This is a table of authors, titles, dates and other bibliographic information; it is a list metadata describing the content of your study carrel. Think of it as your library.
id | author | title | date | words | sentences | pages | cache | text |
51171 | Bradbury, Ray | A Little Journey | nan | 2646 | 215 | nan | ./cache/51171.txt | ./txt/51171.txt |
26728 | Hall, Eliza Calvert | Aunt Jane of Kentucky | nan | 64625 | 4312 | nan | ./cache/26728.txt | ./txt/26728.txt |
32203 | Hall, Eliza Calvert | The Land of Long Ago | nan | 63725 | 3562 | nan | ./cache/32203.txt | ./txt/32203.txt |
63109 | Jacobi, Carl | Doctor Universe | nan | 6467 | 608 | nan | ./cache/63109.txt | ./txt/63109.txt |
63442 | Jacobi, Carl | Double Trouble | nan | 5289 | 462 | nan | ./cache/63442.txt | ./txt/63442.txt |
63045 | LM (Leslie Moore) | Aunt Olive in Bohemia | nan | 67460 | 5822 | nan | ./cache/63045.txt | ./txt/63045.txt |
27472 | La Bédollière, Emile de | The Story of a Cat | nan | 14049 | 1000 | nan | ./cache/27472.txt | ./txt/27472.txt |
25938 | Mainer, R. Henry (Robert Henry) | Nancy McVeigh of the Monk Road | nan | 29868 | 1977 | nan | ./cache/25938.txt | ./txt/25938.txt |
48197 | Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret) | Hester: A Story of Contemporary Life, Volume 1 (of 3) | nan | 68215 | 4168 | nan | ./cache/48197.txt | ./txt/48197.txt |
48199 | Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret) | Hester: A Story of Contemporary Life, Volume 3 (of 3) | nan | 70448 | 4599 | nan | ./cache/48199.txt | ./txt/48199.txt |
48198 | Oliphant, Mrs. (Margaret) | Hester: A Story of Contemporary Life, Volume 2 (of 3) | nan | 67518 | 4285 | nan | ./cache/48198.txt | ./txt/48198.txt |
30439 | Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe | Mrs. Tree | nan | 40939 | 3612 | nan | ./cache/30439.txt | ./txt/30439.txt |
28517 | Westcott, Frank N. (Frank Nash) | Hepsey Burke | nan | 63873 | 4106 | nan | ./cache/28517.txt | ./txt/28517.txt |