This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
37621 | Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy | The Jew | nan | 110328 | 8834 | nan | ./cache/37621.txt | ./txt/37621.txt |
37623 | Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy | The Countess Cosel: A Romance of History of the Times of Augustus the Strong | nan | 83388 | 5905 | nan | ./cache/37623.txt | ./txt/37623.txt |
37622 | Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy | Iermola | nan | 72142 | 3486 | nan | ./cache/37622.txt | ./txt/37622.txt |
37624 | Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy | Count Brühl | nan | 84163 | 6606 | nan | ./cache/37624.txt | ./txt/37624.txt |
20537 | Orzeszkowa, Eliza | The Argonauts | nan | 88203 | 5831 | nan | ./cache/20537.txt | ./txt/20537.txt |
35736 | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | Life and Death, and Other Legends and Stories | nan | 6873 | 533 | nan | ./cache/35736.txt | ./txt/35736.txt |
46454 | Sienkiewicz, Henryk | In Vain | nan | 47231 | 3785 | nan | ./cache/46454.txt | ./txt/46454.txt |
8378 | nan | Selected Polish Tales | nan | 95271 | 7190 | nan | ./cache/8378.txt | ./txt/8378.txt |