This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
59970 | Cannon, George Q. (George Quayle) | The Life of Joseph Smith, the Prophet | nan | 183386 | 8173 | nan | ./cache/59970.txt | ./txt/59970.txt |
56698 | Cannon, George Q. (George Quayle) | The Latter-Day Prophet: History of Joseph Smith Written for Young People | nan | 55176 | 3102 | nan | ./cache/56698.txt | ./txt/56698.txt |
47091 | Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Volume 1 | nan | 260642 | 13707 | nan | ./cache/47091.txt | ./txt/47091.txt |
17279 | Dougall, L. (Lily) | The Mormon Prophet | nan | 100417 | 5436 | nan | ./cache/17279.txt | ./txt/17279.txt |
44907 | Pratt, Orson | An Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions And of the Late Discovery of Ancient American Records | nan | 12308 | 406 | nan | ./cache/44907.txt | ./txt/44907.txt |
46243 | Pratt, Orson | Divine Authority; Or, the Question: Was Joseph Smith Sent of God? | nan | 14110 | 592 | nan | ./cache/46243.txt | ./txt/46243.txt |
35360 | Roberts, B. H. (Brigham Henry) | Joseph Smith the Prophet-Teacher: A Discourse | nan | 15758 | 811 | nan | ./cache/35360.txt | ./txt/35360.txt |
47316 | Roberts, B. H. (Brigham Henry) | New Witnesses for God (Volume 2 of 3) | nan | 153219 | 7677 | nan | ./cache/47316.txt | ./txt/47316.txt |
59951 | Roberts, B. H. (Brigham Henry) | New Witnesses for God (Volume 3 of 3) | nan | 181743 | 9498 | nan | ./cache/59951.txt | ./txt/59951.txt |
47707 | Smith, Joseph, Jr. | History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Volume 3 | nan | 228803 | 10568 | nan | ./cache/47707.txt | ./txt/47707.txt |
47192 | Smith, Joseph, Jr. | History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Volume 2 | nan | 226201 | 10554 | nan | ./cache/47192.txt | ./txt/47192.txt |
60708 | Smith, Joseph, Jr. | History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Volume 4 | nan | 277517 | 12165 | nan | ./cache/60708.txt | ./txt/60708.txt |
60736 | Smith, Joseph, Jr. | History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Volume 5 | nan | 247433 | 12037 | nan | ./cache/60736.txt | ./txt/60736.txt |
60758 | Smith, Joseph, Jr. | History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Volume 6 | nan | 261682 | 13925 | nan | ./cache/60758.txt | ./txt/60758.txt |
45619 | Smith, Lucy | History of the Prophet Joseph, by His Mother | nan | 99972 | 4456 | nan | ./cache/45619.txt | ./txt/45619.txt |
54337 | Stevenson, Edward | Reminiscences of Joseph, the Prophet, and the Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon | nan | 25013 | 1111 | nan | ./cache/54337.txt | ./txt/54337.txt |
34362 | Widtsoe, John Andreas | Joseph Smith as Scientist: A Contribution to Mormon Philosophy | nan | 44458 | 2442 | nan | ./cache/34362.txt | ./txt/34362.txt |