shall I wire the Knickerbocker Trust Company to pay you$ 25,000 to support the market?
44274Slamming his cane down on the big mahogany table, he demanded in stentorian tones:"What in the---- does this---- business mean?
44274Sullivan._ What guarantee have I got that you wo n''t give Gans the worst of it?
44274THE BIRTH OF AN IDEA TO COIN MONEY"Do these people make money?"
44274The man responded,"His name is Jack, ai n''t it?"
44274This seems certain, for otherwise why this raw press- work?
44274Turning to Sullivan I said:"Do you know the Goldfield manager of the Western Union Telegraph Company?"
44274Turning to the demon in charge of the engine, who had now recovered consciousness, Mr. Sullivan cried,"How dare you do a thing like this?"
44274WHO GOT THE$ 75,000,000?
44274Was I, in fact, wise to the exact situation and did I realize a smash was bound to ensue?
44274Was he not talked of as running mate for Mr. Taft, and did he not organize the National League of Republican Clubs two years ago?
44274What are these impalpable yet cunningly devised tricks that are calculated to fool the wisest and which landed YOU?
44274What are you trying to put across on us?
44274What are your chances of winning in any speculation where you play another man''s game?
44274What difference is there between the respectable multi- millionaire bankers putting across a losing promotion and the little fellow?
44274What does it mean, suh; what does it mean?"
44274What has been the attitude of the Department of Justice since the raid was made?
44274What is the evil of short selling of the kind described herein?
44274What more natural than that those who were hit hard should now fall over one another to get in on the good things of Rawhide?
44274What of the camp?
44274What was the system?
44274Where did I stand and what was my position at this conjuncture?
44274Where does real tangible evidence of a conspiracy to defraud in Nipissing exist?
44274Where does the money go that is lost?
44274Who did get it?
44274Who gets it?
44274Who pays it?
44274Who pays the freight?
44274Who profited?
44274Why did n''t it issue a fraud order?
44274Why was the property idle?
44274Why, if the Scheftels aggregation were guilty, did n''t the Post- Office Department do the raiding?
44274With this$ 5,000?"
44274Would n''t I be a player?"
44274Would n''t it wilt you?
44274Would people notice it?
44274Would you believe that without the gambling instinct the development of the great natural resources of this country would be almost impossible?
44274Would you make an affidavit that you bought the information from us?"
44274You understand?
5822And his wife!--Does he take his family? 5822 And now perhaps you think that if I refuse to support your bill, you will make a grand exposure?"
5822And you believed these slanders?
5822And you do love me a little?
5822Believe in what?
5822But perhaps you do not know, you who have so much admiration, how sincere and overmastering his love is for you?
5822By the way,asked Harry,"who is that rather handsome party that''s hanging''round Laura?
5822Can I help it if they are attentive, can I be rude? 5822 Col. Selby, is it not?"
5822Did I?
5822Did Senator Bland?
5822Did he copy your speech for you?
5822Did you see those Japs, Miss Leavitt?
5822Did you send for we merely to insult me? 5822 Did you?
5822Do n''t you think he is distinguished looking?
5822Do you know him?
5822Do you? 5822 Does he know many Southerners?"
5822Does he want any capital? 5822 Excuse my bluntness,"he continued,"but would the knowledge of his love; would his devotion, make any difference to you in your Washington life?"
5822I suppose, though, you do n''t see much of the old rebel element?
5822In respect to what?
5822Indeed? 5822 Is anything uncommon going on?"
5822It''s who?
5822Laura? 5822 Miss Hawkins, what do yo mean by such talk as that?"
5822No, is it?
5822Ruth,said he one day when he was getting to be quite himself,"I believe in it?"
5822Treat you how?
5822Uncle, you and Brother Balaam are bosom friends-- why do n''t you get his paper to persecute us, too?
5822Very well, I will do it-- but why not tell me how you imagine it is going to help you?
5822Vote for a fr-- for a measure which is generally believed to be at least questionable? 5822 Washington weather generally can not be very congenial to you?"
5822Well if he wants to make a great speech why does n''t he do it?
5822Well if it was only a joke, why did you make a serious matter of it? 5822 Well, suppose it were a fraud-- which I feel able to deny-- would it be the first one?"
5822Well, what WOULD have been the result?
5822Well, would you mind telling me your opinion of it?
5822What do people say?
5822What do they say?
5822What is that?
5822What is, dear?
5822Who is he? 5822 Why do you treat me so?"
5822Why, do you remember that yet, Miss Hawkins? 5822 Why, what is it, sis?
5822With you? 5822 You do n''t say so?
5822You know my bill-- the Knobs University bill?
5822; what would have been the result?"
5822A suggestion came into her mind presently and she said:"Ca n''t you fight against his great Pension bill and, bring him to terms?"
5822And a look of bitterness coming into her face-- does the fool think he can escape so?
5822And besides, if I had been inclined to forget, I-- did you not give me something by way of a remembrancer?"
5822And did you wake me sir?
5822And if I win the game, will it be worth its cost after all?
5822And what have rest and contentment to do with love?
5822And why did n''t he kill me?
5822And you think I will have it; George?
5822And you''ve been here a week, Grace, and do n''t know?
5822At breakfast she asked if any one had heard any unusual noise during the night?
5822But have you kept that all this time?"
5822But how is this going to benefit you, after I have managed it?
5822But is n''t there something else you could give me, too?"
5822But seriously, you do not forget that some of the best and purest men in Congress took that stock in that way?"
5822But what could I do?
5822But would one be in earnest about so farcical a thing?"
5822Come, now, does n''t it improve?"
5822Could he not go into some State where it would not take much time?
5822Could it be possible that he was seriously affected?
5822Did I say he?
5822Did he not belong to her by virtue of her overmastering passion?
5822Did this seem like a damnable plot to Laura against the life, maybe, of a sister, a woman like herself?
5822Did you see his wife?"
5822Do you recognize this?"
5822Do you suppose he was ever approached, on the subject?"
5822Do you think that color makes any difference, Mr. Hawkins?
5822Had he not confessed it himself?
5822Had she not a right to him?
5822Had there not always been some way out of such scrapes?
5822Have you any friend whom you would like to present with a salaried or unsalaried position in our institution?"
5822Have you nothing to say?"
5822He could deal with those millions virtuously, and withal with ability, too-- but of course you would rather he had a salaried position?"
5822How am I to move my crops?
5822How came you here?
5822How could the Colonel manage to free himself from his wife?
5822I have been married once-- is that nothing in my favor?"
5822I never wear an umbrella in the house-- did anybody''notice it''?
5822I say''Well?''
5822I thought you were--""You thought I was dead?
5822I was married, and--""And your wife still lives?"
5822I wonder if he hates me as I do him?"
5822If he deserved punishment, what more would you have?
5822Is it possible the town is saying all these things about me?
5822Is it possible, she was thinking, that this base wretch, after, all his promises, will take his wife and children and leave me?
5822Laura looked up quickly, as if about to return an indignant answer to such impertinence, but she only said,"Well, what of Col. Selby, sauce- box?"
5822Mr. Trollop winced-- then he said with dignity:"Miss Hawkins is it possible that you were capable of such a thing as that?"
5822Open your ears; for which of you will stop, The vent of hearing when loud Rumor speaks?
5822Perhaps Miss Hawkins can?"
5822Shall we bury the hatchet and be good friends and respect each other''s little secrets, on condition that I vote Aye on the measure?"
5822Should we leave them ignorant?
5822Should we leave them without tools?
5822Still, what is all this to me?
5822Tell me-- how did you get hold of that page of manuscript?
5822That gawky looking person, with Miss Hawkins?"
5822The law?
5822Two millions?
5822Was not her love for George Selby deeper than any other woman''s could be?
5822Was that what you wanted to see me about?"
5822Was there something good in him, after all, that had been touched?
5822What account should we render to Him of our stewardship?
5822What am I going to do to give her up?"
5822What can I do for you?"
5822What can I do?
5822What did he think the government would offer?
5822What did she care for talk?
5822What did they say as they sat there?
5822What do you propose to do about it?"
5822What do you propose?"
5822What else were they for?
5822What had come over this thrilling young lady- killer?
5822What nothings do people usually say in such circumstances, even if they are three- score and ten?
5822What of it?
5822What was all this for and what does it amount to after all?
5822What was he doing?
5822What would the law do but protect him and make me an outcast?
5822What- asleep?
5822Where did you get it?
5822Where was his coolness?
5822Who is he, Blanche?"
5822Why all these questions?
5822Why did n''t he send his wife home?
5822Why did you get the speech written for you, and then read it in the House without ever having it copied?"
5822Why had he taken no steps to free himself?
5822Would he smile as in the old days when she loved him so; or would he sneer as when she last saw him?
5822Would it be long?
5822Would you-- did you wish me to vote for it?
5822You are not ignorant of his feeling towards you?"
5822You are offended, though, to have me speak of it?"
5822You seem to go the furthest around to get at a thing-- but you are in earnest, are n''t you?"
5822You think I am as powerless as that day I fell dead at your feet?"
5822You think I will let you live with that woman?
5822You thought you were rid of me?
5822You would n''t deceive me, Harry?"
5822Your being with him so much is the town talk, that''s all?"
26330All of us? 26330 All right, suppose I admit it,"said I,"what of it?"
26330All? 26330 And about our big subscription-- have you and Mr. Rockefeller put it in yet?"
26330And what were my movements?
26330And where do you stand now?
26330Are they large and juicy?
26330Are you actuated by any selfish motives-- gain, revenge, or friendly interest in certain life- insurance companies or banks or trust companies?
26330Are you ready for the finals, Lawson?
26330At what price?
26330But Mr. Stillman would never dare to refuse what you and Mr. William Rockefeller asked, any more than he would the request of John D., would he?
26330But can you do this?
26330But why,ask my readers,"did you not denounce the men and renounce the work, instead of profiting by it, as you undoubtedly did?"
26330Can you do it?
26330Did n''t you have any words about the matter?
26330Did not Lewisohn put up any sort of a fight?
26330Do you give me your word for it?
26330Do you give me your word that you can?
26330Do you mean to tell me there is anything Addicks can get his hands on which he has not yet used for his companies nor stolen for himself?
26330Do you mean to tell me you were short the whole bunch?
26330Do you refuse to tell me anything about it?
26330Do you stand ready to prove your charge if he challenges you to do it?
26330Do you suppose, Lawson,said Mr. Rogers, straightening up and speaking very impatiently,"that the public will swallow any statement of that kind?
26330Does it aim at any real change in our political system? 26330 For how much?"
26330Good God, Mr. Rogers, are you mad?
26330Has any one else been indicted?
26330Have I got it? 26330 Have you been watching the stock''s actions in the market?"
26330Have you figured the consequences to yourself?
26330Have you got the news, Lawson?
26330How can we do it, Lawson, when I have told you it is impossible?
26330How do you prove that safety in this class of investment is more assured than in others?
26330How does it look to Stillman now?
26330How in the world did you know that was coming?
26330How is it the situation is as you outline it?
26330How is that? 26330 How many free bonds have we to offer, Addicks, suppose he is willing to overlook this ugly piece of trickery?"
26330How many have you brought me to- day, my merry men?
26330How much more?
26330How much of this first section do you figure, Mr. Rogers, that we are to give to the public?
26330How will two millions do?
26330I imagine you will never consent to turn your property over to us on our say- so that we will later pay you for it?
26330I may not ask you what your remedy is?
26330I take it that you want me to unload our stock on to the pool and the other members of the syndicate?
26330I thought you boasted you could read the tape, Lawson?
26330I''ll do it,he said,"but I''ll throw out the present president, blame him for all that''s happened, but-- whom shall I put in to replace him?
26330If you can really do what you claim, why not go ahead, make your gas, and sell it to us? 26330 Is it actually fixed up already?"
26330Is n''t this a gilt- edged one?
26330Just what is the bank to say in this statement?
26330Just what is your idea, Mr. Addicks, of how this gigantic piece of business could be done?
26330Lawson, are you crazy? 26330 Lawson, what are you doing in life insurance?"
26330Lawson,said he,"the public are about ready to invest in the first section of our new consolidated company, are they not?"
26330Lay it up against you, my boy? 26330 Look into it?
26330My dear fellow,said the would- be borrower,"how can that be?
26330Nothing more than that?
26330Now where do I come in on all this?
26330Now, what is your idea of how it should be gone about?
26330Of what concern is it to us,says this writer,"how one section of the rich robs another of its hoardings?"
26330Oh, he is, is he? 26330 One word of its nature?"
26330Say to him? 26330 Suppose we have,"I said;"there is no crime in that, is there?"
26330Tell you about it?
26330They wo n''t, eh?
26330This is a startler,I said;"what are we going to do?"
26330Well, Lawson, did you get things finished up all right?
26330Well, Lawson, what do you make out?
26330Well, are we ready to put our things together? 26330 Well, did you do it?
26330Well, what are you going to do?
26330Well, what can they do to any of us in this world except to send us to the poor- house or the grave? 26330 Well, what can you put up?"
26330Well, what have you to propose?
26330Well,I repeated,"what are we going to do?"
26330What are you going to do?
26330What are you going to say to him?
26330What are you trying to do, Lawson?
26330What are you trying to do?
26330What could I possibly tell you about your own scheme? 26330 What do you mean by a''way safe and fair''to yourself?
26330What do you mean by that?
26330What do you mean, Mr. Rogers? 26330 What do you want me to do?"
26330What do you want?
26330What does it mean, Lawson?
26330What else can I do? 26330 What is it?"
26330What is its secret?
26330What is the price?
26330What is the use of putting it that way, Lawson?
26330What must ye do to be rich? 26330 What shall we do?
26330What suggestion have you, Lawson, as to what should be done this morning?
26330What would the governor sign?
26330When did you sell it?
26330Whence came it?
26330Wherein does he say it is wrong?
26330Who has decided?
26330Why do n''t you take me?
26330Why do n''t you then?
26330Why not take him in with us-- you, Mr. Rockefeller, and myself?
26330Why not?
26330Why not?
26330Why waste time and words over a matter that you know as well as I must be handled very, very gingerly? 26330 Would it not be well to let the subscribers have more than the amount we agreed?
26330You did n''t meet with any set- back with Morgan, did you?
26330You have not given any one any orders, have you, nor sent any one your check to pay for any, have you?
26330You have positively made up your mind to that?
26330You have the resignations of the present board-- why not put in new men, the strongest''Standard Oil''men you know?
26330You mean this, Lawson, that you will insist upon having this done in a way that will make every one legally responsible?
26330You mean you have obtained all the consents necessary?
26330You persist, Lawson, that this is necessary?
26330A number of scions of Boston''s best families had good paying positions in the different companies; what would Mr. Addicks do with them?
26330Addicks, observing the deep sobs, asked:"What''s the matter with you, bub?"
26330All thinking people, after reading these extracts from Insurance Commissioner Cutting''s report, will ask:"Why have we never heard of this before?"
26330All with tremendous earnestness asked,"Is it safe, Mr. Lawson, for us to put our savings in Amalgamated?"
26330Am I right?"
26330Am I to understand you do n''t lay any of all that has passed up against me?"
26330And before leaving this point, it may be well to ask,"Has the New York Life Insurance Company altogether discontinued these advances to agents?"
26330And from whom comes the proof of the treacheries and rascalities perpetrated within the Equitable?
26330And how should the balance have been kept for you promoters?
26330And what will happen if''Standard Oil''declares that it will not take Utah into the consolidation?"
26330And when these associates of mine get down to this matter and all agree upon the way it should be closed up, what can I do but go with them?
26330And where would our friends be-- and the public?
26330Are n''t you afraid they will dig pits for you?"
26330Are you going to break your promise to me?
26330Are you going to commit the crime of calling out bank and trust company deposits?
26330Are you satisfied now?
26330As they were taking off their coats in the hall, however, the little newsboy pushed his way in with:"Say, boss, did yer mean ter guv me de twenty?"
26330At least would I not beg Mr. Rogers and Mr. Rockefeller to take up the 100,000 shares pending their negotiations for the balance?
26330At the first did_ you_ not plan to let the public have very much more than this?
26330But first, are you free to go on with us without explaining things to''Standard Oil''?"
26330But grant even that he plays fair, and you bring the Boston situation up to a paying place, what good will it do you?
26330But what do we find?
26330But what has the"System"in its blind rage done?
26330But what was"Standard Oil"?
26330But who owns the trust companies?
26330But would it be kept?
26330By the way, have you and Stillman changed the scheme about putting all the cash received behind the stock?"
26330Can such things be in America?"
26330Can you ask anything more than that?"
26330Could 50,000 shares be sold readily?
26330Could there be found an enterprise better calculated to discourage the upstart?
26330Could this gray ghost be the same man who a short time ago had been smiling so contentedly at Parker Chandler''s last story?
26330D''ye understand?"
26330Did I make my fortune honestly, you ask?
26330Did my readers ever hear of the National Transit Company?
26330Did you ever put a pick into ore?
26330Did you ever see a copper mine?
26330Did you not all plan to do about the same thing?
26330Did you sell that stock after we delivered it to you?"
26330Do they cheat?
26330Do they trick?
26330Do you actually mean to say that that is the way the business has been conducted in the past?"
26330Do you agree with me?"
26330Do you charge him flatly with perjury?"
26330Do you dare tell your readers now and unqualifiedly that you personally did not make money out of what you call the"Amalgamated swindle"?
26330Do you intend to allot the public more than five millions?"
26330Do you leave it to us, or not?
26330Do you really believe the officers of the company personally profited from using the"cash on hand"of the company?
26330Do you remember the dealings that you had with me, how they were based on falsehood and misrepresentation from start to finish?
26330Do you see?"
26330Do you still believe as you first wrote me?
26330Do you suppose Standard Oil has built itself up to where it is and made the money it has simply because there were always more lamps than we had oil?
26330Do you understand?
26330Finally he said:"Well, Lawson, what more can I do?"
26330First let me ask, do you intend to confine your criticisms to the New York Life Insurance Company?"
26330Go back to your associate, that gentlemanly, square- dealing fellow in Philadelphia?"
26330Had some one stolen the extra profit?
26330Had you best do it or we?"
26330Have I made it clear that you can not, as you were counting on doing, continue this fight till you have us tired out and crushed?"
26330Have they all gone in under their own names?"
26330Have we got the necessary companies to meet the ideas you have been educating the public into?"
26330Have you brought those bonds as you agreed to, or not?"
26330Have you ever paused and thought for one moment about what the results of your selfish and distorted statements might be?
26330Have_ I_ been consulted?
26330Have_ I_ consented to the breaking of your word, Mr. Rockefeller''s word?
26330Have_ I_ decided?
26330He was bending over a stack of papers, and as I landed at his desk he looked up quickly, and in a surprised way asked:"What does this mean, Lawson?"
26330How about Rogers himself?"
26330How long will they suffer a few men to siphon automatically the money of the many into their own pockets?
26330How many do you think now?
26330How much can I depend upon drawing from my account this morning, provided I want it?"
26330How old are you?"
26330However, I pulled myself together and began:"Mr. Rogers, what''s the use of getting excited?"
26330I admitted no one could possibly appreciate this more than I-- but what could be done?
26330I began a"But, Mr. Rogers,"when he interrupted, and his words came stern, aggressive:"Is it satisfactory to you or not?
26330I could refuse, but what then?
26330I hastened to ask:"What do you mean by''too many bonds,''Addicks?
26330I said to him,"What do you think has happened, Untermyer?"
26330I said,"is it possible that this man has the audacity to come to Boston and ask me to commit perjury?"
26330I said:"How can this be?"
26330I simply ask now, Is this satisfactory to you?
26330I told him certain things, and pledged my word they were truths, and I''ve got to go back and tell----""Tell what?"
26330If I am right, how did this differ so greatly from what Rogers did?
26330If I insisted on my view, what would happen?
26330If Rogers and Rockefeller paid for their shares, what became of the Amalgamated Company''s$ 75,000,000 secured by sale of stock?
26330If he had, where would you have been?
26330If not, how and where are they accounted for?
26330If the State has a valuable thing to give away, why should it not go to the one who will pay the people the most money for it?"
26330If the masses should sell their stocks and bonds and get their money, what would then happen?
26330If this is so, how can Rogers and his crowd own the 150,000 shares they took away from us at millions below the market?
26330If this is so, then why have the American people allowed themselves to reach this condition?
26330If this promise were kept, what was there to fear?
26330In other words, was n''t he doing exactly what I myself was engaged upon?
26330In what other way can it be done?"
26330Is it any wonder that I called the history I am writing"Frenzied Finance"?
26330Is it not Thomas W. Lawson?
26330Is it not Thomas W. Lawson?
26330Is it not the"System"of which you have been the leading advocate, votary, and exponent for many years?
26330Is it socialistic?"
26330Is it true?
26330Is it understood?"
26330Is n''t that about it?"
26330Is that agreed?"
26330Is that all right?"
26330Is that right?"
26330Is the American people prepared by its long- sustained prosperity to bridge over that period of want and suffering?
26330Is the"New York Life"telling a falsehood when it states that not a dollar of its assets is invested in stocks of any kind?
26330Is this the freedom which our fathers and our sons died on many a bloody, hard- fought field to preserve?
26330Is this what I get for all I have stood for?"
26330It does not pain me when my own children ask,"Why do they say such awful things about the stock operator?"
26330Just how many have we now on hand?"
26330Just why were you so fearfully wrought up at the thought of the public''s getting ten millions instead of five?
26330Let me ask you a question, What do you say it means?"
26330Let us see if there is not a chance here to determine the grave question,"Is''_ the one man_''who runs each of our great insurance companies honest?"
26330Little the woman knew what she asked when she wrote:"You will put up Sugar?"
26330Look out for Dominion at once, and when you are through I must see you-- where?"
26330Men said:"Why not?
26330Messrs. Rogers and Rockefeller were the Amalgamated Company after purchasing the capital stock from the office- boys, were they not?
26330My readers may well ask, Are these merely illustrations, or do such things really take place?
26330No crime to take by a trick from thousands of the people thirty- six millions of the results of our great country''s prosperity?
26330Now, Lawson, will you take this fight of mine against''Standard Oil''?"
26330Now, how about it?"
26330Now, how do you propose to buy?"
26330Now, how do you propose to go about that advertisement?"
26330Now, in plain language, brief and straight, what would you have deemed the right thing, that night at the bank?
26330Or what?
26330Other storms we had met and weathered, why not this?
26330Our country for a generation has been prosperous beyond the dreams of man, yet what have the masses of our people to show for it?
26330Presently he snapped:"What do you suppose they would answer were they in our position?
26330Shall I go?"
26330Should the fate of these others be also mine?
26330Some one else would carry out Rogers''mandate, and where should I and my great copper structure be?
26330Still I slowly and coldly asked:"How can that be done?"
26330Suddenly I became conscious that I was asking,"Am I to understand that this is final?
26330Surely our courts are not also the creatures of"frenzied finance"?
26330Take advantage-- how?"
26330Taking all your statements and analyzing them, what do they amount to?
26330The boy gave it up, and Addicks, after methodically placing it in his purse, handed him back a$ 2 bill with:"That''s what you lost, is n''t it?
26330The people who had been"shaken out"?
26330The question is, how to get Rogers to advance so large a sum in such a ticklish business?
26330The question was, What would they do now that our stock was within their reach?
26330The vital question is: Whom can the policy- holders trust to do this?
26330Then in the name of reason, why was it not really good for those who were rejected, that they were left out?
26330Then it was that the people first began to demand, what they are still to- day fiercely demanding,"What is this''Standard Oil''?"
26330Then where should we be with our millions of Butte, Montana, and other Boston stocks?
26330Then where would you be?"
26330Then why not welcome the suggestion of Rogers?
26330Then--"Is that you, Fred?"
26330Then--"When will they get up there?"
26330There was no gainsaying the soundness of Rogers''reasoning, however:"Who made it worth 40?
26330Therefore the one thing for policy- holders to settle, the one vital thing is, Are these men honest, or are they tricksters and liars?
26330Therefore, before turning the page, it behooves you to find for yourself an answer to the grave question: Is it the truth that is dealt with here?
26330This being the fact, for how long will the people allow such a monstrous wrong to be done?
26330To what extent is the public actually safeguarded by these investigations?
26330Under any circumstances or conditions will you join forces and do business with us?"
26330Under these circumstances, could we do otherwise than we have done?"
26330Was it not your thought, I mean, that the public should be in the thing about equally with you promoters?
26330Was there a sinister thought, I wonder, behind the"Good, I agree with you,"that came back from him in his heartiest tones?
26330Was this hydrophobia of yours at the mere suggestion prompted by a perfectly pure or by a selfish motive?
26330We shall have the metal to sell, the world will be more anxious to buy than we to sell: what more can be necessary?"
26330What are you going to do?
26330What can I say to him?
26330What can we do, Lawson?
26330What cost does it stand you?"
26330What could they do?
26330What do you know of the Anaconda Company?"
26330What do you place the subscription at?"
26330What do you say?"
26330What do your reports from Boston and the country show?"
26330What has been the result of your advertisements of the last few days?
26330What have Stillman and the rest to say about this?
26330What have they to do with the promises I have made the people?
26330What is Thomas W. Lawson in this transaction that his personality need enter into a controversy wherein the issue is of facts alone?"
26330What is the conclusion to be deducted from your own statements?
26330What is the"System"to which you have so often referred?
26330What is the"System"which you denounce as the very personification of evil?
26330What is to be the end of this sort of thing-- the purchase of the people''s representatives by the criminal rich?"
26330What is your idea as to how we shall control the selling end?"
26330What kind of copper?"
26330What was there to do?
26330What would you with me?"
26330What''s the use of beating round the bush any longer?
26330What_ can_ we do?"
26330When the world is ladling out honors to the"Standard Oil"kings, and spouting of their wondrous riches, how often is Henry H. Rogers mentioned?
26330When we dropped our eyes, both evidently satisfied, he said:"Now, what have you to say to me?"
26330When will you call?"
26330Where in the world did you get the idea we had?"
26330Where would that leave us?
26330Who are you, who should say in relation to a copper mine whether it is good or bad?
26330Who but''Standard Oil''?
26330Who can deny the magic that thus demonstrates its power, or fail to accord veneration to the magicians that work such marvels?
26330Who gave you this tale?"
26330Who has_ recovered_ this vast sum?
26330Who is the man that, from the inception of the enterprise which you most severely criticise, has been most prominently before the public?
26330Who is the man that, from your own words, originated the idea and carried it to its completion?
26330Who is the man that, in the various schemes which you hold up to the condemnation of the public, has taken from start to finish the leading part?
26330Who is to say what percentage the votaries of the"System"take in their game?
26330Who precipitated that terrific slaughter?
26330Whose money is it?"
26330Why do n''t you come down to business and give the readers of_ Everybody''s_ something wholesome to digest and plenty of it?
26330Why might not his intentions be as fair as mine?
26330Why not take more of this money than five millions?"
26330Why should it do such a thing?
26330Why would it not have been a crime to dispose of only 50,000 shares when the whole 750,000 were advertised?
26330Will you buy us out at the price we must have?"
26330Will you drop that copper will- o''-the- wisp?"
26330Will you take just a moment to answer the following question?
26330With hundreds of millions subscribed, how many shares would you have thought the public should have?
26330With prizes such as these a man can stand a lot of frenzied hard names, ca n''t he?"
26330Would n''t he?
26330Would you go back to Boston and smash this business that we have spent years on?
26330Would you sacrifice the millions that are in your grasp?
26330Would you, I say?
26330Would you?
26330You are not suspicious of any of us, are you?"
26330You do n''t suppose I would compound a felony in the State in which it was committed, and before witnesses, do you?"
26330You know we gave out before the subscription was opened that the City Bank would loan on the stock?"
26330You know,"I responded;"but who will be in this besides ourselves?"
26330You may ask here, Could such things happen without attracting public attention?
26330You said''400 to 425 millions''; of course that means you have put in our dummy subscription, but what was the real subscription?
26330You surely have more sense than to believe a man of Addicks''make- up can be permanently successful?"
26330and practically take away its good thing?
26330and,"Can our republic endure if it, too, endures?"
26330he went on,"and that nothing could be happening in a field you were interested in without your smelling it out?
26330higher than those of 1904, with, however, the saving(?)
26330of the Amalgamated and the things connected with it amount to?
26330of the selling company?"
26330said he in an amused way,"copper?
26330what''s this?"