
This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.

identifier question
49371Shall we abandon our claim to the territory?''
36435''Coming ashore?'' 36435 ''Coming ashore?''
36435And what could be more fitting?
36435Disappointed in Alaska?''
36435If there is a single newspaper reader in ignorance of the fact that the State census of 1885 found them with a population of 240,597?
36435What of the city itself?
36435for are they not wonders in themselves, presenting, as they do, the most astonishing picture of rapid expansion the world has ever seen?
4512Are your temperatures lower than mine and evaporation less?
4512Does your soil hold more, than less than, or just as much available moisture as mine?
4512How did the early pioneers irrigate their vegetables?
4512Increasing Soil Fertility Saves Water Does crop growth equal water use?
4512Is it as deep and open and moisture retentive?
4512Or is your weather hotter?
4512Were they due to extreme soil infertility?
4512What is the texture of your soil, its water- holding capacity, and the dispersion of a drip into it?
4512What to do with a giant kohlrabi( or any bulb getting overblown)?
4512What to do?
4512_ Would lowering plant density as much as this book suggests equally lower the yield of the plot?
457795- 1/4( dry) fresh venison, 4 Bushels Roots, 50(?
45779But what of the other side?
45779But where is the proof of this?
45779But where were his wife and children?
45779For white men to steal horses was quite generally recognized as a capital crime; why, then, compunction for Indians?
45779Had a man employed these two days past cutting(?)
45779How to Do It?
45779I said to one of the older merchants:''It is easy to say that all the agents pilfer in this way, but what do you know about it?''
45779Is it any wonder, then, that liquor dealers violate the law with impunity when it is such a difficult matter to secure conviction?
45779La( Course''s?)
45779One of the(?)
45779Saturday Morning.--Perspective in History, President C. J. Bushnell, Pacific University; Training for Citizenship-- What to Do?
45779The Indians inform us that a large party went off to Spokane yesterday, and that the Flat Heads and( Pendius?
45779The Spokans will not be pleased at the removal of the Fort but you must(?)
45779Two of the men employed repairing a canoe to to below to the Le(?)
45779What was the total of the product from the labor and capital invested in the mining advance?
45779What were America''s"morning wishes?"
45779Would it be well?
45779[ 261] Part of the road in the middle of the woods the snow is deep&?
45779boat, Mr. Dease passenger 53 pieces.--Grosse( Chalon''s?)
45238And see''st thou, and hear''st thou, And fear''st thou, and fear''st thou, And ride we not free O''er the terrible sea, I and thou?
45238But how did you subsist until you reached the settlements? 45238 But, Richardson, did they take your horse also?"
45238But what will not a New- England{ 3} man undertake when honor and interest are the objects before him?
45238Have you any mules to sell?"
45238He says:"Do the Oregon emigrants seek a fine country on the Oregon river?
45238In all books of voyages and travels, who ever heard of the utmost distress for want of wood, leaves, roots, coal, or turf to cook{ 46} with?
45238Now the question is how came our North American Indians with bows and arrows?
45238Some of our company began to ask each other some serious questions; such as, Where are we going?
45238The first question generally asked, is,"where do you come from, gentlemen?"
45238The snake had doubtless killed the quadruped, but what had killed the snake?
45238Water was now the desideratum, but where was it to be found?
45238What cared we for the future?
45238What have we done for their benefit?
45238Where could they have gone?
45238Who will say that this gallant body of cavalry were not wiser than the common run of white soldiers, to make peace for a_ quid_?
45238_ kahtah pasiooks yahhalle?_( what is its English name?)
45238_ kahtah pasiooks yahhalle?_( what is its English name?)
45238and thereby save their horses and their own skins?
45238and what are we going for?
43589Has Man a Conscience?
43589Have you finished harvesting? 43589 Well with the child?"
43589Well with the child?
43589Well with the child?
43589Well with the child?
43589And in what arm of the service?
43589And must he not arise?
43589And perhaps you may ask, does it meet my expectations?
43589Besides, it prohibited fire- water, and does not a father prevent his children from drinking fire- water?
43589Ca n''t we learn from our enemies?
43589Daniel is a first- rate business man, and, as he likes farming, why not make it his business?
43589Did I not come through your country one year since?
43589Did I then make promises to you?
43589Did you gather many walnuts?
43589Do you run as erect as you walk?"
43589Do you think the characters of Pitt, Fox, and Burke, as described by the author in the former work, are correct?
43589Do you think we could get Governor Everett?"
43589Does my venerable friend Seattle object?
43589Governor Stevens:"Does any one object to what I have said?
43589Great Chief, what shall we eat if we do so?
43589Have I told you that we are living in the government palace?
43589Have you any school in view now for next summer?
43589Have you ever read any volumes of the''Spectator''?
43589How could Oliver and the girls, if any are at home, pass the time better than reading or studying till perhaps ten in the evening?
43589How long a leave had I better get?
43589Is he not needed?
43589Is it good?
43589Is it not because your young men go out on war parties, and thus the flower of your tribe is cut down?
43589Is it not better that your young men should have wives and children, and that your numbers should increase?
43589Is it to be wondered at?
43589Is it vacation with John Loring now?
43589Is not here a work for a Moses or an Alfred?
43589Is not his speech in the case of Blake v. Wilkins admirable?
43589Is not the dissolution of the Union a subject of fearful foreboding?
43589Is this good, and do you want this?
43589Now, what have you to say?
43589Shall I hear from you there, and how many letters will await me?
43589Shall I hear from you there?
43589The Great Father desires this, and why am I able to say this?
43589The Indians had some discussion, and Governor Stevens then put the question:"Are you ready?
43589The first question Isaac put,"Can a sincere Universalist be saved?"
43589The following beautiful lines were written by Mr. Brooks, in condolence upon the sad loss:--"Well with the child?"
43589To this the governor rejoined:--"''Why is it that you have two or three women to one man?
43589Was this meant to vanish into thin air?
43589Were not many of you now present witnesses of the fact?
43589What are we to do?"
43589What did the Whigs gain by representing General Jackson to be in leading- strings?
43589What do you think of them generally?
43589What had I best do?
43589What is the lowest grade that you would be willing to accept?
43589What should they do, they asked, in case the Blackfeet came near their camp at night?
43589What will a man do for his own children?
43589Where, then, shall we find these?
43589Why not let us live together with you?
43589Why not send them to the east?
43589Why should we sell all?
43589Will you meet them in council?''
43589Wo n''t your women prefer husbands to scalps and horses?
43589Would you desire such a transfer?
43589You say you will give us land, but why should you give us the mouth of the river?
43589p. 373 dress of a chief?
43369''How much shall I say the territory will cost us?'' 43369 But your health, my dear?"
43369Is the route passable?
43369Pray, sir, who Gave you orders to undertake This journey hither, or to incur Without due cause, such great expense To the Board? 43369 Well, But Oregon?
43369What word From Whitman?
43369Who will respond to go beyond the Rocky Mountains and carry the Book of Heaven?
43369''Well, what do you think of it?''
43369***** And Whitman?
43369A call was at once made,"Who will volunteer to go with him?"
43369A midnight ride?
43369And the Indian converts?
43369But how did the Hudson Bay Company carry it out?
43369But how do all these compare with the ride of Whitman?
43369Can it be that you Left them without a shepherd?
43369Can you not help us to defend the mouth of the Mississippi river?''
43369Do you suppose we can Overlook so grave an offense?
43369Have they signed the State Away?"
43369Have you made an estimate of the cost of a railroad to the mouth of the Columbia?
43369He next asked:"Will you accompany me?"
43369How are you going to apply steam?
43369How can I go back blind, to my blind people?
43369How was it done?
43369I expect some of my critics will ask, as they have in the past:"Who is your authority for this fact and that?"
43369If they say yea, we raise the question whether the time has not been reached to make amends?
43369In the sense of money making, when did Missionary work ever pay?
43369May we not call them men of destiny?
43369McDuffie said:"What is the character of this country?"
43369Of what use would it be for agricultural purposes?
43369Or who can point to an instance upon historic pages where the great work assigned was prosecuted with greater fidelity?
43369Pray, why do you think that we should care?
43369She often heard the cry,"Shall we shoot?"
43369Spur His horse?
43369Suppose England could have foreseen that event, would she not have declared in favor of a longer wait?
43369Tell Me quick, is the Treaty signed?"
43369The question he was eager to have answered was:"Is the Oregon question still pending, and can I get there before Congress adjourns?"
43369Was it a spontaneous move without a reason?
43369Well, now, what are you going to do in such a case?
43369What about The little flock, for whose precious sake We sent you West?
43369What can we ever hope to do with the Western coast, a coast of three thousand miles, rock- bound, cheerless, and uninviting, and not a harbor on it?
43369What could be a more fitting memorial for such a man as this than a Christian college called Whitman College?
43369What do her glad eyes look upon?
43369What use have we for such a country?
43369When did the great and powerful Kingdom of Great Britain ever do anything of the kind?
43369When the charge of"Friendship to the missionaries,"was made, the old doctor flared up and replied:"What would you have?
43369Where are we now, and who are we, that we should be thus blessed of the Lord?
43369Where did it go?
43369Where was it ever more strongly marked than in Dr. Whitman?
43369Whether the Ashburton Treaty had been concluded?
43369Who can doubt that both were calls from a power higher than man?
43369Who did it?
43369Who did it?
43369Who do n''t recognize that it was a great power?
43369Who of my readers ever had a rattlesnake attempt to make a nest in his hair?
43369Who that knows England does not know that she would?
43369Why should the great historian of the Pacific States stand above their martyr graves and attempt to discredit their lives and dishonor their memories?
43369Why will your country not buy it from France?''
43369Will the Christian people of the land allow such a prayer to go unanswered?
43369Will the honest reader of history reject such testimony as worthless, and mark that of these modern skeptics valuable?
43369Would he be believed?
43369Would he be given an audience?
43369Would he hesitate?
43369Would he succeed?
43369Would you have me turn the cold shoulder on the men of God who came to do that for the Indians which this company has neglected to do?
43369and whether it covered the Northwest Territory?
43369could even her courage still The pain at her heart?
36999Are you not going?
36999But how about the contract?
36999But how about yourself, where are you to sleep?
36999Do you suppose the wheat is all ruined?
36999Going where?
36999Had he not studied the matter, and learned the exact time for plowing and seeding? 36999 How about you Mr. Dugan, are you chilly?"
36999How did they do it?
36999How do you mean?
36999How do you propose to manage it?
36999In what way?
36999Is everything ruined?
36999Is this Miss Anderson a relative of theirs?
36999It''s not the first time, my boy,his father answered, and then he asked:"Where''s the coffee?"
36999Naturally,said his father,"but what makes you think so; the girl?"
36999Ought it be signed, or can it wait a day or two?
36999Sure,replied Gowell,"had n''t you heard about it?
36999This Miss Gully did not acquire her genteel manner from her parents, did she? 36999 To whom do you refer?"
36999Want some butter?
36999We are partners are we not?
36999What amount of land do you propose to have put into a state of cultivation?
36999What do you think, mother?
36999Will you postpone this marriage until you have made final proof on your claim, and give me one year of your life?
36999Am I right?"
36999As he listened to these astounding statements, he asked himself:"Why was it not possible for him to take advantage of this golden opportunity?
36999Did he not remember that beautiful stretch of rolling land through which he had passed?
36999Going with us?"
36999Had he not talked with the men who had been sent to bring about this transformation?
36999He handed his wife the package he had brought for her and asked if she could guess its contents?
36999He quaffed the steaming coffee with a relish, and looking across the table, asked suddenly:"How about the girl, Jack, who are these Gullys?"
36999How are you?"
36999How did you do it?"
36999Ida''s eyes instantly filled with tears and she exclaimed,"O Miss Anderson, had you forgotten Mr. Norton?
36999If so, would the change be permanent?
36999Is the goal in sight, or has their proximity to the desired end given them a vantage view?
36999It was to be-- and why not?
36999Miss Anderson who noticed this, went to her and placing her arm around the girl, asked,"What is it dear, does the storm frighten you?"
36999Mr. Norton, now in the best of spirits, turned to those present and asked:"Shall we listen to his plea?"
36999Norton smiled, and extending his hand to Gully, said:"That being the case, I will help you,"and added:"May I go into town with you tomorrow?"
36999Noting this, he asked them the cause of their distressed appearance, when, both speaking at the same time, they exclaimed:"How about the tree?
36999Such an end; what could be expected of a thing of flesh and blood?
36999The homefolks were there, and others to extend help and sympathy at the time of misfortune, but on the desert, what?
36999Was it justice?
36999Was it within the power of man, with his advanced ideas and modern methods, to bring about such a transformation?
36999Were they safe?
36999What do you say, Jack?"
36999What does she see?
36999What right had man to dictate the conditions that shall obtain in certain localities, and would nature concede their demands?
36999What would they do?
36999Who was he, and what was his business?
36999Who were they, and what was their motive for coming?
36999Why could not he, like so many of his friends, sell out and follow in a few weeks?
36999Why not change from the torturing dull gray to green and then a golden hue, to be followed by the spotless mantle of white?
36999Why this increased speed?
43590''General, your men do n''t appear to work well to- day?'' 43590 Do you know of any instance where volunteer troops have successfully stormed works as strong as those which defend the approach to Secessionville?"
43590Do you mean Governor Stevens?
43590Have you a thousand men at your disposal, and suffer yourself to be set at defiance by a wagon- master? 43590 Have you any reason to believe that the result in the present case will be different in its character from what it has invariably been heretofore?"
43590Is Governor Stevens your father? 43590 Now, how are we here as at a post?
43590Should I speak to you of things that happened long ago, as you have done? 43590 What effect would it have on the Sound should nothing be done until May or June?
43590A principal chief of the lower Spokanes said:"Why is the country in difficulty again?
43590After a pause of some minutes Governor Stevens said:--"I will ask Ambrose where is Victor?"
43590Again, what is the interest of the Hudson Bay Company?
43590And is not something due the_ morale_ of his troops, which was almost systematically broken by the blunders and disasters of this unhappy campaign?
43590And what was the duty of those having forces at their command?
43590And why should I hide anything?
43590Are their wishes to be disregarded?
43590Ask yourself this question to- night:''Will not God be angry with me if I neglect this opportunity to do them good?''
43590Can more be said for the gallantry and devotion of the soldiers, or the hold upon them of their heroic leader?
43590Can you presume, sir, to be able to correct your opinions by a hasty visit to the Sound for a few days?
43590Could the country expect it?
43590Did I write you that his conduct on the battlefield was witnessed by the rebels with great admiration?
43590Did we propose to hold a council with them, or ask them for advice?
43590Do Alexander and Michelle speak in the same way?
43590Do you agree to this treaty?--the treaty placing the Pend Oreilles and Koo- te- nays on this reservation?
43590Do you think, because your mother was white and theirs black, that you are higher or better?
43590Do you want peace or war?"
43590Does Victor mean to say that he will neither let Alexander come to his place nor go to Alexander''s?"
43590Does he not know that Mr. Burr and another man went to Fort Benton the other day?"
43590Does he prefer the Yakima reservation to that of the Nez Perces?
43590Dumb as a dog?
43590Ever since I have been thinking, How will the governor speak to us?
43590Foiled in their plot, why did they then so quickly agree to the treaties, which up to that time they had so bitterly spurned?
43590From what you have said, I think that you intend to win our country, or how is it to be?
43590Governor Stevens:"Alexander, did you agree yesterday to give up your country and join Victor?"
43590Governor Stevens:"Does Victor want to treat?
43590Governor Stevens:"How can Moses say I am not going to the Blackfoot country?
43590Governor Stevens:"I will ask you, my children, if you fully understand all that was said yesterday?
43590Have all of you talked straight?
43590Have we not told your messenger yesterday that our hearts are not Cuyuse hearts?
43590Have you not always done well?
43590He had labored only for their good as their friend, and could they wonder that he was grieved at this state of affairs?
43590How long could his scanty force of nine regiments, outflanked and overborne, have resisted the avalanche?
43590I ask Alexander, are you willing to go on the same reservation with the Flatheads and Koo- te- nays?
43590I ask Michelle, are you willing to go on the same reservation with the Flatheads and Pend Oreilles?
43590I ask Victor if he declines to treat?"
43590I ask Victor, are you willing to go on the same reservation with the Pend Oreilles and Koo- te- nays?
43590I ask again, what is the interest of the Hudson Bay Company?
43590I ask them, Why are you in such a hurry to have writings for your lands now?
43590I ask you now, can you all agree to live on one reservation?
43590I said to the Sun chief,''What is the reason you are getting into trouble?
43590In the late sad, glorious fight where were you?
43590Is he, as one of his people has called him, an old woman?
43590Speaking Owl, a Nez Perce chief and the mouthpiece of Looking Glass, now spoke up and said,"Will you give us back our lands?
43590Suppose you show me goods, shall I run up and take them?
43590That not an Indian in the whole course of the war has been killed by the whites except in battle?
43590The question was, What should be our route home?
43590Three Feathers:"Why do n''t you get up and say you are all going with Governor Stevens?
43590Was he to remain idle and let the storm come?
43590Was not his life wonderfully preserved?
43590What are their hearts to us?
43590What do you, Victor, Alexander, and Michelle, think?
43590What is it that he wants?
43590What is the reason we are talking about treaties?
43590What is the reason?
43590What is the remedy for this state of things?
43590What means of defense had the enemy at this juncture?
43590What more can I do?
43590What should he do?
43590What was your reply?
43590When Looking Glass asked you,''How long will the agent live with us?''
43590When did you kill me?
43590When we were enemies I always crossed over there, and why should I not now when we are friends?
43590Where are they?
43590Where are they?
43590Where is his heart?
43590Where is the heart of Young Chief?
43590Which is the one?"
43590Which of these chiefs[ pointing to the Blackfeet] says we are not to go there?
43590While the Nez Perces are going straight, why should they turn aside to follow others?
43590Who ever finds the Highlanders behind?
43590Who that knows Jackson''s career can doubt his will and power to seize the golden opportunity?
43590Why are they not hanged?
43590Why are those Americans alive now?
43590Why ca n''t Mansfield be sent here, and both Hunter and Benham relieved?
43590Why can not you manage to keep peace?
43590Why did he not say to Alexander yesterday,''Come to my place''?
43590Why did he promise to come here, then, to hear our talk?
43590Why did you not answer and say''Come''?"
43590Why did you not inform me of your presence in the Sound on your arrival at Steilacoom?
43590Why did you not say,''Yes, come to my place''?"
43590Why do n''t you wait until a treaty is made?
43590Why do you come here and ask three chiefs to come to a council, while to the head chief and the rest you say nothing?
43590Will they go to the valley with Victor, or to the mission with Alexander and Michelle?
43590Will you accept my offer?"
43590Would you have expected it?
43590Your old men have spoken, and where is the man will turn his back on it?"
43590or is not Victor a chief?
43590you might have replied by asking the question,''How long have you been head chief of the Nez Perces?''
15188A grizzly ca n''t climb a tree, then, sir?
15188A puncture, Frank?
15188A week, did you say? 15188 Ai n''t this immense?"
15188Am I in it?
15188And I suppose that was what made you so late Frank had to go back and hunt you up, eh?
15188And he do n''t give me the shake on that account?
15188And if I do, what then?
15188And that tramp printer, where''s he at?
15188And what does he say? 15188 And what of me?"
15188And why? 15188 And you found me knocked out, did you?
15188And you''ve looked over the whole outfit here, have you?
15188Any damage done?
15188Are their eyes always yellow?
15188Back already, and only out two hours? 15188 Boats, Reddy?"
15188But if game is so plentiful, why should these Crees want to steal my elk?
15188But is it really true?
15188But what''s he trying to do? 15188 But you would n''t have me leave this jewel at home, would you, Nellie?"
15188Can he have fainted from loss of blood?
15188Could we push forward and put it out before it does any damage?
15188Did I get him?
15188Did it succeed?
15188Did you ever hear of such luck?
15188Did you ever really hear the equal of that, now?
15188Did you ever see a wilder bit of country?
15188Did you hear anybody shout?
15188Did you hear me shoot?
15188Do n''t you say so, Frank?
15188Do n''t you see, Jerry, they''ve got him lassoed? 15188 Do n''t you wish you could?"
15188Do you believe the wind will shift, then, and blow back on us?
15188Do you have such a dry spell in summer often up here?
15188Do you know either of these fellows?
15188Do you think I wounded him?
15188Do you think the water will get any higher? 15188 Does it reach down?"
15188Feeling better, Hank?
15188First, I want to know are you hurt much? 15188 From that old side partner of Jesse Wilcox, the trapper whose camp we used to visit during our fall hunt?"
15188Going to try getting up again? 15188 Have I crawled through decently?
15188Have n''t I just longed for a chance to look at a big elk in his native wilds, for years? 15188 How about Hank?
15188How about panthers and grizzlies?
15188How about that bear den, Reddy?
15188How about you, Jerry?
15188How about your camera?
15188How did it catch?
15188How does that happen, sir?
15188How far did it seem to be?
15188How in the world can I ever do it?
15188How long do you suppose we may have to hang out here?
15188How long were we here?
15188How many did there seem to be?
15188How much further do we go?
15188How much longer do we stay here?
15188How much more of it do we have before us, Frank? 15188 How''s that?"
15188I see it; and is that the den?
15188I wonder whether those two tramps hit the high places, and got out of this neighborhood for keeps?
15188I wonder will the fellow ever forget it?
15188Is n''t it just great? 15188 Like those yonder, do you mean?"
15188Mountain Charlie?
15188Name Frank,he said, touching his breast"What call you?"
15188Now,_ will_ you be good?
15188Rapids, did you say?
15188Ready, boys?
15188Say, they do things right out in this big country, eh?
15188Shall we all go?
15188Shall we send the horses out to tote it in?
15188Shoot elk?
15188Shouting-- for help?
15188Sure the sound came from this direction?
15188Tell me that, will you?
15188That''s wolf, all right; and look here, what did you do to him?
15188Then perhaps you''ll go back with us, and surprise the folks?
15188Then we go this afternoon?
15188Then we make tracks to- morrow?
15188Then we''ll do our hunting along the sides of the mountains?
15188We''re going to save it, all right; but I wonder if our train dare pass over? 15188 Well, have you got anything better to say about it-- any bright scheme to propose that offers to soften the blow?"
15188Well, who could blame them, with women and children to feed? 15188 Well, would you care?"
15188What ails Frank? 15188 What ails the fellow, I wonder?"
15188What ails us now?
15188What ails you now?
15188What ails you? 15188 What are you going to do with Running Elk?"
15188What are you trying to do down there? 15188 What d''ye suppose ails the fellow?"
15188What did you hear?
15188What do you mean, Frank?
15188What else could you expect of a man who goes after quail with a Gatling gun? 15188 What else have you got up your sleeve?"
15188What had we better do with''em?
15188What happened to you, Hank? 15188 What if the ropes should break?"
15188What is it, Frank-- you know?
15188What is that moving up yonder, Mr. Mabie? 15188 What makes you look so happy, Frank?
15188What say, boys? 15188 What was he telling us about fighting fire with fire?"
15188What was it?
15188What would you say that was, sir?
15188What''s that?
15188What''s that?
15188What''s the matter?
15188What''s the row, fellows? 15188 What''s this?"
15188What? 15188 What?
15188Whatever can it mean?
15188When do you remember seeing it last?
15188Where in the world are you, pard?
15188Where is he? 15188 Where''s Hank Brady?"
15188Where''s Will gone?
15188Where''s my gun?
15188White boy much hurt?
15188Who''s Hank Brady?
15188Whose doing was that, eh? 15188 Why does n''t he answer us?"
15188Why not let Reddy and his reliable old rope come into play again?
15188Why not? 15188 Why?"
15188Will it pay us to follow them up and see if Bluff''s buck fell?
15188Would you help me get down to your camp, Little Mink? 15188 Would you like that skin to remember the event by, Jerry?"
15188Yes; and, Frank, have you noticed how thick the trees grow, too? 15188 Yes; how about that, Frank?
15188You mean of the thieving reds? 15188 You mean that this is an ideal spot for a grizzly to have his den?"
15188You no guns here?
15188You wo n''t forget about shipping those skins and things, sir? 15188 A letter for me? 15188 And look here, Frank, did n''t you hear what Mr. Mabie said about a fellow named Pierre La Motte?
15188Are we going to have an accident, fellows?"
15188Are you Hank''s long lost brother?"
15188But how am I to know him among the thousands of people I meet?"
15188But is it really true, Reddy?
15188But suppose we shout occasionally?
15188But what''s the matter with you trying to get a roll at the first town?
15188But what''s the report about the cattle, sir?"
15188CHAPTER II THE MOTORCYCLE THIEVES"What''s gone wrong, Frank?"
15188CHAPTER VII THE GRIZZLY AT BAY"Boys, do you want to see some fun?"
15188CHAPTER XVI THE NEW CAMP"Well, how did you like it, Jerry?"
15188CHAPTER XVIII AN INVITATION TO COME OUT"About time those boys were showing up, eh, Bluff?"
15188CHAPTER XXIII THE STAMPEDE"What d''ye call this, anyway?"
15188Ca n''t you see that Bluff, here, will be overboard?
15188Chuck us a loop, Reddy, will you, please?"
15188Could it possibly overwhelm us in this tree?
15188Did Bluff and I get through, after all?"
15188Did I just drop off that motorcycle?
15188Did ever a set of grads get such a chance for fun as this?"
15188Did he come to life again, and run away?"
15188Did n''t old Jesse say that Martin Mabie was a big stockman now, and had really quit being a guide and hunter?
15188Did you ever hear anything about his family?"
15188Did you ever see anything to beat that?
15188Did you ever see it come down harder?"
15188Did you have a fight with that tramp printer?"
15188Did you say you meant to go back home now?"
15188Do n''t it seem as though there was more or less smoke in the woods over yonder?"
15188Do you hear him, Will?
15188Do you know if he ever played chauffeur half- way decent?
15188Do you mean to say they''ve a fire department up here?"
15188Do you mean to say you had the nerve to stop and snap off some views of that hot old fire while the rest of us were shinning it as fast as we could?"
15188Do you really mean it, or are you just trying to play a joke?"
15188Do you really mean to do the right thing now?
15188Do you see the dull spots on my knife?
15188Do you smell smoke, too?"
15188Do you understand, Frank?"
15188Does anybody know a fellow by that name?"
15188Does anything equal a crank with a camera, bent on snapping off everything that happens?"
15188Ever shoot at one?"
15188Expect to cut me out of my job as the cliff climber of the party?"
15188Faint Heart?
15188Fellows, what need of words to explain what happened?"
15188Frank, what''s the matter?
15188Have you asked Will?"
15188Have you ever asked about him?"
15188Have you had your lesson pounded into you?"
15188He did shoot an elk, but where has the blooming thing gone?"
15188Hear what he says?
15188How about it, Reddy?"
15188How about it, Reddy?"
15188How about that time when the wild dogs had you chasing around the tree?"
15188How about you, Frank?
15188How about yours, Will?"
15188How are we going to get ashore?"
15188How''s your health?"
15188I suppose you can ride, boys?"
15188I wonder if a fellow might n''t have some luck up above the falls?
15188I wonder if anything can have happened?
15188I''m sure she must have worried some about it, and I was thinking--""What?"
15188Is he dead?"
15188Is it because I''m more valuable, or better- looking?"
15188Is n''t that water over yonder, too, on the right of us?"
15188Is that a Rocky Mountain sheep, sir?"
15188Is that so, Reddy?"
15188Is that the word I want?--artist as our meek little pard here?
15188It would n''t be a pleasant experience for us to meet with, eh, fellows?"
15188Jerry, can you help me out?"
15188Let up on that whining, wo n''t you?"
15188None of your repeating shotguns need apply this trip, Bluff, you understand?"
15188Not getting homesick already, I hope?"
15188Now where''s your dead elk?"
15188Now, another thing-- that ten dollars you wanted to put back, was it in one bill?"
15188Now, since you''ve so frankly confessed that much, why not tell the whole blooming story, Bluff?"
15188Or can it be a wild man?"
15188Perhaps you think I look funny?"
15188Reddy will promise to land that sheep here for you in double- quick order, eh?"
15188See him jump, will you?
15188Shall we let it pass?"
15188Shot him downward from a tree, eh?
15188Suppose we stop over and have a parting supper with Jesse?
15188Sure they ai n''t dangerous, Frank?"
15188That was the idea, was n''t it?"
15188The beast would n''t dare jump in a camp like this, no matter how hungry he might be?"
15188The day is fine, and when can we spare the time better?"
15188The meat, however, was sweet and tasty; and besides, with hunger serving as the best- known sauce, who could complain?
15188Think what would happen to you if you''d fired and hit one of us?
15188To prove that we''re tougher than Mr. Mabie thinks, let''s you and I engineer a little hunt of our own?"
15188What are you doing here, Little Mink?"
15188What brought you fellows here?
15188What could beat that, fellows?"
15188What could equal this?
15188What d''ye suppose they''ll do with all the duffle?"
15188What did he say?"
15188What do you say, Jerry?"
15188What do you take me for?
15188What is it?"
15188What sort of a beast is that?
15188What was it-- a crow or a jack- rabbit?"
15188What''s going on?"
15188What''s he waving above his head, fellows?"
15188What''s that, Reddy?"
15188What''s that?"
15188What''s the game, Frank?"
15188What''s the matter with our following up the scamps, and making them give up some of my game, anyhow?"
15188What''s your solution of the mystery?"
15188Whatever shall we do?"
15188Where am I, anyhow?
15188Where are you going?"
15188Where did you learn how to run a motorcycle?"
15188Where is Martin Mabie to meet us, and what does he tell us to fetch along?"
15188Where would your little knife be, then?
15188Which way is it coming, Frank?"
15188Who are you?"
15188Who can it be?"
15188Who cut up the elk?"
15188Who else would have preserved that exciting episode for future generations to enjoy, if I had n''t?
15188Who said you could walk away?
15188Why were you lying in the road?
15188Why, bless you, my boy, did n''t you hear one man say something about a trestle burning just ahead?
15188Will Martin Mabie take us out?"
15188Without it what would become of us, eh?
15188Would one of you like to wind him up?"
15188Would you believe it?
15188You know we were showing our things to the girls?"
15188You know what our parents promised us if we went through all right?"
15188[ Illustration:"DON''T YOU WISH YOU COULD?"
15188d''ye suppose anything''s gone wrong at the ranch, and we''ll have to cut our hunt short?"
15188do n''t you think we might be getting out of here now?"
15188do you mean it?
15188do you really think so?"
15188tell me about that, will you, Frank?
15188that was a queer ending to a rescue, was n''t it?"
15188the reds did n''t tackle you, did they?"
15188will you?"
15188you do n''t think it could be the woods afire, do you?"
37487A dead man?
37487Also that they were foresters-- the men who told the story about the Chinks, I mean?
37487An''they took you into the patrol, did they?
37487And all the Chinks, and everything you discovered while visiting them in the caves almost under the divide?
37487And not come back here again?
37487And now the question is this,Frank went on,"what was the door fitted for?
37487And so no one will ever know who the dead man was?
37487And so you gave him up as a bad proposition?
37487And steal the aeroplane?
37487And the others?
37487And the wind?
37487And what do you wish me to do about it?
37487And you have reported to your superior officers?
37487And you let him search my rooms?
37487And you think you can close this case by going to San Francisco?
37487Any forest fires in sight?
37487Any wild animals up here?
37487Are n''t we going back to that lake cavern again?
37487Are they in this city? 37487 Are you Albert Lemon?"
37487Are you all safe up here, safe and sound?
37487Are you armed?
37487Are you hungry?
37487Are you sure of your clues?
37487Are you thinking of giving me a ride in that thing?
37487Been to supper?
37487But do you?
37487But how did you ever get through the burning forest?
37487But what good would it have done?
37487But you formerly used one here?
37487By the way,Frank said, presently,"what did you mean when you told Green that you had a''cue''which would bring out the man behind the scenes?"
37487Can you describe the fellow?
37487Can you see the earth yet?
37487Did Ned say anything to you while at Missoula, about an aeroplane?
37487Did n''t it take your breath away?
37487Did you find his clothes?
37487Did you fire that shot?
37487Did you injure the machine in any way?
37487Did you make it?
37487Did you shoot them?
37487Do n''t they get gold by washing it out?
37487Do n''t you smell it?
37487Do you give that as an order?
37487Do you know where the Chinks have gone?
37487Do you know where to look for them, north or south?
37487Do you mean that he was murdered?
37487Do you mean that they bring Chinks over the border here, an''so run them down into civilization whenever they get a chance?
37487Do you mean to accuse my son of crime?
37487Do you recognize that?
37487Do you see Chang poking his head around that rock in the opening? 37487 Do you think they will find this Ned Nestor there?"
37487Does that mean that you are getting hungry?
37487Dope, then?
37487Down at the lake?
37487For what?
37487From here?
37487Have they captured any of the others?
37487Have they heard from the men they sent out to capture them?
37487Have you been keeping a good lookout on the lake since you left it?
37487Have you heard from any of the other groups?
37487He ca n''t bring Jimmie along in his pocket, can he? 37487 He mentioned the aeroplane?"
37487Hit the pipe?
37487How about gasoline and provisions?
37487How did he get here?
37487How did you come across Liu?
37487How did you ever find this hole?
37487How did you get here?
37487How did you get that fall?
37487How did you get wise to the trouble up here?
37487How do you know so much about it?
37487How do you know,Ned asked, with a smile at the others,"that this man is Albert Lemon, your son?"
37487How do you think I got here?
37487How does he make that?
37487How large a place is it in there?
37487How long have you been prowling about here?
37487How many men did you see?
37487How many men?
37487How many were here?
37487How would you like to be back in little old Washington Square just now?
37487Hungry, little man?
37487I hope they are not out in the forest thinking of starting a fire?
37487I see,Ned replied, coolly,"perhaps that was done while you were up in the mountains with Emory-- before he was killed?"
37487I wonder if all the world is burned, except just this mountain?
37487I wonder if they''re all alive?
37487I wonder if we''ll ever be able to put the tents up again?
37487I wonder what time I made coming down?
37487If you go away to- morrow,he said, presently,"what is to become of the clues we found in the cavern by the lake?"
37487If you were going so merrily before the wind, why did he want steerway?
37487Investigating what?
37487Is Ned Nestor here?
37487Is that to be used to enforce the eating of the steak?
37487Is there a Chinese patrol?
37487Is there something else?
37487It ca n''t be the dead man?
37487It would mix things for me to make these arrests and have the big ones get away, now, would n''t it?
37487Liu can protect you, ca n''t he?
37487Makes a pretty decent place of it, eh?
37487Not out in a boat in a storm like this?
37487Now, what do you want?
37487Now, what does he mean by it?
37487Oh, yes, you mean fresh? 37487 Oh,"Frank replied,"you''re getting it out there, too, are you?
37487Pat, Jack and the Chink Scout? 37487 Perhaps I have,"the man said,"but, supposing that to be the case, where do you come in?
37487Perhaps you will also remember,Ned went on,"that on my former visit here I exhibited a key with a broken stem-- the key to that writing desk?"
37487Perhaps you will be kind enough to give us his name?
37487Pulls hard, does n''t it?
37487Say,he cried,"you got a fire here?
37487Smuggled in?
37487So that is the real trouble?
37487Stiles is your tailor?
37487Suppose he took a notion to get a motor boat and run up the north branch of the Flathead river, and so on into Kintla lake, down there? 37487 Suppose there''s another cat here?
37487Sure you can identify the man who hired you?
37487Sure you''re not hurt?
37487That must be the way of it,Frank said,"but what does he want?
37487That old canned stuff?
37487The Chinese fire- fighters?
37487The others wo n''t dare bring it out, of course?
37487Then that is n''t my servant at all?
37487Then there are fires east of the divide?
37487Then who is the man from San Francisco?
37487Then you ca n''t tell me who Emory went away with?
37487Then you''ve been in the air all day?
37487They do n''t know where you are?
37487They ran away from you?
37487This, I presume,Greer said, still pulling at the machine,"is the aeroplane your friends came in this evening?"
37487To San Francisco?
37487Too much poppy, I presume?
37487Treachery in the Secret Service, eh?
37487Was he permitted to become a member of an American patrol?
37487We ca n''t run around among the trees with it, can we? 37487 We went up so far that the mountains looked like ant hills, did n''t we, Ned?"
37487We''ll have to fight our way out?
37487We''re cooking a steak à la brigand, ai n''t we?
37487We''ve got to go into that mess of smoke, I suppose?
37487Well, he went to bed, did n''t he?
37487Well, what do you see?
37487Well, what do you want here?
37487Well, why do n''t you come down, then?
37487Well, would n''t he go without it?
37487What about Jimmie?
37487What about it?
37487What are the prospects?
37487What are you doing here?
37487What can we do when we get there?
37487What could happen to them?
37487What did Green say to you this morning?
37487What did you find in there?
37487What did you find out in the city? 37487 What do you know about that?"
37487What do you suppose we can do against a fire like that?
37487What do you want of him?
37487What do you want to find''em for?
37487What does the badge say?
37487What does the badge say?
37487What does this mean?
37487What else could it be?
37487What have you been doing?
37487What have you found?
37487What is Chang doin''here?
37487What is he doing to it?
37487What is it?
37487What is the next move?
37487What is this kid doing here, anyway?
37487What is to be done?
37487What papers did you steal while in the mountains?
37487What patrol?
37487What sort of a combination is this, anyway?
37487What sort of people?
37487What the dickens can we do with an aeroplane in this wilderness?
37487What were you doing there?
37487What were you to receive for the job?
37487What work?
37487What would Chinks be doing up here?
37487What you goin''to do?
37487What you got?
37487What''s doin''here?
37487What''s doing now?
37487What''s doing out there?
37487What''s he got to do with it?
37487What''s the idea?
37487What''s the word?
37487What''s this bunch doin''here?
37487When did you come here?
37487Where are the Chinamen you brought away from the British border?
37487Where are the others?
37487Where are we goin''to- night?
37487Where are you goin''to take us for trial?
37487Where are you?
37487Where are your friends?
37487Where did you find foresters?
37487Where did you find it?
37487Where did you get it? 37487 Where did you learn to speak United States so well?"
37487Where did you pick it up?
37487Where is Liu?
37487Where is it?
37487Where is the body you speak of?
37487Where is the boy who was with you in the aeroplane?
37487Where''s Ned?
37487Which one of the walls do you want us to push in? 37487 Who are you talking to?"
37487Who did, then?
37487Who knows what the fire will do to the lake?
37487Who was it that engaged you-- gave you your instructions?
37487Who would have suspected it?
37487Why ca n''t we all go out there and eat?
37487Why did you shoot at all?
37487Why did you try such a foolish caper?
37487Why did you want the aeroplane?
37487Why do n''t he want me killed?
37487Why do n''t you come in here?
37487Why do n''t you go and get me some grub?
37487Why do you call it a brigand steak?
37487Why do you place the crime on the dead?
37487Why is he mixed up with that disreputable old Chink?
37487Why not go on to Frisco in the aeroplane and ask for instructions? 37487 Why not go to the cave until the rain stops?"
37487Why not? 37487 Why was n''t I informed of this new element in the case?"
37487Why,he cried, in a moment,"where''s Jimmie?
37487Will he help me out of this hole, or will he ignore me?
37487Will the fire get here?
37487Will you see who is there?
37487Wo n''t it burn itself out there, too?
37487Wonder if he''s been all this time lookin''for me?
37487Would n''t we?
37487You do n''t think it is Nestor, do you?
37487You found my son murdered?
37487You heard what I just said to Chang?
37487You know what has been going on then?
37487You remember Felix Emory?
37487You remember what Jimmie said?
37487You saw how he acted when Ned went off without him-- how sulky he was?
37487You told me all you know?
37487You walked all the way?
37487You will do this willingly?
37487You would know the man again?
37487You''re not thinking of going there to- night, are you?
37487Again he asked himself the question:"Is this Albert Lemon, or was the dead man Albert Lemon?"
37487And Jimmie,"he added,"suppose you keep an eye on the plateau?
37487And how does he expect us to answer?"
37487And you, Jap,"he went on, turning to the servant,"when did you turn against me?"
37487Any one been here?"
37487But how do you think that we, who are not so well provided with means of getting away, are to escape death?"
37487But how in the name of all that''s wonderful did you ever find your way here?"
37487By the way, Slocum, why do n''t you take the lad to the police station?
37487By the way, have you a machine here?"
37487Did you obey orders?"
37487Do n''t you see?"
37487Do you know how it came there?"
37487Do you think they knew of the employment of Sawyer and the others by the men at the head of the conspiracy?"
37487Dope, eh?"
37487Going to remain long?"
37487Had the man been killed as the result of a conspiracy between the two interests?
37487Have the men who have been setting fire to the forests established a home here?
37487Have you seen him?"
37487He''s angry now-- hear him pound with his tail?
37487How did he ever do it?"
37487How did this man gain entrance here?"
37487How do you feel by this time?"
37487How is it, boys?"
37487How long would it take him to make the trip?"
37487I suppose you want me to shoot the cat?"
37487I want to know what you think of the Chinks?"
37487I wonder if it is n''t most morning?"
37487I wonder if there''s goin''to be another forest blaze here?"
37487If Washington has confidence enough in you to put you in charge of the blindest case in history, why should n''t I have equal confidence in you?
37487If he had taken so much interest in their movements, Pat thought, why had n''t he shown himself before?
37487If we ca n''t chase around among the trees in an aeroplane,"he continued,"we can sail over the forests and high peaks, ca n''t we?
37487Is there gold in there?
37487Is this the hiding place of a band of outlaws?
37487Jack was evidently there somewhere, but where?
37487Jimmie cried, looking Ned in the face,"how would you like to meet a friend with a basket of ice?"
37487Ned remained silent for a moment and then abruptly asked:"What kind of footwear made those heelless prints?"
37487Now, here''s another question: How far does this seam extend under the Rocky Mountains?
37487Now, the question is this: How are we going to get out?"
37487Now, what do you think that is?"
37487Some of the questions he asked himself were:"How did that Chinese boy become a Boy Scout?"
37487Suppose we fix up the camp and get ready for our eats?"
37487Suppose we try to learn something of the character of the people who come here?
37487That even this old man must suffer for your bit of foolish daring?"
37487The duplicate you kept in the box on the shelf?
37487Then a voice came out of the mouldy darkness:"How are you getting on in the Secret Service, Ned Nestor?"
37487Then:"They told you that, did they?"
37487Was it this man Emory who killed him?"
37487What about it?"
37487What about that?"
37487What about that?"
37487What about that?"
37487What are we going to do now?"
37487What business calling for the use of a typewriter was being transacted under the main divide of the Rocky Mountains?
37487What do you make of it?"
37487What do you make of that?"
37487What do you say?"
37487What you boys doing here, wasting your time, with the bacon burning to a crisp?"
37487When he spoke again it was to ask:"What are you doing in the Rocky Mountains?"
37487Where did you put those canned beans?"
37487Where does this air go when it backs up?"
37487Where was Jack?
37487Where were they?"
37487Which shall It be?"
37487Who are you?"
37487Who cut this cavern, and who brought the furniture here?
37487Who was hurt?"
37487Why did n''t we think of that before?
37487Why did the men who found the cave desire privacy?
37487Why did you think it necessary to break the lock?"
37487Why do n''t you get busy?"
37487Why do n''t you show a light?"
37487Why do n''t you turn off your light?"
37487Why not?"
37487Wonder what became of the man who said his name was Greer?
37487You know very well that we can never let you go out of this place alive?
37487You saw some of the Chinks?"
37487You say the man was dead?"
37487You see that, do n''t you?"
37487You think you left it in the suit of clothes you gave Emory?"
37487You understand that they are farther to the east than when we left them?"
37487repeated Pat, all excitement at the suggestion of another adventure,"what kind of a crime?"
11223Ah, what''s the odds?
11223And he has not come down the lake?
11223And suppose,said she,"that a game warden should catch you or Mr. Jack Fyfe killing deer out of season?"
11223Anything wrong?
11223Are there any nice girls around?
11223Are there any passenger boats that call there?
11223Are there many people living around this lake?
11223Are they all civilized and educated?
11223Are you completely ruined, Jack?
11223Are you not allowed to hunt them?
11223But now that you''re face to face with something definite, what do you propose to do about it?
11223But what can you do in town?
11223But why all this mad haste?
11223Ca n''t you break away from the fame and fortune stuff long enough to be on hand when Linda and I get married? 11223 Ca n''t you sell your logs if these other people wo n''t take them?"
11223Can I run in? 11223 Can what?"
11223Can you beat that?
11223Can you come right now?
11223Can you furnish me a machine and a reliable chauffeur?
11223Can you hang on a while longer?
11223Charlie Benton?
11223Did n''t I ever tell you that I used to sing and lost my voice?
11223Did you come to sing while_ my_ Rome goes up in smoke?
11223Did you see that, Mrs. Jack? 11223 Do many men get hurt logging?"
11223Do n''t you like me?
11223Do n''t you think we could make this place a lot more homelike, Charlie?
11223Do you care so much as all that, Jack?
11223Do you know him?
11223Do you suggest that I met him purposely-- by appointment? 11223 Do you think I''ve got neither pride nor self- respect?"
11223Do you usually allow your men to address you in that impertinent way?
11223Does it pain much?
11223Even in spite of what you know?
11223Friends? 11223 Getting off at Hopyard?
11223Good Heavens, do you think I''m that spineless sort of creature? 11223 Got what fixed?"
11223Hang it, what are you thinking?
11223Has he got any license to close the Tyee? 11223 Has your Mr. Abbey got a young and be- yutiful sister?"
11223Have n''t you got the least bit of resentment, Jack, for all this trouble I''ve helped to bring about?
11223Have you just come down the lake?
11223Have you thoroughly chucked that illusion? 11223 Have you?"
11223He did start the fire then?
11223He in doctor''s house?
11223His camp ca n''t be far from here, is it? 11223 Hot Springs?"
11223How can I? 11223 How can I?"
11223How could one live in a place like this?
11223How did it happen that you''ve never tried your voice lately?
11223How did you come down? 11223 How did you fare all by your lonesome this long time?
11223How did you get way up here?
11223How did you know?
11223How do you feel?
11223How do you know that I have?
11223How do you know?
11223How do you like it here, and how are you getting on? 11223 How in the world did I ever manage to accumulate so much stuff, Jack?"
11223How is Charlie? 11223 How is everything up the lake?"
11223How is it going to end, the fire?
11223How long ago was that?
11223How long do you think you can stand it?
11223How many extra?
11223How many passengers?
11223How much is it worth?
11223How soon can you bring the car around to the Hotel Granada?
11223How soon will you start?
11223How''s every- thin''?
11223How''s it blocked?
11223How''s the frau, Lefty?
11223I suppose it''s right for you to live with a man you do n''t love, when your heart''s crying out against it?
11223I suppose you know what you''re doing?
11223I suppose,he growled,"that''s Charlie''s idea of a joke, huh?"
11223I thought Jack owned all the shore timber to Medicine Point?
11223I wonder if I could?
11223I wonder if he thinks I''ve been admiring his skill as a fisherman?
11223I wonder if we are? 11223 I wonder if you are, after all, a little more of a primitive being than I''ve supposed?"
11223I wonder why that Ancient Mariner way of seeking relief from one''s troubles by pouring them into another ear is such a universal trait? 11223 I wonder?"
11223I? 11223 If it''s unlawful, why break the law?"
11223If that''s the case,she observed,"I''m likely to be a handicap to you, am I not?"
11223Is it necessary to be so downright brutal in actions as well as speech?
11223Is it so bad as that at the lake?
11223Is n''t that a pretty place back there in the woods?
11223Is there anything you''re not up to? 11223 Is there nothing too low for you to dabble in?
11223Is there-- is there likely to be anything wrong, Jack?
11223It''s because I have n''t any illusions that-- that-- Oh, what''s the use of talking, Jack? 11223 Kin I get some hot water?"
11223Land alive, what happened yuh, Lefty?
11223Literally or slangily?
11223Mind my preempting your job?
11223Monohan, eh?
11223My God, do you think I ca n''t see? 11223 No?"
11223Oh, do n''t I?
11223Only-- can''t you_ sabe_? 11223 Perhaps you''d better not talk?"
11223Roaring Springs?
11223Say, Jack do n''t happen to be here, does he?
11223Say, did you never get any part of your voice back, Stell?
11223Say,he asked easily,"how do you like life in a logging camp by this time?
11223Say,he went on casually,"have you got any money, Stell?
11223Seems odd, does n''t it, to meet like this?
11223Shall we tell her?
11223So you turned Paul down, eh?
11223Stella, Stella, what''s the matter?
11223Still mad, Stell?
11223Sure they have n''t? 11223 That Indian girl''s really pretty, is n''t she?"
11223That''s the_ Panther_?
11223That? 11223 Then why ask me what I''m going to do with it?"
11223There was a time when that would n''t have been a starter for you, eh? 11223 This is no small boy''s play, is it, Stell?"
11223Till I can get my boat bailed?
11223To Linda Abbey?
11223Wanna make time, huh?
11223Was n''t it plain enough? 11223 Well, Miss Ship- wrecked Mariner,"said he lightly,"where do you wish to be landed?"
11223Well, Thorsen?
11223Well, do you recall-- you were there when the estate was wound up, and I was not-- any mention of some worthless oil stock? 11223 Well, is n''t it rather nice to come home to?"
11223Well, what of that?
11223Well, why not?
11223Well,Monohan retorted insolently,"what are you going to do about it?
11223What did I say to you yesterday?
11223What difference can it make? 11223 What difference does that make?"
11223What do you mean?
11223What do you mean?
11223What do you want to do? 11223 What does a million feet mean?
11223What happened up there?
11223What happened?
11223What is it, Barlow?
11223What is it, Barlow?
11223What is it? 11223 What is it?"
11223What is that?
11223What kind of a man are you?
11223What makes you so sure of that?
11223What makes you so uneasy now?
11223What new camp is that?
11223What time is it?
11223What''s struck that feller Monohan?
11223What''s the matter, Jack?
11223What''s the trouble now?
11223What''s the use, Jack?
11223What''s up?
11223What''s wrong?
11223When can I see you?
11223When did you blow in? 11223 Where''d it come from?"
11223Where''s your will, Stella Fyfe? 11223 Who told you?"
11223Who would n''t?
11223Why are we going out again?
11223Why could n''t we have met and loved and been happy, as we could have been? 11223 Why did the_ Waterbug_ go down the lake?"
11223Why did you make a point of coming for me?
11223Why do you talk like that, Jack?
11223Why do you talk like that?
11223Why in Sam Hill ca n''t a man and a woman get married without all this fuss?
11223Why not?
11223Why should I?
11223Why should Monohan shoot him?
11223Why should we have to beat our heads against a stone wall like this?
11223Why should we make our private affairs a spectacle for the whole town?
11223Why the delay, though?
11223Why were you asking if I could cook?
11223Why, has trouble started up there?
11223Will you and Jack be able to save any timber?
11223Will you marry me, Stella?
11223Will you remember not to drift offshore again?
11223Will you start a fire, Charlie, while I change my dress?
11223Will you take me in as a business partner, Jack?
11223Wishing for rain?
11223Wo n''t it help? 11223 Wo n''t you come out for a little spin on the lake?
11223Wo n''t you come up to the house and get a change of clothes? 11223 Wo n''t you take a chance?"
11223Wo n''t you use it, Jack?
11223Work? 11223 Yes?"
11223You are?
11223You do n''t like thees work, do you, Mees Benton?
11223You do n''t want to come along and take a lesson in catching rainbows, I suppose?
11223You sabe Mr. Benton-- Charlie Benton?
11223You think I grinned and made a monkey of_ him_ because it pleased me to do that? 11223 You understand, do n''t you?"
11223An ancient feud?
11223And what''s a limit?"
11223And why might not she, who had never loved him, whose marriage to him had been only a climbing out of the fire into the frying- pan?
11223Are n''t you hungry, Stella?
11223Are you going back soon?"
11223Based on what?
11223Because of her, or because of some enmity that far preceded her?
11223Because of her?
11223But if you go partners with me, what about your singing?"
11223But if you were convinced that he did n''t really care, that his flowery protestations had a double end in view, would you still love him?"
11223But what do you do with yourself when you''re not working?"
11223But-- you have n''t got a trifle interested in Monohan, have you?
11223Ca n''t you see how impossible it would be?"
11223Ca n''t you take a chance with me?"
11223Ca n''t you throw a little halo of romance about me, for your own sake-- if not for mine?"
11223Can you come?"
11223Can you make a cup of tea?"
11223Can you show me any one who is n''t largely swayed by motives of self- interest, if it comes to that?
11223Can you understand that?
11223Did I startle you when I bounced up like a cougar, Stella?"
11223Did it?
11223Did you have a good time?
11223Did you know Stella used to warble like a prima donna, Jack?"
11223Do n''t you see?
11223Do you know that it was over a month before I found out that you''d turned your private balance back into my account?
11223Do you mind?"
11223Do you realize what sort of a state of mind you''re drifting into?
11223Do you still maintain the ancient feud?"
11223Do you want to go along to Jack''s camp?"
11223Does he hunt deer for sport?"
11223For you do care, do n''t you?"
11223Funny streak for Monohan to take, is n''t it?
11223Got any of your old pieces?"
11223Granting that my voice is worth the trouble, would you like me to go and study in the East or abroad?
11223Had he let a hopeless love turn to the acid of hate for the man who nominally possessed her?
11223Happen to be going out to Roaring Springs?"
11223Has matrimony toned him down, my dear?"
11223Have n''t I got any possibilities as a lover?
11223Have n''t you any respect for anything or anybody, yourself included?"
11223Have you made any plans?"
11223He''ll have you for life; ca n''t I talk to you for twenty minutes?"
11223He''s--""Ca n''t we leave him out of it?"
11223Honestly, Stella, do you think it''s worth while?
11223How about it, Stella?
11223How about it?
11223How are you, anyway?"
11223How can a man and a woman really know anything about each other till they''ve lived together?
11223How could you?
11223How did you get here so soon?
11223How goes everything?"
11223How would it be there?
11223How would it end in the long run?
11223How''s Charlie Benton?"
11223I mean, you have n''t let him think you are?"
11223I suppose I would n''t even be a welcome guest at the wedding?"
11223I wonder if I made a mistake?
11223I wonder what Jack would say if he knew what I''ve been debating with myself this afternoon?
11223I wonder why people like me exist to go blundering about in the world, playing havoc with themselves and everybody else?"
11223I''m not the least bit likely to do anything that will reflect on your prospective husband, which is what it simmers down to, is n''t it?
11223If he''s so impossible a person, how does it come that you and your people countenanced him socially?
11223If you do n''t stop dreaming and try real living, do n''t you see a lot of trouble ahead for yourself?
11223If you must do it, why do n''t you do it for somebody who''ll make it worth while?
11223Is he this Monohan?"
11223Is it the accepted thing to get drunk at all times and in public?"
11223Is one supposed to know everybody that one encounters?"
11223Is the big stone fireplace in the living room, Jack?"
11223Just what you propose to do?"
11223Linda still asleep?"
11223Makes a man feel as if he had to live up to it, eh?
11223Maybe you noticed the boys used the snatch block two or three times this afternoon?
11223My dear, my dear, why did all this have to be, I wonder?"
11223Oh, do n''t you see that the way we''ll feel will make us utterly miserable?
11223Oh, my dear, why could n''t it have been different?"
11223Oh, well, why should I care?
11223Or was it Destiny?
11223Remember what I told you when you came?
11223Sam, you get a wheelbarrow and run those trunks up after supper, will you?"
11223Say, Stell, can you cook?"
11223Should she go back to Jack Fyfe?
11223So Monohan was in Seattle?
11223Some California wildcat stuff the governor got bit on?
11223Stick here at this till you go crazy?
11223Suppose the block breaks when I''m givin''it to her?
11223Then to Stella:"How did it happen?"
11223Then:"Do you expect to get back to God''s country short of a year, Alden?"
11223There is no sense in our fussing or hesitating about what we''re going to do, is there?"
11223Think you and Katy can rustle grub for this bunch by six?"
11223To have me leave Jack to nursemaids and you to your logs?"
11223To what end?
11223Wanta eat here, or up there?"
11223Was there aught of significance in that new camp of Monohan''s so near by; that sudden activity on ground that bisected her husband''s property?
11223What about it?"
11223What are going to do with it?"
11223What are you going to do?
11223What could she do?
11223What did she want of life, anyway?
11223What do you say?"
11223What happened to him?"
11223What is love?"
11223What is there about money- making that warps some men so, makes them so grossly self- centered?
11223What manner of folk and country?
11223What right had he to lay hands on her?
11223What sort of hostilities did Monohan threaten?
11223What the hell_ can_ he do?"
11223What was I tellin''about a broken block?
11223What''s the matter with you?"
11223When she left out her material wants, there was nothing but a nebulous craving for-- what?
11223Where do you get off, if I go broke?
11223Where''s the Siwash maiden?"
11223Why borrow trouble when there''s plenty at hand?
11223Why ca n''t he abide by that?"
11223Why could n''t Jack Fyfe have inspired in her that headlong sort of passion?
11223Why did n''t you tell me, Jack?"
11223Why do n''t you forget your petty larceny troubles and start all over again?"
11223Why do n''t you try?
11223Why not?
11223Why should I hate or despise you because you recognized that and passed on?
11223Why should I sell when I''m just getting in real good shape to take that timber out myself?
11223Why should it have to be?
11223Why should it matter to me?
11223Why should n''t we go partners?
11223Why should she ask?
11223Why should she feel an oddly- disturbing thrill at the mere physical nearness of this fair- haired stranger?
11223Why should she not so choose?
11223Why should we stick together when no good can come of it?
11223Why take it out on me?"
11223Why tread the same bitter road again?
11223Why, she asked bitterly, could n''t other people do as Jack Fyfe had done: cut the Gordian knot at one stroke and let it rest at that?
11223Why, who''s that?"
11223Will you slip down to the first point south of Cougar Bay about three in the afternoon to- morrow?
11223Will you?"
11223Will you?"
11223Wo n''t you marry me and cut this sort of thing out?
11223Would he try to see her?
11223Would n''t you like a cup of coffee?"
11223Would n''t you like something to eat, Stella?
11223Would you be willing to bear the expense of such an undertaking?
11223Would you mind telling me just exactly what you meant a minute ago?
11223You and I?"
11223You can camp for three or four months, ca n''t you, without finding it completely unbearable?"
11223You can trust me still, ca n''t you?"
11223You could n''t possibly be any worse off as my wife, could you?"
11223You did n''t particularly want to stay over and get acquainted, did you?"
11223You do n''t happen to have any such feeling about me, eh?"
11223You have n''t got so much of a grievance with the world in general as you had when we left, eh?"
11223You see them big iron pulley blocks the haul- back cable works in?
11223You think I do n''t_ sabe?_ But I''m putting a weapon into your hand.
11223You would n''t want me to marry you just so I could resign the job of chef, would you?"
11223You''re not angry, are you, Stella?"
11223_ Sabe?_ Beat it."
11223something new?