
This is a table of type bigram and their frequencies. Use it to search & browse the list to learn more about your study carrel.

bigram frequency
lord john848
prime minister457
john russell263
lord aberdeen252
lord silverbridge250
lord palmerston245
lady mabel201
sir robert188
lady mary187
sir orlando176
lady cantrip168
young man168
sir timothy167
miss boncassen147
attitude towards141
reform bill140
arthur fletcher139
ferdinand lopez127
robert peel119
otherwise mentioned116
home rule102
free trade101
lord derby99
old man98
liberal party97
good deal90
dare say87
public life81
phineas finn81
major tifto81
great deal80
irish church80
manchester square75
next day74
corn laws73
sir bindon72
mabel grex71
first time69
punjaub infantry69
young men69
old duke69
sir james69
crimean war68
two years68
miss cassewary68
will go67
let us65
lord popplecourt65
many years64
second reading63
bindon blood63
sir alured63
th sikhs62
foreign office62
every day62
quite sure61
lord grey61
john gladstone61
one day60
will come60
old friend59
lady rosina59
corn law58
general election58
will never57
th bengal56
oh yes56
young lady56
frank tregear55
one else54
bengal lancers53
lady eustace52
sir john52
last night50
thousand pounds50
every one50
two men50
foreign policy49
even though49
present moment48
three years48
conservative party48
say nothing48
brought forward47
go back47
next morning47
roman catholic47
james graham47
know whether47
years ago46
du boung46
timothy beeswax46
lord russell45
one man45
twenty years44
united states44
lord drummond44
took place44
know nothing43
eastern question43
days later42
years later42
lord stanley41
dolly longstaff41
doubt whether41
ten years41
one side40
mamund valley40
major pountney39
come back39
will tell39
first place39
lord lansdowne39
carlton terrace39
gladstone wrote39
field force38
three months38
will find38
may say38
th punjaub37
black sea37
et seq36
lord stratford36
give way36
forty years36
everett wharton36
well enough35
public affairs35
must go35
one thing35
lord cantrip35
eldest son35
say anything35
four years35
much better34
parliamentary reform34
private secretary34
great britain34
lord clarendon34
sexty parker34
ionian islands33
old woman33
will give33
emily wharton33
mountain battery33
just now33
sidney herbert33
political life33
gatherum castle33
will say32
must take32
another man32
many things32
malakand field32
orlando drought32
christ church31
st punjaub31
pembroke lodge31
good things31
isabel boncassen31
civil service30
catholic emancipation30
lord melbourne30
great man30
know anything30
great many30
will make29
every man29
irish land29
taken place29
th dogras29
foreign secretary29
shall never28
downing street28
reader will28
anything else28
new zealand28
one another28
sir george28
durham letter28
one hundred27
rich man27
guides infantry27
quintus slide27
coalition government27
sir william27
parliament met27
prince consort27
wharton hall27
will take27
public opinion27
anybody else26
prime ministers26
never seen26
shall go26
nd brigade26
lady russell26
every word26
john fletcher26
sir stephen26
miss cass26
two hundred26
royal west26
three days25
poor man25
lord gerald25
barrington erle25
six years25
two days25
another word25
lord chiltern25
young woman25
sugar duties25
rd brigade25
question whether25
will see25
following day25
old lady25
says mr25
guides cavalry25
napoleon iii25
well aware25
lord beaconsfield25
five years24
religious liberty24
went away24
see also24
new government24
poor law24
three hundred24
take care24
well known24
run away24
get rid24
ever since24
sir charles24
young people24
colonial secretary24
roman catholics24
mary palliser24
west kent24
hundred pounds23
don pacifico23
may perhaps23
man may23
might perhaps23
rule bill23
much less23
lady mab23
lord althorp23
must come23
gladstone made23
long time23
reginald dobbes23
last year23
twelve months23
income tax23
young ladies23
many men23
whole thing23
two young23
following morning23
new ministry23
civil war22
new parliament22
wonder whether22
good thing22
corporation acts22
fifty years22
first lord22
colonial policy22
went back22
never heard21
never saw21
nothing else21
lord george21
vienna note21
one hand21
home secretary21
american girl21
derby government21
turned round21
strong enough21
one time21
old age21
afterwards lord21
knew nothing21
high commissioner20
papal aggression20
british officers20
good man20
last two20
might make20
man might20
may come20
russell administration20
might come20
colonel mcrae20
will probably20
go away20
will always20
two months20
established church20
shall know20
gorham case20
shall see20
may well20
look forward20
one person19
hawarden castle19
neapolitan government19
foreign affairs19
hardly knew19
oxford movement19
came back19
years old19
among us19
sir henry19
ten minutes19
first week19
oak farm19
six months19
might still19
asked whether19
take place19
th july19
colonial office19
reader may19
oh dear19
seven years19
sir francis19
one occasion19
look back18
short time18
tory party18
ministerial crisis18
march th18
four days18
franchise bill18
lord chancellor18
even now18
great things18
indian government18
irish party18
looking back18
doubted whether18
four hundred18
quite understand18
new cabinet18
english government18
mary wharton18
english church18
time came18
lady glen18
either side18
privy council18
good sense18
common sense18
lord durham18
lord mongrober18
much longer18
later years18
last week18
whole story18
lord duke18
young lord18
lord granville18
gladstone replied18
british government17
lady wharton17
alabama case17
three thousand17
old men17
must know17
inayat kila17
say something17
william iv17
private life17
irish policy17
will think17
umra khan17
lord earlybird17
house terrace17
two letters17
done anything17
general meiklejohn17
must tell17
general opinion17
told lord17
almost every17
many people17
de courcy17
might probably17
field hospital17
captain green17
new york17
montacute jones17
man without16
public service16
stephen glynne16
intimate friend16
great part16
george iii16
anything like16
old friends16
lord salisbury16
political opinions16
frontier war16
made known16
service reform16
next session16
th september16
two hours16
carlton house16
far beyond16
great difficulty16
gave way16
captain gunner16
one great16
general jeffreys16
passed away16
june th16
public business16
five minutes16
english people16
vatican decrees16
two companies16
land bill16
pretty well16
taken away16
north camp16
absolutely necessary15
great work15
good many15
victor emmanuel15
english gentleman15
ecclesiastical titles15
first book15
sir gregory15
without much15
will understand15
charles wood15
last words15
swat valley15
something like15
present state15
poor woman15
may get15
sextus parker15
fell back15
slave trade15
select committee15
public mind15
noble lord15
sydney smith15
church bill15
must make15
must always15
old mrs15
great measure15
closing years15
need hardly15
must now15
done much15
ever seen15
church principles15
must say15
never known15
come forward15
two members15
asked silverbridge15
west indies15
even yet15
forward policy14
gladstone found14
cork soles14
justin mccarthy14
elder brother14
political officers14
duties bill14
young member14
oxford university14
first speech14
rosina de14
jewish disabilities14
lady glencora14
shall always14
church rates14
george bentinck14
san juan14
gladstone took14
long enough14
quite know14
light infantry14
right hon14
great men14
lord percival14
might well14
conservative government14
treasury bench14
lord lyttelton14
came across14
maiden speech14
second time14
united kingdom14
gladstone says14
episcopal church14
looked round14
hundred yards14
last moment14
hundred thousand14
great question14
three weeks14
per cent14
political career14
take part14
aunt harriet14
broken ground14
william ewart14
gladstone received14
old wharton14
nineteenth century14
carried away14
feel sure14
given away14
french revolution14
stratford de14
lord high14
mills happerton14
human beings14
certain amount14
coercion bill14
never thought13
gladstone spoke13
lord shaftesbury13
first budget13
every year13
may take13
lord hartington13
foreign travel13
lord holland13
must give13
coercion act13
irish university13
wait till13
university bill13
thrown away13
better go13
one way13
nobody else13
dozen years13
conspiracy bill13
lord ripon13
take office13
long since13
hardly ever13
may think13
brook street13
never will13
low voice13
felt sure13
man whose13
prince albert13
came forward13
will soon13
came home13
every way13
sir damask13
foreign minister13
gladstone entered13
ever heard13
months later13
six weeks13
lord lyndhurst13
thirty years13
good enough13
will let13
young nobleman13
great thing13
hard work13
will allow13
parliamentary life13
sir walter13
everybody knows13
first reform13
close quarters13
severely wounded13
july th13
may th13
irish secretary13
coalition ministry13
political friends13
might go13
wrote mr13
asked lady13
last man13
human nature13
holy places13
emperor nicholas13
man like12
quite aware12
never see12
laid stress12
told mr12
honest man12
chapter ii12
high office12
malakand pass12
whatever may12
much trouble12
pius ix12
already made12
arms bill12
rendered memorable12
lord nidderdale12
one word12
hyde park12
gladstone writes12
chapter iii12
quite impossible12
god bless12
native ranks12
great numbers12
catholic church12
old mr12
following year12
public duty12
sergeant wilde12
two brothers12
local government12
four hours12
parliament assembled12
hawarden estate12
go far12
new administration12
shall find12
long life12
two old12
going away12
major deane12
westminster abbey12
knew well12
thought much12
good fortune12
men like12
gladstone went12
left hand12
good faith12
will ask12
war minister12
field battery12
privy seal12
never knew12
chapter iv12
lady chiltern12
look like12
may call12
took office12
see mr12
native field12
land question12
get round12
might find12
whole life12
many others12
total casualties12
lady lyttelton12
time will12
poor girl12
young gladstone12
last three12
come across12
might possibly12
lizzie eustace12
de redcliffe12
stone buildings12
paper duties12
will get12
present time12
every point12
habeas corpus11
care much11
still held11
great statesman11
lord grex11
park lane11
quite clear11
always thought11
great political11
going back11
one member11
rice fields11
earl russell11
may seem11
future life11
five days11
made good11
little later11
come home11
fixed duty11
two things11
intimate friends11
bring forward11
first visit11
golden wedding11
twenty thousand11
five hundred11
chapter viii11
coleman street11
political history11
lord macaulay11
hawarden church11
suez canal11
will become11
old enough11
danish question11
new member11
friend lord11
time since11
soon became11
much time11
will know11
hardly able11
became prime11
american war11
public man11
just like11
will remember11
long letter11
early days11
ever saw11
great questions11
may become11
might say11
put together11
became known11
became law11
well pleased11
lord rosebery11
one knows11
chapter vii11
personal character11
afterwards bishop11
years past11
ewart gladstone11
arthur hallam11
hardly know11
thirteen years11
official life11
lord malmesbury11
great mass11
quite understood11
three hours11
chapter vi11
government bill11
public men11
west indian11
chief justice11
like lord11
working classes11
will pay11
friend mr11
december th11
home office11
american beauty11
melbourne administration11
looked forward10
shall soon10
divorce bill10
noble friend10
every side10
young friend10
given way10
mount fidgett10
james hope10
quite enough10
two thousand10
good cause10
chapter ix10
great honour10
seat question10
good time10
political creed10
chapter xi10
captain wright10
one point10
liberal government10
sunday morning10
shall think10
knew anything10
something almost10
coming back10
public feeling10
religious freedom10
large fortune10
present position10
might get10
shall ever10
might become10
like mr10
first minister10
great friend10
present occasion10
got home10
good night10
long years10
old gentleman10
gladstone will10
first man10
live without10
still less10
miles away10
lady monogram10
whole truth10
george grey10
church question10
county suffrage10
greek government10
large majority10
gladstone became10
see appendix10
quite willing10
hundred years10
ever known10
two guns10
bishop wilberforce10
silverbridge election10
hardly say10
foreign countries10
make money10
never occurred10
war office10
arm round10
stafford northcote10
next year10
one knew10
titles bill10
whig government10
captain cole10
law league10
dear old10
one morning10
done nothing10
irish members10
thousand people10
right hand10
poor lady10
heavy fire10
greenwich seat10
one sense10
false position10
st battalion10
round table10
long ago10
sent back10
last time10
ten days10
never mind10
lieutenant climo10
pacifico debate10
quite true10
last day10
upper swat10
father will10
married life10
dinner party10
whole heart10
policy regarding10
relief bill10
brother john10
national debt10
much obliged10
thousand men10
vienna conference10
derby administration10
signal tower10
will write10
proper thing10
come right10
dear duke10
whatever might10
wretched man10
little money10
wounded severely10
new prime10
george iv10
turkish empire10
general feeling10
two gentlemen10
popular feeling9
british empire9
twelve years9
old story9
became necessary9
every direction9
almost without9
will believe9
among men9
oxford reform9
gladstone addressed9
succession duty9
large number9
parliamentary session9
favorable consideration9
almost made9
last speech9
election expenses9
runnymede hunt9
man must9
miss wharton9
people will9
indian frontier9
go without9
asked mrs9
brought back9
several times9
twelve miles9
grey administration9
duke will9
public meetings9
temporal power9
shake hands9
reform act9
whole country9
ever made9
dozen men9
equal terms9
right honorable9
heard nothing9
four ships9
never get9
hardly think9
four months9
quarterly review9
might see9
present day9
every member9
will show9
lord stanmore9
twenty minutes9
without opposition9
will love9
american civil9
election address9
sir stafford9
parnell leadership9
nearly half9
must wait9
good government9
small party9
years earlier9
lord howick9
little better9
chapter xii9
general sir9
good humour9
quite right9
early life9
see lady9
made many9
speculative society9
quite prepared9
seventeenth century9
shall take9
personal dignity9
went home9
seventy thousand9
political party9
general gordon9
great interest9
large sum9
general wodehouse9
dick roby9
lord rector9
little time9
doubtful whether9
last twelve9
certainly shall9
dear friend9
early years9
two parties9
never yet9
set aside9
table conference9
first instance9
chapter xviii9
million pounds9
young wife9
young gentleman9
become prime9
six hundred9
franchise extension9
gregory grogram9
quite certain9
great people9
may go9
independent member9
go anywhere9
lord lincoln9
opened fire9
french treaty9
always ready9
best thing9
queen victoria9
militia bill9
many words9
corpus act9
foolish enough9
little man9
eighteen years9
always found9
got something9
english statesman9
th field9
holstein question9
sliding scale9
joseph lancaster9
told us9
lord liverpool9
existing system9
already seen9
one particular9
foreign politics9
now become9
active service9
paper duty9
carlton gardens9
thought well9
will now9
first made9
old house9
old barrister9
public career9
now became9
powerful speech9
might take9
old lawyer9
may make9
views regarding9
negro apprenticeship8
thousand four8
sir edward8
house without8
two miles8
gladstone thought8
old days8
now come8
assistant adjutant8
six miles8
turn back8
vital importance8
seven miles8
three men8
high rank8
ever knew8
one night8
present ministry8
honorable gentleman8
now made8
great majority8
british power8
manchester school8
st august8
chakdara fort8
public interests8
god knows8
pretty much8
next week8
everything else8
time might8
poor boy8
south sea8
strong man8
one may8
education bill8
money enough8
bengal mountain8
must put8
dear lord8
fifty yards8
took part8
far enough8
nothing now8
might seem8
shall tell8
man ever8
commercial treaty8
come round8
immediate answer8
made one8
great object8
also made8
british constitution8
jerusalem bishopric8
military expenditure8
five months8
russell government8
religious equality8
political world8
bobtailed fox8
west india8
bedmanai pass8
valuable assistance8
kissed hands8
second son8
melbourne government8
ten times8
runnymede country8
political officer8
political position8
three sides8
looking round8
things might8
sir thomas8
prussian war8
kent regiment8
whole place8
thank god8
first day8
panjkora river8
eton miscellany8
got back8
sir theodore8
may see8
make arrangements8
chapter xvii8
utman khels8
private secretaries8
best man8
chapter xiii8
almost impossible8
immediately afterwards8
left alone8
much like8
greater part8
weeks later8
political situation8
first word8
royal artillery8
national education8
men may8
graded road8
yards away8
past five8
clever man8
chiltern hundreds8
time mr8
tenway junction8
long afterwards8
chapter xv8
pass without8
egyptian question8
will bear8
christian subjects8
eighteenth century8
much money8
sixty years8
holland house8
will meet8
financial measures8
lord william8
liberal policy8
hard pressed8
true enough8
new friend8
returned home8
cornewall lewis8
little things8
somebody else8
ever see8
get away8
count cavour8
got rid8
closing days8
first moment8
done something8
old fellow8
particular friend8
free institutions8
men whose8
chapter xiv8
chapter xvi8
least one8
never forget8
whig party8
liberal leader8
crown vo8
better say8
really think8
might think8
will certainly8
another direction8
tithe bill8
tell us8
time went8
younger duke8
asked mr8
will perhaps8
treasury chambers8
kauri gum8
time may8
th earl8
great loss8
lady georgiana8
maynooth grant8
cabinet ministers8
never give8
might now8
war department8
must admit8
nearly forty8
six hours8
old castle8
political opponents7
world knew7
something else7
charles james7
amandara pass7
november th7
seats bill7
get back7
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deputy assistant7
every kind7
time lopez7
cabinet council7
east india7
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phoenix park7
nobody ever7
critical moment7
overwhelming majority7
high ground7
morrow morning7
lively interest7
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pass away7
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two great7
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high character7
just come7
must leave7
us hope7
alone together7
though mr7
special constables7
duke made7
much attention7
well know7
never speak7
made another7
maynooth college7
never even7
man will7
one moment7
years older7
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whose name7
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considerable sum7
milner gibson7
long line7
man wants7
knows anything7
join lord7
one whose7
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indian mutiny7
may never7
anywhere else7
may know7
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liberal majority7
took occasion7
will keep7
second day7
navigation laws7
good offices7
middle classes7
previous year7
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sir guy7
sent away7
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emily lopez7
major beatson7
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first derby7
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conservative side7
lady hewley7
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will hold7
may choose7
another time7
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fifteen years7
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without delay7
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dick rabbit7
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every effort7
frontier line7
one year7
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commissioned officers7
town hall7
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never failed7
law officers7
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far back7
maynooth bill7
lord privy7
gladstone rose7
anything wrong7
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best friends7
political agent7
agricultural distress7
whether mr7
kept apart7
see anything7
lord ramsden7
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commercial legislation7
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church matters7
dear mother7
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many days7
seven thousand7
home rulers7
front rank7
three times7
francis doyle7
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divided counsels7
debating society7
charles wordsworth7
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china question7
old tory7
way home7
lord castlereagh7
apprenticeship system7
much worse7
buddhist road7
every case7
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three millions7
five miles7
never marry7
st brigade7
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go somewhere7
april th7
present condition7
two sons7
old statesman7
great extent7
first class7
dugald stewart7
nothing till7
will remain7
pall mall7
colonel goldney7
ottoman empire7
jockey club7
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european powers7
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tankard yard7
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thomas moore7
pert poppet7
neapolitan prisons7
whose position7
whilst lord7
central board7
aberdeen wrote7
found time7
something must7
drew near7
almost like7
irish representation7
put forward7
someone else7
mother country7
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nothing like7
now passed7
louis philippe7
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almost angrily7
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oxford candidature7
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five feet7
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two families7
dozen times7
though lord7
years since7
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british cavalry7
last twenty7
existing state7
belgrave square7
everybody knew7
great strength7
two others7
many memories7
parliamentary duties7
many hours7
often thought7
australian colonies7
silverbridge found7
land league7
present government7
brought mr7
gladstone family7
word spoken7
brake country7
might ask7
past two7
every night7
never allowed7
affectionate father7
shall come7
august th7
public policy7
next ten7
chief secretary7
gave rise7
highland light7
colonel adams7
without telling7
gladstone returned7
great conservative7
malakand garrison7
irish situation7
john made7
aggression question7
well done7
well might7
younger son7
now almost7
always felt7
many reasons7
little tankard7
heard much7
following words7
accepted office7
present century7
commercial policy7
may still7
without waiting6
bishop butler6
pretty little6
question asked6
great number6
will carry6
great name6
one direction6
middle life6
gave notice6
come now6
care nothing6
strongly opposed6
political connection6
fifteen hundred6
behaved badly6
will bring6
carlton club6
must yield6
brave men6
hardly knowing6
hundred miles6
better get6
british cabinet6
never loved6
new departure6
gone away6
corrupt practices6
great effort6
personal ascendency6
whole matter6
anglican church6
domestic life6
will suit6
dearest friend6
british flag6
now tell6
laid aside6
full share6
john bright6
james milnes6
evangelical party6
political opinion6
russian troops6
many times6
without even6
headquarters staff6
went round6
come within6
never done6
irish people6
francis burdett6
early autumn6
great war6
hewley case6
gladstone read6
old girl6
poor duke6
great minister6
knew better6
poor fellow6
world around6
knew also6
wharton went6
juan mine6
four thousand6
nine articles6
arthur gordon6
francis tregear6
large numbers6
general elles6
official despatches6
windsor castle6
eight miles6
dear emily6
nothing less6
rather think6
ever come6
land purchase6
will marry6
fourteen years6
chichester fortescue6
political parties6
great powers6
far better6
quite see6
must find6
heard anything6
one evening6
whole affair6
hard words6
will endeavour6
eleven years6
day will6
silverbridge will6
think nothing6
homeric studies6
major campbell6
may depend6
crimes act6
sir richard6
frontier tribes6
either case6
now see6
great mistake6
secret memorandum6
british minister6
christian church6
make war6
every nation6
public good6
many another6
personal interest6
poor mamma6
british field6
financial policy6
far greater6
poor sexty6
london life6
war secretary6
nearly fifty6
sad event6
india bill6
without loss6
james fox6
incident occurred6
thing might6
well received6
join palmerston6
quite unable6
christmas eve6
must bear6
tariff negotiations6
polish revolt6
french emperor6
tract ninety6
family party6
liberal side6
second letter6
barbed wire6
letter written6
disabilities removal6
soon see6
dropping fire6
without difficulty6
without seeing6
many generations6
remarkable man6
see mrs6
make us6
countess russell6
political outlook6
many respects6
took advantage6
now seemed6
political ambition6
taking office6
great towns6
great exhibition6
never know6
worse things6
understand much6
political power6
gordon highlanders6
eldest daughter6
border tribes6
central america6
might lead6
bradlaugh question6
feelings towards6
nothing left6
future time6
new era6
name will6
open ground6
turned back6
must depend6
past seven6
railway station6
bridge across6
louis napoleon6
certainly will6
public sentiment6
later mr6
became evident6
drew attention6
nine days6
nine years6
henry vii6
always well6
two women6
young tregear6
gladstone brought6
one will6
due time6
first earl6
first great6
yet made6
left flank6
entered public6
british regiment6
removal bill6
good fellow6
india company6
grace will6
never think6
cut short6
john manners6
royal supremacy6
much consideration6
go home6
parliamentary support6
looked back6
opposite side6
revolutionary spirit6
clever enough6
late government6
small majority6
learned man6
hands together6
following passage6
old family6
ask whether6
common cause6
treaty obligations6
sometimes think6
soon afterwards6
many speeches6
best part6
many friends6
whose father6
quite ready6
duchess thought6
eminent men6
savings bank6
past life6
parliamentary courage6
good men6
almost say6
medical service6
right honourable6
now left6
will talk6
first heard6
thomas gladstone6
never went6
time ago6
gladstone issued6
friendly relations6
lord normanby6
never quite6
new one6
afghan border6
walter scott6
well satisfied6
man named6
morning till6
never ask6
many minds6
go round6
always thinking6
new life6
high church6
count buol6
say another6
strong feeling6
people must6
grew suddenly6
may bring6
financial statements6
now mr6
make peace6
spanish marriages6
public spirit6
large part6
commanding officers6
without going6
unbending tories6
certain sum6
edinburgh review6
place among6
various reasons6
quite agreed6
much care6
may find6
little boy6
injury done6
best means6
well go6
two girls6
late duke6
wrote lord6
edinburgh letter6
land act6
relieving force6
ran away6
long run6
without doubt6
may almost6
four times6
dear mr6
british parliament6
rate till6
never met6
lieutenant rattray6
honourable gentleman6
lord raglan6
whole question6
diplomatic relations6
last half6
universal suffrage6
law amendment6
prince menschikoff6
might tell6
open air6
fair play6
george lewis6
pretty nearly6
gladstone proposed6
big enough6
ever done6
step towards6
financial scheme6
belgrave mansions6
political work6
hardly less6
several occasions6
obedient servant6
large family6
last session6
trade principles6
almost daily6
united italy6
lord brock6
four guns6
never told6
well dressed6
english public6
work hard6
ready money6
westminster hall6
long experience6
already begun6
great ability6
little bit6
will ever6
will break6
far away6
even think6
least two6
seen enough6
large towns6
public welfare6
john found6
though perhaps6
various parts6
good will6
last chapter6
remained behind6
another letter6
first impressions6
every morning6
never asked6
getting rid6
walk round6
though now6
shortly afterwards6
queen sent6
good looks6
tell papa6
well educated6
say now6
recent commercial6
burgo fitzgerald6
may give6
yet seen6
bank clerk6
herbert gladstone6
lord spencer6
yet quite6
much alone6
great pleasure6
second congress6
will try6
months ago6
within yards6
great importance6
elder duke6
two leading6
peel made6
may imagine6
military operations6
without fear6
late chief6
english statesmen6
poor emily6
shall get6
poor laws6
frontier policy6
wrong side6
sat next6
must either6
appropriation clause6
strong language6
stay away6
executive government6
gladstone may6
long way6
exeter hall6
day mr6
ten thousand6
great misfortune6
irish tithes6
new rules6
always made6
happy man6
trafalgar square6
two later6
amendment bill6
spencer walpole6
british army6
almost thought6
roman church6
certain mr6
irish affairs6
duke might6
gone back6
miles long5
now appeared5
two sicilies5
last month5
little town5
eton boy5
christian religion5
don quixote5
ever came5
first letter5
get married5
new ministers5
great delight5
irish question5
landed interest5
younger brother5
cousin mary5
major taylor5
pacifico case5
whig ministers5
high churchmen5
passing away5
nice thing5
looking forward5
might live5
bad one5
first came5
political affairs5
like best5
negro slavery5
continued silverbridge5
thursday morning5
francis oliphant5
much pain5
opposes mr5
great country5
national church5
quite determined5
looking man5
without lord5
old liberal5
without reference5
first sight5
flank attack5
grand old5
ecclesiastical questions5
course mr5
public duties5
little way5
one might5
trent affair5
world might5
thousand persons5
brake hounds5
never seemed5
old political5
heavy heart5
fellow like5
first object5
new will5
country will5
past nine5
become intimate5
palliser family5
first meeting5
palace yard5
fourth edition5
also proposed5
fixed idea5
dear father5
took great5
come among5
five millions5
among others5
bulwer lytton5
much annoyed5
total repeal5
see something5
vigorous protest5
already done5
elder son5
always find5
energetic protest5
may tell5
political action5
good friend5
midlothian campaign5
gladstone expressed5
get used5
room without5
several years5
altogether different5
well qualified5
mountain guns5
still hoped5
jewish relief5
walked away5
now say5
emily will5
cared nothing5
great enough5
certainly never5
political enemies5
mary told5
whole house5
please god5
now came5
english cabinet5
sat together5
even mr5
party spirit5
small minority5
wounded slightly5
think ill5
two officers5
without thinking5
never opened5
queen caroline5
poor creature5
idle man5
christian name5
disturbance bill5
without effect5
british senate5
went upstairs5
english ambassador5
must understand5
dear friends5
yet know5
shall ask5
medical aid5
wounded men5
gladstone held5
long term5
moment came5
greatest possible5
seven islands5
bad time5
strong opinion5
done without5
earnestly hope5
great english5
behaved like5
lieutenant maclean5
past eight5
closely associated5
sometimes even5
british museum5
remained silent5
saw nothing5
close relations5
although lord5
several horses5
first saw5
last election5
new kind5
may also5
always think5
thirty thousand5
bulgarian question5
jolly blackbird5
peterloo massacre5
became aware5
might appear5
closely connected5
foreign courts5
mad mullah5
father might5
sat silent5
shook hands5
may appear5
irish catholics5
feel like5
heard something5
like many5
dear gladstone5
ever felt5
railway system5
two pounds5
two sides5
divisional troops5
difficult circumstances5
autobiographic note5
last meeting5
berlin treaty5
last ten5
peel declared5
well knew5
great subject5
great objection5
shilling duty5
quite able5
come together5
english writer5
nearly four5
black hair5
twenty millions5
religious instruction5
high spirits5
never come5
madame de5
ample time5
early part5
must pass5
ecce homo5
much greater5
deep regret5
irish famine5
last long5
put aside5
peel administration5
seventy years5
go together5
new castle5
coasting trade5
polo ground5
years younger5
hotly engaged5
god grant5
end came5
ecclesiastical affairs5
never felt5
letter addressed5
might fall5
will kill5
south africa5
great excitement5
two hands5
young statesman5
even among5
palmerston cabinet5
tell everything5
natural course5
closed behind5
quarter guard5
hardly tell5
duke knew5
young england5
landed property5
good reason5
native cavalry5
guy fawkes5
high opinion5
public offices5
without another5
accepting office5
agrarian outrages5
nobody knows5
go beyond5
british people5
great controversy5
get anything5
party together5
become almost5
palmerston government5
thick skin5
talk freely5
three nights5
ever think5
one must5
quite settled5
clever fellow5
never really5
late years5
public school5
gilbert villiers5
zealand government5
even lord5
forecast regarding5
several days5
might happen5
shall give5
little book5
english politics5
english troops5
stable keeper5
chenar trees5
former days5
eyes fixed5
william russell5
gallant conduct5
intellectual power5
will put5
things go5
th duke5
old place5
good part5
eight hours5
statesman whose5
hundred men5
first stage5
small part5
lord mayor5
took refuge5
fourth time5
noble duke5
one feels5
great speech5
exclusive support5
now began5
roby came5
nearly three5
feel confident5
keep us5
time enough5
ecclesiastical appointments5
made mr5
lopez went5
best men5
found mrs5
knows nothing5
common fairness5
send gordon5
robert inglis5
drouyn de5
holy scripture5
social condition5
lord lieutenant5
become acquainted5
second visit5
george cornewall5
never lost5
two daughters5
sat thinking5
church establishment5
policy towards5
samuel wilberforce5
italian unity5
never found5
great sensation5
far less5
electioneering expenses5
ever taken5
late partner5
took away5
shall make5
six feet5
easy task5
much together5
chapels bill5
christian races5
great difficulties5
quite contented5
religious belief5
everett says5
walked across5
human race5
public interest5
indian secretary5
great length5
immediate repeal5
west kents5
great effect5
come without5
country gentleman5
anonymous article5
great respect5
ask mrs5
whole soul5
lord ebrington5
rodney street5
fortnight later5
whole family5
political prisoners5
political influence5
many questions5
eight years5
followed mr5
foregone conclusion5
lord canning5
cardinal wiseman5
many cases5
chitral road5
never mentioned5
time comes5
aberdeen ministry5
young women5
better make5
george elliot5
literary work5
really knew5
redistribution bill5
papa says5
third party5
one likes5
now sir5
daily telegraph5
strong sense5
bill introduced5
high motives5
old school5
mad fakir5
us go5
must try5
done now5
bad man5
lord fincastle5
much conversation5
berkeley street5
cabinet meeting5
many thousand5
west end5
reader must5
afghan tribesmen5
mansion house5
english duke5
men never5
somersetshire light5
away without5
large portion5
become known5
duke sat5
must ever5
good taste5
something wrong5
cambridge club5
will speak5
great degree5
small things5
papa will5
go alone5
hardly spoken5
severe loss5
already described5
great trouble5
government might5
keen sense5
sit still5
setting forth5
good ground5
making money5
little less5
italian question5
arthur stanley5
former years5
promptly took5
alured wharton5
will like5
still felt5
fall back5
manifest duty5
seven hundred5
great public5
gladstone appeared5
least idea5
narrow majority5
gladstone contrasted5
certain people5
duke paused5
assessed taxes5
life mr5
quite made5
public schools5
second reform5
matter now5
certainly one5
public virtue5
one part5
hardly bring5
better tell5
without breaking5
things will5
now let5
two points5
range fire5
turkish rule5
elected member5
least know5
got nothing5
leave town5
met lord5
ever lived5
poor frank5
became plain5
seventeen years5
peel cabinet5
cabinet rank5
first rank5
perhaps might5
join derby5
every turn5
lays stress5
take advantage5
british troops5
henry hallam5
might easily5
will continue5
england might5
like sir5
one among5
must allow5
finn will5
taking advantage5
whole system5
reform proposals5
new peers5
never stand5
says one5
special friend5
opposition bench5
one party5
told lady5
gladstone declared5
indemnity bill5
repressive measures5
south african5
two persons5
walked home5
georgiana peel5
might use5
last cabinet5
now look5
every respect5
country without5
aberdeen told5
either way5
two ladies5
social life5
even without5
tirah expedition5
months since5
must look5
next two5
within reach5
go deep5
stood firm5
aberdeen government5
test acts5
brought together5
single exception5
good wife5
religious truth5
yet another5
early morning5
henry rifles5
religious disabilities5
earl grey5
first cabinet5
matter much5
second week5
political convictions5
indian medical5
every moment5
quickly followed5
two candidates5
gladstone showed5
british fleet5
later period5
public works5
got beyond5
transport animals5
fifty thousand5
silverbridge affair5
old people5
never spoke5
will enable5
first began5
ballot bill5
hadda mullah5
religious teaching5
open space5
government may5
little note5
make much5
got round5
lord houghton5
something also5
must return5
greater portion5
cardinal manning5
without making5