
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A65480s.n.,[ London: 1664?]
A66686A second scruple is this; Shall a man be ever delivered out of hell?
A66686But doth not God sit upon the Throne of judgement before this great day of Judgement appear?
A60641For, have you not purposed sometimes to draw nigh, and have not those things hindered you?
A60641and doth not the Seed of God travel in pain, as being oppressed with that nature which you should deny and crucifie?
A60641and is not that Hagar and her Son, which is to be cast out?
A60641and when ye have purposed to go forward, have they not drawn you back again?
A60624& is not the Lord the King of glory, and his power made known in the light, which is a plague to Pharaoh and his house?
A02837And what did they in the old world, but resist the spirit, by which Christ was raised from the dead?
A02837O house of Israel, are not my wayes equall?
A02837Or, how doth God know it?
A02837Thē the Rulers of the Iewes apostate and mis- lead the people, who in great part held it reason sufficient: Doe any of the Rulers beleeve in him?
A02837is there knowledge in the most high?
A09436And here it is further to be considered, that Paul calls these groanes vnspeakable, and why?
A09436In the Parable of the prodigall sonne, the father with ioy receiues his wicked child; but when?
A09436Now what is this to thirst?
A09436When Moses said nothing, but onely desired in heart the helpe and protection of God at the redde sea, the Lord said vnto him, Why criest thou vnto me?
A09436c Bernard saith, what, is not desire a voice?
A37244But it may be further objected, How shall she employ her self, seeing all her sences be gon?
A37244See how man argues against himselfe; Why should we not have other means to know?
A37244Why, since the desire to know, did corrupt the roote of all mankind, did my parents send me to Schoole that my minde might be inriched therewith?
A2529828. and you are unjust?
A25298And is not the Devils Faith so good as yours, who doth believe and tremble before the just Judgments of God*?
A25298And yet wil you say you serve the Lord, although you have given your selves over to serve Satan?
A25298But to the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my Statutes, or that thou shouldest take my Covenant in thy mouth?
A25298By whom then do you think to be justified, seeing Christ condemns you?
A25298I tell you, your hope shall perish at the appearing of the God of Iacob; for how can you be saved by the mercy of God, when you refuse to receive it?
A25298Now if you have Faith without Works, do you think that Faith wil save you, except the Works of Faith be brought forth in you?
A25298and after you have learned twenty, thirty, forty or fifty years, do you know any more of God than when you first began?
A25298and are you not led away with divers lusts?
A64267And where are the covetous Oppressors, with all their Houses full of the Spoils of the Innocent?
A64267And where are the great Captains and Commanders, with all their Bloody Victories?
A64267And where are the wise Ahithophels and cunning Counsellors of the Earth, with all their Admirers?
A64267How long shall the Spirit of the Lord strive with you?
A64267Yea, in that day, where is all the Glory and Lusts of the World, with all the Lovers of it?
A64267and your Spears into Pruning- Hooks?
A64267when will you cease learning War, and Destruction, and Oppression, and Spoil?
A66409And why may not the Creator Reveal his Will to the Creature, when one Creature thus can do it to another?
A66409For in so wide a Scene as was before him, Where must he begin, or where could he hope to end?
A66409How divided must he be in his own Mind?
A66409How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation?
A66409Why should this be questioned, when we may be certain Evidences know that a person is sent from God?
A1741615 Whether the word of God doe thee good aboue all things?
A1741616 Whether thy praise be of God, and not of men?
A1741617 Whether thou dost serue God with thy whole heart: not hauing a heart and a heart, either waiuering or deuided?
A1741621 Whether thou canst be contented to make the Law of God, thy onelie direction in all things?
A1741622 Whether thou canst bee as carefull to preseuere in grace, as once to be good?
A17416Fiftly, whether thou dislike sinne in all, euen in those that are most neere and deere vnto thee?
A17416Ninthly, whether thy heart bee humble, patient, teachable, and tractable in some holy measure, increasing herein by the vse of Gods ord ● niance?
A17416Whether the loue of the word seperates vs from the wicked?
A17416Whether thou dost conscionablie endeuor to forsake thy particular, formerly beloued and speciall sinnes?
A17416Whether we can mourn, because others keepe not the word?
A17416Whether we desire it as our appointed foode constantlie?
A17416Whether we receiue it in power and much assurance?
A17416Whether wee loue it aboue all riches and could esteeme it as our heritage?
A30898And how shall they Preach unless they be sent?
A30898And how shall they hear without a Preacher?
A30898And which is yet more near; how do good and holy Men even in this Life most certainly know that they are in Favour and Grace with GOD?
A30898But I say, have they not all heard?
A30898But thou wilt say, how knows thou that a Divine Revelation is a Divine Revelation?
A30898I answer, how knows thou that a Whole is a Whole, and a Part is a Part?
A30898It is a Question now frequently tossed, What is the Ground and Foundation of Faith?
A30898Now I would Know, to which of Joseph''s Outward Senses was this revealed?
A30898Now how many Men who would be esteemed Philosophers, are miserably deceived by those false likenesses of Reason?
A30898or what miracle had he to Induce him to Believe?
A08188But how may a man assure himselfe that hee is of the number of them vvho are by God elected and chosen to saluation?
A08188But who must preach the same?
A08188No: hee crowneth vs with his manifold blessings, to the end wee should keepe his Statutes and obserue his Lawes?
A08188Shall vvee then seeke for it in the euerlasting paines of Hell?
A08188Wherefore doth hee regenerate vs by his Spirit, and create vs a new?
A08188Wherefore hath hee freed vs from the s ● … ruitude of sinne?
A08188Why doth he bestow temporall benefits vpon vs?
A08188Why hath CHRIST redeemed vs from the hands of our spirituall Enemies?
A08188Wouldest thou then know, that Christ is thine, and thou Christs as a true member of his mysticall body?
A08188and if thou hast receiued it, why dost thou boast as if thou hadst not 〈 ◊ 〉 it?
A08188that being free from them wee might sinne more freely?
A08188that like pamperd Horses wee should kicke against our Lord and Master?
A08188that we might be saued howsoeuer wee should liue?
A08188that we might haue the more freedome to sinne?
A08188that we should doe nothing our selues?
A08188who can lay aside his Garment, as Christ laid aside his Flesh?
A08188who can so leaue his place as Christ left his life?
A38580And ye are compleat in him; compleat,''t is in the Greek, ye are filled; with what?
A38580But what''s the Beast, his name, and number?
A38580Here''s the mystery of Christ, and of a beleeving Christian also: Who is he that overcometh the world?
A38580In my fathers house are many mansions; what is the Fathers house?
A38580There''s a mystery in that also, in this overcoming, what is it, and what is the thing to be overcome?
A38580What is the mystery of God, but the man Christ Jesus?
A38580What wastings hath war made, not onely in the visible world, but the invisible?
A38580What''s the glory which the Father gave him?
A38580What''s the glory?
A38580What''s the throne of Christ, but the honor given him of God, to raign and to judge also?
A76826Deare sister, wouldest thou have such enjoyments?
A76826are you delighted with the riches of Gods Grace, accompting no want like to the want of grace?
A76826are you fed with the bread and waters of life?
A76826are you out of your selves?
A76826do you live above the World?
A76826do you testifie your love by your actuall obedience, to the utmost of your abillities to keep his commandements?
A76826have you left off feeding upon the vanities thereof?
A76826how doe you love him?
A76826its love, lovelesse; its splender, darknesse; its fullnesse, emptinesse; it s all, nothing, but vanity, and pray what''s that?
A76826thou possessest my soul, and defendest me from my enemies with thy power: What shall separate mee from thee, who art my God, and I am thy creature?
A76826what should daunt me, or discourage me, that doe enjoy thy Love?
A45564And should not this be considered?
A45564And thus, Who ever perished being righteous?
A45564But shall it be so alwaies?
A45564For( tell me) is it not a mercy to be put into a safe harbour, before the stormy tempest arise?
A45564How much better is it to spend my daies in pleasure, and indulge to my lusts whilest I live, since I can but die at last?
A45564I am afraid such thoughts as these do sometimes arise in the minds of men: How dieth the wise man even as the fool, the righteous as the wicked?
A45564If it shall be now enquired in what notion this term righteous was attributed to them, and may be affirmed of every godly man?
A45564If you shall ask, why dying, which is only a separation of the soul from the body, not an annihilation of either, is called a perishing?
A45564Nay, it is not only a losse, but( as hath been already expressed) it is a dolefull presage of ruine: And shall it not be laid to heart?
A45564Though the Sun is not much observed by us whilest it shineth, yet if it be in an Eclipse, who doth not take notice of it?
A45564To get into the House, before the thunder and lightning rain, and hail fall?
A45564We may observe among beasts,( even swine) a sympathy; so that when one is killed, the rest are troubled: And shall there not be among men?
A45564What matters it for mens hatred, so we have Heavens love?
A45564Will not the Judge of all the world do right?
A45564Will there not be a Reward for the righteous?
A25382AS Adam sléeping securely in his transgression, had great néed of that Trumpet from GOD, to rowze him from the sléep of sin, Adam ubi es?
A25382Adam where art thou?
A25382Can we not remember?
A25382He is verus Iudex& Iustus, he is a true and upright Iudge?
A25382Is our memory so short?
A25382Nay, what madnesse is in us, that we can not be converted with all the preaching that is so often and continually preached amongst us?
A25382Nay, who shall escape damnation here?
A25382O Lord who shall escape amercing here?
A25382O how many causes of wéeping and dolefull crying shall those miserable wretches then have?
A25382O where is any such Conversion in these our dayes?
A25382To morrow, some wil say, I will a Convert be, O when tell me I pray, shall I this morrow see?
A25382What carelesnesse?
A25382What drowsinesse is in us?
A25382What shall I more say?
A25382What will move a man to consider of himselfe, and of his accompting day, if this will not?
A25382Wherefore, holy men of God urge still the time present?
A25382Whose life hath it bettered?
A25382Yet, nothwithstanding the Gospell hath béen long taught amongst us, the sound thereof hath filled our eares, but whose heart hath it pierced?
A25382or have we drunke so much of the River of forgetfulnesse?
A71259And then the Question is, What is that Evidence which will be sufficient for them to ground their Belief upon?
A71259And what Evidence can be given of Matters transacted 1600 Years ago, but Testimony, and what is usually called Moral Evidence?
A71259And what greater Evidence of this can be desired, than when the Persons Inspired live by the best Rules, as well as give them?
A71259And what is there more material, and of greater Importance, than to be satisfied about the Origine of all things, and how they came at first to be?
A71259Lastly, What more desirable, than to know the Certainty and Condition of a Future State, and how we may attain to the Happiness of it?
A71259Or to justify the Truth of a self- evident Proposition?
A71259What greater Testimonies can be given of their Sincerity, and if not of the Truth, yet of their own Belief of it?
A71259What need is there of a sign to prove that it is Day, when by the Light of it we see every thing about us?
A71259What thinks he of Joshua, that was bred up under the best Instructor, and that knew the Art of Government and Conduct in Peace and War?
A71259and whose Writings shew him to excel in all manner of Poetry and sublime Composures?
A54070And can any thing grow and thrive out of the Order and Wisdom of God?
A54070And how doth he also endeavour to raise prejudices among the Begotten, that he may interrupt, and( if possibly) stop their building up?
A54070And is not this present dispensation pure and living, and able to preserve both the Instructers and Instructed in the Lord?
A54070And my Friends consider, Could the Lord carry on his glorious Work, in the hearts of his Children, without his judgements?
A54070Besides, are there not many that have witnessed, and that can witness from God, that this is the dispensation which is to go through the whole earth?
A54070Dost not thou set up the measure of Life in thee( if not another thing) beyond its place, state and growth?
A54070Doth he not know the need of bowels and tenderness in them, and would be not especially furnish them therewith?
A54070How doth the Enemy strive to prejudice the World against them, that there may be no begetting to God from amongst them?
A54070Is it not of the Light, Life and Power of the Father, manifested in the Seed, and in the Soul through the Seed?
A54070Is not the sence quick, and the love pure, where this is felt?
A54070Nay, if thou couldst but retire to the pure measure that at first quickened thee, mightest not thou feel thy own fall?
A54070Now doth it not concern every one to look up to the Lord, to guide his heart in searching, that he may truly understand his state?
A54070What wouldst thou have, poor Soul?
A54070When he hath brought forth that which will do the thing, why should he change it?
A54070Yea, have they not bowels from, and in the Lord?
A54070and doth not the eye that is open see, and acknowledge their bowels, and bless the Lord for them?
A54070and shall it be laid aside in the beginning of its work?
A66386But if they were not invented by men, How came they to be admitted, and at last so much to obtain in the world?
A66386But it may be said, What is all this Reasoning to Matter of Fact?
A66386If he was to teach himself, how could he know that he was able to speak; or how can we think he would begin his Conversation by an attempt that way?
A66386Now the question is, Whence this should arise, and what gave it this universal Acceptance and Authority?
A66386What Expression could thereby be given, suppose, of mens gratitude to God for their Being, and their Preservation?
A66386What an infinite number of intercurrent Passages must there be before it be brought in its proper season to its accomplishment?
A66386Will I eat the flesh of bulls, and drink the blood of goats?
A66386or whether it was by Revelation from God, and of his special Institution?
A66386whether the Invention of some Eminent Persons, suppose, in those early Times?
A45360And do not all considering Men, find the greatest ease and satisfaction of Mind, in the exercise of these things?
A45360And whence arose this sorrow?
A45360And where did the Devil reign more Absolutely and without Controll, since Mankind fell first under his clutches?
A45360Could not Man redeem his Brother, and give unto God a Ransome for him?
A45360For if they never were so much as put ● nto a capacity of believing, how can they be justly punished as Infidels?
A45360Shall we say now that the Spirit of God did not accompany those excellent Sermons of Jesus Christ?
A45360The sacred method of saving humane souls by Jesus Christ by Henry Hallywell... Hallywell, Henry, d. 1703?
A45360What can be more agreeable to the true Nature of Man than Righteousness?
A45360What higher expressions of love, can Humane Understandings possibly conceive, than these?
A45360What more sutable to his higher and Diviner Faculties than Truth and Goodness?
A128157. times?
A12815Alas to whom should he d answere?
A12815Alas, at what should hee laugh?
A12815Alas, what had this pretty one done, that could incite this bloody monster to study his ruine?
A12815And in another place it is said, Jesus therefore knowing all these things that ▪ should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them, Whom seekyee?
A12815And will not this moove you to acknowledge your Potent King, and Redeemer?
A12815Are you of humane race, and can you butcher Innocency it selfe?
A12815Here the the Atheist steps in againe; and askes how hee could despaire, and be a God?
A12815In a stately Pallace?
A12815In what part of the Inne?
A12815In what place in Bethlem?
A12815Openly, when the Pharises upbraided his Disciples with this Question, Why doth your Master eate, and drinke with Publicans and Sinners?
A12815Shall the Sacrifice for your sinnes, fall a Sacrifice to your Malice?
A12815Should hee laugh at Hunger, his Thirst, his Nakednesse, and that no Roofe vouchsafed him covering, save his owne heavenly Arch?
A12815Should hee laugh at his Poverty, or its more miserable concommitant derision?
A12815To Pilate?
A12815When St. Peter ask''t this mild one, How often shall I forgive my offending brother?
A12815Where then?
A12815Where was he borne?
A12815You seed of Perdition what have you done?
A12815he was wholy ignorant of the cause, They ask''t him if he were the sonne of God?
A12815in Jerusalem?
A12815or should hee laugh to have his sacred Eares scorcht with horrid blasphemy against Himselfe and his Almighty Father?
A12815to see his owne people not owne him, eyther for their lawfull King, or potent Redeemer?
A12815to the Jewes?
A12815were ever soules but these, so purblinde, as to take the Creatour of Light for the Prince of darkenesse?
A67769( which Scriptures if they be true, what manner of persons ought we to be?
A67769And how can it other, then cut the hearts of those that have felt the love of Christ?
A67769And what though we can not do what we would?
A67769But what''s the reason?
A67769Invent all new vices they could, and destroy the memory of all ancient vertues, as Heliogabalus did?
A67769Know you not, that it will p ● ove your ruine in the end?
A67769Or would he have had cause to complain of being prevented?
A67769Or would you know why our Land( notwithstanding we excell all Nations under heaven, for meanes of light and grace) hath such monsters?
A67769Seduce millions of soules, as Mahomet and the Pope have done?
A67769Some men and women, that will be Bawds to their own Wives and Daughters?
A67769Why, there are some that dare the day to witnesse their ungodlinesse, and do their villanies to be seen of men?
A67769Yea, and civill men too, account it a crime to be holy?
A67769Yea, how could I here inlarge?
A67769Yea, how often shall you hear old men glory of their fore- past whoredoms, boast of their homicides, cheats, and the like?
A67769as upon an hours warning will lend Jezabel an oath, to rob poor Naboth of his li ● e and vine- yard?
A67769blow up whole States?
A67769depopulate whole Towns, Cities, Countries?
A67769how others could wholly spend and imploy their time,& strength, and meanes?
A67769how they should take such pains, and be at such cost, to commit robberies, rapes, cruel murthers, treasons?
A67769make it their trade to swear and forswear, if any wil hire them, as our Post ● knights do?
A67769make open War against the Church of God, as Herod, Antiochus, and others have done?
A67769or to be so careful to serve their Redeemer?
A67769or to have a tender conscience?
A67769persecute the known truth, as Julian the Apostate did?
A45134And he answered, How can I, except some Man should guide me?
A45134And how shall they hear without a Preacher?
A45134And shall not Uncircumcision, which is by nature, if it fulfil the Law, judge thee, who by the Letter and Circumcision doest break the Law?
A45134And what could be desired more full and convincing?
A45134And what shall we conclude then, from both Instances, but that which Peter, upon Conviction, himself concludes?
A45134As for the Ancients, before Abraham and Moses, what Revelation they had of God''s Will, Who can tell?
A45134Besides, if Christ be Party, how is he Mediator?
A45134Does the Bishop believe so?
A45134I would fain therefore ask the Bishop, whether a Literal and Grammatical Construction can be made to salve all the other Articles, as well as this?
A45134If God and Christ be the Parties, and not God and Man, how is he the Mediator between God and Men?
A45134If God''s Government over the Heathen was not by the Law of Grace, how could the Ninevites, by their Repentance have diverted his Judgments?
A45134If the Articles then must be subscribed in the Literal Grammatical Sense, what shall we do with them?
A45134If you ask me, what that is, wherein this Possibility is placed?
A45134Is he not of the Gentiles?
A45134Is he the God of the Jews only?
A45134That the Righteous be as the Wicked, that be far from thee,( says he) shall not the Judge of all the Earth do Right?
A45134The Usual Interpretation of these Articles, who can tell?
A45134They were without God: How is that?
A45134This is to maintain two things, inconsistent with one another: And here I ask''d you therefore, how you could make out the Mystery?
A45134This is well, exceeding well; but is this a Literal Gramatical Construction?
A45134We read in the Acts of the Eunuch, that Man of Authority, a Proselyte, reading in Isaiah, Philip asks him, Understandest thou what thou readest?
A45134What advantage then hath the Jew above the Gentile?
A45134What need is there of this, seeing Abraham was in a justified State already?
A45134Who is the House of Israel, now the Partition Wall between the Jew and Gentile is down, but the whole World?
A45134Will the word[ thor ● ● ly] so Literally and Grammatically be thus expounded?
A45134Without the Covenant: How is that?
A45134You ask( in your Book) Who taught Abraham, Job, our first Parents, but God and Christ, by the Holy Spirit in their Hearts?
A45134says, It has been an uncharitable Question, Whether any of the Gentiles should be saved?
A269531. Who are you that dare dispute against God?
A269534. Who is it( then) that with you goes for a Believer, or a Christian?
A26953And how weak in Faith are the most of true Believers?
A26953And that as verily as I ever see a man?
A26953But why would not God let us have the SIGHT of Heaven and Hell; being that would have prevailed for our Conversion more generally and more certainly?
A26953Do you count Faith an Infallible sort of Knowledge then?
A26953Does it not concern every man, then, to make sure of this Faith?
A26953How plain is the reason, that Believers are seriously holy, just, and charitable?
A26953How plain is the reason, that Vnbelievers are careless of their hearts and ways; and mock at Believers care, and take them for fools and mad men?
A26953If Faith be the Eye by which I do see, whereby should I quicken my self to live by it?
A26953If I had seen Lazarus in Abraham''s Bosom?
A26953If the Reward and Punishment were seen, what should difference wise men and fools good men and bad?
A26953In worldly matters, men can go to much cost and pains for things they never saw; why not in spiritual matters?
A26953O how rare a Jewel is true Faith?
A26953O should I then ever chuse to be ungodly, or be patient of so being?
A26953Or for too much and plain Preaching?
A26953Or had a Messenger from God to tell me, I must die to morrow?
A26953Or if it be not, wherewithal should I stir up my self to seek Faith and the Life of Faith?
A26953Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, why hast thou made me thus?
A26953Should I ever be drawn away by Temptations again as I have been?
A26953Should I ever be offended with a Minister again, for plainest Reproof, and closest Exhortation?
A26953Should I ever be quiet under uncertainty of my Reconciliation unto God?
A26953Should I ever stick at sufferings when God calls for them from me?
A26953Should I not give over my greedy pursuit of worldly Wealth and Credit?
A26953Should I not hear at another rate than ever yet I heard a Sermon?
A26953Should I not highly value Christ, his Spirit, his Grace, his Promises, his Word, his Ordinances?
A26953Should I not plead for the most serious Godliness?
A26953Should I not say in my heart, that the most gainful sin is worse than madness?
A26953Should I not then be all for Peace, Quietness and Love, with all that love the Lord Jesus Christ, and are seeking invisible things?
A26953Should a man understand no more than he sees?
A26953WHat means the Apostle by these words?
A26953Well, how shall I know whether I have this true Faith and saving, tho''in the least and lowest degree of it?
A26953What should I be if I had seen the things that God hath done already in time past?
A26953What should I be if I heard Satan accusing me for all my sins unto God, and calling for justice against me?
A26953What should I be if I saw the great and dreadful day of Judgment as Christ doth describe it?
A26953What should I be, if I had seen and did now see the Damned in their miseries?
A26953What should I be, if I saw the Lord continually before me?
A26953What should I be, if I saw the face of Death, and were under the power of a mortal sickness, and were given over by all Physicians and Friends?
A26953What should I be, if I saw the glory of Heaven above?
A26953Why so?
A13997And what greater ioy can any man desire to enioy, then to be assured that he is elected to eternal ioy?
A13997And what 〈 ◊ 〉 life?
A13997But for what vs?
A13997For as the Apostle speaketh, Who shall laie any thing to the charge of Gods Elect?
A13997For hath not the Potter libertie ouer his clay, to make of the same lumpe, one a vessell vnto honour, and another a vessell to dishonour?
A13997For otherwise what need was there that the soone of GOD should be brought( as he was) to such horrible miserie and to such an accursed death?
A13997For what haue we, which wee haue not receiued?
A13997For what man knoweth the things of a man, saue the spirit of a man which is in him?
A13997For what should hinder?
A13997For who can bring a cleane thing out of filthinesse?
A13997For who would not loue him, of whom hee is so loued and to whom hee is so much obliged?
A13997For( as Augustine saith) hovv can hee liue iustly, that is not iustified?
A13997He hath ioyned vs to Christ, who shall disioyne vs?
A13997He hath wedded vs vnto himse ● fe, what can diuorce vs?
A13997He is with vs, who can be against vs?
A13997Hovv can he liue holily, vvho is not sanctified?
A13997It is God that iustifieth who shal condemne?
A13997It was well said of that holy man; Wilt thou dispute with mee?
A13997Know ye not that wee shall iudge the Angels?
A13997Know ye not( saith Paul) that the Saintes shall iudge the world?
A13997Now shall wee thinke that the discharging of one duetie can satisfie Gods iustice for the omission of many dueties, and the commission of many faults?
A13997Or hovv can hee liue at all, who is not raised vp to life?
A13997Or what is before his will?
A13997The Apostle saith, know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
A13997The Starres are vncleane in hi ● sight: how much more man a Worme, euen the son of man, which is but a worme?
A13997The heart is deceitfull& wicked aboue all things, who cā know it?
A13997The principall efficient of Iustification is God the Father, in the Sonne, by the holy Spirit: For who can forgiue sinnes but God alone?
A13997VVho( saith Bernard) can comprehend in this life, how great the glorie of the Saints of God shall bee in the life euerlasting?
A13997What are wee, that God should bee mindful of vs, and visit vs with his grace?
A13997What effectuall Calling is?
A13997What reason then haue wee to beleeue it?
A13997What then can, what shall hinder his worke?
A13997What then?
A13997What tongue can tell( saith Gregorie) and what vnderstanding can comprehend how great the ioies may be of that celestiall citie?
A13997Who art thou, that thou darest dispute with God?
A13997Who can compell the Almightie?
A13997Who can hinder him?
A13997Who spared not his owne Sonne, but gaue him for vs all: how shall he not vvith him giue vs all things also?
A13997Why did he make choise of the Israelites aboue all nations?
A13997Why did he make no more worldes then one?
A13997Why made he no more kindes of creatures, or set no more Sunnes to shine in the heauens?
A13997know ye not that your bodie is the Temple of the Holy Ghost that is in you?
A13997know ye not your owne selues, how that Iesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?
A09387And méeting so many Harbengers of death, how cāst thou but prepare for so gastly a guest?
A09387Did he suffer the Tragedy of his Passion to bee bloodily acted, and patiently accepted?
A09387Doest thou desire to haue all good necessaries: as good house, good furniture, good fare, good apparell?
A09387Durst we commit such outrage against our earthly Princes?
A09387His Paradise displanted, and made a Wildernesse of Serpents?
A09387His Spouse deflowred, and become an Adultresse to his Enemies?
A09387How long, O how long wilt thou hunt after vanities, and rush violently and wilfully into thine owne ruine?
A09387If our end be the Kingdome of Heauen, why are we so much enamoured on the Earth?
A09387If the end of our Creation, be eternall saluation, why hunt we after the vanities of this vaine life?
A09387Is it not a senselesse security, to hug in thy bosome so many serpents as sinnes?
A09387Is not he more then mad, that will play away his time allotted to preuent these intolerable calamities?
A09387Is thy Seruant more néere thy Horse more deare, and thy Coate to be more cared for then thine own soule?
A09387Is thy soule so slight a substance, as to be held in so small estéeme?
A09387What is the body without the soule, but a corrupted Carkeise?
A09387What thanke is it to pardon our enemies, when wee can not hurt them?
A09387Who would fasten his eternall affaires vpon the slipperinesse of vncertaine life?
A09387Why doe wee then sell our soules to the Deuill for euery delight and poore pittance of worldly pelfe?
A09387Will he that keepes Register of euery singuler haire, suffer himselfe to be wronged, and ouer- passe it vnpunished?
A09387Wilt thou cramme the Deuill with thy fairest fruits, and turne God to feede vpon thy wind- fals and after- gatherings?
A09387Wilt thou present the maine Crop to the Deuill, and leaue God the Gleanings?
A09387Wilt thou sacrifice the Fattlings to the Fiend of darknesse, and offer the carion Karkeises to the Father of Light?
A09387Would not the terrour of the Law, and popular shame curbe vs from it?
A09387and what is the soule without God, but a Sepulcher of sinne?
A09387or to foster in thy soule so many malicious accusers, as mortall faults?
A09387or what canst thou find in this vale of vanities, that is comparable to the fauour of God?
A09387to forsake sinne, when sinne leaueth vs?
A09387to giue away our goods, when we can kéepe them no longer?
A09387to shake hands with our pleasures, when wee can vse them no more?
A09387what interest canst thou recouer, that can equall thy detriments in grace and goodnesse?
A57960And do we act courageously for petty purchases; and faint and despond when we are to strive for Crowns and eternal Glories?
A57960And if all this be short, what will be available?
A57960And shall the Beasts act more reasonably than the professed Sons of Reason?
A57960And why may not the Spirit of God, working by an active Faith and Endeavour, fix Habits and Inclinations on the Soul, as prevalent as those?
A57960Argument can be made a proportioned Medium to prove every Conclusion, that Any thing may be a suitable means to Any end?
A57960Doth not Nature it self teach you, that if a Man have long Hair, it is a shame unto him?
A57960For can the regenerate be full of all manner of concupiscence, and at the same time be crucified to the Flesh, and its affections and lusts?
A57960Having sin dwelling in him; and a captive to sin; and obeying the Law of sin; and yet free from the law of sin and death?
A57960How can they do good, that are accustomed to do evil?
A57960If thou dost well, shalt thou not be accepted?
A57960It is no Question, I hope, whether God, or the Creature is to be first chosen; whether Heaven or Hell be better?
A57960May it not shame us, that we need Instruction from the Creatures that have no understanding?
A57960Though the way is streight, yet''t is certain; or if it were otherwise, who would not venture his pains upon the possibility of such an issue?
A57960We were made for Happiness, and Happiness all the World seeks: Who will shew us any good?
A57960What difficulties in my Duty, too great for Divine Aids?
A57960What is the example of a wicked, sensual, wretched World, to that of the Holy Jesus; and all the Army of Prophets, Apostles and Martyrs?
A57960What is there in the World, that it should be loved more than God?
A57960What pains are we to undergo in the narrow and difficult way, that the Glory which is at the end of it, will not compensate?
A57960Who can tell the exact moment when the night ends, and the dawn enters?
A57960Why should my noble Faculties, that were designed for glorious ends, be led into infamous practices by base Vsages, and dishonourable Customs?
A57960and what is the Flesh, that it should have more of our time and care, than the great interests of our Souls?
A57960carnal, and yet not walking after the flesh, but after the Spirit?
A57960how can these things consist?
A57960one in whom sin revives while he dies; and yet one that is dead to sin?
A57960sold under sin, and yet free from sin?
A57960that any object may be conformable to any Faculty?
A57960who then shall be saved?
A57960— Lord, are there Few that be saved?
A345991 Whether there are any gracious conditions, or qualifications wrought in the soule before faith?
A345992 Whether any man can gather his evidence of the assurance of his Justification from his Sanctification?
A3459922, 23?
A345993 Whether there bee an active power of Faith, and other gifts of grace in a Christian conversation?
A345995. Who are they which are born of the Spirit?
A34599According to that of the Apostle Iames, Is any afflicted amongst yo ●, let him pray?
A34599Alas, how farre are they mistaken, that thinke the contrary Doctrine hath beene sealed with the bloud of Martyrs?
A34599Amongst which marks of the Beast, Is not the decree of Pope Innocentius the third?
A34599And being pricked at the heart, now trembling, cry out, Men and brethren what shall we doe?
A34599And is it not a commandement of God, that all Churches should be gathered according to the Commission of King Jesus?
A34599And then like the wise Merchant, let us cast up our accouut, what it will profit us?
A34599And with many other words hee said,( and must not ● ee doe so likewise?
A34599But is there any hope to see the Nation of England reformed according to the Primitive pattern, founded upon the word of the eternall Truth?
A34599But was Andrew and the other Disciple Iohn baptized, Re- baptized by the Disciples of Jesus the Christ?
A34599But when doth the Lord discover the truth of his calling to his conscience?
A34599But why may not the holy Spirit breathe his first comforts into our soules, even on such conditions?
A34599Else, shall they not be disobedient to the voyce of the Spirit that speaketh?
A34599Else, when thou shal ● blesse with the spirit, how shall he whic ● occupieth the roome of the unlearned ▪ say, Amen, at thy giving of thanks?
A34599Hence, when Jesus demanded of his Disciples?
A34599How prove you that?
A34599If God shall by his good Spirit convince us of the evills that wee have done, so as that we trembling cry, Men and brethren, what shall we doe?
A34599If all Churches come out of Babylon by degrees; then you condemn all Churches that are not of your judgement?
A34599Is any merry amongst you, let him sing?
A34599Is it not a greater Priviledge for an Infant to be borne of a beleever, then to be borne of a Jew, a Turke, or an Heathen?
A34599Is not this to limit the Spirit, who is free, and bloweth where hee listeth?
A34599Must not the reply be, Repent?
A34599WHether a man may evidence his justification by his sanctification?
A34599WHether there be any gracious conditions, or qualifications, in the soule before faith, of dependance unto which, such promises are made?
A34599Was there any necessity that they should be Re- baptized; would not a more perfect instruction have served?
A34599What Congregations deny that Jesus is the Christ?
A34599What Priviledge hath the unbeleeving party, by dwelling and abiding with the beleever?
A34599What if some judge him a Schismaticke?
A34599What is a Psalme?
A34599What is the Antichristian faith?
A34599What is the Forme of this spirituall house?
A34599What is thy beloved more then another beloved; oh thou fairest among women?
A34599What is thy beloved more then others beloveds, that thou dost so charge us?
A34599Whether in receiving of Chris ●( or the Spirit, who commeth into our hearts in his name) we be meerly passive?
A34599Whither is thy beloved gone, oh thou fairest among women?
A34599Whither is thy beloved turned aside that we may seeke him with thee?)
A34599Whom doe men say that I the Sonne of Man am?
A34599Why was it such a Priviledge?
A34599but hee that denyeth that Jesus is the Christ?
A34599so that ● ● ey trembling cry out, Men and ● ● ethren, what shall we doe?
A34599though an unbeleever: Or what knowest thou, oh thou beleeving wife?
A34599whether God will not make thee instrumentall to save thy husband?
A596237. Who maketh thee to differ from another?
A59623Again, There are many that are willing to accept of Christ; but how?
A59623And what is that?
A59623And will you not be thankful for such a Mercy as this?
A59623Ay, did not you deal thus with God?
A59623But how or wherein is Grace abused?
A59623But if this be our Case, how or by whom are we saved and delivered out of it?
A59623But if you ask, what moved him to it?
A59623But what was the impulsive or moving Cause?
A59623He that hears these sayings of mine, and doth them — And what Sayings were these?
A59623How is our Salvation of Grace, since it is not without the Merit and Satisfaction of Christ?
A59623How little a while too?
A59623How shall he not with him freely give us all Things?
A59623Is it good unto thee that thou shouldst oppress, that thou shouldst despise the work of thy hands?
A59623It is a Sin to return evil for evil to Men; and what is it then to return evil to God for the greatest good of all?
A59623It is good, saith the Apostle, that the heart be established with Grace; and why called Grace?
A59623Nay, has Grace made you to differ, so much from your Selves; from what you sometime were; and should you not be thankful for it?
A59623Now consider, do you not think your selves greatly obliged to bless God for your Beings; that he made you something, that were nothing?
A59623O Death, where is thy sting?
A59623Of how short a continuance is the difference betwixt the Rich and the Poor; the honourable and the bafe, the healthful and sickly?
A59623Take notice, that I say, that Faith is but a hearty, thankful, accepting of the Gift according to its proper Nature and Use?
A59623That he made you Men and Women, and not Toads or Serpents?
A59623Therefore oft reflect upon the Apostles Question, What hast thou that thou didst not receive?
A59623To explicate the Terms; First, What is meant by Grace?
A59623What shall we say then, shall we continue in Sin, that Grace may abound?
A59623What then shall we sin, because we are not under the Law, but under Grace?
A59623What then, saith he, shall we Sin because we are not under the Law, but under Grace?
A59623When you come to Dye, what becomes of bodily Strength, and Beauty?
A59623Will it not be the Glory of thy Mercy to Pity and Help the miserable?
A59623and is any carnal and ungodly Man, while such, heartily willing and desirous to accept it so?
A59623and is it not a greater Mercy, to have your deformed Souls beautified and made comely with the Divine Image, than to have comely Bodies?
A59623and will it not be the Glory of thy Grace to save such as deserve thy Wrath?
A59623but how much more, should you bless God, that of his special Grace and Love, hath translated you from Darkness to Light?
A59623from Death to Life; from Slavery to Liberty; from Wrath and Curses to Favour and Blessedness?
A59623of worldly Honours, Riches, and Friends?
A59623or else have you not done it in a careless, slighty and customary manner?
A59623what Reason have you to be thankful?
A59623who can be saved?
A59623why he would so concern himself for the Recovery and Salvation of lost and miserable Sinners?
A67773( especially if they have not been notorious offenders) Are they a whit troubled for Sin, either Original or Actual?
A6777312. to 21. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean?
A67773Again, this is an infallible truth, that without repentance there is no being saved; and what hope of their serious and unfained repentance?
A67773Are you proud?
A67773As ask them these questions, How do you hope to be saved?
A67773As how many temptations come in by those Cink- ports the senses?
A67773As what saies our Saviour?
A67773As, are we bound to perform perfect obedience to the Law?
A67773But it is very easie to believ, thinks the sensualist; yes, but why?
A67773But it will be demanded how this comes ● be so?
A67773Didst thou never hear Sermons unpreparedly, irreverently,& c?
A67773Does thy heart upon a Sabbath rest from wordly thoughts?
A67773Dost thou expect to have him mercifull to thee, that art unmerci ● ull, cruell, and bloody to ● i m, to his, and thine own soul?
A67773For what wil such a one suggest to himself?
A67773Hast thou been liberal to those that are owners of a part of thy goods?
A67773Hast thou kept the Tenth Commandement?
A67773Hast thou not robb''d God of his worship?
A67773Have you never broke this or that Commandement?
A67773If some that have journied in the wilderness to Kad ● sh- barnea, shall yet never enter into Gods rest; shall those that never left Egypt?
A67773Is the stony ground reprobate?
A67773It is a people that do 〈 ◊ 〉 their hearts, saies God; Why?
A67773No, not they, What should they bee proud of?
A67773Now tell me?
A67773Or will they acknowledge themselves in a lost condition without Christ?
A67773Therefore the mayn question is, Whether thou art a Believer?
A67773Thou canst not away with swearing; but do''st thou reprove others for their swearing?
A67773Thou shalt not commit Adultery?
A67773Were we for disobedience subject to the sentence of condemnation, the curse of the Law, and death of body and soul?
A67773What greater unbelife could there be?
A67773What then is our sinfulnesse?
A67773What will be their manner of answering?
A67773When Christ wept over Jerusalem, what was the cause?
A67773Whence come warrs, and fightings among you?
A67773Which being so, how oft and how many wayes do we all offend?
A67773Why shouldest thou deceive thy self with an opinion of faith?
A67773Yea, what possibility is there that ever such a soul should have any benefit by Christ?
A67773and what was the cause?
A67773com ● they not hence?
A67773hast thou not robb''d thy brother of his good name?
A67773how many more by Satans injections?
A67773much more thy tongue from worldly speeches?
A67773of his Sabbaths?
A67773presenting to the affections things absent from the sences?
A67773to bee affected with joy in hearing the Word, and practice many things, with Herod?
A67773to confess thy sins, and ● esire the people of God to pray for thee with Pharoah?
A67773to venture thy life with Alexander the Copper- smith, in cleaving to the tru ● h?
A67773to ● ee zealous against sin, with Jehu?
A67773who finds not in himself, an indisposition of mind to all good; and an inclination to all evill?
A67773willingly to part with a good part of ● hy goods, with Anarias?
A67773● o forsake the world& all thy hopes in it; to fol ● ow poor Christ, as Demus and others?
A26936And darest thou refuse this when God and Conscience do command it?
A26936And dost thou see and know this, and yet wilt thou not be instructed, and be wise in time?
A26936And is he not self- condemned, that honoureth the Names of Saints, and will not imitate them?
A26936And is not this Christ the Author of our Holiness, and this Scripture the Commander of it?
A26936And is this Nature given thee in vain?
A26936And what can we do to satisfie Justice, and reconcile such a rebel Soul to God?
A26936And who can be our Owner, but He that made us?
A26936And who can be our highest Governour, but our Owner?
A26936Ask your Hearts seriously, What is it that I shall need at a dying Hour?
A26936Believe: Tell me now what is the full Resolution and Desire of your Will, concerning all this which you Believe?
A26936Blessed are they that are thy faithful Subjects; But who hath hardened himself against thee, and hath prospered?
A26936Can not Carcases and Dust instruct thee to see the end of Earthly Glory, and all the Pleasures of the Flesh?
A26936Can they be wise for thee, that are foolish for themselves?
A26936Can you travel one whole day to such an End, and never think of the Place that you are going to?
A26936Did they deride or persecute a Holy Life?
A26936Do they then speak well of Lust and Pleasures and magnifie the Wealth and Honours of the World?
A26936For want of these, how woful are our divisions?
A26936Had they not rather die as the most mortified Saints, then as careless, fleshly, worldly Sinners?
A26936How dangerous a case is that Man in, who hath so greedy a Beast continually to restrain?
A26936How deplorable then is a World ● ings case?
A26936How should that Man be filled with Joy, who must live in the Joys of Heaven for ever?
A26936How small else would the Church seem in the World?
A26936Is it a Controversie, whether thy Flesh must shortly perish?
A26936Is there any Felicity more desirable than Heaven?
A26936O Man, canst thou pass one day in Company, or alone in Business or in Idleness, without some sober Thoughts of Everlastingness?
A26936Unless it be some desperate forsaken Wretch do they not all speak well of a Holy Life?
A26936WHat do you believe concerning GOD?
A26936WHat is the Christian Religion?
A26936Were they not more strictly Holy than any that thou knowest?
A26936What Miseries come from small beginnings?
A26936What a Mercy is it to be driven from the World to God, when the love of the World is the greatest danger of the Soul?
A26936What believe you of Man''s Redemption by Jesus Christ?
A26936What believe you of Man''s fall into sin and misery?
A26936What believe you of the Creation, and the nature of Man, and the Law which was given to him?
A26936What believe you of the Holy Catholick Church, the Communion of Saints, and the Forgiveness of Sins?
A26936What believe you of the Holy Ghost?
A26936What believe you of the Resurrection and Everlasting Life?
A26936What haste doth it make?
A26936What is that Practice which by this Covenant, 〈 ◊ 〉 are obliged to?
A26936What is the New Testament, or Covenant, 〈 ◊ 〉 Law of Grace?
A26936When Custom hath rooted your natural Corruptions, are they easily rooted up?
A26936Where is our Covenant- part and Duty fullier opened?
A26936Where is the Christian Religion most fully opened, and entirely contained?
A26936Whether any deserve thy Love and Obedience more than God?
A26936Who can be safe that standeth long on so terrible a precipice?
A26936Will a Nature that is Carnal resist and overcome the Flesh, and abhor the Sin which it most dearly loveth?
A26936Will a Worldly Mind overcome the World?
A26936Will a few days fleshly Pleasures pay for the loss of heaven and thy immortal Soul?
A26936Will they help thee to Heaven, who are running so furiously to Hell?
A26936With what Eyes do they read the Gospel, who see not this in every Page?
A26936You are loath to be Heathens or Infidels: But do you think a Christian excelleth them but in Opinion?
A26936and darest thou live unready, and part with Heaven for such a World as this?
A26936and how quickly will it be gone?
A26936and then how highly will it be valued; when a Minute of it can never be recalled?
A26936and thy thankful Remembrance more then Christ, and thy Care and Diligence more than thy salvation?
A26936and wilt thou yet provide for it before thy Soul?
A26936and wish that their Lives had been spent in the most fervent Love of God, and strictest Obedience to his Laws?
A26936or Friends to thee, that are undoing themselves?
A26936or any Misery more terrible than Hell?
A26936or any thing so regardable as that which is everlasting?
A26936or have any pity on thy Soul, when they make a Jest of their own Damnation?
A26936or will thy Sin and thy Prosperity be sweet at Death, and in the Day of Judgment?
A26936that if he do but neglect his Watch one Hour, is ready to run him headlong into Hell?
A65304''T is shut against the Devils,''t is yet open to you; who would not croud hard to get in*?
A65304* How should we beg of Christ, that he who turned the watet into wine, would turn the water, or rather poison of nature into the wine of grace?
A6530411. nothing prospers without a blessing;& what way to obtain it but by prayer?
A6530424. but how many wounds must we give with the sword of the Spirit, before the flesh will be perfectly crucified?
A653049. what still pray and weep?
A65304An Heathen would not suffer his god to be blasphemed; and shall Christians suffer it?
A65304Are there not millions among us who had rather go sleeping to hell, than sweating to heaven?
A65304Aug.* Si aurum tibi offeram, non mihi dicis cras veniam, sed jam exi ● is; nemo differt, nemo excusat: salus promittitur& quis festi ● at?
A65304But if there must be this working, how is it said that Christs yoak is easie*?
A65304But repent?
A65304But suppose God hath not dropt in a principle of grace?
A65304But why hath God made the way to heaven so hard, why must there be this working?
A65304David labours to chide himselfe out of this spiritual melancholy, Why art thou cast down O my soul?
A65304Do men dig for lead, and not much more for gold?
A65304God is merciful?
A65304He calls for the first- fruits, and do we think to put him off with the gleanings?
A65304He that hath been hard at work all day, how quietly doth he sleep at night?
A65304Horace* Mercedian tantae par labor esse potest?
A65304How easie is it to be deceived in the businesse of salvation, and with Ixion to embrace a cloud instead of Juno?
A65304How highly did Christ value the soul when he sold himself to buy it*?
A65304How unworthy is this, for men to give the devil their strength and marrow, and then come and lay their old bones upon Gods Altar?
A65304If there be corn to be had*, why should you sit starving in your sins any longer?
A65304Impossibility kills all endeavour; Who will take pains for that which he thinks there is no hope ever of obtaining?
A65304Is regeneration easie?
A65304Is the Bee so industrious by the instinct of nature in the working of honey?
A65304Is there no mercy- seat?
A65304Jobs wife would have called him off from serving God, doest thou still retaine thine integrity?
A65304Methinks I hear God expostulating the case with men at the last day, after this manner, why did ye not work?
A65304O sinner, wouldst thou have mercy, and wilt not disband the weapons of unrighteousness?
A65304Put this bond in suit by Prayer; you say you have no power, but have you not a Promise?
A65304Secondly, Another grace conducible to salvation, is faith; but how easily are men cozened with a counterfeit pearl?
A65304Swear not at all*; If we must give an account for idle words, shall not idle oaths be put in the count- book?
A65304Tell me O sinner, is it easie for a dead man to live and walk?
A65304The second Objection is this; but to what purpose should I work?
A65304There''s nothing got without hard labour; You can not have the world without labour, and would you have Christ and salvation?
A65304This sinne, though it begins Comical, it ends Tragical; will it not be bitterness in the end?
A65304Was there any work ye did of greater concernment?
A65304What imprudence is it to lay the heavy load of repentance on thy self, when infeebled by sicknesse?
A65304What need I plough, or sow, or manure the land?
A65304What needs all this ado, lesse pains will serve?
A65304What riding is there to the Tearm, I warrant you the Lawyer will not lose his Term?
A65304What should be the reason?
A65304While we are working we must look up to the spirit; what is our preparation without the spirits operation?
A65304You could work in brick, but not in gold; What can you say for your selves why the sentence should not passe?
A65304are there no pangs in the new birth?
A65304can Christ be frustrate of his intention?
A65304doest thou know what Religion must cost, and what it may cost?
A65304is self denial easie?
A65304is there no balm in Gilead?
A65304suppose he hath not caused breath to enter?
A65304what is all our rowing without a gale from Heaven?
A65304when the hands shake, the lips quiver, the sinews shrink, the heart faints?
A65304who would not rather work night and day, than lose such a soul?
A65304why might some say, we have wrought hard for it?
A65304you will be holier than others, more precise than needs?
A2953216, 17,& c.) Who shall here despise the day of small things?
A29532A notorious sinner, a lewd woman; yet coming unto Christ, and expressing her good affection unto him, how welcome was she to him?
A29532And had not Paul done so?
A29532And hast thou such a heart in thy bosom?
A29532And in so doing who shall charge h ● m of injustice, or yet rigour?
A29532And may not I look for a just retaliation, that he should reject me when I come to him?
A29532And what matters it then what they are to others?
A29532And wherefore did God thus give his elect people unto Christ?
A29532And who is there among you but would be glad to have this assurance?
A29532And who shall herein charge him with injustice?
A29532And why not?
A29532And why not?
A29532And why will he do so?
A29532And will Christ thus receive you, What matters it then who they are that reject you?
A29532And will not he cast them out?
A29532Are not all so given to him as Mediator?
A29532But hast thou teares for him as she had?
A29532But herein how are they mistaken?
A29532But how are they said so to be?
A29532But how cometh it so to be?
A29532But how is it then that you do so, may some happily here say?)
A29532But how shall I so come unto him, as that I may be assured that I shall not be cast out, not rejected by him?
A29532But how will this comply and agree with this Text?
A29532But the Question still runs on; what, only some?
A29532But what if they cast off the ● r Parents?
A29532But what say we then to the guest in the Parable?
A29532But wherefore is it?
A29532But wherefore was it?
A29532But who are they?
A29532But why do we fear so?
A29532But( if such) who is it then that casts them out?
A29532But( in the second place) Is not this a dangerous Doctrine, tending to make men careless and regardless of their spiritual estates?
A29532Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
A29532Christ being the Son, had not he an equal interest in all things with his Father?
A29532Doth not this then excuse those who do not come unto him?
A29532For which, what greater encouragement can you have than that which Christ himself here holdeth forth to you?
A29532Hast thou a broken and contrite hear ● to present unto him?
A29532Hath not the potter power of his clay( saith he) of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
A29532How come unto him?
A29532How else is it that the Apostle putteth his Corinthians upon this trial?
A29532How is it that you repel and reject those from coming to have communion with Christ in the Sacrament of his Supper, who are willing to come?
A29532How is it then that they come unto him, whilest others keep off from him, being strangers or enemies to him?
A29532How not cast them out here?
A29532How shall they believe on him of whom they have not heard?
A29532How then can I hope that I should find such a welcom from him upon my coming to him?
A29532In thus extending this grace, how do they extenuate it?
A29532Is it so that All and Only they shall come unto Christ, whom God his Father hath given to him?
A29532May not they justly take up this for their plea, that they were never given to him?
A29532No man cometh unto me Except the Father that sent me draw him?
A29532Now doth not the Apostle exclude all such from any hopes of benefit by him?
A29532Now in what way may this be obtained?
A29532Now of which of these shall we understand our Saviour here to speak in the Text?
A29532Prove your own selves, know ye not your own selves how that Iesus Christ is in you?
A29532Some( you may say) given to him by his father?
A29532They are Gods, God the Fathers, how else should he give them to another, to his son?
A29532What more common with them than to cast their favourites out of favour?
A29532What though they have neither money nor monies worth?
A29532Who hath despised the day of small things?
A29532Ye have seen me and beleive not, How so?
A29532a heart broken with true godly sorrow so ● ● in?
A29532all men, yea and all other creatures?
A29532how came they to be so stupid?
A29532though others cast them out, out of Church?
A29532truly peni ● tent tear ● s?
A29532what, were not all things his before?
A29532whom Christ himself from Heaven chargeth with persecuting of him; Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
A29532why may they not take their course, and live as they list?
A29532will he take you in, what matters it ● hen who they are that cast you out?
A39265And again, whether all the Members of that Church, be as one man unanimously agreed about it, or no?
A39265And are single Fathers of more Credit than they?
A39265And can its Testimony then possibly amount to any more than that Church''s bare Word?
A39265And did not Irenaeus pretend a Tradition, descending from St. Iohn, that Christ was about fifty Years old when he was crucified?
A39265And do the Papists accout either of these to be true?
A39265And here I am at as great a loss as ever; for who shall judg for me, whether his Commands be needful for Spiritual ends or no?
A39265And must we be Hereticks for not believing these so uncertain Traditions?
A39265And will they yet produce it to convince us of the Authority by which alone we are both to receive and understand it?
A39265Are Councils of any Credit more than the POPE''s Confirmation gives them?
A39265But what are these manifest Scriptures at length?
A39265But what saith Bellarmin?
A39265Did it not Excommunicate every Priest that should Appeal to ROME?
A39265Did not Clemens Alexandrinus call it an Apostolical Tradition, that Christ preach''d but one Year?
A39265Do not they deny us a Iudgment of Discretion, whereby we should discern for ourselves, whether it speak fór or against their Church''s Authority?
A39265Had not He and They one and the same Authority as POPES of ROME?
A39265Have they not been even at Daggers drawing among themselves about it?
A39265How must I now do to bear my self evenly betwixt two such Masters?
A39265However if it so well deserve our Consideration, what''s become of our Forefathers?
A39265I must obey the Infallible Iudg, or else be damn''d: And who is this Infallible Iudg whom I must obey?
A39265If my dimsighted Reason help me to stumble into my Mother''s lap, may I yet think my self safe there?
A39265Is it that of the First and purest Ages of the Church before POPERY was brought forth?
A39265Is it the Testimony of all others in the World that profess Christianity?
A39265Is the Controversie yet decided?
A39265Is then the holy Scripture the Word of God or not?
A39265Is there no Dispute in that Church about this Power?
A39265Must our Faith be accounted defective and not entire, meerly because we do not believe what no Man can make us understand to co come from God?
A39265Must we believe her without any more ado?
A39265Nay, what if their Church it self can not tell them this?
A39265Now what more can we desire, than to be made wise unto Salvation?
A39265Or can any one promise me that it ever shall?
A39265Or shall they be allow''d to over rule the Oral and Practical Tradition of the present Church of ROME?
A39265The things which we find not in the Scriptures( saith St. Ambrose) how can we use them?
A39265Was it given unto us of God to be the Rule of our Religion, that is, of our Faith, Worship, and holy Conversation, or was it not?
A39265What course now in this Case can be taken by us?
A39265What is it in any Religion, which can commend it before others to a man''s Choice, but its Truth and Goodness?
A39265What is it then wherein our Faith is defective?
A39265What more can be needful to direct us in the Way to Salvation, than what we may learn from the Scriptare?
A39265What then can this Testimony be?
A39265What then is it they say?
A39265When the PAPISTS are pleas''d to ask us that unanswerable Question, as they account it, Where was your Religion before LUTHER?
A39265Where are we now, after all this, to seek our Infallible Iudg?
A39265Which of these now must I believe and obey?
A39265Who I wonder shall now be thought fit to decide this Dispute?
A39265Who is it then in this Church, to whose Iudgment I must submit?
A39265Why should not that Church have the charity to forbear her Censures, till she have tried the strength of her Arguments?
A39265Why then must we believe that the ROMAN Church hath this Sovereign Authority in Religion?
A39265Why was the Council of Trent, contrary to the Custom of other Councils, so liberal of her Curses, and so sparing of her Reasons?
A39265Will she abide by the Testimony of either Father or Council, if they speak not what she has taught them, or against what she holds?
A39265Would not a Man suspect that they have no good Reasons to shew, who keep them so close?
A39265Yea, What will become of the greatest part of the Christian World, who live and die out of their Communion?
A39265Yet if I should dare to venture thus far, may I now have leave to take my rest here?
A39265doth it not as well deserve the Consideration of the ROMANISTS, what is become of many of theirs?
A095991 So much intimateth the Apostle; Who, saith hee, shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect?
A095993 For, saith the Apostle, What if som ● did not beleeue?
A09599Againe, How canst thou, saith S. Cyprian, desire to be heard of God, who doest not vnderstand thy selfe?
A09599Againe, What is the Church, but a company of beleeuers, a congregation of faithfull men?
A09599And a little after he taketh away this Anabaptisticall obiection: Quomodo regenerantur infantes, nec boni nec mali cognitions praediti?
A09599And is it indeede, 3 so waighty a point of Christian belee ● e?
A09599And of whom is it said, Goe and baptize them, but of those, which ioyne themselues to the Church by beleeuing?
A09599And what a shame is it, as S. Augustine saith, V ● simplices Idiotae rapiant nobis Coelum,& nos cum nostra scientia mergamur in infernum?
A09599And what did they say?
A09599And who are those true beleeuers?
A09599But doth not their reall practice crosse their verball excuse?
A09599But if S. Paul were asked the same question, as sometime hee was by the Iaylour; what would be his answere?
A09599But wherein consisteth this freedome?
A09599Can any pretend pietie, and take part with such impietie, taking it vp, and casting it as dung in the face of God himselfe?
A09599Could he be a greater enemie to me, then Saul was to Dauid?
A09599Did S. Peter salue their sore consciences with the Balme of reconciliation to Rome?
A09599Did not the wicked doe this, euen at the very preaching of the Prophets and Apostles, yea, of Christ himselfe?
A09599For through the tender mercy of our God, the day- spring from an high hath visited vs. Haue we the light?
A09599For what is the chaffe the better, because it is acknowledged that there is some wheate hid amongst it?
A09599How can infants be regenerate, say the Anabaptists, seeing they know neither good nor euill?
A09599How directly contrary is it to the expresse words of Christ, in the first Institution?
A09599How many famous Churches were planted by the Apostles, that neuer cast the glance of an eye towards Rome?
A09599How many thousand soules conuerted, that neuer heard of any such vniuersall head, or so much as the name of Rome?
A09599How sacrilegious then and blasphemous is that daily propitiatory sacrifice of theirs?
A09599How shall hee escape for the omitting of so great a Sacrament?
A09599If a man in this case of conscience, being troubled in minde, should demand of a Iesuite or Seminary; What he should doe to attaine euerlasting life?
A09599If the Iew for the neglect of Circumcision was to be cut off, how shall the Christian be excusable?
A09599If thou, Lord, shouldest marke iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
A09599In what Creed, I pray you, may we finde it?
A09599In worldly benefits wee would not haue others to goe before vs: why should wee not haue as great, nay greater care of heauenly things?
A09599Is any man partaker of this grace, is he drawne of God, hath the Lord added him to his Church?
A09599Is the foot not of the body, because it is not the hand?
A09599Quem tam amēt ● m esse putas, qui illud quo v ● s ● atur Deum cr ● dat esse?
A09599Quid est aut ● m Scriptura Sacra, nisi epis ● ola Omnipotentis Dei ad creaturam suam?
A09599Quomodò te audi ● ● à Deo pustul ● s, cùm te ipse non audias?
A09599So we may truly say, Is this or that Nationall or Prouinciall Church, no Church, because it is not dependant vpon Rome?
A09599Surely none other but this: What must thou doe to bee saued?
A09599That foule error, of Idolatrous adoration of Images, in common practice among them, how expresly contrary is it to the Commandement of God?
A09599That it is sayd, he was noted to be a Papist, who euer denied it?
A09599That simple Idiotes should snatch heauen from vs, and we with all our knowledge and learning should be plunged into hell?
A09599The very heathen could say, Who is so mad, as to beleeue, that to be God, which he doth eate?
A09599Their daily deuotions, which wee see in their Primers, Rosaries, and Manuals, what are they for the most part but Fardles of blinde superstition?
A09599Then how carefull ought we to be, to attend vpon the ordinance of God in the Ministery of his Word?
A09599To conclude this point; Doth any desire to bee sincerely vnited vnto the Church of Christ?
A09599What can allure vs to be of this societie, if this motiue of eternall happinesse preuaile not with vs?
A09599What can they do more, for outward seruice, to God himselfe?
A09599When so many soules, with pricked and perplexed hearts, cried out to the Apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we doe?
A09599Where then was this head before?
A09599Where was the flourishing visibility of the Church, when the poison of Arianisme had infected almost the whole world?
A09599Where, in the Gospell, can they finde the calling of a Sacrificing Priest?
A09599Why doest thou so?
A09599as Corinth, Galatia, Ephesus, and the rest of the seuen Churches of Asia?
A09599for if they doe not worship Images, why doe they performe so many religious seruices vnto them?
A09599for what concordance is there betweene generall and particular?
A09599or the eare, because it is not the eye?
A09599or with what sense can it bee called, The Vniuersall particular Church?
A09599where is their warrant for it?
A41355And Sir, do you think that these Israelites at this time did see Christ, and salvation by him, in these types and shadows?
A41355And do any of our godly and moderne witers, agree with you in this point?
A41355And have not all those that have them, a like measure of them?
A41355And how many perfumed fools are there in the world?
A41355And how should hee understand how farre hee hath strayed from the way of life, unlesse he doe first finde what is that way of life?
A41355And is it also impossible for 〈 ◊ 〉 of his posterity to keep the Law per ● ● ctly?
A41355And was Adams sinne and punishment imputed unto his whole off- spring?
A41355And was not Josiah, for his disobedience to Gods command, sl ● in in the valley of Megiddo?
A41355And were the Ten Commandements, as they were delivered to them on mount Sinai, the Covenant of works?
A41355And what followed then?
A41355And why was he unable to pay the debt of perfect and perpetuall obedience for the time to come?
A41355And, Sir, did the Law produce this effect in them?
A41355But I pray you, Sir, how doe you prove that the Law is dead to a believer?
A41355But I pray you, Sir, whence hath faith its power and vertue to doe all this?
A41355But Sir, are you sure that this promised seed was meant of Christ?
A41355But Sir, do you think that Adam and those others did understand that promised seed to be meant of Christ?
A41355But Sir, how could Adam, who had his understanding so sound, and his will so free to choose good, be so disobedient to Gods expresse command?
A41355But Sir, might not the Lord have pardoned Adams sinne, without satisfaction?
A41355But Sir, was the same covenant of works made with them, that was made with Adam?
A41355But Sir, was this every way the same Covenant that was made with Abraham?
A41355But Sir, what is the reason you call it but the matter of the covenant of works?
A41355But could they that lived so long before Christ, apprehend his righteousnesse by faith for their Justification, and salvation?
A41355But did Adam offer sacrifice?
A41355But doe you say, Sir, that if I believe, I shall bee espoused unto Christ?
A41355But how can that be?
A41355But how doth it appeare, that this his sacrificing was the very same day that he sinned?
A41355But may such a vile and sinfull wretch as I am be perswaded that God commands me to believe, and that hee hath made a promise to me?
A41355But sir, ought not man to have yielded perfect obedience to God, though this Covenant had not been made betwixt them?
A41355But stay, Sir, I pray you, would you have our senses to be no longer exercised about any of their objects?
A41355But what Law do you mean?
A41355But what say you neighbour Nomista, are you guilty of these things thinke you?
A41355But whether do you mean that Law, as it is the matter of the law of works, or as it is the matter of the Law of Christ?
A41355But why then did not the Lord create him immutable?
A41355But, I pray, Sir, what are wee to understand by this double death, or wherein doth this freedome from the law consist?
A41355But, Sir, I pray you, why do you call rationall and religious exercises a wildernesse?
A41355But, Sir, hath such a one as I any warrant to believe in Christ?
A41355But, Sir, how should a man know that?
A41355But, Sir, that which you call Evangelicall repentance, and follows after faith, is in all that do believe: is it not?
A41355But, Sir, was not the matter of that Covenant, and this, all one?
A41355But, Sir, was the forme quite taken away, so as the ten Commadements were no more the Covenant of works?
A41355But, Sir, would you have a believer to goe immediately unto God, how then doth Christ make intercession for us at Gods right hand?
A41355But, sir, doe you think the Scribes and Pharisees, and their seed, did yield perfect obedience to the Law, according to their own exposition?
A41355Did he break all the ten Comman ● ements, say you, Sir, I beseech you shew ● e wherein?
A41355I beseech you, Sir, proceed also to the second thing, and first tell us, when the Lord began to make a promise to help and de ● ver fallen mankind?
A41355I pray you Sir, give mee leave to speake a word by the way, was not he justified before this time?
A41355I pray you, Sir, shew of what use it was to them?
A41355I pray you, Sir, what ground have you to think that Adam fell the same day he was created?
A41355I pray, Sir, how doth it appear that the Lord renued th ● t Covenant with them?
A41355I will say more, if any soule have a roome in Heaven, such a soul shall?
A41355It doth not only ● ommand the binding of lust, but forbids ● ● so the beeing of lust: And who in this case ● an say, my heart is clean?
A41355O, but, Sir, What would you advise me to doe?
A41355Ordinarily say you Sir, why, are they not in all?
A41355Then, Sir, I pray you proceed to speake of the law of Christ, and first let us heare what the law of Christ is?
A41355Were not Moses and Aaron, for their disobedience, hindered from entring into the land of Canaan, as well as others?
A41355What followed then?
A41355What should I say more?
A41355Why Sir, what Law do you think I mean?
A41355Why man?
A41355Why then, Sir, it seemeth that you stand upon marks and signes?
A41355Why was he unable to pay the debt of satisfaction for his sin committed in time past?
A41355Why, Sir, I pray you, what have I to doe, or what would you advise me to doe, for truly I would be contented to bee ruled by you?
A41355Why, if Christ be in a man?
A41355Why, what hopes could they then have to be justified and saved, when they transgressed any of the Commandements?
A41355and so sinne against God?
A41355and was hee wounded for my transgressions?
A41355how can I doe that which I know will displease so gracious a Father, and so mercifull a Saviour?
A41355it is sayd, Doe wee then make voyd the Law through faith?
A41355or why did he not so over- rule him in that action, that he might not have eaten the forbidden fruit?
A41355what ayleth you?
A41355what shall I do to save my soule?
A41355who as it seemeth was sick of the same disease, Good Master( saith he) What shall I doe that I may inherit eternall life?
A41355would you have us no longer to take comfort in the good things of this life?
A25835( while the Magistrate can but force the outward man) And God only who can punish it?
A2583537. what shall I do to be saved?
A25835Again, is it not schism and division that lessens the Common strength by dispersing it into many smaller societies?
A25835And again as thy Jesus, dost thou feel the power of his death killing sin in thee?
A25835And again, what shall a man give in exchange for his Soul?
A25835And as thy Lord, dost thou yield to the sanctifying work of his word and spirit?
A25835And do you not see how little it doth for them in their greatest need?
A25835And ever since, how is it the body of the Child only, the frailer and viler part, which is from the substance of the Parents?
A25835And how fearful should we be to have any hand in their utter undoing?
A25835And what can all the world be to this?
A25835As for every faithful Minister of Christ, how exceeding careful should they be for the Souls committed to their charge?
A25835Be assured Christ will erelong say to the, as Eliab to David, with whom hast thou left those few sheep in the wilderness?
A25835Do these so complain of Gods absence in part, and for a while?
A25835For what is it but the Soul which thus distinguisheth us from brute beasts?
A25835For why should they attend us as ministring spirits, if our Spirits were not of an excellent angelical nature, and fit to minister unto God?
A25835Hast thou hereupon been heartily willing to receive Christ as offered in the Gospel, for thy Lord, as well as thy Jesus or Saviour?
A25835Have we not matters of life or death to look after?
A25835Have we not then need to be watchful to the uttermost of our power, and to be carefull all the ways we can, for their safety and preservation?
A25835Have you not sometimes considered with your self, how soon the world and its pleasures will turn you off?
A25835Have you not sometimes enjoyed the pleasures of sin for a season, and flattered your self with the long continuance of them?
A25835How can you but now and then take notice of your own frailties which tell you, how certainly and shortly you must lie down in the dust?
A25835How doth the Commonness of these worldly things abate the value of them?
A25835How exceeding careful should they be to save themselves, and those that hear them?
A25835How grievous to cry peace, and then be overtaken with trouble, and sudden destruction unawares?
A25835How grievous to lose thy Soul, when perhaps thou wert near the saving it?
A25835How is it God only, from whom it is, who can effectually command the Soul to subjection?
A25835How is there in worldly things a vanity of deceitfulness which also speaks them less valuable?
A25835How many of those who saw the miracles, and heard the sermons of our Blessed Saviour himself, and his holy Apostles, continued unconverted?
A25835How many people come to the world as to a lottery, looking for a prize, but go away cheated with a blank?
A25835How often doth the world by promising much, and performing little, first abuse our Judgements, and then frustrate our hopes and expectations?
A25835How sadly is holy David and our Blessed Saviour afflicted at Gods absence in part, and for a while?
A25835How very careful then, so far as concern''d, should we be of the welfare and salvation of the Souls of others?
A25835Is the Soul more worth then a world?
A25835Is the Soul so precious, and the loss of it so dreadful?
A25835Is the losse of the precious Soul so exceeding great and dreadful?
A25835Moreover, why should such store of other mercies be provided for us?
A25835My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A25835O what a glorious thing, how rich a prize for the expence of a mans whole life, were it, to be the instrument of rescuing any one Soul?
A25835Or cause thy day of grace to end before thy natural life?
A25835Or leave thee to thy self, to follow thy own hearts lusts?
A25835Or what shall a man give in exchange for his Soul?
A25835Or what shall a man give in exchange for his Soul?
A25835Separation joyn''d with a wanting of the Spirit of Christ?
A25835The creature if parted from God, is empty, and the Soul too; and what fulness can be had by adding one emptiness to another?
A25835The question is put so as to include a strong denyal: What is a man profited?
A25835Turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
A25835What can follow but confusion of face, when thou shalt see thy neighbours and acquaintance most happy, and thy self most miserable?
A25835What can more clearly demonstrate the preciousness of it, then the greatness of that price which he payd for it?
A25835What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole World and lose his own Soul?
A25835What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own Soul?
A25835What is it but the Soul which is the fountain of precious life, and therefore much more precious in it self?
A25835What is it but the Soul, by which you are thinking, reading, or asking, what a Soul is?
A25835What is the hope of the Hypocrite, though he hath gained:( though he hath gained never so much) when God taketh away his Soul?
A25835What shall a man give in exchange for his Soul?
A25835What will it profit a man though he gain the whole world, and lose his own Soul?
A25835Which of us should not be afraid to consent to any wilful sin, if we verily thought we should dye presently upon the doing of it?
A25835Why hidest thou thy face from me?
A25835Why should God, if it were not for our precious immortal Souls, give us the Scriptures, and an excellent religion to shew us the way to happiness?
A25835Why should we inordinately set our hearts and affections on that which is not?
A25835Why too should Ministers be appointed by him, to preach, and pray, and labour for us, if we had not such precious Souls to save or lose?
A25835Ye have taken away my Gods, and what have I more, and what is this ye say unto me, what aileth thee?
A25835and how do those Powers shew the worth of the Soul it self?
A25835and shall not the Saints and Angels, be so far from pitying, as rather with rejoycing to glorifie Gods Justice in thy utter destruction?
A25835and shall they be such exceeding great losers that lose their Souls, though by the gaining of the whole world?
A25835doth he by his bloodshed not only pardon thy sins, but also save and deliver thee from them?
A25835or give thee up to a spirit of slumber and stupidity?
A25835or when thou groundlessly flatteredst thy self, thinking thou shouldest do well enough?
A25835what amazement seiseth on that mans spirit, who being in a fair way of thriving, hears unexpected news, that all he had is lost and gone?
A25835what are become of those precious Souls of thy Children or Servants which I intrusted thee with?
A25835who could justly blame us for making more a do then needs?
A25835who could reasonably count us too earnest or too busie?
A25835why castest thou off my Soul?
A6778114 and indeed if they are spiritually discerned, how should they descern them that have not the spirit?
A6778115. to the hardning of many in their Atheism, and Unbelief: For what should hinder?
A67781Again, Fifthly, how does lust blinde and besot men?
A67781Again, If it be asked, Why the natural man perceiveth not the things of the spirit of God?
A67781And in another place; Know ye not, that the amity of the world, is the enmity of God?
A67781And what greater folly?
A67781And what is the cause they acknowledg not the same now, but their blindness and folly?
A67781And what is the summa totalis of all but this?
A67781Are not these so many infallible properties of a fool?
A67781As how often is that spent upon one Christmas revelling by the son, which was forty years a getting by the Father?
A67781BUt would these men( any one, even the best of them) thus improve, or imploy their knowledge?
A67781Besides, if these great knowers know so little, how ignorant are the rude rabble, that despise all knowledge?
A67781Briefly, how oft doth wisdom without grace prove like a fair estate in the hands of a sool, which not seldom becomes the owners ruine?
A67781But If you would know how to call them, they are properly subtle persens?
A67781But Sixthly, what can we think of an improvident Gamester?
A67781But how shall a man know, whether he hath this knowledge?
A67781But what can the Prince of darknesse propound?
A67781But why?
A67781Did our Saviour Christ forbear to heal on the Sabbath day, because the Scribes and Pharisees took it ● ll?
A67781Fourthly, what think you of common Idolaters?
A67781How could hee other then thinke, if lust had not blinded and bewitched him?
A67781How did they shake him off in that pittiful distresse, with look thou to it?
A67781How the heat of the stomach, and the strength of the nether chap should be so great?
A67781How the waters should stand upon a heap, and yet not over- flow the earth?
A67781If Idolaters will need set up a false god for the true, is it not equal, that the true God should give them over to the false?
A67781In the last place, Are not all wilfull sinners arrant fools?
A67781Is it not a dear purchase?
A67781Is it not the manner of thousands with us?
A67781Kill the Child in the womb, and never hurt the Mother?
A67781Or do they desire it to any such end?
A67781Or that Germain Clow ●, who under- took to be very ready in the ten Commandments: but being demanded by the Minister which was the first?
A67781Paul a polluter of the Temple?
A67781Seventhly, let me refer it to any rational man, whether the Voluptuous Prodigal is not a stark Fool?
A67781She whose body is mercenary to me, will easily fell me to others?
A67781Steven a destroyer of the Law?
A67781Tell me, wherewith thou mayest be bound to do thee hurt?
A67781That think the vowed enemy of their souls, can offer them a bait without a hook?
A67781They set their mouths against heaven, and are like an unruly Jade, that being full fed kicks at his Master; what course doth the Lord take with them?
A67781Thirdly, are the one regenerate, the other carnall?
A67781To have as expert a tongue, and as quick a memory as Portius; a perfect understanding, great science, profound eloquence, a sweet stile?
A67781To have the force of Demosthenes, the depth of Thesius, the perswasive art of Tully,& c. if withal he wants Grace, and lives remissely?
A67781VVhat cause have we then to blesse the giver?
A67781Was it not an a gu ● ● nt that Haman was blinde?
A67781Was not Ahab blinde?
A67781Was not the wisdome of the Serpent turned into a curse?
A67781Was there ever such a motion made to a reasonable man?
A67781We fools thought his life madnesse, and his end to be without honour: How is he now numbred with the children of God, and his lot among the Saints?
A67781Were not the Jews, Scribes& Pharisees blind, who could see more unlawfulness in the Disciples plucking a few ears of Corn on the sabbath- day?
A67781What communion between light and darknesse?
A67781What hath pride profited us?
A67781What is the notional sweetness of Honey, to the experimental taste of it?
A67781What saith Aristotle?
A67781What saith Pharaoh to his deep Counsellors?
A67781What saith our Saviour?
A67781What sayes Aristotle?
A67781When Christ taught in the Temple, they asked, Hovv knovveth this man the Scriptures, seeing he never learned them?
A67781Who would not have spurned such a sutor out of doors?
A67781Why a flash of lightening should melt the sword without making any impression in the scabbard?
A67781Why is this cast away, saith Iudas?
A67781Why the Loadstone should draw iron, or incline to the pole- star?
A67781Why the clouds above being heavie with water, should not fall to the earth suddenly, seeing every heavy thing descendeth?
A67781Will the Merchant be discouraged because his wine pleaseth not a sicke mans palate?
A67781With the Astronomer, to observe the motions of the heavens; while his heart is buried in the earth?
A67781With the Historian, to know what others have done, and how they have sped; while he neglecteth the imitation of such, as are gone the right way?
A67781With the Law- maker, to set down many Lawes in particular, and not to remember the common Law of nature, or Law general that all must die?
A67781Yea, how little was Judas set by of the High Priests, when once he had served their turn?
A67781Yea, how severely will they censure, not only things indifferent, but the most holy and approved good duties in the godly?
A67781Yea, what a deale of paines and care does the covetous man take for his own damnation?
A67781Yea, when it was said of Phocian and Demosthenes, that they could never agree; it was answered, No, how should they?
A67781Yea, will they not more deeply censure our serving of God, then their own blaspheming of him?
A67781an ill penni- worth?
A67781and be themselves the greatest of sinners, then our Saviour to be in company with sinners?
A67781and the Palsie man''s carrying his bed; then in their own devouring of Widows houses?
A67781are not they arrant fools?
A67781but they are grosly mistaken: for wherein does this their great wisdom consist?
A67781could not Paul shew as much cunning as Tertullus?
A67781is not he a Fool?
A67781not that there is a deficiency of power in the godly, but will: for could not David go as far as Achitophel?
A67781or what good hath our riches and our vaunting brought us?
A67781the one Christs friends, the other his enemies?
A67781the one children of light, and of the day, the other blinde and in darknesse?
A67781the one of this world, the other chosen out of it?
A67781the wisdome of Achitophel into folly?
A67781the wisdome of Jezabel, into a shameful death?
A67781the wisdome of Nimrod into confusion?
A67781the wisdome of the Pharisees into a woe?
A67781the wisdome of the unjust Steward into expulsion out of Heaven?
A67781this divine and supernatural wisdom?
A67781to have the theory,& be able to prattle of wisdom by rote; yet not know what it is by effect and experience?
A67781to search out the cause of many effects, and let pass the consideration of the principal, and most necessary?
A67781what peace between the Believer and the Infidel?
A67781who Adam- like, will receive what- ever comes, or is offered them?
A67781who thought Mordecaies not bowing the knee to hi ●, a more heinous offence, then his own murthering of thousands?
A67781who thought they might better murther Christ, then others believe in him?
A31952& c. Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool?
A31952( saith the Apostle) it is God that justifieth, who is he t ● at condemneth?
A31952* Who shall lay any thing, to the charge of Gods elect?
A31952A new heart will I give you, saith the Lord, and what follows?
A31952And hath he not then Union with Christ?
A31952And must not that needs be a special work of the Spirit of G ● d in man, which strongly argues the special Love of God towards man?
A31952And, how may I discern whether I have a new heart, yea, or nay?
A31952Art thou then a sufferer; Consider whether thou sufferest as a Christian, yea, or nay?
A31952As if he had said, How shall we that are dead to the guilt of sinne, take pleasure in the filth of sinne, or wallow in any sinne with delight?
A31952But here the great question will be, How shall I do this?
A31952But how shall I do that?
A31952But how shall I know, whether Gods chastisements be sanctified ● o me, or not?
A31952But how shall I know, whether my love to man be sound, and such as demonstrates the holy Spirits saving habitation in me, or not?
A31952But how shall that appeare?
A31952But if this be not the meaning of this Scripture, what then is the meaning of it?
A31952But what Spirit was the Lord Iesus Christ of?
A31952But what is it to be in Christ?
A31952But what is it to suffer as a Christian?
A31952But what is that poverty of spirit, which Christ pronounceth blessed, and on which he entailes the kingdome of Heaven?
A31952But what is that( may some say) what is a new Creature?
A31952But what is this Evangelicall contrition?
A31952But what is this Obedience you speake of?
A31952But what is this grace of Repentance?
A31952But where then is assurance to be found?
A31952But you will say, How shall I do this?
A31952But you will say, How shall I know, whether my heart be washed from wickedness, or not?
A31952But you will say, What is a new heart?
A31952By what Law?
A31952Divine joy, What?
A31952Divine patience, What?
A31952Go ye and teach all Nations, saith Christ to his Apostles, What should they teach them?
A31952HOw may I come to be truly, and infallibly assured of my salvation?
A31952Hearts broken with Evangelical sorrow are very pliable to the will of the Lord above all other, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
A31952How may I discern, whether my Obedience be sincere and cordiall Obedience, yea, or nay?
A31952How may it be defined?
A31952How may it be defined?
A31952How may it be described?
A31952How shall I go to work to attain this precious jewel of assurance which you speak of?
A31952How shall I then know, whether God chastise me in love or in displeasure?
A31952How shall I try the testimony that I have, whether it be of God or no?
A31952How shall we that are dead to sinne, live any longer therein?
A31952I am unprofitable to God and man: When saw I thee a stranger, and took thee in?
A31952Is Ephraim my deare sonne, is he a pleasant Child?
A31952Israel was a fruit- bearing vine, yet but an empty vine; how comes this to passe?
A31952Lord, when saw we thee an hungred?
A31952O wretched man that I am, Who shall deliver me( and when shall I be delivered) from the body of this death?
A31952Secondly, Whether thy Chastisiments are sanctified to thee, or not?
A31952Shall the thing formed, say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
A31952Shall we receive good at the hand of God?
A31952So say thou to the Lord, respecting that land above, of which Canaan was a type, Lord, God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it?
A31952The third thing premised is; Who they are to whom Chastisements and scourgings are pledges of Divine love?
A31952Their heart was not right with God, that is, their hearts were not sincere and upright: but how doth that appeare?
A31952Then again, say as he, What seest thou?
A31952To get assurance of this, thou must diligently examine thy self, whether thou hast the Spirit of Christ, or not?
A31952We all naturally dote upon works, and say, as the young man in the Gospel, that came to Christ, What shall I do that I may inherit eternall life?
A31952We know, we are confident, saith he of himself, and other Believers; and what follows?
A31952What doth the Lord require herein on our part?
A31952What form is he of( said he) What sawest ● hou?
A31952What is this faith you speak of, and how may it be discerned from a Temporary faith?
A31952What light?
A31952What seest thou O my soul in thy self?
A31952What shall we do, that we might work the Works of God?
A31952Where is boasting then?
A31952Whose image dost thou beare, Christ''s or Satans?
A31952Wouldest thou then know, whether thy Repentance be Repentance unto Life, or no?
A31952affected darknesse or afflicting darknesse?
A31952and did minister unto thee?
A31952and how may I discern, whether I have it or no?
A31952and shall we not receive evill?
A31952and where is the place thereof, seeing it is hid from the eyes ● f the most, and kept close from many of Gods Iewels?
A31952and whether thou sufferest according to the will of Christ?
A31952how much better is thy Love, then Wine?
A31952if nothing but darknesse?
A31952intimates How can ye believe( saith he) which seek honour one of a another?
A31952of works?
A31952or a stranger?
A31952or athirst?
A31952or in prison?
A31952or naked, and cloathed thee?
A31952or naked?
A31952or sick?
A31952or when may a man be said to suffer as a Christian?
A31952so do thou ask thy soul, What form art thou of, O my soul?
A31952viz, that I have Union with Christ, how shall I be ascertained of this?
A31952what darknesse is it?
A31952what darknesse?
A31952what may I do to increase my assurance, and better my evidence?
A31952whether it be such as truly demonstrates the holy Spirits saving habitation in thy soul, and the truth of thy faith, yea, or nay?
A31952whether thou sufferest for the will of Christ?
A649982. but where in the whole Scripture do we read of the conversion of any by Angels?
A64998ARE Ministers to tell People Words whereby they may be saved?
A64998ARE Ministers to tell People Words whereby they may be saved?
A64998And brought them out, and said, Sirs, What must I do to be saved?
A64998And methinks by this time I should hear some of you cry out as the Iews when Peter preached, or the Jaylor, O what shall we do to be saved?
A64998And will not conscience accuse you of the guilt of sin?
A64998Are Ministers to tell people words whereby they may be saved?
A64998Are not you guilty of impenitency and hardness of heart, and unbelief, and want of love to God, and his Son, and neglect of your own salvation?
A64998Are there no drunkards in this place?
A64998Break, break ye rocky hearts at this, what is God willing indeed to put up such high affronts?
A64998But is there no spark of hope yet?
A64998But would it not be more for their advantage, if by breaking off their trade they gained less Estate for themselves, and more souls for Jesus Christ?
A64998Can you think you have an interest in Christ, that never truly mourned for sin, that never hungred after Christ, that have no true Faith to apply him?
A64998Did he not receive maintenance from other Churches without working for his living?
A64998Do not such persons themselves for the most part, do not their hearers slight true Ministers?
A64998Do you all, or the most look as if you had your eye upon the mark and glorious prize before you, and were pressing with all your might towards it?
A64998Doth God make use of Ministers to preach the Gospel, rather than Angels?
A64998FOr Reproof, doth God make use of Ministers to preach the Gospel rather than Angels?
A64998For exhortation of Ministers: Doth God make use of Ministers to preach the Gospel, rather than Angels?
A64998Have you interest in Christ that have no Influence from Christ?
A64998How beautiful should the feet of them be that bring glad tidings of good things?
A64998How far will carnal self- love carry carnal men?
A64998How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
A64998How should people love their Ministers, who are their spiritual Fathers, and Nurses, and Physitians?
A64998How welcome should their voice be that preach the Gospel of peace?
A64998How would you shrink and croud out faster than you crouded in, as not being able to endure?
A64998I can not save my self, and no creature can help me; but is there no other way?
A64998I hearkned and heard, but they spake not aright, no man repented him of his wickedness, saying, What have I done?
A64998If God whet his glittering Sword, and his hand take hold on vengeance, what Powers of Earth are strong enough to make resistance?
A64998Is the Lord pleased with such Ministrations?
A64998Let such examine themselves wherefore it is that they continue in their other callings; is it not from a carnal and worldly motive?
A64998May not I say of all the seekers here, that there are but few that strive to enter in at the strait gate?
A64998May not I without uncharitableness say, that not one in twelve, no nor one in twenty, no nor one in a hundred in this City and Nation shall be saved?
A64998Men and brethren what shall we do?
A64998Say not in your heart, Who shall ascend up into Heaven to learn what it is there?
A64998Such as take upon them to be Ministers, and are no Preachers?
A64998Then said one unto him, Lord are there few that he saved?
A64998Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate?
A64998Think with your selves, It may be that many in this place shall be damned, and then say, Shall not I?
A64998We have committed a great sin, and what shall we now do?
A64998What course shall we take that we may be saved from that eternal wrath and death which we have deserved?
A64998What grounds have I to think that I shall be saved?
A64998What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
A64998When the Jaylor with trembling enquired of Paul and Silas, What shall I do to be saved?
A64998Who would set the bryars and thorns against me in battel?
A64998and abused such goodness too?
A64998and after all doth God beseech me to be reconciled?
A64998and doth he stoop to entreat and beseech such mean creatures, and wretched sinners as you to be reconciled?
A64998and should not spiritual 〈 ◊ 〉, which is the only reall self- love, carry y ● ● n ● ● ● ow difficulties?
A64998and to forgive such great sins?
A64998and who hath brought up th ● se?
A64998and will not this one day be accounted a slighting of Jesus Christ himself, whose Ambassadours and Representatives they are?
A64998and will such be able to give a good account hereof, who have been the occasion?
A64998dared such power?
A64998do you hear as if it were for your lives, as if you might hear words this day whereby you may be saved?
A64998have I affronted such greatness?
A64998have you Union to Christ that have no Communion with him?
A64998have you interest in Christ that have no true Love to Christ, and never yielded subjection to Christ?
A64998how is he to be received?
A64998how should you go up and down like condemned malefactors, that are condemned to Hell, and know not how soon they may be dragged to execution?
A64998how will others comp ● ss Sea and Land and hazzard life it self, and all to get an estate in the wo ● d for themselves?
A64998how will some rise up early and sit up late, deny themselves food and rest and many comforts of this 〈 ◊ 〉?
A64998if I should be found in the number of the negligent seekers which will miss of salvation?
A64998is it not because worldly emolument cometh in this way?
A64998is there no escaping, no reconciliation attainable?
A64998no Sabbath- breakers, nor profane persons?
A64998no lyars nor covetous persons?
A64998no swearers?
A64998no unrighteous persons that have defrauded their neighbour?
A64998none that have committed adultery, and been unclean in secret places?
A64998or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
A64998or whither can you flee from his anger and indignation?
A64998or who shall descend into the deep to bring notice of it from thence?
A64998or who shall take the wings of the morning, and fly into the uttermost parts of the earth thence to bring tydings of it to you?
A64998shall not I?
A64998should you think much of ex ● ● ● nding time and pains that you may get salvation for your selves?
A64998there are but few, can I think that I am in the number of the few?
A64998trampled upon such patience?
A64998was it such a God whom I offended?
A64998what are his commands?
A64998what are his terms?
A64998what dangerous voyages unto the uttermost parts of the Earth will some undertake, to bring home some rare things?
A64998what difficulties will they go thorow?
A64998what expences of time and pains and strength will they be at?
A64998where is he to be found?
A64998who can defend himself against an Omnipotent arm?
A64998will he bear the dishonours of his great and glorious Name by sin, without punishing the sinn ● rs?
A29523( saith the Apostle) shall we continue in sin that Grace may abound?
A29523* Quid ergo est primus?
A295231 ▪ Wherefore a penitent sinner should do this?
A295231. Who it was that came?
A2952312. Who art thou that judgest another?
A295234. Who art thou that judgest another mans servant?
A295236. and afterwards did it?
A29523Am I therefore become your enemie, because I tell you the truth?
A29523And how doth this commend the Love of God to us?
A29523And how good is this saying?
A29523And how is he said to have came?
A29523And how is it that they are so?
A29523And how was he to do this?
A29523And if they be found out, and charged upon them, What do they then?
A29523And in the end of it how- abused?
A29523And is not this the case of many stupid Souls among us?
A29523And is not this the case of some, and I fear too many among us?
A29523And is not this the case of some, and too many amongst us?
A29523And might not this have pleaded an excuse for him?
A29523And not only so, but endued also with many excellent Moral Vertues, as Justice, Temperance,& c. And what?
A29523And such is that other, about the Necessity of Christs coming, Whether it was necessary that he should come, and undertake this work?
A29523And to whom was it that he acknowledged them?
A29523And what books were these?
A29523And what faith is this?
A29523And what love was this?
A29523And what say we to Herod and Pilate, who had a hand in condemning him?
A29523And what tidings like unto these tidings?
A29523And what was it that he had done?
A29523And what was it that they did hear?
A29523And what was that?
A29523And what, Was this so great a Sinne?
A29523And what, were not these as great, nay greater sinners than Paul was?
A29523And whither did he come?
A29523And why not unto us, who, were it not for this Coming, should erelong be in their condition?
A29523And why so?
A29523And why so?
A29523Art thou come to call my sin to remembrance?
A29523As for Paul, he might know this, having a speciall Revelation for it, but how shall we come to know it, to be assured of it?
A29523As for such, What have they to do with Grace?
A29523Being hereof convinced in an extraordinary way, by a Voice from Heaven; Christ himself calling unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
A29523Besides, as he was Iustified, so he was sanctified: How then could he say, that he was the chief of sinners?
A29523But a hard saying, 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉, harsh and irksome to be heard, Who can hear it?
A29523But from whence came he?
A29523But hereupon what do they?
A29523But how shall we be able to do this?
A29523But if so, the Question will yet run on, How could Paul say and think thus of himself, that he was the chief of Sinners?
A29523But in so doing, how unlike are they to the Apostle here in the Text?
A29523But what follows?
A29523But what shall we then say to those that are Enemies to him?
A29523But when, when?
A29523But, What kind of Acknowledgement is that which he maketh?
A29523For Answer briefly; Are we in measure such as Paul was?
A29523For, how saith the Apostle this?
A29523Great sinners?
A29523How else should He be said to come into it?
A29523How is it then, that he here chargeth himself so deeply, that he was the chief of sinners?
A29523How much more joyous then should these tidings be to the Sons of men, for whose sake, Christ is come into the world?
A29523How ready should we receive this Doctrine?
A29523How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation?
A29523How then saith Paul here, that he was the first?
A29523How then saith he, that he was the chief?
A29523How then shall we distinguish betwixt the one, and the other?
A29523How was it then, that he should passe so severe a Censure upon himself, that he was a sinner, such a sinner, a sinful man?
A29523How welcome then should the tidings hereof be unto us?
A29523I hearkened and heard, but they spake not aright, no man repented him of his wickedness, Saying, What have I done?
A29523If the righteous scarsly be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?
A29523In his confessions and acknowledgments how ingenuous was he?
A29523In the worship and service of God, Who seemingly more Devout than they?
A29523Is it not the case of some, of many profane wretches?
A29523Is this the Disposition of a truly Gracious Soul, a true Penitent sinner?
A29523It is enough that he came, to save all such sinners as we have heard of, all truly penitent sinners?
A29523Look upon him before his Conversion, and see what we can find in him that should deserve so severe a Censure: What?
A29523Now what?
A29523O wretched man that I am, Who shall deliver me from the body of this Death?
A29523Paul was a sinner, a great sinner, let that be granted; yet how was he the chief of sinners?
A29523Paul, if he would have gone about such a work, the excusing or extenuating of his sinnes, how many Pleas might he ▪ have taken up?
A29523That they are sinners they will acknowledge, but what?
A29523The First?
A29523The acknowledgement of a sinner truly Penitent, and that which cometh from a spirit of Hypocrisie in a wicked, or carnal man?
A29523They, it may be, do look back, and call their former sins to their remembrance; but how?
A29523This onely would I know,( saith Paul to his Galatians); Received ye the Spirit by the works of the Law, or by the hearing of Faith?
A29523To Save them, From what?
A29523To save whom?
A29523Was Peter such a one?
A29523Were it not for the Sun, what were the world but a Dungeon?
A29523Were there not others as great, if not greater than he?
A29523What a bootless thing is it then, for men to study the Art of forgetfulness?
A29523What a favour?
A29523What a folly then is it in them, to go about to forget them, so long as God remembers them?
A29523What an expression of Love was this?
A29523What comfort doth this speak to all truly penitent sinners?
A29523What great matter is this?
A29523What have I to do with thee, thou man of God?
A29523What have they to do with Mercy?
A29523What have they to do with Salvation?
A29523What is it then to uncover the nakedness, and filthiness of the Soul?
A29523What is the cause, why Hypocrites are so quick- sighted in espying, and so forward in judging and censuring of others?
A29523What shall we say then?
A29523What then, was Paul the first of sinners?
A29523What, had there not been many that had been guilty in the very same kind before him?
A29523What, were there not others, who had been,( or were) as great, or greater sinners than he?
A29523Wherefore should a Christian do this?
A29523Whether some other way might not have been found for the effecting hereof?
A29523Who would not do it at such a time?
A29523Why art thou disquieted within me,& c?
A29523Why, but it may be said, To what purpose is this?
A29523Why, but yet how could he say this of himself, that he was then the chief of sinners?
A29523a man so ordered, so tempered, so qualified?
A29523are they also to have such a frequent remembrance of their sins?
A29523having as great a hand in opposing and persecuting of Christ, as ever he had?
A29523he the chief of sinners?
A29523herein how far are they deceived?
A29523how much more such a cloud of witnesses?
A29523or how could he say it of himself, that he was the chief of sinners?
A29523place, by way of Consolation: Is Christ Jesus come into the world, and that upon this Errand, to save sinners?
A29523saith the prophane Wretch, when shall this be?
A29523to decline the remembrance of their own sins, when as they are so entred into both these Books, which shall one day be thus Opened?
A29523was Paul,( or Saul, for that was then his Name) then a Debauched, Scandalous, Prophane, Impious Person?
A29523were there not others before him?
A29523〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉, O wretched man that I am, Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
A29523〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉, it is not good?
A4000912, With what did the Lord say he would search Jerusalem, and where was it?
A40009ART thou laden with the burthen of thy sins?
A40009And are all your springs in him?
A40009And are none in the Way of Truth?
A40009And are we not to look for the coming of Christ, and the Resurrection of our Bodies also at the last day?
A40009And art thou guilty so deeply, as this in truth makes thee?
A40009And art thou indeed and in truth a true seeker of the Kingdom, and restless till thou findst it?
A40009And do you give light to all that see your conversation?
A40009And dost thou mourn in secret, praying to God for case and pardon?
A40009And dost thou pant and breath after him, as the Hart doth after the Water- brooks Is truth in the inward parts the thing thou would have?
A40009And is not your little World without form, and void?
A40009And now Friend, let me ask thee, Is the Lord the desire of thy soul?
A40009And thou that deniest the Light, Whose workmanship art thou?
A40009And thou that sayest, No man hath the infallible Spirit now; Let me ask thee also, Hath the Lord no people in this Age to bear testimony to his Truth?
A40009And whether if that maintenance were removed, you your selves would not soon come to silence, and your Ministry quickly fall to the ground?
A40009And whose Works are wrought in thee?
A40009And wouldst thou be acquainted with the Spirit of God to guide thee into all truth, and lead thee into the path of holiness?
A40009Are they not Works of darkness, and thou the son of perdition?
A40009Are you as Beacons upon a Hill?
A40009Are you not like the Chaos?
A40009Are you not those who preach and hear from a large comprehension, but your selves far from the life of what you hear or speak?
A40009Are you sent of God who cry, Lo here, or low there, as some of you do, and creep into Chambers and private places,& there speak with your doors shut?
A40009Are you those that have got in thorough the strait Gate?
A40009Art thon possest with the spirit of error, and ignorant of the truth of God?
A40009Art thou covetous of gain, and earthly- minded, and dost not do to another as thou wouldst be done unto, wanting the Royal Law of Love to be thy Rule?
A40009Art thou possest not onely with one evil spirit, but Legions, and seest no power to resist the least assault of the Enemy?
A40009As first: Whether is not Christ the same to day, yesterday, and for ever?
A40009But thou maist say unto me, Is there no other Resurrection of Christ then what is in man?
A40009Can any man be assured of his Salvation whilest he is a sinner?
A40009Can any of you say, you preach the everlasting Gospel by the Revelation of Christ Jesus in you?
A40009Canst thou be ignorant of this, That the Lord reveals his secrets to them that fear him?
A40009Did that which brought you in, lead you out again?
A40009Do none know the Lord novv?
A40009Do ye not know that the Man- child hath been caught up to God, the wo ● an fled into the Wildernesse, and the Devil had the power over all Nations?
A40009Dost thou not know that the holy spirit is a spirit of Revelation wheresoever it is?
A40009Dost thou not know that, that is its work in man, and that if thou hast not this Spirit of Christ, thou art none of his?
A40009Friend, Is this thy case indeed?
A40009Friends, Is preaching for hire, and persecution of your Neighbour, for conscience- sake to be miantained by Scripture?
A40009Friends, let me be plain with you; How came you into the fear of the Lord?
A40009Hath not the Lord promised that in the later dayes he will pour out his Spirit upon all flesh, and his sons and his daughters shall prophesie?
A40009Hath not the Lord said, He will write them upon his peoples hearts, never to be blotted out?
A40009Have you bid Farewel to the friendship of this World,& to the manners, fashions, vain customs, and delights thereof?
A40009Have you born the cross till every idle world and vain imagination be slain and crucified?
A40009Have you known the fools state,( which all that will be truly wise must come to?)
A40009Have you not read in the holy Scriptures, That Christ did not work many miracles in his own Countrey, because of the peoples unbelief there?
A40009Have you the power as well as the words of truth?
A40009How can you number your selves amongst the children of Light, when you refuse the Light to work in you, and rebel against it?
A40009How can you say as the Disciples and followers of Christ do, That it is God that worketh all his works in you, and for you?
A40009Is it not because you look on the Cross to be a low attainment, and that you are wearing the crown?
A40009Is it not because you think your selves higher, and taller by the head and shoulders then your Brethren?
A40009Is the Lords love to his Saints less now, then before?
A40009Is this thy Faith?
A40009Is this thy voice indeed?
A40009Is throwing men into Gaols, and stealing of their Goods, to be maintained by the Scriptures?
A40009Is what you preach, of God?
A40009Is your taking up the carnal Weapons to defend your Gospel with, when your spirituall Weapons will not do, to be maintained by Scripture?
A40009May not a poor Soul[ who presseth after holiness,] truly say, They are miserable Comforters?
A40009Or are you not indeed those who have striven( for a time) to enter, but could not?
A40009Or are you not still alive in them all?
A40009Or are you not those who have felt it too heavy to bear, and so laid it down again?
A40009Or are you uot those who have lost the power you once had,( as the Devil hath done) and retained the notion onely, which he is the supporter of?
A40009Or can any man be blessed that doth not keep them?
A40009Or hath it lost its powerful operation now?
A40009Or have you not put your light in a dark Lanthore not suffering it to shine forth, lest you your selves should be discovered?
A40009Or is his hand shortned that he can not save to the uttermost as well now as ever?
A40009Or is it because you would shun judgement, which you must come to again, and love it too, before you can meet with the Lord in peace?
A40009Or is there any thing besides that, which can lead man into the path of life, and enable him to walk therein?
A40009Or was it not a place of preferment to a comfortable maintenance,( as you call it) and to get a Trade to live by, that called you?
A40009Or were they not given to be kept by his servants, who enter into life?
A40009Tell me, Doth any man require that of another, which he knows he can not perform and do?
A40009VVHether was your Call to your Ministry from God, yea or no?
A40009Were they to be read onely, or to be painted upon the Steeple- house Walls?
A40009What do you mean?
A40009What is it that brings to thy remembrance things past, as if they were but yesterday, and sets thy secret sins in order before thee?
A40009What is it that discovers unto thee( in thy Chamber of Imagery) the secret Adultery of thy heart, when no outward eye sees thee?
A40009What is it that in the day time checks thee for thy wanton eye and pride of life, when none without perhaps dares accuse thee?
A40009What is it that tells thee thou hast committed the sin against the Holy Ghost, and for which thou canst never receive pardon when committed?
A40009When will you cease to tumble over your many and dusty Volumes of corrupted Authors, to find out that Truth which lyes buryed within you?
A40009Where is it said( which ye so boldly affirm) That Revelation is ceased, or shall ever cease, from the Saints or Spouse of Christ?
A40009Whether are not false Teachers, the Cause of so many Errors, Heresies, Sects and divided judgements, as are in the Nation?
A40009Whether are you not respecters of persons, honouring and fawning upon those men most, who can promote you to the greatest Benefices?
A40009Whether are you not those that shut up the Kingdome of heaven against men, and neither go in your selves, nor suffer others?
A40009Whether can man by all his Learning open the holy Scriptures, yea or no?
A40009Whether do you in deed and in truth own the holy Scriptures?
A40009Whether do you know the word of life in the heart, and quickning Spirit within, from the dead letter without?
A40009Whether have you been born again of the incorruptible seed?
A40009Whether instead of seeking the Kingdome of heaven within you, and teaching men so to do, Yot do not seek and teach it to be sought without?
A40009Whether is not the Spirit of God in man, the Candle of the Lord, with which he Will search all men?
A40009Whether is that seed of God in Man sufficient to guide man to his true rest?
A40009Whether is the incorruptible seed of God in all men yea or nay?
A40009Whether is the quickning and powerful Spirit of God in man( by which he became a living soul) subjected to a dead letter?
A40009Will that please the Lord?
A40009Wouldst thou be freed from the spirit of pride, self- love, passion, and emulation towards thy Neighbour?
A40009Wouldst thou have thy Saviour and thy Guide to lead thee by his un- erring and infallible spirit?
A40009and are you entred into the Kingdome of heaven, where none comes but such as are dead to this world, and the friendship thereof?
A40009and do you walk in the narrow path, which leads to life, and which few find?
A40009and that they are but dwarfs in knowledge in comparison to you?
A40009and the holy Spirit the same, and as operative, quick and powerful now, as ever?
A40009and whether if once it he put out or removed, the soul be not left in eternall darknesse?
A40009and whether it is like to be otherwise, whilest false Doctrine is so frequently preached, and the Fomenters thereof upheld by a Law?
A40009if not, whether are they now employed to a right use?
A40009or are not your fruits contrary to all these, and the root of the first Adam still growing in you?
A40009or are you not still shut out, as unbelievers,& c?
A40009or can he by all his study, pains or humane industry get the true knowledge of God in Jesus Christ?
A57248& c.) how much more should we be content and patient?
A572482. fit to judge of its growth?
A5724820: when he putteth forth this his power which raised Christ from the dead?
A5724828. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
A572483. to 9. of whom God was found?
A572487. Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth the iniquitie, and passeth by the transgressions of the Remnant of his people?
A57248A naturall man is sensible of the want of something he needs for his soule, therefore he saith; Wherewith shall I come before the Lord?
A57248And if Christ be thine, shall not he disanull all thy sinnes as well as one, seeing he is able and willing?
A57248And if I have no grace, why let yee me not alone, as yee doe others, and as yee did me when I tooke my fill of sin?
A57248And to what end shall God give meanes sufficient to work faith and repentance in such as he hath not appointed to life?
A57248And was not Paul one of the most strongest beleevers?
A57248Are thy works Christ or no?
A57248Are we better then they?
A57248Are you sure you have used all Gods meanes, doest thou know the number of them?
A57248As for God to give Christ to dye for the salvation of man, and yet decree to condemne him?
A57248As soone as he saw his infirmitie, he had other thoughts of God, saying, Who is so great a God as our God?
A57248Bees gather honey of bitter flowers as well as sweet, and can not we doe so from bitter conditions?
A57248Behold, he found no stedfastnesse in his servants, and chargeth his Angels of folly, how much more in them that dwell in houses of clay?
A57248CHrist is his Fathers chiefest choice, And I in him the very same; Why should I not in him rejoyce, Who am secured from all blame?
A57248Can a woman forget her sucking childe,& c?
A57248Can babes work?
A57248Can reason conceive how the dead, who are eaten with beasts, or fishes, or turned into dust, can be raised to life?
A57248Christ purchased no priviledge for his, which they may be as well without; is not Gods power as great as his love?
A57248Doest thou apprehend thy selfe to be an enemy to God?
A57248Doest thou know thy age or degree in grace?
A57248Doest thou walke comfortably in thy Christian course?
A57248FOr the word sufficient grace, how can we conceive that grace to be sufficient in power, which is not sufficient in performance of the worke?
A57248For clothing; Take no thought for your body, what yee shall put on, Is not the body more then rayment?
A57248For your heavenly Father knoweth yee have need of these things: Why take yee thought for rayment?
A57248God will say, Who required this at your hands?
A57248HAve you both a high esteeme of mariage, if you prize not mariage, who shall?
A57248He feedeth upon ashes: a deceived heart hath turned him aside, that be can not deliver his soule, nor say; Is there not a lie in my right hand?
A57248He is ignorant of the desperate wickednesse of his heart; The heart is deceitfull above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?
A57248He thinkes it concerns him most, therefore it is his dutie to doe it, who else should?
A57248Here is the strength of his delusion, in that he can not say, Is there not a lye in my right hand?
A57248How can they that are evill speake good things?
A57248How great is his goodnesse?
A57248How shall they call on him on whom they have not beleeved?
A57248I know men of base spirits, unbeleevers will catch at what I say, but if they doe, who can helpe it?
A57248If thou hast not used them all in faith, say not, thou hast used the meanes; what are all meanes without faith?
A57248If thou shouldst mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
A57248In what doest thou find peace, comfort, contentment, satisfaction in?
A57248Is this the way thinkest thou to enjoy the assurance of his love, to nourish jealousies against his love?
A57248Is thy hope onely in Christ?
A57248It is a sin and a dishonour to a childe of God, to say or thinke he shall want, or to say, What shall I doe?
A57248It makes most for the glory of God to give great things, and is it not a disparagement for a King to doe otherwise?
A57248Jesus said, I am the resurrection, and the life,& whosoever beleeveth in me, shall never dye; beleevest thou this?
A57248My soule thirsteth for God, when shall I come and appeare before him?
A57248Nor any members of a true visiable Church?
A57248Nor say, is there not a lye?
A57248Now thou maist come unto the throne of grace boldly, now all is payd, it''s God that justifieth, who shall condemne?
A57248Oh deare, yea most deare and precious souls, who can expresse your happinesse& glory?
A57248Oh what can be more sutable, pleasant, profitable, or delightfull, better or more desireable?
A57248Or is it likely or possible to reason for a man to walke upon the Sea as Pe ● er did?
A57248Satan also speaks in the soule, saying, Is not this a delusion?
A57248Seeing he hath freely given us his Sonne, how shall he not with him give us all things freely?
A57248Shall I give my first- borne for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sinne of my soule?
A57248Shall tribulation, or distresse, or persecution, or famine, or nakednesse, or perill, or sword?
A57248Shouldst thou not rather say as David did, How precious are thy thoughts to me, O God?
A57248Sometimes they signifie a forbidding, as, Why should the Gentiles say, where is their God?
A57248Surely no; and what shall hinder me of having as much happinesse and glory in heaven, as the best Saint?
A57248Tell me, what qualifications had they who were enemies?
A57248The carnall mind is enmitie to God, it is not subject to the Law of God, nor can be; how then can it will, desire, and receive grace by nature?
A57248The comfort of the Saints is not to depend upon their personall sanctification, and why?
A57248The servant of God having fallen into sinne, is to rise by faith; for, shall a man fall, and not rise?
A57248To be baptized; See here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?
A57248Treasure up experiences of Gods goodnesse unto thy soule, but who among you will give eare to this?
A57248What doest thou eate and live upon bread or ashes, when thou art empty?
A57248What doest thou eye, whether doest thou goe?
A57248What if neither of my parents, nor their parents can be proved beleevers?
A57248What is it worldly men desire, But beautie, riches, and fine fare; With pleasures, ease, and rich attire, Things which the world in them do share?
A57248What preparation is in generall?
A57248Where lyeth thy life and strength?
A57248Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a foole to get wisdome, seeing he hath no heart to it?
A57248Which of you by taking thought can adde one oubit unto his stature?
A57248Why art thou cast downe, O my soule?
A57248Why doest thou look at, and rest in, such things as these?
A57248Why doest thou seek the living among the dead?
A57248Why not for thee?
A57248Why should I feare that I would not escape?
A57248Will no peace, comfort, praise of men, duties, ordinances, joyes, ravishments, satisfie thee?
A57248Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of Rams, or with ten thousands of Rivers of oyle?
A57248You must not give way to such a thought; who knows but the Lord may returne?
A57248and doth not Christ lose the end of his death, to dye for their salvation who yet perish?
A57248did Christ purchase salvation, but not the application of salvation, which is necessary to salvation?
A57248doth his promise fayle for evermore?
A57248doth not Christ say true, that without me yee can doe nothing?
A57248for seeing conversion follows not, how is it sufficient to conversion?
A57248hast thou a heart fit for Christ?
A57248have you set God above his meanes, and expected his blessing upon them, without which they could doe no good?
A57248how doth it appeare, Christ purchased salvation, or enough for salvation, or is the death of Christ of an uncertain event?
A57248is it in nothing but in Christ?
A57248is it in nothing else but Christ?
A57248is it likely to be from God?
A57248is that medicine sufficient to cure such a disease, which being taken doth not cure it?
A57248is that sufficient to conversion that never attaines it?
A57248is there remission of sinnes in Christ for every man, but no righteousnesse, no everlasting life for them?
A57248or is it justice to require the payment of one debt twice?
A57248outward bondage is not much to an inlarged and free spirit; what can doe much hurt, when all is well within?
A57248shall I come before him with burnt offerings, with calves of a yeare old?
A57248what hurt will it be to me to enter into glory?
A57248what, art thou a child, or a yong man, or a father?
A57248who can it declare, Or who by fadoming can finde it out?
A57248who will hearken and heare for the time to come?
A57248why art thou disquieted?
A4730135, 36: are called the righteous men in the next Verse, Then shall the righteous say, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred?
A47301Again, what Law is delivered in fuller and plainer terms, than that of forgiving injuries?
A47301And as for the Jews, we find David the man after Gods own heart crying out, Who can understand his errors?
A47301And even of them who do at last effectually resolve against it, how few are there who came to such a pitch of resolution at the first tryal?
A47301And if it were otherwise, who could possibly be saved?
A47301And if it were otherwise, who could possibly be saved?
A47301And indeed what should hinder Religion from thriving in evil times?
A47301And is this house which is called by my Name, become a Den or Receptacle and Sanctuary of Robbers in your eyes?
A47301And say I this as a man, only from common reason, equity and custom; or saith not God, by a peremptory way of Command in the Law, the same also?
A47301And what a miserable piece of falshood is this now, when a man makes his actions most palpably to give the lye to his words?
A47301And what are these to hell fire, and an eternal Crown of Glory?
A47301And what has God to thank us for, if we do nothing but our own pleasure?
A47301And what man now dare presume, that such shameless desires as these should be granted to him?
A47301And why then must that be true in Religion, which is always false in common life?
A47301Are they so acceptable a service, that we may hope to gain his favour barely by reciting them in his presence?
A47301But can any man be so blind as to think, that such a Confession of Sins as this can in any wise please God, and procure his Pardon?
A47301But granting that he had kept all them, yet how scanty and defective an innocence is that, to have done only all that Good which they oblige to?
A47301But what is this to us if we bring our selves into snares, and prove our own tempters?
A47301But what then?
A47301Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
A47301Can the Ethiopian Blackamore change his skin, or the Leopard his spots?
A47301Could it prove so to me if it were not so in it self?
A47301Dare you by thus presuming upon my favour in the midst of all your transgressions, make me become a Patron and Protector of your villainies?
A47301Do you not know that they which minister in the Jewish Worship and Temple about holy things, live of the maintenance of the Temple?
A47301Doth a Fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter, saith S t James; can the Fig- tree bear Olive- berries or a Vine Figs?
A47301Doth any gracious master use that severity towards the oversights and indiscretions of his honest servant?
A47301Et ut hoc ita sit, quam angusta innocentia est ad legem bonum esse?
A47301For do men gather Grapes of Thorns, or Figs of Thistles?
A47301For doth it ever repent any man that he is not tall of Stature, that he was not born as strong as Samson, or made immortal as an Angel?
A47301For doth not this pretence of preserving our Religion carry us beyond all the bounds of peaceableness, and good subjection?
A47301For during all that time wherein he bears with us, how restless and unwearied, earnest and affectionate are his endeavours for this purpose?
A47301For have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should dye, saith the Lord God?
A47301For how many men are there in the world whose understanding is slow, and who come to apprehend things with great difficulty?
A47301For how many men are there who resolve against their sins, who do not yet get quit of them?
A47301For how many things are required, and not performed, by the Divine Law of Piety, of Humanity, of Liberality, of Justice, of Fidelity?
A47301For in every Page of Christ''s Gospel, what is so legible as the promise of eternal life?
A47301For to obey all God''s Laws, and that at all times, who is sufficient?
A47301For what Religion was ever more odious unto any one, than the Samaritan was to the Jews?
A47301For what doth it profit, my Brethren, though a man be able to say, either here or hereafter, he hath Faith, and hath not works?
A47301For what greater service can be done to our Blessed Lord, than to exalt his Authority in the hearts and lives of all his Followers?
A47301For what is it that makes any temptation strong, but the wickedness of mens own hearts?
A47301For what is there in God that should be served by our sins?
A47301For what is there in Religion, that can be honoured and advanced by disobedience?
A47301For what man is he that dare say he has broken none even of his Countrey Laws?
A47301For when he put the Question to him, Who is my Neighbour, to whom the Law commands all these things to be done?
A47301For when the Lawyer asks, What shall I do to inherit eternal life?
A47301For who is usually so evil as the backsliding Sinner?
A47301For who would desire to be more perfect than S t Paul?
A47301For wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
A47301Has he any kindness for our Sins, that he should take delight to hear them spoken of?
A47301Hath God forgotten to be gracious, and hath he in anger shut up his tender mercies?
A47301Have any voluntary faults put us out of a state of favour, and made us obnoxious to the severities of Judgment?
A47301Have they stumbled, says he, that they should o fall mortally and irrecoverably?
A47301How could he have been called a Jesus or a e Saviour; if he proffered salvation upon such strict terms as no man could ever hope to be saved by?
A47301How shall I give thee up, saith he, O Ephraim?
A47301How shall man, sayes he, be just with God?
A47301If I have all faith, and have no Charity, what doth it profit me?
A47301Is any man so weak as to think that he honours God, merely by reckoning up his own offences?
A47301Is any thing that we can offer to him so pleasing as our obedience?
A47301Is he more delighted when we follow our own counsel, than when we follow his; when we do our own, than when we do his pleasure?
A47301Is his mercy clean gone for ever, and doth his promise fail for evermore?
A47301Is there any thing in it so sacred as the Divine Laws; and dare any man call that his care of them, when he lays wast, and plainly rejects them?
A47301Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?
A47301Moses, say they, and that very truly, a commanded us in his Law that such should be stoned; but what sayest thou?
A47301Notes for div A47301-e157650 a Quis peccat in ● o, quod nullo modo careri potest?
A47301Quando enim hoc non factum est?
A47301Quando non permissum?
A47301Quando reprehensum?
A47301Quid habet Oratio?
A47301Quis iste est qui se profitetur omnibus legibus innocentem?
A47301Say we not well, answer''d they, that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a Devil?
A47301Shall we serve sin, because we are not under the Law which condemns, though it can not conquer it; but under Grace, which pardons it?
A47301That God should desert his Laws, and alter his Religion, and cast off his government over men when they request it?
A47301That he gives glory unto him by declaring to his face how vilely he has affronted and despised him?
A47301Thou that abhorrest Idols, dost thou commit sacriledge?
A47301Thou that sayest a man should not steal, dost thou steal?
A47301Was any man ever touched with remorse, because he breathes, and sleeps, and thirsts, and hungers?
A47301What Duty is injoyned in more universal words, than that of Peace?
A47301Whereas there is among you strife and divisions, are ye not carnal?
A47301Wherefore, saith he, serveth the Law of Moses?
A47301Wherein do we serve him, by acting only according to our own liking?
A47301Who can say I have made my heart clean, I am wholly pure from my sin?
A47301Who is a wise man, and endued with knowledge among you?
A47301Who is ordinarily so irrecoverable as the Apostate Saint?
A47301Who would ever be so vain and foolish as to give a Law to a Stone, that it should not speak?
A47301Who would ever scruple to have the same Lot in the next World with an Apostle?
A47301Who, says he, can understand his errours?
A47301Will he be utterly offended with them, so as quite to cast them off, and for ever to condemn them?
A47301and not that he should turn from his ways and live?
A47301and that they which wait in sacrificing at the Altar, are Partakers of some portion of the Sacrifices with the Altar?
A47301and the desire of Grace be said to be Grace, and the desire of obedience, obedience?
A47301and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him?
A47301and where much is said, how can it be but that much must be idle and impertinent?
A47301c. 3. f Quid facies de tantis millibus hominum, tot viris ac foeminis, omnis Sexus, omnis Aetatis, omnis Dignitatis, offerentibus se tibi?
A47301has he been wearied by long importunity into some loose thoughts and wanton fancies, into some small fretfulness, or impatience, or the like?
A47301has he spoke or acted unadvisedly through deep grief, or violent fears, or other astonishing unwill''d passion?
A47301how shall I deliver thee, O Israel?
A47301how shall I deliver thee, O Israel?
A47301or to a Tree, that it should not walk?
A47301or to the Fire, that it should not chill and freeze him?
A47301or, to rise yet higher, can any tender Parent show that rigour upon every errour and inconsideration of his heartily obedient child?
A47301prophesied in thy Name, and in thy Name cast out Devils, and in thy Name done many wondrous works?
A47301quàm multa pietas, humanitas, liberalitas, sides, justitia exigunt?
A47301shall that Faith save him?
A47301will that be allow''d a sufficient plea in Gods Judgment?
A418423dly, is not eternal communion with God a noble advantage?
A418424. who sate at the gate of Samaria; who said, Why sit we here till we dye?
A418424thly, is not eternal liberation from the body of death a great advantage?
A41842Ah, Turn you, turn you, why will you dye?
A41842Alas, shall you be such wretches also?
A41842And I say, to you who have thus delayed, will you yet embrace it?
A41842And I would ask of all that are here, what a sight have ye gotten of Christ to day?
A41842And is not this a great effect to make us who were darkness become light in the Lord?
A41842And is thy opinion and thoughts of saving thy self, less than they were before thou camest hither?
A41842And must not this salvation be sutable to him who is the Author of it?
A41842And what think you is his exercise this day?
A41842And why then do ye not take him?
A41842And would not all the Patriarchs say unto you, O embrace the great salvation?
A41842Are there any but they most acknowledge they come under this second rank?
A41842Are there any here that will refuse to commend him?
A41842Are there no monyless folk here to day?
A41842Are there none here to day who are called weary?
A41842Are there therefore any here to day that would have victory over the Devil, and over their own heart?
A41842Are ye saying, I must now delay( and not receive this great salvation) till my Harvest be by and over?
A41842Are you brought to the conviction of this, that you are yet in the gall of bitterness?
A41842Are you neither blinde nor lame?
A41842Are you not weary in pursuit of your sins?
A41842Art thou a person who beginneth to weep because thou hast been so long a stranger to Christ, and the great salvation?
A41842Art thou afraid at the wrath of God?
A41842Art thou afraid of hell?
A41842But I would only ask of such, Have you any lawful excuse why you will not come and partake of this great salvatiou?
A41842But O will you not take it?
A41842But are there none here who are heavy- loaden with sin, with misery, and estrangement from God?
A41842But as for you who have no resolutions to embrace this great salvation, O wherewith shall I commend it unto you?
A41842But if nothing can perswade you to come away and embrace it, then this place shall be an heap of witnesses against you?
A41842But, oh shall the prison doors be cast open, and yet none come forth?
A41842Can any of you say any thing to the discommendation of it?
A41842Can ye ever have a more conquering sight of Christ than when he is cloathed with such an excellent robe, and offering you salvation?
A41842Can ye imagine any answer to that question?
A41842Could ye ask at Abel, would he not say, O embrace the great salvation?
A41842Dare ye go out at these doors and neglect the great salvation?
A41842Dare ye send a charge to Christ, and say ye will defie him?
A41842Did you ever see such excellent robes as these must be?
A41842Do not your own necessities commend it?
A41842Dost thou fear that thou shalt be poor?
A41842Fifthly, Those who are heavy- loaden are invited to come,( and I think all of you may answer to this name) are you heavy- loaden?
A41842Fifthly, is not eternal singing in the enjoyment of God a great advantage?
A41842First, is not heaven a noble advantage?
A41842From whence then doth salvation flow unto you?
A41842Have I it not already?
A41842Hence it is that the Apostle putteth himself among the rest, saying, How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?
A41842Here is the great salvation, here is the offer of it, and here is the commendation of it; what say you to it?
A41842I know you can not; Yea, I dare say, your own hearts are admiring it as most excellent; and therefore, O will ye accept it?
A41842I mean not that money or coin in your purses; but want ye money?
A41842I say, are ye so poor that ye have nothing but the fear of hell?
A41842I say, will you still neglect and despise it?
A41842I tell and declare unto you, I shall be a witness against you, if ye embrace not the great salvation; Now old men, are ye perswaded to embrace it?
A41842Is it not a most glorious salvation?
A41842Is it not an excellent salvation?
A41842Is not this a great effect to make us who were enemies, become friends?
A41842Is not this a great effect to make us who were far off, to be now made near?
A41842Is not this a great effect to make us who were moving in the way to hell, move in the way to heaven?
A41842Is not this a great effect( of this Gospel salvation) to bring us out of nature into an estate of grace?
A41842Is there a person within these doors who dare but acknowledge that he hath slighted this great salvation, and delayed to embrace it?
A41842Is there not peace to be found in through this salvation?
A41842Is thy desire after the great salvation increased, be what it was in the morning?
A41842Is thy estymation of the great salvation increased, be what it was in the morning when thou camest hither?
A41842Is thy thoughts of thy necessity of the great salvation greater than they were?
A41842It is almost six thousand years since Abel fell into a sea of wonder at this great salvation?
A41842May I now have it, saist thou?
A41842Ninthly, Are there any here to day who know not their name, or their condition?
A41842Now are there any here who will be so gross slighters of this great salvation?
A41842Now are there any of you here to day, who are called willing?
A41842Now are there none here who fall under this first rank of slighters of the great salvation?
A41842Now can ye say any thing against Christ, who is the Author of this great salvation?
A41842Now is there a person here, who dare deny this charge, that he is a slighter of this great salvation?
A41842Now is there any of you that have fallen in love with the great salvation, that ye may try your selves?
A41842Now peace or war, which of them will ye choose?
A41842Now therefore is the bargain closed, or will ye go away before ye take this great salvation?
A41842Now what resolution mind ye to go away with to day?
A41842Now what say ye to it, old men?
A41842Now where are your hearts at this time?
A41842Now where do you find your name and sirname?
A41842Now will ye enquire at your selves, Am I the person that will give my birth- right for a mess of pottage?
A41842Now will you shed one tear for your estrangement?
A41842O Sirs, will ye not come and take this great salvation, this dear salvation?
A41842O captives and prisoners, and you who are in the bonds of Satan, Will you come and partake of this great salvation, and you shall be made free?
A41842O do you not know it?
A41842O shall our cursed hearts undervalue this compleat salvation that is come to your door?
A41842O slighter of the Gospel, how many alasses wilt thou cry, when thou shalt be passing thorow these dark gates into thy everlasting prison?
A41842O tell me, have ye seen him?
A41842O that strong bar of hardness of heart, when shall the Omnipotent hand of God break it?
A41842O what a dreadful sound is that?
A41842O what a sight was that, to behold the Prince of Heaven cloathed with our nature?
A41842O what do you say to this offer?
A41842O what robes are these?
A41842O who would not praise him, who is the author of this great salvation?
A41842O will none of you this day embrace it?
A41842O will ye be perswaded to look to Christ, and so to take him?
A41842O will you despise it?
A41842Oh ha ● e ye not need of great salvation?
A41842Oh shall the great salvation that ye have flighted so long, be slighted this day also, and shall there be none to embrace it?
A41842Oh will you not come foth?
A41842Old men that are here, How long have you been strangers to the great salvation, and to the Author of it?
A41842Old women, what will you answer when he shall say to you, Why slighted you the great salvation?
A41842Or do you think to see him this day?
A41842Or have ye this resolution?
A41842Or is this your resolution, that through Christs strength( forsake him who will) ye will never forsake him?
A41842Produce your strong arguments; Are there any here who have any thing to say against him?
A41842Say to it, are there none of you who( for all this) will consent to partake of this great salvation?
A41842Secondly, Is not Jesus Christ a notable advantage?
A41842Seventhly, Are there any who are called lame here to day?
A41842Seventhly, It is a most advantagious salvation: What are the advantages of any salvation that are not to be found in this?
A41842Should ye ask at Adam, would he not say, O embrace this great salvation?
A41842Sixthly, Are there any here to day who are called blind?
A41842Sixthly, is not eternal seeing of God as he is, a great and noble advantage?
A41842That is, Want ye righteousness?
A41842That there are many within the visible Church who are neglecters and slighters of this great salvation;( do ye not all take with it?)
A41842That ye will esteem more highly of this great salvation then ever ye did?
A41842They have rejected the word of the Lord,( and immediately it is subjoyned) And what wisdom is in them?
A41842They would not mutter the song, nor sign silently; but cryed with a loud voice: And what did they cry?
A41842Thinkest thou that thou hast more need of the great salvation than ever thou thoughtest before?
A41842Thirdly, are there any moneyless folk here to day?
A41842To whom shall I speak and give warning, that they may hear?
A41842Was it ever the rejoycing of your hearts that Christ dyed and rose again?
A41842Was not the Justice of God to be satisfied?
A41842What great impediments( suppose ye) lay in Christs way before he could accomplish and bring about this great salvation?
A41842What holdeth you in?
A41842What holds you from coming away and partaking of it?
A41842What knowest thou O man or Woman, but this shall be the last Sermon that ever thou shalt hear concerning this great salvation?
A41842What must I give for it, say ye?
A41842What needeth all these exhortations?
A41842What robes hath he on?
A41842What say ye to it?
A41842What then did he with them?
A41842What wait ye for?
A41842Whosoever will, let him come: But Oh, are there none here to day who are named willing?
A41842Why then do ye not welcome it?
A41842Why will you sligh this great salvation?
A41842Will there be any( shall I think) here that will refuse to come forth?
A41842Will ye look to the price that was laid down for this salvation?
A41842Will ye slight this great salvation, and embrace your idols, which shall once prove a crown of thorns unto you?
A41842Wilt thou not then cry out, O me( a slighter of the everlasting salvation) whether am I now going?
A41842Wilt thou therefore think presently with thy self( O thou slighter of this great salvation) what wilt thou say of thy slighting it?
A41842Woe unto thee O Ierusalem; Wilt thou not be made clean?
A41842Would ye ask at all the Saints that are above, would they not advise you to embrace the great salvation?
A41842Would ye be eternally happy?
A41842Would ye be honourable?
A41842Would you know who is the Author of this great salvation?
A41842Yea, would ye be rich?
A41842Young Men and young women, inquire at your own hearts, what you will answer, when Christ shall say to you, why slighted ye the great salvation?
A41842and cry out, Woe is me that Christ and I have been so long a sunder?
A41842and was he not to bear the torments of hell before this great salvation could be accomplished and brought to pass?
A41842and yet for all this, shall we be sent away without one consent to embrace or receive it?
A41842doth my heart say, I will sell my birth right, because I am hungered and ready to dye, what will it profit me?
A41842for what report can Christ carry back but this?
A41842in which of all these robes have ye seen him?
A41842is it not a free salvation?
A41842is it not a great salvation?
A41842is it not a most excellent salvation that is in your offer?
A41842is it not an eternal salvation?
A41842is it not lovely now?
A41842is there any person here that hath any lawful excuse to present?
A41842is there any thing can afford you any satisfaction but this great salvation?
A41842is there not eternal enjoyment of God to be found through this salvation?
A41842is there not liberty to be found through this salvation?
A41842is thy estimation of the great gospel salvation a foot higher then it was in the morning?
A41842or are there none here who will confess that they have gone about to establish their own righteousness?
A41842was he not to dye, and to be made like unto one of us?
A41842was he not to lie in the grave?
A41842when shall it once be?
A41842will ye come and partake of the great salvation?
A41842will ye flighter after it?
A41842will ye make this a rejoycing day in heaven, that is a fasting day unto you?
A41842will you but read that dreadful word?
A57386& c. What tongue can utter them; What heart of man can comprehend them?
A57386& c. or upon thy self for thy Reformation?
A57386( 1) Art not thou quite destitute of the Fountain and Root of all Spiritual life to the Soul?
A57386( 1) The Variety and several sorts, of thine Actual Sins; How manifold are they?
A57386( 2) Art thou not wholly destitute of any spiritual sense rightly to discern and receive the things of God?
A57386( 2:) To what art thou cursed?
A57386( 3) Art thou not utterly destitute of Spiritual Breath?
A5738610,& c. Canst not thou sanctifie the Sabbath- day?
A5738612. are they not numberless like the Sands?
A573863. what?
A5738631. to 35. Who ever was healed by a Plaister spread and prepared only, but never applied to the wound and Sore?
A5738637. why then shouldst thou fear, that he will not accept and embrace thee?
A573864,& c. And Iehu in rooting out of Ahab''s house, and destroying of Baal''s Idolatry out of Israel?
A573864. Who ever was Restored and saved by Christ, till he accepted and applied Christ?
A573869. Who can clearly see his own Natural sinfulness and wretchedness, and not abhor himself as in dust and ashes?
A57386And Hopeless too?
A57386And art not thou Spiritually dead?
A57386And by whom art thou, and shalt thou be thus dreadfully cursed?
A57386And dost thou not commiserate such poor souls, as are still in the gall of bitterness, and bond of iniquity?
A57386And dost thou, with the Devil, z say, Tomorrow?
A57386And is this a condition for thee to rest in?
A57386And then say with the Psalmist; Thou, even thou art to be feared: and who may stand before thee, when once thou art angry?
A57386And then think with thy self; Shall not I endeavour to hinder the eternal loss, and to promote the eternal salvation, of such precious souls?
A57386And then, if that prove thy condition, what will become of thy impenitent; hardned, unbelieving, and Christless soul?
A57386And thou art posting apace to the place of execution, as fast as the wings of speedy time can carry thee?
A57386And what Communion hath light with darkness?
A57386And what shall I say more?
A57386And what''s that to eternity?
A57386And when Death hath severed soul and body, what shall become of thy soul?
A57386And wherefore then dost thou endure?
A57386And wherefore then dost thou kill?
A57386And who ever was actually saved by Christ, if not particularly accepted and applied?
A57386And why should he not in like sort entertain thee, notwithstanding all thy Sins, if thou canst believe in him?
A57386And will any condemned malefactor go merrily to the place of execution?
A57386And wilt thou go laughing to Hell?
A57386And wilt thou hazard this thy precious soul unto infernal torments for ever, for a few rotten pleasures of sin for a season?
A57386And wilt thou put off God with the last?
A57386Are not the Tokens of Spiritual Death clearly upon thee?
A57386Are not their souls, as well as thine own, very precious?
A57386Are these easie things?
A57386Art not without God?
A57386Art thou desirous to believe in him alone for Recovery and Salvation?
A57386Art thou grieved in thine heart thou canst not enough believe in him?
A57386Art thou not without God?
A57386Art thou on the very pits brink of eternal perdition, and but a small puff of breath betwixt thee and Hell, and dost thou not tremble?
A57386Be so pricked and wounded in heart for them, as to cry out to Gods messengers, Men and brethren what shall I do?
A57386But how shal ● this be done?
A57386But when must it be?
A57386Canst not thou humble thy self with fasting?
A57386Canst not thou partake the Sacraments?
A57386Canst not thou pray after a sort?
A57386Canst not thou, O Natural man, hear the Word of God preached?
A57386Christ who best knew the souls true value, said; What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
A57386Conviction, How did it humble Manasses?
A57386Could they not have come better?
A57386Die thou must, that''s certain; but when, where, how,& c. that''s most uncertain: and how small a matter may bring thee to thine end?
A57386Dost thou believe them?
A57386Doth not thine heart ake?
A57386Et quomodo tandem te appellabimus?
A57386For what?
A57386For, What fellowship hath Righteousness with unrighteousness?
A57386For, What is thy life?
A57386For, how few were within the Church of God, in comparison of them that were without?
A57386For, if the Gospel be taken from thee, or thou from the Gospel, how canst thou repent?
A57386For, what a meer Natural man hath done heretofore, why may not a meer Natural man do again?
A57386For, what if the Spirit of God draw and move the heart so no more?
A57386For, who can once expect or look for Salvation by Christ, without Hope?
A57386Hast thou then experimentally felt the Wormwood and the Gall of thy Natural state of sin and misery?
A57386How by love?
A57386How canst thou believe?
A57386How canst thou eat or drink with any comfort?
A57386How canst thou slumber or sleep one night in quiet?
A57386How did it abase Paul?
A57386How is Iesus Christ to be Accepted and Applyed by Faith, in order to the Sinners Recovery and Salvation by him?
A57386How then canst thou be saved?
A57386How zealous seemed Ioash about repairing of the Temple?
A57386Into everlasting fire prepared?
A57386Into everlasting fire?
A57386Is not thy soul round- beset with sorrow, even unto death?
A57386Is there so small a distance betwixt thee and Death eternal, even a short span or moment of a temporary life, and wilt thou not yet come out of Egypt?
A57386Is this a state wherein thou canst rejoyce, that art every day in danger to tumble headling into Hell?
A57386Me de te quando suties?
A57386Me loetum quando facies?
A57386Mi JESU, quando venies?
A57386Nay, what can a true Christian do, but an hypocrite( who is the Christians Ape) may imitate it?
A57386Now, how shall man he saved according to Gods promises, that perform not the Condition of the Promises?
A57386O, How can thine heart hold from breaking, thine eyes from dropping, thy bowels from turning within thee?
A57386Of the life to come; and what Promises canst thou desire more?
A57386Oh, What then wilt thou do, when God riseth up?
A57386Quid igitur melius, quid Omnipotentius eo, qui cum mali nihil faciat, benè etiam de malis facit?
A57386Shall it ascend, or descend?
A57386Si mors es, quomodo duras?
A57386Si vita es, quomodo occidis?
A57386Sins against Gods Patience and Long- Suffering, leading thee to Repentance?
A57386Sins against Gods rich Means of Grace?
A57386Sins against Gods severe Judgments; inflicted on others for thine admonition?
A57386Sins against many Motions of Gods Spirit?
A57386Sins against the checks of thine own Conscience?
A57386Sins against the precious Blood of Christ?
A57386Sins against thine own Light?
A57386Sins, for the effecting of which thou hast been far more diligent and industrious, than ever thou wast for the saving of thy precious Soul?
A57386Sins, wherein thou hast long continued?
A57386Sins, wherein thou hast shamefully gloryed?
A57386Sins, which thou hast often re- iterated?
A57386Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
A57386The Extremity and Aggravations of thy Actual Sins, How many and great are they, Have not thy Sins been, Haynous, Crying Sins?
A57386The heart is ● ● eeitful above all things, and desperately w ● ● ked, who can know it?
A57386The sacred breathings of strong cryes and groans, ● ervent desires and prayers, crying Abba Father?
A57386Then is Christ thine Head and Husband to guide thee?
A57386Thine Inhabitant to dwell in thee?
A57386Thy Christ to annoint thee?
A57386Thy Lord and King to rule thee?
A57386To be everlastingly racked with the Devil and his Angels; the worst of all society?
A57386To be everlastingly tormented in fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels?
A57386Under the Wrath of God?
A57386Vitam, an mortem?
A57386Vnbelief rejects Iesus Christ the onely Saviour: How then is it possible the Vnbelievers should be saved?
A57386Was not thy soul, in its first Creation, the principal receptacle and subject of the blessed Image of God?
A57386Was not thy sould a spark of immortality, which no mortals nor meer creatures can possibly kill and destroy?
A57386What Natural man, so dying, can escape it, or endure it?
A57386What a roaring sin then is self- murder, wilful self- murder both of body and soul for ever?
A57386What an aggravation will this be of these infernal fiery torments?
A57386What great and precious Promises are thereupon given thee?
A57386What is more sharp and tormenting to the Sense, then fire?
A57386What is that strait way leading unto life, but the way of God, by Christ, through faith?
A57386What is this broad way leading to destruction, but the sinful and wretched way of the world, the flesh, and the Devil?
A57386What shall I term thee?
A57386What then is the wrath of God, the King of Kings?
A57386What then shall I stile thee?
A57386What wilt thou then say to thy Soul?
A57386What, into fire?
A57386When Christ saves such; who have cause to despair, that desire truly to repent and believe in him?
A57386When Peter''s Hearers were convinced and pricked in heart, then they presently repair to the Apostles, saying, Men and brethren what shall we do?
A57386When for all these Sins of thine God shall bring thee to judgement, Where shalt thou appear?
A57386When thou hopeless wretch comest to die, what will become of thy Soul?
A57386Where Gods Image?
A57386Where the life of God?
A57386Where''s the divine Nature?
A57386Who are those many which go in thereat, but all those that live and die in their sinful and wretched state of Nature?
A57386Who ever was comforted with the richest cordial though never so accurately prepared, if it were never eaten or drunk?
A57386Who ever was, or can be saved without Christ?
A57386Who will seek to the Physician or apply any remedy, that feels no smart of his malady?
A57386Will it not be infinitely better for thee, To be converted with afew, then to remain carnal with a Multitude?
A57386Without conviction, there''s no true sence of sin and misery: without true sence of sin and misery, who will be humbled for it or weary of it?
A57386and when he visiteth, what wilt thou Answer him?
A57386and who can u ● derstand his errors, how many they are?
A57386his wrath?
A57386m Quis desperaret sibi donanda peccata, quando crimen occisi Christi reis d ● nabatur?
A57386or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
A57386what a crying sin is murder?
A57386when Christ accepts such; who would not hopefully come to him?
A57386who can dwell with everlasting burnings?
A57386who can so depart from Christ, and that for ever, and not be cursed?
A57386who can understand his Errors?
A57386with the dross and dregs of all?
A57386without God?
A57386— Sirs, What must I do to be saved?
A65809And what might be the reason?
A65809But you will say, that it is true, these are excellent things, if one could live so, it were a blessed life; but alas who can doe it?
A65809Can a woman forget her sucking child, that shee would not have compassion on the son of her womb?
A65809Concerning the works of thy particular calling, have they not justled out the works of thy generall calling?
A65809Concerning thy recreations, have they not been unlawfull recreations in respect of the kinde?
A65809Consider, This is the question of a slave to ask; What must I do?
A65809Didst thou not by thy prayers intend and desire of the Lord power and strength not to depart from him?
A65809Do not even the Publicans the same?
A65809Dost thou stand out?
A65809Fear not little flock, it is your Fathers good will to give you the Kingdom: Do I thus?
A65809Fifthly, Or may not he make it be taken in this sense?
A65809First, It is too high: for what man or Angel is able to be as perfect as God?
A65809For thy Meditation and reading the Word of God, how hast thou performed them?
A65809For thy prayers, hast thou not oomitted thy seven times a day, if thou hast attained with David to that number?
A65809For thy thoughts, what have they been?
A65809Hast thou been more faithfull, humble, charitable,& c?
A65809Hast thou endeavoured to obtain those mercies and graces that thou prayedst for?
A65809Have not vain thoughts lodged in thee?
A65809Have thy words been to edification?
A65809How comes it to passe, that it is not so now?
A65809How exceedingly wouldst thou prize that Letter?
A65809How wilt thou spend eternity in the admirings, adoreings and praysings of God, if an hour spent so, is now so irksome to thee?
A65809I answer, what then?
A65809I answer; First, If thou sayst thou canst not live thus, I ask thee how dost thou know?
A65809If a friend should come to desire a courtesie of you, do you so answer him?
A65809Is it a friendly answer?
A65809Is it thus with me?
A65809Is not God their all?
A65809It may be thou hast had some perfunctory and carelesse desires, some cold prayers and faint endeavours; but didst thou ever set thy self to it?
A65809Lastly, Do I believe this, that God will give the Kingdom of Heaven to such?
A65809Love God with all thy soul, with all thy minde, and with all thy strength; and then thou wilt ask, not, Why so much?
A65809Nay, it is so; but how comes it to passe, that it is not so to us?
A65809Seventhly, When thou hast raised any observation from the words, then thou art to put one of these three questions to thy selfe; Do I thus?
A65809Shall we leave an Heaven of joys, the God of mercies?
A65809So David had a whole Kingdome to look to, besides continuall wars, and yet how often did he pray, every day; how frequent was he in meditation?
A65809So, if an Angel should bring a message from heaven to us, how would we observe and follow it?
A65809Suppose God, when you goe to prayers, should answer you so, How can you prove that I am bound to give you such a mercy?
A65809That he knew nothing by himself?
A65809Then, Is it thus with me?
A65809Thirdly, That the wickedest man may have something good in him, but nothing perfect; and as it followes; What reward have ye?
A65809Was Satan, the flesh, the world, all or either of these not their enemies as much as ours?
A65809Wel, how hast thou prayed?
A65809Well, after that, what didst thou doe such an hour and such and hour,& c?
A65809Well, but what are thy thoughts when thou first wakest?
A65809Well, what didst thou think of afterwards, didst thou keep thy thoughts close to God, untill thy morning exercise?
A65809What can Christ say or do more then he hath done?
A65809What do you think now?
A65809What have thy words been?
A65809What high expressions of joy, love, and heavenly desires are there in the Psalms?
A65809What power have they had upon thy heart this day?
A65809What resolutions didst thou make?
A65809What returns of thy prayers hast thou had this day?
A65809What were thy prayers?
A65809What, doe we think all these holy Examples are set down in the Scripture to find us matter of discourse?
A65809Where, when, and with whom hast thou discoursed, and what hath thy discourse been of?
A65809Whether ye eat or drinke, or whatsoever ye do, doe all to the glory of God: do we live up to the meaning of these words?
A65809With what reverence and attention would''st thou observe, and what obedience to a tittle would''st thou give to such Messages?
A65809Wouldest thou not mark every word, and every syllable?
A65809a desire to please men, and to get their good word and will?
A65809am I little in mine own eyes?
A65809am I one of Christ''s flock?
A65809am I one of that small number that shall be saved?
A65809an Infant of its life, for no default of either?
A65809and Daniel?
A65809and can we imagine that the lives of those that take upon them the names of Christians, are any whit sutable to these expressions?
A65809and foolish, for would not the living child be dead when it was divided into half?
A65809and how hast thou kept them?
A65809and shall he not be ours when we come thither?
A65809and what enemies or hinderances have we that they had not?
A65809and, believe I thus?
A65809and, why should God hate Esau, and love Jacob?
A65809are they of God, or of the World?
A65809but doth it not much rather import a sweet, constant, and strict communion with God?
A65809but the question of a friend and a child is, What may I doe to please my Father or my friend?
A65809but, Why no more?
A65809didst thou dresse thy soul, as thou didst dresse thy body?
A65809didst thou ever make it thy businesse?
A65809didst thou ever pray with half that earnestnesse for grace, as ambitious men do sue for places and preferments, or a condemned man for a pardon?
A65809didst thou ever try what might be done in this case?
A65809do we honour God as much as we do honour an Angel, or an holy man?
A65809do you think the Emperor wil be pleased with her, coming upon those terms?
A65809for if the Sunne shines upon the good, how can it but shine upon the bad also, since they are in one Kingdome, in one Towne, in one house?
A65809hast thou bound up thy devotion to such a number of times of going to God?
A65809hast thou not left off thy communion with God?
A65809hast thou not made a sport of sin, making that a recreation which should be thy grief?
A65809hast thou not made a vocation of recreation?
A65809hast thou not sold thy conscience with thy wares?
A65809hast thou not unnecessarily omitted thy set times for spirituall duties?
A65809hast thou not used recreations, when thou shouldest have put on sackcloth, not being sensible of the afflictions of Joseph?
A65809hast thou performed that duty as a task, or as a means?
A65809have not thy recreations been unlawfull in respect of time?
A65809have they been fervent as well as frequent?
A65809have they not been unseasonable?
A65809have thy thoughts of God been worthy of God?
A65809how are they continually taken up with thoughts of admiration of the excellencies of God, of the love of God?
A65809how can you prove that I am bound to do it?
A65809how fervently would they praise him?
A65809how shall it then be thine Heaven, if it be now thine hell?
A65809how strictly wouldest thou observe every syllable?
A65809how unproportionable and unsutable are the lives of Christians to the rule of Christ, and how few doe account it their businesse to be Christians?
A65809how would their songs of praise be all flames of love?
A65809how wouldest thou rejoyce and long to read it?
A65809is he that man that was full of God?
A65809making that thy delight, which should make a Christian weep?
A65809of dust and ashes, his enjoyment of himself, is his happinesse; how comes it to passe that it is not thine?
A65809one may say of your blessings, Have not the Publicans the same?
A65809or had they better weapons and armour to fight against them then we have?
A65809or have not thy recreations taken up too much time?
A65809or have not thy thoughts been taken up too much with them?
A65809or have not thy thoughts of God been such that thou shouldest have had of the world, and thoughts of the world such as thou shouldest have had of God?
A65809or how often soever thy set times are, hast thou not omitted them?
A65809or that the wisedome of God set down an idaea of holinesse, as Plato hath done of a Common- wealth?
A65809or were they not set down for our imitation?
A65809shall we leave all these for these, vanities which we must leave, and will leave us?
A65809that is, for the first branch, Fear not; do I fear?
A65809the creature is not his happinesse, but himselfe; and if God be enough for himselfe, shall be not be enough for thee?
A65809thou must give an account at the last day for every idle word: how many hast thou spoken this day?
A65809to what a numberlesse number would they arise to in few years?
A65809were they faithfull, fervent, reverent, humble?
A65809with how much faith, zeal, meeknesse, holinesse, breathings after God did they live?
A65809yea they may forget, yet will not I forget thee: the Lord doth not say, can women?
A65610( except your necessary rest;) And that your time and wealth are but his talen ● s?
A65610Alas, sirs, have you all this to do?
A65610And are you ready with well grounded hope and peace, to wellcome death, and appear in judgement?
A65610And bethink your selves whether a servant may say, I will do less work than my fellow servants, because I have more wages?
A65610And hereby shew that your Repentance is hypocritical, and will not prove the pardon of your sin?
A65610And is it not worse that you deal with God?
A65610And therefore the common excuse of such twatlers is this: I hope that it is no harm: yea, but what good was it?
A65610And to increase our pity, when they have done they ask,[ What harm is there in cards and dice, in stage- playes and Romances?
A65610And when he saw him fit for an admonition, would wisely bestow it upon him?
A65610And whether God have not only the leavings of your flesh?
A65610And whether those things which should have none, and those which should have little, have not almost all?
A65610And whether you may do less for God, because he giveth you more than others?
A65610And why then in Baptism did you renounce them and vow to follow Christ?
A65610And will you yet live so contrary to your prayers, to your consciences, and to reason it self?
A65610And yet have you Time to spare on Vanity?
A65610Are you regenerate and rènewed to the Heavenly nature?
A65610Are you strong and stablished in grace?
A65610Are your hearts in Heaven?
A65610As if he had said Ho, Sir, it is time to get up; what not out of your b ● d yet, at this time of the day?
A65610Believe it, O man and Woman, it is to do all that ever must be done, to prepare for an everlasting life?
A65610But alas, how do the common sort of men bewray their monstrous folly in this behalf?
A65610But if you say, Yea; I pray you then tell us how much Time Christ or any of his Apostles, did spend at cards, or dice, or stage- playes?
A65610Did they waste so much of the day, in nothings, and need- nots as our slothful sensual Gentry do?
A65610Did you ever find such a prayer in any Prayer book?
A65610Do you believe that you must give an account of your Time?
A65610Do you consider well the shortness and uncertainty of your Time?
A65610Do you know who attendeth you while you are loitering away your Time?
A65610Do you mark what dying men say of Time, and how they value it?
A65610Do you really take Christ, and his Apostles and Saints, to be the fittest pattern for the spending of your time?
A65610Do you sober ● y consider, what work you have for all your time?
A65610Do you think if you neglect and lose your Time, that ever you should come again into this world, to spend it better?
A65610Doth it not awaken and amaze thy soul, to think what it is to be for ever; I say, for ever, in Ioy or Misery?
A65610Doth it not tell you what you have to do, and call upon you to dispatch it?
A65610First, he calls him up( as it were) saying; How long wilt thou sleep, when wilt thou rise out of thy sleep?
A65610For do we not plainly see, what a canker it is in a number of mens lives?
A65610For do we not see, that in many places, whole dayes are cast away in the deep gulf of roving, and unprofitable runnagate- babling to no purpose?
A65610For when wisdom laughes a man to scorn, whither shall he repair for succour?
A65610Gentlemen and Ladies, I envy not your pleasures: I have my self a body with its proper appetites, which would be gratified, as well as you?
A65610Give not all( ah, why should we give any of it?)
A65610Had you not rather that it had been spent in fruitful holiness and good works, than in idleness and fleshly pleasures?
A65610Have you deeply considered that everlasting condition is, which all your Time is given you to prepare for?
A65610Have you made sure of pardon and salvation?
A65610Have you no more useful Recreations?
A65610Have you not a God to serve?
A65610Have you not an outward calling to follow?
A65610Have you not death and judgement to prepare for?
A65610Have you not servants and children to instruct and educate( And O what a deal of labour do ● h their ignorance and obstinacy require?
A65610How can it chuse but be a great hinderance to a mans estate to sleep in harvest, and to be in bed at such a time, when so much wealth is bestowing?
A65610How can one have treasure in Heaven, that never laid up any there?
A65610How can you chuse but tremble when you think how you spend your dai ● s?
A65610How do you now wish that you had spent the Time which is already past?
A65610How full of grace should his old age and sickness be, that would give his health to God, and his first years to the service of his soul?
A65610How great acquaintance might he get in the palace of Wisdom, that would come to her at her first call, and enter so soon as the doors were set open?
A65610How many false opinions have you to be untaught?
A65610How many fervent prayers might he store up in heaven that would not fore- slow time, when he feels his desires earnest?
A65610How many graces to be obtained?
A65610How many have died suddenly?
A65610How many pernicious customs to be changed?
A65610How many powerful corruptions to be mortified?
A65610How many temptations to be overcome?
A65610How many weighty lessons to learn?
A65610How many winter nights do men suffer themselves to be robbed of, by this childish babling?
A65610How much thankfulness might he have, that would lift up his heart to God in the fruition of blessing?
A65610How often and how earnestly are men exhorted to all good works by the continual voice of God, speaking unto them by his servants?
A65610How ordinarily do good and bad then wish, that they had spent Time better, and cry out, O that it were to spend again?
A65610How short is your abode in your present dwelling like to be, in comparison of your abode in dust and darkness?
A65610How think you the miserable souls in Hell would value Time, if they were again sent hither, and tryed with it again on the terms as we are?
A65610If not, you have not so much as a shadow of Repentance; and therefore can have no just conceit that you are forgiven?
A65610If this be so, I am not reprehending you; But I beseech you consider, Have you ● o ● souls to regard as well as others?
A65610If yea, then why will you do that for the Time to come, which you wish for the time past that you had never done?
A65610If you do not your work well, shall you ever come again to mend it?
A65610If you do not, why do you usurp the name of Christians: Is he a Christian who would not live like Christians?
A65610If you do, what account will then be most comfortab ● y to you?
A65610If you have no pains or sickness to admonish you, do you not know what a fragile thing is fl ● sh?
A65610If you idle away this life, will God ever give you another here?
A65610Is it easie to get a solid faith?
A65610Is it not lawful to use such and such recreations?]
A65610Is it nothing to order and govern your hearts?
A65610Is the Devil idle while you are idle?
A65610Is the work that you were made for hitherto well done?
A65610Is your Recreation but as the Mowers whe ● ting of his sythe?
A65610Look back on all your Time that is past, and tell me whether it made not haste?
A65610Must you stay on earth so short a time, and have you any of this little time to spare?
A65610Now what a miserable loss is it when a man is robbed of his time, and of his heart both at once?
A65610O what a heart hath that stupified sinner, that can ● idle away that little Time, which is allotted him to prepare for his everlasting state?
A65610O what a large encrease of grace would this care bring?
A65610Sometimes, if men see their servants standing idle and unbusied, they can ask them with a kind of indignation, What, can you find nothing to do?
A65610Tell me, or tell your consciences, How would you form such a prayer to God for your recovery if you were now sick?
A65610That knoweth he shall have but this hastly life to win or lose eternal Glory in, and can play it away as if he had nothing to do with it?
A65610The worth of Time, is for the work that is to be done in Time?
A65610Then for idle thoughts; who makes question of them almost?
A65610They let pass all good opportunities, and care not for any occasion for the soul, and how can their soul thrive?
A65610What great grace would affliction bring, if a man would settle himself to humiliation, and gage his heart in time of affliction?
A65610What maketh you so loth to dye, if Time be no more worth than to cast away unprofitably?
A65610What not at Christmas?
A65610While many are hourly crouding into another world, will conscience permit you to be idle?
A65610Whilst the Jayler had Paul in his keeping ▪ he came to ask that needful ● uestion, What shall I do to be saved?
A65610Why should that time be vi ● ified now, which will seem so precious then?
A65610Why stand you all the day idle?
A65610Will not graves and bones, and dust instruct you?
A65610Will not the tolling of the Bell instruct you?
A65610Will you take it for a satisfactory answer?
A65610Would they feast it away, and play it away as you do now; and then say, Are not playes and cards and feasting lawful?
A65610Would you say, Lord give me a little more Time to play at cards and dice in?
A65610Yea so much of it as you daily waste, in idleness, play and vain curiosity?
A65610a certainty of the pardon of all our sins, and of our title to e ● ernal happiness?
A65610a contentedness with our condition?
A65610a faithful conscience?
A65610a fervent desire and love to God?
A65610a fitness and ability for every duty?
A65610a hatred of all sin?
A65610a longing after the coming of Christ?
A65610a love to holiness?
A65610a love to our neighbour as our selves?
A65610a publick spirit, wholly devoted to the common good?
A65610a quieting confidence and trust?
A65610a readiness and joyful willingness to die?
A65610a tender heart?
A65610a true love to our enemies?
A65610a well guided zeal?
A65610an absolute resignation, self- denyal and obedience?
A65610and Heaven and Hell were indifferent to him?
A65610and are they not lawful?]
A65610and his word and will to learn and do?
A65610and how all this time must be accounted for?
A65610and how many sweet and chearful Psalms might a Christian sing, if he would turn all his mirth into a Psalm; and offer it up to God?
A65610and in the labours of a lawful bodily employment?
A65610and is your daily coversation there?
A65610and on how important a business you come into the world?
A65610and preserving fear?
A65610and that he giveth you not an hours time in vain, but appointeth you work for every hour?
A65610and that you must look back from Eternity on the Time wh ● ch you now spend?
A65610and then to be exercised, and strengthened, and preserved?
A65610and yet can you have while to sl ● g, and game, and play and fool away your Time?
A65610asking whether the World were so empty of occasions, and our selves so perfectly well, as that we can find nothing to do?
A65610doth not this waste and pour forth time over- lavishly?
A65610how comfortably might he weep over Christ, and how plenti ● ully, that would take the tide of tears, and turn all pensiveness to this use?
A65610how many sottishly?
A65610how should his souls thrive, that would be thus husbandly?
A65610in Heaven or Hell?
A65610no oftner, nor no longer than is necessary to fit you for those Labours and duties, which must be the great and daily business of your lives?
A65610one of these will certainly and shortly be thy portion, whatever unbelief may say against it?
A65610or how much in furnishing their bodies, their attendants, their habitations with matter of splendour and vain glory?
A65610or that taketh not Christ for his Master and Example?
A65610or were but insignificant words?
A65610or, what if that should come to pass?
A65610suppose they were all unquestionably lawful, Have you no greater matter that while to do?
A65610suppose you had seventy years to live, how soon will they be gone?
A65610that will exercise your bodies and minds more profitably, or at least with less expence of Time?
A65610to all?
A65610to enemies?
A65610to equals?
A65610to inferiours?
A65610to neighbours?
A65610to superiours?
A65610where is one, that hath enjoyned himself to some constancy in praying, reading, and the fore- named duties?
A65610which as the flower fa ● leth, doth hasten to corruption and to dust?
A65610who marks these exhortations?
A65610your passions?
A65610your thoughts?
A65610your tongues?
A17320Againe, how are they accounted of?
A17320Againe, how doe worldlings deale in bargaining, in buying and selling?
A17320Againe, what Conflicts haue Infants with fals, Children with their Bookes, and Young men with pleasures and vnruly affections?
A17320And againe, in what danger are Women in Childe- bearing?
A17320And as Christ said to Nathaniel: Dost thou beleue because I said I saw thee vnder the figge Tree?
A17320And being come now to the place, and hauing found the Booke that will rcueale this Heauenly Treasure, what must wee doe?
A17320And finally, what euerlasting warre haue old men with old age and sicknesses?
A17320And now( to meet with Christs instance againe) How doth the Moth gnaw the cloth?
A17320And therefore as Nehemiah( when he considered the place of Magistracie and rule wherein hee was) said, Should, should, a man as I flye?
A17320And what assaults of Theeues is there against the priuie Chambers, and Closets of rich men?
A17320And what doth the continuall returne of Bryars and weeds, but minister perpetuall matter of toyle and strife?
A17320And would you seeke him indeed?
A17320Are not the Windes at continuall conflicts among themselues?
A17320Are they not( for the most part) accounted as Iudasses and tray- Gods?
A17320But alas, how few regard this?
A17320But how may that be( will some say) or how may a man know by the affections of the heart, where the hearts treasure is?
A17320But how shall wee know whether our hearts be in heauen, and Gods holy spirit be in our hearts?
A17320But if thou or thy estate be called into question, as whose is not somtime?
A17320But thou canst not see it, nor feele it, thou canst not pray so effectually as thou wert wo nt to doe,& c. What then?
A17320But though these cease, yet disagreement ceaseth not: for what hart- burning is there euen in Loue?
A17320But what are the commodities and Riches of that Heauenly Ierusalem, and the Cittizens therof, that can not bee valued?
A17320But what earthly parents haue so great interest in their children, as God hath in vs?
A17320But what?
A17320Doe not the Elements which be of contrary qualities striue one against another?
A17320Doe they not assault one another with lyes?
A17320Doe they not dye deepe in debt, plunged in despaire, voyd of comfort, and without confidence in God?
A17320Doe they not promise largely, deny impudently, and falsifie vniustly their promises?
A17320Doe they not sweare fasly, to deceiue one another?
A17320Doe they not thus deale which are onely deuoted and altogether addicted to the Treasures and pleasures of this World?
A17320Doe they not vndermine one with another with deepe dissembling?
A17320Doe they not work vpon the aduantage, and take the extrenitie of Law one against another?
A17320Doth not one time contend against another time, and one thing against another thing, and all things against vs?
A17320Hath any Esau sould his birth- right, and not lost the blessing?
A17320Hath any craued day and not beene borne withall?
A17320Hath any faithfull person decayed in his outward man, and hath not his inward man beene renued daily?
A17320Hath any gone to the Lords warres, at his owne cost?
A17320Hath any laboured in the Lords husbandry, and gone away without his reward?
A17320Hath any loued the Lord, and not bene loued againe?
A17320Hath any trusted God with his estate, that hath not beene compassed about with the mercies of the Lord?
A17320Haue any at any time beleeued God, and ben deceiued?
A17320Haue any for the loue of Christs gospell left all, and followed him in time of persecution, and not bene prouided for sufficiently?
A17320Haue any seene Christ in some part of his glory, and not beene rauished with a desire to dwell there still?
A17320Hipocrites( saith hee) Yee can discerne the face of the Earth, and of the Skie, but why discerne yee not this time?
A17320How many complaints, what suspicions are there amongst Louers?
A17320How they liue wee haue heard, but how doe they dye?
A17320If I be your father( saith the Lord) where is my honour?
A17320In a word; did euer any imploy his talent to the Lords aduantage, and not more to his owne aduantage?
A17320In other liuing creatures( saith hee) it is not so, and why?
A17320Is it not Nabal- like?
A17320Is not their wedge of Golde their confidence?
A17320Nay more, is not euery mans opinion& Iudgement contrary to himselfe?
A17320Neither are these all the discommodities that thy Treasure is subiect vnto, who knoweth not that the Fire may consume them, as it hath done thousands?
A17320Now if the Gates, Wals and Streets of this Cittie bee so ● beautifull, and sumptuous, then how glorious and rich are the inward parts?
A17320Now in what roome to search, or in what Vessell, is the question?
A17320O the fairest a mong women, what is thy welbeloued more then other welboued?
A17320O the fairest amongst women, whither is thy Welbeloued gone?
A17320O vaine man what dost thou meane?
A17320Oh most fearefull, and what more miserable?
A17320Oh, wee shall haue a Puritaine of you, how holy you are?
A17320Peter was once one of these heauenly Factours for the Lord Iesus: a Creeple came vnto him for an Almes, but what was his aunswere?
A17320So say they, the Sermon, what good shall wee get by going to a Sermon?
A17320These buffetings and siftings are tokens of Gods fauour, yet secret in vs for the time, for whom doth Sathan most desire to sift of all the Apostles?
A17320Thou hast heard what high commendations are giuen of the Christians heauenly Treasure; doest thou beleeue it?
A17320What Day doe we passe oue ● in rest and quietnes?
A17320What Morning haue we euer passed so merry and pleasant, that hath not been ouertaken with some sorrow and heauinesse before night?
A17320What are those treasures then that are commended vnto vs for their excellencie?
A17320What blowing of the Sea?
A17320What disagreement in Marriage?
A17320What force haue stormes and tempests?
A17320What fury of the waues?
A17320What great carking& caring for more then is needful for liuing?
A17320What greater misery then to haue, and bee neuer satisfied?
A17320What inhumanitie to giue that to Mothes and Mice,& c. which is better bestowed vpon thy selfe, vpon thy familie, or vpon the poore?
A17320What is the cause of all the securitie in the world, and that men are not touched for their sins?
A17320What madnes is it to prouide for theeues and Robbers?
A17320What mischiefe is there, that one man worketh not against another?
A17320What rage of lightning?
A17320What ratling of Thunder?
A17320What recourse and concourse of clouds?
A17320What roaring of flouds?
A17320What say you to him now?
A17320What should I speake of the hurtfull plentie of branches and leaues of Trees, against which the wakefull Husbandman giueth diligent attendaunce?
A17320What sighes, what paines, what contention betweene Masters and Seruants?
A17320What then shall a man hope for in hatred?
A17320What then?
A17320What then?
A17320What then?
A17320What then?
A17320What then?
A17320What watching and warding is there in euery seuerall kinde, how great and diligent contention?
A17320What watching is there of Crowes and Kites about our Pigeon houses, and Broodes ▪ of Chickens?
A17320When the men of Lystra would haue worshipped Paul and Barnabas, those blessed Apostles cryed out, O men why doe you such things?
A17320When they haue gotten goods together, they can not promise vnto themselues either perpetuitie of them or securitie: And what a misery is that?
A17320Who can assure his peace long, if hee seeke no further for Peace and Truth then vnto this world?
A17320Who can number the disagreement of opinions, the variety of sects, the contentions of the learned, and the warres of Kings and Nations?
A17320Who is Dauid?
A17320Who then can bee assured of the Truth?
A17320With how diuerse and contrary Affections doth the mind striue against it selfe?
A17320With what violence doth the Haile fall?
A17320Yea, what bitter contention do we see betweene Parents and Children, and betweene Brother and Brother?
A17320Yet this is not all, for what restles care doth teare thee in getting them?
A17320and all other persons with death also, and( that which is more grieuous then death it selfe) with the continuall feare of death?
A17320and darest thou not trust him when it is faire?
A17320and doe they not say to their bags of gold, these are the Angels that shall keepe vs?
A17320and what hart breaking sorrow doth vexe thee in loosing of them?
A17320and what is the Sonne of Ishai that I should send of my vittailes vnto him?
A17320are they not( thinke you) like those things which Saint Paul saw when hee was rapt vp into the third heauen, which the tongue of man can not vtter?
A17320as Machiuels and Tirants, as Cut- throats and Cousoners, vnconscionable and cruell, hard- harted and mercilesse, and that euen of their friends?
A17320because nature hath prouided for them a wonderfull kinde of remedy: but what is that remedy?
A17320commonly Qualis vita, finis ita: Doe not many of them prooue Bankroupts and spend- thrifts?
A17320did he euer deceiue any that trusted him with their estate, while they walked reuerently in his feare, and carefully kept his commandements?
A17320doth hee mean that we must sell away all that wee haue and begge for our selues, as Popish Fryers, and Monkish Papists would haue vs to doe?
A17320doth hee meane that a man may liue idly, and then looke to be maintained by others?
A17320doth hee meane that a man must take of earthly goods onely so much as will serue his turne, and cast away that which is left?
A17320doth hee meane that all must bee common?
A17320doth hee meane that it is vnlawfull to keepe any thing in store for hereafter?
A17320doth hee meane that wee must not prouide for those that wee leaue behinde vs?
A17320doth the Lord Iesus meane that it is in no wise lawfull for a Christian man to get, or enioy the riches of this world?
A17320for haue they not( besides the receipt of commendations for their faithfulnesse) beene put in possession of their maisters ioy?
A17320how are they accounted of?
A17320how are they accursed?
A17320how much admired for my wealth, for my brauery, for my strength, saith a third?
A17320how worshipfull saith another?
A17320is it not earthly treasure that cals my minde away, that I might loose this Heauenly treasure?
A17320is it not for the world, that will cousen me of the word?
A17320might not wee enioy it with them?
A17320minier ouer, and in a short time must perish eyther in the vse, or for want of vse?
A17320nay who can expresse the riches and pleasures that are there layd vp for the Cittizens and Spouse of Christ?
A17320or Death may fetch thee away, as it hath done infinit millions of thousands?
A17320or Time may weare them, as it hath done millions of thousands?
A17320or planted the Lords vineyard, and not drinke of the wine?
A17320or rather that we finde not more painefull and troublesome then other?
A17320or the Plague may infect them as it hath done thousands?
A17320or the Water may drowne them, as it hath done thousands?
A17320repented and not beene forgiuen?
A17320the Rot the post, and little Wormes by day and night fret through the bowels of Beames& huge Timber?
A17320thou shalt see greater things then these: Soe do you beleeue because I say, by the hart you shal know whether your treasure be in heauen?
A17320what Quirks and quidities amongst Logitians?
A17320what an enemie is the Mildew to the Vintage, the blasting to the Hearbs, the Canker to the Leaues, and the Moule to the rootes?
A17320what brabble and clamour amongst Lawyers?
A17320what childe oweth such dutie to his earthly parents, as wee owe to God?
A17320what conflicts among Rhetoricians?
A17320what excursions of Riuers?
A17320what is thy welbeloued more then an other louer, that thou dost so charge vs?
A17320what tormenting feare doth abate thy comfort in keeping them?
A17320what wrastling haue men continually with Pouertie and Ambition?
A17320whither is thy Welbeloued turned aside, that wee may seeke him with thee?
A17320who worse then these Preachers themselues?
A17320with how variable and vncertaine motion of minde is euery man drawne, sometime one way, sometime another?
A17320yea, and why iudge yee not of your selues what is right?
A30160A certain Man had a fruitless Figg- Tree planted in his Vineyard; but by whom was it planted there?
A30160Above, you read, that the Scribes and Pharisees said to his Disciples, How is it that he eateth and drinketh with Publicans and Sinners?
A30160An ● what did you reply, saith the Tempted?
A30160And has these desires put thy Soul to the flight?
A30160And he turned to the Woman, and said unto Simon, Seest thou this Woman?
A30160And so I may say, what think you of ten thousand more besides?
A30160And what if God will cross his Book and blot out the hand- writing that is against thee, and not let thee know it as yet?
A30160And what if thou waitest upon God all thy days?
A30160And what matter can be found in the Soul for Humility to work by so well, as by a sight that I have been and am an abominable Sinner?
A30160And what then?
A30160And what, did you d ● spair?
A30160And why to shew by these, the exceeding Riches of his Grace to the Ages to come thorow Christ Jesus?
A30160And would I, as was said afore, be throughly saved, to wit, from the filth, as from the guilt?
A30160And, I say, as I said before, in whom is it like so to shine, as in the Souls of great sinners?
A30160Answer, Art thou returning to God?
A30160Art not thou a Murderer, a Thief, a Harlot, a Witch, a sinner of the greatest size, and dost thou look for mercy now?
A30160Art thou crossed, disappointed and waylaid, and overthrown in all thy foolish ways and doings?
A30160Art thou followed with affliction, and dost thou hear God''s angry voice in thy afflictions?
A30160Art thou indeed weary of the service of th ● old Master the Devil, Sin and the World?
A30160Art thou jogged, and shaken, and molested at the hearing of the Word?
A30160Art thou visited in the Night seasons with dreams about thy state, and that thou art in danger of being lost?
A30160Ay, that''s well for you Paul; but what advantage have we thereby?
A30160Because Christ died for men, shall I therefore Spit in his Face?
A30160But I am a Reprobate?
A30160But I have not only a base Heart, but I have lived a debauched Life?
A30160But I say, what is this to him, that would fain be saved by Christ?
A30160But I say, why all these, thus named?
A30160But I was one of them that bare false Witness against him: Is there Grace for me?
A30160But I was one of them that in his extremity said, Give him Gall and Vinegar to drink, why may not I expect the same when anguish and guilt is upon me?
A30160But I was one of them that plotted to take away his Life: May I be saved by him?
A30160But Paul, what moved thee thus to do?
A30160But how shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30160But if this be the sin unpardonable, why is it called the sin against the Holy Ghost, and not rather the sin against the Son of God?
A30160But my Heart continually frets against the Lord?
A30160But my grey Head is found in the way of wickedness?
A30160But suppose a man should deny his God, or his Christ, or relinquish a good Profession, and be under the real guilt thereof?
A30160But was there not something of moment in this Clause of the Commission?
A30160But what Grace is this?
A30160But what did he speak to them?
A30160But what is it that has got thy Heart, and that keeps it from thy Saviour?
A30160But what was Paul, and the Ephesian- Sinners?
A30160But what was Paul?
A30160But what was the reason thereof?
A30160But when he shall see the Thief that was saved on the Cross, stand by, as clothed with beauteous Glory, what further can he be able to object?
A30160But where do you find that ever the Lord did thus rowl in his Bowels for, and after any Self- righteous man?
A30160But who are these?
A30160But who believes that this was Gods design in shewing Mercy of old?
A30160But why did he do all this?
A30160But why did the Devil stir up her to cry so?
A30160But why did these do thus?
A30160But why doth the Devil do thus?
A30160But why speaks he so particularly?
A30160But why speedily?
A30160But will it not, think you, strangely put to silence all such thonghts, and words, and reasonings of the Ungodly before the Barr of God?
A30160But, I say, Why so unconcerned?
A30160But, I say, how can these Scriptures be fulfilled, if he that would indeed be saved as before, has sinned the sin unpardonable?
A30160Can the Floods drown it?
A30160Can the Waters quench it?
A30160Canst thou defend thy self?
A30160Canst thou hear this, and not be concerned?
A30160Canst thou not so much as once soberly think of thy dyi ● g hour?
A30160Carest thou not for this?
A30160Consider, I say, has he made a hedge, and a Wall to stop thee?
A30160Could he not, think you, have stooped from the Cross to the Ground, and have laid hold on some honester man if he would?
A30160Cruel as the Grave?
A30160Do I love Christ, his Father, his Saints, his Word and Ways?
A30160Do I see salvation is no where but in Christ?
A30160Does thy hand and heart tremble?
A30160Dost fly to him that is a Saviour from the wrath to come, for life?
A30160Dost thou think that Christ will foul his fingers with thee?
A30160Doth he then command that his Mercy should be offered in the first place to the biggest Sinners?
A30160Doth it look like what hath any Coherence with Reason or Mercy, for a man to abuse his Friend?
A30160Eighthly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest Sinners?
A30160Eleventhly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest Sinners?
A30160FIrst, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest sinners?
A30160Fifthly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest sinners?
A30160First, Dost thou see thy sins?
A30160For what will sting like this?
A30160For why are these things thus recorded, but to shew to Sinners what he can do, to the praise and glory of his grace?
A30160Fourthly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest sinners?
A30160Glorified God] How is that?
A30160Has he crossed th ● e in all thou pu ● test thy hand- unto?
A30160Hast no Judgmemt?
A30160Hast no Soul?
A30160Hast no affliction but what is bruitish?
A30160Hast thou Heart- shaken apprehensions when deep sleep''s upon thee, of Hell, Death, and Judgment to come?
A30160Hast thou any inticing touches of the word of God upon thy mind?
A30160Hast thou no Conscience?
A30160Hast thou not Reason?
A30160Hast thou through desires betaken thy self to thy heels?
A30160Hast thou, thinkest thou, found any thing so good as Jesus Christ?
A30160Hath it not a most vehement flame?
A30160Having so often sold thy self to me to work wickedness, wilt thou forsake me now?
A30160How canst thou find in thy heart to set thy self against Grace, against such Grace as offereth Mercy to thee?
A30160How shall I deliver thee Israel?
A30160How shall I give thee up, Ephraim?
A30160How shall I make thee as Admah?
A30160How shall I set thee 〈 ◊ 〉 Zeboim?
A30160I am under the force of it, and this is my continual cry, What shall I render to the Lord for all the Benefits which he has bestow ● d upon me?
A30160I mean the reason from God?
A30160I say therefore to thee that art thus, And w ● y Despair?
A30160I say, what excuse can they make for themselves, when they shall be asked why they did not in the day of S ● lvation come to Christ to be saved?
A30160If we do take occasion to do so, that we may drop, and be yet distilling some good Doctrine upon their Souls?
A30160Is it below thee?
A30160Is it fit to say unto God, Thou art hard- hearted?
A30160Is it not pity, had it otherwise been the Will of God that ever thou wast made a M ● n, for that thou settest so little by thy Soul?
A30160Is it not strong as Death?
A30160Is not He ● ven worth thy affection?
A30160Is not Love of the greatest force to oblige?
A30160Is not here incouragement for those that think, for wicked Hearts and Lives, they have not their fellows in the World?
A30160Is not this an incouragement to the biggest sinners to make their Application to Christ for Mercy?
A30160Is there any among thy Sins, thy Companions, and foolish Delights, that like Christ, can help thee in the day of thy distress?
A30160Is there not every where in God''s Books sl ● t contradiction to this, in multitudes of Promises, of Invitations, of Examples, and the like?
A30160Is there room for me?
A30160Is thy Conscience awakened and convinced then, that thou art at present in a perishing state, and that thou hast need to cry to God for M ● rcy?
A30160It has oft- times come into my mind, to ask, by what means it is, That the Gospel Profession should be so Taunted with Loose and Carnal Gospellers?
A30160Ninthly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest Sinners?
A30160No affection for the God that made thee?
A30160Now I say, If there be room for the first sort, for those of the biggest size; certainly there is room for the lesser size?
A30160Now since Christ Jesus is willing to save the Vilest, why should they not by Name be somewhat acquainted with it, and bid come to him under that Name?
A30160Now since this is so, what can the Condemned at the Judgement say for themselves, why Sentence of Death should not be passed upon them?
A30160Now what does Mary?
A30160Now why should we lay hands cross on this Text, that is, choose good Victuals, and love the sweet Wine better than the Salvation of the poor Publican?
A30160Or doest thou think thou shalt escape the Judgment?
A30160Or dost think thou mayest lose thy S ● ul, and save thy self?
A30160Or how shall a man be able to give to others a satisfactory account of his unseigned subjection to the Gospel, that yet abides in his impenitency?
A30160Sec ● ndly, With respect to thy desires, what are they?
A30160Secondly, Art thou weary of them?
A30160Secondly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest Sinners, to the Jerusalem sinners?
A30160Sermon being done, up she gets, and away she goes, and withal, enquired where this Jesus the Preacher dined that day?
A30160Seventhly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest Sinners?
A30160Shall Christ weep to see thy Soul going on to destruction, and wilt thou sport thy self in That way?
A30160Shall God enter this Complaint against thee?
A30160Shall he therefore conclude he is gone for ever?
A30160Shall not this lay Obli ● ation upon me?
A30160Shall they fall, saith he, and not arise?
A30160Shall they turn away, and not return?
A30160Should a Man ask me how he should know that he loveth the Children of God?
A30160Some, as I said, that Revolt, are shot dead upon the place, and for them, who can help them?
A30160Tell me therefore which of them will love him most?
A30160Tengthly, Would Jesus Christ have Mercy offered in the first place to the biggest Sinners?
A30160Thirdly, Wouldst thou with all thy heart be saved by Jesus Christ?
A30160Thou horrible Wretch, dost not know, that thou hast sinned thy self beyond the reach of Grace, and dost think to find Mercy now?
A30160Thou scrupulous fool, where canst thou find that God was ever false to his Promise, or that he ever deceived the Soul that ventured it self upon him?
A30160Was not this a strange act, and a display of unthought- of grace?
A30160Were there none but Thieves there, or were the rest of that company out of his reach?
A30160What Man or Angel could have thought that the Jerusalem- sinners had been yet on this side of an impossibity of enjoying Life and Mercy?
A30160What Spirit possesseth thee, and holds thee back from a sincere closure with ● hy Saviour?
A30160What gro ● nd now is here for Despair?
A30160What ground then to despair?
A30160What if God will be silent to thee, is that ground of despair?
A30160What kind of Preacher is he, said she?
A30160What more can be objected?
A30160What saist thou?
A30160What think you of the first Man, by whose sins there are millions now in Hell?
A30160What will become of me, think you?
A30160What, my true Servant( quoth he) my old Servant, wilt thou forsake me now?
A30160What, none for his loving Son that has shewed his love, and dyed for thee?
A30160When God made me sigh, they would harken, and enquiringly say, What''s the matter with John?
A30160When the Jayler cried out, Sirs, What must I do to be saved?
A30160When thou art called to an account for thy neglects of so great Salvation, what canst thou answer?
A30160Where is he that is thus under pangs of love for the Grace bestowed upon him by Jesus Christ?
A30160Wherefore is it said, Begin at Jerusalem, if the Jerusalem sinner is not to have the benefit of it?
A30160Wherefore, at present, lay the thoughts of thy Election by, and ask thy self these questions; Do I see my lost condition?
A30160Whether wilt thou go?
A30160Who among the Sons of the Mighty can be likened unto the Lord?
A30160Who in the Heavens can be compared unto the Lord?
A30160Why betook not I my self to the holy Word of God?
A30160Why did I judge of his ability to save me by the voice of my shallow reason, and the voice of a guilty Conscience?
A30160Why did I not humbly cast my Soul at his bless ● d foot stool for Mercy?
A30160Why dost thou put him off?
A30160Why not familiar with sinners provided we hate their spots and blemishes, and seek that they may be healed of them?
A30160Why not fellowly with our Carnal Neighbours?
A30160Why not go to the poor Man''s House, and give him a Penny, and a Scripture to think upon?
A30160Why should Satan molest those whose ways he knows will bring them to him?
A30160Why should not Devils and Damned Souls d ● spair?
A30160Why so?
A30160Why, there is Faith, and Wild Fai ● h; and Wild Faith is this Presumption?
A30160Wny sittest thou still?
A30160Would I share in this salvation by Faith of him?
A30160Wouldst thou be saved from guilt, and filth too?
A30160Wouldst thou be saved with a thorow salvation?
A30160Wouldst thou be saved?
A30160Wouldst thou be the servant of thy Saviour?
A30160Yea, why should not Man despair of getting to Heaven by his own abilities?
A30160Yëa, why did he say, Begin at Jerusalem?
A30160and hotter than the Coals of Juniper?
A30160arise; why standest thou still?
A30160but who when called, was there in the World, in whom Grace shone so bright as in him?
A30160for me?
A30160if at any time any of them are mentioned, how seemingly coldly doth the Record of Scripture present them to us?
A30160or how?
A30160or of, whether thy sinful life will drive thee then?
A30160what, none at all?
A30160which is strongest, think''st thou, God or thee?
A30160why did not I give glory to the Redeeming Blood of Jesus?
A30160why dost thou stop thine ear?
A30160why have we not a Catalogue of some Holy men that were so in their own eyes, and in the judgment of the World?
A677431.7, 8, 9. is a continuall Accuser of the brethren) carry tales to their fellowes, of such as will not consort with them?
A677439.12 but how?
A67743Again, Why these, and a thousand more in all ages shut up in prison?
A67743Againe doe you pay God his dues also: doe you repent, and beleeve the Gospell: precepts and menaces, as well as promises?
A67743Againe, Why would they kill our bodies, but because they could not slay our soules?
A67743Againe, why doe these men inveigh and preach against preaching?
A67743And Saul touching David?
A67743And have not we the like murmurers?
A67743And have they not reason thus to do?
A67743And indeed, Who should goe to Hell, if cursers should be left out?
A67743And indeed, how should they, when every word they speake is a slander?
A67743And indeed, what is the corporal sympathy to the spiritual antipathy?
A67743And indeed, whom not heroicall in fortitude( the case standing as it doth) would it not discourage and beat back to the world?
A67743And is it not iust with God, to say, they would none of Christ, let them welcome Sathan and Antichrist?
A67743And lastly, by whom was our Saviour Christ betrayed, bu ● by his owne Disciple Iudas?
A67743And must not hee who is called a Puritan, be derided, hated, persecuted, slandered and laught to scorne?
A67743And must not these mens consciences tell them, that the same they accuse so, are in their lives the most unreproveable of the Land?
A67743And shall not men tremble to deny, what the Devils confesse?
A67743And so fight under Sathans banner against Gods people: And yet take your selves to bee( not Sathans but) Gods servants?
A67743And that whosoever will be a friend of the World maketh him ● elfe the enemy of God?
A67743And the Master himselfe?
A67743And thus you see, That nothing but goodnesse is the whet ● ● on of their malice; which being so, are not we heathenish Christians?
A67743And what do the Cavaliers now, in killing the Saints?
A67743And what is it that Iobs Wife expostulates with him about, but his integrity?
A67743And what is light to him, that will shut his eyes against it?
A67743And what is meant by these words?
A67743And what worke, or service, can the Devil put you upon like this?
A67743And what''s the reason they curse us, but this?
A67743And wherefore is the Devill called by that name, but by reason of his foul mouth in defaming?
A67743And which of the Martyrs did not finde the same verified?
A67743And who but Ieremies familiars watched for his haulting?
A67743And why all this?
A67743Are not the members of Christ more hated, and worse intreated by us, then the limbs of the Devill?
A67743Are ye Christians in earnest?
A67743As how many a Wife is so much the more hated, because a zealous Wife?
A67743As what can bee further expected?
A67743As what makes them contemne us, but, together with pride, their ignorance?
A67743As what saith the wicked in Davids time?
A67743As what stone so rough, but hee can smooth it?
A67743As, why doe their hearts rise against every holy man they see?
A67743BVt to speak really, and as the truth is, why doe they use all these discouragements?
A67743Be ● ides, What should he doe with a talent, that will not improve it?
A67743Betweene whom was this Enmity proclamed?
A67743But Saint Chrysostome, in opening of those words saith, Nay rather, Who is not against us, if God be with us?
A67743But how can God be the Author of it, without being the Author of Sin?
A67743But shall Lot ▪ leave his righteousnesse for such an imputation of singularity?
A67743But what a shame?
A67743But what is the end of these tale- bearers, and informers against good men?
A67743But what saith David?
A67743But what saith Sincerity?
A67743But why into prison?
A67743But why is it?
A67743But will you know, how it comes to passe?
A67743But yet further, what saith Saint Paul?
A67743By whom was that vertuous and religious Lady Barbara put to death, for imbracing the Christian Faith, but by her owne Father Dioscorus?
A67743Can there be such a parity between the Parent and the Childe, the Husband and the Wife, as there is a disparity between God and Satan?
A67743Doe ye not perceive, that God either speaks it in a holy derision?
A67743Doe yee beleeve the word?
A67743Doe you indeed beleeve, that hee who is truth it selfe; speakes as hee meanes in his word?
A67743Doe you not sharpen your tongues in gall; and dip your pens in poyson, to disgrace the graces of God in his children?
A67743For if Christians be charged to blesse their enemies; what will bee their case, that curse their friends?
A67743For if they be spiritually discerned, how should they discern them, that have not the Spirit?
A67743For, what is the notionall sweetnesse of honey, to the experimentall taste of it?
A67743HOw is it, that the practice of Christianity is every where spoken against, under the name of Schisme, as the chiefe Iewes told Paul in his time?
A67743Hath God made any promise to Scoffers?
A67743Hee that is so frighted with a squib, how would he endure the mouth of a Cannon?
A67743How contrary are good Angels and evill men?
A67743How contrary are they?
A67743How doth that appeare?
A67743How is that proved?
A67743How many a Childe lesse beloved, because a religious Childe?
A67743How many a Servant lesse respected, because a godly Servant?
A67743How should Naboth be cleanly put to death, if he be not first accused of blasphemy?
A67743I will put enmity betweene the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman, Gen. 3.15?
A67743I, but what have they whereupon to ground their accusations?
A67743IN the last place what are the Actuall Properties?
A67743If Sampson be thus punished, shal the Philistims escape?
A67743If the godly suffer so many, and grievous afflictions here; what shall his adversaries suffer in hell?
A67743If the righteous shall scarcely be saved, were shall the ungodly and sinner appeare?
A67743If they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub, how much more them of his household?
A67743Is it any strange thing, to see a blinde man stumble and fall?
A67743Is it done in faith, and out of right ends as out of love, and obedience?
A67743Is it not a capitall crime to bee vertuous?
A67743Is not the name of an honest man, who makes conscience of his wayes, growne odious?
A67743Is the World mended with age?
A67743Is this Christian- like?
A67743It s true, but in what sense?
A67743Know ye not, that to whom ye yeeld your selves as servants to obey; his servants ye are to whom ye obey?
A67743Know yee not( saith St. Iames) that the Amity of the World, is the Enmity of God?
A67743Loe here is reward enough for all that men or divills can do against us: And what will not men undergoe, so their reward may be answerable?
A67743Nay( if I may speak it with reverence) what meanes can God use that shall be able to convert such an one?
A67743Neither want we precedents of this; For, by whom was upright Abel persecuted and slain, but by his owne brother Caine?
A67743Not some, but all: and what all, but even all that will live godly?
A67743Now if it be askt, Why a naturall man perceiveth not the things of the Spirit of God?
A67743Objection, But you will say, what is this to us?
A67743Or are you wiser then all?
A67743Or can the Crosse of Christ, save them that continue malitious enemies to his Crosse?
A67743Or hath he spoaken the word, and shall not hee accomplish it?
A67743Or if otherwise, they look on our infirmities, they looke not on our graces, on our repentance?
A67743Or must the name of a Puritan, dishearten us from the service of God?
A67743Or shall he not depart Sodom, because the whole City thinkes it better to stay there still?
A67743Or what is this but want of discretion?
A67743Q WHat Uses may this serve for, which hath been spoken touching the properties of this enmity, and our Saviours suffering?
A67743Q WHat are the Causes, why wicked and ungodly men thus hate, and persecute the religious?
A67743See this in Abrahams example, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?
A67743Shall Noah leave building the Arke, and so himselfe, and his whole houshould perish, because all the World else thinkes him haire- brained?
A67743Shall the powder thinke to blow up the house, and scape it selfe from burning?
A67743That have a Library of Divinity in their heads, and not so much as the least Catechisme in their consciences?
A67743The Apostle saith, If God be on our side, who can be against us?
A67743The Corinthians exceedingly slighted Paul, he was this and he was that; But what saith Pa ● l?
A67743True these enemies to holines spare not to cast asper ● ● ions on us, else how should they worke their wills?
A67743WHat are their Verball properties?
A67743WHat instruction from the premisses?
A67743WHat is promised shall be the issue, or effect of it; and who shall get the victory?
A67743WHat is the original ground of the worlds hatred?
A67743WHat is the second Cause, why ungodly men hate and persecute the religious?
A67743WHat is the third cause, why ungodly men hate and persecute the Religious?
A67743WHat is their manner of venting this Enmity?
A67743WHerein consists their unlikenesse and contrariety?
A67743We are bound to praise GOD above any Nation whatsoever,( for what Nation under Heaven in ● oyes so much light, or so many blessings as we?)
A67743What Devill will so affirme?
A67743What God can deliver out of my hand?
A67743What a prodigy is this?
A67743What can hee not perswade them to?
A67743What doth he that curseth the Saints and deare children of God?
A67743What honour of Christ is there among us, wher Religion makes one contemptible?
A67743What instruction affords this?
A67743What is it to him if the superstition, and blindnesse of Popery did over- shadow the Land?
A67743What is meant by the woman and her seed?
A67743What may bee gathered from these tearmes thus explicated?
A67743What occasioned the Lord to proclaime this enmity?
A67743What saith one?
A67743What saith the Scripture?
A67743What say they?
A67743What should I say?
A67743What was it but Iosephs goodnesse, that brought him to the stockes and Irons?
A67743What was the finall cause or end why God proclaimed it?
A67743What was their delinquencie?
A67743What way wee gleane from hence?
A67743What will you be singular?
A67743Wherefore slew Caine his brother, saith Saint Iohn, but because his own Workes were evill, and his brothers good?
A67743Who could have lesse deserved those curses, those aspersions, those stones, then David?
A67743Who helped to burne Bradford?
A67743Who is God?
A67743Who made Serena the Empresse, a Martyr for her faith in Christ?
A67743Who scoffed at righteous Noah, but his owne son Cham?
A67743Who was the Author and proclamor of it?
A67743Why did Esau hate Iacob, and purpose to kill him, but because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him?
A67743Why not unto death?
A67743Why was Ioseph accused of his Mistris for an adulterer, and thereupon committed to prison, but because hee would not bee an Adulterer like her?
A67743Yea, and thinke they doe as good service in it, as Secretaries, and Espialls of Princes, do to the State, when they bring in bills of intelligence?
A67743Yea, have you not strange conceits, and base thoughts of the best men?
A67743Yea, if the feare of the Lord, as Solomon speakes, is the beginning of wisdome, how should they have wisdome, that have not the feare of the Lord?
A67743Yea, who was his greatest enemy but his greatest friend, even one of his houshold- Chaplains?
A67743Yes: for how is a vicious person discredited, and made contemptible, by the vertuous life of an holy man?
A67743Yet the world traduced him for a Samaritan, a Blasphemer, a Sorcerer, a wine- bibber, an enemy to Caesar, and what not?
A67743and also bring forth the fruits of it in your lif and conversation?
A67743and for sins of omissions,& c?
A67743and made them resolve against goodness?
A67743and religion foolishnesse with Michal?
A67743and see that all under you doe the same?
A67743and staggered others, that have made some progresse in holinesse?
A67743and thinke the worse of a man, for having of a tender conscience?
A67743and what instructions afford they?
A67743and with the understanding also?
A67743but because he followed the things which were good and pleasing unto God and in him part his trust?
A67743but because he should bee more exalted?
A67743doe you declare your faith by your workes?
A67743doe you feare an oath?
A67743doe you not deeply censure,& condemne the generation of the just?
A67743doe you not envy, hate, scoffe at, nick- name, raile on and slander the people of God; and mis- consture their actions and intentions?
A67743doe you not with Festus, account zeale madnesse?
A67743doe you pray by the power of the spirit?
A67743doe you receive the word with good and honest hearts?
A67743doe you sanctifie his Sabbaths?
A67743for the evill which cleaves to your very best actions?
A67743grieve for your unprofitablenesse under the meanes of grace?
A67743hate a lye,& c?
A67743instruct your children and servants, and teach them to feare the Lord?
A67743killed, but for the Word of God, and for the testimony which they maintained?
A67743love his children, promote his glory, and strive to gaine others to imbrace the Gospell?
A67743love zeale, and devotion in others?
A67743make conscience of evill thoughts?
A67743or do you not?
A67743reade, conferre and meditate upon it?
A67743saith God, why?
A67743the which scriptures, if they bee true?
A67743they think themselves the worst of sinners?
A67743though hee thrust himselfe into their company?
A67743vaine, and unprofitable words?
A67743watch for their halting, and combine with others against them?
A67743what stuffe so pittifull, but hee can set a glosse upon it?
A67743who is not an open or secret enemy to holinesse?
A67743yea, have you not beaten off many from being religious by your scoffes and reproaches?
A6725711, 13)?
A672572. if acknowledging them infallible?
A6725720. doth it not either argue all parents infallible in what they teach or command?
A672573. l. 6. c. Quis dubitat veritati manifestatae debere consuetudinem cedere?
A67257Again, I ask; Are all the necessary consequences of fundamentals to be accounted fundamental?
A67257Again, whether no obligation of Scholars to their Masters, and those experienced in the Science they learn?
A67257Again, why are such Councils willingly granted by all to be unappealable in other things wherein they may err, i. e. in maters of fact?
A67257Again, you will say, Do not we thus take away all use of our own judgment, in things wherein our Superiors lay their injunctions upon us?
A67257Again; could not his Spirit( that hath led some) have led all, into all truth, if he had pleased to give it to them, in a greater measure?
A67257An discipulus supra magistrum?
A67257And 2ly, Whether one is, or can be, bound to assent, when these their Decrees are contrary to his own private judgment?
A67257And again, what difference between that and the law of God?
A67257And if she may impose some penalty; then why not anathematize, or excommunicate?
A67257And indeed were such conformity in the publick Service, and the Sacraments, allowed with Sectaries, what a confusion would it cause in religion?
A67257And is he sure that no other text is again totidem verbis contradictory to that he urgeth?
A67257And is not Stapleton, quoted before, of the same opinion with these?
A67257And then I ask; Why not some other?
A67257And then, for some points of her publick doctrines or practice, what if it be against the conscience of such a one to subscribe or conform to them?
A67257And why in these fundamentals especially are we wished in our judgment to conform to the Church''es?
A67257And, if you are to consent, tho it be against your own judgment, in the greatest matters; what reason is there you should not do it in lesser?
A67257Are not Anathema''s used by her against Schismatical as well as Heretical spirits?
A67257Are not all the rest then, who are not infallibly certain, to be taught, that they must, in Non- fundamentals, subscribe to the Church- decisions?
A67257Are these punishments lawfully inflicted, only in case that such Priest and Church be certain and infallible in their judgment?
A67257Art thou a Master in Israel( saith our Saviour,) and knowest not these things?
A67257But 1. did no other sentences pass in the Sanedrim about the law, but concerning satisfactions and punishments?
A67257But 2ly, Suppose no want of any such thing in it; yet, what if all such communion be utterly, absolutely, forbidden?
A67257But 2ly, by what way can any one in any thing be infallibly sure( not think only, or suppose that he is sure) that such a Council errs?
A67257But I ask again; Who shall determin, both in credends& agends, which are fundamental?
A67257But doth not an erring conscience then bind us to follow it, tho it be so?
A67257But how often is this done by them, even the four first( generally allowed), and that under Anathema?
A67257But how unreasonable this?
A67257But if not their judgment whom we have named,( in case you can attain to no higher Tribunal); whose doth your duty oblige you to follow?
A67257But suppose( say they) that the church present determin things against Scripture, and against the former Church?
A67257But then hath he well compared Scriptures?
A67257But thus also then is it not your duty to follow a fallible judgment, which may guide you right or wrong?
A67257But what arguments from their Reasons can counterpoise this, from the authority of so many of much greater reason?
A67257But whence can he certainly know, that it is Divine?
A67257But why not Votum, for this, serve the turn for these, as it doth for some others?
A67257But why so?
A67257By divine Revelation?
A67257By the Church?
A67257By the Scriptures?
A67257Considering these things, may not such a one say, Whether it is better to obey God than men, judge ye?
A67257Do we mean several degrees thereof, the least of which is certain?
A67257Doth not natural prudence guide him, in two, liable to error, to follow him, who, all circumstances considered, is likely to be the less fallible?
A67257Doth she not use Anathema''s or Excommunications in matters of Fact, wherein she is confest to be liable to error?
A67257Els how come any to doubt?
A67257Els if only probabilities may serve to counterpoise the Church''es or Council''s authority, when or where will these be wanting?
A67257External therefore?
A67257For I demand; Whether are you to judge, or she, which these are?
A67257For if we withdraw this, how if it should happen that they are de fide?
A67257For to what other Judgment can we repair for this, unless to our own?
A67257For what more plain there, than that this world was created by the Word, the Son of God?
A67257For, as the Apostle said in another case, If they are sit to judge the greatest, are they not so to judge the smallest matters?
A67257From what law but God''s?
A67257Hath he any other( then), besides those the Church hath, and which she first recommended unto him?
A67257How come Schismaticks then thrown out of the Church?
A67257How doth that saying of S. Austin touch such a one?
A67257I ask therefore to which?
A67257I ask what do we mean by a stronger and a weaker faith so often mentioned in Scripture?
A67257I ask; Why may not then a Pastor contradict his Bishop, or the Diocesan Council?
A67257I think none will deny this lawful enough; and what communion is there, which doth not require it?
A67257If it be, then one place must not be understood as the letter soundeth; and then why not that which he presseth?
A67257If so; then who knows how far these points may extend, in which we are to consent to, and not only not- to- contradict, the Church''es decisions?
A67257If these be dictates of right reason, what difference between this and the law of Nature?
A67257Ille autem irridebat eum, dicens; Ergo parietes faciunt Christianos?
A67257In what you approve and like of?
A67257Is Scripture be plain in these smaller points, for you to guide your self by it; is it not so, much more, in fundamentals?
A67257Is it only to those decisions, which she maketh according to the Scriptures, that if any assent not to them, he may be justly excommunicated by her?
A67257Is it only to those decisions, which she maketh in points fundamental?
A67257Is it only, I submit my judgment in regard of the publishing of it?
A67257Is not Abraham said to believe a thing seeming contrary to his own reason?
A67257Is not idolatry an error against a fundamental truth?
A67257Is she to guide your judgment in the main, and not in less, matters?
A67257Lastly, by Reason?
A67257May not she excommunicate as well disturbers of her peace, as subverters of her faith?
A67257My reply is; and may not you in others also err much more?
A67257Nay to what purpose such Council convened, since it hath no power of excommunicating the resisters?
A67257Non- contradiction sounds well in speculatives; but in practicals what must be done?
A67257Or 2ly, Is it only to those decisions, which she maketh in points, of the truth whereof she is actually certain?
A67257Or the weaker brethren, tho of the number of true Believers, why doubted they long time of some meats unclean, contrary to the Apostle''s instruction?
A67257Or understands he them better?
A67257Ought he not then to continue still in his former communion, tho thought by him Schismatical?
A67257Parmeniani, 2. l. 13. c. Haec quidem alia quaestio est: Utrum Baptismus& ab iis, qui nunquam fuerunt Christiani, potest dari?
A67257Quaeret hic forsitan aliquis curiosius, an liceat hujusmodi decreta interno saltem mentis actu in dubium revocare?
A67257Quaestio certe inter nos versatur, ubi sit Ecclesia; utrum apud nos, an apud illos?
A67257Quamvis peragatur in eo illa solemnitas, nunquid reconciliatur?
A67257Quid si ergo sictus accedat, atque adversus veritatem& Ecclesiam ● or inimicissimum gerat?
A67257Quomodo coelestis Spiritus invocatus adveniet, si sacerdos, qui eum adesse deprecatur, criminosis plen ● is actionibus reprobatur?
A67257R. What truth mean we?
A67257Si enim ex te quaeram, Cur credas, Deum esse incarnatum?
A67257Since all saving faith in us is the effect of the Spirit, why may not our faith be so, without any precedent rational certainty thereof?
A67257Tell me, hath not God obliged every one to follow his* own conscience right or wrong?
A67257The Believers at Antioch, zealous of the law, why contested they with St. Paul?
A67257The Bereans, why examined they the Apostles doctrines, if they knew or esteemed him infallible?
A67257The First concerning FAITH, What, or how much is necessary for our Salvation?
A67257The First concerning the Infallibilty of the Church, Whether this is at all, or how far, to be allowed?
A67257The Fourth concerning Obedience, and submission of private Judgment, Whether this be due to the Church supposed not, in all her decisions, infallible?
A67257The Second concerning Infallibity in this Faith; Whether it be necessary in every Believer to render his Faith Divine and Salvifical?
A67257The Second concerning Obedience and Submission of private Judgment, Whether this be due to the Church supposed not, in all her decisions, infallible?
A67257The Third concerning the Infallibility of the Church; Whether this is, at all, or how far, to be allowed?
A67257Therefore, in things also which you do not approve?
A67257They question, since there are many present divided Churches, to the judgment of which of them they shall repair?
A67257Thou that judgest another, judgest thou not thy self?
A67257Thus may not one truly say: For this reason I think such a thing is so; but for such a reason again, I think it is not so?
A67257Ubi jubentur in Scripturis Infantes baptizari, aut in Coena Domini sub utraque specie communicantes participare?
A67257Was Luther''s and Calvin''s modest?
A67257Was she sure, that she could not possibly mistake in any of these things, which she hath said there?
A67257Well then: since you may not judg against her, in the plain; may you, in other things less plain?
A67257What can be a better argument for the Church, than her former customs, which thou accusest to mislead her present judgment?
A67257What do I gain by this for obedience to them?
A67257What is our duty then?
A67257What is the meaning of that ordinary saying,[ These and these reasons I have for my opinion, but I submit to the Church?]
A67257What mean those rules?
A67257What probability, that they should most declame against the certainty of Church- tradition, whose doctrines it most confirmeth?
A67257What then must be done( you will say) since our Pastors and Bishops may err in fundamentals, and particular Churches may apostatize?
A67257What then?
A67257When this is done; how few are there of the learned, that can say; they are certain( without some doubt) that what the Church proposeth is false?
A67257Who are liker to be clear of passion, those that submit to anothers judgment, or those that adhere to their own?
A67257Who have bin so much, so dangerously, deceived, as these wise and wary men, who would trust none but the infallible?
A67257Who is to determin, what are such, both for agends and credends?
A67257Why labour we then, more, to free, then subjugate, mens judgments?
A67257Why may not I( say I again) as well suppose you, who think thus of the present Church, to mistake Scripture, and the former Church your selves?
A67257Why should the children of this world be wiser than the children of light?
A67257Why so?
A67257Why so?
A67257Will you restrain such Scripture- rules of obedience only to General Councils?
A67257Yet why not necessary to every person therein, as having reference, one way or other, to their particular good?
A67257[ What then, what if it be only Anathema iis, qui contrarium dicunt aut docent?]
A67257and Whether one may go against his conscience in any thing?
A67257and doth not the Roman Church then err in fundamentals, in worshipping bread, as the Protestants think they do, for Christ?
A67257and how full of several impieties?
A67257and then before all the people have ascended into Heaven to God?
A67257and why may I not say again to you; suppose that she err in fundamentals, where are you, that in these do follow her judgment?
A67257as if he denied there to be on earth a Catholick and Apostolick Church, to which he may securely joyn himself?
A67257but if necessary; why should we say, that God requires not an unity of faith in them?
A67257especially when these contrary to the proposals of the Church''es supremest Council?
A67257nonne unicuique in sua arte credendum?
A67257nunquid inseritur?
A67257or at least to be content to live out of her communion, whom he thinks to be the Church Catholick?
A67257or how many?
A67257or is He further from fallibility if he guide himself?
A67257or may I sometime do a thing which I think unlawful, upon another''s judgment, without sinning?
A67257or rather, to perform the divine command of yeilding obedience to our Governors?
A67257or require submission of their judgment also to her, not as she declares her judgment infallible; but only as it is definitive and unappealable?
A67257or spread the Gospel, at first, over all the world?
A67257or that such Priest and Church do not seem to any to mis- interpret the divine law?
A67257was there no fault in baptism so deferred?
A67257why therefore relinquish you your own, and adhere to her, judgment, in these things most plain in Scripture?
A67257your own?
A41843( O me slighter of the everlasting Salvation) whither am I now going?
A4184310. for hee hath cloathed thee with the garments of Salvation, and hee hath covered thee with the robe of righteousnesse: O what robes are these?
A4184314. where Iob reckoning over many good deeds done by himself, saith, What then shall I do when God riseth up?
A4184321 Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed to the end of the world, to those that are far off; What hath hee proclaimed?
A4184337. stop the mouth of misbelief so that it should have nothing to say?
A41843Ah, Turn you ▪ turn you, why will ye die?
A41843Ah, ah, shall we say that?
A41843And I pose your own hearts with this, whether or not your names ● ee written there in that ● oll, among these sho shall be cut off?
A41843And I say to you, who have thus delayed, will ye yet imbrace it?
A41843And I would ask you that question, What a day shall it be when Faith shall ced ● to sight?
A41843And I would ask you this question, what are your thoughts concern ● ng precious Christ, seeing he is that noble ● bject of Faith?
A41843And O how dreadfull is it for an unprepared man to meet with death?
A41843And O how suddenly will death surprise many of you as it did him?
A41843And O may wee not wonder at the precious oath of the everlasting Covenant, whereby he hath sworn, That hee delighteth not in the death of sinners?
A41843And O think ye not that our day is near unto a close?
A41843And as to hope; will not assurance make a Christian 〈 ◊ 〉 forth, Now, Lord, what wait I for?
A41843And doe we not ambitiously desire to walk toward Sion, sleeping( rather then weeping) as we go?
A41843And doth open a door in Heaven, thorow which a Christian is admitted to see Christ sitting upon His Throne?
A41843And if we would ask that question, What is the way to attain to the saving knowledge of God in Christ?
A41843And is it not a mysterious command, to desire people to know that which can not be known?
A41843And is it not a strange thing, that Christians are lesse convinced of the breaches of the Commandements of Faith, then of other commands?
A41843And is it not certain, that these two gracious gifts ought to ingage ou ● souls and hearts much unto him?
A41843And is it not the world the great plea and argoment, that they make use of, When they will not come and make use of Christ?
A41843And is not this a great effect, to make us who were darknesse, become light in the Lord?
A41843And is there not a great difference betwixt an Idol when it is cast out, and an Idol when it goeth out?
A41843And that is an effect of this Great Salvation?
A41843And that is ● ● effect of this Great Salvation?
A41843And these two wounds, that he received in his precious feet, do they not preach this, That we should believe on a crucified Saviour?
A41843And we conceive that the ground which maketh the most part of us have such complaints, How long wilt thou forget us for ever?
A41843And what a Faith suppose yee shall it be thought when wee shall get on that immortal Crown of blessednesse?
A41843And what can yee do who want Faith?
A41843And what moveth Christians to be so desirous to die?
A41843And what shall I answer when he visiteth me?
A41843And why then do ye not take Him?
A41843And would ye know what is your hearing of Sermon?
A41843And yet for all this, shall we be sent away without one consent to imbrace or receive it?
A41843And yet that Heroick grace of Faith cryeth out, Hath he spoken it: He will also do it, Hath he said it?
A41843And yet this( as all the former) attendeth the imbracers of this Great Salvation ▪ Ye ●, would ye be rich?
A41843And, what wisedom is in them?
A41843Are not all wisdoms wayes pleasantnesse, and are not all her paths peace?
A41843Are there any bu ● they must acknowledge they come unde ● this second rank?
A41843Are there any here that will refuse to commend him?
A41843Are there any of you that are sensible that ye are in the fetters of sin, and in the bonds of iniquity?
A41843Are there not some words that we would have taken out of the Bible?
A41843Are y ● ● not weary in pursuit of yours?
A41843Are ye brought to the conviction of this, that ye are yet in the gall of bitternesse?
A41843Art thou afraid at the wrath of God?
A41843Art thou afraid of hell?
A41843Art thou forced to cry out, none but Christ can save me?
A41843Believe mee, more mortification would make more believing, but would ye know the original of misbelief?
A41843But I would only ask at such, have ye any lawfull excuse, why ye will not come and partake of this Great Salvation?
A41843But O will yee not take it?
A41843But are there none here who are heavy loaden with sin, with misery, and estrangement from God?
A41843But are there not many here who never knew what it was to mortifie one lust for Christ?
A41843But as for you who have no resolutions to imbrace this Great- Salvation, O wherewith shall I commend it unto you?
A41843But is it not an easie way of entring into the holy of Holies, to win unto it through the exercise of Faith?
A41843But oh what a hellish word is that, Away with spotlesse Christ, away with transcenden ● Christ, and give us the world?
A41843But this is answered from that letter of His Name, hee keepeth mercy for thousands?
A41843But would ye be wise indeed, and wise unto eternal life?
A41843But would ye know the properties of a Christians Faith?
A41843But, Oh shall the prison doors be ● st open, and yet none come forth?
A41843By what Law, saith he, is boasting excluded?
A41843By what law is boasting excluded?
A41843Can any of you say an ● thing to the discommendation of it?
A41843Can such a delusion overtake you O ● athiests ▪ That ye shall reign with Christ, if ye die not with him?
A41843Can ye imagine any answer unto that question?
A41843Challenge, Oftentimes ye sinned upon every small temptations, and what will ye answer to that?
A41843Dare ye send a charge to Christ, and say ye will defy him?
A41843Dare yee go out at these doors, and neglect ● he Great Salvation?
A41843Did yee ever see such excellent robes at these must bee?
A41843Do not your own necessities commend it?
A41843Do we not covet to be more excellent then our neighbour?
A41843Do we not love to travell to heaven through a valley of Roses?
A41843Dost thou fear that thou shalt be poor: Come and partake of this Great Salvation; and thou shalt be delivered from it?
A41843Doth my heart say, I will sell my birth- right, because I am hungered and ready to die: what will it profit me?
A41843Doth not David that sweet singer of Israel, now sing more sweetly no ● he did while he was here below?
A41843Doth not deserted Heman now chaunt forth the praises and everlasting song of him that sitteth upon the Throne?
A41843Evidence, Doth not the unspeakable stupidity that have overtaken many, say, that we are not a people prepared for death?
A41843Faith; And what secondly is most requisit?
A41843Faith; And what thirdly is most requisit for a Christian?
A41843Fifthly, Is not eternall singing in the enjoyment of God a grea ● advantage?
A41843For a very look ye will get this Great salvation: and do y ● ● ever think to get Heaven at a lower rate?
A41843For what report can Christ carry back but this?
A41843For would yee know what is the description of a crosse?
A41843For, is not this a mystery, to love him whom wee never saw?
A41843Fourthly, Is not eternal liberation from the body of death, a great advantage?
A41843From the first, it answereth all these objections of sense, which do ordinarily cry forth, Doth his promise fail for evermore?
A41843From whence then ● oth Salvation flow unto you?
A41843Hath not Christ been thirty dayes and more in heaven, without a visit from you?
A41843Hath not Christ made a precious exchange with sinners?
A41843Have I it not already?
A41843Have not the most cursed wretches been forced to cry forth, Oh, I would give ten thousand worlds for Christ?
A41843Have ye any thing to say?
A41843Here is the Great Salvation, here is the offer of it, and here is th ● commendation of it; what say ye to it?
A41843How could I answer to God if I had done otherwise?
A41843How long did Iudas lu ● k under the name of a Saint, even with these that were most discerning?
A41843I intreat you to answer all your temptations with that word, What shall I do when he riseth up?
A41843I know you can not?
A41843I mean not that money or coin in your purses, but want ● ● e money?
A41843I say, are ye so poor, that ● e have nothing but the fear of hell?
A41843I think wee will misken our selves; O do yee not think wee will misken our selves, when wee shall put on these excellent robes?
A41843I was often exhorted to take Christ, and yet would never take him; What will Conscience say to that, when death shall table it before you?
A41843If ye can sing that pleasant song, O how may ye be comforted, when your eye strings shall begin to break?
A41843If ye delay your closing with Christ, till death seise upon you, ye shall never be able to make up that losse, For will the dead rise and praise God?
A41843Is a Christian exposed unto afflictions and troubles in a present world?
A41843Is it lawfull for a Christian to desire to live, when he is summoned to die?
A41843Is it not a Great Salvation ▪ Is it not an eternal Salvation?
A41843Is it not an impossible thing, to see that, which can not be seen?
A41843Is it not certain that to will( to believe) is sometime present with you: but how to perform ye know not?
A41843Is it not this, He hath been fourty dayes in Moses School?
A41843Is it not this, to have the Law registrating our Band, and putting us( as we use to speak) to the horn?
A41843Is it not ● lying to the holy Ghost, and a flattering of God with our mouth?
A41843Is it not 〈 ◊ 〉 free Salvation?
A41843Is not Faith that precious grace by which a Christian must take up the sports and blemishes that are within himself?
A41843Is not that a mystery, that one should bring forth without travelling?
A41843Is not the grace of Faith that whereby a Christian doth take up the invisible excellency and vertue of a dying Christ?
A41843Is not this a great effect, to make us who were far off, to be now made near?
A41843Is not this ● great effect( of this Gospel Salvation) to ● ring us out of nature into an estate of grace?
A41843Is not this ● great effect, to make us who were moving ● ● the way to hell, move in the way to hea ● ● n?
A41843Is there a person within these doors, who dare, but acknowledge that he hath slighted this Great Salvation, and delayed to imbrace it?
A41843Is there any person here, that hath any lawfull excuse to present?
A41843Is there not an ample blank put into that mans hand, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?
A41843It is by the Redemption of Christ that we shall once sing that triumphant song, O Death, where is thy sting?
A41843It is long ● ● ce Agur did non plus all the world ● ● th that question, What is his Name?
A41843It is to have Christ in any condition or estate of life; What can ye want that have him, and what can he have that want him?
A41843It is to want Christ in any estate, And would ye know what is the description of prosperity?
A41843Know ye whether or not this shall be the last summonds that ye shall get to believe?
A41843Let him comfort himself in this, That Christ is the God of peace, and of all consolation; Is a Christian under darknesse and confusion of spirit?
A41843Let them come and partake of this Great Salvation; Are there no money- lesse folk here to day?
A41843Lovest thou him more then thy wife?
A41843May I now have it, saith thou?
A41843More then thy friends?
A41843More then thy house?
A41843Most it not be answered, Every one did resemble the person of a King?
A41843Must ye not then confesse it, and say, O how often have I deserted Christ and imbraced my idols upon a small temdtation?
A41843Nay, saith Paul, I desire to be gone, and to be with Christ; Wast thou never with him here Paul?
A41843No ● is there a person here who dare deny thi ● charge, that hee is a slighter of thi ● Grea ● Salvation?
A41843Now are there any here who will be so gross slighters of this Great Salvation?
A41843Now can ye say any thing against Christ, who is the Author of this Great Salvation?
A41843Now have yee any thing to answer when Death shall present this Challenge to you?
A41843Now in all these respects, who would not desire to die?
A41843Now is the cord of this Great Salvation let down unto you: Is there none of you that will take a grip of it?
A41843Now shall Christ depart, and will none of you say, yet are content to take him?
A41843Now therefore, is the bargain closed: Or will yee go away before yee take this Great Salvation?
A41843Now what resolution mind ye to go away with to day?
A41843Now where are your hearts at this time?
A41843Now where do you find your name and ● ● name?
A41843Now will ye enquire at your selves, am I the person that will give my birth- right for a messe of pottage?
A41843Now, are there any of ● ou here to day, who are called willing?
A41843Now, old ● en are ye perswaded to imbrace it?
A41843O Christians, and expectants of heaven, are ye not afraid lest yee be nighted before ye have walked the half of your journey?
A41843O Christians, would ye know that which maketh the superstructure and building of grace to be within you, as a bowing wall and as a tottering fence?
A41843O Grave, where is thy victory?
A41843O be not deceived, God is not mocked, and why will ye mock your selves?
A41843O blessed is the person who hath these thoughts of the world all along his way, which he shall have of it at death?
A41843O could ye never win to this, to count your own righteousnesse as filthy rags, and to rejoice alone in the righteousnesse of a crucified Saviour?
A41843O do ye not know it?
A41843O doth it not concern you, to enquire where ye shall rest at night, when the long shadows of the everlasting evening shall be stretched out upon you?
A41843O dreadfull shall the wrath of God be, that shall be executed upon the slighters of this Great Salvation?
A41843O grave where is thy victory?
A41843O is not Christ much underva ● ued by us?
A41843O slighter of the Gospel, how many alaces wilt thou cry, when thou shalt be passing thorow these dark gates into thy everlasting prison?
A41843O tell me, have ye seen him?
A41843O tell me?
A41843O that strong bar of hardnesse of heart, when shall the omnipoten hand of God break it?
A41843O think upon him, and let not this be a day of slighting him?
A41843O were ye never ravished with one of his eyes, nor overtaken with one chain of his neck?
A41843O what a dreadfull sound is that, Wo ● nto thee, O Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made clean?
A41843O what do ye say to this offer ▪ Are ye saying, I must now delay( and not receive this Great Salvation) till my Harvest b ● by, and over?
A41843O what else can comfort thee, when going through the region of the shadow of Death, but this, I am Christs, I am Christs?
A41843O what will bee your thoughts at that day?
A41843O what will yee answer to that Challenge, when Death shall present it to you?
A41843O when saw you such a sight of Christ, that ye were constrained to cry our( without a complement) to him; Truly I am thy servant ▪ I am thy servant?
A41843O who would not praise Him, who is the Author of this Great Salvation?
A41843O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?
A41843Oh shall the Great Salvation, that yee have slighted ● o long, bee slighted this day also, and shall there bee none to imbrace it?
A41843Oh, have ye no resolution beyond what ye had when ye came hither to day?
A41843Oh, will ● e not come forth?
A41843Old poor men, where will ye flee when death assaults you?
A41843Old rich men where will ye flee when death assaults you?
A41843Old woman, what will ye answer, when he shall say to you, why slighted ye the Great Salvation?
A41843Old women, where will ye flee when death assaults you?
A41843Or do ye think to see him this day?
A41843Or is this your resolution, that through Christs strength( forsake him who will) ye will never forsake him?
A41843Or shall any come from the land of forgetfulnesse, to take hold upon a crucified Saviour?
A41843Or, have ye this resolution ▪ That ye will esteem more highly of the Great Salvation then ever ye did?
A41843Or, when shall the morning break?
A41843Produce your strong arguments; are there any here who have any thing to say against Him?
A41843Say to it, Are there none of you, who( for all this) will consent to partake of this Great Salvation?
A41843Secondly, 〈 ◊ 〉 not Jesus Christ a notable advantage?
A41843Sense will cry forth, Who is like to thee?
A41843Seventhly, Are there any who are called lame here to day?
A41843She remembereth not her last end, And what of it?
A41843Sixthly, Are there any here to day who are called blind?
A41843Sixthly, Is not eternal seeing of God as he is, a great and noble advantage?
A41843So then, would ye know the compend of a Christian ● walk?
A41843Tell me freely, would ye have us to return this answer to him who sent us, that ye are despisers of the Great Salvation?
A41843That is, want ye righteousnesse?
A41843That there are many within the visibl ● Church, who are neglecters and slighters o ● this Great Salvation;( do yee not all tak ● with it?)
A41843The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?
A41843They cryed with a loud voice: They would not mutter the song, no ● sing silently, but cryed with a loud voice: And what did they cry?
A41843They rest from their labours, and their works follow them: and is not that a glorious advantage?
A41843Think ye that ye can fight and overcome in one day?
A41843Think yee that Jesus Christ is gone up to prepare a place for you?
A41843Thirdly, Are there any money- lesse ● ● lk here to day?
A41843Thirdly, Be much in the exercise of Faith, making your calling and election sure?
A41843Thou shalt have Salvation from thy darknesse, and from thy ignorance?
A41843To whom shall I speak an ● give warning, that they may hear?
A41843To whom will ye flee for help?
A41843V. Challenge, Ye slighted many precious offers of the Gospel; O men and women in this city, what will ye answer to this?
A41843Was he not to die, and be made like unto one of us?
A41843Was he not to ● ly in the grave?
A41843Was it ever the rejoycing of your hearts that Christ dyed and rose again?
A41843Was it not in f ● ● ● ● condescendency that made His precious he wear a crown of thorns, that we mig ● ● eternally wear a crown of Glory?
A41843Was it not when hee was in the Isle of Patmos, for the testimony of Jesus Christ ● Kingdom, and patience of our blessed Lord?
A41843Was it not when she was brought to the banqueting house, and his banner over her was love?
A41843Was not the Justice of God to be satisfied?
A41843Was not this a low step of condescendency?
A41843Watchman, what of the night?
A41843Watchman, what of the night?
A41843We could wish that all the questions and debates of the time were turned over into that soul concerning question, What shall we do to be saved?
A41843Wh ● knowest thou, O man or woman, but t ● ● shall be the last Sermon that ever thou shalt ● ear concerning this Great Salvation?
A41843What a divine surprisal was this, that heaven should have preached peace to earth, after that earth had proclaimed war against heaven?
A41843What a rediculous thing is that poor complement, that these deluded sinners used to Christ, I pray you have us excused?
A41843What aileth you Paul( might one have said) may ye not be content to stay a while here?
A41843What d ● your consciences speak?
A41843What great impediments( suppose ye) lay in Christs way, before he could accomplish and bring about this Great Salvation?
A41843What holdeth you in?
A41843What is it that maketh sin exceeding sinfull to a Christian?
A41843What is our confer ● ing upon the most divine and precious Truths of God, without believing?
A41843What is that which filleth the soul of a Christian ● with many high and excellent thoughts of Christ?
A41843What is the first most requisit for a Christian while here below?
A41843What know ye, O men,( or rather Atheists) but this shall bee the last summonds that yee shall get to believe?
A41843What maketh many to shake like the leaf of a tree, when they are summoned to appear before Gods Tribunal?
A41843What needeth all these exhortations?
A41843What shall ● e your choise, when Christ shall come in the ● louds?
A41843What think ye is the exercise of these that are above?
A41843What will each of you answer at death, when your conscience proposeth this challenge to you?
A41843What will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far?
A41843What( think ye) maketh death a king of terrours?
A41843When his disciples came to him and asked this question, Why could wee not cast out this devil?
A41843When shall it once be?
A41843Whether is it lawfull for any to desire to die and to return unto their long and endlesse home?
A41843Who is he that liveth, and shall not see death?
A41843Whosoever will, ● et him come: But oh, are there none here 〈 ◊ 〉 day who are named willing?
A41843Why then d ● ye not welcome it?
A41843Why will ye slight this Great Salvation?
A41843Will ye slight this Great Salvation, and imbrace your idols, which shal ● once prove a crown of thorns unto you?
A41843Will yee charge your own Consciences with this: Am I content to take Christ and the Great Salvation?
A41843Would any of you ask the Question, What is Christ worth?
A41843Would ye be honourable Come and imbrace this Great Salvation Would ye be eternally happy?
A41843Would ye have a description of Heaven?
A41843Would ye heat the voice of sense, that is rectified?
A41843Would ye kno ● your exercise?
A41843Would ye know a description of your prayers?
A41843Would ye know the rea ● on why his commands are your burden, and why his precepts are your crosses?
A41843Would ye know what is the prayer of a Christian that is not in Faith?
A41843Would yee have that question resolved and determined, What is the best way, Not to stir up our beloved, nor awake him untill he please?
A41843Young men, and young women, inquire at your own hearts what ye will answer when Christ shall say to you, why slighted ye th ● great Salvation?
A41843Young women, where will yee flee when death assaults you?
A41843and what can y ● ● want if yee have it?
A41843and when he visiteth, what shall I answer him?
A41843and where will ye leave your glory?
A41843and ● ● at is his Sons Name, if thou canst tell?
A41843are there none here to day, who are called weary?
A41843are we not all nearer to eternity to day, then we were yesterday?
A41843even for you?
A41843i ● it not an excellent Salvation?
A41843is there any other thing can comfort thee in that day, but only this, I am Christs, and He is mine?
A41843my hope is in thee?
A41843that with these two arms yee should eternally incircle Christ, and hold him in your arms, or rather be incircled by him?
A41843when did you make your last testament?
A41843whether it be lawfull for one to cry out, O time, time, flee away( and all my shadows let them be gone) that so long eternity may come?
A41843will ye not close with Christ?
A41843● nd deeper then hell what can we know?
A41843● s not this a great effect, to make us who were enemies, become friends?
A41843〈 ◊ 〉 have been with him, saith he, but what is all my being with him here, in comparison of my being with him above?
A26977( And shall we lose your favour, by forcing you to lay by your Opposition as to all the rest?)
A26977An Genus definiri possit?
A26977An individua possint definiri?
A26977An pars Logica definiri possit?
A26977And Reader, what Reason bound me to confine this Case, to one only sort of Justification?
A26977And a Mans Sence is no way known but by his expressions: The question is then, Which is the necessary Phrase which we must express our sence by?
A26977And against the Reformed?
A26977And are all these one Terminus, or hence one name then?
A26977And are not all these set together enough to prove, that we justly own all asserted by these Texts?
A26977And are we not all agreed of all this?
A26977And as Justification is taken for the Justifiers Action; why is it not as well to be denominated from the Terminus ad quem, as à quo?
A26977And as to the Phrase, Doth this Doctor, or can any living Man find that Phrase in Scripture,[ Christ''s Righteousness is imputed to us]?
A26977And can he have need of Sacrifice or Pardon, that is reputed never to have sinned( legally)?
A26977And can you find no fairer a shift for disagreement?
A26977And do you mean any more by[ OVRS]?
A26977And do you think that he differeth from me in any of these Propositions, or how this sin is derived from Adam?
A26977And do you think you know better what of mine is Elaborate, than I do?
A26977And have I not then good Company and Encouragement not to change my Mind?
A26977And have all my Readers already told you their Judgment?
A26977And have you brought more Witnesses?
A26977And how many make Forgiveness no part of Justification, but a Concomitant?
A26977And how unable is my weak Understanding, to make his words at peace with themselves?
A26977And if one of us be mistaken, must your bare Word determine which it is?
A26977And if we be as Righteous as Christ, are we not as amiable to God?
A26977And is it any wonder if you have many such Mistakes in your disputes of Justification, when you are so heedless about a matter of Fact?
A26977And is not all this beyond denial with Persons not studiously and learnedly misled?
A26977And is not he a weak Man that can not talk thus upon almost any Subject?
A26977And is not this plain English?
A26977And is not this true?
A26977And is that so?
A26977And is this it in the Application that your Zeal will warn Men of, that we must in this take heed of joyning with the Papists?
A26977And is this the great difference between Papists and Protestants, which I am so loudly accused for not acknowledging?
A26977And is à Lege Mortis, either from all the Obligation to Obedience, or from the sole mal ● diction?
A26977And may we not go to God in our Names as Righteous?
A26977And see you not that this is a lis de nomine, and of a name of your own introduction for illustration?
A26977And should not those many Significations be distinguished as there is Cause?
A26977And to contradict the common way of those with whom he joyneth?
A26977And to shew the World that even where their keenest Adversaries condemn them, and draw Men from them, they do but justifie them?
A26977And what hath he against this?
A26977And what is imputed but Righteousness?
A26977And what''s the dangerous Errour here?
A26977And when will he prove that these two Sorts, or Parts, or Acts, may not be at once transacted at the same Bar?
A26977And whence can a Relation be more fitly named, than from the fundamentum, whence it hath its formal being?
A26977And whether this easie stating of Controversies, without more Explication or Distinction, be worthy an Academical Disputant?
A26977And who is not Orthodox, himself being Judg?
A26977And who knoweth what Law he meaneth, whose Maledictory Sentence Justification absolveth us from?
A26977And who will thus dispute of the Definition and Causes of them, Efficient, Material, Formal, Final?
A26977And why must your Pupils be taught so to conceive of so great a business, in it self so plain?
A26977And why so?
A26977And will you make any believe that Definition of Justification is none of these Works of Art, which depend on humane Skill?
A26977And yet must we not be allowed Peace?
A26977Are Logical Definitions the necessary Way to Heaven?
A26977Are not Faith, Works, Just, Justice, Justification, words of divers senses in the Scripture?
A26977Are not all these Reconcileable?
A26977Are these things reconcileable?
A26977Are they Malefactors so far as they agree with you in Doctrine, and are you Innocent?
A26977Are they acquainted with all the[ Words that should make it intelligible?]
A26977Are we any way Justified by our own performed Righteousness?
A26977Are we reputed innocent in Christ, as to one part only of our lives,( if so, which is it?)
A26977Are we reputed our selves to have fulfilled all that Law of Innocency in and by Christ, as representing our persons, as obeying by him?
A26977Are you serious, or do you prevaricate?
A26977Are you sure that all or most Words now, Latine or English, have the same, and only the same use or sense, as was put upon them at the first?
A26977Are you sure that it was Publick usage, and Imposition from whence they first received their being?
A26977Ball, and multitudes such are visible still among us?
A26977But I deny your Consequence: How prove you that it is none when applyed therefore?
A26977But Reader, Why may not I denominate Justification ex parte principii?
A26977But alas, what is Man, and what may Temptation do?
A26977But as to the question, Have we kept the Law of Innocency?
A26977But can his Righteousness be Ours no way but by the foresaid Personation Representating?
A26977But did I ever deny that it is[ by Faith alone and without Works]?
A26977But doth he here then agree with himself?
A26977But doth he know but one sort of Law of God?
A26977But doubtless, many that seem killed by such Blows as some of yours, are still alive?
A26977But here is no Second mentioned: Is it in the nature of the things[ Justification, and Inherent Holiness]?
A26977But how is he so made?
A26977But if we must needs denominate from the Terminus à quo, how strange is it that he should know but of one sense of Justification?
A26977But is a Man absolved( properly) from that which he was never guilty of?
A26977But may it not be, by Faith alone in one sense, and not by Faith alone in another sense?
A26977But not to punish is one thing and to Reward is another?
A26977But sure, none at Oxford are in danger of taking me for an Oracle?
A26977But what if I had known( as I do not yet) what sort of Justification he meaneth?
A26977But what if all Divines were so agreed?
A26977But what if the word[ Justification] had been found only as he affirmed?
A26977But what is this Forum?
A26977But what is this pronunciation in mente Divina?
A26977But what proof of the consequence doth he bring?]
A26977But what''s all this to the Phrase?
A26977But what''s this to your Case?
A26977But where is it written?
A26977But where is that Est internum vel externum?
A26977But which of these is it that we must needs name it from?
A26977But who be these Men, and what be their Names?
A26977But whose phrase is Justifying Works?
A26977But why is the first Justification called Private?
A26977But yet it will not serve: what is yet wanting?
A26977But you say,[ Are perfect Contradictions no more than a difference in Words?
A26977By what Law can he impose on me what to hold?
A26977Can not I as easily say thus against you?
A26977Could you have found that Phrase[ Christ''s Righteousness is imputed], why did you not recite the words, but Reason as for the sense?
A26977De re, is not our Guilt of nearer Parent''s Sins such which you and all that you know( now at last) confess?
A26977Did I ever say, that I differed not from you?
A26977Did Mr. Gataker agree with Lucius and Piscator, when he wrote against both( as the extreams)?
A26977Did Mr. Wotton, and John Goodwin, agree with Mr. G. Walker, and Mr. Roborough?
A26977Did you Confute, or once take Notice of any of these?
A26977Did you never teach your Sholars this,( in what words you thought best?)
A26977Do I not expresly say, It is the Phrase that is not to be found in Scripture, and the unsound sense, but not the sound?
A26977Do I say here that Scripture mentioneth not Imputed Righteousness, or only that strict sense of it?
A26977Do all ordinary Believers by the use of the Scripture, know how to define?
A26977Do any sober Men deny it, and charge God with Error or Untruth?
A26977Do not I, with as great Confidence as you, lay Claim to the same Company and Concord?
A26977Do not Logicians make true defining one of the surest signs of clear and accurate knowledg?
A26977Do not you here proclaim, that Papists and Protestants differ not about the necessity of Good- works to Justification?
A26977Do the meanest Christians know how to define Justification, and all the Grace which they have?
A26977Do they not hold that Justification is more than an Absolution from the Maledictory Sentence of the Law?
A26977Do you difference them Quoad ordinem, as First and Second?
A26977Do you grant it of them Disjunctively, and yet maintain the contrary of them Conjunct?
A26977Do you mean that I began with you?
A26977Do you mean the words or the sense of Justification( as you call it) by Works?
A26977Do you mean[ Rank Good- Works with Inherent Holiness, and not with the First Sanctification, and you then do widely differ from the Papists]?
A26977Do you not invite me thus herein to be a Papist, when they rank them no where but, as you say, the Protestants do?
A26977Do you think( for I must go by thinking) that he holdeth any other Derivation than this?
A26977Doth Mr. Lawson, in his Theopolitica agree with you, and such others?
A26977Doth he think that the Law of Innocency, and of Moses, and the Law of Grace are all one, which Scripture so frequently distinguisheth?
A26977Doth not Christ say, By thy words thou shalt be justified?
A26977Doth not Mr. Cartwright here differ from those that hold the Imputation of the Active Righteousness?
A26977Doth not the Holy Ghost say, That a Man is justified by Works, and not by Faith only?
A26977Doth not the World know, that Heathens and Christians, Papists and Protestants, are Agreed on this general Rule?
A26977Doth the Scripture sufficiently reveal such Definitions to all?
A26977Doth this Law,[ He that believeth not shall be damned] damn Believers?
A26977Faith alone, and not Faith alone?
A26977Faith with and without Works?
A26977For we say that Faith was reckoned to Abraham for Righteousness: How was it then reckoned?
A26977Forum Divinum est ubi Deus ipse judicis partes agit,& fert sententiam secundum leges a se latas?
A26977Had it not been a Vanity of me, Should I in that sheet again have repeated, how I and the Papists differ about Justification?
A26977Had you not been better, have silently past it by?
A26977Hath every Man incurred the Curse by Moses Law that did by Adams?
A26977Have I not now proved that he erreth and complyeth with the Papists?
A26977He is near that justifieth me, who will contend with me?
A26977His Liberavit nos à Lege Mortis, I before shewed impertinent to his use, Is Liberare& Justificare, or Satisfacere all one?
A26977How blind are some in their own Cause?
A26977How can God accept him as just, who is really and reputedly a Sinner?
A26977How easie is it to challenge the Titles of Orthodox, Wise, or good Men to ones self?
A26977How easie is it to talk at this rate for any Cause in the World?
A26977How far is he One person with us?
A26977How few?
A26977How frequently is Chrysostom by many accused as favouring Free- Will, and Man''s Merits, and smelling of Pelagianism?
A26977How greatly do you dishonour your self,( and then you will impute it to me) by insisting on such palpably abusive Passages?
A26977How many call on me for Retractation?
A26977How much more then doth Learning to Mens salvation, than Grace?
A26977How prove you that?
A26977How shall we know that they grew not into publick use from one Mans first Invention, except those that( not Publick use, but) God Himself made?
A26977How then came you to be so much better at it than I?
A26977How then can Man be justified with God?
A26977I tell you, I know not what your Judgment is, nor know I who is of your Mind?
A26977I would such as you made not the Doctrine of Justification too little Practical?
A26977If all are without Faith, Love, Justification, Adoption, who can not give a true Definition of them, how few will be saved?
A26977If all the debt of our Obedience be paid, why is it required again?
A26977If he do confess the Guilt, and deny it necessary, when will he tell us what is the Contingent uncertain Cause?
A26977If he do not, why doth he call on me to prove it?
A26977If not, against what or whom is all this arguing?
A26977If not, is this Doctor more to be blamed for making them better than they are, or for making us worse?
A26977If yea, Why do you excuse your Trudging, and why would you select a Suspended Book, and touch none that were Written at large on the same Subject?
A26977Is Christ and each Believer one political person?
A26977Is Christs Righteousness OVRS as it was or is His own, with the same sort of propriety?
A26977Is Christs Righteousness OVRS?
A26977Is Christs Righteousness OVRS?
A26977Is Christs Righteousness imputed to us?
A26977Is it Christs Divine, Habitual, Active or Passive Righteousness which Justifieth us?
A26977Is it Christs Righteousness, or our Faith which is said to be imputed to us for Righteousness?
A26977Is it any more than the Name ORIGINAL that you are so heinously offended at?
A26977Is it as dangerous as you frightfully pretend to take it aliunde?
A26977Is it here the Words, or Sense, which you accuse?
A26977Is it like that any Dunce that is diligent, should Write no more Schollar- like at Sixty years of Age than at Thirty?
A26977Is it not a doleful case that Orthodoxness must be thus defended?
A26977Is it only, The Doers shall be Absolved from the Maledictory Sentence,& c.?
A26977Is it that vain, blind, maimed, unmeasurably procacious and tumid Reason of the Cracovian Philosophers?
A26977Is not all this talk of single Person, and Monarch in Divinity, and Appeals, the effects of a Dream, or somewhat worse?
A26977Is not here sad defining, when neither of these are the Scripture- Justification by Christ and Faith?
A26977Is our Controversie de re, or only de nomine, of the sense of the word Justifie?
A26977Is the change of the sense of Words a strange thing to us?
A26977Is the formal Relation of Righteous as an accident of our persons, numerically the same Righteousness?
A26977Is the meaning only, I will not absolve the wicked from the Maledictory Sentence of the Law( of Innocency)?
A26977Is the sense,[ How can Man be absolved from the Maledictory Sentence of the Law?]
A26977Is the sense,[ No Man living shall be absolved from the Maledictory sentence of the Law?
A26977Is there a Law, and unalterable Law for the sense of Words?
A26977Is this Disputing or Reasoning?
A26977Is this a denying of Christ''s Righteousness imputed?
A26977Is this absolving him from the Curse of the Law?
A26977Is this defending the Scripture, expresly to deny it?
A26977Is this distinction our proof of your accurateness in Method, and Order, and Expression?
A26977Is this mode of Teaching worthy a Defence by a Theological War?
A26977Is this the way of vindicating Truth?
A26977Justificatio Justificati( passive)?
A26977Justificatio, Justificans( active sumpta)?
A26977Mr. Tombes, and Mr. Danvers, for what I have Written for Infants- Baptism: The Papists for what I have Written against them: And how many more?
A26977Must that Name be shamed, by appropriating it to such as this Doctor only?
A26977Must we needs proclaim War here, or cry ▪ out, Heresie, or Popery?
A26977None that ever I heard or read of: Who knoweth not that the Papists take Justification for Inherent Holiness?
A26977Not so: Can not God pardon sin, upon a valuable Merit and Satisfaction of a Mediator?
A26977O Juniors, Will not such deceiving Words save you from my Deceits?
A26977O Sir, had you no other work to do, but to Vindicate the Church and Truth?
A26977Of this also I fully said what I held, and he dissembleth it all, as if I had never done it: And why must I prove more?
A26977Or Justitia?
A26977Or any to the contrary?
A26977Or can you not understand words, that plainly thus Distinguish?
A26977Or did I ever deny any of this?
A26977Or doth nothing but Confusion please him?
A26977Or every Man fallen under the peremptory irreversible condemnation which the Law of Grace passeth on them that never believe and repent?
A26977Or first and chiefly, They shall be judged well- doers, so far as they do well, and so approved and justified, so far as they do keep the Law?
A26977Or known in the Church for five thousand years from the Creation?
A26977Or only of that intollerable sense of it?
A26977Or rather, first, rub your Eyes, and tell us what is the Controversie?
A26977Or rather,[ How can he be maintained Innocent?]
A26977Or that I Retracted any of the Doctrine of Justification, which I had laid down?
A26977Or that each of them hath not its Malediction?
A26977Or the Cure is none when the Medicine is applyed?
A26977Or why must I prove any more?
A26977Or will it not abate Mens reverence of your disputing Accurateness, to find you so untrusty in the Recitation of a Man''s words?
A26977Quid Justificationem vocat Paulus hoc loco?
A26977Quid est, Propter Justificationem nostram?
A26977Quomodo Justificatur Homo coram Deo?
A26977Such Imputation of Righteousness, he saith, agreeth not with Reason or Scripture: But what Reason meaneth he?
A26977That one, or those many?
A26977The Papists minds sure, may be better known by their own Writings, than by mine: The Council of Trent, telleth it you: What need I recite it?
A26977The Papists place Good- Works before Justification, that is, Inherent Holiness; and the Protestants more rightly place them before Inherent Holiness?
A26977The Question is, only what or whose it is, Christ''s or our own?
A26977The Scholar asketh, may I not refer the case to the standers- by, and wash my face if they say, It was no Fire?
A26977There was a Disputant who would undertake to conquer any Adversary: When he was asked, How?
A26977Therefore here the Question is, Whose judgment I shall take as most probable?
A26977They agree not of the sense of the word[ Justifie,] and of the species of that Justification which Paul and James speak of?
A26977This is true and well: But are we no where Justified by Faith but in Conscience, till after Death?
A26977Was he mistaken in reciting the great differences about their Senses of Imputation of Christs Righteousness, if there were none at all?
A26977Was not Abraham our Father justified, by Works?
A26977Was not Bellarmin, or some of the Papists and the Socinians, as great Malefactors, with whom( as you phrase it) you put me in the Cub?
A26977Was not Camero, Capellus, Placeus, Amyrald, Dallaeus ▪ Blondel,& c. Reformed?
A26977Was not Christ as our Mediator perfectly holy habitually, and actually, without Original or Actual Sin?
A26977Were not Wotton, Bradshaw, Gataker,& c. Reformed?
A26977Were not all the Divines before named Reformed?
A26977Were not of late Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Truman, to pass many yet alive, Reformed?
A26977Were you bound to have read it in that sheet, any more ▪ than in many former Volumns?
A26977What abundance of Protestants do place Justification only in Fogiveness of Sins?
A26977What doth Inherent Holiness differ from the First Sanctification?
A26977What greater advantage will they desire against us, than to choose us such Advocates?
A26977What is the Difference between your Treatise, in the part that toucheth me, and that of Mr. Eyres, Mr. Crandon, and some others such?
A26977What is wanting?
A26977What is wanting?
A26977What kind of Readers do you expect, that shall take this for rational, candid, and a Plea for Truth?
A26977What meaneth a distinction between[ First- Justification,] and[ Inherent Holiness]?
A26977What saith the Scripture?
A26977What signifieth the[ First] then?
A26977What would this do but more offend you?
A26977What yet is the Matter?
A26977What''s the reason you have not hitherto directed us to the particulars of your Recantation; what, when, where?
A26977When Mr. Danvers, and Multitudes on that side, Reproach me daily for Retractations, and you for want of them?
A26977Where did I ever say, that I had Recanted?
A26977Where, and when?
A26977Whether Accidents may be properly defined?
A26977Whether Definitio Physica( as Man is defined per Animam, Corpus& Vnionem) be a proper Definition?
A26977Whether Definitio objectiva be properly called Definitio, or only Formalis?
A26977Whether a true Logical and Physical definition should not be the same?
A26977Which of these meaneth he?
A26977Which of us hath brought the fuller Proofs?
A26977Who knoweth what a Temptation they may make of such passages to draw any to Popery?
A26977Who shall condemn?
A26977Who would desire a sharper or a softer, a more dissenting or a more consenting Adversary?
A26977Who would have thought but this was his drift?
A26977Why did not Conscience at the naming of Calumnie say,[ I am now committing it?]
A26977Why may not these two parts of one Man''s Cause be judged at the same Bar?
A26977Why should you and I dispute thus about Matters of Fact?
A26977Will none of your Readers see now, who cometh nearer them, you or I?
A26977Will not this Man of Truth and Peace, give us leave to be thus far agreed, when we are so indeed?
A26977Will you bear with the diversion of a story?
A26977Wotton, and Mr. Balmford, and his other Adversaries, of the same Opinion in this?
A26977Yea, or Adoption either?
A26977Yes, if Gallus, Ambsdorfius, Schlusselburgius, and Dr. Crispe, and his Followers, be the Church?
A26977You do not sure: But is it that I began with the Churches, and you were necessitated to defend them?
A26977You will deal with it but as the application of that Rule to the Definition of Justification?
A26977Your urgent questioning here[ Do you not mean your self?]
A26977[ If it derive in a direct line from the first Transgression, and have its whole Root fastened there, what then?
A26977[ In Legal Justification( saith he) taken precisely, either there is Remission of sin, or not: If not, What Justification is that?
A26977and that I take it for an Injury, because I ▪ Retracted them?
A26977and that the Scripture mentioneth no other?
A26977and that we are made Righteous in foro otherwise than to be just in our selves, and so Justifiable in foro, before the Sentence?
A26977in other Points, but only those of[ High and difficult speculation]: And do you deny it there?
A26977or as to all?
A26977or do Protestants take the Sentence to be Constituting or Making us Righteous?
A26977or, How can he be clean that is born of a Woman?
A26977saith, Quid vanius est quam Justum arbitrari, qui Legem non impleverit?
A26977was it in the ancient Creeds and Baptism?
A26977which you can never answer: But if my Doctrine put you upon this Necessity, what hindred you from perceiving it these twenty years and more, till now?
A26977who devised it?
A26977— Next he saith, Scripture is silent of the Imputed Righteousness of Christ; what a saying is this of a Reformed Divine?
A41786& c. And whether this might not be done without setling any of the Practical Ordinances upon Infants as under the Law?
A41786( And whether this be not as much our Duty still?)
A41786( Whether it be no advantage for children to be under an early engagement to God, and Jesus Christ?)
A41786( for otherwise we say Infants are of the Redeemed Church?
A41786( may we not think, that they rob Christ of more them nine Parts of ten of his Kingdom, or Church universal?
A4178614, What need of this Query?
A4178617. who yet were not under their Government?
A4178619. do take in the Practice of the Apostles in pursuance of that Commission to the Acts of the Apostles, and the Exposition of the Baptists?
A4178619. warrant you to baptize Infants, sith its plain that discipling goes before baptizing?
A417862. be not ambiguous, insomuch that your own Doctors are not agreed about the Exposition thereof?
A417863 Tribes, Kindreds, Families, do not most certainly comprehend Infants?
A417863. therein?
A417868, 9 and 65 23& c)?
A41786A ● d does it not hence appear, that the Church- Priviledges of that People did not begin with or from Abraham, but that they were b ● for ●?
A41786Also where hath God required the Adult to consent for their Insant Church m ● mbership in this new frame?
A41786Also whether we may not also conclude, that many are of the universal Church, which do not communicate with us or your selves?
A41786Also whether your pretending the Authority of the universal Church, be not the same figment, with which the Papists deceived themselves and others?
A41786An Infant of the VVoman be not Promised to be General, and Head of the Church?
A41786And Sith the Scripture is wholly silent of any such thing, whether this do not more strongly conclude against Infant- baptism then for it?
A41786And can such Councils stand with the Wisdom, Justice, or Mercy of God?
A41786And can you believe, that there is no way to devote children to God but in your way?
A41786And did not the Covenant made to Abraham and his Seed, comprehend Infants?
A41786And did they not thereby prosess to take God for their God?
A41786And do not the Adult blemish the Church with more carnal sins then Infants do?
A41786And do not they that say there is no Law in this case, say there is no Transgression?
A41786And do they not unchurch almost all the Churches on Earth?
A41786And doth it not deserve to be called the unthankful Error, that opposeth Childrens Rights, and Blessings?
A41786And have not Infants guilt and misery from their Parents?
A41786And how can any thing be concluded from such an imagination, as imitable for us about Infant Church- membership?
A41786And how can you pretend the universal Church, when the Primitive Church is on our side?
A41786And how could the Jews lawfully be married to Christ, if Moses was not now removed, without being called an Adulteress?
A41786And how great is the misery of a contrary state?
A41786And how was it the same Church that was of S ● m, and of Abraham, if it had not the same sort of Members or Materials?
A41786And how were Infants Members of the society of the seed of Adam, more then of the society of the Baptists?
A41786And how, I pray you, did Abraham, Isaac and Jacob dedicate their female Infants to God, sith we finde no Practical Ordinance for them in Infancy?
A41786And if by the Redeemed Church, you mean the whole number of the saved, who doubted but Infants were of the Redeemed Church?
A41786And if by the Seed of the Woman you understand all that are saved, who then questions Infants belonging to that seed?
A41786And if not, then, why may not the Infants of the Gentiles partake of the blessing of Abraham, though not concern''d in Rites or Ceremonies?
A41786And if so, what is become of all their Infants ever since?
A41786And if there was any such Promise, or Covenant- Grant of Infant''s Church- Membership, when, or where was it revoked?
A41786And if you say, you speak not these things of Infants quatalis; Then whether you have not transferr''d the Question, and so it is impertinent?
A41786And is it not certain, that they are actually Members of all the Commonwealths in the World?
A41786And is it not then rational, that the Churches concern''d under these Ministrations respectively should differ aecordingly?
A41786And is it not unnaturally sinful for a Parent to refuse to do such a thing, when it is to the great benefit of his own child?
A41786And is it not well known, that this was to be circumcised, they and their little ones,( as the Proselites were) and so to keep the Law of Moses?
A41786And it would do well also if you could shew us how they consented to any Covenant for their Infants, more then we do?
A41786And may not poor Infants better plead in the day of Judgement what Christ did for them, then what your Godfathers or Proparents did for them?
A41786And may we not well justifie all men, for not doing that which the Law of God never required?
A41786And name one if you can, that was bettered in Christian vertue by Pedobaptism?
A41786And shew us what command we have omitted, in not bringing our Infants to the Font as you do?
A41786And should not the same Promise, expressed more concisely be expounded by the same expressed more sully?
A41786And so may they not enter them into Covenants accordingly?
A41786And so should not every repenting believing Jews Infants be Church- Members?
A41786And so whether Infants might not be Church- members, that were not of the Jews Common- wealth?
A41786And then whether his example be not flat against you?
A41786And then whether that state of Infant Church- Membership did not also cease?
A41786And though Christ was once an Infant, yet where do you finde tha ● he was then a Member of the Gospel Church?
A41786And was not circumcision a covenanting Act?
A41786And what Law of God requires this, and whether this may not be called the unreasonable errour?
A41786And what Law( save the La ● of Circumcision) did ever require Infants to be brought to Practical Ordinances in the Church of God?
A41786And what Right or Hope doth this give to Christians for their children more then to Pagans?
A41786And what if some of the Jews had failed to consent for their children, were they therefore not in Covenant?
A41786And what is that benefit that all who are sprinkled by the Papists ▪ do receive, which you ratifie for good Baptism?
A41786And what society was Infants capable of with Adam, by vertue of any Covenant made with him after his fall?
A41786And where are we taught to doubt the salvation of the Infants of Pagans?
A41786And where did God ever since the beginning of the World, give any Ordinance to be necessary to the salvation of any Infant in the World?
A41786And where is the institution of your publick way?
A41786And whether Dr. Taylor, a Learned Pedobaptist do not ingeniously confess, That the Wit of Man is not able to shew a difference in these cases?
A41786And whether Parents could be innocent for their Infants, if their Infants were not innocent as well as they?
A41786And whether any other are by Christs Order to partake in Gospel- Ordinances, then such as therein worship God spiritually?
A41786And whether hence it be not clear, that the way of making Infants Church- members do not detract from the spirituality of the new frame of the Church?
A41786And whether in this the new frame of the Church do not greatly differ from the old?
A41786And whether it be reasonable for a Parent to oblige his Infant to be of his opinion and practice, and to suffer for the same?
A41786And whether it were not as reasonable for Parents to be baptized in the childs stead, as to profess faith and repentance for him?
A41786And whether it will not as well hold retro, that the Parents consenting to wickedness is the Childs consent?
A41786And whether mercy be not Promised to the children of the F ● ithsul as such?
A41786And whether no Infants might be said to be Members of the universal Church, who were not Members of the Jewish Church?
A41786And whether our children when grown up, have not a fairer way to the Purity of Christianity, in that they are not entangled with such Traditions?
A41786And whether that Book was ever answered by Mr. Baxter, or ever will by any other?
A41786And whether that blessing did not belong to their Infants?
A41786And whether the Baptist do not better prove the Antiquity of their faith and practice in baptism then any Aedo baptist in the world?
A41786And whether the Baptists have not offered this, and bin rejected by you in such their tenders of friendship?
A41786And whether the Infants of believing Parents are not thus willing?
A41786And whether the Infants of these devout Gentiles was not free from any obligation to Circumcision, or any other external Ceremony?
A41786And whether the Jewish Church- state did not cease de jure, when Circumcision so ceased?
A41786And whether the difference between the Baptists and P ● dobaptists be not chi ● fly( if not only) about imposing Ceremonies upon Infants?
A41786And whether the latter part of this Query do not shew, that to follow the greatest number is not always the best way?
A41786And whether the renting of the Vail of the Temple, did not shew the abrogation of the Covenant and the Legal Ministry?
A41786And whether the ● amnation of Infants depend on the wickedness of their Parents?
A41786And whether their Infants were Partakers with them in any Rites or Ceremonies of instituted worship?
A41786And whether there was not yet a further difference b ● tween these and the Covenant as made with Abraham?
A41786And whether these be not unreasonable and unscriptural conceits?
A41786And whether this be an advised speech, that the Parent hath the whole disposal of his Child in matters of Religion?
A41786And whether this be not as much weakness of the one hand, as the case put by you on the other?
A41786And whether this be not the state of the Church under the Gospel, according to Gods Appointment?
A41786And whether this be not to put the salvation of Infants out of his own hand, and into the hand of such as commonly neglect their own?
A41786And whether this do not give the Parents the power to save or damn their Infants?
A41786And whether this do not secure Infants of Gods mercy, though not baptized?
A41786And whether this would not do more to decide the Controversie, then all the Books that are written by any of you?
A41786And whether those Infants before Abraham were not a happy as the Infants of Abraham?
A41786And whether thus boldly to suppose a thing without the least shew of proof, be not a plain begging the main thing in Question?
A41786And whether under Moses they were not admitted to other Rites also, as the Pass ● over, Sacrifices and other holy Feast, of the Jews?
A41786And whether we are not like to have a bad superstructure, when the foundation is a meer fancy?
A41786And whether you may not tremble to presume to do more then he did, or appointed to be done?
A41786And who denies Infants to be capable of Infant- relation, obligation or right, or who opposes their being devoted to God in their capacity?
A41786And who doubts but the Church was always of Gods Institution?
A41786And who must judge what is good for his Infant in religious matters?
A41786And why is the order of Commonwealths so much insisted on in this case?
A41786And why may not a Parent accept a Donation for his Child, who hath no will to accept it for himself?
A41786And why may not a reputative Baptism serve as well as a reputative Covenant, sith the Covenant is greater then Baptism?
A41786And why then would you discourage us by our Paucity?
A41786And why?
A41786And would not renouncing God have cut them off?
A41786And ● o of the Infants, if they were sold in Infancy?
A41786Are all the blessings of God to the Infant Off- spring of those that fear him,& c. bound up in your supposed Church- membership and Baptism?
A41786Are not these meer words without Authority of Scripture?
A41786Are they all excluded?
A41786Are they worse then their Parents?
A41786Are we to fetch our Rules for dispensing Ordinances in the Church, from the Civil Policie of Nations?
A41786Are you wiser then he?
A41786As it was to such Families that the Promise was made before Christ, as to the Jewish Church?
A41786But doth it therefore follow, that the Ordinances Instituted therein, belongs to Infants?
A41786But how can Abrahams Rites and C ● remonie ● be part of this blessing to the Gentiles, which are abrogated long ago?
A41786But how doth it follow, that all that are to be saved, ought to be mitted to practical Ordinances in the visible Church?
A41786But in some things clearlier opened?
A41786But what is this to he order and state of the Church under the Gospel?
A41786But where did the Church ever admit one Member to her communion by Baptism without Profession?
A41786But where do yo ● find, that any, either Jews or Gentiles, when they were baptized, had any, obligation to baptize their children and servants also?
A41786But whether any thing be done to purpose in your judgement( when yet all is done that can be done) unless it be rantized in your way?
A41786But who denies any Blessing to Infants under the Gospel, which was their portion under the Law made with Adam?
A41786Can you believe that the cutting off of the uncircumcised Man- child, was a cutting off from salvation?
A41786Dare any maintain that all the World is sinless in this respect?
A41786Do not the adult come in by ● he same kind of consent for themselves, as they make for their Infants?
A41786Do you indeed believe, that any person being of the Nation, entitles them to ● b ● ptism?
A41786Does not Eusebius Pamphilius count Christianity as old as Adam?
A41786Does not Nature teach all Kingdoms on Earth, to take them f ● r Members, though but Infant- Members?
A41786Does not the Law of Nature bind us to give to every one his own due?
A41786God would not have Parents devote their children to him, and enter them according to their capacity in his Covenant?
A41786How are they living stones, built up a spiritual house; to offer spiritual sacrifices in a Gospel sense?
A41786How doth Infants Relation detract from its Spirituality?
A41786How inconsiderable a Part of the universal Church do the Anabaptists hold Communion with?
A41786How then did Adam, Enoch, Scth, Noah,& c. devote their children to God?
A41786How think you?
A41786How will any prove that it was a blemish to the old frame, that Infants were Members?
A41786If it be no blemish, why must it be done away?
A41786If it was a mercy, how did the Christians Children forfeit it?
A41786If not, then whether were not the Children of all believing Jews Church- members in Infancy?
A41786If otherwise, why have you not shewed us where Christ hath required Parent ● to get their Infants baptized?
A41786If the Jews were broken off by unbelief, should they not be graffed in again upon their Repentance of Faith?
A41786In what regard were the new frame better, supposing the casting out of Infants, which were in the old?
A41786Is both the Law of God and Nature broken by all that bring not their Infants to be crossed or sprinkled as you do?
A41786Is it not a great Benefit and Priviledge to be a visible Church- Member of Christ as Head of the Church, and of his Church as visible?
A41786Is it not abenefit in it self( besides the Consequents) to be visibly united and related to Christ and his Body?
A41786Is it not certain that Infants are capable of this benefit, if God deny it not, but will give it them as well as the aged?
A41786Is it not evident, that they were to profess consent to Gods Covenant, which who so denied Asa would put to death?
A41786Is it not unquestionable, that the Covenant of Grace made to Abraham the Father of the Faithful, comprehended Infants for Church- Members?
A41786Is not such a Relation to God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and to the Church, an honor?
A41786Must not Gods Word do this?
A41786Or do you think that your instance of a Lease, is sufficient to rectifie mens consciences in matters of this nature?
A41786Or from the Creation till this day; except the Anabaptists, who reject the benefit, whose case we will not presume to determine?
A41786Or how are their Infants Church- members more then ours?
A41786Or how are your Infants a more spiritual seed then our Infants?
A41786Or how can Infants be said to be a spiritual seed?
A41786Or is every renewing the Covenant,( as in the case of Asa,) making men Members of the Church?
A41786Or is he not concerned in the Donation at all?
A41786Or otherwise how would their graffing in answer to their breaking off, should they be but in part graffed in?
A41786Or otherwise, was it not somewhat else then Vnbelief that brake them off?
A41786Or shall he have that gift absolutely which is conditional to all others?
A41786Or what do you mean by Gods natural Order?
A41786Or whether they have been since revoked?
A41786Or why should God promise it as a new thing?
A41786Or would God else have taken them for his People?
A41786Shall he be certainly shut out unto damnation?
A41786Suggest how Infants should be concern''d or not concern''d in matters of Religion?
A41786That the Jews Infants should be Members, and not Gentiles?
A41786The like of Infants born in his House?
A41786The other was made with Abraham and his Seed, distinct from the rest of Mankind, but as they should be Profelited thereto?
A41786VVere not the Infants of free Proselites Church- Members too?
A41786VVere not the Israelites Children Members of the universal visible Church, as well as of the Congregation of Israel?
A41786VVhat warrant have we to understand Families or Tribes otherwise, when the same Promise is made to the Gentiles?
A41786VVhether any without the Church are secured of Gods mercy by P ● omise?
A41786VVhether it may be thought, or any dare maintain, that the Covenant of Grace giveth no conditional Right to any Infant in the World?
A41786VVhether the blessing of Abraham consists not chiefly in this, that God Promised to be a God in Covenant with him, and his Seed?
A41786Was he not born under the L ● w?
A41786Was it only the Infants of the Hebrews, or of those that were at their absolute dispose, that were Church- Members?
A41786Was not Christ Church Spiritual before his Incarnation( when it took in Infants) and gathered in a spiritual way?
A41786Was not Moses Christs Vsher, and Moses Church and Christ''s Church one according to God''s Institution?
A41786Was not the Jewish Church denominated the Tents of Sem?
A41786Was there ever any true Church, or Ecclesiastical Worshipping Society appointed by God in all the World since the Fall, but the Church of Christ?
A41786We desire you still to show us what the Law of Nature obligeth us to do for our Infants, which we do not?
A41786Were not Infants therefore either Members of Christs Church, or of no Church of Gods Institution?
A41786Were not both these the Covenant of Grace and free Justification by Faith in the Redeemer?
A41786Were not the Israelites Infants Church- members, who consented not actually in their own persons, but virtually, and reputatively?
A41786Were the Jews Infants twice made Members of their Church?
A41786What benefit is it to bring Infants to that which God requires not of them?
A41786What is become now of your Infant Church- membership; if when grown up they cease to be Members upon that account?
A41786What was the Church the worse for Infants Rights?
A41786Whether Christ in his Infancy was not as truly God as Man?
A41786Whether God hath not said that his ways are all equal?
A41786Whether Gods Law obligeth not Persons to devote themselves, and their Infants to God, by consenting to Gods Covenant for themselves and them?
A41786Whether Infants be not included in the first Edition of the Covenant of Grace made with Adam?
A41786Whether a Gift that was never given be not a contradiction?
A41786Whether if there be any such Law, you would not have she we d us where it is, longere this day?
A41786Whether it be not the duty of Parents by the Law of Nature, to accept of any allowed or offered benefit for their children?
A41786Whether it was not the duty of the Israelites to engage and devote their children to God in Covenant?
A41786Whether it was not the same Church be ● or ●, and after Abrahams time; that was called the Tents of Sem?
A41786Whether the Anabaptists schism, or separation from Communion with our Churches be not worse yet then their simple Opinion?
A41786Whether the Covenant doth not make their salvation certain, if they so die?
A41786Whether the Invest ● ure and Solemnization of their Covenant with Christ should not be made in Infancy,& c?
A41786Whether the blessing of Abraham,( if you understand it of eternal life) were not the blessing of the Fathers that were before him?
A41786Whether there be any that question whether Parents be Parents still, or what need of such Enquiries?
A41786Whether there be not far more hope of their salvation, then of those without?
A41786Whether these Promises in the making of them were limited to a certain time when they were to cease?
A41786Whether these things be surely suggested against Mr. T, and whether you ought not to have set down his opinion in his own words?
A41786Whether they are not as certainly Members, according to an Infant- capacity, of the visible Church, as they are of all Kingdoms under Heaven?
A41786Whether this Query be not either captious, or else impertin ● nt?
A41786Whether this Query be not the same in effect, which we have had again and again?
A41786Whether this Query be not the same we had before?
A41786Whether this be in effect to say, What will these feeble Jews do?
A41786Whether this be not a groundless and unlearned Query?
A41786Whether this be not a very unwise Query?
A41786Whether this be not evident from the Penalty( even to be cut off from his People) annexed for the non- Performance?
A41786Whether unless it can be proved that Infants are none of the Womans S ● ed, we must not take that Fundamental Promise to extend to Infants?
A41786Whether upon Luthers revolt from the Pope, you were not upbraided with holding communion with an inconsiderable part of the universal Church?
A41786Whether was Abraham made a Member of the Church by Circumcision, or circumcised because a Member of the Church?
A41786Whether was those that cried, His blood be upon us and our Children, thereby rejecting the great Mess ● nger of the Covenant, ● ustly broken off?
A41786Whether we do not as much to our Infants( in our capacity) as Christ did to the Infants which were brought to him?
A41786Whether you ought not to distinguish in this great Promise, the things which are eternal from the things that were but for a time?
A41786Whoever doubted but that Infants are advantaged many ways, in the blessings which God bestows on them that fear him?
A41786Will any say, that neither they nor their Parents were obliged to thankfulness upon this account?
A41786Will not the second Adams obedience salve the first Adams disobedience?
A41786Would any Kingdom be more excell ● nt, if all Infants were disfranchised?
A41786Would it not be to confound the Decree of God with his Covenant?
A41786and are not Infants God''s own due?
A41786and how can Infants be said to be in the Church, as Abraham then was, seeing they have no faith as he had?
A41786and if not, how shall they be saved, seeing Christ is only the Saviour of his body finally?
A41786and if not, how should their consenting to grace be the Childs consent?
A41786and if not, then you either deny us to be of the universal Church, or else you have not the Exposition of the Church universal?
A41786and if not, why do you make them the Seed of the Serpent, and Fighters against the Kingdom of Christ?
A41786and if there be other Qualifications necessary, whether to be taught be not one of the chief of them?
A41786and not only so, but so as to be accepted of God, as far( at least) as the Righteousness of the Law would avail the Jew?
A41786and therefore whether the wonder which he makes about the Jews Infants which believed, be not groundless?
A41786and whethen you do not now grant in effect there is no such written Law?
A41786and whether both ought not to be amend ● d?
A41786and whether there be any Parity between the Infants you speak of and Christ, seeing he was able even then to vanqu ● sh the greatest Adversary?
A41786and whether this be not a meer noise of words, as if all that do not as you do, do lay a side their care and duties towards Infants?
A41786and whether what is said to it, may not also suffiee to this?
A41786and why do you say we take Infants away from Christs Church, because we baptize them not; are they in it before baptized?
A41786and will not that sati ● fie, unless we go from him to follow you?
A41786and yet whether the separation from many Pedobaptists will not justifie our separation from you more clearly?
A41786are you sure they are not within the verge of Christs Redemption?
A41786as to the age of the Subjects?
A41786certainly, if Gods Word assign any Ordinances in lieu of the former, the place where''t is written would have b ● en known to this day?
A41786commanded his Ministers, as much as in them lieth, to disciple all Nations baptizing them,& c?
A41786do we not grant that it extends to Infants, yea, we say with Mr. Baxter, it was never abrogated?
A41786how then were all the Infants saved which were born to the Israelites for fourty years together, such of them, I mean, as died during that time?
A41786if so, how do we take them away?
A41786or be pleased to come and make my Infants disciples if you can, and I promise you I will assist you what I can in the baptizing them?
A41786or how come they to be concern''d so much in that one duty of Baptism, and no other whatsoever?
A41786or is there any other way to be graffed in to the Church of Christ, but by faith?
A41786or prove if you can, that you your selves do consent to the Covenant of Grace for your Infants, more then we whom you call Anabaptists?
A41786or to conclude ours only are in the state of salvation?
A41786or where did Infants ever fight for, or against the Serpent?
A41786or where did she ever decree, that those who would not submit to her new frame should be put to death?
A41786or whether it be any loss to them till God requires it?
A41786or whether was the Infants of the Jews exposed to damnation by their Parents unbelief?
A41786or whether you think the blessing of Abraham is confined to Ceremonies in respect of Infants, if so, shew us what Ceremonies these are?
A41786or who goes about to justifie the World, if they do not as the Law of God and Nature wills them to do for their Infants?
A41786or will you say Infants can not partake with their Parents of salvation without Baptism?
A41786seeing then all Infants( for ought you know) have the same right, which yet you d ● ny; but why so?
A41786to be brought to partake of Ordinances Practical in the Church, save only from Abraham to the end of the Law?
A41786whether was Saul broken off when he persecuted the Church causing many to blaspheme?
A41786who doubts but that as many others as became Jews by being Proselited to the Law, were Circumcised according to the Law?
A41786why do you take up the Papists weapons?
A41786why then who is not a fit subject, seeing all Infants ● nd men too are of one Nation or another?
A41786yet what makes this for any actual Participation of Ordinances in the Church, and what one Ordinance did the Infants of these Sons of God partake of?
A41786you deny them the one, why may not we as well deny the other?
A3058231.33, 34 there God promises to put his law into our inward parts: But what''s the ground of it?
A3058233. he speaks as if he had made a challenge to all the world, let them all come in, let me see Who can lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect?
A305825. what follows?
A305825. when she was asked; What is thy beloved?
A30582And now we have many things to say in the Application of these things, for the answer to that question, What shall we say to these things?
A30582And shall my creatures seek after it for no other end, nor higher aims, but meerly to save their own skins?
A30582And thus the pardons of God differ from all other pardons; a Prince pardons a Malefactor, or a Father a Child: but upon what terms?
A30582And what is a better instruction than to tell man the way of the pardon and forgiveness of sin?
A30582And yet David committed murder and adultery, and was not cast off; why?
A30582Are thy ways such, that Gods dealings with thee are as if thou wer''t a servant, and a home- born slave?
A30582As St. Paul says, the blessedness you spake of, Where is it?
A30582BUt if it be asked, Who are they that have their sins pardoned?
A30582Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits; Why?
A30582But may not a pardoned man have these fears, or somewhat of the nature of them resting on his spirit after he is pardoned?
A30582But what are the grounds of your hopes; why you think God will not proceed against you for your sins, but will pass them by, and forgive you?
A30582But who are they that dishonour this great work of God?
A30582But you will say, Who are they?
A30582Can you look for that blessed hope with comfort, and expect the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ?
A30582Can you say, my life is so, though I have many weaknesses, yet I hope something of the glory of God appears in me?
A30582Collect your selves, and say, Why do I determine of my everlasting condition?
A30582Conscience speak freely and fully: What is there in Heaven against me?
A30582Consider and call to remembrance what the dayes of old were?
A30582Could he not have forgiven him by his absolute Prerogative?
A30582Did ever any Child of God make use of Scripture to reason for sin in such a wicked way, for to presume to sin, because God is willing to pardon?
A30582Do you find sin now a burden to your souls?
A30582Do you live and walk as one that hath the Kingdom of Christ within you?
A30582Does not thy sin hinder Gods grace to thee; and shall trouble and affliction hinder thy glorifying God?
A30582Does thy heart work thus?
A30582Does your vain thoughts still abide with you as they were wo nt to do?
A30582Dost thou not watch over my sin?
A30582Further, Thou saist God is merciful, and thererefore thou hop''st for pardon: Why?
A30582Further, Thou speakest of mercy; hast not thou abused and turn''d mercy into wantonness?
A30582God is more delighted in the work of thy heart closing with free grace, than in all the legal works of humiliation; what says Christ?
A30582God is speaking there to his own people: Is Israel a servant?
A30582God speaks it with pity, Israel is my dear Son; How comes it to pass that he is as a home- born slave?
A30582Hast not thou the Conscience, and the rather upon the knowledge of this, to keep Gods Commandements?
A30582Hast thou not turn''d the grace of God into wantonness, and abused it, when thou heardest that God was merciful?
A30582Hast thou took liberty to sin?
A30582Hath God forgiven thee?
A30582Hath God ingaged himself to you by his Word, to be your God?
A30582Have I to deal with God in the Covenant of grace, and can not these imperfections stand with it?
A30582Have you heard the voyce of gladness speaking in your hearts, saying, Son, or Daughter be of good chear, go in peace, thy sins are pardoned?
A30582Have you look''t on Christ as a mighty Mediator, as one able to save you?
A30582Have you not heard this?
A30582Have your hearts been taken with the great mysteries of godliness, and wrought upon by the infinite grace of God?
A30582Having spoken of these general things, I come now more garticularly to the other part of the Question, What is to be done?
A30582He is near that justifies me, who will contend with me?
A30582How comes it to pass that your hearts are so taken off from the esteem you then had of it?
A30582How does matters stand betwixt God and thee?
A30582How few of you now this morning that are come into the presence of God, have had your thoughts working thus?
A30582How in former times it was with you, when you were seeking the pardoning grace of God?
A30582How is it between God and me?
A30582How readily will they say, with the Prophet, How beautiful are the feet of those that bring( such) good tidings?
A30582How sweet and acceptable will this be to such fou ● s, that by the former argument have been made apprehensive of the dreadful evil of it?
A30582How would the damned spirits sing and rejoyce, and look about them to attend this message?
A30582I may allude unto it, and it is an argument of great force, Is the iniquity of Peor too little, from which we are not cleansed to this day?
A30582I verily fear that many of you that hear me this day, if we could but hear Conscience speak, would answer, What?
A30582I will not again curse the Ground any more for mans sake; why?
A30582I, but the Scripture says, God imputes faith for righteousness; and when God inables us to believe, Is it not our own?
A30582If all outward good be not a mercy unless sin be pardoned, then what good wilt thou or any one get by the increase of sin?
A30582If it have been thus with your spirits?
A30582If these things be so, if God thus gloriously appear, in the riches of his grace for the pardon of sin; What shall we then say to these things?
A30582If this be to dishonour the pardoning grace of God; what would you have us to do?
A30582Is Christ as King and Soveraign over your thoughts, words and actions?
A30582Is he a home- born slave?
A30582Is he a home- born slave?
A30582Is it not the greatest affliction?
A30582Is there any thing upon Record that I am charg''d withal?
A30582Is this the frame of thy heart, to be careful above all things in the world, that thou mightest not dishonour this precious grace?
A30582It may be some of you go thus far, not to content your selves with a dead hearted sluggish Prayer: But what do you look to all the day after?
A30582It''s this, that we are justified by Faith and so come to have peace with God; How does this cause the heart to be inlarged?
A30582Lord wilt thou come in thus to thy people in such an abundant way of mercy more than formerly, and let in these graces of thy Covenant; Why?
A30582May it not be said of you, Where is the sence of the Evil of Sin you spake of?
A30582May not they say, that though they do sin, yet there is a Pardon laid in before hand for them?
A30582Ministers of the Word are Ministers of Reconciliation that God hath given to his People: what is that?
A30582No more now, what sin will have me to do?
A30582No, now I see the ways of Life and Salvation are the only blessed ways; Now Lord, What would''st thou have me to do?
A30582Now this you are to examine your hearts upon; What of the Kingdom of Christ you have within you?
A30582Now what shall we say to those things?
A30582O my soul how is it with thee?
A30582Of righteousness: What is that?
A30582PArdon of Sin makes a m ● ● blessed; Why?
A30582Quest Well, but what would you have us to do?
A30582Secondly, Others say, I am not only sorry for my sins, but I reform; and is not this a ground of pardon?
A30582Shall Christ say, notwithstanding all my sorrows, let thy sin be pardoned, and I have enough?
A30582Shall I go on then to add sin unto sin to make the work greater?
A30582Shall I satisfie any base lust, with the neglect of him?
A30582Shall I venture upon it?
A30582Shall he say, there would be better Auditors in Hell than are here?
A30582Shall not I be content to leave any thing to serve him?
A30582Should we again break thy Commandements?
A30582Sin shall not have dominion over you; why?
A30582Suppose there were no evil of guilt or punishment, yet an ingenious gracious spirit would never do it; What shall I sin, because God will pardon?
A30582The Sacraments, for what purpose hath Christ ordained them?
A30582This should be a mighty ingagement upon thy spirit; Has God made thee equal to them in Justification?
A30582Thou that takest liberty on this ground to blaspheme the Name of God; What thinkest thou will become of thee another day?
A30582To wind up all, those that know what pardon of sin is; how do they spend their time, and lay out themselves to get assurance?
A30582Turn from all sin and keep all Gods Statutes then, or, How can you do that is lawful and right then?
A30582Well, now you would have mercy, Why now, and not before?
A30582What Evils have you reformed in your families, and in your own hearts?
A30582What acclamations would there be in Hell in the mid''st of those fiery flames?
A30582What do you mean by that, how shall we know whether we be called or no?
A30582What glory of God is come into your hearts, and appears in your lives and conversations?
A30582What guilt is it thou hast upon thy Spirit?
A30582What hast thou to do in the way of Egypt?
A30582What hath Divine Justice to charge thee withal?
A30582What holding up of hands and rejoycing would there be to hear of such a thing, that there is a possibility on any terms?
A30582What if he will pardon the most notorious gross sins in others, and damn thee for thy sins in thoughts?
A30582What is become of all that strength and power the Doctrine of Remission of Sin had upon your hearts?
A30582What is become of it?
A30582What is the end for which Christ hath set up this great Ordinance?
A30582What is the end of thy way like to be?
A30582What is the glory of a justified soul?
A30582What is the matter?
A30582What is the travel of Christs soul?
A30582What say''st thou against me that I may get it blotted out now, that it may not be read against me at the day of Judgment?
A30582What shall I magnifie the riches of my grace so wonderfully in this work of my pardoning mercy?
A30582What shall we say then, Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
A30582What''s the meaning of this blessedness?
A30582What, have you not a mightier Argument to draw your hearts to God, after he hath spoke peace, than ever you had before?
A30582What, is Gods grace so free?
A30582What, is he a servant, and brought into such a condition as a servant or a slave?
A30582What, is the iniquity of your youth too little that you committed, and mispent your time when you were Prentice, or lived in such and such a family?
A30582When he gives quietness, who can give trouble?
A30582Where is it?
A30582Where is that bitterness upon your hearts, on the convictions you had of the evil of sin?
A30582Where is that filial ingenious spirit of thine, that God is fain to deal with thee as now he doth?
A30582Where is then the blessedness you spake of?
A30582Wherefore then served the Law?
A30582Whither art thou a going?
A30582Who is a God like to thee; who in all the world can pardon sin as God doth?
A30582Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity and passeth by the transgressions of the remnant of his heritage?
A30582Why do I make such conclusions that my state is naught, because of the stirrings of such and such corruptions?
A30582Will not this be presumption for a sinner thus to lay hold on Christ?
A30582Wilt not thou now say; and let me have Christ and I have enough?
A30582Wilt thou not from this time cry unto me, my Father, thou art the guide of my youth?
A30582Would you have us go on to believe and doubt no more?
A30582You will say, How must we seek it?
A30582all thou hast now is not a good, is not a mercy; and dost thou think to get good by the increase of sin?
A30582an excellent place, The Word of God is quick and powerful; but what word is it?
A30582and dost thou still go on to heap up more and more sin, as if the pardon of thy sin was nothing?
A30582and shall I strike this Blasphemer says another?
A30582and what is to be done?
A30582and what this and that; and the other lust will have me to do?
A30582and when he hides his face, who then can behold him?
A30582as if he had said, Lord, how does thy glory appear in the Justification of a sinner, and pardoning his sin through Jesus Christ?
A30582before you had other things, and you quieted your hearts with them; and why not now, were not they mercies?
A30582certainly, the soul that is pardoned, can not but answer God so far as this; Will God justifie me notwithstanding my sin?
A30582does my heart work so in it as that I can satisfie my own Conscience in the work I do?
A30582for, I bear you record, if possible, you would have pluckt out your own eyes, and given them to me: Where is then the blessedness you spake of?
A30582he answered, Lord thou knowest I love thee; Christ puts it to him again; Lovest thou me?
A30582he does not grant it, but reject it with a horrible indignation, God forbid, What?
A30582he gave him this answer, says he, I can not live, and what shall I now think of Uncleanness and Fornication?
A30582he is in the way of Egypt; so it may be said to thee who walkest in the sensual drossiness of thy spirit; Hast thou not been in the way of Egypt?
A30582he would not take his first answer, but puts it to him the second and third time, Lovest thou me?
A30582how should''st thou labour to be like to them in Sanctification?
A30582if it be so with thee?
A30582let us stand together: Who is my Adversary?
A30582or how many wayes may we be guilty in sinning against this great mercy of God in forgiveness of sin?
A30582or, Whether we can joyn with that Church wherein there is no power to keep them out, and after they are crept in to cast them out?
A30582perhaps the mercy thou speakst of, now is at this very present pleading to God against thee; saying, how have I been abused by this wretched man?
A30582says Paul, Where is the blessedness you spake of?
A30582says you, first we give our word one to another, says God you shall have that, I give you my Word; What have you else?
A30582shall Christ be so sensible of the waight and burden of sin, when he was to suffer, that he should seek the Father with such Prayers?
A30582so I may say to sinners going on in their sins; Is the iniquity of Peor too little, from which you are not cleansed to this day?
A30582so after God has delivered us from condemnation, the guilt of sin, and the spirit of bondage; What?
A30582that God should have such thoughts of such mercy and grace in the pardon of sin, as we have heard; What shall we say to it?
A30582that I might have my sins forgiven, and have assurance of it; Why, says God, what way do you take to make things sure from one to another?
A30582that we know not what to say, there is so much of thy glorious grace appears, that our mouths are stopped; What shall we say to these things?
A30582the answer will be, What see I?
A30582the more my beauty& excellency hath been displayed, the more wicked he hath grown; what if mercy be now pleading against thee?
A30582the soul that hath true pardon of sin, hath fetch''t it from Heaven in a right way, in Gods own way; How is that?
A30582the way to true happiness?
A30582then you have acted faith in a Gospel way, and your sins are pardoned: Again, Are you pardoned?
A30582this is the good will and pleasure of God; and David was called a man after Gods own heart; Why?
A30582thou think''st it now a fit time to cry for mercy; why?
A30582thou think''st it to be a good; Why?
A30582to make use of the grace of God to further sin; Shall we stand to answer these men, in the horrible reasoning of their hearts?
A30582to sin that grace may abound, God forbid: What?
A30582we read of one came running after Christ, saying, What shall I do to be saved?
A30582what God hath to charge them withal?
A30582what if he will pardon the most notorious uncleanness and murder in another, and damn thee for a wanton thought?
A30582what shall I do?
A30582what shall wandring and discouraging thoughts bring you to look down all the day?
A30582what shall we say to these things?
A30582what would they do?
A30582when God gives quietness, as he doth in forgiveness of sin, then who can make trouble?
A30582when we tell them of their sins, they say, they hope to repent; What do they mean?
A30582whether God hath any thing against them, yea or no?
A30582why God should not declare against thee according to his Law?
A30582with strong cryings and tears, What?
A30582— In the days of his flesh, observe, Christ in the days of his flesh, did offer up Prayers and Supplications; How?
A30582— Would''st not thou be angry with us, should we again sin, would''st thou not consume us?
A30582— some there were that did abuse the grace of God to sin; How does the Apostle rise with indignation against that abominable wickedness?
A26695& c. quando te videbo?
A26695( Why, thou knowest not but it may be the next night, yea the next moment) where wouldst thou be then?
A2669512. or the lifeless Carkass to feel and move?
A2669512. who better perswaded of his Case, than Paul, while yet he remained unconverted?
A2669513. and yet will you not hearken?
A2669513. how miserable would he think it, to be held to it to all eternity?
A2669513. or the Paradise of God be the better choice?
A2669514, 15. who thirst for your salvation?
A2669514. and dost thou not yet think with thy self, surely it was for some noble and raised end?
A2669514. see the margin, and given such a promise to him thereupon, and will not you p ● t in for a share, neither in the praise, nor the promise?
A2669517. and do you thus requite them, O foolish and unwise?
A2669518. and wilt thou not yet believe, O sinner, that he is in earnest?
A2669519. and profess they know God, but in works deny him?
A2669519. why then, what hinders but that thou shouldest be happy?
A2669521, and make thee to 〈 ◊ 〉 down in sorrows?
A2669521. and will it not be dearly bought?
A2669523. dost thou yet think it but a small thing?
A2669524. what shall be done with thee, when thou fallest into the hands of the living God?
A2669529. and what is thy business without Gods blessing?
A266953, 4, 5, 6,& c. And art thou a fit match for such an antagonist?
A266953, 7. shall we think God will?
A266953. and yet do you wonder, why your Ministers do so plainly travel in birth with you?
A266953. how powerfully hath sin bewitched them?
A266953. what is the wrath of the infinite God?
A266954. as though the strength of Israel would lie?
A266954. or for the Potsherd of the earth to strive with his Maker?
A2669546. and will you not own it with your practice?
A266956, 7. and yet will you not come?
A266957, 8. where were the glory of divine Justice, since it should be given to the wicked according to the work of the righteous?
A266957. and what can be said more?
A266957. shall not such much more expect it from Christs holiness?
A266958. and hope that the favour of Christ''s ointments, and the smell of his garments will attract him?
A266958. as if thou wert but going to wash thee, or swim for thy recreation?
A266959. or to harden your selves against his word?
A26695AND now, my brethren, let me know your minds, What do you intend to do?
A26695Against whom you have exalted your voice, and lifted your eyes on high?
A26695Alas my Glory/ Whither art thou humbled?
A26695Alas shall I leave them thus?
A26695Alas, if the poor man think a Sermon long, and say of a Sabbath, What a weariness is it?
A26695Alas, what shall I say?
A26695Alas, what will thy sins do for thee, that thou shouldst stick at parting with them?
A26695Am I a mourner for the sins of the Land?
A26695And art not thou fairly offered?
A26695And canst thou get in without his leave, as thou must, if ever thou comest thither in thy natural condition, without a sound and thorough renovation?
A26695And doth not thy soul tremble as thou readest?
A26695And have I toiled all this while and caught nothing?
A26695And have they sped so well?
A26695And how shall I tell men, that which I do not know?
A26695And is it true indeed?
A26695And is this true indeed?
A26695And is this, that we have described, the Conversion that is of absolute necessity to salvation?
A26695And shew kindness to them that are kind to them?
A26695And the drunkard still at his vomit?
A26695And there came one, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?
A26695And they said we will call the damsel, and inquire at her mouth: And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man?
A26695And thou dost not know, but the next night, thou mayst make thy Bed in Hell?
A26695And were it not better thou shouldst be a joy to Angels, than a laughing stock and sport for Devils?
A26695And what is it that the Creation groaneth for?
A26695And what misery have my sins brought upon me?
A26695And whither else shouldst thou go?
A26695And why may not men be twice born in nature, as well as in grace?
A26695And wil ● thou yet believe thine own presumptuous confidence, directly against Christs words?
A26695And will God receive these for true converts, because turned to the Christian Religion?
A26695And wilt thou run upon destruction, when God himself doth forewa ● ● thee?
A26695And wilt thou yet be in love with thy self, and tell us any longer of thy good heart?
A26695And yet wilt thou not give up such a blasphemous hope?
A26695Any mercy after such provoking iniquity?
A26695Application, Arise then, what meanest thou O sleeper?
A26695Are there not many that name the name of the Lord Jesus, that yet depart not from iniquity?
A26695Are these out of the reach of humane power?
A26695Are you agreed that Christ shall end the controversie?
A26695Are you at peace?
A26695Art thou a man, and hast thou reason?
A26695Art thou a reasonable soul, and yet so far brutified, as to forget thy self immortal, and to think thy self to be as the beasts that perish?
A26695Art thou chief of all the Children of pride, even that thou shouldst count his darts as stubble; and laugh at the shaking of his spear?
A26695Art thou deliberately, understandingly, freely, fixedly, determined to ● ● eave to him in all times, and conditions?
A26695Art thou in league with Hell?
A26695Art thou in love with thy misery?
A26695Art thou in none of the forementioned Ranks?
A26695Art thou like the horse that paweth in the valley, and rejo ● ceth in his strength, who 〈 ◊ 〉 out to meet the armed men?
A26695Art thou made without fear, and contemnest his barbed Irons?
A26695Art thou now become a slave to sense, a servant to so base an Idol, as thy Belly?
A26695Art thou struck almost dead with the hellish damp?
A26695Art thou such a Leviathan, as that the scales of thy pride should keep thee from thy Makers coming at thee?
A26695Art thou turned into flesh?
A26695Art thou willing to come in?
A26695Art thou yet in ignorance, and not turned from darkness to light?
A26695Ask your self, what sin have I committed?
A26695Before the news of a Christ was a stale and sapless thing; but now how sweet is a Christ?
A26695Before this change all the cry was, Who will shew us any( worldly) good?
A26695Behold God''s workmanship in thy body, and ask thy self, to what end did God rear this fabrick?
A26695Behold he taketh away, who can hinder him?
A26695Believest thou this?
A26695Beware they be not found among the families that call not upon Gods name, for why should there be wrath from the Lord upon your families?
A26695But doth not thy heart condemn thee, and tell thee, there is such a sin thou livest in against thy Conscience?
A26695But how close doth this sin lurk oft- times under a fair covert of forward profession?
A26695But how long may I call, and can get no answer?
A26695But if it be the very word of God, that all this miser ● lies upon thee, what a case art thou in?
A26695But if these be short of Conversion, what shall I say of the profane sinner?
A26695But thy Conversion is necessary, thy damnation lies upon it, and is it not needful in so important a case to look about thee?
A26695But what is it that the Creation groaneth under?
A26695But whence shall I fetch my arguments, or how shall I choose my words?
A26695But would you not have me solicitous for you, when I see you ready to perish?
A26695By this time methinks I hear my Reader crying out with the Disciples, Who then shall be saved?
A26695Can Kings, or Warriors?
A26695Can Mammon?
A26695Can any other but Christ save thee?
A26695Can the lifeless carcass shake off its grave cloths, and loose the bonds of death?
A26695Can the world in good earnest do that for you, that Christ can?
A26695Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong in the day that I shall deal with thee, saith the Lord of Hosts?
A26695Can you evidence that you have something more than any Hypocrite in the world ever had?
A26695Can you shew the distinguishing marks of a sound Believer?
A26695Canst thou abide the consuming fire?
A26695Canst thou be content to burn?
A26695Canst thou charm thy Beast with Musick?
A26695Canst thou do well without his favour?
A26695Canst thou dwell with everlasting burnings?
A26695Canst thou escape his hands, or endure his vengeance?
A26695Canst thou hope he will be forsworn for thee?
A26695Canst thou think without loathing of thy trough and draugh?
A26695Cast away from you all your transgressions, and make you a clean heart, and a new spirit, for why will ye die, O house of Israel?
A26695Conscience, wilt thou altogether hold thy peace at such a time as this?
A26695Consider how the Lord hath revealed himself to you in his word: will you take him as such a God?
A26695Consider the noble faculties or my Heaven- born soul: to what end did God bestow these excellencies?
A26695Couldst thou cherish it, and take delight in it?
A26695Couldst thou take up a Toad into thy bosom?
A26695Cut it down, why cumbreth it the ground?
A26695Darest thou make light of this?
A26695Dearly beloved, would you rejoyce the heart of your Minister?
A26695Deeper than hell, what can we know?
A26695Did not God find me on my Bed, when he looked for me on my knees?
A26695Did not I arise from the Table without dropping any thing of God there?
A26695Did not I mock God, when I pretended to crave a blessing, and return thanks?
A26695Did not I ra ● hly make, nor falsly break some promise?
A26695Did not I sit down with no higher end than a beast, meerly to please my Appetite?
A26695Did not he make thee for himself?
A26695Do I live in nothing that I know or fear to be a sin?
A26695Do I speak to the trees or rocks, or to men?
A26695Do not even the Publicans love those that love them?
A26695Do not thine own Cloaths abhor thee?
A26695Do not thy tears bedew the paper, and thy heart throb in thy bosom?
A26695Do not you see how Satan gulls you, by t ● mpting you to delays?
A26695Do you not think their condemnation will be doubly dreadful, that shall still go on in their sins, after all endeavours to recall them?
A26695Do you say the condition is impossible, for I have not wherewith to buy?
A26695Dost not thou find him a stranger to prayer, a neglecter of the word, a lover of this present world?
A26695Dost not thou find his heart fermented with malice, or burning with lust, or going after his covetousness?
A26695Dost not thou often catch him in a lie?
A26695Dost thou believe their truth, or not?
A26695Dost thou hear the creation groaning under thee, and hell groaning for thee, and yet think thy case good enough?
A26695Dost thou live in stri ● ● or envy, or malice?
A26695Dost thou live in the ordinary and wilful practice of any known sin?
A26695Dost thou not take more real delight and content in the world, than in him?
A26695Dost thou not yet begin to smite on thy breast, and bethink thy self what need thou hast of a change?
A26695Dost thou not yet see a change to be needful?
A26695Dost thou say to Christ, as he to us, Thy Father shall be my Father, and thy God my God?
A26695Dost thou say, Yea but my mind is blinded, and my heart is hardened from his fear?
A26695Dost thou say,''T is good to be here?
A26695Doth Satan put in, doth the World court thee?
A26695Doth he allow himself in any way of sin, or doth he not?
A26695Doth he not keep the keys of Heaven?
A26695Doth he set thee on the use of means, and dost thou think he will mock thee?
A26695Doth he truly love, and please, and prize, and delight in God above all other things, or not?
A26695Doth it not begin to bite?
A26695Doth it not carry thee to thy family, and shew thee the charge of God, and the souls of thy children and servants, that be neglected there?
A26695Doth it not tell thee, there is such and such a secret way of wickedness, that thou makest no bones of?
A26695Doth it not twitch thee as thou goest?
A26695Doth not Conscience carry thee to thy Closet, and tell thee how seldom prayer, and reading is performed there?
A26695Doth not Conscience say, thou art the Man?
A26695Doth not sin sit light?
A26695Doth sin sue for thy heart?
A26695Doth thy mouth water after the Onions and Flesh- pots of Egypt?
A26695Filth and rottenness, with glory and immortality?
A26695Hast thou experienced this?
A26695Hast thou made a Covenant with Death?
A26695Hast thou not felt some good motions in thy mind, wherein thou hast been warned of thy danger, and told what thy careless course would end in?
A26695Hast thou not only lost all regard to God, but art without any love and pity to thy self?
A26695Hast thou not selt thy heart warmed by the word, and been almost perswaded to leave off thy sins, and come in to God?
A26695Hast thou not taken upon him the gains of unrighteousness?
A26695Hast thou pondered these things in thine heart?
A26695Hast thou searched the Book within, to see if these things be so?
A26695Hast thou taken God for thy happiness?
A26695Hath not God been out of mind: Heaven out of sight?
A26695Hath the Law of the Lord been in my mouth as I sate in my house, went by the way, was lying down, and rising up?
A26695Hath the man been ever taken off from his false bottom, from the false hopes, and false peace wherein once he trusted?
A26695Hath there passed a thorough and mighty change upon him, or not?
A26695Have I been all this while speaking to the wind?
A26695Have I been charming the deaf Adder, or allaying the tumbling Ocean with arguments?
A26695Have I been diligent in the duties of my Calling?
A26695Have I been much in holy Ejaculations?
A26695Have I been often looking into mine own heart, and made conscience even of vain thoughts?
A26695Have I bridled my Tongue, and forced it in?
A26695Have I defrauded no man?
A26695Have I digested the Sermon I heard last?
A26695Have I done any thing more than ordinary for the Church of God, in this time extraordinary?
A26695Have I dropped never a lye in my shop, or trade?
A26695Have I look care of my company?
A26695Have I redeemed my time from too long or needless visits; idle imaginations, fruitless discourse, unnecessary sleep, more than needs of the World?
A26695Have I repeated it over, and prayed it over?
A26695Have I run in vain?
A26695Have I spoken evil of no man?
A26695Have I used so many arguments, and spent so much time to perswade you, and yet must sit down, at last in disappointment?
A26695Have not I neglected or been very overly in the reading Gods holy word?
A26695Have not I prayed to no purpose, or suffered wandring thoughts to eat out my duties?
A26695Have not I ● given way to the workings of pride, or passion?
A26695Have you not heard the same truths, from the Pulpit, by publick labours, and by private letters, by personal instructions?
A26695Have you read hitherto, and are not yet resolved upon a present abandoning all your sins, and closing with Jesus Christ?
A26695He is willing of the dominion of Christ, as well as deliverance by Christ; he saith with Paul, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?
A26695He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength; who hath hardned himself against him, and prospered?
A26695He will not be thought a fautor of sin, nor stain the glory of his holiness, and whither could he come lower than he hath, unless he should do this?
A26695He ● miser, quid sum?
A26695Hear what the Lord saith; Fear ye not me, saith the Lord?
A26695Hear, O ye drunkards, How long will you be drunken?
A26695Hearest thou the curses and blasphemies, the weepings and the wailings, how they lament their folly, and curse their day?
A26695Here I will pitch, here I will live and dye?
A26695His heart once said, as they to the Spouse, What is thy Beloved more than another?
A26695His poor Beast would say, Lord, must I carry him upon his wicked designs?
A26695How affectionately doth Peter lift up his hands?
A26695How art thou come down mightily?
A26695How black are the Fiends?
A26695How blameless was Paul?
A26695How d ● ep are their gronas?
A26695How dear is this name to him?
A26695How desperately do rebels argue?
A26695How do they roar and ● ell, and gnash their teeth?
A26695How dost thou find it?
A26695How doth Micah run crying after the Danites; You have taken away my Gods, and what have I more?
A26695How doth he bemoan the obstinate refuser?
A26695How effectually hath the God of this world blinded them?
A26695How endless then is the sum of all my debts?
A26695How fairly did they promise?
A26695How feeling are their mo ● ns?
A26695How feelingly doth Paul magnifie the free mercy of God in it?
A26695How few will be the Sheep that shall be left, when all these shall be separated, and set among the Goats?
A26695How furious are their Tormentors?
A26695How hot is that burning Oven of the Almighty''s fury?
A26695How is David taken up with these excellencies of Gods Laws?
A26695How is every one of Gods Commandments ready to arrest thee, and take thee by the throat for innumerable Bonds that it hath upon thee?
A26695How long hath he toll''d you on in the way of perdition?
A26695How long have I travelled in birth with you?
A26695How long shall this soul live at uncertainties?
A26695How long will you rest in idle wishes, and fruitless purposes?
A26695How long wilt thou slumber, and fold thine hands to sleep?
A26695How many are they that rise up against me?
A26695How many professors be here, with whom the world hath more of their hearts and affections than Christ?
A26695How many years have you been purposing posing to amend?
A26695How much art thou in the Books of every one of Gods Laws?
A26695How obdurate their hearts?
A26695How punctual was Iebu?
A26695How soon may the things which belong unto thy peace be hid from thine eyes?
A26695How strong is their delusion?
A26695How then should holiness and purity love thee?
A26695How then wilt thou endure when God shall pour out all his Vials, and set himself against thee to torment thee?
A26695How uncircumcised their ears?
A26695How warily doth he walk, lest he should tread on a sn ● ● e?
A26695How weak is his heart?
A26695I am a Sun and a Shield, all in one: will you have me for your all?
A26695I deal much upon trust, will you be content to labour, and suffer, and to tarry for your returns till the Resurrection of the Just?
A26695I will try thee yet once again: If one were sent to thee from the dead, wouldst thou be perswaded?
A26695I would reason with you, 〈 ◊ 〉 God with them; How canst thou say, I am not polluted?
A26695IT may be you are ready to say, what meaneth this stir?
A26695If God be against thee, who shall be for thee?
A26695If God had demanded some terrible, some severe and rigorous thing of you, to escape eternal damnation, would you not have done it?
A26695If he fall what a s ● ir is there to get all clean again?
A26695If not, had you not need look after somewhat that will?
A26695If one man sin against another, the Judge shall judge him; but if a man sin against the Lord, who shall intreat for him?
A26695If this Doctrine be true, we will not say any more with the Disciples, Who then shall be saved?
A26695If thou wilt part with thy sins, God will give thee his Christ; Is not this a fair exchange?
A26695In a word, wilt thou now close with these proffers?
A26695Is holiness thy trade, and religion thy business?
A26695Is it a Scripture peace?
A26695Is it a disputable case, whether the Abana and Phar ● har of Da ● ● ● us, be better than all the streams of Eden?
A26695Is it a just matter to live in such a fearful case?
A26695Is it for one that hath his senses, to live in such a condition, and not to make all possible expedition for preventing his utter ruin?
A26695Is it good for thee to be here?
A26695Is it good for thee to be here?
A26695Is it good for thee to try whether God will be so good as his word?
A26695Is it not a dreadful case to have the Gospel it self fill its mouth with threats, and thunder, and damnation?
A26695Is it not for the divine pleasure thou art and wert created?
A26695Is it not good comfort, that he calleth thee?
A26695Is it not past controversie, whether God be better than sin, and glory better than vanity?
A26695Is it not pity but he should be damned, that will needs go on and perish, when all this may be had for the taking?
A26695Is it not pity such a goodly fabrick should be raised in vain?
A26695Is it not pity thou shouldst be good for nothing, an unprofitable burden of the earth, a wart, or wen in the Body of the universe?
A26695Is it so great a misery to lose our common labours, to sow in vain and build in vain?
A26695Is it that you wear Christ''s livery?
A26695Is not grace worth the waiting for?
A26695Is not here a fair offer?
A26695Is not here plain ground for thee, and wilt thou yet run upon the rocks?
A26695Is not that man''s case dreadful, whose sacrifices are as Murder, and whose prayers are a breath of abomination?
A26695Is not the word before thee?
A26695Is not thine everlasting misery or welfare that which doth deserve a little consideration?
A26695Is not thy heart broken yet?
A26695Is the drift and scope of thy life altered?
A26695Is the man converted, or is he not?
A26695Is there any of your families, but have time for their taking food?
A26695Is there ever a soul here, a rational understanding soul?
A26695Is there no company I come into, but I have dropped something of God, and left some good savour behind?
A26695Is there no help, no hope?
A26695Is this man a new man, or is he not?
A26695Is this thy Judgment, and this thy Choice, and this thy way, that we have described?
A26695Is this thy misery?
A26695Is thy Bread necessary?
A26695Is thy Breath necessary?
A26695It pressed the very blood( to a wonder) out of his veins, and broke all his bones: and if it did this in the green tree, what will it do in the dry?
A26695It was the passage of the Eunuch to Philip; See here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized?
A26695Judge in ● our own selves: Is it a reasonable undertaking, for bryars and thorns, to set themselves in Battle against the devouring sire?
A26695Know you not, that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God?
A26695Let me say to thee, as Paul to Agrippa, Believest thou the Prophets?
A26695Let me say to you, as Naaman''s servant to him: My Father, if the Prophet had b ● d thee do some great thing, wouldst then not have done it?
A26695Let your conscience speak?
A26695Look backward, where was ever the place, what was ever the time, in which thou didst not sin?
A26695Look in now and tell me, dost thou yet believe?
A26695Look inward, what part or power canst thou find in soul or body, but it is poisoned with sin?
A26695Look upon an enlightned sinner, who feels the weight of his own guilt, oh how frightful are his looks, how fearful are his complaints?
A26695Lord, how am I surrounded?
A26695Lord, how universally am I corrupted, in all my parts, powers, performances?
A26695Lord, what a case am I in?
A26695Lord, what a loathsome Leper am I?
A26695Lord, wherewith shall I woo them?
A26695Man, I tell thee, nothing in all the world can undo thee, but thine unwillingness ● Speak man, art thou willing of the match?
A26695Man, doth not thine heart tremble to think of thy being an object of God''s hatred?
A26695Man, is not thy conscience privy to thy tricks of deceit, to thy chamber pranks, to thy way of lying?
A26695Man, is this thy case?
A26695May a man be civilized and not converted; where then shall the Drunkard, and Glutton appear?
A26695May a man be true and just in his dealing, and yet not be justified of God?
A26695May a man keep company with the wise Virgins, and yet be shut out?
A26695May not I, much more reason so with thee?
A26695Methinks I should hear thee crying out astonished, with the Bethshemites, Who shall stand before this holy Lord God?
A26695Must I leave the malicious still in his venom?
A26695Must I leave the tipler still at the Ale- bench?
A26695Must I leave the wanton still at his dalliance?
A26695Must I leave you at last where you were?
A26695Must they perish at last by hundreds, when Ministers would so fain save them?
A26695No, if I tarry here, I shall die; What then?
A26695None except I turn, Why, but is there any remedy for such woful misery?
A26695Now Beloved, what say you to this?
A26695Now all the cry is, What shall I do to be saved?
A26695Now if Christ, yet, bring any to Heaven unconverted, either he must get them in without his Fathers knowledge, and then where is his Omnisciency?
A26695Now says the soul, Lord, whither should I go?
A26695Now what cleanly nature could indure to have the filthy Swine Bed and Board with him in his Parlour, or Bed- chamber?
A26695Now what dost thou say to this?
A26695Now would it stand with wisdom, to force pardon and life, upon them that would give him no thanks for them?
A26695O Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made clean?
A26695O Sons of ingratitude, against whom do you sport your selves?
A26695O if the fears and forethoughts of the wrath to come be so terrible, so intolerable, what is the feeling of it?
A26695O man, art thou able to make thy party good with thy Maker?
A26695O man, hast thou a charge of souls to answer for, and dost thou not yet be ● tir thy self for them, that their blood be not found in thy skirts?
A26695O man, how canst thou make so light of sin?
A26695O man, what wilt thou do?
A26695O miserable Caitiff, what stupidity and senselesness hath surprized thee?
A26695O repent and be converted?
A26695O shew your selves men, and let reason prevail with you; Is it a reasonable thing for you to contend against the Lord your Maker?
A26695O sinner, tell me, what shift dost thou make to think of all the threatnings of Gods word, that stand upon record against thee?
A26695O sinner, why should the Devils make merry with thee?
A26695O sinner, wilt thou burn with thy pardon by thee?
A26695O sinners do ye make light of the wrath to come?
A26695O what is thy heart made of?
A26695O what work hath sin made with thee?
A26695O wilt thou turn a deaf ear to his voice?
A26695O ye Saints, how should you love the word?
A26695O ye sons of folly, will ye embrace the dunghills, and refuse the Kingdom?
A26695Oh how dreadfully doth it thunder?
A26695Oh how great is the sum of thy debts, who hast been all thy life long running upon the hooks, and never didst, nor canst pay off one penny?
A26695Oh how many then will be found the real servants of the Devil, that take themselves for no other than the Children of God?
A26695Oh what a load of wrath, what a weight of curses, what treasure of vengeance have all the millions of thy sins then deserved?
A26695Oh what wilt thou do when the Lord cometh forth against thee, and in his fury falleth upon thee, and thou shalt feel what thou readest?
A26695Oh whither wilt thou go, where wilt thou shelter thee?
A26695Oh, whither shall I flee?
A26695Oh, why dost thou not bethink thee where thou shalt be for ever?
A26695Or against his will, and then where were his Omnipotency?
A26695Or art thou only a walking Ghost, a senseless lump?
A26695Or canst thou not yet prove it?
A26695Or else having reason to understand the eternity of thy future estate, dost thou yet make light of being everlastingly miserable?
A26695Or he must change his will, and then where were his Immutability?
A26695Or malice and envy but venom in the very heart?
A26695Or shall I call up all the Daughters of Musick, and sing the Song of Moses, and of the Lamb?
A26695Or the rocks moved out of their place?
A26695Or who shall descend into the deep, to bring up Christ from beneath?
A26695Or wilt thou bring him to thy Organ, and expect that he should make thee melody, or keep time with the skilful Quire?
A26695Perverse sinner, wilt thou begin where thou shouldest end?
A26695Reader, dost thou view this, and never ask thy self, whether it be thus with thee?
A26695Reader, doth nothing of this touch thee?
A26695Reader, hath Conscience been at work, while thou hast been looking over these Lines?
A26695Reader, is this the language of thy soul?
A26695Reader, shall I prevail with thee for one?
A26695Saith Bildad, Shall the earth be forsaken for thee?
A26695Say not, I have no time, What, hast thou all thy time on purpose to serve God, and save thy soul?
A26695Say not, they are careless, and will not learn: What have you your authority for, if not to use it for God, and the good of their souls?
A26695Seest thou how the worm gnaweth, how the oven gloweth?
A26695Shall Christ put out the eye of his Fathers Omnisciency, or shorten the arm of his eternal power for thee?
A26695Shall I allure him with the joyful sound, and the lovely Song, and glad tidings of the Gospel?
A26695Shall I give the blind to see?
A26695Shall I go and lay my mouth to the grave, and look when the dead will obey me and come forth?
A26695Shall I go on in my sinful ways?
A26695Shall I invite the dead to arise and eat the banquet of their funerals?
A26695Shall I leave you at last no farther than Agrippa, but almost perswaded?
A26695Shall I linger any longer in this wretched estate?
A26695Shall I make an Oration to the Rocks?
A26695Shall I set before him the feast of fat things, the wine of wisdom, the bread of God, the tree of life, the hidden Manna?
A26695Shall divine Justice be violated for thee?
A26695Shall not a companion of fools much more be destroyed?
A26695Shall the Laws of Heaven be reversed for thee?
A26695Shall the everlasting foundations be overturned for thee?
A26695Sin doth naturally breed distempers and disturbances in the soul ● ● What a continual tempest and commotion is there in a disconte ● ted mind?
A26695Sinner, What sayest thou to this?
A26695Sinner, wilt thou not yet give up thy vain hope of being saved in this condition?
A26695Sinners, but what will you do in the day of your visitation?
A26695So I may say to thee: see, here is Christ, here is mercy, pardon, life, what hinders but that thou shouldst be pardoned, and saved?
A26695Solomon''s mad- man, that casteth fire- brands and arrows, and death, and saith, Am I not in jest?
A26695Speak Conscience: Or if thou canst not tell time and place, canst thou shew Scripture Evidence, that the work is done?
A26695Speak plainly to all the forementioned particulars: Canst thou acquit this man, this woman, from being any of the two and twenty sorts here described?
A26695Such or such a Duty, that thou makest no Conscience of?
A26695Surely thou mayst go as far as these, though thou hast no grace: and how dost thou know but thou mayst speed in thy suit, as they did in theirs?
A26695Tell me whither art thou going?
A26695The Lord hath spoken it, and who shall reverse it?
A26695The Sabbath what a weariness is it?
A26695The view of his sins, the sight of a Christ crucified, that would scarce stir him before, now how much do they affect his heart?
A26695The womb of my Promise will not presently bring forth; will you have the patience to wait?
A26695There is no escaping his hands, no breaking his prison: The thunder of his power who can understand?
A26695These are the Instruments that God useth to convert and save you, and do you spit in the face of your Physicians, and throw your Pilots over- board?
A26695They must be undeceived, or undone; but how shall this be effected?
A26695This was the Converts voice, The Lord is my portion, saith my soul: Whom have I in Heaven but thee?
A26695Thou art even crushed, and ready to with thy self dead, under the weight of his finger, how then wilt thou bear the weight of his loyns?
A26695Thou canst not bear God''s whip, how then wilt thou endure his scorpions?
A26695Thou pretendest for Christ; but doth not the world sway thee?
A26695Thou, even thou, art to be feared; and who shall stand in thy fight, when once thou art angry?
A26695Thy food would say, Lord, must I nourish such a wretch as this, and yield forth my strength for him, to dishonour thee withall?
A26695To have the Lord to roar from Mount Sion against thee?
A26695To no other, than that 〈 ◊ 〉 shouldst please thy self, and gratifie thy senses?
A26695Touch his Scepter and live; why will you die?
A26695Was it such a lamentation, to see those that did feed delicately, to sit desolate in the streets?
A26695Was it such an abomination to the Jews, when Antiechus set up the picture of a Swine at the entrance of the temple?
A26695Was not my Appetite too hard for me?
A26695Was there not more of custom and fashion in my family- duties than of Conscience?
A26695We need not say, Who shall ascend into Heaven, to bring down Christ from above?
A26695Well then, pause a little, and look within: Doth not this nearly concern thee?
A26695What King would take the rebels, in open hostility, into his Court?
A26695What a condition have I brought my self into by sin?
A26695What a deformed Monster hath sin made thee?
A26695What a woful spectacle was that poor wretch possessed with the legion?
A26695What an eating evil is inordinate care?
A26695What answer will you send me with to my Master?
A26695What are all our confessions, unless they be the exercises of godly sorrow and unfeigned repentance?
A26695What can be plainer?
A26695What communion hath darkness with light, corruption with perfection?
A26695What course shall I use with them that I have not tryed?
A26695What do you resolve upon?
A26695What doth thine heart answer?
A26695What duty dost thou ever perform into which poison is not shed?
A26695What duty have I neglected towards God?
A26695What greater joy to a Minister, than to hear of souls born unto Christ by him, and that his Children walk in the truth?
A26695What hath Christ done for you?
A26695What hath Christ wrought in you?
A26695What if God should have taken you off this while?
A26695What if God should this night require thy soul?
A26695What if the thred of thy life should break?
A26695What is it that thou dost account necessary?
A26695What is lust but a fire in thē bones?
A26695What is passion but a very feaver in the mind?
A26695What is pride but a deadly tympany; or covetousness but an un ● atiable and unsufferable thirst?
A26695What is the prayer of the lips without grace in the heart, but the carcass without the life?
A26695What is thy way and thy course?
A26695What mean you to stand wavering, to be off and on?
A26695What meanest thou, O my soul, to go on thus?
A26695What meanest thou, O sleeper?
A26695What our petitions, unless animated all along with holy desires, and faith in divine attributes and promises?
A26695What our praises and thanksgivings, unless from the Love of God, and a holy grattiude, and sense of God''s mercies in the heart?
A26695What place can hide me from Omnisciency?
A26695What power can secure me from Omnipotency?
A26695What saith Conscience?
A26695What saith it?
A26695What say''st thou to that River of Brimstone, that dark and horrible vault, that gulf of perdition?
A26695What sayest thou man?
A26695What sayest thou to costly and hazardous, and flesh displeasing duties?
A26695What sayest thou to thy bosom sin, thy gainful sin?
A26695What shall I do for the daughter of my people?
A26695What shall I do?
A26695What shall I do?
A26695What shall I say?
A26695What shall I say?
A26695What shall I say?
A26695What sin have I lived in against my Brother?
A26695What then shall I do?
A26695What thinkes ● thou of those chains of darkness, of those instruments of cruelty?
A26695What thinkest thou, O man, of being a saggo ● in Hell to all eternity?
A26695What though God do not presently open to thee?
A26695What though you are plunged into the ditch of that misery, from which you can never get out?
A26695What were this but to betra ● Life, Kingdom, Government and all together?
A26695What will their end be?
A26695What will they do in the day of visitation?
A26695What will you do then, I say, that have never a God to go to?
A26695What will you do when the Philistines are upon you?
A26695What wilt thou do then, when they shall altogether lay in against thee?
A26695What work did it make with our Saviour?
A26695What wouldst thou ask?
A26695What, converts from sin, when yet they do live in sin?
A26695What, hast thou never a reproof in thy mouth?
A26695What, shall I go away without my errand?
A26695What, shall he go on still in his trespasses, and yet have peace?
A26695What, shall this soul die in his careless neglect of God and Eternity, and thou altogether hold thy peace?
A26695What, wilt thou flatter and sooth him, while he lives in his sins?
A26695What, wilt thou live in such a course, wherein every act is a step to perdition?
A26695When Justice sits upon life and death, Oh what dre ● dful work doth it make with the wretched sinner?
A26695When he did but look upon the host of the Egyptians, how terrible was the consequence?
A26695When he shall gripe thee in his Iron arms, and grind and crush thee to a thousand pieces in his wrath?
A26695When shall it once be?
A26695When the World shall take its eternal leave of you; when you must bid your friends, houses, lands, farewel for evermore?
A26695When the tree is evil, how can the fruit be good?
A26695When thou shalt draw in flames for thy breath, and the horrid stench of sulphur shall be thy only perfume?
A26695When will you come to a fixed, full, and firm resolve?
A26695When wilt thou shake off thy sloth, and lay by thine excuses?
A26695Whence doth thy choicest comfort come in?
A26695Where doth the content of thy heart lie?
A26695Where in have I denied my self this day for God?
A26695Where is the Hope of the Hypocrite, when God takes away his soul?
A26695Where is the ready Writer, whose Pen can ● decipher their misery, that are without God in the World?
A26695Where were Gods truth, if notwithstanding all this, he should bring men to Salvation without Conversion?
A26695Where will they leave their glory?
A26695Wherefore do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which satisfieth not?
A26695Which way shall I look?
A26695Which way then shall I come at the miserable objects that I have to deal with; who shall make the heart of stone to relent?
A26695Whither shall I go?
A26695Whither will they flee for help?
A26695Whither wilt thou fly?
A26695Whither wouldst thou drop?
A26695Who dwells within the walls of this flesh?
A26695Who is a God like unto thee that pardoneth iniquity?
A26695Who knoweth( saith Moses) the power of thine anger?
A26695Who mind earthly things, and thereby are evidently after the flesh, and like to end in destruction?
A26695Who more religious than the Iews, when Gods hand was upon them?
A26695Who would serve such a Master, whose work is drudgery, and whose wages is death?
A26695Whom have you reproached and blasphemed?
A26695Why not as great an absurdity to be twice regenerated as to be twice generated?
A26695Why should God repent that he hath made thee a Christian, as in the time of the old world, that he made them men?
A26695Why should not this be the day from whence thou shouldest be able to date thine happiness?
A26695Why should the passionate pleadings and wooings of mercy be turned into the horrid aggravations of your obstinacy and additions to your misery?
A26695Why shouldest thou forsake thine own mercy, and sin against thine own life?
A26695Why shouldest thou hesitate, or doubtfully dispute about the case?
A26695Why shouldest thou venture a day longer, in this dangerous and dreadful condition?
A26695Why shouldst thou be a morsel for that devouring Leviathan?
A26695Why shouldst thou be an eye- sore in his Orchard, Luke 7. by thy unfruitfulness?
A26695Why would you so wilfully deceive your selves, or build your hopes upon the sand?
A26695Why, is it nothing to thee to have all the Attributes of God engaged against thee?
A26695Why, were these crucified for thee?
A26695Why, what shall I think you?
A26695Will a man keep a Murderer in his Bosom?
A26695Will it stand by you to eternity?
A26695Will none of you arise, and follow me?
A26695Will pleasures, titles, lands, treasures, descend with you?
A26695Will ye not tremble at my presence?
A26695Will you answer the calls of divine providence?
A26695Will you be content to live by faith, and trust him for an unseen happiness, an unseen heaven, an unseen glory?
A26695Will you bow to my government?
A26695Will you call on him, will you cry to him for help?
A26695Will you come under my yoke?
A26695Will you dance about the fire, till you are burnt?
A26695Will you give me your hands?
A26695Will you go on and die, or will you set upon a thorow and speedy conversion, and lay hold on eternal life?
A26695Will you have this God for your God?
A26695Will you lay all at my feet, and give it up to my dispose, and take me for your only portion?
A26695Will you own and honour mine All- sufficiency?
A26695Will you put your names into his Covenant?
A26695Will you run upon the Edge of the Rock?
A26695Will you set open the doors, and give the Lord Jesus the full and present possession?
A26695Will you submit to my discipline?
A26695Will you subscribe?
A26695Will you take me as your happiness and treasure, your hope and bliss?
A26695Will you turn off all my importunity?
A26695Will you venture your selves upon my word, and depend on my faithfulness, and take my bond for your security?
A26695Will you yet be intreated?
A26695Wilt thou arise and set to thy work?
A26695Wilt thou be content to run all hazards with him?
A26695Wilt thou be worse than the beast, to run on, when thou seest the Lord with a drawn sword in the way?
A26695Wilt thou deny thy self, take up thy Cross, and follow him?
A26695Wilt thou embrace this for thy happiness?
A26695Wilt thou esteem his Arrows as straw, and the instruments of death as rotten wood?
A26695Wilt thou fit still, till the tide come in upon thee?
A26695Wilt thou forgo thy sinful gains, thy forbidden pleasures?
A26695Wilt thou go on in such a dreadful condition ● as if nothing ailed thee?
A26695Wilt thou have Christ in all his celations to be thine; thy King, thy Priest, thy Prophet?
A26695Wilt thou have him with all his inconveniences?
A26695Wilt thou have the Lord for thy God?
A26695Wilt thou have the merciful, the gracious, the sin- pardoning God, to be t ● ● God?
A26695Wilt thou lay all at his feet?
A26695Wilt thou let all the world go, rather than this?
A26695Wilt thou let go thy hold- fast of the world, and rid thy hands of thy sins, and lay hold on eternal life?
A26695Wilt thou lie down in the midst of the Sea, or sleep on the top of the mast?
A26695Wilt thou not now obey the voice of the Lord?
A26695Wilt thou sit down and con ● ider the forementioned arguments, and debate it, whether it be not best to turn?
A26695Wilt thou take God at his word?
A26695Wilt thou take thy lot with him, fall where it will?
A26695Wilt thou take up thy habitation here?
A26695Wilt thou trample on the worlds esteem, and spit in the harlots face, and stop thine ears at her flatteries, and wrest thee out of her embraces?
A26695Wilt thou, as it were, fetch thy vieze, and jump into eternal flames, as the children through the bon- fire?
A26695Would any of this, all this suffice thee, and make thee count thy self a happy man?
A26695Would it be for his honour, to have the dogs to the table?
A26695Would it not have pitied thine heart to have seen him among the Tombs, cutting and wounding of himself?
A26695Would you have us to despair?
A26695Would you put it to an issue whether you be converted or not?
A26695Wouldst thou serve thy end?
A26695You will call them up, and force them to do your work; and should you not at least be as zealous in putting them upon Gods work?
A26695[ O man dost thou read this, and never turn in upon thy soul by self- examination?]
A26695against which of these Rules have I offended in the day foregoing?
A26695against whom make you a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue?
A26695and stark sick of sin, they will not come to Christ in his way for ease and cure, nor to purpose enquire, What shall we do?
A26695and wilt thou not go to the same door, and wait upon God in the same course?
A26695and yet is this it for which thou canst find no time?
A26695and yet no family Prayer ●?
A26695are civilized, perform religious duties, are just in your dealings; have been troubled in conscience for your sins?
A26695but rather who then shall not be saved?
A26695canst thou find time to ● at in, and not find time to pray in?
A26695did I eat and drink to the glory of God?
A26695dost thou laugh at hell and destruction, or canst thou drink the envenomed Cup of the Almighty''s fury, as if it were but a common portion?
A26695doth not Conscience lead thee to thy Shop, thy Trade, and tell thee of some mystery of iniquity there?
A26695for Christ, Grace, Pardon, that thou mayst be justified, sanctified, renewed and fitted to serve him?
A26695for by this you have been converted: O ye sinners, how should you ply the Word?
A26695go into the gardens of pleasure, and gather all the fragrant flowers from thence; would these content thee?
A26695how do you pray with all prayer and supplication, if you do not with family Prayer?
A26695how frequently have I made suit to you?
A26695how instant have I been with you?
A26695how long will you halt between two opinions?
A26695how long will you linger in Sodom?
A26695how long will you stick between the womb and the world?
A26695how much more to lose our pains in Religion to pray and hear, and fast in vain?
A26695how much rather, when he saith unto thee, wash and be clean?
A26695how often would I have gathered you?
A26695how the fire rageth?
A26695if thou dost, art thou not worse than distracted that wilt not take possession, when the gates are flung open to thee, and thou art bid to enter?
A26695is life and death at thy choice?
A26695not enter into Paradise, when the flaming sword, that was once set to keep you out, is now used to drive you in?
A26695not moved yet?
A26695not yet resolved to turn forthwith, and to close with mercy?
A26695one after another by the scores in cold blood?
A26695or dally with devouring wrath, as if you were at a point of indifferency, whether you did escape it, or endure it?
A26695or declaim to the Mountains, and think to move them with arguments?
A26695or the brightness of the glory of his holiness be blemished for thee?
A26695or to lodge the swine with his children?
A26695quando satiabor de pulchritudine tua?
A26695shall I burn the brimstone of hell at his nostrils?
A26695shall I leave you as I found you at last?
A26695that thou savourest nothing but gratifying the sense, and making provision for the flesh?
A26695that you are of the visible Church?
A26695that you bear his name?
A26695that you have knowledge in the Points of Religion?
A26695that your servants should bless you?
A26695they are infinitely above our thoughts, higher than heaven, what can we do?
A26695thou givest them mediclnes, and cherishest them when they be sick, and dost thou not as much for thy swine?
A26695thou providest meat and drink for them, agreeable to their natures, and dost thou not the same for thy beasts?
A26695to my rod?
A26695to my word?
A26695to the tombs and monuments of the dead, or to a living auditory?
A26695what a Hell of sin is in this heart of mine, which I have flattered my self to be a good heart?
A26695what do they espy in thee?
A26695what dost thou do for thy children, and servants?
A26695what duty have I omitted?
A26695what is it, that you have to plead for your selves?
A26695when shall it once be?
A26695when was the time, where was the place, or what was the means, by which this thorough change of the new birth was wrought in his Soul?
A26695where is the place, yea where is the house almost, where these do not dwell?
A26695where will you leave your glory?
A26695wherewith shall I win them?
A26695whither will you flee for help?
A26695who will say unto him, What dost thou?
A26695will no body be perswaded?
A26695will you court the harlot, will you seek and serve the world, and neglect the eternal glory?
A26695will you not be made clean?
A26695will you play at the hole of the Asp?
A26695will you put your hand upon the Cockat ● ice''s den?
A26695wilt thou do no more for immortal souls than thou wilt do for thy beasts that perish?
A26695would I stick at the pains?
A26695would you plant nurseries for the Church of God?
A26695would you remove the incumbent, or prevent the impending calamities?
A26695would you that God should build your houses, and bless your substance?
A26695would you that your children should bless you?
A26695you more hardned than they?
A09339& refusest to ● ollow him?
A0933920. Who can say, Mine heart is pure, I am pure from sinne?
A0933922. whether it was lawfull to giue tribute to Cesar or no?
A093396. is verie true, who speaking of Simon Magus, saith, What good did it to him to be baptized?
A093398. Who shall accuse Gods elect?
A09339A man that neuer stirred foote out of England holds and enioyes land in Turkie: but how comes it to be his?
A09339A rare thing it is, to finde this vertue in the world now adaies: who is he that maketh conscience of a lie?
A09339A worthie saying: for what is the thing which Paul committed vnto the Lord?
A09339ARe not we then borne of God?
A09339Admit thou shalt be deliuered from hell by Christ, what will this auaile thee, considering that thou shalt neuer come to the kingdom of heauen?
A09339After I haue thus prepared them, I then demand, whether they haue beene euer in this case or no?
A09339After that a man hath led a short life in this world, what followeth thē?
A09339After what manner doth God heare his seruants prayers?
A09339Afterward Naomi her mother in lawe said vnto her, My daughter, shall not I seeke rest for thee, that thou maiest prosper?
A09339Againe it may be asked, whether all mankind were euer in the couenant or no?
A09339Againe, if Christ be an effectuall Sauiour of all and euery particular man, why is any man condemned?
A09339Againe, if all title to the creatures be rocouered by Christ, it may bee demanded, whether infidels haue any interest to their goods or no?
A09339Againe, who knoweth the minde of the Lord?
A09339Ah my good brother what is the matter with you?
A09339Alas, we fall oft by infirmitie: what shall we then doe?
A09339Among all the burdens that can befall a man, what is the greatest?
A09339An example whereof we haue in Dauid, Who knowes, saith he, the errours of this life?
A09339And Dauid said to Saul, Wherefore giuest thou an eare to mens wordes, that say, Behold, Dauid seeketh euill against thee?
A09339And Dauid sent, and inquired what woman it was: and one said, Is not this Bethsheba the daughter of Elian, wife to Vriah the Hittite?
A09339And Dauid, Why art thou cast downe my soule?
A09339And Eli said vnto her, How long wilt thou be drūken?
A09339And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was angrie with Dauid, and said, Why camest thou downe hither?
A09339And Ionah praied vnto the Lord, and saide, I pray thee, O Lord, was not this my saying, when I was yet in my countrey?
A09339And Samuel said to Saul, why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me vp?
A09339And a little after he saith, Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect?
A09339And after that man is created, what is his life?
A09339And againe Paul saith to the Romans, Why doest thou iudge thy brother?
A09339And are these the strong weapons, which so many times, and in so many wordes, haue beene obiected against me by D. Andreas?
A09339And by the example of Paul, when Christ saith, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
A09339And crie out with Paul, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death?
A09339And doth the law make thee feele it?
A09339And first by reason of manifolde doubtings that rise in our mindes, it may be demaunded, whether there be a God?
A09339And hast thou kept the lawe of this thy Lord and King?
A09339And haue you nowe forgotten those promises, which were so often made to them that repent?
A09339And he said vnto them, Why doe ye such things?
A09339And he said, What wouldest thou?
A09339And hence God saith, If I be a master, where is my feare?
A09339And here two questions must be skanned: where man is bound?
A09339And his father would not displease him from his childhood, to say, Why hast thou done so?
A09339And how can wee be set at libertie by Christ, except we feele our selues to be in bondage, vnder hell, death, and damnation?
A09339And how should they which are iustified haue peace with God, if they were not sure to perseuer righteous before God to the end?
A09339And howe often see wee by experience, that he which at one time tooke the foile in a combate, at another did win the price?
A09339And howe shall Gods mercie bee infinite, when wee by our satisfactions must adde a supply to the satisfaction of Christ?
A09339And howe shall a man perceiue this obedience?
A09339And howe shall they heare without a preacher?
A09339And if God should leaue his people in the gra ● e vnder death for euer, how could they be called the people of God?
A09339And if he deceiue vs in that which is more easie to find, how shal we trust him in things that be harder?
A09339And if no man might certainly know, whether he beleeued truly or not: why doth the Apostle say, Trie your selues whether you be in the Faith?
A09339And in Malachie he saith, If I be your Lord where is my feare?
A09339And of Dauid who made his moane after this manner: Is his mercy cleane gone for euer?
A09339And our Sauiour Christ when the Iewes said vnto him, Say we not true, that thou art a Samaritane and hast a deuill?
A09339And said, O Lord, be it farre from me that I should doe ● his: is not this the blood of the men, that went in ieopardie of their liues?
A09339And that which our Sauiour Christ saide once to Peter, men should daiely speake to themselues: O thou of littl ● faith, why hast thou doubted?
A09339And the Holy Ghost saith, that the seruants of God in the daies of Antiochus were racked and tormented, and would not bee deliuered: why so?
A09339And the complaint of the Lord touching times past, agrees to our daies: O Ephraim, What shall I say to thee?
A09339And the word of the Lord came to Elijah, saying, Seest thou how Ahab is humbled before me?
A09339And their implicite faith which saueth the lay man, what reprobate can not haue it?
A09339And therefore a most sharp reuenger of sinne?
A09339And they saide vnto him, Knowest thou not, that Baalis the king of the Ammonites, had sent Ishmac ● the sonne of Nethaniah, to slay thee?
A09339And they sung, as it were, a new song before the throne: and they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, Lord, holy and true?
A09339And those which make any conscience of this dutie, how they are laden with nicknames and taunts, who knoweth not?
A09339And to proceede: It is not here said, the resurrection of the soule, but of the bodie onely; what then( will some say) becommeth of the soule?
A09339And to whome is it a witnesse?
A09339And we must rather follow the example of Moses, who when Iosua desired him to forbid Eldad and Medad to prophecie, answered, Enuiest thou for my sake?
A09339And what are the workes for the doing of which we must be fashioned anew in Christ Iesus?
A09339And what can he merit, that is guiltie of the breach of the whole law?
A09339And what if inward righteousnes be perfect in the ende of this life, shall we therefore make it the matter of our iustification?
A09339And what is that loue else but predestination?
A09339And what was this dust and ashes made of?
A09339And when he was called to be a iudge to deuide the inheritance betweene two brethren, he refused to doe it, saying, Who made me a iudge betweene you?
A09339And where are they that striue to enter in?
A09339And why should we daily aske pardon for our sinnes, if nothing but incredulitie or vnbeleefe condemned vs?
A09339And will he shew no more fauour?
A09339And wilt not thou bewaile and lament thy sinnes, and thy wicked conuersation?
A09339And( as we are blamed, and as some affirme that we say) why do we not euill, that good may come thereof?
A09339And, How shall we call vpon him in whom we haue not beleeued?
A09339Are not two sparrowes sold for a farthing, and not one of them falleth on the ground without your Father?
A09339Are there diuers degrees and measures of true faith?
A09339Are these notes vnfallible?
A09339Are they not all ministring spirits, sent forth to minister for their sakes which shall be heires of saluation?
A09339Art thou prone to euill?
A09339As Paul saith, How can they beleeue in him, of whome they ha ● e not heard?
A09339As if he should say, haue ye forgotten the second commandement, that God gaue vnto your fathers?
A09339As they went they came to a water: then the Eunuch saide, See, here is water, what hindreth me to be baptized?
A09339Augustine saith, I demand of thee, O sinner, doest thou beleeue Christ or no?
A09339Augustine saith, The bodie of Christ is ascended into heauen: some may answer and say, How shall I hold him beeing absent?
A09339Be it that I knowe him to be my aduocate, may I not be deceiued?
A09339Before you goe any further, this word of life is inuisible, how then could it bee seene?
A09339Behold say the Angel to the she ● pheards, we bring tidings of great ioy that shall be to all people: but wherein standes the ioy?
A09339Beleeuest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father is in me?
A09339But I pray you, what thinke you, wil not God condemne his owne elect children if they sinne?
A09339But I pray you: what mooued Moses to be of this minde?
A09339But against whome or with whome doth it giue testimonie?
A09339But aske him further: Doest thou beleeue the pardon of thine owne sinnes?
A09339But doe you desire with all your heart to feele it?
A09339But his seruants came, and spake vnto him, and said, Father, if the Prophet had commanded thee a great thing ● wouldest thou not haue done it?
A09339But how came this earthquake?
A09339But how can any sinne be great, that may be done away with such easie and sleight meanes?
A09339But how can he bee a Christian that feeles no grace nor goodnes in himselfe?
A09339But how could they doe it?
A09339But how depends this petition on the former?
A09339But how if it come to passe that you be tempted to any great sinne, and the flesh ouercome the spirit, in what case are you then?
A09339But how is that done?
A09339But how long shall they continue in this vile estate?
A09339But how maiest thou be made partaker of Christ and his benfits?
A09339But how may euery one of vs in particular know that Christ is his aduocate?
A09339But how shall I certenly know( say you) whether my faith be a true and liuely faith, or not?
A09339But how shall this triall be made?
A09339But how?
A09339But how?
A09339But howe and by what meanes can wee rise with Christ, seeing we did not die with him?
A09339But howe can this be?
A09339But howe prooues he this?
A09339But howe shall we doe this?
A09339But if faith faile either in the true knowledge, or in the apprehension of Gods mercies, how can a man be saued by it?
A09339But if this were so, why might wee not pray, Let my will be done?
A09339But in whose name pray they?
A09339But is not euery sinne a sinne to death?
A09339But it may be further demanded, howe the holy Ghost can be sent which is euery where?
A09339But it will peraduenture be saide, howe must wee proceede in admonishing of others?
A09339But shall we thinke that our owne Church is free from such men?
A09339But some may aske how any man can see him crucified now after his death?
A09339But some may say, how shall a man so prepare himselfe, that hee may bee fitte for that place?
A09339But some may say, how should this be done?
A09339But some may say, wherein standes our vnbeleefe?
A09339But some men may say, What?
A09339But some will say, how was Christ heard, seeing he suffered death and bare the pangs of hel, and the full wrath of God?
A09339But some will say, we are subiect to many crosses, yea to sinne: what?
A09339But the Astrologer saith, he foretelleth many things, which, as he said, come so to passe: be it so: But howe, I demaund?
A09339But the wicked men said, Howe shall he saue vs?
A09339But to omit this, what if we graunt this which D. Andreas requireth concerning Baptisme?
A09339But to proceede; how are the members of the visible Church qualified and discerned?
A09339But to whom shall we make it sure?
A09339But to whome will this blessed King communicate all these meanes of saluation?
A09339But vpon what cause did God so?
A09339But we for our parts must learne to say with Dauid, What shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits?
A09339But what hath bin the issue of it?
A09339But what if a man be not able to restore?
A09339But what is done in this societie?
A09339But what is this taste?
A09339But what mooues him to trust God?
A09339But what other exercises haue you?
A09339But what reason vseth the theefe to draw his fellow to the feare of God?
A09339But what was the behauiour of Christ, when he is thus laden with reproch?
A09339But what was the cause why he praied thus?
A09339But what was the occasion that mooued him to giue so worthie a testimonie?
A09339But what?
A09339But when a man is afflicted, how shall he be able to endure the crosse?
A09339But whence haue the deuils historical faith?
A09339But whence is this efficacie?
A09339But where may wee finde these workes?
A09339But wherein is this likenes?
A09339But wherein, will some say, stands this goodnes of the creature?
A09339But why doth not God conferre the grace of constant faith to all?
A09339But why so?
A09339But why will God haue those whome hee hath sanctified labour still vnder their infirmities?
A09339But why?
A09339But why?
A09339But wilt thou goe an hundred myle for the encrease of thy wealth, and delight of thy bodie?
A09339But you will say: how may we be found worthie to stand before Christ at that day?
A09339But( some will say) how can this be a temporarie faith, seeing it hath such fruits?
A09339By what meanes?
A09339By what notes may this vpright man be knowe, and who is he?
A09339By what signes will this repentance appeare?
A09339By what?
A09339Can Adam and Eue?
A09339Can Gods children be subiect to such infirmities and miseries as we are?
A09339Can a man haue life, and neuer mooue nor take breath?
A09339Can the children of the marriage chamber mourne, so long as the bridegrome is with thē?
A09339Can the deuill?
A09339Can the posteritie of Adam?
A09339Christ saith, Blessed are the peacemakers: but why are they blessed?
A09339Christian men are trees of righteousnesse growing by the waters of the sanctuarie: but what trees?
A09339Come, and see a man which hath told me all things that euer I did: Is not he the Christ?
A09339Concerning their conference, it is said, Iesus knowing all things that should come vnto him, went forth, and said vnto them, Whome seeke ye?
A09339Could the suffering of Christ, which was but for a short time, counteruaile euerlasting damnation, and so appease Gods wrath?
A09339Dare any of you, hauing busines against another, be iudged vnder the vniust, and not vnder the Saints?
A09339Darest thou presume to thinke of Gods mercie?
A09339Dauid often was in this case, as namely when he saith, k Will the Lord absent himself for euer?
A09339Declare how our loue should be a signe of Gods dwelling in vs?
A09339Declare vnto vs some of the principall of these commandements?
A09339Doe not I fill the heauen and earth, saith the Lord?
A09339Doe we therefore through faith make the Law of none effect?
A09339Doe wee here desire to doe the will of God in that perfection it is done by Angels?
A09339Doe you desire the fauour of Monarks and Princes?
A09339Doth his promise faile for euermore?
A09339Eli said vnto her, How long wilt thou be drunken?
A09339Ely said, Why doe ye such things?
A09339Ephron said to Abraham, The land is worth foure hundreth shekels of siluer, what is that betweene me and thee?
A09339Euery one of vs was borne in sinne,& by nature we are most wretched in our selues: now what an one is God?
A09339Father, what an horrible monster am I?
A09339Feare ye not me, saith the Lord?
A09339Feelest thou that thy rebellious flesh carrieth thee captiue vnto sinne?
A09339First as Saint Peter saith, it must mooue vs to eschewe euill and doe good: why?
A09339First, we beleeue that Iesus Christ who was to be the Sauiour of mankinde, must needs be God: what is the reason hereof?
A09339For conscience beares witnes; Of what?
A09339For example, he knoweth that there is a God, and that this God must be worshipped: come to particulars, who God is?
A09339For him whome God honoureth with the protection of his good angels, why should any mortall man despise?
A09339For how can a child call him father, whome he cares not continually to displease through his lewd conditions?
A09339For how can a man truly call God father, when he doubts whether he be the child of God, or no?
A09339For how can they call God their father, that haue no loue to their brethren?
A09339For how shall any glorifie God before he know him?
A09339For how should he call God his father, who will not take the child of God for his brother?
A09339For how should heauen bee your resting place, if on earth you were not troubled?
A09339For if they haue it not, why is it said that these( namely the Iewes) haue no excuse because he came and spake to them?
A09339For many when they are told of their dutie in this point, replie and say, What, tell you me of Conscience?
A09339For the first Saint Iames saith, Is any sicke among you?
A09339For the first point, whether there shall be a iudgement or not?
A09339For the first we hold and teach, that Christs bodie and blood, are truely present with the bread and wine, beeing signes in the Sacrament: but how?
A09339For the soules of the godly lie vnder the altar, and crie, How long Lord Iesus?
A09339For this cause Moses that faithful seruāt of God saith, that the people of Israel dealt wrongfully with the Lord: why?
A09339For thou wast made of God vnto me iustice: But should I feare, whether that one iustice would suffice two?
A09339For vnto which of the Angels said be at any time, Thou art my Sonne, this day begat I thee?
A09339For what can they say for themselues at the day of iudgement, when as now they haue freedome offered and will not accept of it?
A09339For what doth your heart affect?
A09339For what if the position of such and such certaine starres, doe demonstrate such an effect to ensue?
A09339For what is an impenitent sinner?
A09339For what is he to make the best of himselfe, what can he make of himselfe?
A09339For what is the best of vs, but a lumpe of clay?
A09339For what is the cause why men daily defile their bodies& soules with so many damnable practises, without any remorse of conscience?
A09339For what is this, I pray you, but to sell time, and to take more of our neighbour, then right?
A09339For what praise is it, if when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye take it patiently?
A09339For what( saith the Apostle) shall we say to these things?
A09339For wherefore did Christ ascend to heauen?
A09339For who can loue God, especially when he is wounded by him?
A09339For who can truly call GOD father, vnlesse hee haue the spirit of adoption, and be assured that he is the child of God?
A09339For who separateth thee?
A09339For why did not Abimelech commit adulterie?
A09339For why should not a spirit as well haue societie with a witch, as to eate meate?
A09339For why was he sanctified?
A09339For why, say I, doubtest thou of his good will towards thee, who in mercy hath sent me a minister to cal thee vnto him?
A09339For why?
A09339For, I pray you, is God of lesse truth, because his truth is neglected, and derided of them that contemne it?
A09339From the deuil?
A09339From what?
A09339From whence is this difference?
A09339Further if it be eternall, it must either be?
A09339Further, Christ being smitten, makes this answer: If I haue euill spoken, beare witnesse of the euill: but if I haue well spoken, why smitest thou me?
A09339Further, it may be demanded, in what forme this Creede was penned?
A09339Giue] If bread be ours, wherefore are we to aske it?
A09339God for his part would haue all men to be saued: why then are they not?
A09339God is iust and can not sinne: but if he lead men into temptation shal he not be the author of sinne?
A09339God is loue we grant, but how may we know, that God is loue to vs?
A09339God is my light, and my saluation, whome should I feare?
A09339God is the strength of my life, of whom should I be afraid?
A09339Gods name must bee hallowed among men: but howe is it done?
A09339Good Master, what shall I doe, that I may possesse eternall life?
A09339Had he such care to prouide a kingdome for his children before they were?
A09339Had not these men so?
A09339Halfe my goods?
A09339Hast thou learning?
A09339Hath Christ giuen himselfe for thee, and is thy conscience setled in this?
A09339Hath God forgotten to be mercifull?
A09339Hath God forgotten to be mercifull?
A09339Hath god of his mercie giuen his own sonne to be my Sauiour, to shed his blood for me?
A09339Hath he shut vp his tender mercie in displeasure?
A09339Hath he shut vp his tender mercies in displeasure?
A09339Hath not the potter power ouer the clay, to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honour, and another to dishonour?
A09339Hath not the potter power to make of the same lumpe one vessell to honour, and another to dishonour?
A09339Haue then the starres no force in inferiour things?
A09339Haue they which keepe these commandements their praiers granted?
A09339Haue ye not read in the law, how that on the Sabbath daies, the Priests in the Temple breake the Sabbath, and are blamelesse?
A09339He hath blasphemed, what haue we any more neede of witnesses, he is worthie to die?
A09339He said, Where haue ye laid him?
A09339He said, Why wilt thou goe to him this day?
A09339Hence it may be demanded whether Angels be of this Triumphant church or no?
A09339Here further it may bee demaunded, who may vse the sword?
A09339Here it may be asked, whether we may regard our dreames now, as Pilates wife did or no?
A09339Here it may be demaunded, whether Christ and his religion may not be maintained by the sword?
A09339Herod feare and reuerence Iohn Baptist, and heare him gladly?
A09339His countenance fell down: and the Lord said vnto Cain, Why art thou so wrath?
A09339How Christ beeing God, can be forsaken of God?
A09339How and in what manner are wee to pray for our enemies?
A09339How are the children of faithfull parents in the couenant?
A09339How busily sought I the things of the world?
A09339How can God manifest his loue to vs, he beeing a spirit inuisible?
A09339How can a sinfull man hallow Gods name which is pure and holy in it selfe?
A09339How can that be infinite iustice, which may any way be appeased by humane satisfactions?
A09339How can that seruant please his master, which can not tel what he would haue done of him?
A09339How can this be, seeing the deuill hath power to sinne; which is not from God?
A09339How can this be?
A09339How can this be?
A09339How can we be assured of our continuance in grace: for we may fall as well as they doe?
A09339How can we haue life eternal now, that are so miserable, and so ful of wants?
A09339How comes this to passe?
A09339How commeth it to passe that many after their Baptisme for a long time feele not the effect and fruit of it, and some neuer?
A09339How doe the wicked enter into hell and the godly into heauen?
A09339How doe you conceiue this one God in your minde?
A09339How doe you know that such a man hath faith?
A09339How doe you perswade your selfe that there is such a God?
A09339How doth God bring men truely to beleeue in Christ?
A09339How doth God humble a man?
A09339How doth he shewe himselfe to be a King?
A09339How else?
A09339How excellent is thy mercie, O God?
A09339How farre forth may we vse those Psalmes in which Dauid vseth imprecations against his enemies?
A09339How if a man neuer keepe the condition, to which he bound himselfe in baptisme?
A09339How is a man cleared from the guiltines and punishment of his sinnes?
A09339How is a man indued with inherent righteousnes?
A09339How is bread ours?
A09339How is he accepted righteous before God?
A09339How is it done?
A09339How is it that I came forth of the wombe, to see labour& sorrow, that my daies should be consumed with shame?
A09339How is that prooued?
A09339How is the corruption of sinne purged?
A09339How is this one God distinguished?
A09339How is this sight of sinne wrought?
A09339How know you that God gouerneth euery particular thing in the world by his speciall prouidence?
A09339How know you that God hath forgiuen your sinne?
A09339How know you that the Scriptures are the word of God, and not mens pollicies?
A09339How many Gods are there?
A09339How many Sacraments are there?
A09339How many are mine iniquities& sinnes?
A09339How many waies doth God heare mens praiers?
A09339How may I know that the things I enioy are mine by Christ, and that I doe not vsurpe them?
A09339How may a man know that he is iustified before God?
A09339How may a man know whether Sathan be his God or not?
A09339How may any man forgiue trespasses, seeing God onely forgiues sinne?
A09339How may we be resolued that Iesus of Nazareth the sonne of Mary, was the sonne of God, and the Messias: he came but basely into the world?
A09339How may we discerne of spirits?
A09339How may we keepe our selues in God, and neuer commit the sinne to death?
A09339How may we know that God dwelleth in vs, and we in him?
A09339How may we know that God dwelleth in vs?
A09339How may we know that God graunteth our prayers, made according to his will?
A09339How may we know that our consciences will not condemne vs?
A09339How may we preserue our selues against these seducers?
A09339How must we heare Gods word that it may be effectuall to saluation?
A09339How prooue you that an endeuour to purifie our selues, is a note of adoption?
A09339How shall I reach my hand into heauen, that I may hold him sitting there?
A09339How shall all men be cited to iudgement?
A09339How shall they call on him, in whome they haue not beleeued?
A09339How shall we that are dead to sinne, liue yet therein?
A09339How shew you that these witnesses be authenticall, and to be beleeued?
A09339How shew you that we are of God?
A09339How then comes Herod to this outrage of wickednes, thus to abuse Christ?
A09339How then may we knowe that our sinnes are washed away by Christ?
A09339How then shall vngodly men, which are not halfe so wily, thinke to escape?
A09339How then was he heard?
A09339How then( saith he) can I doe this great wickednes, and sinne against God?
A09339How will Christ trie and examine euery mans cause?
A09339How( will some say) may we be resolued of this?
A09339Howe can Christ be subordinate vnto Gods election, seeing he together with the Father decreed all things?
A09339Howe comes this to passe?
A09339Howe if our Sauiour Christ Iesus should now dwell vpon the earth in pouertie and want, coulde not you be contented to bestowe halfe your goods on him?
A09339Howe if the parties bee dead?
A09339Howe shall not the ministration of the spirit be more glorious?
A09339Howe then is this peculiar to the father, beeing common to all the three persons in trinitie?
A09339Howe then( will some say) can these wordes stand with the former: for faith and distrust are flat contraries?
A09339Howe will some say can this be?
A09339I demande nowe, doest thou beleeue in Christ, O sinner?
A09339I demaund now, what shall we say of him?
A09339I demaunde, haue they not heard?
A09339I did think vpon god and was troubled, I praied and my spirit was ful of anguish: Againe, Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer?
A09339I did thinke vpon God and was troubled: my soule was full of anguish: and so he continueth on, saying, Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer?
A09339I haue made a couenant with mine eyes, why then should I looke vpon a maide?
A09339I loue you, saith the Lord, yet ye say, wherein haue we spoken against thee?
A09339I made a couenant with mine eye, why then should I thinke on a maid?
A09339I may bee said, What neede men pray to God that they might be able to number their daies?
A09339I said of laughter, thou art madde, and of ioy, what is this that thou doest?
A09339I will further sing, but what?
A09339III Wel then, art thou secure?
A09339IT might seeme to some, that this petition is superfluous, for what neede hee care for temptations, that hath the pardon of his sinnes?
A09339If Adam by his fall did exclude himselfe from the earthly paradise, then how much more did he exclude himselfe from heauen?
A09339If Adam, saith Barnard, had a downfal in Paradise, what shall we doe that are cast forth to the dunghill?
A09339If Christ be on our side, who can be against vs?
A09339If God be on our side, who can be against vs?
A09339If I be a father where is my honour?
A09339If I be a father, where is my feare?
A09339If I be a master, where is my feare?
A09339If a child be sicke, will the father cast him off?
A09339If a man shall loose a part of his goods, what then doth he?
A09339If circumcision were of such absolute great necessitie, why was it for the space of fourtie yeares in the desart intermitted?
A09339If god in mercy couer his sinnes, why shouldst thou reueale them?
A09339If he cursed, because the Lord said, Curse Dauid, what is he that dare say, Why doest thou so?
A09339If it be demaunded for what ende must we looke vpon the worke of Gods creation?
A09339If not to loue, be a note of the child of the deuil, what is the note of gods child?
A09339If the creatures must be made ours by Christ, how comes it to passe that the vngodly haue such abundance of them?
A09339If the memorie of sinnes past be a trouble to the godly man, oh what a racke?
A09339If they say vnto me, What is his name?
A09339If thou straightly markest iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand?
A09339If thou, Lord, obserue what is done amisse, Lord who shall abide it?
A09339If wee bee in the estate of grace vnder Gods fauour in Christ; howe may wee abide in it?
A09339In asking things needfull, what is required?
A09339In that he ascended, vvhat vvas it but that he also he descended first into the lowest part of the earth?
A09339In this couenant what doth God promise to the partie baptized?
A09339In time of mens sickenesse neighbours come in, but what say they?
A09339In what part of a man is sanctification wrought?
A09339In what part of man is it?
A09339In what time is it wrought?
A09339In whome is the corruption of nature?
A09339Iob at the consideration of Gods maiesty in his works, saith, Beholde, I am vile, what shall I answer thee?
A09339Is Christ deuided?
A09339Is any so mad that hee will giue to the Earle the honour of the King —?
A09339Is his mercy cleane gone for euer?
A09339Is it for the preparing of a mansion place in the heauenly Ierusalem?
A09339Is it not lawfull for me to doe as I will with mine owne?
A09339Is it not lawfull to take at some time aboue the principall?
A09339Is it time for your selues to dwel in your fieled houses; and this house to lie wast?
A09339Is it true indeede that God will dwell on the earth?
A09339Is not God a Lord and a King ouer thee?
A09339Is not the Gospel therfore the power of God to saluation, because it is to such as beleeue not, the sauour of death to eternall death?
A09339Is not the whole land before thee?
A09339Is that enough thinke you?
A09339Is then the vse of Astrologie vtterly impious?
A09339Is this to call God Father?
A09339Is thy conscience stung with sinne?
A09339It is God that iustifieth, who shall condemne?
A09339It is an high fauour for a man to be familiar with a prince; howe much more then to bee familiar with the king of kings the mightie Iehoua?
A09339It is no easie thing to pray: for to a man of himselfe it is as easie to mooue the whol earth with his hand: how then comes it that we pray?
A09339It is true indeed God is all in all euen in this life: but howe?
A09339It is true indeede: but wherefore was he an vsurper?
A09339It will be said, where is it written that scripture is scripture?
A09339It will bee said, what kind of presence is this?
A09339Know ye not that all we which haue beene baptized into Iesus Christ haue beene baptized into his death?
A09339Know ye not that all we which haue beene baptized into Iesus Christ, haue beene baptized into his death?
A09339Know ye nothing?
A09339Lastly, would you know, whether now liuing you be dead, that beeing dead you may liue for euer?
A09339Lead vs not into temptation: howe is that done?
A09339Let me know but one thing of you: these doubtings which you feele, doe you like them?
A09339Let vs heare an example of those things which God will graunt, when we pray?
A09339Let vs nowe come to ours selues, and first tell me what is the naturall estate of man?
A09339Let vs proceed further: Is not the same Lord also a most righteous iudge?
A09339Miserable man that I am, who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death?
A09339Must we of necessitie follow all the petitions in conceiuing a praier?
A09339Must we then vse Gods creatures onely for necessitie?
A09339My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A09339My soule thirsteth for God, euen for the liuing God, when shall I come and appeare before the presence of God?
A09339My soule why dost thou faint and quaile?
A09339Not as Cain: he was of that euill one[ Sathan,] and slue his brother: and wherefore slue he him?
A09339Now from whence commeth all this?
A09339Now hence it may be demanmanded, whether ministers may handle the worde of God priuately or no?
A09339Now how is that done?
A09339Now if Elias can not set downe a iust number for the time past, which a meane man many do, what shal we think that he can do for the time to come?
A09339Now it may be asked in what manner do the angels obey God?
A09339Now it may be demanded, how both these can be true?
A09339Now let all men iudge in their owne consciences, whether as I haue said, this be not more then senselesse madnesse?
A09339Now let me heare a little how you lead your life, and haue your conuersation among men?
A09339Now let the Church of Rome speake what are the workes of which any man may most of all boast?
A09339Now shall an earthly father haue this care for his children: and shall not our heauenly father much more prouide for those that feare and loue him?
A09339Now shall we say, that all such are without faith?
A09339Now some might hereupon say, it is true indeede, God knowes who are his; but how may I be assured in my selfe that I am his?
A09339Now then shall we grieue the holy Ghost by sinning, seeing we reape such benefit by his aboad?
A09339Now then what must we doe in this case?
A09339Now then, what wilt thou doe in this case?
A09339Now then, would any be freed from this fearefull bondage?
A09339Now these Baalims, what are they?
A09339Now towards all these, how ought a man to behaue himselfe in praier?
A09339Now what doth the Pope els, when he takes vpon him authoritie to make such lawes as shall bind the cōscience, as properly and truely as Gods lawes?
A09339Now what doth this teach vs?
A09339Now what is this, to thirst?
A09339Now, what is the danger of this man?
A09339Nowe in handling the last iudgement, we are to consider these points: I. whether there shall be a iudgement or not?
A09339Nowe of these two commandements which must be obeied?
A09339Nowe some may aske, whence was this foode?
A09339Nowe what did this mooue him vnto?
A09339Nowe what is the comfort in this case?
A09339Nowe what is to be thought of this mans estate?
A09339Nowe what shall he doe in this case?
A09339O Ephraim, what shall I doe vnto thee?
A09339O Iudah, how shall I entreate thee?
A09339O Lord my God, if thou shalt weigh my sinnes, and them peruse: What one shall then escape and say, I can my selfe excuse?
A09339O Lord, what earthly man doth know, the errours of this life?
A09339O graue, where is thy victory?
A09339O how faint is faith in me?
A09339O miserable man ● who shall deliuer me from this body of death?
A09339O sonne of God, how long hast thou abased thy selfe for me?
A09339O then what shal I doe?
A09339O thou of litle faith, why didst thou doubt?
A09339O thou of little faith, why hast thou doubted?
A09339O with what a deadly and venemous heart did I hate mine enemies?
A09339O wretched man that I am, who shal deliuer me from this bodie of death?
A09339OVile helbound, thou art my slaue and my vassall, why then shakest thou off my yoke?
A09339Of Iob, Behold, I am vile, what shall I answer thee?
A09339Of Zuinglius, when in the fielde he was wounded vnder the chinne with a speare: O what happe is this?
A09339Of this Dauid often complained in the Psalmes: of this the children of Israel speake when they say, Why hast thou hardned our hearts from thy waies?
A09339Oh Lord God and deere father, what shall I say that feele all things to bee( in manner) with me as in the wicked?
A09339Our Sauiour Christ calleth Iudas a deuill, and we know his leud life and fearefull end: now what are we better then Iudas by nature?
A09339Our redemption, what a wonderful worke is it, but how few consider of it, or regard it?
A09339Paul complaines that he is sold vnder sinne, and cries pitifully, O miserable man that I am, who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death?
A09339Paul saith, I desire to be dissolued: and againe, O miserable man, who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death?
A09339Peter said to Ananias, Why hath Satan filled thine heart that thou shouldest lie?
A09339Peter saith to Ananias: Why hath Satan filled thine heart, that thou shouldest lie vnto the Holy Ghost?
A09339Put the case that a man full bodied is taken with a pleuresie, the moone beeing in Leone, what must be done?
A09339Q. Doe not good works then make vs worthie of eternall life?
A09339Q. Howe commeth it to passe that all men are thus defiled with sinne?
A09339Q. Howe did he fulfill the lawe?
A09339Q. Howe doth God prepare mens heartes?
A09339Q. Howe doth God worke this sorrowe?
A09339Q. Howe doth a man apply Christ vnto himselfe, seeing we are on earth, and Christ in heauen?
A09339Q. Howe is this Sauiour called?
A09339Q. Howe many sortes of sinne are there?
A09339Q. Howe was he made man void of sinne?
A09339Q. Shew me howe euery part of man is corrupted with sinne?
A09339Q. VVhat followes after this sorrow?
A09339Q. VVhat is an other meaues of increasing faith?
A09339Q. VVhat is the curse of God in this life?
A09339Q. VVhat manner of bondage is this?
A09339Q. t What things must a Christian mans heart desire?
A09339Q: How doth he make satisfaction?
A09339Q: How oft did he sacrifice himselfe?
A09339Q: Howe doth he worke the meanes of saluation?
A09339Q: VVhat death did he suffer when he sacrificed himselfe?
A09339Q: VVhat is the n Altar?
A09339Q: VVhat is this sacrifice?
A09339Q: VVho was the priest?
A09339Q: VVhy is he a priest?
A09339Q: What be the offices of Christ to make him an al- sufficient Sauiour?
A09339Rebecca, when the two twinnes stroue in her wombe, what did shee?
A09339Rebecca, when two twins stroue in her wombe was troubled and saide, Why am I so?
A09339S. Luke saith, that a certaine woman was bound of Satan eighteene yeeres, but what was shee?
A09339Saint Bernard had learned better diuinitie, when he said, Who is iust, but he that beeing loued of God, returnes loue to him againe?
A09339Say not to me, I haue sinned: how shall I be freed from so many sinnes?
A09339Seeing all things must be dissolued, what manner of men ought we to be in holy conuersation and godlines?
A09339Seest thou how farre a reprobate may goe?
A09339Seuenthly, some may aske in what space of time did God make the world?
A09339Shall I iustifie the wicked ballances, and the bagge of deceitfull waights?
A09339Shall we say our sanctification, whereby we are renewed to the image of God in righteousnes and true holines?
A09339Should not a people enquire as their God?
A09339Should we returne to break thy commandements, and ioyne in affinitie with the people of such abomination?
A09339Some may say, if workes merit not why are they mentioned in the promises?
A09339Some men vse to obiect and say, what did God all that while before the world was?
A09339Some will peraduenture aske what rule wee haue to direct vs herein?
A09339Some will say, howe can Christs death which now is not, because it is long agoe past and ended, kill sinne in vs nowe?
A09339Some will say, howe shall we get this preferment for them?
A09339Some will say, what a faith haue they?
A09339Some will say, what then shall be?
A09339TO returne againe to that which was before mentioned: shall we beleeue all that say they haue the spirit?
A09339Tel me one thing plainly: you say you feele no assurance of Gods mercie?
A09339Tell me then, doest thou thinke that all the world shall be saued?
A09339The Lord saith to Moses, Why criest thou?
A09339The Lord vouchsafeth to bring thee into the way of the elect, why art thou a stumbling blocke vnto thy selfe?
A09339The Pharises said to Christs disciples, Why eates your master with Publicans and sinners?
A09339The Prophet Amos reprooueth the people, because they dranke wine in bowles, and annointed themselues with the chiefe oyntments: but why?
A09339The Schoolemen demaund whether a man may be made sure of his Election?
A09339The consideration of this made Paul to say, I desire to be dissolued: but what is the cause of this desire?
A09339The cup, is the new testament by a figure: why may not the bread be the bodie of Christ by a figure also?
A09339The cuppe of blessing which we blesse, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ?
A09339The fifth and last point is, what ariseth of this vnion?
A09339The first is to read diligently the word of God, concerning those matters about which they are to pray:& what then?
A09339The first is, in what order men shall haue fellowship with God?
A09339The first is, what is meant by this giuing?
A09339The first is, what kinde of Vnion this is?
A09339The first is, what was the cause that mooued Christ to complaine?
A09339The first question is, who was incarnate ● or, made man?
A09339The first wordes, my God, my God, are speeches of faith: yet the latter, why hast thou forsaken me?
A09339The first, What is, that particular thing, which faith apprehendeth?
A09339The first, what kind of sacrifice it was?
A09339The first, whether there be a resurrection or no?
A09339The first, whether things ordained and made by God, may become vncleane or no?
A09339The first, who is the author of forgiuenes of sinnes?
A09339The first, who praied?
A09339The fourth point is, after what manner sinne is forgiuen?
A09339The fourth point is, whether there be any more reall priests of the newe Testament beside Christ or no?
A09339The fourth question is, with what affection a man must praie?
A09339The heart is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things, who cā know it?
A09339The last wordes, why hast thou forsaken me?
A09339The like was the estate of the Church making her mone vnto God in Esay, g O Lord, why hast thou made vs to erre from thy waies?
A09339The people of Israel beeing in grieuous a ● fliction, how doe they pray?
A09339The prophet Esay after that hee had set forth Gods maiestie very worthily, he comes in with this conclusion: To whom thē will ye likē God?
A09339The rich neede not say, Giue vs,& c. for they haue abundance already, and what neede they aske that which they haue?
A09339The second is, a troubled conscience, whereof Salomon saith, A troubled spirit, who can beare it?
A09339The second is, by whome?
A09339The second is, what are the things vnited?
A09339The second point followeth, namely what God is?
A09339The second point is, According to which nature he was a priest: whether in his manhood, or in his godhead, or both togither?
A09339The second point is, in what thing this communion consisteth?
A09339The second point is, to whom remission of sinnes is giuen?
A09339The second point is, what is the very thing giuen?
A09339The second question is, how oft Christ offered himselfe?
A09339The second question is, to whome things ordained of God are pure?
A09339The second question is, what kind of actiō praier is?
A09339The second question is, what manner of man the sonne of God was made?
A09339The second question is, where this third heauen is?
A09339The second thing is the knowledge of Gods will: for otherwise howe shall we doe it?
A09339The second, In what order faith apprehends Christ?
A09339The souldiers asked him, saying, What shall we doe?
A09339The third point is the replie of the Saints to Christ againe, in these words, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fedde thee?
A09339The third point is, that Christ drinketh the vineger offered: but when?
A09339The third point is, to whome he praied?
A09339The third point is, what is the meanes whereby pardon of sinne is procured at Gods hand?
A09339The third point, After what order he is a priest?
A09339The third question is, what is the forme or rule according to which wee are to pray?
A09339The third question is, what is the fruit of this sacrifice?
A09339The third question is, who they are to whome all things are vncleane?
A09339The third question is, why the sonne of God must become man?
A09339The which if it be true, why should not the deuill be iust?
A09339Then he came to himselfe, and said, How many hired seruants at my fathers haue bread ynough, and I die for hunger?
A09339Then said he vnto her, Feare not, but what sawest thou?
A09339Then said he vnto her, What fashion is he of?
A09339Then said the woman; Whome wilt thou I call vp vnto thee?
A09339There is vtterly a fault among you, because ye goe to law one with another: why rather suffer ye not wrong?
A09339Therefore who is it that maketh this conclusion for thee, that thou art predestinate to euerlasting life?
A09339These and such like sayings, what argue they but your grosse ignorance?
A09339They answered and said vnto him, Thou art altogither borne in sinnes, and doest thou teach vs?
A09339They asked him, saying, Lord, wilt thou restore at this time the kingdome of Israel?
A09339They will both runne and ride from place to place day and night, both by sea and land: but for what?
A09339Thinkest thou I can not praie to my father, and he will giue me moe then twelue legions of Angels?
A09339Thirdly it may be demanded, whethether the common iudgement giuen of Francis Spira that he is a reprobate be good or no?
A09339Thirdly it may bee demaunded, why God created this third heauen?
A09339This Paul declareth to the Romanes: l in afflictions God sheds abroad his loue in their hearts, by the holy Ghost, which is giuen to them: but how?
A09339This befell Christ on the crosse, f My God( saith he) my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A09339This comming implies a stopping: but how should Gods kingdome be hindred?
A09339This day] We say not here this weeke, this moneth, this age, but this day; what meanes this?
A09339This further appeareth in that he saith in an other place, c Why art thou cast downe my soule?
A09339This made Ieremie say, The heart of man is deceitfull and wicked aboue all things, who can know it?
A09339This the Lord signified when he said to Adam, Adam where art thou?
A09339This was the complaint of Gedeon, Did not the Lord bring vs out of Egypt?
A09339Thou miserable wretch, doest thou feele thy selfe gracelesse, and wilt thou beare the face of a Christian?
A09339Thus he requires the obedience of the morall lawe: but why?
A09339Thus saith the Lord God of hostes, Goe, get thee to that treasurer, to Shebnah the steward of the house, and say, What hast thou to doe here?
A09339Thus they annihilate Gods commandement, yea& more then this, whither tends all that they teach but to the very murdering of soules?
A09339To come more neere the matter; you say the flesh begets in you wauerings, doubtings, and distrustings: what then?
A09339To his friend comming vnto him, What shall I say vnto you?
A09339To what condition is the partie baptized, bound?
A09339To whome is woe?
A09339VVHat doest thou beleeue concerning God?
A09339VVHether a man is to vse a voice in praier?
A09339VVHether doth repentance alwaies goe with teares or not?
A09339VVHether hee that repents is to make restitution if hee haue taken any thing wrongfully from his neighbour?
A09339VVhence then, I pray you, doth this curious diuiner foreshew the trueth, but by an inward& secret instinct from the diuell?
A09339Vnlesse that concupiscence were a sinne, where would or could be that vehement and hote combate betwixt the flesh and the spirit?
A09339WHat is God?
A09339We can not perswade our selues of perseuerance, seeing men so commonly fall away from Christ among vs?
A09339We dare not so much as speake of an earthly king vnreuerently, what reuerence then do we owe vnto Christ the king of heauen and earth?
A09339We neede not releeue them often, neede we?
A09339We see that there is no man, vnles he be desperately wicked, but will make some conscience of killing and stealing ● and why is this?
A09339Well then, peraduenture this came from mine owne selfe?
A09339Well thou; art thou a man which hast made little conscience of thy speech and talke?
A09339Well, doe they aboue all things seeke the kingdome of GOD?
A09339Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?
A09339What a case am I in then?
A09339What anguish of conscience had the theefe vpon the crosse for his former life in his present conuersion at the houre of death?
A09339What are the ordinarie or vsuall meanes for the obtaining of faith?
A09339What are these commandements?
A09339What are they?
A09339What be his chiefe properties?
A09339What be the sixe latter?
A09339What be the workes of God?
A09339What be those euill actions that are the fruites of this corruption?
A09339What bee the speciall things in which you leade your conuersation?
A09339What beleeuest thou?
A09339What beleeuest thou?
A09339What benefits doth a man receiue by his faith in Christ?
A09339What can we any way deserue, when our full recompence must be of mercie?
A09339What causeth this feare?
A09339What difference is then betweene the godly and the wicked?
A09339What doe you inferre vpon this, if it be the last time as you haue saide?
A09339What dost thou beleeue cōcerning man,& cōcerning thine own selfe?
A09339What followes, i ● in any temptation he be ouercome, and through infirmitie fall?
A09339What followeth after a man hath gotten the victorie in any temptation or affliction?
A09339What followeth after all this?
A09339What followeth after death?
A09339What gesture is to be vsed in praier?
A09339What goeth with repentance?
A09339What graces of the Spirit doe vsually shew themselues in the heart of a man sanctified?
A09339What hurt comes to man by his sinne?
A09339What if a man after the receiuing of the Sacrament, neuer finde any such thing in himselfe?
A09339What if a man can not come to the speech of them with whome he would be reconciled; or if he doe, what if they will not be reconciled?
A09339What is Iesus Christ?
A09339What is a Sacrament?
A09339What is all this, but to place the Pope in Gods roome, and to robbe the Lord of his Maiestie?
A09339What is done in Baptisme?
A09339What is done in the Lords Supper?
A09339What is faith?
A09339What is faith?
A09339What is it then?
A09339What is it therefore to beleeue in him?
A09339What is it to be sanctified?
A09339What is one reason?
A09339What is one?
A09339What is praier?
A09339What is sinne?
A09339What is sorrowe for sinne?
A09339What is that?
A09339What is that?
A09339What is that?
A09339What is the cause that almost all the world liue in securitie, neuer almost touched for their horrible sinnes?
A09339What is the cause that first we craue things for the bodie, and in the second place those which concerne the soule?
A09339What is the cause that they can doe so?
A09339What is the cause why the Lord doth oft deferre his blessings after our prayers?
A09339What is the curse after this life?
A09339What is the curse due to man in the ende of this life?
A09339What is the effect of that which these witnesses testifie?
A09339What is the estate of all men after death?
A09339What is the first of them?
A09339What is the first?
A09339What is the fourth?
A09339What is the greatest measure of faith?
A09339What is the least measure of true faith that any man can haue?
A09339What is the receiuer?
A09339What is the second?
A09339What is the second?
A09339What is the third?
A09339What is the third?
A09339What is the time appointed for praier?
A09339What is the vse of the word of God preached?
A09339What is this lie which you speake of?
A09339What is this to be iustified before God?
A09339What is this want of good name?
A09339What is your temptation as touching faith?
A09339What lacketh?
A09339What madnes then is it, for vs to thinke that we should merit the kingdome of heauen by works, that can not merit so much as bread?
A09339What meanes doe you finde most effectuall to strengthen your faith, to increase Gods graces in you, and to raise you vp againe when you are fallen?
A09339What meanes is there for thee to escape this damnable estate?
A09339What meaneth the bread and wine, the eating of the bread, and drinking of the wine?
A09339What meaneth the sprinkling or dipping in water?
A09339What merits of his owne can he that is set at libertie bragge of, who if he had his merits should haue beene condemned?
A09339What mooneth you to deliuer vnto vs all these notes and signes of our newe birth, and communion with Christ?
A09339What mooueth you to thinke so?
A09339What neede men vse prayer, considering God in his eternall coūsell hath certenly determined what shall come to passe?
A09339What of all this?
A09339What other fruits is there of true loue?
A09339What other note is there of true loue?
A09339What other reason haue you?
A09339What other signe haue you of Gods dwelling in vs?
A09339What other signe is there that God is loue to vs?
A09339What other things are we to doe, that we may continue?
A09339What outward meanes must we vse to obtaine faith and all blessings of God which come by faith?
A09339What place must we praie in?
A09339What proceedes of them?
A09339What profit comes by beeing thus iustified?
A09339What profit commeth by his Sacrifice?
A09339What profiteth the image?
A09339What saith the Scripture?
A09339What saith the diuine Oracles?
A09339What sentence will he giue?
A09339What shall I say vnto them?
A09339What shall a true receiuer feele in himselfe after the receiuing of the Sacrament?
A09339What shall be the comming to iudgement?
A09339What shall we say then?
A09339What shall we say then?
A09339What signe is there of this sorrow?
A09339What signe is there to know this day from other daies?
A09339What sinnes may I finde in my selfe by them?
A09339What state shall the godly be in after the day of iudgement?
A09339What state shall the wicked be in after the day of iudgement?
A09339What then is the true marke of one which hath fellowship with God?
A09339What then thinke you, must those licensed rogues and beggers by authoritie, I meane all idle Monkes and Abby- lubbers haue?
A09339What then will some say, must there be nothing but darkenes?
A09339What thinkest thou Simon?
A09339What traytor?
A09339What will you doe?
A09339What will you that I come vnto you with a rod, or in the spirit of meekenes?
A09339What will you then say of the man that said, a Lord I beleeue, Lord helpe mine vnbeleefe?
A09339What wretch and villaine?
A09339What, shall I feare least that one be not sufficient for vs both?
A09339What, shall some be saued, and some condemned?
A09339When Christ asked, Who say men that I am?
A09339When Dauid said, Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit; what was the reason of this boldnesse in him?
A09339When Moses said nothing, but onely desired in heart the helpe and protection of God at the red sea, the Lord said vnto him: why criest thou vnto me?
A09339When Paul persecuted such as called on the name of Christ, he thē f ● om heauē cried, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
A09339When Shemi came foorth and cursed Dauid, and flung stones at him, what did he?
A09339When a man by restoring shall discredit himselfe: howe shall he restore and keep his credit?
A09339When mens hearts are thus prepared, howe doth God ingraft faith in them?
A09339When shall a Christian heart come to this full assurance?
A09339When shall a man then see the effect of his baptisme?
A09339When the Eunuch was conuerted by Philip, he said, What doth let me to be baptised?
A09339When the Israelites came into the land of Canaan, the Cananites were not at the first wholly displaced ● Why?
A09339When the false prophets among the Iewes and the Priests would not beleeue that Ieremie was sent of God: what saith he?
A09339When they heard these things, they were pricked in heart, and said vnto Peter, and the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we doe?
A09339Whence comes this chaunge, that thy blessed sonne is in my roome, but of thy vnspeakable mercie?
A09339Where consider two circumstances, the first, to whome?
A09339Where is the word of God to be found?
A09339Where then is the value and dignitie of other works?
A09339Wherefore doth the wicked centemne God?
A09339Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and takest me for thine enemie?
A09339Wherefore how can reprobates be perswaded that they are elected?
A09339Wherefore is the liuing man sorrowfull?
A09339Wherefore is the liuing man sorrowfull?
A09339Whether are we to praie to the sonne and the holy Ghost as to the Father?
A09339Whether are we to preferre the glorie of God before the saluation of our soules?
A09339Whether doth an oath bind conscience if by the keeping of it there follow losses and hindrances?
A09339Whether iesting be tollerable in any sort, or not?
A09339Whether is a man bound to forgiue all debts?
A09339Whether is it possible for a man to pray in reading of a praier?
A09339Whether is iustifying faith commanded in the law?
A09339Whether may a man flie in the plague time?
A09339Whether may a man lawfully pray this petition, and yet sue him at the law, who hath done him wrong?
A09339Whether may it be lawfull for vs in praier to say, not our father, but my father?
A09339Whether may not a man lie, if it be for the procuring of some great good to our neighbour, or to the whole countrey where we are?
A09339Whether may we pray for all men or no?
A09339Whē Samuel is sent to annoint Dauid, he answereth the Lord and saith, Howe can I goe?
A09339Which of you shall haue an oxe, or an asse fallen into a pit, and will not straightway pull him out on the Sabbath day?
A09339Who can here complaine of God?
A09339Who can say, I am of the Elect?
A09339Who is or can be so carefull for the ornament& preseruation of any worke as the craftes- master?
A09339Who is that ouercommeth this world, but he which beleeueth that Iesus is that Sonne of God?
A09339Who is the vpright man?
A09339Who shall any thing to the charge of Gods chosen?
A09339Who shall be the iudge?
A09339Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen?
A09339Who( saith he) created the reprobates, but God?
A09339Why art thou cast downe my soule?
A09339Why art thou disquieted within me?
A09339Why boastest thou thy selfe in thy wickednesse, O man of power?
A09339Why did he so?
A09339Why doe the godly die, seeing Christ by death hath ouercome death?
A09339Why doe wicked men and vnbeleeuers die?
A09339Why doth God deferre to heare the praiers of his seruants?
A09339Why doth not God alwaies heare mens praiers?
A09339Why doth the Sacrament seale vnto vs the mercies of God?
A09339Why is Christ a prophet?
A09339Why is he also a King?
A09339Why is the Sacrament the instrument of the Spirit to conuey the mercies of God into our hearts?
A09339Why is this petition, Hallowed be thy name, set in the first place?
A09339Why must a Sacrament represent the mercies of God before our eies?
A09339Why must our Sauiour be both God and man?
A09339Why saiest thou, O Iacob, and speakest, O Israel, my way is hid from the Lord, and my iudgement is past ouer by my God?
A09339Why so?
A09339Why so?
A09339Why so?
A09339Why then should men refuse any paines, or feare in the way?
A09339Why, how then shall God bee worshipped?
A09339Why, will some say, that is nothing, for the deuill and all the damned soules feele the power of the Almightie?
A09339Will the Lord absent himselfe for euer?
A09339Wilt thou breake a leafe driuen to and fro, and wilt thou pursue the drie stubble?
A09339With how great malice of mind inwardly did I sley and murther?
A09339With what diligence deceiued I?
A09339With what pleasure and delectation like a glutton serued I my bellie?
A09339With what violence and rage, yea with what feruēt lust committed I adulterie, fornication, and such like vncleannes?
A09339Would not be so dealt with?
A09339Would we nowe escape the second death after this life?
A09339Would you haue the valor of knighthood?
A09339Would you inioy Gods blessings which you wāt?
A09339Would you men did so with you?
A09339Wouldest thou then escape the iudgement of Christ at the last day?
A09339Wouldest thou then liue eternally?
A09339Wretch that I am, how haue I forgotten my selfe, and thee also my God?
A09339You haue shewed how Christ doth make satisfaction, tell mee likewise howe he doth make intercession?
A09339You haue shewed vs fully, that loue is a worke of adoption: Now shew vs how we may know whether we loue our brethren or not?
A09339a Doest thou beleeue that thou canst not be saued but by the death of Christ?
A09339and by thy hypocrisie offend God?
A09339and by what meanes?
A09339and by what?
A09339and can hee that bringeth forth no fruite of his conuersion liue vnto God?
A09339and doe you cherish them?
A09339and hardened our hearts from thy feare?
A09339and hath he of his mercie graunted vnto me the pardon of all my sinnes?
A09339and how can they heare without a preacher?
A09339and how doe these cup- companions spend their time?
A09339and how shall they beleeue in him, of whome they haue not heard?
A09339and is not truth banished out of our coasts; considering that for gaines and outward commodities men make no bones of glosing and dissembling?
A09339and may he not therefore giue thee a lawe, to keep, and punish thee with hell fire, if thou breake it?
A09339and shall not God be more carefull then man?
A09339and w ● y art thou so di ● quieted in me?
A09339and what aile you?
A09339and whereby he hath gotten the victorie?
A09339and whome hast thou here?
A09339and why art thou disquieted in me?
A09339and why, but because it pleased him?
A09339and will he shew no more fauour?
A09339and will he shewe no more fauour?
A09339and will he shewe no more fauour?
A09339and wilt thou neglect the Ministers, and the preaching of the word?
A09339and with whome hast thou left those few sheepe in the wildernesse?
A09339and, Who shal seuer vs from the loue of Christ?
A09339at this very speech he is conuerted, and saide, Who art thou, Lord: what wilt thou that I doe?
A09339behold the heauens, and the heauens of heauens are not able to containe thee: how much lesse is this: house that I haue built?
A09339but why pleased it him?
A09339c Bernard saith, What, is not desire a voice?
A09339c God promiseth thee immortalitie, when thou goest out of this world, and doest thou doubt?
A09339can our sinnes turne to our good?
A09339cast off all meanes?
A09339doest not thou iudge and auenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
A09339doest thou not iudge and aueuge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
A09339doth his promise faile for euermore?
A09339doth his promise faile for euermore?
A09339either were ye baptized in the name of Paul?
A09339for hee curseth, euen because the Lord hath bidden him curse Dauid, who dare then say, Wherefore hast thou done so?
A09339for we must all appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ: but some will aske, howe doth one iudge another?
A09339from God?
A09339from men?
A09339from the liuing to the dead?
A09339hath God forgotten to be mercifull?
A09339hath God forgotten to be mercifull?
A09339hath he set open as it were the ve ● ie gates of hell, and shall we yet lie weltring in our damnable waies and in the shadowe of death?
A09339hath it not bin told you from the beginning?
A09339hath not Dauid rather sent his seruants vnto thee, to search the citie, to spie it out, and to ouerthrow it?
A09339haue you not heard?
A09339his words are these: Who knowes if he be worthie loue or hatred?
A09339how could god wipe away your teares from your eies in heauen, if on earth you shead them not?
A09339how did he imploy himselfe?
A09339how great is my selfe loue?
A09339how hard is my heart?
A09339how he must be worshipped?
A09339how little is my loue to thee or thy people?
A09339how shall I reach vp mine hand to heauen that I may lay hold of him sitting there?
A09339howe may I knowe that this my knowledge is effectuall to saluation?
A09339if I be a father, where is my honour?
A09339if I be a lord, where is my feare?
A09339if thou hast receiued it, why reioycest thou, as though thou hadst not receiued it?
A09339is his mercie cleane gone for euer?
A09339is not God all in all vnto vs euen in this life?
A09339is there vnrighteousnesse with God?
A09339it is God that iustifieth, who shall condemne?
A09339it is God that iustifieth, who shall condemne?
A09339may not for all that, any that is so tempted, by Satans pollicie, refell this great comforter, by his owne argument?
A09339may not the aspects of such as thou yet knowest not, hinder that, and produce the contrarie?
A09339may we not prouide for the time to come?
A09339mine owne iustice?
A09339must we be as perfect as they?
A09339nay how can hee suffer it?
A09339of their children, or of strangers?
A09339of whō doe the kings of the earth take tribute, or poll money?
A09339or doe you take any pleasure in them?
A09339or from the deuill?
A09339or vvhat agreement hath the temple of God with idols?
A09339or vvhat part hath the beleeuer vvith the infidel?
A09339or what hast thou, that thou hast not receiued?
A09339or what similitude wil ye set vp of him?
A09339saith the Lord to Eliah, seest thou how Ahab is hūbled before me?
A09339shall God accept the worke of one man for another, and not accept the righteousnesse of Christ for vs?
A09339shall Pharao confesse his sinne, nay shall Satan beleeue and tremble?
A09339shall one man satisfie for another, and shall not Christ by his righteousnes satisfie for vs?
A09339shall we say that workes doe make vs iust?
A09339so sore with paine opprest: With thoughts why dost thy selfe assaile?
A09339straight hee goes out to the wise man: is this to beleeue in God?
A09339t And Dauid saith, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
A09339the King said, What haue I to doe with you, ye sonnes of Zeruiah?
A09339the bread which we breake, is it not the communion of the bodie of Christ?
A09339these terrours of the minde?
A09339this dulnesse and frowardnes of thy heart?
A09339this weaknesse and sicknesse of thy bodie?
A09339to men or angels?
A09339truely he stood in awe of God, and therefore said, What haue I to doe with you, ye sonnes of Zeruiah?
A09339v. 24. he crieth out, O wretched man that I am, who shall deliuer me from this bodie of death?
A09339was Paul crucified for you?
A09339was Paul crucified for you?
A09339was it not lawfull for them to doe so?
A09339was it not to giue gifts vnto his Church?
A09339were they illuminated by the light of the spirit?
A09339what a gybbet will it be to the heart of him that wants grace?
A09339what a one he is?
A09339what are all these( I say) and many other euills, but the beginnings and certaine flashings of the fire of hell?
A09339what needes any lawes, Princes, Magistrates, or gouernment?
A09339what needes walking in mens ordinarie callings?
A09339what needs the preaching of the word, and receiuing of the Sacraments?
A09339what was he idle?
A09339what, is Christs hand now shortned?
A09339where he brings in the people, saying: who shall shew vs any good?
A09339where is the violence offered to the kingdome of heauen?
A09339who can bewaile the losse of his friendshippe?
A09339who can desire to come againe into his fauour, but he, whom God still loueth although for a time he be angrie with him?
A09339who forsaketh this world,& seekes vnto Christ for it?
A09339who knowes the mind of the Lord?
A09339who shall dwell[ as Pilgrimes dwell in tents] in thy tabernacle,] the Church militant?]
A09339who shall rest in thy holy Mountaine,[ the kingdome of heauen?]
A09339why rather sustaine ye not harme?
A09339wilt thou call this a fasting, or an acceptable day vnto the Lord?
A09339wilt thou not reuenge our blood?
A09339would you speake the languages?