
This is a table of type bigram and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.

bigram frequency
sir john71
john colleton71
anthony lord70
john lord70
lord ashley70
george duke69
sir george68
edward earl67
george carterett67
lord berkeley62
sir william55
lords proprietors53
william berkeley49
must bee49
may bee42
will bee40
lord craven38
grand council36
fundamental constitutions26
william lord25
english books24
early english24
william earl23
court shall21
let us20
part thereof20
wee shall19
books online19
wee may18
mulberry trees17
sir vvilliam16
will make16
wee consider16
may easily16
hundred acres15
one hundred15
shall think15
may make14
shall seem14
page images14
per annum14
proprietors courts13
full power13
creation partnership13
man shall13
text creation13
think fit13
one thousand12
one man12
vvilliam lord12
vvilliam berkeley12
pound weight12
wee must12
province aforesaid11
six councellors11
certain knowledge11
meer motion11
new wine11
thereunto belonging10
virginia may10
shall see10
will admit10
right trusty10
bee made10
two hundred10
pounds sterling10
council shall10
twelve assistants10
charles iid9
shall consist9
south part9
thought fit9
limits aforesaid9
thousand pound9
county court9
absolute perfection9
year one8
tcp schema8
every man8
vvilliam earl8
great store8
owne profit8
west indies8
represented either8
king charles8
proprietors shall8
told us8
every way8
characters represented8
betwixt us8
navigable rivers8
th instant8
know ye8
four leagues8
biennial parliament8
shall wee8
person whatsoever8
freehold within8
image sets8
may take8
north carolina7
will become7
shall go7
every person7
made good7
every one7
greater part7
south carolina7
especial grace7
harbours mouth7
will serve7
fertile carolana7
will yeeld7
well cultivated7
may expect7
three leagues7
thousand acres7
first three7
shall happen7
five hundred7
leige people7
within two7
incomparable virginia7
captain general7
without doubt7
absolute power7
peter fabian6
yet notwithstanding6
lesse excellent6
board us6
large proportion6
silke grasse6
ever else6
latter end6
great part6
every precinct6
river jordan6
fourth part6
three weekes6
william hilton6
though wee6
thousand six6
will easily6
shall make6
bever skins6
wise notwithstanding6
mulberry leaves6
ten dayes6
northern latitude6
anthony long6
three yeares6
person shall6
will come6
right hand6
great quantities6
new world6
fifty yeeres6
first setlers6
six hundred6
make use6
three hundred6
lord berkely6
five leagues6
every planter6
every day6
south seas6
may give5
ten acres5
tcp assigned5
next yeare5
thousand seven5
first monday5
rich silver5
experience will5
will take5
huntington library5
asking permission5
two leagues5
work described5
two men5
will quickly5
shall discover5
extraordinary rich5
text transcribed5
vast abundance5
beene made5
beginning yeare5
cassique shall5
institutions providing5
council first5
markup reviewed5
territory aforesaid5
iv tiff5
rich commodities5
foure dayes5
ten pounds5
us imagine5
common estimation5
black mulberry5
within one5
silke harvest5
bit group5
image set5
already discovered5
main river5
much heat5
seven proprietors5
three thousand5
images scanned5
shall come5
xml conversion5
things whatsoever5
per pound5
six leagues5
first five5
commercial purposes5
without asking5
profitable uses5
proquest page5
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seven hundred5
shall bee5
colonial period5
creative commons5
might bee5
fifty acres5
make us5
will continue5
shall perceive5
online text5
long time5
shall offer5
two dayes5
pfs batch5
eldest daughter5
tiff page5
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english prisoners5
shall refer5
assistants belonging5
bee taken5
providing financial5
seem meet5
eldest sons5
encoded edition5
southerne parts5
encoded text5
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five years5
financial support5
letters patents5
weekes time5
wine will5
one another5
wormes may5
five thousand5
much better5
industrious creature5
laying aside5
virgo triumphans5
fifty pound4
wee imagine4
external keying4
will returne4
shall require4
ascii text4
parliament shall4
anonymous work4
till wee4
tcp texts4
noble staple4
taking away4
age first4
tcp editor4
next heir4
carolina shall4
public domain4
gaine arising4
diplomatic transcriptions4
publisher proquest4
will abundantly4
excellent staple4
unanimously consent4
converting tcp4
encoding initiative4
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charter granted4
born within4
publick use4
markup guidelines4
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fee tayle4
inestimable benefit4
textual data4
instances will4
may justly4
shall belong4
full perfection4
fee simple4
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language title4
new england4
peradventure might4
vacant place4
new cambridge4
pleasure therefore4
tcp project4
wide variety4
shall take4
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texts created4
seventeen years4
deputy shall4
within braces4
whose real4
faithfull servant4
partnership web4
will sufficiently4
proprietors court4
remaining illegibles4
wee bee4
put together4
worme mystery4
accurately transcribed4
gap elements4
characters will4
one still4
original source4
syntactic tagging4
editorial teams4
dayly examples4
print record4
great justice4
shall refuse4
notably latin4
will remain4
transported thither4
county palatine4
respectfully request4
happy mayden4
infinite quantity4
per text4
user contributors4
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aqua vitae4
found amongst4
john latta4
wild plants4
thirty degrees4
ample manner4
overall quality4
tcp aimed4
basic encoding4
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informe us4
shall finde4
beloved counsellor4
several indians4
tei oxford4
us compare4
seven fathoms4
two phases4
three sorts4
every two4
encode one4
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critical editions4
one time4
thrive beyond4
unexampled countrey4
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far greater4
mnemonic sdata4
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therein expressed4
sets published4
good wine4
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necessity will4
good use4
web site4
character entities4
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early works4
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due credit4
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known extent4
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great ones4
one half4
two houres4
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onely city4
well husbanded4
may arise4
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one onely4
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first editions4
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moneths sayling4
lesse proper4
thousand pounds4
future felicity4
tcp files4
therefore chose4
english literature4
project restraints4
shall cease4
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personal estate4
hundred pound4
every monographic4
bee cut4
john stephenson4
produce large4
part therof4
lesse laborious4
one profit4
tcp tei4
will invite4
franck pledge4
william davis4
numerous navies4
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later edition4
precinct register4
texts based4
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third market4
happy countrey4
religious record4
will thrive4
truly valued4
encoding based4
characters marked4
acres apiece4
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shall find4
compelling reason4
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tcp phase4
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within land4
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first inspection4
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yeeld ten4
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using tcp4
toyle thereof4
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one copy4
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text strings4
several gentlemen4
salsa perilla4
immoderate heate4
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one third4
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almond tree4
large quantities4
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four indians4
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one foot4
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tcp data4
sixty thousand4
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much ease4
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several places3
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profession shall3
need wee3
great advantage3
must make3
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first tuesday3
naturall hempe3
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tell us3
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within six3
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may destroy3
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estate shall3
much lesse3
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better settlement3
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twenty nine3
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another vessell3
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three dayes3
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eight fathoms3
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rich ground3
strong vinegar3
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humbly presented3
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cotton wooll3
foure thousand3
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like manner3
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example countrey3
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pretious commodity3
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surviving proprietors3
three men3
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formerly mentioned3
seven surviving3
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generous wine3
every second3
edvvard williams3
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thousand plants3
persons whatsoever3
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may contribute3
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every signiory3
present charter3
lord king3
commons chamber3
twenty acres3
walke hand3
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bring forth3
foot high3
virginia merchants3
virginia richly3
hereditary nobility3
oyle olive3
eight foot3
third part3
religious assembly3
one english3
cast away3
white succory3
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may appeare3
one year3
nothing else3
forty acres3
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easily bee3
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much greater3
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two years3
second edition3
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excellencies thereof3
every mans3
larger proportion3
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ordinary understanding3
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excellent island3
triple balls3
take care3
one ounce3
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many places3
may concern3
much encrease3
first yeare3
two mens3
plentifully abounding3
lately made3
john farrer3
thereof may3
lord proprietors3
excellent isle3
seven fathom3
respective courts3
one league3
vines may3
may grow3
many thousand3
shall carry3
experimentally valued3
many thousands3
houses round3
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five dayes3
open aire3
discovery lately3
excellent virginia3
may enjoy3
special grace3
first undertakers3
short time3
old age3
make wine3
might carry3
four justices3
peculiar excellency3
particular publick3
go within3
ye therefore3
building houses3
carefully dryed3
eight dayes3
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first spring3
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lye open3
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william berkley3
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six pence2
rather experimentally2
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gorge carterett2
almost onely2
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short space2
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tedious land2
foure mighty2
incomparably better2
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wealthy instruments2
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considerations aforesaid2
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visible silver2
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turkish imperiall2
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large titles2
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noble sister2
open parliament2
six inches2
without confusion2
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apparent danger2
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cyprian candian2
best sute2
neere cape2
constitutional history2
hard pitch2
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perpetuall friut2
himselfe wherever2
naturall reason2
marshy places2
young women2
without cost2
body afflicted2
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asiatick world2
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remarkable degree2
magnificent buildings2
excellent commodity2
many experiments2
without probability2
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great luminary2
narrow confine2
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together may2
since pharoah2
single harvest2
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preventing casualties2
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dry cabinet2
kept domesticke2
frequent hereditary2
season pertake2
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beare part2
thousand camells2
signiors treasury2
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able persons2
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contented livelyhood2
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three miles2
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season fit2
charles town2
colder parts2
full growne2
whose flesh2
ingenious division2
men either2
long ere2
wheresoever born2
universall labour2
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heere never2
will raise2
next november2
long experienced2
orderly course2
european trifles2
european commodities2
captain anthony2
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except antiquity2
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dayes require2
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never known2
whilst wee2
admirable returne2
advantage much2
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high zenith2
indebted persons2
fit places2
worth sixty2
every county2
originall cause2
inimitable exemplary2
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will cease2
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seem expedient2
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without admiration2
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might con2
southern parts2
neare enough2
particular caution2
lesse benefit2
bounteous region2
may boast2
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owne richnesse2
former grounds2
prince speaking2
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may wee2
season require2
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ensuing thereupon2
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now earl2
directing hundreds2
happily followed2
city lempo2
cause shall2
patly calls2
fortune incurre2
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time hereafter2
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probably convenient2
ridiculous opinion2
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whatsoever may2
many millions2
enemies aforesaid2
admirable plenty2
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first shall2
substantiall walls2
therefore moreover2
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hand together2
altogether native2
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entitle silke2
peny per2
subject immediately2
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several goods2
frequently found2
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seventeenth year2
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much planted2
though pipestaves2
numerous mines2
exact observation2
jealous spanyard2
happy correspondence2
fishing season2
foure acres2
selfe victorious2
finely powdred2
snow seene2
minerall stones2
sandy ground2
spanyard feare2
following form2
otherwise must2
beene sawen2
happinesse wonderfully2
ours divert2
highly beneficiall2
failing truth2
within ten2
may likewise2
example virgin2
benevolent sunne2
perpetually flowing2
great hope2
little time2
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people resorting2
usefull mysteries2
three years2
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onely suppose2
correspondence together2
whose abilities2
fixe high2
many things2
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owne misfortune2
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make exceptions2
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plead inferiority2
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every servant2
twenty pound2
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got aboard2
thereunto called2
peopled countries2
much provision2
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carry away2
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every morning2
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without applying2
every sort2
owne augustnesse2
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slave shall2
despicable commodity2
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tobacco without2
twenty marks2
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meanest apprehension2
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john cabot2
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four spades2
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agriculture unanimously2
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three foot2
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remoter provinces2
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ottoman moone2
lesse happy2
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must want2
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warme water2
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millions per2
simon miller2
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first thing2
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tcp staff2
late yeares2
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green leafe2
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onely equall2
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name shall2
ecclesiastical laws2
fully members2
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foure crops2
two indians2
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content himsefe2
scituate among2
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extraordinary use2
variable circumstances2
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seem best2
curious operations2
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betwixt things2
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parts thereof2
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exact temper2
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one pound2
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one span2
chestnut trees2
attendant islands2
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smallest beame2
ten feet2
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ne plus2
hundred hands2
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nature whatsoever2
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better judgement2
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thereunto authorized2
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strong drinke2
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since mr2
will heale2
delicate venison2
particular enricher2
barbarous nations2
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attaque us2
immediate great2
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just cause2
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much injurious2
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possesse us2
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lying parallell2
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re nata2
younger sons2
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england seen2
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just reason2
already aboundeth2
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may appear2
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wee well2
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inestimable store2
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much empairing2
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pound yearely2
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path betweene2
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may come2
greater quantity2
conveniently without2
hereditary beggers2
province whatsoever2
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sower foule2
inform us2
ayme intended2
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convincing assertion2
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iames river2
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poore low2
sir gorge2
one skilfull2
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thereupon made2
strong winged2
native commodities2
fifty pounds2
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full admiration2
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smallest circumstance2
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necessary fires2
build within2
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usuall part2
discovery without2
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wee adde2
four millions2
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regular course2
opulent kingdomes2
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lest thereby2
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happiest nation2
new wood2
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found wee2
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understanding cruelty2
planting vines2
though nothing2
lay athwart2
severall harvests2
heere gratis2
shall spinne2
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thousand fish2
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day doeth2
things producible2
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cheerfull rejoycing2
yong breed2
olives may2
french king2
surer meanes2
iohn stephenson2
whose bosome2
indulgent eye2
thereunto annexed2
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thousand yeares2
justice deny2
may send2
every thing2
onely proper2
owne planters2
second year2
france received2
fifteenth year2
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early apparence2
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different reasons2
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rather encouraged2
rats skins2
since every2
present spending2
extraordinary pleasing2
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owne mulberries2
solid metall2
disproportion betwixt2
shall allow2
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never contingent2
last dayes2
much yearely2
bee brought2
extraordinary maladies2
cleared lands2
small perforations2
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forraigne wines2
convincing reasons2
one mile2
several times2
roman senats2
teach english2
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twenty years2
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ample basis2
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many rare2
another place2
richest provinces2
entirely descend2
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absolute lords2
aforesaid edward2
doe wee2
effects will2
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glorious countrey2
sixe ounces2
civil dominion2
selling us2
great clog2
benificiall staple2
carolana shall2
china will2
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easie passage2
besides wee2
thousand transported2
originally produced2
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noble right2
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chiefe city2
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middle path2
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long lengths2
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lord berkley2
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whether nitre2
able person2
readinesse therein2
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ill sents2
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serene sky2
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sixty pounds2
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years according2
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overstrong odour2
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male contents2
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vigilance preventing2
noblest commerce2
quia emptores2
many barbarous2
exact computation2
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one roome2
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grain whatsoever2
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miserable people2
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owne benefit2
taste little2
owne spending2
excepting money2
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bee ungratefull2
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outvy france2
come ashore2
tyred people2
feare every2
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abstenious nations2
match spaine2
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ever single2
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inhabitants thereof2
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singular object2
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hilton commander2
drinking water2
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deputy governours2
figure sheweth2
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now trifling2
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amongst us2
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may perceive2
year next2
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five turning2
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originall proportion2
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shew something2
secure convenience2
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away member2
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good triall2
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much silke2
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presents contained2
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proper places2
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rich vines2
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berries commonly2
ocean especially2
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prescribed without2
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poryes narrative2
convincing testimonies2
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pound per2
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accession considering2
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seven courts2
officers whatsoever2
incomparable delicacy2
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miscarry without2
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martial law2
full halfe2
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absolute ruine2
things heere2
abundantly sufficient2
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industrious people2
whereof pouring2
many whereof2
will appeare2
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owne colony2
limitlesse atlantick2
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yeere three2
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much worthy2
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william berkely2
infant colony2
enlarge something2
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red sand2
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silky skinne2
several rates2
poore man2
commodious quarter2
sadly acquainted2
timber houses2
indeavours holding2
fall short2
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ears boyled2
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sole iudges2
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two climates2
true lords2
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least pound2
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either long2
feed kine2
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white peece2
constant nursery2
sufficient defence2
many others2
humble servant2
whatever china2
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white cole2
admirable abundance2
royal grace2
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build withall2
quince tree2
rather like2
moving incouragement2
hard measure2
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fresh leaves2
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famine ever2
harsh disposition2
commodities herein2
excellent collour2
desolate amongst2
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quid quod2
acre sowed2
whose vertues2
country maiz2
durst never2
three charges2
like shrubs2
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one affects2
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non native2
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us see2
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five successive2
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every heart2
many pounds2
elementall originall2
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heretofore published2
little horne2
presidents round2
himselfe raked2
tincture discover2
justly entertaine2
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one fish2
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direct us2
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shooting forth2
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seed oyle2
cape cod2
cut timber2
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ever viewed2
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second biennial2
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illustrious memory2
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two thousand2
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rate formerly2
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excellent nature2
culture amongst2
hot ashes2
selfe must2
happy inventions2
noble atchievements2
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eastern shore2
usually feede2
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considerable part2
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twenty miles2
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particular information2
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loving friends2
incomparably fruitfull2
two extreames2
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well feeding2
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small toile2
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doe vary2
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pardon believe2
second charter2
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passage compleat2
abstruse magnalia2
ill quality2
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another french2
indian mats2
pro re2
mans vintage2
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perswade us2
every hundred2
province shall2
promising probability2
cassiques chamber2
evening auspice2
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become domestick2
ripening according2
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whose encrease2
great repute2
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twelve thousand2
selfe oftentimes2
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rich peece2
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either sailing2
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amorous virgin2
due proportion2
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great vertue2
twelve pound2
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mighty empire2
cheerefull confidence2
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give publick2
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every parliament2
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non obstante2
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gainfull calling2
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one draught2
provident management2
doore without2
per ipsum2
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double marigold2
wildnesse wines2
persons born2
therein taken2
thirty thousand2
particular kinde2
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three parts2
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gluttonous nation2
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another discourse2
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owne harth2
vend now2
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much like2
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better fish2
sufficient reason2
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first heat2
secret malignity2
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owne multitude2
unwelcome company2
till even2
medicinall drugs2
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seven foot2
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within doores2
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either appertaining2
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honest industrious2
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long tract2
oyle wherein2
person improving2
heavy leather2
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relate wonders2
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vast forest2
abundantly suffice2
make good2
chineses may2
cape henry2
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duly followed2
every double2
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money will2
private memoriall2
forbeare debauches2
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shall reach2
obliges us2
voluptuous wishes2