This is a list of all the questions and their associated study carrel identifiers. One can learn a lot of the "aboutness" of a text simply by reading the questions.
identifier | question |
A17485 | Cottington, R. Sherley, Anthony, Sir, 1565- 1635? |
A32878 | s.n.,[ London: 1680?] |
A70800 | What do you bring? |
A70800 | What''s your Business? |
A70800 | Whence come ye? |
A15357 | How tirannous hast thou shewed thy selfe to this great Nation? |
A15357 | O thou beautiful Kingdome, how couldest thou chuse but looke vnlouely, hauing so many children dead in thy wombe? |
A15357 | O what a number of graues must haue beene opened, if all these thousands should haue had their rites of buriall? |
A15357 | Or that he shold euer submit to such humility, as to put his life into the hands of slaues and miserable Captiues? |
A15357 | The eye of the Kingdome being so much blemished, did not the Uniuersall land dwell in darkenesse? |
A15357 | The hart being thus sicke, was not the whole body( thinke you) in danger to perish? |
A15357 | Was it possible that the Court should pyne, and that the Citties should flourish? |
A15357 | What a strange alteration is here of a Court? |
A15357 | What stories are now tolde of lamentable Funeralls? |
A15357 | how pittilesse art thou? |
A15357 | what friends and kinsfolkes are missing? |
A15357 | what gladnes to meete with any, whom they heard or doubted were in their graues? |
A15357 | what sorrowe there is for so much Acquaintance lost? |
A15357 | — Quis talia fando, Mirmydonum, Dolopumùe, aut Durimiles Vlissi Temperet àlachrimis? |
A29712 | And the Captain asked who the young Woman was, and whether she was ever married? |
A29712 | And when the Spanish Ambassador returned with the Christians, into their own Country, the King asked them how they had fared? |
A29712 | He answered him again in his own Language, and asked him whither we were going? |
A29712 | He bid me speak to the Moor, and ask him, If he would undertake to bring them thither to that place? |
A29712 | He likewise asked, If I knew vvhat number of Ships vvere at Salley? |
A29712 | I asked our Moor, how long it would be e''re we could find any Water? |
A29712 | I replied, Are you in earnest or not? |
A29712 | I said we could speak some Portuguese, and a little Lingua Franc: So he enquired from vvhence vve came? |
A29712 | Mr. Bellamy asked him from whence he came, and what Place he belonged to? |
A29712 | On the 15 th Instant, when the Sun was risen, I desired our Moor to go and enquire of the People, where we might pass over the River? |
A29712 | Our Moor answered, To Santa Cruse: So he bid us, God speed: Afterwards our Moor asked him from whence he came? |
A29712 | So I enquired of him where he lived? |
A29712 | So at Night when they came on Board, I asked them what was the best News? |
A29712 | The Tyrant coming a certain time to view his Work, examining what was the reason they went no faster on? |
A29712 | Then I asked him in what time we should provide for our Journey? |
A29712 | Then the Women asked from whence we came? |
A29712 | They asked, if we had lain there all Night? |
A29712 | They enquired of him from whence he came, and whither he was going? |
A29712 | They further asked, if he had lain in that place all Night? |
A29712 | We ask''d from whence they came? |
A29712 | We enquired of him whither he was bound? |
A29712 | We enquired what was the best News there? |
A29712 | When the Pinnace went ashore, his Crew wondered to see any Moors there, and asked, What they did there? |
A29712 | When vve came thither, several of the Nobility enquired of us, What Nation vve vvere of? |
A29712 | Which News being carried to the Emperor by his Scouts, he enquired who had killed Mully Hammet? |
A29712 | and asked what they were that were with him? |
A29712 | he answered, From London; and enquired likewise of him whither he was bound? |
A29712 | who said he could, examining him in like manner about the Stuff? |