This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
A90400 | Friends, DO ye not see how often ye have been betrayed? |
A91251 | And the SOVLDIERS likewise came to John, saying; And what shall we doe? |
A87357 | Published by a well- willer to the gown and sword, T.J. Jordan, Thomas, 1612?-1685? |
A87357 | Published by a well- willer to the gown and sword, T.J. Jordan, Thomas, 1612?-1685? |
B04506 | 12 Have I spent my years, In Dangers and Fears, And shall I go live with a VVife? |
B04506 | 8 Poor Souldiers now, Must starve, or to Plow, VVhat course for to live will you take? |
B04506 | there is many of you, Have no homes to go too, Pray tell me what shift will you make? |
A58178 | And if you could but be once happily persuaded to this, what glorious Atchievements might not be then expected from you? |
A58178 | But who may abide the day of his coming? |
A58178 | How might one then chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight? |
A93012 | But can the Parliament upon mis- information passe us for enemies, and wee not therein perceive the designes of our Enemies? |
A93012 | Can we be proclaimed Rebels and your Honours remain secure? |
A93012 | Can we suffer and you not sympathise? |
A93012 | Can wee be satisfied with a complement, when our fellow Soldiers suffer at every Assize, for acts meerly relating to the Warre? |
A93012 | Is it not our lives wee seek for? |
A93012 | Where shall wee be secured, when the meer envy of a malicious person is sufficient to destroy us? |
A28353 | But supposing all that hath been said to be spoken of friends, what may be done to enemies? |
A28353 | Sed quales oro fructus metimus hodiè ex hujusmodi semente? |
A28353 | or of whose hand have I received any bribes? |
A28353 | which is as much as if it should be said, Shall I justifie him that stills keeps his sin? |
A28353 | who have I defrauded? |
A28353 | whom have I oppressed? |
A87000 | And will you counsell murther? |
A87000 | IS this the upshot then? |
A87000 | Is this true Vallors pay? |
A87000 | Tyranny? |
A87000 | Verse-"Is this the upshot then? |
A87000 | Was''t not our bloud? |
A87000 | We that have Been( as of Banquets) greedy of a grave? |
A87000 | We that have spent Our best of Fortunes for a PARLIAMENT? |
A87000 | We that have sweat in bloud, march''t o''re the Land, And where our feet did tread, our Swords command? |
A87000 | What, Souldiers? |
A87000 | Who gave your SENAT being? |
A87000 | and thus slighted? |
A87000 | coyn''d out of ayre And envy? |
A87000 | our hazzarding of death? |
A87000 | sit to slay Even those by whom you sit, or whom, you stay? |
A87000 | that we should be crusht With those iron hands( though guilded with our bloud, Not seeking others, but their owne selfe- good) We have upheld? |
A87000 | the Lawes their breath? |
A20463 | And what is then to bee expected, but dishonourable flight, shame and confusion, whensoeuer they are roundly charged by any souldiers? |
A20463 | But what ensued, after the right Martial Legions were decaied, and a licentious Praetorian Guard maintained? |
A20463 | But whither doth contempte of follie carry me? |
A20463 | How much lesse then should the Romane Order of Battallions feare our Fireshot? |
A20463 | Nay rather is it not the most excellent ordinance that possibly can be imagined? |
A20463 | Shal wee suffer her and her followers also in our Nation, to see what they can likewise doo of England? |
A20463 | What can be said? |
A20463 | What then, shall souldiers want their due, because I want abilitie to doe them right? |
A20463 | Whereupon a King of theirs being demanded how it came to passe that the Lacedemonians so farre excelled all others in prowesse and armes? |
A20463 | Yea many times Liuetenants, and Ensignes also? |
A20463 | is there more Musicke in a stinking curres howling qualitie than a Drumme or Trumpet? |
A20463 | shall I not speake what I can, because I can not speake what I would? |
A82313 | 8. Who hath heard such a thing? |
A82313 | And therefore what a sad thing is it, when men look for their teaching no farther then men? |
A82313 | And where are their eyes, that perceive not this? |
A82313 | Behold, I was left alone; these where had they been? |
A82313 | But how shall this be done? |
A82313 | But you will say, doth God teach without meanes? |
A82313 | For who can build unto God a living temple to dwell in but himselfe? |
A82313 | Have they not made even a short work? |
A82313 | Have they sought to lengthen the Wars, for their own advantages? |
A82313 | Have they taken the pay of idlenesse, or lived the life of luxury, upon the State- maintenance? |
A82313 | How have they gone up and down in wearines and labours, and dangers, and deaths, to do the kingdomes worke? |
A82313 | How often hath fearfulnesse and trembling taken hold upon the enemy? |
A82313 | Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day, or shall a nations be born at once? |
A82313 | This I have spoken in truth and sincerity to the Kingdom: And to that Army I shall say, Who is like unto thee, O people? |
A82313 | When the Saints have appeared in the Spirit, and acted in the Spirit, how violent and enraged hath the world been against them? |
A82313 | When the building of the Church is left to men, how wofully is it mannaged? |
A82313 | and shall not wee believe what they determine? |
A82313 | and so gone on, from one strong hold of the enemies to another, till all have been reduced? |
A82313 | and the stout men been at a losse for their courage, and the men of might for their hands, because of the presence of God with us? |
A82313 | and who hath brought up these? |
A82313 | as soon as one city was taken, advanced to another? |
A82313 | did you read it in the letter? |
A82313 | have they not as soone as one field was fought, prepared to another? |
A82313 | how will there be then glory upon glory, till the glory of the Church first darken, and then put out all the glory of the world? |
A82313 | or did some body tell you so? |
A82313 | or hath God himselfe taught you this? |
A82313 | that peace might be hastned to this kingdome if it were the will of God, and not come as a snaile, but as on Eagles wings? |
A82313 | when was it, that they sate idle? |
A82313 | who hath seen such things? |
A02572 | And shall Israel change Iehouah, viuentem Deum, the liuing God? |
A02572 | But are there not enemies in the flesh, so well as enemies in the Spirit? |
A02572 | But hee answered, What peace so long as the whoredomes of thy mother Iezebel and her witchcrafts are so many? |
A02572 | But is it enough to bend the knee, without stirring the hand? |
A02572 | But is there warre, and warre in the gates, and doe many, euen thousands, want? |
A02572 | But now doe not manie taxe them, that are worse themselues? |
A02572 | Defectus remedij, a destitution of remedie: Was there a shield or speare secne among fortie thousand in Israel? |
A02572 | Doe not our sinnes giue an alarme to Heauen, and shall not Heauen denounce warre against vs? |
A02572 | Doe these bring other gods in competition with him? |
A02572 | Fight say you; why who strikes vs? |
A02572 | For shall it come to the gates, and shall we not meet it? |
A02572 | How fondly doe they loue their Riches, that will not lay out a little to secure the rest? |
A02572 | How grieuous was it, when Iabin had such an Host, and not a shield or speare among fortie thousand in Israel? |
A02572 | How should death be out of that mans mind, that hath it alwayes in his eye? |
A02572 | If ware should be in the gates, whither would you runne for defence, where shrowd your selues, but vnder their Colours which you haue despised? |
A02572 | In the Gates? |
A02572 | Indeed wee haue all stricken him: which of vs hath not offered blowes to that sacred Deitie? |
A02572 | Ioram said, is it peace, Iehu? |
A02572 | Is mysticall armour only necessarie to a Christian,& is there no vse of materiall? |
A02572 | Know yee not, that no Idolater shall inherite the Kingdome of God? |
A02572 | No, not a shield nor speare among many, among a thousand, among many thousand, among fortie thousand: An Host of men, and not a weapon? |
A02572 | Quis tulerit Gracchum de seditione loquentem? |
A02572 | Saint Augustine obserues, that when the Souldiers, among the rest of the people, came to Iohn the Baptist to be catechised: What shall we doe? |
A02572 | Saul, Saul, why pesecutest thou mee? |
A02572 | Say that some are faultie: must therefore the whole Profession be scandalized? |
A02572 | Shal we beat the aire with our voices, and not their bosomes with our swords? |
A02572 | The Forlorne hope; Was there a shield or a speare seene among fortie thousand in Israel? |
A02572 | The sword of God, and the sword of Gideon? |
A02572 | They chose new gods: then was warre in the gates: was there a shield or speare seene among fortie thousand in Israel? |
A02572 | Warre, and warre in the Gates, and yet neyther offensiue nor defensiue weapon? |
A02572 | Was there a shield or speare seene among fortie thousand in Israel? |
A02572 | Was there? |
A02572 | What scope can you imagine, or propound to your owne hearts wherein your riches may doe you seruice? |
A02572 | What? |
A02572 | When Bias was enuironed with his enemies, and his souldiers asked him, what shall we doe? |
A02572 | When was this warre? |
A02572 | Who can abide to heare Gracchus declaine against sedition? |
A02572 | Who can endure to heare an Vsurer taxe a Pillager? |
A02572 | Who should keepe the Vsurers money from pillaging? |
A02572 | Who should keepe the foggie Epicure, in his soft chaire after a full meale fast asleepe? |
A02572 | Who should maintaine the nice Ladie in her Caroch, whirling through the popular streetes? |
A02572 | Who should reserue those delicate parlours, and adorned chambers from fire and flames? |
A02572 | Who should saue Virgins from rauishment, children from famishment, mothers from astonishment? |
A02572 | Will any Nation change their gods? |
A02572 | Will you despise the word of God, because some that preach it are wicked men? |
A02572 | Yea shall wee not meet it before it come neere the gates? |
A02572 | Yeeld that no enemies doe, are we sure that none will doe? |
A02572 | You holde it an honour to beare Armes in your Scutchions; and is it a dishonour to beare Armes in the Field? |
A02572 | a man- eating Oppressor with a gaming Souldier? |
A02572 | all his Obligations, Morgages, and Statutes from burning? |
A02572 | an Epicure find fault with a Drinker? |
A02572 | only knock our own breasts,& not knock their heads? |
A02572 | or the Foxe preach peace to the Geese? |
A02572 | so they might easily; nay, but one shield, one speare? |
A02572 | what, armour enough? |