This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
A46453 | Abbot, George, 1562-1633. | King James his letter and directions to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury concerning preaching and preachers with the Bishop of Canterburies letter to the Bishop of Lincolne, Lord Keeper, desiring him to put in practise the Kings desires that none should preach but in a religious forme : and not that every young man should take to himselfe an exorbitant liberty to preach what he listeth to the offence of His Majesty and the disturbance and disquiet of the church and common-wealth. | 1642 | 2936 | 703 | nan | ./cache/A46453.xml | ./txt/A46453.txt |
A69570 | Bewick, John. | An antidote against lay-preaching, or, The preachers plea in a discourse answering such objections which were given to a conscientious friend : who for his satisfaction requested a resolution : in which discourse is proved that preaching of the Word is a peculiar calling to be undertaken by none without a speciall call : and that more is required in such who undertake it than abilities : in which likewise other incidentall questions and cases concerning the profession of preachers are discussed. | 1642 | 15512 | 4882 | nan | ./cache/A69570.xml | ./txt/A69570.txt |
A16895 | Brinsley, John, 1600-1665. | The preachers charge, and peoples duty about preaching and hearing of the Word : opened in a sermon, being the first fruits of a publike exercise, begun in the parish church of Lownd, for the benefit of the island of Louingland in Suffolke / by Iohn Brinsley ... | 1631 | 13563 | 4477 | nan | ./cache/A16895.xml | ./txt/A16895.txt |
A30336 | Burnet, Gilbert, 1643-1715. | A discourse of the pastoral care written by Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum. | 1692 | 59108 | 16884 | nan | ./cache/A30336.xml | ./txt/A30336.txt |
A35563 | Casaubon, Meric, 1599-1671. | The question to whom it belonged anciently to preach and whether all priests might or did discussed out of antiquity : as also, what preaching is, properly / by Meric Casaubon ... | 1663 | 11819 | 3458 | nan | ./cache/A35563.xml | ./txt/A35563.txt |
A82014 | Day, Richard, of Eton. | The humble petition or remonstrance of Rich: Day of Eton neer Windsor, to the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England. I. For the repairing of the decay of wood and timber. II. For the planting of an able preaching ministry throughout the land. III. For the working of the works of mercy and charitie: and for an act against the pride of apparell. | 1652 | 4888 | 1395 | nan | ./cache/A82014.xml | ./txt/A82014.txt |
A82846 | England and Wales. Parliament. | Die Sabbathi 26. April. 1645 It is this day ordained and declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, that no person be permitted to preach who is not ordained a minister ... | 1645 | 777 | 152 | nan | ./cache/A82846.xml | ./txt/A82846.txt |
A26499 | F. A. | A Letter from a gentleman in Grayes-Inn, to a justice of the peace in the countrey explaining the Act of Uniformity in that part which doth concern unlicensed preachers. | 1662 | 2529 | 553 | nan | ./cache/A26499.xml | ./txt/A26499.txt |
A40145 | Fox, George, 1624-1691. | Concerning such as have forbidden preaching or teaching in the name of Jesus and such as are ashamed to confess Him before men, and call not on the name of the Lord, &c. | 1684 | 1896 | 423 | nan | ./cache/A40145.xml | ./txt/A40145.txt |
A41596 | Gother, John, d. 1704. | Good advice to the pulpits deliver''d in a few cautions for the keeping up the reputation of those chairs, and preserving the nation in peace. | 1687 | 18505 | 5756 | nan | ./cache/A41596.xml | ./txt/A41596.txt |
A45342 | Hall, Thomas, 1610-1665. | Vindiciæ literarum, the schools guarded, or, The excellency and vsefulnesse of humane learning in subordination to divinity, and preparation to the ministry as also, rules for the expounding of the Holy Scriptures : with a synopsis of the most materiall tropes and figures contained in the sacred scriptures : whereunto is added, an examination of John Websters delusive Examen of academies / by Thomas Hall ... ; in the end is annexed an elaborate defence of logick by a learned pen. | 1655 | 53589 | 18016 | nan | ./cache/A45342.xml | ./txt/A45342.txt |
A03304 | Hieron, Samuel, 1576?-1617. | The preachers plea: or, A treatise in forme of a plain dialogue making known the worth and necessary vse of preaching: shewing also how a man may profit by it, both for the informing of his iudgement, and the reforming of his life. By Samuel Hieron minister of the gospell at Modbury in the countie of Deuon. | 1604 | 59817 | 19604 | nan | ./cache/A03304.xml | ./txt/A03304.txt |
A49701 | Latimer, Hugh, 1485?-1555. | The preaching bishop reproving unpreaching prelates Being a brief, but faithful collection of observeable passages, in several sermons preached by the reverend father in God, Mr Hugh Latimer, Bish. of Worcester, (one of our first reformers, and a glorious martyr of Jesus Christ) before K. Edw. the sixth; before the convocation of the clergy, and before the citizens of London, at Pauls. Wherein, many things, relating to the honour and happiness of the king (our most gracious soveraign) the honourable lords, the reverend judges, the citizens of London, and commons of all sorts, but especially, the bishops and clergy are most plainly, piously and pithily represented. | 1661 | 23408 | 7601 | nan | ./cache/A49701.xml | ./txt/A49701.txt |
A09449 | Perkins, William, 1558-1602. | The arte of prophecying, or, A treatise concerning the sacred and onely true manner and methode of preaching first written in Latine by Master William Perkins ; and now faithfully translated into English (for that it containeth many worthie things fit for the knowledge of men of all degrees) by Thomas Tuke. | 1607 | 29278 | 10428 | nan | ./cache/A09449.xml | ./txt/A09449.txt |
A55393 | Poole, Matthew, 1624-1679. | Quo warranto, or, A moderate enquiry into the warrantablenesse of the preaching of gifted and unordained persons where also some other questions are discussed : viz. concerning [brace] ministerial relation, election, ordination : being a vindication of the late Jus divinum ministerii evangeliei ... from the exceptions of Mr. John Martin, Mr. Sam. Pette, Mr. Frederick Woodal ... in their late book, intituled The preacher sent / by Matthew Poole ... | 1659 | 56219 | 16965 | nan | ./cache/A55393.xml | ./txt/A55393.txt |
A66039 | Wilkins, John, 1614-1672. | Ecclesiastes, or, A discourse concerning the gift of preaching as it fals under the rules of art shewing the most proper rules and directions, for method, invention, books, expression, whereby a minister may be furnished with such abilities as may make him a workman that needs not to be ashamed : very seasonable for these times, wherein the harvest is great, and the skilful labourers but few / by John Wilkins ... | 1651 | 23758 | 9483 | nan | ./cache/A66039.xml | ./txt/A66039.txt |
A67768 | Younge, Richard. | The proofe of a good preacher the right art of hearing : that good counsel is seldom well taken : that wilful offenders are as witlesse as wicked : with an apologie for wholesome truth, how distasteful soever / by J.F. | 1661 | 10538 | 3141 | nan | ./cache/A67768.xml | ./txt/A67768.txt |