This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
46590 | Boulenger, George Albert | The Snakes of Europe | nan | 56758 | 3394 | nan | ./cache/46590.txt | ./txt/46590.txt |
38308 | Burkett, Ray D. | Natural History of Cottonmouth Moccasin, Agkistrodon piscovorus (Reptilia) | nan | 19750 | 1992 | nan | ./cache/38308.txt | ./txt/38308.txt |
34954 | Duellman, William Edward | Systematic Status of the Colubrid Snake, Leptodeira discolor Günther | nan | 2371 | 237 | nan | ./cache/34954.txt | ./txt/34954.txt |
44680 | Fenn, George Manville | Jungle and Stream; Or, The Adventures of Two Boys in Siam | nan | 117927 | 7920 | nan | ./cache/44680.txt | ./txt/44680.txt |
34127 | Hardy, Laurence M. | Morphological Variation in a Population of the Snake, Tantilla gracilis Baird and Girard | nan | 6291 | 580 | nan | ./cache/34127.txt | ./txt/34127.txt |
32140 | Legler, John M. | A New Snake of the Genus Geophis From Chihuahua, Mexico | nan | 2232 | 131 | nan | ./cache/32140.txt | ./txt/32140.txt |
33966 | Maslin, T. Paul | Occurrence of the Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, in the Great Plains and Rocky Mountains | nan | 6640 | 440 | nan | ./cache/33966.txt | ./txt/33966.txt |
35213 | Reid, Mayne | Afloat in the Forest; Or, A Voyage among the Tree-Tops | nan | 92733 | 5156 | nan | ./cache/35213.txt | ./txt/35213.txt |
37512 | Wellman, John | A Revision of Snakes of the Genus Conophis (Family Colubridae, from Middle America) | nan | 22080 | 2575 | nan | ./cache/37512.txt | ./txt/37512.txt |