
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
9403[ 127] But is this what is actually seen? 9403 ''Are you the----?'' 9403 ''Is that Siegwart? 9403 ''Why'', do you venture to ask? 9403 A new task was needed to make life tolerable, but what should it be? 9403 A valuable capital for him that knows how to profit by it.--Conscience? 9403 An excellent scarecrow with which to frighten sparrows from cherry- trees.--Filial love? 9403 And Humboldt replied:''How shall I thank you for the indescribable pleasure that your poem has given me? 9403 But could anything worth while have been done with the heroics of friendship after''Don Carlos''? 9403 But how was a prince to enjoy tranquillity without the necessaries of life? 9403 But to what end serves that nobility of which their descendants are so proud, unless it be to prove the robberies and infamy of their ancestor? 9403 But was it necessary for him to deceive and torture the wife to whom in the end he appears loyally devoted? 9403 But what was the purpose to be in this case? 9403 But what was to be done with a helpless captive who was not free to shape her own fate? 9403 But what would Jean Paul have had? 9403 But where to find a subject? 9403 But who shall dare to say that it was so in reality? 9403 But why should Louise wish to quit this life? 9403 But why so large?'' 9403 Commit suicide in order to stultify the oracle, or resolve to kill no man and to marry no woman? 9403 Could not Göschen be persuaded to undertake a new and authentic edition of the published plays and to advance a sum of money on the prospects? 9403 Did Schiller intend this effect, or is it due to the fact that he could not have portrayed her differently? 9403 Did he feel that his hot- blooded Italian should not be made too much of an idealist in his relation to women? 9403 Did he think of me at all? 9403 Did he wish it to be understood that Fiesco is honestly infatuated with the voluptuous Julia until he learns of her attempt to poison his wife? 9403 Did he withhold the letter too long and then show it? 9403 Did my father beget me because he loved me? 9403 Do you think I shall yet be able to make up for lost time? 9403 Family honor? 9403 Had he taken a lesson from the maidenly reserve of Lotte von Wolzogen and the prudential scruples of her mother? 9403 Had she never reflected upon the august foundations of the social order? 9403 Had she resisted Ferdinand''s suit and warned him that he must be content with a yearning friendship on earth and a union of souls in heaven? 9403 How does it affect the glory of one''s country or the good of mankind? 9403 How shall I enter Moscow amid the plaudits of the people, with this lie in my heart? 9403 How shall I meet the Czarina? 9403 If the good Spirit above the stars is to pardon everybody, what becomes of the incentive to a militant life? 9403 In what consists then the honor of that nobility of which you are so proud? 9403 Is it not quite enough for a light- house to be high and far- shining? 9403 Is it not rather true that Schiller makes but little out of the matter of ancestral guilt? 9403 Is there anything holy in his gratification of carnal appetite? 9403 Is this what Schiller intended? 9403 Is''t possible? 9403 Is''t true? 9403 It_ seems_ to recommend a quietistic, contemplative life; for how else shall one escape from the actual into the ideal? 9403 May not the queen of England-- so one is inclined to speculate-- be moved to pity? 9403 May she not at least postpone the execution of the death- sentence and gradually increase her prisoner''s liberty? 9403 May she not be persuaded that policy is on the side of mercy? 9403 Of a rank that makes its boast of slavery and wherein men blush to be men? 9403 Of his dramatic power there could be no doubt, but had he the higher gift of the great poet? 9403 On one occasion the duke gave out the theme:''Who is the meanest among you?'' 9403 One can not help asking: Where were Louise''s scruples then? 9403 Or did Schiller''s own courage fail him after he had received a hint of favor? 9403 Or shall I love him because he loves me? 9403 Or was Margarete herself disinclined,--piqued perhaps by Schiller''s neglect of her, or by his passion for Charlotte von Kalb? 9403 Our drama seems to wish to impute to Posa a lovable personality; else how account for the spell that he casts over all three of the royal personages? 9403 Perhaps there are better men, but where are they? 9403 Shall I undeceive the people? 9403 Shall we then take refuge in the position that the Maid''s story is not adapted to dramatic treatment at all? 9403 The corresponding passage in Schiller runs: Can it be? 9403 The result was a long letter of wild expostulation in this vein: What was the bond of our friendship? 9403 This is his mode of reasoning: Why did nature put upon me this burden of ugliness-- this Laplander''s nose, this Moorish mouth, these Hottentot eyes? 9403 Thou who didst summon earth and sky, And earth and sky came forth; Who sayest the word and worlds arise, Who art thou, mighty thing? 9403 Thus what can one make of a plain fisherman who talks in this wise about a rainstorm? 9403 Was Schwan''s memory also at fault? 9403 Was it an earthly, vulgar, or a higher, immortal, celestial bond? 9403 Was it folly? 9403 Was it frivolity? 9403 Was it selfishness? 9403 Was she ignorant of her father''s prejudice or resolved to brave it? 9403 Were the overruling powers malign or benevolent? 9403 What advantage will he have then over his sweetheart? 9403 What can one think, for example of a pair of ecstatically faithful lovers to whom it has evidently never occurred to write to each other? 9403 What can one think, indeed, except that this supernal maiden has been reading Klopstock''s famous''Ode to Fanny''? 9403 What could be better for his purpose than a daring conspiracy, led by a Plutarchian hero who was at the same time a single- minded patriot? 9403 What has become of it?... 9403 What is he to do? 9403 What more natural than that the shrewd intendant, with an eye to better houses, should bethink him of the pen that had written''The Robbers''? 9403 What should Demetrius do? 9403 What should he do? 9403 What should the passing of a single dreamer signify in the stirring epoch of Austerlitz and Jena? 9403 What were the world and a poet''s fame in comparison with happiness? 9403 What? 9403 Where art thou, beauteous world of story? 9403 Where is the obligation? 9403 Whither shall he look for help? 9403 Who could tell what might come of it? 9403 Who shall say that it was not better so? 9403 Who shall say, remembering the Greek proverb that a man is not educated save by flaying? 9403 Who, for example, would abate a jot or tittle from the delicious nonsense of Romeo? 9403 Why should one strive and cry and get into a feaze about tyrants and liars? 9403 Why then should he have been more timid than the author of''Lear''and''Macbeth''? 9403 Will you presume to boast, in a republic, of a rank that Is destructive to virtue and humanity? 9403 Wouldst thou soar heavenward on its joyous wing? 9403 [ Footnote 101: Nun, was denkt ihr vom Reiche der Schatten? 6314 And was this his only observation?
6314And what was it?
6314Capable, for instance, of suing and being sued?
6314Do you conceive Dumpkins to have been a thing or a person?
6314How so? 6314 What is your secret opinion of Dumpkins?"
6314What was it?
6314--was not he an elevated character?
6314A French heart it must be, or how should it follow with its sympathies a French movement?
6314A favorite of nature, so eminent in some directions, by what right could he complain that her bounties were not indiscriminate?
6314And how did he surmount this unhappy self- distrust?
6314And in all Christendom, who, let us ask, who, who but Shakspeare has found the power for effectually working this mysterious mode of being?
6314And of what consequence in whose hands were the reins which were never needed?
6314And to whom was the Bible an indispensable resource, if not to Lamb?
6314And was it upon Shakspeare only, or upon him chiefly, that he lavished his pedantry?
6314And where was such an education to be sought?
6314At this moment, for instance, how could geology be treated otherwise than childishly by one who should rely upon the encyclopaedias of 1800?
6314But on this arose the suggestion-- Why not execute an insurance of this nature twenty times over?
6314But perhaps Voltaire might dislike Pope?
6314But then revolves the question, why must we laugh?
6314But waiving this, let us ask, what is meant by"correctness?"
6314But was this, as Steevens most disingenuously pretends, to be taken as an exponent of the public feeling towards Shakspeare?
6314But were they undisputed masters?
6314But which?
6314But why not have printed it intelligibly as 1741?
6314But why should W. wear boots in Westmoreland?
6314But why?
6314But why?
6314Correctness in what?
6314Did Mr. Lamb not strengthen this remark by some other of the same nature?"
6314Do we mean, then, that a childish error could permanently master his understanding?
6314Do we mean, then, to compare Addison with an idiot?
6314Does a man at Paris expect to see Moliere reproduced in proportion to his admitted precedency in the French drama?
6314Else how came Spenser''s life and fortunes to be so utterly overwhelmed in oblivion?
6314For instance, it was then always said that Charles I had suffered on the 30th of January 1648/9, and why?
6314For instance,"Can you tell pork from veal in the dark, or distinguish Sherries from pure Malaga?
6314How are we to account, then, for that deluge, as if from Lethe, which has swept away so entirely the traditional memorials of one so illustrious?
6314How is all this to be explained?
6314How will he comfort himself after her death?
6314If so, whence came Rowe''s edition, Pope''s, Theobald''s, Sir Thomas Hanmer''s, Bishop Warburton''s, all upon the heels of one another?
6314If the public indeed were universally duped by the paper, what motive had Philips for resentment?
6314If this were accident, how marvellous that the same insanity should possess the two great capitals of Christendom in the same year?
6314If, again, it were not accident, but due to some common cause, why is not that cause explained?
6314In connecting it, or effecting the transitions?
6314In developing the thought?
6314In the grammar?
6314In the metre?
6314In the use of words?
6314Is it no happiness to escape the hands of scoundrel reviewers?
6314Is this coat- of- arms, then, Sir Thomas Lucy''s?
6314Is_ that_ nothing?
6314Let us put a case; suppose that Goethe''s death had occurred fifty years ago, that is, in the year 1785, what would have been the general impression?
6314Like the general rules of justice,& c., in ethics, to which every man assents; but when the question comes about any practical case,_ is_ it just?
6314Milton only,--and why?
6314Napoleon started when he beheld her,_ Qui etes vous_?
6314Now what proof has Mr. Malone adduced, that the acres of Asbies were not as valuable as those of Tugton?
6314Now, if the child died naturally, all was right; but how, if the child did_ not_ die?
6314Or, in any case, what plea had he for attacking Pope, who had not come forward as the author of the essay?
6314Our translation is this:"Here lies Piron; who was-- nothing; or, if_ that_ could be, was less: How!--nothing?
6314Singly, what am I to do?
6314Some readers will inquire, who paid for the printing and paper,& c.?
6314These calls upon the moral powers, which in music so stormy, many a life is doomed to hear, how were they faced?
6314This heart, with this double capacity-- where should he seek it?
6314This will be admitted; but would it not have been better to draw the income without the toil?
6314This would take leave of the reader with effect; but how was it to be introduced?
6314Very well; but why then must we weep?
6314Was Addison''s neglect representative of a general neglect?
6314Was Mr. Hazlitt then of that class?
6314Was he a Frenchman, or was he not?
6314Was this man, so memorably good by life- long sacrifice of himself, in any profound sense a Christian?
6314Wesley--[have you read his life?]
6314What are we to think of this document?
6314What did he mean by that?
6314What energies did it task?
6314What if he does?
6314What kind of woman is''t?
6314What may we assume to have been the value of its fee- simple?
6314What peace is possible under the curse which even now is gathering against your heads?
6314What temptations did it unfold?
6314What trials did it impose?
6314What years?
6314What_ was_ that wickedness?
6314Whither, indeed, could he fly for comfort, if not to his Bible?
6314Why must we laugh?
6314With such prospects, what need of an elaborate education?
6314Would Europe have been sensible even of the event?
6314Would Europe have felt a shock?
6314Yet the editors of Pope, as well as many other writers, have confused their readers by this double date; and why?
6314Yet,_ as_ a part of futurity, how is it connected with our present times?
6314at what era?
6314is it possible to obtain your attention?"
6314under what exciting cause?
46883A higher one?
46883After dinner, and for nothing?
46883After the woman you love?
46883Ah,sighed the king, after an interval of silence,"why is the human heart so weak?
46883Am I really cold and reserved?
46883Am I really old? 46883 Am I really so changed?"
46883Am I that?
46883An error?
46883And Caroline, does she love him?
46883And all this means,said she, sobbing,"that you intend to drive me from your side, to banish me?
46883And are you not a heroine, Marie, a victorious heroine?
46883And are you permitted to acquaint me with the object of this great work, my friend?
46883And by what token will I know that such is the case?
46883And do you really give him the signal, my lady?
46883And from whence should such a storm come, my dear friend, beloved sister of my soul? 46883 And has Charlotte, has this poor child, at last recovered from her unhappy love?
46883And her three conditions?
46883And how could there be?
46883And if I had,asked Frederick William, smiling,"what would you do to prevent it?"
46883And in this manner you receive your friend, Wolf? 46883 And in what does your ideal consist, if I may ask the question?"
46883And in what manner shall I assist you, my dear philosopher?
46883And may I ask in what the signal consists that announces to the man- fearing poet that other mortals have approached his goddess?
46883And that is--?
46883And that will be my dear mamma''s place, too?
46883And the Councillor Wöllner?
46883And the king?
46883And there was no one there to order the bold eavesdropper to leave?
46883And what do you desire of me, worthy guardian of the worthy city of Mannheim?
46883And what effect would your remaining here have, Alexander?
46883And what reply did you make to this proposition?
46883And what were they? 46883 And what will you do, my poor friend?"
46883And which of these flowers do you most admire?
46883And who said that you should? 46883 And who should not hate her?"
46883And whom have I poisoned?
46883And why is he not coming?
46883And why not, if I may be permitted to ask?
46883And why not?
46883And why should you be happy?
46883And why these questions, my dearest? 46883 And why, Charlotte, why should we do so?
46883And why, Schiller?
46883And why, pray? 46883 And will you soon do so?"
46883And yet you go, Frederick?
46883And you did so, I hope?
46883And you were near the door of the maid of honor''s chamber?
46883And you will now leave Berlin, I suppose?
46883And you would like to die such a death, my son?
46883And you, my dearest?
46883And you, my friend, what do you aspire to?
46883And your husband?
46883Andrew, you bought this hat for yourself to- day?
46883Are the lines you have just uttered your own?
46883Are you not truly and wholly mine? 46883 Are you of that opinion, beautiful Leonora?"
46883At the next midnight hour?
46883At what hour did the king die?
46883But I may look at that young man who is stealing out from behind the evergreen- hedge, may I not?
46883But did you not tell her that I must necessarily have them?
46883But if I should tell her something in your presence that would make her feel sad?
46883But if he is not there?
46883But nothing unpleasant, I hope, papa?
46883But promise me, at least, Fritz, that you will breakfast before you go to work?
46883But what have you done with your hat, Fritz? 46883 But what is the matter with you, my friend?
46883But what is to come of this, you fool?
46883But what must I do before I am permitted to enter?
46883But where are the proofs? 46883 But who can feel and think as you do?"
46883But why should I believe any thing of the kind, Marie?
46883But yet you would like to know what this mystery is, would you not?
46883But your heart, sire?
46883But, Frederick,said Streicher, in a tender, imploring voice,"why impose upon yourself and us the penance of reading these hard words?
46883But, Julie,said her brother, angrily,"what does this childishness mean-- what is the matter?
46883But, Lisette,rejoined her ladyship, angrily,"what nonsense is this?
46883But, cousin, how can you speak so disparagingly of yourself, and so far forget your dignity as a prince?
46883But, signora,he asked, in alarm,"how can I have affronted your daughter?"
46883But, speak out, growler, monster,cried Goethe, impatiently,"what northern spleen has again penetrated your northern heart?
46883By the memory of your father and mother?
46883Can she be right?
46883Can this be possible, Wolf?
46883Certainly I do,said she;"and why should I not?
46883Certainly, why should you not ask? 46883 Charlotte, dear Charlotte, is it possible that so great a change has come over you in two short years?"
46883Charlotte, will you then be nothing more to me than an intimate acquaintance?
46883Charlotte,said he, gently,"how can you thank me for doing what is as gratifying to me as to yourself?"
46883Christiane,murmured he,"Christiane, will you be my wife?"
46883Conduct the prince to the concert- hall,said the king,"I will join him there directly.--And Lieutenant- Colonel Bischofswerder?"
46883Count Alexander von der Mark?
46883Countess Ingenheim was ill. Is she worse?
46883Did his majesty commission you to utter all these impertinences?
46883Did the circle- director show you the symbol of the brotherhood?
46883Did you have pity on me?
46883Did you hear nothing, Trude?
46883Did you not recognize him?
46883Did you not say that you would apply to your father, Major Schiller?
46883Did you weigh your words? 46883 Die like Cosmo de Medici, in the midst of the tears and blessings of his people?"
46883Do you believe that my beautiful speech would influence you and promote my brother''s interests? 46883 Do you call the plans we have both made for our future, romantic air- castles?"
46883Do you know the sign by which the master of the order, the grand kophta is recognized?
46883Do you know this Frederick Schiller, of whom you speak with such admiration?
46883Do you know what her ladyship is now doing?
46883Do you mean to say that Amarilla is writing a love- letter with her flowers?
46883Do you no longer find peace and tranquillity with me, Frederick? 46883 Do you not consider it possible that you will send me into exile?
46883Do you really believe so, Trude?
46883Do you really intend to have the letters, written by you to me, read and copied by a third person?
46883Do you, then, really believe me to be so disinterested, signora?
46883Do you, then, really consider it possible that he may come to- day?
46883Does not Miss Marie permit you to visit her in the evening?
46883Does she really believe that I shall recover, or is she only trying to make me believe so? 46883 Emotions of the heart, Schiller?"
46883Envy him, and why?
46883False, is it?
46883For God''s sake, my lady, what are you doing? 46883 For me, mamma?
46883Frederick, why repeat what is already burning in your head and heart?
46883Frederick, you have nothing to say to me?
46883Has your mistress then done so well that she is on the point of retiring from business?
46883Have I been guilty of an impropriety?
46883Have I ever known him? 46883 Have I really a heart that only seizes upon an object to relax its hold again?
46883Have I sinned, signora?
46883Have I then lived, and is it for this reason that--she shuddered and interrupted herself:"Go on, my friend-- what happened further?"
46883Have our guests arrived? 46883 Have we come to that pass again?
46883Have you any wish, my dear Mr. Schiller, that I can perhaps gratify? 46883 Have you been listening, my friends?
46883Have you seen the king? 46883 Have you spoken with him, Frederick?
46883He is then dead?
46883He is then really coming? 46883 He would n''t let you have any?"
46883Honestly and sincerely?
46883How can I do that?
46883How can he fly to whom the Almighty, the Omnipresent, has not given the pinions of enthusiasm? 46883 How can you ask, Schiller?
46883How can you explain the cat''s rapturous devotion?
46883How can you say that you are the innocent cause of the pain which you inflicted on me? 46883 How can you speak so, Matteo?
46883How could it be possible not to love in such a manner, when one loved Frederick the Great?
46883How dare you speak so disrespectfully of your king?
46883How do you know this?
46883How so, signora?
46883How so,--impertinences?
46883How? 46883 How?
46883I a stiff old fellow? 46883 I ask you, did you have pity on me?
46883I beg you not to attempt to find me out, or to learn who I am? 46883 I take the liberty to remark, that I have other commissions to execute for his majesty, and therefore I ask whether you will soon call me?"
46883I would rather read it from your lips than from the paper?
46883I, your wife, my good friend? 46883 I-- with you?
46883If Schiller really loves me, and offers me his hand, why shall I not accept it? 46883 In Rome?"
46883In all earnestness?
46883In my claims to the succession in the Margraviate Schwedt?
46883Is Fortuna so bad a goddess?
46883Is Signora Angelica ill?
46883Is he here, the great grand- kophta?
46883Is it possible? 46883 Is it then inevitable?
46883Is it then true, am I destined only to suffer and to be deceived? 46883 Is not that a surprise?"
46883Is the carriage in readiness?
46883Is your professor so severe?
46883It was, then, a sacrifice?
46883It will not do to leave the earth to- day, will it, Caroline? 46883 May I open it, Schiller?"
46883Mr. Leonhard, do you mean to say that her ladyship is diluting the wine with water?
46883My commissions? 46883 My dear,"said he, gently,"as you have asked me no question, what can I answer?
46883My heart cold?
46883My reasons? 46883 Myself?
46883No, Charlotte, I do not reproach you, and how could I? 46883 No, how could I forget your goodness, your generosity, and friendship?
46883Now you will remain, Wilhelmine? 46883 Of what young man are you speaking?"
46883Oh, Charlotte,exclaimed Schiller, joyfully,"is it true, are you in earnest?
46883Oh, Frederick,she murmured,"do you not know that I love you, and you only?"
46883Oh, Frederick,she sobbed,"was this thy parting kiss?"
46883Oh, Schiller, dear Schiller, can you forgive me? 46883 Oh, my dear son Alexander, why are you not my successor?
46883Oh, sire, it is to be hoped that you will still have years to devote to the happiness of your people, and--"Do you suppose I desire it?
46883Oh,exclaimed the maid of honor, in astonishment and indignation,"how can it be possible to love in such a manner?"
46883Perhaps it was only on this account that you visited me?
46883Pray tell us, why is it this councillor only comes when you are alone, and is certain of meeting no company here?
46883Pray, why did you accept the order?
46883Rietz, at what time did I call you last night, when I was awakened by some fearful anxiety?
46883Schiller, you do not contemplate leaving us?
46883Schiller,she cried, almost frantic, tears streaming from her eyes,"Schiller, will you have no pity on me?"
46883Shall I state the question?
46883Shall I tell you, honestly and openly?
46883She is then ready to receive me?
46883She will always be where we are?
46883Speak, what charges can you prefer against Marie von Arnim? 46883 The Count and Countess von der Mark?"
46883The favorites stand where the golden shower falls, and you do not desire that we should do likewise, I hope? 46883 The king intends to work in the laboratory?
46883The valet of my nephew?
46883Then she has not paid you for your services?
46883Then you begin to understand that the phrase''after dinner, and for nothing,''is very beautiful and appropriate?
46883Then you believe the chief aim of a great man, of a prince, should always be to make his people happy?
46883Then you did not return gladly, Wolf? 46883 Then you have not succeeded in getting the money together?"
46883Then you love me, Wolf? 46883 Then you really consider it possible, my friend?
46883Therefore, if no light should burn in the window, he would come this evening?
46883To go where? 46883 To the widowed queen only, your majesty?
46883Trude, who was it I heard speaking in the other room, who spoke in such loud tones?
46883Was it necessary, mamma?
46883We will carry out our intention of driving to Rudolstadt to- morrow, will we not, my friend? 46883 Well,"said the king in a low voice,"what does your sister say?"
46883What alarmed you so suddenly?
46883What am I to do now? 46883 What brings you here, sir?
46883What brought you to this strange and ridiculous idea?
46883What can I do? 46883 What course have they pursued with you?
46883What do I care for this pack of courtiers, this court- marshal Von Kalb and his associates?
46883What do I mean?
46883What do you know of him?
46883What do you mean, Signora Abazza?
46883What do you mean?
46883What do you mean?
46883What do you say, my friend? 46883 What do you wish, mamma?"
46883What does it concern her?
46883What does it concern your friend whether this Mr. Matteo has grown rich, and can now marry or not?
46883What does the light behind my windows concern you, a watchman and a guardian of the streets?
46883What does this document contain?
46883What does this murmuring mean, Charlotte?
46883What does this mystery-- what do these sly glances mean?
46883What impropriety have I committed?
46883What is going on here, who uttered that cry?
46883What is it, then, that you wish?
46883What is it? 46883 What is it?"
46883What is it?
46883What is it?
46883What is the matter with you, Leonora?
46883What is there surprising in your coming? 46883 What is this request, my dear privy councillor of the finances?"
46883What is your name, my dear girl?
46883What message?
46883What obstacle, Frederick? 46883 What proofs do you demand?"
46883What right have you to happiness above the rest of mankind? 46883 What wrong have I done him?
46883What''s the matter? 46883 Where are the children?"
46883Where are the king''s decorations?
46883Where are you going, sir?
46883Where do you lie concealed? 46883 Where in the world do you come from, Fritz?
46883Where is your love for this beautiful child to lead you?
46883Where shall I lead, my exalted master?
46883Who are they? 46883 Who can have written to me?"
46883Who can that be?
46883Who does not know the greatest and most celebrated of Germany''s poets?
46883Who gave you the right to die?
46883Who has dared to wound the heart of this fair girl?
46883Who is he? 46883 Who is that?"
46883Who is that?
46883Who is this Count Kunheim?
46883Who knocks?
46883Who thinks of sending these children into exile?
46883Who was this Cosmo de Medici?
46883Who? 46883 Whom does your highness mean?"
46883Why are you weeping?
46883Why awaken these remembrances, Charlotte? 46883 Why do you allow me to accuse you both of a falsehood, without even attempting to justify yourselves?"
46883Why do you believe that?
46883Why do you call me your dearest friend?
46883Why do you not remain here?
46883Why do you not reply?
46883Why go that way?
46883Why impossible? 46883 Why impossible?"
46883Why is it that you can not, my fair child? 46883 Why must it have been an immortal woman, Angelica?"
46883Why must you throw yourself at my feet, and why this penitence? 46883 Why not?"
46883Why should I remember it?
46883Why so?
46883Why so?
46883Why these painful words? 46883 Why through the hall, when we can go through the door in the wall into the little passage that leads to the secret staircase?"
46883Why turn the knife once more in the wound, and tell you that your noble, generous love is not appreciated, not honored? 46883 Why, my dear young lady?"
46883Why? 46883 Why?"
46883Wilhelmine,said the king, in a hollow voice,"you will not make this sacrifice?
46883Will he come if no light is burning for him?
46883Will you return to Stuttgart, where the hard- hearted creditor awaits you?
46883Will your majesty pass the night in Charlottenburg?
46883Will your majesty permit us to go to the laboratory in order to make our preparations?
46883Wolf, did you visit me solely because you expected to meet me in the ducal palace to- day?
46883Would one hundred dollars be sufficient?
46883Yes, and I will now read this Infanta, that is, if you wish to hear it, Charlotte?
46883You are a Catholic?
46883You are delighted, too, are you not, Mariane?
46883You are in earnest, Rietz? 46883 You are right,"said Rietz, smiling,"to whom should he flee, in his hour of grief, but to his first sultana?
46883You are then about to take your departure? 46883 You hate her, then, this Wilhelmine Rietz?"
46883You have come for my letter, have you not, my child? 46883 You have nothing to say to my mamma that will make her sad?"
46883You have really determined to attempt to invoke the Invisible?
46883You love me, Schiller, do you not?
46883You love your mamma very much, I suppose?
46883You regret that I have returned? 46883 You say you would give every thing to be able to read these papers?
46883You send me away, Charlotte?
46883You still ask, Charlotte; have I not just told you?
46883You told him that?
46883You turn from me, Wolf,said she, in tender tones,"you do not reply?"
46883You were near? 46883 You were with the king when he died, were you not, my dear Sello?"
46883You will narrate my history to your friends?
46883You will not read them?
46883You will tell him?
46883You, too?
46883Your majesty, will you not dismiss the messenger?
46883Your sincere opinion?
46883Your successor? 46883 [ 41]"Would you like to be able to read in these books of the world, Leonora?"
46883[ 55]Then we are no longer to endeavor to live together in happiness, but only in an observance of consideration toward each other?"
46883[ 57]With studied caprice?"
46883--_Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.__ FALSE COIN OR TRUE?_$ 1.25.
46883Already another passion besides the beautiful Margaret Schwan and the little Charlotte von Wolzogen?"
46883Am I accurate?"
46883Am I still your pet, your singing- bird, your little love, your fragrant violet?"
46883Am I to be your second here in Berlin, as I was on three occasions in Naples?"
46883Am I to go down?"
46883And I may tell-- I may tell his majesty that you welcome his visit joyfully?"
46883And do you know what my purpose is?"
46883And how could I now desert the dear mamma, who never deserted me?"
46883And now tell me, my dear friend, what brings you here at this unusual hour?
46883And the only question is, by whom?
46883And what is his reply?
46883And why not?
46883And why not?"
46883And why?
46883And why?
46883And, though the two had remained, though hundreds and hundreds of eyes had been fastened on them inquiringly, what would they have cared?
46883Are not those rules changeable and fleeting?
46883Are not you, too, ambitious, Andrew?"
46883Are the waves murmuring my death- song?
46883Are we not allies, and have we not sworn to assist each other at all times and everywhere?
46883Are you now contented, Wilhelmine?
46883Are you only jesting, or has your sojourn in Rome really made you the stiff and courtly old fellow you appear to be?"
46883Are you ready to hear it?"
46883Are you satisfied?
46883Are you willing to go there and be introduced to him?"
46883Are your feelings toward me unchanged?"
46883Are your windows provided with shutters?"
46883At what fable did you chance to open it?"
46883Because he is not wealthy?
46883Believe me, I give you this advice in all honesty and sincerity, and why should I not?
46883But I ask the poet, whether these are also the words of the man Frederick Schiller?
46883But can you not comprehend, my friend, why your arrival could have a terrible effect on me-- could bring me to the verge of despair?"
46883But have I ever been so toward my friends, and, above all, toward you?"
46883But in love with whom, my poet, with one or with two?
46883But in what do the punishments he inflicts consist?"
46883But it was not to hear this you came to see me?"
46883But ought I, the married woman, the wife of an unloved and unloving husband, ought I to know love?
46883But shall we, because we are needy, make ourselves poor also?
46883But suddenly a face seemed to arise in their midst-- a face of deathly pallor?
46883But these shutters-- shall I order them to be closed?"
46883But to what end?
46883But what can I do?
46883But what of that?
46883But who are the_ friends_ who believe in this fable, and who have commissioned you to relate it to me?
46883But who told you that the daughter would accept him; that Marie was a party to this disgraceful intrigue?"
46883But, where were his recommendations?
46883Can he compensate me for my sacrifices?
46883Can it be you?"
46883Can you not comprehend the deep sadness that fills my heart when I think of Italy?"
46883Charlotte, have you not long since known and divined that I loved you, and you only?"
46883Could there be any connection between this and the songs of praise which Madame von Kalb wrote me concerning you?"
46883Could this lovely child also have been ensnared by the shower of gold?"
46883Councillor Wöllner, has the Invisible announced nothing to you?
46883Did I come to Rome for any such purpose?
46883Did I not send you my watchman as a love- messenger?
46883Did he not love Charlotte von Kästner?
46883Did his ardent gaze, or his glowing thoughts, exercise a magical influence over her?
46883Did it never occur to you, while engaged in your shrewd calculation, that you were preparing to give me a wound for which there is no cure?
46883Did it not become a great favorite with the people, notwithstanding their resistance to its introduction in the beginning?
46883Did not Von Einsiedel, who called on you this evening, leave again when the servant told him that I was with you?
46883Did not the king love him, and, still better, did not the king love his wife, the soi- disant Madame Rietz?
46883Did the hymn to love, just uttered by the poet''s lips, also resound in the heart of the man, and was it addressed to me?"
46883Did you hear the utterances of the blessed spirits?"
46883Did you leave it with the maid as a souvenir?"
46883Do they accuse me of being a poisoner?"
46883Do they no longer call our souls together, that they may impart light and warmth to each other like two rays of sunshine?"
46883Do you bear this in mind?"
46883Do you believe the king will visit you at a time when his wife of the left hand has but just breathed her last?"
46883Do you desire this?"
46883Do you know Goethe?"
46883Do you know who were in that carriage?
46883Do you know, my queen, what is essential to the realization of my ideal?
46883Do you know, or have you the slightest conception of, what the subject of this conference will be?"
46883Do you love me?
46883Do you not consider this a fine summer day?"
46883Do you not feel that my hands will destroy you if you do not go, and go instantly?"
46883Do you not know who I am, Frederick William?"
46883Do you not see that I am filled with the holy wrath of outraged humanity?
46883Do you not see that an abyss lies between us?"
46883Do you remember what she told you on her deathbed?"
46883Do you still think of me lovingly?"
46883Do you suppose I am happy?
46883Does Charlotte no longer sympathize with me in my sorrows, as in my joys?
46883Does her heart forebode the poet''s coming?
46883Does love, with all its happiness and bliss, then really lie only behind us, and no longer before us?
46883Does not God, does not the whole world know that we are one and inseparable?
46883Does not society respect and treat our relation to each other with consideration for both of us?
46883Does she not look like the goddess of love with the flowers of love in her hair?"
46883Does the secret sympathy which links souls together, whisper:"Charlotte von Kalb, Frederick Schiller approaches?"
46883Fate sent you to me; moments of the purest delight were vouchsafed us; and is the cup of happiness to be dashed from our lips now?"
46883For a moment the window was darkened by a shadow, and then opened, and a hoarse voice demanded,"Who called?
46883For, of course, you will receive him?
46883For, where lies the possibility of stemming the onward tide impelled by such productions-- such strange combinations of genuine worth and wild form?
46883From whence am I to derive faith, hope, and confidence, now that you, whom I loved, have deceived me?
46883From whom could I have otherwise learned all this?
46883Go, my friends, I will dress myself, and then--""But will you not permit us to accompany you to the house?"
46883Had a storm suddenly arisen?
46883Had it suddenly grown so dark?
46883Had not Schiller a Charlotte, as well as Goethe?
46883Had not the king succeeded in introducing the silkworm into his dominions?
46883Had not the manufacture of woollen goods been greatly promoted by the adoption of a better system of raising sheep?
46883Had this all really happened, or had Jean only been dreaming?
46883Has he spoken with you?"
46883Have I ever expressed any longing to be married?"
46883Have I ever loved, and is my heart so fickle that it can hold fast to nothing?"
46883Have I not sworn that I will yet become either a countess, a duchess, or, perhaps, even a princess?
46883Have the bleeding wounds of her young heart at last been healed?"
46883Have they ceased to ring the festive bells of our union of hearts?
46883Have they not the God- given capital of mind and poetry intrusted to them, that it may bear interest in their works?
46883Have you found it?"
46883Have you honestly and openly told him of our wishes, and have you entreated him to fulfil them?"
46883Have you not yet read his''Don Carlos?''"
46883Have you received bad news?"
46883Have you seen her already, Wolf?"
46883He approaches?"
46883He was right, was he not?"
46883How can confidence and sincerity prosper when you drive me from your side with studied caprice?
46883How can we work, how can we write poetry, without enthusiasm, without joy?
46883How can you justify this intrusion?
46883How can you so debase yourself?
46883How can your prayers and entreaties have sufficient power to call the magician here from so great a distance?
46883How could I have survived these two long, terrible years, if you had not stood at my side like a mother?
46883How could he weep, he who was so weary and sick of life?
46883How dare you call me a miserable old woman, how dare you compare me with a mole?
46883How dare you make yourself merry over my northern heart?
46883How did he look when he came here yesterday?
46883How did you become acquainted with the Von Lengefeld family?"
46883How much will enable you to prepare yourself for your future career?"
46883How so, Charlotte?"
46883How so, your successor?"
46883I a courtly old fellow?"
46883I am a man; who is more so?"
46883I am right in supposing that the young lady wishes me to write a poem in honor of her approaching nuptials with Count Kunheim, am I not?
46883I am to be compelled to yield to a rival?"
46883I ask you in all earnestness, Will you be my wife?"
46883I desire to do everything to contribute to your happiness?"
46883I now repent, beg for mercy, and am ready to yield obedience to my superiors.--They have then spoken to you again, these superior beings?
46883I see you at my side as my teacher, instructing me, and endeavoring to cultivate my mind.--Frederick, do you remember the Italian lessons you gave me?
46883I, however, am rich, for I have dear friends--""And have, perhaps, besides friends, the precious treasure of a sweetheart?
46883I-- why are your hands so cold, Charlotte, and why have you given me no word of welcome?"
46883In what can the instructor of the prince royal have offended-- the instructor appointed by Frederick the Great?
46883In what tones will the Æolian harp of the soul respond?
46883In what will your second act of vengeance consist?"
46883Is he likely to come this evening?"
46883Is it Marie?
46883Is it from your father?"
46883Is it not so, Schiller?"
46883Is it not so?
46883Is it not so?"
46883Is it not your opinion, also, that friendship is the highest power of love?"
46883Is it possible that she can have uttered so unworthy a suspicion?"
46883Is it possible that your heart could be forgetful of and untrue to the past?
46883Is it something extraordinary?"
46883Is it surprising that your body should be worn out after seventy years?
46883Is it the poet composing an inscription for the gravestone of his love?
46883Is man born only to suffer, and are those right who assert that life is only a vale of sorrow, and not worth enduring?"
46883Is not Goethe himself an example of this?
46883Is not our union indissoluble?
46883Is not this enough to make me happy, although hard work, poor fare, and much abuse, await me at home?"
46883Is not your lover coming back after a separation of two years?
46883Is the handsome Leuchsenring no longer the favorite of the ladies, and consequently of the muses also?
46883Is the unhappiness of old age really depicted in my countenance, while the spirit of youth and love is at the same time burning in my heart?"
46883Is this agreed upon?"
46883Is this name so remarkable, so unheard of?"
46883It has already been placed there, has it not?"
46883It is no misfortune that you have to announce?"
46883It seems that you have carefully concealed the fact that you were my affianced, and about to become my bride?"
46883It was necessary to prevent this, but how could it be done?
46883Let me kiss this merciful hand!--You will not permit me, you withdraw it?
46883Life has not been a bed of roses for me, why should I make it pleasant for others?
46883Madame, will you form an offensive and defensive alliance with me?
46883Marie, whom do you suppose I met on my return from the churchyard?
46883May I have the honor of announcing you?"
46883May I make you acquainted with each other?
46883Mon prince, voulez- vous avoir la bonté de me donner votre bras?
46883Moreover, you told me that you had no friends or acquaintances in Dresden?"
46883My dear friends, why not make this ascension to- day?"
46883My friend, my beloved, is nothing sacred?
46883Now you will not go?"
46883Now, as I have had the misfortune to break these four bottles, how would it do to fall back on the original three bottles of strong wine?
46883Of what nature is this relation?
46883Of whom do you speak?
46883Of whom was she dreaming?
46883Of whom was she thinking?
46883Oh, Charlotte, Charlotte, why have you done this?"
46883Oh, Frederick Schiller, what is to become of you-- what can you do with this unreal enthusiasm burning in your soul?"
46883Oh, ye Muses and Graces, whom I invoked, were you near me, blessing my labors?
46883Or have we again some detestable rival, who dares to contend with you for a fair maid''s favor?
46883Or would you leave your friends like a thief in the night, without a word of greeting?"
46883Schiller, why are you leaving Mannheim?
46883Schiller, you heard a carriage drive up to our door a few moments since?
46883Shall I accept?"
46883Shall I now experience through you the dreadful reality of what you then explained in the poem?
46883Shall I shudder at the aspect of the future, and only live on that which is past and gone?
46883Shall we, because we have no money, have no friendship either?"
46883She is in this room, is she not?"
46883She only asked herself this: What had she done to cause Signore Goethe to avoid her so studiously?
46883Sir, what do you ask for your good advice?"
46883Speak my brother, tell me, how can I aid you?
46883Speak-- what did the king say, and what did she reply?"
46883Such is the case, is it not?"
46883Tell me that you love me?
46883Tell me whether you are a Rosicrucian, that is, a Jesuit, or whether you have remained a faithful brother of our society?
46883Tell me, Frederick, can it be true, can it be possible?
46883Tell me, Frederick, is your heart really mine?
46883Tell me, Lolo, what does all this mean?"
46883Tell me, Wolf, what reproaches have I ever made that were not fully warranted by your changed manner and coldness?"
46883Tell me, by what means are these poor, enslaved nations to break their fetters and make freemen of themselves?"
46883Tell me, my friend, which muse or which goddess was it that kissed you?"
46883Tell me, sublime spirit, are you not the spirit of that noble prince, of Philip the Magnanimous?"
46883Tell me, what were your plans before your father''s death?"
46883That I must know; and I am only here for the purpose of putting this one question: Schiller, have you forgotten your friends in Bauerbach?
46883That is the question you intended to ask, is it not?"
46883The Pharisees and Rosicrucians, or-- may I pronounce the word, my enchantress?"
46883The countess complained of heat and thirst, did she not?"
46883The courier is waiting?"
46883The friends who had wandered with him through these avenues, where were they?
46883Then he is not coming alone?"
46883They have imparted to you their wishes?"
46883This is a charming riddle, is it not?
46883This is not one of your jokes?
46883This is the case, is it not?
46883This was not the name of the director in Leipsic; and what did these four signatures in different handwritings mean?
46883To no one else?"
46883To whom should he flee in his hour of grief but to me?"
46883Truly, I came running here like a lover to a rendezvous with his adored, and now you receive me with a cold greeting?"
46883Upon whose rights does it trespass?
46883Was it not a suitor, who slipped out at the door when I entered?"
46883Was it not understood that you were not to exchange a single letter during this period?"
46883Was not_ he_ near?
46883Was that really Marie?
46883Was the spirit of her age wanting in her?
46883We have it and will hold it fast; nothing on earth shall tear it from us?"
46883Well, have I guessed right?
46883Were potatoes less nutritious, because the peasants of Silesia were driven into the field by armed soldiers, and compelled to plant this vegetable?
46883What are you afraid of?"
46883What can I do?"
46883What cared he for outward appearances-- he who occupied himself exclusively with the mind?
46883What cared he, the genial duke, although his boots and Prussian uniform should become somewhat soiled in wading across to the little island?
46883What could I give her in return after she had relinquished all these blessings?
46883What could I have heard?"
46883What could it be that the duke offered him, an appointment or a retreat?
46883What could the duke''s words mean?
46883What did Cleopatra determine to do, rather than grace the triumph of her faithless lover and her hated rival, and pass under the yoke?
46883What did Satan say to Christ when he had led Him up a mountain and showed Him the world at His feet?
46883What did the king reply?"
46883What did the king say?
46883What do these lamentations signify?
46883What do you say to this news, my child?"
46883What do you think of my work?"
46883What do you think of the title,''serving brother of the outer temple halls?''"
46883What does your ladyship think of this plan?"
46883What guaranties had he to offer?
46883What harm can the Rosicrucians do him?"
46883What has the future in store for her?
46883What has the poet to do with such matters, and why should you waste your precious time?
46883What have I done?"
46883What imps have taken up their abode in your brain?
46883What is it that oppresses you?
46883What is it you will do?"
46883What is the matter this time?"
46883What is there, that is glorious and beautiful, which parental love does not hope for, and prophesy for the darling son?
46883What is to become of unhappy Prussia, when the great king no longer reigns; what can it be without his wisdom and strength, and his enlightened mind?"
46883What matter, if poets are beggars on earth-- if they are not possessed of riches?
46883What message does the baron bring?"
46883What messages did he entrust to you?"
46883What need had she of written evidences?
46883What reply will the poet make to the question propounded by the man?
46883What then?
46883What token of esteem would Charles August give him?
46883What was it you said about poisoning?
46883What will you give me if I teach you how to do so?"
46883What will you have?"
46883What would have become of me without you?
46883What would the world say?"
46883When did you say it was to begin?"
46883When must it be ready?"
46883When will she return?"
46883Where am I to introduce it?
46883Where are you, Charlotte-- where are you?"
46883Where did you see her?"
46883Where is the solution of this enigma?
46883Where shall I find the holy, soul- kindling spark?"
46883Which is your favorite study?"
46883Who can prevent it?"
46883Who can say of himself that he has a true and exact knowledge of his own feelings?
46883Who cheered me in my hours of sadness, and laughed with me in my hours of gladness?
46883Who claims the hours that I pass in her company?
46883Who commands here besides myself?"
46883Who could write to him?
46883Who gave you the right to forbid me to die?"
46883Who had ever sent him any thing but rejected manuscripts and theatrical pieces?
46883Who has worked with me and kept my little household in good order?
46883Who is their mother?
46883Who is your favorite hero in history?"
46883Who knows where the star of his destiny will lead him?
46883Who knows whether they will weep when their father also dies?
46883Who lays claim to the feelings I bestow upon this poor creature?
46883Who nursed me when I was sick?
46883Who pursues you?"
46883Who speaks to me?"
46883Whom should you have poisoned but your rival?"
46883Why are you leaving the place where I live?"
46883Why are you silent?"
46883Why did I not listen to his wise counsel?
46883Why did she dare to become my rival, to estrange the king''s heart from me?
46883Why did you call me back to my sufferings?
46883Why did you come, although the light was displayed in the window?"
46883Why do you come unannounced to my presence?"
46883Why do you jest with poor little Christiane?"
46883Why do you look so awe- struck, my son?
46883Why do you not call the physician?"
46883Why do you not tell me who was there?
46883Why does he avoid me?"
46883Why does my presence terrify you?"
46883Why had he left the house so early in the morning, and returned so late in the evening, for the past three days?
46883Why has fate ordained that all things should be subject to change, even love?"
46883Why is he angry with me?
46883Why must I alone rise from the richly- laden table of life with unsatisfied hunger?
46883Why must you remain at a distance?
46883Why not let me hear your beautiful little speech?"
46883Why not man''s?
46883Why not ours, too?
46883Why not?
46883Why not?
46883Why should I tell you my name?
46883Why should not an empress also write to her some day-- to her, the adored of the King of Prussia, and call her"ma cousine?"
46883Why should you not have come?
46883Why should you reproach me for desiring to have a portion of your letters published?
46883Why was it that he conversed gayly with others when he returned in the evening, but had neither word nor look for her?
46883Why was it that his knees trembled, and that he would have fallen to the ground had not a chair stood near by, into which he sank, groaning?
46883Why was this wise man foolish enough to fall in love with you, as he must have known that a union between you and him is impossible?"
46883Why, in the name of all the saints, do you give vent to your yearnings in trumpet tones, and afterward consider them the death- song of your love?
46883Will it be gloomy?
46883Will they be any the less your letters on that account?"
46883Will this river be my grave?
46883Will you assist me in this matter?"
46883Will you be kind enough to give them to me?"
46883Will you have a name, a proud title?
46883Will you help me to attain all this?"
46883Will you not welcome me?"
46883Will you promise to do this?"
46883Will you receive him, friend Körner?"
46883Will you remain with me, and not deprive me of my dear son, who was about to leave me on your account?
46883Will you see him?"
46883Will your majesty permit me to serve it up?"
46883Would I have based my hopes of obtaining the little house at Sans- Souci on your intercession?
46883Would I otherwise have courted your alliance?
46883You a poet, Frederick Schiller?
46883You are certainly doing well, are you not, dear Marie?"
46883You are doubly unjust to Fortuna; has she not smiled on you to- day, and are not your thoughts good and innocent?"
46883You are laughing at me, signore, are you not?
46883You are yet of the opinion that the grand- kophta will appear in answer to your invocations?"
46883You can not intend to walk with me through the public streets in the broad light of day?"
46883You can not require of me that I should betray Count Almaviva''s confidence, and impart to you the messages entrusted to me?"
46883You despise me, the suicide, the coward?
46883You despise my assistance?"
46883You did not utter a single word at the wedding?
46883You do not deserve it?
46883You do not desire me to remain and fight at your side?
46883You do not love me?
46883You do not reply, Charlotte?
46883You have joined a political party?"
46883You have seen and spoken with him?"
46883You heard all?"
46883You intend paying her a visit this evening, do you not?"
46883You know that this is so, do you not?"
46883You know the piece, of course, the delightfully good- for- nothing piece, that created such a furor in France, and consequently here with us also?"
46883You know who this Countess Ingenheim is, do you not?"
46883You love another?
46883You love me right cordially and sincerely, you say?"
46883You love the king?"
46883You remember it, doubtlessly, as you were present?"
46883You see I thought of this when I saw Mr. Ebenstreit, and therefore--""What?
46883You still love me?"
46883You were present?"
46883You will leave Italy and return to Germany?"
46883You will not leave until to- morrow morning, I suppose?"
46883You will remember that this was the only title you accorded me in former days?"
46883Your pure light has set fire to my soul; have I not reason to dread a future based on falsehood and deception?
46883[ Footnote 17:"Will you have the goodness to give me your arm, my prince?"]
46883and may I never hope to see and thank you in the light of day?"
46883and not a single word of friendship for me, no greeting?"
46883are we not to have a wedding, and will we not live together happily afterward?
46883are you not my wife?
46883asked Marie, as she leaned back in the arm- chair, as if exhausted by her work.--"Why do you not answer?
46883can he replace my jewels, my trousseau, and my silver- ware?
46883cried Trude, passionately;"why should not I also, at last, forget what she has forgotten throughout her entire life?
46883cried she, anxiously,"you are not going?"
46883did I come here to see my peace and tranquillity of mind burn like dry straw, under the kindling glances of a beautiful girl?
46883did an earthquake make the ground tremble beneath him?
46883do you hear nothing?"
46883from behind which hedge have you fastened your stony gaze on me?
46883have you alone passed the night in quiet slumber?"
46883have you forgotten me, who was your friend and your mother?"
46883how dare you cross this threshold without my permission?"
46883is every ideal to be destroyed?
46883is every temple to be overthrown?
46883or was it only the storm of passion that was passing over his head?
46883or was it only the tears in his eyes that made the room look so gloomy?
46883repeated Goethe, startled,"the signora''s name is Leonora?"
46883said Elizabeth Christine, with quivering lips--"and do you know what brings him here?"
46883she cried, suddenly,"it can not have been-- O Trude, for God''s sake, tell me, who was it?
46883was nothing but its unhappiness portrayed in her faded countenance?
46883was the sun overcast?
46883what can I do?"
46883what is the matter with you?
46883what is the matter with you?
46883who called my name?"
46883who could send him a package from that city?
46883why are you not permitted to stand at my side in this great hour?
46883why did I not remain the regimental surgeon, and crouch submissively at the feet of my tyrant?
46883why do the rainbow hues and fire of love vanish?
46883why does it not retain like the precious stone its brilliant tints and fiery lustre?
46883will you have a magnificent landed estate?
46883will you have jewelry or treasures?
46883without giving me the name of my benefactor and saviour?"
46883would not_ his_ lips soon say more, in a single kiss, than thousands of written words could tell?
46883yes, but will she keep her word?
46883you do not believe that weeks will pass before Philip comes?"