
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
A16737Part 1 Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
A16737Part 1 Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
A03057The good mother sayes not, will you?
A03057Whether goest griefe?
A85437Can any Man promise us any thing better than Heaven?
A85437Or, Can any Man threaten us with any ▪ thing worse than Hell?
A58161Appiccar chi vuol''il sonaglio à la gatta?
A58161Are there traitours at the table that the loaf is turn''d the wrong side upwards?
A58161But when, quoth Kettle to his mare?
A58161Can jack- an- apes be merry when his clog is at''s heels?
A58161Doth your nose swell[ or eek, i. e. itch] at that?
A58161He said, shall I beat the bush and another take the bird?
A58161How can the cat help it if the maid be a fool?
A58161How do you after your oysters?
A58161How doth your whither goe you?
A58161Ill luck is worse,& c. v. Ill. What is worse then ill luck?
A58161Is the wind in that corner?
A58161Nothing but up and ride?
A58161Praesentem mulgeas, quid fugientem inseq ● eris?
A58161Quid enim tentare nocebit?
A58161Quid magis est durum saxo?
A58161Quid non ebrietas designat?
A58161Quid quod nemo aquam infundit in cineres?
A58161Quid si coelum ruat?
A58161Quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam praemia si tollas?
A58161Saith Plowden to him, art thou a Priest then?
A58161Well then( quoth M r Moore) how say you to this matter?
A58161What a Bishops wife?
A58161What are you good for?
A58161What have I to do with other mens matters?
A58161What have I to doe with Bradshaws wind- mill, i. e. What have I to doe with another mans business?
A58161What have I to doe with Bradshaws windmill?
A58161What is a pound of butter among a kennel of hounds?
A58161What starve in a cooks shop?
A58161What think you to be the cause of these shelves and sands, which stop up Sandwich haven?
A58161What wine blew you hither?
A58161What''s freer then gift?
A58161When all is gone and nothing left, What avails the Dagger with the Dudgeon heft?
A58161Where shall a man have a worse friend, then he brings from home?
A58161Who doth sing so merry a note, as he that can not change a groat?
A58161Who goes worse shod then the shooemakers wife?
A58161Who knows who''s a good maid?
A58161Who more busie then they that have least to do?
A58161Who more ready to call her neighbour scold, then the errantest scold in the parish?
A58161Who shall hang the bell about the cats neck?
A58161Who so blind, as he that will not see?
A58161Who so blind, as they that will not see?
A58161Who so bold as blind bayard?
A58161Who so deaf, as they that will not hear?
A58161Who would keep a cow, when he may have a pottle of milk for a penny?
A58161Why should a rich man steal?
A58161Will you snap[ or bite] off my nose?
A58161Would you have better bread then is made of wheat?
A58161You say true, will you swallow my knife?
A58161eat and drink in your gloves?
A58161pasti, with another of the like import; Quid quod medicina mortuorum sera est?
A58161quid mollius unda?
A58161to stop bottles?
A58161〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉; Quid coeco cum speculo?
A47620& quis meliùs quàm literatus imperat?
A4762017. but here then ariseth an objection, how Paul should suffer under him, when he saith there, that he was delivered?
A47620A quoi pensez vous, quand vous nepensiez rien?
A47620And what a devout Oath was this, Per Genium, that is, the spirit or superintendent Angell of the Prince?
A47620At tu cum fugisti, nunquam post te respe ● ● ris?
A47620At what else( quoth he) but this, that with one nod of my head I can have both your throats cut immediately?
A47620Corvos quis olim concavum salutare, Picasque docuit verba nostra conari?
A47620Having recalled one from exile which had been long banished, he demanded of him, What he was wo nt to do there?
A47620He set light by the gods, and threatned the Aire if it rained upon his Game- players, Quanta dementia fuit?
A47620He sported at death with these Verses: Animula, vagula, blandula, Hospes, comesque Corporis, Quae nunc abibis in loca?
A47620He was so inured to continual action, that even at his last gasp he said; Is there any thing for me to do?
A47620He was very forgetfull; when Messaliua was( by his own commandment) killed ▪ within a while after he asked, Cur Domina non veniret?
A47620How great madnesse was it to think that either Iupiter could not hurt him, or that himself could hurt Jupiter?
A47620Is there any Antidote against Caesar?
A47620My fleeting fond poor darling, Bodies Guest and equall, Where now must be thy lodging?
A47620On what think you when you think on nothing?
A47620Perceiving many of his Predecessours to be hated, he asked one, how he might so rule as not to be hated?
A47620Putas t ● asse ● Elephanto dare?
A47620Quem honorem dicendi Magistris?
A47620Quid mirum si Commodus Hereulem se vocari voluit, cum i d fecerit Alexander praeceptis imbutus Aristotelis?
A47620Quid teip sum censur â circumvenis?
A47620Quis expedivit Psittaco suum 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉?
A47620Quis non horreat in una Aegypto 144 millia mortalium caesa, 700 millia in exilium acta; praeter Africam totamque Europam in carnificinam versas?
A47620Si damnas, cur non,& inquiris?
A47620Some say, That as M. Brutus came running upon him, he said, 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉 〈 ◊ 〉; And thou my Son?
A47620Therefore when Lucius a writer of Tragedies, asked him what his Ajax did?
A47620To whom said the King; What wilt thou give for the place?
A47620Vespasian asked Apollonius, what was Nero''s overthrow?
A47620Victor writeth thus; Quid Nerva prudentius aut moderatius?
A47620What an excellent Artisan do I dye?
A47620When the Senate chose him Emperour, they cryed out, Quis meliùs quàm gravis imperat?
A47620Whē it was told him that Egypt rebelled, he answered, Can not we live without the linen of Egypt?
A47620Why his Lady came not to him?
A47620Wouldst thou have me to be in thy debt?
A47620is he past sixty, and restrained by the Papian Law?
A47620quam dignationem sapientiae doctoribus habes?
A47620quem interfeci?
A47620quid Trajano divinius?
A47620si non inquiris, cur non& absolvis?
A16738And what comforteth a lame man?
A16738And what is a remedy for all diseases?
A16738And what is the best excercise?
A16738And what of a dumbe man?
A16738And what the best drinke?
A16738And where is the worst company?
A16738And which is the worst Art that euer was?
A16738How doth ease breed the Gout?
A16738No, I wil not bate him an ase: wherfore should I?
A16738Part 2 Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
A16738Part 2 Breton, Nicholas, 1545?-1626?
A16738Q Who was the greatest Conqueror that euer was?
A16738Q. VVhat is most necessary in a common wealth?
A16738Q. VVhat is the most griefe in the world?
A16738Q. VVhat most vnnecessary?
A16738WHat is the best kinde of gouernment?
A16738What Musique is sweet?
A16738What actions are most honorable?
A16738What comforteth a deafe man?
A16738What country is most fruitfull?
A16738What fish is the best?
A16738What flesh is best?
A16738What is a Plaister for all paines?
A16738What is a misers Musicke?
A16738What is most dangerous in a Kingdome?
A16738What is most troublesome in a Common- wealth?
A16738What is the best Art in the World?
A16738What is the best learning in the world?
A16738What is the best meat in the world?
A16738What is the comfort of Age?
A16738What is the comfort of a blind man?
A16738What is the easiest life in the world?
A16738What is the greatest Vertue in the world?
A16738What is the greatest blessing to Nature?
A16738What is the greatest ioy in the world?
A16738What is the greatest wealth in the world?
A16738What is the honour of a man?
A16738What is the substance of all earthly, creatues?
A16738What life is the most laboursome?
A16738What most displeaseth God?
A16738What quarrell breeds the best war?
A16738What sauce is the best?
A16738What should be the care of youth?
A16738What state is the most quiet?
A16738What study is most profitable?
A16738What ware is cheapest?
A16738When began the curse on the Iewes?
A16738When did Lot commit incest?
A16738When is it best to make meales?
A16738When is it best to take Phisicke?
A16738When was Noah layd naked?
A16738When was Salomon led to Idolatry?
A16738When was Sampson ouerthrowne?
A16738Which is the best lesson to thriue?
A16738Which is the best trauell, that euer was?
A16738Which was the first mad- man that we reade of?
A16738Which was the stoutest woman that euer was?
A16738Who had the greatest fall that euer was?
A16738Who is the best companion in the world?
A16738Who was the arrantest Traytor that euer was?
A16738Who was the best king that euer was?
A16738Who was the best wrestler that euer was?
A16738Who was the foolishest King that euer was?
A16738Who was the greatest foole that euer was?
A16738Who was the most vnnaturall that euer was?
A16738Who was the wisest Queene that euer was?
A16738Why doe women weepe more then men?
A17848Abstulit hunc terrae matri maris vnda nouerca, Proh dolor?
A17848Anglorum cur est gens quaevis invida genti?
A17848Be not we eleaven heere, and thou but one all alone, and al we agreed, whereto shouldst thou sticke?
A17848But what say you ●( quoth the King,) whenas he is a Clergyman?
A17848Casius but Cattes- eies?
A17848Credimus esse Deos?
A17848Cum sim fenestra peruia, Si quod recepi nuntio, Quae putatur iniuria?
A17848Cur damnatur apertio?
A17848Et reges à regibus qui sibi succedunt?
A17848Hee aunswered, that it was a verie little paine if a man would remember hell: Yea Frier( quoth the Gallant) but what and if there be no Hell?
A17848Here lyeth Menalcas as dead as a logge ▪ That liued like a deuill& died like a dogge: Here doth he lye said I?
A17848Hic situs est sitiens atque ebrius Eldertonus, Quid dico hic situs est?
A17848I pray you tell me father when doth the Sunne change?
A17848Miraris Ianam Craio sermone valere?
A17848Nominibus certis credam decurrere mores?
A17848Nonnè de militibus mili ● es procedunt?
A17848Petus but Pink- eyed?
A17848Phu ● nisi fusus?
A17848Quid Diadema tibi pulcherrima?
A17848Quis fuit Alcides?
A17848Quis in igne positus igni non vratur?
A17848Quis in mundo demorans castus habeatur?
A17848Quis morritur?
A17848Quis sim nosse cupis?
A17848Saltem sordes quas ingeris, Cur non lauas per lachrimam Aut quarè non crueris Mentem fermentans azimam?
A17848Sed cur lunaris facies fuscata videtur?
A17848Sic per 〈 ◊ 〉 Fredericus, quid nisi vel rex, Pacificus vel regia pax?
A17848So farre, quoth the Messenge?
A17848Stemmata continuas, recitas ex ordine patres, Queis nisi tu similis, Rufule quid recitas?
A17848Te totum dulcor perfundit,& indè vocaris, Pandulphus quid Pan nisi totum?
A17848The ornament of our land was meant by him which placed only the Moone in heaven in full light with, QVID SINE TE COELVM?
A17848Tu contra Stephanum cui copia multa virorum; Duxisti pautos, our paucos?
A17848Tu modo qualis eris?
A17848Whates thy name gud fellow?
A17848When they heard this they were halfe angry with him, What good fellow,( quoth one of the Northerne men) whare wannes thou?
A17848Who is perfect?
A17848Who would liue in others breath?
A17848Will you sit still by the fire, and make goselings in the ashes with a sticke, as children doe?
A17848aut quis Magnus Alexander?
A17848ense: Quando?
A17848or, Who is like God?
A17848quid mundi quaeris honores?
A17848quid tibi gemma?
A17848quis Casar Iulius?
A17848quis locus?
A44738And bring I home a dish good chear to make, What''s this saith she?
A44738And then what will follow, what will become of it?
A44738Are you there with your Bears?
A44738Astrologie is true, but where is the Astrologer?
A44738Buon di Dante, di donde vieni, quanto erto el fango?
A44738Caldo de tripas bien te repicas?
A44738Can you not be content to feed well, but you must cry roast- meat?
A44738Che giova dar di cozzi al Fato?
A44738Che giova dar di cozzo al fato?
A44738Cheer up man, God is still where he was.. Who can sing so merry a note, As he that can not change a grote?
A44738Chi anda peggio calzato che la moglie del scarpaio?
A44738Chi è più sordo che coluy chi non vuol ascoltare?
A44738Como no rin̄e tu amo?
A44738Cornudo soys marido, muger, y quien os lo dixo?
A44738Di tre cose il Florentino fá una frulla, d''adio, mi raccomando, vuoi tu nulla?
A44738English Merchant, wilt thou gain?
A44738Et puis qu''en sera- il?
A44738Fly, what dost thou?
A44738Good morrow Dante, whence comest thou, how high is the dirt?
A44738Have I need to Apologize for some few, that are homely, and may possibly nauseate the more delicate or grave Reader?
A44738He a Man?
A44738He who stumbleth in the plain way, what will he do on a Rock?
A44738How can the Fole amble when the horse and Mare trot?
A44738How do all your little ones?
A44738How many miles to Cuntington Mayd?
A44738I proud, and thou proud, who shall carry out the asnes?
A44738I st not a merry thing to see One cross increase to two or three?
A44738If the Sky fall we shall have Larks; But who will catch them?
A44738Is every man born to be rich?
A44738Is the Plague in the point that you fly so far from it?
A44738La muger del ciego para quien se afeyta?
A44738Moças Davera quien os dio tan ruynes dientes?
A44738Must I tell you a tale, and find you ears?
A44738Old trot, why wouldst break thy thigh?
A44738Pa ham y bydd Cûl y Barcud?
A44738QUe gibet, que diable veut dire cela?
A44738Qual era Dios para Mercader?
A44738Quan bovito seria Pedro si se lavasse?
A44738Quand Adam beschoit,& Eve filbiot qui estoit noble alors?
A44738Quando Adam açadoneuva, y Eva hilava, qui en era entonces hidalgo?
A44738Quando Adamo vangava,& Eva filava chi ● era nobile alhora?
A44738Que aprovecha candil sin mecha?
A44738Que hazes mosquita?
A44738Qui e plus mal chaussè que la femme du Cordonnier?
A44738Qui est plus sourd que celuy qui ne veut ecouter?
A44738Quien es tu enemigo?
A44738Quien và peòr calçado que la muger del capatero?
A44738Quieres buen bocado?
A44738Quieres dezir al necio lo que es?
A44738Size deux; Si Deus nobiscum, quis contra nos?
A44738THe Peeples voice the Voice of God we call, nd what are Proverbs but the Peeples voice?
A44738THe Peeples voice, the Voice of God we call, And what are Proverbs but the peeples voice?
A44738The Florentine maketh nothing of three things, of Adieu, farewel, do you want any thing?
A44738The King represents God, the Parlement the People, tell me who is highest?
A44738Thou that hatest the Crosse( which was the first Christian Altar) dost thou hope to have benefitt of the Oblation?
A44738Tripe porredge dost thou brag?
A44738VVhat a rich Merchant would God be?
A44738VVhat, shall we starve in a Cooks shopp, and a shoulder of mutton by?
A44738VVho is thy greatest enemy?
A44738VVho so deaf as he that will not hear?
A44738VVhy is a man a Cuckold?
A44738VVilt thou have a good bit?
A44738VVilt thou see thy Husband dead?
A44738VVit whither wilt thou?
A44738VVitt whither wilt thou?
A44738VVitt whither wilt thou?
A44738VVould you eat your cake, and have your cake?
A44738Vox Populi vox dicta Dei est, Proverbia quid sunt?
A44738Vuo far vendetta del tuo nemico?
A44738WHat a pox, what a devill means that?
A44738What a pretty fellow would Peter be if he were washed?
A44738What avails a candle without week?
A44738What boots it to give kicks at fate?
A44738What boots it to kick at the fates?
A44738What do you roming so up and down?
A44738What is a workman without his tools?
A44738What is worse then ill luck?
A44738What makes the Kite to pry?
A44738What''s better then the Beer that''s made of Malt?
A44738What''s sweeter then the C. hipphalt?
A44738What''s that?
A44738What, must I tel you a tale, and find you ears?
A44738What, shall we starve in a Cooks- shop, and a shoulder of mutton by?
A44738When Adam delv''d and Eve span, Who was then a Gentleman?
A44738When Adam delv''d and Eve span, who was then a Gentleman?
A44738When all is gone and nothing left, VVhat avails the dagger with the dudgeon heft?
A44738When all is gone and nothing left, What avails the dagger with the dudgeon heft?
A44738When hath the Goose most feathers on her back?
A44738When you read this, I know you will be apt to say, that a Fools Bolt is soon shott, or crie out, Witt whither wilt thou?
A44738Where fell the Parson?
A44738Where in the churn mill lies the buttermilk?
A44738Where nought at all, who can be liberal?
A44738Who goes worse shod then the shooemakers wife, And worse cladd, then the Taylors wife?
A44738Who goes worse shod then the shooemakers wife?
A44738Who goeth more tatterd then the Taylors child?
A44738Who goeth worse shodd then the shooe- makers wife?
A44738Who is an enemy to the Bride, how can he speak well of the Bridegroom?
A44738Who is more deaf then he that will not hear?
A44738Who is more deaf then he that will not hear?
A44738Who shall tie the bell about the cats neck?
A44738Why doth not thy master chide?
A44738Why doth the dog lick the pan?
A44738Will you have better bread then is made of Wheat?
A44738Wilt thou be revenged of thy enemy?
A44738Wilt thou tell the fool what he is?
A44738Would you both eat your cake, and have your cake?
A44738Ye Maids of Davera who gave you bad teeth?
A44738You are a Cuckold husband: who told you so wife?
A44738disse, que''havea mangiato un Tedesco,& cottolo su i carboni,& dimandato, donde havesti il fuoco?
A44738he sayed an old Courtier Sir; What Courtier?
A44738must I tell you a tale, and find you ears too?
A44738qu''en deviendra il?
A44738why doth the blind mans wife paint her self?
A15606397 Quidn ● ● ebrietas?
A1560667 Auri- sacra fames- qui ● non?
A15606A Welshman comming late into an Inn, Asked the maid what meat there was within?
A15606A child and dead?
A15606A preaching fryar there was, who thus began, The scripture saith there was a certaine man: A certain man?
A15606A pudding hath two ends?
A15606A theefe arested and in custody, Under strong guards of armed company, Ask''t why they held him so?
A15606A theife?
A15606Afer hath sold his land and bought a horse, Whereon he p ● aunceth to the royall Burse, To be on horse back he delights; wilt know?
A15606And on a time he needs would of him know, What was the cause his pulse did go so slow?
A15606And on his shoulder weares a dangling lock?
A15606And this my curled hair become my face?
A15606And to his friends that asks the reason, why?
A15606Anne domi das Marg ● ● it as?
A15606Anne is an angell, what if so shee be?
A15606Are women Saints?
A15606Arnaldo free from fault, demands his wife, Why he is burthen''d with her wicked life?
A15606Art thou great Ben?
A15606At all, quoth Rufus, set ye, what you dare?
A15606But what quoth he?
A15606But who so simple, Cantus, credits that?
A15606But why do they, then, use that Bacchus weed?
A15606Could hee forget his death that ev''ry houre Was emblem''d to it, by the fading flowre?
A15606Court, Cited( as he said) by a knave relator: I ask''d him wherefore?
A15606Cupid hath by his sly and subtill art, A certaine arrow shot and peirc''t my heart: What shall I doe to be reveng''d on love?
A15606Did he dye young?
A15606Do not my Spurs pronounce a silv ● r sound?
A15606Doth William Coale lye here?
A15606For hundred- thousands Matho playes; Olus what''s that to thee?
A15606From Rice ap Ric ● ard, sprung from Dick a Cow, Be cod was right good gentle- man, look ye now?
A15606Go adde this verse, to Goad''s herse, For Goad is gone, but whither?
A15606Hate& debate, Rome through the world hath spred, Yet Ro ● a a mock is if backeward read: Then is ● t not strange, Rome hate should foster?
A15606Hath Spencer life?
A15606Herelye wee( reader canst thou not admire?)
A15606His youth is past, now may they turn him loose; For why?
A15606How base hath ● in made man, to feare a thing Whichmen call M ● rs?
A15606How could he please you all?
A15606How dearly doth the simple husband buy, His wiv ● s defect of will, when she doth dy?
A15606How decent doth my doublet''s forme appear?
A15606How might his dayes end that made weekes?
A15606I am a Prentice, and will knock you too: O are you so?
A15606I ask''d Fabullus, why he had no wife?
A15606I''le kill the villaine, pray do not prolong me; Call my Tobacco pu ● rified stuffe?
A15606If mercifull, then why am I to paine reserv''d, Who have the truly serv''d?
A15606If vertue''s alwaies in thy mouth, how can It ere have time to reach thy heart fond man?
A15606If you will see true valour here display''d, Heare Poly- phemus, and be not afraid: D''ye see me wrong''d, and will ye thus restrain me?
A15606Is no juice pleasing but the grapes?
A15606Is not my hose- circumference profound?
A15606Is''t possible that thou my book hast bought, That saidst ●''twas nothing worth?
A15606Judge, was not there a drunkards kindnes shown, To drink his friend a Health, and lose his own?
A15606Luc as long haire down to his shoulders weares, And why?
A15606Marcus is not a hypocrite and why?
A15606Morcho for hast was married in the night, What needed day?
A15606My foot said he?
A15606O sweet Elves?
A15606O''re him I shall in triumph sing, Thy conquest grave, where is thy sting?
A15606Of him no man, true Epitaph can make, For who can say, here lies Sir Francis Drake?
A15606Old Hobson?
A15606One ask''d a mad- man if a wife he had?
A15606Our sorrowes pearles drop not from pens, but eies, Whilst other''s Muse?
A15606Pedes growne proud makes men admire thereat Whose baser breeding, should they think not bear it Nay, he on cock- horse rides, how like you that?
A15606Perhaps he doth not, then he is a sot; For tell me, what knows he that knows it not?
A15606Priscus hath been a traveller, for why?
A15606Put ca ● e she''s poor, brings she not chapmen on?
A15606Saith Aristotle, Vertue ought to be Communicative of her self, and free; And hath not Vertue, Milla''s maid, been so?
A15606Say are not women tr ● ely then, Stil''d but the shadwoes of us men?
A15606Say are not women truely then stil''d but the shadowes of us men?
A15606Shall a base patch, with appearance wrong me?
A15606Should hee not mind his end?
A15606Sir( quoth the Saylor) think you that so strange?
A15606Sirrah come hither, boy, take view of me, My Lady I am purpos''d to go see; What, doth my Feather flourish with a grace?
A15606Sirrah what are you?
A15606Susan''s well sped and weares a velve ● hood, As who should know, her breeding hath bin good?
A15606Tell Tom of Plato''s worth or Aristotles?
A15606Tell me it stinks?
A15606The good mother sayes not, will you?
A15606The yongest now''s with childe; who taught her then, Or of her self learn''d she to hold her pen?
A15606They say the Usurer Misus hath a mill, Which men to powder grindeth cruelly; But what is that to me?
A15606Two Theeves by night began a lock to pick, One in the house awake; thus answer''d quick, Why how now?
A15606Two gentlemen did to a Tavern come, And call''d the drawer for to shew a room, The drawer did, and what room think ye was''t?
A15606What Gallant''s that, whose oathes fly through mine ears?
A15606What are Deucalions dayes return''d that we, A Turbolt swimming on a Hill do see?
A15606What bootes it thee, to follow such a trade, That''s alwaies under foot and underlaid?
A15606What great revenews Sextus doth possesse, When as his sums of gold are numberlesse, What can not Sextus have?
A15606What is a angell?
A15606What is the reason of God- dam- me''s band, Inch- deep?
A15606What lofty verses Cael ● s writes?
A15606What need I tell, what he himself doth know?
A15606What shall we in this age so strange report, That fishes leave the sea on hils to sport?
A15606What''s this that''s spilt?
A15606What''s ● riendship?
A15606When Mingo cryes how doe you sir?
A15606Whether goest griefe?
A15606Who would live in others breath?
A15606Whom seeke ye sirs?
A15606Why did''st thou rob Dick Pinner of his breath?
A15606Why doth the world repute Aurispa learn''d?
A15606Why feign they Cupid robbed of sight; Can he whose seat is in the eye, want light?
A15606Why is young Annas thus with feathers dight?
A15606Why should I love thee Lesbia?
A15606Why stare you so?
A15606Why still doth Priscus strive to have the wall?
A15606Wise- men are wiser than good- men, what then?
A15606Without, plaine cloth, within, plufh''t?
A15606Woman''s the centre and the lines are men The circles love, how doe they differ then?
A15606and contemn our own, Our native liquor?
A15606doth perfection, Onely conjoyn in wine?
A15606how could it come?
A15606is none, So much beloved?
A15606must we then on muddy tap- lash swill, Neglecting sack?
A15606no Saints, and yet no devils, Are women good?
A15606or doth the well Of Aganippe with this liquor swell, That Po ● ts thus affect it?
A15606or hee That could make light, here laid in darkenes bee?
A15606or som drunken host?
A15606or the revived ghost Of famous Shake- spear?
A15606say it is drosse I snuffe?
A15606shall we crown, A meer ex ● tique?
A15606thou richest king of kings what gaine Have all thy large heapes brought thee, since I spie Thee here alone, and poorer now then I?
A15606what d''you?
A15606why I pray?
A15606why sir what would you?
A15606● ontus by no means from his coyn departs, Z''foot, will you have of men more than their hearts?